#April O’Neill tent
sagesmokearts · 5 months
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I am shamefully back to offer you the Yule ball art for the most recent chapter of the Hogwarts au😔 plus a bonus of capritello with their egg baby!
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rallentando1011 · 10 months
Somnambulant Soulmates (rise Donnie x gn reader)
(continuation of this drabble)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Word Count: 3730
The late night bled into early morning, yielding a desperately deprived turtle the next day.
It was already well into the afternoon when he finally stirred following what could hardly be considered a restful night.
He did it to himself; he was aware of that. Still didn’t stop him from scrolling ceaselessly all night long. The only thing that prevented him from getting back on his phone this morning was the fact that he neglected to plug any of his technology in last night. 
Groggily, he leaned over to the side of his bed to place his phone on its port.
Regardless of his disoriented mind and the sleepiness in his eyes that couldn’t seem to go away by rubbing them, Donnie recognized that he should probably get out of bed.
Any time now.
Donnie blinked, waiting for any response from his limbs to the orders from his mind. After a few more moments, his legs lugged themselves over the side of his mattress, his arms willed themselves to push him up to sit on his silky purple sheets.
The softshell rested his elbows on his knees as he sat on the edge of his bed, his head drooped to the perfect level for his radial fingers to once again try to instill some alertness in his system by rubbing his eyes. It was, once again, to no avail, so he settled on just getting otherwise prepared for the day.
Donnie pushed himself up from his bed uneasily, taking tentative steps toward his desk. The terrapin latched onto the side of it as soon as it was within reach, relying on it to hold himself upright. Alright, getting out of bed proved successful. His attention landed on his next task: prepping his tech.
A three-digited hand glided over the desk to snag the purple fabric mask he wore on the daily. Donnie squinted at it to inspect the crispness of the drawn-on eyebrows on the mask and, upon finding them to be satisfactory, fastened the cloth around his head. His fingers moved adeptly and swiftly, used to the type of knot he needed to produce the signature triangular mask tails at the base of his neck.
After the mask came his goggles, mystically enhanced and forged by his own hand. Though uneven in size and color, the left side being slender, taller, with a blue lens, the other stout and red, their receptors picked up on mystic energy, had night vision, among other tactical, practical things, due to the mystic gems he’d integrated into them. He gently scooped his goggles up, mindlessly sliding them right into place.
Next on the agenda was his battle shell. Similar in hue to his mask and also made by the resident genius himself, the tech served many a function. It provided additional, albeit metallic, hands for working and fighting, it housed a plethora of complex and futuristic weaponry, and it executed its primary function: providing protection for his vulnerable softshell.
He slid the addition onto his back, relishing the satisfying click as it moved right into place.
No sooner than it was on, Donnie almost jumped straight out of it.
A screeching noise sounded loudly from beside his bed.
The turtle practically leapt into the air, unceremoniously landing halfway on his desk and sending a flurry of empty aluminum cans and pens to the ground.
Hand to his chest like a septuagenarian clutching their pearls, he pinpointed the noise to the nightstand beside his bed. His phone must have charged.
It didn’t sound like his normal alarm, or the one that went off when some unimaginable mystic horror was attacking New York.
No, it was an alarm that meant something far worse.
His face sunk as he leapt back over to his phone, hoping not to confirm what he already knew was true.
It was the unfortunate alarm that meant only one thing: it was someone’s birthday
Lo and behold, as soon as he turned on his phone’s screen, it revealed the name and picture of the one and only April O’Neil.
April, his best friend/sister with a track record of terrible birthdays which he was probably making worse by not having already messaged her warm regards this late in the day.
Yeah, that April.
For the love of Sørenson, he was in some deep water.
No, no, need to panic yet. Maybe the sentiment behind his gift for her would keep her from becoming irate with him.
He glanced back to the aforementioned present, currently sitting on his desk beside a dozing S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.
Surely the (possibly) sentient toaster he made for her that made the perfect toast (and definitely would not turn destructive or downright evil) would soothe any qualms she had with him!
He needed to message her ASAP.
Donnie opened his phone only to be subject to even more terrors.
19 missed calls from April. Even more from his brothers. Flurries of texts and voicemails and oh Galileo was he screwed.
The plethora of frantic messages led to him checking what time April’s party began, and checking the time led to a deeper panic to sink in. It started in negative thirty minutes.
A.K.A. thirty minutes ago.
Donnie froze.
Then he bolted, paying no mind to trying to message anyone back, instead haphazardly slapping on some clothes, snagging April’s gift, and getting the heck to her party.
He could fabricate an excuse/apology on the way there.
Probably something about how it took time to look this good.
Or, the more likely ladder, begging April for forgiveness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You had also had a late start to the day.
A late-night business venture had led you to messaging all night and boy, were you tired.
Still, you’d managed to get yourself up with about a metric tonne of coffee and a birthday party as incentive.
The birthday party, of course, belonged to none other than THE April O’Neil.
You had met her at a retail job, a fairly mundane one that had subpar pay and even more bland shifts.
Your shifts, however, were quickly livened up by April’s presence. She always had a joke to crack, or got into some wacky, zany shenanigan that led to you two laughing up a storm and/or getting in trouble with your superiors.
April quickly moved on from the job, resigning after she missed too many days and it became too boring for her adrenaline junkie side. It wasn’t that it was an infrequent occurrence for her to quit. That girl had worked just about every career in the city, an impressive feat in the Big Apple.
Despite how she bounced around from job to job from week to week, your bond remained sturdy, the two of you still frequenting coffee shops and sending each other dumb memes. 
Hence you found yourself awaking much earlier than you preferred, throwing on a cozy, yet nice enough sweater and jeans, and making your way to April’s apartment.
That led you to where you currently sat on her couch. In one hand sat your nigh empty solo cup, sloshing lightly with each flick of your wrist, in the other was a stack of seven appropriately foul cards for the ongoing game of Cards Against Humanity at the party.
The living room, where the congregation was gathered, was abuzz with light conversation and warm, glowy lights. The birthday girl herself sat beside you on the couch, one knee tucked over the other.
You knew some of the guests, having been acquainted with them from prior meetings: Sunita, a previous birthday of April’s, and Casey, a few movie nights with her and April. The former was also on the couch, wearing a silky magenta dress, nestled between the armrest and April. The latter sat on the ground, wearing ripped black jeans and a muscle shirt adorned with numerous skulls and crossbows. Some of those in attendance, however, were newly introduced to you.
Namely, the bale of turtle brothers that you met today.
April had frequently talked of her brothers and some of the ridiculous situations she got into with them, like leaping over rooftops, exploring sewers, and had mentioned that they weren’t the most normal of company. You hadn’t realized how much so she meant that.
As soon as you’d arrived, nearly an hour ago, the youngest had introduced himself in a very bubbly manner, with an enthusiastic handshake and brilliant smile to boot. The turtle was dressed in a snug, orange turtleneck (of all things), a mask that matched the color of the shirt, and deep brown pants. He mentioned his name was Mikey as he continued shaking your hand, much to your amusement and confusion.
A taller turtle, clad in blue with a major lack of clothing, save for his mask, gloves, spats, and a fanny pack, had gently shoved his younger brother away, saying something along the lines of “let’s not dismember the first new person we’ve met in a while.”
That one introduced himself as Leo, or, as he added, “the coolest one.” You were fairly certain you’d just call him by his name.
Next, you were greeted by an approximately six-foot-tall turtle mutant. Though he seemed intimidating, he offered a rather demure hello, only telling you his name, Raph, when April nudged him with her elbow.
The entire time you’d stood just in the doorway, trying to process the whole situation. You were quickly brought out of your stupor by your friend snapping in front of your face, at which point you offered up your own name.
With the greetings out of the way, you barely had time to set down the gift you brought with the other ones on a side table in the small, comely kitchen and get a drink before April dragged you into the living room to join the festivities, along with Sunita and Casey, who were busy imbibing and chatting.
Each guest helped comprise the good-natured atmosphere and the gaggle of silly geese that was partaking in Cards Against Humanity.
Speaking of the game, it had been getting out of hand.
A white card about a snapping turtle biting an appendage in an unsavory manner had made the tallest turtle, Raph, grow fairly embarrassed, his face about as red as his mask while Casey and Leo razzed him.
Many a vulgar word was jokingly thrown out about certain celebrities.
Even more out of pocket things were exchanged through round after consecutive round.
Once you passed a card to the correct player, you mindlessly brought your cup to your lips, tilting it back and waiting for your sweet refreshment to grace your tongue. However, the endeavor proved unsuccessful, and as you scrutinized it, you noticed a severe lack of drink.
Well, you figured that in between rounds was the best time to leave the living room and the game to get something else to imbibe.
You leant up from where you’d been burrowed in the crevice of the couch, the sudden shift and lack of warmth drawing your proximate companion’s attention.
“You all good?” April inquired politely as you stood up.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Just getting a refill,” you rattled your cup, as if proving it bereft of beverage, and exchanged smiles with your pal.
As you stepped around other various cups along the ground, the blue one- er, Leo started to read through the cards he’d been given. “Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s the amount of baby carrots-”
His voice trailed out of range as you dipped into the kitchen, mostly grateful for having avoided the rest of that sentence that made laughter burst out from the other room.
You merely shook your head with lighthearted amusement and crossed the room to two-liter drinks sitting on the counter. You rested one elbow on the countertop while your other hand generously poured yourself another glass.
Suddenly, the sound of three heavy raps at the front door drew your attention, your hand almost spilling the drink as you startled.
You set the bottle down, crossing back over by the door. With the ruckus coming from the living room entrance to your left, you assumed, likely correctly, that no one else had heard it. Welp, duty called.
So, you peered through the peephole to view who had knocked, only to see a hooded figure. Under their arm, an ornate metal box that you could only imagine to be a present was tucked. 
Though you couldn’t exactly discern who was there, the gift and overall relaxed demeanor of the person was enough to convince you to open the door.
The figure before you sighed loudly, almost out of breath. They then seemed to draw in a large breath, as if preparing to start a speech of some sort, but stopped themself.
A purple hoodie hung cozily off his torso, the lavender tint only slightly lighter than that of his mask, but not off enough for them to not work cohesively. Gray cargo pants, intricately adorned with zippers and pockets, complemented the other apparel, and matched the shade of a jewel hanging off of a delicate chain loosely around his neck.
You took in more of his features as your eyes roved over his character.
Amber eyes. Warm enough. Almost inviting if not for the subtle distaste, possibly sleepiness, written in the creases of his lower lids. His eyes, however, were not the most obvious quality about him.
No, that distinction just about had to belong to the fact that he was a turtle.
Yeah, that seemed about right. April had been ranting to the three other turtle mutants about the lack of their brother, who you guessed to be the man right in front of you.
A jade, three-phalanged hand raised, offered a slight twitch of its wrist. His hand. A wave.
You stirred yourself from your thoughts, hoping you hadn’t come across as rude for ruminating a moment, and returned a polite wave of your own.
“Hey!” you greeted nicely, taking a step back to give him room and passage into the apartment. “I’m presuming you’re Donatello?”
For a second, you thought you’d heard the name wrong, based on how he uncomfortably sucked in a deep breath through his teeth. Before you could correct yourself, he spoke up.
“Bold of you to presume, but I can’t say you’re not correct,” Donatello shrugged as he let himself inside. You shut the door behind him. He cleared his throat. “Sticking with the theme of presumptions, and the fact that you called me by my government name, I’d say April’s ticked?”
Despite how you tried to hide your caution, your eyes still widened, and you gave a weary smile. “I think that the card games have calmed her down a bit, but I’d still tread lightly.” The conversation paused, neither of you knowing where to continue it before you thought of something he said. “Do you go by another name?”
