emesedolluniverse · 10 months
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Arakhne. This was made for Halloween, for the prompt "eyes". She surely have a lot of them 🤣
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arakhnesreiyr · 8 months
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“She walked as though burden was just another word - as if traumatized was just another feeling; for someone that had been through hell, she hid it remarkably well.”
- Ehira Yamako, friend of Arakhne Sreiyr
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butchkaramazov · 1 year
Hey, I hope you're doing well, I see your TUMBLR posts and your page filled so beautifully with greek mythologies, poetry and art. I have always had a keen interest in Greek mythology but couldn't ever pick it up, I was wondering if you could help me to start from the very basics? I can totally understand if you don't want to.
hi, of course i'd love to help you! the basics of every civilization starts with its mythology (in my opinion), so here's an overview of the gods and what came before them.
according to hesiod, the golden age was the mythical first period of man. the people of the golden age were created by/for the titan kronos/cronus/saturn (for romans). humans lived "like gods", i.e. never engaging in too much physical labour, when they died, it was a peaceful death. spring never ended. it is even described as a period in which people aged backward. when they died, they became daimones (a greek word only later converted to "demons") who roamed the earth.
kronos, screwing up here, castrated his own parents (ouranos and gaia - the sky and the earth, respectively) and they foretold that one of his own children is destined to overthrow him as he usurped his father. rhea, his wife, hearing this, was distraught and went to seek help from ouranos and gaia upon becoming pregnant with her sixth child. by now, kronos had developed a habit of swallowing his children so as to prevent the prophecy from materialising. fast forward to the present and rhea gives kronos a stone to eat instead of his sixth child. the child whose life was spared was called zeus, and he later took his place as lord of the sky and king of the olympians (gods).
zeus killed kronos and freed his siblings from his father's stomach, thereby signifying the beginning of a new age (silver age). now, we move on to the gods.
the big three: zeus (god of the sky), poseidon (god of the sea), hades (god of the underworld).
a list of all greek deities.
one thing you absolutely need to know about all the gods (except for athena (goddess of war, handicraft and practical reasoning), artemis (goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, childbirth, care of children and chastity), dionysus (god of wine and pleasure), hades, hestia (goddess of the hearth and warmth) and a few others) is that none of them can keep it in their pants. none of them. and their accusing fingers always point to the woman they lust after. (also they're all bisexual, except for artemis, who is a full-on lesbian.)
myths you can check out for further insight:
hyakinthos (hyacinthus)
minotauros (minotaur)
orpheus and eurydice
i find this website particularly helpful when it comes to surface-level (but reliable) research.
also remember that the same myth has numerous versions, some of them not even recorded, perhaps. there is no moral way to view the gods. they were simply created to explain the cruelty and the absurdism of nature. plays and artworks based on myths differ from place to place, and these differing versions simply offer us greater insight into the minds of the people rather than the "moral goodness" of the gods.
differentiating between reliable and unreliable sources is a must, and i would recommend logging onto internet archive if you want to read classical texts and immerse yourself in in-depth research.
hope this helps! <3
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aras-ffxivcollection · 7 months
Welcome to the Collection
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Welcome to my global blog! I have many websites unique to my several characters in FFXIV, but here is where I will post my favorite images, journals, and other parts of my gaming experience across the entire game. These characters are in the Crystal server; Ara and Nyassha are in Zalera, and Danaela is in Balmung. Their experiences are my experiences; they're as much a part of me as I am of them :)
I hope you enjoy my corner of Tumblr! Feel free to browse through the girls' individual websites, linked below - there you will see far more posts of their content, as well as links to their Carrds and other fun things!
Arakhne Sreiyr, the Rising Sun
Nyassha Vren, Bright Little Scholar
Danaela Elwen, the Star of Dalmasca (WIP pending DT sculpt)
I also have a few other characters that you will see that I do not consider my mains, such as Sylvestra and Vythica!
All of my Tumblr and X content is SFW, though I do enjoy posting some NSFW content on NSFW-specific Discord servers :) My username there is arasreiyr!
