#Artem Wing angst
thelonelyarchon · 6 months
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Pairing: Artem Wing x Rosa, Artem Wing x Fem!Reader (in future chapters)
Summary: (Unofficial summary) Artem Wing is regularly praised for his ability to compose himself in any situation. Despite bombarding himself with paperwork and cases to appeal at court, he never once found himself in a situation where he was totally lost and helpless... that is until his birthday arrives. Plagued by nightmares and sudden illness this time of the year, it's a yearly tradition of the young senior attorney to pray at Cloudbreak Temple since he entered lawschool, the year it all began. It was the same thing every year. Pray and pray for answers. But what if... this year is different? And with the arrival of a mysterious but familiar heiress, he might just get his answers.
"Find what was severed and repair it," said the monk.
But... what must he repair?
Content Warning: Mentions of chest pains, unconscious Artem, overworking, description of fatigue, slightly unnerving imagery of being shot, does not follow Tears of Themis timeline religously, slightly ooc characters, angst (?), not-proof-read
Author's Note: This is an experimental post/prologue! I've had this crazy Gufeng!Artem x Fem!Reader angst fic at the back of my mind since last year and I was too scared to write it. Luckily, I found mysekf writing it earlier today after I finally got the go sign to stop my medicatiom for anxiety. What a better way to celebrate it than writing something that I was scared to bring into life beforehand! Anyway, if this gets positive feedbacks and interested readers, then I'll continue the series!
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“AND THAT is why you should take this opportunity to rest, Artem. You’ll exhaust yourself this way,” Celestine pinched the bridge of her nose as she fought back another wave of nausea. The older senior attorney and co-founder of Themis Law Firm was in her first trimester of pregnancy, and her stress was getting to her.
Artem refused to look at Celestine. The pile of paperwork and casefiles sitting on top of his desk prevented him from doing so. He had been stuck in a vicious cycle of ‘work, eat, sleep, repeat’ for the last three weeks as the firm had an influx of cases to be handled at the end of March and early April. Nearly all senior attorneys in the firm were preoccupied with their cases, and Artem had the higher task of overseeing all of them.
“I know how to take care of myself, Celestine. You, on the other hand, should focus on your health and not on mine. You’ll exhaust yourself this way.” Artem lets out a small huff as he smiles to himself. Celestine’s mouth was wide agape.
Did Artem just throw her concerns back at her?
“You’re unbelievable,” she sighs. “I really can’t persuade you, no?”
Artem shakes his head without lifting his gaze from the paper he’s scanning. Using the blue silicone page-turner he has on his index finger and thumb, he smoothly flips through another page or two while scanning its contents.
She figures that she can’t persuade the young attorney no matter what she does. After all, Artem just earned another title in the industry: senior monster attorney.
“But I’m being serious now. Like for real, this time. Artem, I know you want to keep me stress-free… but I can completely manage my nausea in court. I can help you. It’s not like I’m incapacitated mentally, too!” Celestine argues.
In the two years he’s been working with Celestine, they’ve developed a sibling-like relationship. Artem understood where her concern was coming from. To be frank, he doesn’t know when was the last time he had a proper sleep. Usually, he’d go home late in the night only to eat and then do some more reading and compiling of evidence until he fell asleep. He would wake up to his alarm blaring, hastily dressing himself up for work before arriving at the firm to continue where he left off the night before. He would be lying if he didn’t admit he was overworking himself.
“I’m fine, Celestine. Reading more won’t hurt me.”
“Yeah, it won’t but I will hurt you if you don’t rest now while I’m still being kind,” Celestine turned her back to him and crossed her arms. She walks towards the door before turning her head at him again only to emphasize what she said. “That’s an order from your boss, Artem! Rest or you’re fired.”
For the first time since the moment Celestine entered his office twenty minutes ago, Artem lifted his head to look at the senior attorney. Maybe it was from the frustration she felt but Celestine wasn’t smiling. He gently dropped his pen on his table and closed the folder with the casefiles he was supposed to finish reading by lunchtime.
He rests his elbows on his desk and uses the back of his entwined fingers as support for his chin. He learned it is best not to provoke a pregnant woman or he might just have to deal with her tears. He is efficient at dealing with court trials, but he’s aware he’s useless when it comes to stopping women’s tears.
“Fine, Celestine. You won,” he leans back on his chair and loosens his necktie. Now that he took the time to relieve himself of his duties, he could feel the fatigue consuming him.
His eyes feel itchy and dry from all that reading, and he knows he may just need a pair of glasses if he continues to abuse his eyesight like this.
When was the last time he slept well again? Yesterday? Two days ago? Maybe.
“Mr. Wing, I have here last month’s pending civil cases! These haven’t been looked at yet so Kiki was hoping if you could-”
“Ah! Rosa, there you are! You’re just in time!” Celestine exclaims as she claps.
