acatnamedafteradog · 2 months
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Apogee by tinygaypirate on bluesky
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tyrannodokuro · 20 days
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i don't even know if this meme is relevant, but when has that stopped the internet before
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citruscatt · 2 years
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An Apogee for tinygaypirate on Twitter!
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magicbunnystar · 1 month
I'm in a very spooky mood rn- so I draw the supers like zombies (or ghosts) I was actually planning to post it on Halloween but eh- nah I can't wait
(also I wish Tumblr had a spoiler button- so uh- trigger warning y'all)
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jaybirdhitman · 4 months
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Another new Guy. Apogee (Apo) with the preferred name Ace. I am, re working the order which my guys get met and the story, but you all get to see the first five at least.
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techturd · 1 year
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Stumbled across this one on eBay... Never seen these 2 packaged together before!
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thechosenpumbloom · 11 months
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A collection of random box covers of both notable and not so notable MS-DOS horror games. All credits to people on Mobygames. Feel free to add.
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The remainder of the crew’s time in orbit was spent carrying out nearly 40 science experiments and research, including some that sought to better understand space adaptation syndrome — a type of microgravity-specific motion sickness.
Gillis, a trained violinist, also brought her instrument along for the mission and delivered a rendition of “Rey’s Theme” from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”
Gillis’ music was sent back to Earth using SpaceX’s Starlink as a test of the satellite network’s potential to provide in-space connectivity.
Menon also took time to read a book she coauthored — called “Kisses From Space” — to her family as well as a group of patients from St. Jude Children’s Hospital as part of a fundraiser.
Sunday’s anticipated return marks the conclusion of the third trip to space for the specific Crew Dragon capsule powering the Polaris Dawn mission.
The spacecraft — named “Resilience” by the NASA astronauts onboard its first trip to space in November 2020 called (Crew-1) — flew the 2021 Inspiration 4 mission.
That trip, also funded by Isaacman, saw him and three crewmates circle Earth for three days as part of a fundraiser for childhood cancer research.
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retrocgads · 8 months
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USA 1997
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deceptigoon · 9 months
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meet Apogee, the final result of the “let’s make an oc” polls!! bio under the cut:
a high-ranking decepticon intelligence officer, Apogee orbits planets in his cybertronian satellite alt mode, providing vital information to ground forces. despite his remote station, he is surprisingly personable, often leveraging his charm to extract personal details from his peers for blackmailing purposes. he is also a capable combatant, intercepting or destroying anything in his path with the help of his electro-glaive. naturally for a ‘bot of his standing, he keeps his secrets closely guarded, but rumor has it he harbors a soft spot for a certain chief communications officer…
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meximango · 9 days
Day 10 - Stable - Apogee - G
Summary: A prototype is made. Dawntrail Spoilers!!
I’m toying with the idea of making Apogee an Endless similar to Otis, except the experiment didn’t work. Apogee is still in a mechanical body housing their original soul, but the memory transference got corrupted.
“Miss–” “-s she–”
“-s it wo–k” “--u awake yet?” It takes a while for them to understand that the words are being directed toward them, and even longer to parse their meaning. Once the people in the room have determined they are conscious enough, the questions repeat rapid-fire: do you remember what you signed up for? How do you feel? What do you recall, before going under? Can you tell us what year it is, your nameday, and your full name? What is your profession?” One by one, the questions get answered, though they are still quite groggy and go about it pretty slowly. There must be a trick to it. By the serious and increasingly worried expressions on their faces, they get the feeling they’re failing a test. They’re bad at this, somehow. The answers aren’t what these people expected, and now they’re disappointed. Only just awoken and already letting people down. Somehow, it makes them want to play this off as a joke, to be casual and pretend it was all part of their plan. 
Surprise! Those were just fake answers to throw you for a loop! Everything is fine, see? Look at my smile. Oh, I don’t have a face like yours? Well, just trust me, then. I’m fine. Vitals are stable. Now can I go?One by one, the scientists run different tests and experiments to try to jog their memory, but it’s met with critically low success. Unfortunately, the name Ada Anurana means nothing to them. They don’t know anything about this Endless project, or their own time as a scientist. They don’t remember their family, their age, or their hobbies. Even Alexandria is a mystery to them. Their homeland! The war! Electrope? Never heard of it. A few scant pieces remain, for which they thank their lucky stars. They understand speech, can read and write, performing magic is second nature to them (though this body has limited aether channels, so even that is something they can’t do right ‘anymore’). They have a decent understanding of  machinery and building things–apparently they used to be an engineer–though they do not understand the math behind how parts fit together, and they can’t draw a blueprint. And that’s it. All that they are. Not all they will ever be, but all that remains, for now. A few other Endless end up getting created, and those work out, not a hitch in sight. Memories and personalities intact. There’s much cheering and celebration. There’s hope yet for their people to be remembered! They only feel bitterness at how things worked out for themself. 
