#Apertum Mortem
bengallemon · 2 years
All the death quirk deku fics I've read just haven't been physically disturbing enough and I need stuff that is just violent and very Not Good for the boy
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Hello! This is a question about if I could do a podfic of Apertum Mortem! You don't need to say yes yet lmao, I haven't even started the channel, This would be the first one I'm filming.
Making a podfic of it would be lovely! I do know that there is bound to be a few grammatical errors in the chapters, so if you do decide to do it, let me know if there’s something wrong with a chapter before recording it and I’ll go in and fix the discrepancy. I can even add you as one of the links to the podfic in the descriptions for others to find if you wish. Also, sorry for the late response, college just started last week and it has been *fun*.
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angelok-0 · 2 years
Я на днях начала переводить фанфик Apertum Mortem где 177 глав!!! И 420+ тысяч слов. И так, до этого я спросила автора фанфика Dis(associate) можно ли сделать перевод, и она ответила да:D В скором времени я буду переводить и его. И так... Там 280+ тысяч слов. Я умру, но за то порадую читателей:)
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certaintacomusic · 3 years
Apertum mortem by Døc (Noted_Tuxedo_Dipshit)
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Tsuki-chan and her moon child
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novanexusart · 4 years
Apertum Mortem Fanart
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After spending 24+ hours replacing my bloodstream with caffeine and spending 9 and a half hours drawing and painting this, I have finally caught up with Apertum Mortem and made my first fanart for it.
It is such an amazing fanfic and I’m so invested.
@so-dont-let-in-the-light is such an amazing author it’s terrifying.
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okiedokie797-fanart · 4 years
Update I’ve gotten absolutely nothing done HELP
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stoneliam · 4 years
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I’ve done another art. Sorry it’s not for Unwilling Sinner, but it is Shinsou
He’s fanart that I did for one of my favorite archive fics: Apertum Mortem
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carllduuh · 4 years
Um belo dia a gente acorda e percebe que já deu valor demais ao que realmente não importa e nem faz falta na sua vida né é estranho mas é assim. Durante muito tempo eu fiz isso, dei valor a situações e a pessoas que não valem 1/3 do sofrimento que me causaram E olha que que nem me recuperei ainda. Hoje eu acordei pra mudar, apesar de minhas mudanças serem normalmente um completo paradoxo, dessa vez eu irei cumprir.
Você cansa de inventar história na sua cabeça, que as pessoas e suas atitudes irão mudar, que você vai conseguir tudo que quer não é bem assim prova viva disso, que a vida vai mudar, com certeza ela muda. Você decide olhar o que realmente está à sua frente e não é uma coisa muito bonita, pois a vida só é bonita quando se olha rapidamente para as coisas, se você prestar atenção, nem toda beleza é o que realmente é, entende? 
Você cansa de inventar amores que nunca vão acontecer, que nunca vão chegar. Cansa de fingir e inventar sentimentos que não existem. Quem nunca passou por isso né?
Você passa a não estar mais nem aí pra o que falam da sua vida por aí, afinal enquanto perdem tempo falando da minha vida, eu vou vivendo a minha tranquilo, de boa. Vocês também podem tentar destruir meus sonhos, mas a vida também tratará de destruir os seus, a vida é justa sim, ela dá a cada um o que cada um merece, nem que seja no seu último dia de vida. Mas ela cobra em vida isso você pode ter certeza e não adianta esconder ou fugir...
Pois é, hoje acordei cansado. Cansado de tentar se algo que nunca deu certo, a fim de me reinventar da forma que eu achar melhor, pra não morrer em vida, pois não existe algo mais triste que a morte em vida. Confuso isso :/
Daqui pra frente prometo ser mais eu, prometo não tentar agradar mais ninguém, prometo não inventar mais estórias pra mim mesmo, prometo ser outro sem deixar de ser o que sempre fui. 
Promessas foram feitas para serem quebradas, mas essas foram feitas e lacradas. Carlos Eduardo morreu hoje ao acordar, nasceu outro em seu lugar.
