#Anti Amber Heard
So I just watched Aquaman 2 and I don't know how their whole relationship dynamic is in the comics but in the movie they seemed to be going for kind of a Thor and Loki dynamic with Orm and Arthur?
Like, big reckless, brutish brother and little clever, diplomatic brother (that doesn't wanna be considered his brother). Misunderstandings caused by parental incompetence. Little brother is treated as the evil, egoistic one that only wants the throne. Little brother gets defeated and imprisoned. Big brother gets him out cuz he needs his help.
Lots of joking and "sibling quarrels" while the little brother wonders what an idiot the other one is. The mother of course only wants them both to get along and her "misguided" son to know that she loves him.
Yadda, yadda I think you get the drift. Obviously it's not exactly the same but there were pretty obvious parallels.
(And may I also mention the ending scene where Arthur says "I am Aquaman" in a very familiar Tony Stark way)
I didn't dislike their dynamic btw, it actually worked well because Orm didn't (at least from what I've seen in the movies) have such a fucked up backstory like Loki (I stand corrected, what a surprise).
It's like they wanted to show how this sibling dynamic can actually work if you don't make one of them a gaslit punching bag.
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yelena-bellova · 9 months
The streets are saying theaters are empty for Aquaman 2.
WB, hope those three minutes of screen time were worth losing millions of dollars.
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Just saw a Turd stan say that Amber should be in the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie and I never get violent but-
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ultimateanna · 6 months
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If Amber wants to sue Johnny over the little things, then the creators of the Bee Movie need to make a sequel about how Amber's dog stepped on a bee.
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romavitae · 2 years
Don’t you find it scary how people have already forgotten the mountain of evidence proving that amber heard is an abuser, or is it just me ?
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play-doh-slut · 2 years
the people in the amber heard trending tab are giving me brainrot. imma say it loud right here: i believe johnny depp, fuck amber heard and all the damage she’s done to the credit of female victims.
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lifeofcynch · 1 year
had to unfollow someone yesterday because it turned out they were one of those disgusting people that still think amber heard is a «poor victim who did nothing wrong» even though there’s literally evidence of her being an abusive pos. it’s insane to me that people still defend her and act like she isn’t an awful person. and i’m so tired of those people painting those who support johnny depp, a fucking domestic abuse survivor, as just simping for him. like. actually i just think abuse is wrong?? sorry you don’t have the braincells to understand that men can be victims and women can be abusers. anyway fuck amber heard and her supporters.
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jewishbarbies · 3 months
The sheer fucking irony of the same people who were like “If you don’t believe Amber Heard you’re a misogynist who doesn’t believe victims” going “I can’t see suddenly. I don’t know” about October 7
amber heard supporters when there’s actual evidence of the rape, torture, and murder of multiple women but they’re jews/israeli:
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pixiedreamer21 · 2 years
So DC let me get this straight:
You made a movie with Ezra Miller who has been arrested multiple times for assaulting women, groomed a young woman and technically kidnapped her
Got rid of Ray Fisher after he spoke up about the treatment he received from Joss Whedon
You kept Amber Heard for Aquaman 2 despite admitting she and Jason Mamoa have no chemistry
Announced that despite the numbers for Black Adam, there probably won’t be a sequel because you didn’t make as much as you hoped
Aren’t doing a Wonder Women 3 movie
Brought back Henry Cavill for Black Adam and told him he was back in the DCU only for you to change your mind 2 months later
And you expect us to trust you know what you’re doing by trying to reboot the universe?! Sorry, I’ll pass.
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hermionesterrier · 1 year
I will NOT be replying to any anons coming into my askbox bitching about the Depp vs. Heard case again.
It has been a year since Amber Heard has been proven to be a liar. The truth is out.
You choosing to ignore pure logic and your own eyes apparently to continue believing a proven liar and abuser just because of her gender is not my fucking problem anymore. That's on you.
