#Audrey Tindall x reader
✨Sarah Paulson Masterlist✨
!!!NO MINORS!!! 18+
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Diane Sherman: Eyes boring a way through me Paralyze, controlling completely
Diane Sherman: Co-com-comparison is killing me slowly...And I’m so sick of myself, rather be, rather be. Anyone, anyone else
Diane Sherman, Ally Mayfair: We're Making Reasons To Destroy Our Believing. I See You Looking At Me, and Now I Don't Know Who To Believe
Diane Sherman: Pick Your Poison
Billie Dean Howard: Strangers to Friends, Friends into Lovers, and Strangers Again P1, P2
Billie Dean Howard: Maybe You'll Start Slipping Slowly And Find Me Again
Wilhemina Venable, Billie Dean Howard: I see darkness in you
Billie Dean Howard, Audrey Tindall: Open hand or closed fist would be fine. The blood is red and sweet as cherry wine
Wilhemina Venable: You stalker, watcher, psychopath (There's only one Wilhemina Fucking Venable)
Wilhemina Venable: Think About Your Hero, When You’re At Ground Zero
Cordelia Goode: Baby’s Got Trouble. Don’t Know How To Live. Don’t Want To Die
Sally McKenna: Hate To See Your Heart Break
Xandra Terrell: There Is Something About The Way You Are That Makes Me (Sigh)
Audrey Tindall: You're The Next Drew Barry, And I Want More
Alice Macray: I Pray For Forgiveness You Can't Grant Me.
Mildred Ratched: I Wanna Be Your Bubblegum Bitch
More on my AO3: TindallsGal
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safic4-m · 2 years
💛🎭Please don't go on..
Pairing: Audrey Tindall x Fem Lector
Author's note: Hi people, so I missed this request and didn't remember what the person really wanted about, so this is what little I remember about her, some angst, soft and defending her partner.
Please if you them this send me a message so I can tag you, I'm really sorry.
Number of words: 958
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~Master list~
You knew something like this would happen at some point, you had told her, but she just ignored your words and kept it up. So when you came home to find Audrey crying in bed it broke your heart to see your wife in such a state.
The British woman is constantly pushing herself to keep going, ignoring all your warnings, the tiredness she felt, how her body was screaming for her to take a break.
-Sweetness,- you try to get her attention kneeling on the side of the bed.
-Sunshine,- you call out again, touching her back softly.
This action takes the woman off guard making her move away from you without turning to look at you.
-It's me, honey, you sit down next to her.
Recognizing your voice Audrey moves closer to you, burying her face in your stomach as she clings to you.
-You were right...- You can barely hear her words.
-Come over here,- wrapping her arms around your body and laying you both down to be in a more comfortable position.
You stay there for a while comforting her, rubbing her back, listening to her sobs getting louder.
-Do you want to talk about it? you ask, moving her hair out of her face so you can see her.
-They gave the role to a younger actress,- burying her face in your chest.
It hurt to hear those words come out of her mouth, she had spent the last few months building up her muscle mass to play a role in a movie, but again she had been ruled out because of her age. Audrey was a very dedicated actress, she gave her all for her work, always giving 100% but neglecting her own well being.
-I know you put a lot of effort into this, honey, what can I do for you?
-Cuddling,- she says barely audible.
You comply with her request, willing to show her all your love for her.
You had met the British woman many years ago, when you were just starting your career as a director, back then you were the direct assistant and she wasn't a very nice person either.
Flash back
-Cut!- shouts the director, making you startle, -What's wrong with this scene?- he asks on the air.
-If you let me have my say, I think if we change the lights a bit and focus on them directly, maybe I can give it a more dramatic effect,- you say timidly.-
I didn't ask for your opinion, you're just another pathetic wannabe who will end up failing like everyone else,- he spits angrily.
Before you can say anything about it, a certain blonde comes out to defend you.
-How dare you talk to her like that!- looking angrily at the man, -it is because of directors like you that this many good projects don't get the wreck they deserve...- being interrupted by you.
-Please stop...- knowing what the reprisals would be for this act.
-You have only one job and you are not even capable of doing it well,- struggling to free herself from your grip.
-Please don't go on...- seeing the anger written on the director's face. -Don't stop,- the man encouraged her in a sarcastic tone.
-You're an old fuddy-duddy who is not able to accept the opinions of others, that's why nobody wants to work with you and if it had been up to me, I would have rejected this role, but I had no other choice, so now I have to put up with you, but I've had enough of this," she finishes her speech trying to calm her breathing.
-Largo- says the director after a few seconds -you are both dismissed.
-We didn't even want to be here,- says the British woman before grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you outside.
After a few minutes you are still shocked by the previous events.
-I'm so sorry you got fired because of me.
-Why did you do it?- you ask without really understanding what his intentions are.
-I'd had enough of seeing how he treated you,- as if it were so obvious, -I'm Audrey, by the way.
-I know, y/n
End of flashback
From that moment on you and Audrey turned against the world, the British woman's outburst became well known among the people in the industry, generating that many people wanted to work with the woman who told her truths to the director, but she put only one condition, which was that you would also be part of the projects. This was the beginning of your career as a film director, showing what you were capable of, until you became one of the most recognized and awarded directors.
-Audrey... you try to call her just to see if she is asleep.
You carefully pull her away from you and leave the room to answer a call.
-Y/n, how are you?- says a man's voice on the other end of the line.
-Go to grade Ben,- you say angrily.
-I'm sorry about what happened, but we really needed a younger woman..., you know how it goes.
-I know, but you could have said something before too,- feeling your blood boil for what they did to your wife.
-We're good, right?
You cut the call and stand there for a moment while you try to calm your feelings or so you try until you hear the blonde calling you.
-And the award for best actress goes to...?- you say the presenter and you feel Audrey grip your hand tighter.
-Audrey Tindall
Hearing her name the British woman gets excited and takes your face to kiss you, you can't help but be happy for her, watching as she goes up to receive her award.
-I am very honored to receive this award and I want to thank my wife Y/n for giving me the opportunity to participate in your project,- raising her award in the air, -I love you sweetheart.
-I love you too,- you reply from your place.
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— and i know we got some potential, cause that look you gave me was so gentle
summary: cordelia tutors you when you fall behind in your herbal class unbeknownst to her that the reason your so lost is because you can't take your mind off of her.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
word count: 1200
a/n: i know i haven’t posted in awhile and i have requests that i have to write but this was just a little scrap that i’m deciding to post so nobody forgets about me! :)
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It was awful, really. And you felt bad for it. For wasting her time. This is not going to help. If you needed some extra help in your herbal class, then you need assistance from Zoe, or Queenie, or Myrtle, someone who is not this woman.
It was comical, and you almost laughed right in her face when she ask you if you wanted her to tutor you later in the evening. You didn't need help. You were a smart and powerful which. You just needed her out of you head. There was too much of her to even pay attention to the task at hand.
And it hurt too. There was no denying that. With the many obvious signs that she was helplessly in love with you, you ignored them all. She's the supreme for god sakes. She was so close yet felt so out of your reach.
You were just wasting time in this goddamn greenhouse. Every minute with her counts, but right now, you were just staring straight at the wall behind her, daydreaming of what you could be doing instead. What— no, who you could be kissing and showing you truth to.
You hear her snapping and it pulls you out of your deep trances. It's honey brown eyes and hair golden in the moonlight that's shining through the roof window that you notice first. "Are you even listening?" She doesn't sound annoyed, but she's clearly had enough of this. All this. What even is this?
"I'm sorry, Miss Cordelia. I am, I just—"
"You don't have to call me that, ya know." It hurts too much to not call you it. If you call her Cordelia then it seems to real. She's not your mentor, not your supreme, she's Cordelia. And so you stand behind that Miss Cordelia barrier that you build. The one that Cordelia tries so hard to break down.
"I know." As you stare into her eyes so warm that you feel as though your melting, as they soften as they stare back at you, she cups you heated cheeks. You know that she feels how hot they are, you know that she knows what is going on with you, but still, she asks,
"What's really going on? You're one of my strongest witches, sweetie."
You truly want to tell her that she's so distracting because you've unwillingly fell in love with her. Because, then, maybe you'll be able to pay better attention in class. But instead you tell her, "I just haven't been sleeping right," sugarcoating your love for her and letting it melt in your mouth.
It's not a complete lie; because you cannot sleep when she walks by your room to assure that you are safe in bed. You cannot sleep when you've see her only an hour before your rest in a simple pajama slip. Milky silk and see-through if it were any thinner.
"We should make you a sleeping potion then." She knows your lying, but she is not going to force you to be honest. That's not what she is here for. She just wants you to be ready. She would wait forever for you to tell her how you feel.
And then she's gathering the ingredients. Patting around the greenhouse as soft as a spring day, and you have to look to see if she is even walking. Look to see that she's not flying around instead of walking like an angel that you could mistake her to be.
She stands behind you and her arms are locking you in between the table and her body. She's wearing a nightgown like every other night and you can feel her breasts press against your back. Your breath hitches and you think she notices because she asks if you're okay. You nod, because you cannot speak, you cannot do anything besides stand there as if you were built with cement.
Her blonde hair falls against your shoulder and you get a strong whiff of her lavender shampoo. She smells so sweet and you feel like you are being embraced by a fresh pastry.
"Do you remember one of the key ingredients for our sleeping potion?" She tests you, because she knows that the day she taught this, her shirt seemed to be just a little shorter cut than usual. She knows you weren't paying attention to sleep and potions and herbs that day.
"Um...," you feel so pathetic for not knowing. So useless. "No, not really."
She smiles still. You can hear it in her voice, "That's just alright. Chamomile is one of the main ingredients." She speaks softly and begins grinding the chamomile into the mixture. Her freckled arms rub against yours with each movement. Bare skin against bare, and you yearn for more.
These emotions are too strong for your body to handle. They cannot fit as you are too much already filled with Cordelia. You are going to explode if you don't let it out somehow. And so you stand there and permit silent tears to roll down your face.
You assume that Cordelia won't notice, but a warm tear ends up landing on her hand and she cannot stand there and pretend that it didn't happen. She doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, but the only way she knows to make everything better is to be upfront and loving.
She grabs your waist, gently, and turns your body so your facing her now. It's so close; you can feel her soft breath against your face and her legs are practically intertwined with yours. "I don't want you to lie to me anymore," she doesn't sound angry still, just so desperate. And you know you look a mess right now but she thinks you're so pretty.
"I don't think I know how to not do that," more tears fall down. You are so afraid because you know that it's too far this time. There is no going back to what you once were with Cordelia just an hour before this.
"Show me?"
Your trembling hands cup her cheeks this time, smooth beneath your palm. You don't want to pull her forward, you need her to show you that she isn't the supreme right now. You always need her.
"It's okay," she merely whispers, nods, and smiles softly. And you forget about you fears, about the sugarcoated emotions on your tongue. You lean forward and everything's so fuzzy and blurry around you; like a fever dream, but it's oh so real.
She moans into your mouth. She sounds so pretty against you. It's the perfect combination of her vanilla chapstick and your strawberry one to create the sweetest taste.
Her hands are still on your waist and she pulls back, but only her lips so she can rest her forehead against yours. "Not so scary, right?"
"Well i'm scared that I just fucked everything up."
She shakes her head and smiles delicately at you. "You didn't fuck anything up. I would've been out the door by now." Your laugh and hers are a soft melody that echo against the four walls of the greenhouse. She grabs your hands and tangles her slim fingers with yours. "I. love. you."
"Promise me that it's what you want." You still can't believe it. But you can't have it if it's not real.
"It's what I always wanted. What I wanted when I met you. What I want, still, now."
"Then you should know that I always wanted it. I love you too. So much."
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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stayevildarling · 6 months
American Horror Story Masterlist:
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One shots:
Cordelia Goode:
Fix you ✩
Take my hand, Take my whole life too
On different ways ❆
In the silence
Traitor - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8
Mildred Ratched:
First sight
Audrey Tindall
Chasing you
Wilhemina Venable
When the time is right - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3
Who knew?
Holding on for dear life
Fade into you
Safe and Sound
Billie Dean Howard
The haunting of your medium
I wanna be yours ✾
Until I found you
It's you
Craving ✾
You can‘t escape my affection ✾
Like I can
Slow dancing in a burning room
Ally Mayfair Richards
Heart like mine
✩ = mental health, ✾ = smut, ❆ = no happy ending
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
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AHS masterlist!
get added to my taglist!
