#Ark Mechanicus
front-line-head-line · 8 months
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Thought of the Day: In the darkest of moments, the Emperor’s light shines brightest.
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ocherednoe-dno · 21 days
the possibility that any Ark Mechanicus will one day decide against having passengers and successfully remove them is low but never zero
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boardgametoday · 2 years
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Arks of Omen: Vashtorr arrives with Wrath of the Soul Forge King and more!
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Arks of Omen: Vashtorr arrives with Wrath of the Soul Forge King and more! #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #warhammercommunity #horusheresy #lotr #middleearth
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leaflovingal · 9 months
Curious that i havent seen any ships in 40k, *especially* from the admech, that have neopronouns.
The admech in general seem like they'd be a breeding ground of genderfuckery since they're already kinda nonbinary rep in my own headcanons, given that they leave behind the biological in favor of the machine, part of that being the gender binary and gender in general.
I feel like i remember something from some book where a techpriest says something along the lines of "i use he/him pronouns to make biologicals more comfortable" but I might be remembering wrong.
Anyways yeah, surprised there arent any Xe/Xer ships or something.
Spoilers for Priests of Mars under the cut
In Priests of Mars, one of the characters (i cant remember his name) names an Ark Mechanicus the "Speranza" which is a beautiful name. Later on, he dives into the machine spirit of the Speranza, an Ark Mechanicus, and nearly gets lost in its personality. Like, it's basically canonical if not canon that machine spirit=ai of varying intelligence and ability, so this ships is *alive* in some form. I wish he had come out of the ships consciousness with new pronouns for Speranza that Speranza had told him. Would have been neat.
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deimos-awaits · 6 months
What can be said of the First Explorator Fleet of Deimos? To say anything of what has been called “Boats Full of Xenarites” and “The Best Damned Explorators This Side Of The Eye of Terror” Our beloved Deimos itself must be discussed even in brief. REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED. 
Deimos has long been a smaller Forgeworld by the standards of the Adeptus Mechanicus, which gained most of its raw material from what remains of the Solar System's asteroid belt and Kuiper Belt. However despite being smaller in sheer size and output that has made Deimos no less hungry than other Forge Worlds. As the munition makers of the Grey Knights the forges of Deimos have never been allowed to fall silent lest the Great Enemy find any weakness in the defenses of Holy Terra. It was established by taking one of Mars moons from its orbit and moving it forward Titan, before establishing a Forgeworld upon this small rock that grew equally outwards and in. One method of growing the surface area of the moon has been to bring other asteroids close enough that they might be added to its mass, leading the once small moon to be a network of hallowed out asteroids stitched together by human artifice and holy machinery. This has lead Deimos to be approximately REDACTED across and REDACTED percent the size of Holy Mars. 
Like every other Forgeworld the rediscovery of blessed STCs is paramount in the minds of masters of Deimos and thus the creation of their exploratory fleets. These fleets, each led by an Ark Mechancius, lead the way in search for archeotechnology.  Established as an semi-independent force by the Fabricator General REDACTED REDACTED of Deimos very soon after the establishment of Deimos as a Forgeworld.
In more recent history the First Exploratory Fleet has had two Magi Domini. The first was Magos Domina Omega Bellerov-1.0 and Technoarcheologist Magos Domina Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0.
Fabricator Minoris Magos Domina Omega Bellerov-1.0 was originally the techpriest in charge of the Purgation Maniple which undoubtedly tinted her perspective about leadership. Bellerov-1.0 was a plastisteel fisted ruler. Under her command skitarii, servitor, and techpriest alike were seen as utterly disposable to further the will and reach of the Omnissiah. They led the fleet for around two hundred standard years bringing back approximately three STC fragments to Deimos for study. However after an encounter with the Word Eaters Legion Warband known as REACTED, Bellerov began to grow eccentric but still functioned well within parameters. However, for nine standard decades after this, Bellerov-1.0 began to abandon the pursuit of STC fragments instead chasing down Slaaneshi dedicated cults including THE BLESSED GUARDIANS on Erophant III. 
Erophant III would be Magos Domina Omega Bellerov-1.0’s last stand after nearly 56.43% Skitarii, 80.31% servitor, and 23.48% Techpriest casualty rates, the fleets ruling Synod launched an investigation. Due to knowledge gained from serving the Grey Knights, Bellerov was deemed corrupted by KHORNE and promptly REDACTED.
Following this the oldest priest serving became the ruling Fabricator-Minoris Explorator of the Fleet as decreed by the fleets Synod, and Technoarcheologist Magos Aleph-Gimmel became Fabricator-Minoris Technoarcheologist Magos Domina Explorator Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0. 
Under Fabricator-Minoris Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0’s leadership 7 distinct STC fragments have been found. Further three Necron tomb worlds have been discovered and reported to the wider Imperium and novel weapons added to the arsenal of both Adeptus Mechanicus and Grey Knight forces. However her propensity towards the usage of Eldar and Necron technology has began to stir up declarations of REDACTED.
Fabricator-Minoris Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 has utilized these two combinations of technologies after a meeting with Belisarius Cawl in order to form practical antipysker personal shielding that was spread within the First Explorator Fleet, however it's construction of necrodermis and wraithbone has lead most non Deimosian Techpriests that learn of it too decry it as hersey.
Fabricator-Minoris Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 displays a knack for finding STC fragments to support her with that has lead to many supporters previously here on Deimos to claim that she was blessed truly by the Omnissiah. Further information can be found in LINK_MISSING. The First Explorator Fleet has also come to the aid of the Grey Knights with the resurgence of the Demon Prince ANGRON as the fleet Synod now holds a grudge against the chaos power known as KHORNE. 
However, it was the trade with the LEAGUE OF VOTANN KNOWN AS THE TRANSANDROMEDIAM COOPERATIVE for resources in addition to rumors of PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS that has lead to Fabricator-Minoris Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 and the majority of her supporters to be declared by the Fabricator General Xenarite and Cawlian. In addition her supporters would be on a two hundred year penance crusade to recover lost technology before they could return to Deimos with the First Fleet. This was declared in 846M41. 
Organizationally, this Fleet, at last broadcast, was know to follow common organization of a Deimos force: a Skitarii-Infantry Maniple with three Cohorts, a Scout Maniple with three Cohorts, a Cybernetica Vanguard Maniple with three Cohorts, a Purgation Maniple with two cohorts and a independent Command Cohort run by the most senior tech priest present. The Command Cohort is usually comprised of choice selected unit by the leading priest. The Skitarii-Infantry Maniple are lead by two Skitarii Marshals and one Skitarius Preator. The Cyberntica Vanguard is typically run by any datasmith present and is composed typically of kastalean units and kataphron servitors. The Purgation Maniple, after Omega Bellerov-1.0’s REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED 
The Purgation Maniple, is led by a Manipulus not a Magos Dominus under any circumstances.  The Scout Maniple is led by autonomous Serybus and Sicariian Units. 
