#I love my Christmas tree hair special guy
sydneighsays · 5 months
(Don't ask why, this is just what I call him)
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Some doodles of my favorite lil Brain parasite.
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fangirl-dot-com · 9 months
Chapter 12 - So This Is Christmas (WAR IS OVER)
Guys I finally did it! This fic is officially over 10k words and this is my Christmas gift to you all! So please, sit back - relax - and enjoy this Christmas Special!
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! Love you all <3
You looked around the paddock as everyone packed away the motor homes. You had only been in this Formula 1 life for less than a month, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. A sigh escaped your lips as you peered into the Red Bull garage. Mechanics, engineers, and strategists alike were all celebrating a season well done. You guessed that after this they were all ready to head back to their homes to see their families and get ready for the winter break. 
You really wondered what that was going to be like: to go home and have someone waiting for you. Your hands gripped your backpack a little tighter as you thought about your empty and small apartment back in Nice. It would probably greet you with that damp air that seemed to cling to the walls and another drippy faucet. Your heart ached at the thought. 
You slowly walked back inside, trying to find Max so that you could say goodbye until you’d see him again at pre-season testing. Your eyes found him and Kelly quietly talking in the back. Not wanting to interrupt them, you quickly averted your gaze to someone else. Mitch’s brown eyes caught your attention and you made your way over to her. 
“Hi Mitch,” you smiled, hands still gripping your backpack straps. 
Her eyebrows raised in confusion, “I thought you left already?” 
You looked down, almost in embarrassment. “I think I just don’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” Your hand gestured to the couple in the corner, who were now joined by Christian. 
“Ah, well I would have been sad if you didn’t say goodbye to me.” 
Your face lit up at the sight of her open arms. As you stepped in, the tenseness in your body practically melted away. You sighed as Mitch squeezed you a little tighter. 
“Do you have any fun plans for the break?” she mumbled into your hair before stepping away. You grimaced at the thought of having no plans. 
“Uh, I think I’m going to finish this show I’ve been binging,” you said, cringing at your own uncertainty. Because in reality, you really had no clue what you were going to do.
Mitch’s eyebrows pinched. She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Christian, Max, and Kelly joining your little group. The corners of your mouth tilted up by their arrival. 
Christian had an amused look on his face. 
Mitch turned to the boss. “What has you so jolly?” 
He let out a laugh before speaking, “Gerri and I are taking a cruise for Christmas to get out of the colder weather that is about to hit.” He shivered dramatically, making you laugh. 
“Ah,” she turned to Max and Kelly. “Do you two have anything fun planned for the break?” 
Kelly spoke up first, “We’re going to be spending it with Max in Monaco. Penelope really likes the area and I think it would be nice to have everyone there.” 
Max followed, “My sister and mom are planning to come over for Christmas evening. Her kids are super cute.” 
“I think P is just happy to celebrate Christmas and find a tree as soon as possible. I’m glad she’s not scared of Santa like she was last year,” Kelly confessed. 
As you listened, you heart squeezed just a bit more. What you would give to decorate a tree for the first time ever or stay up late trying to catch the big man in the red suit. Kelly then turned to Mitch. 
“What do you have planned?” 
Mitch shot you a glance before responding, “I’m going up to my parents to spend it with my family. Lots of cute nieces and nephews to run around and keep me busy.” 
Christian seemed to finally take notice of you. “And what about you kid?” 
All eyes were now on you. You gulped, honestly not wanting to share your less than mediocre plans for the break. 
“Uh, there was this show I was planning to finish?” Your shoulders raised as the pitch raised in your voice as well, trying to hide your nervousness. 
Kelly’s head cocked to the side, “Anything else?” 
Your eyes widened. Oh how you wished that they would just let it go. You shifted your balance from foot to foot. 
You sighed before confessing, “Nope. That’s it.” 
If you could live in one TikTok sound at this moment, it would be the frantic lyrics from Taylor Swift, “Horrified looks from everyone in the room.” Your cheeks heated at the impending embarrassment that you had found yourself in. 
Wanting to get out of there swiftly (pun-intended), your lips poured out, “So I need to catch a flight and I think my Uber is here. I will see all of you for pre-season testing.” 
You turned to leave, but not without forgetting to also say, “And I hope you all have a good Christmas.” Your feet took you far and quickly away from the four, who were now looking at you with sad eyes. 
Max’s eyes longing gazed at your fleeing figure. He really thought that you two were getting close enough for you to share what you were thinking, and not having to lie about things. Kelly’s hand found the lower area of his back to share some comfort. 
Mitch was the first one to speak up, “I think she’s spending the break alone.” 
“Surely not. Must have private family plans with her parents,” Max quipped, not liking the thought of you being alone. 
Christian had a guilty look on his face, before his hand ran down it. “Vito didn’t want us to tell you,” he trailed off. 
Max’s face spun toward the older Brit. 
“Tell me what?” he almost demanded. 
Mitch shared a look to Christian before spilling, “Y/n’s parents disowned her in the beginning 2019. She’s been living alone since that season of F3 finished later that year.” Her eyes focused on the cold, concrete flooring of the garage. 
A long sigh escaped Max’s lips at the revelation. His fists tightened at his sides. He did the math in his head. Four years. 
You had been alone, by yourself, on your own, for four years. You hadn’t talked about your godfather, so Max didn’t even know if he was still in the picture. You could talk to him about that when you were ready. 
He whispered, “She was fifteen right? Her birthday is later in the year.” 
“Yeah,” Mitch matched his tone. 
Max found Kelly’s eyes, silently communicating all of his thoughts and emotions. He was never good about verbal communications, but eyes are the window to the soul, right? 
A slight nod of her head gave everything that Max needed. 
Mitch broke the silence once again, “I think Arthur has been asking her to join his family for Christmas evening. I’ll send him or Charles a text describing the situation so that they can really try to convince her.” 
Christian nodded and spoke, “That sounds like a good plan. Max, I’m guessing you have a plan?” 
Max nodded before stepping away from the group, heading in the direction where you took off. Kelly stayed behind, bringing out her phone with the intent of making a few calls. 
“We’ll take care of her,” she assured the strategist and team principal. 
Mitch smiled in the direction that Max had stomped towards. “I wouldn’t doubt it.” 
You, who had missed everything, were currently waiting at the entrance for your Uber. Your eyes glanced around, looking for the correct car. Your body bounced with anxiety as your knuckles hand now turned white with how hard they were gripping the straps. 
“Kid!” a familiar voice called out, causing you to whip around and bump right into the source. Big hands caught you from falling off the kerb. Your head lifted and was met with the worried face of one Max Verstappen. 
“Uh, hi?” you questioned. 
Max, probably planning for this to be said differently but didn’t want to beat around the bush, blurted out, “Spend the break and Christmas with me.” 
Your eyes looked for malice in his, but came up empty. However, you were shocked. 
“What?” you breathed out, very confused. 
Max inhaled and exhaled rather sharply. Keeping his hands on your shoulders, he positioned you back up on the sidewalk, away from the parking area. In your head, you were only thinking of how you might miss your Uber and flight if Max kept you here. 
“Y/n,” uh-oh, he used your legal name, “Kelly and I would love it if you spent the first bit of break with us and Christmas.” 
Your ears must have been deceiving you, or you needed hearing aids after being around the formula cars for the majority of your life, because there was no way that Max had just asked you to spend the first bit of break, let alone Christmas, with him and Kelly. 
You scoffed before looking away and muttering, “Very funny Max. I get that you have an amazing family to do nice things with, but some of us don’t have that luxury. Now if you’ll excuse me,” you all but ripped yourself out of his grasp, “I have an Uber to get into and a flight back to Nice.” 
You stepped away, but were stopped by someone’s hand grabbing your backpack. You sighed rather harshly, arms dropping to your sides, before speaking, “Max, let go of my backpack.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about geitje.” If you had looked behind you, you would have seen a smirk on his face. 
“You know I finally looked up that word, and I don’t think that’s the correct word for kid.” 
Max let out a playful scoff. “Yes it is. It’s my language after all.” 
You rolled your eyes, “You are literally calling me a baby goat.” Your arms crossed your chest. You were still annoyed but weren’t trying to get away as you had been. Max pulled you backward and into a hug. His hand was placed on the top of your head, lightly ruffling your hair. 
His chest vibrated as he hummed. “I know exactly what I am doing. Stubborn and cute like one.” 
You let yourself melt into his hold for just a minute as you thought over the offer. Honestly, by now it was a no-brainer. Spend the break alone and cold, or get over yourself and spend it in a warm house surrounded by people who seemed to love you regardless of your past. 
Max felt the moment that you had accepted, since your body went lax in his hold. His smile grew larger at the thought of you giving in. However, you mind was still mulling over one fact. A large sigh escaped your lips. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Your cheeks heated once again before turning to bury your face in Max’s chest as to hide from the Dutchman. 
“I don’t know how.” 
Max was getting confused. “How do to what Kleintje?”
“How to celebrate Christmas. Never done it before,” you stumbled over your words. 
Max was quick with a solution. “P turned four this year, and I think she can actually grasp what Christmas really is. You can learn right along with her, nothing to be embarrassed about.” 
“And I don’t have any presents or anything to give.” 
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Christmas isn’t all about giving gifts.” 
You huffed. “But I want to.” Your eyes were suddenly welling up with tears, making Max panic a bit. 
He quickly spoke, “Then we can go shopping. Maybe Lando can join. If it’s important to you, then we can do whatever you’d like.” 
You looked up into blue eyes. “We can stay up for Santa?” 
Gosh, you were truly melting this man’s heart. His eyes softened as he looked back into yours. His head dipped in a small nod. 
“Yes Kid. We can stay up for Santa. Now let’s go, AirMax awaits.” 
Your Uber was long forgotten as you sat in the nice plush seat of Max’s private jet. Your eyes sparkled with a child-like wonder as you stared around. Kelly and Max just enjoyed watching you look around with wide and tired eyes. 
You may be 20, but that doesn’t mean that you’re done maturing in life. Max definitely was still trying to heal his inner-child at 26, but he had a whole support system behind him. Yes, his dad wasn’t the best, but he couldn’t image growing up without him. Jos may have been an asshole, but he helped shape Max into what he was today. 
From what he and Kelly now knew, you had had no one. You had offhandedly told Max that you rarely had friends growing up. He and Christian really thought you may have been joking. But after tonight, Max swore to never joke about that again. He knew that you were going to be good friends with some of the grid. Secretly he was hoping that Lando would be one of them. 
He was a good kid in Max’s eyes. And it was a plus that he also lived in Monaco as well. People need friends and family to thrive and flourish, and you had done your waiting. 
Max also knew that if your parents ever showed up to anything, now that you had made it to Formula 1, he would personally cuss them out and then have them banned from every single paddock for the rest of their lives. 
His eyes found you, desperately fighting off sleep. His lips curled up into a smile as you finally gave in and closed your eyes. You were all curled up in with your Dior blanket that you carried everywhere with you - the same one you had in Vegas.
Max turned his head to see that Kelly was also looking at you with a warm smile on her face, eyes full of love. 
Kelly’s head leaned near his as they both watched you cuddle your beloved blanket a bit more. 
“She looks much younger,” Kelly whispered, not wanting to wake you up. 
Max leaned over as well, “Yeah, makes you realized why everyone calls her kid.” 
A soft laugh came out of Kelly’s lips. 
Max continued, “Thank you for being fine with her coming. I know this wasn’t in our plans.” 
Kelly quickly hushed him, her eyes glancing at him before looking back on your sleeping figure, “I think it was a wonderful idea for her to join. We should have asked sooner.” A sad smile crept on her face. 
He nodded as Kelly made a small home under his arm and against his side. She hummed as she closed her own eyes, wanting to sleep a bit before landing in Monaco. 
Max, however, was preoccupied with texting a group chat that he had made a few minutes before getting on a plane. 
Tax Evaders Max has added Trophy Breaker, Emotional Support Rival, and Kid’s Leclerc to the chat
Mad Max:  I bet you all are wondering why I have gathered you here 
Trophy Breaker:  Um, yes  And what is with the chat name mate? 
Emotional Support Rival  I think he means to imply since Monaco does not make us pay taxes And yes, Max why are we here?  Miss us already? 
Kid’s Leclerc  I’m just wondering who these numbers are other than Charles? 
Mad Max: This is Max Verstappen  The other one is Lando
Trophy Breaker:  Way to give my number away to a total stranger ass-hat Who the heck is Kid’s Leclerc 
Kid’s Leclerc:  This is Arthur 
Trophy Breaker:  Oh that makes more sense 
Emotional Support Rival  Seriously  Emotional Support Rival?  Max I thought we were more than this 
Trophy Breaker:  Yeah – you said you let the whole trophy thing go 
Mad Max:  All of you be quiet 
Kid’s Leclerc:  I never said anything
Mad Max:  As I was saying… I’m guessing maybe Arthur knew  But Y/n had planned to spend Christmas alone
Trophy Breaker:  Her parents out of town or something? 
Emotional Support Rival:  About that…
Kid’s Leclerc:  Y/n’s parents aren’t in the picture anymore 
Trophy Breaker:  THEY DIED?! 
Mad Max:  NO  But I’ll make them wish they were  They disowned her when she was 15 
Trophy Breaker:  … I second your statement 
Mad Max:  Back to what I was going to say  Y/n is spending the first part of break with me, Kelly, and P  Arthur, I need you to up your begging game to get her to join you for the last half  Charles you too 
Kid’s Leclerc:  Sir yes sir 
Emotional Support Rival:  On it  If it will help any 
Trophy Breaker:  What am I supposed to do? 
Mad Max:  She really wants to get presents and other things I’m not comfortable letting her walk the outdoor shops by herself somewhere she’s never been too  I was hoping that you’d join us when we go? 
Trophy Breaker:  For sure  It’s the Monaco Center right?  Where you can drive the cars through? 
Mad Max:  That’s the one Kelly has been talking about going for a while to take P  Might as well do the shopping then 
Trophy Breaker:  Sounds good  I’ll let you know when I’m back from Italy 
Kid’s Leclerc:  I will start the begging when we get back 
Emotional Support Rival:  Same here 
Mad Max:  Thanks guys  I’m hoping she’ll have a good time  First real Christmas and all 
Trophy Breaker:  Awe, Max does have a heart 
Emotional Support Rival:  He really said  Grinch? Never heard of him  I’m Max Verstappen 
Kid’s Leclerc:  I do not group myself with them sir 
Emotional Support Rival:  Thur is just trying to get on his good side 
Trophy Breaker:  And why would that be? 
Kid’s Leclerc:  No comment 
Mad Max:  Plane is about to land and I have to wake Miss Whiny up from her nap 
Kid’s Leclerc:  Just lightly nudge her shoulder  Works wonders and she shouldn’t complain too terrible 
Trophy Breaker:  Oooohhhh I get it now  Little Leclerc is smooth 
Kid’s Leclerc:  Goodbye 
Max let out a chuckle before taking his arm from around Kelly, who had actually fallen asleep as well. He stood up and lifted his arms above his head to stretch. It only took him three steps to reach you, since the main cabin wasn’t big to begin with. 
Heeding Arthur’s advice, he gently nudged your shoulder a few times. You blinked, multiple times, trying to get the fuzziness to go away.
Like Arthur had said, there was no whining that joined your waking up. Your hands came up to rub your face and eyes, trying to rid the evidence of sleep. 
“How long was I out for?” you questioned, voice deeper and quieter. 
Max’s hand found your shoulder and gently rubbed it. “We’re actually about to land.” Your eyes widened as you quickly looked out the plane window to view the Monégasque land below. 
By now, Kelly had woken up and was now fondly looking at her boyfriend and, well, his kid. She knew that Max wanted to try to be more of a big brother to her, but he honestly couldn’t help it. Deep down, he was trying to fulfill a role that he wished he had had when he was growing up. She quietly raised her phone and took a quick picture to maybe upload later. But for now, she’d let them bask in the excitement of being home. 
Unboarding went much easier than regular flights. The private exits were your favorite since you didn’t have to be stopped by fans or anyone else. By the time the three of you got back to Max’s house, or giant mansion since it was so huge, the sun was just rising: which meant that you were in desperate need of a nap. As far as you knew, Penelope was still with the sitter and Kelly wouldn’t go get her until later that day, to give you three some time to rest and recuperate from the long racing weekend. 
Max led you to one of the apparently multiple guest bedrooms for you to put your stuff in. He explained that you could stay here for the time being unless you found one of the other rooms much better. 
You only laughed and told him that it was enough. Max, in your opinion, looked too nervous for someone who had a multi-million dollar home. 
“Max it’s fine I swear,” you reassured him. 
“I just want you to be comfortable.” He shrugged, looking around at the room, eyes glancing from one corner to the other, trying to find something to change. 
“Max, you could give me an air mattress on the floor and I’d be happy. Besides, this bed is much better than the single bed I have back in Nice,” you muttered the last bit. 
Max seemed to take that as good enough, and left you to your own devices. You quickly sent a text to Arthur, who had begged for you to let him know when you got in safely. You rolled his eyes at his mother hen antics and let out a big yawn. 
You could definitely unpack after you took a quick nap. The moment your head hit the nice pillow, you were out like a light. The sound of laughter woke you up a couple of hours later. You groggily walked out of the more than adequate room, rubbing your eyes to rid them of sleep. Max thankfully invested in a house with a large first floor so that you didn’t have to walk down any stairs. 
Max was the first one to spot you standing a bit awkwardly in the opening frame to the living room. Max stood up from where he was sitting with Kelly and Penelope. Walking over, he brought you into a side hug to lead you to the middle of the room. 
He crouched next to his almost actual kid and gestured to you. 
“P, this is Y/n. She’s going to be staying with us until Christmas.” 
You awkwardly looked at the toddler, not knowing what to do. Penelope leaned closer to Max. 
“Does she like dollies?” 
You let out a little laugh at the question. Max and Kelly smiled at the child and then glanced back at you. 
“Why don’t you ask her?” Kelly gently pushed P towards you. She was clutching a small Barbie to her chest as she got closer to you. 
Her neck bent backwards, looking up at you. She held out her doll for you to take, which you did: not wanting to offend her. 
With a shy smile, Penelope questioned, “Do you want to play dolls with me?” 
“Sure!” You tried to make your voice seem as though you were over the moon to play. “Although, I honestly don’t know how. So, why don’t you show me?” 
Penelope quickly took hold of your hand and all but dragged you down to the floor, where multiple other Barbies lay, waiting to be played with. The toddler quickly started to talk in animated gibberish, trying to explain that your Barbie was trying to take over her Barbie land. You only nodded at the very detailed and elaborate plot that she had come up with. 
Max and Kelly giggled at your wide eyes as you tried to keep up with the small doll in your hands. However, it seemed as though you finally caught on to what was happening as Penelope had gotten more excited as you continued to play. The two adults watch the both of you fondly as your Barbie was finally overtaken by one of P’s bigger dolls that she had. Giggles escaped the toddler’s lips as you dramatically fell over, laying on the ground defeated. Penelope had squirmed over, trying to get you to get back up. 
“P, I think I’m done for.” You put a hand over your eyes, laughing as P tried to tickle you “back to life.” 
“No,” she dragged out the vowel. 
You continued, “It’s a very nice rug. I think I’ll just sleep here tonight.” 
She apparently did not like that as she draped her body over yours. You let out a grunt at the unexpected weight on your chest. You retaliated by tickling her as you sat up from the ground. Her squeals echoed the room. 
Max and Kelly thought it was good to leave the two of you alone for a moment. They made their way to the kitchen to start dinner. As Kelly was getting the ingredients out, Max suddenly remembered something. 
“Hey kid?” 
“Yeah?” you perked up from around P’s head, since she was now sitting in your lap. 
Max looked down at the box of pasta in his hands. “Do you have any food allergies or any dislikes?” 
You thought for a moment before responding, “None that I know of. I’ll pretty much eat anything.” 
“All right.” 
Your attention was once again turned to the little girl that was showing you her multiple toys. You wanted to laugh when you spotted one of the scale models of Max’s car. You quickly held it in your hands to look it over. 
“You race with Maxie?” Penelope asked as she took the car out of your hand. You didn’t mind: since it was her toy to begin with. 
You softly smiled. “Yep, going to be the fastest on the track.” 
Your hands started to softly stroke her hair and part it into three strands. You felt the mini car go up and down your leg. Soft “vrooms” left P’s lips as she trailed the car over your thighs. Your hands overlapped and formed a braid in the thin strands that you held. 
An amazing smell started to waft through the air as dinner was close to being done. 
“You staying, right?” P’s big eyes locked with yours. 
“I’ll be staying until Christmas.” 
Kelly and Max were listening to your conversation while everything simmered for a bit. With drinks in their hands, they leaned against each other to watch the two of you interact. It was crazy how fit you looked together. Honestly, there was a weird resemblance between the two of you, and Max would bet that if the four of you went out and about, people would really question if you were truly just a friend and not family. 