Rosa jolts back in surprise as Celestine bombards her with a hug. She laughs nervously and looks at Artem. Her smile drops upon seeing his face. He looked… like a homeless man. He looks horrible!
“I’m on time for what…?”
“I have an important favor to ask of you and it’s more of a personal favor, but I’m willing to give you a bonus for it!” Celestine said.
Rosa’s eyes widened as she stepped back and raised her hand. Just what happened here? A bonus sounded tempting, but Rosa knew that when Celestine asks for personal favors these days, it usually involved three things: pregnancy cravings, dealing with impertinent clients, or Mr. Wing.
And with the sight of Artem casually sprawled over his office chair nearly passed out from fatigue, she knew she should be nervous.
“Ah… hahahaha… uhm. Ahem! C-celestine?”
Celestine grinned and moved behind her. She pushed Rosa inside the room towards Artem and stood by the door. She reaches for the handle.
“Rosa, make sure Artem doesn’t step foot inside the law firm for the next week or so nor have him hold anything related to work! That’s an order. Don’t worry, I'll count both of your absences as a paid one-week leave,” she slyly smiles. Rosa was horrified.
She will… babysit Artem for a week!? She should feel happy that despite chilling around for the next week or so, she was still being paid. But… she’s spending her week with Mr. Wing!? Now, now! That’s uncalled for!
“N-now h-hold on for a second, Celestine–!”
Celestine laughs as she pulls the door close. Before she could close it, she left her with one more instruction, “Oh. One more thing. Artem’s relieved from the cases he has right now except for next month’s trial. And by the way, it’s nearly the 26th. Keep an eye on Artem, will you?”
Rosa’s eyes softened when she saw the genuine concern on Celestine’s face. She knows Celestine and Artem’s mother are close, and she treats him like a brother. It was also Mr. Wing’s birthday week. But for some reason, there was something deeper behind the meaning of her instruction.
Keep an eye on him… for what? Or… from what?
As soon as the door clicked shut, Artem let out a sigh. Rosa turned to his way.
“That Celestine… really,” he sits up from his chair. “I’m sorry you had to do this. You may refuse to do so if you like.”
Rosa shook her head and offered him a smile. “It’s alright, Mr. Wing. At least it’s me you’re with. That way, I can still bend the rules and allow you to sneak a peek at your work from time to time,” she winks and gives him two thumbs up.
Artem chuckles as he smiles warmly. “Right. Well, help me arrange these files. I’ll leave the other cases to Celestine and I’ll bring the ones for next month.”
“Copy that, Mr. Wing!” Rosa said enthusiastically.
As Artem stood to fix his things, he noticed the calendar sitting on top of his desk where the keys to his car were placed in a bowl. The date April 26th was encircled in red marker ink ominously. Artem holds his chest as the familiar sense of foreboding creeps up to him. He sighs and shakes his head.
Rosa notices the sudden change in his demeanor. “Are you alright?”
Artem looks at her and smiles. “Yes. Also… would you like to come with me to Cloud Break Temple?”
Rosa’s eyes sparkled at his offer.
Cloud Break Temple… their spot. It’s been a while since they’ve been there.
“Of course… Artem.” She said softly.
“WHAT are you going to pray for, Mr. Wing?” Artem looks at Rosa as she speaks. Currently, they stood at the arch at the entrance of the temple. Many tourists and locals were climbing the long stairs up to the temple. Some were students, some were elderly, and some were even pregnant.
The bustling sound of the temple and the bells and windchimes comforted Artem. He never really admitted it, but for some reason, the temple was a safe refuge for him. Although, during the week before his birthday, he would feel an ominous shadow looming behind him.
“Hmm, nothing. I was just going to pray for well-being.” He said.
“Ah! If I remember correctly, last year you went here for your birthday, too. Is this a yearly tradition?” She asks.
“You could say that. It only started when I pursued law school.”
“Huh?” Rosa asked, confused.
Naturally, Rosa didn’t know everything about Artem despite the blooming affection between the two of them. Artem has yet to pursue her officially. However, in the short time she was able to work with Artem, she could somehow get a gist of who he was and how his mind worked.
It’s only been a year since she met Artem and worked for him at the law firm and NXX so this came as a surprise.
Artem looked at her and smiled. He reached for the top of her head and gently caressed it. Rosa’s cheeks were flushed. Artem could feel his burning too. He clears his throat and retracts his hand away before walking deeper into the temple.
The temple was still the same, although a few areas had been closed off for construction. When they got to the area to get their tickets, he found a familiar face. It was the old monk that had entertained them last year.
“Oh! It’s you two darlings again.” He started. Rosa and Artem laughed at his words. They greeted the monk together.
“How have you been? Are you here to pray for safety? What about the exam? Or, is it marriage again young man?”