He blinked quickly, pondering what you meant before catching on. “Donnie,” he mumbled.
You nodded, sharing your own name. You continued on, not wanting to go back to the awkward atmosphere of about twenty seconds prior. “Well, presents are over there,” you tilted your head toward the table where a few other gift bags were sitting, “and there are drinks on the counter.” You gestured behind you with a point of your thumb. “Everyone’s in the living room playi-”
“Well, look who finally decided to show up,” a familiar voice sounded from the living space entryway. April. She did not sound pleased.
Unsurprisingly, as you pivoted toward her, you noticed she didn’t look pleased either. Hands on her hips, lips in a pout. This Donnie fellow was in some deep trouble.
The terrapin froze from where he was setting down his metallic box, raising his hands. “Ah, April! Happy birthday?”
O’Neil was not having it.
“D, show up to my birthday on time, and then you get to wish me happy birthday” April bit back before heading to the counter and grabbing your drink for you. “Sorry about that,” she smiled pleasantly at you and, having seen April get peeved before, you knew to just smile and thank her.
Quip exchanged and turtle thoroughly perturbed, you followed April back into the cozy living space. You glanced back over your shoulder to see if he had even moved yet, but he still looked flabbergasted and left trying to formulate a response as he left your view.
You reclaimed your spot on the couch, easing back into the game. After only a few moments, the purple one emerged from the kitchen, drink in hand and dourness on his face. He lackadaisically glanced at the empty spot beside you on the couch and, once you scooted over slightly, plopped down next to you with a soft thud.
All of the other partygoers seemed very amused at his air, especially Leo, who grinned wickedly. “Look who showed-”
“‘Nardo, just don’t and deal me in.” If Donnie’s tone didn’t cut the joke down quickly, the glance he shot his brother certainly did.
“Yeesh, alright.” His brother relented and thumbed out seven cards.
The turtle beside you physically recoiled upon seeing the name of the game. While the game kicked back up with Sunita’s turn to read a black card, you gave him a puzzled look. He elaborated on his reaction, saying “This is garbage tier entertainment. Practically the card game equivalent of pineapples on pizza.”
Your lips parted slightly, and you squinted, trying to grasp that analogy. However, it was absurd enough that you let out a small chuckle.
As the rounds pressed on, you kept sipping at your drink and exchanging the occasional remark with April or Donnie.
Once, Mikey had said a combination of words that was especially rank. Based on his scrunched-up face, you assumed the small turtle had no idea what he was talking about, but it was bad either way.
“I can hardly believe we’re partaking in something so crass,” Donnie whispered beside you and placed the back of his hand on his forehead theatrically in a tone that rested in a valley between sarcastic and sanctimonious. You homed in on the former.
“Yeah, yeah, absolutely revolting,” you agreed jokingly, not so subtly tucking the four black cards you had earned under the hand resting on your lap.
You two made eye contact long enough for small, guilty smiles to form on your faces. The two of you hardly stifled your rye chuckles enough to turn your attention back to the game at hand.
Despite his supposed disposition against the game and his late start, he ended up making it to five cards first and taking the game, much to everyone else’s shock and dismay.
“Huh. Crass, eh?” you snickered, earning a playful scowl from Donnie and an encouraging nudge from April’s elbow.
The good humor of the group followed you all as you moved into the kitchen for opening presents and cake.
The confection came first, the credit for baking it being attributed to the bubbliest turtle of the bunch, Mikey. He offered a bashful grin when April thanked him for it. Before anyone could get into the heavenly smelling sweet, Casey excitedly reminded you all that a rendition of happy birthday was due, slinging her arm tightly around April’s shoulders.
Raph counted you all off, everyone’s voices taking a gradual crescendo into singing.
Sure, the chorus of voices was probably singing in a different key each, but, overall, it wasn’t the worst execution of the song that you’d ever heard. Plus, the sentiment behind it was nice.
Following the song came the cutting and distribution of the cake, which was a spiced sponge with a light cream cheese frosting to pair. You practically melted at the flavor, passing your compliments along with the entire group to the baker.
Next came presents. April delighted in the soft throw blankets and candies and plushies she received, giving each stuffed toy aggressive hugs and names. An outlier from these cute gifts was a mace that April handled warily. Casey’s present. Speaking of Jones herself, she was waiting with bated breath to see April’s reaction. Upon receiving an uncertain thumbs up, Casey loudly cheered, poking Raph in the face and bragging the superiority of her present.
Another present that didn’t quite match the others was that metallic box you saw Donnie bring in earlier. When April opened it, it revealed a toaster-like piece of technology, filled to the brim with dials, levers, bells, whistles, the whole assortment.
It seemed very… technologically advanced.
April was… appreciative, albeit apprehensive, with pursed lips in a cautious smile. It made you wonder if something like this had been gifted and possibly backfired before.
You hadn’t much time to dwell on the thought, seeing as Donnie jumped immediately into a spiel on the workings of the toaster, which button did what, its functions, etc.
April listened for all of two minutes before moving onto the last present. Yours. You watched as she made her way through the cute sticker sheet of random objects on the top, the candy in the middle, her favorite kind, and finally to the pièce de résistance.
April went slack-jawed as she held it up: a customized hoodie with Warren Stone inside of a heart-shaped locket, the text reading “Warren, my beloved.” Her affinity for the news reporter was evident in the sheer number of times she brought him up, so her appreciation of the man became a running gag between you two. However, you couldn’t have imagined a better reaction as she squealed and gave you a big hug.
Thank you’s and you’re welcome’s were shared between April and everyone there, and by that point, it was time to call it a day. Not before a huge group chat was formed with everyone in attendance and contact information was exchanged.
Once you grabbed all of your things and made it to the door, you once again wished April a happy birthday, exchanged another hug with her, before you were on your way.
High on your enjoyable time with friends old and new, you happily skipped home. Your new companions certainly intrigued you, especially the one you’d exchanged many a quip and joke with.
You wouldn’t mind seeing him again soon.
Continued here
(I’m working on adding plot in here so this a fairly short addition, but now I've gotten the introductions through with! I hope you enjoy!)
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fregisabunnyboo · 1 year
💜𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭💜
Yo, so uh, this has some kinky shiz in it, beware
type: ✮just for funzies✮ genre: ✮smut✮ fandom: ✮ROTTMNT✮ character(s): ✮Runa O’Crest, Donatello Hamato, Raphael Hamto, Lenardo Hamato, Michangelo Hamato, April O’Neil✮ crossovers?: ✮none✮ tags: none! Just for fun!
TW// !!this is smut if you are comfortable with this, please leave!!
Summary: Donatello leaves during family movie night to take care of some “personal issues,” and gets busted.
They had been planning this for weeks, literal weeks. The Jupiter Jim Movie marathon was about to begin. And Donatello was dreading it.
“Why so glum, hombre?” Leo said, wrapping an arm around his brother’s neck, stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
Donnie scowled at the talking with food in his mouth, “I’m not ‘glum,’ I’m simply tired.” He tried to play cool, knowing if he slipped up, this could be the end of him. 
“Don, you say that every time we have a family thing,” Leo frowned, pulling away. “Do you just not want to spend time with your family?”
Donnie quickly retracted his words, “No! No! It’s just-... Never mind. I’ll go help Mikey with the soda.” Donnie resisted the urge to spill everything right there onto Leo’s face, but he didn’t. He knew he could trust Leo, but Donnie also knew, no, he couldn’t trust Leo.
“Michael, I'm here to help.” Donnie announced, walking into the kitchen.
“Great! Could you hand me the thingy?” Mikey gestured to the soda flavoring on the counter. Donnie handed it to him and rested on the counter, his shell leaning on the rounded edge of the island.
Donnie was caught up in thought.
It’s about time he admitted something; he really liked Runa. A lot more than just a friend. A lot more than a girlfriend. He didn’t know what it was, but he absolutely loved every aspect of her. Runa’s hair, her eyes, the way she could get so heated over a video game. 
He smiled at the memory of Runa throwing down the controller and yelling, demanding a rematch and accusing Donnie of cheating.
He’d felt this way before, but never like this. His heart was constantly being torn every witch way and he hated it so much! Runa was not easy on his feelings, she always flirted with him and made him think she felt the same. Then, she’d turn around and express interest in other people. To say he was jealous was an understatement.
Donnie was great, but he couldn’t deny she deserved better than him. I mean, he’s getting jealous and they aren’t even dating!
What was he supposed to do? Admit his feelings and live forever in the friend-zone? Or keep a secret and carry this hate to everyone she dated?
“EARTH TO DONNIE, THE GIRLS ARE HERE.” Mikey cupped his hands and shouted into his ear.
“AH!” Donnie said, covering the side of his head where Mikey had shouted, “Okay, okay. I’ll grab the popcorn seasoning. Tell them I say ‘hi’ or whatever.”
Mikey looked at him, he’s been acting weird and now he wouldn’t even look at April or Runa? Orange frowned and swallowed the urge to ask about it, knowing he’ll never get an answer.
“Okay, I’ll be…sure to tell them.” Mikey said, debating on saying more.
By then, Donnie had already disappeared into the pantry. The girls walked into the Lair, holding extra pillows and blankets to make a fort.
“Hey, y’all!” April shouted happily behind the mountain of pillows, walking into the Lair. “We brought extra!”
Runa was holding the blankets, all neatly folded and stacked. She carried them in one hand, blanching them perfectly.
“And Runa brought the blankets for the walls of the fort,” April pointed out as they both walked over to the couch and started constructing the fort.
Raph started to help build the fort, making sure it was sturdy on each side. Leo helped set up the inside, making sure it was comfortable and big enough for everyone.
After the movie got started, everyone got comfortable in their respective spots; April and Leo, accompanied by Mikey, under the tent, Raph sitting on the floor crisscrossed, with Runa and Donnie sitting on the couch a few feet apart.
He stole a few glaces to Runa, making him look back at his popcorn in shame.
Everything was going well, popcorn was warm, drinks were cool, jokes being made. So what was this uneasy feeling pulling at him? It just felt like everything was bothering him. It wasn’t a bad bother, just a uncomfortable one.
Donnie needed to leave, “I’m-I’m gonna go guys.” He chocked out hesitantly, smiling nervously.
“Alright, see ya,” was the general response. Except for Runa, “Where’re you going, Donnie?”
“Ah- You know, I just need a little break.” He lied.
“Oh, okay. See you in a few then.” Runa said, setting down her popcorn.
“SHUUUUSHHHH.” Leo said obnoxiously. Donnie rolled his eyes.
The purple turtle krept down the hallway and into his bed room, making sure to shut the door behind him. He went over the the small bed-side table and pulled out one of the drawers. He scooted some clothes to the side to reveal underwear.
Woman’s underwear.
He pulled them up by the lace hem and looked at them with a tired and slightly uneasy face. Donnie started to get undressed, taking off his large shirt first, then his pants.
Now he knew what the uncomfortable was. His dick, making a ruckus. The organ stood up tall, ready to be pleased. Sometimes, it had a mind of it’s own. Now, Donnie could feel the dusting of blush around his cheeks and nose, making a line across his features.
He pulled the undergarments to his snout, sniffing them. His thing twitched, awaiting the soon forceful hand that would stroke it to completion.
Donnie hated having to please himself like this. He knew it was wrong, gross, kinky and downright perverted; but he didn’t care anymore. It tasted so good.
Ever since he got a hold of her underwear, it’s been the only thing that could calm him down.
Runa had been the core problem, and now he was dealing with the after affects.
Why couldn’t she have just stayed all prissy? Why couldn’t they just go back to hating each other? Why’d she have to make him fantasize about her like this?
Almost all of the scent from the undies where gone, he could only really smell his breath. Donnie started to suckle on them after the pure stench alone stopped doing it for him. Damn, she tasted good.