Let me know if you have any questions or comments on this content! I love making new friends and engaging the world through writing and gaming!
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lizbethborden · 2 years
Famous problematic women from classics:
who am I missing... vote for your faves
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persephonesdread · 1 year
Theoi woman series masterpost—
if i missed a woman send me an ask and i will draw her and add her name to this post
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dapurinthos · 1 year
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arakhne's clothes: covered with images of godly bestiality with a nice little border of flowers interlaced with ivy.
theoi.com: arakhne
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serguzest · 3 months
Had Bilmenin Önemi
Evin genç kızı, henüz evlenmemişti. Dikiş nakış işlerinde iyiydi..
Evin bahçesindeler. Ailenin ninesi, ahşap bir koltukta oturuyor. nakış işliyor. Onun hemen dibinde,  Philonoe yere oturmuş, elinde kumaş, işleyeceği nakışı düşünüyor.
Herkes, Philonoe'nin dikiş nakış konusundaki yeteneklerine hayran.. 'Böyle kız evde kalmaz' dediydi ninesi..
Philonoe istese bir ressam olabilirdi, veya bir heykeltraş. Ama, kadınların böyle işlerle uğraşması hoş karşılanmaz. Bir kadın için en iyisi, ipliklerden kumaş üretmek, nakış işlemek.
-Ne yapacağını mı düşünüyosun kız?
-Evet nine.
-Hephaistos'un resmini işle. Şöyle güzel bişey olsun.
Genç kızın kafası karıştı. Hephaistos'un neye benzediğini tasavvur etmeye çalıştı. Kuş seslerini dinledi. Nine konuşmaya devam etti:
-Sana Arakhne'nin hikayesini anlatmış mıydım?
-O zaman dinle. Arakhne, senin gibi, güzelce bir kızmış.. Dikiş nakış işlerinde mahirmiş.. İnsanlar onun işlerini övermiş. Doğal olarak, kibirlenmiş. 'Ben bu şehrin en iyi nakış ustasıyım' demeye başlamış. Tanrıça Athena, onun bu sözlerini işitmiş. Ona bir oyun oynamaya karar vermiş.. Tedbili kıyafet giyinmiş, Arakhne'nin karşısına çıkmış.. Demiş ki: 'pek böbürlenirmişsin. Gel bir nakış yarışması yapalım, kimin işi daha iyiyse, kazanır'. Arakhne kabul etmiş. Jüri ayarlanmış. Güzel bir meydanda, bir tarafta tanrıça Athena, diğer tarafta Arakhne, nakış işlemişler. Jüri, Arakhne'nin işini daha çok beğenmiş.. Athena çok öfkelenmiş. Bizim Arakhne'yi örümceğe dönüştürmüş. Arakhne, ölene dek ip eğirecekmiş, ama bir örümcek olarak.. Yunancada, Arakhne, örümcek demek. Kıssadan hisse, asla böbürlenme yavrum.. Yerin kulağı var, derler.. Başkaları seni övsün, ama sen kendini övme.
Philonoe gülümsedi. Ninesinin anlattığı hikayeleri severdi. Bir oh çekti. Neşeyle uçan kırlangıcın sesini dinlediler, sonra işlerine döndüler..
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artofmilankovacevic · 6 months
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A putto revealing a honorary plaque for Arakhne with ribbons & flower garlands. Collaborative design with the talented weaver Milan Dišković for his brand Arakhne weaving. https://lnkd.in/eUZ2Wr7Q
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neurotoxic-yuri · 7 months
my newest, most absolutely heinous idea is: whip spider arakhne.
despite the name, I did not in fact know that whips spiders- and scorpions are actual arachnids. lmao.
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emesedolluniverse · 1 year
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The newest addition to my doll family, Arakhne, is also the darkest doll I own. These photos were taken in direct sunset light. I can't do that with any of my other dolls!
