#Anti-Women Crime Branch
beardedmrbean · 1 year
Residents of Oakland, California said they were exhausted by rising crime in the city, as some leave, demand increased prosecution of criminals or beef up on security, according to a new report.
"As Oakland sees a surge in reported violent crimes this year compared to last, while homicides are down, robberies, burglaries and rape are all up by double-digit percentages," CNN reporter Kyung Lah said in a segment on crime Tuesday. 
"Everyone we talked to says it doesn’t matter your race, your income, everyone seems to be a target," Lah said. 
Darren White, a member of the Oakland NAACP, said that he wants his community to feel safe. 
"I'm a Black man born and raised in Oakland," White said. "When I walk out of the house every day, I want to be safe. So if that calls for some, whoever commits the crime, to be prosecuted, so be it. But we want it to be fair and just."
The NAACP Oakland branch also wrote a letter to the city, criticizing leadership for supporting "movement to defend the police" and "anti-police rhetoric" for allowing crime to flourish. 
When asked if there needed to be more cops on patrol in Oakland, White agreed. "Yes we do need more — Every community needs police."
One mother became emotional after she explained why she was leaving Oakland. "The fact that I am being pushed out because I emotionally can’t take it anymore is horrible." 
"I can't take it anymore. I got to the point I was too scared to leave my house." 
Another Oakland resident, Toni Bird, lives in Oakland "with a locked front gate and five security cameras."
"I'm not looking for the perfect, safe place. I’m looking for a place where the elderly, women with children, aren’t targeted. I think we can all agree that that needs to change. I feel like it will change and that’s why I’m staying."
Others don't benefit from a similarly advanced security system. "60-year-old retiree Dave Schneider was shot to death in June trimming his front tree during the day. He died as Bird and other neighbors tried to save him."
CNN analyst John Avlon agreed that the prosecution of crime in Oakland needs to change. 
"We need to stop this revolving door approach to justice," he said. "There needs to be sentencing and prosecutions in a way that’s consistent with equal rights and justice. That’s not too much to ask. You see these stats, you got to take action because it’s unleashing massive forces. You can’t effectively have situations where, for example, mass theft going into stores and grabbing things under $1,000 is effectively decriminalized."
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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Last weekend the Texas-based white supremacist group Patriot Front took to the streets of Washington, D.C., to rally in the nation’s capital.
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Law enforcement was on hand to make sure no one from either side lashed out and disrupted the peace.
Related: ‘Huge Surprise’: Fox Political Commentator Tomi Lahren Dragged for Calling White Supremacy a ‘Boogeyman’ That Is Used to ‘Fire Up’ the Masses
On Saturday, May 13, the self-styled patriots were lined up in rows wearing boots, tan pants, blue shirts, white face masks and tan dad caps with the logo of the organization in the center as they presented themselves for their demonstration. According to videos that circulated on social media, various members carried upside-down American flags, shields, and drums as they walked.
The signs bore their mantra, “Reclaim America,” and the members chanted “life, liberty, victory.”
The Washington D.C. branch of the Anti-Defamation League released a statement expressing its disgust at the rally.
“We are disgusted by the actions of Patriot Front today in DC. This white supremacist group known for its flash demonstrations marched on the National Mall carrying banners spewing their hateful rhetoric,” the civil rights organization stated. “Since 2019, Patriot Front has been responsible for the vast majority of white supremacist propaganda distributions in the US. The group has neo-Nazi roots and held four large demonstrations in several cities in 2022. We strongly condemn their presence and messages of hate.”
Also in 2019, the FBI established the Domestic Terrorism-Hate Crimes Fusion Cell, a division created to combat domestic terrorism in the country and fight for justice for victims of hate crimes. 
The ADL published a report in March that showed a 38 percent rise in white supremacist activity from 2021 to 2022. This number represented over 6,700 incidents that transpired over the year span, according to Newsweek.
Fueling the rise is a belief in the “replacement theory.” Some 66 percent of white Christian nationalism sympathizers and 81 percent of adherents believe immigrants are “invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background.”
Religion and white nationalism have been twin spirits for over a hundred years, with many early white supremacist groups considering their missions sanctioned by God.
The University of Chicago reported in 2017 the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, America’s oldest hate group, in the 1920s. was rooted in “fierce religious bigotry” and “xenophobia.” Those themes echoed those that inspired the group’s founding during Reconstruction, when many whites believed the newly emancipated Blacks were going to take over their nation, drive crime up, and infect the nation (and white women) with their sexual depravity.
Like the Patriot Front, the KKK lived by a concept of “one hundred percent Americanism.”
Kelly Baker, an essayist on the topic for the university’s religion and culture forum, said, “Religion remains a prominent part of the Klan … though many would like to pretend that it’s not.” 
“The changing social climate in the U.S., including immigration, urbanization, and the migration of African Americans, made the Klan’s white, patriotic, and Protestant message appealing to white men and white women,” Baker added. “Their popular nativism was a backlash to the changing demographics and the changing culture of the nation.”
Ultimately, Baker says The Klan’s appeal is because it tells “a story of the importance of white Protestants from the nation’s founding until the 1920s, and their artifacts—the robes, the fiery cross, and the American flag—materialized the order’s commitment to Protestantism, white supremacy, and 100% Americanism.”
Like its masked social descendants the Patriot Front, the KKK also marched on Washington D.C. almost 100 years ago. In 1925 and 1926, the Klan organized two parades to canvass Pennsylvania Avenue. Reports say thousands attended both marches, with 30,000 being the accepted number for the latter demonstration.
Saturday’s Patriot Front march was considerably smaller.
The Patriot Front was founded in 2017 by Thomas Rousseau in Texas. Members of the organization “define themselves as American fascists or American nationalists who are focused on preserving America’s identity as a European-American one.”
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newstfionline · 1 year
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
U.S. eavesdropped on U.N. secretary general, leaks reveal (Washington Post) The United States has eavesdropped on United Nations Secretary General António Guterres’s conversations, according to four more leaked documents. One intercepted conversation details Guterres’s “outrage” over being denied a visit to a war-torn region in Ethiopia. Another said that Guterres’ reported that he was “really pissed off” about a surprise public ceremony in honor of International Women’s Day during his March visit to Ukraine. Aides later said Zelensky had sprung the event—which included the presentation of medals to uniformed soldiers—on him without warning and posted photographs and videos of the event that implied the secretary general was congratulating military personnel on one side of the Russia-Ukraine war.
