#As High As The Moon Above is still one of my proudest works and writing Johanna and Kaisa as childhood friends brings a lot of joy for me
furashuban · 11 months
So at first I was struggling to plan out and find inspiration for fics I wanna write for Sketchbook Ship Week, and suddenly I remembered wait, I DO HAVE SOMETHING FUN AND PERFECT I COULD WORK ON FOR SKETCHBOOK SHIP WEEK
It's the perfect time for me to bring this AU back from the dead...
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can you write something about telling Harry your pregnant and his reaction. It can be with the series you already have or it can just by by itself what ever you want
i wanted to do the pregnancy reveal for belle just because i wanted them to already have children! hope this is alright, it’s quite short mind;
oli - 2, felix - 1
Positive. Except not from coronavirus.
Although the only ‘positive’ tests resulted in fatal symptoms for most people nowadays, this ‘positive’ was something completely different. It was the sign of new life - a pregnant life, for you, for the next 9 months.
Since coronavirus had decided to spread its’ course, your family had decided it best to stay inside and be safe. You were a small family of 4, now becoming 5, and the children were only little. There was Oliver, who was amidst his terrible-twos and there was Felix who was just starting to walk. Of course there was your loving husband, Harry, who’d put a hold on all of his work for his family - for the time being. Corona virus was a very serious situation and he wasn’t risking travelling and meeting people for his family. His family and their safety came above anything. Especially now that you were pregnant and so more vulnerable.
“Well fuck.” You whispered to yourself in the bathroom.
You’d suspected that you might’ve been pregnant due to the weird cravings and the fact that your period had been irregular the month before, and had still not come this month. It may also have been a give away with the amount of sex you two had been having over the past few months. All the free time that you had, had not gone to waste. If you weren’t looking after the kids, or weren’t out on your daily walk, you were more than likely at it like high-school-sweethearts in your bedroom. You weren’t planning for another baby, but you definitely weren’t not planning.
Now you were just worried how Harry would take the news.
He was currently outside doing the gardening, his two songs playing in the paddling pool together. Felix didn’t understand anything that was going on, so that left Oliver to boss him around. You stood by the window of your bedroom, looking out at them, thinking of the best way to announce this to him; to them. This was all so short notice and you had nothing prepared and you were desperate to tell Harry today. That left you with only one option, even if it wasn’t as great as the other two pregnancy surprises.
You made a few glasses of water and carried them out on a tray to the garden, placing it on the table before going to see your babies.
“Hello, yes hello!” You laughed as Felix started to splash the water more violently as he saw his mummy walk over towards him.
“Mumma!” Oli laughed too, joining in the splashing with his brother.
“Hi my love.” You kneeled down to stroke his head over his ever-growing brunette locks. They both looked exactly like their dad, what with their piercing green eyes and brown curly hair. It made you wonder whether the third one would be the same - whether it would even be a boy. You’d love to have a girl someday, but another boy would be perfect too. “You playing nicely?”
“Yes. We play fishes.” He answered, his eyes looking from you to behind you where he caught sight of his dad gaining distance. Felix started splashing again and Oli was beaming a bright smile. “Dadda!”
“Hiya buddy!” He knelt down too and splashed them with water just for fun.
“Harry stop it.” You giggled, watching as Fix was disoriented by the sudden splashes of water he was receiving. You leant over to rub the water out of Fix’s eyes and then sat back against your heels.
“Come play.” Oli suggested to you and Harry.
“In a bit, okay?” Harry counter offered and watched as Oli went back to playing ‘fishes’ - whatever the hell that was.
You and Harry watched them both for a little bit before getting up, with a crack of the knees, and walking over to get some water.
“Are you wearing your pregnancy clothes?” Harry asked you, pressing a kiss to the side of your head just because.
You didn’t have to answer. Instead, you just gave him a look as if to say ‘why-else-would-i-be-wearing-pregnancy-clothes?’ and that was all it took for it to click with him. He nearly choked on his water over the surprise.
“No way!”
He pushed his hands through his tussled hair so his forehead was more on display. He was shocked. Frozen. Yet so fucking happy.
“Are you really that surprised? You basically wreck me every night!”
“No fucking way!” He laughed into the shock, clearly over-the-moon with regards to the tears in his eyes and the love bursting from his heart.
“So I take it you’re happy?” You asked, cutting his moment short in nervous anticipation.
“Baby honey, i’m the happiest and proudest man on the planet right now.” He smiled so warmly, you think it lit that bonfire spark inside your heart. The fireworks came soon after, when Harry pushed his lips against yours - desperate to show you how much you and this moment meant to him. His lips captured your love for him and he bounced his right back onto you. The moment was raw and powerful.
