#Athy the prettiest girl ever
lithi · 2 years
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Athy the prettiest girl ever <3
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
I'm sorry if i'm bothering you, but i just wanted to know...If Claude ever had a mana explosion just like Athy when he was a child 🤔 It happens when someone has too much mana right? Perhaps maybe Claude didn't have much mana like Athy but it was still very strong so there was no mana explosion and he did not have any beast like blackie ? Because Lucas also didn't have a mana explosion when he was a child (if we ignore how he got injured when he attacked his master) so does that mean Lucas as well has strong mana, but still less than Athy's? So does that mean only Athy can reincarnate since she has too much and powerful mana? But according to the manhwa Diana also got reincarnated despite her not having strong and big amount of mana... Probably reincarnation doesn't have to do anything with how strong or big your mana is, but then again, i can't help and wonder how both Athy and Aetarnithas managed to get reinccarnated without any godly power😅
Lots to unpack here (not a bother though!)
Claude and Athy's mana, Sacred Beasts, and Everything Being Aeternitas' Fault
It hasn't been stated anywhere that Claude had a mana storm like Athy had, so my answer would be no. However, the manhwa did confirm that he had a Sacred Beast like Blackie (chapter 101), and that when the Empress abused it, it made Claude sick. Lucas said in the novel that Sacred Beasts were more common years ago, especially in the royal family (that's why he goes to the palace to try to find one and recover some mana), because they manifested when a person had an amount of mana too great for their body. Going by that, we can assume that Claude and Athy had a remarkable amount of mana, even for royal family standards. Even so, Athy's mana storm didn't occur "naturally", it was caused by Blackie making contact with her and the cursed ribbon Jennette gave her.
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Another relevant thing is that Athy's mana is especially unstable because of Aeternitas' actions. Lucas said in the novel that Aeternitas ate all of the Sacred Beasts and even went as far as messing with his own descendants' mana (this is how he was able to reincarnate multiple times). That, in most cases, resulted in the next generations lacking in magic or, in Athy's case, having an incredible but very unstable amount, to the point it was dangerous for her body. That's what caused her near-death experience when she was little and was saved by Lucas.
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Lucas, the most powerful being in the whole world and prettiest boy-warlock in all the realms!
Indeed, it isn't stated anywhere that Lucas had a Sacred Beast of his own. It could be a possibility, but the extra about his backstory doesn't address it. One could argue that because of his innate talent, his body didn't need to manifest his mana in another sentient being and could handle it all on its own, and that's why he (presumably) didn't have a Sacred Beast. Whatever the case, I don't think Athy (or Claude, for that matter) has more mana than Lucas, since the Wizard of the Tower is canonically the strongest person in the world, and Lucas (also canonically) is literally able to destroy the continent and even bring the end of the world if he wished to do so.
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The most special girl in the whole world, literally
Athy's reincarnations are interesting. In the manhwa, everybody reincarnates, as Diana explains in chapter 100. Lucas further explains in chapter 109 that when a human dies, their spirit usually returns to the Sacred World Tree, the picture implying that the Tree is what makes the reincarnations possible. It's also stated by Lucas in chapter 75 that Athy's mana waves were something "he had never seen before", in chapter 80 that "she's a human who has traveled through time and space", and that it was very likely that she was able to have revelations of what happens after her death (refering to Athy's multiple visions of TLP's ending/Obelia burning to the ground). This is just my guess but, taking all of that into account, and how Diana said she had already reincarnated incompletely "somewhere in the continent" (as a swan, if volume 7's cover is literal and not metaphorical), I think what makes Athy's mana special is her ability to reincarnate in different worlds (Korea and Obelia) and times (presumably turning back time in Obelia in her third life). She also has some kind of special connection to the World Tree (who seems to be the literal god of wmmap's world, or at least "a god"). Make of that what you will. Athy is Jesus.