While some students skip college, trade programs are booming (AP) It’s almost 4 p.m. at the Nashville branch of the Tennessee College of Applied Technology, and the students in the auto collision repair night class are just starting their school day. One is sanding the seal off the bed of his 1989 Ford F-350. Another is patiently hammering out a banged-up fender. A third, Cheven Jones, is taking a break from working on his 2003 Lexus IS 300 to chat with some classmates. While almost every sector of higher education has fewer students registering for classes, many trade programs are thriving. Jones and his classmates, seeking certificates and other short-term credentials—not associate degrees—are part of that upswing. Trade programs are often more affordable than a traditional four-year degree, students note, and, for many, skilled trades offer a more obvious path to a job.
Many Older Americans Haven’t Saved Anything for Retirement (Bloomberg) More than a quarter of Americans have no money saved for retirement. That’s according to a new survey from personal finance site Credit Karma, which found older respondents are even less prepared by some measures than their younger counterparts. Nearly one in five people aged 59 and older said they didn’t have a retirement account and 27% of respondents said they haven’t set anything aside for their later years. That compared to a quarter of Gen X respondents.
Antisemitism festers in current US political and social climate, report says (Reuters) The social and political climate in the United States has become fertile ground for antisemitism in recent years, according to a report released on Monday by advocacy group Anti-Defamation League and the Tel Aviv University. Expressions of hatred against Jews have become “mainstreamed and normalized,” and incidents of violence, vandalism, and harassment of Jews have increased, the report said. The report linked the rise of antisemitism to trends such as growing populism, political polarization and an increase in hate crimes nationwide.
Mexico feels the strain as Haitian migrants, caught in limbo, mark time (Reuters) Asylum claims by Haitians in Mexico are on track to hit a record above 50,000 this year, a top official said, further pressuring the country’s already strained migrant services as many begin to contemplate a future there rather than in the United States. In the year’s first three months, 13,631 applied for refugee status, dwarfing claims from other countries and compared to 17,153 in all of 2022, according to data from the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR). Part of the explanation for the increase may lie in a toughening of U.S. border controls in January that has made it harder for many migrants to cross by land into the United States, together with a parallel U.S. program allowing a monthly quota of Haitians to cross by air. Haitians without sponsors or who have irregularly crossed into Mexico or the United States would not qualify for the latter program, leaving many effectively stranded in Mexico.
Brazil’s welcome of Russian minister prompts US blowback (AP) Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Monday expressed gratitude to Brazil for its approach in pushing for an end to hostilities in Ukraine—an effort that has irked both Kyiv and the West, and by afternoon prompted an unusually sharp rebuke from the White House. Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has refused to provide weapons to Ukraine while proposing a club of nations including Brazil and China to mediate peace. On Sunday, Lula told reporters in Abu Dhabi that two nations—both Russia and Ukraine—had decided to go to war, and a day earlier in Beijing said the U.S. must stop “stimulating” the continued fighting and start discussing peace. Earlier this month, he suggested Ukraine could cede Crimea to end the war, which the spokesperson for Ukraine’s foreign ministry, Oleg Nikolenko, and others rejected.
Flower power draws crowds to Low Countries (AP) Rain or shine, there is no way to keep budding flowers down. From the world-famous Keukenhof garden in the Netherlands to the magical bluebell Hallerbos forest in Belgium, they are out there again, almost on cue to enthrall, enthuse and soothe the mind. All despite the cold and miserable early spring in this part of Western Europe. The beauty is not lost on tens of thousands of visitors thronging the pathways through the riot of color and fragrances. And if the COVID-19 pandemic left the sights eerily deserted for a few years, the challenge now has become how to manage the masses. Gardeners plant and nurture the staggering 7 million bulbs to ensure visitors who flock to The Keukenhof from around the world all get to see a vibrant spectacle whenever they come during the opening season from March 23-May 14.
Putin rallies his troops with 2nd Ukraine visit in 2 months (AP) Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday visited command posts of the Kremlin’s forces fighting in Ukraine in an apparent effort to rally his troops as the war approaches its 14th month and Kyiv readies a possible counteroffensive with Western-supplied weapons. A video released by the Kremlin and broadcast by Russian state television showed Putin arriving by helicopter at the command post for Russian forces in the southern Kherson region and afterward flying to the headquarters of the Russian National Guard of the eastern Luhansk region.
Killing of jailed lawmaker on live TV puts spotlight on India’s extrajudicial violence (Washington Post) The slaying of a former lawmaker and his brother in police custody in India’s Uttar Pradesh state over the weekend has placed a spotlight on extrajudicial attacks and killings, driven in part by ethnoreligious divisions fomented at the highest levels of government. Assassins posing as journalists shot and killed at point-blank range Atiq Ahmed, 60, a mobster-turned-lawmaker, and his brother Ashraf Ahmed, a former state lawmaker, as they answered questions on live TV Saturday. In the footage, gunmen continue to shoot the men as they slump to the ground. The Ahmeds, members of India’s Muslim minority, were killed amid a huddle of reporters asking questions. Police moved swiftly to restrain the apparent assailants, including at least one who was chanting “Jai Shri Ram,” or “Hail Lord Ram”—a religious phrase that has become a Hindu nationalist slogan, sometimes heard in crowds carrying out attacks on Muslims. Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, has developed a notorious reputation for gangland violence as well as a long history of extrajudicial vigilante violence carried out by local authorities. Under the rule of Yogi Adityanath, the state’s right-wing Hindu nationalist chief minister, Uttar Pradesh has seen a surge in such encounters with police.
21 die in Beijing hospital fire (ABC News) A fire killed at least 21 people at a hospital in Beijing on Tuesday and forced dozens of people to evacuate, Chinese state media reported. As clouds of black smoke billowed into the sky, people trapped in the multistory building apparently tied bedsheets into makeshift ropes and escaped by climbing out windows. Others took refuge by perching on air conditioning units just outside. Emergency crews extinguished the fire, which broke out in the Beijing Changfeng Hospital, and at least 71 patients were rescued.
Bangladesh to pay off Russian nuclear plant loan in Chinese currency (Washington Post) Bangladesh has approved a payment of $318 million to a Russian nuclear power developer using the Chinese yuan, according to a Bangladeshi official. The decision offers the latest instance of countries bypassing the U.S. dollar and using the Chinese currency to conduct international payments.
