#Ashfur did mentor Birchfall
fruityvermint · 7 months
@ my last post on this au, which I'll call The Three's Dads for now. Here's more on Ashfur and Jayfeather's relationship
It's unrealistic to assume Ashfur would be,, completely cooperative with this. He'd definitely have beef (AGAIN) with Lionblaze as an entire entity and I think he'd just be very awkward with Hollykit (specified as Hollykit cause their relationship would change, for better or worse, as she gets older) BUT I think he'd be very protective of Jaykit, and when Jaypaw's like I want to be a warrior, and the clans like 'ehhh' Ashfur would go "Yeah, there's no way I'm raising a pussy, I'LL mentor him." Firestar goes ":/ sure" cause he wanted to give Lionpaw to Ashfur cause he's clearly losing it, but whatever.
I think he'd do a pretty decent job. Brightheart is his sister-in-law, so I think she'd be comfortable to offer help and know he'd accept, which he definitely would. As proud as he is, he wouldn't know how to quite work around Jaypaw's disability, while Brightheart would have a better idea. Ashfur would be very proud of Jaypaw, I think he'd boast about him a lot, and he'd also be a big influence of Jaypaw's sass and sarcasm.
I think they'd be close, and Jaypaw would also teach him kinda how to open up and be less insecure because they both struggle a lot with that.
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brackenfur · 6 months
okay so i kind of.......wrote a lot more than i really intended to, but long story short - years ago i had this headcanon/au of sorts that birchpaw/fall saw ashfur and hawkfrost at the lake together, standing over firestar. mostly because when you squint at that whole sequence it kinda doesnt add up in canon, but its not canon that birchfall saw anything - it's just me taking this what if scenario and expanding on a side character
anyways this was kinda a quick project so its not perfect buuuuuut i wrote something so ! enjoy :)
birchpaw is back at camp doing everything he can to avoid the worried looks of his clanmates when his mentor stops him.
"hey, birchpaw," the fur on the back of birchpaw's neck stands up, and he slowly turns to the other tomcat. "are you okay?"
birchpaw does the best he can to keep the nervousness out of his voice as he answers: "i'm fine, ashfur. really. i- uh, i mean, i really just wish i had...been faster, that i had..."
he can't look at ashfur's face. not now, maybe not ever again. he knows that as soon as he meets his eyes, he won't be able to stop asking questions:
what were you doing with a riverclan cat? why didn't you help firestar? did the other cat threaten you? did you-
"you did the best you could, birchpaw," ashfur tells him gently; he pauses, flicking his tail-tip, before murmuring: "come on, let's go over to the apprentice's den to talk. i can tell you're shaken up."
and you're not, birchpaw wants to say, but he's a coward. this is his uncle, his mother's twin, and he doesn't really know what he saw, anyways. maybe ashfur had been standing there, sure. and maybe firestar had been clearly injured, clearly dying - well, ashfur isn't a medicine cat. he couldn't have known that, even if birchpaw had been making a lucky guess. but maybe hawkfrost threatened him, or maybe he lied to him-
you don't believe that at all, he thinks.
but he follows his uncle all the same to the apprentice's den; whitepaw is comforting her father at the medicine cat den while leafpool treats firestar's wound. no one is around - they're all either out searching the territory to make sure hawkfrost didn't have any accomplices, or with firestar's family on the other side of camp.
"you did the best you could to get help as soon as possible, birchpaw," ashfur tells him softly; birchpaw is staring at the grass between his paws, not looking at the other tom. "everyone knows that. i'm sure firestar does, too."
"but i could scent your fear-scent," ashfur continues, "and it does seem like you didn't go straight back to camp after telling firestar about blackstar. why?"
birchpaw's whiskers quiver. he shouldn't be scared - if anything, ashfur should be worried. he's the one who didn't do enough to help.
but the look in ashfur's eyes. the blank, distant stare as he watched firestar gurgle at his paws.
even the badgers didn't look at sootfur like that after they killed him, birchpaw remembers.
"i....," birchpaw's voice wobbles. "i thought i scented another cat, and i was worried," he clears his throat, trying to stop the shakes, "about you. i thought- i thought maybe you were...in trouble, and i...."
ashfur is quiet for a long time; if birchpaw wasn't so scared - why should i be scared? he's my uncle and my mentor, he wouldn't....he'd never.... - he'd look up, joke with him. pretend like it's all a big joke.
but those eyes. that look. the sounds firestar was making.
"so you didn't go straight back to camp," ashfur says with a disappointed sigh, "and firestar lost a life."
birchpaw's heartbeat skips. his paws shake. "wait," he says, his voice becoming shrill. he doesn't want anyone else to hear, but- what ashfur's saying, it's not...that's not right. that's not how it went. "wait, i- i did go back, as fast as i could, and i told squirrelflight-"
"you waited to tell her, you mean," ashfur tells him, frowning. "and he lost a life because he lost too much blood."
"but i didn't....i'd never..."
"it probably wasn't your intention," ashfur murmurs. "but that's how it happened. what if it was his last life? firestar and i trusted you to do one simple task, and you couldn't do that. you can't even look your uncle in the eye when he's talking to you."
birchpaw quivers as he slowly lifts his eyes to look into his uncles. ashfur's dark blue eyes stare back at him, just as emotionless as they did hours before.
"that's better," ashfur tells him, but it doesn't feel better. all of this is wrong.
"i was just trying to help," birchpaw whispers. "i didn't....i saw..."
"what did you see?" ashfur asks him, with a tone that birchpaw's never heard him use before: it's low, angry.
it's terrifying.
"um," birchpaw stutters. "i don't- i don't know. i don't know what i saw."
i saw you. i saw you and hawkfrost.
"if you don't even know what you saw," ashfur says slowly, "then maybe you shouldn't say anything. not to me, or to your mother. not to firestar."
birchpaw slowly lowers his gaze. how did today end up like this?
"you didn't see anything out there, birchpaw," ashfur continues. "you're an apprentice - you don't know your left paw from your right paw."
ashfur stares at him for a long moment, sighing. "i'm not trying to scare you, birchpaw," he murmurs, "but i don't want you to get in trouble for firestar losing his life. sometimes we make mistakes; i don't want this one to be the defining moment of your apprenticehood."
shame burns through birchpaw - shame that he can't stand up to his uncle and tell him that this is all wrong.
but more shame that there's a part of him, deep down, that knows ashfur is right. if birchpaw had been quick enough, firestar wouldn't have lost a life. hawkfrost would've been stopped quicker.
and maybe....maybe ashfur was just trying to help firestar. maybe in some way, he's embarrassed because he couldn't help him, either. is that what this is about? trying to save face, because brambleclaw once again saved the day when ashfur couldn't?
