shadowxamyweek · 4 months
To Team Dark: maybe a little early since the GUN case isn't close yet but we would like to know, if you are free from GUN what are you going to do? Will you three still work for them with a higher pay or do you want to do something else?
[Tails walks briskly, nervously, down a narrow hallway. The place is beige. Weathered and faded burgundy carpet covers his footsteps. There are no windows here, just artificial lights. Off-white walls are punctuated by doors that match the carpet.] [He knocks on one. When Rouge opens the door, he quickly hands her an envelope and then leaves. Rouge shuts the door behind him.] [Team Dark's room also has no windows. There are two narrow beds with rough sheets. Another door leads to a cramped bathroom where Shadow fills a glass with water from the sink. Omega has hunkered down in a corner with a Steamdeck.] Rouge: Got another letter from your girlfriend~! ( ̄ε ̄) [Shadow huffs, setting the cup down as they go to take the mail from Rouge. She holds it out of their reach.] Rouge: Why don't you ever tell us what she writes to you, hm? Is it sappy? Oh! Is it *spicy?* (✧ω✧) Shadow: ((╬◣﹏◢)) Rouge: You're not saying no~o! Omega: Calculating. Of all conversations sent between Shadow and Amy, 33% of dialog has been concerned business, 5% concerned negative feelings, 52% positive feelings, 15% sappy. Shadow: Omega! Omega: Of that 15%, it could be argued that there were some allusions but no direct language used to relay spicy. Shadow: Stop it! Omega: Including but not limited to: kissing and holding hands in pubic venues. Rouge: OMEGA! Σ(≧▽≦) [Rouge bursts into laughter. Shadow, heavily blushing, is furious.] Omega: If you retrieve your letters, Shadow, I will- Shadow: NO! Omega: Then you must accept my data as I present it. Rouge: Oooooooh Chaos, are you opening Shadow's mail? Omega: Negative. Shadow opens Shadow's mail. I am reading it afterwards. [Shadow flickers with Chaos energy. Rouge immediately steps between Shadow and Omega, wings unfurled to block Shadow's view.] Rouge: Okay, alright, okay. First, not spicy, so very disappointing. Second, no opening or reading other Team Dark member’s mail Omega. Come on, we've talked about nuance. [There's a burst of static from Omega as their head makes a quick rotation.] Omega: Nuance is for needle nose pliers. I am a machine of war. I will read whatever mail I want. Shadow: I will rip you inside out and turn you into a rice cooker! [There's a squawk from Omega's audio processor as they get to their feet, placing the Steamdeck down and marching towards Shadow.] Rouge: Oh! This letter isn't from Amy! [There's a pause.] Omega: Who is it from?
Rouge: Just someone asking what we want to do if we win the case. Asking if we want to stay with GUN or whatever. [She winks at Shadow.] Rouge: Don't have to ask what you want to do~ [Shadow huffs. They snatch their glass of water from where they left it and stalk over to one of the beds where they fish a book out from under the pillow.] Rouge: Don't know about you though, big guy? What do you think? Omega: I care very little about the outcome of the trial for my own benefits. Rouge: Really? That's surprising. Why? Omega: I am owned by no man. My only prerogative in this mission is to ensure the safety and well-being of my team. [Shadow looks up from their book. Rouge stammers into a moment of silence.] Rouge: Oh... that's- Omega, that's really sweet actually. Thank you, baby. But you do know- GUN *does* think they own you. Omega: They would be incorrect. I am not GUN tech. With the Tails' help, I am not even Eggman tech anymore. I am, as you say, a self-made robot. Rouge: Uh… right. Hey, Omega, you want to destroy all Eggman robots? Omega: Affirmative. Rouge: What if you could also destroy all GUN robots and therefore establish yourself as the *best robot.* [There's a whir of a processing fan. Suddenly, it speeds up excitedly.] Omega: No prior consideration had been given to this concept. [Shadow smirks, rolling his eyes before going back to his book. Rouge pats Omega on the arm.] Rouge: Yeah, you don't want to be limited in who you can destroy, big guy. When we get out of here, we're doing it for *all* of us. Omega: What about you? Rouge: Me? Oh, hm... [Rouge looks away, picking at an invisible spot on her teeth with one long, pointed nail.] Rouge: I might go back to my old job. Shadow: That being? Rouge: Art and jewelry theft. Shadow: Of course you would. Rouge: You know me, sugar. But I've got a bit of an idea to take the work experience and credentials GUN has so kindly provided us to turn myself into a real detective of sorts. Shadow: Oh really? Rouge: If only on paper. Shadow: Vector won't like that. Rouge: Well, not like some fancy private art gallery is gonna call the Chaotix, not with their track record. There's an obvious market to corner, so I'm gonna be the one to do it. Omega: Will you need fire power? Rouge: Always. Omega: Then I will stay with you Rouge: Aw, you wanna stay with little old me? Have a bit of a smash and grab spree? [Omega nods. Rouge laughs, then turns to Shadow.] Rouge: What do you think, hm? You also want in? [Shadow drums the fingers on the back of their book. They shut it and look at Rouge and Omega standing in the middle of the room.] [There's a pause.] [Try as they might, Shadow cannot fight the smirk creeping across their face.] Rouge: Aw yeah, baby, that makes us a team. (๑˃ᴗ✧)
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askomegatimeline · 2 years
So, CORE!Frisk... I've been meaning to ask: Are there any members of the CORE! Cast? You know, like CORE!Toriel, CORE!Sans, CORE!Papyrus, CORE!Undyne, CORE!Alphys, CORE!Asgore, CORE!Asriel, and CORE!Chara?