For Palestinians, holiest Ramadan night starts at checkpoint (AP) For many Palestinians, the journey to one of Islam’s most sacred sites on the holiest night of Ramadan begins in a dust-choked, garbage-strewn maelstrom. Tens of thousands of Palestinian worshippers from across the occupied West Bank on Monday crammed through a military checkpoint leading to Jerusalem to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Laylat al-Qadr, or the “Night of Destiny,” when Muslims believe that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad centuries ago. The noisy, sweaty crowds at Qalandiya checkpoint seem chaotic—but there was a system: women to the right; men to the left. Jerusalem residents here, disabled people there. And the grim-looking men stranded at the corner had endured the long wait only to be turned back altogether. For Palestinian worshippers, praying at the third-holiest site in Islam is a centerpiece of Ramadan. But hundreds of thousands are barred from legally crossing into Jerusalem, with most men under 55 turned away at checkpoints due to Israeli security restrictions.
Religious Pop Star Singing of ‘God and Faith’ Wins Over Secular Israel (NYT) The singer and his songs were highly religious. His concert venue, on a kibbutz developed by secular leftists, was definitely not. His audience of many hundreds? It was somewhere in between: some secular, some devout, an unusual blending of two sections of a divided Israeli society that rarely otherwise mix. Ishay Ribo, 34, is among a crop of young Israeli pop stars from religious backgrounds, some from Jewish settlements in the occupied territories, whose music is attracting more diverse listeners, and featuring prominently in the soundscape of contemporary Israeli life. In less than two decades, religious singers have moved from the cultural fringe to widespread acclaim, “not only among their people, but in all Israel,” said Yoav Kutner, a leading Israeli music critic and radio presenter. Mr. Ribo is perhaps the clearest example of this shift. Forgoing the erotic and the profane, his wholesome songs are often prayers to God—but sung to pop and rock music played by his band of guitarists. “Cause of causes,” he addresses God in one of his biggest hits. “Only you should be thanked for all the days and nights.”
Hospitals and Aid Groups Become Targets as Sudan Fighting Intensifies (NYT) As two rival generals, each with his own army, grappled for power in Sudan on Monday, even hospitals trying to tend to the swelling numbers of wounded were no longer havens. At one overwhelmed medical center, the morning began with shelling. Then, members of a paramilitary force barged inside, ordered newborns and other patients to be evacuated, and began taking up positions, one doctor said. “The hospital turned into a battlefield,” said the doctor, Musab Khojali, an emergency room physician at the Police Hospital in Burri, northeast of the capital, Khartoum. Many other hospitals were also reported to have come under attack on Monday, the third day of fighting in Sudan. The death toll has risen to at least 180, with about 1,800 others injured. Amid growing reports of random violence and looting, concerns grew that the fighting might embroil other nations in the region, including Egypt, which has troops in the country, as well as Chad, Ethiopia and Libya. Russia has also been trying to make inroads in Sudan, and members of the Kremlin-affiliated Wagner private military company are posted there.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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I tried watching the movie Blonde on Netflix, and it really pissed me off because it was an awesome opportunity to show what a cool person Marilyn Monroe actually was. She was a remarkable woman who was not just an actress but an activist progressive voice in Hollywood. The movie sort of goes over some of this, but it's all through a story telling lens that paints Monroe as a constant victim, when in reality she was her own greatest champion. Marilyn Monroe is very much the hero of her story.
She married Arthur Miller after he had been called to testify during McCarthyism and anti-Communist investigations. Miller wrote The Crucible which basically spit in the face of McCarthy, and not only standing with him, but marrying him, was an incredibly brave act at the time. She openly supported Miller while other actors were running scared from McCarthy.
Marilyn famously stood up for Ella Fitzgerald when Fitzgerald wasn't allowed to play at the Mocambo and other places in Hollywood because of her race. Fitzgerald said, “I owe Marilyn Monroe a real debt… she personally called the owner of the Mocambo and told him she wanted me booked immediately, and if he would do it, she would take a front table every night. She told him — and it was true, due to Marilyn’s superstar status — that the press would go wild.”
“The owner said yes, and Marilyn was there, front table, every night. The press went overboard. After that, I never had to play a small jazz club again. She was an unusual woman — a little ahead of her times. And she didn’t know it.”
Michelle Morgan, a Monroe biographer, writes “Marilyn didn’t care what people thought of her. She had this ambition and she wanted to go for it … She was constantly educating herself, always fighting for the rights of herself and other people. And really, she contributed to the breakdown of the studio system by … demanding her rights and demanding to be treated as an individual, as a human being. She was a trailblazer."
She took on the studio when they wanted her to do a role she thought was demeaning and she refused. They suspended her contract and expected her to come back with her tail between her legs. Instead, as her wiki explains, "When the studio was still reluctant to change Monroe's contract, she founded her own film production company in 1954. She dedicated 1955 to building the company and began studying method acting under Lee Strasberg at the Actors Studio. Later that year, Fox awarded her a new contract, which gave her more control and a larger salary."
In 1960, she became a founding member of the Hollywood branch of the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy.
Marilyn Monroe was, plainly stated, a fucking cool person and interesting historical figure. She did have a difficult childhood filled with abuse and bouncing between orphanages and foster homes, but what is remarkable is the fortitude and straight up bad-ass-ness that growing up like this instilled in her. She was actually one of the few actresses that openly talked about film executives trying to sexually exploit actresses, she talked about walking out of interviews after being propositioned, and warned others as much as she could about this predatory behavior. She was out there trying to expose the Weinsteins of her time.
Marilyn Monroe was well read, funny, strong, a good friend, a great step mom. She spent the night of her death consoling Joe Dimaggio Jr. over the phone about a break up. She had been divorced from his dad for a long time, but you don't divorce kids, and he still saw her as a mom figure.
To take this human, complicated, fascinating figure and make a movie about her life that amounts to watching her cry for two hours while being abused in various ways is basically a crime. A crime against facts, against women, against historical accuracy, against decency, and against good film making or story telling.
I hope this is the last movie that gets made exploiting her memory in such a gross way, and it's sad that this movie filled a space that could have been taken by a movie that actually told her real story and did any of it justice.
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Assata Olugbala Shakur (born July 16, 1947) political activist, author, fugitive, and step-aunt of Tupac Shakur, was born JoAnne Deborah Bryon in New York City.
