#Antonio Méndez
elmartillosinmetre · 7 months
Mi crítica del concierto de la ROSS esta noche en el Maestranza.
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joaquimblog · 1 year
Marina Abramović a 7 Deaths of Maria Callas. Foto de David Ruano, gentilesa del Gran Teatre del Liceu. Departament de Premsa La proposta de Marina Abramović  per aquest projecte, ella diu operístic, però caldria dir audiovisual, sobre el dia de la mort de Maria Callas, és interessant, visualment molt atractiva i per a mi, de poc calat operístic. 7 àries, algunes tan poc emblemàtiques en la seva…
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thisfilmisnotyetrated · 5 months
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QUE NADIE DUERMA (dir. Antonio Méndez Esparza, 2023)
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mariocki · 6 months
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Misterios de ultratumba (The Black Pit of Dr. M, 1959)
"What happened during my trance?"
"Nothing. Something as ancient as mankind itself. Science's senseless struggle to break the barriers that separate us from God."
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: Equipment Pointed Ankh
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Photo: Jennifer Kelly
Equipment Pointed Ankh hammers out intricate rhythmic fever dreams that feel hand-made but actually arise from a complicated deck of digital and electric instruments. The sextet from Louisville, KY has been at it for over a decade and three full-lengths and recently played a mesmerizing set at the Thing in the Spring Festival in Keene, New Hampshire (see photo). Jennifer Kelly reviewed their latest, From Inside the House, earlier this year, noting that, “These tracks bounce and jitter like they want to dance, but then tip sideways into lush string synth lyricism, inscrutable spoken word, and, in one cases, the sound of soda sucked through a straw.” Here are some of the things that inspire them.
Jim Marlowe
Tara Clerkin Trio — Self Titled
Casually excellent clarinet, piano and drum grooves — some live stuff and some studio looping/chopping to great effect. What a great sound. An engaging combo whatever it is. Went nuts after hearing ’em and attempted to find everything else they’ve done. I chose this one but In Spring is another great, very different slice and Live at Bliss Archive is a tough wiggling of jazz tunes through CDJ beer goggles. Calmly unique and cool. One of my most jammed.
Pierre Barouh — Le Pollen
1981 heavy hitting YMO/Mariah and adjacent crews lift up real people chanson singer Pierre Barouh with freshly unboxed synths and a wide-ranging attitude towards song arrangement. The title track is a real highlight for me. Feels like it could have existed as a B-side off Scary Monsters if it was recorded at a restaurant with friends you don't get to see too often. I love it. Trying to think of another superstar group who worked with someone out of their immediate world to such great effect — The Eagles and Joe Walsh? Just kidding.
Ryan Davis
Vacuum Rebuilders — Anything Else Is A Compromise
Not technically a CD, so I'm already breaking the rules here, but I was in Victoria, BC earlier this week and walked into a record store with about 90 seconds to spare before leaving town. This was the first thing that caught my eye, and it was 2 dollars, so I purchased it with the loose change in my pocket and left. My life is better now from having gained this glorious spool of sicko-rock on Calgary’s prestigious Pee Blood label. From the simultaneously brilliant and seemingly microwaved minds that brought you bands like Hairnet, Singing Lawn Chair et al, Arielle McCuaig and Kayla MacNeill are, in this lone Ankhman’s opinion, responsible for some of the most refreshing and exciting rock music to have surfaced from the modern North American underground so far this decade. This specific material is perhaps more sonically aligned with the outsider punk of their Janitor Scum LP on Lumpy than the most recent experimental theater/art-pop/noise-folk shenanigans of their Puppet Wipes project (Looks Real, Siltbreeze), but it's all a part of the same strange and electrifying puzzle as far as my own dumb midwestern ears can conclude.