Only to be actually tasting her, his tongue lapping up all the juices that flowed out of her, like water on a hot day. To hear her pant, and moan his name. To imagine her tied up and oh, so helpless.
To feel her tight pussy over his cock, creaming because she couldn’t handle him. To hear her scream to slow down.
The hand around his dick tightened, trying to get him to his climax as quickly as possible.
The things he wanted to do to her. Of course, he would never hurt her! Just tie her up and make her beg for him.
Donnie hadn’t even noticed himself growing louder, his once quite huffs now grew to loud groans as he flung his head back in pleasure, the image of Runa’s face flashed in his mind. He was so close! Damn, why did he have be able to go so long?
“What’s taking Donnie so long?” Runa whispered out loud to herself.
“If you wanna see him so bad, just go check up on him.” Leo said with a sarcastic flaunt in his voice.
“Fine,” Runa huffed, getting up, “I will!”
Runa crept carefully down the halls, making it to Donnie’s room; soft moans and breathy groans were emanating from his room, bouncing off the walls and into her ears.
Runa blushed at the naughty thought that entered her head, shaking away the idea, she approached the door.
He’s probably working out, she thought, her face still red with embarrassment. She knocked on the door lightly, opening it slightly to peak in.
“Donnie?” She asked, opening the door slowly, only giving Donnie enough time to attempt to cover himself, underwear still on snout and a bewildered look on his face.
“What are you-...Oh, oh my...” was the only shocked expression Runa could muster out, gazing at his redden face, his exposed and twitching member, and her underwear and his snout!
“It-It’s not what it looks like!” He said quickly, trying to push his peaking dick back down, only to make it jump back up.
Runa could only stare at it, his thighs, covered in sweat and pre-cum. Her eyes made their way back up to his face.
“Then, what is it?” She asked, her personality snapping back into action.
Donnie was at a loss for words. What was he supposed to say? “Oh, yeah, I’ve actually been getting off to your underwear for the past few months”?
“I-.. Uh-...” He looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to say anything.
“Are those mine?” She hissed, surprisingly no disgust in her voice.
“Uh...” Donnie couldn’t lie, “Y-Yes...”
“And where you... eating them?”
“No, I was, uh, sucking on them...” That answer wasn’t any better.
“Give them back, I-I don’t want to give you access to these anymore.” Runa held out her hand expectantly, looking away. She stole glaces at Donnie as he slowly pulled himself away from the edge of his bed, taking the underwear out of his mouth and placed it in her hand.
The swift movement made only more awkward as their hands touch, making Donnie wince and Runa’s face heat more.
Donnie didn’t know if he should sit back down and continue or just stand there until she left.
“Runa...” Donnie started, holding his arm and looking down shamefully, “I-I don’t know what came over me. I just-... I didn’t mean to go that far.”
“What? Is that how you apologize for using my underwear as a cum rag?” Runa fumed, keeping it quite.
“Yes?” Donnie smiled nervously, “And I wasn’t using it as a cum rag, that’s disgraceful to someone so beautiful.”
The words struck her, a pang in her heart, the thought to do something impulsive. It all came too fast. Beautiful? Was he joking?
After a moment of processing, and reflecting, she finally opened her mouth.
“Are you serious?” She asked, genuinely intrigued now, “You think I’m beautiful?”
“M-More then beautiful,” Donnie hesitated, “I don’t know how to describe you, you’re so amazing.”
Runa blushed, out of all the times he choose to flirt...
Then, Runa got an idea. 
She stuffed the wet underwear into her back pocket and slowly started to descend to her knees, resting on them in front of Donnie.
“What are you doing?” He said quickly, following her with his eyes.
“Giving you want you want,” She purred, “May I?”
Donnie’s eyes widened before vigorously nodding, “Mhmm! Go ahead!”
“Don’t act so excited for me.” She smirked.
Donnie’s slightly annoyed expression came back to his features, “Just suck it.”
Runa hummed as she slid her hands to Donnie’s thighs, placing them firmly on his sides and squeezing, making his dick throb.
Runa licked the top of her mouth, trying to get the most saliva on her tongue as she could. She opened her mouth wide, letting Donnie see all the goodness he was about to feel. 
She slowly slide her mouth over the thick member, feeling every bit of it with her tongue. It was smooth and hot, being more thick on the tip then the base. The deep purple melded perfectly with the pastel pink of her tongue, making Donnie groan slightly.
Donnie looked at her at with the most fucked-up face she’d ever seen, he looked totally wasted. He was panting, beads of sweat forming on his face. Runa was getting him riled up, and she knew it. Runa started to moan, making Donnie wince and heave. 
Then, without warning, Donnie grabbed the back of Runa’s head and shoved it forward, making her gag. After she adjusted, he started continue to shove her face into his dick, making muffled moans. The slopping of the two organs together sounded like music to Donnie’s ears.
After a few minutes of face-fucking, he felt close, “Mmm, just a few more.. A-And I’ll be good, baby.” He panted.
Runa looked up, face full of saliva and pre-cum, “Mmm,” she said, Donnie’s hard cock still in her mouth. Suddenly, she took him all back in, sucking hard then dragging her teeth along the length of his cock.
Donnie didn’t even care about volume anymore; he moaned out loudly as he came, letting it get caught in her mouth as she swallowed some, letting the rest paint her face in a wondrous white.
Donnie bent down, grabbing the side of her mouth and spreading it open to see his seed sitting in her mouth. He moved his thumb from her mouth to her check, giving her a heated kiss, pulling away and leaving a string of cum and spit.
Runa laughed, her eyelids felt heavy and she felt tipsy, but still fully sober. She didn’t know how to describe it, but it was so intoxicating.
“Hmm,” Donnie hummed, sitting on the side of his bed, “I still seem to be aroused, despite cumming, heh, quite a lot.”
“Mmm, maybe you need more then just oral,” Runa smiled lazily, picking herself up and started to strip of her sweat pants. Donnie stared as she removed the pants. He could feel himself starting to get hard again.
As soon as she started to waddle over, Donnie felt his heart explode. He couldn’t take it, this was it, he finally getting what he wanted. Once she started to get comfortable sitting on his lap, and started rubbing his thighs, he stopped her.
“Runa,” He breathed, “Once I start, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop, dear. I don’t want to hurt you. Soft shell turtles are naturally... more aggressive.”
Runa licked her lips, “Good, this’ll be more fun.”
Runa positioned herself on Donnie’s lap, grinding on his exposed dick with her covered pussy, making Donnie’s face go to that of uncomfortable. He grabbed Runa by the hips and flipped her over, now standing between her open legs.
Donnie looked at helpless she’d become. He chuckled deviously, “I’m gonna make you regret asking me to be rough.”
Runa saw the animistic lust in his eyes, knowing there’s no humanity left. Her face burst into flames, her tail flicking back and forth. She bit her lips as Donnie put a hand on her back and guided her up softly, making her sit on the edge of the bed. 
Donnie went and grabbed his battle shell, smirking, he looked back at her in her underwear and shirt. He pulled out what seemed to be a video recorder, and some kind of rope?
Runa’s stomach got heavy butterflies.
He set up the camera and stood behind it, pointing it at Runa.
“Okay, strip.” He commanded, licking his teeth behind the camera.
“Wha-?” Runa blushed, you could probably see all her freckles inder the thin layer or fur on her face.
“You heard me,” He huffed, slightly upset at the repetitive command, “Strip.”
She started to slowly take of her shirt, making sure get his attention with a sway of her hips. After the shirt was off, she reached for her bra, giggling her breasts. She moaned his name slightly, trying to keep herself quite in case he didn’t want her to say anything.
“Say it again.” He demanded.
Runa started to play with her breasts now, moaning his name with every touch. Donnie looked down at his dick, now wet with pre-cum again. He huffed and commanded her to get on all fours.
“Now take them off.”
Runa slowly slid down her panties, purple and laced, teasing. After they were off, she waved her hips back and forth, moaning. Donnie stopped the camera and grabbed the rope. It was a soft velvet, so it wouldn’t hurt her.
Donnie helped Runa back up, taking the time to admire her dripping pussy. He flipped her over onto some pillows, making sure she was comfortable before tying her up with the velvet rope.
Runa laughed a bit, “Damn, you really know what you want, darling.”
“Yeah, I want you begging for my cock.” He said smugly, stroking his member, getting the pre-cum under his tip and around the largest areas, making it slick. Runa squirmed at the sight, making her eyes well up with tears as she pleaded with Donnie.
“Please, Don,” She begged, “If you’re going to fuck me, ju-just do it already! I can’t watch you, please, I need you inside me, ah~!”
“Hush now, dear.” He quieted her with a small handkerchief, embroidered with his initials, “You have to watch first, make sure you can take all of me.”
“Donnie, ugh!” Runa struggled against the velvet, “I’m a rabbit! I’m built to be bread!” She cried.
Donnie chuckled, stroking his dick again, “If you say so, but if I rip your uterus in half, just say I warned you.”
“Ah~! Don’t say things like that!” Runa’s face got more red, he cupped it, now leaning over her and positioning himself near her entrance. He leaned down and kiss her, whispering a sweet “Are you ready, love?”
Runa nodded her head as he started to enter his tip into her, making her moan and wiggle.
“Stay still, and it won’t be so painful,” He warned.
Runa sat still and let him enter her more, almost immediately adjusting to his huge cock, that was almost double the original size. She moaned as he started to go all the way in, her pussy sucking him in, encouraging him to go deeper.
The words echoed in Donnie’s head, “built to be bread?” Tch, we’ll see.
Donnie got comfortable once more at started at a slow pace making her moan with every slap of skin. The way her thighs and tits bounced with every strong thrust made him groan. He watched her arms struggle to try and get free of the velvet, groping at the rope, trying to grab and scratch at something.
Donnie grabbed he thighs, pulling out to kiss and bite them, talking into them. “Mmm, who’s my beautiful princess?”
“I-I am, Donnie.” She huffed out, her face scrunching up and her eyes closed.
“Good girl,” He stopped kissing her legs and pondered the name, “Hmm, plane old Donnie doesn’t sound good enough. Call me ‘Daddy’, m’kay, love?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy.” Runa stuttered out.
“Good.” Donnie lined himself back up with her hole, taking it slow once again.
“Da-Daddy, please, rail me.” Runa begged.
“If you insist, princess.” Donnie started to go faster, the skin slapping together made the sounds of the moaning die down.
Donnie started going even faster, making Runa moan, almost scream, before Donnie put the handkerchief back in her mouth to muffle the noise as he continued to rail her. He gripped his sheets, instinctively biting Runa’s neck, pinning her down.
Donnie just let his instincts run wild in that moment, scratching at the sheets, biting and humping the life out of Runa. After the felt himself getting close, he finally released his teeth from Runa’s soft skin and pulled out, seeing Runa had already came at least 4 times.
Donnie smirked as he saw her cream pour out of her, he took out the handkerchief and looked at her lovingly. 
“Where do you want it, Love?” He asked, stroking her cheek.
Runa groaned, “I-In me, Daddy! Please, cum in me, ah~!”
Donnie looked away, nervously. He wanted so bad to just cum inside her and clam her as his own. Watch his seed flow out of her with a beautiful white stream.
But at the same time, he didn’t want to be responsible for getting her pregnant. He wasn’t ready to be a father.
“Darling,” He said calmly, “Are you on the pill?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Runa answered, still clearly drunk on love, “Just, put your dick in me already! Fill me up with your seed, mm~.”
“If you insist, Princess.” Donnie started to rail her again, making sure to hit her spot, making her wiggle.
After she screamed as he came inside her, he pulled out, now fully able to relax. He untied Runa as she rubbed her writs and panted. He watched his juices flow out of her, he felt like he had done a good job. A sense of affection and pride welled in him.