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Everybody, pay your respects to our Lady and Savior Athy
In summary, for all the talk about the royal family being "immortal" and "eternal", none of them truly lived forever, they just have extended lifespans. The only one that has proven to be immortal in some way is Athy. Aeternitas didn't reincarnate with his own mana or ability (noted by Lucas to be particularly lackluster), he ate so many Sacred Beasts that he made them almost extinct, and he messed up and stole his descendants' magic. Anastasius' corpse got reanimated/brought back from the brink of death by Aeternitas, so again, not really his own doing, and that was closer to necromancy than reincarnation. My speculation (so not confirmed!) is that Athy's connection to the World Tree stems from it recognizing her as the one who could save/rule Obelia, and the only one of the royal line that truly lived up to the immortal name.
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Hopefully that was helpful! I double checked my facts, but if a wmmap scholar Lithi has something to add/correct, please do!
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alicehattera03 · 4 years
Yo author, im still in awe of how you write so much in so little time but im not gonna rack my heads about that superpower(I'll go insane). Just asking that how would you visualise wmmap characters as physical,human counterparts. Could I tempt you into posting pics of which actors or models you prefer for wmmap characters. Again i know you r in a tight schedule and i don't wanna disturb you unnecessarily,but if you find it fun to then i shall be looking forward to it. Best of my regards😘
ANON YOU’VE SEEN ME WRITE?!? WHEN WHERE HOW!?!? EXAMPLE?!?! *whispers* It’s my big brain energy working at max speed and I can type fast ehe ur so sweet! (Don’t go insane!!!) 
And like wow- I’ve never actually thought about that before!!! How interesting ^^ HMMM OH but dw y’all I imagine them as their character designs when I write (projecting irl people is kinda awks lolol) But omg successfully tempted, and you’ve given me a break from writing, BLESSYOU ANON!!!! Also y’all are gonna be like- they’re all WHITE-if we go korean omg pls I’d die, but it’s cause they’re white in the manhwa) 
Claude: ...Dan Stevens??? Tom Hiddleston??(blonde, like in the Night Manager?!) IDKIDKFIHDJLS IDK SOMEONE SUAVE BUT AWKWARD (like a Lee Pace in the Hobbit type of aura but like Gilgamesh- wait that’s anime whoops but all these actors are so ..rugged?? like gimme a pretty boi that can massacre!) 
Diana: Margot Robbie??(you know her as Harley Quinn but I know her as Mary queen of scots) Gigi Hadid?? (she’s a mom now lmao) (no one can top Diana’s gorgeousness but maybe..)
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Athy: (even the prettiest person alive couldn’t measure up to her but this pic of Alexandra Lenarchyk if she had blue eyes, and currently affirming that Athy would be russian, greek, french or well- yah descended from royalty in my hogw-nvm anyways!! ) 
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Felix: (the cutest blood knight ever so someone like Richard Madden’s character in Bodyguard but uhm soft I guess? Ryan Reynolds might be a good fit actually? Like personality-wise and the action required I’d say this is a good top pick- or Jack Lowden who was in Dunkirk??)
Lilian: Natalie Dormer(left)(right is Emilia Clarke- who if you say they play sisters I mean we’ve got Athy and Jennette right here if they were half their age lmao) (idk she’s just really insanely pretty HAVE I TALKED ABOUT HER IN PENNY DREADFUL UGH STUNNING HER IN ELEMENTARY? STUNNING- and so’s Lily)
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Ijekiel: What’s a list without a young Leonardo di Caprio on it??!(younger ver, cause well that’s all the ages this man is into lately-) (or maybe the unproblematic white man Logan Lerman who resurfaces every few years with new devastating pics by his girlfriend-HMM)
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Lucas: Dylan O’Brien (maybe?? bad boy style?? like lucas has to be hot but like man he’s otherworldly how tf are mortals to match up with him???) 
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Jennette(Jeanette??): Emily Rudd (That tumblr famous girl cause she’s gotta be pretty lolol) 
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Roger: A younger version of Mads Mikkelsen (cause rawr silver fox alert!!)
Penelope: Emma Stone (young-ish)
Anastasius: Ian Somerhalder (blonde ver ofc, younger, also cause he’s a douche for making his wife get pregnant by throwing out her birth control pills and making her think she was on them and thus got her preggos cause he wanted a baby yes he’s hot but he’s a nutjob-can you tell I hate this guy and therefore designate him as numero uno dirtbag)
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op-peccatori · 5 years
a lacey birthday | lucathy
Fandom: 어느날 공주가 되어버렸다 | Who Made Me A Princess
Pairing: Athanasia de Alger Obelia/Lucas
Rating: Mature
Summary: Athanasia wonders if this will be the one birthday Lucas won't make it to. Lucas hates to disappoint. Lucathy, aged up.
