#Anti kidney cancer drugs
jasgurlifesciences · 6 months
Kidney Cancer Treatment:- Jastinihb 5 Mg Capsule
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Empower your cancer journey with Jastinib 5 mg capsule from Jasgur Life Sciences. Designed to inhibit VEGF receptors, this innovative medication holds promise for patients battling advanced renal cell carcinoma. With Jastinib, embrace a brighter future and reclaim control over your health.
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archivist-crow · 7 months
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On this day:
On February 19, 1994, in California, six staff members of a seven-person medical team at Riverside General Hospital were rendered unconscious when one of the attendants took a blood sample from Gloria Ramirez, who had just gone into cardiac arrest. Ramirez had been admitted, semiconscious, with vomiting, chest pains, and trouble breathing; a slick, oily film coated her body. Ramirez's medical history said she was being treated for cervical cancer with an anti-nausea drug only and had not yet begun radiation treatments. As the syringe punctured her skin, strong, ammonia-like fumes filled the air, knocking out most of the team. Only one member was unaffected, for some unknown reason. The ambulance members who brought her to the hospital were not affected, and it is uncertain exactly where the fumes originated from. The emergency room was evacuated.
Those who had been contaminated went on to suffer extreme symptoms, and two required hospitalization. One doctor became bedridden with a bone-degenerating disease, and another required a ventilator because of erratic breathing. Three of the team appeared to have been poisoned by the deadly chemical class called organophosphates.
Blood samples taken from Ramirez and one of the infected staff members were shown to contain unknown particles of white and yellow crystalline materials. Ramirez died shortly after entering the hospital, and her autopsy was performed in a specially sealed coroner's chamber by emergency personnel in hazmat suits, who searched for a "nonspecific substance"; the body was later encased in layers of bags and an aluminum casket. Laboratory analysis detected an unidentified chemical compound in the bag containing Ramirez's body and in air samples taken during the autopsy. The conclusion was that she had died of kidney failure related to cancer, and no explanation of the bizarre phenomenon was found.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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fairykukla · 10 months
I'm being stoned again.
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I had Kidney Stone Day on Friday, but by Saturday I was feeling better. Panning for stones netted me debris, which was similar to what has gone before.
On Monday my Mom and I were going to leave for another state, planning to be there through the week for Thanksgiving.
I decided to grab my meds "just in case" and keep taking my flomax. I felt perfectly fine.
I borrowed a vehicle, and the seat was a little bit too far back, but not enough to prevent my using the pedals. A few hours into the 8 hour journey, I noticed soreness in my right hip. As that's the foot on the gas and break, I just assumed (hoped?) that it was my hip complaining about the reach, so we took a pit stop and I shifted the seat closer. I also got out and walked, used the restroom (normally) and stretched. I was feeling better, so we got back on the road.
The pain creeped up on me. I took one of the ibuprofen horse pills. It creeped back.
And then, just in time for the ibuprofen to wear off, the pain kind of landed on me in cleats.
I dug out the anti nausea meds, and even the Oxycodone. I didn't take the latter, but wanted it handy. I explained to my mom about what was going on. She had gotten to telling me stories from my childhood (yes, Mom, I was there) and was on a rant about how awful my father was. Normally, I just let her ramble, but I set a boundary. "Let's not talk about our emotional pain while I'm trying to cope with physical pain, ok?"
It took about 20 minutes for the second ibuprofen dose to kick in, and I got us back on the road after 15, on faith. We only had an hour and 45 min left, so I decided to power through and get us to our hotel.
We were driving in the rain again, so that slowed us down, but the meds worked well enough to keep me functional.
I got us checked in, and we found a cart to bring out stuff in.
Then my pain was so well managed that I was hungry, so I had a snack and went to bed.
This morning, the pain returned.
So I asked my aunt if she would like a Sister's Day with Mom, and encouraged them to go play together.
I'm going to chill out in the hotel room, and try to get the gravel out of my system. I haven't needed the Good Drugs yet, but I have them handy.
Honestly, having a day to rest and recooperate after driving and listening to my mother monologuing is kind of nice. I love her, and I like getting time with her.
On the other hand, she has taken it up on herself to persuade me that Christian Bale is A Great Actor and that his Batman is Best Batman*. While I'm sure that Bale is a perfectly good person, and that he studied his craft intensely, I don't enjoy him, in anything. And Mopey Throat Cancer Batman is my least favorite Batman.
Once I'm done being stoned from within, I will be happy to join in on the Bat Disc Horse with my mom. I intend to throw some of my favorite fanfic at her in retaliation. (She's old school and thinks fanfic is yucky. She'd call it "Cringe" if she weren't a legit boomer.) I bet the Bruce Wayne/Miss Piggy/Kermit story will delight her.
*I mean, to be fair, no live action creation is going to be better than Kevin Conroy's animated series Batman. But even George Clooney was a better Batman than Bale.
