#Asgards over indulgence in gold made everything look the same
starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
Right Hand Woman | Part Two
Summary; your father is dead, just as you and Loki had planned. All that stands in the way of your reign over both the Cold Shores and Asgard, is your partner’s one eyed adopted parent.
Warnings; mentions of death, deception, brief smut (oral sex, fem receiving), attempts of murder
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Frigga frowned, suspecting something the moment that she caught Loki sneaking into her and Odin’s chambers. It was not wise to trust the boy so easily, whilst she felt tremendous love towards her found son, he was the god of mischief.
And so she watched him from the corner, cloaked by her own witted spell, and studied how he rummaged through the room. “Damn you father!” He whisper shouted to himself, and that was whence his witch of a mother made her presence known.
A soft yet malleable frown cast over Loki’s sly features, as he gulped inherently. “What is it that burdens you my boy?” If only she knew the full extension of the answer to that, but he would not curse her with the details.
“Odin.” That was how he labelled him as; the king. Not his father. “The man that you are wedded to has hidden the book of counsel once again from me. If I wish to be a husband, then I must read and study its contents, for it is not everyday that anyone from the nine realms marries a god.”
With relief indulging her airway, Frigga sighed. At least he was searching for something worthwhile, rather than an item or clue that could get him in attentive trouble.
“Loki.” His name surpassed the barrier of her bewitched lips, earning her child’s attention. “I shall find it for you, but be aware that there is no rush to become one with y/n so soon. It is certain that she is still experiencing the shock and mourning of her father.”
An inclination to smirk at the mention of the dead man arose in Loki’s chest, however he kept his face mute of amusement, and instead, looked up at his favourite parent. She knew, as he noticed his inclination to spill all, that he was holding a secret close to his chest. But he had never been one to be entirely truthful, and so instead of berating him about it, she left him alone.
“I suppose.” He didn’t. It was a white lie in his eyes, but a vast one in the eyes of his family, with the sorrow pent up in y/n. She was far from sad, rather, he was the only one that could see how truly joyous she was concerning the fall of her father.
The small spilt tears were a lie, all to deceive the Odinson tree. Thor was certainly the most gullible of all when witnessing it, he would order the guards to abandon their duties to go and fetch her something to dry her eyes on, and if they were not fast enough, he would do the job himself.
It was truly a sight to behold though as Odin would nurture her with caring phrases, and lay a comforting hand upon her slunk shoulder, praising her for having some sense.
Loki’s family knew that it had been difficult, protecting herself whilst in the meanwhile wearing her father’s blood upon her hands. It showed her loyalty to the youngest of Odin’s sons, and that was what they wanted in a dame.
“That poor girl.” Frigga reminisced all that she had heard regarding the death of the opposing king, that had once been an ally. “Killing her own father, it must have come with some difficulty.”
The man was assured that there had been none, y/n had wanted to do such amends in a great long time. However, she had to wait for the perfect moment, so that Odin could be blessed of the sight of her above her father’s carcass.
“Perhaps, but it has shown me how perfect she is for marriage material. We aren’t even combined into one yet, and she has already proven her loyalty, presenting that she has the same image for Asgard and the Cold Shores in her peripheral.”
His mother, whom was married into the line of the throne, sighed. She felt great pity for y/n, for she felt torn; but ultimately, chose herself over her father’s selfish wishes. And through his actions, y/f/n had broken the contract and his own blessing of allowing Loki to take her hand.
The same image. If there was one thing that Frigga had nervous thoughts about, it was Loki, and his problematic situation in wanting the throne. But to the dismay of the trickster god, it was promised to his brother Thor; the real heir of Odinson royalty. And though Frigga adored Loki as though he were her own son, because essentially he was, her trust in him regarding his hunger to rule Asgard was thin, like a silver platter.
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Y/n sat, pondering her decisions. She liked Odin, despite him being like all kings, even if he had turned over a new leaf in the latest centuries. He had adorned the rivers of Valhalla with bloodshed, passing through the nine realms with his weapon unsheathed, pooling blood so that in return he could take the gold that the men and women harboured so slyly.
Her father had done the same thing, but he had been much more humble regarding his lifestyle. A grand and glorious display of buildings had not been considered necessary in y/f/n’s rich eyes. Instead, he opted to remain vigilant, living in hoisted tents, so that he had the freedom to move him and his people about as he pleased.
But he had wanted to depart from his only child, in order to gain another ally, but in doing so, he had lost that trust with Asgard. And now she was the heir of his ruins, but she had left with the man that had reckoned pain upon his people for his treachery.
The only thing that was left in their plan, was to kill Odin. It was rather simple thinking of it, however proceeding to do so would be a far different story. And first, so that their power was in conjunction, her and Loki needed to marry. She found no problem in doing so, especially since it was one of her greatest desires to do so already.
She was laid beneath the sheets of the guest room that was supplied to her, adorned in nothing but her underwear. One feature of her icy homelands that she was used to was the cold. Here, it felt so warm, she felt enclosed by the heat; trapped even.
As a child, she often wore a red nose, hardly feeling the end of it, as snow would balance upon it, and fall around every inch outside of her tent. But in Asgard, a place that she had visited many a time, she was sweltering. A part of her feared that it was a flaw granted by karma, for killing her father.
There was some truth to her lies; he had wanted her to wed another that was not Loki, but she didn’t tell him of whom, knowing that he would grown furious and insecure, and surely take everything that he was feeling out on her competing suitor.
However, she had deceived his father as well, made Odin believe that he was trying to pass y/n onto another kingdom. Instead, y/f/n had been talking of with his lower level colleagues, that he was considering Thor as a replacement for the sorcerer prince.
That was an idea that she was not fond of. Whilst she got along well enough with Thor, she loved Loki, it was simple as that. And she was against anyone, even if it be family, trying to rip apart the contract of her childhood dream; to wed the sneaky, yet charming prince.
Y/n was ripped from her thoughts as knuckles rapped on the display of double doors, that lead into the room that she was currently occupying. “You may enter.” She informed whomever was wishing to see her on the other side, the door groaning open as a sleek and fetching man entered.
Loki made sure to close the barricade behind him, walking closer to his future wife with purpose in each step that he instructed. “Beloved y/n...”
“Did you find it?” She asked, referring to the last piece to fill in their mystical puzzle. Her brow quirked, watching as her to be husband exasperatedly sighed, combing a talented hand through his long black locks.
“No, but my mother has taken upon herself to aid us in doing so.” His green and keen eyes looked down upon her, gently hoisting her to be on her feet by a carefully tugging on her arm.
“This needs to be sped up my love, otherwise they will catch onto our intentions before we can complete them.” Y/n tried to pace, however, Loki kept a grip on her, refraining her from doing so. And so she was kept right before him, in a face to face manner, frozen like the ropes of water by her original home and his birth place.
“Relax for a moment, there needn’t be a rush.” Loki cooed at her, brushing through her hair with an underlying content. “To distract you, I am here, and I will do anything to remove your mind from all that troubles you.”
He lightly pushed down one of her shoulders, making her fall elegantly back on the bed, her bare breasts bouncing as she fell. Loki licked his lips at the sight, raking his cold fingertips up her thighs, parting them to his will. “Did you know that it was me that had intention to pester you at this time, or were you prepared to allow any nimble soldier see you so- so open for their unworthy pupils to devour?”
“I knew it was you Loki.” She rolled her y/e/c eyes, resting on her forearms on the fresh fabric, that rubs tenderly against her skin. “Otherwise, I’d have not answered, making them search the grounds for me until they persisted you with having an inability to find me.”
“Little minx.” Loki smirked, rubbing softly on the insides of your thighs. He crept closer, collapsing between y/n’s spread legs, rutting his covered cock over the promise that came with marriage. “I cannot wait for us to bind together in an established union, that will be recognised by all, and we will never be mistake for a pair of lovesick fools ever again.”
“And when we reign, all will know that we are not to be reckoned with.” Y/n reached up, guiding his hands lower. “But until then, I want you to ruin me, until I am screaming loud enough for all the habitants in nearby rooms to hear.” Her eyes were glazed, Loki licked his lips as he swept down, casting his mouth passionately upon hers.
His raven tendrils swayed around them like a curtain, enclosing their faces in an intimate proximity. Whilst his mouth explored her own, content sighs renegading from his lover’s busy mouth, his hands slipped down, finding penance at her waist.
They traced the outline of her underwear, teasingly moving underneath the sides, making y/n flutter with anticipation. Her cheeks grew warm as she looked down at her partner in treachery, letting out a startled gasp whence he ripped the seams, discarding of the useless material.
He ran his slippery, cursing lips up her leg, tracing them sensually around the budding lips of her pussy. Y/n nestled her head into the comfort below, watching with Loki with dazed eyes, that were heavily plagued by the dreariness of her lids.
“By the gods!” In an instant, he had suctioned his mouth around her entirety, suckling with his cat like pupils boring up at his lover in ecstasy. He always got what he wanted, and he would marry this princess, and then, their journey throughout royalty would continue.
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The occasion had finally arrived. Odin stood at the centre of the platform, between the two lovers. With gratitude to his mother Frigga, Loki sent her a pleased nod, before once more tuning his attention back onto his lovely fiancé.
All of Asgard watched dearly from below, holding onto their kings every word as he spoke the age old coronation into a pairing’s vows. His speech was slow, and it made y/n slightly antsy.
She wanted to marry Loki, and despite going through the prior orchestration of doing so, she wanted nothing more than for the process to speed itself up. But she remained silent, and apparently patient to all that stared with fawning smiles.
It wasn’t everyday that the royals were wed, and the citizens of the plain were in for a treat. It was something that was viewed sparingly, for their children that would be procreated in the distant future would hear tales of such a collision of two people, not actually baring witness to the ongoing.