“We wait for Santa together?” 
You looked fondly down at her as you tied the braid off. “We’ll wait for Santa and make cookies and do whatever you want.” 
P took that to heart and nodded multiple times in excitement. 
It wasn’t long until dinner was ready. The meal was truly a simple dish: some type of chicken and pasta. Something plain enough that P would eat, but flavorful enough that the other three could enjoy it as well. 
The table was filled with laughter and engaging conversation. There seemed to be an unspoken rule about not talking of Formula 1 conversation at the dinner table, and you were thankful for that. Your mind wanted to run back to memories of a time where you found yourself at your own dining table, alone. Most of the time, the food was long cold and not very good. 
But, the happiness that you found yourself in right now deterred any thoughts of those times. The conversation of the plan for the next day was brought up by Kelly. 
“I was thinking that we could take a trip to the shopping centers tomorrow,” Kelly mentioned before taking a sip from her wine glass. You, of course, had a plain water in front of you. 
Max nodded, “I think that’s a good idea.”
You stayed silent, mulling it over. You cut into your chicken to take another bite, before realizing that the two adults were waiting for an answer from you. Your cheeks heated as you put your fork down. 
“I’m good with anything honestly. It sounds fun.” 
“I feel like there’s a but coming,” Max pointed out, smirking when Penelope laughed at the second to last word. You couldn’t help but join in with the young girl. 
You shifted in your chair. “I’ve just never been before I guess.” 
Max sent you a soft smile. “I thought of that. What do you think of Lando joining to walk around with you?” 
Your eyes widened at the offer. You…go shopping…alone…with Lando Norris? 
“I think I ran him over in an elevator one time.” 
Max almost choked on his drink at your confession while Kelly could only laugh. 
“Kid, I don’t think he remembers that. It’ll be good for you so that next season, you can start off with a familiar face and friend.” 
Your heart soared at the thought of that and you quickly accepted. 
“Great, I’ll text Lando that we’ll see him in the morning. But knowing him, he’s going to want to start shopping in the afternoon.” 
And Max was correct as Lando practically whined about the idea of shopping in the morning while he was on call. Reluctantly though, the two came to a shared decision of shopping in the early afternoon around 1 pm. 
You were nervous in the car, but Penelope in her car seat was a good distraction. This time, she told you that your Barbie was secretly a mermaid and needed a prince to save her. Sadly, all the Babies she had was the one you were holding, and another female with bright pink hair. You quickly noted to maybe find a prince doll for her while you were out shopping. 
Your mind also raced with questions of what to get Max and Kelly, since they had taken you into their home and treated you as one of their own. Maybe you could ask Lando. 
But what do you get two people who seem to be happy and content with what they have? 
You were brought out of your thoughts at the lack of motion from the car. By now, you finally noticed that Max and Kelly had gotten out of the car, the latter now unbuckling P’s car seat. You quickly leaned over to unbuckle your own seat belt. 
“Almost thought I had to unbuckle you myself,” Max joked as you finally got out of the car, stretching your limbs. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You waved him off while you looked around at the shopping center. Lights, wreaths, and trees were everywhere. Your eyes really sparkled with the reflections of the all the lights. What you didn’t realize is that one Lando Norris had finally joined the group. You only noticed when he decided that it was a good idea to place both hands on your shoulders and yell really loudly. 
What he didn’t know was that you had taken a few self-defense classes in your past. And his face was met with the knuckles of your hand. At least it wasn’t a very hard hit as your hand was covered in a very soft glove. 
Your eyes widened as you let out a gasp as Lando cupped a hand to his nose. 
“I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to,” you frantically looked around, trying to see who had seen the altercation. Thankfully, no one had seemed to notice. However, Max could not stop laughing. You thought that any moment he would fall on the concrete from his wheezing. Kelly just held P with a look of concern. 
Lando waved his hands, “I will not be doing that again.” 
“I truly am sorry.” You grimaced at the sight of a red mark growing on his face. 
“I thought that was hilarious.” Max could only offer, still laughing. Lando only squinted his eyes at him in mock offence. 
“Lanno!” Penelope yelled from her jail of her mom’s arms. Kelly let her down and she bolted to the Brit. Lando caught her and held her. 
“Hey P,” he greeted. P’s head found sanctuary in the crease of his neck. “At least one Verstappen likes me.” 
“She’s not a Verstappen, yet.” 
“I do like you.” 
“I’m not even remotely related.” 
Lando just shook his head. “Max needs to hurry up; you laugh at my pain; you are Max’s kid, so a Verstappen by proxy.” 
You just looked confused and lost at the revelation from Lando. Max let out a nervous giggle as he glanced at Kelly. 
“Are we ready to start shopping?” Max clapped his hands. 
“Y/n, you’re coming with me?” Lando questioned as he put the toddler back down. 
Your hand scratched the back of your head nervously. “I guess so?” You had tried to make it not seem like a question, but you couldn’t help it. 
Max was the one to pick up Penelope this time. “Just text us when you’re done. We will meet up back here.” And with that, he, Kelly, and P turned to leave. Which left you with Lando, who was looking at you with waiting eyes. 
“Uh, lead the way?” 
Lando cocked his head. “You’ve never been? Surely Arthur has taken you.” 
You only shook your head as the two of you turned in the opposite direction. “I’ve only visited Monaco a few times and they were most for promotions or dinners with higher ups. Didn’t have a lot of time to go exploring.” 
“Fair enough. Well, you just tell me when you see a store that you want to visit.” 
“About that, do you have any ideas of what to maybe get Max or Kelly? I know what I want to get for P, but they’re a bit harder to think of gifts for,” you confessed as you walked down the sidewalk. 
Lando hummed as he thought. “I know Max had talked about needing a new steering wheel for his sim. Something about the buttons being sticky from spilling a drink.” 
“It was probably a Red Bull, if we’re being honest here.” That earned you a laugh from the older driver. 
“True. Now Kelly, I really don’t know. Maybe you should text Max?” 
“I’ll think of something, hopefully.” 
And think of something you did. You had barely passed a jewelry store when something caught your eye. 
“Lando, I’m going to go in here for a moment. I need to by a few things.” The Brit nodded and followed you in. You shot him a confused look. 
“Might as well find a present for my mom and sister while we’re here.” 
Thankfully, the two of you went in opposite directions of the store. Your eyes glanced over the glass cases full of valuables. You knew your bank account couldn’t quite handle some of the pieces, but you hoped that the item you were thinking of didn’t cost much. 
As you hovered over the necklaces, a sales rep had come over and asked if you had needed anything. 
“Can I see the locket, please?” 
“Why certainly.” 
The man unlocked the glass case and pulled out the beautiful chain with a heart-shaped pendent on it. The front was plain, probably because many would want to personalize it. You gently took it in your hands to give it a look over. 
“I could customize the front and give you a picture to put it in right?” 
The man quickly told you all the different things that you could do with the small item. To your surprise, the upcharges weren’t much to get it custom. 
You requested for Penelope’s and Max’s birth flowers to be etched into the front. You quickly scrolled through Pinterest and Instagram to find a nice picture each of Max and P. Satisfied with both, you sent them in to the store and was told that you could pick it up in around 2 hours. 
You thanked the man for his swiftness before requesting to look at another bracelet and a watch. You had made a mental note that you had finally accepted the offer from Arthur to join him, Charles, and their mom for Christmas night. 
You, again, asked for a special inscription to be put on the nice watch. By the time everything would be ready, you and Lando should be headed back to the car. You told the man that you’d like to pick up the second necklace at that time too, even though you didn’t need anything custom on Charles’ present. 
You found Lando waiting for you at the front of the store, hands holding two small bags. He looked up from his phone when his eyes caught you walking closer. 
“Find anything?” he asked, glancing at your empty hands. 
“I actually did. But I have to come back to get them when they’re done.” 
Lando let out a ‘ah’ before turning around to leave the nice store. 
“Are you good if we stop by the gaming place?” Lando questioned, looking over his shoulder as you tried to keep up. 
“Only if you show me what wheel to buy Max. Then I need to go to the toy shop that’s across the way.” 
Lando nodded and took your hand, almost dragging you along – which you didn’t mind, since people have said that you tend to get lost easily. As you approached the shop, you saw Lando’s eyes light up at the sight of all the gaming equipment. You wanted to laugh, but you knew you’d look the same way if you had stepped into a mechanic shop or a Porsche dealership. 
Lando quickly walked you over to the wall of wheels, pointing out which ones would be compatible with Max’s sim. Your bank account wanted to cry at the amount of zeros before the decimal point, but your heart was set on getting it for Max. He had given you what you always wanted, so you could at least get him something nice for Christmas. 
You ended up picking the one with the middle price, not the most expensive but not the “cheapest” one either. Your hands grabbed the box and held onto it tightly, not wanting to break it. The girl at the cashier register turned out to be a fan and asked for a picture. 
“As long as you don’t say what I’m buying. Gotta keep the present a surprise.” 
The girl nodded eagerly as she took a selfie with you. 
As she rang you up, she started to talk, “I know it’s not Formula 1, but I do E-Racing and you have been nothing short of an inspiration to me. It wasn’t easy being the only girl on my team, but you gave me the strength to keep going.” 
Wow. It was not on your agenda to cry today, but you couldn’t help the tears that formed in your eyes. You leaned over the counter to give her a quick hug and tell her how much those words meant to you. 
You hadn’t noticed that you were holding up the line until Lando yelled something from the back of it. Saying goodbye, you stalked back to where he was, hands full of gaming equipment. 
You raised an eyebrow. “All for you?” 
He only smirked in response. “Most of it is for my friend Max.” 
You cocked your head and heart dropped at the sight of the same steering wheel that you currently had in your bad. Did Lando plan to up-one you in gift giving. You held up the bag that held the wheel. 
“I thought I was getting the wheel for Max?” 
Lando had a look of confusion before his eyes showed an understanding. “You are not the only one with a best friend named Max.” 
You pouted. “Max is not my best friend.” 
“Oh yeah,” Lando tilted his head, “then who is?” 
The two of you stepped forward in the line. You hesitated before a deeper pout formed on your lips. 
You only grumbled, “Max.” 
Lando through his head back in laughter as you finally made it to the front of the line. Lando quickly payed for his things with a tap of his card. Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head when you saw the grand total for his purchases. Boy, oh boy, you couldn’t wait to drive for real and get that bank. 
You definitely had some money from over the years. Winnings, your godfather’s will (where everything went to you), and then the bonus you got for signing with Red Bull in the first place. But you had been planning to look into getting an apartment in Monaco and one in London along with a vehicle to be in both places so you didn’t waste money on rentals. 
Speaking of apartments, you phone buzzed with a notification from the agent that you hired to find you a suitable one. Your smile grew as you saw that she had told you that you had been approved for one about a ten minute walk from Max and that you could start moving in after Christmas. You quickly sent a text back where you profuse your thanks for her. 
“What’s got you all smiley, Bug?” Lando tried to peer over your shoulder to look at your phone. 
Your once smile turned into a scrunched face as you looked up at him. 
“Bug?” You tried out the name on your own tongue. 
Lando just shrugged. “Well, everyone calls you Kid. You’re not that much younger than me, so it doesn’t work the same. But you are shorter.” You hit his arm. “What?! It’s true. So Bug it is.” 
“I guess that’s fine.” 
“Now, do you want to tell me what message you got? Secret boyfriend? Arthur? Meme from Max?” 
You tried to bite back your grin, but you were just so happy. “I, uh, got approved for an apartment here, in Monaco. It’s about 10 minutes away from Max’s house.” 
“Well congratulations!” Lando brought you into a side hug, bags swinging. 
“Thank you, Lanno.” You were now the one dishing out nicknames. Lando’s smile only grew, but he didn’t mention anything about the name. Somehow that was good enough for you to infer that he liked it and didn’t think it was stupid. 
From there, the two of you stopped in a toy store while you quickly grabbed a few toys for Penelope: one being a prince doll, another a toy version of the RB19, and then a couple of stuffies that you hoped the girl would like. Lando also pitched in for a couple of extras. 
You also went back into the jewelry store to grab Kelly’s necklace, Arthur’s watch, and Charles’ bracelet. All had been exactly what you wanted and the engravings were beautiful. The McLaren driver also had good things to say about them as well. 
You asked for them to also be all packaged up, ready to go right under the tree that Kelly and Max had already put out, but not decorated. He had given that task to the ladies of the house. You had giggled when Kelly told you that he had absolutely no decorating skills. 
There weren’t any stores left for you and Lando to visit, and before you knew it, goodbyes were being exchanged with the promises of hanging out another time. 
y/n.89 posted
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christmas shopping with kevin mccallister tagged: landonorris
liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1, and 104,284 others
landonorris the slander is just wrong - where is your christmas spirit
y/n.89 I have plenty, just not for you logansargeant any for me? y/n.89 plenty mr. american
Christa72 thank you again for the picture!
y/n.89 it was so lovely to meet you!
box_box_official love seeing y/n become friends with the drivers outside the races
y/n-lover our Christmas queen
oscarpiastri you are right, he is giving kevin
landonorris oscaaaahhhhhh y/n.89 ahahahahahah get wrecked landonorris I think I heard a bug around here
Funny enough, you and P both fell asleep in the car on the way back. You were only woken up by Max lightly shaking you, something he remembered from the plane. With sleepy eyes and hands full of bags, you walked to your “room” and flopped on the bed. As Max passed with an armful of toddler, he chuckled at your form. He’d leave you for a bit until dinner was ready. 
He carefully put Penelope in her small bed, covering her lightly with a small blanket. As he turned to get up, a small hand reached out and pulled on his. His eyes widened a tad as he looked back at the sleepy girl.
His big hand cupped her head and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Hey P, you sleepy or do you want to stay up with Maxie and Mommy?” 
Penelope rubbed her eyes as she sat up. “Is KiKi gonna be there?” 
Max cocked his head. “Who?” 
Max thought for a moment. “Y/n?” 
The toddler just nodded holding her arms out, waiting to be picked up. Max quickly scooped her back up. Knowing that she’d want to see you, he brought her to your room, where you hadn’t moved an inch. He gently placed the toddler in your bed. To his surprise, in your sleep, you unconsciously moved to make room for P and put your arm around her bringing her closer. 
Max’s heart melted as he took out his phone to quickly text Kelly to come to your room. She was quick since she stood next to him in under a minute. He brought her close as they watch the two of you snuggle. They both heard a content hum escape your lips as your arm tightened around the girl. Tears made their way to Max’s lash line, but he managed to keep them at bay. 
“Let’s go make dinner,” Kelly whispered. 
Around an hour later, Max woke the two of you up for dinner. Once again, the meal was delicious. Your heart swelled at the soft smiles exchanged around the table. 
This is basically how the first part of the break went. Movies were watched, tears were shed (you definitely didn’t cry while watching the Polar Express), cookies were made and decorated (after many failed attempts), snow men were built, standing proudly in front of the house, and snowballs were thrown (Max apparently lost a snowball fight for the first time in 20 years). 
Before you knew it, Christmas Eve was finally here. You had woken up early, wanting to prepare for everything. Max definitely laughed when he saw you sitting by the chimney looking up at the sooty dark hole. 
“But how does he fit through there?” Your eyebrows were scrunched as you pondered over this with a bowl of cereal. 
Max sipped his coffee. “Magic.” 
“That makes zero sense.” You bit your spoon, eating the cereal that was there. Sadly, that was the last of your breakfast. Max ruffled your hair, making it messier than it was. 
All day long, you waited and waited and waited. You finally had something to do after dinner while the four of you decorated the tree. Somehow, Penelope had climbed on your back to reach the upper branches. 
“Higher Kiki! Higher!” She giggled as you hoisted her higher on your back. 
“Any higher and you’ll be in the ceiling.” You laughed along with her, Max and Kelly watching the two of you with fond smiles as well as taking pictures from time to time. Max was practically vibrating in his seat. He thought that last year with just him, Kelly, and P was the best that life could be. But seeing you with his “almost daughter” and seeing his “almost wife” look at you like you were her own: it was such a different feeling. 
He was brought out of his thoughts with your voice. 
“I think we’re done!” 
You and P held out your arms as to display your decorating jobs. The two adults clapped lightly. The toddler and you took a dramatic bow, before rushing to the kitchen. Giggles and laughs echoed through the warmly lit house. The two of you returned with a full glass of milk – carried by Penelope with two hands (like you reminded her) and you held two plates – one with cookies decorated with colorful icings and one with carrots (for the reindeer – of course). 
With a kiss on your head and one on P’s, the two of you were left to sleep by the Christmas tree. You, however, couldn’t stop wriggling: you were too excited about Santa. You had just gotten sleepy when you heard a noise, come from deeper in the house. Your once wiggly body quickly froze. If Santa was supposed to come down the chimney, which was at your feet, then why was there noise coming from the kitchen. 
You slowly sat up and grabbed the closest thing near you – funny enough it was “How to Build a Car” by Adrian Newey that Max used as a table topper. You slightly shook as you stood from the couch. You were thinking to yourself – was Santa just a home invader to come steal your things? 
Well, Max had invited you to his house and you were not about to let some fat man come rob him. You were an athlete, with real sweat – athlete sweat: you could take him. 
Gingerly you stepped around where P was sleeping and made your way farther into the house. Your eyes caught something red, and you froze once again when your eyes landed on another figure. 
What was Kelly doing with the burglar? 
Had he threatened her? Did he have a gun? Where was Max? Was he knocked unconscious and tied up in their bedroom, alone, possibly bleeding? Or even worse – dead? 
Tears welled in your eyes at the thought. Max couldn’t possibly be dead. Your sleepy mind was getting the best of you. You peered around the corner once more and your blood boiled. 
Santa was now leaning in – FOR A KISS?? That did it. 
You stepped out from behind the corner, book clenched in your hands in front of your chest. If he had a gun and shot, the book would save you – hopefully. 
Kelly finally saw you and her eyes widened at your shaking figure. She quickly tapped Santa (well, Max in a Santa suit) and gestured to you. With wide eyes, Max turned around and froze when he saw you as well. 
You were not supposed to be up. 
He stood up straighter and took his hands off his girlfriend. Trying to dissolve the situation carefully, he wanted to be the first one to talk, but you always had the upper hand. 
“Where is Max?” You voice wobbled. 
Max wanted to cry when he heard the shakiness in your tone. 
He cleared his throat before speaking with a deep tone. “He’s still asleep.” 
You glared at the fake robber-wanna-be. “Oh so you decide to come rob our house and threaten Kelly while Max is asleep?” By now, the book was slowly rising above your head. 
Max wanted to sigh, this was not going according to plan.
“Kid, Kelly just need to show me something about the, uh.” Max looked at Kelly, trying to speak with his eyes. 
“The cookies sweetie,” Kelly came up with the excuse on the spot. 
Your book was slowly coming down. “What about the cookies?” Now your voice sounded worried. Had you screwed up Santa’s cookies and was this the real Santa? And you were threatening him? 
“Nothing’s wrong with them Kid. I got a little lost in this big house,” his gloved hands gestured to the giant ceilings, “and I couldn’t find the cookies, milk, or carrots for the reindeer.” Max was able to come up with the second lie, but he could tell it was working. His eyes watched as you finally lowered the book. 
You exhaled sharply and yawned. Max and Kelly’s hearts melted at your sleepiness. Your head nodded as you tried to make sense of everything. 
Well, it would make sense for Santa to get lost in a home that he’d never visited before. And you and P didn’t put the cookies, milk, and carrots on the actual fireplace because you two were nervous he would step on them. Honestly, you were falling asleep where you were standing. 
Max cautiously stepped closer and put a hand on your back to lead you back to the couch. With eyes closed you let him guide you. He finally exhaled once you were tucked in. 
Kelly and he shared a glance at each other and disappeared around the corner and back to their room. Quiet laughs echoed through the bedroom as Max almost tripped on the red pants as he tried to get out of them. They quickly fell asleep when their heads hit their pillows. They could laugh at that for years to come. 
They felt as though they hadn’t gotten any sleep by the time Penelope came screaming through their room. 
“SANTA CAME! SANTA CAME!” The toddler’s arms were up in the air before she used to them lift herself onto the giant bed. Max groaned when she found a spot right on his stomach to park herself. 
Max picked her up as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Present time?” 
Penelope sat silent for a moment before the words really hit here before squeals left her lips. Once again, she darted out of the room to rush back to the main room. 
You had been in the kitchen making coffee. 
Honestly, you don’t even remember what happened. (And that’s probably for the best.) Before long, Max and Kelly waddled into the kitchen, barely awake. They were met with warm mugs in their hands and the smell of coffee in the kitchen. 
With smiles, they thanked you and headed into the living room where P was practically vibrating in her spot, yet was waiting for everyone. 
Max had been designated as “Santa” this year to pass and hand out the presents. He and Kelly shared a knowing look and a wink that you picked up on and flashed a confused face, but you let it go. It was probably some inside joke that didn’t involve you. Right. 