❈ = fluff, ★ = angst
cordelia goode
east of the sun, west of the moon ❈
it’s a high price for your luxury ★ ❈
billie dean howard
dior ❈
cursed (nsfw)
audrey tindall
honey, honey (audrey x reader) ❈
sally mckenna
rock a little (sally x reader) ❈ ★
lovers live a little longer (sally x reader) ❈
ally mayfair richards
wilhemina venable
kermit can’t be your favorite muppet (wilhemina x reader) ❈
misty day
cry for the nightbird (misty x reader) ★
eternity shining (misty x reader) ❈
poly relationships
garden of eternal sunshine (cordelia x wilhemina x reader) ❈ ★
leo’s paradise (billie x wilhemina x reader) ❈
if anyone falls in love (billie x wilhemina x reader) ❈ ★
halloween with wilhemina 🎃 ❈
halloween with billie 🎃 ❈
halloween with cordelia, billie, and diane sherman 🎃 ❈
sally november fluff ❈
wilhemina venable is autistic
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tjthekpoplover · 2 years
Masterlist Pt 1
Masterlist Pt2
Masterlist Pt3
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Julieta Madrigal
Nothing Yet
Pepa Madrigal
Nothing Yet
Isabela Madrigal
Nothing Yet
Luisa Madrigal
Nothing Yet
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Nancy Downs
Bonnie Harper X Slayer!Fem!Reader
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Cheryl Blossom
Nothing Yet
Veronica Lodge
Betty Cooper
Nothing Yet
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Robin Buckley
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Mad Max
Nothing Yet
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Allison Reynolds
Affectionate And Cuddly S/O
Claire Standish
Affectionate And Cuddly S/O
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Veronica Sawyer
Nothing Yet
Heather Duke
Nothing Yet
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Alcina Dimitrescu
G!P Alcina
Favorite Pet
Sex With Alcina PT 1
Sex With Alcina PT 2
Taller S/O
FTM Smut
Donna Beneviento
Nothing Yet
Daniela Dimitrescu
Alpha Oneshot
Bela Dimitrescu
Is This Love?
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Cassandra Comforting Injured S/O
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Spencer Hastings
Nothing Yet
Emily Fields
General Headcanon
Hanna Marin
Nothing Yet
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Violet Harmon
Nothing Yet
Lana Winters
Nothing Yet
Mary Eunice
Nothing Yet
Misty Day
Nothing Yet
Cordelia Goode
Nothing Yet
Bette And Dot Tattler
Nothing Yet
Sally McKenna
Nothing Yet
Audrey Tindal
Nothing Yet
Ally Mayfair-Richards
Nothing Yet
Winter Anderson
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Wilhemina Venable
Nothing Yet
Montana Duke
Nothing Yet
Margaret Booth
Nothing Yet
Xavier Plympton
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Ursula Khan
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
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absolutemadladdie · 3 years
"I like it, Picasso" fanfictions, 100/10 would read again (this list will be on constant edit mode): (MAKING A SECOND LIST BECAUSE I'M AT MAX LINKS ON THIS ONE)
Ps. (*)=angst, (**)=smut
Billie Dean Howard
Mirror, mirror**
In dusty pink silk**
Where eyes can’t pry our kisses
Addicted to the way we love**
The silver moon loves you as I do
Hurt me once
The Weeping Angel
Don’t ask me what could have been*
Where eyes can’t pry our kisses
An Ocean Away
Love you for a long time (series) (1), (2), (3), (4)**, (5)**, (6), (7)
my racing hands down your hips**
last of the true believers**
you found this, you need this
as long as you are with me, there’s no place i’d rather be
happy new year, my love
you’re my lobster
mind is just as frail as it’s frame, you know i’d leave it alone*(sad ending)
praise me**
make you scream**
Lana Winters
love slipped beyond your reaches
i’ll always carry you
Cordelia Goode
Your night with Cordelia
A Winter Surprise, Part 2**
And your touch burns in the light of the morning**
Loving Blind**
Into the light (I’ll hold you)*
Flower’s bleed pink under the setting sun
Sisters under the sun
Hold me into the new dawn
Playing with fire
Guide my shaking hands until they still
you’re my jewel (1), (2)
can the city forgive?
remembering is her favorite pastime
baby, heaven’s in your eyes**
when i fell you were there, with your hands in the air
the morning after nye
make it taste like love**
you make me feel like a teenager in love
You are loved**
drunk in love
you’ll get sick
her reflection**
Bette and Dot Tattler
Sally McKenna
Footsteps leave echoes in the sand*
Greiving for something not lost*
you made your mark on me
Audrey Tindall
so inviting, i almost jump in
i missed you
Ally Mayfair-Richards
The forest is calling and I must go
It comes and goes in waves
friday i’m in love
eyes full of stars
i only want you
I’ll shut you up
Wilhemina Venable
I thought I’d killed you
What a Year
In sleep and in dreams you are mine
Light shines from within the cracks of gold
I dont know my name (1), (2), (3)*
and all the pieces fall right into place**
i felt forever when i laid upon your chest
i will see you right
the girl in the dress cried the whole way home.
you’re my religion
drawing hearts in the byline
the future isn’t worth its weight in gold (1), (2), (3)
I know that you never sleep
I do care about you
Tuberculosis Karen
Mamie Eisenhower
Marcia Clark
Linda Tripp
RUN 2020
Diane Sherman
Mildred Ratched
somewhere between desperate and divine**
Harriet Hayes
Alice McCray
Ellie Staple
Xandra with an X
“Show me”**
Abby Gerhard
Three’s not a crowd, especially when it’s us (Cordelia Goode x Reader x Wilhemina Venable) (1), (2), (3), (4)**, (5)*
i’m burning (Billie dean Howard x reader x Xandra)(1), (2)**
stay awake, wait for me (series) (Billie Dean Howard x Reader x Cordelia Goode) (1), (2)**, (3), (4)**
the altar is my hips** (Billie Dean Howard x Reader x Audrey Tindall)
‘tis the damn season (Ally x Reader x Cordelia)
the pleasure’s all mine (Wilhemina Venable x reader x Mildred ratched
IMPORTANT NOTE: These stories are NOT WRITTEN BY ME. I simply do not have the creativity and skills to write such masterpieces. Credits to their lovely and respective authors! Thank you so much for writing these! <3 PLEASE GO SUPPORT THEM WITH PROVIDED LINKS!
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Could you do a character preference with sarah paulson characters with dating someone who's very showy with their affection? If not that's okay <3
This idea is really cute, absolutely! Hope you like it <3
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate
Warnings: swearing, slight mentions of insecurity, references to Lana's past trauma, mentions of Ally's anxiety attacks
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Billie Dean Howard
I'm gonna be completely honest: Billie is really fucking cocky about it
She'll proudly shows you off wherever she goes and to whoever's with her
You wanna sit in her lap in public? Then by all means, go right ahead
If you lace your fingers through hers while you're out walking together, she'll keep them there without protest
She does draw the line at playing with her hair, though, because of how long it takes her to get it styled the way she likes
Sometimes she'll take you with her when she goes investigating the paranormal so she can show you off to the camera
Bonus points if you end up leaping into her arms or grabbing ahold of her at any point because you got scared
Lana Winters
Lana isn't used to someone's soft touch after everything that went down with losing Wendy and getting kidnapped by Bloody Face
It's something she has to be re-introduced to, so don't hold it against her if she's a bit stiff the first few times you go in for a kiss or give her a hug
Just give her some time, and she'll warm up to it eventually
When she finally does you'd best believe she's gonna pay you back for every stolen kiss and then some
Sometimes the press will print photos of the two of you holding hands while you're out together, which just causes you to show her public affection even more
She thinks it's cute how you'll to kiss her in public while simultaneously flipping off the reporters who are trying to get pictures of the two of you together
Cordelia Goode
Pre-Supreme Cordelia would be really flustered by it
Her mother wasn't the most loving person around, and after she dropped her off at Robichaux she felt more alone than ever, so your constant physical reassurance of your love for her makes her so happy
Supreme Cordelia, on the other hand, is a bit more different
Obviously she loves it either way, but she's not flustered by it at all; in fact, you might say she's a little cocky, maybe just as much as Billie is
Like, if she has a emergency council meeting with the warlocks, she'll bring you along just to show you off
But while she doesn't give a fuck what they think of her, the second they start coming after you is when the claws come out
She refuses to let them use you as a bargaining chip in that pathetic little game of theirs
Bette and Dot Tattler
Bette adores your affection, and often says so, whereas Dot was suspicious of it at first, thinking you wanted something from them; but after she realized you didn't, she grew to love it almost as much as her sister
Obviously, you can't just mosey about in public with those two, as it's unsafe, but you'll happily stroll with them through the carnival grounds with your hand around their waist
Bette will sometimes ask you to comb her hair out for her, just so she can feel your gentle touch as you rid her hair of tangles
Dot usually doesn't ask you to do it for her, but you brush her hair anyway, not wanting her to feel left out (and you always notice how less grumpy she is than usual when you do)
You always meet them backstage before they go on, giving them each a kiss for good luck
Sally Mckenna
Sally loves it, she fucking eats it up
Look, she's a very touchy person, so she's gonna be all over you whether you like it or not
But you being super touchy back? Boosts her self esteem and raises her confidence levels super fucking high
You'll be at the bar talking with Liz while she's sitting in your lap, practically purring with delight as you casually stroke her hair
Or you'll be in your hotel room, holding hands while cuddling on the bed and only letting go so she can light up another cigarette
She absolutely hates it whenever she's not with you; she has to be by you side 24/7 or else she gets super pissy
It makes her so happy to know you love her and won't leave her, ever
Audrey Tindall
Audrey finds it adorable, especially when you're affectionate in public
The press has gotten multiple photos of the two of you walking down the street together, hand in hand, as well as a few pics of you kissing when you thought no one was looking
You always visit her in her trailer between shoots so you can give her a hug and wish her good luck
Sometimes, though, she ends up late to set because the two of you started cuddling on a couch or chair and lost track of time
Most of the time you'll crash her Instagram lives just so you can give her a kiss or a hug, but she doesn't mind. She loves showing off her loving partner to other people, especially her adoring fans
Ally Mayfair-Richards
Ally views your constant display of admiration and love as refreshing, since her relationship with Ivy fizzled a long time ago and its been awhile since anyone has shown her just how much they adore her
Whenever you kiss her forehead lovingly after a long day or give her a hug from behind while she's doing the dishes, it makes her feel appreciated
She's especially happy whenever she sees you getting along with Ozzie, as her son is the most important person in her life (other than you obviously)
If you see her on the verge of an anxiety attack, you always know just what to do in order to get her to calm down; and if she's already having one when you find her, you stay with her and help her work through it
You make her feel safe, more than Ivy ever did
Wilhemina Venable
Wilhemina is certainly more reserved than most people, so the first time you surprised her with a kiss on the cheek when you visited her at work she buffered like an old computer
You stopped showing her excessive physical affection for awhile, thinking it made her uncomfortable; little did you know she's actually severely touch starved and did enjoy it, she just didn't know how to react
She became quite colder than usual to her coworkers at your lack of affection, before finally offhandedly mentioning to you one day that she missed your touch
You picked back up on your random kisses and hugs after that, glad to know she enjoyed them
She'll glare at anyone who'll give you judgmental stares for how affectionate you are; it's none of their goddamn business anyway
Tuberculosis Karen
You? Giving affection to her? You must be joking
Karen honestly can't believe that you love her as much as you do, considering most people in town think she's just trash
The fact that you will willingly walk hand in hand with her down the harbor when most people wouldn't even think to take a glance in her direction means a lot more to her than you know
I mean, her name starts with tuberculosis for christ's sake, so you know she's not the most healthiest person around to have a nickname like that
Still, you'll kiss her for everyone to see, because you love to express your love for her, regardless of what other people think
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @corn3liiia @nevilleismywhore @ethrealzzz @your-next-daydream
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oh-mydarling · 2 years
Here’s a full list of all my works! 🧚‍♀️🌸✨
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* = NSFW
The Spanish Teacher 
Study Partners 
Coping Mechanisms 
The Colour Wheel 
I’m Burning Through You**
It’s You I Welcome Death With 
Young and Beautiful
Anything For You
Come Back with the Waves
I’m Covered In You**
You’re My Baby
Golden Crown of Sorrow
Let Me Hold You Like a Baby
 Dripping With Honey**
Natasha Romanoff x Cordelia Goode
Sweet as Heaven**
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Cordelia Goode x Reader
Love Grows
Cordelia x Wilhemina x Reader
Still I Carry This Feeling
Love Is Touching Souls 
Keep You Close
My secret garden, not so secret any more
Cordelia x Wilhemina x Billie x Reader
Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Home is Where you Are
Cordelia x Billie x Ally x Reader
I Have Seen the Fields Aflame 
Cordelia x Billie x reader
Above us only Sky
Shadows Taller Than Our Souls
You Give me Butterflies
Girls’ Night
Wilhemina x Sally x Reader
Sweet Surrender
Billie x Audrey x Reader
Love Me Tender
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Sinners Like Us
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
“sick day” - audrey tindall + billie dean howard x reader
summary: getting your girlfriends to play hooky and have sexy time instead. yay for you. no real plot to this tho. similar to the mina+billiexreader one
includes: audrey + billie x fem!reader, thoughts are italicized, POV switches.
warnings: nsfw. i’m not great at smut.
