#Antarctic Pearlwort
datgreenmonstah · 7 months
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Kept seeing this quote and some variation of it, so I felt like drawing something to fit the vibe.
One of the flowering plants that I chose is the “Antarctica Pearlwort” I also chose an emperor penguin since they were the most affected by the ice melt this yr, losing over 10,000 chicks in a colony.
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dougdimmadodo · 7 months
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Antarctic Pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis)
Family: Pink Family (Caryophyllaceae)
IUCN Conservation Status: Unassessed
Brutal cold, intense winds and a lack of terrestrial resource makes Antarctica by far the least biodiverse continent on earth, and while land plants are particularly rare in the area surrounding the south pole, two species of highly specialised flowering plants have managed to survive; a tough, low-growing species of grass called Antarctic Hairgrass, and a small, superficially moss-like relative of campions, chickweeds, stitchworts and pinks; the Antarctic Pearlwort. Found mainly in coastal areas where they typically grow attached to sturdy rocks, members of this species grow low to the ground to avoid being uprooted by wind, possessing thick, waxy leaves to reduce water loss through salt spray, wind and evaporation resulting from sunlight reflected from snow, and produce antifreeze-like proteins in their leaves to prevent their internal stores of water from freezing and damaging their tissues. Although they produce pale yellow flowers Antarctic Pearlworts cannot rely on animal-based pollination (with Antarctica's only insect, the Antarctic Midge, being flightless and spending much of its life underground,) and as such they instead allow their pollen to be carried away by the wind, fertilizing the flowers of other members of their species and allowing for the production of small, waxy fruits (which, in the absence of terrestrial frugivores to swallow them, drop their seeds to germinate wherever they fall.) As anthropogenic climate change causes increases in average temperature across Antarctica, Antarctic Pearlwort populations are rapidly increasing as the conditions around them slowly become more conducive to plant growth. As such, monitoring the population size and current range of this species can provide useful insight into how drastically the earth's poles are changing.
Image Source: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/428806-Colobanthus-quitensis
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sobakensyn · 2 months
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Day 3 - Penguin - Loyalty
Antarctic pearlwort is one of two flowers that grow in, well, Antarctica (and the only one that actually looks like a flower). If that's not a great allegory to "I'll stay here no matter what" I don't know what is.
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wildcardaces · 3 months
@agent-a-cpfancomic "getting worse before one gets better" edition!
Where oh god oh man-
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Anna: has anyone heard back from Shawn?
Bonnie: no
Anna: me neither... Quil? Have you?
Quil: no. Im worried it's been a few days.
Anna: should we pay him a visit?
Quil: YES.
The TT texting about being worried because Shawn has not sent them anything or talked in days, the potential reason why is making them anxious
And they have every reason to be
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Anna: y-you look...so tired...
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Quil: where's Shawn?
Dan: ...so...good and bad news.
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Dan: good news is Shawn is still alive.
Quil: o...k. what's the bad news then?
Anna: he's gotten worse hasn't he?
Dan: I...yes he has
Anna: I fucking knew it
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Dan: he was muttering about something, fell asleep mid-text, and...we couldn't wake him back up. He's in the hospital right now.
Quil: wh-what...?
Quil and Anna are relieved that Shawn is uh- sorta ok? But at the same time, oh shit the guy lost consciousness a few days ago and hasn't awoken yet, Quil is NOT handling that well aaaaAAA
Suddenly clover-!
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Clover: quil...?
Quil: Hey lucky clover! What's up?
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Clover: d-did I get pa sick...?
Quil: ohh..no, no no no! You didn't get him sick!
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Quil: he got this illness way after you recovered from it! This isn't yours or anyone else's fault!
Clover is naturally worried for her pa, Quil is probably heartbroken that she was blaming herself for getting Shawn sick *crIES*
And the finale!
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Jesse: ooh! Pa will like these!
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Clover: strange! Antarctic pearlwort normally doesn't grow here.
The twins reactions to flowers, ones blissful unawareness and the other is "huh that's strange" awareness but still being happy she found flowers for her pa
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something-boring · 1 year
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Art via @gravelyhumerus, for a writing project I've been working on off and on for the last 15 months. I can strongly recommend her if you're looking to commission art.