Artem blushed as he shook his head and laughed nervously. “How I wished to, but it is not my purpose for coming today. I am here to pray for–” At the corner of his eye, he caught a shadow walking past him, stopping him in his tracks. The words remained at the tip of his tongue as he trailed off.
It was a shadow… no, it’s a silhouette. No… it was a woman who walked past him.
Before Artem could turn around to see who it was, he found himself clutching his chest as a searing pain radiated throughout his body. He falls to his knees.
In his mind, he thought his fatigue was finally catching up to him. Was it a heart attack?
“I can’t… I can’t breathe.” Artem muttered.
“What is wrong with me?”, Artem thought as he felt his consciousness slipping away.
“Artem! Mr. Wing! Are you alright? Can you hear me?” He could hear Rosa’s distant, frantic cries for help as people surrounded them. His eyelids fluttered open as he fought back to keep himself conscious. But it was so… heavy. It was just like the last time last year. It was as if his chest was just shot.
HIs head lolled back and his eyes rolled back as he struggled to fight back. He was sure he would lose consciousness now. His hand clutched his chest even harder. It was even more difficult to breathe. He could see the face of the old monk looming over his figure.
"Am I… on the ground? Why is the sky the only thing I can see?"
The monk's face was void of emotion as if studying the strange thing that he had just seen. But what is it? Why is he staring at him as if he knew this would happen and he knew why it happened? Artem couldn’t bear to look at the disappointment on his face. What did he do wrong?
He turns to his side as the last bits of his consciousness leave him. His eyes landed on the wishing tree, the same one on which he and Rosa had hanged their tablets. Visions began to form as he hallucinated.
“Oh… what a lovely tree. It’s more luscious now this time of the year.”, Artem thought as the tree became much more younger-looking. It lacks the wooden tablets that were hung on its branches.
“Who… who are they?”
A man and a young noble lady met under a younger-looking wishing tree. This time, the first tablets were hanged by the two. Two entwined fates, one lucky and one unlucky…tightly tied together to make a fortunate one.
“Why… am I seeing this?”
It was only a split second before the scene changed again. Artem found himself screaming for help when an arrow was shot towards someone. Before he could see who shot the arrow, the searing pain in his chest became unbearable and the last bits of his consciousness finally slipped away as the arrow pierced his heart.
On the other end of the temple's grounds, you, the woman who happened to pass by the area, stopped to look at the commotion behind you. You tilt your head off to the side as you eye the young man who's sprawled unconscious on the floor.
"Who is he?" You asked the man in black beside you.
"A young man has fainted, Madam. It was the one you happened to pass by just now. It's not of your concern. The staff has called for help. We must leave now if we are to catch the plane by tonight." He said.
The urgency in his voice was unmistakable, but you chose to ignore him. You took of your sunglasses to take a better look at the man. Your brows twitched at the familiar face. Who would've thought the one lying on the ground and causing a commotion would be the youngest senior attorney in Stellis City? Artem Wing.
A slight smirk played on your lips as you thought of the Gods giving you a favor. Perfect timing. He's the right man you need for tue job you have in mind.
"Hugo," you gently eyed your bodyguard to signal hik to come closer to you. He quickly moves beside you to hear your request.
"Yea, Madam?"
"Get the car. I would like to personally bring the man to the hospital." You wore your sunglasses and turned around to exit the temple grounds. Younhear your bodyguard choke on air at your order.
"P-pardon, Madam!?"
"You heard me once. No need to make me say it twice."
"U-understood." He jogs back to the scene where a staff was frantically attempting to awaken Artem. You on the other hand, refused to look back. Once your guard was out of sight, you couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.
"I hope I'm doing the right thing by helping you, Attorney Wing. Don't make me regret this." You mutter.
You though you should have a little more faith in him. After all, you just hit the jackpot. Maybe the gods really did hear your prayers today. With the case you were entangled with, sure enough Stellis's top senior attorney can help you win this and clear your name. 99.9% win rate? Yes, helping him is worth it. You just hoped he would think that way, too.
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emjiajia · 1 year
"We rip apart our newspapers and turn them into guns."