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10 Amazing Health Benefits And Uses Of Black Seed Oil
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  Have you ever heard about black seed oil? Did you know that people use this oil for thousands of years because of its therapeutic benefits? Original from Nigella sativa, a small plant with purple, blue, or white flowers that grows in East Europe, West Asia, and the Middle East, black seed has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. And did you know that they are also known as black cumin seeds, black cumin, kalonji, and black onion? According to scientists of different expertise, some of the benefits of black seed oil include: Helps with Weight Loss According to studies, a black seed supplement can help reduce the body mass index (BMI). And, according to a study published in 2013 in the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, it was found that black seed oil can be efficient against obesity. Helps with Cancer Prevention Recent studies show that the thymoquinone found in black seed oil can trigger programmed cell death, also known as apoptosis, in different types of cancer cells. It helps prevent brain cancer, leukemia, and breast cancer. However, the study was done only in cells, so the researchers still don't know how efficient the oil would be to treat people with cancer. Contributes to Kidney and Liver Functions According to a study from 2013, black seed oil can reduce issues related to hepatic and kidney diseases, and also improve these organs' structures. Improves cases of Diabetes According to a paper from the Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, black seed oil has anti-diabetic properties and can improve blood sugar levels. Helps with Infertility Research done on men with abnormal sperm and infertility issues found that black seed oil can improve sperm movement and also increase sperm count and semen volume.   Besides these benefits to general health, black seed oil is also good for the skin. In cases of eczema and psoriasis, the oil lessens the severity of eczema on the hands. Also, according to studies, the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of black seed oil can improve acne. In a study, 58% of participants reviewed the treatment as good, while 35% evaluated their results as moderate. That's fantastic, isn't it?! And, if all these benefits weren't enough, black seed oil can also hydrate your hair. To get this benefit, you can either ingest black seed oil as a capsule or apply it topically to benefit your skin. It is also possible to add it to massage oils, shampoos, and homemade products for skincare. Besides that, black seed oil of high quality can also be used in culinary, bakery, and beverages. If you have any of the health issues we mentioned above and want to try black seed oil, we suggest you talk to your doctor first to learn about any possible drug interactions and also discuss the benefits and side effects of the supplement. As with any other supplements, pregnant or nursing women must talk to their doctors before using black seed oil. And, if you want to use it topically, it is necessary to do an allergy test on a small area of your arm, to avoid any skin reactions. You must also be careful to keep the oil away from your eyes, nose, and other sensitive parts of the body. Ingesting black seed oil might cause digestive issues, such as stomachaches, constipation, and vomiting. Hope this will help you. If you like the post, share it with your friends! If you want more recipes and tips, subscribe to us or follow us on social! Also Read:- 8 Incredible Lavender Oil Uses and Benefits for Your Health Read the full article
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ghnservices · 2 years
Multiple Myeloma Treatment in India
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Multiple myeloma is a Blood disorder disease usually called Blood Cancer. Multiple myeloma can be treated by the Bone marrow transplant process.
In the initial stages of multiple myeloma, there are no symptoms but as the disease progresses, it may show some symptoms –
•          Bone Fractures
•          Bone pain
•          Tiredness/fatigue
•          Appetite loss/ weight loss
•          Kidney function problems
What is Multiple myeloma?
Basically, Multiple myeloma releases chemicals that create an imbalance in bone destruction and bone formation. This may cause a hole in bones or bone thinning. 
Multiple myeloma generally occurs in men than women. It is gradually increasing in urban India.
What causes multiple myeloma?
There is a condition known as monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Where there is an excess of protein molecules, called immunoglobins, in your blood.
Black people are more likely to develop multiple myeloma than other people.
Family history of multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma diagnosed in the mid 60’s.
Procedure to diagnose of Multiple myeloma
Test and procedure to diagnose multiple myeloma –
Blood Test – In this test, it may reveal M Proteins produced by myeloma cells.
Urine Test – Anaylsis of your urine test may show M proteins
Imaging Test – This test may be recommended to check bone problems associated with multiple myeloma. It may include X-Ray, CT Scan, MRI
Treatment of Multiple myeloma
Different types of doctors work together to create a patient’s overall treatment plan that combines different types of treatment.
Treatment plan may include different phases –
Induction therapy – for rapid control of cancer and to help relieve symptoms.
Chemotherapy or Bone marrow transplant/ Stem cell transplant
Maintenance therapy – over a long period of time to prevent cancer occurrence.
Types of medications used for multiple myeloma –
Chemotherapy - a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast growing cells in your body.
Targeted Therapy - a type of cancer treatment, that uses drugs to target specific genes and protiens that help cancer cells survive and grow.
Steriods - An anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat a range of conditions.
Immunotherapy - a type of cancer treatment that increases immune system to fight cancer. It helps your body fight against infections.
Bone-modifying drugs
Stem Cell Transplant
Stem cell transplantation is a treatment choice for individuals with multiple myeloma. There are three general kinds of transplantation  :-
● Autologous transplantation - The Stem cells are gotten  from your own blood or bone marrow. This is the kind of transplantation that is generally ordinarily suggested for treating multiple myeloma.