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askterraghoul · 7 years
Dad’s In Town
Old Earth had just finished up his church duties and spending some time with his dad out in the town. He walked into their cabin taking off his jacket, scarf, gloves, and hat and hung them on the coat rack to dry. He went to go check to see how Omega was doing. The drummer had found him making himself something to eat in the kitchen.
“Dove!” Earth explained softly as he walked up behind him and began to take over the cooking. “You should be relaxing. Go sit down, I’ll finish this up for you.” He whispered as he placed a kiss upon the guitarists forehead.
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askcyberelf-x · 12 years
Last Commandment
At the end of the day Omega was his enemy, as simple as that. The scars Omega left in the past and within his heart still afflicted X. He could never find himself to view Omega in the same light as Zero, original body or not.
After all, Zero was more than just a friend to X. He was his partner and comrade in arms, the pillar of support he had in the past and still presently relied upon. He detested seeing that smug smile, let alone realizing the one living thing he could interact with physically turned out to be Omega, of all things.
Still, being as old as X was he was capable of masking his hatred with an air of calmness. After this, everything would go back to the way it should be without himself being reduced down to Omega’s “maid”.
Before X could start off on his chore—a strong tug to his arm stopped him, only to be pulled closer to Omega.
“Before I forget blue legend….” Omega’s all too familiar voice prickled his ear piece. “Even after all of this is done, I’ll still have my eye upon you.”
“…I have heard that same tired line before from other Mavericks.” X spoke with lightness in his tone. “You do not intimidate me in the least.”
“Ahaha! Intimidate? No, X.” X didn’t have to look to know that smile was on Omega’s face. “As this miserable world’s true savior, I can do the one thing that fake failed at. Remember that, X.”
What a child Omega was.
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
Omega, you might as well show off those other pictures you took.
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Omega: I gave the pictures to the person who paid for them. Unless you too are willing to pay me, you do not get pictures. Since they seem to be in high demand, I have updated my prices. Though I am not Rouge, I have my own expensive 'shiny trinkets' I want.
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
I'm sorry. I can't not ask.
Rouge. Omega, what are your thoughts on Shadow and Amy? Good friends? More? Oblivious idiots?
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Omega: Yes. [Rouge sighs.] Rouge: It's pretty bad(-_-;) They've been doing the slow dance of the century around each other for- Omega: 9 years, 3 months, 25 days, 16 hours, 45 minutes, 38 seconds, and counting. Rouge: You set a timer? Omega: We had a bet on how long it would take. Rouge: Chaos, I forgot. Give me the details again, would you big guy? Omega: You bet your asscher diamond that eventually, they would become a romantic unit. I wagered my collection of workplace-related blackmail material that they would not, due to Shadow's inability to communicate and Amy's negligence in noticing their pathetic advances. We set a deadline of 10 years. Rouge: ∑(°_°) I did bet my asscher, didn't I... [Rouge gives a low whistle, then rolls her shoulders.] Rouge: Well, I better get meddling then. Omega: Correction: You have been meddling since before the wager. It has yielded no success. Rouge: Then I need to try harder. I'm not losing any of my diamonds. Besides, what do you even want with it anyway? Omega: I wish to sell it so as to have more money for Hot Wheels. [Rouge gags.]
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
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Rouge: (✧∀✧) How was your daaaate?
Shadow: Wasn't a date.
Rouge: (✧▽✧) Aaaah~! Your smile gives you awa~ay!
Shadow: (◣_◢) Rouge!