Gang Starr — Moment of Truth
I’ve listened to rap and hip-hop music throughout nearly every phase of my life since early grade school, but my focus and enthusiasm tend to fluctuate between subgenres therein. And no matter how long I go without listening to it (sometimes years), I always inevitably circle back to what I fell perhaps most in love with growing up, which was early-to-mid 1990s east coast street-wise boom bap shit. Gang Starr’s Moment of Truth, while considered to be of an arguably “post-classic” era by certain purists, is the record of theirs with which I always felt most connected. As of late, it's exactly what I want to hear. Released four years after its predecessor into the freshly treacherous waters of the shiny-suit/jiggy era, the beats, rhymes and ever coolheaded delivery on M.o.T. are as strong or stronger than they were in 1992. If they weren’t already solidified as one of the best emcee/deejay combos to ever do it, they were now. Come for the Inspectah Deck track (shout out Shorty’s “Fulfill the Dream” video from the same year), stay for the truly timeless Guru/Primo magic.
Shutaro Noguchi
José Antonio Méndez — Siempre Estrellas (BMG U.S. Latin)
I sigh every time I listen to this. One of the sexiest male vocals that ever existed on the earth on Si Me Comprendieras. But this CD might possibly be too much of sexy for homosocial ankh van, so I almost went for Perlas Cubanas of his or William Basinski and Janek Schaefer’s …on reflection.
Various Artists — Women of Africa (CSA Records)
Pretty simple but rhythmic melodies and harmonies and just incredible sound choices, phonological elements and beautiful vocals. I almost went for Julia Sarr or Shona’s Mbira CD on Nonsuch. But the first track just made me happy this time around.
Christopher Bush
Daisuke Tobari — Till The End of the Dream
This album is a masterpiece. An idiosyncratic blend of the psychedelic “songbook” (various pages) and the more ritualistic side of far Eastern classical music over seventeen tracks. An intuitive, imaginative and personal set of recordings. At one point, Mr. Tobari sings the words “Happy Birthday.” It is almost too much to get your head around.
Eyes and Arms of Smoke — In Three Houses
Lexington, KY band, active in the mid 2000s. Immaculate sequencing of two tracks, only really do-able in physical format on a CD. First track is a three-minute bongo fever dream with haunted vocals that showcases the song-based home studio sound that they developed on their sole full length, A Religion of Broken Bones. (See Dusted’s 3/9/2006 review). Second track is a twenty-five-minute free-improv mystery that showcases some of the modes unleashed in earlier live sets and tapes. Homespun, disorienting, and other. I cherish this band.
Dan Davis
The KLF — The White Room
This is my shit right now. I can’t really even explain why. It just scratches and itch. Like this is the music made by two dudes who like burned a million pounds or some shit? It’s awesome.
Avalanches — Since I Left You
I’ve been really interested in so called “Plunderphonics” and this record has an insane amount of vinyl samples on it. So, it’s just a fun listen when thinking about the work of making it. Dweeb shit that you can bop to.
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queretarotv · 2 years
Se presentó ante diputados el secretario Antonio Rangel Méndez para analizar el Primer Informe en materia de Planeación y Participación Ciudadana
Se presentó ante diputados el secretario Antonio Rangel Méndez para analizar el Primer Informe en materia de Planeación y Participación Ciudadana
Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., 14 de septiembre de 2022. Compareció ante diputados de la LX Legislatura del Estado, para realizar la glosa del Primer Informe de la administración pública estatal, el titular de la Secretaría de Planeación y Participación Ciudadana, Luis Antonio Rangel Méndez, en mesa de trabajo encabezada por el presidente de la Mesa Directiva, diputado Antonio Zapata Guerrero, y…
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mineirando · 20 days
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"Eres mi bien, lo que me tiene extasiado. ¿Por qué negar que estoy de ti enamorado? De tu dulce alma que es toda sentimiento. De esos ojazos negros de un raro fulgor, que me dominan e incitan al amor. Eres un encanto. Eres mi ilusión. Dios dice que la gloria está en el cielo y que es de los mortales el consuelo al morir. Bendito Dios, porque al tenerte yo en vida, no necesito ir al cielo tisú. Si, alma mía, la gloria eres tú."