Further the First Explorator Fleet itself contains is known to contain two Ark Mechanicii, the Sigilite’s Anger and Deimos’s Cog, and at least three Metallica class Factory Ships which allow it to maintain base levels of self sufficiency in prolonged void operations. In addition the First Explorator Fleet was accompanied by the battle barge of the Ironsong Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, a flotilla of the Imperial Navy lead by Admiral Ezekiel Bendavid from Terra’s Pride, and a collection of Deimosian Knight houses. 
This lecture on the First Deimos Explorator Fleet REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED REDACTED 
REDACTED REDACTED. Omnissiah bless and preserve you. 
Well. That was most informative. Further search will be needed to determine how much of Magos-Historia Esther-Mendeelvee ∆12.56π's work is correct. Tracking the history and trail of the First Exploratory Fleet before it went to REDACTED will hopefully be less laborious if records are similarly kept. Unclear as of yet what audience Magos-Historia Esther was writing for, next avenue of investigation will be interrogating them tomorrow. Will be sending word to investigate Erophant III, which is located within the Imperium Nihilius. Reports of the fleet's activity have kept circling in from the Imperium Nihilius which does at least suggest they are still active. 
Praise the God-Emperor-Omnissiah
Inquisitor Seraph Seraphdottior signing off. 
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knightinkosherarmour · 6 months
List of Magi and Other Characters Associated with the First Deimos Explorator Fleet
Fabricator Minoris Technoarcheologist Magos Domina Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 (she/her): a xenarite who is in charge of the fleet and mostly responsible for the current state of the fleet in a penitent crusade they have just not returned from. Her specialty is wraithbone-necrodermis fusions to cancel out warp energies. She is rather brazen about her xenarite tendencies that emerged after a meeting with Cawl a few hundred years ago. Before said meeting she was a hardline orthodox techpriest. She is however an incredibly competent technoarcheologist and administrator, keeping the Fleet together. She was originally a diplomat for the fleet and for that reason has not had a lot of outward facial augmentations to make coordinating with other parts of the Imperium easier.
Mechasapient Magos Tsephor (he/him): Aleph-Gimmel's oldest friend and a manipulus magos only concerned with the care of the pteraxii of the fleet. Pteraxii are both symbols of good luck and his only obsession. He is a blank and utterly unconcerned with matters of religious importance as long as he can ensure his "birds" are well taken care of. He is not a xenarite and only in the fleet's penitent crusade due to close association with Aleph-Gimmel. 
Datasmiths Pot-Ketl (he/it/they): a pair of Datasmiths or just one Datasmith who is either two techpriests who have augmented themselves into one person or one priest who split his brain in twain. They always speak in union and are on the FDEF for suspected experiments with Abominable Intelligence in their kastelan robots. However the Kastelans have been functioning better than ever before so this goes largely uncommented on. They have a piece of archeotech that allows them to communicate between each other across almost limitless distance. 
Skitarii Marshall Kattal-4/28 (it/they): head of security aboard the fleet and Aleph-Gimmel’s personal Ark Mechanicus, Deimos’s Cog, it is the perfect representation of Aleph-Gimmel’s experiments with xenotech with much of their own augments being supplamneted by necrodermis and wraithbone supports. Their own personal weapon was stolen from a slain Aeldari warrior. Kattal-4/28 does not speak often but aboard the FDEF it is known two things. They speak with the vox of their Fabricator Minoris and they are given far more autonomy than any skitarii ought to, even by the liberal standards of the FDEF. Before becoming a Marshall it worked often with sicarian units and have grown fonder and fonder of cloak and dagger operations. 
Admiral Ezekiel Bendavid (he/him): the head of the accompanying imperial Navy flotilla. He is the latest in a long line of scions of the Bendavid dynasty, skilled Navy commanders. He wished too be a general in the guard since reading the works of General Jenit Sulla and the exploits of Hero of the Imperium Ciaphas Cain. He is adept at void warfare and longs for the boarding actions of his youth when he was allowed to fight the enemy hand to hand and not kept cooped up in the battle deck of his ships.
Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita (he/they): the Chapter Master of the Ironsong Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. They claim in public to be sons of Ferrus Manus but in reality are an experiment made by the magi of Deimos using the geneseed of Fulgrim. Siderénia Teleiótita is the second chapter master of the Ironsong and has struck a balance between the industrial and artistic factions of the chapter embodies both ideals of a refined noble knight and master of mechanized warfare whenever the situation calls for it. 
Malka the Phobeian (he/she):the head of one of Deimos’s several knightly houses who joined the fleet because her enginseer-Sacristan was sentenced there. He doesn't quite understand how a tech priest could commit heresy. That’s for more religious individuals, in the meantime she focuses on honor in battle, obliterating the enemies of the Emperor and ensuring the noble lineage of his house. He was never supposed to be the head of House Phobeian, the Terror of Phobos, but the next six heirs and children of her father all died in mysterious circumstances. Her Sacristan has assured her he is completely safe within her knight. Her melding with the throne mechanicum years ago stripped back many of her more shy and soft aspects of his personality. 
Inquisitor Seraph Seraphdottior (she/her): an inquistor self appointed to monitor the FDEF, a member of the Ordo Machinum who is sure that Aleph-Gimmel has already fallen to Tzeentch, Admiral Ezekiel Bendavid to Khorne, and Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita to Slaanesh. She will only act however once she has concrete evidence because several plants and fleets worth of ships and technology are on the line. Seraphdottior has worked with the Prefecture Magisterium in the past. She is far colder and more aloof than most of the tech priests aboard the FDEF, because she is after all the Judgment Of The Emperor and can be allowed no errors.
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mulberry1104 · 5 months
I’ve mentioned them on Tumblr before, but I’ll say it again to give a little preamble to my request for aid. In the 40k sector I’m working on there are three Admech factions, the rather radical tech priests of Suzukian, the icy (because they are on an ice world) tech priests of Boratilian, and the voidbound crew of the Illa Requiescit. The last ones are what I’m talking about today. They are a group of tech priests operating out of a nominally decommissioned Ark Mechanicus in my sector’s capital, and the accompanying fleet. Another fun fact about them is that because they reason that voidships, the mightiest of the Omnissiah’s creations, use she/her pronouns, their leaders should all use she/her pronouns as a mark of reverence.