Rouge: I want *all* the details, sugar. Don't spare a thing! You had told me you were taking dinner over but-! [Shadow whips around to face Rouge, quills on end and eyes blown wide. Rouge pauses, then settles with a sigh against the nearest wall.] Rouge: Come on, Shadow, you've been in love with her for ages. Am I not allowed to get a little excited when think something finally happened? [Shadow crosses their arms and looks away.] Rouge: Okay, I get it. Can you at least tell me how it went? Shadow:... We watched the Nutcracker and ate chun-nan food. There's no much else to say. [Rouge's nose wrinkles.] Shadow: Don't start with me. I didn't pick the entertainment, she did... Apparently, she used to dance. Rouge: Really? All these years and she never mentioned it. [Shadow levels her with a look.] Rouge:... I said she never mentioned it, not that I didn't know. I didn't *lie*. I don't *lie.* Don't look at me like that. Shadow:◔_◔ Rouge:...Did she dance? Shadow:(↼_↼) Rouge: Aah, okay (✧ω✧) So that's why you mentioned the dancing. Next question, lovebug: did *you* dance? Shadow:(/⇀/_/⇀/)
Shadow: I- no! Rouge: Omega! Shadow: Stop it! Rouge: It's finally happening! Shadow: (⁄⁄◣⁄益⁄◢⁄⁄) we didn't dance! Rouge: What did you do then, just stand there? Shadow: Yes! Rouge: Oh Gaia, I was joking. Shadow: Rouge, I don't dance! [Omega trundles into the room.] Omega: I was summoned. Rouge: Shadow here was just telling me about how during their 'not a date,' Amy apparently danced in front of them while they just stood there like a weirdo. Shadow: I just said- I don't dance! Omega: Skill issue. Rouge: (ಥ▽ಥ) Shadow:(◣_◢)┌∩┐ Omega: Scrub. Shadow: You worthless-! What would you recommend I do then?! Omega: Get good. Rouge: 。・゚゚*(>▽<)*゚゚・。 Shadow: I did nothing wrong! Rouge: Sugar, you did everything wrong, but it's fine. Shadow: NO! She said she hadn't danced in a long time and I offered to be there and-! Rouge: Wait wait wait, don't tell me. Did she trip? And you caught her? Like in the movies? Was that-? Shadow:▓▒░(◎_◎)░▒▓ [Rouge gasps, grinning ear to ear. Omega sags.] Omega: I will not be receiving my Hotwheels money, will I? [A flash of confusion crosses Shadow's face. Then, they are enraged.] Shadow: DID YOU MAKE A BET?! Rouge: Nooo, sugar, nooo. Omega: Negative. We did not make a bet in regard to your rendezvous. Rouge: That would be silly. Omega: We made a bet on whether or not you and Amy Rose would become, as Rouge calls it, 'an item.' [Rouge's smile freezes in place, eyes darting to Omega as she pails.] Shadow: I hate both of you.
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
Ok so if Rouge and Omega made bets on Shadow’s love life, perhaps Shadow and Omega made some on Rouge? Possibly centered around a certain red mobian?
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[Omega is systematically sticking large gold foil stars to the wall.] Omega: Negative. I wanted to make a wager, but Shadow declined. They said it was an invasion of privacy. I attempted to convince them that no such thing is possible with a convicted blackmailer, thief, and contract spy in the house. It would only be evening the level of expectations for interpersonal relationships amongst all parties. However, Shadow would not relent. As such, I am now engaged in a gamble with Sonic. [Omega's processing fan whirs loudly. Their eyes seem to brighten.] Omega: I will get my Hotwheels money, one way or another.
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
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Rouge: WHAT? [She whips around to yell into the depths of the apartment.] Rouge: OMEGA! OMEGA, GET OVER HERE! [Omega trundles into the room.] Rouge: I know you were taking pictures at the party- Omega: You cannot prove that. Rouge: Whatever. Did you happen to get any pictures of Shadow and Amy? Specifically any pictures of them kissing? [There's silence. Omega slowly rotates their hands in thought.] Omega: Why do you ask? Rouge: I want a copy! Obviously! Omega: What are you willing to give for it? Rouge: Oh come on! Can't you just do me a favor just this once and give it to me? Omega: Negative. I have lost our wager. I must make up my failure in other ways. Did you or did you not teach me to charge for that which others want of me? [Rouge clicks her tongue, crossing her arms as she taps her foot in contemplation.] Rouge: ... What do you want for it? Omega: What are you willing to give? Rouge: No, I want an idea of what you want first. Omega: I will not inadvertently offer a low estimate of my work. Establish what you are willing to give first. Rouge: I've got a paper note worth fifty rings in my wallet. That good enough? Omega: ... I wish to also go to a Hotwheels Monstertruck Live show. Rouge: I told you before, we don't live anywhere near where those would be happening! Omega: It is the fifty-ring note and the Hotwheels Monstertruck Live show. That is what I want. If you want the photo that I have, you will pay the cost. [Rouge tosses her hands in the air, rolling her eyes as she does so. She grabs a used envelope from the kitchen counter and a pen, hastily scribbling the agreement down before digging out her wallet and retrieving the note. She thrusts both at Omega.] Rouge: Okay. Gimmie. [Omega lets out a high monotone note of joy. They tuck the money and the contract into their chassis before producing a single black and white photo.]