"i want to be a good apprentice."
"and i'll help you do that," ashfur tells him, his voice becoming warmer. "and we'll start by making sure that today stays behind us, forever. okay?"
it doesn't feel okay.
the rest of his apprenticeship goes by largely uneventfully. ashfur isn't exactly the same as before he and squirrelflight drifted apart, but he never speaks to birchpaw the way that he did the day firestar was injured.
he becomes a warrior by the name of birchfall. he makes friends, falls into an easy routine. he even still spends time with his uncle - with each passing day, the events from that afternoon become a faded memory. sometimes it plays out differently in his mind - there's days where he thinks he did see ashfur try and help firestar. where he heard him tell hawkfrost to go away.
(and maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought it was back then if the memory keeps changing. if it really was so awful, wouldn't it be the same? was he just trying to make ashfur out to be a bad cat?)
everything in thunderclan is mostly calm, until ashfur gets lionpaw as an apprentice.
he's heard cats joke about being jealous when their old mentor gets another apprentice - how it's weird, seeing the cat who taught you everything teaching someone else the same things, telling the same jokes.
he's still ashfur's nephew, so he knows that his former mentor still holds a special place in his heart for him - but it's not exactly that jealousy that other cats talk about that he feels towards lionpaw.
he feels...strange, seeing them together; there's this weird fluttering feeling he gets when he catches ashfur's expression as lionpaw walks away from him.
sometimes he can hear a voice in the back of his mind, screaming at him to go and get between the two of them. to protect lionpaw.
but ashfur....well, it's ashfur. outside of that one afternoon moons before, he's a normal warrior. he wouldn't...
so birchfall does what he did over a year prior; he buries the feelings. he can't trust his eyes - that's what ashfur told him before. he doesn't know his left paw from his right paw.
(except that he's a warrior now, and a damn good one, so why-)
that changes one day, when the talk of thunderclan is how lionpaw and ashfur got into this huge fight - claws drawn, teeth bared. ashfur scratched up pretty badly, spiderleg had told him, shaking his head.
i knew that was going to happen, he's not a medicine cat or particularly gifted, but he knew. he knew, he knew, he knew, he knew.
i knew he was going to hurt him, birchfall watches as lionpaw trudges into camp, surprisingly fine physcially - ashfur is the one with the injuries, blood dripping on the camp floor as he trudges to leafpool's den.
lionpaw is standing there after all is said and done, after cats talk to him to ask him if he's okay. standing there in the center of camp, alone.
birchfall is only foxlengths from him, watching, and the thought slips into his mind easily: i should tell him that i know what ashfur is really like. that i saw the same look in his eyes that he probably saw. that he watched firestar die inches from his paws and did nothing to help him.
he almost does it, too. the memories from that day come back, flooding his vision - ashfur's dark expression. the white flash of hawkfrost's teeth. firestar's gurgles.
i'm so sorry, firestar.
"why are you staring at me?"
birchfall snaps out of it quickly; lionpaw is staring at him, amber eyes narrowed.
"what?" birchfall blinks. "i wasn't staring at you."
"yeah, you were," lionpaw tells him, shaking his head. "weirdo." lionpaw hisses under his breath.
and before birchfall can say anything, do anything, hollypaw and cinderpaw bound up to him to talk to him, stealing the moment away.
birchfall watches the apprentices for a couple more seconds before he turns away.
he didn't see anything that day. it's his fault that firestar lost a life, anyways. that's all anyone would be able to see - firestar is one pawstep closer to being gone forever because of him.
birchfall keeps his word for the moons to come; lionblaze becomes a warrior with hollyleaf and cinderheart. whitewing - his longest friend, the molly who withheld her warrior ceremony for him, just so he wouldn't be alone,
(and was there for him on the nights when all he dreamt of was the lakeshore, never asking him what woke him up shaking)
well, they become closer and closer until they're not really just friends anymore, and one morning she bounds up to him to tell him that she's carrying his kits. that leafpool had just told her moments before, and she couldn't wait to find him.
and it finally feels like maybe birchfall is at peace - maybe starclan isn't angry with him after all. maybe that one thing that birchfall didn't do years ago - it'll be okay. firestar is alive and happy, with grandchildren now.
the fire rages through thunderclan not long after, but thankfully there's no casualities - he grew up hearing the stories of the one from years ago, back in the old territory before he was born, and he's glad that everyone was okay this time.
he heard berrynose say that everyone had been looking for squirrelflight, her kits, and ashfur for awhile - that ashfur had turned up, laughing. he wouldn't say what was so funny, though.
he didn't think much of it, until he saw the way ashfur was acting after the fire. the way he leered after squirrelflight and her kits; hollyleaf's eyes glaring back in defiance, lionblaze's hackles raised, jayfeather's avoidance.
i don't want any part in this, he thinks, focusing on whitewing and their future together. i didn't see anything. i don't know anything. ashfur isn't dangerous.
he repeats the mantra more often than he'd like; at night, he dreams of the lakeshore for the first time in years and wakes up shuddering against spiderleg's side. his older brother shakes him off, confused, but birchfall can't meet his gaze, or anyone elses.
i didn't see anything. i didn't see anything. i didn't-
and then just like that, one day ashfur is found dead on their territory.
someone said that a patrol found him in a river, throat torn out.
it doesn't feel real to birchfall until he sees his uncles body laid out in the center of camp, with ferncloud's muzzle pressed into his fur.
that's my uncle, he thinks as he watches spiderleg lead icepaw and foxpaw to their mother, trying to comfort her. he was my mentor.
you don't know what you saw. it's ashfur's voice, clear as day in his mind as he watches his clanmates gather around the tomcat. you don't know your left paw from your right paw. you're just an apprentice; how can anyone trust you after what you did?
firestar walks over to ferncloud and dustpelt, murmuring a few kind words to them. birchfall can hear his leader's voice carrying over the wind, mentioning something about dogs, about bravery.
he watched you lose a life, birchfall wants to scream, but he can't move. he stood there and watched you gargle for breath and did nothing.
birchfall shuts his eyes. no. no, it was because of me, because i decided to take too long to go back to camp, his mind can't decide what's right or wrong. it's my fault, that's what....that's what ashfur says, and...and now he's dead, so....