Coralreefdoll Amber, red
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12j341kllklkljl · 1 year
Aelian, Historical Miscellany 1. 2 (trans. Wilson) (Greek rhetorician C2nd to 3rd A.D.) : "Spiders neither know nor wish to know the art and practice of weaving, the gifts of the goddess (daimona) Ergane. To what use would an animal of this kind put such clothing?" [N.B. Ergane is Athena as the goddess of crafts. Aelian is probably alluding to the tale of Arakhne.]
Ovid, Metamorphoses 6. 1 - 148 (trans. Brookes More) (Roman epic C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) : "Pallas [Athena] . . . was brooding thus, ‘It is an easy thing to praise another, I should do as they : no creature of the earth should ever slight the majesty that dwells in me,--without just retribution.’--So her thought was turned upon the fortune of Arachne--proud, who would not ever yield to her the praise won by the art of deftly weaving wool, a girl who had not fame for place of birth, nor fame for birth, but only fame for skill! For it was well known that her father Idmon dwelt in Colophon; where, at his humble trade, he dyed in Phocean purples, fleecy wool. Her mother, also of the lower class, had died. Arachne in a mountain town Hypaepae by skill had grown so famous in the Land of Lydia, that unnumbered curious nymphs eager to witness her dexterity, deserted the lush vineyards of Tmolus; or even left the cool and flowing streams of bright Pactolus, to admire the cloth, or to observe her deftly spinning wool. So graceful was her motion then,--if she was twisting the coarse wool in little balls, or if she teased it with her finger-tips, or if she softened the fine fleece, drawn forth in misty films, or if she twirled the smooth round spindle with her energetic thumb, or if with needle she embroidered cloth;--in all her motions one might well perceive how much Pallas had instructed her: but this she ever would deny, displeased to share her fame; and said, ‘Let her contend in art with me; and if her skill prevails, I then will forfeit all!’ Pallas [Athena] heard, and came to her, disguised with long grey hair, and with a staff to steady her weak limbs. She seemed a feeble woman, very old, and quavered as she said, ‘Old age is not the cause of every ill; experience comes with lengthened years; and, therefore, you should not despise my words. It is no harm in you to long for praise of mortals, when your nimble hands are spinning the soft wool,--but you should not deny Minerva's [Athena's] art--and you should pray that she may pardon you, for she will grant you pardon if you ask.’ Arachne, scowling with an evil face. Looked at the goddess, as she dropped her thread. She hardly could restrain her threatening hand, and, trembling in her anger, she replied to you, disguised Pallas : ‘Silly fool,--worn out and witless in your palsied age, a great age is your great misfortune!--Let your daughter and your son's wife--if the gods have blessed you--let them profit by your words; within myself, my knowledge is contained sufficient; you need not believe that your advice does any good; for I am quite unchanged in my opinion. Get you gone,--advise your goddess to come here herself, and not avoid the contest!’
Instantly, the goddess said, ‘Pallas comes to you!’ And with those brief words, put aside the shape of the old woman, and revealed herself, Minerva, goddess. All the other Nymphae (Nymphs) and matrons of Mygdonia worshiped her; but not Arachne, who defiant stood;--although at first she flushed up--then went pale--then blushed again, reluctant.--So, at first, the sky suffuses, as Aurora (the Dawn) [Eos] moves, and, quickly when the glorious sun comes up, pales into white. She even rushed upon her own destruction, for she would not give from her desire to gain the victory. Nor did the daughter of almighty Jove [Zeus] decline : disdaining to delay with words, she hesitated not. And both, at once, selected their positions, stretched their webs with finest warp, and separated warp with sley. The woof was next inserted in the web by means of the sharp shuttles, which their nimble fingers pushed along, so drawn within the warp, and so the teeth notched in the moving sley might strike them.--Both, in haste, girded their garments to their breasts and moved their skilful arms, beguiling their fatigue in eager action. Myriad tints appeared besides the Tyrian purple--royal dye, extracted in brass vessels.--As the bow, that spans new glory in the curving sky, its glittering rays reflected in the rain, spreads out a multitude of blended tints, in scintillating beauty to the sight of all who gaze upon it;--so the threads, inwoven, mingled in a thousand tints, harmonious and contrasting; shot with gold: and there, depicted in those shining webs, were shown the histories of ancient days:-- Pallas worked the Athenian Hill of Mars [i.e. the Areopagus], where ancient Cecrops built his citadel, and showed the old contention for the name it should be given.--Twelve celestial gods surrounded Jupiter [Zeus], on lofty thrones; and all their features were so nicely drawn, that each could be distinguished.--Jupiter appeared as monarch of those judging gods. There Neptunus [Poseidon], guardian of the sea, was shown contending with Minerva [Athena]. As he struck the Rock with his long trident, a wild horse sprang forth which he bequeathed to man. He claimed his right to name the city for that gift. And then she wove a portrait of herself, bearing a shield, and in her hand a lance, sharp-pointed, and a helmet on her head--her breast well-guarded by her Aegis: there she struck her spear into the fertile earth, from which a branch of olive seemed to sprout, pale with new clustered fruits.--And those twelve gods, appeared to judge, that olive as a gift surpassed the horse which Neptunus gave to man.