She enrolled in Borough of Manhattan Community College before transferring to City College of New York, where her exposure to Black Nationalist organizations impacted her activism. She attended meetings held by the Golden Drums, where she met her husband, Louis Chesimard. She participated in student rights, anti-Vietnam war, and Βlack liberation movements. She adopted a new name: Assata (“she who struggles”) Olugbala (“love for the people”) Shakur (“the thankful”).
Shε became acquainted with the Black Panther Party. She returned to New York City and joined the Harlem branch. She worked in the BPP breakfast program but grew critical of the BPP.
She left the BPP and joined the Black Liberation Army. The Bureau issued a warrant for her arrest in connection with crimes allegedly committed by the BLA.
She and two BLA companions were stopped by two state troopers for a traffic infraction on the New Jersey Turnpike, an encounter that ended in the deaths of her friend Zayd Shakur and a State Trooper. Arraigned on charges that included first-degree murder, she went to trial seven times and was convicted of murder regardless of her contention that the gunshot wound she sustained during the confrontation partially paralyzed her arm and rendered her incapable of firing a weapon. She was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years.
She escaped from the maximum security unit of the New Jersey Clinton Correctional Facility for Women. She traveled to Cuba where she was granted political asylum and reunited with her daughter Kakuya Amala Olugbala, whom she delivered while imprisoned.
The FBI placed her on the Most Wanted Terrorist list, conferring upon her the dubious distinction of being the first woman and the second domestic terrorist to appear on the list. It increased her bounty to two million dollars.
She continues to live in exile. Her life has been depicted in songs, documentaries, and various literary works. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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askgothamshitty · 6 months
on a national level, how can things like feminism and (i don't really know what the technical term for this is but maybe) anti-heterosexualism be advanced?
i often see a "women's rights and lgbtq rights" framing but i think this is incomplete at best, since e.g. brazil has good civil rights for lgbt people but also a high rate of hate crimes and murder against them, so.
You are right about the equal rights framework only going so far. Having something on the books doesn’t necessarily mean it’s being enforced, or that it’s even capable of addressing the litany of ways oppression operates.
This has been one of the central critique of liberal feminism by other branches like radical and Marxist feminism. They see reformist legislation as a band-aid rather than a true fix, which is why they instead advocate for revolutionary struggle and a complete rearrangement of society. Marxist feminists specifically argue that this must come alongside socialism, as women’s liberation cannot happen under capitalism. It’s a lofty goal, but patriarchy has been entrenched in society for thousands of years, it’s baked into all of our social institutions. So we have to rip out the root instead of trying to prune the branches.
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upidtransformed · 7 months
Zero Tolerance Policy, UP: Safety First
One of the most populous states in India, Uttar Pradesh, has long struggled with crime and disorder. However, the state's strategy for combating criminal activity has undergone a paradigm shift in recent years. An important step toward maintaining law and order and the protection of its citizens is the adoption of a zero-tolerance policy against crime and offenders.    
The government has taken several steps to operate law enforcement in UP, action has been taken against 63,055 criminals under the Gangster Act and 836 criminals under the National Security Act (NSA).
Confiscation of movable and immovable properties worth Rs. 90,22,33,000 under the Gangster Act has been done. 
The Origin Of The Policy 
Zero-tolerance policy, UP was implemented in response to the growing crime rates that were harming the social and economic fabric of the state. Criminal activity was abundant, from small-time stealing to more serious crimes like assault and organized crime, which required the state government to take strong action. And in that aspect, UP government did the 
registration of 180 cases, arrest of 90 accused, action under the Gangster Act against 165 accused, action under the Arms License against 35 accused, and action under the NSA against 8 accused out of a total of 340 against mafia and their gang members/accomplices, promoting crime prevention.
Policy Implementation
The policy implementation saw a multi-faceted approach:
Increasing the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement 
The Uttar Pradesh Police now have access to more resources and up-to-date gear. To accommodate the increased workload, the recruitment process was shortened to hire more staff. Recruitment of police personnel on more than 1,64,000 posts was done. Along with this approval 114 new police stations, 163 new outposts, 6 new women police stations, 4 new economic crime-related police stations, 16 new cyber crime stations, 10 new branches of Vigilance Establishment, and 90 new fire stations were given. 
That is not it, integration of Women Power Line 1090, GRP Fire Service, and Women Helpline 181 services was done with the appointment of 15130 women police personnel in 1518 police stations, and the allocation of 10378 women for duty.
Strict and Quick Legal Action
To guarantee prompt justice, the criminal court system was streamlined. Fast-track hearings and special courts were crucial in this regard. Such as penalties imposed on 7276 criminals under the POCSO Act and crimes against women. First place in e-prosecution in the entire country for crimes under the POCSO Act and crimes related to women.
Use of Technology
To monitor and deter criminal activity, advanced surveillance technologies, such as CCTV cameras and digital databases, were widely deployed. Including the establishment of a Digital Forensic Lab in Lucknow and Cyber Forensic Labs at every district level.
Impact On Crime Rates
The crime rates in Uttar Pradesh have significantly decreased due to the zero-tolerance policy, UP. There has been a decrease in several crime categories, including theft and violent crimes, according to reports. This decline can be attributed to law enforcement agencies' swift action and the policy's deterrent effect. 
Some of them include: 
Seizure of illegally acquired assets worth more than Rs. 2819 crore by mafia and criminals.
487 accused women were sentenced to life imprisonment, 1016 accused were sentenced to 10 years, more than 10 years, and 3076 accused were sentenced to less than 10 years for crimes against women.
175 notorious criminals were killed and 4808 injured in encounters. 15885 rewarded criminals imprisoned.
Warnings were issued to 88,25,966 people and action was taken against 25,127 through the Anti-Romeo Squad.
Removal of 86,785 loudspeakers from religious places. Sound reduced in more than 68,676 places.
The commissioner system of police was established in Lucknow, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Kanpur Nagar, Varanasi, Agra, Ghaziabad, and Prayagraj.
Establishment of 1-1 Cyber Crime Station at 16 zonal headquarters besides Lucknow and Gautam Buddha Nagar.
Formation of 03 Women PAC Battalions (Lucknow, Gorakhpur, and Badaun).
Conversion of 40 Anti-Human Trafficking Units into police stations.