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Something I wanted to draw after re-reading Day and Night;; Everytime I think about that video of young Artem some part of my heart breaks a little😭😭😭
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shuchu · 9 months
Imagine if we had an illness much worse than Luke and it kills us faster. Then the game ends in our funeral with all characters standing in our grave.
omg nooooooo uhuhuhu ;w; i feel like that'll wreck everyone...
luke will probably regret not confessing to you earlier but will also be happy that he got to spend as much time with you as possible before you passed. he'd look out into the night sky with a sad smile, he knows you're watching over him but he breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably. he misses you. so goddamn much
vyn would find himself reminiscing on the memories the both of you made. every part of the house holds a special memory and he while he seems all collected on the outside, as he's reminiscing, a tear falls down his cheek and he sobs. he misses you so much
artem would bury himself in work but just being in the office reminds him of times where you'd bring him lunch and sit by his side while the both of you enjoy your meals. he'd remember how your eyes sparkled when you started piecing information together to solve the case. he buries his head in his hands as he sobs silently
marius would also bury himself in work as a coping mechanism but when he goes on his phone, he sees the last message he sent you. him being his usual cheeky self, teasing you and you being flustered, he smiles fondly at your conversation and starts to read the chat log. he gets to a point where you said, "i love you marius, i'll always be by your side." he feels his eyes sting and blur from the tears welling up, his heart hurts, realising that he'd never hear those words from you again. he wishes you were still here
i'm sorry if this drabble isn't in character for the men but gods the angst ueueue ;w; what a way to start the new year huh? thank you for the prompt lovely, i love me some angst even though it hurts T^T
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shironayatl · 5 months
There's no story opened for today's Artem's birthday event. But they drop another big event.
(I'm okay...🥲)
Looks like we have Uni AU here!👀
I can't wait!!!
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"Dear Student ___
Congratulation for being admitted at Minerva Academy.
Please come to school with this notice on April 28th to receive the relevant requirements. We look forward to spending the next time with you and wish you a happy life here with the unforgettable campus memories!"
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The mini event starts from April 22nd for CN server✨
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The mini event are "Scratch card" that reveals background information for all the males!
4 days away, yet my S-chips...😭🤌
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c-aspiel · 2 years
Artem Wing
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My boy was a montage
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angstmongertina · 2 years
leaves rustle above us
Trying to get back into writing regularly in 2023 through prompts. Feel free to send me a kiss prompt from here!
A non-tumblr friend sent me ArtemRosa and 38, and I had to. I’m so sorry. A companion of sorts to my one fic inspired by Entwined Fate.
Title taken from Pim’s The Life We Could Have Had.
TW: a highly romanticized version of death, terminal illness.
38. A kiss… because they’re running out of time
It comes on quickly.
It almost always does, the doctors say, in cases like this one. She is still young and vibrant, has not reached the age of screening and examinations, and there is no reason to believe that anything could go wrong, so they have never seen a need to check. Until now.
Until it is too late.
She is still young, they say, and though they are solemn and professional, the best in their field, for something as important as this, in their eyes he can still see the pain, the compassion. She is young, too young, for this, her life meant to be unwinding for years, decades, by his side. She has—they have, because they are partners, in work, in love, in life—two young children, they know, who love their mother. Who need their mother.
She is still young, but even so she smiles, that brave, warm smile that has always shone anywhere she goes, his compass, his guiding light, and squeezes his hand without saying anything, for what words can be said, can possibly express everything that must be running through her head in this moment.
He squeezes back.
She is still young. She can survive this.
She must.
And for a spell, for a month, for two, it seems like she will. Life continues on. She refuses to put everything on hold, refuses to act like anything has changed, and how can he do anything else, when she is still blazing forward like the star she is? She continues taking cases, putting every drop of motivation into fighting for justice, a legacy to carry into the future. She spends time with their children, connecting with him, loving them in a way that seems to come so naturally to her. She keeps living and he doesn’t allow himself to wonder what will happen next, because she is still young.
The signs are small, at first. She seems more tired, but surely it’s from work, from the extra energy needed to take care of two children now, rather than one. Her appetite wanes, but that is typical for the treatment, and means nothing else. Can’t mean anything else. It is only a setback, only temporary.
That winter, wrapped in blankets by the fire, they make plans to go to Cloudbreak Temple again in the summer, to bring their second child, to introduce him to the old master and relive those warm memories from years past. He smiles, kisses her gently, and agrees.
They don’t make it.
By spring, she is housebound, only managing to move about through a combination of his help and sheer willpower. She still smiles at him though, softer, more fragile, more tremulous, but it still shines all the time, and he commits each one to memory as best he can. Her smile, her laugh, her warmth. He knows, even before she says anything, that they will have to last him a lifetime.
The next appointment, her hand ensconced in his, she tells the doctors that there is no point in fighting the inevitable.
He squeezes back and doesn’t argue.
As the days warm, she grows increasingly bedridden. His mother stops by to care for the children; he does what he can, but he cannot manage them as well as he ought, not when he can barely leave her side. He thanks her, and pretends not to see the sorrow and sympathy in her gaze. Instead, he focuses on her, holds her cold little hand in his and tells her about the fluffy clouds, the birds outside, the newly budding leaves on the old oak.
He sees the look of longing on her face and does not let his heart break, not yet.
In late spring, she greets him with a bright, warm smile, calls their daughter to her side, and promises them a day out. She hums as he tells her about the sunshine, cheerful and spirited, and she looks so much like she used to that his chest is painfully tight when he agrees to her request.