And, so Arachne, rival of her fame, might learn the folly of her mad attempt, from the great deeds of ancient histories, and what award presumption must expect, Minerva wove four corners with life scenes of contest, brightly colored, but of size diminutive. In one of these was shown the snow-clad mountains, Rhodope, and Haemus, which for punishment were changed from human beings to those rigid forms, when they aspired to rival the high gods. And in another corner she described that Pygmy, whom the angry Juno [Hera] changed from queen-ship to a crane; because she thought herself an equal of the living Gods, she was commanded to wage cruel wars upon her former subjects. In the third, she wove the story of Antigone, who dared compare herself to Juno [Hera], queen of Jupiter [Zeus], and showed her as she was transformed into a silly chattering stork, that praised her beauty, with her ugly beak.--Despite the powers of Ilion and her sire Laomedon, her shoulders fledged white wings. And so, the third part finished, there was left one corner, where Pallas deftly worked the story of the father, Cinyras;--as he was weeping on the temple steps, which once had been his daughter's living limbs. And she adorned the border with designs of peaceful olive--her devoted tree--which having shown, she made an end of work. Arachne, of Maeonia, wove, at first the story of Europa, as the bull deceived her, and so perfect was her art, it seemed a real bull in real waves. Europa seemed to look back towards the land which she had left; and call in her alarm to her companions--and as if she feared the touch of dashing waters, to draw up her timid feet, while she was sitting on the bull's back. And she wove Asteria seized by the assaulting eagle; and beneath the swan's white wings showed Leda lying by the stream: and showed Jove [Zeus] dancing as a Satyr, when he sought the beautiful Antiope, to whom was given twins; and how he seemed Amphitryon when he deceived Alcmena; and how he courted lovely Danae luring her as a gleaming shower of gold; and poor Aegina, hidden in his flame, jove as a shepherd with Mnemosyne; and beautiful Proserpina [Persephone], involved by him, apparent as a spotted snake. And in her web, Arachne wove the scenes of Neptunus [Poseidon]:--who was shown first as a bull, when he was deep in love with virgin Arne then as Enipeus when the giant twins, Aloidae, were begot; and as the ram that gambolled with Bisaltis; as a horse loved by the fruitful Ceres [Demeter], golden haired, all-bounteous mother of the yellow grain; and as the bird that hovered round snake-haired Medusa, mother of the winged horse [Pegasos]; and as the dolphin, sporting with the Nymph, Melantho.--All of these were woven true to life, in proper shades. And there she showed Apollo, when disguised in various forms: as when he seemed a rustic; and as when he wore hawk-wings, and then the tawny skin of a great lion; and once more when he deluded Isse, as a shepherd lad. And there was Bacchus [Dionysos], when he was disguised as a large cluster of fictitious grapes; deluding by that wile the beautiful Erigone;--and Saturnus [Kronos (Cronus)], as a steed, begetter of the dual-natured Chiron. And then Arachne, to complete her work, wove all around the web a patterned edge of interlacing flowers and ivy leaves. Pallas could not find a fleck or flaw--even Envy can not censure perfect art--enraged because Arachne had such skill she ripped the web, and ruined all the scenes that showed those wicked actions of the gods; and with her boxwood shuttle in her hand, struck the unhappy mortal on her head,--struck sharply thrice, and even once again. Arachne's spirit, deigning not to brook such insult, brooded on it, till she tied a cord around her neck, and hung herself. Pallas moved to pity at the sight, sustained and saved her from that bitter death; but, angry still, pronounced another doom : ‘Although I grant you life, most wicked one, your fate shall be to dangle on a cord, and your posterity forever shall take your example, that your punishment may last forever!.’