You were thankful for the first present that Max passed you, but where surprised when the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth present also made their way into your lap. You again had a confused look on your face, but the comforting smile on Kelly’s face helped you realize that these were all on purpose. 
Max and Kelly were also surprised when they also got a gift from you as well. You sheepishly smiled at them and went to speak, but the sound of paper ripping interrupted you. 
Well, there went Penelope. Laughs were shared as the young girl ripped and tore through the previously carefully wrapped present. 
When she got to yours, she stared at the prince doll and the stuffies. She felt each one and traced the dolls face. She quickly got up and wrapped her arms around your neck. 
“Thanks Kiki!” She had the largest smile on her face. 
You rubbed her back and hugged her tightly. “You’re very welcome.” 
She immediately sat back down and started to play. Possibly this time the story line would go much better as the prince could now save the princess. 
You guessed it was your turn now. You were about to open the first present, but Max stopped you. 
“Open this one first.” He gave you the smallest one first. 
You opened the small package and a gasp left your lips. 
Inside, was a small circular ornament. It was decorated with a family of four – two girls with a man and woman –  with lettering underneath them. You read the words out loud. 
“First Christmas as a Family of Four. Max, Kelly, Penelope, and Y/n.” You looked up from the ornament to the two adults who looked at you with such love. 
Max broke the silence. “Uh, we just wanted to get you something meaningful. No matter what happens you’ll always find yourself in our home and intermingled in our lives.” 
Kelly leaned in closer to Max. “We always want you here honey. You’re family now.” She intertwined her fingers with Max. 
You ducked your head with a small smile. “Can I put it on the tree?” 
With quick and eager nods, you stood up and tiptoed over the piles of papers that littered the floor. You found a nice branch right in the front of the tree and made sure it stayed. You walked back to your place and sat back down. 
“Your turn now.” 
The Dutch adults took their presents that you had bought them a few weeks ago. Kelly may have shed a tear or two when she noticed that the flowers were Max and P’s birth flowers. Yet, she promised that she’d take it to get your put there as well. That’s when you had started to cry. 
Max was shocked by how you had possibly known what steering wheel he had needed. You sheepishly said that you had received some help from Lando. 
“Kid, this is too expensive.” 
You crossed your arms. 
“I’m not poor.” 
Max rolled his eyes. “I know you aren’t but…” 
“No buts. I wanted to so you have to accept it.” 
Max finally sighed as he looked down at the wheel. “Fine.” 
You did a little wiggle dance at the small victory. 
“Yeah, yeah. Now would you please open the rest of your presents?” 
The next ones that you opened were a paddle kit (because you had once told Max that it would be good to bond over another sport), new shoes (yours were falling apart), small mini versions of Lightning McQueen and Sally (you promised to put it on your dash when you bought a car), some jewelry that Kelly picked out (she also promised that she’d help you renew your closet when you found a permanent place to stay), and then finally a Lecia Q2 camera (something Lando told Max that you might enjoy to have a separate hobby and one that he could help you out with). 
When every present had been unwrapped and played with for just a bit, you quietly stood up and cleared your voice. All three pairs of eyes were now on you. 
“I uh, just wanted to say thank you. I’ve never had something like this before, and you have definitely shown what I’ve been missing. But, I wouldn’t want to spend Christmas like this with anyone else – past or present. I’m glad that I have people like the three of you that love me and welcome me with open arms.” You took a deep breath. 
“I also wanted to say that I am happy here and really never want to call another place home like I’ve started to call this place home.” You reached for your phone. 
“Kid,” Max started to say. He wanted you to stay, but knew he would have to talk to Kelly about letting you stay here permanently. 
Except you had other plans. You sat in between them so that they could look at your screen. 
“Like I said, I would never want to leave now that I have finally found a place where I feel like I belong. So a couple of weeks ago, I hired an agent to find me a small apartment in a radius around her. And I got approved when we went shopping. It’s about a ten minute walk from here but it’s private enough where people really won’t think to look for me.” 
Max looked at you with a bright smile as he brought you into a hug. Kelly also leaned over to hug you as well. Penelope, who didn’t want to be left out, jumped into your lap. But, as your eyes glazed over the walls, you let out a gasp. 
Thinking that something was wrong, Max pulled away quickly, eyes glancing over you, trying to see what was wrong. Yet, you pointed at the window. 
Three heads whipped in that direction to also look at the white fluffy stuff that was falling from the sky. You quickly stood up and rushed to change into something warmer. Kelly, Max, and P followed suit. Once the four of you were bundled, you all walked outside to stand under the fresh snow. 
This wasn’t the first time you saw snow, but this would be your first white Christmas. You stood at the side as you watched Max and Kelly kneel near Penelope and start to build a snowman. You laughed as you watched Kelly put snow down Max’s jacket and Max desperately try to get the snow out. It looked as if he was break dancing as the snow slid down his back. Penelope just watched and laughed as Max wiggled. 
Max finally glanced at your and beckoned you over to join them. You shook your head as your own laugh started to sound in the stark white world that you were in. You stalked over and started to help them build the snowman. You could worry about other things at a later point. Here, this is where you belonged. 
With your family. 
So, this is Christmas.  
maxverstappen1 posted
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my christmas girls tagged: kellypiquet and y/n.89
liked by y/n.89, landonorris, and 1,109,837 others
max-max-super the caption just destroyed me
emotional_support_rivals drivers during christmas are my favorite
y/n.89 love you maxie <3 thanks for loving me
maxverstappen1 anytime kid, anytime charles_leclerc like I said, max does have a heart maxverstappen1 watch it leclerc or I won't let her go over later arthur_leclerc Charles shut up please
iamred-iamyellow I'm not crying, you're crying
kellypiquet all my love for you, P, and y/n
y/n-updates the way he called y/n one of "his girls" - goodbye
landonorris Arthur wants to call her that as well *comment has been deleted* change_ur_f-car DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT?! landonorris close your eyes
y/n.89 has posted
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I have everything I ever wished for right here - Merry Christmas tagged: maxverstappen1 and kellypiquet
liked by arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 130,274 others
lastlaplando the verstappen household woke up and chose christmas caption VIOLENCE
maxiel-lover I know right, both had me bawlin formula1fan my favorite version of max is "soft for y/n" max
y/n's_version our christmas girl
redbullracing who won the snowball fight and snowman contest?
y/n.89 me maxverstappen1 me y/n.89 wanna think about your answer again???? maxverstappen1 y/n did
y/n.89 the last picture was pre-snow, max just got too cold to stand still for a winter family photo
landonorris typical max, always ruining lives somehow maxverstappen1 eXcUSe mE?!
emotional_support_rivals live, laugh, love y/n verstappen
y/n.89 no, we're taking Kelly's last name maxverstappen1 when did we talk about this? kellypiquet you were asleep
y/n.89 what are you doing here? author breaking the fourth wall? y/n.89 continue
For the full Christmas Day experience, read this chapter of Besties for the Resties!
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @leptitlu @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost @misartymis @boiohboii @alexander-hamilhoe @jayda12 @indesicivelyconfuzzled @fangirl125reader @itscrzy @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fionaschicken @torchbearerkyle @ineedafictionalman @loaksmuntxa @classiclitfreak @sarcasm-ismy-onlydefense @luisie @jayda12 @comfortzonequeen @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @inejghafawifesblog @treehouse-mouse
970 notes · View notes
whereforarthur · 20 days
I Didn't Know Punk Girls Blushed
Request: Can you do a Chrismd imagine where he’s into an edgier girl? Like maybe she has tattoos and piercings and is the complete opposite of him? Idk how i want the story to go so you can have free range lol
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Pairing: ChrisMd x Reader
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Chris sauntered into the dimly lit vinyl record store, his eyes immediately drawn to the wall of albums that seemed to breathe the very essence of London's vibrant music scene. The sweet, nostalgic scent of old records filled the air, a stark contrast to the bustling street outside. He was on a mission to find the perfect gift for Arthur Hill's birthday, something that would make his old pal's face light up like a Christmas tree.
Behind the counter, a girl with a shock of different streaks of colored hair and a smattering of tattoos peeked out from under her beanie. She was the epitome of edgy, with a piercing gaze that could cut through the fog of a London evening. Her name tag read 'y/n', and she looked as if she'd rather be anywhere but here, serving customers in a store that seemed to be a relic of a bygone era.
Chris approached, a smile playing on his lips, "Hi, I'm looking for something special for my mate's birthday. He's into some old school stuff, you know?"
Y/n nodded, her expression unchanged. "What's his taste?"
Chris thought for a moment, "Arthur's a classic rock kind of guy, but with a bit of a twist. Nothing too mainstream."
Y/n's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the rows of records. "I've got just the thing," she murmured, slipping behind the counter and disappearing into the labyrinth of vinyl. The sound of her boots tapping against the wooden floor echoed through the store, and Chris couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. There was something about her that was different from the usual girls he encountered at games or in the pubs.
When she reemerged, she held a vintage-looking album with a faded cover. "This is 'The Dark Side of the Moon' by Pink Floyd. It's a classic, but it's got that edgy vibe to it." She placed it on the counter with a gentle thud. "Your mate Arthur might like it if he's into something with a bit of depth."
Chris's smile widened. "Perfect! I think he'll love it." He watched as she pulled out a dusty record sleeve and slid the album into it with a practiced ease. Her hands were adorned with rings that glinted in the soft light, hinting at a hidden creativity beneath her tough exterior.
As she worked, y/n spoke up again, "What's your name?"
"Chris," he replied, watching her closely. "ChrisMD."
Y/n looked up, a flicker of recognition crossing her face. "Ah, the football YouTuber," she said, her tone flat.
Chris's cheeks flushed slightly. "Yeah, that's me," he said, trying to keep the conversation going. "What's yours?"
Y/n rolled her eyes and tapped her name tag. "It's right there."
Chris felt a twinge of embarrassment and leaned in closer. "Oh, right," he chuckled. "So, y/n, do you work here often?"
Her eyes met his, and for a brief moment, he saw a spark of something—amusement, perhaps? "It's not the worst gig," she replied, sliding the record into a paper bag with the store's logo stamped on it. "Keeps me in vinyl and coffee."
Chris felt his heart flutter in his chest. He wasn't usually one to get flustered around girls, but there was something about y/n that threw him off his game. Her edgy allure was like nothing he'd ever encountered before, and he found himself desperately trying to think of something to say that wouldn't make him sound like the cheesy, over-eager fanboy he feared he was coming across as.
He took a deep breath, willing his cheeks to return to their normal color. "So, y/n, do you like football?" He cringed internally, knowing it was a cliché question, but he was desperate to find some common ground.
To his surprise, she looked up at him with a smirk. "You know, I've been known to kick a ball around," she said, handing him the bag. "But I'm more into the indie scene myself."
Chris raised an eyebrow. "Indie music and football? That's an interesting mix."
Y/n shrugged. "Life's full of surprises."
Their conversation was interrupted by the jingle of the shop door as it opened, letting in a gust of cool air. A customer walked in, and y/n's demeanor shifted, her eyes focusing on the new arrival. "I've got to get back to work," she said, turning away from Chris.
Chris felt a pang of disappointment but nodded, understanding. "No worries. Thanks for the help." He took the bag from her outstretched hand, feeling the warmth she had transferred to it. "Maybe I'll see you around?"
Y/n glanced back at him, a hint of curiosity in her gaze. "Maybe," she said noncommittally before returning her attention to the new customer.
The next few days passed in a blur for Chris. He found himself counting down the hours until he could return to the vinyl record store, hoping to catch another glimpse of y/n. He'd never felt this way about a girl before—his usual type was more of the cheerleader variety, not the edgy, tattooed girl who seemed to see right through him. But there was something about her that drew him in, a challenge that he couldn't resist.
On the third day, he mustered the courage to return. The bell above the door chimed as he stepped inside, and y/n looked up from the stack of records she was organizing. Her expression was unreadable, but there was a flicker in her eyes that made his heart race. She didn't look surprised to see him, just… resigned, as if she'd been expecting his return.
"Back again?" she asked, her voice holding a touch of amusement.
Chris felt his cheeks warm, but he held her gaze. "Yeah, I had to come back. That Pink Floyd album was a hit."
y/n nodded. "Thought it might be." She paused, her hand resting on a nearby record. "So, what are you looking for today?"
Chris shrugged, playing it cool. "Just browsing, really."
y/n raised an eyebrow, her piercings glinting in the soft light. "You're not here to see me, then?"
Chris's heart skipped a beat. "Well, that's not entirely true," he admitted, a grin spreading across his face. "I just wanted to, you know, say thanks and maybe get to know you a bit better."
Her expression remained neutral, but he could see the corners of her mouth twitch. "What's there to know?" she asked, a challenge in her voice.
Chris took a step closer, leaning on the counter. "Everything," he said, his eyes scanning her tattoos, trying to decipher the stories they held. "You're like a walking mystery, and I'm a curious guy."
Y/n's smirk grew into a small smile. "Alright, what do you want to know?"
Chris's mind raced with questions, but he decided to start simple. "How did you get into vinyl?"
Y/n's eyes lit up, a softness coming over her features. "My dad," she said. "He had a collection that was his pride and joy. When he passed, I inherited it all. It's how I keep him with me, you know?"
Chris nodded, feeling a sudden kinship with this girl who had, until now, been a complete enigma to him. "That's really cool," he said, his voice earnest. "I bet he had some amazing records."
Y/n nodded, her eyes misting over slightly. "He did. Some of the best." She paused, then took a deep breath, as if deciding whether or not to let him in further. "He taught me to appreciate the artistry of music, beyond just the sound. The feel of the vinyl, the smell of the sleeves, the way the needle hits the record… It's all part of the experience."
Chris found himself drawn into her world, a place where the music wasn't just background noise but a living, breathing entity that connected people in profound ways. "That's beautiful," he murmured, genuinely moved by her words.
Y/n's eyes searched his, as if looking for signs of mockery or insincerity, but all she found was genuine interest. "You get it," she said, sounding slightly surprised.
Chris nodded, unable to tear his gaze away from her. She looked so pretty when she talked about something she was passionate about, her features softening and her eyes lighting up with an inner fire that made his heart race. He'd never seen a girl transform so completely when discussing something she loved. It was mesmerizing.
"I do," he said softly. "I think that's what's been missing from my music experience. Just playing it on my phone or computer doesn't quite capture that… magic."
Y/n leaned closer, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Exactly! That's what makes vinyl so special. It's not just about the music; it's about the connection to the artist, the history, the culture."
Chris nodded, feeling more at ease now that they had found common ground. "So, what's your favorite record?"
Y/n's eyes sparkled as she thought. "It's hard to pick just one," she said, scanning the shelves. "But if I had to, it'd be 'The Queen is Dead' by The Smiths."
Chris nodded, scribbling down the name in his phone. "I'll have to give it a listen," he said, his thumb hovering over the screen. "You know, I've got a turntable at home that's been collecting dust. Maybe it's time to put it to good use."
The conversation flowed easily between them, a dance of shared interests and laughter. Chris found himself drawn to her sharp wit and her ability to challenge him. He'd never felt this way about a girl before—like he was discovering something new and exciting, something that made his heart race just a little bit faster.
Finally, as the shop grew quiet and the last rays of sunlight streamed through the dusty windows, casting patterns on the floor, he took a deep breath. "So, y/n," he began, his voice casual but his heart hammering in his chest. "I was wondering if you'd be up for grabbing a coffee or something, maybe show me around some of the local indie music spots?"
Her gaze remained on the records she was sorting, but her hand stilled. "Why me?" she asked, her tone teasing.
Chris felt a thrill run through him. She was playing hard to get, but he could see the curiosity in her eyes. "Because you're the vinyl whisperer," he said with a grin. "And I've got a feeling you know all the hidden gems of London's music scene."
Y/n finally looked up, meeting his gaze. "Flattery won't get you far," she said, but her voice held a playful note. "But okay, I'll bite. How about tomorrow night?"
Chris felt his heart soar. "Really?" He tried to keep the excitement out of his voice, not wanting to scare her off.
Y/n nodded, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, really. But don't get your hopes up, football boy. I'm not going to make it easy for you."
Chris chuckled, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Fair enough," he said, trying to play it cool. "Where should we meet?"
Y/n thought for a moment, her eyes scanning the ceiling as if the answer were written there. "How about The Lock Tavern?" she suggested. "It's got a decent selection of records, and the coffee's not too bad either."
Chris nodded eagerly. "Sounds perfect. What time?"
"Eight," she said, her eyes finally meeting his. "Don't be late."
Chris couldn't believe his luck. He'd scored a date with the edgy vinyl goddess of his dreams. "I'll be there," he promised, trying to keep his voice steady.
The following evening, Chris found himself pacing in front of The Lock Tavern, his heart thumping in his chest like a drum. He'd chosen his outfit carefully, aiming for a look that was casual but cool—a nod to her indie style without completely abandoning his own. He glanced at his watch. 7:58. Two minutes to go.
As if on cue, y/n appeared around the corner, her hair a riot of color in the streetlight. She was wearing a vintage band tee and a leather jacket that made her look like she'd just stepped off the set of a music video. She spotted him and raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips.
Chris took a deep breath and walked over to her. "Hey," he said, trying to sound nonchalant.
"You're early," she said, sounding slightly surprised.
"I didn't want to be late," he replied, his cheeks reddening. "So, shall we go in?"
The Lock Tavern was a cozy, dimly lit pub with a distinctly vintage vibe. The walls were lined with shelves of records, and the air was thick with the scent of beer and good music. The jukebox in the corner played a mix of indie hits and obscure tracks that made Chris feel like he'd stumbled into a secret club.
They found a table in the back, the light from a flickering candle casting shadows on y/n's face. She ordered a black coffee, and Chris went for a pint, hoping it would calm his nerves. They talked about music, her favorite bands, and the history of vinyl. Chris found himself hanging on her every word, her passion for the subject contagious.
As the night wore on, the conversation grew more personal. y/n talked about her life growing up in London, her love for the city's underground music scene, and her dreams of becoming a music journalist. Chris shared stories from his childhood, his love for football, and his journey to becoming a YouTube sensation. Despite their differences, they found common ground in their shared love for the art of storytelling—whether it was through music, videos, or the written word.
Their laughter grew louder with each shared anecdote, and the tension between them grew palpable. When the topic of tattoos came up, y/n leaned in, her eyes locked on his. "Do you have any?"
Chris felt a shiver run down his spine. He'd never considered getting inked before, but the way she said it made him want to show her something only she knew about him. "No, I don't," he admitted. "But I've always been curious."
Her smirk grew. "Well, if you're going to keep hanging around these parts, you might want to get one," she teased. "It's practically a rite of passage."
Chris swallowed, his heart racing. "Maybe I will," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But only if you come with me."
Y/n's eyes searched his, and for the first time, he saw something other than amusement or challenge in them—there was a softness, a hint of vulnerability. "Alright," she said, her voice just as soft. "But only if you let me choose the design."
Chris nodded, feeling a strange thrill at the idea of letting her mark him in some way. It was a bold move, but he was ready to step out of his comfort zone for her.
The night grew late, and the pub began to empty out. They lingered over their drinks, the conversation never waning. It was as if they'd known each other for years, despite their stark differences. But as they sat in the warm glow of the candlelight, sharing stories and laughs, it was clear that they had a connection that was more than just skin deep.
When y/n suggested they head out, Chris couldn't hide his disappointment. But as they stepped into the cool London night, the buzz of the city seemed to energize them both. They strolled down the cobblestone streets, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the quiet. The stars above were obscured by the city lights, but the magic of their evening was undiminished.
As they approached the tattoo parlor, y/n's hand slipped into his, and he felt a jolt of excitement. The shop was small, nestled between a vintage clothing store and a tattooed bakery, the neon sign flickering in the dark. The walls were lined with flash art, a kaleidoscope of images that seemed to pulse with the rhythm of the punk rock playing in the background.
The artist, a burly man with a gentle smile, took one look at the nervousness etched on Chris's face and gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "Don't worry, mate," he said, his voice gruff but kind. "You're in good hands."
Y/n whispered the design into the artist's ear, and he nodded, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You're sure about this?" he asked, turning to Chris.
Chris looked at her, her edgy beauty illuminated by the neon glow. "Yeah," he said, swallowing hard. "I trust her."
The process was surprisingly painless, the needle a gentle hum that seemed to sync with the rhythm of his racing heart. As the artist worked, y/n held his hand, her grip tight and reassuring. When it was over, he looked down at the fresh ink, a simple but meaningful design that represented their shared love of music and their blossoming friendship.
They stepped out into the night, the cool air soothing the sting of the tattoo. y/n turned to him, her eyes shining. "So, what do you think?"
Chris smiled, feeling a sense of belonging he hadn't felt in a long time. "I think it's perfect," he said, squeezing her hand. "Thank you."
Their walk back to the tube station was filled with a newfound ease, the awkwardness of their first meeting a distant memory. As they parted ways, the promise of future adventures hanging in the air, Chris couldn't help but feel like he'd found something special in this edgy, pierced girl who'd turned his world upside down.
