#Arsenic decontamination techniques
dewpureengineering · 5 months
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"An environmental toxicologist in California is cleaning up areas contaminated with heavy metals or other pollutants using fungi and native plants in a win-win for nature.
Where once toxic soils in industrial lots sat bare or weed-ridden, there are now flowering meadows of plants and mushrooms, frequented by birds and pollinators: and it’s thanks to Danielle Stevenson.
Founder of DIY Fungi, the 37-year-old ecologist from UC Riverside recently spoke with Yale Press about her ongoing work restoring ‘brownfields,’ a term that describes a contaminated environment, abandoned by industrial, extraction, or transportation operations.
A brownfield could be an old railway yard or the grounds of an abandoned oil refinery, but the uniting factor is the presence of a toxic containment, whether that’s a petrochemical, heavy metal, or something else.
Noting that she had read studies about mushrooms growing around the Chernobyl nuclear plant, she came to understand further, through her work, that fungi are an extraordinarily resilient species of life that consume carbon, and even though petroleum products are toxic to plants, to mushrooms they are essentially a kind of carbon.
In fact, mushrooms break down several categories of toxic waste with the same enzymes they use to consume a dead tree. They can also eat plastic and other things made out of oil, like agrochemicals.
At the Los Angeles railyard, as part of a pilot project, Stevenson and colleagues planted a variety of native grass and flower species alongside dead wood that would incubate specific fungi species called arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which assists plants in extracting heavy metals like lead and arsenic from the soil.
Alongside traditional decomposer fungi, the mixture of life forms demonstrated tremendous results in this brownfield.
“In three months we saw a more than 50 percent reduction in all pollutants. By 12 months, they were pretty much not detectable,” Stevenson told Yale 360.
Decontaminating soil like this typically involves bringing in a bulldozer and digging it all up for transportation to a landfill. This method is not only hugely expensive, but also dangerous, as contaminated material can scatter on the winds and fall out of the backs of trucks carting it away.
By contrast, the plants that draw out the toxic metals can be harvested and incinerated down to a small pile of ash before cheap transportation to a hazardous waste facility.
The technique, which Stevenson says has some scaling issues and issues with approval from regulators, is known officially as bioremediation, and she’s even used it to safely break down bags of lubricant-soaked rags from bicycle repair shops.
“People who live in a place impacted by pollution need to have a say in how their neighborhood is being cleaned up. We need to empower them with the tools to do this,” she said."
-via Good News Network, July 16, 2024
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The Fine Details: Unraveling the Secrets of Professional Car Detailing
Professional car detailing goes beyond a regular car wash; it is a meticulous art that brings out the best in your vehicle. In this blog post, we'll peel back the curtain and delve into the secrets of professional car detailing, uncovering the techniques, tools, and passion that go into achieving a showroom-worthy finish.
1. The Artistry of Car Detailing:
Discover the artistry behind professional car detailing. Learn how detailers approach each car as a blank canvas, carefully crafting a masterpiece through their expertise and skills.
2. Meticulous Inspection and Evaluation:
Understand how professional detailers start with a thorough inspection of your car's condition. From paint imperfections to interior stains, every detail is scrutinized to develop a customized detailing plan.
3. Advanced Techniques for Paint Correction:
Peek into the world of paint correction, where swirl marks, scratches, and paint imperfections are carefully removed. Explore the advanced techniques and tools that detailers use to restore your car's paint to perfection.
4. The Art of Interior Revitalization:
Step inside your car and witness the art of interior revitalization. From thorough cleaning to conditioning and restoration, professional detailers bring your car's cabin back to life.
5. High-Quality Products and Tools:
Unveil the secrets of professional detailers' product arsenal. Learn how top-notch cleaning agents, polishes, and sealants contribute to achieving an exceptional finish.
6. The Power of Steam Cleaning:
Explore the transformative effects of steam cleaning. Detailers use this powerful yet gentle technique to lift dirt, grime, and stains from various surfaces, leaving them fresh and sanitized.
7. Perfecting the Exterior:
Delve into the meticulous process of exterior detailing. From washing and decontamination to polishing and sealing, every step is taken with precision to achieve a flawless appearance.
8. Tailored Services for Individual Needs:
Understand how professional detailers offer tailored services to meet the specific needs of your car. Whether it's a classic restoration or a modern enhancement, the detailing process is personalized.
