#Art Course
thuviel · 7 months
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Finally had time to finish a screeshot study I started during a WitchART course. I love this game so much ;o;
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kyletwebster · 1 year
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My full Domestika course has finally launched! Learn along with me and create an illustration with subtle animated elements in Adobe Fresco. This is a 4+ hour in-depth class that will teach you everything you need to know to infuse your art with motion and movement thanks to Fresco's incredible brush library and animation features. Start learning here (BONUS: the class is marked down 80% for its first week!)
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egotenebrisper · 6 months
No soul kind and charitable enough to buy this drawing course for me?
Until the next 5 hours it will only cost 1000 reais (200 dollars), AND I REALLY WANT IT
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For anyone interested here is my paypal
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canisbeanz · 1 year
Character design development and turnaround for an art course
Final design & turnaround
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Colour tests
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First digital sketch and feeling out face and head features.
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First concept sketches
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Im pretty proud of the boyo, he's come a long way from the first design test :)
The theme they gave us was "robot gardener"
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rainwalker007 · 8 months
Lesson 22: Moving Objects in Perspective
We will start talking in the upcoming 3 lessons about transformation tools. Moving, Rotating and Scaling objects in perspective. This step is important to have control over your perspective scene. Not to be stuck with one location, one orientation or one size in Perspective. In this lesson we will talk about Moving objects in Perspective.
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princeoferror · 8 months
(uni work) character design
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I've started my first year at university! Gonna be sharing my work from the first project over the next few days
First up, characters (one protagonist and 2 supporting roles)
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Commission info | portfolio | Twitter | insta | Discord server
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bloodblossomtree · 1 year
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I fuckin love this piec and I’m so proud of this project! I had a lot of fun doing some of the finer details, I’ll post some of em soon!
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Still life art (made by me) :]
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lindaarts · 1 year
1 minute sketches
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My new courses started and I'm taking Writing Fantasy and Fashion Sketching! And going by the name, it's, a, lot, of, sketching. For the first assignment we're going to sketch 280 sketches using different methods, time restrictions and objects. For the first part we were supposed to do 100 one minutes sketches. These are only the first 25 I did but by now I've done them all! Therefore these ones are probably the worst since I didn't know how much details I had time to do in a minute. (pretty much apparently)
Now I just have to figure out how to send in 280 images in a single pdf and to take good photos of every single one because I'm definitely not scanning them all!
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nikmoire · 1 year
The art school never responded with the bill and right now I'm too scared to ask them for it, because I don't want to seem annoying. :(
So.... what if I just book a hotel anyway. Like I still deserve a vacation even if I'm not taking that course right?
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nekorinaart · 2 years
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I had the chance to try a couple of art courses from Coloso, the online learning platform.  I've never done something like this before. This was a very interesting experience in many ways. I hope my opinion on the classes can be useful for all of you!
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barbesz · 2 years
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Visit my new Skillshare class → HERE ←
Square composition in illustration is a course about theory and practice for all levels, to help you compose your artworks in square format. In order to use composition as a powerful tool, you first need to comprehend the fundamental laws, and that's what this class is all about. We will dive into composing in a 1:1 ratio to make sure your works look great in your portfolio and social media feed. It’s a class with illustration focus, but all artists are welcome, since the universal rules apply to all fields.
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The lessons are building up from theory, to the most common types of compositions, to practice, and finishing an illustration.
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To make it more fun, we are composing a still life with tropical fruits and drinks in the practice lessons. In the end, we will select one of the thumbnails to be polished into a finished piece. You can learn the basics if you are a beginner, and get out of your comfort zone a bit, if you are a more experienced artist.
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Visit this link to take my class, and get an 1 month free premium membership, if you don't have a Skillshare account yet. I have two otther classes to watch, if you decide to stay :)
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31 'mature student' feel like im going through the worst artistic burn out of my life after deciding to do arts at uni because it was the one thing i was any good at and im so creatively drained having to work to someone elses standards ive just, lost interest in drawing, im fustrated i used to love drawing. I tried to google a solution and it said once a passion is dead and has been for over a year its never going to come back, it'll just feel like a chore forever, do you have any advice for what to do? I can't just stop trying to do art right now and i cant just do another sort of art as my course is game design, but im failing my course and im so depressed and anxious and scared ill never draw again.
Hey there,
It can be really hard when what you once loved to do, you no longer enjoy as much.
You mentioned that you are really drained when it comes to art and having to work to someone else’s standards. So, I guess I’m thinking, is there a way that you can go back to your roots, back to when you enjoyed it and try and find your spark in creating art again. Maybe if you think back to when you first began to love it and do some pieces for yourself (to your standard and not someone else’s) then you may be able to restart and find your love in it again.
I know this won’t be easy and especially with your current course, so can you possibly speak to a guidance counsellor about your studies and possibly taking some time off or asking for an extension on your course? If you were able to do this then you can take some time off from your course and just focus on yourself, yourself and your own art. And then when you feel ready to, then going back to your course and seeing how you go.
Another option may be to just leave your course now but you sound to me like someone who would want to try every other avenue first before quitting your course!
In the end though, it is completely up to you what you decide to do, no one can make the decision for you. But maybe just try to re-engage with your love of art and see where this takes you?
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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nonsenseflower · 2 years
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2022 | AS Art Moth Redraw 🦋
Finally revisited one of the unfinished mock exam drawings from my AS Art course in Sixth Form College. Only took me 7 years! 💙
Made using Adobe Photoshop.
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nando161mando · 4 months
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rainwalker007 · 8 months
Lesson 17: Modifying The Basic Shapes Part 1 (Skew, Extrude, Bevel)
In Lesson 17 we start modifying the basic shapes using modifiers like Skewing, extruding and beveling. This is part one of 2 parts videos talking about modifiers we can use to define the basic shapes. These will be the building blocks we will use to design our advanced shapes in later lessons. This is when start moving away from the basic shapes and into the more advanced and complex shapes. This is where things start to get interesting.
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