He pulled back and looked deep into your eyes, treasuring your every blink.
“What?” You shyly asked, blushing as he kept his eyes focused on yours.
“Just love you so much. Best mum, I swear it. You’re so strong and beautiful.”
His words brought tears to your eyes and he kissed them as a few trickled down your cheeks. He was kissing away any sadness or sorrow, and replacing it with something much more happy and warm.
“Baby number three then, hey?” You chuckled, not believing yourself as the words stumbled from your mouth.
“Fuck yeah.” He laughed, sealing his lips onto yours for another moment - a moment that was broken with the crying and screaming of children; your children.
“Sure we’re going to cope?” You sighed nervously, knowing how hard two children had been and now you were adding another to your little clan.
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goldenpctals · 4 years
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TRUTH BOOTH, elodie edition
1. Please state your full name: My name is Elodie Yoon-ah Gwan 2. Does your name(s) have any kind of meaning? If so, what is it? Not completely sure? I know Elodie is some kind of flower and Yoon-ah means ‘light of god’ 3. Do you have any nicknames? Sometimes people call be El or Ellie  4. Where were you born? And in which country? I was born in Seoul, South-Korea 5. What is your date of birth? January 4 in year 1996  6. Of course, the following question; what is your Zodiac sign? I’m a Capricorn 7. Do you believe in Zodiac signs? Sometimes? I like to think so?  8. Where do you live? I live in Violet Springs, in Violet Heights to be exact 9. What is your home situation like? (ex. do you live with your family? Your partner etc.?) I live with my two dads, Edwin and Jonah and with my sister, Ruby 10. Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have two sisters. Ruby and Issy Rosini 11. Do you have any kind of allergies? Not that I know of 12. Do you own any pets? If so, what kind of pets are they? Ruby has the most dogs in the house. However, I have a white cocker spaniel. His name is Baloo and he’s the cutest 13. Why did you apply to St Jude’s? Because I love performing, singing and music 14. Did you had to go through a lot audition rounds? A few. My English wasn’t really that good at the time. I still struggle with it every now and then  15. What is the current course you’re following? I study to course Music 16. If you can switch courses, which one would you switch to and why? If I had to switch, I’d probably pick dancing. It’s one of my greatest loves 17. What is your proudest project you’ve done? So far? My song named Solo. I heard it reached millions of views which is crazy 18. What is the proudest project that someone’s else has done? There are a couple. If I keep going I’ll be talking for a couple of days 19. Do you like FanCons? Yes. I love them!  20. What do you like about FanCons? Getting to meet my fans. I didn’t know I had so many people who care about me and my music. It’s a nice feeling 21. What don’t you like about FanCons? It can be overwhelming at times 22. A fan memory that always stuck with you? Can be positive or negative. A fan gave me a painting and it still hanging above my bed. I just love the vibe of it 23. Your favorite event so far? Hm.. Any kind of charity event 24. What kind of event would you like to see in the future? I think this is done before, but St Judes vs. other universities  25. Would you recommend St Jude’s to friends, family. etc? I would. I think this is the perfect place to chase your dreams 
26. What are your positive traits? I’d like to say that I’m realistic, patient and hard-working 27. What are you negative traits? Probably that I tend to look shy, I’m very cautious and I don’t trust people so easily 28. What would other people describe you as? A shy and awkwar bean 29. What are your pet peeves? Slow walking... 30. What makes you happy? Music makes me happy. Being with friends and family. Just be around good energy  31. What makes you upset? Seeing anyone I care about upset 32. What is something you love? The universe. I’m obsessed with the moon and the stars  33. What is something you dislike? Anger. I don’t really know why people get so angry or caught up over something 34. What are you strengths? My patience 35. What are you weaknesses? I have quite a few, so I’ll PASS this one 36. A misconception people often think of you? I don’t think I’m here long enough? But if I had to say something, probably that .. I have no idea 37. Do you have any fears? Yes  38. What scares you the most? Losing myself again 39. What do you do to entertain yourself? I make songs and go to the studio  40. What is your MBTI? I think it was ISFP 41. How do you deal with stress? This is something I struggle a lot with. I usually sit on a rooftop and I write down how I feel in lyrics.. I just tend to look at the moon a lot too 42. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person? Determind 43. Do you consider yourself selfish? No, I think I put people’s feelings over mine 44. Would you like to be different? I wish I was stronger, mentally  45. Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)? Introvert