Even as she spoke, before withdrawing from her victim's sight, she sprinkled her with juice--extract of herbs of Hecate. At once all hair fell off, her nose and ears remained not, and her head shrunk rapidly in size, as well as all her body, leaving her diminutive.--Her slender fingers gathered to her sides as long thin legs; and all her other parts were fast absorbed in her abdomen--whence she vented a fine thread;--and ever since, Arachne, as a spider, weaves her web. All Lydia was astonished at her fate the Rumor spread to Phrygia, soon the world was filled with fear and wonder. Niobe had known her long before,--when in Maeonia near to Mount Sipylus; but the sad fate which overtook Arachne, lost on her, she never ceased her boasting and refused to honor the great gods."
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arakhnesreiyr · 3 months
Sheared and Shorn
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The sun rose and spilled through the windows of my room, waking me after what only felt like minutes of sleep. The restless night made way to a morning of fatigue, with body aches in places not even related to my wound.
Rubbing my eyes and inhaling my way through the blinding sunlight, I recalled my conversation with Weena just hours before, and I felt eager to speak with Lukasz about Ando and my plans for the rogue samurai's downfall. I peeled away the dressings that covered my wound, wincing at the tenderness of it, but much to my surprise it was well-healed - just sore.
"I could get dressed, honestly," I murmured to myself. "If I had clothes."
I searched my belongings; all I had brought to Hingashi was a knapsack filled with a few coins and other important items - and no clothes. I had not had the foresight to think about a change of clothes. I groaned, wrinkling my nose as I stared in the mirror. Wrapped in the old bandages, with circles under my eyes, my red hair in a stringy rat's nest - I looked positively medieval.
I rushed to the washing station in my room and washed - with the coldest water imaginable - as much of my body as I could reach with the bandages on. I tugged a comb through my hair and cried out from the pain. Five days of being bedbound - there was no hope for my hair. The knots were the length of my forearm - and as much as I tried to comb through them, I was left only in tears and desolation.
And that's when I spotted the sewing scissors on top of the sewing kit in the closet. Quickly, before I could change my mind, I grabbed them and chopped off my hair, letting the knots and tangles fall to the ground. And when I looked in the mirror again, I burst into tears.
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It was then that Weena walked in gently, and seeing me surrounded by my shorn hair and scissors in my hand, she rushed to me, gasping and taking the scissors away as I was crying.
"Why?!" she gasped.
"It was too much," I wept. "I couldn't comb it out."
She knelt down and gingerly began to pick up the knotty locks. "Oh Arakhne," she said with a small smile. "You really do beat all."
"Does it look okay?" I whimpered, looking back in the mirror and brushing the baby hairs out of my eyes.
"You can make anything look good," Weena snorted, still smiling a little. "I bet you could make powdered wigs fashionable again," she then added with a mischievous laugh.
"Oh stop," I laughed between my tears. "I'm serious."
"I am too," Weena responded firmly, though still smiling, as she stuffed the fallen hair into a garbage bag. "I'll be bringing you a change of clothes and some food. I see you had the energy to wash up today."
"I feel really good," I said, rubbing my eyes, "outside of my hair."
"This is what happens," she said gently as she brushed my tears away, "when you only get an hour and a half of sleep, Arakhne."
