#August 25 2005
Outkast - Hey Ya! 2003
"Hey Ya!" is a song by American hip hop duo Outkast. It was released as one of two lead singles from their fifth album, Speakerboxxx/The Love Below, on August 25, 2003. The track became a commercial success, reaching number one in the US, Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Norway, and Sweden. "Hey Ya!" received critical acclaim upon release, and is consistently ranked as one of the greatest songs of the 2000s. It was ranked number ten in Rolling Stone's revised 2021 list of the "500 Greatest Songs of All Time". "Hey Ya!" was the first song on Apple's iTunes to reach one million downloads and in September 2005, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified the single platinum for shipping one million copies. At the 46th Grammy Awards, the song won Best Urban/Alternative Performance and was nominated for Record of the Year.
In the video, André 3000 plays all eight members of the fictional band The Love Below: keyboardist Benjamin André, bassist Possum Aloysius Jenkins, vocalist André "Ice Cold" 3000, drummer Dookie Blossom Gain III, three backing vocalists the Love Haters, and guitarist Johnny Vulture. At the 2004 MTV Video Music Awards, the video won four awards for Video of the Year, Best Hip-Hop Video, Best Special Effects, and Best Art Direction. It was also nominated for Best Direction. "Hey Ya!" was nominated for Best Short Form Music Video at the 46th Grammy Awards. In Canada, it won the award for Best International Video by a group at the 2004 MuchMusic Video Awards.
"Hey Ya!" received a total of 92,5% yes votes!
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
"Why doesn't Hamas just have elections?'
The result was a victory for Hamas, contesting under the list name of Change and Reform, which received 44.45% of the vote and won 74 of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah received 41.43% of the vote and won 45 seats.[1][...]
In the lead-up to the elections, on 26 September 2005 Israel launched a campaign of arrests against PLC members. 450 members of Hamas were detained, mostly those involved in the 2006 PLC elections. The majority of them were kept in administrative detention for different periods.[19] In the election period, 15 PLC members were captured and held as political prisoners.[20]
During the elections, the Israeli authorities banned the candidates from holding election campaigns inside Jerusalem. Rallies and public meetings were prohibited. The Jerusalem identity cards of some PLC members were also revoked.[21] The Carter Center, which monitored the elections, criticised the detentions of persons who "are guilty of nothing more than winning a parliamentary seat in an open and honest election".[22][...]
On 21 December 2005, Israeli officials stated their intention to prevent voting in East Jerusalem, which, unlike most of the Palestinian-inhabited areas that are planned to participate in the election, is under Israeli civil and military control. (Israel annexed East Jerusalem in the wake of the Six-Day War; this move has not been recognized by most other governments, or by the PNA, which claims Jerusalem as a Palestinian capital.) Israel's stated motivation was not the argument about sovereignty over the area (Palestinian voters in East Jerusalem had been allowed to vote in previous PNA elections despite the dispute) but concern over Hamas' participation in—and potential victory in—the election.[...]
The Israeli police arrested campaigners of Hamas and closed at least three Hamas election offices in East Jerusalem during the campaign.[26][27][...]
On 29 March 2006 a new government was formed by Hamas leader Ismail Haniya.
After the kidnap of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit on 25 June 2006, Israel launched a series of raids into Gaza and West Bank. Israel destroyed civilian infrastructure and arrested dozens of Hamas supporters, including elected cabinet ministers and members of the PLC. On 28 June overnight, the army invaded Gaza and performed airstrikes, bombing infrastructure such as bridges and an electricity station. On 29 June, the IDF detained from the West Bank 8 ministers and 26 PLC members in addition to many other political leaders.[19][41] By August 2006, Israel had arrested 49 senior Hamas officials, all from the West Bank, including 33 parliamentarians, "because technically they were members of a terrorist organisation although they may not be involved in terrorist acts themselves". Most of the Hamas detainees were moderate members from the West Bank who had been calling on the Gaza leadership to recognise Israel and make the party more acceptable to the international community. Hamas has accused Israel of trying to destroy the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority.[42][...]
On 28 January 2006, Israel said it would prevent Hamas leaders, including newly elected PLC deputies, from travelling between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. On 29 January, Ehud Olmert said that after Hamas sets up a Government, Israel would stop transferring to the PA custom duties and taxes it had collected on their behalf until it was satisfied that they would not end up in the hands of "terrorists". US Secretary of State Rice declared that "The United States wants other nations to cut off aid to a Hamas-led Palestinian Government, also ruling out any US financial assistance to a Hamas Government." [45] On 17 February, one day before the new parliament was sworn in, the then Fatah-led government returned $50 million US aid that Washington did not want to come in the hands of the new government. The money had been intended for infrastructure projects in Gaza.[46][...]
Just before the January 2006 elections, and after witnessing Hamas' gains in municipal polls, the House of Representatives passed H.Res. 575 (December 16, 2005), asserting that terrorist groups, like Hamas, should not be permitted to participate in Palestinian elections until such organizations "recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, cease incitement, condemn terrorism, and permanently disarm and dismantle their terrorist infrastructure."[54] The Palestinian Authority chose to ignore this external decision[...]
The New York Times reported in February 2006 that "The United States and Israel are discussing ways to destabilize the Palestinian government so that newly elected Hamas officials will fail and elections will be called again. The intention is to starve the Palestinian Authority of money and international connections to the point where, some months from now, its president, Mahmoud Abbas, is compelled to call a new election."[56] Just how much further matters would be taken was revealed in April 2008. Tom Segev (in Ha'aretz) reported:
a "confidential document, a 'talking points' memo,[57] was left by the U.S. consul general in Jerusalem, Jake Walles, on the desk of Mahmoud Abbas . … According to the paper left behind … he wanted to pressure Abu Mazen to take action that would annul the outcome of the elections that had catapulted Hamas to power. … When nothing happened, Walles … warned the Palestinian president that the time had come to act. Instead, Abu Mazen launched negotiations with Hamas on the establishment of a unity government. … At this point the Americans moved to "Plan B." That was a plan to eliminate Hamas by force. In fact, it was to be a deliberately fomented civil war Fatah was supposed to win, with U.S. help."[58][...]