9. The Finishing Touches:
Witness the final touches that elevate your car's appearance to the next level. From tire dressing to trim restoration, these finishing touches add the perfect touch of elegance.
10. Protecting and Preserving the Results:
Learn how professional detailers ensure the longevity of their work. Explore the use of high-quality sealants and coatings that protect and preserve your car's appearance for months to come.
11. A Symphony of Passion and Expertise:
Discover the symphony of passion and expertise that plays a pivotal role in professional car detailing. Witness the dedication that detailers have for their craft and how it reflects in the final results.
12. Elevating the Ordinary to Extraordinary:
Embrace the extraordinary transformation that professional car detailing brings to your vehicle. From ordinary to extraordinary, your car becomes a stunning work of art through the hands of a skilled detailer.
Unravel the secrets of professional car detailing and experience the artistry that elevates your vehicle to new heights. From meticulous inspection and paint correction to the use of high-quality products and finishing touches, professional detailers leave no stone unturned in perfecting your car's appearance. Embrace the passion and expertise that detailers bring to the table and witness the ordinary transform into the extraordinary. With professional car detailing, your ride shines like a masterpiece on the road.
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annieboltonworld · 3 years
Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources
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Environmental Application of Ultrasonic Irradiation
Authored by Duk Kyung Kim
The ultrasound waves (20kHz to several hundred kHz) generated from the conversion of electric pulses by using a transducer can cause dramatic chemical and physical effects. Cavitating bubbles formed under ultrasonic irradiation produce high temperature and pressure conditions (up to 5,000K and 1,000 atm) inside the bubbles and as a consequence reactive oxygen species and many other reactive radicals are produced. The ultrasonic irradiation technique for cleaning polluted water has several merits over the other typical advanced oxidation technologies (AOTs) because this technique does not require chemical additives or catalystsand is independent of the color of the polluted water.
Keywords: Ultrasonic Irradiation; Cleanup of Polluted Water; Soil Remediation
Examples of Environmental Application
Ultrasonic irradiation is a powerful way to degrade a variety of pollutants and toxic chemicals [1-3]. Demonstrated examples for ultrasonic removal in aqueous media include fuel oxygenates [4], a variety of chlorinated compounds [5], series of phenols [6,7], arsenic species [8], polycyclicaromatic compounds [9], textile dyes [10,11], and surfactants [12]. The sonochemical effect can be economically enhanced by combining other means with ultrasound. Such hybrid methods have been reported by using ultrasound with H2O2 or O3[12], solid particles or catalyst [13], or Fenton reagent [14].Because the irradiation of ultrasound is simple and has low impact on fish and aquatic plants, ultrasound has been widely studied for control of cyanobacteria as well as algal control [15,16].The disintegration of bacterial cells is effectively achieved by using high power ultrasonic irradiation with low frequencies, and its effect is enhanced by combining it with UV irradiation [17]. Ultrasonic irradiation can reduce the quantity of chemicals required for water treatment facilities [18].Despite the fact that membrane technologies are widely accepted for the separation of solids from liquid, fouling is one of the serious problems with this technology [19]. Ultrasonic irradiation has been demonstrated to be effective for membrane cleaning by producing reactive oxygen species [20] with the advantage of possible ultrasonic defouling even with an actively operating membrane. Soil remediation is another field where ultrasonic irradiation can be applied to the environmental cleanup. Ultrasonic irradiation enhances the flushing of soils which are contaminated by hydrocarbons [21]. Effective removal of heavy metals from contaminated soil is possible by applying ultrasound to the soil in aqueous media [22].
The environmental application of ultrasound has been drawing attention for many decades. This area covers the broad ranges of polluted water decontamination, soil remediation, membrane defouling, and decontamination of soils. Application of ultrasound in aqueous media produces both chemical and physical (mechanical) effects which are useful in purification and separation for solving environmental problems with simple and compact means. It is easy to combine ultrasonic technique with the other conventional treatment methods to reduce operational costs.
