#Anyways I'm gonna sit tightly here and not utter a word until someone asks about it
Not to alarm anyone but... I kind of made up another separated au. I guess you could say I am... splintered ;P
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skywardsike · 4 years
Haikyuu characters pull a break-up prank on their s/o but backfired 2
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Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader, Daichi Sawamura x Reader, Tendou Satori x Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff
A/N: This one’s really special since it’s the first request I got. Thank you so much to @midnightsun30​ for requesting! Hope you like it, bb <3 Merry Christmas!
Part 1 here
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Kuroo Tetsurou
The prank happens in the middle of the day where both of you were chilling on the sofa.
Kuroo was busy watching his favorite show and you were busy scrolling through your phone. 
He wants you to come up and cuddle with him, but you were too engrossed with the photos on your instagram feed.
“Later, Tetsu.”
He pouted at your words and let out a sigh. 
He moved away a little, and rested his elbow on the couch’s armrest. 
He had his cheek on his hand as he thought of a way to get your attention.
Seconds later, Kuroo came up with an idea to pull a break-up prank you.
He turned off the television and turned to face you.
"Y/N, I have something to tell you."
You stopped scrolling and gazed at him.
"Let's break up."
You tried to hold back your laughter because your boyfriend's just so bad at lying.
"Okay," you replied, turning off your phone and standing up to walk towards the stairs.
Confused and surprised, Kuroo asks where you’re going.
"To pack my things."
Your words startled him, so he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down to sit on his lap. 
He had his arms tightly wrapped around you.
"I didn’t mean it."
You chuckled and looked up to him.
"I know," you replied.
"You're a bad liar, Tetsu."
"But you love me, right?" Kuroo asks, grinning from ear to ear.
"So much."
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Daichi Sawamura
The whole Karasuno team took a break from practice and gathered around in a circle to eat lunch.
They talked about random things until Kageyama asked what how you’d react if he’d break up with you.
Yes, Kageyama asked and the whole team was like 0_0
Cue: Press F to pay respect 
Noya suddenly had an idea. "Daichi-san, why don't you find out?"
"Do you know that break up prank trend? Why don't you give it a try and see how she'd react?"
Sugawara and the others wanted to oppose to the idea, but they were curious of your reaction too. 
"How exactly will that work?" Daichi asked. Noya gladly explained while the whole team listened.
"Alright. I'll text her right now."
Daichi stood and went to the locker room to grab his phone.
He came back and squatted at the same place and began typing.
The whole team eavesdropped as he typed the message "Let's break up." and saw his cute little nickname for you.
Let’s talk about this his nickname for you in another post, yes?
Sugawara and Asahi wore a smug look. They were gonna tease him about it later.
You heard your phone notify that you got a new message, and you opened it to read Daichi's message.
"Let's break up."
It was so sudden and you thought it was true. 
"Don't you love me anymore?"
"Because I love you."
You didn't get an immediate reply, so you were assuming it was real until you heard your doorbell a few minutes later.
You opened the door to be greeted by Daichi sweating and panting at your doorstep.
"That was just a prank. I didn't mean it."
"You hurt me, you know. I thought you it was real."
"I'm sorry. I'm never gonna do it again."
"How can I leave you when I've been waiting for you for over three years?"
"You won't do it again?"
Daichi’s probably never gonna pull a prank on you again. 
But if he’s pulling a prank on you, he’s not taking Noya’s suggestions anymore. F
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Tendou Satori
Okay pranks always happen when he's bored.
He loves teasing you and getting you worked up.
Because he finds you adorable when you're "mad" at him.
Of course, he never crosses the line but sometimes he does, but we'll talk about that next time.
Tendou laid on the sofa, sighing as he switched to different channels.
He couldn't find anything interesting, so he turned the television off and just laid on his back with his eyes closed.
Then an idea pops up.
Mission: break up prank with my paradise and see how she'll react
Tendou immediately gets up and grins as he climbed the staircase.
He stood in front of your door, took a deep breath and knocked three times.
"Y/N, I have something to tell you."
You immediately got up from your study table, and 
You opened the door to see your boyfriend's serious expression.
You felt nervous and stared at his eyes. "What is it?"
"Let's break up."
Tendou's a good liar, so it was hard to tell if he was telling the truth or not.
You were about to believe he REALLY wanted to break up with you, but you remembered how he acted before you went up to your room to study.
You decided to play along with his little prank. "I wanted to say the same thing for quite a while now."
"You what?" Tendou's eyes widened as if he saw a ghost.
"You heard me." You replied and turned your back on him.
"My paradise, don't leave. It was just a prank." He wrapped his arms around you from behind and placed a light kiss on your temple.
You stayed still and bit your lower lip to prevent yourself from smiling because you always loved it when Tendou hugs you from behind. 
gusto ko rin ng back hugs
"I'm sorry," he says.