In the weeks that followed, they explored the city's hidden music venues, discovered new bands, and shared quiet moments that felt like secrets whispered between friends. With each passing day, their bond grew stronger, the lines between fan and crush blurring into something more substantial.
Chris found himself looking forward to their meetups with an anticipation that was both thrilling and terrifying. He knew that the girl who had once seemed so unattainable was now someone he could see himself with, not just for a fleeting romance but for something real.
The tension grew with each shared smile, each brush of their hands. And when y/n finally leaned in and kissed him under the glow of a streetlamp, the music of the city fading into the background, he knew that he was falling for her—for the girl who had shown him that sometimes, the most beautiful melodies were found in the most unexpected places.
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i-am-baechu · 9 months
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♡ Summary: Being a father is the greatest gift Namjoon could ever ask for from Y/N. This Christmas it has turned out to be the hardest one for the family. 
♡ Rating: PG - 14
♡ Genre: Established relationship; Dad! Namjoon x Mom! Reader, romance, fluff and angst 
♡ Author’s Note: This is the sequel to Baby Daddy! Also I worked all day on Christmas Eve and on Christmas I spent it with my family. It’s been busy for me!! 
Namjoon knew the day was coming but he didn’t realize it was coming this fast. They spoke about his military leave twice in the past year. Once, in the beginning and the second, in the middle. Both times Y/N was crying and Namjoon dropped the topic. He hated seeing his wife cry. He couldn’t bear the realization on Su-jin’s face that daddy wasn’t coming home at the end of the day and it hurt more that Y/N had to face it alone.  
He wanted to celebrate Christmas early so at least he can see Su-jin’s second Christmas before he leaves. It was December tenth and Namjoon made their living room filled with Christmas decorations the night before. Their tree was filled with ornaments that had glitter falling down onto their carpet and the lights flashed different colors that made Su-jin hypnotized. Of course Namjoon made sure the tree had mountains of presents underneath with cartoon paper hiding what was inside. 
Y/N watched Su-jin open another gift and she sighed. She leaned towards Namjoon who was sitting next to her with a wide grin, “Joon, don’t you think this is overdoing it?” 
He shook his head and kissed Y/N’s cheek, “No, I wish I could’ve done more.”
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “Babe, how much more could you have done?” 
“Trust me, I had plans.” 
“I don’t doubt that.” 
Su-jin started letting out her giggles when she started playing with her new microphone. Y/N glanced at her and smiled. Namjoon bent down and grabbed a small box that was hidden behind the tree, “Baby, I got you something.”  
She looked back at Namjoon with a surprised look and then at the tiny box, “Joonie, I told you-”
“This is special please.”
She took the box and let out a laugh, “You always had to have it your way.” 
“You’ll like it.”
She opened the box and her eyes widened. It was a ring that had all of their birthstones and engraved in the ring it said, MY FOREVER. She placed the ring next to her wedding bands with excitement, “Namjoon, this is so beautiful.” 
Namjoon placed his hand on top of hers and glanced at the ring, “I just wanted you to know...no matter what. You guys are my forever. Even if I’m far away, I’m always thinking of you guys.” 
“Joon, I don’t need a ring for that. I already know.” 
“I just wanted you to have something...”
She smiles and leans forward, placing a quick peck on his lips, “I love it and I love you.” 
“I love you more.” 
Later that night, Y/N put Su-jin down and it was just the couple. They were in the living room cuddling up watching a random drama with Christmas lights flashing in semi darkness. Namjoon’s fingers carefully went through her hair as she played with his fingers, it was pure bliss. 
“Neh, Namjoon...Do you remember when we met?” 
“Of course I do....”
Another long night and Namjoon felt like shit. All day he was messing up in practice and while no one got mad at him, he was mad at himself. He kept trying but nothing was working. It was frustrating because even Jin picked up the choreography. 
“Namjoon, let’s get some coffee. You need it.”
Namjoon looked up from the floor and gave him a sad smile, “Sure...maybe they have a drink that can make me dance better.”
Yoongi scoffed at this and rolled his eyes, “Shut up, let’s go.” 
They walked down the street to the only cafe open that late. There was soft jazz music playing and the sound of soft talks echoed in the room. whispers that held comfort under the dim lighting. They ordered their usual and waited at a table towards the back. Yoongi was on his phone and Namjoon was just staring outside into the night. He wished he could be better at dancing. He was their leader but he couldn’t help them with the formation, what kind of leader is he? 
“You look like you're thinking hard.” 
A soft voice blended in with the jazz music but it was loud enough for him to hear. He turned his head to see a girl around his age looking at him with a soft smile. The way her eyes looked at him made him feel like he was by a fireplace on a cold day. It was comforting and nice, “Yeah...thinking.”
She placed the cups down on the table and turned her head slightly towards him, “Are you alright? Thinking too hard just causes problems and no one likes problems.” 
“Problems can be the solutions we need.”
“Or the headaches we don’t want.”
Yoongi snickered at this and took a sip of his coffee as he watched the two go back and forth. Y/N heard her name at the counter and sighed, “I have to go but my advice is...don’t be too hard on yourself. We have one life, why be so mean to ourselves.” 
Namjoon watched her walk away and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. There was something about her and he wanted to figure it out. 
She let out a small laugh at the memory, “You were so nervous, it was cute.”
He rolled his eyes at this and changed the channel, “I wasn’t nervous. I was just...overwhelmed...”
“That’s what you said when you asked me out, remember?” 
“Jimin, I don’t think this is going to work.”
Jimin rolled his eyes and handed Namjoon the flowers, “Y/N’s favorite flowers are daisies.”
Hoseok nodded his head and opened the cafe door for him, “Stop being nervous and ask her out before someone else does. Like that guy from the other cafe.” 
“I’m not nervous...I’m overwhelmed.” 
“Yeah, whatever. Just go.” 
Namjoon entered the cafe and saw Y/N watering the plants. He heard Jungkook’s voice playing and he smiled. Y/N told him that she would always support him because she believed that he would become big. She was always there believing in her. 
She looked up and waved at him, “Hey! I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Sorry...ummm....these are for you.”  
She glanced down to see him handing her daisies. She smiled softly and took them out of his hands. She brought the daisies to her nose and inhaled the scent, “You shouldn’t have...I love them Namjoon. Thank you.” 
He felt his face get hot but a surge of confidence flew through him, “Y/N you would go on date me?” 
“Namjoon, are you okay?” 
He knew she was teasing him and she sighed. He looked away with his red face to avoid her mischievous eyes, “Would you go on a date with me?
“Of course I would.” 
“It’s not funny, Y/N.”
“I think it is.”  She reached for the remote and shut off the t.v, “We should head to bed. You want to take Su-jin  to the park tomorrow, remember.” 
He smiles at his daughter's name and nods his head, “Yeah, I wanted her to play with Jungkook while we walk through the park together.” 
“That sounds lovely.” 
The couple shut off everything in the living room and headed towards their bedroom. They both laid in their respective spots and she stared at him with a frown. He raised his eyebrow at this and turned towards her, “Is everything okay, Y/N?”
“I’m just going to miss you...”
“Well maybe Santa will bring me to you.” 
She rolled her eyes and moved closer to him until she felt his body heat, “The only thing I want from Santa is our family together.”
“Baby...” He kissed the top of her head as he wrapped his arms around her waist, “It’s going to be okay.” 
She let out a snicker as she snuggled into his chest, “Been an angel all year, Santa baby...”
He snorted at this and pinched her sides, making her wiggle, “Shush you...”
“Just promise me you’ll write to me.” 
“Of course I will, babe.” 
She looked up and kissed the side of his neck, “I can’t believe Taehyung is shaving his head.”
“I know, he looks like a prince with his hair. It’s going to be wild to see him without it.”
“I always said you looked like a professor that had all the girls drooling during class.”
He smirked at this and he tightened his grip, “Is that so?”
“Very much so...now that you shaved your head...I don’t know you got hotter to me.”
“Really? Su-jin misses my hair.”
She snickers at this and nodded her head, “She does, she was so confused when you didn’t have it but I think you look handsome.” 
“And I think you look beautiful. Let’s sleep.”
“Fine, what time are we leaving?”
“Around eleven.” 
She kissed his chest and closed her eyes, “Good night my love.” 
“Good night.” 
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・
“Hyung! Noona!” 
The couple pushed Su-jin towards Jungkook and she waved at him, “Good morning, Kook.” 
Jungkook smiled at her and gave her a tight hug, “Noona, I heard you had a surprise.”
She raised her eyebrow at this, “And who told you this?” 
She rolled his eyes, “It’s not a surprise...It’s more I baked you a cake for all your solo activities.”
Namjoon took Su-jin out of the stroller and pouted, “You didn’t make me a cake for my solo...”
“This is why I told Yoongi not to tell you. I knew you would blurt it out.”
“Sorry noona.” 
She let out a chuckle and ruffled Jungkook’s hair, “It’s fine. Namjoon, I gave you a baby. That’s bette than cake.” 
“Nothing in this world can compare to my Su-Jin. Want to play with Uncle Kook, Su-jin?” 
Su-jin made grabby motions towards Jungkook and he happily took her. He kissed all over her face and Y/N smiled at the scene before her, “You can play on the playground. Just be careful, she’s been more curious these days.”
“I will noona. Have fun on your walk.” 
Namjoon intertwined their fingers together and they walked. It was winter but today it wasn’t as cold. It was the perfect temperature. They walked closely together in silence as nature became their theme song. Namjoon glanced down at her and smiled, “What do you think about having another baby?”
She glanced up at him and gave him a surprise look, “Another baby? I would love to have another one but you're leaving soon...”
“When I come back?”
She let out a small laugh, “Maybe Santa can make that come true.” 
“Santa's probably tired of us asking him for things.”
She rolled her eyes and nodded her head, “But that’s the fun of Christmas.” 
“So...Another baby? Hurry down the chimney tonight.~” 
Y/N let go of Namjoon’s hand and started to walk away from him, “I’m going back to Su-jin.”
“Wait no! Comeback!”
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enterssandmans · 9 months
holly and ribbon
(james hetfield x reader)
(summary: tis the season! james knows how much you love christmas and wants to make the day EXTRA special!)
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“okay keep em’ close, baby” james instructed softly, having a gentle hold on your wrist as he guided you.
you just chuckled softly, squeezing your eyes shut playfully to let james know you were seriously but also curious. “what is it? are you proposing?” you asked jokingly.
even though you couldn’t see it, you knew james had an exasperated look on his face. “y/n, sweetheart, we’re already married”.
“i know, i know” you sighed, still seeing darkness. “i guess it’d be nice to relive it” you replied in a exaggerated tone making james look down at you as he couldn’t help but smile at your usual playfulness.
“would you just shut up and let me guide you?” the guitarist asked, interlocking his fingers with yours, his words and his actions were enough to get you to quiet down.
“yes sir” you mumbled making james smirk.
after what felt like forever, he had finally brought you to the big surprise.
“okay, now open your eyes!” he said, letting go of your hand but still watching you.
you opened your eyes and immediately a gasp left your mouth. the bedroom in your shared home was decorated with christmas lights that lit up the classic green and red, the christmas tree with the bright star on the top and a present underneath the tree.
“james, holy shit” you whispered, the light of the star illuminating off of your eyes as you stared at it in awe. “you did this for me?”
“of course i did, baby” he replied, walking closer to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. he knew how much this holiday was special to you and there was nothing he loved more than seeing your beautiful smile.
your smile cracked as your gaze shifted from the tree to james. “i love you” you stated softly, leaning your head against his chest as you heard his heartbeat pounding faster than before.
“i love you more” he stated back. “now, go open your presents” he smiled, giving you a playful yet gentle shove towards the tree.
you picked your head up off of his chest and kneeled down near the present, you picked it up and unwrapped the paper, discarding it to the side. your eyes immediately lit up as you saw what was in the box, that necklace you’ve been eyeing for months since that new store opened down the street.
it was gold, but shimmered. a little heart dangling down which made you feel warm inside since james was the one who gifted it to you, the man who stole your heart.
“you like it?” the guitarist questioned, kneeling down next to you as he watched your reaction closely.
all he got was you jumping onto him, your arms wrapping around his neck as you kissed his cheek affectionately. he let out a small noise in surprise but it was replaced with a chuckle as he greatly accepted your love.
“thank you, babe” you mumbled in his ear, he just rubbed your back. “you’re so welcome, my love” he mumbled back.
you pulled away and handed the necklace to james, he was very delicate with his movements as you felt the cold metal on your skin when the necklace was on you.
you admired it as you looked down as well as james, he absolutely thought gold complimented you very well and was actually very proud of himself that he got you this.
james grabbed your hand as the two of you stood up off of the floor and led you over to the bed which had millions of blankets on it, one of them with the red and black checkered pattern.
you both laid down on the bed, looking up at the lights that hung around the ceiling.
james looked over at you, reaching around to play with your hair.
“merry christmas, sweetheart”
you looked back up at him with a smile
“merry christmas, baby”
you guys shifted your focus back to the lights above, reflecting on the year you guys had overcome.
so many great things have happened and more to come.
best. christmas. ever.
(merry christmas to those who celebrate!! i hope you guys got everything you’ve ever wanted and got to spend some quality time with your loved ones. see you in the next year!)
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freddie-77-ao3 · 7 months
Percy Jackson-esque Chapter Titles for a fic i'm writing:
We have friends in holy places (and unholy- Hello Lady Hera!)
What’s Up, Random Person, We’re Kidnapping and Adopting You
Yeah, The Beach Is Nice- Thank You For Not Drowning Us
Hazel Was Dead and Still Knows More Than You
Thank Fuck For The Egyptian- How the Hell Did We End Up In Great Britain
Annabeth Is Obsessed and Bianca Is Possessed- There Goes Christmas
Question Of Our Lives and Today Especially: What The Hell Is Going On?!
Now Would Be A Good Time To Be Anyone Else
Call The Police Because We May Have Just Murdered A Mortal
Ask And You Shall Receive… Sometime In The Next Twenty Years Probably
A Guinea Pig, A Dandelion, A Pine Tree, An Olive Tree and Two Embarrassed Girls Walk Into A Bar  
Satan Or Santa? Neither Should Exist And Yet Somehow They’re Both Knocking On Our Tent Door
A Slight Reprieve From The Last Chapter: Connor Comes For You With The Question ‘Do Tents Have Doors?’
And We’re Back, Why Did You Guys Think Our R&R Would Last Long?
Sugar, Spice, Almost Dying Twice (Today)
Would You Put ‘Cheating Death Almost Daily’ Under Experience Or Special Skills?
An Inspirational Trip Through Hell- Persephone Makes Good Brownies
Those Commercials Where People Screw Up The Most Basic Of Tasks In The Most Idiotic Fashion Ever Describes The Current Situation
As The Prophecy Foretold (We Made It Up, But It Came True)
Living Normally? In This Economy?
And Then The Wolves Came… Sike (Thank Fuck)
The Snails Paced Chocolate Bunny Gives Mixed Messages But Good Cereal
What The Hades Is Going On, Someone Explain
Apparently Exploding A Volcano Makes Us 'Irresponsible’
Why Are Cats So Vengeful 
Oh Look! An Unhelpful Old Person!
The Adults Are More Annoying Than Leo Valdez and Nico Di Angelo Put Together
They Scream For Ice Cream, I Scream For Sanity
McDonald’s And Raising The Dead- Tuesday Never Looked So Good
Unfortunately, I’m Still Not Dead Or A Dolphin (Not For Lack Of Effort)
Eggs Apparently Don’t Like Being Lost At Sea
I’m Packing Up My Crayons And Leaving
Viva La Pluto, Fuck You Guys
A Guide To Giving Up
Hopefully We Can Do This Without Dying This Time
Lady Dirt Face Fucks Us Over- Apparently Today CAN Get Worse
Apparently The Horse Is A God, And Honestly, Fuck The World- But Not You Potty Sludge
If Love Is In The Air Then We’re Wearing Gas Masks- How We Almost Started A War On Accident
If Love Is An Open Door We Should Close It- Aphrodite And Cupid Both Suck
Vegan Ice Cream Sandwiches For One
I Call Shotgun (Said The Invisible Girl  and The Literal Ghost)
I Fucked My Way Into This Mess, I’ll Fuck My Way Out Of It
Things Go Horribly Wrong (Or Horribly Right? It’s Hard To Tell At This Point)
The Fine Art Of Bullshit
We Are Being Hunted And Killed (Why Is This Normal And How Can We Stop It?)
Previously On ‘The Chaos Chronicles”
Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool. Actually It’s Not- Who Lit Katie’s Hair On Fire?!
I’d Like To Say This Is Shocking, But That Would Just Be A Lie
One Hundred And One Monsters, And Twenty Times A Therapist Was Needed
I Am Honestly Surprised That We Are Still Alive, And Apparently So Are The Gods
You Will Never Be A God
Blackmail Only Works If I Care
An Offer I Can Definitely Refuse
Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry, You’ll Give Away Our Location, And Then We’ll Die
Only Come Back With Back Up Or A Burger- Maybe Donuts
Doomsday Or Not, Let Me Go Back To Bed, I Haven’t Slept In A Week And I Don’t Care
Practise Doesn’t Make Perfect, Practise Makes A Forest Fire And A Flood
Sea Foam Speaks and A New Person Shatters My Dreams
The Labyrinth Apparently Doesn’t Murder The Already Dead, So Can We Just Die Already?
For A Moment I Forgot Gravity, And As It Seems So Did The Sky, Which Is Good Because I’d Hate To Die Before Breakfast
And God Told Us To Run A Marathon- What Happened To Normal Executions?
At Some Point The Universe Just Needs To Kill Us
There Is Not Enough Faith For This, 
No Words Can Explain Dan, The God Of Moths and Accidental Demon Summoning 
 The Endless and Mysterious Ocean Becomes A Bit Less So, And I Should Have Paid For Diving Lessons
If Best Plus Bitter Equal Better, Then I Am Way Better Than Everyone
Firecrackers And Actual Crackers- Where Is The Cheese
He Likes Art. Terrible Art, But Still Art So I Suppose I’ll Forgive The Sword Through My Head
Hazel Drives Worse Than Thalia Which Says A Lot Because Thalia Crashed Into A Lake- Oh Wait
What Do You Do When The World Almost Ends- And No Nico, The Answer Isn’t Go To McDonalds
This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen (Just Like Me)
Can I Rewrite My Life Story, Because If So I’m Starting With This
I Wasn’t Prepared For Parenthood When I Stopped A Kidnapping, I’m Seven
Patting My Own Back, No One Appreciates Me, Fuck This And Really The Rest Of My Life
Apparently Dying Is Not An Excuse For Being Late, So Fuck You Too 
Buying Happy Meals For The Dead Isn’t An Excuse For Being Late
Caped God? I Was Hoping You Had Said Cape Cod
Incoherent Screaming Is Our Theme Song, And I Feel A New Episode On
Who Told Apollo He Could Give Us Presents, Because MCR Is Not A Proper Wake Up Call
It’s Jesus Who Ruined Our Lives This Time, Folks
Don’t Awaken The Ancient One, She Has Anxiety
I Did Not Know That Could Kill Someone, But You Learn Something New Every Day
The Gods Themselves Want Me Dead, You’re Not Special, Todd
Doritos And Death, A How To On Properly Waking And Raising The Dead Featuring A Trip To Alaska
What Was I Thinking? I’m Pretty Certain I Wasn’t
News To No One: The Previously Dead Can’t Drive
I Really Hate Saving The World Actually
How Many Times Is That Threat Going To Work Considering It’s Not Serious? A Surprising Number
Everyone Asks Who We Are, Not How We Are, And Honestly I’m Pretty Hungry
The Gods Hate Me And I Don’t Know Why (I Do Know Why, But I Don’t Care, And Honestly They Shouldn’t Either)
 Which Circle Of Hell Are We In Now, Because I Was Not Planning On A Field Trip To Tartarus
We Master The Elements (Some Of Them- We Also Torch And Flood New England)
In Which We Almost Die Again And No One Bats An Eye
 Our Lives Would Be Incredibly Saddening If We Could Sit Down And Look At Them, But Leo Burned Our Chairs 
The Houseplants Try To Eat Us, And Katie Gets Mad
We Babysit For A God, And Then Adopt His Kids- Surprisingly He’s Fine With This
Dreams Do Come True And That Is Absolutely Not A Good Thing
There Goes My Best Bargaining Chip (Oh And Also His Head)
A Series Of Horrible Decisions- Who Decided I Was The Leader
Hylla, Please Don’t Leave Us- Oh, You Can Give Us A Box Of Cereal? Nevermind 
Sunshine And Rainbows Are Meant To Mean Happiness Not War- Iris and Apollo Destroy Things
Please Don’t Hit Me With Another Brick
We Were Happy And Then There Was A Giant Pigeon
Oh My Holy Fucking Shit That Was Not The Right Lever
In Which Swimming With Sharks Almost Leads To Death And Yet Saves Our Lives
There Is No Highway To Hell As It Turns Out, Only Backroads, And Now Nico And Thalia Are Disappointed
And Then The Sky Almost Crushed Us Because It Fell And Honestly I’m Never Trusting You Again
There Goes Normal Society, Say Bye-Bye, Miranda 
Are We Supposed To Live Through This?
