#Athy my love
mxoumii · 10 months
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Birthday art for Athy:3 (and Lucas)
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
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Even more wmmap textposts nonsense (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7)
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cedobols · 1 year
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fanart of crux 💥 one of my favourite martian fics by @antimonyandthyme
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h. hold on. I need to be fuckin. in pain for a moment. (/lh) like. okay. I'm biased about this. Look me in the eyes. I pair my bard durge (Behemoth) with Karlach. I love them both and want the best for them. I'm biased.
But a Durge, who has forgotten all that they were and is trying to be so much better than it, and Karlach, who faced hell and came out singing? Oh my god?
A Durge who has all these intrusive thoughts of violence, and yet is trying so hard to be kind anyway. The cleric of Shar is sweet to them, but sometimes enables their sadism. The vampire makes their head dance with thoughts of how he'd make a pretty corpse. The gith hears that they have violent urges, and hears nothing out of the ordinary. The wizard seems somewhat afraid of them. And then they meet Wyll, and think, whoever I was, this man represents what I want to be. So they follow the trail of demon-slaying, and…
…Oh. The "demon" is kind, and sweet, full of fury and fire, but also filled with love.
And she reignites hope in them, that maybe, just maybe, they can be the same. That despite all these thoughts of blood and death, they can be someone better. She has escaped a place of monsters, and they're trying their damn best not to be another monster, and she sees something in them.
A Durge who isn't really used to affection without a motive. Who feels their cold heart stir when Karlach smiles and compliments them. Never mind the fact that they're not used to much physical touch that's not for the purpose of slaughter, the fact that they can't touch Karlach without being burnt is…new. A Durge who takes to curling up nearby instead because they feel softer just basking in that warmth.
Karlach finding solace in someone who is only half-joking when they say they wouldn't mind a few burn marks if it means they get to kiss her. Karlach meeting someone who visibly brightens whenever she speaks to them, because she is fire amongst the dark. Karlach having someone by her side who would rather burn in her arms than hurt her.
A Durge, coming from a place of blood, but finding for themselves what they are without it. Bit by bit, they work up to saying…
"I…love you."
And get teary-eyed when "I love you too!" is said with no restraint.
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sssusuki · 1 year
In the story, Who Made me a Princess, Ijekiel Alpheus has his potential as a great character diminished by the way he was not only handled by the author, but those around him and the story. He is someone who has complicated relations with his family, who have only ever seen him as another tool in the family to achieve greatness and therefore uses his intelligence to bury himself in books to drown out that loneliness. Even if his father loved him, and says it later on in the story, it is never actively shown— and if anything, it is assumed that his father abandoned him after his mother died. He had his future decided the moment he was born and he had no control over his own life and that is why he fell so fast for Athanasia. Despite all his high walls and barriers, because she was something unachievable and, like her name, impossible for his father and himself to imagine. If he was given the chance to develop as a character rather than being a secondary love interest, they could've shown his complexities and— if anything, his quite gray morality. As he has shown that he will harm himself and others to get to his own satisfactory conclusion (as specifically shown in his standoff against Athanasius) as well as his more rivalry and forbidden relationship with Athanasia. In this essay I will
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dyinggirldied · 2 months
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Dresses remind me of LP!Athy
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I need someone to get into lp LucaJen with the same level of intensity I'm into Athykiel so we can hold hands across the internet
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lucathycoded · 4 months
<Translated from the original novel>
Princess Athanasia's
15th birthday |♡|
Masquerade ball
A huge number of people gathered at the ball for the celebration of Princess Athanasia's 15th birthday party held at the Emerald Palace.
The recipients of the invitation were all noblemen and young ladies of similar age to Princess Athanasia, and the attendance rate for the masquerade ball that day was nearly 100. There was a rumor going around of a feud between Emperor Claude and the princess and one day the Emperor's Chamber, which was said to be looking for the missing princess was spread throughout the country, so it was natural for people's curiosity to soar endlessly.
After some time, Princess Athanasia and Emperor Claude showed their close relationship again at an official event, so the rumors of discord between the two quickly died down, but they still watched their relationship with a suspicious eye (suspicion)
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There were people out and about. Meanwhile, Princess Athanasia was said to be holding a party at the Emerald Palace to celebrate her 15th birthday, so it was natural that the invitees decided to attend to confirm the truth of the rumor.
“Those who do not have a mask ready, please let us know before entering.”