He carries her, wrapped snugly in a soft quilt, outside and does not notice how easy it is now; she has always been slight, but the last year has seen her grow wispy, as substantial as a warm breeze, but she smiles at his expression and kisses him, warm and solid and real.
They sit together under the tree, their little family, her head light against his shoulder, fine hair tousled by the gentle spring breeze, their son in her arms, warm and content, while their daughter runs around, soaking in the warm sunlight, breathing in the cool fresh air. She laughs, nestles herself more comfortably against him, and when he leans down to kiss her, to enjoy the moment, he can almost pretend that nothing has changed.
As the sun sets, she calls their daughter over, embraces her with a kiss before sending her off to find her grandmother. The air is cool now, enough to make her shiver, and he pulls her closer, until there is no space between them, feels the slight weight of her against him as their lips brush, soft, slow, and incredibly tender, as her head rest against his chest, over her heart, and her eyelids droop and close.
“I love you.”
She smiles, gentle and warm and wonderfully, impossibly beautiful, and, as he hums a quiet lullaby, falls asleep safe in his arms.
She never wakes up.
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kissedcloud · 5 months
choose your adventure. 𝝑𝝔 not a writing blog; this is a fanfic archive only 𝝑𝝔
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cloud strife
reno sinclair
rufus shinra
zack fair
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noctis lucis caelum
gladiolus amicitia
prompto argentum
ignis scientia
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clive rosfield
joshua rosfield
barnabas tharmr
benedikta harman
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leon kennedy
ada wong
luis serra
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marius von hagen
artem wing
luke pearce
vyn richter
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bakugo katsuki
todoroki shoto
hitoshi shinso
amajiki tamaki
kirishima eijiro
yo shindo
chisaki kai
todoroki enji
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ryomen sukuna
utahime iori
fushiguro megumi
zen'in naoya
kamo choso
gojo satoru
geto suguru
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kageyama tobio
oikawa tooru
akaashi keiji
rintaro suna
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pick your poison.
fake dating
tattoo artist
last updated, 7/10/24.
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nanamiluvs · 7 months
masterlist ✧
ps. not all the characters i write for, but those i have written for. don't be shy to request others ! rules for requests
✩ : nsfw , ❀ : fluff , ★ : angst
(if there's a slash in between, it means the parts are separated!)
jujutsu kaisen !
◇ nanami kento
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ lactation kink w husband!nanami ✩ ❀
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ morning kisses w husband!nanami ❀
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ fingering w husband!nanami‎ ‎✩
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ nanami nsfw alphabet ✩ ❀
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ jealous!nanami ✩
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ sexually reserved men ✩
◇ toji fushiguro
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ having a baby w husband!toji ✩ / ❀
honkai : star rail !
◇ gallagher
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ gallagher eating you out ✩
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ gallagher kissing headcanons ❀
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ gallagher nsfw alphabet ✩
◇ gepard
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ sexually reserved men ✩
genshin impact !
◇ neuvillette
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ neuvillette nsfw alphabet ✩ ❀
◇ wriothesley
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ chubby!reader sitting on his face ✩
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ clingy!wriothesley ❀ ★
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ the duke shall be addressed as such ✩
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ wriothesley nsfw alphabet ✩
tears of themis !
◇ artem wing
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ʚ sexually reserved men ✩
...to be continued !
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thelonelyarchon · 9 months
If you’re wondering why I’m not posting anything for the Artem Wing smau that I have, it’s because I’m writing an Artem Wing one-shot/fic. I promise it’s… happy.
(Or not.)
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emjiajia · 1 year
"Those who lay down have already passed, those who sit still live on, the one who stands is a witness to everything."
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Yay angst
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fakesimp · 3 months
Angst Prompts - Tears of Themis
Luke Pearce - You are the mastermind of a murder case that he solved.
Artem Wing - You were accused of a crime that you didn't commit, and he can't do anything about it.
Artem Wing - You were sentenced the death penalty, even though you're innocent.
Vyn Richter - He was married off to another royal.
Lol. How about Marius? Also each individual hit hard honestly :'
Them only able to look at you either conflicted, heartbroken, or disappointed on each prompts.
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vyntilador · 2 years
Love talk
What are the boys' love languages?
Genre: Pure fluff<33 except for Luke's part kinda angst
GN!Reader for my besties out there<3
Might make an nsfw of this👀
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Luke Pearce
Acts of service/Physical touch
Honestly tho, seeing how he hasn't seen you in like 8 years, I'd think that he'll be clingy by that point like,,, imagine a koala clinging into u😭😭😭
He'll call you over or he'll be the one to come to ur apartment just to cuddle and stuff. You don't even need to talk, he just needs to have you in his arms in a reassuring manner. When you cuddle too while sleeping, your soft breathing and the slow rise and fall of your chest just calms him down so much.
