#Anti Neil Gaiman
icedsodapop · 5 months
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Zionists got to stick together am I right???? 😘😘😘
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obsxdiannn · 6 months
While I’ve loved the story and characters of Good Omens for years now, I can’t say I feel comfortable supporting its production now that I’ve learned about Gaiman’s beliefs regarding Israel. So, if there’s anyone who follows me for the GO content I reblog, sorry if hearing this disappoints you but from now on I won’t be posting or reblogging that piece of media, or anything linked with Gaiman for that matter.
Support Palestine.
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
How do I get Neil Gay Man to block me
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
ngl it's hard to like neil gaiman when his hordes of fans on tumblr frequently harass people into leaving tumblr or deactivating just bc he's decided to be a pretentious dick to someone asking him a question (99.9% of the time the question is rather harmless, and even if it wasn't, it doesn't justify that level of harassment)
and instead of being responsible with his platform/influence and condemning this behaviour or simply ignoring people who send questions, he keeps doing it!
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trlvsn · 11 months
imagine dying on the hill you have been actively avoiding for the last thirty years except you kind of made the hill on accident in the first place
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lecoindecachou · 7 months
Neil Gaiman is not the worst writer in general but he really cannot write female characters for shit. I know no one who watches his show gives a flying fuck about women but damn if it doesn't make me roll my eyes every fucking time.
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yourpalmalika · 9 months
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@akhmatowa i am SO sorry for stealing ur format but there was no other way to express my disappointment.
Literally why would you even ask for permission for that. What is he going to do if you don't? "Я вам запрещаю лесбиянить (с) Джейсон Стэтхем"? For fucks sake! This is why I dislike this community so much. Some of you guys just need to tell the author to FUCK OFF and DO WHATEVER YOU WANT.
Everyone's quivering before Gaiman, asking for confirmation, permission, clarification, explanation, whatever, and never ever thinking for themselves or just not giving a shit about him. This is prison!
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months
Apparently the 80s is when I begin to dislike most comics. I don't like Alan Moore, or Grant Morrison or Neil Gaiman. Really, any of the "British Invasion" comic writers are people I hate. Hell, I don't even like Chris Claremont's X-Men! You'd think I'm biased against people born in england, but I swear I'm not. This is just how my taste is. I hate all these authors (Claremont is the best of this quartet, though), and it's a very weird coincidence they're all British born (if not raised there).
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therealvinelle · 11 months
Since you hated the angels in SPN (i can't disagree with you about how they butchered them for people who are religious)
What do you think of good omens if you read/watched it?
I've both read and watched it!
I think it's a very good book and a very good adaptation, though I prefer the book and don't plan on seeing the upcoming season of the show.
At the risk of ruffling feathers, I think the best parts of the book came from Pratchett, I really like Gaiman's work (Having read American Gods, Coraline, and one of his short story collections) but... the two authors have different strengths, I think I'll say, and Good Omens played more on Pratchett's strengths than Gaiman's.
Mainly, with Gaiman, my issue is that while he comes up with very good concepts and has the prose to back his ideas up, he can't really carry a plot through to a satisfying end. His short stories are great because it doesn't become a problem, his attempt to write full length stories tend to suffer.
That being said, reading Good Omens you get the idea the authors wrote it to have fun and mess around with nifty characters and "hehe well what if 'his number shall be' was actually referring to a phone number!". Power to them, I'm guilty of the same when I cowrite with @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, but the thing that strikes me about Good Omens is that there's a lot that... doesn't actually need to be in the book.
Let's say that we take out Shadwell, Madame Tracy, Anathema, and Newt Pulcifer.
How does this change things?
We lose out on a lot of the fun interactions that make Good Omens what it is, but the story wouldn't actually change at all. Perhaps they don't have to, I rather enjoy that Aziraphale and Crowley risked everything to prevent the Apocalypse, the novel is about an angel and a demon preventing the Apocalypse, only for them to not matter at all as Adam makes the decision on his own: but rather than ending the book on a punchline as the entire cast just sort of stands around awkwardly wondering if they can congratulate themselves when they uh haven't done anything, there's instead the soaring music of "They did it!"
"Uh, what did they do?"
"Something, I'm sure!"
Very Good Omens of them, but there's a strange dissonance where it seems we really are meant to think they did something.
Adam too is an odd character, in that he has been the unknowing God of his little world who is strongly implied to have created The Them (quite literally, given how his power seems to work). He is a facsimile of a human, one who seems to very much want a perfect human life and is capable of creating this for himself, but in doing so becomes so artificial that the weather reports give Newt the creeps.
And yet we don't... do anything with him. He's too humanised to come across as what I described above, but not human enough for me to not see him the way I do. He's just sort of there.
So yes, I have complaints about Good Omens, but overall it truly is a delightful book, just one where I would have chosen differently from the authors at many points.
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libertasexmachina · 2 years
Neil Gaiman with his work: Do NOT change any single thing from my stuff! Everything has to follow the vision I had for it. An adaptation that doesn't make my work justice isn't worth it.
Neil Gaiman with Tolkien's works: Good thing it got updated! I didn't like the Silmarillion anyway. Also, if you don't like the changes you're either a fake fan or racist.
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icedsodapop · 5 months
Our Flag Means Death got cancelled and this is just me being a petty little anti Zionist, but I hope Good Omens gets cancelled next year too becos fuck Neil "I think Israel has the right to exist" Gaiman!
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insulesbianphasmid · 8 months
why is neil gaiman fishing for minors on his tumblr
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
I think that tumblr is burning but I don't really understand what's happening 💀
What's happening with Neil? Good omens? Destiel?
Good Omens season 2 trailer dropped yesterday which included a shot of Crowley and Assiraphale kissing it seems. The trailer was taken down and edited real quick but not before people saw it. Neil was disappointed in the leak situation which, yeah sure I get it. It was probably done for publicity and idk how much control the dude has over this stuff cuz idc. But anyway, the disappointment and anger was turned towards the fans for spreading the screenshot rather than Amazon who literally posted it. Neil literally reblogged a post saying such and said “This.”
As for destiel, the entire fandom is Misha coded and we’re uncomfortable when things are not about us ❤️. So since the show with a gay angel got an on screen kiss we’re making it about Destiel of course. It’s all just jokes.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 11 months
anyways if you're a gomens fan and are demanding only amazon negotiate with actors and writers for no other reason than you want season 3, you're selfish and don't actually care about the workers being exploited by every single studio
like... do you not see the optics of "i only care about the strike ending as long as i get what i want out of it", you're being manipulated into blaming the strike for not getting your precious show renewed instead of being mad at the studios exploiting their workers
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slicedblackolives · 2 years
My opinion on NG is that he wrote a couple of things that were really good amidst a mostly mediocre body of work but because of the two or three great works that he did people have preconditioned themselves into seeing everything he churns out as literary gold even it's actually kinda meh. He also has a "if an idea just sounds cool I don't have to develop it" syndrome and some of his stuff feels like him flexing on how knowledgeable he is about ancient myths even if he has nothing to do with them.
the only thing he wrote that was really good was good omens and as we all know that was because of terry pratchett. he's really just been riding pterry's coattails his entire career and he's become so successful because the UK bbc-culture-industrial complex has latched onto him as their prime cultural export because his stuff is sufficiently devoid of politics to not challenge authority in any way but with enough surface level progressiveness to gain currency with liberals. he is Britain's MCU, their soft power, but instead of military propaganda its of the colonial-tea-and-scones-look-how-quirky-we-are variety.
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furiousfinnstan · 2 years
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