Canción: La gloria eres tu
Compositor: José Antonio Méndez García
Artistas: Los tres diamantes; Carlos Cuevas; Luís Miguel, otros más.
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i decided to unite my love for maps and for OT and make a map of the distribution of OT contestants from OT 2017 - 2023 in regards to their residence* because i find it so fascinating, like yeah it does kinda follow where major urban centers concentrate but also why is there so little people in valència? so many in iruña specifically? how is that outside madrid the only other OT contestant from castile is from guadalajara from all places???
*I followed the locations from the wikipedia page; in OT it's necessary to reside in spain but you don't need to have the spanish nationality to participate so i'll add the nationalities when needed!
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below the cut i'll specify where each contestant is from, province by province, with pics of all the towns and cities !!!
OT 2017: Pontedeume (Miriam Rodríguez), Santiago de Compostela (Roi Méndez)
OT 2018: As Pontes de García Rodríguez (Sabela Ramil)
OT 2020: Sada (Eva Barreiro)
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OT 2017: Ourense (Luis Cepeda)
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OT 2017: Bilbo (Juan Antonio Cortés)
OT 2023: Getxo (Martin Urrutia)
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OT 2017: Iruña (Amaia Romero)
OT 2018: Iruña (Natalia Lacunza)
OT 2020: Iruña (Anne Lukin, Maialen Gurbindo)
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OT 2023: Zaragoza (Naiara Moreno), Magallón (Juanjo Bona)
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OT 2020: Alcañiz (Anaju Calavia)
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OT 2017: Sant Climent de Llobregat (Aitana Ocaña), El Prat de Llobregat (Alfred García), Gavà (Nerea Rodríguez), Montgat (Raoul Vázquez), Terrassa (Miki Núñez)
OT 2018: Esplugues de Llobregat (Carlos Right)
OT 2020: Sant Cugat del Vallès (Nick Maylo), Sant Joan Despí (Ariadna Tortosa)
OT 2023: Vallirana (Lucas Curotto, he's Uruguayan)
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OT 2017: Palma (Ricky Merino)
OT 2018: Bunyola (Joan Garrido)
OT 2023: Ciutadella de Menorca (Chiara Oliver, she's half British)
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OT 2023: Yunquera de Henares (Omar Samba, he's half Senegalese)
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OT 2018: Madrid (María Villar, África Adalia, Alfonso La Cruz - he's Venezuelan)
OT 2020: Alcalá de Henares (Bruno Alves, he's Uruguayan)
OT 2023: San Fernando de Henares (Bea Fernández), Madrid (Ruslana Panchyshyna, she's Ukranian and has lived several years in the Canary Islands; in fact her accent is Canarian. I do not know which island / town and in the wikipedia page it listed her as a Madrid resident, that's why she's included here)
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OT 2017: Malpartida de Plasencia (Thalía Garrido)
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OT 2018: Elx (Alba Reche)
OT 2020: Beniarrés (Samantha Gilabert)
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OT 2020: Murcia (Flavio Fernández)
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OT 2017: Huétor Tájar (Mimi Doblas)
OT 2023: Armilla (Paul Thin), Motril (Violeta Hódar), Ogíjares (Denna Ruiz)
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OT 2017: Alhaurín de la Torre (Mireya Bravo)
OT 2018: Torre del Mar (Marta Sango), Málaga (Noelia Franco)
OT 2023: Mijas (Salma Díaz)
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OT 2020: Córdoba (Hugo Cobo), Adamuz (Rafa Romera)
OT 2023: Córdoba (Álex Márquez)
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OT 2017: Dos Hermanas (Marina Rodríguez)
OT 2018: Bormujos (Famous Oberogo, he's Nigerian)
OT 2023: Sevilla (Álvaro Mayo)