"birchfall," whitewing's voice is soft; he jolts, eyes wide as he looks at his mate. she leans against him, whiskers drooping. "this is so sad. i mean....ashfur, i just- i just talked to him yesterday. he was asking me about the kits, if i was feeling okay..."
you wouldn't want to be with me if you knew what i did, ashfur had never threatened him after that day, but birchfall knew that was what his uncle was conveying to him every time they talked after that day. that he could tell everyone, and everyone would know it was birchfall's fault that firestar lost a life.
or....or wait, maybe that wasn't right. not anymore.
maybe he should blame himself for not saying anything all these years. he could've told firestar and had ashfur punished, and he didn't.
the realization burns deep in his chest; he can barely register what whitewing is saying.
ashfur knew that if you said something, any cat could probably figure out that something about his story didn't add up, birchfall thinks, his heart thudding. and you were just too stupid to realize you could have said something years ago.
"birchfall?" whitewing says, frowning. "hey, birchfall. are you okay?"
birchfall's fur raises. "i'm okay," he tells her, taking a deep breath. "all things....you know, considering, i..." he shakes his head. "i'm gonna get some air, okay?"
whitewing touches her nose to his. "i'm here, you know that, right? i've been here for you since we were 'paws."
that stings more. i could have told you years ago, birchfall touches his nose back to hers, and turns away. i can't say anything now. she'd never trust me again, i kept this secret from everyone because i was too scared of my uncle. and now he's dead, and now....
birchfall resigns himself not to think about it anymore. he can't.
he can't. he won't.
after his daughters are born, birchfall wants this to be his new purpose in life.
forget about the lakeshore. the foxtrap. hawkfrost. ashfur. firestar is fine now; thunderclan is fine. sure, maybe there's been some earth-shattering secrets that have been revealed, but- all in all, they're mostly fine.
ivypaw and dovepaw mean the world to him; he can't imagine being without them.
he looks at them and wants to do right by them; they'll never know the fear he's carried for all this time, the same.
he'll teach them to say something if they see something; to be outspoken, brave.
but he can barely keep his head above water; it started when he met a cat from the dark forest one night. who promised him that he could make up for the mistake he made years ago; that he could do right by firestar. by thunderclan.
he trains every night but it doesn't make the shame go away. it won't scrub off after he bathes himself. nothing works.
it's not until the wall is lifted over his eyes - after his daughter, ivypool, a warrior grown - tells him what the true intention of the dark forest was.
all the moons he spent there, training, trying to prove that he could make up for what he did - gone.
and after the battle with the dark forest, both his mother and firestar are dead - killed by the cats that birchfall wanted to impress. wanted to show that he could be better, that he could be stronger.
how did everything go so wrong? he thinks as he watches his father crouched over his mother. dustpelt won't even look at him; he doesn't know about firestar, but he knows about the dark forest. and he hates him - despises him for training with the cats who are responsible for ferncloud's death.
he's right.
"birchfall," whitewing's voice jolts him out of his thoughts. "please. i want to talk."
it was inevitable - he knows that it's over between them at this point. he follows her out of camp regardless, deep into the territory. there's birds in the trees, chirping quietly amongst themselves, and everything is in bloom, yet nothing is beautiful to him at this moment.
whitewing turns to face him, her green eyes sad. "can you just tell me why?"
birchfal looks down at his paws, just like he did years before when ashfur told him to keep quiet.
"i'm sorry," he tells her, and she scoffs.
"i'm sorry isn't an explanation," she meows. "just....why, birchfall? why would you train with cats like that? and why- our daughter was there too, why wouldn't you try and convince her not to? what's wrong with you?"
i'm a coward.
"that's still not an answer," he hadn't realized he said it aloud. he finally looks up at his mate - probably soon to be ex-mate. "you need to talk to me. you're not a 'paw anymore."
and for some reason that burns more than anything else.
you're not a 'paw. you should have said something. you should have told everyone what you saw. and you didn't. it's your fault. all your fault. everything-
"i need to tell you something," he finally says; the story is bubbling at the surface. ashfur is long dead. firestar is dead. his family hates him. whitewing is going to leave him anyway; what else does he have to lose? brambleclaw might exile him, might not; he might not care what birchfall does.
whitewing is silent; birchfall opens and shuts his mouth a few times, trying to find the words, until he meows:
"i saw what happened to firestar on the lakeshore, that day when hawkfrost from riverclan died."
whitewing frowns; she looks taken aback, and blinks a few times.
"i....ashfur...he told me that he scented blackstar on our territory," the memory comes back hazy at first, but starts to clear as he goes on: "he said to tell firestar about it. i did, but....a few minutes later when i was heading back, i could scent another cat. and i remembered ashfur was out there, and i was worried for him, so i followed him and the other cat so i could protect him. and..."
the gurgling. the look on ashfur's eyes. the sound of the water lapping at the shore.
"ashfur was standing with hawkfrost over firestar's body. he was caught in the foxtrap and....ashfur, he...." birchfall shuts his eyes. "you should've seen how he looked. he didn't care at all that firestar was dying. i ran away, i didn't....i didn't know what to do. i thought maybe i didn't see anything at all, so i just told squirrelflight what ashfur had said about blackstar when i saw her. i thought....i thought maybe if she caught ashfur and hawkfrost, it'd....she'd know what to do, more than i would....."
birchfall stares at his paws. "when i got back to camp and brambleclaw had killed hawkfrost, ashfur told me....he said i didn't see anything, and it was easier to pretend i didn't see anything. and he was...he was right - i should've just gone back to camp right away. i should've just done the right thing, not been a stupid 'paw. i should've...it's my fault that firestar lost a life. he'd still be here right now if i just had listened back then, 'cus he'd have an extra life, and..."
birchfall trails off, shaking. "so that's...that's why i wanted to train at the dark forest. because i let firestar down. because i didn't say anything all these years, and i should've....i mean, what if ashfur had hurt someone else? and i just sat there and let it happen."
it takes him a moment after everything spills out to realize that whitewing is very quiet; he finally looks up at his mate.
she looks so sad watching him; and there's a bit of anger in there, too.
"he threatened you?" whitewing finally says; birchfall winces.
"i don't....maybe, it doesn't really matter."
"you were his apprentice and his nephew," whitewing tells him firmly. "of course it matters. he knew he was manipulating you, and that you just wanted to please him, so you'd do anything to make sure you wouldn't make trouble."
whitewing's tail lashes, and she shakes his head. "that- i can't believe he did that to you, that he made you think...."
"whitewing, it's-"
"it's not your fault, birchfall," her voice is gentle, yet he can tell she's holding back so much rage, rage for ashfur, pain for firestar's death. "if you really think for one second that you have anything to do with firestar laying in that clearing right now, you're completely wrong. that was tigerstar, first of all, and ashfur's fault years ago."
"you went to help your mentor, and you were intimidated into keeping this a secret," she tells him, stepping closer. "and now you think that because you didn't say anything, that that's worse than what he did."