“Sempre admirava os pássaros e tinha inveja da capacidade que eles tinham de voar. Até que um dia descobri que também tinha um par de asas, só que dentro dele, abriu e voou e nunca mais voltou.
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Found a really good fanfic on archive called Apertum Mortem. I love it and decided to draw some fanart inspired by it! Go check out the fix for yourselves and visit the author's Tumblr at so-don't-let-in-the-light. Happy reading!
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ratswithpears · 4 years
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oopsie woopsie im obsessed by accident
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vickypedia-art · 4 years
I figured out how to stream on Discord so I went to the Apertum Mortem server and drew fanart for the fanfic of the same name
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The second drawing is an unintentional shitpost and the first has my OC in it
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okiedokie797 · 4 years
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Apertum Mortem fanart for the most recent chapter (chapter 116)
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More of my doodles for the fic :3
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lollybliz · 4 years
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Good thought, dont wanna clog the artist with my shrieking
I do my fuckin best, my fine folk (does folk work???)
I got 955 bookmarks rn and 380 of them are bnha and I started following bnha stuff in january This year so like. I'm tryin. I dont remember the names of fics very well and I cant remember who wrote shit to save my life unless it's so-dont-let-in-the-light or purplepersnickety or beyondtheclouds777 and that's only specific fics and I havent the foggiest why those names stick in my head but Whatever. But even if I dont remember a name I remember what I read and I remember how it made me feel and that one had me real invested real fast and I've gone back and reread that chapter a few times tbh
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okiedokie797-fanart · 4 years
Smol lil storyboard for an animatic I’ma try to do
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marsheemellow · 2 years
Ultimate Fanfic Post
A frequently updated list of all My Hero fanfics I’ve read with a description and information (*=completed)
Deku Centric
•Vigil, Ante, and their Vigilante Antics * 127K
⮑ Orphaned Izuku meets thrown away Shinso and turns into a beautifully written vigilante turned hero story featuring friendship, desperation, and the innate need to save people.
•Viridian: The Green Guide * 272K
⮑ Extremely slow burn Kami/Deku, vigilante deku with dadzawa and a healthy dose of who gives a shit by one of my favorite authors (who has a discord may I add) Pt. 3 from their For The Want Of A Nail Series
•Dis(associate) * 283K
⮑Punny Izuku with eventual tododeku queerplatonic relationship- super hilarious while still having a good portion of angst and character development. Izuku has one for all while also having a second quirk.
•Yesterday Upon The Stair * 424K
⮑ Izuku can see dead people fic!! Written extremely well but read warnings before! Queerplatonic relationships that are depicted very well - platonic slowburns :)
•Deku? I think he’s some pro… * 191K
⮑AH!! another WONDERFUL fic from cloud!! (i’m biased but also not cause it’s deserved) Quirk Analyst deku still becomes a hero without one for all! amazing wonderful show stopping! (bakugo goes to therapy)
•Apertum Mortem *422K
⮑ this one is L a r g e and make sure you read the tags ! this one can be triggering to some! Shinso and todoroki are good friends and bakugo goes to therapy !!
• Burn Your Wings * 179K
⮑Again please check the tags before you read!! Izuku has a quirk! Still gets one for all though! Midoriya/Todoroki main- written very well i love it and the dadzawa makes me thrive
• Apparition * 44K
⮑ Omg i actually love this one- sassy midoriya, kinda a vigilante ? it depends. dad collection!!! shinso best friend !
• All For Ones Guide to a Peaceful Retirement * 69K
⮑ HAHSHJD i cannot this one is best dad of the year afo - man’s would burn the world down for izuku :D Todo Izu and Iida besties for lyfe
• Blank Canvas * 232K
⮑ WOOO SUPPORT COURSE IZU!!! he’s a wizard with those wires and we LOVE a cute tododeku fic ! Izu collects friends like rocks and Bakugo gets some hard earned karma !
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