3,968 words
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I watch Audrey check her outfit in the mirror. The sage green pleated fabric of her skirt flowing as she moves, "Stop it."
"I'm not doing anything!" I laugh.
"Nuh uh, gorgeous, I know that look." she closes her part of the closet after returning the hangers.
"I have no idea what you're referring to."
"You're undressing me with your eyes."
I sit up, innocent smile on my face, "I could use my hands instead?" I move to the edge of the bed
Her eyes search mine when she turns around, almost like she's debating. Audrey exhales heavily, "I'm going to be late."
"You could just stay home." I pull the end of her blouse out from the waistband of her skirt.
She swats my hands with a laugh, "I just buttoned that, thank you!" she sits on the bench at the foot of the bed to put on her heels.
"I should still go." still smiling, she goes in for the quickest of goodbye kisses, "I've got to go!" Audrey moves to check her makeup in the mirror beside the bed, having to bend over more with the added height of her pumps.
"I should still go." still smiling, she goes in for the quickest of goodbye kisses, "I've got to go!" Audrey moves to check her makeup in the mirror beside the bed, having to bend over more with the added height of her pumps.
I stand behind her on my tippy toes and bring my lips to the tattoo on the back of her neck while she tries to re-tuck her shirt.
"Sweetheart- I can't!" she giggles, sighing half in pleasure and half in protest when we fall back onto the bed.
I straddle her properly and suddenly my top is on the floor, leaving me in my underwear and bralette, "Oh no! My hands just moved on their own! How did that happen?"
"Darling that is not fair." she struggles to maintain eye contact.
"Oh so you hate me and that's why we aren't kissing?"
*5 minutes later*
Her nails tap rhythmically on the vanity, a habit she picked up from Billie, "Hi! Yes this is Audrey Tindall...oh how are you...not so well actually, that's why I'm calling. I haven't been feeling well since yesterday evening but I wanted to see how I felt come morning..."
Audrey's eyes cut to me over her shoulder in warning while the conversation continues. I once again smile innocently, letting my not so innocent hand caress up the back of her knee and underneath her flowy skirt to rest on her ass. I peek to see what she's wearing underneath, "Baby blue?" I whisper, pulling and letting the waistband snap back against her hip.
Her cheeks tinge red and she swats my hand to let her skirt fall back to her knees. She turns around to face where I'm seated on the edge of the bed. Resting her butt against the vanity where I can't get to it. She continues her chat with whoever is on the other end of this call, "I felt it coming on last night but I wasn't sure- it's probably the change in season—" she watches me untuck and finally unbutton her blouse.
"Matching set for work?" I gasp quietly, tracing the underwire of her bra and toying with the small bow at the front of it.
Audrey clears her throat, "Pardon? Yes...the rain, the temperature drop...you think I'd be used to it...yes it's definitely coming now..."
I push her skirt up to rest at her hips, "Hold this for me?" I whisper and unsurprisingly she does.
Audrey's tongue darts out to wet her bottom lip, "Alright! Thank you...Yes, you too...will do! Bye bye now." she hangs up and tosses her phone on the bed behind me, "You cruel, cruel little thing!"
I feign shock, "Me?!" eyes locked with hers, I glide a hand up each of her thighs till my fingertips meet lace.
Audrey moves her hands to support herself, causing her skirt fall over my arms, "Yes. I'm telling Billie."
"That I managed to seduce you into staying home?" (our girlfriend had to go into work at an ungodly hour this morning to do some voiceover work for her show). I grin when Audrey lifts her hips to allow me to draw down her thong.
Clearly she's not as angry as she's trying to be. She fists her skirt to draw it up again, "She'd probably like that wouldn't she?" she bites her lip as I kneel to kiss the front of her thighs.
"She would." I agree.
Audrey unzips the back of her skirt, kicking it to the side when it falls to her feet. Simultaneously peeling her open blouse down her arms. She settles back in her previous position, her heels making her the perfect height to properly rest her palms flat on the vanity.
Good lord, what a view.
I'm compelled to kiss her stomach from hip to hip, brushing my nose over the perfect triangle of brown hair between her legs, "Don't tease me—" Audrey's breath hitches when I flatten my tongue and firmly lick from her entrance up to her clit. Scratching along her thighs the way she likes before she guides one of my hands up to her breast, "Darling- keep that up and I'll collapse."
"That's the goal."
She whines when I stand to give her a kiss, "I didn't say stop!"
Cutting her off with another kiss I reach around to unclip her bra, "So demanding." I spin us around and push her back onto the bed. Taking my sweet time to remove my own undergarments. Audrey tries to pull me on top of her the second I finish but I kneel and tug her towards me by her hips instead. Pausing to pull her favorite pocket sized (yet powerful) toy from the nightstand.
"Naughty girl." she purrs. Pleased with my decision and ready for me to begin, she runs her hands through my hair and lays her legs over my shoulders.
I turn it onto her favorite setting, lock both arms around her thighs to hold her and the vibrator in place, and dive in.
"Fuck-" she gasps, "Greedy girl." she corrects herself, tugging on my roots.
(( time skip / good game ))
Audrey grins at the ceiling, face flushed, still regulating her breathing, "We should put a mirror up there."
"I second that." I kiss all over her thighs and abdomen. "You are incredibly beautiful," I lay my cheek against her tummy, putting one of her legs back over my shoulder, "and warm...and sexy and you taste good and you smell good and you sound pretty."
She runs her fingers through my hair again, "Come up here and hold me you minx."
"Yes ma'am."
"Stop looking so smug." Audrey grumbles.
Ha ha. "You were very loud back there." I smirk, hovering over her.
"Fuck you." she turns her head away when I try to kiss her.
I go for kissing her cheek instead, "Maybe when your legs stop shaking, bambi."
"This is not the kind of teasing I enjoy in bed." she nudges me to lay beside her.
"I didn't hit you that hard." she rolls her eyes, finally giving me a kiss because of course she wouldn't settle for one on the cheek. Audrey pulls the culprit from beneath me, "Oh- my phone." It seems the same idea pops into our horny little heads as I lay down next to her, "Should I actually call Billie?" she asks.
"Right now?" I trace over her hip with my fingertips.
Smiling, she pulls up Billie's contact, "You think we could get her to play hooky?"
"I don't see why not."
"We're both already naked so it's a 99.99% chance she'll say yes." her jaw drops when it goes to voicemail, "How rude!" Audrey opens up their texts. (She changes our names in her phone regularly)
This month Billie is: Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨ _______________________
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨
Yesterday 7:56pm
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: bunny! seafood for dinner tonight?
me: oouuu sounds yummo
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: i texted y/n but she didn't answer i'll get her usual do u want the same?
me: she's in the shower she told me i couldn't come in i am heartbroken do they know they're not in the ocean? or that they're going to be eaten?!?!?! that's so sad :(
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: have you had some tequila?
me: i have had two tequilas! r u psychic??!?!?! kidding!!!!!!!! don't kill me kiss me instead 😚😚 oh right!! i'll have the shrimp noodles oodles of noodles please and thanks loveee youuuuuuu 🥰😘🤩💃🏼
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: drink water!! i love you more 💕😚💕
Today 7:04am
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: good morning just got on set i'm assuming ur both still asleep I'm going into my first session now i'll text u after
Today 8:45am
me: i'm up! gm darling sleeping beauty is still asleep i’m about to shower
Today 10:24am
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: did you want me to order breakfast for you, bunny? i can have it sent to your set
Today 11:37am
me: billie dean😠😠 you sent me to voicemail?! :( what if i was arrested and they said i had one phone call?!?!!!
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: sorry i just finished up a meeting! with your driving i wouldn't be surprised also they wouldn't let you call from your cell phone in jail i did mean to call u actually
me: little ole me? why
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: i called set when u didn't answer to see if u got breakfast but they said u aren't there?? are you still home?
me: funny story i called in sick
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: why
me: what answer will get you to come home and take care of me?😏😏
Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨: none i actually care about my career
me: funny i didn't have any scenes today anyways so no harm done (( still audrey’s pov ))
"Time for plan b." I turn my head to Y/n's neck and leave a few fresh love bites from there to her cleavage. "Push your boobs together." I straddles her, place my left hand flat on her stomach, and take the picture.
She does as asked, "You are so bad." giggling, Y/n guides my hand around her throat for the next photo.
"Clever girl." I hand her the phone, "Take mine! Does my hair look okay?"
"Like you just had sex. Now make love to the camera!" she shouts in an awful french accent.
Her hand lands on my thigh as I cup my breasts for my first picture. I cover them with one arm while seductively biting the index finger of my other hand. Then put my arms behind my head and arch my back. I flip around and do the same pose so she can take the picture again, knowing how Billie appreciates my shoulders and of course my ass.
"I think I'm pregnant." my girlfriend comments when I look at her over my shoulder.
"Spank me" I say and she does (yay). I bend over so my chest is flat against the bed and reach a hand between my legs to cover my privates, "Have to leave something for Billie to imagine. I know you're usually on this end of things but you can do it harder than that, darling. I want to feel it- fuck me!"
She kisses the reddening hand print after taking the picture, "You okay?"
I take a deep yet shaky breath, glancing at her over my shoulder, "Fantastic, actually. We'll have to put that to use, then, won't we?" I sit up in her lap to look through the pictures.
Y/n holds my back to her front, resting her forehead on my shoulder before nuzzling into my neck.
I arch away from her, "Your nose is cold- I didn't say stop, baby." I hum happily when her hands find my breasts on their own (double yay), "Why haven't we done this before?" I ask, sending the pictures.
me: *image* *image* *image* *image* *image* *image*
Y/n gives me a matching love bite just below my pulse point, "I was just asking myself the same thing."
I take our picture once more and turn back around to straddle her lap, "Mhm...I may set this as my background. What else? Oh- come here!" I hold the phone out to capture our kiss, lulling my head back to signal her to kiss even lower. I tangle my free hand in her hair. Almost forgetting about the picture when she takes my nipple into her mouth.
me: *image* *image* *image* *image*
incoming call from Medium to this arse 👸🏼🍑✨ _______________________
Audrey squeals, "It's her!" she lowers her voice to a seductive tone after putting the call on speaker, "What are you wearing?"
"Have you been day drinking?" Billie chuckles.
"No, are you alone?" Audrey waggles her eyebrows at me. Absolutely giddy.
Billie is no longer laughing, "Sweet girl, are you trying to have phone sex with me?"
"I might be..." Audrey twirls my hair around her finger.
Billie gives in, "My palazzo dress pants—"
"The high waisted ones?" I ask, already picturing her ass in those pants.
Billie hesitates, most likely surprised I'm here as well, "Yes, babydoll, the black high waisted ones and my ivory silk blouse—"
"The v-neck or high neck?" Audrey asks.
"V-neck," Billie mimics Audrey's seductive tone, "and my matching platform heeled loafers. Now, does that satisfy you two or did you mean what am I wearing underneath?"
"If we were there with you right now I'd have my Y/n spread out on your desk while I sit in your lap the way you like." Audrey purrs.
"Your Y/n?" Billie scoffs.
Audrey smirks, "Mhm. Because you wouldn't be allowed to touch."
I finally find my voice, "We'd just let you watch and listen."
Billie's words die in her throat. Surprised that we're maintaining control over the situation.
"Kind of like right now." Audrey adds.
"You wouldn't." Billie's voice is now dangerously low.
"Honey, I already am." Audrey moans for effect, rolling her hips into mine.
"I am at work."
"You could come home early..." Audrey offers.
Billie's voice is strained, "I have another meeting in—"
"Reschedule." I suggest, pulling Audrey into a kiss. She makes sure to moan and pant through it for Billie to hear as I kiss down her neck.
"Billie" Audrey hums, "I guess we could have fun on our own but our girl is in a giving mood, B."
Billie hums as if considering, "Sounds promising."
"We do like to keep our promises." Audrey purrs, signaling me to make noise now, "Does that feel good, my love?" Audrey asks.
For a few seconds the only sound is my (forced) ragged breathing, Audrey moves the phone from her mouth as she giggles. "Please?" I moan out, clamping a hand over my mouth when a laugh almost breaks through at our theatrics.
"Are you wet, Billie Dean?" Audrey teasingly asks, grinning as she waits for a response.
A small puff of air leaves Billie's nose before she answers with a quiet "You'll just have to feel for yourself, bunny. I have a few things to sort out, I'll be there very soon."
"Good girl." Audrey hangs up looking proud, "She should be here in under an hour if traffics good."
"Do you think she bought it?" I ask.
"It was a little too believable..." Audrey quirks a brow, "I thought I was the actress."
"Oh please, as if I'd have to fake anything with the two of you- between the two of you." I roll my eyes.