"i should have said something," birchfall tells her, harsher than he means to. "i mean - for starclan's sake, whitewing, i- i saw, and i didn't do anything. i'm no better than he is-"
"you are twice the cat that ashfur was," whitewing meows firmly. "and if i had even....if i saw him right now, i'd slash his ears for doing that to you."
whitewing shakes her head, looking at him. "all these years," she whispers, frowning, "all these years, and we- when you were in the apprentices den, having nightmares..."
"you couldn't have known," he mumbles. "i didn't tell you."
"and then....birchfall, i..." she presses her noses into his neck; birchfall is stiff from shock.
"i thought you were breaking up with me," he tells her, aghast; whitewing sucks in a breath, pulling away.
"why not? after the dark forest, all of this...."
"i'm disappointed in you for training with the dark forest," she tells him softly. "but your mother is dead, and you....you've been holding this in for years, birchfall. i can put off asking you about the dark forest for awhile; i.....i didn't know. all these years, and i had no idea you were punishing yourself for ashfur's crimes."
when she puts it like that, a small - a tiny one, really, nothing huge - light begins to flick in his mind.
i've been punishing myself, he thinks, and it strangely makes a lot of sense - thinking about the lake all these years has felt like punishment. refusing to get close to firestar out of shame was his way of punishing himself, telling himself what he did was wrong.
"i don't know if i can tell anyone else," birchfall tells her in a whisper; whitewing nods, brushing her muzzle against his.
"that's okay," she meows, "because now i know, and now i can shoulder it with you."
"it's not a very romantic secret." he doesn't say it like a joke, but she still smiles a little.
"it's not," she shrugs. "but no one helped birchpaw back then; i'm here for you now."
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bonefall · 1 year
So, since BB!Ivypool will use her newfound deputy status to force a confrontation with Dovewing- how would she react if Dovewing snaps and told her to her face that she never, EVER wanted to speak with her again after everything? Like, would it click for her that even if she deeply regrets the way she treated her sister, no matter how sorry she is its up to Dovewing if she's ever forgiven? Or does she blame Heartstar thinking she turned her sister against her?
Let's pop open the hood of BB!Ivypool and her fucked up little life, and every person she's been leading up to the end of BB!TBC.
All of this starts with her father, Lionblaze, raising her with this axiom; That you are given strength to serve your Clan.
While he used Dovepaw and her powers in service of ThunderClan (often fighting with her mentor, Birchfall), Lionblaze encouraged his daughter to involve herself in Dark Forest training. Ivypaw felt like this was how she "earned" affection from her Ba, with hard work.
Just as Lionblaze believed that his physical abuse at the paw of Ashfur made him stronger, Ivypool also came to believe that growing up thrown to the wolves made her stronger too.
So when Dovewing first started to... not even REJECT the idea, just display any resentment towards it at all, it's like a personal slight.
No one ever fucking listens to Dovewing. No one cares what she wants. Just what she can do for them.
And Ivypool was super part of that. Her mentor is Brightheart, who often overexerts herself as an expression of PTSD. She saw Hawkfrost "die" turning against Tigerstar for the greater good. She sees Bumblestripe "working so hard" to "help Dovewing adjust" while she's losing her hearing.
In her eyes, Dovewing was being selfish. Look at all these people who give EVERYTHING to their Clans-- how dare you try and make it about yourself?
Tigerheart, in and out of their life constantly, gets blamed because it's a lot easier to pin it all on the Evil Codebreaking Foreigner than admit that maybe Dovewing has a point. Ah HA! THERE is the villain responsible for making my sister act weird! I knew it all along!
(Plus Tigerheart and Ivypool got pitted against each other a LOT in DF training because Ivy was Hawkfrost's apprentice and Tigerheart was Tigerstar's, for some incredibly fucked up projection reasons you'd expect of Tunnelbunstar. Ivypool will nonsensically blame Tigerheart like she's a Dinkleberg.)
(Also tbf tigerheart would 100% let her believe it, 1. Because it's funny, and 2. Because it takes the heat off Dovewing)
And Ivypool was VICIOUS about this. AVoS is still getting shuffled but if anything vindictive she did towards Dove in that arc gets removed, I will replace it with something just as bad. She would actively sabotauge ShadowClan if it meant keeping Tigerheart away from Dovewing.
She can't handle the thought of losing Dovewing. At some point, it became about control. It's her insecurity towards herself, towards her family, towards all of her losses, and even towards service of her very Clan.
And then Dovewing booked it. Couldn't handle this shit and panicked and BAILED.
And THEN it's about getting Dovewing BACK. She's even dragged Fernsong into this and tried to leverage his friendship with Dovewing to this end. She'll even support Bumblestripe when he tries to argue for an invalidation of Queen’s Rights on technicality.
Ivypool: "Those kits are Bumblestripe's! He has a claim! They even have HIS MANE"
Heartstar: "Hmm. No, it is very clearly MY mane."
Ivypool: "You can't-- wait what?"
Heartstar: "Lightkit even has my beautiful smile <3 so fuck off, maybe?"
For a long time that's where Ivypool was. She was the awful, vindictive sister-in-law constantly trying to weasel in to make Dovewing feel bad. When she had kittens of her own, she was still in this mindset.
It didn't end well. In BB!TBC, Bristlefrost needed her. Ivypool stepped in to prevent her from being the impostor's pawn, but refused to do anything when she was caught and imprisoned for being in a HalfClan relationship. She needed to be punished as a codebreaker.
Brought to the next Gathering, the impostor reiterated the need to enforce the code, and desperate times calling for desperate measures. He called for SkyClan to punish their own warrior. They refused to make this a public spectacle.
So he sliced open her throat, right on the branch beside him.
Ivypool didn't imagine she would be KILLED. Suddenly her whole world shattered. The moon stayed clear and bright. Her daughter was dead before she hit the ground and she had HERSELF to blame.
Dovewing and Ivypool served in the rebellion together, and eventually Ivy went into the Dark Forest as a Light in the Mist. She watched Bristlefrost die, AGAIN, knocking Ashfur out of the sky and burning them both up in orbit, and how brave Shadowsight had been in pinning him in place.
Ivypool NEEDS Dovewing to know now that she's different. She's learned a lot. She understands so, so much more now...
But DOES she? She still hates Heartstar's guts. She still feels abandoned. How different ARE you now, Ivypool, with your renewed interest in finding some petty reason to skirt around Dovewing's direct wishes? When you're still here getting into blowout arguments with Heartstar?
So to answer the question, if Dovewing told her directly, "I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR DESPERATION. IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FEELINGS. PISS OFF"
Ivypool would not be able to accept that.