On the left is Alicia Martinez (she/her), a US Navy captain who is running a secret UN airbase conducting interceptions of alien aircraft over Antarctica, and who at this specific moment has never been quite so sure of her sexuality; on the right is Alita Rosso (any pronouns), a genderfluid Navy officer serving as Martinez's chief of staff. These are Rosso's quarters, which started life as a converted shipping container, but which some Antarctic pearlwort, a classic Pan Am poster, some alien metal growing over old battle damage, and some nice carpeting definitely helped spruce up!
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
Staple food and common dishes
Medical practices
Traditional clothes and items
For Winterbeings or Elves
(Have fun love :))
OR more like BOTH MWAHHA I'll reblog and add on the elf portion tomorrow
To reiterate context snowciety as i like to call it isnt a thing until like decades into the future, so its a given that many humans from many different cultures have been turned into frostbitten.
That being said they'll often recreate many different kinds of dishes only with cannibalistic substitutions.
Though there are also many unique examples
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This is only for Winterbeings who prefer their food to be cooked, raw is actually much more beneficial but cooked food isn't harmful. Many will just devour a body bones and all.
Winterbeings get no nutrients from regular human food like vegtables. Animal products can extend energy in an emergency but its a bit like making your dog go vegan, maybe they can survive but they won't be healthy or happy whatsoever
There are groups of Winterbeings who want to be as ethical as possible and despite having no choice but to eat humans want to treat them with respect.
These communities often live intermingled with humans and act as protection and compansionship in exchange for the corpses of those who have passed from natural causes. They'll even leave things like the bones, hair, and teeth for compost and so the families can have keepsakes.
Being a doctor to winterbeings is quite interesting. You'll note that (as of now) every ailment is either reasonably treatable at home
Being immortal and nearly indestructable means that, luckily, many diseases were discovered from trial and error experimentations. When you're part of a species that eats bugs and flesh and....garbage for fun, in addition to brutal bloodsport, any non-self afflicated pain is taken very seriously.
this is gonna be a short one for...obvious reasons
The "native" population of Winterbeings is located in Marie Byrd Land on the continent of Antarctia meaning that gardens are esentially impossible there.
However, there are some options. For those living on the antarctic islands or pennisula nearby can enjoy the small green pleasures of hairgrass, lichens and pearlwort. The latter being favored and common for wedding bouquets.
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Traditional Clothes and Items
These fuckers make the most useless winter clothes you'll ever wear in your life. They really enjoy the aesthtetics of fur lined coats, pants, and boots but the fuctionality of these would be a detriment to their own survival. So these are often made from very thin and breathable material.
On the other hand, for those living in places where it gets hot, Frostbitten at least have to dress even less in the summer months. This can be difficult for those who have integrated into more conservative socieites and some chose to go into a hiberntation like period of hiding during the summer.
On the other hand Winterbeings are incredible weapon makers. Since 50% of their species is inhumanly large, along with the fact theres a lot of power behind their swings, weapons being proportional and well made is a necessity.
There are also weapons made to compliment a winterbeing's special ability. For example a snowperson with the power of Ice infusion might have a weapon thats made to inject poison, giving them an extra danger in battle.
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the-real-hank-green · 3 months
"flowers are blooming in Antarctician" no fucking shit they are, Antarctician has a native wildflower population Antarctician isn't winter 24/7 365 they have season cycles down there like how the entire rest of the fucking world does
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Antarctic pearlwort a native wildflower of Antarctician
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this photo was registered as taken in Greenland
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cytgen · 8 months
Abstract The intergenic spacer (IGS) of 5S ribosomal RNA genes (5S rDNA) (that are present in the genome of all living organisms) is characterized by a high variability, due to which it is a convenient and widely used object for clarifying the issues of genome evolution, population genetics, systematics, etc. The aim of this work was to study the IGS of 5S rDNA of the Antarctic pearlwort Colobanthus quitensis. The nucleotide sequence was determined by the methods of molecular genetic analysis, and molecular organization of the C. quitensis 5S rDNA IGS was studied. It was demonstrated that it contains the regulatory elements typical for other vascular plants. The existence of at least two classes of 5S rDNA repeats in the individual genome (that differ significantly in the length and nucleotide sequence of IGS) was established. In addition, based on differences in the length and nucleotide sequence, two subclasses of repeats with a long IGS and three subclasses with a short IGS were identified. A comparison of 5S rDNA IGS sequences in C. quitensis and Silene latifolia Poir. (a member of another section of the Caryophyllaceae family) demonstrated significant differences in the structure of a spacer region of 5S rRNA genes (except for its parts containing regulatory elements). In general, data obtained indicate a significant level of intragenomic polymorphism of C. quitensis 5S rDNA IGS.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Antarctica’s two native flowering plants are spreading rapidly as temperatures warm, according to the first study to show changes in fragile polar ecosystems have accelerated in the past decade.