Odin cleared his ancient throat, folding the scroll back into its exterior, and declared the emission and final act. “Y/n, of the cold shores, do you take my son, Loki, to be your partner for as long as you live?”
“I do, King Odin.” Her childhood dreams were being brought to light, after all this time. They had waited a thousand years for this exact moment, and every second that she had thought and not acted on it had been essentially worth it.
Loki stood across from her, their hands intertwined in the space between their bodies. There was a glimmer sparkling in his devious eyes, and y/n gulped at the sight of it. As happy as she felt, there was a brewing in the pit of her stomach, for she knew the god far too well.
“Loki, of Asgard, do you take the woman before you, y/n, to be your wife for your eternity?” The green eyed prince smiled across at her, giving her shaking fingers a comforting squeeze.
“I do, father.”
“Then, you may kiss your partner to seal the vow.” Y/n had an exhausting smile pinching her cheeks, and as Loki swiftly removed his hands from her own, she moved closer.
But that look had returned, and before she could stop him, he had slipped a blade out from his sleeve, and directed its spear tip towards Odin. This was not the time or the place for the violence, but the deed was done; they were exposed.
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Love Is For The Foolish (6)
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Loki x Asgardian!Reader
Warning: This chapter contains suggestive/mature content.
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Chapter 6: Marital Discord
The guards looked to one another for confirmation on what they had been instructed to do. Queen Frigga and Loki were nowhere to be seen so there was really no one that could save them from your request. They were far too hesitant to attack you now that you were married to a prince of Asgard. 
A princess by marriage was still a princess and they would treat you as such. “Are you certain about this your highness?”
"Please humor my request.” You required a means of release and right now sparring seemed the best option to get your mind off things.
“Very well,” they drew their weapons and took aim at you. By now they knew what you were capable of.
“Begin,” you announced as you took hold of your crystal. It had since changed, modified by your god of mischief after your wedding night. The hematite was now secured by a silver snake that served multiple purposes. The most prominent being a symbol of your union with Loki.
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Immediately an ax was hurled your way but its owner was quickly disappointed when a cloud of black smoke appeared and dissipated to reveal nothing in your place.
One of the guards grunted as he tried to pull a black snake from around his neck. Another ran to his aid but when he tried to free him the snake turned into a silk ribbon.
That was not you, it was only an allusion.
You appeared before the two, a smirk upon your lips. “Always falling for the same old tricks.”
Their fists flew towards you and hit nothing but air. Your form once again left nothing but a trail of black smoke. Unlike Loki whose seidr was shrouded in shimmering gold yours was a blanket of odorless smoke.
A dozen more of your images appeared speaking simultaneously. “Come now, surely the royal guard cannot be outwitted by only one opponent.”
The real you hid in the shadows watching the guards tire themselves in their quest to find the one of flesh and blood.
One guard managed to slip out of the room in time to see a few more guards approaching to answer your call. “Do not go in there.”
“But her highness has called for-”
“She is looking for sparring partners.”
The men immediately turned to be anywhere you could not reach them. The retreating figures drew a few curious souls who did not receive warning of what awaited behind the closed practice room.
When Lady Sif opened the door she saw the guards slumped over each other while you stood in the middle of the room with a look of disappointment. “Come on surely some of you are still able to stand.”
“What’s going on?” Volstagg asked as he came up behind SIf. It only took a second for him to realize he shouldn’t have interjected.
“Volstagg, Lady Sif...” you happily called the two warriors over. They spent the majority of their days out in the fields training and sparring. “Surely you are up for a fight.”
"Not I,” Volstagg plainly stated. He was not particularly fond of dealing with magic. “Enchantress or not-” he mumbled going off on how he preferred a good honest fight of weapons.
Sif was saved from response when Sigyn ran in holding her skirts so that she made haste. Nearly out of breath yet managing to inform you of Loki’s arrival. 
“Prince Loki and Prince Thor have just arrived.”
“You should go greet them, I’ll make sure everyone here is taken care of.” Lady Sif urged you to go as soon as possible knowing you might try to make an excuse to stay any longer.
Thor indulged in the greetings he was receiving while Loki anxiously waited for only one. He tried to mask his actions but Thor could tell his brother was silently suffering. “She will understand,” he whispered so only he may hear.
“She was already irate before our departure,” he responded- his eyes never seizing from their search. By now he could only imagine what you were thinking.
The two princes made their way inside the throne room where the King and Queen awaited them. Thor gave his mother a hug, lifting her in the process, before reporting to his father. Loki was much gentler as he embraced his mother.
“Welcome back Loki.”
“Thank you, mother.” Loki smiled but couldn’t help realizing you were not present there either. “Has she spoken to you?” Queen Frigga nodded and by the look in her eyes, Loki could tell she was equally as disappointed. “How is she?”
“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” Queen Frigga looked off to the side where you were reluctantly entering the throne room.
Loki was left in awe at the sight of his precious wife. The sight of you in your lighter spring dress was refreshing from the furs and heavy velvets you had been wearing during the winter when he left for his trip. 
Similarly, you were absolutely shocked to find out you were still hopelessly smitten by him. A part of you had been expecting your feelings for your husband to reflect the anger and betrayal he had left you in. 
Loki, being the silver tongue that he is, hardly could resist the urge to compliment you. “Always the enchantress, love.” He held your hands in his joining them up against his lips to kiss the backs of both.
You smiled to mask your menacing words. “Has your tongue not gotten you in enough trouble?”
“It has also gotten me out of trouble.”
Your eyes widened as a guard cleared his throat having overheard the suggestive remark. It was hard to conceal the blush that crept up the apples of your cheeks. With a voice as lustrous as fine silk, he had managed to tantalize you.
Before you could regather yourself, Loki led you out of the throne room. He kept a hold of your right hand, leading you through the various halls of the palace. Maids ran about around you rushing to prepare for the feast that accompanied their arrival nearly bumping into you.
Instead of warning them to be careful around you Loki took the chance to bring you in closer. His hand left yours to rest around your waist. Every time someone passed he would tug you closer.
Once inside your shared rooms, you were forced to face your husband for the first time in months. He, on the other hand, had been looking forward to this moment. The chance to properly explain himself.
“Norns Loki,” you rolled your eyes at him taking a few steps further in to keep a distance between the two of you. What should have been a joyous reunion was everything but. “In your absence, I have heard her retell her tale numerous times.”
He tried to appease you but you slapped his hands away. “I assure you nothing happened.”
“Perhaps I would have believed you had I not seen it with my own eyes.” The image of another woman on top of your husband was one you desperately wished to forget. 
“You saw what she intended you to see.”
There was validity to his defense. Lady Asta did not know you had borne witness to her shameful dismissal from Loki’s room before. “Are you implying she fooled me?"
Loki managed to approach you now that you had calmed. His hand caressed your cheek before tilting your chin up so you may meet his eyes. “She knows I would never betray your love otherwise. I’ve made it clear to her before.”
“Before?” Your eyes widened at the revelation. “Perhaps I shall pay a private visit to Lady Asta.” Your shadow jumped to life emerging from the walls as it reacted to your elevated emotional state.
A proud smirk gave way as Loki realized you had done this without holding your crystal. When your hand did lay atop it, you placed a glamour spell on yourself turning into his mirror image. 
“Shall I approach her and lay our problems to rest?”
He swore sometimes he did not know who was the true deity of mischief.  “Should my name be cleared I will require your sincerest apology and a reward.”
"What kind of reward?”
“A non-negotiable reward.”
“You seem confident.”
“I am an innocent man.”
You had to laugh at that. I am your wife Loki, I know better than anyone how culpable you are. “Then we shall discuss your reward upon my return.”
With the guise of your husband you discreetly made your way to Lady Asta’s. There was no need to further the rumors of his infidelity when they might not be true. The confidence he exuded nearly convinced you he had been telling the truth making the past few months feel like a waste of time.
You had spent the majority of your time avoiding people. There was only so much you could take. Even if you were a strong-willed person it still hurt to hear people smear your relationship. 
Deciding an ambush would be best you opted out of knocking.
Lady Asta was pleasantly startled by the sudden appearance. “Prince Loki... what brings you here?”
If you were going to truly deceive her you had to get the details right and thought out your response. “Our last encounter seems to have angered my wife. What have you been telling her my pet?”
Asta looked away knowing she had done wrong in spreading false rumors. The fact was that although she had tried countless times to seduce the Prince- she had failed. He continuously denied her advances. “The truth of what I would be willing to do for you if you so desired.”
You were starting to realize how volatile Lady Asta was. She would readily admit her lies to Loki and preach them as facts to you. “The truth is I do not desire you.”
“You did once before.”
“Perhaps,” your jaw clenched in annoyance. This was not something you wanted to be reminded of. “However you fail to realize I have now committed myself to one woman.”
Asta drew close pressing her body against yours snaking her hand up to your neck. “She is no one compared to me. I am far more beautiful than she can ever be.”
“I am your princess, ou mendacious sod,” with a firm grip on her arm you pulled her away. Your shadow came to life taking a hold of her neck and tightening with every word that followed. “And he is your prince. If you ever dare touch or speak blasphemously against either I shall revisit you.”
Lady Asta’s eyes widened in horror as the glamour was lifted to reveal your cross expression.“If your lies ever reach my ears again I shall see to it you lose the ability to communicate at all.” 
Every word was well enunciated and laced with venom. She could not speak, she could not move, nor could she breathe with the force your shadow imposed. You were not aware of it until you tried to will it away. 
A fit of coughing ensued once Lady Asta’s burning lungs got the chance to fill. She did not dare look up at you. For the first time, she had realized your true nature. “Your Highness-”
“Do not speak unless spoken too.” You joined her in kneeling on the ground. Not a sound was made as you gazed upon the dark bruising decorating her neck. “Before you even think of making an appearance tonight make way to the healers.”