46. What is your sexual orientation? I consider myself heterosexual 47. Current relationship status? Single 48. When was your first kiss? It was a couple of months ago 49. Do you remember your first date? If so, with who was it? What did you do? I don’t think I’ve ever been asked out on a proper date so..  50. Have you ever experienced heart-break? Unfortunately, yes. But no because of romance 51. Have you ever been in love? (If yes, skip to question 53) No 52. If no, how so? There’s.. this.. like, wall that’s up pretty high? I’ve been through a lot and I refuse to get hurt again. I think I’m just really scared to fall in love with someone. I have experienced crushes.. Now I have a small one on someone I know I can never be with 53. How do you know when you’re in love? n/a 54. What would be your ideal date? My ideal date would be somewhere nice and quiet, maybe like at a lake or beach and a picnic to get to know each other 55. What is your perspective on marriage? When the right person comes, I’ll be open to it. But for now? I’m way too young to get married 56. (only for non-virgins) Are you a sub, dom or switch? n/a 57. What do you think of relationships? I think it’s beautiful how you can share your love with one another  58. What do you think of one-night stands? I’m not someone to do this. I’d rather get to know someone first before I do anything else. Plus, I want to be super comfortable first and even then, I’d only be intimate when I would be in a relationship 59. Are you still a virgin? Yes, I am 60. Most attractive trait in a different person? Loyalty and caring  61. What matters most to you when it comes to a relationship? Being truthful with one another. And also, be patient with one another  62. Are you comfortable with PDA? Or would you be comfortable with PDA? I’m not completely sure. I don’t really like when someone is extreme. I think I’d prefer just holding hands or a hug?  63. Are you more of a type to be asked out or the type to ask the other out? The type to be asked out, I guess?  64. How do you express love to the other? I think I express my love to others by making sure they’re okay? I don’t really know how to answer this  65. Who is your celebrity crush? Ji Chang-Wook.... He’s so so so dreamy
66. Do you regret anything? Yes 67. Is there something you woule like to re-do? So, start all over again? I’m so grateful for where I am now. However, my past is really hurtful but even though, life goes the way it’s supposed to go.. right?  68. What is something you would never share with anyone? There are so many things that people don’t know about me or my past. Ruby knows a lot.. but she doesn’t know everything yet and I don’t think I can ever share my memories with someone 69. When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? Just a couple of days ago. I suddenly felt overwhelmed after Felix’s birthday party. Probably a lot of, held back emotions at once 70. Most memorable event that happened in your time in St Judes? This could be anything: Solo being accepted by so many people. It’s still a miracle to me 71. One thing you wish you could do all over? Nothing 72. Someone you miss? There isn’t anyone that I currently miss 73. Something you wish you could forget? My past 74. Who has the biggest impact on you? Ruby 75. What is your perspective on love? Is it beautiful? Does it scare you? I think it can be beautiful in ways but it’s so scary, though? Love can be so hurtful. I’m not totally against it, I love to love, but --- it’s pretty unpredictable  76. What has hurt you in the past that you don’t want others to go through? Anything that I went through the age of 17 until I was adopted by Edwin and Jonah 77. What is something you have gained, something you have lost and something you let go of during the past year? Something I gained? A family. Something you’ve lost? Myself. But I’m doing very well in finding myself again. Something I let go of? Not much. My mind is still full of things that I wish I could forget  78. Have you ever lost a friend? do you wish you would still be friends? Not really?  79. Do you have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? I have panick attacks at certain events or scenarious? (OOC: She has PTSD and has 2 triggers, however, this hasn’t been diagnosed yet) 80. If you could meet your 16 year old self, what would tell them? You’re happy and you’re doing well. However, in a bout a year or so, someone is going to take you away from your family and you’re going through the worst pain in your life. Someone will introduce themselves as some kind of angel to you, but they will turn out to be your worst nightmare. You will go through a lot. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. This may seem to go on for forever, but you are so strong that you are going to get through this. I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you....
81. Summer or Winter? Summer 82. Cats or dogs? Dogs  83. Beach or mountains? Beaches 84. Phone calls or texting? Phone calls 85. Have you ever skipped class? Only when I was dealing with mental health or sickness
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-outofcontext- · 7 years
82 Truths
I was tagged by @onceuponabookblr Thanks for the tag!
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, write a post with 82 truths about yourself and then tag 25 people
My Favourites:
Animal: turtles
Colour: purple
Drink: dark chocolate lattes 
Food: anything potato!
Time of year: Summer (I’m a So Cal beachbum) 
Films: Back to the Future, The Matrix, Ghost, City of Angels, You’ve Got Mail, everything with Tom Hanks, more I can’t think of right now lol
Book: Oh man! Um. The Catcher in the Rye, Little Women, Everything by Sarah J Maas, Leigh Bardugo, John Green, and Sarah Dessen. Haha, this question isn’t fair for Booklrs! 