"Sorry? You've been flirting with other girls for the past few months and I’ve been holding everything in until now!"
"What are you talking about?"
“You know what I’m talking about, Tendou.”
His lips parted at the sound of his name, and he quickly pulled out his phone. 
"I swear, you're the only woman I flirt with." He says. "If you're jealous of someone, let me know."
"Okay, type in the letters I-Z-Z-A P-R-A-N-K"
Tendou obliged, and typed the exact letters you uttered.
A few minutes later, he bursts out laughing. 
"My paradise sure knows how to play the game better than I do." He smirks.
You playfully rolled your eyes. "You love it anyway."
"Always." Tendou smiles. "Come here, my paradise. I wanna cuddle."
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winter-soldatt · 6 years
Public Gym/Advantage [bucky barnes]
Rating: Mature [Kissing, Shirtless wording, Profanity]
Word Count: 1675
Character: Bucky Barnes
"I don't wanna go to the stupid gym." I muttered. "Well, it's not a matter of want, it's a matter of need. It'll get your mind off that boyfriend of yours." Steve opens the car door for me, I sluggishly slide in next to Bucky. "Do you want to go to the gym?" I ask him, he chuckles.
"I don't mind." He says I sigh. "Nat, do you want to go to the gym?" I ask, she shrugs. "I don't mind." She says. "Ugh, sam? Do you want to go to the gym?" I ask as Sam slides in next to me. "I actually do." He says, "argh!" I exclaim.
"I rather sit at home watching weird Netflix movies and eating the disgusting ice cream Bucky always buys. Like what most teenagers do." I complain. "You aren't most teenagers doll." Bucky says. "And my ice cream isn't disgusting."
"Is that a compliment Barnes?" I ask, he chuckles. "What I mean is, you're a teenager that can manipulate anyone she wants and heals supernaturally. If that's normal then what isn't?" Bucky says. "Is that a compliment?" I ask again. "It's a nice snap back into reality, your not normal, no one is," Bucky explains. "Yeah, Bucky is right." Natasha says.
"Fuck that, I wanna be normal." I say. "Language Y/N." Steve warns. "Language? Bucky always curses, why can't I?" I say in my unfair teenager voice. "Because you're a teenager, and he's not." Steve says.
I scoff. "Jeez Y/N why are you so teenagery today?" Bucky asks. "I don't know." I say loudly. "Maybe it's that time of the month?" Natasha suggests. "Not for another week."
"Maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Bucky suggests. "Maybe I just didn't want to go to the gym, plus why did we leave the tower, there's a gym in there."
"Because I can't force you to use the gym in the place you live, that's why." Steve says. "Why force me anyway?" I complained.
"We're here." Steve said, and got out, opening Bucky's door side. We all slid out, Natasha got out the front seat. "We'll do one hour, then we'll leave." Steve says, everyone else nods whilst I sigh. "Can I just do 15 minutes and sit in the sauna for the remainder of your workouts?" I ask. "As long as your sweating." Steve says and jogs into the gym.
"Damn that man!" I complain, Wanda comes up behind me startling me. "Wanda? When the hell did you get here?" I say. "I came with tony, T'challa, Thor and Bruce, vision stayed behind." She said. "Do you even want to go to the gym?" I ask, "Honestly no, but might as well, it's been a boring week." Wanda says. "Well, we better head in."
Wanda and I walk into the gym, unlike the athletes that were our teammates.
"Let's just do the stationary bikes, I don't feel like standing or walking." I said, "Like biking is any easier." A shirtless Bucky says, pulling on a shoulder to fingertip length sleeve. "Bucky! You can't just walk around a gym looking like that." I said. "Looking like What? I have a sleeve." Bucky defends.
"No, not your arm." I say. "Then what Y/N?" He asks. I blush. "I think you already know." I say, he looks down. "Shirtless? Why not?" He asks. "Bucky, don't make me explain it to you!" I complain. "No, no explain to me why I can't just walk around a gym shirtless." Bucky says, a woman taps him and winks, mouthing follow me.
"That's why." I mutter. "That's not a good reason
Y/N." He says. "Bucky, I think what she wants to say is your to sexy to walk around a gym with no shirt on." Wanda clarifies, I shove her playfully. "What I had to say what was on my mind." She defends.
"Y/N, you could have just said so." Bucky says. "I couldn't just say so, that's embarrassing!" I exclaimed. "Sorry Y/N." Wanda says. "It's ok Wanda, don't worry."