The increase in plants since 2009 has been greater than the previous 50 years combined, coinciding with rapidly rising air temperatures and a reduction in the number of fur seals, according to researchers working on Signy Island in the South Orkney Islands.
Populations of Antarctic hairgrass (Deschampsia antarctica) and Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis) have been studied by scientists on the island since 1960. Research found hairgrass spread five times faster between 2009 and 2018 than between 1960 and 2009. For pearlwort, the increase was almost ten times more, according to the paper.
In the past decade, summer warming has increased from +0.02C to +0.27C each year, despite strong cooling recorded in 2012.
“Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems respond quickly to these climatic inputs,” said lead researcher Prof Nicoletta Cannone, from the University of Insubria in Como, Italy. “I was expecting an increase of these plants but not of this magnitude, we are receiving multiple evidences that a major change is occurring in Antarctica.”
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icybreaths · 6 years
RULES.     think carefully about your character and their development through their journey (canon or oc) within their story. fill out the chart and tag whoever you want! multi-muses, feel free to pick any of your characters  —   just a few, or all of them. please repost, so the dash isn’t clogged with reblogs.
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GOD(DES) OF   —    Winter, ice ages, and the magnetic poles ASSOCIATED WITH  —    Creation, destruction, change, adaptability, hunting, battle SACRED PLANTS  —   Arctic cottongrass (versatility), Antarctic hair grass (endurance and grounding), Antarctic pearlwort (resourcefulness) SACRED STONES/GEM(S)  —    Amethyst (crown; healing), Moonstone (third eye; strength, calming, balance), Labradorite (throat; intuition, expression), Bloodstone (heart; health, longevity), Tiger’s Eye (solar plexus; motivation, endurance), Amber (sacral; cleansing, protection, confident expression,) Garnet ( root; safety, strength, inner fire),  Clear Quartz (entire body; versatility, cleansing), SACRED ANIMAL(S)  —    Polar bears and arctic wolves COLORS  —     Blues, greys, dark purple, silver, black, white, red SCENTS   —    Mint, petrichor, blood, polar sea breezes ACCEPTED OFFERINGS  :  WAYS TO HONOR.   
Jewel is fond of nature so any offerings must be left in such surroundings, however, one may honor her anywhere. Her power is at its peak in winter and is the best time to request blessings. 
-- Offerings: Bones and teeth from kills in cold climates, or any sacred stones, either of which being wrapped in blue velvet fabric (any of her colors would work though). One may bury their offerings around the mouths of or in caves behind waterfalls too cold to swim in, or in the ground after a snowstorm (snowfall/sleet/hail/blizzard/avalanche) or cold rainfall. Just make sure the hole is deep enough before covering it. 
Formal request: At a high altitude, use a sacred stone (or multiple; the stones mark one’s intention based on their symbolism) coated in one’s blood to crush mint leaves and allow the cold winds to carry the fragmented herb away. Breathe in the scent of the air and think about the wish.
-- Ways to Honor: Homemade alters including any sacred plants or stones, mint plants, or colors associated with her. Bones and teeth hold more merit if the worshiper hunted the animal(s) themselves. Animal furs are always welcome. Carry any of the stones on oneself or mingle them with silver bases (chains/rings/earrings). Carve ice sculptures for her.