My problem with them, however, is that I don’t know what to title their leader. I know Archmagos Explorator is the canon title for one of her rank, but it’s a bit dry and feels a bit bland. Does anyone have any ideas/recommendations for making Admech titles?
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chemos-factories · 10 months
slaaneshi heretek magos named TR-808. his ark mechanicus has a bunch of studio space in it, and he does album production/distribution for noise marines on the side. sleazy 80s music agent energy. he’d constantly have a fat fuckin cigar if he had a mouth and lungs still
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transmechanicus · 2 years
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Metacorpus Ferrum, Ark Mechanicus of Battlefleet Mars
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Thought of the Day: Drink deep of victory and remember the fallen.
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bringerofplagues · 2 years
Ranking The (Known) Primarchs
I decided to do a ranking of all the primarchs based on how much i enjoy them as characters, i will take their lore and designs into consideration. Please note that my knowledge of the lore is pretty shaky so if i get something wrong or don’t know something i refuse to take responsibility.
18: Ferrus Manus. Ferrus is just a bit boring to me. I feel like the mechanicus pull of the technophile vibe better than him and his legion. His character also just seems like he is pissed all the time. I do like his little friendship with Fulgrim, and i remember seeing him talking about how he thinks his legion has gone too far with the hole “the flesh is weak” thing so he had potential but is definitely hampered by getting killed so early in the heresy. Moreover i feel like Vulkan is a much cooler version of the forge master trope.
17: Angron. Angron only barely edges out Ferrus because i feel a bit bad for him. In Arks Of Omen: Angron it is mentioned that he finally feels peace from the butchers nails after dying, only to get revived by Khorne. The problem is we don’t get any Angron from before the nails. It just makes him seem like an angry brute with no real character from very early on, but at least the glimpses of him without the nails are very well written and very sad.
16: Horus Lupercal. Horus is a massive let down as a character. Don’t get me wrong he does have some cool stuff going on, like him feeling scared the emperor will replace the primarchs. That would be such a cool reason for his fall to chaos. But instead Eerbus did some fucky wucky chaos shit and now the bald man is evil. At least make it so Erebus fed Horus’ fears or some shit like that instead of the “he gets stabbed by a demon sword and Erebus does something whack in his dream”. If he had been a less important primarch this would have been fine but he is the leader of the Horus Heresy, the guy who put the emperor on the golden throne and almost killed him and so i feel like he needs something more interesting than “ he got cursed lol”.
15: Fullgrim. Fullgrim is a bit like Horus in that he has a lot of cool stuff going on, but that isn’t related enough to his fall. He and his legion are obsessed with perfection and are constantly striving towards it. That would be such a cool reason for him to fall. Maybe they start experimenting with combat stims a bit too much, maybe they develop noise marines a very effective way to force conquered worlds into compliance, but they push all these things too far and end up getting into the realm of excess thus falling to the prince of pleasure. But nope, the twink picks up a Slaanesh demon sword and now he’s evil.
14: Robute Guilliman. Guilliman isn’t bad, he is just not special. Every other legion and primarch have something cool and original going on that sets them apart and Guilliman just doesn’t. And i get that’s kinda the point right, the ultramarines are the ultimate vanilla marines meant to invite people into the hobby and thus Guilliman has to be the ultimate vanilla primarch. But here’s the thing about vanilla ice cream, it can genuinely be the best ice cream flavour precisely because it’s simplicity allows you to appreciate the quality of its ingredients and the few flavors it has to their fullest extend, but Guilliman and the ultramarines aren’t simple in a way that lets you appreciate what they have, they are just boring. Maybe if they leaned way heavier into their greco roman inspiration it would work, like the new White Consuls character GW released is perfect for what i want out of them design wise. Otherwise Guillimans big thing is that he is trying to hold the imperium together but also he hates what is has become, which could be said about most other loyal primarchs and as such he kinda just bores me.
13: Jaghatai Khan. The Khan is cool and all but he also needs more development as a character. A lot of people seem to like him for being reasonable and not making hasty decisions but that is not enough to carry him as a character. That being said his status as the “wildcard” amongst the primarchs is genuenly fun and i love the mongolian inspiration i just wish there was more of. I guess that’s the best way to describe the Khan, i like what there is but i want more.
12: Alpharius & Omegon. The twins are fun, i like the part where Alpharius meets Dorn for the first time. But again they lack something. They ooze character but i need to see more of them in the works. I have however seen some of their legions armor and it seems to have scales which is just so cool.
11: Lorgar. I like Lorgar, Lorgar is fine. I think he is a cool representation of humanitys need to find meaning in the universe with his desire for religion. I also find that his relationship to Erebus is an interesting representing the way religious and parental abuse and indoctrination can affect someone (note: i am not an expert on the topic nor have i gone through it myself, this is not about accuracy but about interesting storytelling). The problem is that the story of why he fell is really fucking dumb. Not him falling in general that part makes sense, the dude desperately wants a religion and the emperor doesn’t want to be a god, so it’s either chaos or the eldar gods. The problem is with how the emperor handled the idea of the word bearers worshiping him. The writers tend to flip-flop between showing the emperor as a loving father and a cold and manipulative mastermind. The problem is that neither of those characterizations fit the way he dealt with Lorgar. He went to their home world, burned it to the fucking ground and psychically tortured them. If he was  a loving dad he wouldn’t have done that, and if he was a genius master mind he would have known that would only piss of Lorgar and push him towards chaos. And yes this isn’t about Lorgar, but it is an important part of his character development and it just doesn’t work at all.
10: Konrad Curze. Honestly i did not expect Curze to be this high on the list, but i gotta say he is the first primarch i don’t have any real  problems with. He is tortured by visions of the future so he is really tragic, and i like that he is kinda like an evil batman. He and his legion give me enormous so bad that it’s good 80′ies horror movie vibes which is something i love.Specifically he reminds me of Fright Night if anyone knows that one (banger so bad it’s good movie, i highly recommend it) Sure there are more interesting primarchs imo but Curze hits a lot of good spots.
9: Lion El’Johnson. The Lion is in many ways a cooler Guilliman to me. A genius strategist but with a way more interesting design and flaws. First of all the knight theme looks really cool and maps onto the space marine power armor very well. I also like that he sucks at social stuff. Where Guilliman is just kinda good but not the best at everything (vanilla boy) the Lion has clear strengths and weaknesses. And we get to see these flaws create interesting conflicts with the other primarchs. My favourite example is his rivalry with Russ. Russ is very honour obsessed and the Lion only cares about the most effective way to win, so when they have to take a planet together and Russ has to deal with some wulfen problems The Lion takes what Russ considers his kill and the wolf lord gets pissed. These are two very well established character traits leading to a very believable conflict. And they even become friends later on. That being said as cool as the knight theme is i just have other preferences and the Lion sometimes just acts like a huge asshole so he isn’t quite at the top for me.