The Dick Who Hands Out Toothbrushes Also Assigns Us A Death Quest And This Is Why We Don’t Celebrate Holidays
Sorry For Cursing You Out, Please Fix My Life
The Plan Checks Out- We Can Do This! (Spoiler Alert- We Can’t)
Three Hundred And Sixty Five Times We Can Say Fuck In A Hour
Please Let Me Pass Out On Your Lawn
Apparently Yelling Fuck At The Sky Is Considered ‘Disrespectful’ And I Haven’t A Fucking Clue Why
Yes Sir, That Is A Lot Of Blood, And No Sir, She Doesn’t Need That Leg
That One Time We Accidentally End Up In The Slaughter Sea, And How That Manages To End Up With A New Leader Of The Amazon Empire And Thalia Gets A Girlfriend
Yes, I’m Aware I Look Gay, Thank You Very Much, I’m Here To Be Queer
This Person Is Nico di Angelo With Less Shits To Give, And Honestly That Scares Me
A Good Idea With Bad Results And A Bad Idea With Surprising Results- The Ending Will Astound You
Never Thought I’d Literally Be Shut In The Closet Again, But Life’s Full Of Surprises
One Million Pounds Of Oranges And Sadness, Sixty Thousand Pounds Of Mangos, And A Truck Full Of Happiness- Monsters Not Welcome
Who Packed The Blueberry Muffins?
Nevertheless She Persisted, And Yet Just Like That, She Gave Up
What The Hell Is This, What The Hell Is That, Why The Hell Am I Here, What The Hell, *Moonwalks Into Hell*: A Brief Summary Of Life
All Is Fair In Being The First One In The Shower
We Accidentally Summon An Army Of Lost Souls
All Our Nightmares Come True And We Prove We’re Idiots
Life Gave ‘Lia Lemons. She Squeezed Them In My Eyes. Please No More Lemons.
Trying To Play Nice To The Gods Never Ends Well. In Other Words, Percy Is An Olive Tree
What’s Happening? I’m Digging My Own Grave, That’s What
Finger Guns, Peace Signs, and Middle Fingers To Nowhere- Home At Last
In Jason’s Defense, He Tried, But The Dragon Was More Interesting
Keeping A Family Alive Can Be Difficult, Especially With No Education and More Monsters A Day Than Cash (Twenty Dollars)
Thalia Tries To Sing Over Annabeth And Percy Arguing And All That Happens Is A Noise Complaint
At This Point, Murder Is Less Of A Passing Thought And More Of An ‘It’s Only A Matter Of Time’
Cousin Bonding Time Doesn’t Usually Include The Gods, But There Are Burgers So…
According To The Crazy Titan Lord Kronos, Asking If A Newborn Looks Like A Rock Is A Question That Will Result In The Death Of The Asker
Oh Joy, I’m Facing Scrutiny Over My Love Life From Immortal Preteens
Oh Things Couldn’t Be Worse When Your Parents Run The Universe Oh Things Couldn’t Be Worse When There’s A Vote To Kill Us (Leo stop using Jazz hands!)
We Have The Worst Family Reunion Ever 3.0
Barbed Wire Instead Of String, The Fates Hate Me More Than You Might Think
Zombies, Zombies Everywhere, Wave Your Hands Up In The Air
The World Is A Different Place When You Know What The World Is (Spoiler Alert: It’s Your Murderous Great Grandma)
The Refrigerator Seems Empty, Much Like My Soul
Ah, The Smell Of Success, It Smells Like Bullshit
My Heart Is Broken (Like Those Crackers That Bianca’s Eating)
Utter Chaos: Now Featuring Camp Half Blood And Literal Blood
Family Drama Destroys My Life
Family Drama 2.0: Family Drama Destroys California
So Then A God Says We ‘Will Save Humanity’, And Thalia Says ‘What The Fuck’
Two Middle Aged Women Start Screaming In Walmart
The Main Braincell Holder Is Asleep, God Doesn’t Exist, And Starting Forest Fires Is A Normal Way To Deal With Stress
Hell Is Just Life On Steroids
Queerly Beloved, We Are Gathered Here Togay… A.K.A. A Bet Ruins Rachel Elizabeth Dare’s Life
Normal People Would Avoid This, But The Two Most Normal People Here Used To Be Dead Or Will Die When A Stick Lights On Fire, So We Can’t Have High Hopes
We Try (And Fail, But Hey, It’s The Thought That Counts, Right?)
So THAT’S Where The Greek Fire Went. Sorry, Bus Driver.
Percy Has His Gay Awakening In The Form Of His Grandfather (Technically. He’s Also Technically His First Cousin Once Removed Or Something- Annabeth’s cousin maybe?)
You're Annoying Me To Death With Your Monologue So I Have To Kill You Now
What Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong Doesn’t Mean You Should Set My Bed On Fire
Thalia Does Shock Therapy Meaning She Electrocutes People When They Say Things 
We Should Know By Now That Yelling Doesn't Solve Things But We Don’t, And The Gods Don’t Either
Most Of My Life Is Incredibly Traumatizing, But This Is New 
Who The Fuck Invited The Norse?!
Okay, I Thought The Norse Were Enough, Why Are The Magicians Here?
Wow. Popcorn. The Roman’s Worst Nightmare. 
So First The World Almost Ends, And Then The World Ends But It Gets Better, And Now It’s Ending Again?
Prophecies Can Fuck Off, And So Can Apollo
“Treacherous Nephew In The Tuxedo” Should Sound Funny, But It Doesn’t, And That Makes Leo Sad
 Why Is A Titan Making Dad Jokes? 
Falling Into A Dumpster Was The Highlight Of My Day, What Is Life
Grieving For The Living Is Just As Hard As Grieving For The Dead
Please Forget That I Tried To Kill You
In My Defence, An Invisible Higher Power Who Has The Ability To Strike Me Down Made Me Do It
Let Out A Boo For The Boom Man
Twenty McDonald’s Happy Meals And A Gun- Godly Gifts Are Awesome
We Enter The Maze Of Doom (This Time With Fabulous Prizes)
Two Brothers Are Not Happy As A Sister Cheers On Two More Brothers As They Duel To The Death- (Triton & Tyson & Kymopoleia & Percy & Anteus Have Sibling Bonding Time) 
The Eight Year Old With A Gun Manages To Save And Then Destroy A Life
Hello, I’m Queer, And Full Of Fear. Please Kill Me Now
Children Try To Make Plans (It Doesn’t Go So Well)
Thalia Grace Once Again Proves That Being A Demigod Really Fucking Sucks
It Don’t “Do Be Like That Sometimes” Leo, We Are In HELL
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ncityprincess · 2 years
one last present 🎁 ♥️
pairing: yuta x y/n
plot: this is extremely corny and stereotypical but i wanted to write it anyway 😁 y/n has a sexy little christmas surprise for her boyfriend yuta. also this is very loosely based off of @neoculturecollectives Yuta role play fic series. it wasn't supposed to be a role play thing but the pieces just kinda fell into place lmaoo 😭. songs I listened to while writing this (no correlation to the story but I just wanted to add these in lol): drunk on you by jus2, square biz by Teena Marie, you calling my name by got7, blue orangeade by txt, 2 on by tinashe
“i actually have a few more presents for you. wait for me out here, i’ll be right back” you said with a sweet smile. you and yuta had gotten a little too intoxicated last night at your family’s annual christmas eve party. needless to say you two spent christmas morning and christmas afternoon knocked out cold with the curtains closed.
“more?? you already went overboard with the gifts this year, sweet pea” yuta said as he took a look at the mess of gift boxes and wrapping paper that littered the living room. it was your guys’ first christmas together in your new house. you wanted to make it extra special and memorable. “yeah yeah, mr. modest. just get nice and comfy and i’ll be back in a few.” before yuta could protest you sprang up and skipped to the bedroom. yuta shook his head, but did exactly as you asked and got to work cleaning up in the meantime.
you grabbed the hidden shopping bag from the back of your closet and pulled out the red, lacy number. you had seen this sexy lingerie set at victoria’s secret while you were out shopping one day and you just had to have it. yuta was like a starved man when it came to seeing you in lingerie. it didn’t matter much, or how little you left to the imagination. he loved seeing you dressed up in dainty little garments. you felt hot in them, he loved fucking you them. a win for all parties involved.
you stepped into the red negligée and admired the red bows on the straps. the crimson color complimented your skin nicely. you slipped on a pair of stilettos and finished off the look with some red lipstick. you took one last look at yourself in the mirror before fluffing up your hair. let the games begin, you thought to yourself.
when you opened the door you saw yuta in the kitchen throwing away the last of the wrapping paper. he had no idea what he was in for. “excuse me, can you please help me find santa’s workshop? i’m a little lost” you said in a soft, seductive voice. yuta whipped his head around and his eyes immediately went dark. you had him right where you wanted him.
“holy shit babe, what are you doing to me?” he growled. “don’t you like it? i’m like a little present you can unwrap.” you did a slow spin for him so that he could get the full essence of the outfit. yuta stalked over to you slowly, taking in your delicious curves and beauty. “of course i do, sweet pea. but why are you looking for santa when i’m right here?” yuta indulged in your little fantasy you created.
“well, i’m supposed to be with all the other presents in santa’s workshop, but i think he forgot about me” you said with faux sadness. “well shit, i’m not santa, but i can definitely use another present. you gonna let me open you up and play with you baby?” yuta ran his hands up and down your sides and stared down at you like you were his prey.
“uh huh” you bit your lip and looked up at him with the cutest doe eyes you could muster. yuta grabbed your hand and led you to the living room. “why don’t you go lay under the christmas tree for me, sweet pea? show me how pretty my little present is." you walked over toward the christmas tree with an extra sway of your hips and slowly kneeled onto the ground. yuta looked down at you and watched as you arched your back, ass high in the sky on full display. you maneuvered onto your side, resting your head on your hand and posed perfectly for your man.
“do i look pretty for you, sir?” yuta’s dick twitched in his christmas pajamas. you were being so obedient and submissive, it drove him insane. “fuckin' gorgeous, baby. but i’m not really sure how i should use you. why don’t you touch yourself for me, huh? show me how you want me to play with you.”
you wasted no time and stuck two of your fingers into your mouth, getting them nice and slick. your panties were already soaked. you needed something, anything, to relieve the pressure between your thighs. yuta watched closely as your hand slid lower and lower, before they finally landed inside your panties.
you let out a soft moan when your fingers made contact with your sensitive clit. once you felt warmed up you slid one finger inside of you, causing you to throw your head back in ecstasy. “fuck, that's it. make yourself feel real good for me.
you slid a second finger inside of you and spread your legs even wider. you wanted nothing more than to put on the best show possible for Yuta, making sure he saw everything. "can–can you play with me now? please sir?" you whined. Yuta stalked over to you and grabbed your chin firmly.
"since you're my little toy that means I own you, isn't that right baby?" you nodded your head frantically, loving how small he made you feel. "that's what I thought. now, you're gonna keep fucking yourself until I tell you to stop, got it?" Yuta's dark eyes never left yours as he let go of your chin. you sped up your movements as you watched Yuta strip himself of his clothes.
soon after, Yuta pulled your hand from your panties and examined your wet fingers. your chest was heaving due to how worked up you were. he shoved your fingers in your mouth and you moaned at the earthy taste of your arousal. "hands and knees. now." you wasted no time and flipped over. Yuta ran his hands over your plush ass, and landed a harsh smack on it, causing the sound to echo in the living room. you lurched forward at the impact, and Yuta grabbed your hips back into place.
"you're running already? this isn't even the fun part yet, baby." Yuta stroked himself to full hardness, and pulled your red panties over to the side, granting him full access to your dripping hole. Yuta leaned down right next to your ear. "ready, sweet pea?" you pushed your hips back into his, hoping the action would make him enter you already. "mmm yes please sir, I need you." Yuta grazed your earlobe with his teeth and gave you another smack on your ass, chuckling at the yelp you let out.
he slowly sank his member into you, letting out a deep, guttural groan. you arched your back even deeper, bracing yourself for the fucking Yuta was about to give you. he snapped his hips forward harshly, each trust earning a throaty moan from you. "goddamn baby, are all the little fucktoys in the north pole as good as you? this pussy is so fuckin' tight" Yuta gritted out. you smiled through his rough movements. you had almost forgotten about the little scenario you guys were participating in. his dick was hitting all the right spots, it was hard for you to even formulate thoughts.
"yeah? you like playing with me, sir?" you moaned out. Yuta's grip on your hips plus the deep angle he was hitting inside of you made you see stars. "fuck yeah, you're fucking dripping baby." Yuta abruptly halted his movements, causing you to whine out. he flipped you back over onto your back. the dimness of the room and the moody lighting of the christmas tree aided in the sexy ambience of the situation. Yuta put one of your legs onto his shoulder. he felt a cold piece of metal and he looked down at your ankle. it was adorned in a silver chain anklet with a 'Y' charm dangling from it. for Yuta.
you noticed him staring at the piece of jewelry. "do you like your other present, honey?" you asked with a sly smirk. Yuta mirrored your smirk and nibbled at your calf. you felt a shock of electricity run through your body. Yuta slid right back in and wasted no time pounding you roughly. "babyyyyy fuck" you moaned out, grabbing onto your bouncing breasts that spilled out of your bra. Yuta's athleticism never ceased to amaze you. he loved nothing more than to fuck you silly while you laid back and took it.
Yuta put his thumb to your bottom lip and smudged out your red lipstick. you sucked his thumb into your mouth and stared up into his eyes. "fuck baby, you're so fuckin' sexy. can't believe you're all mine." Yuta pulled his thumb from your warm mouth and grabbed your other leg, throwing it over his shoulder. you let out a loud, high pitched moan as he folded your body in half. he put his full weight into each thrust, amplifying the sound of your bodies colliding.
you were so close you could taste it. "sir? I'm–I'm gonna cum. can I please?" you whined out desperately. "go on baby, you've been such a good girl for me. go ahead, cum. now." that's all you needed to hear. your orgasm took over your entire body, causing you to throw your head back. you let out the sexiest moan Yuta ever heard come out of your mouth, and soon after, he came with a loud groan. he buried his face in your neck as he milked out the last few drops of cum.
Yuta finally stilled his hips. you both were panting, trying to catch your breaths after that steamy session. Yuta pulled out of you slowly, and you moaned softly, still sensitive from your high. you felt his warm cum drip out of you, but Yuta used two of his fingers to push it back into you. you jerked your hips at the unexpected action. yuta slapped your pussy playfully, "have I ever told you I love you?" you let out a belly laugh, sitting up to attack him with a big hug. "did you like my present baby?" you asked sincerely. Yuta pulled away from the hug and cupped your face gently with his hands. "like?? I'm pretty sure I just emptied like 7 generations worth of kids into you." your eyes widened and you felt a rush of heat fill your face. "you're a sicko!"
the end 🎁
thanks for reading! please consider leaving a tip if you enjoyed the story 👑🍭
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yoimix · 2 years
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 | 𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚
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series: yoimix christmas event !! (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)
pairing: kaeya x reader
synopsis: even if you’re only joking that kaeya could flirt his way through teyvat, you really wish he’d start with you. and christmas is all about granting wishes, right?
prompt: kaeya + mistletoe kiss + f2l
genre: fluff, very slight angst (you have to squint), f2l
wc: 3.1k
warnings: language, kaeya cringe flirting, not proofread
a/n: sorry for the delay on this one :c hope you guys have fun reading nevertheless!!
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“So, Mr. Knight of Favonius, care to tell me why we’re at a tavern on Christmas Eve?”
“Well, dear civilian, the Favonius party is simply the worst holiday party I’ve ever attended.”
Kaeya shrugs despite the confusion on your face.
“You mean to say you’d rather skip a party with the best food in Mondstadt? Jean never misses with the selection.”
He rolls his eyes. “Food isn’t everything, (name).”
You place your hands on your hips. “So what is?”
Kaeya takes a deep breath. “I’ll tell you everything that isn’t.”
The moonlight falls in waves over Kaeya’s hair as he walks with you downtown. A look of mild distaste colors his expression, soft lips pressed together as he looks forward. The tapping of his heels against the cobblestones isn't the only sound, however. The whole of Mondstadt is abuzz, walking through the winter-hued streets with loved ones arm-in-arm. A tree stands tall at the city center, shimmering with lights and ornaments handpicked by the people. The houses are lit bright way past the usual bedtime, and you can’t help but feel a sting of wanting.
Warmth is elusive and you crave it more and more each passing winter night.
Kaeya’s sigh pulls you out of your thoughts. With fingertips as cold as ice, he has a surprisingly warm tone of voice.
“First of all, there’s no wine. Can you believe it? A Mondstadt party without wine?”
A spark of annoyance flickers in Kaeya’s eyes.
“Well, last year you got so drunk you cuddled a barrel of wine at Diluc’s winery. And then Diluc made me stay the night to take care of you.”
Kaeya pointedly ignores your remark. It’s not so often he lets all loose like that—in fact, most of Mondstadt couldn’t possibly answer if they’ve ever seen the cavalry captain quite so intoxicated. In a strange, twisted way, it makes you feel special.
“Two, it’s in the Favonius Headquarters—the very same workplace I spend every day at, see and converse with the same coworkers at. Is that even a party? I’m being asked work questions, (name). Isn’t that too cruel?”
You purse your lips at his rant. “That’s fair.”
“Thirdly, if one more person asks me about the horses, I will stab my own guts out.”
You giggle. “Well, are the hors—”
Kaeya presses the tip of his index finger against your lips, shaking his head. A dead serious look takes over his eyes. 
You hold back a laugh. It’s not easy for ordinary folks to notice but—fatigue settles often in the eyes of the cavalry captain. Luckily, he looks much fresher tonight.
Handsome, even.
You mentally slap yourself. That’s not allowed, you’ve told yourself repeatedly. You can’t look at your friend, your first friend in Mondstadt, that way. You sigh, and Kaeya moves his finger away as though you blew it away. Chuckling, he steps forward and holds the door to Cat’s Tail open for you.
“Shall we?”
You sigh, entering the tavern. You’ve got a long night ahead of you. 
Kaeya makes it faster though, by skipping straight to tequila. You nearly gag at the scent of how strong it is, offering him a dubious look as he downs the shot with a group of strangers he seems to be well connected with. The interior of Cat’s Tail is just as toasty as you expected—but it looks like Kaeya’s determined to raise the heat to the maximum.
“It’s not like you to have alcohol straight,” you say, concerned. “Are you alright?”
“Of course I’m alright, (name),” he laughs before turning to you. “Unless you plan to nag me for the rest of the night. Then neither of us will be having fun.”
“But you hate it when it’s bitter,” you mumble, watching him down another shot.
Kaeya places the shot glass on the counter, grimacing. The bartender offers you a look of pity and you return a pursed smile.
“You’re right, that was horrible,” he groans. “I just… I can’t stand the cold.”
You giggle. “Despite your vision?”
“Sometimes because of it,” he chuckles, resting his cheek against his palm. The alcohol has already flushed his skin red and he plays idly with a coin of mora.
The music is festive inside the tavern, and maybe that’s what keeps your hopes up. The cats snore in some corner, largely ignoring the crowd of people celebrating the holidays with friends and family. Kaeya alternates between chatting up the crowd, the flush on his cheek spread to his ears, and telling you details he’s picked up from them. If you’re being honest, he’s unbearably cute when he talks about others with fascination. People watching has always been a favorite activity for the two of you.
“Ugh, my tongue tastes bitter,” he groans, sticking it out as though trying to prove his statement. “What a pity Diona couldn’t join us.”
“Let the girl enjoy Christmas Eve with her father.” You click your tongue. “Besides, it’s only your fault for choosing shots.”
“How else am I supposed to enjoy a night so joyous?”
You wave at the bartender, ordering a sweeter cocktail for Kaeya before he drinks anything else insane. With the unsolicited lessons on wine he’s given you, it’d be shameful to not remember something from the list.
“My, aren’t you sent from the Anemo Archon himself?” Kaeya remarks, a smile playing on his lips. “I’m blessed.”
The cocktail is placed on the counter with a soft clink.
“Get your drink and stop hogging the counter, Captain,” the bartender chides, sending you an almost pleading look. Apparently, you’re Kaeya’s assigned babysitter.
“Boy, I thought you were Diluc for a moment,” Kaeya chokes. “But I would’ve sensed the brooding from a mile away.”
The bartender responds with a hearty laugh. “You’re funny, Captain. But I gotta do my job.”
Kaeya places a hand over his heart in mock hurt. “Come now, have I not increased revenue? Isn’t Margaret proud of me?”