Moreover, unusually, at Princess Athanasia's ball, all attendees had to wear masks.
“If you are not wearing a mask, you will not be permitted to enter the ball.”
There were ladies and noblemen who had prepared masks in advance as instructed in the invitation, but those who did not, got masks handed to them one by one by the attendant waiting in the front as soon as the carriage door was opened. Since they were all children of nobles who had recently debuted in the social world, their experience of attending a ball was extremely rare.
Moreover, it was my first time entering a ball like this with my face covered by a mask, so I felt embarrassed and intrigued at the same time.
As I entered the palace with my face covered, I noticed attendees wearing masks of different shapes. Everyone seemed unfamiliar with the current situation. Because each person had their face covered, they could not easily move around to find someone they knew, so the attendees squirmed in place, only moving their curious gazes here and there.
Suddenly, the lights in the chandelier went out all at once.
“What is happening all of a sudden?”
In an instant, the murmur in the descendend darkness spread into the ballroom. It was at that moment that an echoing louder (sonorous) voice rang in my ears.
“Thank you everyone for being here today.”
It was clear that it was Princess Athanasia, the host of the ball. Spreading in all directions, everyone listened to that outgoing voice
"As explained in the invitation, today’s masquerade ball is a secret ball where you hide your faces from each other and dance. Depending on your personal preference, you may change the mask provided in the ballroom room several times, and feel free to use a pseudonym¹.”
(A stage name instead of their actual one)
But no matter how much I concentrated, I couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from. Also, the lights in the chandelier turned off all at once. Could it be magic? The rumor that Princess Athanasia had awakened the power of a powerful wizard, following Emperor Claude, was a very interesting topic of gossip among people.
“It is a rule to only take off your mask at the end of the ball, and it is against the rules to forcibly remove someone's mask or force them to do so in anyway. In this case, you may be expelled from the ball, so please be careful.”
Anyway, Princess Athanasia quickly succeeded in grabbing people's attention.
“Then, I would like to thank Abamama² for organizing this event for my 15th birthday.” (A term of address used by a royal child for their father.)
A faint smile was mixed in the clear voice that echoed throughout the ballroom. “I hope you all have a good time today.”
And the next moment, the chandeliers and candlesticks placed throughout the ballroom lit up.
The exclamations of people here and there rang in my ears. As the sound of music spread throughout the venue, servants waiting around began offering drinks to attendees.
“Wow, it’s a strange ballroom.”
"I know, right. But, um, it seems a little interesting......"
“I think this is my first time seeing you today. Would you like to go over there and talk for a moment?”
"I'd love to."
At first, the ladies and gentlemen were a little hesitant, but as they talked while hiding their identities according to the ballroom's policy, they felt a strange sense of freedom and fun that they had never felt before. It was quite interesting to guess who the other person was through conversation and actions. Soon they were immersed in a unique ball.
.......That was my scenario. And it seemed like my scenario was a success! Yes as planned!
I was relieved to see the young boys and girls huddled together in groups of twos and threes, having fun as if they had never seen the day before. Maybe I was worried for no reason that my birthday party today might be a disaster. Yes, yes. This is the magic of the masquerade ball. You know the freedom of anonymity? As I walked around the ballroom, I saw people playing a game of guessing each other's identities on one side. I also changed my voice and slipped in.
“Well, let me guess. Seeing your red hair like roses and skin as white as a shimmering lily....."
drum rolls! Your name is!
"The young lady....."
This is Marquis Irene’s Lily Girl!!
“I think it might be Miss Lorena, the rose of the Count of Florence.”
But it wouldn't be fun if we revealed it now, so let's make it even more confusing. I've seen the Lily girl up close often, so I knew her identity right away, but it's probably unclear to others. Moreover, she was wearing a wig on her head, as if she had made up her mind for the masquerade ball today. Of course, even on a day like this, it looks like Lily couldn't give up what it was.
“Well, I don’t know.”
“Oh, I see that you stutter, so isn’t that correct?”
“Now that I think about it, I’ve seen Ms. Lorena from afar before. They really look alike…”
I quietly left the place, just like when I first got in between them, leaving behind the people who were starting to make a fuss.
The party was in full swing. People who were uncomfortable at first because they didn't know each other's identities began to hang out with each other without hesitation as time passed. Perhaps because it was a gathering of only boys and girls of the same age, it was inevitable that we would get along well.