"Thanks though." He says. I blush harder. "what I can't say thanks?" he asks. "She's too embarrassed to say your welcome," Wanda says for me. "Thanks, Wanda," I say. "Anytime, literally. I'm gonna go use the treadmill." Wanda jogged away, awkwardly leaving me with Bucky. "Well, uh, Steve wanted me to make sure you were doing something,"  Bucky says. "I will, I'm just deciding what to do," I say. "Y/N, you don't have to be embarrassed," Bucky says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I do! I mean is it not weird for you that I'm like, attracted to you?" I ask, he shrugged. "Not necessarily," He says, I scoff. "How? I'm a teenager, you're like one hundred," I say. 
"Because attraction has no limits doll." He says I blush again. "Stop blushing its weird." Bucky jokes. "I can't! I'm embarrassed, especially when you call me a doll or any other names than my own." I complain. "I can't help it, I just love calling you names other than your own," Bucky says. "You never blush when I call you that, that's why I never stop," Bucky explains. "Well, you're shirtless now," I say, blushing again. "Why do you make that face when you blush?" Bucky asked, chuckling. "What face?" I ask. "That face," He says. "I always make this face, it's just my face," I say. "No, it's not," Bucky says. 
"This is how I always look." I utter. "You look like a tomato, and your eyes are getting really big, and you have this smirk on your face. That is not how you always look. You look like a turned on Powerpuff girl." Bucky explains. "I do not!" I say. 
bucky takes his phone out and takes a picture of my face, and shows me. "Yes, you do." He says I chuckle. "I look so creepy, oh my god," I say. "You look adorable, not creepy." bucky corrects. I blushed even harder. 
Steve came up behind me, sweaty as hell and shirtless as well. I blushed harder. "Y/N?" Steve says. "She's blushing Steve," Bucky explains. "Why do you guys have to walk around shirtless with your toned fucking 12 packs shit," I say, bucky laughs and stops Steve from saying language.  "Just let her cuss, she deserves it," Bucky says. "It helps the muscles breathe," Steve says. "Seriously? Ugh. Let your muscles suffocate. I wanna breathe." I say, walking towards the bikes. They both follow me, Shirtless sam following behind. "That was some workout," he says, I stare at him and sigh. "What'd I miss?"  he asks. bucky points to his torso. "Oh, I understand." 
"It'd be nice if you guys put on shirts, or left me to weap my virginity," I complain. "You're a virgin?" Bucky asks. "Yes, is that such a surprise?" I ask. "It's not true," Bucky says. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You and your ex-boyfriend have had sex before literally, everyone heard it," Bucky says Sam and Steve nod. "Well, I must've been drunk, or asleep," I say, turning up the level on my bike. "Y/N, you just accused him of either taking advantage or rape," Steve says. "What? He was an asshole but he'd never rape me. We were both probably drunk. I just don't remember that's all." I say. "You would have remembered the morning after," Bucky says. "Yeah, its pretty memorable," Sam says. 
"Guys, it's fine I wasn't raped," I say. "Maybe we should check the security footage," Steve whispers all too loudly. "Security footage?" I ask. 
Steve sighed. "It's not only in your room before you ask, everyone has it. Just in case something happens to someone in their sleep." Steve says. "Steve I wasn't raped, please, give it up," I complain. "Y/N, it doesn't matter what you think you know happened, what matters is what might have happened. Besides you aren't allowed to get drunk anyway, and you can't get drunk, your metabolism is to fast." Steve says. "Steve, please drop it," I say. "Y/N, what happened?" Bucky asks. "Please, you guys just drop it. I'm trying to concentrate." I say. 
"We are going back to the tower," Steve says, lifting me up off the bike. "Steve I'm not a baby put me down." I whimper, bucky chuckles. "Y/N, I know it's hard, but if he raped you, it's important that you tell us," Steve says. "Steve, nothing happened."
We all headed back to the tower in silence, every few seconds bucky looked back to check on me as Sam was asleep. 
We all got in the elevator, I prayed that we didn't overload the capacity. Steve whispered to Natasha, Natasha whispered to bucky, and bucky whispered to Sam, and you get the point, everyone but me knew what was said. 
Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Bucky all headed into a control room I had no idea about, I heard tapes going over and over until I heard the night that he raped me, I sighed, preparing for the lecture I wanted to avoid. 
Only bucky came out, he frowned and opened his arms for a hug. I felt surprised, as I thought I'd get a lecture about lying about something so serious.
I kept my arms to my side, and let him squeeze me tightly, I stayed silent and waited for him to speak. "Y/N, you know I'm always here to talk right?" He asks, I nod. "It's not easy to admit something like that, so no one is gonna lecture you about it," Bucky says, his arms still tightly holding me. "I know that now. I'm sorry I lied about it," I said, holding back the tears that begged to come out. 
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault." He says, still holding me. "Bucky." I ask. "yeah?" he replies. 
"Are you guys gonna kick his ass?" I ask. "Definitely." He says. "Can I come?" I ask. "Definitely."
[I'm sorry this was so all around the damn place.]
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