Establishment of 11 Electricity Theft Control Police Stations in all districts to prevent electricity theft.
Establishment of 79 Women Police Chowki Advisory Centers and upgrading of police stations to the level of chowki in 74 districts.
Construction of police lines in Hapur, Chandauli, Auraiya, Sambhal, Shamli, Amroha, Amethi, and Kasganj.
Formation of Uttar Pradesh Special Security Force for the security of important institutions.
Formation of STF unit in Ayodhya.
New Field Units of ATS in many districts including Deoband, Bahraich, Aligarh, and Kanpur.
To restore law and order to the state, a zero-tolerance policy, UP against crime is a brave and essential step. Although the strategy has reduced crime rates, it is important to ensure that it is applied in a balanced manner to ensure public safety. Sustaining the efficacy of the policy and effectively tackling its obstacles will need ongoing assessment and modification.
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/zero-tolerance-policy/home
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jimothy-g-brooks · 8 months
Kitchen Sink Urbana: Global Superhero Teams
The Peacekeeper Society
The Global Council is this Earth's rough equivalent of the United Nations, founded a century ago after the near cataclysmic conflagration of the Greater War. Supersoldiers of every stripe and shape and nation played a huge role in that conflict, a not inconsiderable number of them being WMD's in their own right. Since the stated aim of the Council was to prevent such a global catastrophe yet again, it organized the constituent nations' supers into the Peacekeeper Society.
A century removed from its founding, Council and Society have evolved and changed beyond their original purpose. The Peacekeeper Society now represent the world governments' voluntary superhuman task force and emergency response unit. They respond to wide scale disasters and aid mundane authorities in international crime with no clear jurisdiction.
Obedient of the laws of the lands and the world as a whole to a fault; they are not here to use their superhuman might to supersede the authority of the people. They are here to work with the authorities and render all the aid that they can to uphold the law and work as examples to others to strive to. Symbols of hope and peace.
The "core" team, the ones listed in the official public documents with their names and pictures on the websites, are a little bit of a PR stunt. A member from each major nation and then one from each continent from a non-major nation, specially chosen to display the wide diversity of peoples there are on Earth. Photogenic appeal and a lack of scandals is also necessary to make the cut.
Even with that handicap for choice, the Society has a whole planet to pick and choose the best and the brightest. And when a desirable asset doesn't fit the diversity quota or has a few too many black mark on their record, then they can still go on the unofficial reserve team and be equally compensated. They're picked for their ability and competency, and skill in heroics, diplomacy and legal minutiae, screened for their capacity to obey the edicts of the Council and whatever nations they're sent to operate in.
Each constituent nation with a charter with the Peacekeepers often has their own branch team, usually referred as the national Peacekeeper Society. IE, like the American Peacekeeper Society, as it might be on our Earth. They're almost always local mirrors of the Global Peacekeeper Society, with members chosen out of a combination of ability and good press and a semi-secret reserve team filled out with members purely for their competence.
The Enforcers
Founded 50 years ago by certain members of the Peacekeepers that had become dissatisfied. Not by the pageantry, they understood the necessity, to give people symbols and role models. Not by the restrictions, because they agreed that men and women of such power should not be allowed to operate unabated. But by the failures that the need to adhere to both had caused.
The Enforcers were neither the first nor the last to try to form a more law-breaking vigilante group on a global scale, an organization that does things that aren't pretty or right but gets the job done. They are the only ones to still survive up until this point, where all other groups were disbanded and arrested by world authorities and the Peacekeeper Society.
No small part has this been because of the tacit approval by the Society and that because the Enforcers' founders understood why the Peacekeepers operated as they did. They knew that powerful people needed to be seen and cheered for playing by the rules and that if they were going to break those rules, they needed to be jeered. This is why they call themselves the Enforcers, to put the public on edge about their existence and their actions.
They're hard men making hard decisions, but there is in fact some amount of public relations going on or anti-pr more accurately. They go out of their way to be disliked by the mainstream and have themselves presented as shady loose canons by the press. They seed rumors that they're the governments' shady black op deniable assets to discourage the admiration of fringe groups as well.
They have far fewer numbers than the Peacekeeper Society and all its branches around the world and the reason for that is two and a half fold. First and a half, slower recruitment, in part because almost nobody wants to join a pack of barely paid vigilantes that nobody else likes and the other part is that said vigilantes want almost nobody to join them, screening for the contradictory values of willingness to break the rules and distaste for the same. The second part is because, recently, a schism in the Enforcers broke off and formed a third group, a smaller but a significant chunk, some 20 years ago.
The Guardians Of The Earth
Thought to be future supervillains in the making by their former comrades, certainly not helped by the fact that their ultimate goal is, not to put too fine a point on it, world domination. They don't broadcast this fact and they haven't made any overt moves in that direction just yet either. Their former comrades in the Enforcers only have pretty good guess work on their motivations, piecing together the rhetoric of this faction's founders as they radicalized the others.
The founders of the Guardians believe that superheroes, due to a combination of their superpowers and more specifically the unaccountability those superpowers grant, and their track record for benevolence and public service, would be superior and incorruptible world leaders. The unaccountability is important, the ability to act and aid the public as problems arose without having to worry about laws, special interests or the willingness of your subordinates, politics. If superheroes ruled the world, they could do what was right, when it was right to do so and not have to worry about any opposition or red tape. Or such was and has been the the growing rhetoric of the founders, fed to their followers and those who would listen and radicalizing them over years.
A major obstacle to the founders' plan is that they are very obsessed with doing it right. They don't want to turn into supervillains at the last minute, in part because that will just get them squashed. Their plans for world domination need to be done heroically and correctly. That means they spend their time seemingly a whole lotta nothing, besides actual superhero vigilantism, ala the Enforcers. What this means is that some of their followers, the ones they've radicalized, grow frustrated with this inaction and are liable to go rogue. None have yet, but a few of the Guardians have disappeared.
In fact, the founders' plans are constantly on slow, steady progress, as far as they're concerned anyway. Doing superhero vigilantism like the Enforcers is the point. Unlike the Enforcers, they also do PR, or they do the opposite kind of PR. They're trying to get the public to cheer for them whenever they break the rules to do what's right. Slowly eroding the public's reticence towards their shenanigans, their suspicions and reservations, until the Guardians are allowed to do whatever the want and are effectively the rulers, the Lawgivers, of the Earth.