8: Leeman Russ. Russ is cool. I have already spoken about how his need for honour lead to conflict with The Lion so i won’t elaborate on that here, but i do like his hyocracy of how much he hates the warp and yet uses warp priests himself because he believes they are something else. I also don’t dislike the supposed use of the word wolf in the space woves unit names nor do i dislike the the very wolf inspired upgrade kits, well except for the tails those just seem a bit too impractical. I think this gives the wolves a more unique feeling than the other legions, it’s not just the same unit with a different color scheme. My main problem is that Leeman and the wolves are in the end a very bad take on the viking trope. They live on Fenris a frozen hellhole despite the fact that most vikings were from the more temperate area of Denmark. I get that Norway and places that look like Norway give off more of a viking feeling because they seem harsh to live in, but that’s the problem if you want to send a lot of people out to raid you have to have a large population and that’s hard to get in a frozen and almost uninhabitable place. Also the vikings did a lot of cool stuff like trade all around the world, even so far as to Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) and they settled cities in Ireland and stuff. They were also not as uncivilized as the wolves would have you think. They were general more hygienic than most other people of their time and women had a lot more rights in viking / medieval Scandinavian society than most other places. To borrow a phrase the Space Wolves and Leeman Russ are not space vikings, they are bad viking larpers in space. This isn’t a huge problem and probably only really bothers me and like 3 other history nerds, but still it holds them back for me a bit.
7: Magnus. My favourite rpg class is wizards / spellcasters. Psykers are just space wizards and Magnus is the greatest primarch psyker. He is also a huge nerd which i relate to. I find his desire to impress the emperor / his dad very sympathetic and i think his fall is handled very well. My only 2 problems is that the thousand sons look a bit weird, i feel like there was a better way to implement Egyptian design elements to space marine power armor, and that the horus heresy did him dirty. Specifically the burning of Propero, i like that part of the reason he fell to chaos is because Leeman burned his planet, what i don’t like is that he didn’t even talk to Leeman when asked to and just let him destroy Prospero and now 10k years later he is salty about it. Major bruh moment.
6: Vulkan. We are now getting into the territory where i don’t have any real complaints about any of the primarchs, and it’s just personal preference (even more than the rest of the list). I like how Vulkan is the most humane and kind of the primarchs, and how he still burned a defenseless human child to a crisp. I like this because it highlights how humanity and the Imperium are genuinely fucked up. Vulkan is by far the best person in the Imperium and even he does war crimes. I also like how he and his legion are very self sufficient and value the craft of smiting and making their own weapons. And of course their armour is sometimes designed to look like lizards / salamanders or dragons, which is cool af.
5: Sanguinius. Now some people might say “Sanguinius is too perfect” and too that i say, that’s the point. He represents a golden light of hope within the Imperium and when he died the universe became a darker and more grim place. He taught his legion art and self expression and greatly improved their well being, but he was also the most powerful primarch He perectly represents the tragedy that makes up the Horus Heresy and the 40k setting in general. And all of this puts a huge burden on his poor sons, most of all Dante. The poor guy just wants to rest but is also too much of damned hero to just call it quits and so he keeps fighting for the Imperium. The blood angels could use a bit of a range upgrade soon tho, if we don’t get primaris Dante and an updated Sanguinor i will riot. In general great primarch and glorius hawk boy.
4: Perturabo. The traitor primarch with the most believable fall (besides magnus) imo. It is easy to see how he felt unappreciated, and how his fall could have been prevented if the emperor showed less favoritism. And he still comes across as a villain jut a very sympathetic and believable villain. He also pulls off the heavy industrial look very well. Ooh and he summons demons, force them into machines and use them as weapons, that’s fucking awesome. And then there was that time during the heresy where he beat up Angron, or the time he refused Nurgle, just a lot of badass moments.
3: Mortarion. Look, i am THE Bringer Of Plagues. I love diseases, they are cool to me. And Morty is a giant demon man with moth wings who spreads disease. I also love the skaven and the Death Guard are the closest we currently have to 40k space skaven on the tabletop (at least clans pestilens). I also have a whole ass post about why i like his fall to chaos on my blog you can read if you want so i don’t want to reapeat myself. He also has a scythe, one of the coolest weapons. There is nothing not to love about Mortarion, and i will defend him to the day i die.
2: Rogal Dorn. I recently binged all of TTS, and i gotta say i fell in love with Dorn. Well i already loved him from that interaction he had with Alpharius i mentioned earlier, but TTS made me love him even more. I don’t know how accurate the bit of him taking things very literally is to the actual  canon is, but if he does it just 1% as often i love him. I also relate heavily to that trait since i also tend to take things very literal. Also i like power fists, they look cool to me.
1: Corvus Corax. I have a confession, when i was 14 or so i entered my emo phase and i have never left it, nor will i ever leave it. Ravens are also my favorite bird, tied with peregrine falcons tho. And the The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is my favourite poem, tied with Ozymandias but still. So when you give me an emo / goth looking primarch,  named after the latin name for ravens, who quotes the poem The Raven (Nevermore), it does things to me. I love how the Ravenguard incoorperate raven like features into their amour but i want more. Also i would love it if their geneseed made them more tall and lanky instead of just buff, so they would look more stealthy, but this is a very minor complaint / headcanon. I also fully believe Corvus is the most badass primarch. Spoiler warning for if you haven’t read Shadow of the Past. Corvus enters the warp, becomes a fucked up looking raven shadow demon monster warp entity thing, capable of splitting himself apart into ravens made of shadow that can cut through the power armor of the word bearers, and the proceeds to absolutely dunk on Lorgar who has at this point ascended into demonhood, like he makes Lorgar look a bunch of wet paper. And the line he says as Lorgar runs off and hides behind his portal “ I have your scent now, Lorgar,'. I will find you, Lorgar! I will destroy you and every vessel you have filled with your taint!” . Fucking awesome. On another note i like how we see his past has affected him. Growing up on Lycaeous gave him an intense hatred of slavery, which is yet another reason he hates Lorgar who uses quite a lot of slave labour, makes a lot of sense. My last point is this, i like that he sounds like he is always reciting edgy emo poetry. I hate the fact that the primarchs grew up on different entirely different planets and yet they all talk very similar. Yes they have slight variations to how they speak but nowhere near what would be expected given how different cultures they grew up amongst. The Lion should talk in old  / medieval English, real ye olde times shit. Guilliman should sound like he is goddamn Cicero. Let Ruse use the three letters added to the Scandinavian alphabets (google “Danish and Norwegian alphabet Wikipedia” to see what i mean, they also exist in the Swedish one they just look different). But nope Corvus is the only who speaks in a mildly unique way. Anyway emo bird boy best primarch.
