aleatoryw · 3 years
having ocs is like having the coolest board game ever but no one else knows how to play so you just kinda lay out the board by yourself and admire it.... gently move the pieces around.... yeah
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stephicsketch · 7 years
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ffxv-ocs-unite · 7 years
Hello!  My name is Kujjles/Kheichou, and first I want to say thank you for this lovely blog.  I can’t wait to see all the OCs and I’m so happy to have a place to shine light on ‘em ;v;
My ffxv OC is a mixture between a dark knight and a dragoon, her name is Ashewynn Quilldrake!
This is her profile on Toyhou.se: x
And a direct link to her gallery on there as well: x
I don’t have a legit fic for her right now so much as some fluff and HC drabbles… -cough and a healthy dose of smut COUGH cough-
BUT she also has a roleplay blog and place to ask her questions/HCs and what not if anyone is ever interested in interacting with her and helping her grow into the best lil character she can be!  You can find that tumblr blog here: x
Ashe comes with a whole nerdy continent in an AU that has a bunch of knights and professions based around summons from across the Final Fantasy games.  It is a little project my best and I have been working on for a couple months, y'know… ever since we fell deep into FFXV hell following our discovery of the Pitioss Theory xD
She lost her birth parents at the age of 7, and we adopted into another loving home by 9.  Her father helped her delve into and deal with a lot of her anger and emotional problems and encouraged her to trace her want to become a protector and honor her sister’s memory.  Part of her trials as the knight she is (each knight has a unique set of trials and a unique contract) requires a lot of travel.  She traveled to Lucis to help fulfill this trial as well as complete her schooling.
She really falls hard for a certain strategist lololol…
When the time comes, she doesn’t actually go on the trip with the boys.  Her travels sometimes bring her into contact with them, but until the events of Altissia, she tries to keep her nose out of that business.  Her own trials are enough work.
Also don’t ever let her touch a thing in the kitchen… ever… ever… don’t let her boil water even.  Bad things happen when Ashe “cooks”.
Anyways yeah… that’s probably enough out of me.  I have a discord for people who like the idea of this AU continent and maybe even wanna RP with my buddy and I in it.  There’s still plenty to be worked in and on and over and around etc, so if anyone is ever interested please don’t hesitate to hit me up xD 
Again, thanks for the platform!  Here’s my babe in comrades!
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vanquishedvaliant · 5 years
Mind me asking who’s Ashewynne?
Ashewynne “Ashe” Magranassi is the newest addition to my roster of tabletop roleplaying characters for my good friends new campaign called Revolutions!! (D&D, etc, except I play Pathfinder and not 5e bc I’m an advanced player and prefer rules that actually matter) 
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Her in game token / rough FC
She’s a Cavalier from a race of centaurs called the Ekura, an 8 foot 7 tower of a woman on top of a massive heavy war horse / draft horse frame with the figure crossed between a power lifter and fertility goddess, she’s through and through meant to be the epitome of muscle milf, as if you maxed out the character customization sliders to 110% muscle and 110% chubby, and then stacked another 150% Sex Appeal on top of that.
When she’s in battle, she’s a roaring, vicious powerhouse of a fighter, shouting and leading her allies, and out of battle, she’s a kind and nurturing mentor with a soft side who’s always quick to support her friends and family. She occupies that spot of a strong woman who’s seen it all, and holds herself with a bearing of absolutely nobility and power at all times, able to console, flirt, and threaten in sequence without batting an eye.
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Ashe comes from the Moncai Empire; a vast warrior nation built upon the tenets of worshiping their fallen ancestors to give them power in battle. Their entire society is built around the tenets of family unity and camaraderie, and will treat any other devoted member of their society as if they were direct family, going to any lengths to support and defend them, and going to battle together as their impressive technologies and genius tactics conquer the eastern reaches.Ashewynne proved herself so well in battle as a wise leader and powerful warrior that she earned the right to become a certified Clan Matron, the leader not only her own family but also the respected head of her local community. She’s been raising a huge family marrying more than 7 wives and having nearly 20 children of her own between them, about half each of which she sired, and half the bearer (father/mother).
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As of the start of this campaign, she’s traveled to the distant kingdom of Arcadia in search of one of her wives who was abducted a way from her country by the corrupt and tyrannical government, and seeking revenge for their daughter who was killed trying to rescue her.And now she’s caught up in a conspiracy to incite a rebellion against the tyrant and save her family from their nefarious grip!
