#Anti-Establishment brainworm
sydneighsays · 5 months
(Don't ask why, this is just what I call him)
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Some doodles of my favorite lil Brain parasite.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I'm glad I found this blog because it has became increasingly impossible to find a progressive-leaning Westerner who doesn't condone a literal GENOCIDE that is happening as we speak.
I used to follow so many American leftists on TikTok, learned a lot from them about the Western imperialism and American White Supremacy, but almost ALL of those people suddenly somehow forgot their own principles and convictions when the war broke out in Ukraine. There is this one creator I used to respect a lot who one day decided to say it is a drama when a Ukrainian woman speaks out against other creator perpetuating Russian propaganda. Said Ukrainian woman got hurt and respectfully expressed this hurt but was met with hostility and vile accusations. Then there was some dude on Twitter who compared the war crimes in Ukraine to gentrification in the US and that tweet got many likes.
For the sake of my mental health and sanity, I decided to forever stay away from American discourse and interact with as few Americans as possible because it is insane how these people can be such cold-hearted, entitled hypocrites.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I will say, however, that I'm not the only one -- all the sensible, left-leaning, Democratic-voting, Cringe Normie Liberals (TM) that I know, both online and in real life, support Ukraine too. I strongly suspect that this is because their brains aren't poisoned with Online Leftism, they are able to look at and assess the situation rationally, and don't feel the need/constant peer pressure to perform Anti-American-Imperialism (and Pro-All-Other-Kinds-of-Imperialism) brainworms like the rest of the Terminally Online. So yeah, plenty of us do exist, but you're probably not going to find them in so-called leftist online space, for many reasons previously discussed. Which is disappointing on all kinds of levels.
Basically, the Online Left was on very thin ice with me anyway prior to all this, but they've really exposed the abject failure of their meme ideology with their whole response to the war in Ukraine, and how it's entirely focused on feeling morally superior to the American establishment/Democratic party, regardless of which atrocities they are required to defend as a result. Shit like this is why I don't call myself a leftist, even though my views/policies would definitely fall on that spectrum, because just like "socialist," I feel like it's become an essentially meaningless term that doesn't convey what I want to mean by it, and is mostly poisoned by a vocal and aggressive minority whose rhetoric is nonetheless increasingly adopted by young progressive-identified people, and that worries me a lot.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
A corporate media critic behind one of the main smears against the anti-child trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom” has been found to be tied to a radical pro-pedophile group advocating for the normalization of child sex abuse.
As Slay News has reported, the movie has been a smash hit, beating all expectations at the box office.
The film tells the story of real-life hero Tim Ballard.
Ballard, played by “Passion of the Christ” star Jim Caviezel, quits his Department of Homeland Security job hunting pedophiles to rescue sex-trafficked children in Colombia.
The success of the film has brought renewed attention to the issue of the international child trafficking industry.
However, the movie has been unexpectedly, but also rather predictably, attacked and smeared by leftist media critics.
Music magazine-turned-left-wing propaganda outlet Rolling Stone slammed “Sound Of Freedom” as a “Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms.”
Jezebel reported that “‘Sound of Freedom’ Is an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon.”
Now one of the critics attacking the film has been exposed for his to a group that is leading efforts to recast pedophiles as “Minor Attracted Persons,” or MAPs.
Now Twitchy and leftism expert Andy Ngo has revealed details about Noah Berlatsky, the latest corporate media hack to smear “Sound of Freedom.”
Berlatsky, who writes for left-wing establishment outlets such as The Guardian and Business Insider, boasts that his wife is “bisexual and nonbinary” and his child is “transgender.”
He is also the former spokesman for the pro-pedophilia foundation Prostasia.
Prostasia is a leading group driving the Left’s escalating campaign to recast pedophiles as victims of “stigma” and relabel child molesters as “MAPs.”
*** Now do PETA.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
A corporate media critic behind one of the main smears against the anti-child trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom” has been found to be tied to a radical pro-pedophile group advocating for the normalization of child sex abuse.
As Slay News has reported, the movie has been a smash hit, beating all expectations at the box office.
The film tells the story of real-life hero Tim Ballard.
Ballard, played by “Passion of the Christ” star Jim Caviezel, quits his Department of Homeland Security job hunting pedophiles to rescue sex-trafficked children in Colombia.
The success of the film has brought renewed attention to the issue of the international child trafficking industry.
However, the movie has been unexpectedly, but also rather predictably, attacked and smeared by leftist media critics.
Music magazine-turned-left-wing propaganda outlet Rolling Stone slammed “Sound Of Freedom” as a “Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms.”
Jezebel reported that “‘Sound of Freedom’ Is an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon.”
Now one of the critics attacking the film has been exposed for his to a group that is leading efforts to recast pedophiles as “Minor Attracted Persons,” or MAPs.
Now Twitchy and leftism expert Andy Ngo has revealed details about Noah Berlatsky, the latest corporate media hack to smear “Sound of Freedom.”
Berlatsky, who writes for left-wing establishment outlets such as The Guardian and Business Insider, boasts that his wife is “bisexual and nonbinary” and his child is “transgender.”
He is also the former spokesman for the pro-pedophilia foundation Prostasia.
Prostasia is a leading group driving the Left’s escalating campaign to recast pedophiles as victims of “stigma” and relabel child molesters as “MAPs.”
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