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OT 2018: San Fernando (Julia Medina), Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Dave Zulueta)
OT 2020: Barbate (Jesús Rendón, Javy Ramírez)
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OT 2020: Ceuta (Gèrard Rodríguez)
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OT 2018: Gáldar (Marilia Monzón)
OT 2020: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Eli Rosex, Nia Correia - she's half Cape Verdian)
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OT 2017: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Ana Guerra), Adeje (Agoney Hernández)
OT 2018: Adeje (Damion Frost, he's German)
OT 2023: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Cris Bartolomé, he's half Equatorial Guinean), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Suzete Correia, she's Sao Tomean)
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gobqro · 2 years
Aeroclúster de Querétaro y AeroMontreal firman Memorándum de Entendimiento
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Con el objetivo de continuar fortaleciendo alianzas dentro de la industria aérea, el gobernador, Mauricio Kuri González, atestiguó la firma del Memorándum de Entendimiento (MOU) entre los representantes del Aeroclúster de Querétaro y AeroMontreal, documento que establece las bases de cooperación entre ambas instancias y que permitirá fomentar el impulso y crecimiento del sector aeroespacial en las regiones. Bajo este acuerdo, el clúster aeroespacial queretano y el quebequense compartirán información e intercambiarán las mejores prácticas de la industria en cuanto a innovación y desarrollo tecnológico para ser más competitivos; también fomentarán la participación en actividades conjuntas; así como estrategias e iniciativas que promuevan objetivos comunes y la elaboración de un plan de acción.
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Creado en 2006, AeroMontreal es un grupo de reflexión estratégica que agrupa a los principales responsables del sector aeroespacial de Quebec, incluyendo empresas, instituciones educativas, y de investigación asociaciones y sindicatos. Su misión es movilizar el clúster aeroespacial quebequense para apoyar su crecimiento y su influencia en la escena mundial. Durante el encuentro el gobernador estuvo acompañado por la presidenta del AeroMontreal, Suzanne Benoit; el jefe de Gabinete, Rogelio Vega Vázquez Mellado; el secretario de Desarrollo Sustentable, Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero; el director de Fomento Industrial, Alejandro Sterling Sánchez; la presidenta del Aeroclúster de Querétaro, Verónica Méndez; así como miembros de la organización AeroMontreal.
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Titulo: Crossroads
Año: 1956 
Duración: 1h 29min 
Dirección: Raphael J. Sevilla 
Guión: Ladislao López NegreteRaphael J. Sevilla 
Reparto Principal: 
Fernando Fernández ----- Teófilo 
Esther Fernández ----- Irma Palacios 
Víctor Junco ------ Lorenzo Gutiérrez (Lencho) 
Luis Beristáin ----- Hilario del Castillo 
Irma Torres ----- Chole Manuel 
Dondé ----- Plácido 
Víctor Velázquez ----- Fidencio 
Víctor Jordán ----- Minero rencoroso(as Victor Manuel Jordan) 
Raphael Sevilla hijo ----- Felipe(as Raphael J. Sevilla Jr.) 
Armando Arriola ----- Don Chon Antonio 
Dávila ----- Agustín Fernández 
Silvano (minero) ----- Luis Mussot 
Doctor Méndez(as Jose Luis Mussot) ----- Humberto Rodríguez 
Secretario ----- María Cristina Lesser 
Esposa de Fidencio(as Cristina Lesser) 
 Regino Herrera ----- Minero cantina(sin acreditar) 
 Rubén Márquez ----- Minero cantina(sin acreditar) 
Ise, un empresario exitoso, asesina accidentalmente a su lunática esposa después de que lo descubren teniendo una aventura con su secretaria, Harumi. En su intento de perfeccionar su crimen, conduce hasta una cantera remota para enterrar el cuerpo de su esposa, pero en el camino encuentra otro cadáver en la parte trasera de su auto. 