Vanity Fair has obtained confidential documents, since corroborated by sources in the U.S. and Palestine, which lay bare a covert initiative, approved by Bush and implemented by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams, to provoke a Palestinian civil war. The plan was for forces led by Dahlan, and armed with new weapons supplied at America's behest, to give Fatah the muscle it needed to remove the democratically elected Hamas-led government from power. (The State Department declined to comment.) Some sources call the scheme "Iran-contra 2.0," recalling that Abrams was convicted (and later pardoned) for withholding information from Congress during the original Iran-contra scandal under President Reagan. There are echoes of other past misadventures as well: the C.I.A.'s 1953 ouster of an elected prime minister in Iran, which set the stage for the 1979 Islamic revolution there; the aborted 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, which gave Fidel Castro an excuse to solidify his hold on Cuba; and the contemporary tragedy in Iraq.[59]
The Jerusalem Post confirmed that the documents cited by Vanity Fair "have been corroborated by sources at the US State Department and Palestinian officials", and added:
The report said that instead of driving its enemies out of power, the US-backed Fatah fighters inadvertently provoked Hamas to seize total control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007. David Wurmser, who resigned as Vice President Dick Cheney's chief Middle East adviser a month after the Hamas takeover, said he believed that Hamas had no intention of taking over the Gaza Strip until Fatah forced its hand. "It looks to me that what happened wasn't so much a coup by Hamas but an attempted coup by Fatah that was preempted before it could happen," he was quoted as saying. Wurmser said that the Bush administration engaged in a "dirty war in an effort to provide a corrupt dictatorship [led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas] with victory." Wurmser said he was especially galled by the Bush administration's hypocrisy. "There is a stunning disconnect between the president's call for Middle East democracy and this policy," he said. "It directly contradicts it.".[60][...]
The original article was cited by the Irish Times, the Israeli historian and political analyst, Tom Segev, in an article entitled "Bay of Pigs in Gaza", and also by Suzanne Goldenburg of The Guardian, who added "A state department memo put the cost for salaries, training and weapons at $1.27bn (£640m) over five years."[50]
The 2008 exposé by Vanity Fair (of plans to reverse the democratic 2006 PA parliamentary elections) confirmed a CF Report of January 2007, over a year earlier, by Alistair Crooke:
Deputy National Security Advisor, Elliott Abrams ... has had it about for some months now that the U.S. is not only not interested in dealing with Hamas, it is working to ensure its failure. In the immediate aftermath of the Hamas elections, last January, Abrams greeted a group of Palestinian businessmen in his White House office with talk of a "hard coup" against the newly-elected Hamas government — the violent overthrow of their leadership with arms supplied by the United States. While the businessmen were shocked, Abrams was adamant — the U.S. had to support Fatah with guns, ammunition and training, so that they could fight Hamas for control of the Palestinian government.
Over the last twelve months, the United States has supplied guns, ammunition and training to Palestinian Fatah activists to take on Hamas in the streets of Gaza and the West Bank. A large number of Fatah activists have been trained and "graduated" from two camps — one in Ramallah and one in Jericho. The supplies of rifles and ammunition, which started as a mere trickle, has now become a torrent (Haaretz reports the U.S. has designated an astounding $86.4 million for Abu Mazen's security detail), and while the program has gone largely without notice in the American press, it is openly talked about and commented on in the Arab media. Of course, in public, Secretary Rice appears contrite and concerned with "the growing lawlessness" among Palestinians, while failing to mention that such lawlessness is exactly what the Abrams plan was designed to create."[61]
Voice of America reported that the Bush administration had denied the Vanity Fair report.[62]
In 2016 a 2006 audio tape emerged that contains an interview by Eli Chomsky of the Jewish Press with Hillary Clinton. Clinton opined that pushing for elections "in the Palestinian territories ... was a big mistake", adding "(a)nd if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win."[63][...]
In June 2007 the Washington Post reported: "Hamas … leaders have accused Fatah's security services of working on behalf of Israeli and American interests because of a $40 million U.S. aid package to strengthen Abbas's forces. … The Israeli government has openly supported Fatah forces against Hamas, whose tightening control of Gaza alarmed Israeli defense officials.[67]
In a wikileaks cable dated 13 June 2007, Shin Bet security chief Yuval Diskin told U.S. Ambassador to Israel Richard Jones that: "Fatah had thus turned to Israel for help in attack Hamas", which he termed a new and unprecedented development in Jerusalem's relations with the Palestinian Authority.
In the cable sent to Washington, Jones said that Yadlin had been quite satisfied with Hamas' seizure of the Gaza Strip. If Hamas managed to take complete control then the Israel Defense Forces would be able to relate to Gaza as a hostile territory and stop looking at the militant group as an undiplomatic player, Yadlin apparently told Jones."[68]
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
The @UN created an exhibit dedicated to all terror victims worldwide, without including a single Israeli victim of terrorist violence.
To highlight the blatant absurdity of the UN, here’s an incomplete list of terror attacks against Israelis, by decade:🧵 
1. April 7, 2022 Tel Aviv Shooting - Casualties: 3 people killed, 6 injured - Group Responsible: Palestinian Islamic Jihad
2. November 23, 2022 Jerusalem Bus Bombing - Casualties:2 people killed, 18 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas 
3. October 7, 2023 Massacre - Casualties: Over 1,200 people killed, thousands injured, and many taken hostage - Group Responsible: Hamas, along with several other Palestinian terror groups. 
5. March 11, 2011 Itamar Attack - Casualties: 5 members of the Fogel family killed (parents and 3 children) - Group Responsible: Two Palestinian attackers, later linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
6. March 23, 2011 Jerusalem Bus 74 Bombing: - Casualties: 1 person was killed, 30 injured. - Group Responsible: Hamas.
7. November 18, 2014 Har Nof Synagogue Massacre - Casualties: 6 Israeli and 1 Druze killed - Group Responsible: Two Palestinian attackers, praised by Hamas
8. June 8, 2016 Tel Aviv Sarona Market Shooting: - Casualties: 4 people were killed. - Group Responsible: ISIS. 
2000s (Second Intifada)
9. June 1, 2001 Dolphinarium Discotheque Bombing - Casualties: 21 people killed, over 100 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas
10. August 9, 2001 Sbarro Restaurant Bombing - Casualties: 15 people killed, over 130 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas
11. January 17, 2002 Bat Mitzvah Massacre: - Casualties: 6 people killed, 33 injured.  - Group Responsible: al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
12. March 2, 2002 Yeshivat Beit Yisrael Massacre: - Casualties: 11 people, including 7 children, killed. - Group Responsible: Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
13. March 9, 2002 Café Moment Bombing: - Casualties: 11 people killed. - Group Responsible: Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas).
14. March 27, 2002 Park Hotel Massacre - Casualties: 30 people killed, 140 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas
15. November 15, 2002 Hebron Shooting Attack - Casualties: 12 Israeli soldiers and security personnel killed - Group Responsible: Islamic Jihad
16. November 21, 2002 Kiryat Menachem Massacre: - Casualties: 11 people killed. - Group Responsible: Hamas.
17. January 5, 2003 Tel-Aviv Central Bus Station Massacre: - Casualties: 23 people killed, over 100 injured.  - Group Responsible: Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
18. March 5, 2003 Haifa Bus 37 Suicide Bombing: - Casualties: 17 people killed, with most victims being students from Haifa University. - Group Responsible: Hamas.