"Please, I want to leave," I whispered, my eyes searching hers for any sign that I would be discharged that day.
"If you eat a full meal and pass a bowel movement," she said firmly, "you may leave. Your intestinal tract took some damage and I want to make sure there are no lesions or infections."
I swallowed and nodded nervously, and then asked quietly, "Is Lukasz coming to see me?"
"The big oaf is already here," Weena responded as she put the sewing kit back in its proper place. "He's been dying to see you for hours, but I told him you needed rest."
"I can see him."
"Well, clearly I can't say no, after you went through a delirious state and cut off all your hair," Weena snorted, felt my forehead, and then pulled away, seemingly pleased. "You healed very well besides the fact, though, I do say so myself."
"Send him in, please."
"After you sit in the bathroom and eat what I bring you," she responded firmly. "No ifs ands or buts." And you're going to wear some proper clothes, too. Eorzean clothes, I think, you'll be more comfortable in." She then sent me a small wink and then headed back out of the room, leaving me standing in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection in a mix of awe and horror.
After time passed, Weena returned with a large tray of food and a bundle of clothing. She helped me into the clothes: simple clothes in what seemed to be Ul'dahn fashion.
On the tray sat a load of delicious Hingashi food, and I devoured it so quickly that by the time Weena had finished making my bed, it was gone. "Well then," she said, pleased. "Go sit on the toilet for a bit. I'll check on you shortly."
It felt like my body was finally used to being alive. The past few days had felt like a blur, like life wasn't really something that could be attainable again - even simple bodily functions felt like a luxury. But today, all of that changed, and I felt like a normal human being once again. The wound was still tender, but I didn't need bandages wrapped around my entire torso anymore - all that covered my wound now was a simple patch.
Weena smiled when she reentered and acknowledged all of this. "Everything looks to be in order. Lukasz is waiting for you down in the lobby; you can sign your discharge papers down there."
Walking down stairs felt strange - my hips were still tender, so it felt like my bones were rolling on raw chicken cutlets. My feet were tender too - it felt like they had been asleep for months. But the second I saw Lukasz's face look up at me from the lobby, I forgot about all of it.
"Arakhne," he said with a small smile. "You look ten times better than yesterday, even if your hair is a bit shorter."
"A bit," I replied sarcastically with a returned smile. "I'm honored that you've come back to see me."
Lukasz nodded as Weena handed me a clipboard of the discharge paperwork to fill out. As I did so, the lancer spoke. "Have you thought about my offer? Join me as my student, and we'll search for Ando together."
"Weena told me everything about you," I said softly, looking up at him briefly.
One of his eyebrows shot up. "Did she now? What did she say?"
"That Ando killed your brother."
He did not hesitate. "He did."
"And that you think all samurai are honor killers."
"They are." Again, no hesitation.
I finished the paperwork, handing the clipboard back to Weena, who took it with a smile and a pat on my arm. "Thank you," I whispered to her before giving her a hug. "You saved my life."
Weena chuckled. "That I did. Use it for good, now, and bring justice to Hingashi. Take care of Lukasz too - we all know he needs it."
Lukasz snorted at that, and then led me outside, where we begun a slow walk to the pier.
"Why do you think that?" I asked him softly after a minute.
He knew I was talking about his opinion on samurai. "Because it's true," he said just as softly. "A dangerous mentality here in Hingashi, isn't it? But you've seen it yourself. Mixing faith into war is dangerous - you begin to see righteousness in murder...when in fact there is no such thing."
"But you want to kill Ando."
"That's different."
He looked at me then, stopping in his stroll, and I stopped with him to hold his gaze. For a moment, neither of us spoke, and he said, "Killing Ando would bring justice to the dead."
I knew he was right - but I wanted to play devil's advocate...and also show Lukasz the error in his thinking. "Isn't bringing justice to the dead the same thing as righteous murder?"
A twinkle lit up his eyes for a moment then, and he resumed his walk, I myself falling into place next to him once again. "I knew you were special when I saw you fighting him," he said quietly.