"Good answer." she kisses my nose.
I continue, "Or beneath the two of you or on top of either of you or behind—"
A giggling Audrey makes me lay back again, having decided making out is a great pastime. _______________________
I walk in on one of the loveliest sights I have ever seen. Life is very fucking good. Audrey's hand between Y/n's thighs while they kiss. "What do we have here?" I ask, kicking off my heels.
Y/n looks my way and informs me, "We took a sick day- jesus." she throws her head back as Audrey's hand moves faster.
The brit chuckles, "Not quite, darling."
Lifting a hand I crook a finger at Y/n and quietly order, "Come here."
"Not fair." Audrey whines, licking her fingers clean.
Y/n swallows hard, slowly crawling to where I sit on the edge of the bed. I pat my own thigh and without a word, my girl swings a leg over mine and lowers herself in my lap. This position making us almost the same height. I use one finger to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Trailing the same finger across her jaw, down her neck, until my hand grips her hip.
The only sound is the soft meeting of our lips. Her hands twitch at my sides, clutching my top, knowing better than to take more than she's given. Unlike our girlfriend, who licks a wet hot path down my neck and bites down. sending a shudder to run through my body. Audrey then pulls my blouse up and over over my head. Making short work of undoing my bra and throwing it to the side as well.
I cup Audrey's face and bring her in for an intoxicating kiss. Y/n's tongue and teeth finding my neck instead as the brit's hands fumble at the button of my slacks, "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to get me naked."
"It's my one goal in life." Audrey smirks.
I run a finger over her bottom lip before dipping my thumb into her mouth, "You two don't have to try very hard." I turn to Y/n, "I hear you're in a giving mood, babydoll."
"Maybe" she grins, "are you in a taking mood?"
I direct my attention to the woman beside me, "Audrey Tindall what did you do to my good girl?"
"Am I not your good girl, too?" she pouts playfully.
I stand to remove my pants myself. Casting my own thing onto the floor near what I assume is Audrey's from earlier. I turn to face them as they kiss, "You're rubbing off on her, bunny."
Audrey smiles, "I was doing far more than that when you came in and I must say: she is delicious." her hand wanders between Y/n's legs before she brings a finger back to her own mouth, maintaining eye contact with our younger girlfriend, "You wouldn't mind if I have another taste, darling, would you?"
Y/n's chest rises and falls quickly as she answers, "Not at all."
"Now that that's settled." I push Y/n back against the bed. Crawling up her body to plant a knee on each side of her head, "Don’t you look pretty between my legs?" _______________________
I am absolutely mesmerized by the way Billie rolls her hips. Good lord, if she looks this good from here, I can't imagine Y/n's view right now, "I don't know who I'm more jealous of right now."
Billie tosses her blonde locks over her shoulder, biting her lip to hold back a grin. One hand in Y/n's hair and the other coming up to cup her own breast. She looks down at the woman between her legs, "I think we have an audience, babydoll." Her hips stutter when Y/n hums in question.
I straddle Y/n's stomach to sit behind Billie, bringing my left hand around the medium to spread her pussy with my ring and index finger and caress her clit with my middle one, "I think I'd rather participate."
Billie chuckles lowly, dropping her head back onto my shoulder, "By all means, sexy." her voice is laced with honey as she grinds faster against Y/n's mouth.
I reach my other hand behind me to play with Y/n, remembering she hasn't cum yet. How cruel we've been to her thus far, "Oh Billie, she is absolutely dripping." the medium hums around my fingers when I bring them to her mouth for a taste, not leaving a single drop.
I return my hand to Y/n's center, finding her entrance and easing two fingers in. I can't help but moan along with Billie, "I always forget how tight she is, Billie Dean." _______________________
"Open those eyes, gorgeous." Billie orders, rotating her hips a little slower. She inhaled sharply, "Ouu- go easy on me, now, I wanna enjoy this a little bit longer." she tightens her hold on mine and Audrey's hair, whose face is buried in Billie's neck.
Audrey's hand between my legs does not slow down, though. She grinds against my stomach quickly in search of relief, "You don't want to cum for us yet?" she asks Billie, "I can tell our girl isn't going to last much longer."
She's right.
Audrey decides to spur Billie on, "Your good girl went down on me just before we called, you know. With how amazing her tongue feels I don't know how you're holding on this long, Billie Dean. We started on my vanity but she made me feel so good my legs couldn't hold me up any longer."
Billie groans. Both of their hips now moving faster to chase their highs.
"She grabbed a vibrator, threw me down and buried her head between my legs until I couldn't take it any longer. I had to push her head away."
Billie arches into Audrey just as the brit curls her fingers inside me, "Fuck—"
"She going to cum, Billie Dean." Audrey whispers against the shell of the medium's ear.
Billie's eyes open and dart down to me, a wolfish grin on her lips, "Without permission, pretty girl? I don't think so. You will wait, do you hear me?" Billie scoops the back of my head to angle my mouth how she wants it, her breath hitching when I hum in affirmation against her core. "Fuck- just like that, darlin. Look at me when you make you cum." her eyes soon squeeze tight along with her fingers in my hair.
Audrey helps to hold Billie upright. Her fingers a blur as they circle Billie's clit, wanting every ounce of her orgasm. The second she recovers, Billie swings her leg over me so she's kneeling by my side instead. She uses her hand in my hair to sit me up, and settles herself behind me.
"Billie- please?" as usual, Audrey's brattiness teeters the closer she gets to the edge. Her fingers still steadily thrusting in and out of me as she positions herself over my thigh.
"Oh, did you need something, babygirl?" Billie grins.
I push my head back against Billie's chest in effort to make eye contact. Silently asking permission.
She caresses my cheek, "Cum for me, babydoll."
My back arches even farther, colors and undefinable shapes fly past my vision as Audrey moves her fingers faster. Taking out her frustration from her lack of permission on my cunt. She narrows her eyes at the blonde behind me, "I hate you."
"No you don't." Billie takes hold of the actress's throat to bring her in for a kiss.
I grip both of Audrey's thighs, pressing her down while lifting my leg a bit to hit her clit at a better angle. She plants her hands on either side of my waist on Billie's thighs.
"Go on then, bunny, make a mess." Billie smirks.
Audrey's eyes finally roll along with her hips.
(( time skip / i gotta gay- GO i gotta go ))
Billie leans back against the headboard, I rest my head on her thigh, and Audrey lays half on top of me.
Absolute bliss.
"We should get a mirror on the ceiling." Billie breathes out.
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chl0writes · 3 years
Between Fact & Fiction.
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Audrey Tindall x Reader.
Warnings: None.
You are an actress acting alongside Audrey Tindall in a movie. Playing her lover. When the film is completed, you're not sure that you want your love for Audrey to remain a fictional tale.
This was taken from my Wattpad.
"Darling? It's getting cold out, won't you come inside?" Okay An absentminded smile tugs at the corner of your mouth upon hearing her voice, darling. You knew it was coming, it was rehearsed- of course.
Your eyes do not falter from the scene before you. The sun, in its final moment of glory, readying for another day, gradually disappearing into darkness. "Won't you come and stand for a second, watch the sunset with me." Your eyes do not falter but you hear the footsteps, you feel her shoulder brush against your own. "Beautiful isn't it?" You avert your eyes now, it was time. You look into the eyes of the older woman, becoming lost momentarily- as you often did. It feels as though it's only you and her, underneath the fast approaching night sky, underneath the stars that are glowing brighter with each passing second.
Except it was not only you and her. Directors, producers, cameramen, crew members, all stood only a few feet away, watching the scene unfold. The scene that feels so incredibly real to you, is simply just a section from a script. A scene created purely for the entertainment of others.
It was not you and Audrey. Merely Eve and Danielle. Fictional people, on a fictional set, carrying out a scene that is not real.
"Breathtaking darling, truly, but this cold and I do not get along, so come inside with me, please?" You steal just one last glance at the sky, darker now than it was just a minute ago before you interlock your fingers with the blonde, and allow her to guide you into the house.
When the door closes behind you, you know that it's the end. The final scene. The end of the story. Your palm is still rested in Audrey's when the camera stops rolling. That's a wrap! Your director yells from behind the walls of this house built solely for the purpose of this movie.
"We made a film darling." Audrey whispers. A smile, so wide painted on her face.
"We made a film." You mutter back, giving her hand a squeeze before the two of you wander off set, back to your crew. Champagne corks are popping, you and Audrey are suddenly engulfed in a swirling storm of multicoloured confetti.
"And that, is how you make a movie." You are patted on the back by the director, Hugh. "Good job kid, really good job." He wraps his left arm around your shoulder, while the right arm pulls Audrey into his other side. You should be happy. Everybody else is happy, there is food, and champagne and you have just done something incredible, worked under a notorious director, beside the most glorious actress. Apparently it wasn't enough for you.
You didn't want it to be Eve and Danielle.
You wanted Audrey.
"Y/N?" You're brought back to reality by the woman who plagues your thoughts. "You were miles away then love, what's on your mind?" You had not been aware of the departure of Hugh. It's just you and her, again.
"Hm? Oh nothing, I'm a little bit warm, going to get some air."
"Don't leave me in here on my own too long, there's only so much conversation I'm willing to participate in without my partner in crime." Audrey sends a wink your way and you chuckle before turning on your heel and taking off.
The night air felt cooler than it did before, your trailer was going to be freezing, as it often was. Yes, you had decided to retreat to your trailer. Frankly your mood had dropped, not quite able to grasp the joy that hung in the atmosphere.
Darling. Love. Partner in crime.
She was just being friendly right? Each time a name like that slips past her lips, it's not deliberate. It cannot be. There wasn't a world in which Audrey could possibly feel the things that you feel. You can't bring yourself to believe that you have gained an affectionate place in Audrey's heart, yet she had so effortlessly weaved her way into yours.
You wished that you were Danielle. She's fiction, a made up character, but Danielle had the luxury of living the very life you fantasised about. Danielle ended each day wrapped securely in the embrace of her lover, in the embrace of Eve.
You are in love with Audrey Tindall.
Audrey feels content.
She should be bursting at the seams, overflowing with ecstasy. Her mood had settled on okay. Not joyful, not necessarily sad, just a mediocre okay.
It all comes down to you. She had rapidly come to realise that in the absence of your presence, she wasn't ever really more than okay. It's silly, really. That's what Audrey repeats to herself, a constant loop in her head. Stop being ridiculous Audrey. Yet, it never eases. The irregular rhythm of her heart whenever you're near.
Audrey closes her eyes for a moment, soaking in the chatter, the praise. Audrey stands surrounded by people, and not a single one of them mattered. They were not you.
In the short time that Audrey had known you, she had fallen deep under your spell, it was almost laughable. It was a version of Audrey that she could barely recognise. Audrey did not yearn, she did not pine. Yet the blonde had fallen victim to your charm, your wit.
Audrey Tindall is in love with you.
Audrey is strong-willed, confidence seeping through each pore. Yet, a constant anxiety thrummed in the depths of her chest. The need to succeed, to radiate perfection often overpowered any other feeling in her body. Imagine the utter shock Audrey must have felt upon meeting you. When Audrey was lucky enough to be around you, perfection was tucked away into a corner of her mind that she was in no rush to unlock, she did not feel the need to pretend to be somebody else when she was with you. For the first time ever, she didn't have to act. To Audrey, it was like coming up for air. She was drowning, and you pulled her to the surface.
Audrey did not know where you had gone. You said that you were warm, and you needed air, but Audrey  felt the chill of the breeze prickle against her skin. Goosebumps, raised on her flesh. It was cold. Audrey excuses herself from the conversation that she had found herself present in and steps outside to search for you. The blonde could not find you on instant, but a glance at the trailers and she guessed that that's where you might have retired too.
There was a sudden flash of nerves as Audrey brought her hand up to knock on the door to your trailer. Audrey wasn't one to succumb to nerves easily, but you had this affect on her, a hold that couldn't be described.
And there you were, standing in front of Audrey, an affectionate smile painted on your lips.
"Are you alright darling? I was getting worried."
"I guess, I'm just not in the mood to celebrate tonight."
"That makes two of us."
"Come in? I have wine."
Audrey couldn't deny you anything. She couldn't spend another moment away from you.
"You know me so well."
It was not uncommon for you and Audrey to end the day tucked up in a trailer, drinking wine and laughing. After a long day of shooting, sometimes a nice unwind was the perfect remedy. Quickly, you had learnt that unless you were accompanied by Audrey, none of the stress seemed to ease.
"I still can't believe it's over. I almost don't want it to end." Audrey mutters. "Flying back to England, was the best decision that I have ever made."
"How so?" You ask, tracing the rim of the wine glass with your index finger.
"Because you're here." You feel your cheeks flush, it must be the wine. You're not kidding anybody.