Ise, a successful businessman, accidentally murders his lunatic wife after he is discovered having an affair with his secretary, Harumi. In his attempt to perfect his crime, he drives to a remote quarry to bury his wife's body, but along the way he finds another body in the back of his car. 
 Fuente: https://youtu.be/lQhQgBKqQag?si=T3qqRErv0wiDaC8Q 
Sinopsis: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0270926/
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elsoldesantiago · 3 days
Arrestan a presuntos autores de robo de joyas mediante estafa en Santiago
Santiago de los Caballeros,- La Policía Nacional ha informado sobre el arresto de dos hombres acusados de robar joyas mediante estafa en el Ensanche Libertad, en un incidente ocurrido el 11 de octubre de 2022. Los detenidos son José Antonio Núñez Santos y Manuel Méndez, ambos mayores de edad, arrestados mediante las órdenes Nos. 05241-05240-2024. Se les acusa de robar joyas valoradas en…
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laguaridadelnagual · 4 days
Kika Edgar anuncia show con La Única Internacional Sonora
Estamos listos para vivir una de las noches con más ritmo en la Ciudad de México. Prepárense porque Kika Edgar estará junto a La Única Internacional Sonora de Arturo Ortiz y Antonio Méndez, en el mítico escenario del Teatro Metropólitan el próximo 6 de septiembre. Dos grandes propuestas musicales se unen en el lugar perfecto, prometiendo una velada inolvidable. No te pierdas de este maravilloso…
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adiariomx · 23 days
El árbitro juarense Alberto Morín Méndez es uno de los cinco colegiados mexicanos convocados para impartir justicia durante la Copa América 2024, que ...
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revistaalmiar · 2 months
Autores publicados en este número: Miguel E. Zaldívar Carrillo • Víctor Parra Avellaneda • Javier Claure Covarrubias • Gabriel Cocimano • Juan Carlos Vásquez • Juan Manuel Sánchez Martín • Antonio García Francisco • Julio Mas Alcaraz • Julio Carmona • Manuel Moreno Bellosillo • Adrián Chaurán • César Bisso • Miguel Ángel Latouche • Eliana Sosa • Agustín García Aguado • María Rosa Maldonado • Mariano Ruiz Montani • Juan José Sánchez González • Juan Manuel Sánchez Martín • Javier Sanz Gómez • Javier Úbeda Ibáñez y Jorge Cervera Rebullida • Agustín García-Espina Martínez • Joaquim (Kim) Bertran Canut • Pilar Llada Cienfuegos • Juan Montes • Adán Echeverría • Sergio Borao Llop • Yuleisy Cruz Lezcano • Félix Martínez Torres • Héctor M. Magaña • Luis Méndez Viñolas • Gustavo Catalán Fernández
Más info en: https://margencero.es/novedades-margencero.htm
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proustianlesbian · 4 months
did you know the first black person in space was an african-cuban man named arnaldo tamayo méndez ? a little post on him and his achievements for black history month since space exploration is my special interest and i think he should be more known !
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Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez was born on the 29th of January 1942 in Guantánamo, into a humble Afro-Cuban family. He began to work from a very young age, becoming the only breadwinner for his family at the age of 13, while studying at the same time. He worked as a shoeshiner, a carpenter's assistant and a newspaper seller. Arnaldo Tamayo said :"Since childhood, I dreamed of flying, of being a military pilot."
During the dictatorship of General Fulgencio Batista, Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez participated in several student demonstrations in protest against the dictator who had turned Cuba into a United-States dominated country and whose economy and political sectors were plagued by the mafia. Cuba's economic sectors were largely in the hands of American multinationals. To ensure control of Cuba, the United States supported a corrupt ruling class linked to the mafia.