Especially during nights where he gets nightmares about how one day, with you being in the NXX and having to deal with dangerous deeds, he's afraid that he'll lose you. It's during those nights where he holds you tighter against him in a desperate effort to convince himself that you're safe and sound.
If he wakes up and you're not in bed or smthn like that, he's mildly panicking. He shoots up from the bed and is immediately running around yo apartment looking for you only to find you cooking breakfast in the kitchen. The moment he sees you humming whilst cooking with a cute lil apron on, a relaxed smile shows on his face and he slowly walks towards you to hug you from behind<3333
Sometimes with that in mind, he looks out for you a lot during missions. Don't get him wrong; he trusts you but he can't help but have these lingering fear of losing you. The moment that he hears you yelp in pain, he immediately runs over towards you asking what's wrong. Imagine you like trip on a tree root or smthn or stubbed your toe somewhere or had a little cut somewhere.
Poor boy goes mom mode and immediately scolds you gently while tending to you<33 (would def give a soft kisses to wherever u were hurt #lukebestboy)
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Vyn Richter
Gift giving/Words of affirmation
You could be out there, literally just making tea for him and suddenly, the moment he takes a sip, you'd hear that annoyingly gentle voice of his going "You always make the most exquisite tea, My love."
Working from home and ur like sat on ur bed, working on some documents for the lawfirm with Vyn right next to you, just silently admiring you your work and the moment you're done, you show it to him then he turns to look at you with the most amazing, spectacular, breath taking, amazing, beautiful, alluring, jaw dropping, fancy, handsome, soft, gentle, sweet smile of his then he opens his mouth to say, "You did it so perfectly. I'm proud of you."
(this def isnt me just indulging myself into some1 that can actually praise me properly no,,)
On bad days where you just feel like shit, he's immediately off to his garden to pick the most BEAUTIFULLY PERFECT rose he sees and gives it to you with some chocolates and a little teddy bear
When you ask him what are those for he just says "You looked a bit...out of it so I thought that I can give these to you to cheer you up."
An absolute fucking sweetheart nobody talk to me omfg
I personally think he'll do acts of service too like, imagine having just opened your eyes after a good night's sleep and immediately smelling the most delicious smell you've ever smelled then seeing Vyn sitting beside you with a tray of food.
"Good morning, my rose. I wanted you to rest more since you seemed tired last night so I made some breakfast for you:]"
Please praise him too sometimes. He's a huge perfectionist and sometimes feels like he isn't good enough for u so having u reassure him that he's more than enough is just enough to make the poor bby melt</3
*cough* vyn praise kink *cough*
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Artem Wing
Words of Affirmation/Acts of service(gift giving)
The absolute KING of acts of service n words of affrimation
He sees you working hard while going to the pantry to get some coffee even tho he has a coffee maker in his office, he's quick to be like "Here's some coffee. You've been doing well these days. Remember to take a few breaks, okay?"
Cue Celestine rubbing her temples in disappointment with Artem bcs wtf,,, did he rlly just gift COFFEE to his crush?? 😭😭 Celestine's on the move to save the day and convince Artem to actually buy u roses or smthn else appropriate for a courting gift💀
Or in that one card, (in sickness or in health(?)) yall saw how Artem literally, with no hesitation, took it upon himself to take care of u??? Husband material frfr
So imagine the same thing happens like,, during field work, the heel of ur shoe broke or to make it more GN, your shoe just broke like, the sole broke off, or it was raining and it made yo shoe very slippery, imagine the worried look on his faceee:((
He'll stop walking and look at you saying, "Should we go back first? I don't think that you'll be able to move around like that...Not that I think that you'll be a burden—"
"No, don't move." *proceeds to take off own shoes but u fortunately stop him in time* "Why?:(" If u refuse his offer of his shoes, he'll then try to be more bolder like, one moment you were just looking at him and moments later, you're suddenly in the air and in his arms.
Celestine hiding in the shadows talking through a walkie talkie with mama wing being like "mission accomplished.😎"
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Marius von Hagen
Physical touch/Quality time
Another huge clingy baby🕴️
Being a CEO of a large company and still studying takes up A LOT of his time so whenever he has time, he immediately spends it with u<33
He wouldn't care about whatever you were doing in the first place, he's immediately waltzing into ur apartment like its the most natural thing in the world (it is) and just plop down in bed with you.
