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Guys - they're called "ships" not "chips". Stop eating them.
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nejiwasalwaysright · 7 months
hinata fans: hiashi already said that there is no more slavery in Hyuga clan! Stop lying!
Also hinata fans: hiashi is a horrible person,he abuses hinata!
What 🤡 hinata fans are.
So,”hiashi is a horrible person who abuses hinata” but “hiashi said that side and main branch are equal and we can trust him 100%”…
These bitches aren’t even hearing themselves.
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lunaneko14 · 8 months
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stopthebig3 · 1 year
It’s so annoying that searching for anything a Neji related will inevitably bring up NejiTen crap. Why does it seem like the majority of the fandom is convinced that they would’ve been canon if he survived? What is the appeal? Are there filler scenes in the anime or something that is making people ship them so religiously? There is clearly nothing in the manga going for them romantically.
The appeal is that Neji and Tenten are a male and a female in the same team, so obviously they need to be shipped together. Despite the fact both of them have a better dynamic with Lee.
Shippers don't even need fillers, all they need is one smile or look, no matter how mundane, and they will twist it into romance. Good example is this:
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NH genuinely argue this is proof Naruto and Hinata are perfectly compatible. Because Naruto smiles at her and says "ok" politely. They call this "an underrated moment" lol. Let's ignore the fact Naruto never bothers to spend time with Hinata unless he's ordered to on a mission. Such romance.
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watermelonsloth · 1 year
NejiTen Sucks Because of the Fandom
I don’t have many anti ships and the ones I have are because of incest(ItaSasu, NejiHina, ShiIta, NaruKushi, etc). Even age gap relationships that are very gross in canon(MadaObi, KakaSaku, etc) I tend to let slide since the majority of people shipping them ship them in alternate universes where they’re the same age or adults.
The only exception to me only having incest ships as NOTPs is NejiTen, which I’ll admit is weird out of context. NejiTen as a ship itself is pretty harmless. I don’t like it because I’m sick of NejiTen shippers saying it is/would’ve been canon. I do think that if Neji survived and gotten married, it would’ve been with TenTen, but it’s not because it’s a good ship like some of the fandom would like you to believe. It’s because Neji doesn’t talk to any girls his age(or girls in general). That’s it. And that’s only if he got married and had kids. Considering TenTen and Shino are both single and we don’t have a canonical mother of Metal Lee, it’s possible that Neji would’ve remained single even if he lived.
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pussymagnetmadara2 · 2 years
Naruto fandom: a boy + a girl on the same team= they were in love/ love interests.
Kakashi and Rin? Headcanon
Sasuke and Sakura? Headcanon before Boruto.
Itachi and Izumi? She doesn’t even exist. Headcanon
Neji and Tenten? Headcanon.
Why are y’all so reticent to tell the truth. Canon is canon. No Itachi didn’t have a lover. No kakashi wasn’t in love with Rin, Obito was. Sasuke didn’t care romantically about Sakura, nor either girls in the whole manga. Neji? Probably cared about Tenten as much as he cared about Rock Lee.
Stop pretending shit.
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narutoshippingpolls · 10 months
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sasuke-punk · 2 years
Rock lee and his ninja pals is such a fun spin off but it's so hard to watch because of the interactions between hinata and neji 😭😭😭
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honiweii · 3 years
Anti-NejiTen GIVE UP !
Top 7 comments that annoy me a lot under each NejiTen post that I found on the net:
#1 - Leeten partisan who spread false rumors
when people said "Tenten blushed toward Lee is because she loves him and it's Canon"... LOL ! Do you want to talk about canon stuff ? She has NEVER blushed at him in the manga that's Canon !
Guys, that is CANON ↓
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Neji saved Tenten from the water prison.
and that too : ↓
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Kishi has confirmed that Tenten is NOT Metal's mother!!!
So, stop saying that Tenten is Metal Lee's mom. Respect Tenten, why do you want her with a boy who never paid attention to her at all, Lee was in love with Sakura from the beginning to the end like Naruto. HE. NEVER. SHOWED. ANY. LOVE INTEREST. IN. TENTEN ! AND TENTEN NEVER TOO !
#2 - People who said that Neji never showed any love interest in Tenten/ or they both have no chemistry
I think hate makes you blind, because their interactions/development are no different from other ships in the series.
I know love is subjective, some people need to see a kiss or physical contact, or eye contact, or an expressive display of love.
But you know, each person is different and their display of love depends on their personality. When you create a character, you have to adapt their behavior to their personality. It's normal that Naruto shouts everywhere that he's in love with Sakura, that's his personality! It's the same with Sakura and Ino with Sasuke.
But, throughout the series, if we remove the blank day to be equal to Neji and Tenten (because they weren't lucky enough to have a blank day's scene), have you seen Sasuke display a thing of love towards Sakura? Have you seen Temari display a thing of love towards Shikamaru, or even Shikamaru towards Temari? or even Sai towards Ino, in Shippuden?
I want to tell you no, I've never seen any expressive display of love between them all. And if you tell me yes, I pretty much know the reason for your answer:
1. For Sasuke, you will tell me that : "he protected Sakura during the Chunin exam, and wanted to beat the guys who beat her up"
=> Ok, he protected her and I guess protecting someone is considered a love thing.
So, Neji also protected Tenten in the anime and the manga (⬆️ the first image above +⬇️)...
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2. Sasuke again: I think back to that war scene, where Sasuke catches up with Sakura and looks at her ... Anyway, physical contact and eye contact.