● Allogeneic transplantation - The Stem cells or bone marrow are gotten from a donor  with a tissue type matching yours. This kind of transplantation conveys exceptionally high risk and isn't suggested for the vast majority with numerous myeloma.
● Syngeneic transplantation - The stem cells or bone marrow are obtained from an identical twin. This is the ideal type of transplantation, albeit barely any individuals with different myeloma have an indistinguishable twin who can act as a donor.
Transplantation, when effective, prompts a reduction and drags out endurance; seldom, allogeneic transplantation fixes different myeloma. Notwithstanding, transplantation has a few limits. The high-portion chemotherapy given before transplantation generally neglects to kill all of the plasma cells, permitting the condition to backslide after transplantation. Such treatment likewise expands your gamble of serious contaminations and dying, which can be deadly.
Autologous foundational microorganism transplantation — Autologous stem cell organism transplantation alludes to transplantation with your own undeveloped cells. During this system, stem organisms are gathered and frozen for sometimes in the future. High-portion chemotherapy is then given to kill however many plasma cells as could be expected under the circumstances, and the stem organisms are defrosted and gotten back to your body. Foundational microorganisms can be acquired from the blood or the bone marrow; for this situation, getting them from the blood is liked, on the grounds that blood undeveloped cells move to tissues all the more rapidly and are less inclined to be tainted with malignant plasma cells.
As of now, autologous stem cell transplantation is appropriate for up to 50 percent of individuals with multiple myeloma. Autologous undeveloped cell transplantation isn't suggested for individuals with seething multiple myeloma (individuals with multiple myeloma who have no side effects).
Who treats multiple myeloma?
Orthopedic Surgeon, a doctor who uses surgery to treat diseases of  bones.
Radiation oncology, a doctor who treats cancer with radiation therapy.
Medical oncologist, a doctor who treats cancer with medicines such as chemotherapy or targeted therapy.
Bone marrow transplant Specialist, a doctor who specializes in performing bone marrow transplants.
For any enquiry regarding Best Multiple Myeloma hospitals & doctors or multiple myeloma treatment in India, Connect with us via HELPLINE: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance & support.
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medicineforcare · 6 days
Temonat 20mg
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Temonat 20mg belongs to a class of medicines called 'anti-cancer/ antitumor agent', used to treat specific forms of brain tumours such as glioblastoma multiforme (a type of tumour that grows and spreads rapidly) in adults and malignant glioma, including glioblastoma multiforme or anaplastic astrocytoma (a rare malignant brain tumour) in patients older than 3years. A brain tumour is an uncontrolled and unregulated proliferation of cells in the brain. 
Temozolomide, an ingredient in TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE, functions by preventing the synthesis of DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid—the genetic substance of the cell—which in turn affects cell division and growth. As a result, TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE stops tumors from spreading.
As directed, take one TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE. TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE may occasionally result in symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, aches in the muscles, and anxiety. The majority of these TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE side effects go away with time and don't need to be treated medically. However, get in touch with your physician if the negative effects don't go away. 
If you have any allergies to any of the ingredients, let your doctor know. Patients who have considerable bleeding or severe bone marrow depression should not use TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE. If you are pregnant or nursing, do not take TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE. When taking TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE, both men and women should utilize birth control to prevent getting pregnant and fathering a child. Given that TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE may induce fatigue or drowsiness, it is advisable to avoid operating machinery that requires alertness and driving.
Medicinal Benefits
TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE belongs to a class of medicines called anti-cancer/antitumor drugs used to treat certain types of brain tumors, such as malignant glioma, which includes glioblastoma multiforme or anaplastic astrocytoma, a rare malignant brain tumor, in patients older than three years. Glioblastoma multiforme is a type of tumor that grows and spreads quickly in adults. Temozolomide, which is present in it, functions by attaching itself to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic substance of cells) and obstructing their ability to divide and expand. As a result, TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE stops tumors from spreading. 
Side Effects of TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE
Loss of appetite
Difficulty speaking
Hair loss
Increased blood sugar
Dry skin
Weight loss/gain
Frequent urination
In-depth Information
Drug Warnings
Take TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE under close medical supervision. While using TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE, your condition will be periodically checked by the doctor. For as long as suggested by your physician, take TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE to effectively treat your illness. Under no circumstances should you stop taking TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE midway without first speaking with a healthcare provider. If you have an allergy to any of the ingredients in TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE, let your doctor know. Before taking TEMONAT 20MG CAPSULE, let your doctor know if you have any allergies, infections, lung, kidney, or liver conditions, or low blood count (including thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, or lymphopenia).
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indianph · 24 days
Anti-thymocyte globulin should only be administered by healthcare professionals experienced in immunosuppressive therapy for transplantation. It can cause immune-mediated reactions, including anaphylaxis, and hematologic side effects like low platelet and white blood cell counts, which may require dose adjustments. Regular monitoring of blood counts is essential. Patients should be observed for infections, and antibiotic prophylaxis may be needed. Anti-thymocyte globulin may also increase the risk of cancer. Patients should avoid live virus vaccines after treatment. For more details on antithymocyte globulin price in India and availability, contact us at +91 8130290915.