Yknow, I kinda think that hes an all-around kinda guy with this love language thing. Like, he'll sometimes discreetly paint/draw you and would give it to you, if youre feeling down or just tired with his bs, hes wasting no time to immediately pamper you with kisses and whisper sweet nothings in ur ear
If you give him a gift, he'll absolutely cherish it like it's a multimillion dollar treasure (doesnt even matter what u gave him, you could give this dumbass a rock and he'd cry tears of joy)
Give him a single pebble and hes looking at you like "🥺" and saying "For me???🥺"
Yeah so all in all, he's just a 6ft bby that would absolutely spoil the living SHIT out of you bcs u deserve it<3 (congrats on bagging a billionaire bestie)
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*ehem* i rlly wanna add a slight nsfw so ill make it on a diff part or smthn it's currently wip so ill link it here whem it's done *ehem*
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jennifer-jeong · 3 months
+ Smaller masterlists that don't have their own posts yet
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Fluff + Comfort | Warm Tea and Hugs | ON AO3 Itadori Yuji, Okkotsu Yuta, Toge Inumaki, Gojo Satoru, Kaveh, Kaedehara Kazuha, Thoma, Kaeya, Childe, Venti, Tighnari, Xiao, Kamisato Ayato, Marius Von Hagen, Luke Pearce, Rafayel, Xavier, Sugawara Koushi, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kuroo Tetsuro, Sabito, Amajiki Tamaki, Nitori Aiichirou, Heartsteal Aphelios, Heartsteel Ezreal, Shxtou, Howl
Smut + Fluff | GN | Warmth | ON AO3 Astarion (BG3), Dan Heng (HSR), Aventurine (HSR) A warm late afternoon with your one and only
Smut | AFAB | Experience | ON AO3 Hayakawa Aki (CSM) How would your boyfriend be after they gain experience from you?
Smut | AFAB | Cinematography | ON AO3 Uzui Tengen (KNY), Miguel O'Hara (ATSV), Marius Von Hagen (ToT) Men who’d take videos of your cum covered body or face to save for later
Smut | AFAB | “Force me and choke me ‘till I pass out” Eren Yeager (AOT) "My kinda love"
Smut | AFAB | Voice Message Aventurine (HSR), Marius Von Hagen (ToT) He's on a work trip and you decide to record him a little gift
Smut | AFAB | Somnophilia Aventurine (HSR), Boothill (HSR), Dan Heng (HSR), Astarion (BG3), Marius Von Hagen (ToT) He gets needy while you're sleeping but you don't mind
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Fluff + Angst | Boothill x GN!Reader | Homecoming He thought he lost everything, but you were always here, waiting for him to come home
Fluff + Suggestive | Boothill x GN!Reader | A Few Drinks Your personality does a 180 and he doesn't mind it one bit
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Luke Pearce | 夏彦 Xià Yàn Marius Von Hagen | 陆景和 Lù Jǐng Hé Artem Wing | 左然 Zuǒ Rán Vyn Ritcher | 莫弈 Mò Yì
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rosa-qing · 2 years
Artem Wing
🥀.warnings: violence,angst with happy ending, death, AU
🥀.notes: happy new year, my first fic for 2023. Just a brainrot inspired by the new cn cards
"Artem the military are here, they must've have known that we boarded the ship" She says the moment she entered their cabin
Artem just sits on his table not even taking a glance at her as he sort out some documents
He promised them safety but in the end they were fools to believe someone who sell them out after getting caught.
They were partners who work for the councilor as a spy, to help him in his to oust their president for the sake of their country. But in the end his plans failed and he dragged them with him.
"Say something." She walk towards his table. Snatching the paper on his hands to make him look at her.
But not a single word came out from his mouth he just look at her with a sad expression. She knew what it means
"No we're not giving up. There's a boat on the deck if we sneak out we can make it" She blurted out
"They have surrounded this ship, even if we sneak out they'll catch us" Artem reaches out to her and gently cupped her face. The helplessness is written all over her face. She closes her eyes and lean on his hand as his warmth calms her down
"But there's something that we can do" Artem stood up and went over to one of the drawers retrieving a gun
"Shoot me" Artem cassualy said as if those words meant nothing as he offers him the gun.
She didn't accept it, as if she could shoot her lover.
"No!!" She refused
Artem didn't speak and put the gun in her hands. As he point it towards his chest.
"You just need to do what i say, kill me and tell them it was all my idea that i coerced you in doing this. Put all the blame on me so that you may live" Artem press the gun deeper on his chest
"No!!, there must be a way" she keep on refusing but Artem press the gun firmly againsts his chest
They were running out of time as they heard several footsteps from couple of distance.
She knew he was doing this all for her. But how can she live without him. Seeing the resolute look on his face she knew he will never change his mind. But there must be something else she could do.
"Then can i hug you one last time, my dear" She tried her best to smile but her tears betrayed her .
Artem nod and wrapped his arms around her. She looked up and smile at him.
"In our next life I'll find you and still choose to be your partner and lover. Artem I love you" she whispered, he knew something is off but before he could pull away.
She pressed the gun againsts his back and pulled the trigger.