Tags: birthday fluff, lucathy, KISSING
Notes: I stayed up till 8 am reading this webcomic, of course this was coming. Now the question is...should there be smut?
Chapter 1
It was a mountain of chocolates.
She could see the ones with caramel fillings, the extra special ones Lilly made and even the ones Jennette had gifted her the first time. She spotted the ones her father had acquired from different kingdoms. It was all for her and to no one’s surprise, she reached for the box Lucas had gotten her in lieu of an apology after a nasty argument. Her fingers rubbed against the silky green ribbon as she slowly unwrapped the box, her lips quirking up in a small smile. 
And then her eyes fluttered open to the sight of her room, bathed in moonlight and empty of any treats.
Athanasia rolled over in bed and sighed, feeling oddly pitiful. She couldn’t escape missing him even in her dreams. It wasn’t something she could say she enjoyed. She had grown selfish in her time in this world, constantly needing to keep her loved ones close to her.
Her childhood friend had left on another trip months before her eighteenth birthday and even though she had gotten used to his disappearing on various adventures, not having him by her side always left her feeling restless and upset. Her mind went back to the assortment of chocolates she had been about to eat in her dream, remembering the ruby eyed mage’s preference for the white ones. Her heart ached with the memory of him insisting she share them with him, how he’d sulked when she refused to do so and the way his cheeks had flushed when she held one up to his lips herself.
She’d had a wonderful birthday. Her personal life was peaceful enough to give her moments of suspicion, especially whenever she saw Claude interact with Jennette. It was silly, because the man still kept the other girl at an arm’s length, only giving in because she was dear to Athy. She avoided thinking about how her papa still looked at Ijekiel.
Coming back to her misery-her life in Obelia was the stuff of dreams, so why did her heart still hurt? Everyone deserved to have their own lives. Especially someone like the royal magician, who surely had a million things to attend to instead of fooling around with her. Her fists clenched around the soft covers as she squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to go back to sleep and half-hoping she’d have company this time.
“Well, this is a pretty lame way to end a birthday.”
Her eyes flew open, her heart giving a hopeful jolt because she knew that snarky tone, and she squinted at the figure standing in front of the windows. It could only be one person. Only one man had eyes like that, that could cut others down so easily yet look at her like they were trying to commit every inch of her to memory. 
Not many could appear in her room from thin air with such ease, confidence, and nonchalance at the thought of the Emperor’s wrath. Overpowered mage or not, Claude would not let her childhood playmate escape unscathed if he found out about their late-night conversations. The former playmate in question waited for her to finish processing his sudden appearance, only tilting his head in amusement. 
“Lucas,” she breathed. Oh, he was here. Here, before her birthday was over. In her room, while she was in bed wearing the rather risque nightgown the other princesses had snuck into her room as a secret gift. She hoped the way she drew the sheets up to her neck wasn’t too telling.
But Lucas seemed to be focused on her face, as if he was searching for something. “Aren’t most eighteenth birthdays a bit more...wild? You don’t even seem tipsy.”
“My father’s acceptance of my sweet tooth doesn’t extend to alcohol. Especially not with other boys my age around,” she told him, rolling her eyes.
“That’s unfortunate,” he drawled. He pulled his cloak back to present her with quite possibly the prettiest bottle of wine she had ever seen, along with a mischievous little smirk. Athy’s heart thudded at the latter. “I guess you’ll need to make sure this stays hidden.”
A grin immediately stretched across her lips as she sat up, making grabby hands at her gift.” Finally, an adult gift.” She was kneeling on her mattress, waiting for him to hand it over. Except, he seemed to still completely. She frowned at the way his lips pursed, wondering what his deal was.
Her confusion lasted until she felt the cool air pass over her bare legs, and then her heart dropped into her stomach. “Oh, um,” she stammered. She could only fidget in place as he examined her, his expression darkening with every inch of black lace he took in. She felt exposed, which was admittedly not an unfamiliar feeling in the presence of the man who could always see through her.