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gamecrag · 1 year
The Warhammer 40k universe is a vast and dangerous place, filled with all manner of terrifying creatures and technological wonders. Among the many wonders of this universe are the massive ships that ply the void between the stars, each one a marvel of engineering and firepower. From the largest battleships to the smallest frigates, the ships of Warhammer 40k are truly awe-inspiring. In this list, we will take a look at the 10 biggest ships in the Warhammer 40k universe, and explore what makes each of them so formidable. 10) The Tyranid Hive Ships These are massive ships used by the Tyranids to transport their armies and invade other worlds. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets. They are also equipped with advanced technology that allows them to rapidly evolve and adapt to new environments. Tyranid Hive Ships are unique in that they are essentially living organisms, with a consciousness and a will of their own. 9) The Tau Battleships These are massive ships used by the Tau Empire to defend their borders and to launch invasions. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets. They are also equipped with advanced sensor arrays and communications systems, allowing them to coordinate the movements of entire fleets. Tau Battleships are unique in that they are designed to work in conjunction with other Tau ships, using advanced tactics and technology to outmaneuver and outgun their enemies. 8)The Eldar Craftworlds These are massive ships used by the Eldar to travel through space. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets. The Eldar Craftworlds in Warhammer 40k have grown greatly in size since the Fall, when they became the sanctuary worlds of the Eldar race. According to various sources, they are now approximately 10 to 100 times bigger in volume and population size than they were before the Fall. Some sources suggest that some Craftworlds are planet-sized, with a size of thousands of miles. Thus, Craftworlds are effectively worlds in space, each a self-contained biosystem, with forested and natural areas as well as urbanized ones 7) The Necron Tomb Ships These are massive ships used by the Necrons to transport their armies and to invade other worlds. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets. They are also equipped with advanced technology that allows them to phase in and out of reality, making them extremely difficult to detect and destroy. Necron Tomb Ships are unique in that they are essentially living ships, with a consciousness and a will of their own. 6) The Ramilies-class Star Fortresses These are massive space stations that are used to defend important systems. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous cannons and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets. They are also equipped with advanced sensor arrays and communications systems, allowing them to coordinate the movements of entire fleets. Ramilies-class Star Fortresses are unique in that they can generate powerful energy shields that can repel even the largest 5) The Ark Mechanicus This is a massive ship used by theThis is a massive ship used by the Adeptus Mechanicus to transport and repair their machines. It is heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers. In terms of size, they can range from 5-7 kilometers, which is comparable to other Imperial battleships. However, there are unusually large examples, such as the Ark Mechanicus Speranza, which is estimated to be 130-150 kilometers long. In addition, one book features an advanced Ark Mechanicus that was over 20 kilometers long. These ships are
among the largest of all Imperial starships, and their extreme mass creates a distorted gravity field equivalent in strength to that of an unstable moon 4) The Battle Barges Of all the ships available to the Space Marine Chapters, Battle Barges are one of the biggest, most heavily armed, and armored. So large they are essentially mobile fortresses, capable of carrying thousands of troops and all the equipment necessary for planetary invasions. Sporting numerous weapons, including cannons, missile launchers, and energy weapons. Battle Barges are also equipped with advanced sensor arrays and communications systems, allowing them to coordinate the movements of entire fleets. 3) The Gloriana-class Battleships These are massive Imperial warships that were created during the Great Crusade and are some of the largest ships ever built. In terms of weapons and armor, Gloriana class ships are heavily armed and armored, with numerous cannons and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets. They are also equipped with advanced sensor arrays and communications systems, allowing them to coordinate the movements of entire fleets. Each Gloriana-class Battleship is unique, with its own specific capabilities and armaments. 2) The Rock The Rock is a mobile fortress-monastery and the home base of the Dark Angels Space Marine Chapter in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is one of the most formidable war machines in the Imperium, and is said to be one of the largest and most powerful ships in the galaxy. In terms of size, The Rock is massive, measuring over 8 kilometers in length and 3.5 kilometers in height. It is essentially a small moon that has been hollowed out and converted into a fortress monastery, with extensive facilities for training, research, and manufacturing. The Rock is also heavily armed and armored, with a range of weapons and defenses that make it nearly impervious to attack. It is able to travel through deep space and enter orbit around planets, allowing the Dark Angels to launch their forces into battle from its surface. 1) The Phalanx The Phalanx is described as gigantic, and the largest starship known to have been constructed by human hands, with nothing of its magnitude seen since the Age of Technology. It is said to be the size of a small moon or large asteroid, with a foredeck that can dock a dozen Imperial Navy cruisers around its circumference. According to an analysis on Reddit, Phalanx's diameter ranges from 1014 to 1825 km, and its height ranges from 675 to 1215 km. The ship's awesome magnitude served as a symbol of the coming era of the Imperium during the Great Crusade, and its capabilities are substantial
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deimos-awaits · 5 months
The Prime Conduit
The Fabricator Minoris tries to access memories very long ago moment in her life that have never quite been recorded correctly.
Adepta Aleph-Gimmel of Deimos in those days was only a young tech priestess. She had left the flesh vats of Deimos over a century and a half ago by standard reconing. Against her own desires she had been assigned as a diplomat to the First Deimos Explorator Fleet, to meet with both representatives from other forgeworlds including both extremes from beautiful Metallica to wonderous Sanctum Novis as well as members of other imperial organizations such as the stalwart Imperial Guard or frustrating ecclesiarchy. Such a position was, in her thoughts at the time, a waste for an Adepta of her aspirations. She often wondered if she would have been better staying on Sanctum Novis and actually getting to work as a Magos. Maybe Metallica would have been a better choice due to her more stringent orthodox practices and beliefs. There was something to be said about the pure white robes.
The diplomatic corp was of course was deeply insightful especially for the practical applications of the lessons of the Sciences of Charisma but it otherwise held little long term attraction.
Unfortunately her duty tied her to her home forgeworld and its fleets and to her dear friend Adept Tsephor-10.54 was not someone she wanted to leave behind! He was too important to her to leave behind or abandon. Maybe when she eventually was about to break away to pursue her long goal of technoarcheology he would come with. She dearly hoped so; Aleph-Gimmel could not imagine life without her closest friend. Technoarcheology, however, the wild adventure on the fringes of the galaxy to recover humanity's sacred past was her dream. The adventure! The excitement! The sacred duty and dreams of it filled her cogitators down time. There is course was supporting to be said about the glory of discovering an STC fragment that is as of yet unknown to the greater Mechanicus. It was all part of her duty to show the superiority of humanity's technology against the failures of xenotech.