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How Diabetes Affects Cancer Risk: A Comprehensive Guide
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here. Uncontrolled diabetes lead to several health complications. As the body struggles to deal with the high blood sugar levels (BSL), almost every organ from the skin to the bones, nervous system to the digestive system, is negatively impacted. Over time, this can result in a variety of health issues including heart attack, stroke, kidney damage, vision problems, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer!
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Yes, statistics show that there is a definite link between diabetes and cancer, although no validated scientific study exists as yet, there is little doubt that people with diabetes are at a higher risk of some cancers. Diabetes doubles the risk of some cancers: liver, pancreas colorectal, and breast, for instance.
Diabetes and cancer do have some common risk factors, such as age, bad diet, no physical activity and high-stress levels. These are also prime risk factors for inflammation, which is one of the key triggers for insulin resistance and increased cancer risk.
Cancer Prevention Strategies
1.Maintain your sugar level- Diabetics should try to keep their blood sugar level low. It will lower the risk of cancer.
2.Health diet- Diabetics should have a diet , including vegetable, fruits with low GI, rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, vitamins, and minerals.
Regular exercise- It’s recommended that diabetics get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise. Including cardiovascular movements, resistance training, and flexibility & balance sessions.
Lower your stress- Stress is another big problem for insulin resistance. Try be stress free. Try for meditation. It will helpful for you.
Take a doctor's advice - It is essential that everybody, especially older populations, get their health checks done regularly. This is the best way to stay on top of any incipient health issues.
Do Diabetes Drugs Increase Cancer Risk?
There is no definitive proof that diabetes treatments increase the risk of contracting cancer. While some drugs, such as metformin reduce the risks of cancer, others might increase the risk factor. But this has by no means been substantiated.
So do not let this affect your diabetes treatment. If you’re not clear of the risks, please talk to your doctor. What is clear though is that lowering your BSL will help reduce your risk of health complications associated with diabetes, and, thus, cancer.
By following these treatment and prevention tips, you can manage diabetes and cancer effectively. To read more about this, please visit our Article. Also please connect with me on my website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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The Lifestyle Changes and Natural Remedies
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Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the rapid buildup of skin cells leading to scaling on the skin's surface as managing psoriasis often requires a multifaceted approach as anti-inflammatory medications that reduces swelling and redness. These slow down skin cell growth help reduce inflammation and normalize activity in skin cells also reduce inflammation and plaque buildup especially in sensitive areas like the face. A light-sensitizing medication with ultraviolet light to enhance exposing the skin to help slow the growth of affected skin cells with a combine’s psoralen as an effectiveness of the Psoriasis treatment Bristol. Reduces skin cell production and has an anti-inflammatory effect that suppresses the immune system to reduce skin cell turnover to target specific parts of the immune system and prevent skin cell buildup. Keeping the skin well-moisturised can reduce dryness and scaling while eating a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can help manage symptoms as the stress can trigger psoriasis flare-ups. Techniques like meditation, yoga and deep-breathing exercises can be beneficial to identify and avoid triggers such as certain foods, alcohol and smoking can help reduce flare-ups.
A soothing property can reduce redness and scaling shown in reducing psoriasis symptoms as fatty acids can reduce inflammation and improve skin health as some psoriasis treatment. Particularly systemic treatments like biologics and immunosuppressants have potential side effects but tissue death like necrosis is not commonly associated with these treatments. Regular check-ups with a dermatologist can help monitor the condition and adjust treatments as necessary as psoriasis is associated with other health conditions like cardiovascular disease so regular health screenings are important. It's essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to develop a personalised treatment plan but it's important to understand the potential risks and side effects associated with various Psoriasis treatment. Long-term use can cause skin thinning but not typically tissue death generally considered safe with skin irritation being a more common side effect and the risks include skin aging and increased risk of skin cancer with long-term use. It is not tissue death can cause liver damage and bone marrow suppression but tissue necrosis is rare as regular monitoring of liver function and blood counts is necessary.
Combining the Psoriasis treatment and strategies as individuals with psoriasis can effectively manage their symptoms and improve their skin condition can lead to kidney damage and increased risk of infections. Tissue necrosis is not a common side effect as medications can increase the risk of infections including severe ones which could potentially lead to tissue damage if not promptly treated. Necrosis directly caused by the drug is rare and regular blood tests and check-ups with healthcare provider can help detect any adverse effects early adhering to prescribed dosages and not exceeding recommended treatment. The durations help minimise the risks as informing the healthcare provider about any unusual symptoms or side effects immediately while having concerns about the risks associated with psoriasis treatment. It's important to discuss with them as they can provide detailed information about the benefits and risks of each treatment option and help make an informed decision. It is based on specific health situation as working closely with a healthcare provider can develop a treatment plan that effectively manages the psoriasis while minimising potential risks.