In a way, the Enforcers already did that, paving the way for them. Fifty years ago, a group like the Guardians would have been disbanded by the Peacekeepers at the urging of the public and the authorities. After years of the Enforcers doing their thing with the tacit approval of those would have otherwise stopped them, people have gotten accustomed to unaccountable superheroics and it's only the PR angle that's different.
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amirblogerov · 11 months
England and the USA are criminal states
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The presence on the territory of the sovereign state of the Syrian Arab Republic of controlled mercenaries and armies of foreign states, in particular the United States and the so-called International Anti-Terrorism Coalition led by them, is an international crime.
This is an illegal military occupation of the territory of a state with a functioning government and a legally elected president. The most disgusting thing about this is that all international organizations bashfully pretend not to notice this and only indulge the United States in the theft of Syrian oil through their shameful inaction.
And if that was all...
London and Washington destroyed thousands of human lives and deprived them of shelter, making millions refugees. They have set and continue to set militants under their control against civilians, indulge in murders, violence against women and robbery, and provoke inter-ethnic and inter-religious conflicts to serve their economic and geopolitical interests.
And the entire Western world is silent, looking at screens, chewing genetically modified food and praying...
Transnational financiers and corporations have entangled the United Nations Organization and a network of national banks (read: branches of the Bank of England and Swiss closed clubs of financiers) with their networks, placed puppet dummies in the chairs of prime ministers and presidents and believe that this is how they will rule the world...
No matter how it is!
The time of global darkness is over, the lies that were previously sold from screens under the guise of anything but lies now hurt the eyes of anyone capable of independent thinking, which means that greedy cannibals will not have long to feed on the suffering of people. The bell is already ringing for them.
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drmaqazi · 11 months
January 20, 2015, In yet another brazen attack on national sovereignty and human rights, Israel has once again launched a bombing mission onto Syrian soil in defense of death squads and terrorists that it has been supporting
Israel Bombs Syria, Kills Top Iranian General and Top Hezbollah Commander by Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post
http://www.activistpost.com/2015/01/israel-bombs-syria-kills-top-iranian.html January 29, 2015, Israelis destroy pipeline and deny water to Palestinians Israeli Forces Destroy 1,000 Meter Water Pipe Donated to Yezra
http://www.imemc.org/article/70412 https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/middle-east/16902-water-running-dry-for-palestinians-as-israel-turns-off-the-taps February 2, 2015, Israel values cattle more than its foreign workers Alastair Sloan https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/middle-east/16728-israel-values-cattle-more-than-its-foreign-workers March 2, 2015, Video: Israeli soldiers using a dog against a Palestinian boy
https://youtu.be/JDc796WU3SA March 13, 2015, Israeli government is aiding al Qaeda terrorists Terrorists of the Syrian branch of Al Queda, the Nusra Front are regularly taken across the frontier to be treated in Israeli hospitals.
http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Report-Israel-treating-al-Qaida-fighters-wounded-in-Syria-civil-war-393862 March 27, 2015, Israeli jets attack Yemen
http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13940107000322 April 13, 2015, Palestinian Child Labor in Israeli Agricultural Settlements in the West Bank
http://www.hrw.org/node/133920 https://youtu.be/dMcj6XLH1Y4 April 28, 2015, Special UN Report: 2014 Israeli Assault on Gaza Hit 7 UNRWA Schools
http://www.imemc.org/article/71386 May 5, 2015, Israeli Army veterans admit to the deliberate targeting of civilians
Breaking the Silence: Army Deliberately Targeted Civilians
http://thefifthcolumnnews.com/2015/05/breaking-the-silence-army-deliberately-targeted-civilians/ June 1, 2015, Jews block Christians from entering the site of the Last Supper http://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2015/06/israelis-obstruct-christian-worship-in.html If they really believe it is the tomb of King David, why are they urinating on the site almost every day? See: December 16, 2009 More anti-Christian death threats and almost daily urinations at the Cenacle, sacred site of the Last Supper
http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&art=17130 June 13, 2015, Video: Israeli soldiers brutally beat Palestinian dad
 https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/video-israeli-soldiers-brutally-beat-palestinian-dad 6 “brave” IDF soldiers beat 1 Palestinian dad
Try watching this video on www.youtube.com, June 15, 2015, Video: Israelis film themselves shooting unarmed Palestinian
Try watching this video on www.youtube.com,Junehttp://mauricepinay.blogspot.com/2015/06/worthwhile-judeo-christian-dialogue.html http://www.timesofisrael.com/arson-suspected-in-fire-at-church-on-sea-of-galilee/
June 19, 2015, The US State Department releases report noting that UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) recorded 1,483 non-combatant civilian Palestinian deaths in 2014 – more than two-thirds of those killed were 521 children and 283 women. Meanwhile, Zionists consider it a “slap” to have mentioned the innocents killed.
http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/06/19/state-department-terror-report-contains-subtle-shift-on-israel July 23, 2015, Israeli Military Admits to Supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria
http://www.globalresearch.ca/israeli-military-admits-to-supporting-al-qaeda-and-isis-in-syria/5464484 July 29, 2015, New Report Finds ‘STRONG EVIDENCE’ of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza
How Do They Do It? : Forensic Architecture, Amnesty International
https://youtu.be/vJXurE1EQ9g July 31, 2015, Jewish “settlers” firebomb a family’s bedroom and burn a Palestinian toddler to death, severely burning his 4 year old brother and parents.
http://apnews.myway.com/article/20150801/ml--israel-palestinians-d19776e5f0.html August 6, 2015, Another rabbi, Rabbi Bentzi Gopstein, advocates burning Christian churches for “idolatry”
http://www.jta.org/2015/08/06/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/head-of-israeli-anti-coexistence-group-backs-burning-of-churches-mosques http://mauricepinay.blogspot.com/2015/08/israeli-rabbi-supports-burning-churches.html October 31, 2015, Video: Israeli military tells Palestinian refugee camp, ‘We will gas you until you die’ “People of Aida Refugee camp we are the occupation army. You throw stones and we will hit you with gas until you all die. The children, the youth, the old people, you will all die, we won’t leave any of you alive. And we have arrested one of you, he is with us now. We took him from his home and we will slaughter and kill him while you are watch if you keep throwing stones. Go home or we will gas you until you die. Your families, your children, everyone we will kill you. Listen to me, all of you go home, it’s better for you.”