"He killed Yahiro."
"I know."
"And he killed Ehira."
"I know."
"He needs to die."
"I know." When he said that, he looked at me again. "Do you plan to drive the killing blow?"
"If I am the one that can do it, I will," I responded firmly, looking out at the sea that stretched out before us. "Where are we going?"
"Assuming you want to learn lancing - which you still haven't agreed to, by the way - I'm taking you to a place where you'll meet an acquaintance of mine. He says he knows you."
"Knows me?"
He nodded, then reached into his breast pocket and handed me an envelope. "Wrote you this letter, he did, and sent a messenger to Hingashi to get it to you."
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I raised an eyebrow. "How did you intercept this?" I asked, taking the letter.
"The most dumb Xaela in the history of ever came to the hospital after I left you last night," he snorted with a small smile. "Said there was a flower attached, but it was crushed in transit."
"A flower?!" I opened the letter, and to my amazement, familiar handwriting was scrawled upon the parchment:
Arakhne Sreiyr,
I do hope this letter finds you well. I wish you could imagine my concern when word of your return to the Far East. Though I am sure you can handle yourself, I pray you find peace with what you find in Kugane, and that our paths cross once more.
I have been given the reins of a small island community off the coast of La Noscea. Slate Burrow Cove, though the locals have begun rebranding it simply to Fellinor. It is admittedly not much to look at, but commerce flows easily here, and it is a fine place to lay low should you ever have need of it. You and yours are always welcome. I do hope my gifts are well received. I anxiously await our next convergence. Until then, stay safe.
Sincerely, Kyantis Dekar
Lukasz smiled a little. "So I'm heading there now. I'm aware of Kyantis, and apparently you are too."
"He was on the Akagi when I sailed to Thanalan," I whispered.
"Then by all means, we'll go to Fellinor. I've heard of it myself - I'm eager to check it out."
I swallowed and looked at him. "Lukasz," I whispered, blowing my new bangs out of my eyes and staring up at him. "I want to learn lancing."
Lukasz stopped, inhaling softly as I stopped and faced him. "I'm glad," he said simply, a tiny smile tugging at his lips. "Thank you, Arakhne."
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mythologyfolklore · 3 years
Athena: Hey, I brought you some food. There, this goat should last you for a week or two.
Arakhne: *clicks with her fangs in response*
Athena: No problem. But please do me a solid and keep the noise down at night. I really don't want to have to explain, why I have a giant immortal spider living in my basement.
Arakhne: *clicks aggressively*
Athena: *frowns and wags her finger* Now, don't you take that tone with me, Missy!
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Here are some great metal albums with female vocalists I’ve discovered since I’m stuck at home : - The Loudest Silence - Aesthetic Illusion - Trillium (Amanda Somerville) - Alloy - Trees of Eternity - Hour of the Nightingale - Theatres des Vampires - Candyland - Enemy of Reality - Arakhne Stay safe guys!
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heatherwitch · 7 years
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Small devotional acts.
Learn how to knit/crochet. Make something.
Capture spiders and relocate them instead of killing them.
Hold pride and self-confidence in your abilities.
Wear more sweaters.
Listen to inspirational music that makes you feel confident and powerful.
Get a field guide on arachnids.
Support local craftspeople and weavers.
Make more things yourself. Watch DIY videos.
Allow spiders to stay in your room under certain conditions.
Use art as a way to tell stories.
Learn how to make woven bracelets/lanyards. 
Fight for your friends and fight for what you believe in. 
Honor your teachers and mentors - especially those related to your crafting abilities.
Treat spiders well.
Get a pet tarantula. 
Make things with beads!
Help spread other people’s art; support artists!
Get in healthy competitions.
Make flower crowns/wreaths/woven decorative pieces.
Be humble when it’s best.
Get nice sheets/bedding.
Avoid destroying spiderwebs when you can. Walk under/around.
Many, many, many other things not said here.
With contributions from: A lovely anon!
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