Donnie gazed at her, pulling her by her waist into him, kissing her forehead. He hugged her close to him and laid down, with Runa laying on his chest. Donnie started stroking her hair and rubbing her ears, humming a soft song.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Donnie asked.
“More then enjoyed, God, you’re so good.” Runa said happily, making a kiss noise at the tip of his nose.
“Thank you, baby.” Donnie smiled, catching his breath, “Does thins mean we’re dating now?”
“No, I think we’re married now.” Runa said.
Donnie laughed, oh, she was serious. “Well, I couldn’t imagine anyone else to be my wife.”
“Really?” Runa looked at him with earnest, “You really mean it?”
“Oh, hell yeah,” Donnie smiled, “You’re the cutest badass this planet has ever seen.”
“Mmm, you make me so happy, Donnie.” Runa yawned.
“I’m glad, darling.”
“Hey, Leo,” April nudged Leo, making him look over at her with a disgusted look for interrupting his hyper-fixation.
“What?” Leo snarled.
“Did you ever find out what that noise was?” April asked.
Leo’s face went red, “Well, lets just say Donnie was doing some stuff. And that stuff is Runa,” Leo snarked.
The rest of the family looked at each other uncomfortably.
“Turn up the volume, Mike,” Raph said, looking visibly uncomfortable.
They didn’t bother getting Runa or Donnie for breakfast the next morning.
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newstfionline · 2 days
Sunday, September 22, 2024
The revival of Three Mile Island (Washington Post) Pennsylvania’s dormant Three Mile Island nuclear plant would be brought back to life to feed the voracious energy needs of Microsoft under an unprecedented deal announced Friday in which the tech giant would buy 100 percent of its power for 20 years. The restart of Three Mile Island, the site of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history, would mark a bold advance in the tech industry’s quest to find enough electric power to support its boom in artificial intelligence. The plant, which Pennsylvanians thought had closed for good in 2019 amid financial strain, would come back online by 2028 under the agreement, according to plant owner Constellation Energy.
Back to the Cold War: Russia uses Mexico as a hub for spying on the U.S. (NBC News) Russian intelligence services are building up their presence in Mexico for spy operations targeting the United States, a return to Cold War tactics by an increasingly aggressive regime, according to U.S. officials and former intelligence officers. Russia has added dozens of personnel to its embassy staff in Mexico City in the past few years, even though Moscow has only limited trade ties with the country. U.S. officials say the trend is concerning and believe the extensive buildup is aimed at bolstering the Kremlin’s intelligence operations targeting the U.S., as well as its propaganda efforts aimed at undermining Washington and Ukraine. CIA Director William Burns said earlier this month his agency and the U.S. government are “sharply focused” on Russia’s expanding footprint in Mexico, which he said was partly the result of Russian spies being expelled from foreign capitals after Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. “Part of this is a function of the fact that so many Russian intelligence officers have been kicked out of Europe. … So they’re looking for places to go and looking for places in which they can operate,” Burns said.
More than 100 killed or missing as Sinaloa Cartel war rages in Mexico (Reuters) Some 53 people have been killed and 51 others are missing in Mexico’s western Sinaloa state since rival factions of the Sinaloa Cartel began clashing on Sept 9, local authorities said on Friday, with gruesome violence showing no signs of abating. The trigger for the conflict between the two most powerful factions of the Sinaloa Cartel, a drug gang, dates back to July, when legendary trafficker and leader of one of those groupings, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, was arrested in the United States. Since fighting broke out on Sept 9, shootouts have disrupted daily life in the capital, Culiacan, where schools have had to close on some days while restaurants and shops shuttered early.
Haiti’s insecurity is worsening as gangs seize more territory, UN rights expert says (AP) A U.N. human rights expert warned on Friday that gang violence is spreading across Haiti as a U.N.-backed mission targeting criminals in the troubled Caribbean country remains underfunded and understaffed. Haiti’s National Police still lack the “logistical and technical capacity” to fight gangs, which he said are encroaching on new territories as arms and ammunition flow into Haiti despite an international embargo, said William O’Neill, who visited Haiti this week. “Humanitarian consequences are dramatic,” he said, and warned of galloping inflation, lack of basic goods and “internally displaced people further increasing the vulnerability of the population, particularly children and women.” From April to end of June, at least 1,379 people were reported killed or injured in Haiti, and another 428 kidnapped, according to the United Nations.
Oktoberfest (AP) Thousands of beer lovers lined up early Saturday to be among the first to clink their mugs in an Oktoberfest tent as they waited for the world’s largest folk festival to begin for the 189th time. This year’s festival includes stepped-up security in the wake of a deadly knife attack in Solingen, a city roughly 470 kilometers (292 miles) northwest of Munich. The violence on Aug. 23 left three people dead and eight more wounded, and the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, without citing evidence. As a result, organizers added metal detectors to the security lineup for the first time in Oktoberfest’s history, but said there were no concrete threats.
With $39 Billion Loan for Ukraine, Europe Moves Ahead Without U.S. (NYT) The European Union’s top official said on a trip to Kyiv on Friday that Europe would offer Ukraine a loan of 35 billion euros, about $39 billion, backed by frozen Russian assets. European leaders said the loan would move forward initially without contributions from the United States, after talks between American and European officials stalled in recent days. The loan announced on Friday, which would provide Ukraine with a needed infusion of funds without increasing direct aid from the budgets of European countries, is smaller than the $50 billion that the United States and other large Group of 7 economies agreed to provide in June. Still, the loan announcement will be a relief to Kyiv, which is running out of money for acquiring weapons and for rebuilding damaged energy infrastructure as it heads into another winter at war.
Sri Lankans vote in a presidential election that will decide how it recovers from economic crisis (AP) Sri Lankans began voting Saturday in a presidential election that will determine the course of the country’s recovery from its worst economic crisis and resulting political upheaval. The election, contested by 38 candidates, is largely a three-way race among incumbent liberal President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Marxist-leaning lawmaker Anura Kumara Dissanayake, and opposition leader Sajith Premadasa. The results will show whether Sri Lankans approve of Wickremesinghe’s leadership over the country’s fragile recovery, including restructuring its debt under an International Monetary Fund program after it defaulted in 2022. Sri Lanka’s local and foreign debt totaled $83 billion at the time it defaulted, and the government says it has now restructured more than $17 billion. Despite a significant improvement in key economic figures, Sri Lankans are struggling under high taxes and living costs.
Heavy rain pounds northcentral Japan, which is still recovering from deadly quake (AP) Heavy rain pounded Japan’s northcentral region of Noto on Saturday which triggered landslides and swollen rivers to overflow, flooding homes and stranding some residents in the region still recovering from a deadly earthquake earlier this year. At least 12 rivers in Ishikawa breached their banks as of late Saturday morning, according to the Land and Infrastructure Ministry. Residents were urged to use maximum caution against possible mudslides and building damage. Up to 20 centimeters (7.8 inches) of rainfall is predicted in the region within the next 24 hours.
Israeli forces shove at least four men off West Bank roof, videos show (Washington Post) At least three Israel Defense Forces soldiers dropped, pushed and shoved four men over the side of a two-story building Thursday in the town of Qabatiya near Jenin in the occupied West Bank, a Post analysis of nearly a dozen videos and photos showed. It was not clear if the men were still alive at the time, though their bodies were motionless. At least two were bound and one was kicked off the roof of the building. The incident came after an Israeli raid targeting militants in the area that included at least one exchange of fire near the building, which sits just behind two school buildings. The IDF, asked to comment on the footage, said in a statement: “This is a serious incident that does not coincide with IDF values and the expectations from IDF soldiers. The incident is under review.”
An Israeli strike on a school kills at least 22 people (AP) An Israeli strike on a school in northern Gaza on Saturday killed at least 22 people, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, while the Israeli army said that it targeted a Hamas command center in what used to be a school. Another 30 were wounded in the strike on the school in the Zeitoun area of Gaza City, the ministry said in a statement. Most of the casualties were women and children, it said. Dozens of people including children dug through the rubble of the building — its ceilings caved in, walls knocked out and a mess of wires and metal rods visible. Outside, others gathered around shrouded bodies. Some covered their faces as they wept for relatives killed in the strike. “A missile, a missile from the plane hit us, and another missile,” said Ferial Deloul, who is displaced. “We saw the whole world covered with smoke and stones and we saw people and children cut up. … What should we do? What is our fault for this to happen to us?”
With World’s Attention Shifting, Some in Gaza Fear They Will Be Forgotten (NYT) After nearly a year of war, fear marks everyday life for Palestinians in Gaza. There is fear of the Israeli warplanes that tear through the skies and carry out deadly airstrikes. There is fear of famine with only a trickle of aid coming in. There is fear of being displaced, yet again, by Israeli evacuation orders. And now, there is increasing fear of being forgotten. International attention has been diverted, first by deadly Israeli military raids into Palestinian cities in the occupied West Bank this month, and this week by coordinated attacks against the militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel’s leaders have increasingly signaled that they intend to shift their focus from the Gaza Strip to their northern border with Lebanon, in what the country’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, described this week as a “new phase of the war.” But the war it is already waging in Gaza has not gone away. Israel, which says it wants to eradicate the armed group Hamas that led the Oct. 7 attack, has not stopped its airstrikes or ground attacks. “Unfortunately, people see the attention going to the West Bank or Lebanon,” said Muhammad al-Masri, a 31-year-old accountant who has been forced to flee numerous times. “We don’t know what is going to happen here. It’s not just depression or misery. It’s a catastrophe in a terrifying way, and the situation is getting worse all the time.”
Senior influencers (Worldcrunch) The age of old age is upon us. As the global population of individuals over 65 continues to grow rapidly, society has begun to recognize the importance of including older adults in various aspects of life—from healthcare to employment and advertising. Major companies have also begun to recognize the importance of representation for older individuals: L’Oréal and Zara have launched campaigns featuring older models. Older individuals are taking matters into their own hands, particularly on social media platforms traditionally associated with younger users. These grey-haired influencers are gaining millions of followers on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, redefining what it means to grow older. Canada’s Edna Giordano, a 91-year-old fitness enthusiast from British Columbia, Canada, has captured the attention of many with her remarkable dedication to health and wellness. Living independently, she maintains an active lifestyle, going to the gym and gardening almost every day. Giordano didn’t start her fitness journey until she was in her 60s, after retiring from her job at a local hospital. Despite her age, she often surprises people around her, as many do not realize she is in her 90s. Her personal philosophy is that “age is just a number” and that the best gift one can give oneself is the ability to move and stay fit. She stars on her daughter’s account, which boasts 692,000 followers on Instagram.
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another-tmnt-writer · 4 years
You Fell From the Sky - Part 2
Leonardo x Reader
Author: Admin Mo
Summary: After falling from the sky and landing literally in the arms of your favorite turtle, it takes some adjustment to live in another reality, but with the help of the leader in blue, you’re getting used to it.
Note: Let it be known that I wrote the first part of this before I knew reality shifting was a thing, but now that I know it is……let me tell you, I am tempted…
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1.6k
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It had been three weeks. Three whole weeks living in the lair. You were over the moon. Honestly, it was spectacular. However, after three weeks without a phone charger (you’d been using it very, very sparingly and had it turned off most of the time) your phone was now at one percent. So, you popped into the lab, where Donnie was at the moment.
“Hey Donnie?” You asked tentatively, standing in the doorway.
“Oh, hey (Y/N)! Can I help you with something?” He asked, his voice friendly. He looked up at you, giving you his full attention from whatever he was working on.
“Um, do you have a phone charger I can use?”
“Of course!” He pulled open a drawer on his desk that was absolutely filled with charging chords of every time, meticulously organized with twist ties. “What kind do you need?”
