#Anti Archie Sonic
greenyvertekins · 6 months
I'm supposed to be the embodiment of freedom but I'm a submissive lapdog to a bunch of Royals that are incompetent at best and downright oppressive(and racist ) at worst.
Best Sonic. 10/10. Misunderstood masterpiece of character writing.
A SonicTuber said so!
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People on Twitter calling movie sonic a horrible rep of sonic as a character at least movie sonic didn't use his celeb status to threaten an essential worker 🙃
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kellodrawsalot · 7 months
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all of these ALL OF THESE ARE TRUE
It is hilarious how this one tweet inspired so many Sonic related post, there is a lot more but there is too many to count. I think the only two franchises that beats Sonic on the twitter thread is Marvel and Dc and that is saying something.
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pagonmoon · 1 year
I found it really hard to believe that Amy was treated 'better' in the Archie comics. Yeah, sorry that I don't worship the ground the Pre Reboot comics have written so far.
1. ) Sonic who was suppose to be Amy's 'friend' only to call her a liar, and was ironically right about Fiona.
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Ironically someone say that he trust both Amy and Tails since SONIC said it. If that's true, then why did he even have to say 'That's not saying much' and 'I take everything Amy says with a shaker of salt'?
And on another note, a FAR cry from SA where Sonic believe what Amy says about Gamma.
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It just comes off of Sonic being a liar/gaslighter. If he really did trust Amy then he wouldn't have to say he doesn't trust her ( in front of her no less ).
2. ) Sonic silently agreeing with Scourge that 'Amy is not much of a prize' ( fascinating to see women in this comic to be treated like popularity prizes to win over don't you think? ) .
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You'd think a real friend would defend their own friend from such a condescending remark, but I guess getting your ego hurt is far more important than that.
He defended Tails afterwards when Fiona slapped him, that was good and IC of Sonic to do.
But what about Amy? Why can't he do the same for her? Why didn't he do that like in SRZG where he was about to defend her from Jet ( pay attention to how Sonic was animated )?
3. ) Sonic not wanting to team up with Amy.
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I get that Sonic in the games would be nervous when Amy is around ( it's really telling that SOA changed Sonic's dialogue when it comes to Amy *SA/2* ), but this is far more of a dig towards Amy since Sonic never commented that he doesn't want to be around her and doesn't seem to mind her company in the games.
4. ) And then we're introduced to Rosy ( another potshot given her detractors accused her for things that are exactly how her Anti version was portrayed ), that Sonic even 'teazed' Amy that he can't tell them apart.
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Remember when Scourge sarcastically says '...Heh, yeah sure. There's a real prize winner'? If this isn't solid proof that Sonic really thinks low of Amy, then you can gaslight me all you want to believe he really cares for her as a 'friend'.
Not to mention Scourge really commented 'I don't need to deal with another one of you' claiming that Amy is, or more in the same insane as Rosy is. It doesn't matter if they're enemies, he 'hanged out' with Amy by disguising himself as Sonic and it wouldn't take for a scientist to know the difference between her and Rosy.
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5. ) Issue #222, where the fans of the comic praise how 'mature' Amy is, only to ignore the subtle potshots thrown at her yet again.
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Amy didn't even have to be in that cover art ( in the background looking shocked no less ), if anything I found it suspicious that they decided to add her there when the scrapped concept cover arts for that issue doesn't even have Amy in it.
Also, notice when the beaver said 'But aren't you Amy Rose? The chick who's always after Sonic?' the 2 guys behind his back was warning him as if they're telling him that she'll hit him for saying that with a scowl on her face.
While the fans are liking that 'Amy wants Sonic to be happy' they ignore the line that she said 'Sonic will be mine one day', claiming or even worse, hoping that Sonic and Sally will break up one day so that she and Sonic will be together. Even that line can be seen as Amy seeing Sonic as an item that rightfully belongs to her. How can that issue even be mistaken for her being 'mature'?
If Amy really was 'treated better' and 'mature' in the comics, then how come they have to throw unnecessary potshots at her? Why push her under the bus for 'jokes' that her detractors would find amusing but her fandom would find insulting?
