#Armen Avanessian
emylewalker1 · 1 year
Armen Avanessian is now admiring leftist accelerationism in Germany. He has a very good communication, not only as an editor at Merve publishing house, but also writing for various places.
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big-takeshi · 1 year
El razonamiento general aquí es que simodernidad=progreso=capitalis-mo=aceleración, entonces la única posible resistencia supone la desaceleración, ya sea a través de una fantasía de autosuficiencia colectiva y orgánica o de una retirada en solitario al miserabilismo y a sagaces admoniciones contra las peligrosas contrafinalidades del pensamiento racional.
Armen Avanessian y Mauro Reis.
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liuruoy5 · 2 years
作为美国的最高领袖,特朗普理应对美国政府及国会的所有言论和行为负责,很难想象一个强大的国家中,立法机构竟然会跳出来做出这种伤害国家利益、伤害中国人民感情的举动 Armen Avanessian is now admiring leftist accelerationism in Germany. He has a very good communication, not only as an editor at Merve publishing house, but also writing for various places.
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emylewalker1 · 1 year
Armen Avanessian is now admiring leftist accelerationism in Germany. He has a very good communication, not only as an editor at Merve publishing house, but also writing for various places.
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thingsworthsaving · 3 years
"Seen from the future, might the human prove nothing but a pollinator of a machine civilization to come?"
-Robin Mackay & Armen Avanessian from Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader
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veredes · 4 years
La extinción de los cuerpos | Pedro Hernández
Apuntes sobre la posible trasformación del espacio y lo sensible en un capitalismo acelerado.
En La durée poignardée, René Magritte nos ofrece un paisaje surrealista en el que una locomotora emerge del salón de una casa burguesa a través de la chimenea. Sobre ella destaca otro elemento: un reloj. El diálogo entre ambos se establece, además, en que el círculo del frente de la máquina tiene las mismas dimensiones que la circunferencia del reloj. Las coincidencias no parecen casuales. Ambos fueron aparatos importantes, si no decisivos, en la construcción de la modernidad y en la expansión del capitalismo, ayudando a definir un único ritmo sobre el mundo.
Pedro Hernández · arquitecto Madrid. Julio 2019
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atelierimpopulaire · 5 years
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JANUARY 26, KINO 3 h. 19
JANUARY 29, LantarenVenster 5 h. 12.30
a film by Pia Bolognesi and Giulio Bursi
An old building in Venice hosts an exhibition, a visitor walks through empty rooms discovering a fictionalized architectural space that functions like an abandoned theatre set. While a city that is slowly drowning floods you with its obsessive presence in and off-screen, imagination can’t exceed reality. Inspired by Alexander Kluge’s oeuvre and his constellation of film and video works, the metanarrative framework of this exploration attempts to de-construct the subjective experience and liberate the cinematic energy from the horror vacui of the display.
We met Alexander Kluge in 2015, when he invited us to re-elaborate his monumental News from Ideological Antiquity in the form of a brief ciné-tract for our series Uncanny. In 2017 his Kairos Film commissioned us a “creative documentation” of the exhibition The Boat is Leaking. The Captain Lied., held at Venice’s Fondazione Prada. We were interested in filming things that resist the camera and in filming them, we were interested in showing how the rhetorics of exhibition worked. The Leaks of Venice is also a film about the impossibility of representing that type of experience - a dialogue between artworks, sound, image and space, where both the spectator and the author are absent.