“Madam Margaret has specifically told you to pay your tab.”
You hold back a laugh, grabbing the drink in one hand and Kaeya’s arm in the other before you thank the bartender and leave to occupy a more cozy corner of the tavern. Sitting Kaeya down on a cushy chair, you hand him his drink like handing candy to a child. His eye sparkles, and you admire how pretty it is even under the miserly lights of the tavern. You take a seat beside him, watching as the crowds celebrate, the thought of warmth bringing a smile to your face. It’s always nice imagining the reasons behind smiles. Festivities boost the emotion.
To be honest, you were getting uncomfortable at the center of the crowd. Kaeya may be talented at blending in, but you get too awkward for exchanges. It’s funny because he’s the one with the eyepatch. However, you’ve always been better at watching from a distance. It’s troubling that Kaeya nearly manages to close it between the two of you every time.
You have to remind yourself that you’re not special.
“Death in the afternoon,” he sighs. “A delectable concoction. It’s a shame you refuse to drink with me.”
“Well, who’s gonna drag you home and stop you from cuddling barrels?” You roll your eyes. “What would you do without me?”
You breath hitches in your throat when you turn towards him, the smug smile wiped off your face. He’s so close you can feel his breath, warm as candlelight. As cheeky as he can be, you can’t help the rush of blood to your arteries when he looks down at your lips and back at your eyes. Kaeya Alberich. Your demise and your dawn.
“Ah-ah,” he whispers, the tone warning. “You should watch what you say, dear.”
“And what did I say?” You reply softly.
“Nothing but the truth.” His smile grows wider. His voice drips of gold and you are not immune to treasure. 
Before you can find yourself leaning in, you look away and an obnoxious laugh follows. He’s always extra flirty when he’s drunk.
You’re not special.
Then, can he stop making you feel that way?
“You do feel something for me,” he states, pleased with his conclusion.
“What makes you say that?” You refuse to meet his eyes.
“Just a hunch,” he answers before a dry laugh befalls his lips. “Or maybe hope. You understand, don’t you?”
“The only thing I understand is that you reek of alcohol,” you chide, placing your hand against your hip.
“Can I tell you a secret then?” He sighs, defeated.
You tilt your head, awaiting an explanation.
Much to the shock of your poor heart, he leans in to place his lips right by your ear.
“You know I’m never really that drunk, right?”
A giggle follows. He sounds like a child gleefully explaining that he did the exact thing his parents warned him not to do.
“Gosh, you’re just so cute I… I truly am sorry.”
Kaeya stops himself, pursing his lips. You’re not sure what holds him back. But you know it must be something of grave consequence. No word of the Cavalry Captain has been offered in vain. Even if they’re chock full of fluff, they work like clockwork under Kaeya’s careful planning.
“Can you hold me please?”
His request is quiet. You can barely process it when he picks up your hands and places his cheeks between your palms.
“I’m sorry I never seem to be able to say it,” he hums. “I end up worrying more often than not.”
“Worrying about what?” You lean in. The chatter of the tavern seems to have died down, but you know for a fact it’s the blood rushing to your ears.
“I’ve spilled enough secrets, haven’t I?”
“You’re so cryptic,” you huff. “I never know what you’re plotting.”
“Oh please, it’s all from the heart,” he pouts. “I don’t plot.”
“Yeah, right. You scheme like a criminal. If you weren’t a Knight of Favonius, I’m sure you’d be swiping shit left and right.”
“I’m offended you think I’d be a lowly thief.”
“A robber then?”
“Why do you want me to steal things so bad? Only your heart could get me to do that.”
You gag, curling your lips. “I can’t believe you said that out loud.”
Kaeya laughs out loud, leaning in a bit when he does. The glow over his cheekbones, only brightens under the dim tavern lights, and you swear you can count the lashes on his eyes, plenty and long. It’s embarrassing to admit how he lights up your heart. You manage to pry your hands out of his and shove them inside your pocket. He makes a whine of protest but doesn’t chase after.
“Seriously, Kaeya, all your flirting will land you in trouble.”
“I am serious. When it comes to you, more than anything.”
You scoff. “There you go again. Is it part of your grand plan to flirt Teyvat into submission? Hell, you almost made me fall for you the first time we met.”
“Oh? What stopped you?”
“The fact that you’re a filthy liar.”
You’re only joking but Kaeya purses his lips, a deep frown lining his features.
“Would you have fallen if I let fate run its course?”
“I can’t trust the stars and planets to align just for the two of us,” he hums, looking out the window. “But I choke over my words trying to line the dominoes. So much for effortless.”
“Is this another scheme I’m unaware of?”
“Mhm. I’m afraid you’d hate me if you were aware.”
“Nothing could get me to hate you.”
Kaeya snorts. “Gosh, fate is a funny thing. It’s not my friend yet it landed me here—and even then, I can’t bear to look at your lips.”
A rush of blood warms your face.
“But I must confess…” He continues, eyes distant. “As a sinner must.”
You finally understand what he’s getting at.
I don’t deserve love. Kaeya acts flirty, dips his words in liquid gold and lines his smile with diamonds—but not for once, has he ever believed in words of kindness. He’s not the wide-eyed boy you heard about from Adelinde; but he’s not so jaded he’d break your heart without second thought. Kaeya is a hard man to read—but with the way he melts against your touch, you can’t help but feel he longs for the same warmth you do.
“I stand by what I said,” you respond quietly. “I wouldn’t hate you no matter what.”
“Even if I'm Machiavellian scum that lies every other sentence? Even if I want you so desperately, I’m willing to deceive you? Even if- even if—”
“It’s alright, Kaeya.” You press your index finger to his lips, his eyes widening in surprise. It makes you giggle.
He sighs. “It’s not bad practice to question every blessing in my life.”
A teasing smile tugs at your lips. “Is that why you interrogate me so often?”
Kaeya shakes his head, and you remove your finger. He reaches out an arm, placing his hand on your head as though in a comforting pat, but instead he messes all your hair up.
“Hey!” You yell, his laughter following as you try to reach for his head and fail, blocked by the rapid reflex of his arms.
“You’re so annoying,” you snap. “Come here, you- you rascal!”
Kaeya’s laughter only grows, as though he’s being tickled. In a way, he might as well be—your scrunched up face and angry insults have the same effect. The atmosphere lightens just like that. In a last attempt, you try to sneak in your hands as fast as you can, only for gloved ones to clutch them, effectively stopping any movement.
“You won’t win against me,” Kaeya whispers, leaning in.
A rush of blood to your head snaps you to reality, in focus of the lack of distance between the two of you. Kaeya’s lips are soft, glossy even and you know from the scent it’s the same strawberry lip balm you gifted him. How unfortunate for you that it smells delicious.
“Oh my god, of course they’re flirting under the mistletoe.”
What you didn’t expect were the tall figures of the Acting Grand Master and the winery owner himself standing by the tavern door with their arms crossed. A certain outrider covers her blushing face behind them, eyes wide with whatever wild imagination she’s trying so hard to tame. A few other knights stand scattered around them, already easing into the party atmosphere of the tavern. You’re not sure what prompted a visit from the whole Favonius crew. 
Jean giggles before Kaeya can retort with anything. “So this is where you sneaked off to.”
Diluc looks disgusted for the most part but goes along with Jean. Amber, on the other hand, looks like she’s holding back laughter. 
“Oh dear, what brings our busy bees to Cat’s Tail?”
“The afterparty,” Jean answers, biting back a smile. “Which you would know if you joined us.”
Amber giggles behind her. “We had mistletoes at the headquarters too, you know?”
“You can’t keep Kaeya away from wine,” Diluc mutters with distaste.
“And you can’t keep him away from (name) either,” Jean adds, laughing. “Sorry for crashing your date.”
“I’m surprised you’re not snogging each other’s faces off,” Amber chirps. “I wish Eula was here… Not- not for the mistletoe, of course.”
“That, I did not plan,” Kaeya turns to you before anything else, pointing upwards. He looks genuinely caught off guard though he tries his best to mask it.
“So? Where’s the kiss?” Amber teases. 
“That’s enough, Amber,” Jean laughs, shaking her head. “This is the first time I’ve seen Kaeya teased to a loss of words.”
You’re not sure which one of them gave Kaeya the final push. Maybe it was you.
Warm lips press against yours in a heartstopping kiss, the hands of the clock stopping all at once. Time holds nothing against the two of you—and Kaeya swears your own name against your lips.
When he pulls away after what felt like far too little, your fingers fly to your lips and you can barely register your audience. Jean is flushed fully red despite her teasing remarks and Diluc covers Ambers eyes while she waves around comically. However, the crowd erupts into cheers, with a loud chant of “Fucking finally!” from one of the knights.
Kaeya knows how to please people, even if he doesn’t choose to.
“Let’s go,” Kaeya whispers in your ear, when the spotlight befalls other couples in the tavern. You’re not sure what chain reaction Kaeya’s lighted, but you’re glad to have an excuse to leave.
The cold air hits you harsher than you expected. But it’s the same old Mondstadt, same old comforting walls.
“Sorry” is the first thing Kaeya says. 
“Why?” You hold your breath.
“Because as much as I want to say I did that to get us out, I enjoyed it far too much.” Kaeya frowns, unable to meet your eyes. 
“You never heard me out,” you whisper.
He finally looks up, awaiting your explanation. He’s even prettier under the midnight moon. He’s too pretty to look this way, torn between his ways and what’s right.
“I know you refuse to listen to me no matter what,” you breathe. “Is it so hard to believe I’m in love with you?”
Kaeya blinks. “But… but it’s my fault, isn’t it? I laid the groundwork- and- and I set the scene—I did this to you.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” You giggle. “Doesn’t that mean you care?”
“But- but… I- I could be using you! How could you trust me so easily?”
You take a step forward. “What could you gain by using me, silly? It’s okay to admit you want to be loved, Kaeya.”
Kaeya lets himself get pulled in by you, resting his chin on your shoulder. How long has it been since someone’s hugged him this way? He’s engulfed by your scent, unable to think straight.
“But that’s when terrible things happen,” he mumbles against your skin.
“That won’t stop me,” you declare. “You could be a criminal, a sinner, a heathen—and I’d still hold you when you want me to.”
His walls are crumbling. 
“You deserve better.”
“Mhm. But it’s you I’m holding.”
Kaeya finally gives in, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter. His breath is warm against your neck and though the faintest smell of alcohol wafts from him, you run your fingers through his hair. It’s finally warm enough.
“Shall we?” You whisper. It’s time to go home.
“Is this a scheme of yours?” Kaeya chuckles softly, recovered.
“Only because I care,” you answer, smiling.
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thesassypadawan · 9 months
Wizard *part 2* (Knight Obi-Wan x RealWorldFemReader)
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Note: Read Under My Tree first to get an idea of what’s going on. 
Summary: After a very monumental Christmas with Obi-Wan, it’s time to share the good news with the other most important person in his life, Anakin. What better way to do so than making it the most special New Year Fete he has ever had. Happy New Year!
Warnings: Contains fluff, fluff, and more fluff!
Other Notes: Anakin is ten years old in this.
New Year’s Fete Week is the first five days of the year (according to the Galactic Standard Calendar) and is a five-day festival that celebrates the new year.
New Year’s Day, the first dawn of the year. A time of renewal and fresh starts. The moment when we say goodbye to the old and hello to the new…by celebrating with those we care for the most.
“There!” Obi-Wan declared, straightening the star. “How does that look, darling?”
“As pretty as a card,” you said with a warm smile, setting a tray filled with fresh baked cookies on the small table.
It had been barely over a week since Obi had popped the big question and what followed was a whirlwind of craziness. First you told your family of the joyous news, which they were absolutely elated for you both. Then there was the whole matter of sorting out certain affairs, the biggest being of how you were going to tell the other most important person in Obi-Wan’s life…Anakin.
With two hot chocolates in hand, you came to join your fiancé next to the tree. Offering him a nug, Obi accepted it gladly. “Do you really think Anakin’s going to like all of this?” He asked, wrapping an arm lazily around your waist.
“Of course,” you laughed, resting your head on his shoulder. “In fact, I know Ani will love it.”
“Speaking of the little imp,” Obi-Wan muttered, sensing a ripple in the force.
The second bedroom door slid open and out stepped a still half-asleep Anakin. “G’morning, master,” the ten-year-old yawned, completely oblivious to his surroundings.
Not wanting to spoil the surprise quite yet, Obi replied in his usual cool tone. “Good morning, young one.”
“Morning, Ani,” you chimed in the chipperly.
“G’morning, Aun…” Anakin began to mumble, when suddenly your voice registered, and he snapped fully awake. “Auntie!” He exclaimed excitedly, running over and throwing his short arms around you.
“Hey, kiddo,” you hugged him back tightly. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year,” the padawan beamed up at you. “Are you here to go to the festival with me and master?”
Obi-Wan tousled Ani’s hair. “She certainly did. She also came to help me prepare this special surprise for you.”
On cue, Obi and you stepped to the side. Revealing the tree, presents, decorations, and cookies.
Anakin’s eyes widened in wonderment as he took everything in. “Whoa, what is all of this?!”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you watched Ani immediately zone in on the gifts. Typical kid. “This is your first Christmas.”
“Christmas?” He asked, gently shaking a package. “What’s that?”
Grabbing a cookie for them both, Obi-Wan came to join his apprentice on the floor. “It’s a holiday your Auntie celebrates on her planet around this time of the season. She wanted to share it with you. Maybe make it a yearly tradition for the three of us. What do you think?”
Anakin took a big bite of his gingerbread wookie. “If it means I get yummy treats, presents, and spend the whole day with you guys…then I’m in!”
After a morning filled with eating sweets, merrymaking, and unwrapping heartfelt gifts…it was time for the New Year Fete.
The two of you agreed to tell Ani your big news after the fireworks tonight. A wonderful way to end an absolutely perfect day. And, with that plan in place, your happy trio headed off to the festival.
As soon as you arrived, Anakin, of course, began begging for some kind of sugary snack.
“Haven’t you had enough already?” Obi chuckled as he (and you) were led through the bustling crowd, to the nearest confectionery stall.
“Nope, never enough!” Ani replied cheekily, before asking the elderly vendor nicely for an order of fried dough balls.
“Oh my, such a polite young man,” she kindly said, handing Anakin his container. “And handsome too with that scarf and pendant.”
A huge grin spread across his face. He had loved the scarf and river stone pendant you both made him so much, that he insisted on wearing them out today. “Thanks! They’re gifts from my mom and dad!”
Trying not to show either of your surprise, Obi-Wan quickly paid the woman and whisked you all to a more secluded area.
Exchanging glances with Obi, you sat down on the bench next to Ani. “Kiddo, why did you tell that lady we’re your parents?”
“’cause,” Anakin mumbled, popping a ball into his mouth.
“Because why?” Obi-wan asked, taking the other seat beside Ani.
Swallowing, the padawan reached for another. “Because Auntie has that ring on her finger. Which means you’re getting married, and we’ll become a family. So that will make you like my mom and dad.”
Anakin paused a moment, looking back and forth between you two. “I got that right, right? Unless you don’t want me to be your kid.”
Neither of you could believe what you just heard. Anakin had known all along, and he wanted to…
Smiling softly, you pulled him into a loving embrace. “You got it right, Ani.”
“We would be honored to have you as our kid,” Obi added, joining in on the group hug.
“Wizard,” Anakin said happily, tears of joy shining in his eyes.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Merry Christmas, Darling
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Author’s Note: This is one of my contributions to @notroosterbradshaw​’s #hello december playlist challenge! It’s inspired by the song Merry Christmas Darling by The Carpenters!
Warnings: Angst related to an unexpected deployment, brief language, brief and subtle innuendos, lots of fluff.
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Greeting cards have all been sent The Christmas rush is through But I still have one wish to make A special one for you Merry Christmas, darling We're apart, that's true
But I can dream and in my dreams I'm Christmasing with you
Phoenix had been impatiently watching the minutes tick by all day, willing time itself to move faster as she attempted to keep herself busy around the house, cleaning the kitchen for the third or fourth time that morning, throwing some ready-to-bake Pillsbury cookies in the oven, rearranging the ornaments on the Christmas tree—anything to make the hours slip by.
When 4:15pm finally rolled around, she scrambled into the living room, where she’d left her laptop sitting on the end of the coffee table nearest the tree, fully charged and ready for her scheduled video call. Setting her wine glass down on a coaster and nibbling anxiously on one of the snowman sugar cookies she’d made earlier in the afternoon, Phoenix sat down cross-legged on the floor and logged in, staring at her own reflection on camera as she awaited his virtual arrival.
It was only 4:18pm. She was early. They were supposed to be meeting at 4:30pm her time, 11:30pm his time. She would just wait. He’d be on soon.
She ate another six cookies in the meantime.
She was just lifting cookie number seven to her lips when her laptop suddenly started beeping, indicating that someone else was joining the video call. Throwing down the cookie at once, she tried not to look too eager as she leaned in closer, desperate to see that face that was far too handsome for its own good, but which she loved more than life itself.
“There’s my Minx,” Jake grinned, his bright smile suddenly filling the screen. He looked exhausted—the lines on his forehead and around his eyes were a dead giveaway to her—but his enthusiasm was obvious nonetheless.
“Well if it isn’t Bagman,” Phoenix smirked in return, swallowing a couple times to hold the explosion of emotion she was feeling at bay. “Right on time, too, I might add. Very impressive,” she grinned.
“I had to fight like hell to grab a free computer,” he told her, shaking his head with a chuckle. “I’m pretty sure there’s a few ensigns who aren’t too happy with me right now, but I’ll smooth things over with them tomorrow. Nothing was going to keep me from seeing my girl,” he added with a wink.
Phoenix laughed at that, easily able to imagine her husband pulling rank to grab himself an available carrel. This was one situation where she wouldn’t scold him for being a cocky son of a bitch. “I’m glad for that,” she said, brushing a lock of her dark hair behind her ear. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too, Minx,” Jake murmured, sobering slightly. “So, so much. I wish you were here. You’d put most of these guys they’ve got us flying with to shame.”
“Hmmm, I’d rather you were here,” Phoenix replied, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. The living room was cozy with the lights twinkling on the tree and soft Christmas music playing in the background, but the house felt cold without him in it.
“I know. Me, too,” he nodded, lifting a hand and resting it on the computer screen, as if reaching out to touch her.
She mimicked his movement, lifting her hand as if she could press her palm against his and feel his touch, despite the thousands of miles that separated them.
Being in the Navy for as long as she had been, especially since becoming part of the special detachment at North Island, unexpected missions and deployments shouldn’t have surprised her anymore. In fact, they often seemed to crop up at the most inconvenient times, if she was being honest. So it shouldn’t have shocked her when Jake was called upon at the last minute for a month-long mission in the Middle East.
But even though it shouldn’t have surprised her, it still hurt like hell when she learned that they’d be spending their first Christmas as husband and wife apart from one another.
She wasn’t normally one for tears, especially when it came to matters of duty and obligation, but she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t shed many of them when that bomb had been dropped on her.
“It isn’t fucking fair!” she’d sobbed angrily, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. She pulled away from Jake as he tried to reach out to hold her, simultaneously craving his touch and needing to put as much distance between them as possible before she completely fell apart. “Why do they have to send you? It’s Christmas!”
“I know, Minx, I know,” Jake whispered calmly, pulling her into his arms despite her protests and holding her close, rubbing soothing circles into her back. “I hate it,” he admitted, his jaw clenching as he gazed stoically above her head, trying to hold it together for the both of them. “But…I don’t have a choice. I’ll be home as soon as possible.”
But it wouldn’t be soon enough. He was missing Christmas and New Year.
When they learned that Jake would be deployed on a mission for the holidays, Phoenix’s family had tried to convince her to fly out to New York to spend Christmas with them.
“Please, Tasha,” her mom had begged on the phone. “I hate the thought of you being cooped up all alone at Christmas.”
“I won’t be alone, Mom. A bunch of my friends will still be here,” Phoenix demurred, knowing the Dagger Squad wouldn’t let her spend the holidays alone even if she had wanted to. “Maybe next year we’ll fly over for Christmas.”
“Minx, I think your Mom is right,” Jake said as soon as she hung up the phone. He lifted one hand, stroking her cheek gently. “Spend Christmas with your parents and your brothers. I can’t stand the thought of you being here alone, baby.”
“I don’t want to,” Phoenix insisted stubbornly, shaking her head. “I want to be here. I want to be in our house. It’s our first Christmas here and I just—”
She hadn’t even been able to finish her sentence, the damn tears spilling over once more as her throat closed up with emotion.
“Hey, hey, shh,” Jake whispered tenderly, cupping her face in his hands and kissing her softly. “It’s okay,” he went on reassuringly, wiping her tears away with his thumbs. “If that’s what you want, Minx, then it’s what I want, too.”
That matter settled, they’d then set about trying to cram as many holiday activities into the time they had left before Jake had to leave. Christmas markets, ice skating, the cookie decorating party at Penny and Mav’s place, game night at the Bradshaws’—they did it all.