The soldiers quicken their steps upom hearing the gunshot. The forcefully opening the cabin.
The sight of the couples dead body stood before them. Until death they never let each other go. And even death can't separate them
"Report this to the president, twll him the traitors are dead" Their commanded one of his soldier. "The rest of you, clean this mess up"
In our next life I'll still choose to be your partner and lover. I love you
Those words play in his head again and again but he can't see clearly the person who tild him that. He just knew she was in his arms.
"Artem. Our client is here" a familiar voice called his name from a distance. He slowly open his eyes, and stood before him was the person he'll only love and his partner for good or for bad
A soft smile spread across his lips.
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01.06.23 - @rosa-qing
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mscordonean · 1 year
Inspectorhusband!Artem Wing x Black wife!Reader
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Warnings: Love, Angst!?!, Jealousy
Summary: You ask if you can meet Artem at a telephone box near his workplace, while waiting for him a man comes up to you.
text Artem your location, quote "Arty honey, I'm at the first telephone box you see outside of the office (insert heart emoji)", holding onto your hat, the only protection you had from the rain. Not long after a reply shows up on your screen. "Alright I'll be out in a minute, wait for me (insert heart emoji)". You smile at your phone before you hear a familiar but foreign voice call out your name.
You look up to see the coworker Artem had introduced you to the other day. "Hey! Nice to see you again..?". He smiles and with a soft voice reminds you of his name. "It's Victor, i didn't expect you to remember me anyway", He looked a little hurt and you felt bad, you decide you'd comfort him. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
Victor stiffens but slowly relaxes, burying his head into your shoulder. "Thank you" he mutters hugging you back by the waist. You felt safe with him but not as safe as Artem made you feel every time he'd-. "Hey", you felt that same dark aura you always felt when you welcomed a certain someone home.
"{Name}" you turn around and see Artem holding a charcoal black umbrella baring a stern look on his face. He walks forward and taps Victor on the shoulder. Victor jolts having not known Artem was behind him.
Artem pulls him off you and lifts up your ring finger where Victor could see it. "She's married" Artem states keeping the same look the whole time. Victor looks right at the ring dumbfounded. "Since when was that there?" He wanted to say but the words were choked back to ensure there was no fight. "Ah" was all he said before bidding goodbye to you two.
Artem let go of your hand, you braced yourself to be yelled at. Instead a muscular arm followed by another one wrap around you in the same way Victor had but it felt more at home, intimate. "Why didn't you tell him to leave", he muttered into your neck. "You don't expect me to go making grudges with everyone, I've already made enough with those ladies at your workplace". He chuckles and showers kisses all over your neck softly.
Listened to
While writing.
(Just finished reading An Inspector Calls and thought Artem looked the suit of the Inspector in this card)
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yaesnovels · 1 year
this post includes every single piece of fiction i have published on this blog so far. i got tired of the separate masterlists so, here we go.
as for the characters i write for, they are listed here!
— genshin impact; alhaitham; childe; kaedehara kazuha; kaeya; kamisato ayato; kaveh; scaramouche; shikanoin heizou; thoma; xiao; zhongli; ei; miko; arlecchino
— tears of themis; marius von hagen; artem wing
— honkai : star rail; blade; jing yuan; dan heng;
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✧. ┊     kaedehara kazuha
your hand in mine | fluff
all about you | fluff
i'm yours. always been yours. | fluff
missed you | fluff
✧. ┊     alhaitham
addicted to you | smut
dance with me | suggestive
dance with me some more | smut
dazed | smut
coddled | smut
marriage glow | smut
dreams are just another universe we can live in | smut
good idea | smut ; ft. kaveh
study sessions | smut
✧. ┊     tartaglia
love me now | smut
'i'm so in love' | fluff
capture you | smut
you're okay | suggestive-ish, fluff
denial | suggestive-ish
one i've been missing | fluff
respect and trust | angst
honeymoon | smut
✧. ┊     kamisato ayato
all mine | smut
baby makin' | smut
impatience | smut
✧. ┊     scaramouche
small and ugly | angst
✧. ┊     marius von hagen
warm 'n cozy | smut
kiss me more | smut
✧. ┊     kaveh
good morning | smut
good idea | smut ; ft. alhaitham
✧. ┊    xiao
stargazing | fluff
✧. ┊     thoma
hold me tight | smut
✧. ┊     cyno
jokes 4 u | fluff
✧. ┊     arlecchino
boyfriend | smut
comfort | fluff
✧. ┊     blade
memories and scars | smut
✧. ┊     jing yuan
love me like you do | smut
✧. ┊     headcanons (multiple characters)
losing no nut november | smut
being dads + babysitting with ei | fluff
calm & comfortable | fluff / comfort
✧. ┊     other lists
five hundred petals event | 500 followers special
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