"I'm glad you came back. I'm glad that I met you, it has been the greatest pleasure of my life Audrey Tindall. To know you, is a blessing." Dark orbs seek out your own, so many words that have been left unsaid, seem to come spewing out in a simple look.
"I don't want to let you go." Audrey stands, but does not move. Considering something, almost like she's building up the confidence to do something ... anything. You move over slightly, allowing the space beside you to be taken, which she does. Quickly, very quickly. Before you have the time to comprehend the situation, Audrey's lips brush against your own, gentle yet so fast. She pulls away, eyes wide.
"I was wondering when you were going to do that." Adoration swelled in your chest, and you find yourself leaning in, capturing Audrey's lips with your own. Audrey's palms find home on your cheeks. She kisses you back, firmer this time, clutching your face as though she was frightened that you would run. You couldn't ever run. You held a hand on the back of her head, caressing the locks there, while the fingers on your other hand twisted into the delicate fabric of her blouse. Her mouth devoured your own, tongue swiping against your bottom lip asking for entrance which you granted with no thought behind it.
Audrey broke away, gasping. All signs of anxiety had evaporated and her eyes searched your own.  Her forehead rests against your own, hands clinging to your shirt. "I don't know where I'm going to go after here, but I know that I want you with me."
"Then I'll be with you. Always."
Fiction no longer mattered, fiction had given her to you.
Your Eve.
Your Audrey.
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lanawinters-ily · 3 years
The Impossibility of Love
An accident occurs that splits your relationship in two. Will the three of you ever recover? Who’s punishment goes way too far?
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x Reader x Audrey Tindall
Word count: 5600
Warnings: injury, mentions of nausea, alcoholism, mentions of self harm (through medication)
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It had started off as a typical Saturday morning. The three of you would always spend the start of the weekend playing tennis, as long as Audrey didn't have to reshoot any of her scenes & Billie had finished her research for next week's location. Billie had frequented the tennis courts since her college days, before she learned of her medium abilities - it was her passion, other than conversing with spirits & making Lifetime specials, of course. She was effortless, dancing from corner to corner of the court, light feet carrying her wherever the ball flew. It was innate at this point, Billie didn't even need to think about movement, her body could sense the game.
For you & Audrey, the same thing couldn't be said, that's for sure. Really, if a stranger walked into the space, they would be forgiven for thinking that they had accidentally stepped into a circus tent instead. The pair of you were a clown act, always tripping over your own feet, dropping the racquet & even being hit by the small ball because you would both either be making eyes at each other or pulling faces. 5 year olds, as Billie fondly scolded you, both in attitude & ability.
The day was already different because Cordelia couldn't make it. Her & Billie had met a couple years ago through tennis, playing short friendly tournaments, then turning into fast friends. Both women were now incredibly close, so it made perfect sense when the medium wanted to bring her beloved girlfriends into her equally beloved sport, that Delia would complete the group to level out the numbers in order to play doubles. Obviously, it wouldn't be fair to put two powerhouses against two fumbling messes, so Billie would generally be paired with you whilst Cordelia kept Audrey in check. The Supreme ran a girls school, for witches at that, so she had eyes everywhere - the perfect match for Audrey's flailing 'octopus' arms, as you all called them in exasperation. The actress' over dramatic personality was certainly mirrored by the way her body moved, limbs flying in a windmill fashion in each game, often looking like she had tentacles.
Being the Supreme meant Cordelia Goode was busy almost every minute of the day, Saturday mornings with you three being the only time she could let loose & be Delia - running around the court & giggling wildly with her closest friends. It was rare that she would miss this treasured time, as everyone knew not to disturb her, but apparently the boys school were having some sort of 'Alpha' situation. When she explained frantically on the phone Friday night, Billie twitched in slight anxiety for her friend, whilst you & Audrey looked on in slight concern & confusion. The medium only had a little witching knowledge due to her profession, but she seriously has some sort of sixth sense that you often joked about, & it was blaring in this situation.
Delia clearly felt on edge too from her panting breaths, but had to avoid conflict with the warlocks, not wanting to accidentally cause some sort of witch-warlock civil war. She often compared being Supreme to being in charge of a group of prepubescent boys when it came to the warlocks always causing suspicious mischief & fighting amongst each other. Cordelia simply did not have the time for them to turn on the witches, so missing your beloved tennis morning would have to suffice.
You all envied the influence the Supreme had at some point - Billie the riches, Audrey the connections & for you it was just the purpose in life & the importance in the world she held. But as you drove to the tennis grounds that Saturday, you all felt relieved you didn't have to suffer the pressures of Cordelia's inescapable role, especially when Billie explained just what it did to Delia's mother Fiona before the title was passed down. To be trapped in a responsibility that had already ruined your life through another, seemed unimaginable so you all felt lucky to have such a flexible life in comparison.
However, all of this consideration was forgotten as soon as you three stepped onto the courts, the magic of the sport creating a portal into a new world. All else would disappear as you readied your equipment, excited to just enjoy each other's company & make memories as a trio in love.
It seemed to be the perfect sounding morning, but it didn't exactly turn out the way you had all planned or expected at all.
Since Cordelia wasn't there, you could no longer play doubles, so only thought it fair to match Billie's expertise with the duo of disaster that was yourself & Audrey. Even putting both of you together was no match for the medium's quick moves, you & the actress chuckling at Billie's cross expression as you watched the ball sail by the side of you each time, hysterical laughing making your play even worse, if that was even possible. Billie Dean could be Wimbledon level to a quick observer, but she was just a little higher than average skill, your awful playing making her seem like a complete professional. At first she was very smug about this, however after about half an hour of zero points scored on your side, she was frustrated, making a childish pouty face that made Audrey roll with high pitched giggles even more.
It was when you whacked your first ball that it happened. The hit had sent it zooming over the metal surroundings of the court to narrowly miss smashing a car window, which made you close your eyes from the intensity of the stitch in your side that the aggressive laughter your horrific attempt caused. This was an unknowingly bad move on your part. As you couldn't see, you missed the skilful serve Billie sent your way next. Therefore, in those few seconds, you also failed to dodge Audrey's classic swing back to try to smack the ball, instead clashing with your forehead, the hit making a dull thud that radiated through your ears. The force of the collision sent you reeling backwards, landing in a sitting position on the rough ground of the court, your senses dulled by the heightened pain you felt so intensely.
Blurs were all that you could make out; Audrey's arms shooting out to try to steady you, Billie's running thundering through your aching brain, the yells they made just increasing the jarring. The bright colours that had surrounded your piercing eyes carefully faded to a palette of greys as black spots joined your dimming vision. Each blink was smaller, eyelids magnetically drawn to each other, no matter how much the two women by you screamed to stay awake. You tried to open your mouth to shush the loud noises, but your eyes fell closed as you collapsed backwards. The pain was too much to bear whilst awake, so you were lost in a dreamless sleep, hoping that it would also be a painless one.
- - - - -
Billie knew something was wrong before Audrey did, seeing the direction of the actress' fatal swing before it could make contact, but couldn't warn you both in those few milliseconds, instead bearing witness to the smash right in front of her eyes.
Audrey, of course, didn't notice her actions were amiss until she could physically feel it. Instead of her racquet being met by air like she had expected, there was a sickening thud as it made contact with something solid. She spun round in shock after seeing Billie run towards her, to see you stagger back & lose your balance; her limbs seemed frozen in shock so when the shorter blonde tried to stick out her arms, she was too late, instead watching you hit the ground with another loud noise.
They both fell to the floor with you instead, worrying over you with shaking, anxious hands trying to make you feel better. But you seemed completely out of it, swaying from side to side despite being in a sitting position, eyes unfocused as you curiously roamed their faces, clearly not seeing or recognising them.
"Babydoll, can you hear me? Stay with me sweetheart, keep those pretty eyes on me," Billie kept begging with tears spurting down her cheeks in anguish, trying to keep her love with her even as your head lolled back, your body following in one smooth movement. Your girlfriend caught you in her strong arms, whispering for you to wake up, rocking your limp frame close to her chest. She gently kissed over your pale face, paying extra attention to the rapidly forming bump on your forehead, acting as if her affection had healing powers, which it usually did when you were ill, but is that really as effective if you can't sense her at all?
Your other girlfriend surveyed the scene in front of her, even though she couldn't really feel anything at all. Her body seemed numb, shivering as she focused on the racing thoughts in her mind, telling her how worthless & hopeless she was. To the outside world, Audrey Tindall seemed overconfident & blasé about most things, but internally she felt like a little girl still; insecure & worrying about everything. Her persona was efficient for making it in acting - 'fake it till you make it' as they say, but this layer was more fragile when it came to the two of you. Now, Audrey's act was completely uncovered as she faced her worst nightmare: hurting one of you. Though, as she looked into Billie's face for the first time since they had been on the floor, the blonde realised that it may not have only been one of her girlfriends she had injured, noticing a fire in the medium's eyes that she had never seen before.
Audrey quickly realised that it was anger in her girlfriend's expression. Billie Dean's normally cool brown eyes almost glowed a burning red from the intensity of her stare, which would have been bad enough, but then she opened her mouth, turning away from your unconscious form.
"W- wha," the medium struggled to voice her disbelief, spitting out her words. "How could you? Look at her Audrey, look at what you did. Sh- she's, yo- you," with that Billie bursted into tears again, shaking with a mix of fear & outrage as she cradled you like the most precious thing in the world.
The actress simply watched on warily, unsure what to cry at exactly with all of these emotions bubbling under her surface - hurting you, Billie being mad, Billie losing all her affectionate pet names for her, Billie hiding you away as if she would take another careless swing at you. What if this was it? What if you were both going to leave her now? What would she have left?
Audrey's mind couldn't contain all of these restless speculations, her brain feeling like it was at bursting point from all of the overthinking. In response, she just let out a broken whimper, fast breathing quickly turning into panting as her own vision clouded slightly. Billie quickly whirled round at this, the anger flowing out of her body into guilt at the sight of her other girlfriend so clearly conflicted & in pain at the sight of you. While still holding you, the medium gathered the other blonde into her embrace with her free arm, kissing her cheek softly.
"I'm so sorry for upsetting you my love, I'm just worried is all. It's not your fault, it's all an accident baby. Just breathe with me, alright?"
As both women calmed down together, watching over you, your eyes slowly fluttered as if sensing the receding tension. Your girlfriends noticed, & drew back a little to allow you some space while cooing at your confusion to encourage you to wake up fully.
"Hi honey," Billie whispered to not further ache your head, "Stay still for us sweet girl, we need to make sure you're not too dizzy before we get you to the hospital, ok?"
Audrey whimpered again at the mention of the emergency room, making you shift your misty eyes to her & then intertwining your hand with her own in an attempt to abate her tears. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly as you looked at her other hand in further confusion & choked quietly; "Your hand?"
Your girlfriends followed your gaze in perplexity until they too spotted what you had seen. Audrey's right wrist was slightly bent at a strange angle, all purple & puffy to look almost twice the size of her other hand. In the shock of hurting you, she hadn't realised that she had also injured herself from the impact of the racquet hitting you. Now that the actress had noticed her injury, her face contorted in pain, the agony sending her reeling, much like her bat had earlier. She was definitely known for her dramatics in her job, but you could tell this time she was doing her best to hold in her own anguish to keep you calm. It just showed how much she loved you, that she was willing to be vulnerable with her partners, but would also put you both first at all times.
When Billie was satisfied you had been awake long enough to be moved, she tenderly scooped you into her arms to carry you bridal-style out of the courts & into her awaiting car, Audrey trailing miserably behind. She carefully placed you in the back on the other blonde's left side so that she could wrap her working arm around you while the medium drove to the hospital. Billie wanted so badly to hold you, however she was the only one who could drive right now so she would just have to make do. It was a miracle you didn't get into a car accident on the way, as Billie was checking in the wing mirror every two seconds to make sure her girlfriends were alright, yelling at you harshly to stay awake if your eyes drifted even a fraction. You were grumbling at Audrey for tapping you constantly for the same reason, & the actress would let out a little squeak every time there was a bump in the road because it would jostle her swollen wrist.
Even though your two girlfriends had resolved their argument from earlier, the tension was still crackling like static in the waiting room of the hospital. Of course, you didn’t know what had occurred whilst you were unconscious, & you didn’t really care to know right now because of the boxing match that your brain was currently hosting. But, the two blondes were sat either side, trapping you in a sandwich of unease - Audrey sniffling with remorse on your left, whilst Billie Dean’s leg tapped the floor furiously on your right. They weren’t genuinely mad at each other, each woman stressing about how the other could be angry or annoyed at them, but their main concern was you at the moment, that was the only relevant problem.
Ever since you had left the car, Billie had held you to her waist, snuggling you into her to cushion you from the outside world. You had hold of Audrey’s hand, insisting on contact despite her rambled excuses & worries about hurting you again. She was genuinely terrified of injuring you further but it was almost comical how she thought you would crumble from one poke of her finger.