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transmogwow · 5 years
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Ashewynn - Kazzak (eu) head: Greathelm of the Tender neck: Heart of Azeroth shoulder: Expedition Mantle back: Hidden Cloak chest: Naga Centaur's Shellplate wrist: Darkcrest Bracers hands: Darkcrest Gauntlets waist: Darkcrest Belt legs: Darkcrest Legguards feet: Darkcrest Sabatons finger1: Thornwoven Band finger2: Seal of Questionable Loyalties trinket1: Ramping Amplitude Gigavolt Engine trinket2: Pocket-Sized Computation Device mainHand: Runed Soulblade
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kheichou-blog · 6 years
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I doodled another Ashewynn!  This one is honestly the closest I’ve gotten to how I want her face I think!!!  Just did some free practicing and stuff~
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
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Haaahahahaha I love my little pairing too much x’D
ANYWAYS my birthday is coming up, so I treated myself to a little artwork in the absolutely lovely stylings of Yettyen
They have a bunch of nice YCH things, they work fast, it’s pretty affordable, and they are such a kind and easy going person.  I would totally recommend them if you want a little somethin’ art-wise to treat yourself.
This is my OC Ashewynn, as some of you know, with Ignis; Excellent cook, loyal advisor to the throne and love of her life.  I imagine Ashe’s homeland has pretty lantern plants around so I guess this time he’s stolen a chance to see where she hails from originally.
Happy birthday to meeeeeeee, I’m shameless as hell haaaaaaaa x’D
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kheichou-blog · 6 years
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Happy birthday Ashe~~~~~
Character belonging to me: Ashewynn, Izzy, and Lukain (all on the right)
Characters belonging to @delphynnscloset : Eiji and Yukai (the dude on the left, and the blond guy in back)
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
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I usually do some warm up doodles when I get to working on commissions for the day.
I don’t usually share them either, but sometimes I get one or two that I just really like for this or that reason and I’m like “well maybe I’ll color it and everything later”
Then it just sits in the folder and gathers dust while I work on commissions and I forget the context of some doodles or look back and go “OH GOD WTH IS THIS ANATOMY” etc etc
But eh, here, have some random doodles of Ashe and Iggy!
Because I’m obsessed lololOLOLOLOLOL
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
Ashe’s playlist (Abridged)
I have a whole youtube playlist for Ashewynn, but I figured I’d just give a cut of it here with some especially notable songs-
White Light- Superfly
Hold my Heart- Lindsey Stirling feat. ZZ Ward
Presentiment (Jr. #3)- Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits Von Gut Und Böse OST / Yuki Kajiura and Shinji Hosoe
Fallen Angel- Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt OST feat. Aimee B
Save This World- Phantasy Star Universe / Kelli Sae
Fluquor- Onoken
Kingdom of Burmecia (FF9 Tribute)- TPR
I Was Born For This- Journey OST/ Austin Wintory
Higher Ground- Odezsa (feat. Naomi Wild)
Song of Prayer: Bahamut- FFX OST/ Nobuo Uematsu
The Place I Will Return To Someday- FFIX OST/ Nobuo Uematsu
Can Still See the Light- Phantasy Star Online Ep1 OST
If you really like this list, you’re welcome to see the rest of the crazy mish mash that’s on her playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtDT_Nno3JBreEWfs3kyQNQAfQ23oyzcg
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
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OC: Ashewynn Quilldrake
Day VII: Domestic life with spouse/ Fall of Tenebrea or Lucis
So today, I’ve not only drawn a thing, but written a story because I feel like I can’t really convey the feelings and stuff in a drawing alone!  And well... hey, I kinda get stuck in a writing mood, so why not!
CHARACTERS: Ashewynn Quilldrake/Ignis Scientia | WORDS: 939 | WARNINGS: TEARS, SO MANY TEARS | SFW
It's amazing how seemingly the brightest, or even most average of times can quickly become the most devastating and pivotal moments of one's life.  Like any day, the sun rose, flooding the chique interior of the room with a kind of dull, diffused glow.  The waters of the quay glittered off the top of calm ripples from the breeze, the barrel fish still barely glowing beneath the water's surface.  The morning rays touched the two sleeping figures tangled carelessly together, ignorant to the events that had befallen the great crown city the evening prior.  
Ashe's eyes fluttered open, blinking the blurriness from her vision and remembering that she wasn't in the spacious loft apartment of her lover, but probably the most lavish resort room she'd ever dreamed of sleeping in.  She breathed out a groan and turned over in his arms, burying her head under his chin.
“I think we slept in Iggs,” she mumbled, wrapping her arms around his firm, warm form, his chest rising as he drew a waking breath, “sleeping in? Of course not, I'm merely adjusting to the prince's schedule.”  
She chuckled, “the next great plan from the mind of genius?”
“Of course,” he responded, placing a chaste kiss to her forehead, his lips stretching into a grin Ashe could even feel through the layers of tangled black locks.