It just wouldn't stick, ever. It really is desperation. Dovewing NEEDS to know that Ivypool loves her and misses her, and that she understands, but also that Heartstar is delusional, and this is still kind of Dovewing's fault. And Ivypool will do anything to make her know this.
But I also DO want to say; this is a very unique weakness. It is Dovewing Derangement Syndrome. Ivypool is a competent deputy, and she is a devoted and respected warrior of ThunderClan. It will be no surprise she's being picked for deputy, especially considering (god willing) Squirrelstar is seeking war with ShadowClan.
She is a good friend, mate, and leader. But BB!Ivypool is so, so fucked in the head about Dovewing. This family can fit so much trauma in it
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Back on my Hawkstar Au Bullshit
While all of the previous shit from This Post happens, Brambleclaw goes into exile, ending up in Shadowclan with his sister Tawnypelt. There he explains to her what happened and why he was exiled, and Tawnypelt feels a bit guilty thinking she could have kept this from happening if she knew sooner what Hawkfrost would try doing. They're both shocked of the news of Hawkfrost becoming leader of Riverclan, realizing his plans had worked. They both decide to try and find a way to expose him, fearing Riverclan will fall more under his manipulation, alongside genuine worry for Mothwing's sake. And with conflict between Windclan and Riverclan getting more and more frequent each and every moon, things might go from bad to worse if nothing is done..
Back in Thunderclan, after Hollykit and Lionkit mysteriously disappear, Leafpool goes into a depression, having lost two of her own kits seemingly out of nowhere. Squirrelflight comforts her throughout this duration, knowing how badly it affected her sister, and was just as wracked with grief with Jaykit being the only one of the litter left intact. They lie about Jaykit being a loner kit just like Hawkfrost, and they both take care of him, Leafpool being a sad but goofy "Aunt" and sometimes spoiling him with things like feathers and flower petals to decorate his pelt.
Squirrelflight meanwhile, is growing more and more suspicious of Ashfur. Nothing had seemed wrong back when Brambleclaw was exiled, but after Holly and Lion went missing, she had scented Thunderclan in the area. She had initially assumed it was her and Leafpool, but upon further investigation she realized the scent was vaguely similar to Ashfur. Knowing it wouldn't be wise to just call him out knowing there was a good chance something could go wrong, she keeps her mouth shut so she can focus on both finding evidence and further investigating, alongside raising Jaykit.
In Riverclan, Mothwing had not succeeded in drawing the ire of Sleekpaw to herbs, but instead Tadpolepaw. Tadpolepaw Trains under Mothwing's guidance, getting alongwell with the much older apprentice Willowpaw. She's confused often by how Mothwing acts happy and pleasant to be out of camp during trips for herb gathering and meeting with the other medicine cats, but paranoid and bitter in camp, especially towards Hawkstar. Tadpolepaw begins to learn from Mothwing about when she was a kit, when their mother Sasha left her and Hawkstar in Riverclan, how her little brother Tadpole, who she had been named after, died, but most importantly how she did not believe in Starclan. After this, she becomes very conflicted on what to do, her own mentor not believing in Starclan, what she had thought her entire kithood was the most important aspect of clan life apart from the code. Through Mothwing, she begins to learn of her father's much darker secrets, but what about her brother Sleekpaw...?
Sleekpaw is trained under Blackclaw, who overall is a good mentor, but behind the scenes Hawkstar does all the work, training him in the Dark Forest alongside Tigerstar. Sleekpaw grows used to the feeling of having his claws out, always having at least a little bit of blood spilled on his claws, and always having scars that healed far before any herbs could be used. Tigerstar and Hawkstar begin to wonder what was so strange about him, before realizing just how powerful his near invincibility in battle. Hawkstar smirked at the thought of using Sleekpaw against whatever threats came to Riverclan, and as tensions rise between Riverclan and Windclan, that time for bloodshed and claws unsheathed may come far sooner than those who don't wish for it..
Smaller less important things about the Hawkstar au: - Birchpaw gets renamed from Birchfall to Birchsmoke by Firestar during his warrior ceremony, after his mentor Ashfur's "Loyalty" from stopping Brambleclaw from murdering him. He's a little more nervous and overwhelmed in the au from Ashfur constantly promising to make him deputy when he becomes leader, making sure Birchsmoke is a cat he can trust and most importantly manipulate when the time comes to lead.
-Tawnypelt names all but Tigerkit the same as normal, renaming him to something like Adderkit, depends on whether or not I stick with that
-Jaykit actually stays a warrior apprentice, becoming Jayflight. He gets the suffix from Squirrelflight since he cares deeply for both of them, and happens to wonder what happened to his other siblings that make his mother and aunt go silent..
-Since Jaypaw never becomes a med apprentice, either Icecloud or Foxleap become one since something does happen to Leafpool at some point in the au...
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canadianno · 2 years
So- ultimate rundown of how Patchpelt, Goldenflower and Robinwing made everyone related
Patchpelt and Leopardfoot are born to Swifbreeze and Adderfang
Fuzzypelt and Robinwing have Cherrypaw and Chestnutkit in their first litter
Fuzzypelt and Robinwing have Brindleface and Frostfur in their second litter
Swiftbreeze and Adderfang have Spottedleaf, Willowpelt and Redtail somewhere in here
Robinwing then leaves Fuzzypelt (for his apprentice cough cough) and has Longtail with Patchpelt
At some point in here Leopardfoot has Tigerclaw with Pinestar
Patchpelt then leaves Robinwing and has Swiftpaw and Lynxkit with Goldenflower
Willowpelt has Graystripe at one point in here
Robinwing goes back to Fuzzypelt and has Ravenpaw and Dustpaw
Goldenflower leaves Patchpelt and has Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt with Tigerclaw
Dustpaw is mentored by Redtail and Ravenpaw is mentored by Tigerclaw
Tigerclaw kills Redtail and Ravenpaw sees but doesn't tell anyone
Dustpaw is reassigned to Darkstripe and joins The Dark Side
Somewhere in here Frostfur has babies- Cinderpelt, Brightheart, Thornclaw and Brackenfur
Spottedleaf dies and Frostfurs babies are temporarily stolen
Ravenpaw runs away and becomes a gay icon in a barn
Somewhere in here Brindleface has babies (Ashfur, Ferncloud, Elderkit and Tulipkit) and 2 die so Fireheart gives her Cloudtail(kit) to make her happy
Cinderpelt(paw) gets hit by a car
I think Tigerclaws kits get made apprentices now?