19. May 18, 2003 French Hill Suicide Bombings: - Casualties: 5 people killed - Group Responsible: Hamas - Event: A suicide bomber disguised as a religious Jew detonated on a bus. A second bomber prematurely detonated, only killing himself.
20. August 19, 2003 Shmuel HaNavi Bus Bombing: - Casualties: 24 people killed including 7 children, 130 people injured.  - Group Responsible: Hamas.
21. September 9, 2003 Tzrifin Bus Stop Attack and Café Hillel Bombing: - Casualties: 14 people killed - Responsible Group: Riyad-us Saliheen Brigade of Martyrs - Event: Two Palestinian suicide bombings occurred within hours of each other; one at a crowded bus stop near Tel Aviv, the other at a popular Jerusalem nightspot.
22. October 4, 2003 Maxim Restaurant Bombing: - Casualties: 21 people killed, over 60 injured.  - Group Responsible: Islamic Jihad.
23. December 25, 2003 Geha Interchange Bus Stop Bombing: - Casualties: 3 people killed - Responsible Group: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
24. March 14, 2004 Ashdod Port Attack: - Casualties: 10 people killed, over 23 injured. - Responsible Group: Hamas and Farah.
25. August 31, 2004 Beersheba Bus Bombing: - Casualties: 16 people killed, over 100 injured - Responsible Group: Hamas.
26. February 24, 2005 Stage Club Bombing: - Casualties: 5 people killed, over 50 injured. - Responsible Group: Hamas. 
1980s - 1990s
27. 1987-1993 First Intifada - Casualties: Hundreds of Israelis, both civilians and soldiers, killed over 1,400 injured - Group Responsible: Various Palestinian groups including Hamas and Islamic Jihad
28. October 19, 1994 Dizengoff Street Bus Bombing - Casualties: 22 people killed, 50 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas
29. January 22, 1995 Beit Lid Suicide Bombings - Casualties: 21 Israeli soldiers and 1 civilian killed, over 60 injured - Group Responsible: Islamic Jihad
30. July 30, 1997 Mahane Yehuda Market Bombings - Casualties: 16 people killed, 178 injured - Group Responsible: Hamas 
31. May 22, 1970 Avivim School Bus Massacre: - Casualties: 12 people, with 9 victims being children. - Responsible Group: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command.
32. May 30, 1972 Lod Airport Massacre - Casualties: 26 people killed, 80 injured - Group Responsible: Japanese Red Army, in collaboration with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
33. September 5-6 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre - Casualties: 11 Israeli athletes and coaches killed - Group Responsible: Black September (Palestinian terrorist group)
34. April 11, 1974 Kiryat Shmona Massacre: - Casualties: 18 people killed with 8 victims being children, over 16 wounded. - Responsible Group: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command.
35. May 15, 1974 Ma'alot Massacre - Casualties: 31 people, including 22 schoolchildren, killed. - Group Responsible: Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
36. July 4, 1975 Zion Square Massacre: - Casualties: 15 people killed, 77 wounded. - Responsible Group: Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
37. March 11, 1978 Coastal Road Massacre - Casualties: 38 Israeli civilians killed, 71 injured - Group Responsible: Fatah (a faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization) 
1950s and 1960s
38. Fedayeen Raids (1950s): - Description: A series of cross-border attacks by Arab militants (Fedayeen) from neighboring countries, targeting Israeli civilians and military personnel. These raids included shootings, bombings, and infiltrations, leading to significant Israeli casualties.
38. March 17, 1954 Ma'ale Akrabim Massacre: - Casualties: 11 Israeli civilians killed - Description: A bus traveling from Eilat to Tel Aviv was ambushed by Palestinian militants who shot and killed most of the passengers.
39. November 23, 1964 Latrun Convoy Attack: - Casualties: 11 Israeli civilians killed - Description: A civilian convoy was ambushed by Palestinian militants near Latrun, resulting in multiple deaths.
End 🧵 
The Persian Jewess
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digimonarchive · 2 months
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Digimon in all animated media - Anime, Movies and OVA
1st pic = Digimon Adventure anime (Japan: March 7, 1999 - March 26, 2000; USA: August 14, 1999 - June 24, 2000)
2nd pic = Digimon Adenture 02 anime (Japan: April 2, 2000 - March 25, 2001; USA: August 19, 2000 - May 19, 2001)
3rd pic = Digimon Tamers anime (Japan: April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002; USA: September 1, 2001 - June 8, 2002)
4th pic = Digimon Frontier anime (Japan: April 7, 2002 - March 30, 2003; USA: September 9, 2002 - July 14, 2003)
5th pic = Digimon Savers / Data Squad anime (Japan: April 2, 2006 – March 25, 2007; USA: October 1, 2007 - November 2, 2008)
6th pic = Digimon Xros Wars / Fusion anime (Japan: July 6, 2010 - March 25, 2012; USA: September 7, 2013 - August 16, 2015)
7th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars part 2) (Japan: April 3, 2011 - September 25, 2011; USA: March 8, 2015 - August 16, 2015) **
8th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars Hunters or Digimon Xros Wars part 3) (Japan: October 2, 2011 - March 25, 2012) ***
9th pic = Digimon Adventure Tri OVA (Japan: November 21, 2015 - May 5, 2018; USA: September 15, 2016 - September 20, 2018)
10th pic = Digimon Universe Appli Monsters anime (a.k.a Appmon) (Japan: October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017)
11th pic = Digimon Adventure: (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 2020 or Digimon Adventure reboot) (Japan: April 5, 2020 - September 26, 2021; USA: November 19, 2022 - April 13, 2023)
12th pic = Digimon Ghost Game (Japan: October 3, 2021 - March 26, 2023)
13th pic = Digimon Adventure (Movie) short film (Japan: March 6, 1999; USA: October 6, 2000 as the first segment part of Digimon The Movie)
14th pic = Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! movie (Japan: March 4, 2000; USA: October 6 2000 as the second segment part of Digimon The Movie)
15th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution! The Golden Digimentals movie (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 02 Vol 1 and 2) (Japan: July 8, 2000; USA: October 6, 2000 as the third segment part of Digimon The Movie) ****
16th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back / Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon movie (Japan: March 3, 2001; USA: August 5, 2005)
17th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle / Digimon: Battle of Adventurers movie (Japan: July 14, 2001; USA: October 16, 2005)
18th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express / Digimon: Runaway Locomon movie (Japan: March 2, 2002; USA: October 2, 2005)
19th pic = Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!! / Digimon: Island of Lost Digimon movie (Japan: July 20, 2002; USA: October 23, 2005)
20th pic = Digital Monster X-evolution movie (Japan: January 3, 2005; USA: August 1, 2020)
21st pic = Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! movie (Japan: December 9, 2006)
22nd pic = Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grandprix! short film OVA (Japan: July 20, 2000)
23rd pic = Digimon Savers 3D: The Digital World in Imminent Danger! short film OVA (Japan: July 8, 2006)
24th pic = Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project OVA short films (Japan: November 22 2019 - December 25, 2020)
25th pic = Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie (Japan: February 21, 2020; USA: September 29, 2020)
26th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning movie (Japan: October 5, 2023; USA: November 8, 2023)
** This is the 2nd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Taiki, Kiriha and Nene on their adventure while Akari and Zenjirou are left out.