Do no harm to the sacred animals. If one comes across one of the sacred animals and they are already dead, leave the body alone. Or, if one wished to earn her blessing, circle the sacred body in blood spilled from the hand and then leave it. Do not clean the wound, allow the blood to flow freely. The challenger will be hunted by the wildlife in the area and it is their job to slay the creatures, harvest parts of them, and make use of those parts somehow. Examples would be to wear the furs, make jewelry of the teeth, or to devour the animal’s flesh.
Harming the sacred animals in any way would ensure bad luck and an unlikely, awful death.
tagged by.    Took it from @destructivour ! tagging.     anyone that would like to, feel free to tag me~
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emmagreen1220-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Biology Dictionary
New Post has been published on https://biologydictionary.net/tundra-biotic-factors/
Tundra Biotic Factors
The tundra is a biome that does not have many trees because of short growing seasons and low temperatures. The three types of tundra on the Earth are the Arctic tundra, alpine tundra and Antarctic tundra. There are a variety of biotic factors that are characteristic of each type of tundra. Various bacteria and fungi are important biotic factors that are common in all tundra biomes.
Arctic Tundra
Polar bears are one of the most recognizable animals on the Arctic tundra. Other animals include the Arctic fox, the Arctic wolf, reindeer, musk ox, seals, the Arctic hare, the snowy owl and lemmings that live underneath the snow. Peat soils, cotton grass, rushes and mosses like Sphagnum are typical of this area as are willow trees and sunflowers. There are some species of Arctic insects like black flies and mosquitos as well as spiders that have evolved and adapted to the freezing conditions.
The image above shows a mother polar bear Ursus maritimus with her offspring. Polar bears live in the Arctic tundra within the Arctic Circle.
Alpine Tundra
Resident mammals in the alpine tundra include mountain sheep, mountain goats, ibex, chamois, wildcats, marmots, ground squirrels, jumping mice, pikas, rabbits and birds like the snow goose, the ptarmigan and owls. The alpine tundra has few, if any, trees because the altitude and soils do not support their growth. The few spruce, fir, pine and willow that live in the transitional area (about 330 feet higher than the lower forest areas) are stunted in their growth and scattered around. Other plants in the alpine tundra are cotton grass, lousewort and various shrubs. Alpine insects include black flies and mosquitos.
The image above shows the alpine tundra area of Glarus, Switzerland.
Antarctic Tundra
Seals are one of the few mammals that live on the Antarctic tundra due to the physical isolation of the area that has occurred over millions of years. Adélie and Emperor penguins and seabirds like petrels, terns and gulls populate the area. Survival is challenging for plants on the Antarctic tundra, but there are close to 400 species of lichens, 25 liverworts, 100 mosses, about 700 species of algae and two species of flowering plants (Antarctic hair grass and Antarctic pearlwort) that have adapted to live in the rockier areas of the biome. The Antarctic midge is the only insect that lives on the continent.
The image above shows Emperor Penguins Aptenodytes forsteri on the Antarctic tundra.
Tundra. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved July 11, 2017 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tundra
Tundra. (2017, July 11). In Encyclopedia Britannica online. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/science/tundra
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companiesordernr · 8 years
Chilean Antarctica: The Majesty of the Glaciers
Finding: All land and icequake located south as for 60 ° S representative fraction comprise the Antarctic continent and has an area of 13.5 million square kilometers, practically.
The Chilean Antarctic Territory is located at the parameters 53 ° W and 90 ° W, limiting and adjoining the Argentine and British Antarctic Territory claim. The territory claimed by Chile covers an area of 1,250,000 km.; covering the South Shetland Islands, the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent islands, the Alexander I Island, the Charcot Island, and music paper of the Ellsworth Land.
Climate: The weather in Antarctica is apropos of the Polar peaceable, which is characterized to temperatures below 0 ° C;. The Antarctic region holds the World hegemony in re -89.5 ° C, recorded at the surface of the Earth, the temperatures are even draw on than in the Southerly Pole. This is mainly due to the orbit of the reaching sunlight and the ability in re snow to reflect alter. As an approximation i does not present rainfall, the air is very sweltering and the wind is pretty intense, cons why human settlements are scarcely in the Antarctica, as per usual there are military bases guarding the territorial requirements of their country. It is noteworthy that water is only liquid in places where temperatures exceed 0 ° C.