Everyone finds out Tigerclaw killed Redtail and Dustpelt(paw) turns on him
Some point in here Tawnypelt(paw) runs away to live with Tigerclaw
Dustpelt becomes a warrior and is given Ferncloud(paw) as his apprentice
Swiftpaw and Brightheart(paw) get shitface mauled by the dogs- Swiftpaw dies and Longtail is sad
Brindleface gets murdered by Tigerstar and fed to the dogs
The cliff run thingy where they yet the dogs into the gorge happens and Ashfur(paw), Ferncloud(paw) and Longtail are part of it
Ferncloud becomes a warrior and mates with Dustpelt(gross)
Cloudtail and Brightheart get cat married and at some point(I think later though and definitely not all in the same litter I'm just lazy) they have Whitewing, Ambermoon, Dewnose and Snowbush
Ashfur becomes a warrior and fights with Brambleclaw over hot babe Squirrelflight
Dustpelt and Ferncloud have a whole lotta babies, one of those is Birchfall
Everyone moves and goes to the lake territory
Squirrelflight chooses Brambleclaw as her mate
Leafpool and Squirrelflight, Firestar and Sandstorms kids, exist. Leafpool gets pregnant with Crowfeathers kits and gives them to Squirrelflight who tells everyone and Brambleclaw they're hers
Tawnypelt and someone have Tigerheart, Flametail, Dawnpelt(?) And someone else I think
Squirrelflight tells Ashfur in one blazing shitshow of fire that the kits Leafpool gave her, Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf, aren't hers
Hollyleaf is Upset and kills Ashfur
Birchfall and Whitewing have Ivypool and Dovewing
Dovewing(paw) is given Lionblaze as a mentor and Ivypool(paw) is given Cinderheart I think?
Lionblaze and Cinderheart end up having some kittens at one point and one of those kittens is Fernsong
Dovewing ends up being mates with Tigerheart and has Shadowsight and a bunch more side characters
Ivypool cat marries Fernsong and has Bristlefrost and like some others I think
Ashfurs ghost then harasses Bristlefrost and Shadowsight for an entire arc
Feel free to add on with more wacky shit this family turns into because oh my god
Also don't judge I did this off memory lmfao
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Relationship reminders and relationships never explore
Relationships that often get overlooked, mostly by the books
Canon relationships
Cinderpelt's siblings are Brightheart, Brackenfur, and Thornclaw
Cinderpelt's parents were Lionheart and Frostfur
Tallstar was Deadfoot's mentor
Tallstar's half-family is Wrenflight, Rabbitpaw, Bristlepaw, and Flypaw
Tallstar's mentor is Dawnstripe
Tallstar was friends with Barkface
Tigerstar's mom was Leopardfoot
Cloudtail's foster mom was Brindleface and his foster siblings were Ashfur and Ferncloud
Brackenfur was Tawnypelt's mentor for a while
Dustpelt's mentors were Redtail and Darkstripe. He mentioned respecting Tigerclaw and being devastated at his betrayal.
Thornclaw was mentored by Mousefur
Thornclaw mentored Shrewpaw, Briarlight, and Poppyfrost (also Sootfur, but they're background background)
Ferncloud's kits are- Larchkit, Hollykit, Icecloud, Shrewpaw, Birchfall, Foxleap, Spiderleg
Spiderleg was mentored by Mousefur
Squirrelflight was mentored by Dustpelt
Squirrelflight mentored Foxleap, Rosepetal, and Stormcloud
Bluestar being friends with Barley
Whitestorm's foster parent was Robinwing, making his foster sibling Brindleface and Frostfur
Crookedstar's mentor was Cedarpelt
Crookedstar's friends at that farm
Silverstream's foster mom is Sunfish
Silverstream's adopted siblings are Whiteclaw, Vixenleap, and Grasswhisker
Feathertail and Stormfur's foster mothers were Goldenflower and Mosspelt
Feathertail's mentor was Mistystar
Stormfur's mentor was Stonefur
Unexplored or forgotten possibilities
Cloudtail talking to the three about being adopted is something I need
Hollyleaf talking to Brook that one time
Did Jayfeather ever talk to Brightheart in a positive situation
Did Tawnypelt and Bramblestar talk about Goldenflower that much
Ferncloud grieving over the bunch of kits she lost or helping queens who are grieving because she's been through it
Ferncloud talking to her son who refused to be apart of his kits life????
How the heck did Barley and Bluestar become friends
Bluestar being neglected by Stormtail isn't talked upon a lot
Thistleclaw being Whitestorm's father? Maybe I'm not looking in the right places but it doesn't seem talked about as much.
More about Crookedstar's farm friends I swear-
We never really saw Tallstar's relationship with Woollytail and his half-siblings
Holy cow, Feathertail and Stormfur went through the same thing as their mom. Oof. Maybe Greystripe consoles them since he's heard stories from Silverstream.
The half-clan Thunder/River siblings mentored half-clan Thunder/River siblings
Brightheart and Tawnypelt both being ostracized by their clans bonding moment
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simply-yelly2 · 5 years
Kala’s Warrior Cats: Mentors and ‘paws
Because Bluestar, Firestar, and Bramblestar proved incapable of giving out apprentices to cats who have yet to prove their skill...really there is only one or two good deputy/ future leader candidates. Ivystar for president! If I forgot a cat then please tell me. I tried to recall the birth order of litters.
---------------------------------------------------- Power of Three...
Ashfur = Cinderheart  Sorreltail = Hollyleaf Cloudtail = Jayfeather* (No medicine cat role for him and he is a lot less grouchy as a result...still is a snark master though) Brightheart = Lionblaze  Ferncloud = Honeyfern Thornclaw = Poppyfrost Dustpelt = Hazeltail Spiderleg = Mousewhisker Brambleclaw = Berrynose
Whitewing = Icecloud Squirrelflight = Foxleap
Birchfall = Briarlight
Graystripe = Toadstep Millie = Rosepetal
Berrynose = Stormcloud Mousewhisker = Bumblestripe Hazeltail = Blossomfall
Cinderheart = Dovewing Hollyleaf = Ivypool
Lionblaze = Molewhisker Jayfeather = Cherryfall
Poppyfrost = Lilyheart Foxleap = Seedtail
Icecloud = Snowbush Toadstep = Dewnose Rosepetal = Ambermoon
Blossomfall = Hollyclaw Bumblestripe = Fernsong Dovewing = Sorrelstripe
Ivypool = Dandelionfur Leafpool = Alderheart (medicine cat) Molewhisker = Junipertail Cherryfall = Sparkpelt
Seedtail = Honeyspots Dewnose = Larkshade Ambermoon = Leafsong
Lilyheart = Stemscar
Snowbush: Shellfur
Stormcloud: Plumfoot
Hollyclaw: Eaglewing
Fernsong: Pouncestep
Sorrelstripe: Lightleap
Alderheart = Shadowpaw
Junipertail = Spotface
Dandelionfur = Snaptooth
Sparkpelt = Flywhisker
Honeyspots = Thriftflower
Larkshade = Bristlefrost
Leafsong = Flipfoot
Okay...I think I am caught up now. Kudos to @warriorsfamilytrees for letting me use her epic renames for some of those poor unfortunate souls. I think I got everyone in order now and look, Sorreltail and Ferncloud got a chance to have an apprentice too. 