Don't come into my askbox bitching about how nonono this and this and that happened. Don't give me edited photos and tell me this is evidence. Don't give me hearsay testimony and tell me this is evidence. Don't try to manipulate the narrative of what actually happened because I watched that trial and I heard those recordings, I heard their testimonials and the witnesses on both sides. I heard both of them on that stand. I saw the texts, the emails, the pictures and all the other evidence that wasn't even used in the trial so don't try to sell me bullshit because I'm not buying it.
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yelena-bellova · 9 months
You had the audacity to pretend to be a feminist and care about Pamela Anderson, yet you can't recognize a powerful male abuser like Depp playing by the oldest rules in the book and utilizing DARVO. We are so fucked.
You’re right. The true feminists are you guys.
- Telling Rihanna to go choke and d*e because she put JD in the Fenty show.
- Telling Britney Spears her conservatorship should be reinstated for posting a JD quote on IG and that she deserves to have all her rights taken away.
- Cheering online when a female JD supporter succumbed to a long illness.
- Harassing numerous women online and telling them (anonymously) that they deserve to be SA’d and to k*ll themselves.
- Sending threats to Camille Vasquez, a young woman of color succeeding in a predominantly male profession.
Wow. The girl power is overwhelming.
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lazywolfwiccan · 4 months
One of the worst Amber supporters on Twitter was finally suspended!!!
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davincsoo · 1 year
"If you think Amber was the abuser, you're delusional."
Hasn't it been a year or damn near that close? Let me put this in terms you fuck heads will understand.
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spookyvampire666 · 4 months
You’re not a feminist if you support Amber Heard.
Just sayin
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Why is it anytime I see anyone supporting Amber Heard they always talk about how beautiful she is? since the announcement, she's not been cut from Aquaman, in all the very "natural " and very sudden internet "support", etc. They always feel the need to point out johhny's "ugly"/old?! They constantly post unflattering or even edited pics of him? Pointing out how "old" and "gross" he looks like? Why is it they can't say anything nice about Amber (charity work, support from coworkers, stories of her being nice off camera)? The Answer? They don't/can't talk about her good qualities outside of her beauty because she doesn't have any!!! The only reason anyone supports her is because she's an attractive, thin, blonde woman! While johhny was doing charity work (off camera) and having a wonderful and exciting career. Amber was doing anything she could to get power and money! She didn't marry him because she loved him, she only loved what he could give her... his money, his fame, his connections, etc. Who cares how attractive someone is? Who cares if a horrible person is in a big budget movie? (That she only got because of johhny) If you were " supporting" a "victim," why does it matter how pretty/successful they are? If you really cared about victims, why are you constantly being nasty to others? Making jokes about a man in his fifties dying? All because you find him unattractive? I've never supported Amber, but I've never attacked her for how she looks! Nor should anyone! You "support" Amber because you mock and belittle male victims, you "support" her because how can such a pretty person be an Abuser ? Only ugly people can be "bad" people. Because you believe them to be sub-human. if the only support you can give a "victim" is to belittle someone/support someone because you think they're beautiful/ugly, look within, and realize your why domestic violence is so perpetrated. and why so many feel brave in mocking victims of domestic violence in such public and horric ways! Be the change you want to see! Be the voice you want amplified! Edit to add things her "supporters" say.
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Remember all the self-proclaimed activists and feminists who refused to comment on the Depp/Heard trial? Those who always said „Educate yourself if you don’t know anything or not enough about a topic!“ Those who always demanded to speak up if you experienced some sort of injustice.
They refused to comment on this because they wouldn’t allow themselves to think that a woman might be an abuser spreading lies. They couldn’t admit that yes, there are actually women who abuse other people (and in this particular case, men) mentally and physically. They just closed their ears and eyes and pretended that this wasn’t real. That it didn’t happen. Although the entire world witnessed it (fortunately). They are such pathetic hypocrites and I can’t take them seriously anymore.
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