Well, okay. If we have fun today, the rumors of discord between Claude and me will become less frequent than they are now. Well, since there was no way the emperor would allow a birthday party for a hated princess, I thought that holding a masquerade ball today would make most of the noise go away.
After a while, I sneaked out from the crowd of people enjoying the dance.
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————— | ♡ | —————
(aaa This part.)
“huaa³.” sigh
When I got outside, I was finally able to breathe a little. To be honest, I didn't really feel like hanging out with the crowd today, but I think it was a good idea to choose a masked ball as the theme. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for me, the star of the party, to get out like this.
Also, I got a message from Duke Alpheus in the morning that Ijekiel and Jennette couldn't attend my birthday ball today due to circumstances. I was a little curious about the reason. Jennette's face, which I saw on the last day of the National Foundation Festival, at Duke Alpheus' residence was also bothering me, and the luck at my birthday party
Izekiel, whom I met in the province, was also a little troubled......
After thinking about it, I leaned against the terrace railing. Even though there was no reason for it, my mind became a little complicated.
"Isn't this your birthday party?"
Of course, that didn't last long because of the voice that came from beside me
"Why are you out alone and brooding over your loneliness?"
"Ah, loneliness is your specialty, right?"
I smirked and looked towards Lucas sitting on the terrace and giggled.
That's right, isn't it? No matter how lonely I am, I can not defeat you, the lonely black wolf! But what was Lucas' face when he heard me........
"Hey, that look is a bit too much....."
It was so blatantly saying, "What bullshit?" Uh huh⁴ ( urgh, groan)
It was obviously such a blatant expression
"As expected, I should've eliminated the first person who started talking about this nonsense."
"Eek⁵, Lily girl!" 앗-An exclamation uttered when startled.
"Hoo, Lily girl?"
Oops! I unknowingly blew up who bestowed the title of 'Lone Black Wolf' on Lucas! Above, it's dangerous!
"Wow, wow look over there. Lucas! stars in the night sky!"
Luckily, Lucas only looked at me like he knew, but he didn't dig into Lily girl's identity any further. Maybe he's only letting it slide for now because it's my birthday ball! Urgh, I hope not. Please don't ask me anything more. I'm supposed to protect the Lily girl! Oh, come to think of it, that Lily girl is inside the very ballroom today, right? If I make a mistake, could I accidentally turn my ball into a bloodbath tonight?
"I'm giving you a special favor since today is your birthday party."
Oh, that's a relief.
"Looking at it today, It seems like even if I don't ask you directly, you might spill it out of your mouth again, later anyway."
What? I'm not like that!
"Well, I guess I won't be in a bad mood today. I already gave you a birthday present, but here is something special for the princess."
Without even realizing what that meant, Lucas lightly swung his hand left and right in the air once. And at that very moment, something literally magical happened before my eyes
Soft petals and twinkling starlight began to flutter and scatter in the night sky at the same time. It was as if the flowers and stars that had been gathering in the sky overflowed to the ground and formed a waterfall. I heard a loud cheer and turned my head to see that the same thing was happening in the ballroom. I watched people in awe as they were hit by the glittering petals pouring down from the ceiling and then turned my head forward again.
Lucas dangled his legs over the railing indifferently, as if he had never cast a spell like this for me.
"thank you."
I whispered under my breath as I watched the beautiful scene in front of me. The voice that was mixed in the night air was small, almost a whisper, but Lucas must have heard it.
My little late 1 5th birthday party was coming to an end just like that.
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Mesmerizing, wasn't it?
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shxrry-blossom · 5 months
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i always liked the relationship athy has with her maids and even more in the novel. The sweet Hanna, the cold seth and the mother Lily. So, i thought that in a modern au athy would call them her godmothers.
Hanna is sweet and is good with animals, plus she cooks very deliciously so she would have a food place that Athy would always go to visit (some coffee or something) Hanna also loves romance so she is the one who first introduces Athy to the world of romance books. They always recommend books to each other and when Athy goes to visit her after school they stay debating the books they read. Hanna also loves romcoms but Athy is a little more critical of them.
Seth is tougher and harder to approach but has a soft side for Athy. She is very good with cleaning and above all very brave (she literally wanted to hit Claude for what he did to athy on his birthday lmao).