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urologistindelhi · 2 months
Understanding Kidney Health: Kidney Stones, Urethral Stricture, and Kidney Cancer
The human body operates like a well-oiled machine, with its organs playing crucial roles in maintaining overall health. Among these, the kidneys stand out for their vital function in filtering blood and eliminating waste through urine. However, like any complex system, issues can arise, affecting these organs and necessitating timely intervention.
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Kidney Stones: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Kidney stones are solid deposits that form in the kidneys when substances like calcium, oxalate, and uric acid crystallize. These stones can vary in size, causing intense pain as they move through the urinary tract. Common symptoms include severe back or abdominal pain, blood in urine, and discomfort during urination.
Treatment Options for Kidney Stones:
Medication: Certain medications can help dissolve stones or manage pain.
Lithotripsy: This non-invasive procedure uses shock waves to break down larger stones.
Surgery: In some cases, surgical removal might be necessary for large or persistent stones.
Preventive Measures:
Stay hydrated to reduce the risk of stone formation.
Adopt a balanced diet low in oxalates and sodium.
Maintain regular check-ups to monitor kidney health.
Urethral Stricture: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment
Urethral stricture refers to the narrowing of the urethra, the tube through which urine exits the body. This condition can result from inflammation, injury, or scar tissue formation, leading to symptoms like difficulty urinating, urinary tract infections, and dribbling urine flow.
Treatment Approaches:
Dilation: Widening the urethra with special instruments to restore normal urine flow.
Medication: Anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics to manage symptoms and prevent infections.
Surgery: In severe cases, surgical intervention might be required to remove scar tissue or widen the urethra.
Post-Treatment Care:
Follow-up appointments to monitor healing and prevent recurrence.
Lifestyle adjustments as recommended by healthcare providers.
Kidney Cancer: Types, Symptoms, and Advanced Treatments
Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, arises when abnormal cells in the kidney tissue begin to grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. Early detection is crucial for effective treatment and better outcomes.
Types of Kidney Cancer:
Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): The most common type, originating in the kidney's tubules.
Transitional Cell Cancer: Rare, starting in the renal pelvis or ureters.
Renal Sarcoma: Uncommon, originating in the kidney's connective tissues.
Wilms Tumor: Primarily affects children, typically curable with early detection.
Symptoms of Kidney Cancer:
Blood in urine (hematuria)
Persistent back pain
Unexplained weight loss
Fatigue and general discomfort
Treatment Options:
Surgery: Removal of the affected kidney (nephrectomy) or tumor (partial nephrectomy).
Immunotherapy: Enhances the body's immune response to fight cancer cells.
Targeted Therapy: Drugs that specifically target cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissue.
Radiation Therapy: Uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells or reduce tumor size.
Complementary and Integrative Approaches:
Dietary adjustments to support overall health and immune function.
Stress-relieving techniques like yoga and meditation to aid in coping with treatment side effects.
Addressing kidney health issues such as kidney stones, urethral stricture, and kidney cancer treaatment requires a comprehensive approach involving medical intervention, lifestyle modifications, and supportive therapies. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment significantly improve outcomes, ensuring a better quality of life for patients.
By staying informed, adopting preventive measures, and seeking timely medical advice, individuals can effectively manage kidney health and reduce the risk of serious complications. Consultation with healthcare professionals remains paramount in tailoring treatment plans to individual needs and ensuring optimal health outcomes.
What are the causes of kidney stones?
Kidney stones can form due to various factors including dehydration, dietary habits high in certain minerals, and genetic predisposition.
How can urethral stricture be prevented?
Avoiding trauma to the urethra, practicing safe sex, and promptly treating urinary tract infections can help prevent urethral strictures.
Is kidney cancer curable?
Early-stage kidney cancer is often curable with surgery and other advanced treatment options, depending on the tumor's size and spread.
What are the symptoms of kidney cancer?
Symptoms include blood in urine, persistent back pain, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.
What treatments are available for kidney cancer?
Treatment options include surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and radiation therapy, depending on the stage and type of kidney cancer.
This comprehensive approach ensures that individuals are equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate kidney health challenges effectively. Always consult healthcare providers for personalized advice and treatment recommendations.