During the latest part of her stint as a diplomat the young and hopefully rather unoutwardly augmented tech priestess received to communicate from further up the command chain. She was to meet with the delegation from an Ark Mechanicus ship.
Aleph-Gimmel sat down with her morning cup of recaff. It was nice to enjoy this quiet moment in the cramped quarters she shared with Tsephor, though his notes on the pttreaxii spiraled across the room. She began to go through the dataslate of assigned diplomatic tasks; there was always more to do. Meet with the archmagos of the Zar-Quaesitor, give the greetings from Deimos, and other standard information exchanges that occurred whenever the First Deimos Explorator Fleet met up with other Mechanicus ships. There were protocols, there were always protocols. Such protocols were what superated the Mechanicus from chaos worshiping fools and perfidious xenos.
The young woman took a moment to savor her recaff and enjoy the sweet taste present after she had added some synthesized sugar. She still had her stomach and taste buds intact mainly out of sentimentality. An odd trait among the mechanicus but given how stringent she was in all other matters of faith it was accepted as a foible that has occurred as a result of diplomatic duties. In truth Aleph-Gimmel simply enjoyed eating. The diplomatic path had led to many hidden augmentations however as she quickly learned other members of imperial organizations were likely to react better to say only one false eye and some cog tattoos rather than an entire steel face, and it was her honor to do her job efficiently and well.
Adept Tsephor-10.54 stirred from his own bunk. His rest cycle had finished. He like many other in the mechanicus has removed the need for direct sleep but still needed to plug directly into a nutrient recycling system in order to receive some rest. “Good morning Aleph, you look nervous.”
“Good morning, Tsephor. I'm not nervous just intrigued.” She responded calmly while scrolling through the rest of the data slate about the archmagos she was supposed to meet.
“Really Aleph? Your eye has that twitch it does when you get stressed.” Tsephor said now as he began to gather up his scattered notes on his beloved birds.
“Fine. I'm just a bit stressed because frankly I don't know who this Belisarius Cawl that I'm meeting is supposed to be.” She huffed out at him. Her organic hand reached up to cover her brown eye. She would need to get that fixed.
Tsephor stopped where he stood though mechandrites kept moving. “Aleph. Be serious with me now. You,” there was a pause. “Don’t know who Belisarius Cawl is?”
“No? Should I? I mean he's an archmagos so probably. I simply haven't heard of him in reality cage studies so he can't be important can he?”
The other techpriest simply stared at her as if feathers had begun to sprout from her robes. “Aleph, he is, look, did you ever install a dataport? It would be easier to send you the information.”
“No. I don't have one yet. You can send it over the noosphere. Having a direct connection like that to my brain seems unwise to me.”
Tsephor simply sighed and did his best to send over all he knew about the Prime Conduit to Adepta Aleph-Gimmel through a noosphereic packet though he was frankly confused how she knew so little about him, when even he himself did.
Her eye winded. “Oh. Fuck me.” That was not the reaction Tsephor expected. “That's…certainly going to put a damper on today but he is still an archmagos. Hopefully, hopefully there won't be too much technoheresey.” Tsephor could not tell if that was a joke or not.
“It all depends on how much you see of him I suppose, now I do have to report to Magi Barks-Sof 23/3, so meet up with you after your important meeting?”
“Yes, I'll probably be by the midship cathderum for prayers, based on the average time it takes to finish these diplomatic meetings. Let's meet there.” Adepta Aleph-Gimmel put her half finished recaf cup on the shelf mainly absentmindedly. She would finish it later.
She said a prayer of thank you to the machine spirits in the shared dormitories before quickly hurrying out the door and towards the docking bays where Deimos’s Cog would connect with the Zar-Quaesitor. Using the most express methods she would be able to arrive approximately within 14.6731 minutes of when she left the dormitories which would give her about 8.9523 minutes until the expected meeting time. As she walked, the usual accompanying swarm of servoskulls began to flit around her. It was usually a congregation consisting of incense carriers, datapslam speakers, and a few pic recorders. It was always welcome to feel the choir of machine spirits around her reaching out through the noosphee.
Arriving at the bulkhead doors, Adepta Aleph-Gimmel had little to do but wait. Her cogitators began to whir wondering exactly how this meeting would go. Most Archmagi she had met would usually not meet her here, but would such a flouter of time honored traditions and rituals follow that? Maybe not, but she has no idea what this so-called Prime Conduit would do nor how she would be greeted. Anxiety began to creep into her circuits and she did get beat to shut that down. The bulkhead doors were the standard Adeptus Mechanicus steel embossed with the cogwheel and skull and countless purity seals affixed after every inspection. Focusing on the waxen prayer seals helped get focus and banish any of the remaining thoughts from her head about way the upcoming meeting could to badly. She did not want to disappoint the Fabricator Minoris of the Fleet Omega Bellerov-1.0. Battleline duty awaited those who disappointed her and Aleph-Gimmel liked keeping her head.
After about 7.85781 minutes had passed with Aleph-Gimmel nearly frozen in place simply thinking about how to extol the virtue of the fleet she called home and the greatness of their human technology to such a heretic. The bulkhead doors between the ships began to open and creak their way open. Someone forgot the proper rites of maintenance was the main thought in her head, as she heard the metal groaning as it moved.
In the vast hallway between ships instead of the normal getting party there was a small what she assumed to be tech priest, it was a small box with a swarm of mechandrites attached, treads reminiscent of a tank from the Imperial Guard, and a human head atop it all. All of this was draped in the standard red robes of a Martian techpriest. This was honestly the least surprising form a tech priest she would have seen has taken but she did question the treads when so many more efficient and effective modes of transport were known to the Mechanicus. Once the lone figure had approached her fully, Adepta Aleph-Gimmel bowed deeply and transmitted the following message.
<<<Greetings to the Zar-Quaesitor, to Archmagos Dominatus Dominius Belisarius Cawl. We wish all the blessings of the Omnissiah upon thee. I am Adepta Legatia Aleph-Gimmel of the First Deimos Explorator Fleet and bring gifts and the welcomings of Fabricator Minoris Magos Dominia Omega Bellerov-1.0. I would be eager to aid you and your Archmagos in whatever way I can on behalf of the Synod of the Fleet and Fabricator Minoris>>>
The gifts were data packets and discoveries sent over to this newcomer by several of the floating servoskulls. In less than a millisecond after her own message has been received the techpriest in front of her transmitted a simple response. The simplicity of it annoyed her.