*** This is the 3rd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Tagiru, Yuu and Taiki as the protagonists. This 3rd part has the overly long title so we fans prefer to call it 'Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters' or 'Digimon Young Hunters'.
**** Yes, this movie has an overly long title. I had a hard time deciding whether to highlight it in bold or not.
Happy Digimon Day!
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operachristine · 1 month
Lesser known/recorded Christine’s that you need to listen to! (An audio gifting post)
Katharine Buffaloe
Steve Barton (The Phantom of the Opera), Katharine Buffaloe (u/s Christine Daaé), Davis Gaines (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Jeff Keller (Monsieur Firmin), George Lee Andrews (Monsieur André), Marilyn Caskey (Madame Giry) || March 19, 1990; Broadway || Notes: Steve Barton and Davis Gaines's first performances. Missing Magical Lasso, Notes/Prima Donna in the first act.
Kris Koop
Hugh Panaro (The Phantom of the Opera), Kris Koop (u/s Christine Daaé), Tim Martin Gleason (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Anne Runolfsson (Carlotta Giudicelli), Tim Jerome (Monsieur Firmin), George Lee Andrews (Monsieur André), Marilyn Caskey (Madame Giry), Larry Wayne Morbitt (Ubaldo Piangi), Kara Klein (Meg Giry) || September 14, 2005; Broadway
Leigh Coggins
John Owen-Jones (The Phantom of the Opera), Leigh Coggins (u/s Christine Daaé), Simon Bailey (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny) || June 19, 2012; Third UK Tour || Notes: Includes Think Of Me, Title Song, Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, and Point Of No Return.
Terri Bibb
Jeff Keller (u/s The Phantom of the Opera), Teri Bibb (Christine Daaé), Gary Mauer (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny) || October 14, 1996; Broadway
Glenda Balkan
Ciaran Sheehan (The Phantom of the Opera), Glenda Balkan (Christine Daaé), Laird Mackintosh (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny) || August 25, 1995; Toronto
Tamra Glaser
Michael Crawford (The Phantom of the Opera), Tamra Glaser (u/s Christine Daaé), Michael Piontek (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny) || 1990; First National Tour || Soundboard || Notes: Highlights ripped from YouTube.
Kelly Jeanne Grant
Stephen Tewksbury (u/s The Phantom of the Opera), Kelly Jeanne Grant (Christine Daaé), Greg Mills (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny) || September 20, 2009; Third National Tour || Matinee
Kyoko Suzuki
Eiji Akutagawa (The Phantom of the Opera), Kyoko Suzuki (Christine Daaé), Kanji Ishimaru (Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny) || September 22, 1991; First Japanese Tour
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lilyaliceanne282 · 6 days
How I lost 20+ lbs in 28 days
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I can't guarantee this will work for everyone and it's certainly not healthy so I would not recommend this to anyone, but it got me down 20 lbs in the past 28 days.
I started at 200 lbs on August 22, and as of September 18, am 173 lbs. While this is technically 26 lbs, I believe that the first day's weight loss was water weight. So, I'm estimating my weightloss to have begun at 194 lbs. During this time, I did not do anything out of the ordinary for myself with regards to exercise. I did try to aim to drink at least half my body weight in ounces per day.
Week One: August 22-28
August 22, I started off at 1167 cal, 200/195 lbs.
August 23, I dropped down to 691 cal, 193 lbs.
August 24, I fasted, 192 lbs.
August 25, 353 cal, 190 lbs.
August 26, 550 cal, 188 lbs.
August 27, I allowed myself an allowance day, 2005 cal, 187 lbs.
August 28, I fasted to balance out the day before. No change in weight.
I averaged at about 602 cal/day, and a weight loss of 8 lbs for the week. I believe that this first week allowed for more pounds to be dropped due to a drastic change in my diet, before I had been maintaining weight only.
Week Two: August 29-September 4
August 29, 832 cal, 186 lbs.
August 30, 597 cal, no weightloss.
August 31, 423 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 1, 410 cal, 184 lbs.
Sep. 2, yet another allowance day but decreased the allowance to less than 2000 cal, ended up being 1845 cal, 183 lbs.
Sep. 3, 485 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 4, 386 cal, 182 lbs.
I averaged in at 711 cal/day, with a weight loss of 4 lbs. I started taking a multivitamin on September 2 along with a biotin capsule. As well I began to incorporate more fruits and vegetables, this allows for more food intake with less calories.
Week Three: September 5-11
Sep. 5, 584 cal, 182 lbs.
Sep. 6, 498 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 7, this is an allowance day, I put my intake limit at 1600, but consumed 1139, 180 lbs.
Sep. 8, this was another allowance day, roughly estimated at 1600 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 9, I fasted after two high calorie days, no weightloss.
Sep. 10, 610 cal, 179 lbs.
Sep. 11, 503 cal, no weightloss.
This week I averaged in at 704 cal/day with a weight loss of 3 lbs.
Week Four: September 12-18
Sep. 12, 694 cals, 177 lbs.
Sep. 13, 228 cals, no weightloss.
Sep. 14, this is an allowance day, ~1562 cal, 176 lbs.
Sep. 15, 243 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 16, I fasted, no weightloss.
Sep. 17, 242 cal, 174 lbs.
Sep. 18, fasted, 173 lbs.
This week I averaged in at 424 cal/day, with a weight loss of 4 lbs.
September 13, I put myself on a 3500 cal per week limit, I feel as if this would allow for me to continue to lose more than 2 lbs per week, and if I keep my daily intake beneath 300, I can still have cheat days/metabolism days.
On some of the days that I ate more than 400 cal, I split my cal into different meals so I could eat throughout the day. I started doing this on Sep.5, 6, 12 and 13. I found this allowed for a surplus in energy as well as allowed for my metabolism to kickstart a little bit. I found no reliable pattern of weightloss on/after the days that I consumed more protein as opposed to carbs and fat, however I will continue to stick with uping my intake of protein as this does allow for me to feel more full throughout the day.
I plan to undertake several more trial and error studies with regards to my weight loss journey, with heavy emphasis on a low-calorie diet and plant-based foods, as well as meat sporadically, until I find the perfect plan for myself.