http://mondoweiss.net/2015/10/military-palestinian-refugee#sthash.B90vBnsh.dpuf https://youtu.be/QC5_W_zUzHc October 31, 2015, Baby Dies in West Bank tear gas incident as Benjamin Netanyahu withdraws Holocaust statement
http://www.smh.com.au/world/baby-dies-in-west-bank-tear-gas-incident-20151030-gknin6.html November 2, 2015, 72 Palestinians were murdered in cold blood, around 8,300 injured. Israeli State Terror Rages by Stephen Lendman
Palestine is a war zone, pitting an Israeli aggressor against millions of defenseless Palestinians. State-sponsored terror continues unabated. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) reported at least 2,617 Palestinians shot with live fire or potentially lethal rubber or plastic coated steel bullets in October, used indiscriminately ... Through Sunday, 72 Palestinians were murdered in cold blood, around 8,300 injured. Video evidence in some cases showed premeditated assassinations, knives then planted beside victims to claim attempted stabbing incidents - Big Lies blaming them for Israeli cold blooded murder ... Eight Israeli deaths are known, the last one on October 18 - only two from stabbing incidents. Daily claims of knife wielding Palestinians are Big Lies, blaming victims for Israeli high crimes. October was the deadliest month in the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the Second Intifada - from September 2000 to February 2005. Its horrific toll included: 4,166 Palestinians killed, including 886 children and 271 women; 554 extra-judicial assassinations, including 253 bystanders; 3,530 Palestinians disabled, maimed, or otherwise horrifically injured; 8,600 imprisoned, including 288 children and 115 women; 576 students killed, including 199 university-level ones and 32 academics; another 4,713 students injured and 1,389 detained; 2,329,659 dunums [2,329,659,000 m2]*of land confiscated; another 73,613 dunums [73,613,000 m2]razed plus 1,355,290 uprooted trees; and 7,761 demolished homes plus 93,842 others damaged.... * 1 dunum = 1 decare = 1,000 m2 November 11, 2015, Israelis bomb Damascus airport. Report: Israel Strikes Target in Syria ... Again
The Atlantic Monthly, 11/15/2015 http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/11/report-israel-strikes-target-in-syria/415446/ December 6, 2015, “Israeli airstrikes in Syria have been widely reported over the last almost five years of the [Syrian] crisis in support of the Takfiri terrorists.” “Israel is now Bombing Syria: Claims Airstrikes at Syrian Army Convoy on Damascus” by Alalam, Global Research, December 06, 2015
http://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-is-now-bombing-syria-claims-airstrikes-at-syrian-army-convoy-on-damascus/5493938 Christmastide 2015, Catholic cemeteries desecrated. dozens of crosses destroyed. Latin Patriarchate urges Israel police to act on Christian cemetery vandalism by i24news, 01/09/2016 http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/diplomacy-defense/98532-160109-latin-patriarchate-urges-israel-police-to-act-on-christian-cemetery-vandalism Christmas Day, December 25, 2015, Blessed Nativity from the Church of the Multiplication burned by Orthodox ‘Jews’ and prevented from rebuilding by the Israeli government
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years
Click to read Three women in Chennai are given double life sentences for forcing an underage girl into prostitution
A Mahila court in Chennai has convicted three women who in 2016 trafficked a girl under the age of 18 from an NGO-run home in Peravallur and forced her into prostitution at a hotel in Kovalam. The case was registered by the Anti Trafficking Cell (ATC) of the Crime Branch CID Police in 2016. According to the police, the victim was trafficked by Fathima Mosa, 28 from Chennai. The victim was forced…
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
दंगा भड़काने के प्रयास के मामले में फरार शिवसेना नेता सुधीर सूरी 1278 किलोमीटर दूर इंदौर से पकड़ा
दंगा भड़काने के प्रयास के मामले में फरार शिवसेना नेता सुधीर सूरी 1278 किलोमीटर दूर इंदौर से पकड़ा
औरतों के प्रति अपमानजनक टिप्पणियां किए जाने का एक वीडियो जारी होने के बाद 8 जुलाई को जंडियाला में हुआ था केस दर्ज
आतंकी संगठनों की हत्या की धमकी के बाद 3 साल से मिले आठ सुरक्षाकर्मी, दो ड्राइवर व पांच हथियारबंद पुलिस वापस बुलाए गए
दैनिक भास्कर
Jul 12, 2020, 05:23 PM IST
अमृतसर. पंजाब पुलिस ने शिवसेना टकसाली के प्रधान सुधीर सूरी को करीग 1278 किलोमीटर पीछा करने के बाद रविवार को मध्यप्रदेश…
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"Less than a day after the Supreme Court dismissed a petition appealing a lower court’s refusal to file a case against Narendra Modi for his role in Gujarat’s anti-Muslim violence of 2002, the state’s police have arrested one of the petitioners – activist Teesta Setalvad – for what they claimed was a conspiracy to send innocent persons to jail.
Setalvad was picked by the anti-terrorism squad (ATS) of the Gujarat Police from her house in Mumbai, taken to a local police station and then driven to Ahmedabad, her family told The Wire. It is unclear why the ATS detained the activist, though the case was registered by the crime branch of the Ahmedabad police. (...)
The court itself, in 2004, had referred to Modi as “a modern day Nero” who was “looking elsewhere when … innocent children and women were burning, and … probably deliberating how the perpetrators of the crime can be protected.” But in 2012, the SIT concluded no case was made out against Modi and its findings were accepted by the trial court and upheld by the Gujarat high court in 2017. "
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The 25-year-old translator by day and trans drag performer by night felt overwhelming panic and anxiety when several thousand demonstrators gathered and marched Sunday in Turkey to demand a ban on what they consider gay propaganda and to outlaw LGBTQ organizations.
The Big Family Gathering march in the conservative heart of Istanbul attracted parents with children, nationalists, hard-line Islamists and conspiracy theorists. Turkey's media watchdog gave the event the government's blessing by including a promotional video that called LGBTQ people a "virus" in its list of public service announcements for broadcasters.
"We need to make all our defense against this LGBT. We need to get rid of it," said construction worker Mehmet Yalcin, 21, who attended the event wearing a black headband printed with Islam's testimony of faith. "We are sick of and truly uncomfortable that our children are being encouraged and pulled to this.