Subject in school: English
Flower: Tulips
Fruit: Pineapple
About Me:
I’m 38 and still play make believe, and climb trees, and roll down grass hills. I’ll never grow up
I work at a library and absolutely love my job!
I live in Southern California, and visit the beach almost daily
Though I finally got a BA in Journalism, my college years were the most traumatic having lost my mother to breast cancer, and I ended up changing majors 6 times in six years.
I was born in Manila, Philippines but raised in Long Beach, CA U.S.A.
As a result go that upbringing, I can understand Tagolog but can’t speak it.
I have one older brother but 7 step brothers and sisters.
I’m obsessed with folktales and mythologies from all over the world.
I have a teddy bear I love so much he travels everywhere with me and is now way more popular on Instagram than I will ever be LOL
33 is the magic number. It was the age my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and growing up I thought that was the age I would die. Now I’m living on borrowed time. 
Most recent:
Phone call: My best friend
Text: Also my best friend
Food: Langonisa and fried rice 
Drink: Coffee
Book: A Darkly Beating Heart by Lindsay Smith
Purchase: Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo 
Song I listened to: Despacito, because unfortunately its been playing every damn hour on the radio
Reason to be excited: I got one of my fave authors to agree to make a visit to the library I work at! 
TV show: Younger. OMG I swear I have thought about doing the same thing LOL
Obsession: Books!
Happiest: About five years ago, I got to visit the Philippines for the first time since I was a child. I did so much sightseeing and island hopping. And I met over a dozen of my cousins that weren't even born when I left.  
Saddest: Nov. 20, 1999. Mom lost her fight with breast cancer. 
Strangest: I think this one comes from my dreams. I don’t dream vividly usually. I can never remember my dreams. But once in a blue moon, I dream in a way that I can recall it like a movie I watched. And I recently dreamed I was an alien superhero lol
Scariest: When I was 21, I fell into a bonfire pit at the beach, fire and coals and all. I ended up suffering 2nd and 3rd degree burns on the bottom of my feet. I thought I was never going to walk again. It took a long time and a lot of therapy but I can :)
Funniest: There’s a community in Long Beach referred to as Midget Town. It’s a closed community of little people. When my best friend and I were in high school, we drove all around Long Beach trying to find the entrance in the middle of the night. We never found it, but we were delirious with laughter the whole time. 
Exciting: I think the first time I went to an SCBWI conference in 2011. I was so inspired and in awe, and it was the first time I felt like I belonged somewhere. I had found my tribe, I was a writer after all. 
Proudest: When I finished writing my first ever YA novel. 
Boring: When I was a preteen (Can’t remember exact age), there was a day when I sat on my bed and stared at the wall all day, from waking to when I fell asleep. I don’t remember why I did it, but I remember that’s just what I wanted to do. 
Biggest Fears
Being in a car crash (IDK why it’s always on my mind)
Public Speaking lol
Excited for in Life:
Publishing my first book
Finding “the one”
Becoming a mom
Learning new things (like surfing & archery)
Learning to cook lol
Reading great books and meeting more authors
I am always…
Checking my social media
Still playing Candy Crush...
Taking pictures of my teddy beat
Texting my BFF
Checking emails
Looking for something to snack on lol
Looking up book sites for book news
Stalking authors in twitter
I wish I was, and I eventually will be…
A published author
A decent cook lol
Confident and self-assured
Better at managing money
An archer
A wife and mom (hopefully)
A world traveller
A speaker of my native land’s language 
A ninja warrior (My latest obsession lol)
A homeowner 
Favourite Things about Myself:
I am a very positive person
I always try to look for the good in people
I am extremely inquisitive and love learning new things
Long hair, don’t care lol
I have an eye and appreciation for art
I am a very loyal and supportive friend
I will go above and beyond for my family and those I love
Once I care, I will never stop caring about you
I will never give up
Finally, my blog…
I wanted to find a blog where there were great inspirational and sometimes funny quotes from my fave YA books. So I created one myself. 
Probably needs more artistic posts of the books I’m reading, but creating those are harder than it looks man!
Is really just for me, but I truly hope you all enjoy it as well. 
Tagging booklrs I’d like to know more about. But anyone and everyone is welcome to post :) @readers-live-a-thousand-lifes @yaliteraturebookshelf @feysandsmut @teachingliteracy @quietya @tsundokusam @yabookers @yaseriesinsiders @aliteraryescape @dailyya
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