“iPhone.” You said.
He reached into the drawer and handed you a ten-foot chord. “Here you go.”
“Thank you!” You smiled. “What are you working on, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I don’t mind!” He scooted over to let you see his screen. “I’m working on figuring out how to open an interdimensional portal right now. Sorry it’s taking me so long.”
“Don’t be sorry. This is literally groundbreaking work. You’re a genius, but I definitely didn’t expect you to do it overnight.”
“Well that’s reassuring.” He chuckled. “I’ll keep you posted. Don’t want to keep you here any longer than we have to.”
You knew he was kidding about the last bit, but your heart sank a little when he said it. You liked being at the lair. You liked spending time with the guys. Sure, you wanted to go home at some point, but you wished it didn’t have to come so soon.
“Thank you, Donnie.”
You left the lab to find Leo lingering just outside. He looked concerned, his arms crossed, head tilted, blue, blue eyes focused on you. “You okay?” he asked softly.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“No reason. You just seemed a little down.” He answered. He stared at you for a moment before remembering, “Oh, April is here. She brought you some more clothes.”
“Awesome. Thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it.” He shrugged, leading you back out to the living room, where Mikey was ranting about something to April and Casey while Raph listened and shook his head.
You stared at each of them for a long moment, absorbing. Megan Fox and Stephen Amell were standing like twenty feet away from you. It was overwhelming to say the very least. “Holy shit…”
“Hi! You must be (Y/N). I’m April. This is Casey.”
“Hockey puck has got a bit of a chip on his shoulder, but he means well.” Raph elaborated.
“This is so insane.” You laughed, smiling at them. “It’s incredible to meet you. The boys…told you where I’m from, right?”
“Yeah, they did.” April nodded. “That must have been quite the jump.”
“It was. I’m still…getting used to it, I guess.”
“Well, take your time.” She nudged Raph playfully. “They take some getting used to.”
“Hey!” Raph scoffed, nudging her back. “Ya took some getting used to yourself, O’Neil.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much.” Leo said, his eyes sparkling. “I think you’re fitting in just fine.”
You ignored the way your heart raced when he said it, replying with a smirk, “I agree.”
It was later that night. You were in the kitchen, baking with Splinter’s permission. He was in his room drinking tea and the boys were out on patrol. That was the other thing. Every time they left, you felt empty. You knew they’d be fine, but there was always a little bit of worry nagging in the back of your brain. What if they…weren’t?
So: stress-baking. The recipe of the evening? Chocolate chip cookies. They were a classic you were sure the boys would like. Your hair was up in a messy bun and you had some tunes playing from your phone. You scooped out the balls of cookie dough, setting them in careful rows on the pan before sticking them into the hot oven.
You baked for a few hours, rotating trays until you had a batch big enough to feed four hungry mutant turtles, their father, and yourself.
You switched off the oven, and right as you did, you heard their voices echoing through the tunnels until finally, they entered the lair.
“Good night?” You asked hopefully.
“Better now, angelcakes.” Mikey winked and then stopped in his tracks when he saw the steaming pile of fresh-baked cookies. His eyes widened and he gasped excitedly. “Are these for us?”
“Wow, she bakes, too, Leo.” Raph teased, reaching for a cookie in time with Donnie.
“Thanks, (Y/N),” said the turtle in the purple bandana.
“Of course.”
Leo went in for one last, still reeling a bit from Raph’s comment, his cheeks rosier than usual. He said softly, “Thank you for doing this.”
“Thank you for letting me crash here. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you guys finding me when you did.”
“It’s the least we could do.” Leo insisted.
“Alright, quit yer flirting. Let’s all go watch a movie or something.” Raph insisted, walking out towards the TV. The rest of you followed, and of course when you and Leo went to find seats, the only two that were left were right next to each other.
You settled in, blushing a bit. Raph had a smug smirk on his face.
“What?” You challenged, causing him to chuckle.
As it got later, it also got colder, and you soon found yourself shivering the slightest bit, wishing you’d thought to grab a blanket before the movie started like the rest of the guys had.
“Are you cold?” Leo asked.
Instead of telling him you weren’t like you wanted to, you nodded. Without hesitation, he pulled half of his large blue blanket onto your lap, letting you share his warmth. As if you weren’t blushing enough before, he just had to be a gentleman and fluster you even further.
“T-thanks.” You could have punched yourself for stuttering, but Leo didn’t seem to mind. He still kept a polite distance from you, his leg a good few inches from yours despite the blanket that was draped across you both.
You were quiet for the rest of the movie, and when it was over, Raph went to work out, Donnie retreated into his lab, and Mikey went to his room to scroll through TikToks on his phone. That left you and Leo sitting awkwardly under the large blue knitted blanket you were sure Raph had made. Maybe it had been a Christmas present or something. You weren’t sure.
“Not to give you déjà vu, but I’m sorry about Raph.” Leo chuckled. “I asked him to stop, so of course it only got worse.”
“I really don’t mind.” You told him, meeting his clear blue gaze. “That’s what brothers do, isn’t it?”
He laughed. “Yeah, I guess it is. Do you have any siblings?”
“No, unfortunately. I’m an only child. Grew up with my aunt because my parents couldn’t be bothered to actually parent.”
“Mmm.” Leo hummed, nodding.
“I guess that’s probably why I latched onto the idea of you guys so much as a kid. I liked the idea of a sibling bond like that. Working together as a team. Having a built-in group of friends to hang out with.”
“It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but we do work well together.” Leo agreed. “When we’re not bickering, that is.”
You were quiet for a moment, mustering up courage before you said, “He’s right, though. Raph, I mean.”
Leo stared at you, his eyes widening in half-realization. “What…how…what do you mean?” His voice cracked when he asked it, his heart pounding.
“Well…Leo, I’ve had a crush on you since I was fifteen years old; I doubt it’s going away anytime soon.”
He looked at you in shock, pretty sure he’d hallucinated what you just said. All he could reply with was a shaky, “On me?”
You laughed. “Yes, Leo. On you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same. I’m not even supposed to exist here.”
“I do. Feel the same.” He blurted. His statement was quick, but it was firm. Carefully, he took your hand in his large, green, three-fingered one and he was reminded just how different the two of you actually were. He was about to let go, but you squeezed his hand reassuringly. He laughed at himself, slightly embarrassed to be floundering in front of you, but it was out of his control. “I’m sorry, I’m new to this.”
“That’s okay.” You smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“I promise I’ll do my best to make you happy. Just let me know if I’m doing something wrong. I’m learning, after all.” His thumb rubbed the back of your hand. “And I know that…at some point you’re going to have to go back. But…I’m willing to make the most of whatever time we have.”
“Me too.” You nodded. A yawn slipped from your lips. It was getting late. You wouldn’t be surprised if the sun was already up. “I think it’s about time I got to bed.” You told him, standing up and setting the blanket on the couch.
Since you’d been there, the boys had created you a makeshift room of your own in one of the giant pipes in the wall, a little one with your own mattress and some bedding Raph had whipped up for you.
Leo stood up too, towering over you as soon as he did. You stood on your toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Goodnight.” Leo replied, smiling at you like you’d put the moon and stars in the sky with your bare hands. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.” You echoed, walking off towards your pipe, a new kind of warmth swirling around in your chest.
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12 days of Flash fics! Day 9 Overprotective
Summary: 12 flash fics that have nothing to do with the holidays but i thought would be fun to post one day at a time during the holidayyyssss (softly) aaaaaahhhhhh!
for: @dovelydraws
Characters: Mikey and Raph and April O’Neil
pairings: [wearing a mustache] oh you want to see a fanfic? sorry there’s not one here, but i think there’s one over there-(throws smoke bomb on ground snd runs away) eeeheheheehheh
Mikey’s face, which had been the embodiment of the smiley emoji, slowly fell as he lowered his poster board diagram. ”NO?” he asks Raph again.
The red masked turtle nodded, his fingers expertly knitting together a large red object (it was either a blanket or a circus tent at this point). “Yes.”
“So that’s a yes?” Mikey beamed again holding up the board.
“No, I said no.”
“But you just said, ‘yes’-“
“I mean YES my answer is NO.” Raph said.
“Wha-but” Mikey tapped at his board again. ”But I have so much data!”
“You mean a very well-done drawing of you five times taller than me surfing on a monster truck?”
“Aw you like it? I found this new drawing pen and it really helps me with shading-“ The youngest shook his head. “No, don't change the subject. Why can’t I go?”
“Because Dad left me in charge, and I said so?” Raph offered in a form of explanation, refocusing on his knitting. “I know you think I’m being mean but I can’t go with you, I have to keep an eye on the super grounded disaster twins,” Raph said nodding towards the bedrooms. Sensing he was being besmirched, Leo poked his head out of his room and cried, ”THIS IS A CONSPIRACY!!!!! UNJUST!!!!!”
“You both rode a robot bear covered in honey into a vegan supermarket. And tweeted about it.”
Leo raised his finger to argue before his face fell. “Okay, but the bear didn’t get grounded!” he said before throwing his curtain shut.
Raph let out a loud, pained sigh. “See the bull I gotta put up with? I really would go with you if I could.”
Mikey wanted to argue more, but his shoulders fell. ”Yeah, okay.” He rolled up his poster board.
“Um, I’ll go?”
Maybe it wasn't a good sign of how observant he was, but the fact he had forgotten April was even in the room made Mikey shriek in surprise before pausing. “Wait, really!?” he asked, tucking his fists under his chin excitedly before throwing his arms around April. “Thank you thank you thank you!!!!” The smallest looked to Raph again, face squished against April’s in what he hoped was a cute smile.
Raph rolled his eyes but let out a laugh. “Ok go have fun.”
“Wahooo!!” Mikey was already at the entrance, waving after them. “ Thanks guys! I’ll see you tonight!” he said, before ducking out with April close behind.
Leo poked his head out of his room. “Bring back honey!”
“Leo no,” Raph pointed. “Only good boys get honey.”
Leo narrowed his eyes. “Robo-boris would let me have honey,” he said. before sliding back into his room.
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ariel-snow-tmnt · 4 years
The new vigilantes
chapter 1 (prologue)
    In New York city, late at night, Ariel and her friends are having fun on the roof of a building in the summer. All five girls know that it’s dangerous to be out at this time of night, cause the Foot-clan are known to attack anyone that may see them commit a crime.
Ariel, a beautiful sixteen-year-old girl, has hair as red as the reddest rose and eyes as green as the greenest graze. She’s a ninjutsu master and a learning shinobi. She has multiple weapons. She wears a black belly shirt with black pants. She has snow flake’s shape tattoos on her both arms. She wears black boots with chains on them and a belt with chains on de side. She has a black choker. She is the youngest of her friends. She is known to fall in love easily. She mostly gets used by boys to get money or so they can get cuter girls. She gets hurt a lot by them. She loves huge thunderstorms. She is an orphan. She mostly loves to play video games and watch movies.
Rachel is the oldest of her friends. She is nineteen years old. She has black hair and brown eyes. She wears a red shirt and red jeans. She wears high heals and red bracelet. She’s also the most tempered one. She is still learning ninjutsu. She uses the twin Sai mostly. As the oldest of the group, she feels responsible if someone gets hurt. She tents to mostly pick up a fight with Ariel and Lea.
Then there’s Dana. she’s eighteen years old. She is the techno one. She is good with computers. She wears a purple dress with black legging. She wears glasses and her hair is brown with purple high lights. She’s has black high heals boots. She is learning ninjutsu like Rachel. She uses the Bo-staff. She is the one that creates the most fun things that can help them find the Foot-clan better. She is trying, mostly, to come up with a way to have the same weapon resistance then the Shredder.