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healthcarehubhh · 3 months
Atezolizumab Market to Witness Fastest Growth due to Rising Cancer Cases
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The atezolizumab market comprises drugs that are used for the treatment of various types of cancers including lung cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, head and neck cancer, and others. Atezolizumab belongs to the class of immunotherapy drugs known as programmed cell death ligand-1 (PD-L1) inhibitors and works by blocking the interaction between PD-L1 and programmed cell death protein 1(PD-1). This helps boost the anti-tumor immune response leading to inhibited tumor growth. Atezolizumab is effective against various types of cancers with minimal side effects compared to other chemotherapy drugs. The Global Atezolizumab Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 308 Million in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 3.0% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key players operating in the Atezolizumab market are Mycovia Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Scynexis, Inc., Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd., Astellas Pharma Inc., Grupo Ferrer Internacional, S.A., Pacgen Life Science Corporation, NovaDigm Therapeutics, Inc., Cidara Therapeutics, Inc., Amplyx Pharmaceuticals Inc., and Pfizer, Inc. These players are focusing on developing new and improved formulations of atezolizumab and expanding their presence in developing regions. The demand for immunotherapy drugs is growing significantly owing to their effectiveness and relatively fewer side effects compared to chemotherapy. Atezolizumab as a PD-L1 inhibitor is gaining widespread acceptance among medical practitioners for treatment of various cancers. The success of atezolizumab in clinical trials for lung, kidney, and bladder cancers is further driving its demand. Geographic expansion into developing markets is one of the key growth strategies adopted by major players. In addition, manufacturing and supply agreements with several regional pharmaceutical companies help expand the global footprint of atezolizumab. The primary growth driver for the atezolizumab market is the rising incidence of cancer worldwide. According to the WHO, cancer burden is expected to grow by over 50% in the next 20 years. Atezolizumab provides an effective treatment option for many types of cancers with better outcomes than chemotherapy and is increasingly becoming a front-line therapy. Continued clinical research to evaluate its effectiveness in new cancer indications will further propel the demand. Overall, the innovation in cancer immunotherapy coupled with growing cancer cases globally will ensure sustained growth of the atezolizumab market over the forecast period.
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shanneherbal · 3 months
Herbal Food Supplements for Boosting Immunity
Your immune system is your body's first line of defense against viruses and diseases, so it's important to build a strong immunity. One way of boosting your resistance is by eating a well-balanced diet. However, if you frequently eat processed foods, you don't always get the sufficient nutrients you need. That's where an herbal food supplement comes in.
Herbal capsules contain plant ingredients rich in vitamins and minerals that can help you build stronger resistance. Keep reading below to learn how common supplement ingredients can strengthen your immune system to promote overall wellness.
Understanding the Immune System
Your immune system consists of a network of organs and blood cells that work together to protect your body against invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
When these invaders enter your body, a healthy immune system can identify and fight them off. It can also remember these invaders and develop antibodies to prevent them from entering your body in the future.
A weak immunity prevents your system from functioning well, so you're more prone to infections and sickness. Here are factors that can weaken your immune health:
Poor diet
Lack of sleep
Excess stress
Drug and alcohol use
Medical conditions (ex, diabetes or cancer)
Herbal Supplement Ingredients That Boost Immunity
Check out the list below to learn more about the herbs incorporated into supplements that boost immunity.
Ampalaya (Bitter Melon)
Ampalaya, or bitter melon, contains antioxidants that act as a defense mechanism against free radicals, so it lowers your chances of getting sick. It's also jam-packed with other nutrients and minerals that help promote good health, such as:
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
As a result, regular intake of herbal capsules with ampalaya can decrease your chances of developing kidney damage, heart disease, and liver problems. Because of its numerous nutritional benefits, you can find herbal supplements in the Philippines that incorporate ampalaya in their formulation.
Garlic is another powerful ingredient that helps boost immunity. It contains a compound called alliin, which turns into allicin when crushed and mixed into an herbal food supplement.
Allicin helps enhance the disease-fighting response of your white blood cells to better protect you against diseases, such as colds, flu, and certain types of cancers. Garlic can also help you fight illnesses by lowering your stress. That's because it makes your adrenal glands produce less stress hormones, reducing fatigue.
You might have heard about the old wive's tale of drinking ginger tea whenever you have a cold or flu. Surprisingly, there's some truth to it because ginger offers various health benefits, including boosting your immune system. That's because it contains various antioxidants, including:
As a result, it's effective in reducing inflammation in conditions like sore throat, arthritis, and certain types of cancer. If you want to experience the benefits of ginger but can't stand drinking ginger tea, consider taking it through an herbal capsule from a reliable brand.
Another excellent ingredient to look for in an herbal food supplement is turmeric due to its immunity-boosting factors. Curcumin, its active component, contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.
Turmeric also regulates the production of T-cells and B-cells so you can maintain strong immunity and prevent autoimmune diseases from developing. With regular intake, turmeric can also help stave off the following illnesses:
An example of a potent immune booster is ginseng, which contains antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that boost the function of your immune system. Regular intake has also been shown to significantly increase immune cell levels, enhancing your system's resistance to illness and microbial attacks.
In addition, its extracts and ginsenoside compounds are shown to slow down inflammation and decrease oxidative damage to your cells, preventing chronic diseases. Note that most herbal supplements with ginseng, like the Herb-Plus capsule, are safe to take daily. However, some sources recommend that you take a 2-week break from the ingredient every 2-3 weeks.
Incorporating Herbal Supplements into Your Daily Routine
If you want to start taking herbal supplements to boost your immune system, make sure to check the label to ensure you're not allergic to any of its ingredients. Although it's next to impossible to overdose on the capsules, it's still best practice to follow the directions on the packaging to figure out the recommended dosage so you can get the most out of their benefits.
Most herbal capsules also don't have any contra-indications, but if you have medical conditions or are taking prescription medication, it's still best to check with your doctor to ensure the supplements won't exacerbate your condition.