“Y-yes, your Highness.”
The fright in her eyes exhilarated you. Never before had someone feared you in this way. Perhaps you were unapproachable and intimidating but never had you seen true fear directed towards you. Something inside relished in it.
Upon returning to your rooms you followed the sound of still bathwater being interrupted. Inside the bathroom, you found your husband’s back to you as he sat in the ivory tub with water to his chest, arms resting on the edges.
It was hard to admit you were wrong, harder still to admit you had been fooled by a she-wolf like Lady Asta. For that reason, you did not wish to face him but he deserved a proper apology.
Loki relaxed back into your arms as you settled them on his shoulders. The familiar warm touch that he missed so much was finally on him. “I take it my name has been cleared?”
“For now,” you teased. The tips of your fingers graced the surface of the water as you held him from behind. “Let me ask, did you ever feel for any of the women before me? Obviously not in the way you do for me but in any slight way that might have implanted a false sense of belonging into them.”
“Only now have you grown jealous my Queen?”
Your cheeks brightened at the relatively new nickname that was reserved for times of passion. “Only now have I come to realize I married such a desirable man.” You dipped your hands in lower so you may feel the lean muscles of his abdomen, hips, then thighs.
Loki’s breath hitched slightly, “Such skilled hands.” He had become addicted to your touch, to your caress. Being deprived of it for so long only increased his need for it. He kept himself from giving in completely and turned slightly to meet your lips.
You moaned as his tongue completely overpowered yours. He held you down by the base of your neck depriving you of oxygen, you would take only what he allowed between movements.
It was a fight for dominance but you would not be outdone. Your hand moved faster and faster until your ears were graced by the melodic sound of Loki’s groans. 
“That was faster than usual my King.”
You laughed feeling much better now that you had managed to clear the air with your husband.
When you made a move to retreat Loki held your back. “To answer your question, you are the only woman I have ever desired. Only you managed to enchant me.” He kissed the back of your hand before letting go. “I plan to return the favor tonight.”
None were happier to see you entering on Loki’s arm than Thor. “Lady Y/N you have forgiven my brother!”
“There was nothing to forgive,” you spoke honestly. “it was all a misunderstanding that has been dealt with.” The fact that Lady Asta’s usual group of friends did their best not to turn your way meant you had gotten through to her and perhaps established your position over them.
“We must celebrate then!” He, like usual, wedged himself between you two and put his arms around your shoulders. 
You did not mind having a drink or two with Thor and his friends but soon it was almost too much. Had it not been for Loki’s arm around your waist you would be decorating the marble floors.
Loki’s reward made the whole experience far more enjoyable. He had requested you wear a particularly light lace gown in his colors with nothing underneath. His wondering hands disguised themselves as helpful ones. Truth of the matter was; he could feel the full extent of your chest every time you pressed against him. The neckline plunged down tempting him to slip his hand inside.
As you danced you seemed to sober a bit. You caught his hand sliding past the small of your back. “We are in public Loki.”
“I can not help it,” he held you closer. His head dipped low to your ear where he whispered in an absolutely tantalizing form, “You look absolutely ravishing.” Emerald green certainly suited you as much as it did him. 
“Then perhaps it is time you ravish me.” 
He led you out of the crowd ready to do just that.
Not a day went by that you didn’t miss your shop. Between studying every piece of Asgardian literature and tending to your new duties as a princess of Asgard you hardly had time to make your own gowns, much less keep your business thriving. That didn’t stop you from having your way.
“Hold still Ingrid, you are making things difficult for the princess.”
The little girl did not seize her movements. She nearly turned her whole body in an attempt to see what you were doing to the back of her dress. She had torn it while riding when it caught on the buckle of the saddle as she descended.
“That’s alright,” you pulled scissors as if from thin air and cut the thread. “I have salvaged the young lady’s dress but she should be careful. This type of gown isn’t ideal for riding. I suggest something of cotton.”
“She does not own any-”
“I’ll make her one,” you excitedly proclaimed jumping at the opportunity. The girl was small and would take far less time to make a gown for. 
“Really?” Ingrid showed just as much enthusiasm. “Can I have one like yours princess Y/N?” She pointed out the heavily embroidered skirt to be her favorite.
“Ingrid,” her mother tried to stop her knowing a gown like that would be too much to ask for. Even if they were nobility and had the money to pay for it, they dare not take up your time.
You, of course, loved the child’s enthusiasm. The fact she recognized good work when she saw it earned your interest. “You have a good eye, Ingrid. I shall incorporate some embroidery but to the sleeves. The skirt should be kept simple for riding.” You began drawing up a sketch and showed it to both mother and daughter.
“I want it!” Ingrid proclaimed.
“It is yours,” you assured the blonde haired child.
From afar Loki and Queen Frigga witnessed the exchange. “Seems Y/N has a way with children.” This was not the first time she saw you tending to the children around the palace.
Loki nodded, although you hated taking orders from anyone. He had seen you bend to the will of the children. Your tender smile towards Ingrid ignited a conversation Loki did not expect to ever have.
“Are there any talks about having children of your own?”
“Are you opposed?”
Loki thought for a moment. He could see you as a mother but could not clearly depict himself as a father? He did not have the best relationship with his own making him wonder how he would fare.
“Not entirely.”
Frigga smiled, “Only then would you truly understand what hardships we faced with you boys. Your brother nearly tearing down the palace walls while you encouraged him to do so.”
“I did no such thing.”
A soft chuckle was his response as Frigga’s mind wandered further through her cherished memories. “I recall it getting worse once you applied yourself to your lessons.” Once Loki had managed to clone himself the mischief had multiplied.
“Strange,” Loki turned to her with a smirk. “I recall everything getting better after that.”
Frigga sighed ushering him off into your direction now that you were free.
Loki caught up to you as you walked back into the palace ready to start on your new task. “You will never put the needle and thread down will you Love.”
“And if you ask me to I shall see you dead first,” you shook your head with a bit of a playful smile. 
“I would never dream of depriving you of your passions. I just simply wish to point out that it would be far less time-consuming to use your other talents and have the dress made in seconds.”
You rolled your eyes, “Nothing could compare to the true craftsmanship of having something made with your own two hands.” Of course, glamour spells were convenient but they would never replace your traditional values as a seamstress. ”That being said I will be at the shop tomorrow nearly all day working on Ingrid’s dress. Can I trust you to take my place and accompany Lady Sif tomorrow?”
Loki’s brow rose in playful question, “Are you passing your royal duties onto me so you may have a day of personal enjoyment?”
“I am.”
Your bluntness never seized to make him laugh. “So honest... suppose I should say yes, you always manage to have me comply.”
Your hands grasped the cloth on his chest to pull him down. The sudden action brought Loki’s lips to crash into yours as you planned. The kiss was a small thanks for his continued admiration of you.
Loki retaliated by lifting you up, there in the middle of a hall. He retreated his lips to throw you over his shoulder. His hands smoothed out the skirt of your dress to get a better hold of you. “Of course I must also request something of you.”
You lifted your head and pushed your hair back behind your ears. In this position, it waved about uncontrollably obstructing your view.
“And what may that be?”
The dark prince repeatedly patted your bottom, “You will find out soon my Love.”
“Thor should not be the next King of Asgard. He is not competent enough or even able to comprehend the amount of responsibility he will hold as King.”
“That is not up to you to decide Loki. If King Odin says Thor is to be King then there is nothing to be done.” You laid your hand on top of his in an effort to bring his heaving chest to a halt. He had emerged from the throne room displeased and now you knew why. For years you heard him criticize Thor but it always came as a brother now he seemed more like a rival. “Thor is the eldest, he is compassionate of the people, strong-”
“You agree with him?”
Loki looked almost betrayed by your words. The sudden recusal of his hand only asserted it further.
“That is not what I am saying-”
“What are you saying then, that you prefer Thor over me!”
You were startled to have Loki yell at you. His voice had never risen with you and you did not intend to allow it now. “I will ignore your foolish remark for now.” This was no longer just about politics and you would surely address it later. “You are displeased with your father’s decisions but there is nothing you can do.”
“That hasn’t stopped me before.”
After de-escalating a bit Loki sat with the old Vanir book he had shown you when you first met. There was certainly something he could do that would at least offer him some sort of relief. He seemed to get an idea when he looked up at you.
“Do not speak to me.” You continued to brush your hair out in silence making sure to get all the tangled strands sorted before bed. The conversation, if you could call it that, from earlier resonated within you.
He closed the book setting it aside to make his way over to you as you sat at the edge of the bed. “You were right, I was taking out my anger on you when I did not mean it.”
“Of course I was right.” you put the brush down. “That does not make me forget what you accused me of.” As you faced him you reminded him of the previous times he has acted jealous of his own brother when it involved you. “You were never like this Loki, what changed?”
“Everyone always prefers Thor.”
“I am not everyone.” Your hand went up to his cheek as you very seriously explained, “Thor is many things to me. A brother, a friend, an ally.” Thor had stood up for you many times when Odin questioned your actions. “I am thankful to have one more person from your family on my side. He has many commendable qualities and he has he shortcomings as do you. That does not mean you should dismiss him as future King.”
“You dare say I have shortcomings?” he jested.
You laughed, “We all do.”
“You do not,” Loki leaned his forehead against yours. “You are perfect.”
“Liar.” Incidentally, it happens to be your shortcoming. 
His eyes trained themselves to your hematite necklace. “You have mastered the darkness, earned the respect of Asgard, and even got yourself a prince.” His dominant hand held it up with a playful smile. “Do you remember our deal?”
“I do,” you nodded.
“Take it off.”
“Pardon?” your eyes doubled in size at his request.
“The hematite was meant to limit you.”
You pulled away from him thinking no good could come from even entertaining the idea. “Loki I will not take it off after what happened the last time.”