Then there’s the party girl Mia. She wears a pink skirt and an orange tank-top. She has orange shoes and a pink neckless. She has blonde hair with orange and pink high lights up in a ponytail. Her eyes are sea blue. She’s seventeen and learning ninjutsu with nunchakus. She also loves video game and she loves to play tricks on the others. She is the one that can make anyone smile and laugh.
At last there’s Lea. She has blue eyes and blonde with a lot of blue high lights. She wears blue shoes and dark blue shorts. Her T-shirt is a light blue. She’s eighteen and is Ariel most trusted friend. She is the most advance in her learning of ninjutsu. She uses katanas. She is the most responsible one of all. She comes up with most of the attack plans and she convinces everyone to train event if they know most of their ninjutsu. She already has a boyfriend call Oliver and he’s also Ariel’s friend.
The girls are up there on the roof and having fun when Ariel sits down and the edge of the roof and looks down in the dark alley. She sees foot ninja stealing the jewelry shop.
Ariel: “Hey girls!’’ the girls go over to her and saw what is going on down there. The foot clan was robing a jewelry store which was not something to common to them. It was mostly the purple dragons that did those things.
Lea: “We should do something.” looks at the other girls
Rachel: “Like what! Its not our job to take care of the foot. It’s the vigilante’s job.”
Ariel: “Lets go Lea!” She jumped off the roof followed by Lea, Mia and Dana. Rachel sighs they followed them. They manage to stop the foot and return the jewelry to the owner. The five girls go back on the roof. Ariel sits on the edge of the roof with the others.
Out in the shadows, on another roof top, four brothers watch the girls from a distance. They mostly stay in the shadows and come out at night. They live in the sewer with their father. They are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They made a big lair from mostly nothing. All four of them know ninjutsu.
Leonardo is the leader in blue. He is the oldest. He tries to keep his brothers out of trouble. He watches over the city to help people in need.
Donatello has his way with machine. He is older than mickey. He’s the one that installed most of the security system. He has a job on the internet of programing and he created fake ID’s for him so he can have a Banque account. No one knows about how and when he learned to use a computer but everyone is happy to have him around.
Michelangelo is one of a kind and you know where to find him when it party time. He is the youngest. He has a cat name Clunk. He looks up at his brothers. He loves to play tricks on them and always manage to get on Raph’s bad side. He has an adorable personality. It mostly impossible to hate him.
Raphael has the most attitude in the team. He is the second oldest. He has a very short fuse. He is the strongest of his brothers and he care very much about them. He acts tough but he is sensitive.
Rachel looks at her watch and notice that it really late.
Rachel: “We should go home. It’s to get really late.” She looks over to the girls. Hoping that one of them will take care of Ariel.
Ariel: “Can I bunk at one of your places tonight?”
Lea: “I have Oliver coming home tonight.” She looks sadly over to Ariel.
Mia: “I’m going to my grandparents tonight. Sorry.”
Dana: “I will be working most of the night.”
Rachel: “I have to get up early tomorrow morning. I’m sorry Ariel.”
Ariel looks down sadly: “I understand.”
They all say their goodbyes to Ariel and leave. Ariel ends up alone on the roof. She takes out her phone and decide to call her oldest friend April O’Neil.
Ariel: “Hey April”
April: “Hey Ariel. Is everything alright?”
Ariel: “Yeah everything fine.’’ She sighs ‘‘Hum can I bunk over at your place tonight?”
April: “Sure! Your always welcome to my place. See you later then. Bye.”
Ariel hung up then sigh as she looks up at the sky. The brothers look at each other as Leonardo start to move closer to the edge of the roof as he wants to have a better look at her. Donatello follows quietly and stand by him.
Donnie: “what are you planning on doing?”
Leo: “we should try to find out who she is and why did her and her friends stop those foot soldiers? The more we know about them the easiest it will be for us to track them down if they do something stupid. But one thing for sure. Why doesn’t she leave like the others?”
Donnie: “Maybe she doesn’t have a home or she an orphan. But I heard her call April. She probably going to sleep there.” Looks over to his brother then back at Ariel and notice that she’s gone. Raphael walks over to them followed by Michelangelo. They all leave to go home.
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ourhouseishaunted · 4 years
Tagged by: @davids-cartoon-corkboard!
Instructions: Tag ten followers you want to get to know better!
Name: KP or Parker
Gender: Tentatively Woman
Star Sign: Scorpio Sun, Gemini Moon, and Virgo Rising. In short, I never get good horoscopes.
Height: I am. Barely 5′2″.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hogwarts House: I’m gonna be honest. I was never very into Harry Potter, and I last read it back in elementary school. The most formative experience with the fandom was anonymously sending in a confession to this one Harry Potter confessions blog as a whim and getting a death threat in the notes. I do not know my Hogwarts House. If I had to guess, I would tentatively say Ravenclaw.
Favorite Animal: Stingrays!!! They’re so cute they’re like water puppies.
Average Hours of Sleep: I have always had horrible insomnia. I get like 6ish hours on good nights, 3/4 on bad ones
Current Time: 1:08 am
Dogs or Cats: Cats! I volunteer at a cat cafe once a week and I just love them. Dogs are good too but it’s no contest for me.
Blankets I Sleep With: I’ve got three on my bed, in part bc pressure stim good, and in part bc my bedroom get Cold at night.
Dream Job: Journalist or writer of some kind! Maybe a college English professor
When I Made My Blog: God like, three years ago? Circa-2017ish. Seems like way too long ago and at the same time I feel like I’ve been here way longer.
Followers: 394
Why I Made a Tumblr: I’m gonna be honest I Do Not Remember. This was one of the first social media accounts I ever made though.
Reason For My URL: I am lesbian who loves April O’Neil, and who also thinks she is a lesbian. I am but a simple person
People I’d Love to Get to Know: @scopophobia-polaris, @gayspiderpunk, @honeyedpaper, @val-ocity, @sunchangeling, @edensjorts, @gaydraxum, @lesbianlylalay, @looneyfrechie or anybody whos interested! No pressure!
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homesweetsewer · 6 years
Harmless (Donatello x Fem Reader)
This one kind of got away from me...I may add to it later, I haven’t decided yet:)
Part 2 is HERE
Part 3 is HERE
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Anger welled up inside of you once again as you watched April cozy up to Casey, linking her fingers through his as the three of you traversed the sewer tunnels in route to the turtles’ lair hidden deep beneath the streets of New York. You trudged along behind the giggling pair, boxes of pizza held firmly in your grip as you bit your tongue to keep from snapping at the other woman...and Casey, too, for that matter. It hurt to watch. The pain wasn’t for yourself, though. You hurt for Donatello.
The sweet, smart, bespectacled turtle was head over shell in love with April O’Neill. You knew this because, if the smitten way Donnie acted when she was around wasn’t enough of a clue, he’d come straight out and confided his attraction to the other woman to you...and that did hurt you as you were pretty damn sure that you were completely and irrevocably in love with him. Not that he’d ever notice, not with April filling his every waking thought. It was a difficult revelation for you to come to terms with and you had your bad days, certainly, when Donnie would mention how beautiful April looked or how wonderful she smelled and all you’d want to do was find some dark corner and cry your eyes out. But, you didn’t.
You’d decided to be the bigger person and an even better friend. All you wanted was for Donatello to be happy and, as much as it pained you, if April was able to do that for him you wouldn’t stand in the way. In your eyes, his well-being and happiness took precedence over your breaking heart. And so you’d patiently listen as he sung her praises, give advice when asked, and steadfastly encourage him whenever he was feeling down. All the while you’d feel as though someone was twisting a knife in your heart but you’d never let on. Getting to spend time with him and see his smile, though, made it all worth while...almost.
It hadn’t escaped your notice that April seemed almost blissfully unaware of the turtle’s major crush on her. Or, you mused, maybe she did know. Regardless of what she did or did not know, she’d flirt with him, seeming to delight in the way he’d become a stuttering, fumbling mess in her presence. At first, you resented it...he never blushed or stumbled over his words when you were around. He seemed to have zero qualms where interactions with you were concerned and conversation always seemed to flow easily between the two of you like water from a tap. Eventually, you’d resigned yourself to the idea that the the purple-masked ninja would never see you in a romantic light. You hid your disappointment well but was happy for Donnie that his affection seemed to be returned. If anyone deserved a bit of happiness it was the turtles...and in your eyes, at least, especially Donatello.
Then, purely by chance, you’d stumbled upon April and Casey Jones in a diner near your apartment and you honestly weren’t sure how you managed not to lose your mind. The two were tangled together in a booth in the very back of the small restaurant, engaged in a heavy make out session as they awaited the arrival of their order. The feeling of betrayal and righteous indignation that came over you was enough to have you seeing red and the only thought in your head being how glad you were a certain turtle wasn’t with you to witness the scene playing out before you. The strangled gasp that left your throat must have done a fine job of conveying that fact as the pair sprang apart to stare up at you wide-eyed.
Casey grinned up at you, obviously pleased with how things had been going before your arrival, “Oh, hey!”
“H-hi,” April had stuttered, her face flushed and her lipstick slightly smeared. “What, uh, what are you doing here?”
Instead of answering you looked back and forth between the two of them, asking a question of your own, “Are you two, like, a thing now?”
Casey, oblivious as usual, nodded enthusiastically, “Totally a thing.”
“Yeah,” April tentatively confirmed. “For about a month now...”
“A month?!” Your eyes widened as your thoughts spiraled, concern for the lovesick turtle first and foremost on your mind. “What? How?”
The woman shrugged, “It just sort of happened.”
Thankfully, at that moment, the man at the counter called out their order number and Casey rose from the booth to retrieve their tray. “Back in a sec, babe,” he crooned, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek before heading off across the diner.
“What the hell are you doing,” you hissed angrily, catching the other woman off guard once Casey was out of earshot.
April sputtered in shock, “Wh-what are you talking about?”
Your gaze hardened, “What are you doing dating Casey and still stringing Donnie along?”
“I’m not stringing anyone along,” April shook her head, a slight smirk playing on her lips. “It’s not a big deal...just some harmless flirting.”
“Harmless?” You frowned, your hands balling into fists at your sides. “Maybe it is for you. What about Donnie? That man worships the ground you walk on and you don’t even care.”
April looked offended, “What? I care,” she insisted. “He’s my friend. Besides, I’ve known the turtles a lot longer than you have.”
“Oh,” you snorted. “You’re gonna play that game? So...what? You’ve known him longer so you care about him more? Could’ve fooled me.”
“That’s not what I meant,” April shook her head. “I can’t help it. It’s just that...Donnie’s really sweet, you know?”
“Yeah,” you suddenly felt sick to your stomach. “I know.”
“Oh...” A look of realization seemed to come over April’s features and she opened her mouth as if to say more but Casey’s sudden return with their tray of food had her mouth snapping shut again.
“Oh? That’s all you have to say?” You wanted to demand a better explanation on Donatello’s behalf but were cut off by the sound of your carry out order number being called. Afraid you’d say something you’d later regret, you’d simply turned on your heel, grabbed your food from the counter, and quickly exited the establishment with your head pounding and your stomach churning leaving April looking flustered and Casey looking utterly confused.
How could she? How could anyone do something like that to someone as amazing and wonderful as Donatello? True, it wasn’t like he and April had ever been an item. Quite the opposite, in fact. April would have had to be completely blind not to see how the turtle fawned over her, though. Honestly, it seemed to you that she enjoyed the attention, stringing him along with a coy smile here and a batted eye there...giving him false hope that he actually stood a chance with her. And yet, you seethed, she hadn’t even considered him or his feelings before shoving her tongue down Casey Jones’ throat. She may as well rip Donnie’s heart out with her bare hands and stomp on it. Actually, that would have probably been kinder.
