#As for it being disrespectful to the real life author Dazai Osamu
anti-dazai-blog · 1 year
as someone who suffers from suicidal ideation: dazai is terrible representation lmao
we never see him breaking down, or feeling genuine despair, or having people notice his depreciating humour. he seems suicidal just because.
also, sometimes it's borderline disrespectful to irl dazai.
I’m not sure if this is in response to my blog as a whole, or my rant about this topic in this post specifically, but either way. Yeah.
Dazai’s suicidal tendencies come across more as a quirky character gimmick than an actual genuine facet of his character.
Possibly it will be explored more in some form of backstory content, which would make current day Dazai make more sense— as in, he used to be genuinely suicidal, but is no longer looking to end his life, and now acts like this out of habit. His automatic response to people isn’t “hi, how are you”, but “I wanna die”, because that used to truly be the way he would feel.
Either way. You’re 100% right.
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moraymiso · 2 months
one bsd opinion you will absolutely defend with your LIFE?
mmm i have SO many but i feel like talking abt this one atm. it kinda turned into more of a pet peeve rant as i went along, dw, i will share plenty of die-hard takes for whoever u are anon…
strap in, this is a longer one 😭
i’ve seen this especially on reddit— skk antis getting their panties in a twist every time dazai is jokingly called gay, or when anything about the skk ship is mentioned. it happens EVERYWHERE for sure, but it’s… crazy over on reddit.
and you’re totally allowed to be annoyed when that’s all people boil him down to, you’re totally allowed to dislike mischaracterization, you’re totally allowed to hate a ship! but GODDD it specifically grinds my gears when people aren’t even giving worthwhile critiques and instead just try to insist “dazai is straight!”. there’s actually a very highly upvoted post on reddit compiling “evidence” of dazai being straight. it’s definitely not a well-meaning post, it’s absurd, and i wish i was kidding ;; i’ve seen SO many people go “he likes women, cuz this this and this! he’s straight!”
like…. y’all. addressing the elephant in the room: BISEXUAL PEOPLE EXIST?? i’m not even bi and it pisses me off that people seem to just ignore that there’s more on the table than just gay and straight. OBVIOUSLY dazai likes women. nobody is denying this?? why are you losing your marbles over there buddy?
BUT ON TOP OF THAT, it is heavily implied in his own works that the irl osamu dazai was bisexual, primarily describing his experience having a crush on a boy his age when he was teenager. obviously these characters in BSD are not 1 to 1 copies, but it feels massively disrespectful to the real author (who lived at a time where being open about his orientation was downright DANGEROUS) to immediately and vehemently insist that dazai is straight because he likes women.
personally, i believe dazai is meant to be coded or insinuated as bisexual in the series due to a number of reasons i’ll probably get into on a later date (not rlly related to ships btw!)— not everyone agrees, and that’s fine! you’re totally allowed to think he’s straight, dislike his ships, dislike when people oversimplify him etc, but it just drives me crazy when people get MEAN about it and go to insane lengths to try and have some weird gotcha moment every time someone mentions a ship or makes a joke.
tldr: chill out with ships and headcanons guys, please, it is never that deep. when we call dazai gay, or call bsd a gay series, we are not being serious. and i love bi dazai!!
remember: neither of these things are confirmed. you’re headcanoning that he’s straight as much as we’re headcanoning that he’s bisexual.
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Hellooo Natalia
love your post btw
I Adore Soukoku so much and i wan’t Them to see that they are litteraly inlove
but i am worried it would be disrespectfull to the authors the characters are based on if they become a thing yk so i Think that holds asagiri back quite a bit which is why i dont think they Will ever openly become a thing
what do you think?
Omg this question is actually a very old one in my inbox, but now that im finally back. I am absolutely happy to answer<3
Alright so, I remember seeing people say that Asagirgi made a comment about not wanting to make any couple canon bc it would be disrespectful but I highly doubt this is a real claim.
Let's start with the fact that if that was the case, then this series wouldn't be made to begin with.
Dazai's introduction is actually distasteful considering the real Dazai Osamu's death.
The real Dazai Osamu died by double suicide with his wife, by drowning himself.
And in the bsd story,the authors counterparts first apperance is...by drowning.
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2. Mori as a character, is literally a port mafia leader, a mass murderer AND a pedophile. When this has 0 connotations to the real Mori's life.
I don't even have to explain how this is defiently disrespectful for the real authors memory, now that his name is constantly butchered and dragged as a pedophile in the manga, right?
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3. Dazai in real life absolutely loved and respected Akutagawa's works, but his bsd counterpart literally lacks to acknoweldge and abuses Akutagawa.
The real Akutagawa's death actually depressed Dazai in real life, but in bsd, he is portrayed as someone who absolutely disregards half of the things Aku represents.
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4. Half of the bsd cast is portrayed as murders, abusers, war criminals or counter opposites to the authors they are based of.
So with all that being said and done, he basically turned many renowned and respected authors to mafia members, killers, or even whole ass war criminals.
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5. Rimbaud and Veraline actually had a love affair going on, yet they only kept them as companions in the manga.
Rimbaund and Veraline had a very known love affair, but Asagiri chose to wrote them the same way historians would call lgbtq+ couples as "veryyyyy close besties:D"
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6. There's been canonical couples or canonical crushes implied in the manga, but in real life, the authors probably didn't feel the same so it's quite insane for Asagiri to not want to make Soukoku or any other bsd dynamic canon out of fear of disrespect. Unless, he doesn't want to do to the narrative or for homophobic reasons.
Look, I'm not gonna claim that Asagiri is homophobic, I don't know the guy in real life to even come to that conclusion!!!
But, it's quite intresting to realize how Higuchi, Lucy, Katai, Tanizaki and many other characters have canonical crushes on opposite sex counter parts but then, it's suddendly disrespectful for two characters the same sex liking each other/being together?
More than anything the whole discourse of Asagiri claiming that is probably false since I don't see any real document of him saying it, so it's likely this whole thing was started by someone who couldn't stand the idea of shipping mlm or wlw relationships lol.
Hope this sorta answers your question, sorry for the delay<3
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moniniart · 5 years
Hi first of all im sorry if i have to break this down but despite that your art is amazing, the way you put two guys, osamu dazai sensei and nakahara chuuya sensei is just ridiculous. They are both real life people and i think people in this fandom is just beyond ignorant, look, I don’t have any offense with all of you but i read their actual works and you know with all of you making them pair and putting the domesticity with them, it’s really disrespectful.
How about i’m telling you that there’s difference between real life author and anime character? Did you even know that what i draw here is from an anime called bungou stray dogs?
The way you called yourself ‘not trying to be offensive’ is what pissed me off the most because can’t you read the tags? It’s just clearly show that you’re the one who’s being ignorant and disrespectful because you just attack this fandom without knowing that this pairing is not even shipping the real people.
Also you made me looked like i know nothing about their actual author. Bitch i’ve read most of the author works in bungou stray dogs because i knew almost all of the author even before bsd and i’m thankful too that i know bsd because i learn so much about literatures from them (and i’m sure that almost all of the people who’s in this fandom did too) So if you’re saying that WE are ignorant, you’re wrong.
Please please please if you don’t know nothing about this fandom and you don’t have anything nice to say, you better walk away. There’s actual people behind every account and people could get hurt by your words.
It’s not that hard to just stay silent if you don’t have anything nice to say afterall
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