“What if I invoked the favor you promised me back then?”
“Why?” Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach as a bad omen presented itself. You tried to find reason for your husband’s words but failed to find any acceptable conclusions. After becoming more with Loki you thought the deal had been absolved. Why were these words being brought up again? Why did you fear an answer? “What were you reading Loki?”
Loki stopped you from standing and laid you down on the bed. “Trust me Y/N, it’s best you don’t know.”
“Lo-” before the word was uttered you were put to sleep by Loki. A deep unconscious sleep where your mind was devoid of all thoughts and emotions. 
He knew you had to be this way in order for your dark seidr to respond to someone other than yourself. Thanks to his own protective seal, ie the snake coiled around the dark crystal, it would be that much easier to reign.
There was momentary hesitation on his part as he mulled over the consequences his actions could result in. For one, you would be furious upon your awakening to find out he had forced you to relinquish control. Your fears of such actions were profound.
With steady hand, he lifted your head slightly as he slipped the long silver chain off. Immediately he was faced with the exact scene you had described- the embodiment of your dark seidr looming over you. It was still, not knowing what to do with your nonresponsive mind. Just as the book had described - this was your dark conscious embodied.
Loki smiled as he faced the dark ghastly figure that began to mirror you, hematite still in hand. “Come with me.”
A/N: That outline I made for this fic last time got lost/deleted so I had to remake it and honestly I may have lost some events in my new redrafting of it. I’m so sad.
Tag List: @drakesfiance
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dictionarywrites · 6 years
quickfire prompts: frostmaster + meaningful kiss/es!
My Ao3 | Send requests | Tip jar!
Holy abusive relationships, Batman. Content warning for that one!
Loki stands in the fragmentary sprouts of grass,his hands loosely in his pockets. Above him rages a storm, rain falling downtoward the ground in fat, heavy drops, and the air is alive with tension, thedark, barren earth turning rich and red and dark as rain pounds against it. 
Loki walks an inch or so abovethe ground, avoiding the fissures in the rock and stone, until he comes to thesingle building on this dead planet, the single building that is larger thanlife and built of gold brick, where the rain does not dare touch the metal.
He steps through an archway,moving inside, and he looks around at the bare, golden halls. Nothing decoratesthe walls or the floors yet, and Loki is utterly silent as he creeps furtherinto the palace. He does not go unnoticed, of course: to the likes of them,there are greater senses available to the likes of them, and the Grandmasterknows the taste of Loki’s seidr on the air, just as Loki knows the taste of theGrandmaster’s golden magic.
(“Where willyou go?” Thor demands. Loki shrugs, as if he doesn’t know.
“I’llwander,” he lies. “Asgard was never the place for me.”
“Asgard is apeople,” Thor says, echoing Heimdall’s words. “Not a place.”
“A peoplethat hates me. Not a people I want to be amongst.”
“You ruledthem. For two years. With— With kindness and with care.” Loki shrugs again.
“Then Ithink I’ve served my sentence, don’t you?”)
The Grandmaster is leaning against a window archwith a glass of wine held in his hand, and he doesn’t turn to look at Loki,keeping his gaze on the storm outside. Soon, this planet – the New Sakaar –will be green and bright and shiny. This one isn’t cobbled together of trashand garbage... This one will be better.
“Your name,” Loki says, his voice echoing off theempty walls, “is En Dwi Gast.” The Grandmaster turns, arching his eyebrowsin evident surprise. “I’ve just come from the Nova Corps... There are afew Elders knocking about, while this nonsense of the war calms down.”
“Tan-Tan told you my name,huh?” the Grandmaster asks softly. His expression is entirely neutral. As ifTaneleer Tivan would give Loki anything.
“No,” Loki says. “ThePossessor did – I offered him a look at my library, and he was sold.” TheGrandmaster smiles, and the expression is distant, and dark: it doesn’t meetthe golden glitter of his eyes, which stare hard. “I died, you know.”
“Did you?” the Grandmaster says. “Who, uh,brought you back?”
“Me.” He sees the shadow thatpasses over the Grandmaster’s face, sees the momentary confusion, and headds, “Death and I have an arrangement.”
(Loki gasps wherehe lies on his back on the battlefield, covered in his own blood and staringwildly about him. “Go, Father,” his daughter whispers in his ear. “All will bewell.”)
“What arrangement?” theGrandmaster demands, taking a step forward, and Loki mirrors him, closing alittle of the gap between them. The Grandmaster’s brows furrow further, and hestares at Loki as if Loki is something entirely new, something different. Itmakes Loki’s skin prickle. “You know— You know what, sweetheart? I don’tcare.”
“Did you miss me?” Loki asks mildly, taking a slowstep forward. The fear is real, the fear that bubbles under his flesh, but hewouldn’t be here if the fear weren’t outweighed by a greater desire. He reachesout to touch, and the Grandmaster stays quite still: Loki’s hand touches theinfernally hot surface of the Grandmaster’s chest, and he exhales at the burnupon his palm. He doesn’t draw away. “I missed you.”
“Aw, really?” the Grandmaster asks softly, but hisexpression remains hard. “And yet... And yet, honey, you, uh, betrayed me.Took my ship, ran away—” Loki scoffs.
“You hurt me,” Loki replies mildly. “Burnt me withwax, used me as a party favour, threw me from one horror to the next as if Iwas nothing more than a toy.” There is no guilt in the Grandmaster’s eyes: infact, Loki sees the slightest bit of indignation.
“You liked it, honey,” the Grandmaster purrs. “Nopoint, uh, beating around the bush with me. You wanted everything I did to you.”
“Not everything,” Lokimurmurs. “But I wanted most of it.” It’s a lie. A lie he told Thor athousand times - a lie he tells himself. Then why is he here? Because he wantsto be. Can’t he have something he wants, just for once? Can’t it be somethingmonstrous, and horrible, and beautiful? Guilt blooms in his belly, and heignores it, slipping even closer, until both his hands are spread on theGrandmaster’s chest, so that he is made to look slightly up into theGrandmaster’s eyes. “Kill me if you wish. But... Asgard is made anew now,and I don’t belong there, no matter what Thor says. And I used to know a placefor-- for lost things, but it’s gone now...”
The Grandmaster had beenfrozen until now, standing stiffly and not reciprocating the touch, but now hishand touches Loki’s cheek, the broad palm cupping the pale skin, his fingersplaying over the pale flesh.
“Let me stay, won’t you?” Lokiasks, softly. “No one else will take me.”
“You expect me to believethat, huh?” the Grandmaster asks lowly. “You expect me to fall for the,uh, damsel in distress shtick? I’m poor little Loki, and I can’t, uh, I can’t fend for myself?”
(“Where’s hegoing?” Captain Rogers asks, and Loki glances up.
“Somewherebetter,” Loki answers before Thor can. “I don’t want to be on Asgard anymore –I was trapped there for a long time. To be entirely honest, Captain, I’ve hadrather enough of being hated. I shall go somewhere where I will be loved.” Rogersstares at him, his lips parting, and he glances at Thor. Thor says nothing, hisjaw set, his single eye dark with thought – he wears a patch like Father’s,now.
“You want toget on our ship?” Rogers asks, quietly. “You could help us rebuild, back on theplanet – we could use a guy with skills like yours, if you wanted to… To comeback to Earth, with us.” Loki stares at him. The sentiment is touching – the ideais insane, and from the slightly wild look in Rogers’ eyes, he knows it.
“Absolutelynot,” Loki says softly. “But I am grateful for the offer.” Rogers looksrelieved, but he still smiles at Loki, the expression sweet and warm andgentle.)
“Why should I fend for myself when I have you todo it for me?” Loki asks. The Grandmaster’s fingers tighten their grip, movingto squeeze at Loki’s throat, and Loki chokes, recalling the way Thanos has squeezed, recallingthe way he had died, the ugly cracking sound of his own demise-- “I cameback,” he wheezes out. “Surely that’s worth something.”
“What’s it worth, huh? New planet, new servants—”
“Same favourite,” Loki interrupts, his fingersfisting in the front of the Grandmaster’s robe. The Grandmaster’s grip at histhroat is already loosening, and Loki swallows the creeping disgust on his skinat being held in such a way. “Please? Please, En Dwi?”
The Grandmaster’s lipspart. “Aw, kitten, you’re... You’re really getting to me here.”
“You’ll have to punish me, ofcourse,” Loki says readily. “But I think it’s worth it.” Norns, he is mad.He is mad, he is mad, he is madly in— Trouble. He can already see the delight shiningin the Grandmaster’s eyes, the dangerous glint of new ideas, new horrors toinflict upon Loki, and Loki cannot bear the way his skin electrifies at the thought.
“Why’d you come back, honey?” the Grandmaster asksin a whisper.
“I told you,” Loki says. “I didn’t have anywhereelse to go.”
“There are— Honey, there are a million places you could go.”
“Maybe,” Loki murmurs. “But you weren’t in any ofthem.” The Grandmaster chuckles, the sound quiet and indulgent, and then hekisses Loki – finally, finally. Monthsof fighting on battlefields, months of setting refugees amidst the Nova Corps,months of rebuilding a realm he wanted no part of, going unkissed and untouchedand uninjured, and now here he is.
Back where he belongs.
The Grandmaster’s tongue is hot and burning withold magic, and Loki groans as takes it between his lips, leaning right into thekiss and gasping as the Grandmaster drags his teeth over Loki’s lower lip, narrowingeverything down to one pinpoint of sensation, and Loki lets himself sink rightinto it.
“Don’t let me go again,” Loki whispers softly. “Don’tlet me— Keep me right here.”
“I will,” the Grandmaster murmurs. “Oh, you— I will, honey.” The words are dark andfull of quiet venom, and Loki shudders to hear them, leaning in to draw kissesover the Grandmaster’s neck, bathing the column of his throat in affection.