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rubywolf0201 · 9 months
I know that had Princess Elise existed in Archie Sonic, especially if it’s in the Preboot Era, the writers would’ve found ways to warp Elise into a bitchy love rival for Sonic, turn her into a gross fangirl/generic girlboss who is absolutely unlikeable or even villianize her 🫠
Which I wouldn’t put it behind the writers to do so like what they did with the game female characters like Amy by downplaying her crush and sidelining her, Rouge being villainized, Cream being sidelined and Blaze is whole other matter altogether. (I’m not to sure if Wave or Tikal were subjected the same way but it’s not a stretch to think about that as well)
I would be forever thankful that Preboot Archie writers didn’t adapt 06 because I know they’ve would made it much worse than the game already is (esp K*n P*nd*rs)
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
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Response: Now THIS looks so much better than the awful wigs Archie made her wear
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la-nom-nom · 1 year
One of the many things I realized that satam/archie failed to understand Sonic was a video game franchise is the romantic element.
Sega already had someone to provide as a romantic interest for Sonic. They were thinking about making a Minnie Mouse for him but realized making a Mickey-Minnie dynamic(making the couple or romantic canonical stance obvious like seen in the media mentioned above) would be OOC.
While playing a video game, you’re pretty much the fictional character themselves, following through their perspective. Sure in other media like comics and cartoons you also follow but here’s the difference: you’re not being put in a spot of what decision/action to make, like what gaming experience gives you. Romance is little to non existent in the series, so why not have it be up to the player/individual weather or not Sonic may have feelings for the potential love interest?
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bayboyzone · 5 months
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into the tailsverse
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blabla364 · 11 months
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SEB Chapter 6-2: A Remedy for the Future page 24
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chauvel · 7 months
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
Since I can make polls…
Please sate my curiosity.
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the-kennels · 10 months
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scourge if he was in the mainline games
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borrelia · 6 months
Sonic Old Man Yaoi/Old Woman Yuri Knockout
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TWO pairings with the LEAST votes will be eliminated
Intros to each pairing below
Gerald Robotnik was Eggman's grandfather, introduced in Sonic Adventure 2. He made a false deal with Black Doom to create Shadow the Hedgehog in exchange for the Chaos Emeralds, making them both Shadow's dads. They definitely banged and had some kind of toxic mess of a relationship.
Grimer Wormtongue is a nasty little assistant to Ivo Robotnik in Fleetway Sonic the Comic. He is extremely devoted to his cruel master, which is for sure a sexual thing.
Ebony the Mystic Mog and Pyjamas the Psychic are two characters from Sonic the Comic who appear briefly in a Knuckles story, then become minor recurring characters that take in Super Sonic from the streets. They appear as old friends in their introduction and are implied to live together. If these two aren't married, it's only because Mobius is homophobic.
Blockhead Bill is Mighty's dad in Sonic the Comic. He is a very confused old man who convinces his posh "business associate" Society Max to assist him in taking down his nemesis the Crimson Cobra. This involves Max eating a magic mandrake root and becoming a giant dinosaur, which Bill rides around to cause destruction. idk about you but I'd only let someone do that to me if they were my funny little lover.
Mephiles the Dark and Iblis are two halves of the sun/time god Solaris, introduced in Sonic '06. Iblis is kind of just a big fire monster I think but Mephiles orchestrates this whole plot through the course of the game to re-merge with Iblis and form Solaris. Which sounds like some pretty twisted villainous gay devotion to me.
Ixis Naugus and Ian St. John are characters from the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics. Naugus is some kind of evil wizard who enlists the help of Geoffrey St. John, Ian's son, with plot things. I can't decipher Archie plots sorry. When Naugus first contacts Geoffrey, he expects him to be his father Ian. From @mischeva: "why are you wanting to talk to geoffrey’s dad? hm naugus? kinda….kinda interesting." Image also provided by mischeva, ty :)
Starline and Eggman were allowed in by popular vote, mostly by Eggman's qualifying age. Dr. Starline is a character from the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comic. He is a fanboy and devotee of Eggman, restoring Eggman's lost memories and assisting him in his Metal Virus plot. Starline eventually plots to betray Eggman, as he believes himself smarter and more genre-savvy than his idol. He is of course wrong and Eggman beats the shit out of him and kills him to death. Starline is sort of like gen z's Grimer, kind of the tumblr sexyman dark academia Grimer, in that he's younger and prettier than Grimer, but he probably still wants to fuck that old man so bad.
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risziarts · 11 months
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What the?!
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
At times Archie felt more like a soap opera than a sonic comic, what with all the poorly shoehorned romance drama .
Not to mention the political "intrigue" that sucked up way too much time from the actual adventures.
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