I don't remember if it was her or Lily who helped Athy with her dresses, hair, makeup and things like that, but since I have something else for Lily, I'll give it to her. Seth likes fashion so she would dedicate herself to designing outfits and selling them but above all she loves choosing what Athy will wear.
and lastly Lily, she has a great talent for singing, in fact she loved to sing while Diana danced. That's how they met. They became friends quickly and have always been together ever since. Lily would be a singer but over time she decided to get away from that world because she no longer felt comfortable and dedicated herself to taking care of Athy.
The three would become close friends with Diana and help her raise Athy. (I love the idea of Athy being raised only by women)
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jeweledflowers · 2 years
some people: claude is a murderer! claude is a bad father!! **rant about claude**
me, protectively: claude. mine.
Rant incoming--
Look, Claude's actions for Athanasia in the first life are like this: he erased his memories for diana. he thus truly thinks athanasia is not his daughter. the black magic eventually kills him, from what we were shown.
in her second life, isn't he a fictional character (the lovely princess novel)? what is he supposed to do?
in her third life, he truly tries to be a good father. it's to the point that lucas has to stabalize him, because he tried so hard to wake up to help Athanasia against the nobles. and it's not like claude had an easy life; he was betrayed, misunderstood, always the second choice, and you really can't blame him for erasing his memories. Athanasia describes his pain as 'it feels like my heart is being ripped apart'.
so, thus, claude is my all-time favorite manhwa dad. wmmap is my all time favorite manhwa. thank you for attending this rant.
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lucasdeocampo · 3 months
I like to think that when aethernitas reincarnated, Lucas greeted him first, just like what lucas promised him in the past. Aethy worked to be accepted as a court mage in the palace, and Lucas knew it was him when he saw the application. I like to think that both of them became friends after Lucas decided to take aethy under his wings and taught him things (which aethy regretted cuz lucas sucks at teaching lol but he survived). When athy found out that aethy is back, she was a bit suspicious at first but lets it go when he saw lucas having fun. So then athy and aethy became friends too
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
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The beginning and the end
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kirby-souljourney-au · 7 months
Allow me to drop a bit o’ lore on ya, in fun fact bullet-list form!
Athena and Ini + Shini are around the same age, Athena being a month older than the other two.
Galacta, who had already gone through a ton of pain and suffering to have a third child, spent approximately three hours minimum just… holding baby Ini and crying. He is a very emotional person.
Kirby genuinely did not expect the creation spell that birthed Ini to work. Neither did Skirby. Both of them were completely and utterly baffled when their respective daughters were born, barely the size of a fist and squeaking indignantly. They immediately ran to Void having fifty different panic attacks about Oh My God I’m A Fucking Dad Now.
Athena and Artemis sometimes help Ini and the other Absolutes with band stuff. Planning and posters and setup are absolutely their thing!
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[takes 1 acid damage] [takes 1 poison damage] [takes 1 acid damage] [takes 1 poison damage]
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antimonyandthyme · 2 years
The doors open, and a person steps into the confession booth. Sebastian stays silent for a moment, the smell of gun oil and gas familiar to him, and before he can initiate the sacrament - in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit again and again and again - the other person speaks first.
"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned."
Sebastian closes his eyes. He keeps silent.
"My last confession was - fuck, I don't know. At least a month ago. When I tested the new fighter pilot, that was - Thursday, twenty-seven days ago." Sebastian smiles, because of course that's how Max would remember it. Of course it would be in connection to his flying. Of course.
"Since then, I've, fuck. I've blasphemed, uh, a lot, as you can see. Hear," he amends, and Sebastian bites his lip, "and I've, uh, had some pre-marital sex. I guess blowjob counts as sex, right? Yeah, a, uh, a girl blew me." Sebastian hears him shuffle, and guesses that he's shrugged. "It was nice. Wet, but - nice. She was cool." There is an intake of breath, and then a soft curse, and Max falls silent.
Sebastian waits. There is nothing else to do. He doesn't dare speak; he's too - it's too much.
"I guess - none of that shit matters. It's all - you'll just tell me to pray, and I'll try, but -" he huffs, irritated, and Aeb knows the face he's making, he can imagine it perfectly "- I don't think it matters, so it doesn't count, right? Fuck, the only - the only thing that counts is what - I don't know how to - fuck!" Max half-yells, and Sebastian can hear him perfectly, even through the furious beating of his heart in his ears.