The Grandmaster drags him by his hair to aconjured bed, and Loki leans easily into the agony that awaits him - so long as it is always sealed with a kiss. 
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shadow-emerald-gold · 7 years
A Cell Full of Memories (Loki x Reader)
So… Hello. I’m not one to usually post things but with this one I thought why the hell not! Let’s put it out there for once. Anyhow, I’m not one for context either so all I’m going to tell you is angst. Straight. Up. ANGST! Angst but some soothing fluff… Depends how you look at it. Takes place during the Dark World. Gif is not mine.
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A wooden chair for a defeated King. That’s what Loki thought as he felt himself waste away into boredom, into oblivion, within his white cell. It was an odd colour, Loki further gathered, as it was the complete opposite of how he felt most days of recent. A contradiction. A paradox of riddles and misconceptions that only ever ended in confusing solutions to problems he never wanted to admit.
 Black hair against pale white skin, skin that could then turn sapphire at the drop of a hat. Loki Laufeyson of Asgard was an amalgamation of misshapen attributes. A slim finger ran over his lips as his mind contemplated the position he was in. There was nothing in this cell for him besides four walls, arguably two that were windows made to tease, and books he had read countless times in his youth. Oh yes, his youth. Let’s not forget that, he thought, a time where everything was a literal fairytale ripped straight from the pages of Asgard’s most popular lullabies. Two princes, complete opposites, would grow up together to lead the kingdom into a new era. Loki chuckled at this, the sound coming from his throat. One could describe it as plastic. Fake, manmade, broken and mouldable. It was at times like this when the world had seemingly forgotten him, did he so enjoy then to further ignore it. The fallen king was prized once for his mind and illusions. Illusions that he used to create to trick others and never himself. Now locked away, Loki finds that his mind does it to tease, unconsciously generating images of something better to further rip his deadened heart apart. There was only so much one man could take. Here Loki sat, in his melancholic state, with little to no ambition of ever fixing anything he had done wrong, and closed his eyes to awaken in youth.
Loki knew it was dangerous coming back here. Uncontrollable feelings of rage and hatred festered in the crevices of loved memories that threatened to turn such wistful pictures into portraits of the deceased. However, he discovered that if he didn’t stay too long the darkness would not reach him- not yet. Although the shattered man had described his youth as a myth, there was one single part of it that he would never regret. Never see to change. Never see to deny.  It was the memories with her. The smell of ripened fruit accompanied such images alongside music and colour. She was always in colour. Loki missed her greatly, so much that his heart would shrivel at the mere loss of her memory. One of his favourites resided in Winter. The clean, crisp, cool breeze would fly into Asgard from the mountain ranges and sweep away all the orange and red leaves left behind by Autumn- bringing snow and ice. There was something unremarkably beautiful about this particular season in Asgard. There was no ferocious hail storms or howling winds that slammed against people’s homes. No. The hands of Winter would caress those who came to bask in the white wonderland that it created. It was about midmorning when Loki would take (Y/N’s) hand gently and walk with her to the stables. She admired the frosted season just as much as he did. The woman would laugh and smile to him, only him, as he helped her onto his white stead, took his position behind her and wrapped a thick, blue velvet blanket around her frame. They would ride together. (Y/N) would talk of times apart from Loki whilst the prince held her close until they would switch and she would lean back into him, listening to his voice. Oh he loved her with all his being. A simple girl whose father was a traveller between Midgard and the golden realm- often returning with things to study or taking things to sell. (Y/N) stayed and took care of the house whilst he left for months on end. She never minded though. Needless to say, to the court the woman was a commoner but to Loki she was a queen. His queen. 
“I feel as though Winter has come so quickly though it seems to have outdone itself from last year,” (Y/N) sighed, pulling the blanket tighter around her. “It must compete with you, my dear. Beauty such as yours is not easily rivalled,” the young Prince answered sweetly, leaning down and kissing her cheek briskly. A red tinge swept across her face reminding him of sweet strawberry jam. “You indulge me, my Prince.” “Would I lie to you?” It would go on like this for hours as they were carried through trees decorated with ice, flowers dancing with frost, stags standing watch amongst the dampened wood and snowflakes skating across the breeze. Loki always noted how enchanted she was by nature, how she attempted to appreciate every single detail. (Y/N) was exquisite. Perfect and in his arms. All he wished for was there in her. Acceptance he seeks to find from his father, love he often received from his mother, friendship he felt he lacked from the Warriors Three and Sif and a mind to challenge his own much like Thor- though that was often because the older brother was stubborn. Every inch of him was devoted to her; from his fleeting thoughts to the blood that heated from (Y/N’s) touch. Silence had fallen between them as Loki helped her dismount. An arm wrapped around her waist, drawing  the woman closer as they gazed out over the fractured lake. Though they did this almost every Winter, it was this specific day that Loki held so close to his heart. A very moment that makes him who he his. “Loki…” “Yes, my love?” She swallowed, hoping to gain some courage. Her soft hands fiddled with each other as her eyes drifted to the snowy ground.
“Will it be this way forever?”
Forever, Loki concluded, was a vague word. To a mortal, forever is one hundred years if they’re lucky but to Gods… It depended if war decided to strike them down early or not. That’s how he thought now but then… Back then forever was a day at a time. Forever was a life with (Y/N). Forever was love. Forever was feeling. He saw tears run down her cheeks, priceless jewels that he hoped would be a rarity. Loki hated to see his love cry. Quickly he wiped those tears away with the gentle touch of his thumbs and kissed her. It was always warm and delicate. They were there together in a single moment. His fingers would weave through her long locks of hair, comparing it to strands of silky gold, and pull her closer still. Always closer. How naive he had been. How utterly stupid Loki had acted. It was hard to believe the man in the cell was the same man in his memories. The fallen king was bitter now. Bitter and sombre. They pulled away, feeling each other’s heated breath across their lips. Time stood still.
“As long as we’re together, forever means nothing to me. Time is irrelevant because you are the one thing that changes me, takes me through my immortal life day by day. When we are together you are my forever,” he murmured, husky but true.
(Y/N) said his words were beautiful. Back then, a silver tongue did more then insult and maim. Loki was a prince. A real prince. He never heard himself speak like that now. Now every word was poison to someone. She took his kind mind with her. He was never the same. He never could be again. Loki hadn’t realised he’d been crying until he felt tears tickle his neck and the taste of salt entering his mouth as some coated his lips. He had stayed for to long. The man attempted to make happiness his reality again. He needed to cry as Loki felt (Y/N’s) warm eyes begin to slip away into darkness- into the back of his mind. Lungs began to tighten along with his throat. His whole body began to constrict as he endeavoured to conceal it all. Shove it back down. Suppress it. A scream was lodged under his tongue as his jaw clenched. Loki could feel his nails dig into his palms. A part of him was begging for it all just to come out. Just scream, Loki, scream. Scream. He needed her. Scream. He wanted her. Scream! He ached for his beloved. Scream. How would she see him now? Scream, Loki. Would she even still love him with all the blood on his hands? Loki, scream. She would hate him. He erupted in one explosive convulsion, head tilted up to Valhalla and mouth wide open as a wail that could rival a banshee’s echoed through the prison. By Odin’s beard it broke him. Tore his chest open and left him limp on the chair almost lifeless. He could feel it claw at his insides, his soul, his heart and mind. It was him scratching and biting but he didn’t care. He deserved it. All he wished for in these moments of pain was for (Y/N’s) hug- just her touch alone. Loki felt used, a fractured mirror of what once was. He didn’t notice the guards watching in awe as their prisoner continued to screech and yelp; usually so silent.
“Forever? I have died here. I have died without you. What more am I to a corpse in the ground? What more does my shattered title mean to the executioner? It means nothing. I mean nothing now. Nobody has bothered to help me and it all began when they stole you from me. Valhalla, I beg of you, ease my suffering now and just take me to your glory. Allow me to see my (Y/N) again. Take me to her… I beg of you.”
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kaleenjackson · 7 years
Advent 20: Christmas Tree
This is number 20. Only five more to go. They will all be up tonight. so just enjoy
Pairing: Loki/Bucky. No one else on this one
Warnings: Insinuated Smut
Christmas Tree
Loki was in his suite when Bucky brought him some lunch. His left eye was still the red of his true heritage from the day before and Loki was clearly very frustrated. In fact his sitting area looked like a hand grenade had gone off and he was pacing like a caged cat.
“Why can't I figure out that godsdammed spell?” He snarled under his breath.
“Mischief? Doll? You gonna kill something or am I safe to bring you in some food?”
Loki looked at him. “Do you have something sweet with the food?”
“Does Steve's chocolate chip cookies and a handful of candy canes count?” Bucky smiled as he moved the tray from behind his back. It was stacked high with sandwiches and cookies, with a pile of candy canes and a jug of juice in the centre.
Loki smiled and then noticed the state of his living room. “Give me a minute? I kind of lost control of my powers for a moment.”
Bucky shifted the tray to his left hand and started to eat a sandwich. Loki quietly made all of the furniture move back into place as Bucky watched. His boyfriend liked to show off normally, making the furniture move in dramatic ways, but clearly Loki was embarrassed about having let himself get to such a point that he had unintentionally thrown everything near him away from him in a single moment. Everything moved back in the most efficient way possible.
“There. Please sit. I would love a bite to eat.” Loki sat on the dark grey couch Tony had provided him with. Bucky set down the tray and plopped down right next to his boyfriend. “I am tired of failing at this.” Loki muttered as he bit into a sandwich.
“Clearly. Does that happen often when you're frustrated?”