<<<Greetings! I am Magos Qvo-76. A servant of Archmagos Belisarius Cawl. Cawl sends word he apologizes he cannot meet you here in person but has extended a warm welcome to meet you in his personal labs.>>>
<<<This will be acceptable I will meet him.>>> This was an understatement; the kind of invite shw was receiving was a rare accolade for an Adepta of her station and she was more than well used to being brushed off by various Archmagi and other senior techpriests to talk with functionaries. Suspected heretic by her estimations or not.
<<<Wonderful! I've transferred this information to Cawl. Please follow.>>>
And with that the tech priest known as Qvo-76 scuttled back into the ship where he had come from. Aleph-Gimmel knew better than to tardy and engaged the autowalk feature on her legs that she might better focus on what Qvo was saying. The rest of their conversation was concluded in a similar manner through noospheric messages primary, Aleph-Gimmel surmised, because Qvo-76 no longer had enough flesh to speak via the organic method and apparently neither had installed a vox box.
As they walked and rolled through the bowels of the Zar-Quaesitor, Qvo-76 and Aleph-Gimmel kept conversing, the she could tell simply by looking at the variety of purity seals on the walls of the ship and how old the walls themselves were that she was now onboard a truly ancient Ark Mechanicus.
<<<So, Aleph-Gimmel, what is your field of study? An adepta such as yourself surely won't stay a Legatia forever in the diplomatic corp.>>> Qvo-76 took an interest once they were according to him, half way through the journey to Cawl’s laboratory.
<<<Technoarcheolohy and eality fields, Magos, are my current study, and yes. I…do not wish to stay at my current position forever. Magos Dominia Omega Bellerov-1.0 has promised once I prove myself here, I might begin a new path.>>>
<<<Reality fields?>>>
<<<Yes! The distortion of the fabric of reality due to the immaterium can be hopefully through carefully study proactively counter acted through the application and discovery of the proper STCs. That is my current aim.>>>
<<<Interesting. Gimmel, if I might be so familiar, you ever thought about using other sources for You're research.>>>
<<<No. It's important to maintain the purity and lineage of human technology.>>>
<<<I see. I see. You offer to help earlier, would you be willing to help provide this?>>>
<<<Yes I don't see why not?>>>
And after that the conversation melted back into pedantic back and forth about the nature of technology and how to best please machine spirits. After a while they approached the set of brass stores embossed similarly with the cog mechanicus. They were vast, at least seven times the height of Aleph-Gimmel herself. The doors slowly and soundlessly opened at their approach and inside all she could see was a future that was a cross between an arthropod and centaur of old Earth myth. The entire place was backlit so brightly compared to the dim Halls that they had been wandering in. Qvo-76 rolled on in. The unknowable figure that smelled of death itself gestured her to continue in.
Aleph-Gimmel not know why and she did not like not knowing but she did not know why she was filled with the horror and terror that were the namesake of her home forgeworld. She thought such emotions had been turned off in her.
She was wrong.
Aleph-Gimmel stumbled out the brass doors once more. She knew the way back to her ship. The back of her neck ached the way it did when you implant or augmentation had been done but there was no augmentation that she knew of according to her memecore memory. How long had it been though? Once inside of Cawl’s labs her internal clocks had stopped working. Probably some standard dread number-oh-dread number error.The last few hours did sometimes stretch on for days or maybe they really were days as she thought more about her time and his company either way it was deeply enlightening. Cawl was a genius she had to admit!
As she wandered back to the Deimos’s Cog, normal machine cult curiosity suppressed by the desire to get home and talk with Tsephor, she just dreamed and wondered about that application that xenos technology might have to the design of creating and enforcing reality cages… necrodermis and blackstone was the object to study du jour for those well first and what the sage magi of Sanctum Novid termed neotech. However her mind could only turn now with ideas of what The wraith bone of the eldar could accomplish when turned to several sanctified practice using its psychoactive properties to reinforce the physical world instead of drawing in on the Immaterium.
I'm talking about the same amount of time though how much she could not know to return back to recorders where she wished me dealing with her friend her oldest friend that dearest friend.
Come entering she saw that he had a wild expression on his face, some shocking mix of concern worried that she did not know why and could not have them on she was talking with one of the geniuses of the Galaxy the honor of conversing with Cawl to worry about really!
“Aleph! Aleph where have you been!” The young tech priest obsessed with birds practically crooned at her. She ran over to hug her and soon wrapped her in his arms and mechandrites.
A grin spread wild across her face as her mind tried to search for any record of what had happened over the past few days by and large came up blank or maybe it was only just hours. “I was at my diplomatic meeting!”
“Aleph. Aleph.” And his voice lowered with as much care and worry better follower of the cult mechanicus could have. “It's been over a week.”
Her head glazed at that and she shook her head but couldn't be true could it no it's simply wasn't she rubbed her neck that ache in her neck had not gone away despite everything. She ignored the statement. “Could you see what's on my neck?”
And as gently as he could, Tsephor pulled down her foot from the robe knowing that she very rarely let anyone, even him, see her like this, it was almost a form of nakedness most others did not understand. Recovering with all the signs of typical fresh augmentation on the back of her neck in the place where she would never be able to see it, there was a dataport connecting directly into her central nervous system.
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knightinkosherarmour · 6 months
Technoarcheologist and Inquisitor
Aboard the Ark Mechanicus Deimos’s Cog the living quarters of the current head of the First Deimos Explorator Fleet was not which one would expect out of the living quarters of a tech priest. By and large the quarters are separated into two different sections, one of them was exactly what you would expect machines and incense and work tables and private spaces for veneration stretched out for hundreds of square meters, it was a private site of innovation and as well held a small meeting space where senior tech priests of the fleets synod or Skitarii Marshals could meet personally with Fabricator Minoris Technoarcheologist Magos Domina Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0. there was even space enough for the head of the accompanying chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita, to sit comfortably. Accompanying Admiral Ezekiel Bendavid of an Imperial flotilla similarly had a designated if auster chair.
The other half however of Aleph-Gimmel’s private quarters seem to be something straight out of the second millennia in Old Earth. Still covered in icons of the Machine God this section of rooms seemed almost comfortable. At Great expense it had been covered in wood paneling, as well as seats made with cushions for both baseline humans and rather augmented tech priests to be able to longue. Aleph-Gimmel also personally oversaw the construction of a kitchen and accompanying amsec cellar room as well as room for dining. Strangest of all rooms in an almost a mirror to the rest station on the other half of these quarters where she could simply plug in and rejuvenate there was a classic four-poster terran bed and private study.
Aleph-Gimmel only let a select few into that last space. She had learned the importance of being able to cater both to her own tastes and guests while serving as a diplomat for her fleet.
Today however was a much more informal situation. However it was just as important, if not more.