To know more about Juniper Publishers please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/manuscript-guidelines.php
For more articles in Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/ijesnr/index.php
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innerenthusiastpost · 4 years
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Applying Nuclear Techniques in the Attenuation of Flood and Natural Disaster-Borne Contamination
The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology with support from the  International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). helped assess the changes in circulation, dynamics and quality of groundwater in Tacloban City and helped to evaluate and monitor the natural attenuation of the pollution brought about by Typhoon Haian/Yolanda. Thiry two (32) monitoring stations for groundwater were setup  and used for both conventional and nuclear techniques in the characterization of the water. It was found that in the city’s groundwater, sodium chloride, and nitrate were below the Philippine Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW 2017 version) – thus, seawater did not enter the aquifer and the biological/biomass contamination are being naturally decontaminated. These potential contaminants probably decayed before they could get to the groundwater. It was also found that the isotopic composition of the water in the aquifer is close to that of today’s rainwater – which meant that the city’s water supply was not in danger of disappearing. However, the wells in the relocation site of more than 2000 people were unfit for drinking, with spikes of arsenic and other pollutants. A database for these hydrological data is now available.
Mr Wilfren Clutario, a PNRI collaborator from Tacloban was also able to conduct  a study using  Asian Green Mussels (Perna viridis)  used as bioindicators of pollution using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in the coastal ecosystems of Tacloban City
During the fieldwork in 2018, 21 locations were visited, primarily new  settlements and Mactan Rock pumping stations. The sampling was conducted  following three major objectives:
1.         Water quality at Mactan  Rock pumping stations to evaluate potential changes in comparison to 2015  (P07 and P08C); additional sampling points at the recharge area (N9C), and  the Mactan Rock surface water intake (P12C)
2.         Drainage water intake  from shallow groundwater in creek beds: P15C, P27C, P3C (potential sites),  N62 (under construction), P1C, P2C (small drainage intake at St Helena)
3.         Baseline data for  shallow water at the new settlements: N2A, N3A (Sofia), N1, P4C, P16C, P16C,  P14C, P17C, N27, N4, N5, N6, P5C (sea water)
Groundwater in Tacloban is extracted for drinking in only one location.  Mactan Rock, a private company operates two pumping stations (P08 and P09) at  this location. This water is used to supply a number of new settlements by  trucks that deliver water to local cisterns in the villages. Therefore, these  two pumping stations are a valuable resource and are very important locally.  The parameters of the water collected from the pumping stations in 2015 are  not a subject of direct concern. However, the preliminary sampling from 2015  reveals potentially worrisome indicators. Water at P08 and P09 has a minor  addition of saline water , which potentially could be  associated with intrusion of saline water from the deeper aquifer. Further  study and monitoring of the pumping stations are suggested. If the values and  parameters observed in 2015 remain constant, these could be the usual  characteristics of water at this location. However, if the parameters show  changes over time that suggest an increase in salinity, this could  potentially be associated with an intrusion of saline water, that can be  potentially very serious problem for future exploration of this used aquifer.  A saline water intrusion could possibly be triggered by over-pumping, and if  this is the case, then limits on extracted water volumes would need to be  considered. If the use of groundwater is contemplated in the future, water  recharge zone protection needs to be considered, especially at the Mactan  Rock pumping stations (P07 and P08) and upstream sections of the drainage  water intakes at N62 (under construction) and P2C (a small drainage intake at  St Helena)
The direct influence of flooding associated with Typhoon Yolanda on  groundwater quality is rather a minor issue with a limited impact and extent.  The potentially impacted areas are located in the center of Tacloban, which  does not have a central sewage system. Therefore, groundwater quality at  these locations, even prior to the typhoon, was likely low. Groundwater in  Tacloban is not used for drinking, and the city is supplied by the water  supply network run by a water company (Leyte Metropolitan Water District,  LMWD) using a surface water reservoir located 20 km from Tacloban. This  reservoir was not impacted by the typhoon. More important are indirect  impacts of the typhoon on: (i) city cleanup required quick extension of a  dump site at Santo Niño without proper isolation; and (ii) destruction of  many houses in low income area required construction of the new settlements/villages  for people relocated from Tacloban. These villages are located in the areas  where the local water supply was not secured and water is delivered by  trucks.
Shallow groundwater from the first level (usually <3–10m) in the  Tacloban area and in the new settlements is primarily used for washing and  other sanitary purposes. The local users are fully aware that the local  shallow groundwater is not potable. The major concern is contamination by  wastewater from leaking septic tanks and from direct discharge from  households that do not have septic tanks. In some locations, elevated heavy  metal concentrations have been observed. Since groundwater is not used for  drinking, its low quality is a secondary issue. In the new settlements, the  major problem is a lack of a constant water supply, potential sanitation  problems of the water tanks used, and a need to rely on bottled water.