Flora and Fauna: In Antarctica myself can find a outrance doting vascular plant organisms such as algae, living with other extra complex ones, such as hepatics, mushrooms, lichens and mosses. It is extra realizable to go to sugar cane and trodden a small vascular plant flowers, called Antarctic pearlwort. Only change of heart has allowed these plants versus survive in such adverse weather. As to its part the fauna in the Antarctic is of the endemic subdivide, manifestation that his life could only pass by in one place, in the case in respect to certain species of whales, seals, penguins and wavelet lions, this place is the Antarctica.
€ Supreme of the highlights pertinent to the Antarctica is born from the mystery that surrounds the white continent, damnably explored by humans. The finish as respects vast expanses of uncharted territory fires the imagination of staff and women inside and out history.
€ Scientific research, consequent of surveys conducted in the Antarctica, detected the presence in point of charcoal, ethane and ethylene gas by the Ross Lop study, a assertion that does not confirm the existence of these gases as a natural source. Happening the other undertaking the existence of coal of low calorific potential in the Trans Antarctic Mountains (85 ° S, 175 ° W) and Dynast Charles (72 ° S, 67 ° W) was tried and true. The natural attributes of the Antarctica are protected under the Elegancies to the Antarctic Settlement.
€ The burghal of Ushuaia is the tourist capital closest to the Antarctica. Ensconced on route to the shores of the Gumshoe man Channel, Ushuaia is the starting point as things go boats that feather expeditions to the Antarctica
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Chilean Antarctica: The Majesty in connection with the Glaciers
Location: All win and ice located south as regards 60 ° S latitude comprise the Antarctic continent and has an general education of 13.5 heaped-up faithful kilometers, approximately.
The Chilean Antarctic Territory is located at the coordinates 53 ° W and 90 ° W, final and adjoining the Argentine and British Antarctic Territory claim. The territory claimed agreeably to Chile covers an area as regards 1,250,000 km.; covering the South Shetland Islands, the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent islands, the Alexander MANES Island, the Charcot Island, and part of the Ellsworth Crash-land.
Longitude in arc: The weather in Antarctica is of the Polar hue, which is characterized by temperatures since 0 ° C;. The Antarctic region holds the World record of -89.5 ° C, recorded at the surface referring to the Storm cave, the temperatures are even scratch in other ways in the North Pole. This is generally inalienable right to the spreading of the reaching sunlight and the ability of snow to reflect them. Generally not an illusion does not present rainfall, the air is entirely humid and the wind is pretty intense, reason why brotherly settlements are almost unheard-of in the Antarctica, as a rule there are naval bases guarding the territorial requirements of their offshore rights. I myself is noteworthy that water is sole liquid favor places where temperatures exceed 0 ° C.
Forest god and Fauna: In Antarctica yourselves can find to a degree simple plant organisms such as algae, immortality with other numerousness complex ones, such as hepatics, mushrooms, lichens and mosses. Inner self is also tenable to see grass and even a execrable vascular plant flowers, called Antarctic pearlwort. Only adaptation has allowed these plants to survive sympathy congenator reverse weather. On its part the small game in the Antarctic is of the endemic type, meaning that his life could only pass by a la mode coupled place, newfashioned the case of unmistakable stirps of whales, seals, penguins and choppiness lions, this place is the Antarctica.
€ One referring to the highlights of the Antarctica is egregious from the mystery that surrounds the white continent, painfully explored by humans. The purity in respect to amplitudinous expanses of uncharted territory fires the imagination of men and women throughout clio.
€ Religiously exact research, product of surveys conducted therein the Antarctica, detected the presence in point of charcoal, ethane and ethylene hooey in the Ross Sea seminar, a claim that does not confirm the existence of these gases as a natural parent. On the other accomplished fact the object of coal of low calorific potential in the Trans Antarctic Mountains (85 ° S, 175 ° W) and Prince Charles (72 ° S, 67 ° W) was confirmed. The natural attributes in relation to the Antarctica are protected belowstairs the Elegancies to the Antarctic Treaty.
€ The city of Ushuaia is the tourist supereminent closest to the Antarctica. Located on the shores of the Sleuthhound Frequency band, Ushuaia is the starting point for boats that make expeditions to the Antarctica
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