With a shake of their heads, the scientists give up trying to figure out and explain what must have gone wrong with the memory transferral in this case. They even try a few more times to transfer the memories, but the results are always the same. It’s too late to relocate the soul without destroying or sending it straight to the lifestream, and the original body is dead, so there are no more second chances. Something got corrupted, the soul intact but the mind scrambled. 
After the continual disappointment, they don’t really feel like learning about Ada. It would just make everyone’s lives more difficult, trying to memorize facts and pretend. The scientists slowly stop offering details unless prodded. They do not ask. 
It’s strange and confusing and frightening, but mostly they feel frustrated. They hate being seen as a failure. They didn’t even do anything! They’re not given a chance to prove themself worthy of being celebrated, because they can’t fit into what’s wanted and expected. From their perspective, it was as though they were just born! They have to learn about this world and people bit by bit from scratch, like a child. And there is just so little time for that, with the war going on. Perhaps things would be different if the situation were not so dire. As it stands now, they are nothing but a failed project that can’t offer anything. These people knew Ada, and now all they get is– is–they need to start referring to themselves as something, but it doesn’t feel right to take the name of the soul residing in their body, when no memories remain. And as time goes by, it seems it will stay that way. The scientists mourn the person who will never return, it seems, and cast aside and give up on what remains. They are left to their own devices, to do as they please. They are given a file about Ada and told they can help with the Endless project or with taking care of the injured, or fighting the enemy, or anything else they desire. 
They have so little desire, other than to find a way to refer to themself–and above all, to prove their worth, that they belong and deserve to be their own person. They hope to cultivate more desires along the way. They may not be Ada, but they can use this soul to start a new life, even in these tumultuous times. Maybe they’ll learn how to build with electrope and invent something to help with the war efforts to keep their city of Alexandria safe. Ada’s file contains a lot of notes, research, personal diary, everything from her life condensed into a single thick tome. They’ll try to keep it safe, to at least remind themself that Ada existed. Everything referring to the plan to become an Endless had been filed away under a project name: Apogee. From their understanding, Ada had a hobby interest in the sky and celestial bodies, before the shroud of lightning covered everything. Looking up the meaning of the word, Apogee found it did not only refer to when the moon was as far away from them on the ground as possible, but could als be a way to describe someone’s greatest achievement: a climax or culmination. Of Ada’s life work, in this case. What a legacy…
In this one small way, they could honor Ada, while also choosing a name for themself. They like the potential in it: to become the greatest they can possibly be. It’s a worthy goal. Rather than be daunted by how they can’t possibly live up to it, they choose to put on an air of bravado and march forward steadfastly. They’ll prove themself, no matter how long it takes! Once Ada, then nothing, now Apogee. The new name feels right. Wanting to feel useful, Apogee gets to work studying and reaching out to help. They may not know exactly what they all want to do, and they have so much to learn–but whatever they decide, Apogee is going to be the best at it, and there’s no better time to start than today. 
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acatnamedafteradog · 1 year
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Fan art of tinygaypirate’s puppy girl Apogee by DragunFU on Twitter
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tyrannodokuro · 1 year
"you could never make a duke nukem game today" oh yeah this generation would REALLY hate a sex-positive trans ally himbo who fights cops and loathes fascism. get fucking real.
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maverickuk · 1 year
Monster Bash from Apogee
A wonderfully gory and action packed EGA platformer from 1993 created from Frank Maddin, who would later go on to work at Nintendo on the Metroid Prime games
I grew up playing the shareware chapter on Compaq EGA 286 machine which although meets the system requirements, the game is almost unplayable on a later cave level with the FPS dropping to 1 frame every few seconds at some points...
Anyway, I'm going to install this on my newer ICL 386 VGA machine with the added bonus of an Adlib card for music!
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I do miss those old ASCII based installers and watching the decompression happen. Plus check out that beautiful ASCII Apogee logic, fantastic work there!
So what's the game actually like to play?
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Your character must free all of the trapped animals before you can exit the level by firing your catapult at the cages to break the locks.
By default you've got unlimited ammo, but you can also upgrade to bigger & multi-shot along with homing sticks.
Thankfully it's not a one hit kill like Keen, so you can take a few knocks before you lose a life.
All the sound effects play through the PC Speaker, which I remember from playing it as a kid. Which leaves the Adlib for playing music at certain points, which I always find a bit strange as it means I've got sounds coming out of two separate speakers on my PC.
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Each level is also littered with these funny little skulls. If you hit one you'll be treated to an animation of their eyeballs popping out their sockets as they fly off the screen! Wonderful!
I spent a lot of time with this one as a kid and I'm looking forward to enjoying another play through again now. Thanks Frank
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magicbunnystar · 19 days
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First row: Apogee , Blazestone , Downburst
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jaybirdhitman · 4 months
Not me forgetting I have a tumblr I should post on sksjssksksj. So Ace invaded my brain after his creation and just, would not leave. Things are being shifted as he insisted on being a main character, so he's the first one we'll meet instead. God I love this man.
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Rest of his art under the cut. Blood TW for the first and last, he's fine dw about it
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