The two laid motionless for minutes, just taking in the feeling of a morning together, a morning that to them still spoke of excitement and celebration, a morning without having to worry about paperwork and council meetings, notes, reports, almost like a vacation aside from the fact that Ignis was here as one of Noct's bodyguards of course.  
Ashe was the first to sit up, taking note of the gray clouds rolling in, “might be good to go for that swim sooner rather than later.  Looks like rain in paradise.”  She reached out for his shoulder and gave it a playful shove.
“Perhaps a walk in the rain instead then,” he groaned, turning onto his back and pushing himself up onto his forearms, “I would prefer a spot of coffee and a paper first.”
Ashe pouted at him, “fine, when we get back from the wedding then.”
She cracked a grin as she finished the statement.  Ignis sat the rest of the way up and planted one more kiss on her lips, “I promise.  Remember that the world gave you a chance, however, to back out on our race before you get cranky with me over your loss.”
She bit his lip as he spoke in response, “In your dreams Stupeo.”
Ignis rose from bed and got himself dressed in his posh fatigues, then shuffled around his bag for a can of Ebony.  He offered one to Ashe as well, which she declined with a shake of her head, absentmindedly humming and running her fingers through her hair like a comb.  He set up his gels and sprays to fix his hair and retrieved the newspaper that had been slid under the crack of the door, paying no attention to its contents until he began spiking his bangs up.  The change on his face was night and day.  He had been squinting in concentration, teasing strands into their exact rightful spot, when his eyes first darted to the paper.  The color seemed to drain completely out of his face, the jar in his hand dropped to the vanity's surface as he scrambled for his glasses.
“Ignis… Ignis what is it?”  Ashe asked, watching him wrench the paper from the vanity's surface.  He scanned it with widened eyes, taking a glassy sheen as they darted back and forth on the paper's surface, his hands beginning to tremble.
“What is it?” She asked again, feeling her own arms begin to shake, uneasiness growing as he continued to ignore the question.  He pulled out his phone and frantically dialed a number, waiting for it to pick up, only to get voicemail.  He tried again, and a third, before the tears started rolling down his cheeks.  It was then she got up on unsteady legs and approached him.
As soon as he felt the feather-light sensation of her hand on his arm, he whipped around and buried his face in her shoulder.  He made no noise, despite his shoulders shaking violently against her.  Neither party spoke a word, Ashe simply staring at the back of his head, her fingers entangling themselves in his hair, then to the wall, unable to focus on the definition and detail of it without feeling a kind of tense dizziness.  It seemed like hours before he peeled his face from her shoulder, leaning his forehead heavily against hers.  Her hand found his cheek, her thumb stroking his defined cheekbone.
“Ignis,” her voice was shaky, dripping with concern, “tell me please.  What's going on?”
“I...” his voice faltered as he tried to explain.  He shook his head and pushed her away gently, “I need to talk to the others.  I'm… sorry.”
Before she could protest, he was out the door.  She stood alone with the newspaper that he must have slipped into her hand before bugging out, the diffused morning glow still spilling across every surface through the ocean-view window.
She took a deep breath and brought the newspaper headline to eye level, mouthing the words as she read.
“Insomnia falls...”
It hit like a brick to the stomach, her breathing sped up and her eyes darted frantically.  She sat down on the bed and laid the paper beside her. She dialed home immediately.
“Dad… dad hello. Did you hear the news?”
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
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Updated Ashey-babe’s reference.  Here’s a look at her outfit.  Full refs (nude and with bits covered) can be found on her toyhouse gallery:
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
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Oc: Ashewynn Quilldrake
Day III: Final Fantasy / Kingdom Hearts Crossover
So I chose to crossover with FF9.  9 is probably my favorite final fantasy, and Freya is definitely like... my favorite.  As such... of course I feel MANY FEELS for the story of Freya Crescent and Fratley Irontail.
So I chose to crossover Ashe AND Ignis. 
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
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OC: Ashewynn Quilldrake
Day V: Fairy Tale / Goddess or God
Ashewynn as the goddess Athena.  She has a Greek accent and fights with a spear usually so... why not go for the badass goddess known for popping out of her own father’s forehead???
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
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Oc: Ashewynn Quilldrake
Day VI: Crossovers
So today, I had my big dance show CGV performance thing, and the theme was enchanted.  Our first act had an INCREDIBLE maleficent playing in it, and I just couldn’t help but have Ashe strut it about as the sorceress herself. 
She wears it well I think!
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kheichou-blog · 7 years
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OC: Ashewynn Quilldrake
Day II: Battle Gear/ Civilian Clothes
Again, just went ahead and did both.  She honestly has a lot of stuff she wears for casual/civilian clothes, but I wanted to at least put -something- else out there than her battle gear.
I also drew the battle outfit cause I wanted to do some minor design changes... very minor.  But yeah!  There we have it!  Day 2 down :D
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