And most of the pairings that result in these cats have been changed to cater to my personal tastes. 
Stemscar = Twigfall Shellfur = Violetshine
Plumfoot = Rootpaw Eaglewing = Needlepaw
Instead of having ThunderClan fucking like bunnies, I decided there is a dry period after the birth of Dandelionfur’s two kits. Which are Twigfall and Violetshine because SkyClan is going to be scrapped. I think it is kind of rude for the young warriors to complain when they have to do “apprentice” tasks. I get it is something that human teenagers do...but we forget that these are cats living in a system that is trying to survive each and every day. And as many wise people on here have stated, there is more to being a warrior than hunting and fighting. You need to tend to the elders and the sick, teach the young cats, guard the camp, and advise the leader and deputy. There is so much to do that is not highlighted in canon...and it stinks. 
So the kit dry spell does not break until Violetshine has her kits. Our two new little protagonists. Then Sparkpelt and Sorrelstripe both end up in the nursery with litters of two each.
I am going to tell you all this sooner because I saw the Wiki...and just could not help but roll my eyes. Rootpaw’s warrior name is going, for me, to be “Rootheart”. I have not read the book, will not read the book, but what I got so far makes me give a weary shake of the head. When will the Erins stop reusing the same damn plot? We are back to a male lead character and of course he has issues with fitting in...for all we know he might end up shoved into the medicine den because he is not up to par. 
For his sister...I think Violet was out of her mind, maybe too much herbs to numb the labor pains? I get that Needletail changed her tune and ways prior to her untimely demise...but we forget that she was a bitch who did a lot of nasty stuff before she realized the errors of her ways. I get that Violet could have eventually forgave her, but I would never forget and why honor a cat who caused me just as much grief? Enough that I would name my own daughter after her?! I want to change the name, but in the end I simply don’t care. 
I think I will call her Needlenose. Needle can either be for pine needles or the prickles of a hedgehog. Needletail was named for the pine needles, but this Needle was named for the hedgehog. 
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cottonspotten · 6 years
dark forest trainee headcanons
only the oots ones
also i’ll only put “reason for training” if there was no canon reason
also long post 
ivypool reason for training: n/a - very tall and lean. she has a couple scars and dulled blue eyes, which were brighter when she was younger - she would’ve liked to be friends with sunstrike and icewing esp sun - when dovewing left, part of ivypool’s anger came from the fact she’s mad at herself for not having a better relationship w her sister - the dark forest training has probably affected her the most out of all the df trainees - she avoided birchfall in the df bc seeing her own dad there rlly hurt - when stressed in battle, she instinctively uses dark forest moves but stops the moment she realises it - she loves fernsong so much they have a very healthy n loving relationship
blossomfall reason for training: there is a canon reason but i also hc that she used the dark forest as a way to let out emotion - so she was actually very emotional and keeping it all pent up wasn’t good for her - she trusted bumblestripe but talking it out didn’t always work so she started going to the df - but then bumblestripe started getting distant bc of that so she started using the df training as her main way to let out stress & emotion - this means she actually has more scars than ivypool bc she pushed herself so much and just kept going - she has a big claw-mark across her face - def started crushing on ivypool real hard as training progressed - took thornclaw as a mate to try n get over ivy but that didn’t rlly work. she still cares for thornclaw & her kits tho
thornclaw reason for training: literally just wanted to be a better, stronger warrior - always has tired eyes - always cared for ashfur and tried to help him through his issues with squirrelflight. however, he always knew that ash was capable of something (not necessarily attempted murder, but something) so after ashfur’s death there was always this thought at the back of his mind that it was more than just a cold-blooded killer - he’s not an idiot he knew there was something off about the df to begin with just not that - tried to avoid the other trainees in the df - constantly feels guilty that he didnt catch on earlier (for both ash’s death n the df thing)
birchfall reason for training: to become a better warrior & make his family proud - he is. small. like dovewing. just so small,,, - always kept some of his kithood naivety which is a trait whitewing both loves and hates in him & also why he was so oblivious to the df’s true intentions - wanted to spend time w ivypool in the df so when she started avoiding him it rlly hurt :( - he loves whitewing a lot he gets all soft and mushy around her and he just,,,, loves her,,,,, so much,,,,
mousewhisker reason for training: particularly bc he wanted to be as cool as berrynose but also bc he wanted to see minnowtail more - he was soft,,, sweet,,, just so pure before the training - after it he was more hot-headed and frustrating - loved minnowtail so much - love love loved his twin sister hazeltail as well - looked up to berrynose a lot
minnowtail reason for training: blamed herself for tumblekit’s death & wanted to prove that she could still be a good warrior (also mousewhisker) - so fluffy - very firm, strict and cold, she doesn’t show her emotions much - but mousewhisker was so sweet how could she not fall for him - her dad is webfoot of windclan but she doesnt rlly know about him since it was a short-lived relationship between dawnflower and him - she misses her mum & brother so much - willowshine always help n supports her tho,, 
icewing reason for training: to protect her family - beetlewhisker’s death hit her REALLY hard and the only reason she didn’t stop training is because she wanted to avenge him - she became overly sensitive and “loyal” to the dark forest to keep up an act, but never felt any loyalty to them at all - even after she was honest with mintfur, he still loved & understood her  - she still misses beetlewhisker and almost wanted to call one of the kits in her second litter beetlekit
beetlewhisker reason for training: his mom was doing it, why couldnt he? - had a v good relationship with his family - doesnt regret speaking up. he believes it had to be said - often bonds with hollyleaf in stc over their loyalty to the warrior code (nerds) - he uh,,, he dies in the last hope. following the norwegian version of river of fire, sneezecloud is harepaw’s mentor instead & that one brief appearance in that one avos book is just,,,,,, gone ok
hollowflight reason for training: he just wanted to impress his mentor and stand up to some bullies man :( - he had a close relationship w his mentor, reedwhisker. he was almost like a father-figure - was interested in becoming leader one day - he was always quite innocent and nervous but once he started training in the df he became a lot more reckless and argumentative 
applefur reason for training: wanted to be stronger (like her brother) & also had a tiny crush on birchfall - after marshkit’s death, she got a lot closer to toadfoot - had some serious self-doubt issues esp in the dark forest & realising she had betrayed her clan didnt help - misses birchfall a lot - she kinda just wishes the clans could be at peace
redwillow reason for training: he thought the clans were weak + some personal issues with blackstar - he felt genuine loyalty to the other cats in the dark forest, even the trainees. they were like family to him since he didn’t really have any - he and blackstar never really got along. redwillow looked down on him and saw him as weak. he challenged his orders a lot and felt as though blackstar was restricting him, esp when blackstar gave him a half-blind mentor - blackstar originally disliked how much redwillow argued with him & also before of how rude he was to whitewater constantly, and then also came to dislike him more because he looks a little like sol
ratscar reason for training: he wanted to face his fears of getting hurt - he prefers dodging attacks. this is partially bc getting such a big scar on his side at a young age made him not want to get any more injuries - after/during his training in the df he did get braver - he’s always been fierce, stubborn and bold but he got more arrogant with training - he loves his SISTER & they would prob die for each other
tigerheart reason for training: he was cocky and ambitious. training in the df intrigued him as well - there was a brief moment he thought of fighting for the df - he held a grudge against ivypool for a long time but loved dovewing enough not to act on it - even after he got over his grudge he wasnt ivypool’s biggest fan. the feeling was mutual. 