Final Thoughts
An herbal food supplement can help you boost your immunity. The trick is to find a brand that contains ingredients that help strengthen your resistance, like garlic, ampalaya, and ginseng.
Shanne Herbal Products has herbal capsules that contain these exact ingredients. Aside from helping you build a stronger immune system, it also increases your appetite, enhances your memory, and smoothens your skin so you can enjoy an overall healthy body.
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drpurvikadakiakutty · 3 months
In the Hands of Care: Dr. Purvi Kadakia Kutty, Leading Child Oncologist in Kharghar    
Pediatric Oncology is a specialized branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of cancer in children and adolescents. It deals specifically with Child Oncologist  in navi mumbai, which can vary significantly from cancers aggressiveness, and treatment approaches. Pediatric oncologists are medical experts who provide comprehensive care to young patients with cancer, working closely with a multidisciplinary team to ensure the best possible outcomes and quality of life for these young patients and their families.
Conditions Treated in Pediatric Oncology:
Pediatric oncologists manage various types of childhood cancers, which can affect different parts of the body. Some common childhood cancers treated in Pediatric Oncology include:
Leukemias: Cancers that affect the bone marrow and blood, including Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
Lymphomas: Cancers that arise from the lymphatic system, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Brain Tumors: Tumors that develop in the brain or spinal cord, including astrocytomas, medulloblastomas, and ependymomas.
Sarcomas: Tumors that arise from bone, muscle, or soft tissues, such as osteosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and Ewing sarcoma.
Neuroblastoma: A cancer that develops from immature nerve cells and typically occurs in young children.
Wilms Tumor: A type of kidney cancer that primarily affects children.
Retinoblastoma: A rare eye cancer that typically develops in early childhood.
Germ Cell Tumors: Tumors that arise from germ cells, commonly found in the ovaries or testes.
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Dr. Purvi Kadakia Kutty, M.D. Pediatrics, FNB Pediatric Hematology & Oncology is a Consultant Pediatric Hematology & Oncology at Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai.She is an Honorary-visiting consultant in the Division of Pediatric Hematology Oncology at L.T.M.G.H., Sion Hospital. She has experience of over 10 years in the field of Pediatric Hematology, Immunology & Oncology. She is also experienced in Pediatric Bone marrow transplantsfor benign and malignant hematological conditions.Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Diagnostic Tests in Pediatric Oncology:
To diagnose Child Oncologist, pediatric oncologists may utilize a range of diagnostic tests, including:
Biopsy: A procedure to obtain a tissue sample for examination under a microscope to determine if cancer cells are present.
Imaging Studies: Techniques like X-rays, CT scans, MRI, and PET scans are used to visualize tumors and evaluate the extent of cancer.
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: These tests help assess if cancer has spread to the bone marrow.
Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap): A procedure to collect cerebrospinal fluid for evaluation if cancer involves the central nervous system.
Pediatric Oncology Services: 
Diagnosis and Staging: Comprehensive evaluation and accurate diagnosis of childhood cancers, including the use of imaging studies, biopsies, and laboratory tests to determine the type and stage of cancer.
Treatment Planning: Individualized treatment plans tailored to the specific type of childhood cancer, its stage, and the child's overall health. Treatment options may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and stem cell transplantation.
Chemotherapy: Administration of anti-cancer drugs to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells.
Radiation Therapy: Use of high-energy radiation to target and destroy cancer cells.
Stem Cell Transplantation: Replacement of damaged bone marrow with healthy donor cells in certain cases.
Immunotherapy: Treatment to boost the body's immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells.
Supportive Care: Management of cancer-related symptoms and side effects, as well as addressing the emotional and psychosocial needs of the child and their family.
Long-term Follow-up: Monitoring the child's progress after completing cancer treatment, detecting any signs of cancer recurrence, and providing ongoing support and survivorship care.
Dr. Purvi Kadakia Kutty's dedication to oncology and her unwavering commitment to her patients make her one of the best oncologists in Kharghar. Her extensive training, compassionate care, and holistic approach to treatment ensure that her patients receive the best possible care during their most challenging times. Dr. Kutty stands out as a beacon of hope and excellence in the field of oncology.
Visit: https://childoncologist.com/ 
Contact: +91 77381 62020
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rohankumar1276 · 3 months
All About Cysts: What They Are and How to Manage Them
Cysts are common and can appear almost anywhere on the body. They are often harmless but can sometimes cause discomfort or other issues. In this blog, we’ll explore what cysts are, what causes them, and how the cyst removal process works, all in easy-to-understand terms.
What is a Cyst?
A cyst is a closed sac-like structure filled with liquid, semi-solid, or gaseous material. Cysts can develop in various parts of the body, including the skin, organs, and tissues. While most cysts are benign (non-cancerous), they can sometimes cause problems depending on their size and location.
Common Types of Cysts
Epidermoid Cysts: These are small, benign bumps that form under the skin, often on the face, neck, or back.
Sebaceous Cysts: Arising from sebaceous glands, these cysts usually appear on the face, neck, or torso.