“Not so much frustrated as emotional.” Loki looked nervously at Bucky’s reaction. “The last time it happened I had just found out Frigga had died. Destroyed everything in my cell… Right… we never told any of you that I had been locked away in a dungeon cell in Asgard after the events in New York until the convergence. I would rather not talk about those events however.”
Bucky nodded as Loki shifted a bit closer. “Does it ever happen with more positive things?”
“Not that I have noticed however I tend to be a bit of a melancholic, never truly happy.”
“I really don't believe that. I think the past decade or so has seen enough shit happen that you don't really feel happy but you have been before. I also think you tell yourself not to feel happy because,”
“The universe may snatch that happiness away.” Loki finished. He slipped his hand into Bucky's. “I have pushed so many people away because I felt betrayed and alone. It is a miracle that Thor even wants to try and be anything a kin to my brother.”
“Been there Mischief. It took me a while to come to terms with the fact that Tony wasn't gonna kill me. Before I was put into cryo the last time Stark used his suit to blast my arm off. It was already the prosthetic so don't worry it wasn't as bad as it sounds. However when I woke up two years later Stevie's tellin’ me that Stark and T'Challa are buildin me a new arm  and Wanda's gonna fix my brain. I think they talked things out but I have no clue. I chose not to question it. After a hundred years I think the most important thing I have learned is just how transient everything is. Everything changes. Maybe it's why I would fall for someone so volatile.”
Loki smirked. “Not many would think that a trait worthy of celebration.”
“The same can be said of my knitting skills.”
Loki laughed. “Somehow I don't think those two things are truly comparable. Yet I understand what you are meaning. Everything is unstable and inconsequential. We have both lost everything including ourselves only to find that another person was there waiting for us to become them.”
Bucky kissed him sweetly and ran his thumb under Loki's left eye, feeling the soft blue skin. “So beautiful.”
“I don't see it that way.” Loki pulled away. “I see a monster in the guise of a hero.”
“You don't think I see myself the same way?” Bucky held his hands in front if himself, one black with gold detailing between each plate and one normal flesh. Loki took them in his own pale and blue splotched hands. “We really are a couple of misfits aren't we?”
Loki didn't say anything, just leaned back into his boyfriend's chest.
“You'll get the spell figured out eventually Mischief. I know you will, you're too damn smart to let it defeat you.”
“Thank you Bucky. I needed to hear that today and don't you dare tell anyone about this.”
“Never Loki. It will never pass my lips.” Bucky kissed him again to make sure they were sealed. Then he felt his hip vibrate.
“Who's strong and brave here to save the American Way? Who's vows to fight like a man for what's right, night and day?” His phone sang out.
“No wonder people think you're in love with Captain Rogers.” Loki burst into laughter right in Bucky's face. Bucky shoved his back playfully and Loki gave him a heated look.
He was gonna kill Stevie for this. Picking up his phone he winked at Loki.
“You're interrupting my lunch Punk. Whaddya want?”
Hours later Bucky caught back up to his boyfriend. Loki was laying on what looked to be some kind of animal skin in front of a Christmas tree and the fireplace in the library. He appeared to have gotten the spell to work as well.
“Well don'tcha just look comfy.”
“I figured I should indulge myself a little. How was your training with the Captain?” Loki smirked up at him knowingly.
Of course Loki had gone and watched them train. Bucky was intense when he was in combat and it was thrilling to watch. It made his mind wonder if he was that intense during other, more pleasurable, activities.
“Yeah. Though sparing with blades in the snow with you was more fun.”
Loki sat up on his knees in front of Bucky. “Is that so? Care to elaborate, Sergeant Barnes?”
“Stevie might be graceful but you, Mischief, are elegant and fairly unpredictable.” Bucky said feeling the heat in his own word as he watched Loki lick and then bite his lower lip. “So different from anything or anyone ‘round here.” He got down and gently guided Loki onto his back, kissing him.
The twinkling lights on the tree made Loki's already strange green eyes seem to sparkle. Almost like twin stars. Aside from the way he spoke those beautiful eyes were the only thing that gave away that he wasn't human.
“My pretty prince.” Bucky purred as he nuzzled Loki's neck making him moan softly. “Never done this under a Christmas tree before.”
“Honestly, neither have I James.” Loki pulled him back into another fierce kiss.
Bucky woke up to the loud ping from his phone. Someone had just posted another pic to the team’s social media. Seeing as everyone had a thing for posting sneaky pictures of Loki he had changed the alert.
This time it was Natasha who was the culprit not Sam. She had managed to get a shot from the door of them sleeping on the fur thing with a blanket over their hips. Otherwise they were both naked, Loki asleep on his chest.
It was a great photo. Like something that could be used to sell cologne or condoms. Loki shifted and spoke softly. “What are you looking at Love?”
“We never locked the door. Nat took a picture of us.”
Loki glanced up to see the cracked open door and then moved to see the picture on Bucky's phone. “Bitch. At least she made us look good.” He yawned and cuddled against Bucky again. “And before you get concerned that something is wrong with me, the spider will be punished. I just want to cuddle at the moment.”
@reogni @thegingerslytherin @starrynightfantasies
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thegingerbeardman36 · 7 years
Journal #27
This was the last way that I expected to spend my day, Journal. I'll start at the beginning. I woke up planning to spend the day helping Grandfather, so I made my way toward his building.
Once I turned a corner though, I was intercepted by James. It was the weirdest thing, but I didn't see him when I first turned the corner, but then there he was, out of nowhere.
"Where are you off to?" He asked, ignoring that he almost ran into me. "I've been working-" he interrupted me before I could finish explaining. "Yeah, it doesn't matter. How would you like to go on a super important mission with me?" He asked.
Super important? Was I finally going to get to see an X rank mission? "What kind of mission? Are you sure I'm cleared for that kind of thing?" I asked. "Oh, it's not an official mission, it's much more urgent," James explained.
"Yeah, then. If it's that big of a deal," I replied. Grandfather did say that missing should come first, after all. "Good, I'll explain on the way. Come on," he urged. We went to the hangar and went aboard a fairly large ship.
"Wow, I've never seen your ship before, it's much larger than Deeg's," I commented. "This isn't mine, this is an alliance cargo ship that we need for the mission. My 'ship' is much smaller," he said. The emphasis he put on the word ship was a little weird.
James had me practice starting the ship and taking off. It was sure to be on the exam, so I didn't mind. "Alright, where are we going?" I asked. James put the coordinates into the computer, and an image of a gold colored planet appeared.
"Asgard?" I asked. "What are we going there for?" I continued. As soon as I asked, it clicked. A cargo ship, Asgard, we were going to pick up Asgardian Ale. "This is your super important mission?" I said.
"What? The cantina is out of ale, and they can't make a delivery for another cycle. That's like a month on Earth," James whined. I looked at him with dead eyes, and he couldn't help but make a guilty smile. "You realize this is basically just a beer run?" I said.
Oh well, it was too late, we were already at a warp point. "Why did you even need me? Couldn't you do this yourself?" I asked. "Nope, the cargo ship requires a co-pilot, and there was no way that President Kali would approve this as a mission," James explained.
We passed through the other side of the warp point. it was still a little rough on my stomach, but it didn't seem to phase James at all. "Where are we?" I asked, I assumed he would be familiar with the area. "We're as close to the milky way as we're allowed to get," James explained.
He pointed up out the window, and I could see a spiral of stars that seemed closer than it actually was. "Asgard is the closest planet in this Galaxy to the milky way," James said. "So, can I be expecting gods like President Kali? I mean, we're dealing with like Odin and Thor, right?" I asked.
"I'm afraid not. You're right, Asgard is the same home to all the old Norse gods, but we'll only be dealing with one," he explained. We pulled up to the golden planet, and James instructed me to the planet's capital.
"You'll get to meet Bragi, he's the one who usually sells ale to the Alliance," James said. I wasn't familiar with that god, so I want sure what to expect. "Which one is he? I don't know much about mythology," I asked.
"He's technically the god of poetry, but it's more like he's the god of words in general. The dude is a crafty salesman, and can negotiate like hell," James said as we landed in the capital.
It was a bustling city, and everyone looked happy. "The Asgardians are a type 2 civilization, so they do a lot of business with other planets," James explained as I stared up at the golden buildings. "So, they don't just sell us ale?" I asked sarcastically.
"It is not so. We also sell cloths, weapons, and food all over the Galaxy." An older man with a long beard approached us, if he had one eye, I would think he was Odin. "Hello, I am Bragi of the Vanir. Welcome to Valhalla," he said.
James walked up and they grabbed each other's forearm, which was like a handshake. "Your ale is being loaded as we speak, let us go into the hall and eat before we discuss payment," Bragi explained.
James and I followed him into the tallest building and inside was an immense dining table. "How are things in the front?" James asked. Front of what? I just followed in silence. "Things are as well as can be, but the battle is long," Bragi said.
"Reggie, the Asgardians also help augment us in intergalactic conflicts. Other than us, they are one of the most physically capable races in the universe," James explained. We sat at the end of the table while food was brought to us.
"What conflict?" I asked. Bragi and James looked at me with confusion. "President Kali didn't tell you? There's basically a war going on in the Eastern Quadrant," James explained. This is the first I've heard of it, everything seemed peaceful.
"Wait, Deeg is in the Eastern Quadrant, are you saying he's a part of this?" I asked. I didn't think Deeg would leave to war without saying goodbye, but maybe he would. "I don't think so, I bet he just went to get an update for President Kali," James replied.
"Odin's ravens return from time to time with updates, but it seems bleak. I just wish I could be with my brothers and sisters in the didn't," Bragi said. So that's where the other gods were. It must be some conflict to need to involve gods.
"Anyway, here's your payment, I'm afraid we have to get back soon," James said. He pulled out his tablet and transferred credits to Bragi. While the alliance was a place where you could get anything as long as you worked for it, other planets still relied on currency for trade.