You knew a little of Audrey’s shyer side, & you were worried about her reaction to all that had happened on that day, especially as you watched Billie’s movements towards you both. Being with Billie for longer than Audrey meant that you understood her more - the medium was selfish in parts, not much but she would often be less considerate of other people & couldn’t process other people emotions as perceptively as you could. This meant that her partners had to be less sensitive, & more honest about thoughts & feelings being in a relationship with her. You could tell that Audrey often pretended to be alright when she wasn’t, though you didn’t know why or to what extent, but it was clear to you that Billie’s irritation & neglect for her was effecting the actress more than she was letting on. Despite your pain, you wanted to solve whatever was going on between the two of them but before you could, you were interrupted.
“Y/N L/N?”
- - - - -
It was a week after the incident when things really started to get noticeably out of hand. The last 7 days had been a blur of irritating headaches & a fussy girlfriend who practically had you bed bound. No, I was not mistaken when I only used the singular form for your girlfriend - you see, Audrey had been behaving particularly strangely in the recent days. You weren’t quite sure why, or even exactly how she was or what she was doing, because Billie had been excessively protective over you, almost making sure she was the only person you saw at all times & the only person to take care of you at every minute of the day.
Despite Audrey being free almost all of the day at the moment because of her latest series coming to a close, Billie Dean insisted on taking the next couple weeks off to nurse you back to health after your diagnosed concussion. She was incredibly decisive of this, literally phoning the director of her show to inform them of her immediate leave at the hospital. The medium simply waved away your other girlfriend’s weak protests that she could care for you. If you weren’t drugged up on pain medication at that point, your observant self would have noticed Audrey’s blank eyes, & her lack of usual life in discourse. Your Audrey would usually make a joke about ‘obviously having the bloody nursing skills to look after you, since she was a nurse at Her Majesty’s of course’.
Audrey may not have had nursing qualifications but she certainly had the personality of one; empathic with a caring nature & just so attentive. Billie was charming & incredibly generous to the both of you but she didn’t have that attention to detail that Audrey had curated. ‘Had’ being the appropriate tense to use as since your accident, Billie had adopted this attitude, whilst the actress was distant & quiet whenever she was around you, which was very rare at the moment.
Billie was obviously more observant than you were since you were preoccupied by the unpleasant consequences that had come from your head injury - you could barely stand without swaying, constantly had thumping headaches & when you did manage to move around the house, you would fall asleep everywhere. Clearly, you could barely focus on your surroundings, let alone watch Audrey’s behaviours; but Billie could.
Billie had noticed, but she had decided not to act yet. The medium was confident, internally & externally, but she didn’t like confrontation or arguments, especially with her two loves. She also knew that if she acted erratically or mentioned any sort of abnormality, that you would get stressed out & try to fix it all, which was exactly what the doctor had advised against. So, Billie was monitoring afar to check for any outstanding concerns, but Audrey just seemed slightly withdrawn & busy.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, the situation was a lot more serious than it seemed.
But you were about to find out.
It was the evening, exactly 7 days after the tennis incident & you were curled up by Billie on the sofa downstairs, since you were feeling a little better than the days before. Saturday night was movie night in your household, so Billie had picked her ultimate favourite - ‘Pretty Woman’. She had always loved the fashion & the music in the film since she was a little girl, so the three of you watched it often just to see the joy on the medium’s face.
“Where’s Audrey?” you questioned, looking at Billie through half squinted eyes of confusion.
The actress you always very vocal during films, affectionately irritating you both with her narration & her slightly obnoxious singing, which you had secretly come to love. But it was silent apart from Julia Robert’s voice from the screen.
“What time is it darling?” Billie asked, looking just as confused; her expression quickly turning to concern when you revealed that it was almost 10pm, meaning that Audrey was 4 hours late home from work. It was her last day of filming, so a typical partner wouldn’t be too worried about lateness since the crew would often throw lavish wrap parties at the end of a show.
But your girlfriend generally stayed away from these parties & bars unless she was closely accompanied by one of you two, because of her past. You see, Audrey Tindall used to suffer from alcohol abuse a few years before you had met. The acting industry is incredibly competitive & stressful, so the blonde would often find herself drowning her sorrows more often than she would like after each failed audition. This spiralled, until she ended up in a rehab unit after collapsing from liver failure a week into her first job since her alcohol dependence had been going on for years - it was simply a way of life for the woman at that point.
Roughly half a decade after Audrey had gotten sober, she had reached the height of her career; playing Shelby Miller on My Roanoke Nightmare & even winning a Saturn Award, finally getting the world to sit up & take notice of her talent. It seemed that she reached the peak of her personal life too that night, as it was that very same after party that she met you & your girlfriend Billie Dean Howard for the first time. She had charmed you both with her giggling sense of humour & striking British accent, making the two of you fall head over heels with the actress & bringing her into your relationship very quickly.
This was a year ago, & your relationship had been a fairytale ever since. What had happened? Where was Audrey?
As if to answer, you were interrupted from your thoughts by Billie’s phone ringing.
Who was calling this late at night?
- - - - -
Audrey sat staring at the drink in front of her. She didn’t remember how she had got to this bar, how much she had drank already, or how she was going to get home. Did she really want to go home? All she could feel was the sorrow that consumed her, conscience eating the blonde from the inside out. In her eyes, the relationship with you & Billie Dean was over - she wasn’t good enough for you both, & she had never been in the first place. It was the last straw, Audrey was a burden; useless, clumsy, idiotic.
And she knew it. Really, she felt stupid for ever imagining any of this would work out in the first place.
Audrey never really thought that she would end up in a relationship so perfect, her mind had always said that she was unlovable, broken, insecure. The alcohol had washed away any sense of confidence the blonde had, leaving behind a bitter taste that had nothing to do with the copious drinking. But when she had got together with two amazing, angelic, beautiful women, she had started to feel a little more worthy & content within herself.
Of course, there was some doubt in the relationship from the actress; Billie Dean & you had been together for years, as you had got together back on Billie’s first Lifetime pilot where you had worked as a makeup artist. It seemed like the perfect story to Audrey, romantic & charming, but it was someone else’s story, not hers. She was wary as you had been together all this time, meaning you had shared memories, dates & stories without her there, making her feel slightly like an outsider. But both of her girlfriends soothed her overthinking, assuring Audrey that she was the missing piece in their puzzle, the glue to their halves.
Everything felt like a dream, & all this time Audrey had felt that there would be a moment that would pull her away from it all, waking her up forever. Well, this was it. She had messed up too badly this time, hurting you was just too much to come back from.
“Aud?” a sweet voice broke the blonde from her pondering.
Only one person called her that. Cordelia Goode.
Audrey looked up with tear filled eyes into warm brown ones as gentle hands came to caress her cheeks. The Supreme was looking at her with such concern, such love, that the actress just broke down sobbing; the weight of her heartbreak crashing down over her weak body. Cordelia tutted & simply pulled the crying woman into her loving embrace, rocking her back & forth with a motherly feel.
The witch had so many questions but as she looked over at where Audrey had been sitting & spotted the empty glasses of various alcohols her worry skyrocketed into fear, priorities changing. What had happened for her friend to break her sobriety & ruin all of her hard work? A bad feeling settled in Cordelia’s gut as she stroked Audrey’s back soothingly.
“Aud, sweetheart. What happened, you were doing so well? Where are the other girls?”
Audrey choked on her tears at the mention of her two loves, shaking with guilt & regret. She could barely even talk through her cries at this point but managed to slur; “I fucked up Delia,” before her knees buckled in despair.
“Ok, sh sh sh,” Cordelia whispered while holding the woman upright, knowing that Audrey just needed caring for before she could make any sense of explanation.
“Let me take you to mine Aud, we can sort all of this out, you’re going to be alright.”
So Cordelia took Audrey to Robichaux, luckily being able to drive since she had only just arrived at the bar when she spotted the woman. Combining the years the actress had avoided alcohol with the random mixed drinks she had knocked back, led her to be barely able to support her own weight by the time they arrived. The Supreme had to lift her friend by the time they walked through the doors, carrying Audrey over to the nearest sofa & settling her down with a blanket.
After settling down the actress with her casted arm propped up & soothing her into a fitful sleep, Cordelia picked up her phone to ring Billie Dean. The witch’s intuition told her that this outburst was something to do with the incident she missed last week, but she wasn’t exactly sure what could have caused such a problem. All she could do now was to call you both & alert you of Audrey’s well-being, or lack of.
Delia was always very observant, & she knew Billie practically inside out. The medium was snappy & quiet on the phone when she was told where Audrey was & to come over, making Cordelia slightly suspicious. In her view, Billie Dean sounded guilty, which would have to take a lot seeing as she was a little arrogant & didn’t often know when she was in the wrong. The Supreme knew her oldest friend was incredibly protective, & suspected that Billie’s shielding ways could have turned her against Audrey in attempts to be in control of your recovery, despite her love for the other blonde being equal to you.
A cautious knock at the door alerted Cordelia to your arrival, quickly scurrying to let you in. She opened it to reveal a windswept Billie & you holding a nauseous countenance, obviously from your girlfriend’s frantic driving. Delia opened her arms & led you gently onto the very same sofa as Audrey, cuddling your throbbing head into her as you both carefully watched on to the two blonde’s interaction.
Billie stumbled on behind looking incredibly defeated, her expression crumbling as she took in Audrey’s unconscious form. The medium fell to her knees before her sleeping girlfriend, carefully shaking her awake by the shoulders. Audrey opened her eyes, squinting with what you assumed was a hell of a headache from the alcohol, & her gaze fell on Billie & then you lying across Cordelia’s lap. She bursted into another fit of sobs at the sight, guilt slapping her across the face with a force more dangerous than that of her tennis racquet.
Billie was quick to jump to the actress’s side, whispering quick apologies & stroking her tears with trembling thumbs.
“Darling girl, I’m so sorry for neglecting you & making it seem like I was blaming you for the accident. I was just so worried about y/n that I completely forgot to check up on you properly. I didn’t realise you were struggling so much & I’m so sorry you broke your sobriety. It’s all my fault & I wish I could go back to fix everything,” Billie rambled & cries of her own started to muffle her voice as she realised the impact of her actions & how fragile Audrey had become.
But despite this confession & the comfort of Billie Dean, the shorter blonde’s wails just got louder & she curled in on herself, cradling her plastered arm to her heaving chest. The medium grasped hold of Audrey, trying to sooth the trembling woman but to no avail. Cordelia was now cradling you into her as you looked on in worry, wishing you could take away Audrey’s pain more than anything, but also being held back by your own.
“Audrey, darling breathe. Talk to me sweetheart, what is it?”
The actress’ face was scrunched up in what seemed like agony as she shook her head repeatedly & hiccupped with the force of her sobs. She hadn’t moved her arm at all despite the freedom of the cast & was instead clawing at the side of the sofa in pain. Billie felt helpless at the sight of another girlfriend in so much suffering, but Delia, ever the problem solver, spotted the issue.
“Aud, have you taken your medication? The ones for your arm?”
Billies form relaxed a little as she realised the cause & solution for Audrey’s agony, seemingly the woman had forgotten to take her painkillers the doctor had prescribed for her broken wrist. The medium grabbed the bag beside her lover & rummaged through it in search for the packet of pills, but once she located them, the concern on Billie’s face returned with full force.
“Bill?” you said shakily, “What is it?”
Billie Dean ignored your question, instead looking from the pills in her hand to Audrey, the pills to Audrey, over & over. Delia moved forward carefully, manoeuvring towards her friend to grasp the packet. She too gasped, revealing to you a full, unopened medicine box that should have been half used by now. Quickly springing into action, Billie ripped open the pills & forced one into Audrey’s free hand, encouraging the capsule down her throat along with the water beside her. The medium then wrapped your other girlfriend into the most affectionate, calming embrace she could muster, placing kisses along the actress’ face until she had calmed.
“Why Aud?” Cordelia spoke, “Why didn’t you take your medicine? You were in so much pain, it just doesn’t make any sense.”
Audrey sat with her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to phrase her thoughts, Billie Dean next to her whispering sweet words of encouragement & love.
“I- I thought I deserved it,” the blonde whispered, averting her eyes from all of your concerned faces. “I’d hurt the people I love the most, so I thought I should feel pain myself, I suppose. It felt good in a way, took my mind off worrying about Billie being annoyed at me, & y/n being hurt. I couldn’t drink, so this was the next best option in my mind. I’m so sorry,” she mumbled, breaking down into tears of shame & realisation at her words.
“Oh my love,” Billie cried, holding onto Audrey for dear life & whispering apologies over & over.