Breast Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs within the breast tissue, common in women, especially those between 35 and 50 years old.
Ovarian Cysts: These form on or inside the ovaries and are common in women of childbearing age.
Ganglion Cysts: Non-cancerous lumps that typically develop along the tendons or joints of wrists or hands.
Causes of Cysts
Cysts can form for various reasons, including:
Blocked Ducts or Glands: This is a common cause of cyst formation.
Infections: Some cysts form due to infections, such as abscesses.
Inflammatory Conditions: Chronic inflammation, like acne, can lead to cysts.
Genetic Factors: Some cysts are inherited, such as those associated with polycystic kidney disease.
Injuries: Trauma to an area can sometimes result in cyst formation.
Symptoms of Cysts
The symptoms of cysts can vary widely depending on their type and location. Common symptoms include:
Visible Lump: A noticeable lump or swelling under the skin.
Pain or Discomfort: Particularly if the cyst is large or in a sensitive area.
Redness and Warmth: These are signs of inflammation or infection.
Fever: If a cyst becomes infected, it can cause fever and general malaise.
Functional Impairment: Cysts near vital organs can affect their function.
Diagnosing Cysts
If you notice a lump or unusual symptoms, it’s important to see a healthcare provider. They will likely perform a physical examination and may order imaging tests such as an ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI. In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary to rule out cancer or other serious conditions.
Cyst Removal
While many cysts are harmless and can be left alone, others may need to be removed, especially if they cause pain or other symptoms. Here are common methods of cyst removal:
Aspiration: Using a needle to drain the fluid from the cyst. This is often a quick and minimally invasive procedure.
Surgical Excision: Larger or problematic cysts may require surgical removal. This procedure is usually done under local anesthesia.
Medications: Infected cysts may be treated with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce symptoms and prevent further complications.
After cyst removal, it’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for care. This typically includes keeping the area clean and avoiding activities that could disrupt the healing process.
While not all cysts can be prevented, you can reduce your risk by:
Maintaining Good Hygiene: Regular cleaning of your skin can help prevent blocked glands and ducts.
Avoiding Trauma: Protecting your body from injuries can reduce the likelihood of cyst formation.
Managing Health Conditions: Proper management of conditions like acne or PCOS can lower the risk of developing cysts.
Cysts are common and often harmless, but they can sometimes cause discomfort or other issues. Understanding what cysts are, why they form, and how they can be treated, including the process of cyst removal, is important for maintaining your health. If you suspect you have a cyst or are experiencing symptoms, consult with a healthcare provider to discuss your options. Taking care of your health is always the best approach, and professional advice can guide you towards the best treatment for your situation.
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Pazopanib (Votrient) Prescribing Information
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kidney-care · 3 months
Caring for Your Kidneys: Daily Habits for Optimal Health
Your kidneys are vital organs that play a crucial role in maintaining your overall health. They filter waste and excess fluids from your blood, regulate blood pressure, and balance electrolytes. Keeping your kidneys healthy is essential for your well-being. Here are some daily habits to help you maintain optimal kidney health.
1. Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to support your kidneys. Adequate hydration helps your kidneys remove toxins from your body through urine. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day, but adjust based on your activity level and climate. Clear or light-colored urine is a good sign of proper hydration.
2. Eat a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins supports kidney health. Limit your intake of salt, as high sodium levels can increase blood pressure and strain your kidneys. Avoid processed foods, which often contain high levels of sodium and unhealthy fats.
3. Monitor Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can damage your kidneys over time. Regularly check your blood pressure and keep it under control with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and, if necessary, medication prescribed by your doctor.
4. Exercise Regularly
Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight and lowers blood pressure. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Activities like walking, swimming, and cycling are excellent choices.
5. Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol
Smoking can reduce blood flow to your kidneys and impair their function. It also increases the risk of kidney cancer. Limiting alcohol consumption is also important, as excessive drinking can cause high blood pressure and liver damage, which in turn affects the kidneys.
6. Manage Blood Sugar Levels
If you have diabetes, controlling your blood sugar levels is crucial to prevent kidney damage. Follow your doctor’s recommendations for diet, medication, and monitoring your blood glucose levels.
7. Be Cautious with Medications
Some over-the-counter medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can cause kidney damage if taken frequently or in high doses. Always follow the recommended dosage and consult your doctor before starting any new medication.
8. Get Regular Check-Ups
Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider can help detect kidney problems early. Routine blood and urine tests can monitor kidney function and identify issues before they become serious.
9. Limit Protein Intake
While protein is essential for your body, consuming too much can put extra strain on your kidneys. If you have kidney disease, your doctor may recommend limiting your protein intake to prevent further damage.
10. Reduce Stress
Chronic stress can negatively impact your blood pressure and overall health, including your kidneys. Practice stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies you enjoy.
Conclusion :
Taking care of your kidneys is vital for your overall health and well-being. By incorporating these daily habits into your lifestyle, you can help ensure your kidneys function optimally for years to come. Remember, small changes can make a big difference, so start today and give your kidneys the care they deserve.
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