"Will you not stay and indulge more? We have much more to offer," Bragi said. "I'd love nothing more than to take you up on that offer, but i can't be away from the alliance too long," James explained. We all stood up and did the weird forearm shake.
I started the ship as James counted the barrels and poured a glass for himself. I gave him a disapproving look. "What? You're the one driving," James said as he buckled in. "Don't forget to adjust the payload to account for the barrels, the computer will freak out if you don't," he continued.
Once we reached open space, I put the auto-pilot on. James had already had too much, and he was asleep, so I figured I would catch up on you, Journal. I'm not sure how I feel about the war, or why no one bothered to tell me about it.
Maybe once I get back, I'll ask Grandfather about it. I didn't think it was likely that President Kali was going to explain it to me. Maybe she just didn't want me involved. Oh crap, asteroids. I'll talk to you later Journal, I have to go.
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Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Sad
Word count: 2,142
Summary: You are an alien and you crash land on Asgard. What happens when you run into your ex-lover?
You were an alien, even to Asgard. They did not know who you were or where you came from. You knew exactly where you came from and refused to tell them. It was a well kept secret and you didn’t want to add your world to Odin’s touch.
You were flying your spacecraft, common for the women on your world, when you encountered a sudden shift of gravity. You were sucked into a portal and you crashed into Asgard.
When you regained consciousness, you were in an unfamiliar bedroom in an unfamiliar place. You had sat up so quickly that your head spun. They had come to question you, your mouth remaining closed.
You had been here for a few days now, outlasting them with your stubbornness. Not even Odin himself could coax a word from you.
You sighed a bit. There were worse places to be kept captive. They provided you with clothes and food. They wanted to understand you and maybe, with enough persuasion, you could tell them. All you wanted was to go home.
You stood on the balcony and overlooked the city. There was so much to see and you hoped that one day you could experience it. The palace you found yourself in was grandiose, in mild terms. You enjoyed the gleam that shone on the metal and the rainbow of color that was produced.
You were interrupted by the sound of your door opening. You turned your head to look at the prince himself.
“Your highness.”
You then looked back at the palace walls. His footsteps came to the balcony door and you could feel his eyes on you. You knew that he was curious about you, as everyone was.
“Has Odin tired of my stubbornness?” You asked.
“Yes. He sent me instead. Come, my lady. You shouldn’t be cooped up in here.”
You looked at him again. Raven colored hair and green and gold robes, almost resembling your house colors back home. Loki, the trickster. You knew of him from the short time you had been here.
“Where am I going?”
You rolled your eyes and came back into your room.
“What shall I wear? Is it a formal event?”
“Dinner, actually.”
You looked in your closet and picked out a beautifully designed golden dress, almost the same color as the palace itself.
“You should turn around, prince. Where I’m from, it’s a crime to watch a lady dress.”
He turned and you dropped your robe to the ground. You slipped on some undergarments, the ones washed from your home, and then slipped the dress over your body. It fit beautifully and you knew that the the sewers here were very talented.
“Would you mind zipping me up?” You asked, with a soft seduction laced in your words.
You moved your hair off to your shoulder and jolted a bit when you felt his cold fingers against the skin of your back.
“Apologies.” He spoke.
You went to the vanity and donned yourself in Asgardian jewelry. You were starting to fit into their society and you wanted to make them feel less suspicious of you. You wanted to be liked and you decided that if tonight went well, you’d tell them about your world. They deserved that.
You slipped your shoes on and made sure that you were well put together.
“Do you approve, your highness?”
You didn’t look at him, so he had to move to look at you. You were the type of woman you would stand her ground and the man had to be the one to move. Your mother chastised you for it ever since she could. But you were a fire to be reckoned with. A storm in the flesh.
“Yes. You’d make a pleasant Asgardian queen.”
“Would I? I would be too stubborn to be one. Lead the way, trickster.” You spoke the last part softly, sweetly seducing him.
You followed him down the halls and the stairs that lined the castle, leveling out the floors. They were each beautifully carved and you looked at the perfections in the way the stairs curved and the gleams of the metal.
“You have an eye for architecture.” He spoke, his voice echoing off the walls.
“It’s not the only thing I have an eye for. My world is known for its architecture.”
“Are you a princess?”
You laughed and his brow furrowed a bit.
“I’m too stubborn to be one. It’s my title but I do not relish in my power. I like to indulge myself in other things.”
He watched you move and he knew what you were doing. Tricking people were his speciality and he would not be so easily conned into your seduction. He wanted to know why you were doing this to him and to everyone else. As king, Loki had a duty to his people, despite his kingly ways needing assistance.
He did not miss the way your fingertips lingered on his arm after he took you to your seat and how you sat with a beautiful elegance, catching the eyes of almost every man in the room, including Thor.
The god of thunder looked at you and he saw a beautiful woman, not a threat, as Loki did. You were so good at your deception that not even the crown prince himself noticed. You had them all wrapped around your finger, and you didn’t even try. It would be their downfall.
The dinner was full of mindless chatted around you and you drowned yourself in the noise and the feeling of Loki’s eyes on you. You met his gaze more than once and made your actions innocent enough.
When everyone was starting to file away, you took to the stairs. You knew he would follow him and then you could speak to him without the noise around you.
He had you cornered against a wall, shrouded in darkness. His hand wrapped around your throat and you could feel his hot breath against the collum of your throat.
“Enough of this. What do you want?”
He could not see the way your eyes had watered, just slightly or how deep the sadness ran in your soul. Once upon a time, you were happy. Now, you were not. Everything was coming back to you.
“You do not remember.” You spoke gently, afraid your voice would betray you.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, his hand gripping slightly tighter.
“Odin knows and you are Odin.”
He let you go, suddenly being burned by the accusation. Of course you were right but he didn’t understand how you could know that. His illusions fooled Thor himself. How could he not fool you?
You took to the stairs, the unwanted feeling of tears on your face. Loki did not remember you, just as you feared. You shut the door behind you, letting the room be bathed in darkness. Not even the moon could bring light into your heart, not anymore. He was gone.
You didn’t come outside onto the balcony anymore. You couldn’t bare to bathe in the sunlight that warmed your skin. You were too sad for it.
Both Thor and Loki had tried to speak to you but you kept them away from you. You didn’t allow them into your room and the only people you did allow were the servants to bring your food and water. You couldn’t bear to see anyone else.
But on one night, you stood in the glow of the moonlight, basking in it. The moon had been a witness to many nights between your lover, forbidden nights that would leave you and him both in scandal. But you both didn’t care. You were too indulged in each other.
Of course, you had been caught and his memories had been wiped. A simple diplomatic mission between your world and Asgard was washed from Loki’s memories, never to be awaken again. That’s was how powerful your parents were, and how much they were disgusted by you.
A single raven perched itself on the metal railing and looked at you with its head cocked to the side. You gently stroked it once and then felt the sudden chill.
“I told you I don’t want to see you.”
You had known he was there the moment the raven landed. Odin’s ravens, his spies.
“I’m not very fond of following orders.”
“I know.”
He had lashed out at your parents when you two were caught, claiming he loved you and you were to be his queen. Asgardians and your kind were frowned upon so it wasn’t any surprise to your people that his memory was wiped.
“What did you mean?”
“Mean by what?” You snapped.
“You told me that I didn’t remember you. Did we know each other?”
“Once upon a time.”
The raven flew off, silently wishing to yourself that you could go with it. Fly away from here, away from your lost lover, the man who promised you the world.
“What happened?”
“As Odin, you came to my planet for a diplomatic mission. You were actually pretty good at being a king at first. I saw you change into your trickster form and I found it alluring. You showed me what it consisted of and you continued to show me magic at night. It evolved quickly, the attraction was impossible to deny. But when we were caught, my parents wiped your memories with me. Anything else would be a blessing compared to ripping the man who loved me away.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m stronger now.”
That was a lie and he knew it. He saw the way that you and reacted to seeing him the first time. The shock had rippled through your body and the smallest droplets had formed behind your eyes. But as soon as it all had surfaced, it was gone, replaced with the mask of seduction.
“Are you?”
You let go of the railing and went back into your room.
“Go away, Loki.”
He did as you pleased, but he caught the area geld sound of your sob and he wished that he felt something for you.
Loki worked around the clock fixing your shop. He knew that you wanted to go home, away from him, away from the memories that he caused you. He wanted to know more but he did not want to upset you, which was odd from him.
At last, it was fixed. Well, he hoped it was. He summoned you from your room, telling you about your ship. He watched you come down in a heartbeat.
He watched as your eyes roamed over the ship and he told the servants to gather your belongings from your room. You protested but he was having none of it.
“Keep it. They’re tokens to remind you that you’re always welcome here.”
You smiled, for the first time in months. You went into the cockpit your ship, stowing your belongings away. His eyes wandered over the controls as you sat down.
“Shouldn’t you be getting off?”
“I have one last gift for you.”
You stood up and stayed in front of him.
“Close your eyes.”
You sighed a bit and did as he asked. You felt the coldness of his fingers and the tingle of the metal around your neck. It settled against the curvature of the beginning of your cleavage and it chilled you.
You opened his eyes and looked at the necklace. It was a heart locket with the smallest Asgardian crystal embedded into it, creating a rainbow of colors when the light hit it. There has to be magic in it.
“Thank you.” You whispered to him.
“You’re welcome.”
You opened it and found a small picture of the palace in there, with the gleaming metal winking at you. You smiled again and felt one lone tear caress your cheek. You didn’t want to leave now. You could start a whole new life here, with Loki, the man who would give you the world.
You hugged him and he hugged you back.
“I love you and I promise you, another diplomatic mission is in order.”
You looked at him, an array of emotions crossing your face in a matter of seconds. You thought that nothing could break your parents magic.