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[Rouge grins, reaching for her phone as she examines the picture.] Rouge: Worth it.
(Of course, I also did it in colour.)
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Background found HERE posted by @pepperspoppies
Amy and Shadow adventure style sprites found on Spriter's Resource
Put together in Paint.Net
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
Rouge! Omega! Is Shadow home yet?
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Rouge: Shadow came back late last night and went straight to their room. I didn't talk to them. Omega? Did you speak with Shadow at all? Omega: Negative. Rouge: Hm... [Rouge leans back over her chair, head facing down the hallway to where Shadow's room is.] Rouge: Hey! Shadow! [There's shuffling, then Shadow emerges, coming into the living room.] Shadow:(ᓀ ᓀ)? Rouge: I never got to ask you, how was your dinner with Amy? [Shadow crosses their arms, ear twitching. They can no longer make eye contact.] Rouge:(✧ω✧) Aaah, okay. [Shadow's jaw is clenched, hands gripping their upper arms tightly. Rouge shoots a look to Omega as she runs her tongue over her teeth with a wink.] Rouge: Well listen, sugar, we still have to get ready for the party tonight. Are you still able to help out with that? [Shadow nods. Rouge sits up in her chair.] Rouge: Errands or decorating? Shadow: Errands. Rouge: Alright. Double-check the snacks and drinks for me, would you? Anything extra you think we might need, make sure to go get. There's spare rings in the jar by the door if you need them, and you can call if you have any questions. [Shadow nods again, and then, in a flash, they're gone. Rouge laughs.] Rouge: Oooooh I'm gonna win this bet, Omega! I can feel it! Omega:[-_-]
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
How’s it going omega? How much do you have?
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Omega: I have amassed five images of Rouge and Knuckles this evening. There are not more due to Rouge keeping Knuckles trapped on the couch by social convention and conversation. [There's a quick, high-pitched noise that almost sounds like an electric squeak. It has an air of annoyance.] Omega: However, the night is not yet over. Once the congregation moves to the rough, I shall engage in more espionage. I expect a lot of Hotwheels money from you, anonymous correspondence.
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
Hey Rouge... Have you seen Shadow and Amy?
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Rouge: Shadow's been sulking around for a while now, but I haven't seen Amy in a minute... Hey big guy, do you know where Amy is?
Omega: She followed Big into the kitchen. He needs help with preparing the food.
[Omega's processing fan kicks up with a puttering wir.]
Omega: That would normally be the job of a good host.
[Rouge sticks her tongue out before taking a sip of her drink and returning to her conversation with Knuckles. A shutter seems to go across one of Omega's eyes and, were it not for the music and crowd, one might hear the quiet click of a camera.]
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
*gives Omega a hotwheel* stole this from my brother. Hope it’ll suffice
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[The package falls onto Omega's head with a solid thunk. They immediately go into attack mode, but stop when they see the letter on top.]
Omega: An act of theft? For me?
[They open the package with all the tact of an excited 5 year old. Pulling the car from the packaging, they hold it up to the light and inspect their new Hotwheels before tucking it into their chassis.]
Omega: I will cherish this always. Thank you.
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
Hey Omega. Do magnets stick to you?
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Omega: Negative. Being significantly magnetic would be detrimental to my inner workings. I am built of a specialized homogenous titanium tungsten alloy. While I have some magnetic field, it is not enough to properly attract common magnetic. Rouge has tried.
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
Here’s the deal, Omega…
*slides Omega 30 bucks*
…For every cute moment we get to see between Knuckles and Rouge tonight, I’ll double that amount. If you play your cards right, that could mean a lot of hot wheels money for you, pal.
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[Omega snatches the money.]
Omega: Mission accepted.
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shadowxamyweek · 9 months
*slides Omega 45 Canadian dollars* For hotwheels
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[Omega's eyes seem to gleam as he tucks the money away under a party hat someone has placed on their head.] Omega: I was unsure of this anonymous correspondence at first, but if it gets me more Hotwheels money, then I will gladly comply. Thank you.
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