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sister-2-sleep · 10 months
The Last Time (almost) Every MCR Song Was Played
I saw someone do this for tbp so I'm doing it for all the songs
Romance: May 12, 2006
Honey : October 24, 2010
Vampires : March 26, 2023
Drowning lessons : October 17, 2004
Our lady of sorrows : March 25, 2023
Halos : October 11, 2022
Skylines and turnstiles: March 17, 2023
Monroeville : October 29, 2005
Best day ever : October 11, 2022
Cubicles : Never played live (from what i can find)
Demolition Lovers : October 11, 2022
Three cheers
Helena : March 26, 2023
Give em hell kid : March 26, 2023
To the end : May 12, 2006
Prison : March 26, 2023
I'm not ok: March 26, 2023
Ghost of you: March 26, 2023
Jetset life: May 4, 2008
Interlude: May 4, 2008
Venom: March 26, 2023
Hang em high: October 12, 2022
Fashion statement : March 26, 2023
Cemetery drive: March 14, 2023
Ntywidfal: October 12, 2022
Black parade
The end: October 7, 2007
Dead: August 27, 2011
How I disappear: March 26, 2023
Sharpest lives: May 9, 2008
Wttbp: March 26, 2023
I don't love you: October 17, 2022
House of wolves: March 20, 2023
Cancer: March 19, 2023
Mama: March 26, 2023
Sleep: March 26, 2023
Teenagers: March 26, 2023
Disenchanted: October 7, 2007
Last words: March 26, 2023
Blood: Never (only ever audio recordings)
Danger Days
Na na na: March 26, 2023
Bulletproof heart : September 8, 2022
Sing: October 17, 2022
Planetary: March 25, 2023
Only hope: October 15, 2022
Party poison: April 23, 2011
Save yourself: October 15, 2022
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W: October 15, 2022
Summertime : March 20, 2023
Destroya: March 25, 2023
Kids from yesterday: March 25, 2023
Vampire money: March 19, 2023
Conventional Weapons
Boy division : March 26, 2023
Tomorrows money: August 30, 2022
Ambulance : Never been played
Gun: Never been played
World is ugly: March 26, 2023
Light behind your eyes: Never been played
Kiss the ring: August 8, 2009
Make room: September 24, 2022
Surrender the night: September 15, 2022
Burn bright: September 10, 2022
Mad Gear and Missile Kid
F.T.W.W.W. : Never been played
Ravenkroft: October 15, 2022
Black dragon: Never been played
Foundations: March 26, 2023
Sister to sleep: October 17, 2022
all the angels : October 14, 2022
Heavan help us : October 17, 2022
Kill all your friends: March 25, 2023
My way home: May 9, 2008
Eagles : March 26, 2023
Fake your death: October 17, 2022
Desert song: October 12, 2022
Bury me in black: March 26, 2023
Desolation row: October 11, 2022 at
Song 2 (blur cover) : June 18, 2007
Under pressure (queen cover) : March 29, 2005
We will rock you (queen cover) : August 26, 2011
If I missed any lmk lol. And I will update this after WWWY next year.
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mercurywritesstuff · 8 months
Love, Noona characters:
This follows an 8 member girl group, SM thought it would be a good idea for young girls to have a girl group like Stray Kids in their own company. The 8 members briefly participated in the survival show, Honey voices. The girl group debuts November 8th, 2020 with the name PLAYground.
The members include:
Lee Y/N (Tired mother of 7)
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Stage Name: Y/N Position: Leader, Main Vocalist Training Period: 3 years Age, at time of smau: 26(born June 8th, 1997)
Park Yong-mi (Dior's bitch)
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Stage Name: Yongmi Position: Main dancer, sub rapper Training Period: 2 years Age, at time of smau: 25(born August 3rd, 1998) Name in Y/N's phone: Yong
Chon Sang-hee (Puns of her own name)
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Stage Name: Sanghee Position: Main rapper, lead dancer Training Period: 1 year Age, at time of smau: 25(Born August 4th, 1998) Name in Y/N's phone: Lesbian gecko
Kang Seo-yun (thought hot dogs were cannolis)
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Stage Name: Seo-yun Position: Lead vocalist Training Period: 1 year Age, at time of smau: 24(born september 3rd, 1999) Name in Y/N's phone: Seo!
Min Soo (Nurse of the group)
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Stage Name: Minso Position: Lead rapper Training Period: 3 months Age, at time of smau: 24(born december 5th, 1999) Name in Y/N's phone: Min
Kim Sun-hi (Serious caffeine addict)
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Stage Name: Sunny Position: Lead dancer Training Period: 2 years Age, at time of smau: 20(Born February 20th, 2003) Name in Y/N's phone: LOML
Sam Su-bin (Secret 8th Enhypen member)
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Stage Name: Subin Position: Maknae, Main dancer Training Period: 2 years Age, at time of smau: 18(born March 4th, 2005) Name in Y/N's phone: Problem child 1
Chung Jin-Ae (The chaebol idol)
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Stage Name: Jinnie Position: Maknae, Main dancer Training Period: 3 years Age, at time of smau: 16(born July 1st, 2007) Name in Y/N's phone: Problem child 2
Taglist: @freyjhasdesiredreality
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breaniebree · 9 months
Kismet Characters & Family Trees Part Fourteen:
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Harry Potter (31 July 1980) GRYFFINDOR m. Ginevra Weasley (11 August 1981) GRYFFINDOR (2000):
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1. James “Jamie” Sirius Potter GRYFFINDOR (5 April 2004) m. Hadley Grace Pritchard (2005) RAVENCLAW (2029): a) Rhysand James Potter (28 May 2032) GRYFFINDOR b) Emerson Fleamont Potter (11 March 2035) GRYFFINDOR c) Flynn Harry Potter (2 July 2037) GRYFFINDOR d) Grace Ginevra Potter (18 December 2040) GRYFFINDOR
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2. Albus “Alby” Fleamont Potter (1 June 2006) SLYTHERIN m. Scorpius Malfoy (6 January 2006) SLYTHERIN (2031): a) Lyra Astoria Malfoy (1 June 2037) RAVENCLAW b) Celeste Ginevra Malfoy (5 March 2039) RAVENCLAW c) Archer Kai Malfoy (6 July 2044) SLYTHERIN
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3) Lily Luna Potter (3 November 2007) GRYFFINDOR m. Oakley Wood (8 January 2007) GRYFFINDOR (2028): a) Nash Oliver Wood (31 July 2030) GRYFFINDOR m. Nixie Sparks (2032) RAVENCLAW (2058): aa) Sirius Harry Wood (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR bb) Remus Oakley Wood (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR b) Noah Harry Wood (31 July 2030) GRYFFINDOR  c) Magnolia “Lia” Katherine Wood (2 May 2033) RAVENCLAW d) Zinnia “Zin” Ginevra Wood (11 August 2035) HUFFLEPUFF  e) Zahira “Zee” Sorcha Wood (11 August 2035) HUFFLEPUFF
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4) Cedrella “Ella” Theodora Potter (21 October 2010) SLYTHERIN m. Spencer Kane-Nott (3 July 2010) SLYTHERIN (2036): a) Logan Theodore Kane-Nott (23 March 2040) GRYFFINDOR b) Zeke Harry Kane-Nott (21 January 2042) SLYTHERIN  c) Nolan Everett Kane-Nott (11 November 2044) RAVENCLAW d) Westley Sebastian Kane-Nott (9 December 2046) GRYFFINDOR
5) Everett Arthur Potter (21 October 2010) RAVENCLAW m. Xara Scamander (13 September 2016) RAVENCLAW (2039): a) Hazel Ella Potter (2 September 2040) HUFFLEPUFF  b) Galina Xara Potter (28 April 2042) RAVENCLAW  c) Landon Everett Potter (19 June 2044) GRYFFINDOR d) Waverly Luna Potter (7 February 2046) RAVENCLAW