Later that evening you’d sat alone in your room, cellphone in hand, staring at Donnie’s name in your contact list. You felt strongly that he deserved to know what you’d seen. You also knew that it would absolutely break his heart to know that April and Casey were together. Donatello made no secret of his dislike for Jones and the way he pulled away April’s attention. Having the two of them together in the same room always created a weird tension as the two vied for the woman’s time. In your mind’s eye you could already envision the tears that would well up in his beautiful brown eyes as you delivered the news. How his lip would quiver. The strangled sob that would escape his throat.
No. You shook your head. You couldn’t do that to him. As much as you disliked April right now for leading the turtle on, you couldn’t be the one to break his heart by spilling her secret. Tossing your phone aside, you grabbed one of the many pillows adorning your bed and, taking a deep breath, pressed it to your face as you muffled your screams of frustration. Eventually, you’d drifted into a fitful sleep as the day’s events caught up with you.
It was the buzzing of your cell that finally roused you. Rubbing sleep out of your eyes, you groped for your wayward phone and couldn’t help the smile that curved the corners of your mouth at seeing you’d received a text from Donnie. Swiping the message open, your smile widened into a full blown grin.
‘Hey! Any plans for tonight?’
You bit your lip as you quickly tapped out a reply. ‘Hiya! No, not really...’ You held your breath as you waited for the terrapin to reply. You didn’t have to wait long.
‘Come over!’ The almost immediate reply came. ‘Downloaded the original Star Wars trilogy, Mikey’s making popcorn, and April’s bringing pizza!’
Immediately, your smile fell. The pleasant feeling of butterflies you experienced every time you spoke with Donatello suddenly felt more like a lead brick in your stomach. How could you possibly look him in his handsome face knowing the one person he cared about most in the world was essentially lying to him. You couldn’t. You couldn’t sit there and watch him try so hard to show April how he felt about her and watch her flirt back all while knowing she was with Casey. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.
‘You still there?’
The ping of your phone brought you back to the present and you realized you’d spaced out while considering your options. Taking a deep breath, you slowly texted back, ‘Yeah...still here...’
‘So...? What do you say? Pizza and a movie?’
You shook your head. You just couldn’t. ‘No can do, Donnie...’ As an afterthought you added, ‘Tonight’s not a good night.’
A moment ticked by, then two before your phone pinged again.
‘Is everything ok? Do you need me to come over?’
You felt your smile return, albeit halfheartedly. That was your Donatello, always so concerned. ‘Nah, I’m fine,’ you lied. ‘Just been a long day...thought I’d turn in early.’
You could almost hear the disappointment in his reply and quickly tapped out, ‘Raincheck?’
‘Yeah...Absolutely :)’
You sighed, ‘G’night, Donnie...have fun.’
‘Goodnight,’ came the turtle’s instantaneous reply. ‘Sleep well.’
With a groan of frustration you fell back onto your pillows. “Yeah,” you whispered to yourself. “Sleep well, my ass...”
That had been over a week ago. Since then you’d carefully dodged every invitation to stop by the lair using family and school obligations as an excuse. It was the longest you’d gone without seeing the guys since you’d met them and though it pained you to blow them off (being giant mutant turtles, they didn’t have many friends and you knew they all looked forward to your visits) you knew you wouldn’t be able to look Donatello in the face and pretend things were okay...especially when you knew the chances of April and Casey also being present were high. You were starting to draw the turtles’ concern, however, and you knew you couldn’t avoid them forever.
Which brought you to your current predicament. You’d reluctantly agreed to a movie night when Michelangelo had shown up outside your window the night before with his adorable pout and big, blue puppy dog eyes. You couldn’t resist the combination and he very well knew it and used it to his advantage. Damn him.
As you wound your way through the sewer, April and Casey seemed to be oblivious to your foul mood or else just didn’t care. You guessed the former as they seemed too busy discussing their date plans for the following evening to really pay any attention to the scorching glare you kept sending their way. Your knuckles turned white and the cardboard pizza boxes bent under the strain of your grip as you neared the lair, the knot in your stomach drawing tight as you heard the familiar sounds of the television and playful bickering up ahead. As if on cue, the lovebirds broke part, April taking point.
“Hello,” the woman called out cheerfully.
“April!” Donnie, of course, rose from where he’d been fiddling with the television to greet her. His cheeks flushing at her close proximity. “I was, uh...just, uh, switching out the HDMI cables.”
April giggled, “So, we’re good to go?”
“Ah,” Donatello nodded nervously. “Yes...Guardians of the Galaxy in high definition as it was meant to be.” Not without some difficulty, he managed to pull his eyes away from the beaming woman before him and, completely ignoring Casey, take note of your presence. The dreamy look in his eyes cleared as he looked at you and a happy smile touched his lips, “You made it!”
“Yeah,” you replied flatly. “Here I am...”
Donnie’s smile fell slightly at your tone and you immediately felt even worse. You didn’t have long to berate yourself over it, however, as April placed soft fingertips on the purple ninja’s arm, once again drawing his full attention.
She asked, looking up from beneath her eyelashes at him, “Where are the rest of the guys?”
“They’re, uh,” Donnie stammered, once again under April’s spell. “They’re finishing up in the dojo.”
April nodded, “I’ll go let them know we’re here.” Then, tilting her head quizzically, she looked up at the very tall terrapin and asked, “Are those new glasses?”
“These?” Donnie blushed, absentmindedly pushing the pair of tortoise shell frames further up on his snout. “N-no...I’ve had the frames. J-just got around to making the lenses...”
April nodded in approval and smiled, giving his arm a gentle squeeze, “Well, you look very handsome in them.”
Donatello practically lit up like a Christmas tree at the comment, beaming after the woman as she sashayed her way toward the dojo to collect the others. Once she was out of sight, he turned to you, the excitement clearly written on his face.
You felt your heart break just a little more.
“She said I was handsome,” he gushed.
“Yeah,” you nodded stiffly. “I heard.”
Donatello’s enthusiasm dimmed at your lackluster response. His smile faded to be replaced by a look of concern. He stepped toward you, his worry evident as he asked, “Are you alright?”
“Fine,” you forced a smile. “Just fine.”
He studied you, that brilliant brain of his seeing right through your lie. “You don’t look fine.”
You needed to leave before you broke down and started to cry. “I just remembered something I need to take care of.” It was a flimsy excuse but you ran with it. “Sorry, Don-Don.” You shoved the pizzas you still held  into his arms. “I can’t stay.”
His eyes widened in disbelief behind his glasses, “You’re leaving? But,” he protested, “you just got here and we haven’t hung out in forever!”
“I know,” you shrugged as you began to back away. “But I’m sure you’ll have plenty of fun without me.”
“It’s not the same,” he murmured.
“I really am sorry,” you apologized again. “Another night, okay?”
You didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, you turned and began to power walk your way back in the direction you’d come from leaving a very confused and concerned Donatello in your wake. The look of utter adoration on his face when April had called him handsome played over and over in your head mashed together with your memory of April and Casey kissing in the diner booth and you weren’t sure if you wanted to scream in rage or bawl your eyes out. It wasn’t fair. You loved Donatello with all your heart, Donatello thought April hung the moon, and April wanted Casey Jones.
If he only knew.
But you wouldn’t tell him. You couldn’t. It wasn’t your place and you refused to be the one to break his heart.
To be continued...
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normal cassalyn verse
in another time and place, the capellan civil war was won not with weapons, but with words. cammilyn’s passionate speeches and massive protests helped usher in a new government and era of exploration on capella. as such…cassandra and dulcie never broke atlas’ container, and capella was never destroyed.
cassandra grew up. after being held behind twice, cassandra- who would never, ever be called cassandra. she’d never give up her name of casslyn in this au- was taken out of school and privately tutored. there, she excelled. she specialized in interplanetary politics and astrography, following in both her mothers’ footsteps.
at age nineteen, cassalyn’s inclination awoke- the sunlight streaming through her bedroom window swirled and moved in unnatural ways one morning. she was light inclined- just like she’d always wanted!
it was shortly after this that cassalyn told her family about the strange visions she’d been having- ones that only increased in frequency as she grew. raelyn would recognize these signs, and take her to thea to be trained.
after that was over, cassalyn became a diplomat, and helped mend any trust broken by capella’s sudden isolation from the rest of the galaxy. she used her clairvoyance to guide her through negotiations. cassalyn became quite good at public speaking, but…cassalyn’s interpersonal relationship skills were very lacking.
see, keandra and cassalyn drifted apart shortly after cassalyn was taken out of school- they were around thirteen then. dulcie and cassalyn really drifted apart during their later teens, and when cassalyn started her training with thea…they really didn’t keep in contact. as such, cassalyn is very awkward with people one on one. she’s so used to being the diplomat, she…really doesn’t know how to be herself anymore.
her relationship with brooklyn is also strained, because brooklyn feels suffocated by her sister’s shadow. how could she ever live up to raelyn, to cammilyn…and now to cassalyn?
when cassalyn entered her thirties, she began seriously looking for the golden flowers she saw in her visions, and about a year later found what she was looking for- sunflowers, on a remote planet that the inhabitants called earth. deciding to be selfish and let herself have this, cassalyn made all the preparations to move to earth, and bid her mothers goodbye, and left capella one last time.
like i’ve said, cassalyn really doesn’t know how to just be herself around people, and as such, is very much an awkward dork. she’s an optimist to her core, and a pacifist by nature- she never really learned to fight, because she never had to. she dabbles in art- creating glass sculptures that reflect light just so, to create breathtaking effects.
a know it all
cassalyn can be very much a know it all, and her drive to know the truth can damage her relationships- she’ll push people to talk about things before they’re ready to. she would be prone to getting very “holier than thou”, especially in arguments as well.
the cassalyn amnesia au
this verse in particular is based on an au version of @ratdad-ninjutsumaster‘s fic, “The Cupboard Game.” essentially, cassalyn already knows about the turtles and is a mother figure to them. when the mob kidnaps them, splinter runs to cassalyn for help, not having anyone else he can turn to. cassalyn, of course, agrees to help without hesitation.
while in the warehouse, splinter and cassalyn are cornered, and, seeing no other way out, cassalyn uses the full extent of her inclination. for fire inclined capellans, its called “going supernova.” for ice inclined capellans, its called a “deep freeze.” for light inclined capellans? it’s called “lighting em up” and is, essentially, waves of laser blasts that emanate from the capellan.
cassalyn rarely, if ever, used her inclination for offensive abilities, and on top of that detested fighting. she never wanted to use her inclination like that- it went against everything she stood for. but she did use her inclination like that, and as such, died immediately after. splinter was protected because cassalyn shielded him with a bubble, but god…the carnage that was left in her wake.
when splinter makes it over to her, cassalyn is nothing more than a limp corpse, tears staining her cheeks and brown eyes open wide. there is no time for him to find his children and get them to safety and also take cassalyn’s body somewhere else. he left her behind.
four hours later, a woman awoke amidst a warehouse full of corpses. disoriented and scared, she managed to stumble out and get help. when the ambulance’s came, she had come to a horrifying conclusion: she could not remember anything.
after being thoroughly interrogated- she was, after all, the only person to come out of that warehouse alive- the woman chose the name halcyon leclair after turning her nose up at the name ‘jane smith’.
then came the powers. the ability to manipulate light, to create constructs from it, and the ability to see the future. halcyon had a hard time figuring out what was normal for a human, and what wasn’t.
the p.i. halcyon subverse
weeks turn into months. months, into a year. finally, halcyon gets tired of waiting for her old life to find her- she becomes a private investigator, and sets out to find her past…one way or another. but despite have an amazing nose for the truth…halcyon finds nothing.
two more years pass, and she moves on, though her one unsolved case- herself- haunted her.
that is…until the aunt of one miss april o’neil comes into her office with her niece, and gives halcyon the strangest case ever: the disappearance of kirby o’neil. april gives her a vague and unconvincing story, and halcyon can tell it’s a lie from a mile away.
upon talking to the girl in private, april tells her, tentatively, about the aliens that have kidnapped her father. there’s more to the story- such as how april herself escaped. but april tells the private investigator that she can’t talk about that, and halcyon lets the matter lie. for now.
enter splinter, who planned on meeting halcyon to determine if they could trust her with the existence of his sons, freezes upon seeing her…then he runs away. after an hour, the man returns, and apologizes for his behavior.
splinter and halcyon begin working on this strange case together, and splinter tries everything to bring back her memories- because it has to be her…right?
there are two ways this can play out. here’s option #1: about two years after walking up with amnesia, halcyon decides to adopt a child, since she misses being a mother, whether she’s aware of this on conscious level or not. she adopts a baby girl and names her ariel (since this idea was originally for the big neighbor au, this is because sebastiano was named after sebastian from the little mermaid). when season one starts, ariel is 8 years old.
option #2 is that cassalyn was pregnant when she “died” and got amnesia. neither splinter nor cassalyn knew this, and cassalyn found out a few weeks after getting amnesia. still names her ariel and all that, though now ariel is 10 when season one starts. she looks a lot like her father, though her dark hair is curly like her mother’s.
anyway- if we do a thread in this verse and ariel’s involved, just give me a heads up of which option you wanna go with!