Tobacco and sugar, the main sources of income, were in the hands of monopolists, mainly American. Cuban workers were starving and did not have a single piece of land to cultivate. They had borrow money from loan sharks. There were no schools or teachers for the majority of Cuba's 6 million people.
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After the start of the Cuban Revolution, in 1953, Arnaldo Tamayo entered in January 1959 the "Rebel Army" Technical Institute and after that the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, F.A.R., in spanish)
He became a fighter pilot and trained to become a MiG-15 fighter pilot in the Soviet Union at just 19 years old. MiG-15 were produced in the U.S.S.R. and several communist block countries used them during conflicts but also for training.
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In April 1961, two events happened a few days apart :
On the 12th April, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to fly in space
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Between the 17th and 19th, C.I.A. and U.S.-backed Cuban exiles attempted a military invasion of Cuba which was successfully stopped by the Cuban army.
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Arnaldo Tamayo took part in the combats against the C.I.A. mercenaries who had invaded Cuba. But a week before that victory, the news of Gagarin's successful flight into the cosmos greatly inspired him. So he was happy when he was later sent in the USSR to study in the Military Aviation School.
On the 24th July 1961, Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, arrived in La Havana for a visit after his flight. In part of his speech, Yuri Gagarin said a sentence that stuck with Arnaldo Tamayo : "The day will come when a son of the Cuban people will also travel to the cosmos."
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After his training in the Soviet Union (April 1961-May 1962), he came back to Cuba. In October 1962, during the Cuban missiles crisis, Tamayo carried out several reconnaissance missions (around 20) in the Cuban sky with the aim to intercept enemy aircraft. As the two powers come to an agreement, the Americans promise Moscow that they will not attack Cuba. So it is now possible for Arnaldo Tamayo to continue his studies. He applies to the Antonio Maceo Grajales Higher School of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, from which he successfully graduates in 1971. During his service in the Cuban Air Force, Arnaldo Tamayo makes countless flights and achieved the rank of first class pilot (Class I) and later become an instructor pilot. In 1975, he was chief of staff of the Santa Clara Aviation Brigade and is promoted in 1976 to lieutenant colonel.
Meanwhile, in 1966, the Intercosmos program (Интеркосмос) was created. It was a Soviet space cooperation program, carried out under the auspices of the USSR Academy of Sciences, among the countries of the socialist bloc, aimed at promoting international cooperation in space for peaceful purposes. The countries participating in this program had all adopted a socialist regime but some pro-Soviet non-aligned countries were included over the years. The program resulted in the development of 26 scientific satellites and the participation in space missions of around fifteen nationals of the co-opted countries.
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In the 1970s, the Intercosmos program starts training cosmonauts to send them in space, first in 1978 with the Czechoslovak Vladimír Remek, the first neither Soviet nor American cosmonaut. Cuba then sends Arnaldo Tamayo and his colleague José Armando López Falcón to the USSR to prepare for a space flight.
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The applicants had to be experienced pilots with an accident-free record and speak Russian. 600 pilots registered but the number decreased in the as the weeks went by during the tests. Tamayo Méndez and López Falcón traveled to the City of Stars, near Moscow, to train as cosmonauts.
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They were paired with Yuri Romanenko (Ю́рий Романе́нко) and Yevgeny Khrunov (Евге́ний Хруно́в) who both went to space once before that. Tamayo and Romanenko were chosen as the main crew while López and Khrunov were their backup crew. They started training in September 1979.
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Yuri Romanenko saw Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez as jovial and has said of him : "In Tamayo, the best traits of Cubans are concentrated : the ability to work and perseverance. Plus cordiality, kindness and good humor. And believe me, they are qualities very important for cosmonauts." Arnaldo Tamayo described Yuri Romanenko as part of his family.
After a year, in September 1980, they were ready for their space flight : the "Soyuz 38" mission during which they would stay in Salyut 6, the soviet orbital space station, for several days, to carry out experiments. Finally, on the 18th September 1980, at 22:11 in Moscow and 15:11 in Cuba, Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez and Yuri Romanenko took off from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakh SSR). Tamayo was traveling as a research cosmonaut while Romanenko was the commander of the spacecraft.