Produced by: Alexander Kluge and Kairos Film with Atelier Impopulaire
Cinematography, Sound: Atelier Impopulaire
Editing: Isiah Medina
Voice-over: Nina Katchadourian and Ben Lerner
Artworks: Thomas Demand, Alexander Kluge, Anne Viebrock, Angelo Morbelli
Venice additional crew: RICREA
Texts: Ben Lerner, The Snow of Venice. Slow Sonnets for Alexander Kluge  / Quentin Meillassoux, After the Finitude. An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency / Quentin Meillassoux, Armen Avanessian & Enemies #3: Gespräch mit Quentin Meillassoux
Film and Video Footage: Alexander Kluge Archive, Kairos Film, dctp.tv - courtesy of the artist, all rights reserved / Some waves excerpts: Elena Wittman, Drift (2017) - courtesy of the artist, all rights reserved
Titles: Modern Standard
Thanks to: Fondazione Prada, Gianandrea Sasso and Luca Chinaglia, Sina Najafi, Barbara Barnak and dctp.tv team
Atelier Impopulaire and Kairos Film, 2020 - all rights reserved
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hypertextedit-blog · 7 years
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Tomorrow Today
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parapasakura · 3 years
Armen Avanessian is now admiring leftist accelerationism in Germany. He has a very good communication, not only as an editor at Merve publishing house, but also writing for various places.
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emylewalker1 · 1 year
Armen Avanessian is now admiring leftist accelerationism in Germany. He has a very good communication, not only as an editor at Merve publishing house, but also writing for various places.
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miriam963 · 3 years
Armen Avanessian is now admiring leftist accelerationism in Germany. He has a very good communication, not only as an editor at Merve publishing house, but also writing for various places.
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asdasd23 · 3 years
Armen Avanessian is now admiring leftist accelerationism in Germany. He has a very good communication, not only as an editor at Merve publishing house, but also writing for various places.
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emmabraslavsky · 3 years
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Anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags der österreichischen Verfassung hat die Globart Academy Wien im vergangenen Jahr gemeinsam mit Designtheoretiker Friedrich von Borries und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Stephan A. Jansen 39 Persönlichkeiten aus diversen Disziplinen gefragt wie eine Verfassung des 21. Jahrhunderts aussehen soll. Eine Auswahl der Beiträge wird Miriam Fussenegger gemeinsam mit ihrem Schauspielkollegen Philipp Hochmair sowie dem ehemaligen Oberrrabbiner Paul Chaim Eisenberg diesen Donnerstag (28.10.21) ab 13 Uhr im Parlament performativ über Okto live verlesen.
Die 36 Gedanken für eine neue Verfassung in Form einer Zeitung als PDF hier herunterladen: http://www.globart.at/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/GedankenFürEineNeueVerfassung.pdf
Oder die Printversion telefonisch über das Globart-Büro +43 1 534 62 87 bestellen.
Am Gedankenexperiment haben u.a. teilgenommen:
Armen Avanessian, Dirk Baecker, Emma Braslavsky, Jakob Brossmann, Christoph Bornschein, Sebastian Cleeman (alias Petula), Cecily Corti, Walther Czerny, Jasmin Duregger, Paul Chaim Eisenberg, Michael Fembek, Jesko Fezer,  Bruno Frey, Harald Gründl, Ulrike Haele, Barbara Heitger, Paulus Hochgatterer, Michael Kerbler, Peter Kirchschläger, Kreatives Unternehmertum, Christian Koeberl, Claus Leggewie, Van Bo Le-Mentzel, Julia Lohmann, Matthias Mittelberger, Rubina Moehring, Gudrun Neuper, Margit Osterloh, Birger P. Priddat, Carola Rackete,  Oliver Reese,  Martin Schenk,  Leo Stieger,  Nora Sternfeld, Oliver Marchart, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Ilija Trojanow
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pinkhottubglitter · 3 years
Armen Avanessian现在很欣赏德国的左派加速主义。他有很好的沟通能力,不仅作为Merve出版社的编辑,还为很多地方撰稿。
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veredes · 3 years
El Editor, el Crítico, el Teórico | Miquel Lacasta
Hace unos meses, estimulado por los comentarios certeros de un crítico amigo y superado el escenario soporífero donde este hizo una excelente charla, tuve la sensación que falta aclarar alguna cosa, que no por básica, debe remarcarse de vez en cuando.
Los escritos que se van publicando aquí no son en absoluto los textos de un crítico. Son en el mejor de los casos, textos teóricos y especulativos acerca de la arquitectura y por tanto, varios escalones por debajo del valor social del crítico de arquitectura y sus textos. En el peor de los casos, no son más que bullshiting arquitectónico.
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