You whimpered at your girlfriend’s words, propelling yourself out of Delia’s arms into Audrey’s lap & holding on to her securely as if to eradicate any doubts the shorter blonde ever held. The three of you sobbed into each others arms for hours, a tangle of limbs smothered with pure love & care for each other. You were all scared to let go, so you stayed in the same place on the academy’s sofa all night until the three of you fell asleep contentedly for the first time in a week - Audrey hidden under your body over hers & Billie’s arms tangled over the both of you in a silent apology for not protecting you both.
The relationship was once again united, connection restored not just physically, but the ties of your hearts repaired once again.
Cordelia Goode stood at the door of the room, shaking her head at how impossible her three friends were. It baffled her at how unadulterated love for one another could tear a person apart & heal them again, with the same intentions as before. The three of you really were a handful, but she wouldn’t change it for the world.
Taglist: @ka-s @ninaahs @stayevildarling @babypocahontas @winters-witch-bitch @l0verssr0ck @basicasshole @bottom4delia @forevercountess @violentwavesofem0tion @sporadicsupercorpquotesmonger @liberosisaspire @mellowalieneggsknight @supremeinlilac @thecasualgeek1 @lucykilljoy @mrsdeanhoward
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safic4-m · 2 years
💛🎭I am
Pairing: Audrey Tindall x Fem Lector
Author’s Note: I have no fucking clue what this is about.
Word count: Me vale verga…1021
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~Master list~
-First, we’re dating at the show,- you explain.
-Then in real life,- continues Audrey.
-We’re done in real life,- you continue.
-And our characters are still dating in the show,- finishes the blonde.
-At the beginning it was awkward,- you launch into the air, making the audience laugh.
-Why?- asks Jimmy
-Well, our relationship didn’t end good…- comments Tindall.
-And then on set we had to be the perfect couple that everyone loves,- forcing a smile.
-So it was hard for you guys?
-Yes,- they answer in unison.
-You have no idea how tense it was during the taping,- says Rory.
-Really?- asks the presenter.
-Yes, as soon as the scenes were cut, everyone went their own way,- says Monahan.
-That’s not true,- you come out to defend yourself.
-Of course it is,- says one of your companions.
They start fighting among them and you decide to pause the video, that was the last time the world knew anything about you.
You were part of the most successful series “Inside the unknown”, the main plot is about a mother who moves with her daughter to a house in the outskirts of the city, strange things start to happen, to the extent that she thinks she is going crazy, but she meets a woman who helps her and shows her the secrets that the place keeps.
From the beginning they both have a very good chemistry and as the series goes on we see the story of each of them, winning the hearts of the viewers and becoming the most loved couple.
Now, the feelings of your characters went beyond the screen, taking it to real life, the world went crazy when you made your relationship public, you were the perfect couple, but fate had different plans; your thing didn’t work out and you ended up hurting each other.
You were doomed to see her being happy with someone else, Rory and Audrey started dating, your relationship at the beginning was a secret but you noticed her looks and you were willing to give anything for her to see you that way again.
You couldn’t keep pretending that it didn’t affect you, the kisses on camera, the scenes where they make love, it was hurting you, you wanted to believe that there was something more where there was nothing.
Then you decided to retire, your exit from show business came as a surprise to everyone, you were at the peak of your career and you simply gave it all up.
Recently you had been contacted to see if you could make a cameo in the series and after thinking about it for a while you decided to accept; that brings you to this precise moment, you were in your dressing room waiting to be called and to make time you scrolled through social networks finding the video.
-We are ready for you- says a girl holding her tablet to avoid eye contact.
-You can call me Y/n, honey- giving away a smile in the process.
- - - -
(Audrey) -I can’t believe it’s you,- says the brunette holding your face.
(You)-I am, sweetheart- she replies, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
(Audrey)-Victoria…I am.
(You)-Shh…you don’t have to say anything- pulling her into a hug.
The woman bursts into tears, clinging to the other’s body to keep from falling.
(Audrey)-I missed you so much- she says between sobs.
(You)-And I missed you my love- combing her hair- but you have to come back- moving away so you can see her.
(Audrey)-I can’t, I don’t have the strength to go on anymore.
(You)-Alma needs you- wiping away your tears -you have to go on Camille
(You)-I will always be with you- says Victoria away before she wakes up.
Camille jumps up hugging her daughter.
The scene ends and the entire cast applauds for the great season finale, Ryan takes a microphone and asks them to be quiet.
-I must thank my stars for this wonderful finale, Audrey for bringing Camille to life and Y/n for coming out of retirement and bringing Victoria back to the screen.
Everyone cheers for both of them at their great scene together, watching the blonde blush; they threw a party to celebrate the season premiere and although you are flattered by it all, you just wanted to go home to your cats.
You managed to escape to a balcony to get some fresh air, you were no longer used to the attention of so many people and it was starting to overwhelm you.
-Here you are,- says Audrey behind you.
-I am,- you answer turning your back to her.
-It’s good you came back,- she says settling in next to you.
You don’t answer and just give her a smile, a silence falls between you both, you return your gaze to the front, enjoying her company.
-Wasn’t I enough for you?- he asks suddenly.
-I’m sorry?- turning to look at her.
-I mean…when I was with you the media was normal, but when we broke up, your leaving, my relationship with Rory,- taking a moment to calm her breathing, -the media was all over me, blaming me about your leaving and about the age difference…I just …I can’t.
Seeing her break down like that makes your heart flutter fanning the flame, you take the blonde in your arms, holding her tightly.
-Shhhh…it’s okay, let it out,- drawing circles on her back.
-No, I feel like I’m not enough,- letting out a sob.
-Don’t say that- pulling her away to see her -Listen to me Audrey, you are more than enough and Rory should be more than happy to have you.
-That’s the problem, we are getting divorced- she lets go, making you take a deep breath.
-And then you agreed to come back, then I started counting the days to see you again, I ruined the scenes on purpose just to spend time with you, but to see you playing Victoria again, the love in her eyes for Camille…GOD I WISH IT WAS YOU SEEING ME.
Your heart beats too fast, as you try to take in what she just told you, she still has feelings for you. You feel like a teenager, but you’re too far from it, you’re literally three years older than the blonde.
-Don’t you plan to say something?!
-I only agreed to come back to see you one last time.
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— my only sunshine
summary: you’ve been struggling in silence but it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
warnings: depression, anxiety, self-harm (pretty detailed, be careful)
word count: 2700
venting again lol
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Your leg shaking up and down was becoming excessive. You could see the girls next to you becoming annoyed, but you hardly realized that you were doing it. Tears pooled in your eyes and it burned so badly to hold them in. Why does Cordelia have to look at me so much? Why can't she just glance over me like everyone else and let me wallow away in the corner?
Everyone knew that you were Cordelia's special girl. You didn't think it had anything to do with your powers, she just liked you. And you liked her. But that was it; you were both too afraid to acknowledge it. What she wasn’t aware of was your history with mental health, which you tried so hard to conceal from her.
You don't think you were doing a very good job hiding it this time. How could you hide the fact that you don't want to live anymore?
Everyone knew you looked terrible lately. Madison had even pointed it out. Your eyes were dark, and hollow, and you just didn't look like yourself. Madison said you were just a freak that was too caught up in your studies to barely allow yourself some time to sleep, but Cordelia knew that wasn't true. Matter of fact, it was the complete opposite.
Cordelia dismissed yet another class that had completely gone through one ear and out the other. Spacing out is the one time that you actually feel safe and you so happen to be the best at it during class.
Everyone rushed out. You were a little slower because you were so exhausted and picking up your books felt like you were ripping open the cuts on your wrist. You thought you could feel like blood dripping down, but it might've just been your anxiety freaking you out.
"Oh, y/n, could you stay for a minute, love," Cordelia asked when you were by the doorway, ever so sweet but you still bit the inside of your mouth until you could taste blood.
You spun slowly on your heels. You loved Cordelia but you didn't want to stay. You were terrified of confrontation and you just wanted to throw yourself into your bed again.
You didn't respond and kept a great distance between you and Cordelia. She was so warm, she was your comfort, and you ached to have her hold you, but you just wanted the darkness right now.
She still walked closer towards you and you almost started to cry from the nerves. You started scratching at your band-aid covered wrists. You don't know why you do that when your nervous, it just feels good in the moment.
She looked down at your arms, then back up at you. Does she know? Did your sleeve rise when you went to reach for something? "Relax, honey. You're not in trouble. I just want to check on you."
"I'm fine," it came out weak.
She raised an eyebrow at you and gave you that look. Anyone could tell that you weren't okay, it was just a matter of who would be there for you when you fall apart.
Your bottom lip started to tremble. A clear indication that you were ready to break down. Cordelia just watched, letting you control yourself before she made you explode completely.
"How about we take a walk outside, around the house, and get some fresh air, yeah?" You nodded and you were suddenly following her out the door. Anything someone says to you hasn't really been processing in your head. You truly just feel like a leaf being blown in every direction.
It was nice out, slightly chilly with a breeze, but it did not seem to snap you from your state of mind. It was quiet for a minute before Cordelia began talking to you again. You knew she was trying to distract you from your thoughts, but it's not really want you want right now.
"So what have you been up to, missy? Are you still writing?" She looked over at you, gently smiling. She loved reading all of your work, but it had been a few weeks since she had. She's been a little bit busy and you've been locking yourself in your room.
"Yeah, a little bit, I guess." It was a complete lie, but your didn't feel like getting into the fact that you could hardly bring yourself to even get out of bed, let alone write.
She wanted to have a full conversation with you, but you weren't having it. She just became silent as you both finished the walk around the building. She always takes you to walk around the city with her, but she had an inkling that you weren't going to want to leave the property.
Cordelia didn't want to let you go yet. She had a bad feeling and she knew something just wasn't right with you. She felt uneasy. But she couldn't hold you back when you told her you had to go study. You would never pass up hanging out with Cordelia to study, and she knew that, but she just let you go.
When you got to your room, it was all messy. Had you had the energy to keep it as tidy as you always did then maybe your anger levels wouldn't have increased when you walked in. You decided to ignore it and step over the pile of clothes and make your way into the bathroom.
There, you dug through your drawer, looking for the blade that you kept hidden in the back. It was the one place that nobody could accidentally stumble upon it.
You sat down on the closed toilet lid and pulled up your left sleeve. Ripping off the bandaids had not even hurt as much as they should, you didn’t even flinch. You began cutting any free skin on your inner arms that you could. You hated that there wasn't that much room anymore due to all the other cuts, but you just couldn't seem to stop.
Sometimes it made you feel crazy but it mostly made you get some release. You knew you should at least try to stop with summer approaching but getting clean is never your top priority in the moment. Not when your arms start aching for more.
You just sit there with a blank face and watch as drops of blood start pooling at the thin lines and then you start dabbing it away with a tissue and apply some pressure.
Your heart absolutely drops when you hear a knock on your bathroom door. You weren’t expecting a visitor at your room, but living in this busy house, you never really get alone time.
"Y/n, it's me darling. Dinners ready." How could you have been so in your head that you lost track of time. You hardly even had an appetite but you knew that Cordelia was already having suspicions about you. You just had to act like everything was alright.
"Okay I'll be right down." Instead of wrapping your arm up, you simply just ran it under water for a moment and then pulled your sleeve down. It definitely stung, but you were starting to enjoy it.
When you walked out of the bathroom, Cordelia was waiting on your bed for you. You were expecting her to already be downstairs with the other girls, but she clearly had other plans.
"You're always neat, sweetie. What's going on with you?" You shrugged again, and soon, you thought, she's going to forget what your voice even sounds like. You began to walk out your room, and you can hear her shuffling behind you before she finally catches up. "Not in the mood to talk today?"
You'd rather Cordelia just hold you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear without expecting an answer. But at the moment, she's completely worried and just wants you to open up. "Not really, Cordelia."
She lets you slide again, but she can't take her eyes off of you all throughout dinner. She's sitting at the head of the table and you're at the first seat next to her. When you reach for your plate, she notices something that she wishes she didn't. She wishes it wasn't even there.
Your sleeve slides up, only slightly, and she can see smeared crimson on your wrist. Her heart sink and she has to swallow down the lump in her throat. After that, she cannot even look at you, or anyone for that matter, for the rest of dinner. She wasn't angry or embarrassed of you. Just so, so upset over the fact that her girl was hurting so badly.
Dinner finishes fairly fast. You notice there's not much chatter, and it must be from Cordelia's lack of interest in any of the conversation. You start worry that you hurt her feelings. She's always catching up with you and the girls - mostly you - during dinner, but today she hadn't even said a word.
"Y/n, meet me in my room please," Cordelia says, and it sounds almost cold compared to her typical soft voice. She walks away and heads towards her bedroom and your heart completely sinks. You fidget with the hem of your shirt and make way towards her room.
The door is ajar and by the time you're there, Cordelia is sitting on her bed in tears. This is it; she's going to kick you out.