=> GO REWATCH OR WATCH EPISODE 14 of Shippuden ! AND "CURRY OF LIFE" of Naruto. NejiTen shared all of this !
3. For ShikaTema... Except in the blank day, I don't remember them having an expressive display of love ... maybe when Temari saves Shikamaru? I think the main reason is that they're look cute together. From this, you can talk about a hint of romantic love, that they've been secretly in love with each other since their fight in Chunin exam (and no one will say the opposite because everyone loves them :) )
=> The same goes for NejiTen : they are always shown together, in the same thumbnails, and training together. From this, we, NejiTen fans CAN see a hint of romantic love throughout the story as well.
4. InoSai... I'm sorry, but except in blank day, I really don't remember any display of love between them... they just look cute together...
5. Talking about blank day, even if Neji and Tenten don't have their moment because Neji is dead. Kishi devoted a few lines to them in the novel, in Neji's diary.
"My present goal was to get rid of Tenten's depression"_HYUGA NEJI
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#3- NejiTen is only in the imagination of NejiTen fans
If you don't know about fanart, this all takes place in an Alternative Universe. It's like fanfic.
I don't know what's wrong with bringing your favorite characters to life through our imaginations. That's what everyone does with their ship!
#4- Tenten doesn't deserve Neji
(-_-)''' But you know, Neji prefers Tenten to you ;)
When you are insulting Tenten (bc u don't like her or for some stupid reason bc you think she is weak), just remember how much Neji believes in Tenten and tell everyone how much she is strong. (#Episode 162 from Shippuden)
#5- NejiTen fans have no reason to ship them
uh! and do u have a reason to ship your ship ? Do u have a reason to fall in love with someone ? Do u have a reason to have a favorite character?
(Read #2 again)
#6- If Neji was alive, he would have married someone from the Hyuga clan to keep the Byakugan's eyes
... It's called evolution of the story...
The story has shown us the different problems encountered in the world of ninjas : people's mentality towards hosts ; Uchiwa and Hyuga clan ; wars and more. The world of ninja was destined to change and get better.
About Hyuga clan, Neji wanted to change his clan, change his destiny. During his fight with Naruto, Naruto tells him that he can change his destiny. From this episode, the Hyuga clan started to change.
#7- "Neji is dead"
It's not a reason. He's a fictional character, so he's not really dead. He has stayed alive through art, fiction and more.
The death of a character doesn't stop a ship, for example : ObiRin, Yahikonan, TsunadeDan.
► ObiRin
Obito was in love with Rin. Since she's dead, he continued to love her.
► It's the same for Yahikonan
► TsunadeDan
Since Dan is dead, Tsunade remained single, just like Tenten.
I think that's how a ship works when the pairing is meant to be, in Naruto series.
Stop hypocrisy !
It's anti-NejiTen who have no reason to spread their hatred against this ship!
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itsakami · 2 years
I just realized I had probably the same vibes as Asmodeus when Neji died for NaruHina's sake. But I do love M&M. The other ship is just crap.
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ericafaithsstuff · 3 years
Oop.... don't mind me just posting my fav ships
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I am sorry for saiino can't find them together in one gif ; - ;
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---------------------------------------------------all of these are my fav ships especially leesaku, also im not a multisaku and other ships that i don't like, like: sasusaku , leeten,narusasu,sasosaku,leegaa,inosaku,itasaku,kakagai. Thanks for appreciating 😘
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sujiescraps · 3 years
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Neji and Tenten’s daughter, Tetsu was born recently. Lee, Sakura and their daughter Asa come visit. While the adults are chattering the kids are together. Neiru is happy to be a new brother!
Second pic is based on a gift from @tammi25
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honiw · 3 years
Neji Otsutsuki | Nice or Evil ?
Nejiweek2021 day 2 -angst
Let me introduce you to a hybrid version of Neji who became an Otsutsuki
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"The fact that I was right all along.. No one can escape their fate"
(based on my fanfic. I hope I will have time to turn it into a comic.. one day... maybe... ಥ_ಥ just.... don't wait, you will see if I do it or not...)
© 2021 Honi.w
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stopthebig3 · 1 year
Tenten fans are only nejiten fans. They don't like her as a character cause she doesn't have one. She was created to be a filler character and that's it. So her fans can easily self insert themselves into her, which is embarrassing. All of her fanfictions story is her and neji being out of character like the ship is. I remember nejiteb fans went to harass nejihina fans because nejihina is popular in Japan and china. nejiten fans and tenten fans need to realize ain't nobody liking tenten cause of "potential" she never had. Y'all only care about her cause of the made up relationship you made with neji. tenten is not a popular female character like the other girls are. Actually nejiten fans did steal a fanart of Minato and kushina and they continue stealing other ships fanart and calling it canon when it's not. I thought nejiten shippers left the fan base long ago but to see them BEING THAT delusional and denial is sad.
I agree with everything you said. It's funny how yaoi fans get called out for baseless ships of background characters or insignificant side characters but NT is praised to the heavens and never gets publically condemned because every female character needs to get paired up.
I have never read NT fanfiction but I have come across fanart of it and yes it's quite ooc. Well SS/NH fanart is as well so it's to be expected. But I'm not sure what do you mean they stole fanart of Minato and Kushina?
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beanerbrujx · 3 years
1, 26, 27?
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
I do not and cannot figure out why tf ppl ship NejiTen. TenTen is clearly a lesbian
26. Most shippable character?
I ship my boy Kiba with literally everyone around his age, I feel like he'd be the perfect boyfriend to anyone
27. Least shippable character?
Neji. I ship him only with death
Salty Ask List
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