#so this is actually TWO seperate chat format boxes vs one because... yeah
shadowxamyweek · 4 months
To Team Dark: maybe a little early since the GUN case isn't close yet but we would like to know, if you are free from GUN what are you going to do? Will you three still work for them with a higher pay or do you want to do something else?
[Tails walks briskly, nervously, down a narrow hallway. The place is beige. Weathered and faded burgundy carpet covers his footsteps. There are no windows here, just artificial lights. Off-white walls are punctuated by doors that match the carpet.] [He knocks on one. When Rouge opens the door, he quickly hands her an envelope and then leaves. Rouge shuts the door behind him.] [Team Dark's room also has no windows. There are two narrow beds with rough sheets. Another door leads to a cramped bathroom where Shadow fills a glass with water from the sink. Omega has hunkered down in a corner with a Steamdeck.] Rouge: Got another letter from your girlfriend~! ( ̄ε ̄) [Shadow huffs, setting the cup down as they go to take the mail from Rouge. She holds it out of their reach.] Rouge: Why don't you ever tell us what she writes to you, hm? Is it sappy? Oh! Is it *spicy?* (✧ω✧) Shadow: ((╬◣﹏◢)) Rouge: You're not saying no~o! Omega: Calculating. Of all conversations sent between Shadow and Amy, 33% of dialog has been concerned business, 5% concerned negative feelings, 52% positive feelings, 15% sappy. Shadow: Omega! Omega: Of that 15%, it could be argued that there were some allusions but no direct language used to relay spicy. Shadow: Stop it! Omega: Including but not limited to: kissing and holding hands in pubic venues. Rouge: OMEGA! Σ(≧▽≦) [Rouge bursts into laughter. Shadow, heavily blushing, is furious.] Omega: If you retrieve your letters, Shadow, I will- Shadow: NO! Omega: Then you must accept my data as I present it. Rouge: Oooooooh Chaos, are you opening Shadow's mail? Omega: Negative. Shadow opens Shadow's mail. I am reading it afterwards. [Shadow flickers with Chaos energy. Rouge immediately steps between Shadow and Omega, wings unfurled to block Shadow's view.] Rouge: Okay, alright, okay. First, not spicy, so very disappointing. Second, no opening or reading other Team Dark member’s mail Omega. Come on, we've talked about nuance. [There's a burst of static from Omega as their head makes a quick rotation.] Omega: Nuance is for needle nose pliers. I am a machine of war. I will read whatever mail I want. Shadow: I will rip you inside out and turn you into a rice cooker! [There's a squawk from Omega's audio processor as they get to their feet, placing the Steamdeck down and marching towards Shadow.] Rouge: Oh! This letter isn't from Amy! [There's a pause.] Omega: Who is it from?
Rouge: Just someone asking what we want to do if we win the case. Asking if we want to stay with GUN or whatever. [She winks at Shadow.] Rouge: Don't have to ask what you want to do~ [Shadow huffs. They snatch their glass of water from where they left it and stalk over to one of the beds where they fish a book out from under the pillow.] Rouge: Don't know about you though, big guy? What do you think? Omega: I care very little about the outcome of the trial for my own benefits. Rouge: Really? That's surprising. Why? Omega: I am owned by no man. My only prerogative in this mission is to ensure the safety and well-being of my team. [Shadow looks up from their book. Rouge stammers into a moment of silence.] Rouge: Oh... that's- Omega, that's really sweet actually. Thank you, baby. But you do know- GUN *does* think they own you. Omega: They would be incorrect. I am not GUN tech. With the Tails' help, I am not even Eggman tech anymore. I am, as you say, a self-made robot. Rouge: Uh… right. Hey, Omega, you want to destroy all Eggman robots? Omega: Affirmative. Rouge: What if you could also destroy all GUN robots and therefore establish yourself as the *best robot.* [There's a whir of a processing fan. Suddenly, it speeds up excitedly.] Omega: No prior consideration had been given to this concept. [Shadow smirks, rolling his eyes before going back to his book. Rouge pats Omega on the arm.] Rouge: Yeah, you don't want to be limited in who you can destroy, big guy. When we get out of here, we're doing it for *all* of us. Omega: What about you? Rouge: Me? Oh, hm... [Rouge looks away, picking at an invisible spot on her teeth with one long, pointed nail.] Rouge: I might go back to my old job. Shadow: That being? Rouge: Art and jewelry theft. Shadow: Of course you would. Rouge: You know me, sugar. But I've got a bit of an idea to take the work experience and credentials GUN has so kindly provided us to turn myself into a real detective of sorts. Shadow: Oh really? Rouge: If only on paper. Shadow: Vector won't like that. Rouge: Well, not like some fancy private art gallery is gonna call the Chaotix, not with their track record. There's an obvious market to corner, so I'm gonna be the one to do it. Omega: Will you need fire power? Rouge: Always. Omega: Then I will stay with you Rouge: Aw, you wanna stay with little old me? Have a bit of a smash and grab spree? [Omega nods. Rouge laughs, then turns to Shadow.] Rouge: What do you think, hm? You also want in? [Shadow drums the fingers on the back of their book. They shut it and look at Rouge and Omega standing in the middle of the room.] [There's a pause.] [Try as they might, Shadow cannot fight the smirk creeping across their face.] Rouge: Aw yeah, baby, that makes us a team. (๑˃ᴗ✧)
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