“You think that I would not have a backup plan before being dragged down to the throne room? My love, you think so low of me.”
You laughed a bit and he kissed you and everything that you had felt came back in a blur.
“I will make you my queen, mark my words, even if I have to kidnap you to do it.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine, a good shiver. It was a promise of what was to come and you couldn’t wait.
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (17, B)
With reviews for delightful films with ambling titles like My Entire High School Sinking Into The Sea and I Don’t Feel At Home In This World Anymore waiting on my hard drive, nevermind other personal favorites like The Final Girls waiting in the wings, why not take the time to talk about this weekend’s biggest indie hit, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2? Yes, that joke is stale to me too, but since this feels like the very first Marvel movie that’s indulgent to the kind of movie director James Gunn wants to make, and since the joke is terrible, it feels very fitting to this particular lot. I’m genuinely surprised to be as excited about this as I am, not just because I liked the first Guardians without feeling the love a lot of people in my life did, but because even the first half or so of Vol. 2 kept grating me in spite of how confident Gunn was that it was hilarious. But then, with one glorious set piece, everything comes together perfectly as the film finally becomes the best version of the Marvel template that’s ever been realized while seeming to carve out a whole new path through sheer force of will and deliriously entertaining spectacle. The family ties with these characters matter more than any Avengers get-together ever has, not just because they’re better defined here but because everything, from the worlds to the side characters to the visual palette to the villain of all goddamn things, has been realized with equal care, and color, and thought. At a certain point the jokes are a lot funnier, it’s more kinetic, the CGI final battle extravaganza is more its own mess than just another round of stolid off-grays coming together to fight a really really big off-gray thing. It’s the most personality a Marvel movie has ever had, and for that alone it’s the best they’ve made yet.
It doesn’t start that way, though, and it takes a little while to get there. For sure the opening spectacle of Lil Baby Groot dancing along while the rest of the crew fights some eldritch horror is a delight, and has one of the best early Drax jokes in the film. But James Gunn thinks the one basic joke Drax has, or is - his stubborn literalism - is a lot funnier than it is, and at the very least the sheer insistence on making him the primary valve of comic relief got old fast. Not that any one joke was bad, and as someone who wasn’t cackling at every joke I was the outlier in my audience, but every joke pointed at the same aspect, hitting it harder on the head and to cruder effect practically every time. Kudos to Dave Bautista for being game, I guess, but it flattens the character even as he tries to tell the story of seeing his wife for the first time. On top of that, making Drax the outright comic relief deprives the rest of the crew from getting as much comedic material. Mostly they all get to bicker, and boy does everybody have issues, with each other and themselves. Even the captured Nebula has a lot to reckon with, aside from completing her Beatrix Kiddo hit-list. There’s also the race of golden alien beings who chase the Guardians around in remote-controlled fighter pods with user stations that are hilariously stylized like an 80’s arcade game, but they’re sort of tangential for the moment. Yondu faces similar issues, though he at least doesn’t start off with the gold people problem. Re-introduced in a scene that seems to imply he just had sex with a robot prostitute, we learn his Ravagers faction has been cast out of the entire Ravagers network because of that whole child-napping thing he did with Peter. Scorned by Sylvester Stallone and offered one last job by the High Priestess of the Goldfingers, to capture the Guardians of the Galaxy so she can kill them as penitence for Rocket stealing some of their lightbulbs, Yondu’s seeming path to vengeance is clear.
Ego doesn’t have this problem, simply hoping to reunite with his long-stolen son and become the dad he never had the chance to be. Kurt Russell, as the equally ruggedly handsome father of Chris Pratt, is inspired casting for the part, giving as good a performance as everyone else in the cast to boot. Accompanied by the empath Mantis, who gets to do a far more earnest and good-natured take on Drax’s whole “unstoppably literal” thing with great aplomb by Pom Klementieff, the journey to Ego’s self-made homeworld is the biggest blast of color that’s come from any Marvel film before it. Asgard didn’t look this majestic, and it manages the impressive feat of featuring practically the entire color wheel without ever becoming a garish eyesore, balancing hue, saturation, and texture on a tremendous scale. As Peter, Gamora, and Drax join Ego and Mantis on his homeworld, Rocket stays behind with Groot and the imprisoned Nebula, who manages to break free and complete a mutiny against Yondu once he talks of letting the Guardians go despite the million dollar bounty on their heads from the Goldfingers. And as things get worse for them, things get better for Peter and Ego as Ego teaches his son how to harness the energy of his planet to create shapes and become effectively immortal.
All of this is compelling stuff, but for one reason or another none of these plotlines quite clicked within themselves. There’s plenty of great moments, like watching Peter and Ego play catch with orbs of pure energy, or Rocket, tied to chair, completely tearing down the head mutineer who willingly chose to call himself Tazerhead. Yondu having a heart to heart with Rocket is surprisingly touching, and if the joke of Groot trying to find a prototype fin for Yondu runs a little long, its sheer absurdity and escalation makes it worth it. And then they get that fin, and it somehow doesn’t look silly on Yondu, who then whistles his way to slaughtering every single being in the ship except for our heroes and regretful mutineer Sean Gunn while “Come a Little Bit Closer” plays over the carnage, and it all came together. I’ve lauded how expansive the color palette is already, but the neon pink of Yondu’s murder wand as it flies around the compound, in tandem with the falling bodies, gives you so much to look at while achieving real heights of visual interest and charisma. Rarely is there more than any one thing to look at in the frame in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and rarely is it in such a gorgeous array of colors. Of course they have nothing on DC’s murky, sad grays and almost inherent fear of anything bright, joyful, or fun in any sense, but Guardians is still an impressive peak that far outstripes the visual style of a film series that struggles in terms of inventive composition or visually arresting color schemes. Even the eventual third act Big Bad Boss Battle, overflowing with CGI, is still more coherent in its fight choreography and geography than say, the Captain America: Civil War airport fight, and bursting with creativity on all levels while fully utilizing each of the characters involved.
The characters, too, are far better drawn than the usual Marvel ensembles, and do so without a larger wellspring of goodwill for viewers to instinctively draw upon. As compared to the seemingly arbitrary lines in the sand drawn between the amazingly vaguely rendered Avengers in Civil War, each of the Guardians and the surrounding characters have far more logical, better defined wants and relationships that are further enhanced as we learn more about them. The sibling rivalry between Gamora and Nebula is given as much room to shine as Peter’s contentious relationships with Ego, Yondu, and Gamora are mended and unmended. Yondu’s own relationship with Rocket lands in the emotional truths it exposes about both of them, and if Drax seems mismanaged as a joke machine early on, his bonding with Mantis ends up in where it needs to once Act Two starts. Even the threat of the High Priestess and her Sovereign, who I looked up the names of between paragraphs, is more effective than other doomed-to-fail MCU villains like those in Ant-Man, Iron Man 3, the Chi’tari swarms of The Avengers, or even Nebula in the previous Guardians film. The ultimate villain and their plan, which finally encompasses the destruction of the entire universe, is easily the most effective of Marvel’s villains that’ve appeared yet. After acting like the universe is at stake in every previous film, it’d be odd to say it’s so refreshing that they go for it this time if the tone of the second half didn’t feel so appropriately attuned to the grandiosity of it. In part, it’s because the villain is so effective in how they challenge our heroes, their attitude so unique among Marvel villains. Their offer is surprisingly tantalizing to the character they ask allegiance of, until it very much isn’t, but more than that they seem genuinely thrown by the idea that anyone would’ve want them to wipe out all life as we know it beyond them. But more than that, James Gunn’s direction of the second half of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is such a unique style for not just a Marvel movie, but any film to take. It’s remarkably in range of a jukebox musical, or a family melodrama, which is one of the easiest subjects for a musical to explore. The choreography and editing of scenes in tandem with the song score is a sterling achievement, one that begins in the opening scene and keeps going strong with continuous creativity. I practically expected characters to start breaking into song at a certain point, and the poignant returns to previous conversations and themes certainly could’ve lent themselves to it. Yondu in particular, whose starts his arc an exiled child-napper and ends the film celebrated and redeemed by his fellow Ravagers and Peter Quill, is perhaps the easiest character to translate into a musical, but all the characters and their arcs would fit wonderfully into that kind of milieu, and their actual dialogue works fairly well as the book parts of a show, be it original or jukebox tunes. Maybe speculating on the potential of a Guardians of the Galaxy musical adaptation isn’t the most constructive angle to consider this film, but it gets at the spirit of the film with ease.
Going forward, I hope this is a sign that Marvel will let their directors have more tangible influences and visions in their projects, especially with films by Taika Waititi and Ryan Coogler coming ‘round the bend. I also hope that James Gunn will continue in the direction he’s going with this series, and that the Russo brothers are watching the responses to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and taking note of what everyone is responding to so positively here that isn’t in other MCU films but absolutely should be. We need color and light and really inventive composition in our films. Children and art can always go together. And how nice is it, between this and Logan, that there’ve been two very distinct and different kinds of comic book films doing well on the market? I hope Wonder Woman breaks from the traditional DC mold and is actually watchable, and I hope Justice League is bad enough for the theater to unabashedly laugh at it with me, since I know my otherwise spectacular boyfriend is definitely going to make me go with him to this, and I’ll always wonder would’ve happened if I’d laughed at the beginning of Batman v Superman like I wanted to. But we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about a good movie, one that started out just fine and turns into a pretty great movie, showing real creativity on nearly every front. I think this is the first film I’m talking about I can’t even pretend to encourage people to see, since everyone has probably seen it already. And thank goodness such a fun, unique comic book blockbuster is getting the somewhat perfunctory but still gloriously deserved attention it’s receiving. Let more franchise films learn the lessons about being pretty and allowing their directors to actually shape their films, and if not, at least we have Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 to keeping savoring among so much unadventurous clutter.
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