"I'm in love with someone I shouldn't be in love with," Max says quickly, irritated, and Sebastian would bet he's squezzing his eyes shut, like he's trying to hide himself from the truth. "And he - it's a he, which is already shitty, because you don't - you don't condone that shit." He scoffs. "You suck for that, by the way." Seb bites back a laugh; bites himself so he almost draws blood, so that he doesn't speak and - and ruins Max's confession.
"The problem is - he's - he's fucking - smart, and good. He cares about the environment - he ranted about fighter jet pollution to me once for twenty fucking minutes," Max says, smile in his voice. "And he's - he's kind." He lowers his voice. "He's kind to me. Not many people are."
Sebastian clenches his fists. He starts praying; instinctively, desperately, silently.
"And he - I can't ever tell him, because, he's - fuck, I can't even say it." Sebastian hears him suck in a breath. "He's a fucking priest."
Sebastian lets out a harsh breath. Max doesn't seem to hear it, speaking on, the dam broken.
"He's fucking everything, you know. He was going to be an engineer, or a pilot before that. Flew the jets, even, before - before. He told me that once. He knows stuff about jets, and he has all these ideas about what - about ethics and shit, and he laughs like he's free, and he - he listens to me when I talk, and he - he listens like he actually cares. And that's - and I can't ever tell him, because he's a guy, and he's a fucking priest, and I'm in love with him, and he'd never forgive me that. Nobody ever forgives me anything, fuck, your God sure as fuck won't forgive me this, and I - I can't, and I won't, because I can't live in a world where he - where he doesn't want to see me, or talk to me, or forgive me."
Max breathes harshly, like he ran for miles, or like he had been drowning and was now finally breathing again. It's the only sound in the confession booth. It's the only sound, aside feom Seb's own heart, irregular and fast, too fast, fighter-jet fast. He remembers how that felt, still. He hasn't forgotten.
The silence lasts - a moment; an eternity.
Sebastian forces his voice not to shake as he adopts a lower, softer register.
"I think our - I think he may forgive you, Max."
Max's heavy breathing stops.
"I think," Seb says, and he breaks, his voice breaks, deapite his best efforts, "he wouldn't think there was anything to forgive."
-- hope you enjoy this Athy :) all the love, sq101
Anon I’m quite possibly about to lose my mind. Like. I’m going to lose my entire mind, I’m gonna start crying, and walking around in circles, and knocking over furniture, and gnawing a hole through the wall and—
Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness gracious me (in George’s voice). When I said who will write me this I didn’t expect you to show up with this stunner of a fic I’m gobsmacked I’m at a loss for words. It’s beautiful.
I think—his voice breaks—he wouldn’t think there was anything to forgive. Oh my suns, oh my. Oh my. Seb granting him absolution? Oh my suns I’ve gone weak in the knees.
Anon I might be in love with you?? I will be thinking about this for the rest of the day/night/week?? I will get no sleep??
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sylver-drawer · 7 months
Tfw you make a whole new love interest for Athy because you dislike both of the canon ones
#both of them have similar flaws at different levels#no hobbies#no interests#no meaningful relationships nor the desire for any outside of her#they care but only at surface level and don’t care at a deeper empathetic level#like hey I like you but I actually don’t think I know what I like about you#and my care for you is explicitly more like I care for your attention#and I don’t really care about what you love#I only care about what you love if it affects you because if something happens to you your attention is also gone#I also don’t actually know that much about you#even though they’ve both spent different amounts of time with her#they don’t actually know nor understand Athy emotionally nor has Athy actually opened up about a lot of things#like the closest she’s opened up in her whole third life was to Jennette and that’s depressing#Ijekiel has seen a lot of her lonely and sad side but doesn’t know her internally or at a deeper level#Lucas has spent the most time with her but doesn’t understand her feelings completely at all nor does he understand her reasons and drive#nor does he really care about them as long as she’s alive#which applies to them both#also both would kinda suck politically and foreign affairs-wise speaking#Lucas would suck at foreign affairs because I physically cannot see him understanding or caring enough about others#he can fake kindness but he can’t fake understanding#and understanding is key for foreign affairs#Ijekiel would be better and his foreign Arlanta knowledge would help#but also#his social skills aren’t that much better than Lucas’#there are too many cons for both of them that could outweigh the pros#and plus the pros Athy can easily access as friends anyway#I am a strong advocate for single Empress Athy or marrying a completely different and qualified person she meets in adulthood#like what happened to the flowery boy and lone wolf or literally any other noble in Obelia that’s around her age#or even foreign nobles#syl tea
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