#Anyway if you read this far thank you for indulging in my OC ramble /bricked
skyplayssplatoon3 · 2 years
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"Loyalty To The Captain"
Suki and Zeke's dynamic has slowly changed over the years
Previously, his only goal was to take her down as one of the greatest "threats" to Octarian kind
Now, he stands alongside her, ready to aid her in restoring peace, not only for the world, but the peace within herself
She may not speak much nowadays, but Zeke is one of the very few she opens up to anymore.
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sinsbymanka · 3 years
20 for the writer asks (if you haven't answered already!)
Thank you @hawkeish ❤❤
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Omg. I’m going to take this opportunity to ramble shamelessy about the longfic I love: The Viscount’s Mistress
I finished this fic before I joined tumblr so it’s not something I get to talk about often. This is my sequel to the first long fic I wrote and follows Inquisitor Maria Cadash and the worst kept secret of her relationship with Varric Tethras from him being crowned Viscount through the events of Trespasser to their return to Kirkwall. 
The Trespasser DLC hit me like a ton of bricks when I first played it and I honestly think that VM was rattling in my head far before it’s prequel was. I wrote it with my Maria knowing she’s going to die - the anchor is steadily growing worse over the two years leading up to the Exalted Council. She anticipates it will continue to grow at the same pace and she’ll die - which means her goal at the beginning is to enjoy the life she has and build something that’s going to outlast her. 
She does get knocked up - mostly on purpose - just prior to the Exalted Council which means she goes through the devastation of the anchor two months pregnant. At some point she thinks she loses the baby - and honestly she gives up. 
It’s always been integral to Maria’s character that she doesn’t give up. She is stubborn and a survivor and it carries her through everything. I wanted her to crumble underneath the loss of a child she desperately wanted, the betrayal of someone she thought was her friend, the guilt at what she perceives as failure to Varric, her friends, the Inquisition, and the pain of the anchor. 
So she breaks about halfway through the story and it’s excruciating. I really didn’t pull any stops about all the horrible things and the effects it’s had on her or her body, relationships, and place in the world.The woman who comes out of the Crossroads is not the same woman who went in and everyone knows it. 
And they love her anyway. I cannot stress how important that was to me. She is jagged, she lashes out, she tells everyone to fuck off, she is insistent she’s going to go finish the job of dying as quick as she can, and her friends and family love her. 
The Inquisition is disbanded literally halfway through. Maria and Varric split up to escape pressure from the Orlesians while Varric thinks he’s going to meet back up with her, Maria thinks she’s going to bail because he’ll be safer without her. Dorian and Cole follow Maria in spite of herself. There are shenanigans. Varric gets kidnapped. Maria runs to his rescue and figures out how to still me the indomitable Inquisitor Cadash after everything she’s gone through. They find out she didn’t lose the baby and live happily ever after.
Is it frightfully self-indulgent? yes. It is a character study into the OC I’ve poured the most love into and I adore every single moment of it. 
With all that said, if someone goes to read it, PLEASE mind the tags. 
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