They were met at the Station by Leonid Popov (Леони́д Попо́в) and Valery Ryumin (Вале́рий Рю́мин), on board from April to October 1980, in light blue on the first picture. Romanenko and Tamayo's stay lasted 7 days and 20 hours, a week they used for their scientific researches.
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They studied different brain areas to further understand its electrical activity Another experiment was observing changes of skeletal muscle structure, as well as another on blood circulation, which sought to determine the impact weightlessness has on the human circulatory system. The other researches studied how cell division, immune system, concentrations of antibodies and other proteins and minerals were affected after prolonged exposure to a weightless environment. They also studied the growth of a crystal of sucrose in weightlessness.
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They used calibrators developed by the Cuban National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Entertainment. When the researches were completed, Soyuz 38 separated from Salyut-6 on the 25th October. The next day at 15:54, the rescue team welcomed the cosmonauts in Kazakhstan.
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Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez, by being the first Latin American, first Afro-descendant and first Spanish speaker in space made history. Fidel Castro said that he "represented Cuba, Latin America, Africa and the Third World in the cosmos". Tamayo, with Romanenko was decorated by Raúl Castro with the first honorary medal of Hero of the Republic of Cuba and the Playa Girón Order. In Moscow, he received the Order of Lenin and was named Hero of the Soviet Union. His colleague had been awarded with these titles as well.
After the space flight, knowing of the sad death of Yuri Gagarin in a plane crash in 1968, Fidel prohibited the Cuban cosmonaut from flying or carrying out training flights in combat aircraft. Despite his love for flying and longing for the cosmos, Tamayo followed the orders.
Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez is now more known as a public and military leader than as a cosmonaut or a pilot. He became a general, a deputy of the National Assembly of People's Power of the republic and heads the foreign relations directorate of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba. He is still close with his colleagues, Soviet and others, especially his partner, the one he considers his "star brother" Yuri Romanenko, despite the distance and even after the fall of the U.S.S.R.. Today, Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez also heads the Cuba-Russia Friendship Association.
Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez expressed it this way: "My luck is similar to that of all the hungry people of my generation, for whom the revolution opened the paths of life. But there is a particularity, I was very lucky, they sent me to study in the Union Soviet, to a military pilot academy, and then... to the City of Stars, where cosmonauts live and study ."
Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez emphasizes that the relations between Cuba and the U.S.S.R. have deep important historical roots. The work of thousands of Soviet specialists allowed the small revolutionary island to greatly raise the level of its scientific and technical development. The participation of their engineers and agricultural specialists was a considerable contribution to the industrial development of Cuba. Thousands of Cuban students graduated from higher education centers in the USSR, receiving high-quality professional preparation, like Arnaldo Tamayo did.
Arnaldo Tamayo said that Yuri Gagarin, as a spiritual teacher, had a huge influence on him. "He was and will continue to be my idol. In the difficult moments of life, those that happen to everyone, I remember Gagarin's smile known throughout the world. And the discomfort recedes" Even if there hasn't been any other Cuban or Latin-American cosmonaut, Tamayo Méndez inspired plenty of people with his incredible trajectory of life, like Yuri Gagarin did in his time.
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Look at their beautiful smiles !!
After him, several Black astronauts went to space, such as Guion Bluford (in 1983) or Mae Jemison (1992), leading the way for many more.
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The 97th cosmonaut, Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez, has his name written in the History of World Cosmonautics as the first Cuban, first Latin American and the first Afro-descendant person who saw our planet from the Cosmos, representing his homeland and People with glory and honor.