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6) Genevieve “Evie” Zahira Potter (9 May 2012) HUFFLEPUFF m. Christian Lyon (2008) RAVENCLAW (2033): a) Leif Christian Lyon (1 October 2035) GRYFFINDOR b) Autumn Ella Lyon (21 September 2038) HUFFLEPUFF c) Winter Willow Lyon (21 December 2041) RAVENCLAW d) Summer Lily Lyon (21 June 2043) GRYFFINDOR e) Spring Rose Lyon (21 March 2047) HUFFLEPUFF
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7) Henry Remus Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR m. Daniella Zabini (7 July 2018) RAVENCLAW (2049): a) Cameron Blaise Potter (1 January 2052) GRYFFINDOR b) Aidan Hunter Potter (23 July 2055) GRYFFINDOR  c) Jameson Henry Potter (14 March 2058) GRYFFINDOR  d) Emilia Ginevra Potter (17 August 2060) RAVENCLAW
8) Hunter Colten Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR m. Sloane Hart (2023) GRYFFINDOR (2046): a) Simon Hunter Potter (14 February 2049) RAVENCLAW b) Shay Cedrella Potter (14 February 2049) HUFFLEPUFF  c) Colin Fleamont Potter (7 March 2053) GRYFFINDOR  d) Beckett James Potter (19 June 2055) HUFFLEPUFF  e) Parker Harry Potter (24 September 2059) SLYTHERIN f) Noelle Ginevra Potter (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR
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Thanks to @ellieoryan7447 for taking the time and effort to make these!
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daily-rayless · 4 months
25 Years of Rosa
I've been doing this character appreciation series for a while now, and it's about time we got to a very special character – the first character from the first JRPG I ever played that I first really fangirled over – the first character that was my Number One Favorite Video Game Character – Rosa Farrell from Final Fantasy 4.
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June 1999
We are going so far back that I have no idea what my first Rosa fan art was. It's not this – but I wanted to highlight it because I was incredibly proud of myself. Rosa, all sad and anguished because she's missing Cecil.
But let's talk some about her, the good and the -- maybe? -- bad.
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October 1999
I first played FF4 in May 1999, on a rickety and unreliable Super Nintendo. The cartridge was prone to failure and wiped out my first save once I'd gotten the team underground. But by then, I was invested, too invested to give up and play Chrono Trigger or something. I had to find out what happened to Cecil and Rosa and everyone, so I slammed that cartridge right back in and started up a new game. Fortunately, that one lasted all the way through.
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January 2000
As I said, it was my first JRPG, and I adored the medium, especially the story. Along with having a rickety SNES, I also had a house with a not-great internet connection, and this was long before you could easily look up Let's Plays and videos of your favorite scenes. Convinced in my young mind that the game might never properly work for me again and would never, I don't know, be republished, I immediately sat down and wrote a detailed, dramatized summary of the whole thing just so I wouldn't forget it.
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April 2000
And my favorite element of the story was Rosa, the healer, the archer, the female lead. Maybe it's just that FF4 was my first game, but I like to think there's a special spark to Rosa that makes her stand out.
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June 2000
I was bubbling over with enthusiasm and, along with writing out a detailed summary, I subjected my patient and obliging mother to endless dissertations on the characters and story. I specifically remember talking to her about Rosa, and her commenting that Rosa was a traditionally “feminine” character, even “passive” – a healer, a love interest, needing to be rescued not once, but twice.
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November 2000
And I think that's worth exploring – as neutrally as possible. On one hand, in fiction we do have a very long history of imperiled, secondary, predominantly supportive heroines, and the fact that so many had to be written that way reflects something bad in the real world. On the other hand, I really do believe that most tropes are just tropes, and even if they've been overused, often badly used, that doesn't mean they can't be used.
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August 2001
In a lot of ways, Rosa is a very safe character. Though she's a studied mage and master archer, that's not why she's in the story. Her main involvement is as a love interest, both to the hero Cecil and his rival/best friend Kain.
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November 2001
Rosa's reason for joining the adventure comes down to her love for Cecil. She isn't seeking her own quest. She never states a goal that isn't Cecil's. In fairness, the game is very stripped down, and none of the characters voice very complex motives. You could just as easily say Cecil is Cid's reason for joining the adventure.
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November 2002
But Rosa's story beats all come down to Cecil and Kain. Surely, on such an adventure, Rosa would grow and discover things about herself, but you never hear about it. What you hear about is her worrying about Cecil, worrying about the fate of the world, taking care of others, and of course getting kidnapped. All very safe, non-disruptive things for a female character.
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June 2004
There are even moments where the game leans into a slight but still apparent sexism. At the siege of Fabul, despite Rydia and Rosa being practiced fighters and valuable mages, they're sent to tend to the injured while the men go off to fight.
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June 2005
This is echoed at the end of the game when Cecil himself, who knows full well how powerful Rosa and Rydia are, still forbids them to join him in the ending level. There's some brief resistance, but then the girls, in all apparent obedience, quietly leave while the men remain to save the world.
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September 2005
Part of it may be that Rosa comes from a very early video game, but if we look at sci-fi/fantasy itself as a genre, we had more boundary-pushing heroines long before the early 1990s, at least in the West. By then, we already had Princess Leia, Red Sonja, Alanna the Lioness, and others.
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April 2006
Rosa is brave, talented, and loyal, but is she ultimately a regressive character?
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October 2007
I don't know if I have a perfect answer to that. What I do know is that one of the things I've always loved most about Rosa is that she knows her own mind. Yeah, she'll support you. Yeah, she'll cast Protect and Haste on you, and then she'll Cure you when Bahamut takes your HP down to 1. But she does not do it meekly.