sunstrike reason for training: she wanted to be a better warrior sure but it was mostly to see cute girls - im not a huge fan of her canon design so she’s probably a calico with more yellowy patches rather than orange. still got that forehead spot tho - a Big Lesbian - was definitely crushing hard on furzepelt  - always impressed by ivypool and likely had a small crush on her as well but she was too caught up on furzepelt to rlly think abt it - ok let’s be honest here she probably crushed on every girl who was training in the df just furzepelt was the one that really made her floaty
furzepelt reason for training: just some grudges - def had some feelings for sunstrike - was p good friends with antpelt - was never a huge thunderclan fan and antpelt’s death only set that dislike more in place - thought onestar was dumb for multiple reasons
breezepelt reason for training: n/a - had the tiniest crush on antpelt but pushed it away bc “love is weak”  - cared about his nightcloud so much but only ever showed affection away from his clan for the same reason - softened up once his relationship with crowfeather was fixed - always loved heathertail, even when they were apprentices
antpelt reason for training: dislike for windclan & clanlife. he wanted to be stronger - he and breezepelt got along for several reasons - never enjoyed clanlife. he didn’t think it was right for him and being in the df really showed him that - his friendship with furzepelt was one of the only reasons he stayed
apparently larkwing was also a trainee but there were literally no mentions of her in the df so ??
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bonefall · 2 years
same anon who asked about the jay + poppy kits: thank you for clarifying!! i wasn’t able to see the dates of the posts so it’s much appreciated :)
if possible, could you do a recap of the current changes made to the family trees in thunderclan?
Sure, lemmie blitz through everything off the top of my head--
(I might miss something because my actual computer is broken, I don't have my whole blog loaded up in another tab like I usually do)
Pre-TPB stuff:
AdderSwift and FuzzyRobin NERF. Most of their children are split up to other cats.
AdderSwift's only kids are Leopardfoot and Patchpelt
FuzzyRobin's only (surviving) kids are Dustpelt and Ravenpaw
One-eye is a lot older and has Halftail in the oldest litter and Brindleface in a younger; Mousefur and Runningwind are her grandchildren. She is very old.
Dappletail and Thrushpelt are the children of Rainfur and Tawnyspots
Frostfur was raised by gay grandpaws, Weedwhisker and Stonepelt. She is the secret child of Featherwhisker.
Rosetail is the mother of Spottedleaf and Redtail
TPB Shuffles:
Redtail and Runningwind are the parents of Sandstorm and Longtail
Willowpelt is the daughter of Patchpelt, she only has one litter and it's with Whitestorm; Sorreltail, Sootfur, Rainwhisker.
Brindleface has Ferncloud and Elderberry in the oldest litter; Ashfur in a second just before she is murdered. Fern, Elder, and One-eye raise him.
Cloudtail is considered Firestar's son by Clan society. Cloudtail sees him more like an uncle/mentor.
Cinderpelt and Brackenfur are older than their siblings, Thornclaw and Brightheart.
Dappletail is the mother of Darkstripe and Cricketclaw in the first litter, Graystripe and Featherkit in the second.
Swiftpaw was the oldest son of Tigerclaw and Goldenflower, and first cousins with the Frostfour
Firestar and Sandstorm are queerplatonic, the twins are an honor-siring with coparenting. Firestar is aromantic.
THE FOLLOWING CATS ARE AXXED: Snowbush, Ambermoon, Leafshade, Honeyfur, Eaglewing. If these cats appear in the Bonefall Rewrite they will be shuffled elsewhere.
Firestar's lineage is tracked through The Three; Fully Clanborn Firekin.
Dovewing and Ivypool were born of Jayfeather and Poppyfrost, adopted by Cinderheart and Lionblaze
Spotfur and Duststripe (Prev. Sorrelstripe) are Birchfall x Whitewing kits as a trade.
Duststripe is not mates with Dewnose; Bayshine and Myrtlebloom are honor sired.
Cinderheart later becomes mates with Hollyleaf, now called Fallenleaf after Time Travel Shennanigans, and has a litter of Hollylark, Snaptooth, and Flywhisker.
They go wandering together after their kits are grown just before TBC
Fernsong is not Firekin, he is a kittypet who joins with Jessy and Stormcloud. His name was Fiddles, which he insisted was a type of fern.
Ferncloud, who did not die, thinks this is cute. Dustpelt died. Sorreltail is also here.
Jessy is the mother of Alderheart and Sparkpelt; Squirrelflight does not get back with Bramblestar after his behavior in OotS. He disowned the Three and they have never forgiven him for it.
Jessy leaves just before AVoS after improving Briarlight's mobility device to the point of independence.
Thornclaw has no children and he also dies in the Great Battle; Blossomfall's kittens were honor-sired.
Seedpaw and Lilyheart were FerncloudxDustpelt children; Brackenfur dies in Po3.
Toadstep died in the Great Battle; Spiderleg does not die of Offscreen Greencough.
Hazeltail does not die of Offscreen Greencough. She is both alive and transgender.
Rosepetal does not die in TBC. Cherryfall does instead.
Nightheart is the child of Hollylark and Sparkpelt. He is Firekin through his dead parent.
Aaaaaand there you have it, everything I can remember off the top of my head.
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