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fireinclined · 7 years
normal cassalyn verse
in another time and place, the capellan civil war was won not with weapons, but with words. cammilyn’s passionate speeches and massive protests helped usher in a new government and era of exploration on capella. as such…cassandra and dulcie never broke atlas’ container, and capella was never destroyed.
cassandra grew up. after being held behind twice, cassandra- who would never, ever be called cassandra. she’d never give up her name of casslyn in this au- was taken out of school and privately tutored. there, she excelled. she specialized in interplanetary politics and astrography, following in both her mothers’ footsteps.
at age nineteen, cassalyn’s inclination awoke- the sunlight streaming through her bedroom window swirled and moved in unnatural ways one morning. she was light inclined- just like she’d always wanted!
it was shortly after this that cassalyn told her family about the strange visions she’d been having- ones that only increased in frequency as she grew. raelyn would recognize these signs, and take her to thea to be trained.
after that was over, cassalyn became a diplomat, and helped mend any trust broken by capella’s sudden isolation from the rest of the galaxy. she used her clairvoyance to guide her through negotiations. cassalyn became quite good at public speaking, but…cassalyn’s interpersonal relationship skills were very lacking.
see, keandra and cassalyn drifted apart shortly after cassalyn was taken out of school- they were around thirteen then. dulcie and cassalyn really drifted apart during their later teens, and when cassalyn started her training with thea…they really didn’t keep in contact. as such, cassalyn is very awkward with people one on one. she’s so used to being the diplomat, she…really doesn’t know how to be herself anymore.
her relationship with brooklyn is also strained, because brooklyn feels suffocated by her sister’s shadow. how could she ever live up to raelyn, to cammilyn…and now to cassalyn?
when cassalyn entered her thirties, she began seriously looking for the golden flowers she saw in her visions, and about a year later found what she was looking for- sunflowers, on a remote planet that the inhabitants called earth. deciding to be selfish and let herself have this, cassalyn made all the preparations to move to earth, and bid her mothers goodbye, and left capella one last time.
like i’ve said, cassalyn really doesn’t know how to just be herself around people, and as such, is very much an awkward dork. she’s an optimist to her core, and a pacifist by nature- she never really learned to fight, because she never had to. she dabbles in art- creating glass sculptures that reflect light just so, to create breathtaking effects.
the cassalyn amnesia au
this verse in particular is based on an au version of @ratdad-ninjutsumaster‘s fic, “The Cupboard Game.” essentially, cassalyn already knows about the turtles and is a mother figure to them. when the mob kidnaps them, splinter runs to cassalyn for help, not having anyone else he can turn to. cassalyn, of course, agrees to help without hesitation.
while in the warehouse, splinter and cassalyn are cornered, and, seeing no other way out, cassalyn uses the full extent of her inclination. for fire inclined capellans, its called “going supernova.” for ice inclined capellans, its called a “deep freeze.” for light inclined capellans? it’s called “lighting em up” and is, essentially, waves of laser blasts that emanate from the capellan.
cassalyn rarely, if ever, used her inclination for offensive abilities, and on top of that detested fighting. she never wanted to use her inclination like that- it went against everything she stood for. but she did use her inclination like that, and as such, died immediately after. splinter was protected because cassalyn shielded him with a bubble, but god…the carnage that was left in her wake.
when splinter makes it over to her, cassalyn is nothing more than a limp corpse, tears staining her cheeks and brown eyes open wide. there is no time for him to find his children and get them to safety and also take cassalyn’s body somewhere else. he left her behind.
four hours later, a woman awoke amidst a warehouse full of corpses. disoriented and scared, she managed to stumble out and get help. when the ambulance’s came, she had come to a horrifying conclusion: she could not remember anything.
after being thoroughly interrogated- she was, after all, the only person to come out of that warehouse alive- the woman chose the name halcyon leclair after turning her nose up at the name ‘jane smith’.
then came the powers. the ability to manipulate light, to create constructs from it, and the ability to see the future. halcyon had a hard time figuring out what was normal for a human, and what wasn’t.
the p.i. halcyon subverse
weeks turn into months. months, into a year. finally, halcyon gets tired of waiting for her old life to find her- she becomes a private investigator, and sets out to find her past…one way or another. but despite have an amazing nose for the truth…halcyon finds nothing.
two more years pass, and she moves on, though her one unsolved case- herself- haunted her.
that is…until the aunt of one miss april o’neil comes into her office with her niece, and gives halcyon the strangest case ever: the disappearance of kirby o’neil. april gives her a vague and unconvincing story, and halcyon can tell it’s a lie from a mile away.
upon talking to the girl in private, april tells her, tentatively, about the aliens that have kidnapped her father. there’s more to the story- such as how april herself escaped. but april tells the private investigator that she can’t talk about that, and halcyon lets the matter lie. for now.
enter splinter, who planned on meeting halcyon to determine if they could trust her with the existence of his sons, freezes upon seeing her…then he runs away. after an hour, the man returns, and apologizes for his behavior.
splinter and halcyon begin working on this strange case together, and splinter tries everything to bring back her memories- because it has to be her…right
there are two ways this can play out. here’s option #1: about two years after walking up with amnesia, halcyon decides to adopt a child, since she misses being a mother, whether she’s aware of this on conscious level or not. she adopts a baby girl and names her ariel (since this idea was originally for the big neighbor au, this is because sebastiano was named after sebastian from the little mermaid). when season one starts, ariel is 8 years old.
option #2 is that cassalyn was pregnant when she “died” and got amnesia. neither splinter nor cassalyn knew this, and cassalyn found out a few weeks after getting amnesia. still names her ariel and all that, though now ariel is 10 when season one starts. she looks a lot like her father, though her dark hair is curly like her mother’s.
anyway- if we do a thread in this verse and ariel’s involved, just give me a heads up of which option you wanna go with!
life without paola
when cassandra gets wrapped up in really negative thoughts, stuff like “oh they don’t really like me what if they never liked me at all i am fundamentally unlikable” …she has paola to go to. and paola is patient with her 75% of the time (because as much as i love paola, she’s not a saint). but cassalyn doesn’t have paola. so when she gets thinking like that, she just…spirals. 
cassalyn’s strengths
cassalyn is not the strongest version of cassandra (that goes to hellion) nor is she the most quick thinking in combat (that goes to snowball), but she can hold her own with her inclination and she’s?? such a force to be reckoned with outside of combat. when she gets fired up and passionate about something? just get out of her way because she will have her way.
she’s courageous and clever, and incredibly outspoken. she relies on diplomacy because she’s not the powerhouses that the other cassandra’s are, and she’s not afraid to use her clairvoyance to the limit to figure out how to sway things in her favor.
cassandra & cassalyn
cassandra and cassalyn meeting somehow would be So Bad for the both of them because they’d leave feeling inadequate. cassalyn is literally who cassandra wanted to be, and cassandra is just…so strong and brave- traits that cassalyn doesn’t see in herself
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endicottwil-blog · 7 years
2nd Annual EC Changemakers Conference Inspires Attendees
By: Katie Peter, Alexa Beatrice, & Brianna Meagher
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(front row, from left to right) Courtney Walpole, Alexa Beatrice, Karina Tomlinson, Tina Gath, Nikki Sheehy, Lena Anderson, (back row from left to right) Katie Peter, Sophia Hatzis, Brianna Meagher, Caili Inman
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(from left to right) President and Vice President, Alexa Beatrice and Brianna Meagher
On Tuesday April 25th, Endicott’s Women in LEADership organization hosted their second annual EC Changemakers Conference, where students, faculty, professionals and locals enjoyed networking opportunities, a keynote speaker, dinner, and a panel of intriguing guests. The night was hosted by Endicott Women in LEADership President, Alexa Beatrice and Vice President, Brianna Meagher.
The night began with some conversation and refreshments, and then everyone took their seats to listen to the event’s keynote speaker. The keynote speaker of the night was Beverly native, Angela Luna, a graduate of Parsons School of Design in New York City who, during her senior year, came up with the revolutionary idea that led her to where she is today. Angela began studying couture but as her desire to help with the refugee crisis grew, she wanted to make a larger impact on the world. As a typical college student, she lacked sufficient money to donate to the cause so she decided to brainstorm how she might be able to use her background in fashion to make a difference. She began thinking about how to create an article of clothing that would suit the dire needs of the refugees. She ended up creating a line of jackets that transform to suit the needs of warmth, shelter, sleep, and functionality. She created a jacket that transforms into a tent and one that transforms into a sleeping bag. There are also reflective jackets and ones with child carriers. All are built to last and sustain wear and tear. According to Angela, every single stitch in the jackets have a distinct purpose, nothing was added that wasn’t necessary to aiding those who need them. Angela was given a much-deserved standing ovation for her amazing and inspiring speech.
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Keynote Speaker, Angela Luna
After hearing Angela speak, guests enjoyed dinner and more conversation at their tables which were arranged based on professional field or major. This particular arrangement allowed for stimulating conversations over similar interests and passions as well as giving students opportunities to meet employers in their potential industry.
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Panelist, Shannon Gath (Fidelity)
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Panelist, Kate Hogan (Fenway Sports Management)
After the conversations settled down, the panelists took the stage and introduced themselves and their field of expertise and how they got to where they are. One guest panelist was Shannon Gath, VP, Chief of Staff, & Head of the Enterprise Program Management Office at Fidelity Investments. Amber Heinbockel, an Endicott alumni, brought her experience as a Senior UX Designer for Google to the discussion. Another guest was Kate Hogan, who works as Director of Consulting and Events with Fenway Sports Management. From an academic background, Catherine Klapperich is the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering and the Director of the NIH Center for Future Technologies in Cancer Care at Boston University. Tracey Noonan and Dani Vilagie, founders of Wicked Good Cupcakes which was featured on Shark Tank, added their entrepreneurial expertise to the mix of professional women. Lastly, Christine O’Neill serves as the Assistant Special Agent in Charge at the FBI Boston Division. Brianna Meagher facilitated panel discussion with thought-provoking questions. The discussion covered a large range of topics from unconscious bias in the workplace to networking advice for everyone at every level of their profession.  
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Overall, the audience got the opportunity to hear perspectives on the professional world from various speakers through the topics regarding overcoming challenges, career path advice, and the value of hard work.
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