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One of her first scenes is her comforting Cecil as he deals with his thorny ethical angst. But she quickly stops murmuring kindly to him and tells him he can't just mope and complain about things. He has to take a stand. He has to own his actions – change himself, one of the themes of the game. She sees it long before he does, and she isn't exactly tender as she tells him.
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July 2009
She joins the adventure for Cecil, but she doesn't join with him. He leaves without her (she doesn't beg to come with him, she has things to do) and when he goes missing, she sets off on her own in search of him, going faster and getting farther than he did before desert sickness stops her cold.
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March 2010
And at the end of the game when this selfsame Cecil, this guy who grew up with her and is in a relationship with her and knows her so well, tells her to go home and be safe while he and the guys save the world, she does meekly turn around and leave. But she doesn't go far. She and Rydia stow aboard his spaceship and travel with him and the men to the moon. Whereupon she tells Cecil, with no ambiguity, that he cannot keep her from coming.
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October 2011
Which is a good thing, because I have beaten FF4 many times, and let me tell you, you are not surviving the ending boss without Rosa Curing you, Protecting you, and probably Lifing you more than once.
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February 2013
So have I exonerated Rosa? I've shown how assertive she really is. Have I proved she's not regressive?
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October (?) 2018
Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the assertive woman = automatically good female character theory. A woman can be physically weak, even psychologically timid, and still be an incredibly interesting, complex, and strong character. And another can be bold and brave and badass and still remain uninteresting and shallow.
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But I think I've shown that, whatever Rosa is, she's not passive.
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August 2021
Being a back-row archer isn't a problem, being a healer isn't a problem, being conventionally feminine isn't a problem. Even, at the end of the day, being a “safe” character isn't actually a problem. It comes down to how well the character's written – and, even more subjectively, how they connect with the audience.
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May 2024
Rosa connected powerfully with me. Since then, other characters have come and eclipsed her number one spot in my heart. But I still love her a lot, and I don't want to see her dismissed.
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jaimemes · 4 days
oh before i forget. heres that timeline i compiled regarding cedric and adeline. keep in mind that THIS TIMELINE ASSUMES ALL DOCUMENTS ARE REAL AND CORRECT. which. tbh. i dont think they are.
March 27, 1979 — Adeline Hargrove was born in Spikemuth to Mavis and Arthur Hargrove
January 5, 1981 — Cedric Smith was born in Wyndon to Emily and Abraham Smith.
Fall 1984 — Adeline Hargrove enrolled at Ysgol Gymraeg Casnewydd as a Year 1 student
Fall 1990 — Adeline Hargrove enrolled at Ysgol Gyfun Rhydfelen as a Year 7 student.
Summer 1993 — Adeline Hargrove begins receiving paychecks from a local pub in Spikemuth.
May 25, 1995 — Adeline Hargrove finishes compulsory education and graduates from Ysgol Gyfun Rhydfelen.
Sometime in 1997 — Adeline Hargrove moved to Hulbury to live with Desmond Morris
April 30, 1998 — Adeline Hargrove married to Desmond Morris
August 24, 2000 — William Hargrove was born in Hulbury to Adeline and Desmond Hargrove
February 11, 2004 — Kaitlyn Hargrove was born in Hulbury to Adeline and Desmond Hargrove
January 5, 2007 — Flynn Hargrove was born in Wyndon to Adeline Hargrove and Cedric Smith
May 4, 2008 — Adeline Hargrove filed for divorce from Desmond Hargrove
June 2008 — Adeline Hargrove moved to 534 Sanford Streets, Apt. 203, JM17 3RQ, Spikemuth, Galar
October 11, 2009 — Cedric Smith married Adeline Hargrove
July 9, 2009 — Adeline Hargrove boarded one-way flight to Anistar City, Kalos.
April 17, 2010 — Adeline Hargrove boarded one-way flight to Spikemuth, Galar.
November 23, 2010 — Esper Hargrove was born in Wyndon to Adeline and Cedric Hargrove.
Late 2017 — Cedric Hargrove was added to the lease agreement of 534 Sanford Streets, Apt. 203, JM17 3RQ, Spikemuth, Galar
June 28, 2018 — Dental operation for Flynn Hargrove
Fall 2018 — Esper Hargrove enrolled in Milton Primary School as a Year 4 student
Fall 2018 — Flynn Hargrove enrolled in Spikemuth High School as a Year 7 student
Fall 2021 — Esper Hargrove enrolled in Spikemuth High School as a Year 7 student
November 15, 2022 — The Second Darkest Day occurs. Flynn Hargrove is missing, presumed dead. Juno Myers is confirmed dead.
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yoihoshi-maki · 5 months
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Stage name: Emma
Birth name: Kim Dal
Birthday: December 17, 1999
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Group: Eclipse
position: Leader, lead rapper, sub-dancer, main vocalist
Nationality: British-Korean
Voice: Wendy Red Velvet 10/10
Rap: Lisa Blackpink 9/10
Dance: Yoojung, weki meki 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Gucci, Calvin Klein
Who she is friends with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
-Food, her family, her dogs, her daughter (future), shopping, , the originals, and the vampire dairies, Ariana Grande and Anime, STARS, Cake
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Stage name: Aella
Birth name: Min Aera
Birthday: 2000 15, March
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Group: Eclipse
position: sub-vocalist, main rapper, lead dancer
Nationality: Korean
Voice: Hyolyn Sistar 9/10
Rap: Soyeon g-idle 10/10
Dance: Jiwoo, Nmixx 9/10
Visual: 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Versace, Saint Lauren
Who is she close with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Aurora
Birth name: Jeon Byeol
Birthday: 2002 13, October
Zodiac sign: Libra
Group: Eclipse
position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Center
Nationality: French-Korean
Dance: Gooseul, Girls alert 10/10
Voice: Lee Suhyun, Akmu 9/10
Rap:Yeeun, CLC 9/10
Visual: 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Dior, Channel
Who is she close with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Chaire
Birth name: Park Myeong
Birthday: 2003 12, April
Zodiac sign: Aries
Group: Eclipse
position: Lead dancer, Main vocalist, Visual
Nationality: Korean
Voice:TaeYeon, SNSD 10/10
Rap:Exy, WJSN 8/10
dance: Yeji, Itzy 10/10
Visual: 10/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Balenciaga, Fendi
Who is she close with
-TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Ayla
Birth name: Park Eun-Jeong
English name: Ayla Kaiser Asteria Harmonia Ervin Loera Asterin
Birthday: August 20, 2005
Zodiac sign:Leo
Group: Eclipse
position: Maknae, Visual, sub-rapper, Main Vocalist, lead dancer
Nationality: Japanese-Korean
Voice: Jung Eun Ji, Apink 10/10
Rap: Le, Exid 9/10
Dance:Jihyo TWICE 9/10
Visual: 10/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Prada, Louis Vuitton, Alexander McQueen
Who is she close with
-TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
Eclipse was made in 2019, yes at first everyone was judging the company of Eclipse for debuting a very young girl that was 14 when she debut but it soon got over with as they saw her talent shining through the 14.The group grew popular throughout their careers as they gained many fans around the world and in Korea. The girl group became one of the most successful groups in the kpop history with sold out concerts and sold out albums, carrying many world records on their backs. Now with the youngest member of the group hitting her 18th year of living their decided and finding many more things about her, she got invited to a racing competition in Japan and in turn she invited all of them back. 