But it still wasn’t nearly enough.
When Phoenix drove Jake to base the week before Christmas, she felt like her heart was being pummeled inside her chest. It was the hardest goodbye she’d ever had to say, clinging to him and kissing him for a long time before he finally had to let go.
“I’m going to do everything I can to see you on Christmas, Minx. We’ll talk. I promise,” Jake had whispered in her ear, kissing her one last time before being pulled off towards the carrier.
And so here they were, spending Christmas Eve half a world apart, Phoenix sitting on the floor of their living room in her Christmas pajamas, while Jake sat on board an aircraft carrier, still in his flight suit.
“How has your Christmas Eve been? Tell me everything,” Jake urged, his hand still resting against the screen, almost absent-mindedly, as if he really did think he could keep himself anchored to her that way.
“Oh, you know. A little boring,” Phoenix admitted with a laugh, reaching for her glass of wine and taking a sip. “Honestly, I was so anxious about watching the time for our call that I just ended up cleaning the kitchen and rearranging the decorations,” she chuckled. “Oh, but I did also make some cookies,” she added quickly, holding up one of her Pillsbury sugar cookies.
Jake groaned. “Don’t make me jealous, Minx. The food on board is crap, as usual. What I wouldn’t give for the taste of a Christmas cookie right now,” he sighed. “Actually,” he added, glancing over his shoulder and then raising a mischievous eyebrow. “What I wouldn’t give for the taste of a lot of things right now,” he said, winking suggestively.
“Bagman, I will literally end this call right now,” Phoenix told him, though she couldn’t help the grin that tugged at the corners of her lips at her husband’s innuendo.
“Aww, no, don’t do that. Let me look at that beautiful face for a little while longer,” he smirked, resting his hands behind his head and leaning back in his chair. “Those pajamas are looking pretty sexy, babe.”
“Oh, shut up,” Phoenix laughed, rolling her eyes. “They’re the most comfortable pajamas I’ve ever worn, even if they do make me look like a five-year-old,” she joked.
“The dancing reindeer really bring out your eyes,” Jake snorted. She could tell his own eyes were sparkling with amusement, even through the computer screen.
“You know, that’s what I’m really most disappointed about—that I don’t get to see you in your dancing reindeer pajamas,” Phoenix smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.
Ever since she was a little girl, the Trace family had had a tradition of getting a new pair of matching Christmas pajamas each year. Even as an adult, it was a tradition Phoenix had always looked forward to, and one she eagerly roped Jake into once they got engaged. Once again, she had to swallow her disappointment that he wasn’t home to take ridiculous selfies with her in front of the Christmas tree in their matching ensembles.
“Well, you know I would never want to disappoint you, Minx,” Jake replied, leaning forward in his seat as he began unzipping his flight suit. “And so…just for you…” He pulled open the suit to reveal what he’d donned underneath—his dancing reindeer Christmas pajamas.
Gasping excitedly, Phoenix nearly toppled her glass of wine as she scrambled to her knees, leaning in closer to her laptop screen to get a better view. “Oh, babe! You really brought them with you?” she asked, resting her hand over her heart. It honestly touched her more than words could say.
“Of course I did,” Jake smiled. “Wouldn’t be Christmas if I wasn’t wearing matching pajamas with my sexy wife,” he winked teasingly.
Phoenix laughed, beaming despite herself. “I love you so much,” she murmured, reaching out to press her hand against the screen once more.
“I love you, too. More than words can say,” Jake told her. He leaned in closer, resting his elbows on the desk of his carrel and gazing at her. “God, I wish I was holding you right now.”
“Me, too,” she whispered, her heart aching with missing him. “But you’ll be home soon.”
“Really soon,” Jake nodded, the quality of his video connection starting to lag slightly. They were lucky it had lasted for as long as it had. “We’ll celebrate when I get back, baby. I promise. I know it won’t be the same, but—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Phoenix cut him off, shaking her head. “I’ll celebrate Christmas with you any time you want.”
Jake smiled at that, glancing down for a moment and then lifting his gaze back to her. “Speaking of which, it actually is Christmas here right now,” he smiled.
Phoenix glanced at the clock—5pm, which meant that it was midnight where Jake was currently stationed.
An unintelligible voice suddenly sounded in the background behind Jake, snagging his attention for a couple minutes. His expression deflated slightly, and Phoenix knew that it was time to say goodbye once again.
“I’m sorry, Minx. Apparently I’ve spent too much time with you, even though I say there’s never enough time,” Jake tried to joke, though his smile was tinged with sadness. “I love you. I’ll be home soon.”
“I love you, too,” Phoenix said softly, blowing him a kiss through the screen. “Merry Christmas, Bagman.”
Jake’s expression softened, his eyes filled with so much love that Phoenix thought her heart might just burst inside her chest at that moment.
“Merry Christmas, darling.”
I've just one wish on this Christmas Eve I wish I were with you
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duckybarnes1917 · 2 years
Your Eyes Outshine The Town...Chapter 14
Bucky Barnes x Black Female Reader
18+ ONLY
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Summary: You and Bucky have finally made it to Christmas! Fluff and filthy smut lie ahead! (This chapter has been slightly edited based on that Christmas smut request I got!)
Warnings: Dom Bucky, daddy kink, breeding kink, lot's of cum (don't look at me, you guys asked for it okay!)
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Christmas Day
You woke up early; you had barely slept, too excited about the last-minute gift you had managed to secure for Bucky. He was dozing peacefully, and you felt only a smidge of guilt as you coaxed him awake. 
“What time is it? He grumbled, rolling onto his back and putting his arm over his eyes. 
“It’s Christmas time!” You bounced on the bed and shook his shoulder. 
“Can it be Christmas time in like—” Bucky glanced at his clock and groaned, “—two more hours?” 
“No being grumpy on Christmas, you little Grinch, come on!” 
You felt his concession as his muscles relaxed, and he allowed you to pull him up to a sitting position. 
“Merry Christmas,” he muttered as he kissed you. “Can I at least shower before we start?” 
“Your first gift is waiting for you in the bathroom.” You smiled and nodded, slyly scanning his body to check his wounds. Satisfied that he was essentially fully healed, you gave him a quick kiss before letting him up. 
“Suspicious,” Bucky hummed and got up. “I’ll be quick.” 
When you heard the shower turn on, you slipped into the bathroom. 
“Are you joining me?” Bucky peeked around the curtain. 
“No time,” you shook your head. “I’m fixing my hair so I don’t look ratchet in the pictures I know you’re going to take when you think I’m not looking.” 
“Fine,” Bucky said with a pout before disappearing behind the curtain again. 
After you were pleased with your hair, you quickly changed into the matching Christmas pajamas that you had bought for you and Bucky. They were the most obnoxious ones you could find—bright green with little Santas and elves printed all over. You sat on the bed, a giddy smile on your face, and waited for Bucky to come out of the bathroom. 
“Really don’t think this is my color, doll.” 
Bucky stepped out of the bathroom with the most adorably annoyed look on his face. You grabbed your side as you fell into a fit of laughter. 
Bucky crossed his arms in an attempt to look put off. “And now you’re laughing at me.” 
“No, no—” you tried to stop laughing, “—you look very sexy.” 
“At least we’re matching, though you don’t look nearly as ridiculous as I do.” Bucky finally smiled, and such a simple action had your heart racing, making you regret not getting in that shower. 
Bucky held out his hand, pulling you into a tight hug. “Come on, let’s go see what Santa brought you.”
Bucky hadn’t slept much either, and while he would have preferred to celebrate his first real Christmas in decades at a more decent hour, the ridiculous pajamas had instantly lifted his mood. He didn’t fully understand how ugly pajamas made him love you more, but it did. He squeezed your hand as you rounded the corner, suddenly a little nervous about the large pile of gifts that had magically appeared under the small tree. 
“Buck—what—where did these come from?” 
He felt his face go slightly pink as you gaped up at him, waiting on an answer.
After realizing how much you had done to make his Christmas special, he wanted to do the same for you. Never getting gifts from Santa just didn’t sit right with him—even during the Depression, his parents always made sure he had at least one gift to open from Santa. 
Had he gone a little overboard? Maybe, but you deserved it. 
Bucky shrugged. “Beats me. Looks like there's a note.” 
You gave him an amused smile and went to pick up the large red envelope sitting on one of the boxes. “I’m sorry I missed you all those years. Hope this makes up for it. Merry Christmas, Santa Claus.” 
Bucky wrapped his arms around you from behind, squeezing you gently. 
“Buck, I—I don’t know what to say.” 
“Don’t cry,” Bucky whispered when he felt your slight shaking. “Merry Christmas, doll.” 
You turned around in his arms and almost knocked him to the floor with the force of your kiss. Bucky stumbled backward as he caught you and let you wrap your legs and arms around him. Your salty tears ran down your cheeks and over your connected lips. Tears weren’t the reaction he had imagined last night as he piled the gifts under the tree. Your hips grinding against him definitely wasn’t what he had expected. He forced himself to pull his face away.
“You don’t even know what’s in the boxes yet,” he said breathlessly. 
“Doesn’t matter,” you murmured against his skin as you sucked marks on his neck. “Fucking love you so much. You’re perfect. So perfect.” You moved your hands from around his neck to his face and pulled his lips back to yours. 
“Okay, okay—” Bucky made himself stop kissing you and sat you down in the one chair in the living room. “I love you too, but I really want you to open your gifts.” 
You were grinning from ear to ear. “Okay, Santa—but first—” you reached for the remote and used your phone to play your Christmas playlist through the tv speakers. 
“Now everything’s perfect.” You kissed him one last time before you let him go to bring you a present to open. 
“This one is from me.” Bucky handed you the first gift. 
You rolled your eyes at his antics, but your excited smile never faltered. 
As Bucky sat on the floor next to you, you tore into the paper excitedly. You opened the box to find a very interesting purse. You tried to hide the immediate frown that started to form, but you weren't quick enough; you could see Bucky’s disappointment already. 
“It’s okay if you don’t like it—I saved the receipt.” 
You turned to him with a pitying smile. “No, Bucky—I love it. It’s very—yellow.” 
Bucky sighed and looked away, embarrassed. “I wanted to get you something unexpected, and I was clueless, and I asked Nicki to help, and she said you’d like it—” Bucky paused his rambling when you laughed loudly. “What?”
“Oh, Bucky, you poor sweet innocent man,” you squeezed his cheeks as he looked up at you, completely confused. “Nicki does not like me.” 
Bucky tilted his head as if this was news to him.
“Bucky—she is totally into you. So don’t take this personally when I tell you that she picked the most god-awful purse in the entire store on purpose.” 
“Seriously? I—I had no idea. Fuck, we can take it back.” 
You giggled and slid onto the floor to sit next to him. “No, I wanna keep it. I love it because it’s from you.” 
“Really?” Bucky smiled again and held your hand. 
“Really,” you leaned in to kiss him lightly, never stopping as you talked. “I’ll keep it forever and pass it down to our daughter; it’ll be a good story—oh shit.” You sat back as if Bucky’s lips had electrocuted you. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that. Oh my god.” Your face was burning red as you tried to get off the floor and escape your embarrassment. 
Bucky pulled you back down to him and held your face in his hands. “It’ll be a great story to tell our kids and grandkids.” 
You stared into his eyes, looking for any hint of regret, of panic, any sign that he was about to get the hell away from your crazy ass. You had barely been together a few weeks, and you were talking about kids, for crying out loud. But all you found was complete adoration and devotion—you hadn’t fucked it up like you was always afraid you would. 
“Time for you to open one of your gifts.” You kissed his cheek and went to the tree to pick up a large, heavy box. “Sit, I got it,” you huffed, dropping the package at Bucky’s feet. 
Bucky opened it curiously, smiling when he found two piles of books inside. 
“I wasn’t sure what you had caught up on already, but the guy at the hipster bookstore you like–yes, I had Yelena follow you one day–said these were the most popular books from the past few decades. I tried to get the oldest copies I could find–vintage, like you.” You smiled softly, sitting next to him as he pulled the books from the box. 
“I love it–I–you could have just asked, though,” Bucky snickered. 
“I wanted it to be a surprise! This one's my favorite,” you picked up an early edition of The Great Gatsby. 
Bucky pulled you into his lap, kissing your temple as he watched you thumb through the pages. “I’ve actually read this one. Why is it your favorite?” 
You shrugged, placing the book back with the rest. “I guess as a poor, lonely teenager, I just liked the glitz and glamor.”
Bucky nudged your chin toward him for a kiss, but you jumped up, searching for his second gift.
“Open this one next.” You placed a much smaller box in his waiting hands.
“A key? For what?” 
You nodded toward the kitchen window. Bucky gave you an exasperated look before jumping up to see what was outside. 
A sleek white motorcycle with intricate black and gold detailing was parked right in front of his building. 
“Holy shit, you–how–it’s mine?” 
You laughed at how Bucky’s head whipped back and forth between you and the window. The idea had come to you weeks ago; Bucky didn’t have a fancy superhero outfit, he couldn’t fly around like Sam, and he didn’t have fancy cars like Nat used to. You wanted him to have his own signature, and no one could miss this bike. 
“All yours, White Wolf,” you wrapped your arms around him from behind. “Do you like it?” 
“It’s fucking perfect, holy shit,” Bucky tore his eyes away from the window to stare at you in amazement. “Sam’s gonna be so jealous–I don’t care that he can fly–this is better. Can we go for a ride?” 
Your heart was whole. His complete and total happiness nearly knocked you to the floor. 
“Of course, anything you want, baby.” 
Bucky pulled your in for a kiss, but you thwarted him. “There's still gifts to open, don’t distract me.” 
Bucky rolled his eyes but followed you back to the Christmas tree. “Okay, but you’re opening one now.” 
You surveyed the pile of gifts and chose one wrapped in sparkly red paper. Bucky sat across from you on the floor as you tore it open. 
“Clothes? You are brave–or did Yelena help you pick it out?” 
Bucky shook his head with a laugh, “trust me, you don’t want her helping me in that department. And this is from Santa, remember?” 
You pulled a black, fuzzy lounge set out of the box. “You’re right; you don’t need help. This is perfect.” 
“Perfect for cuddling.” 
“One more for you,” you placed a small package in his open palm. 
“A coupon book; did you make this?” 
You nodded, curling up next to him. 
Bucky thumbed through the little book, picking a random page to read from. “One free massage–clothes optional.” Bucky smiled wryly as realization sunk in. “There are some, um, interesting things in here, doll.”
You matched his grin, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Don’t worry, Sarge,” you whispered in his ear, “I'll teach you anything you don’t know.”
“Can I kiss you now?” Bucky swallowed thickly.
“A quick one.” You smiled. 
“Everything is perfect, doll. I—it’s been so long since anyone bought me anything. I’m a bit overwhelmed at how thoughtful these gifts are.” 
“We’re just a pair of saps today, aren’t we?” You stroked his hair as you looked at each other misty-eyed. 
“That’s okay; I think we deserve it.”
“Damn right.”
Bucky felt like he might burst at the seams as he watched you open the various gifts he had gotten you from “Santa.” They were nothing big or expensive, just little things he thought you’d enjoy or that reminded him of you. Your favorite candy (sour skittles), a box of mini vodka bottles, a new case for your phone, and a small photo album, half full of pictures Bucky had taken of the two of you over the past few months. You looked at every gift like it was the most precious thing you had ever seen; you never stopped smiling. And Bucky knew his new purpose in life was to spend every moment putting that look on your face. 
You  were both sitting on the floor, surrounded by bits of wrapping paper and tissue and empty boxes. Bucky didn’t think he could smile any more than he had that morning, and there was still one package left. 
“This is another one from me. I think you’ll like it a lot better than the purse.” 
“No help from Nicki on this one?” You shook the box by your ear. 
“Nope, all me.”
Inside was a very fancy-looking knife. The handle was black and gold, the pattern the same as Bucky’s vibranium arm. The blade was shaped like a canto knife, but something was slightly off. You picked it up carefully and appraised it. 
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed out in awe. 
“It’s custom made—obviously. The blade is one of a kind. If you ever have to use it—they’ll know it was you.” 
You grinned and twirled the knife in your hand. “It’s perfect; I love it. I hope I don’t have to kill anyone with it—it’s too pretty.” 
Bucky chuckled and leaned back on his elbows to watch you play with the knife. He should have known that this was a much better gift than the stupid purse. 
“I don’t know what your plans are now–if you’re still going to be going on missions. But if you do, this way, you’ll have something to remind you of me while you’re away.” 
You put the knife away and climbed into Bucky’s lap. “That’s very sweet.” 
Bucky laid back on the scattered wrapping paper and rubbed your hips. “So, what are you going to do now?” 
You shrugged and leaned down to his lips. “I was thinking that I would fuck my boyfriend, really dirty and loud so that bitch next door knows who he belongs to—and to thank him for the best Christmas of my entire life.” 
“I meant job-wise, but that sounds pretty good.” Bucky’s eyes were already screwed shut as you attacked his neck and started taking his pajamas off. 
“Tell me what you want, baby.” You tugged his earlobe with your teeth, and his whole body erupted with goosebumps. “You can have anything you want–do whatever you want.”
Bucky tried to contain his groan as you swiveled your hips over his clothed erection. Of course, he knew immediately what he wanted to ask for–he hadn’t stopped thinking about it since the last time in the hallway. 
“Bucky,” you smoothed out the worry line between his brows with a kiss. “I’m serious; whatever you want, just tell me.” 
Bucky sat up, slowly undoing the buttons of your ridiculous pajama top. “I’ll tell you, but we don't have to if you don’t want to.”
You squirmed in his lap in excitement; he grabbed your hip hard to make you stop. 
“Last time–” Bucky kissed your collar bone as he gently pushed the shirt off your shoulders. “We didn’t use a condom.” 
You opened your eyes, looked slightly surprised, and Bucky blushed as he started to panic.
“I know it was a spur of the moment thing, but–”
“What?” Bucky blinked a few times, his hands frozen at your sides. 
“Yes, I want you–” you slowly rocked your hips against him. “It’s okay; I’m clean, you can’t get sick–and I’m on birth control.” 
Some worry melted from Bucky’s face, quickly replaced by pure excitement. “Fuck, are you sure?” His sentence trailed off as he watched you stand up and slowly pull your pajama shorts down. He quickly pulled his own off to catch up with your state of undress. 
You sat back down in his lap, wrapping your hand around his throbbing cock. “Please, Sarge? Wanna be your good girl.” 
“Fucking hell,” Bucky muttered to himself, head tipped back before snapping it up and giving you the cocky look the role called for. “You’re my best girl, doll.” 
You shivered as Bucky pushed you off his lap and onto your back. The crinkle of tissue paper filled the air as he maneuvered you into the position he wanted–one leg wrapped around his waist, the other around the back of his neck. 
“You gonna take it like my best girl, huh?” 
You arched your back, nodding urgently as Bucky teased the fat head of his cock across your folds. You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the last time either. You both had been so rushed and frantic that neither of you fully appreciated the feeling of being so close. You hadn’t been able to fully appreciate Bucky claiming you in a way that no one else had. 
“Are you with me, doll?” Bucky brushed your hair back, waiting for you to open your eyes again. 
“Yes, please, I need it, Sarge.” 
Bucky tried to prepare himself, but that first slide into your welcoming warmth was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. How had he not noticed this last time? How were you ten times warmer, wetter–he groaned when you clenched around him–tighter without the condom? 
“Feel so good, baby girl, a fuckin’ dream,” Bucky grunted as he started to thrust as slowly as he could. 
But you gripped him tightly, moaning for him to go faster, harder, deeper. You weren't joking about letting everyone within a hundred feet know who he belonged to. He didn’t have the resolve to go slow anymore; his hips moved at a frantic pace, greedily trying to wring even more pleasure out of your pliant body. 
You whimpered each time his pelvis rubbed against your clit; he had awoken something in you–you felt out of control, feral. Your hips lifted quickly to meet every stroke he gave you. One hand clung to his shoulder while the otherr searched for purchase in the littered tissue, ribbons, and bows, desperate to ground yourself. 
“Fuck, doll, you need this cock that bad, huh?” 
You nodded, biting your lip to keep your mouth shut. You didn’t know what would come out anymore if you opened it. 
“Talk to me–tell me how bad you need it, or I’ll stop.” 
Your eyes widened, tears already pooling because stopping was absolutely not an option. Not when you were this close to an earth-shattering orgasm. 
Bucky smirked at you before delivering a short, calculated thrust that had your eyes rolling back into your head. 
“Fuck yes, right there, daddy, please, please don’t stop!” 
Bucky groaned, forcing himself to keep going even though his body wanted to freeze in shock. “What did you just say?” He huffed, tilting your chin down to look into your glassy eyes.
Your mouth moved, no sound coming out for a second before you uttered the word again. 
“Christ,” Bucky muttered, his jaw visibly clenching. “What’s gotten into you?” 