"Cordelia?" You say and gather her attention back to you. She quickly wipes away her tears like you weren't supposed to see that, but there's no hiding her red, puffy eyes.
"Sit down please," she hardly looks you in the eyes. It's terrifying.
"I—" you attempt to argue. She has no part in that.
"Just sit down, y/n."
You sit beside her and it's so close that you bunch up your sleeve in your hand. You're consistently terrified of it rising. "Show me your arm."
"Show me, y/n. I know what's going on. I know that you are hurting yourself."
You hug your arm closer to your body and can feel the sting like it's mocking you. Tears are instantly sprung to your eyes and it's clear that this situation isn't just a big misunderstanding.
"No! Leave me alone, Cordelia. What is wrong with you? Why would I ever do that." But you do do it and those words hurt so much. You wouldn't ever be so harsh to Cordelia, but you're not in the right mental state right now.
Cordelia's crying again and all you can think about is cutting up your arm for making her feel like that. You need to hurt yourself to pay for the faults you're causing and Cordelia can see right through that.
Her voice is very quiet and desperate as she speaks, "Baby, please. Please let me help you, I can't just pretend that it's not going on. I care about you too much."
This completely causes you to break down. You never had someone truly care about you. This is something that you've been yearning for forever.
You melt into Cordelia's body and she hugs you tightly, as if she let go, all of the pieces of you would just shatter everywhere. You can feel her tears start leaking through onto your shirt and you know she feels it too. "Please, y/n," she whispers, "I love you. Let me in, it's just me, it's only Cordelia."
You finally pull back and wipe away your tears. It doesn't stop another fresh batch of warm tears to roll down your face. You don't want to keep hiding this anymore. You need help. You need someone. You need her.
You take a deep breath and tug up your sleeve. You can't even bare to look at her face. Ashamed, and embarrassed, and scared. But you hear a sharp intake of breath from her. The bleeding from the cuts before dinner only made it look far worse on your fucked up skin.
"Oh, my baby," she sniffles and grabs your arm, gently. Your heart is too heavy. She's trying so hard to be strong for you. "Why," she looks up at you with watery eyes, waiting for an honest answer.
"Everything's just too much, Delia. I don't want to be me anymore. I hate being me, I hate living!" You started sobbing again and the crack in your voice doesn't go unnoticed. This is new and weird and you don't like it. You don't want to talk about yourself anymore. You can see her heart breaking in half from your words.
"My little sunshine...do you know I love you? I love the person that you say you hate so much." You don't have anything to say to that. Cordelia loves you. And you don't know how, but she does. You don't know how this whole could have any room for the broken half of you. “I couldn’t live without seeing your pretty smile and listening to you ramble to me about all the little things you love. So if you hate living so much, then let me love it for the both of us until you learn to.”
It’s silent for a couple moments that pass by until she looks back down at your arm again. It's a bloody mess and you don't want her to look anymore but she's still holding on. "Can I clean it? Can I do that for you?"
You nod and then you're being walked to her bathroom. It's bigger than yours and the entire room smells like her lavender shampoo that you always love taking in when she hugs you. She helps you to sit up on the counter. Your arm feels heavy from all the attention being on it but she so carefully cleans away the blood and it makes you feel a little bit better.
She covers it with bandaids. Not because she is disgusted by it. She's not at all. She just doesn't want anything infecting the fresh ones.
When she’s done, she lifts your arm up to her lips and, so delicately, kisses the covered cuts. A few tears start rolling down your face again. You’re too emotional for this. “Delia…”
“I love you,” she looks back up to you. Her words are so clear and genuine. “Come to me. I don’t care where we are or what time it is. Come to me whenever you feel like this.” You nod, your bottom lip trembling. She reaches her hand up and brushes her thumb over your lips. “It’s not going to be easy but i’m going to help you. We can make a plan and safe alternatives, anything that’ll help.”
She leans in and kisses your forehead, slow and light and your heart beats a little bit faster. “I love you too, Cordelia,” you croak out and she gives you that little smile.
“Come on, my little sunshine, let’s get some rest, hm?” She grabs your hand and brings you to her own bed. You’ve never slept with Cordelia before but it all feels natural. You lay your head on her chest and her arms wrap around your body. For once, you feel a sliver of happiness that you’ve been deprived of for so long.
The room is silent besides her soft breaths and the sound of cars rushing by. You finally break that silence after a few minutes.
“Hm?” She peaks down a you and a small smile is present on her face again.
“Why do you always call me your little sunshine?” You say it with a slight giggle in your voice. You love all the nicknames she has for you, but this one stands out and makes your heart warm.
“Because, sweetie, I was in a very similar situation as you. But then you came into my life and suddenly there was light again.”
You looked up at her and bite your lip. You could’ve never imagined a woman like her feeling as terrible as you do. She’s too…perfect. But maybe, suddenly, you won’t feel so ashamed of your emotions anymore. You lean forward and place your sweet lips on hers. Just for a moment, for the first time in your life, you see a bit of sunlight shine through the cracks of your eyelids.
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
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stayevildarling · 6 months
Masterlist ✨
the sarah characters as pawrents
how the characters flirt with you + them having a crush on you
the sarah characters on pride month
the sarah characters as children
the sarah characters taking care of sick reader
the sarah characters when there is a thunderstorm
the sarah characters when watching football with you
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lotties-ashwagandha · 3 years
pairing: audrey tindall x reader
word count: 1622
notes and warnings: in honor of valentine’s day here’s whatever this is,, this is very vaguely inspired by the song ‘honey honey’ by abba,, i don’t think there’s any warnings (maybe alcohol use and getting a little tipsy/drunk)!!
synopsis: in which you and audrey pretend to be partners to get the restaurant’s valentine’s day discount — yet after dinner you find out who she is, a television star with no need for any sort of discount.
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The lights glistened above, the presence of light known to you, yet everywhere you looked was shrouded in darkness.
The quiet chatter of every table in the restaurant had accumulated into one insurmountable roar, seemingly collective, questioning your presence alone in such a place of solidarity. Yet though you felt a thousand eyes on your back, every head was turned away from you. Every conversation excluded you entirely.
You weren't sure anymore why you'd thought this would be such a great idea — going out to dinner on Valentine's Day, you assumed it would be a sort of escape from the whole holiday. It had always angered you, even when you had a partner, the whole prospect of corporations using their influence to create such a horrid holiday for their own gain. Going out to dinner had seemed, in the ease of planning, to be a much better option than drinking away your loneliness and irritation in your house and seeing where a night such as that would take you. Nowhere good, as you knew.
Control was inflicted upon you in public on such a horrid day. You knew you had to be sober enough, alert enough, content enough to get home at the end of the night, by which time you would want nothing more than your pillow and a long rest, and when you went to work the next day it would all be over and gone.
Yet now, with all of this jollification surrounding you and your loneliness filling what meager space you still had left to yourself in the crowded restaurant, you couldn’t believe how utterly stupid you had been.
Your eyes began to scan the room, a silent search for your waiter, for you wished to claim the check.
“Ah, there you are darling, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
You looked up, confusion filling you as you watched the woman before you sink into the seat at the opposite end of the table. The woman held a mischievous spark in her eyes – everything she glanced at seemed to glow as if being touched by the sun for the very first time.
She winked, glancing around before continuing to speak. Her voice had quieted as if the two of you were sharing a secret. “There’s a couple’s discount for Valentine’s Day. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind having dinner with me, we could split the check. 50% off, can you believe it?”
“Wait, wait, who are you? Do I know you?” You asked, though you knew quite well that you would remember such a divine woman if you had met her before. “Sorry, maybe it’s the drink, but I’m a bit confused…”
The blonde before you looked around again, and you couldn’t tell if it was excitement or disappointment that had a larger hold on her features. Finally, her eyes settled on you. “You don’t know who I am?”
“Should I?”
She paused for a moment before deciding. “No, I suppose not…”
“What’s your name?”
“Audrey Tindall,” she grinned at the sound of her own name.
“I’m Y/N.”
She smiled, a smile that felt dangerous, as if you were somehow deliberately breaking some unsaid rule. Maybe it was the fake-couple nonsense she had proposed to get the discount, but something about her felt spontaneous and lively and gravitational. “So then, Y/N, will you be my partner? Just for dinner?”
You hesitated – you saw in this a double-edged sword. A fear of being too spontaneous, too forward, jumping into something that had happened upon you in an instant. The way she kept glancing around the restaurant every few moments as if she had something to hide didn’t help either.
So it was very surprising, very riveting and uncharacteristic when you felt yourself agreeing to her unstated terms. The “Sure, why not?” that had escaped your lips did not sound like your own voice, did not feel like your own words. It felt as if an outside force were controlling you completely – a character in a movie, a doll, completely helpless when it came to your own mind.
“Good evening,” the waiter had approached, a young, lanky man with hair pulled back into a small bun at the back of his head and a beard that reached the start of his black apron. “What can I get started for the two of you?”
You waited for her to order first, watching her well-postured mannerisms and the way she continued to illuminate the room with a light so stifling that you were sure the restaurant would be blown to pieces in the force of her sanctity. She glowed so immensely, so effortlessly, her whole being composed of a vivacity unmatched by that of anyone you’d ever met.
“Y/N? Did you hear me?”
At her voice you jumped, meeting her eyes once more. “Sorry?”
“I asked if you would split a cabernet with me,” she laughed, fidgeting briefly with a piece of her short blonde hair.
“Of course,” you could feel your face going red, embarrassed that you had let yourself drift off into such a trance over someone you had met only ten minutes ago.
She grabbed your hand as the waiter nodded and asked if you required anything else. A trick to sell the act, you knew, yet her hand over yours, the spark still in her eyes, the way everything became louder and brighter was so real that your newness to one another seemed like a lie.
The waiter was gone. You wished to make conversation with her, and you could tell from her expression that she wished the same, yet neither of you quite knew where to start or what to say.
“What do you do? For work?” She asked, and you saw the slightest bit of insecurity bleed through the facade she had kept up until now.
“This and that,” you answered. You loathed your job, an assistant for the most detestable woman at Kineros Robotics. You wished to escape from even thinking of the place on this night, such a night that had taken a most surprising turn. It was like the briefest mention of Kineros Robotics would send this fantasy world that had happened upon you crumbling to the ground. “What about you? What do you do?”
Audrey had regained her confidence, echoing you. “This and that.”
You grinned. In a strange way, you were grateful for the anonymity the two of you shared and the way it had quickly blossomed into a night so wonderful.
The waiter returned with your wine, pouring you each a glass before taking his leave.
“To us,” she raised her glass.
“Yes, here’s to our seventh anniversary,” you joked, and her laugh was so light, so endearing, so effervescent.
So quickly had the night changed.
So quickly had the light shone in the darkness, how quickly had the day broken through an eternal night.
You blundered out of the restaurant, your arms locked. Laughter bubbled up in your chest, spilling out of you as the two of you attempted to make your way along the sidewalk. Night had fallen completely, and two bottles of wine had been emptied between the two of you, the night beginning to drift into a sort of hazy, slow-motion state.
She leaned into you, laughing at something you couldn’t remember being so hilarious. You slipped a hand around her waist. It felt natural, how quickly the two of you had connected – the restaurant kept getting further behind, and the act was free to be over, and yet somehow the two of you were still together.
Your phone dinged from your pocket. You clumsily retrieved it, opening the message you’d been sent by one of your friends: a trailer for some show they’d been watching.
You had not meant to open the link, but your share of the two bottles had gone into full effect and soon the trailer filled your screen.
Audrey paused. She slowly looked over your shoulder, and had she been any more tipsy she would have snatched the phone right out of your hands.
Speechless, you put your phone away.
For there she had been. Right on the screen, there she had been.
“You could’ve mentioned being a fucking TV star,” you said quietly, beginning to walk on and distancing yourself from her.
“No, no, wait!” she shouted, racing to catch up with you. “I didn’t really lie about anything, you know, I just didn’t want–”
“Why did you do this? Why are we doing this? You didn’t need a fucking discount, Audrey!”
She did not respond for a moment, chewing her bottom lip, looking from here to there to behind her and back again.
You were about to keep walking when she stopped you, capturing your lips with hers for the briefest of moments. Yet time seemed to pause – you were overcome by an electric thrill at her touch, an irrepressible jubilation.
A quiet moment passed after the kiss, in which she looked into your eyes, attempting to read your mind before continuing. “That’s why.”
You nodded, attempting to hold a serious expression. But your smile won, it conquered the brief irritation, and you were right back to the glee you’d been feeling all night.
“Do you want to try this all again sometime, but go back seven years?” She laughed as she referenced your earlier joke of a seven-year anniversary.
“I would love to.”
And you continued walking, your arms linked once more.
And maybe in seven years you would be back at the restaurant, referencing this night with cabernet and sweet nothings, celebrating this night that had been so randomly elected as the start of your futures.
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