#As much as I ship Thief and Atemu
whispered-pear · 2 years
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Yuugi Had Good Intentions
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bakawitch · 4 years
Just Gold AU
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I came up with this AU for Atemu X Malik where Atemu comes back as an undead mummy/zombie things 5 years after the events of DSOD and Malik finds him and decides to take him home. He makes Atemu wear all this modern clothing (to cover up as much of his withered grey like skin as possible from the public eye), but Atemu is always picky and kicks him whenever Malik tries to force something on him that he doesn’t want on. Atemu can’t talk because his tounge, throat and most intestines have either rotted away, or have been taken out during his mummification. (In this AU Atemu only faded away in his memories, and in real history he sacrificed only the Ren part of his soul and his body didn’t perish it just died and was burried.) Atemu also doesn’t understand any language Malik does, so there’s also the good ol’ language barrier! He did manage to figure out a few easy commands Malik uses like “stop”, “come here”, “stay” and “sit”. Malik is usually out during the day and keeps Atemu in his closet. Surprisingly enough he actually stays there as long as he is supplied with video games and picture books. Atemu may be very bony and his skin really dry, but Malik discovered that he emmits a strange sort of comforting heat, so whenever he goes to bed, he takes Atemu with him so he can cuddle him. Atemu doesn’t really mind it and he enjoys the physical contact. Atemu is pretty defiant in nature and that’s one of the reasons Malik likes him so much. He reminds him of his younger self.
[Edit: This ship is apparently called “Goldshipping”, but funnily enough Thief King X Ancient Egyptian Joey (Jono) is also called Goldshipping. I’m pretty sure the later isn’t official, since I read Goldshipping on the Master Ship List for Malik and Atem.]
Also, I ended up being super proud of Malik’s shirt, so here! Have a close up of it!
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shadowofthelamp · 7 years
I didn't get one, so I'm making sure every time I see this, I send one! Yugioh, Puzzleshipping, and Atemu :D
@cosmignon said: 001 - Yugioh
Favorite character: Right now I gotta say Ryou, but it’s very close between him and Yugi.
Least Favorite character: Dartz. I love the beautiful disaster that is s4 but he’s my least favorite seasonal villain.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Heart, Puzzle, any mix of Ryou/Bakura/Marik/Y!Marik (I know that’s cheating but I DO WHAT I WANT), Flare, and Vision.
Character I find most attractive: My inner bi is caught in a battle between Mai and Marik.
Character I would marry: Ryou or Yugi.
Character I would be best friends with: Yugi is the Ultimate Friend
a random thought: I made this post the other day but Priest/Pharoah Seto is in the afterlife, right? The afterlife Kaiba walked into. That’s gonna be a fun encounter.
An unpopular opinion: Mai is in her twenties at least, idk why they decided to give her a romantic subplot with a 16 year old. It’s Bad.
My Canon OTP: If Thief doesn’t count, I do like Peach. (They like each other, at least.)
My Non-canon OTP: Angsthipping!
Most Badass Character: You could make an argument for damn near anybody, but first one to come to mind is Marik ‘wrenched back control and survived a shadow game with a single life point WHILE telling his dark side to piss off’ Ishtar.
Most Epic Villain: *Insert any gif of Yami Marik doing the tongue thing here* (Thief King is a close runner up)
Pairing I am not a fan of: See the above with Joey/Mai
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): HOO BOY DID RYOU AND THIEF KING GET SHAFTED BIG TIME
Favourite Friendship: Yugi and Joey’s friendship is so sweet, I love how they learn and grow from each other.
Character I most identify with: Everybody can be Projection Central depending on the day but it seems like right now I’m more feeling with Ryou, although Marik’s a close second.
Character I wish I could be: NOBODY, EVERYBODY GOES THROUGH SO MUCH SHIT. Maybe Honda, he goes through the least crap I think besides the monkey thing in the virtual world arc, but he’s still part of the group.
When I started shipping them: I don’t remember, but it was during the first time I was really getting into yugioh, about three years ago. It was during the anime watch, though.
My thoughts: Can you say soulmates? They help each other learn and grow, and are about as close as two people can be. I binged all of season 4 in like two days one spring break and didn’t even realize how weird and not good it was until afterwards because I was caught in Puzzle Feelings.
What makes me happy about them: They care about and help each other so much, and the growth over the series is amazing.
What makes me sad about them: *sustained sobbing over ceremonial duel*
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Mmmmm surprisingly I don’t read that much puzzlefic? I don’t like when people overuse aibou, though- partner sounds just as good, maybe even better.
Things I look for in fanfic: Pretty much what I look for in canon- they complete each other, and are equals. (Plus flustered Atem and confident Yugi. Atem freaked out at the possibility of a date, Yugi openly swaps porn tapes with Joey in the schoolyard. He’s not the innocent one.)
My wishlist: I wish Atem had gotten to grow up, whether with Yugi or not. He didn’t seem to really want to go to the afterlife, just thought it was his duty.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I like Flare (Both of them with Kaiba) but I’d also like Pride and Heart or Wish to be endgame.
My happily ever after for them: Ceremonial duel happens, Atem gets to see his family, but then they sense turmoil within his soul and promise that they’ll be waiting when he’s ready to actually join them. He rushes back into Yugi’s arms, still in his pharoah clothes and with his original body, and gets piled into the biggest group hug of his life.
He still lives with the Mutous, and stays on the Duel Monsters circuit, although he might branch out to other games. Him and Yugi work together with Kaiba to develop more games, and he stays in contact with the Ishtars to fill in as many gaps about his reign as possible. 
They grow old together, and when they’re ready, walk into the afterlife arm in arm.
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HIM. His development over the series from smug bastard to genuine leader is great, and even though it’s not written the best, I LOVE the memory world arc. He saw that Yugi was a ray of kindness and sunshine and was just ‘yes, I want to be more like that.’
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Yugi, Kaiba, Ryou, Mana, Joey, Anzu, and Thief King (to an extent).
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I love what he has with Kaiba, romantic or not. I saw it described as something that both pushes him to be the best he can be, and the one relationship he doesn’t have to share with Yugi. I also kind of like how Mokuba sort of nudges him to keep his older bro in line.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Boy is NOT the ‘top’ in a relationship. Take out the card games and he is a flustered dork.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: LET HIM STAY IN THE WORLD OF THE LIVING. HE DESERVES A CHANCE TO LIVE.
Favorite friendship for this character: Either Yugi or Joey!
My crossover ship: Don’t really have one, but did toy a bit with an idea forever ago about Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls having something to do with the Millennium Items.
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