You shook your head, eyes shut tight and your hand squeezing tightly around a piece of glittery pink wrapping paper. “Feels so good like this–” you lost the rest of your words as your world shattered around you, spreading glitter over Bucky’s back as you hung on for dear life. 
Bucky grit his teeth, trying his best to hold out; he was far from done enjoying this new little kink he had unlocked. But you were squeezing him so tightly, moaning his name so prettily. And then–
“Come for me, daddy, please.” 
The sweet little beg would have been enough to end him right there. But Bucky realized what this was, and his heart raced at the thought. 
“Is that what you want, baby girl?” He leaned down to your ear, pushing your thigh up to get even deeper in you. “Want me to fill up this tight little cunt?” 
The spasming of your walls around him was enough of an answer. And again, Bucky wondered how he hadn’t appreciated this the last time. The thought of coming inside you now stirred something in him, something primal; he didn’t have a choice anymore; this was what he needed. Images of you, pregnant and glowing with his child–he knew it wasn’t possible but fuck if it didn’t make him want to try. 
“Gonna put a baby in you, doll–my best girl–fuck.”
You suddenly came again with a gasp. “Bucky–do it, baby, fill me up.” 
Bucky ground his hips deeper, faster. You had never heard such filth spew from his lips as he lost himself in you. And you knew you had unleashed a monster; how could he ever go back?
“Pretty little pussy’s taking it so well–I’m so deep, baby girl, fuck–take it, fucking take it.” 
Bucky swore he saw heaven when he finally came, so deep inside you, he knew it wouldn’t leak out. Not all of it. And the thought made his cock twitch before he even had a chance to go soft. 
Your fingernails were digging into his skin, your breaths labored–he knew you were sensitive but he needed more. 
“One more baby, please?” He damn near whimpered as he pulled out nearly all the way and fucked his come back into you slowly. 
Your fingers ran through his hair and he groaned at the feeling. 
“Want all your cum daddy, please.” Your voice was breathy, your heart pounding in your chest. 
“Fuck,” Bucky reached behind him and grabbed a pillow off the chair to put under your hips. 
His eyes were dark, his hands possessive, his thrusts punishing. Before he was frantic, this time, he knew exactly what he needed and exactly how to get there. 
“I’ve got so much–so much cum for you baby girl,” Bucky moaned against your throat. 
You squeezed his toned ass, pulling him closer to you. It felt as if his cock was in your throat and yet you still wanted more. 
A loud bang came through the wall followed by Nicki’s voice telling you both to shut up. You started to laugh until Bucky angled his hips to rub against your overworked clit and your laugh turned into a hysteric gasping noise that stuck in your throat as you came. 
“Good god, you’re so fucking wet,” Bucky groaned sitting up so he could watch himself fuck his cum back into you. 
His dick was so hard it hurt…prickles of pain and pleasure shot up his spine as the feeling of your wet tight walls completely overwhelmed him. He wanted to live in that exact moment for the rest of his days, but he needed to fucking come. The tightness in his balls, and your sweet voice begging him to fill you up was becoming unbearable. 
“Holy–oh christ I’m cumming–can’t stop–” Bucky’s words slurred together as he continued to fuck you as hard and sloppy as he could while his cock throbbed inside you. 
“That’s it daddy, give me every drop.” You clenched around him rhythmically, trying to milk him for all he was worth. 
Bucky’s face twisted as his dick became too sensitive. “Fuck, doll st–stop. Too much,” he groaned out. “Can’t stop cumming–it won’t stop, fuck!”  
You stopped moving, staying completely still as he pressed as deep inside you as he could, cum still shooting from his sensitive pink tip. The mere fact that he was filling you with so much cum was prolong his extended orgasm–he was never going to get over this. 
“Was that okay?” Bucky asked between breaths, still hovering over you, rocking his hips gently because he couldn’t bear to stop completely. 
“Okay? That was fucking exquisite—I’ll be ready for round two after some breakfast. Think you can wait that long?” You teased, clenching around him. 
Bucky groaned but laughed as he kissed you. “For you, I suppose.” 
“Such a gentleman.”
Bucky pulled you up, carrying you to the bathroom. “I’ll make breakfast while you get cleaned up.”
“Anything you want.” 
“Blueberry waffles.” You grinned and kissed his cheek before he sat you down and shut the bathroom door. 
“Oh,” Bucky poked his head back into the bathroom. “And we are definitely talking about this daddy thing—don’t think you’re getting away with that.” 
Bucky swore you blushed, a rare sight, before you pushed him out of the bathroom.
Don’t forget to reblog! 😉
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Taglist: @delaber @mannien @raindrcpsangel @cjand10
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Hii im that anon who requested the diego prompt! I really didnt realise you already wrote it sorry but maybe “That is not a Christmas movie!” “Yes it is, and I can prove it.” prompt instead? Thanks for being so nice <3
A/N: No need to apologize :) Like I said, it's a great prompt, and I don't expect anyone to have already read through my entire masterlist in order to request something. I just wanted to make sure you were getting something special and unique. Word Count: 619 Rating: G - really no warnings other than some mildly implied future sexy shenanigans and one brief reference to knives. Which really, for Diego is...impressive
“See that?” Diego pointed emphatically at the paused tv screen, remote following the line of his hand like it was one of his knives poised to throw. 
“What?” You countered, barely suppressing a laugh. “The Christmas tree?”
“Yes! A Christmas tree. Prominently placed in the background to show that this movie is set at Christmas. Which only matters if it's a Christmas movie.” You could tell by the way he looked back at you, and the way he deflated when you shrugged, that he thought he had an open and shut answer to the argument that had raged between the two of you for the better part of an hour. 
“Or they set it at Christmas time to have more room for terrible one liners and weird decor-based shenanigans they think are funny. Happy Tuesday or Happy Easter asshole doesn't quite have the same ring as Merry Christmas. And strangling a guy with musical twinkle lights is…memorable.”
“So what? You just acknowledged it was set at Christmas. What else does it need to be a Christmas movie?”
“The Christmas spirit? Traditional themes of love or family or generosity? Major Christmas iconography besides a single background tree and the aforementioned lights?”
“The main character's boss could be impliedly Santa! Old man with white hair, mysterious ability to always be anywhere in the world without limit and have exactly what's needed for the situation, global surveillance network.”
“So while Five was working for the Commission, he was Santa? Your Dad is Evil Santa?”
“What?” Diego's whole face became a question mark, head cocked to one side in curious confusion. “No. Why…how would they be Santa?”
“They meet your whole checklist for implied Santa-hood. If you didn't want me to think you meant them too, you should be more specific, narrow things down more.”
Diego fell silent, obviously pouting, and waiting to find the perfect point to illustrate his claim that you were definitely watching a Christmas movie, a point you were convinced wouldn’t come. When the credits rolled and you still hadn't agreed, Diego looked crestfallen, and you felt a twinge of guilt. You turned to face him, exaggerated doe eyes wide. 
“I’m sorry baby, I know since I don’t think it’s a true Christmas movie, that ruins your plan for a festive marathon, but it’s good to have a little break, avoid getting holiday burnout. But I promise, we can get back on track and still have plenty of time to cover them all. How about Batman Returns next?”
“You've got to be kidding me.”
“What's wrong with Batman?”
“You just spent all this time arguing with me over whether this is a Christmas movie, but you think Batman Returns is one?!”
“Of course it is.”
“How?!” You weren’t sure you had ever heard Diego’s voice rise so many octaves as it did when he asked the question, and it was all you could do to fight back a laugh. 
“While we're watching, I'll prove it. And besides…” You smirked at him, stretching upward to kiss the underside of his jaw the way you knew made him shiver. “I don't really disagree. I just like how passionate you get when you're riled up. It's sexy.”
Feigning indignity, he gave you a gentle shove backwards. Letting him get the upper hand, you kept moving until were lying back on the couch, guiding him to tower over you with a hand planted on the cushion on either side of your head. 
“Oh yeah?” he asked with a smile that made you shiver, “How sexy?”
“Very.” you answered in the breaths before you curled your own hand around his neck and pulled him down into a fiery kiss, the movie marathon quickly forgotten.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
(sorry i already reblogged the post with my ship stuff! I didn’t realize it was supposed to be an ask!)
I’m Davy (she/her)! I am 5’0 with brown curly hair, blue eyes and freckles. I am a Ravenclaw and INTP. I mostly like guys. I love acting, singing, reading and writing. I am AuDHD and have a really hard time in social situations. I wear headphones most places that I go. I love analog horror, watching musicals, and stuffed animals. I am trying to learn how to cook, and get better in social situations. My favorite season is winter and my favorite holiday is Christmas. My type usually is intelligent but not afraid to be goofy and affectionate. My love language is physical touch. I love to infodump about my special interests
Feel free to ship me with any male character!
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Hi my love! I ship you with: Hughie Campbell!!! He loves your height. Hughie is pretty tall. It's not a requirement that he's with someone shorter than him, it just happens that he's taller than most people in general. He loves the fact that you're so short. It makes his day when you can't reach something he can or when you're wearing his pajamas and they're comically too long/big on you. He makes a lot of short jokes that get your friends laughing too, especially Frenchie. He also loves when you sing. In the shower, along with the radio, or just humming to yourself without realizing, lost in your work. Your voice is sweet and melodic and he can't get enough of it. You love how he's grown into himself. Hughie is still awfully awkward and gangly and might say the wrong thing from time to time, but he's also stronger than he was when you first met. He's willing to stand up to Butcher and make it known that just because he's lost his humanity didn't give the rest of The Boys the right to do so, too. He believes in doing the right thing and fighting the good fight no matter how scared you might be. He's a lot louder with his beliefs and isn't afraid to voice them even if they go against the grain. You've really seen how he's become more vocal and comfortable with himself. It's a privilege to see. Your relationship is easy. You and Hughie are both affectionate, caring, good people. Sure, you make mistakes and mess up and mis-communicate, but for the most part you're open about everything. You talk things through. You learn one another's signs of discomfort and stress and fear and worry. When you're in a social situation you're nervous about or struggling with, Hughie can swoop in and offer support, realizing this might be hard for you. When you see everything sort of hitting him (what happened at Teks party, losing his dad, his mom coming back into his life so suddenly) you're there with hugs and a shoulder to cry on. Your first date is to see a local musical. Hughie isn't the biggest fan of musicals, but, depending on the story, he can find enjoyment. What's even more important is that he knows you love them and they make you happy. He spends the whole time watching you rather than the actors and singers. It just makes you so excited, sitting through it is worth it. Later he admits not only are musicals not his thing, he doesn't remember any of the story-line or plot. He just knows at what times and songs you got the biggest smile from. You tell him you could have done something else, but Hughie shrugs it off. He wanted you to be happy, that's all. Relationship Headcanon: Hughie knows how much Christmas means to you so, every year, he goes all out. Lights, decorations, stockings, food, everything is out of a movie or book. Christmas was special to him as a kid, but the older he got, the more magic the holiday lost. Since being with you, there's been more magic. It makes him feel like a little kid again unwrapping his Tek Knight action figure and Homelander slippers. Not just Christmas, but winter in general. Attempting to ice skate and going for hot cocoa, going to the tree lighting ceremony, walking around the city with all its decorations. Every year when this time comes around you know he's going to put in even more effort to make it as special as possible.
Hope you like it my love!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜
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serxen6pity · 9 months
Christmas Eve
It's christmas eve, and Lumine decided to stroll around the downtown; making time for herself alone with no company. She's walking without directions, without any place in mind she could think of.
And a few steps later, she found herself stopping in front of a restaurant. Seeing some family spending their special night in a warm dinner with smiles on their face reminds her of those time where her parents are still here. She and Aether; her brother, would exchange their dishes and ended up making a fuss about whose dishes was better. Of course, Aether always let Lumine won that nonsense never-ending battle.
Now since their parents were gone in a car crash and Aether has his own little family and live abroad, Lumine misses them more. It gets worse when she walked passed an ice cream shop that has a 'close' sign on its door. It was a place she and Aether used to go whenever they were feeling blue since the day they realized that they only have each other.
Tears started coming down and the night is getting cold, so Lumine decided to run a little bit towards the big christmas tree in the middle of that big junction. It looks pretty, and maybe Lumine could have some happy memories spending her christmas alone even tho she has to suffer from the bittersweet memories she recalled a moment ago.
That was her thoughts until someone accidentally bumped into her and spilled his drink all over her winter coat.
She was shocked, indeed. She was ready to burst out into anger but a soft little boy's voice suddenly come into the person right in front of her. Yes, it was a boy who bumped into her before.
"I-I'm sorry miss... the road was so slippery and it was my fault. Please forgive me I'm really sorry..." said the boy.
Lumine decided to hold her anger and smile, 'it's just a boy, I shouldn't be angry. It's christmas eve.' she mumbled.
Lumine nods slightly and reach for the boy to give him some headpats. "It's ok. Next time, make sure to watch some steps alright? Are you here alone–"
Someone was yelling in front of the coffee shop near where they're standing. He has a ginger hair and seems like he brought some things with him; shopping bags and another cup of coffee in the other hand. He tried to run a little to where Lumine and the little boy–Teucer stand.
"What did I tell you before to not run around in a slippery road like this, Teucer? Now you don't listen to your brother, no?" the older scolding the little one like a pro, in a very lovely intonation without anger and high tone voice. It was so soft, to the point it melts Lumine's heart just hearing it.
"It's okay, sir. I already told him to be careful and no need to worry about it anymore." Lumine explained.
The guy then turn his gaze into Lumine, feeling really sorry about what happened.
And that time.. Lumine realized that the beautiful blue eyes he has and the gesture of a loving brother he owns makes her attracted.
"Still, miss.. I'm so sorry. I hope I could do something in return. Is there anything I can help you with probably?" said the guy.
"Oh I want you," Lumine said it; without hesitation–and impulsively. "Ok, I'm sorry... I want you–what I mean is.. your name. Yeah. Your name."
Lumine never felt like she wanted to burried herself down as much as now
The guy looked a little bit confused, but then realize he hasn't introduced himself before. "Right I haven't introduce myself, I'm Ajax. I'm so sorry this happened, Miss...?"
"Lumine." she greeted Ajax with a handshake. "And I'm sorry for saying nonsense before. You don't need to do anything, really." Lumine tried so hard to convince him.
"Okay then, how about a ride home? Or somewhere you wanna go? Surely you wanna visit some friends tonight, right?" asked Ajax.
"Oh, it's just me. I'm actually going to see the christmas tree in the junction." said Lumine.
Ajax was confused. "Alone?"
"Yes." said Lumine.
"Someone like you? I mean... you do have boyfriend right?" Ajax finally slipped out a question that was kinda inappropriate. But fuck that, the girl in front of him is actually cute and that he wanna protect her at all cost.
But the anwer to the question Ajax let out was a 'no'. And somehow, it makes him felt relieved? He shouldn't be like this, right? She's a stranger after all.
But it's not Ajax if he doesn't try to be bold. Few minutes later, Ajax and Lumine decided to spend the christmas eve together with little Teucer walking excitedly in front of him.
And little did the older know, Teucer was smiling so bright and start imagining if Lumine soon enough to be Ajax's girlfriend since that night.
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jaxteller87 · 10 months
xmas memories
It was a bit cold out, especially for Charming, but it was rather fitting, considering it was Christmas Eve. I stood in the backyard with my kids as the warm glow of the festive lights danced on their faces. I couldn’t help but smile, as this is what being a father and husband was all about. Speaking of being a husband, my mind was ripe with the surprise I had in store for my wife, Amber.
But before I could present it to her, I heard the very familiar roar of a motorcycle eching in the distance. Opie Winston, my loyal brother and best friend, slid into my driveway with a look of panic etched across his face.
“Jax, man, I need your help. I ran outta tape for Donna’s presents. I can’t show up empty-handed on Christmas, you know?” Opie’s voice was urgent, and his eyes desperate.
I chuckled, a deep rumble escaping my throat. “Op, you had to pass a convenience store on your way here. Why didn’t you just stop and buy some tape, man?”
“Come on, Jax, it’s almost 1030 on Christmas Eve. Everything’s closed. I thought you might have some to spare.”
Shaking my head, I suppressed a laugh. “Yeah, yeah, no problem, brother. I’ve got you covered. It’s our last roll, though, so make it count.”
Opie laughed, clapping me on the shoulder. “I owe you one! Thanks, man.”
“Yes sir,” I smiled, “Thank you for shipping at Jax-Mart. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya on the way out.” I handed Opie a roll of tape, and as he revved his motorcycle, I called over my shoulder, “Tell Donna and the kids Merry Christmas!”
Opie chuckled, giving me a mock salute before speeding away down the road and disappearing into the distance.
Leaving that amusing encounter in the rearview, my focus shifted to the clay prints project. The little ones were all in, eagerly mashing their hands into the damp clay, crafting a real, tangible expression of what family is all about. The kids absolutely loved it; they were giggling up a storm and whispering back and forth.
On Christmas morning, my family gathered around the tree. Amber unwrapped her special gift, the clay masterpiece capturing the essence of our love and shared moments.
“No way, you guys! Thank you so much,” Amber shrieked with excitement.
I couldn’t help but smile, my mind flashing back to the earlier banter with Opie. As Amber gestured towards me, I tore into my own gift, revealing the clay piece adorned with handprints – virtually the same as the one I had just gifted her.
“So, this is why you were giggling yesterday, huh?” I grinned at my kids.
“Yup, Daddy. Mama said not to say anything,” Mary giggled mischievously.
“Thank you, guys. I’m going to hang it at the clubhouse. That way, every time I’m away from home, I can look at these prints and think about how much I miss you guys!” I growled playfully, tickling both their bellies and planting a quick peck on each of their heads.
Later that night, under the soft glow of Christmas lights, Amber and I cuddled up close on the sofa, sharing smiles, laughter, and kisses.
“Great minds think alike,” Amber remarked.
“They do,” I chuckled, my fingers gently tracing the clay imprints.
“So, dinner at your mom’s tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” I smiled, running my fingers through her hair.
“Great. I just need to wrap her and Clay’s gifts,” she said softly. “I was going to do it before we opened our presents, but I couldn’t find the tape.”
“Shit,” I said softly, “About that…”
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goodtimingwithscar · 1 year
"So this is Christmas?"
pairing: mumscarian.
part one!
genre: wholesome, /r?
warnings: very wholesome mumscarian. :3
a/n:this was pulled together really fast, so i apologise if it’s bad!
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'mmm..' scar heaved, pulling up more lights. 'Scar!! more lights.. really? our house is gonna look brighter than //you// if you keep up with this!!' Grian giggled, helping Scar down off the chair he was stood upon. 'Well i want this to be special. it’s not just any Christmas, G!' The other man smiled.
'Oh really? why not?'
'It’s the Christmas where something very special happens.'
'Which is..?'
'You’ll have to wait and see buddy!!' Scar giggled, hugging Grian, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
'Oh scar.' Grian laughed.
Just then, Mumbo walked in, opening his arms.
'How are my two favourite guys??'
Scar giggled, squealing like a child who had just seen their favourite person; which arguably, is similar enough, running into Mumbo’s arms, pulling him into a hug.
Grian’s face lit up with excitement, running to mumbo, the 3 of them now in a group hug.
'How was work, love?' Grian asked, burying his hands in Mumbo’s hair.
'It was okay! Stressful— but okay. How was your day?' Mumbo replied, taking his jacket off.
'It was good, Scar has been decorating all day!' Grian laughed, holding Scars hand.
'Mhm!!' Scar replied with a big smile across his face.
'It is the 24th of December, guys. Come on!' Mumbo said, taking the two men arm-in-arm to the tree.
Scar ran over to the TV, in which jellie was meowing at.
mumbo and Grian turned face to face, 'You think it’s gonna be a good day for him? His parents never really.. payed attention to him.' Grian asked, his face knitted with worry.
Mumbo reassuringly placed two hands on both of Grian’s shoulders, squeezing them. Followed by placing a thumb on Grian’s cheek.
'Everything he wanted, and more.'
The silence was broken shortly, as a knock on the door.
Scar skipped over, swinging it open and gasping.
Bdubs, Cleo and Etho stood outside, each holding neatly wrapped gifts.
'Hey Scar!!' Etho said, speaking for the lot.
Grian smiled, knowing that Scar’s family there would be even better.
'GUYS!!' Scar squealed, running into each of their arms giving them a big hug individually.
Bdubs giggled, Cleo ruffled Scar’s hair and Etho smiled.
'Come in come in!!' Scar dragged the other three inside, laughing.
After a few minutes, the presents were under the tree, and everybody gathered around the table chattering.
'GUYS LOOK!' Scar yelled, pointing out the window. Small snowflakes began falling, hitting off the window, and then Jellie popped up, sitting on the window still with snow on her her, oh it was a lovely sight.
'Jellie!!' Grian cooed. 'Cmere girl, be careful!!'
'So that’s the cat you love?' Cleo asked, smiling.
'This is the family i love.'
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