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yo-sostenible · 4 months
La jornada de “Los Domingos del Barrio Amable” vuelve a triunfar y reúne a más de 1.000 personas este domingo 25 de febrero Esta edición se ha centrado en analizar y conocer mejor el barrio y sus necesidades, al tiempo que se demostraba, una vez más, que otro entorno más amable y saludable es posible El colectivo Nueva Andalucía Barrio Amable está desarrollando un proyecto de participación ciudadana para el barrio, con el objetivo de crear espacios de movilidad y disfrute seguros, abiertos y adaptados a las personas pero, sobre todo, a los colectivos más vulnerables La plataforma Nueva Andalucía Barrio Amable ha congregado este domingo 25 de febrero a más de 1.000 personas bajo el lema “La Calle Es Tuya”, en lo que ya resulta una cita indispensable para el barrio de Nueva Andalucía. Estas jornadas, que se realizarán cada dos meses, tienen como objetivo concienciar y reflexionar sobre la importancia de potenciar un modelo de ciudad activa adaptada a las personas, así como generar un espacio de convivencia y participación ciudadana en un ambiente lúdico y festivo. Bajo este estandarte, la plataforma Nueva Andalucía Barrio Amable ha transformado por segunda vez la avenida de Padre Méndez, pacificando la calle por unas horas y llenándola de actividades, en lo que ha sido una mañana digna de recordar. En vez del ruido de los coches, la ilusión y las risas han “vestido de gala” la calzada en este domingo, convirtiéndola en un espacio de juego, intercambio y comunidad, sobre todo para aquellos a quienes suelen dejar más de lado en la planificación urbana: infancia, adolescencia  y otros colectivos vulnerables.  IMÁGENES DE LA ACTIVIDAD DIPONIBLES AQUÍ. Durante la mañana se han realizado todo tipo de actividades gracias a distintos colectivos y personas que han participado de forma altruista haciendo posible que fueran accesibles y gratuitas para todos los asistentes. Entre ellas, se han llevado a cabo talleres de bicicletas y de patinaje, deportes como baloncesto y voleibol, talleres de magia, de pintura o con temática medioambiental. Además, se ha realizado un taller de diagnóstico colectivo en el que los asistentes han podido exponer su visión del barrio a partir de distintos mapas, con el objetivo principal de analizar mejor los espacios, los recursos y las deficiencias del mismo Según la organización, este taller ha sido el primero dentro de un incipiente proyecto de participación ciudadana con el que se pretende transformar el barrio para impulsar el modelo de ciudad activa, y que el colectivo quiere llevar a cabo con la Concejalía de Ciudad Activa, Movilidad Urbana y Deportes, con Antonio Casimiro al frente. De hecho, ha sido esta misma concejalía la que ha facilitado la peatonalización de la calle durante la mañana en una apuesta por generar un modelo de ciudad más activa y saludable. “Estamos muy contentos de ver cómo el proyecto sigue avanzando y se empieza a plantear con los vecinos, vecinas y personas usuarias del barrio, potencialidades y propuestas para transformarlo. Ojalá este proceso pueda llevarse a otras zonas de Almería para conseguir conectarnos y crear una ciudad más amable, sostenible y activa” comentaba Sara Ortuño, profesora del barrio. Y es que los vecinos y vecinas de Nueva Andalucía tendrán la oportunidad de participar en las decisiones de transformación de su barrio, a través de los próximos talleres que se irán organizando. Desde el colectivo invitan así a todas las personas y colectivos interesados a animarse a formar parte de estos talleres. “Es una oportunidad perfecta para decidir entre todas qué barrio queremos” señalaba Luis Vilar, vecino del barrio, que afirmó a su vez que sería el primero en asistir a los talleres. En paralelo a la actividad en la calle, se han ofrecido actividades lúdicas y deportivas en el patio del CEIP Adela Díaz en colaboración con el Club Deportivo Estudiantes y con el apoyo de la directiva del colegio. Los #PatiosAbiertos durante los fines de semana es otra de las pr...
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