Not only fresh water resources were investigated; the marine  environment was also covered by the study. Increased levels of nutrients in these  aquatic environments cause eutrophication of coastal waters. For the purpose  of monitoring coastal waters, classical or traditional approaches were used  in conjunction with isotope techniques to obtain an idea about the current  status or condition of that particular area. Employing stable isotope  techniques as an additional monitoring method expounded environmental data by  giving possible pollution sources, which may be used for pollution source  management.
By using sessile, hardy invertebrates such as primary consumers  represented by mussels, it became possible to spatially assess the extent of  anthropological impact for selected coastal marine area. The study provided  initial baseline data for the reconstruction of food webs in the coastal  marine ecosystems of Tacloban City. Terrestrial inputs in the pollutant  source apportionment of selected areas were proven by the study. Asian Green  Mussels (Perna viridis)  were used as  bioindicators of pollution using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope  ratios  in the coastal ecosystems of  Tacloban City.  The investigation also  measured the nutrient loading of the different sites in terms of: NO3−, NO2−,  NH4+, Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN); drew correlations between the measured  isotope ratio values with the measured nutrient loading; and determined the  spatial variability of the bivalve isotope ratios, and mapped the extents of  terrestrial and typhoon borne contamination in the area with the infromation  obtained from the bivalves.
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Significance Of RO And UV Technologies In Water Purifiers
Pure and clean water is a basic necessity, but it is also most affected in terms of pollution. Being a good solvent, water dissolves many harmful chemicals in it. This has increased the demand for water purifiers available in the market. While selecting a water purifier is a difficult task, understanding and acquiring knowledge of the same is even more difficult.
Purifiers are classified based on the water treatment methods used. Purifiers usually exist in the form of distillation, Reverse Osmosis (RO), and UV water purifier.
RO Water Purifiers
RO, at present, is considered to be the strongest and one of the most promising purification techniques. In this, water is passed through a semi-permeable membrane that rejects impurities such as ions and larger particles. Water passes through the membrane which differentiates dissolved chemicals and other impurities from the water. Through its filtering process, it filters harmful contaminants such as arsenic, sodium, lead etc. The RO membrane is responsible for converting hard water into soft and sweet water. It not only removes lead, mercury, arsenic but it also removes cryptosporidium from the lake and public-supplied water. RO has the best filtration system having tiniest of pores. Water also has the smallest and invisible components that no traditional method of boiling can remove. RO purifiers are also cheap, even cheaper than buying bottled water, ideal for domestic use, and easy to install. Moreover, it does not run on electricity, hence, water filtering is cost-free. Even if it kills 99% of germs, it has been argued that in the process of filtering, it also removes essentials. As a response to this, RO purifiers have been upgraded with the help of modern and advanced RO system that has a mechanism to introduce the essential minerals in the water automatically. RO water purifiers are also highly recommendable for people living in coastal areas. Coastal water contains a high level of salinity, chlorine, and high TDS level which gives water a very bitter and unpleasant taste and affects the human body. In such cases, RO purifiers are reliable in processing a complex mechanism of desalination using the ultraviolet lamps which disinfects the water from pathogens.
UV Water Purifiers
Another method of disinfecting water is through UV water purifiers. This purification depends on electromagnetic radiation for decontaminating the water. In this purifier, Ultraviolet rays enter the pathogens present in the water and destroy the invisible micro-organisms by attacking its root, that is, genetic core (DNA). With this, their reproduction ability is destroyed, thereby preventing its gradual multiplication. Using UV purifier is simple and also environmentally safe. These systems do not use any sort of chemical additives but its ability to come in contact with microorganisms makes them inactive and harmless. It, therefore, kills 99.9% germs without removing effective minerals, adding chemicals or changing taste and odor of the water. UV system is most preferred for homes where tap water has high bacteria and virus presence. Also, it does not depend on any chemicals or chlorine to kill germs, neither does it add any chemical or any taste to the water. UV purifiers use less energy, almost equal to a 60watt bulb and are also low maintenance. However, the fact remains that UV purifiers cannot alone treat contaminants of Chlorine or heavy metals. Although it can remove simple bacteria and viruses, it is best operational when combined with RO systems that can ensure safe purification process.
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