“I see I wasn’t the only one with that idea,” he said icily. She refrained from rolling her eyes, well aware of his protectiveness that could even rival her father’s on his good days.
“Some of the other girl’s thought I should, you know, have something mature. Just to myself, so I could feel like a lady,” she muttered. She quite liked the nightgown herself, even if it edged too much towards lingerie for her to ever wear it in front of anyone else. It was a deep blue in color, adorned with black lace around the neck and the bottom, which reached her knees.
Tasteful yet sexy. Something no one but Lilian could see, ever. 
As always, Lucas somehow ended up being an exception to the ‘no one else can know about this’ rule.  
The man himself stepped towards her, looking more thoughtful now as he handed her the bottle with no protests. She cradled it to her chest, somehow more self-conscious about the slight curves she’d begun to develop. It felt like she had changed in the months he’d been gone.
Athanasia wondered if Lucas had similar thoughts in mind, because he only nodded. “I just wanted to drop that off before the night was over. And...happy birthday, Princess.” The small but soft smile directed at her seemed to warm her down to the tips of her toes, a feeling she couldn’t get enough of. Which is why when he turned away, she reached for his hand while keeping his present in the middle of her pillows safely. He turned back to her in slight surprise, his long fingers curling around hers in a way that was all too familiar.
She got the feeling he was running away.
She didn’t actually know what to say, all she knew was that she wanted him to stay a little longer. Squeezing his hand tightly, she slowly got off the bed and stood before him. It seemed he’d chosen to do a little growing as well, because she had to crane her neck to really look at him.
“You didn’t even let me thank you,” she told him quietly, moving even closer. Her impossibly blue eyes zeroed in on his Adam's apple as it bobbed, Lucas gulping as she slowly closed the gap between them.
“There’s no need for that. I just thought I’d drop in before you threw a tantrum.” His words were all snark but his tone was like that of a man stranded in the desert. He didn’t take his eyes off her for even a second, his gaze intense as she stood upon the tips of her toes. Her hand came to rest on his steady shoulders as her lips were pressed to soft skin, not quite on his cheek and dangerously close to his mouth. 
“Thank you, Lucas,” she whispered, not trusting her voice to work normally. He was always so warm, she felt a bit dizzy at feeling it. 
The sound that came from his mouth was quickly stifled, and Athy felt like her face was on fire. But there was no embarrassment now, only determination. A warm pooling of something deep in her belly that called for less distance between them.
She stayed there, her lips hovering over warm skin and anticipation fueling her until he finally turned his head and let his own touch hers, in the barest hint of a kiss. They stayed there for a moment, breathing each other in, wanting so badly. Then, Athy’s fingers were in his hair and Lucas’ hand was on her waist, lips slotting together with a sense of urgency. 
His thumb stroked her skin through the soft material, his thoughts flying out the window. They kissed as they argued, neither willing to back down as the space between them was minimized, until they reached a rhythm that worked for them. She was pressed up against him by an arm around her waist and a hand at the back of her head as he tilted her head back to go deeper, to get more. More, as she shyly licked at his mouthed. More, as he opened his mouth with a low growl, inviting her in with no intention of ever letting her go.
They pulled away toon soon, their chests burning with the lack of air and a sense of satisfaction. Her eyes sparkled in the darkness, laughing breathlessly as he placed soft. frantic kisses on every inch of her face. Both of them, who had experienced being all alone, were completely unwilling to let go of the other.
“Lucas,” she panted, burying her head into his shoulder as she clung to him. Lucas was worse off, his hand tightening within golden strands as he kissed the top of her head. He fought the urge to whisk her away, to keep her to himself forever. He wondered if this was real, but the sting of Athy’s fingers digging into his side helped with that. He smiled as a thought came to him, one that had crossed his mind several times since he first met her.
Princess Athanasia was going to be the death of him. And he was going to enjoy every second of it.
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lithi · 2 years
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Athy: I’m so pretty it’s obvious Ijekiel would like me u-u
Also Athy: Lucas, am I ✨pretty✨?
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