Seeing images from the gathering terrified Willie Ray, the drag performer who identifies as nonbinary, and Willie Ray's mother, who was in tears after talking to her child. The fear wasn't misplaced. The Europe branch of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association ranked Turkey second to last, ahead of only Azerbaijan, in its most recent 49-country legal equality index, saying LGBTQ people endured "countless hate crimes."
"I feel like I can be publicly lynched," Willie Ray said, describing the daily sense of dread that comes with living in Istanbul. The performer recalls leaving a nightclub still in makeup on New Year's Eve and hurrying to get to a taxi as strangers on the street called out slurs and "tried to hunt me, basically."
Sunday's march was the biggest anti-LGBTQ demonstration of its kind in Turkey, where civil rights for a community more commonly referred to here as LGBTI+ — lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and other gender identities and sexual orientations — have been under assault in the years since an estimated 100,000 people celebrated Pride in Istanbul in 2014.
In a visible sign of the shift, the anti-LGBTQ march went ahead without any police interference. Conversely, LGBTQ groups have had their freedom to assemble severely curtailed since 2015, with officials citing both security and morality grounds.
Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the Pride march planned for that year. Government officials have since banned the event. Activists have tried to gather anyway, and more than 370 people were detained in Istanbul in June.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's views also have grown more stridently anti-LGBTQ over time. Before the 2002 election that brought the Justice and Development Party (AKP) he co-founded to power, a younger Erdogan said at a televised campaign event that he found mistreatment of gay people inhumane and legal protections for them in Turkey a "must."
"And now, 20 years into this, you have an entirely different president that seems to be mobilizing based on these dehumanizing, criminal approaches to the LGBTQ movement itself," said Mine Eder, a political science professor at Bogazici University in Istanbul.
Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu has called LGBTQ people "perverts." In 2020, Erdogan defended the head of religious affairs after he claimed homosexuality "brings disease and causes the generation to decay." While championing his long-held belief that the identities of women are rooted in motherhood and family, the Turkish leader last year urged people to dismiss what "lesbians schmesbians" say.
Turkey also withdrew from a European treaty protecting women against violence, after lobbying from conservative groups that claimed the treaty promoted homosexuality.
The country could become more unwelcoming for the LGBTQ community. The Unity in Ideas and Struggle Platform, the organizer of Sunday's event, said it plans to push for a law that would ban the alleged LGBTQ "propaganda" that the group maintains is pervasive on Netflix and social media, as well as in arts and sports.
The platform's website states it also favors a ban on LGBTQ organizations.
"We are a Muslim country and we say no to this. Our statesmen and the other parties should all support this," said Betul Colak, who attended Sunday's gathering wearing a scarf with the Turkish flag.
Haunted by "the feeling that you can be attacked anytime," Willie Ray thinks it would be a "total catastrophe" if a ban on the LGBTQ organizations that provide visibility, psychological support and safe spaces were enacted.
Eder, the professor, said it would be "simply illegal" to close down LGBTQ civil society based on ideological, Islamic and conservative norms — even if Turkey's norms have indeed shifted to "using violent language, violent strategies and legalizing them."
The Social Policy, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association, a nongovernmental LGBTQ advocacy and outreach organization in Istanbul commonly known as SPoD, is among the LGBTQ groups that stopped posting their addresses online after receiving threatening calls.
"It's easy for a maniac to try and hurt us after all the hate speech from state officials," said SPoD lobbyist Ogulcan Yediveren, 27. "But these security concerns, this atmosphere of fear, doesn't stop us from work and instead reminds us every time how much we need to work."
Gay activist Umut Rojda Yildirim, who works as SPoD's lawyer, thinks the anti-LGBTQ sentiments on view Sunday aren't dominant across Turkish society, but that the minority expressing them seem "louder when they have government funds, when they're supported by the government watchdog."
"You can just shut down an office, but I'm not going to disappear. My other colleagues aren't going to disappear. We'll be here no matter what," Yildirim said.
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thelostarchangel · 2 years
Joyofsatan.org (JoS) is ran by people of color. JoS follows non-white Pagan Gods. JoS has a black high priestess, Asian high priest, Hispanic High Priestess, etc. Josafrica.com was created by Shannon Outlaw whom is a black woman and the high priestess of JoS.
The JoS websites have repeatedly stated that people of any race can join them. According to ancient-forums.com which is the official JoS forums, there’s thousands upon thousands of non-white and mixed race JoS members that have their own spaces on the forum.
The Abrahamic religions are anti-Satanic, anti-Pagan, anti-women and anti-gay so why can’t JoS be anti-Abrahamic? JoS supports women’s rights and gay rights. JoS was founded by a woman and worships Pagan Goddesses.
You're literally so full of shit. Yes, racial segregation - Yay, great job.
I'm not inherently opposed to opposing the Abrahamic faiths, on theological grounds. In fact, I most certainly have my objections to all three of the mainstream ones, and most of the smaller side-branches and such too. That does not mean I am opposed to their right to freedom of religion, nor that I think that all adherents of those faiths are inherently evil. And especially not that all Jewish people are part of some grand conspiracy the way JoS would have you believe.
To quote from that JosAfrica site you mentioned: (Trigger warning: Antisemitism)
"This page of Blacks for Satan will provide you with the information you need to know how the Jewish race has destroyed the Black race since the beginning. They have used drugs, violence, poverty and psychological warfare to take us down.
The Jews have caused the suffering, decline and fall of the Black race and they have lied to us by blaming it on the White race. This is how the Jews get away with their crimes, remember this.
Its time to educate ourselves.
The Jewish race is our Enemy!"
Well then. If you'd ask me? No amount of POC 'inclusivity' makes up for that kind of rabid, hateful nonsense. Even moreso when you then go on to peddle downright ridiculous bullshit about Jewish people having "Reptilian DNA". And that's just one of the many antisemitic conspiracy theories you lot engage in.
Also, I should note? The only reason I'm taking the time and energy to respond to this bullshit is because I do quite firmly believe that your arguments here need debunking, and that I'm able to do a good enough job at that to make your petty attempt at "advertising" a lot more difficult for you.
One last thing, though:
(Trigger warning: Suicide)
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Get lost, fash. Nazis are not, and never will be, welcome on my blog.
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mojave-pete · 4 years
STUNNING: List of Trump Administration Accomplishments
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Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
Record number of regulations eliminated.
Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME. 
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