Aleph-Gimmel sat at the head of the dining table. Her chair was specially crafted in order to accommodate her panoply of augmentations and exploratory machines attached to her back and wired into her head. She had retained the use of her digestive system exclusively for nights like this, otherwise it was possible for her to gain nutrients the same way as many tech priests, through intravenous methods.
As she waited, she looked down at her glass of Squire’s Rest Amsec. She was running through the calculations in her head for the first time this person meeting her in this room would be thrown off take priests normally did not keep such quarters however that may not last the entire night. This was going to be a meeting not formally not between the leaders of any such organizations supposedly between friends. If she could be said to have such. The viscosity of the amsec was 0.2, well with acceptable parameters. Her emotional regulator let her know that neurotransmitters flagging the feeling of emotion of anxiety were being generated. She flagged them for destruction.
Another alert buzzed through her noospheric sensors that the doors to this room were being opened.
The figure that emerged into the room was wearing black armor, as well as standard imperial uniform that was issued usually to its officers of the highest order. Her skin was dark and beautiful. It was marred only by an ocular implant and scarring around it. Most glaring however was a chain around the figure's neck.
An Inquisitorial rosette in gleaming gold and silver hung from it.
Her grey eyes looked down at Aleph-Gimmel and the matching set of plates at the tail end of the table and decanter ready to be poured. “Fabricator Minoris Technoarcheologist Magos Domina Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0.”
With that she stood up and gave a small bow. “Inquisitor Seraph Seraphdottior, please take your seat. I have arranged for this dinner for you.” The magi’s voice though organic was carefully modulated. Ste similarly kept a small non threatening smile upon the her face. If she were to leave this meeting alive it would take every ounce of her expertise.
Sera looked around the room covered in itchings of cogwheels and skulls on the wood. She then pulled out the seat and sat in it. “You've made quite the renovations since Omega… what did you tell the Greater Deimosian Synod? She died in battle?”
The artificial vox box that Aleph-Gimmel had installed in herself played out a recording of the message sent out. “As a result of the battle that has taken place on Erophant III, Fabricator Minoris Magos Domina Omega Bellerov-1.0 has died and the Fleet Synod of Deimos’s First Fleet has elected to select myself, Fabricator Minoris Technoarcheologist Magos Domina Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 to be her successor in leading the fleet amongst the mysteries of the Omnissiah. Erophant III has been liberated.” A moment passed and then once more with her organic voice, “The first course is coming! I do hope you enjoy these Ultramarian cheeses, Inquisitor, they were selected at great expense.”
A pair of servitors walked into the room, each carrying platters. They had implants that made them seem like they had been specially designed for serving dinners. Sera’s icy eyes seemed to take note of them before the platter was placed between the two in the table. Aleph-Gimmel reached out with her unaugmented hand to grab some of the food. Her hand though unaugmented was still covered in jet black mechanistic tattoos.
After a period of silence The Inquisitor once more broke it. “Do you understand why I'm here, Magos?” Sera, even as the tech priest was eating happily and taking the occasional sip of fine amsec, have not touched a single plate and was instead standing still and grim as a statue in an ecclesiarchical nave.
“For dinner?” It was halfway between a joke and a sarcastic common calculated just well enough to make The Inquisitor smile or even laugh perhaps this would put her at ease.
It did not.
Sera Seraphdottior picked up the knife set beside her for later in the meal. “I am well aware of the corruption that ran through your fleet. And I'm here to ensure that it has been purged and removed. Omega Bellerov-1.0’s taint by Khorne it's not as secret as you made it out to be. I will be allowed full inspection of your facilities I tell you only now Magos, as a favor due to our previous engagements. I will be beginning with your Metallica Class Factoryships”
Aleph-Gimmel remembered well the time that she'd run across the Inquisitor before and a happily aided her with whatever was needed. “I can assure you that any sympathizers or others corrupted were swiftly launched into the Erophant System’s star.” To continue nibbling on a piece of cheese as she spoke. The next course was due to begin both of their plates, one well used one utterly empty, removed and replaced with another set of fine China similarly emblazoned with the symbols of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
“You are indeed credit to Deimos and Mars Aleph, however,” she looked around the room. “Keep your eccentricities in line. I would hate for them to develop down a similarly destructive path. You already have an abnormal taste for luxury.”
“I can assure you that my devotion to the Omnissiah, The Emperor On Earth, The Motive Force, and Machine God is total and utter.” It came out far angrier and stronger than she had intended but Aleph-Gimmel would not take such accusations lying down. She was the leader of a Synod for the Emperor's sake!
“Good.” The rest of the dinner concluded in silence neither wishing to speak more.
Inquisitor Sera Seraphdottior left, and her ship detached itself from Deimos’s Cog.
Aleph-Gimmel slumped down the back of her chair. She sent out a summons to trustworthy Skitarii Marshall, there was much to be done.
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meanangrydyke · 2 years
oh fuck servitor rebellion on the ark mechanicus
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Warhammer 40,000 Mechanicus Teaser Trailer
Take control of the most technologically advanced army in the Imperium - The Adeptus Mechanicus. Your every decision will weigh heavily on the outcome of the mission, in this turn-based tactical game. Will you be blessed by the Omnissiah? Take control of one of the most technologically advanced armies in the Imperium - The Adeptus Mechanicus. As Magos Dominus Faustinius, you’ll lead the expedition on the newly rediscovered Necron planet of Silva Tenebris. Customize your team, manage resources, discover long-forgotten tech, and control your Tech-Priests’ every move. Your every decision will shape the missions ahead and ultimately decide the fate of the troops under your command in over 50 hand-crafted missions. Choose your path carefully - the Imperium depends on it. Flesh is weak! Upgrade your Tech-Priests with weapons, support items, Servo-Skulls and other mechanical augments as you assemble your cohort. Customize your team’s disciplines, choosing from multiple character classes to create a squad for every playstyle. Engage in immersively strategic combat that will test your mettle under the extreme pressure of the xenos ambush. Access your most powerful weapons and abilities by using Cognition Points and advance on your enemy without pause. Fear not, the Omnissiah favours the brave. A compelling story written by Black Library author, Ben Counter, specifically crafted to fit the unique personality of the Adeptus Mechanicus faction, with each character having their own personalities and agendas. Feel the tension and admire the devotion with unique visual effects and breathtaking audio. Make tough decisions that will forge the future from your Ark Mechanicus, The Caestus Metalican, and send you towards alternate endings for a truly unique playthrough. Be warned, however, the more you explore each tomb, the greater the rewards but also greater the threat. Collect in-game achievements and be rewarded with strong abilities that can be used once per mission to aid you in the heat of battle.
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