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turtlycute · 1 year
2023 Anime Watch List
This post is part of my ongoing record for the new (to me) anime I watch in 2023. I'm excited to see what new shows and films I discover as this list grows through the year.
My Happy Marriage (2023) episodes: 11 started: 7-5-23 finished: 9-22-23 rating: 9/10
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Oshi no Ko (2023) episodes: 11 started: 9-6-23 finished: 9-7-23 rating: 9/10
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Taisho Otome Fairy Tale (2021) episodes: 12 started: 9-8-23 finished: 9-9-23 rating: 8.5/10
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Nana (2006) episodes: 47 started: 9-11-23 finished: 9-14-23 rating: 10/10
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Peach Girl (2005) episodes: 25 started: 9-18-23 finished: 9-19-23 rating: 8/10
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Tomo-chan Is a Girl (2023) episodes: 13 started: 9-20-23 finished: 9-21-23 rating: 8.5/10
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Hana yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) (1996-1997) episodes: 51 started: 9-24-23 finished: 9-29-23 rating: 8.5/10 note: this show is so ott and I loved it! Between the pacing, the scenes framing and dramatic music score it's like someone got Hitchcock to direct a shojo anime.
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Sasaki to Miyano: Graduation (2023) movie watched: 9-28-23 rating: 10/10
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Previous Months:
January Watch List
February Watch List
March Watch List
April Watch List
May Watch List
June Watch List
July Watch List
August Watch List
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equinox-vids · 3 months
Fall Equinox 2024: "After Life" vid exchange sign-ups are now open! 
This season's vid exchange focuses on fandoms dealing with life (or unlife) after death. The fandoms for After Life can be browsed in the tag sets: main tag set; safety fandom tag set. Remember that when signing up, at least one of your requests must be from the safety fandom tag set.
We posted some guidance earlier today for keeping requests/vids on-theme in sources with a lot of off-theme content. If you missed it, we recommend reading it over, especially if you plan on requesting/vidding any of the example sources discussed (9-1-1, Black Mirror, Doctor Who 2005, due South, Game of Thrones, Slings & Arrows, Star Wars, Supernatural, The Twilight Zone, and The Untamed).
Make sure you read over the rules before signing up. If you have any questions, you can contact us at [email protected].
Key info: 
The sign-up form on AO3
Rules for signing up, which are also on the form itself
Full rules & guidelines for Fall Equinox 2024
Guidelines for keeping requests/vids on-theme in sources with a lot of off-theme content
Key dates:
July 8 - 14: Sign ups
July 15 - 17: Assignments out
August 11: Mandatory check-in
August 25: Default deadline
September 8: Deadline for primary assignment vids
September 21: Vids go live
September 28: Vidder reveals
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strscrossed · 2 days
mean dom hobo eren: a timeline
(feel free to point out any inconsistencies because it’s a lot and I’m adding/retconning stuff too)
march 30, 1990 - his birth
2005-2006 - he meets lara, his first wife
2006 - 2017 - eren and lara have an on again, off again relationship. he’s constantly breaking up with her and finding other girls. she’s basically always second choice
2017 - lara secretly baby traps him and he steps up and marries her. don’t remember if he cheats on her or not
~2018 - lara miscarries and eren tries to be there but then he overhears her talking to willy and he finds out that she intentionally baby trapped him, he leaves her. she refuses to divorce him. the tyburs are too powerful
2022 - eren meets mikasa in mid 2022
february 10, 2000 - her birth
october 25, 2010 - koji, her brother, is born
~2011 - 2012 - her parents die, either an accident or a double homicide. she and koji go to live with kenny/levi
~2019 - she moves out and takes full custody of her brother. she’s engaged to porco at this point and she moves in with him. all is well. but then she comes home early one day to find porco in bed with one of her bridesmaids so she immediately ends the engagement and the relationship
late 2019 - she starts working in a bookshop
late 2022 - she meets eren and he immediately hires her on the spot
eremika’s relationship:
mid - late 2022: the relationship is professional, though there’s attraction between the two of them
very late 2022: they have sex for the first time and the relationship keeps going even though they try to stop it multiple times
late 2022: april 2023: eren gets super involved in mikasa’s life and even enrolls her brother in the best school in the country and pays for the tuition.
may 2023: lara comes back into eren’s life again, asking to reconcile and saying that she will absolutely not sign the divorce papers
late 2023: she starts sniffing out that eren might be in a relationship with his secretary and she gets willy to do something about it
january 2024: willy threatens mikasa after a gala and forces her to move away. eren is shattered and desperately starts searching for her
july 2024: koji makes contact with eren and he finds them. and he brings them back.
august 2024 - june 2025: eren and mikasa are are back together but secretly while he gets his revenge on the tyburs via gaslighting and shorting their stock. this becomes the climax of the story.
september 2025 - eren and lara’s divorce is finalized
new year’s eve 2025 - eren proposes and that’s when mikasa figures out that they’ve been in a relationship for the last three years
february - march 2026: mikasa learns she’s pregnant
june 12, 2026: em are married in a private ceremony
october 1, 2026: their son, kai, is born
december 21, 2028: twins kane and hana are born
may 3, 2030: twins victoria and amelia are born
april 25, 2032: their daughter, emiko, is born
august 13, 2038: they have twin girls (no names yet)
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yellowhollyhock · 2 days
Posting a timeline for myself so I don't get confused writing in this space but now that it's getting organized it is become a Thing. So, 2003 turtles headcanons and eventual future
November 1992: Splinter attends first Battle Nexus, turtles 4
November 1995: Battle Nexus, turtles 7; Usagi saves Splinter from Drako, he looks about 9
November 1998: Battle Nexus, turtles 10
November 2001: Battle Nexus
May 14, 2003: boys 15th birthday (shared, on different years they either celebrate together or each get a day close to it)
June 2003-February 2004: Season 1 (April 25, Casey 27)
February 2004-November 2004: Season 2. turtles turn 16 between Reflections and The Ultimate Ninja. Battle Nexus is November 2004
December 2004-September 2005: Season 3. Turtles turn 17 between Worlds Collide Part III and Touch and Go. Exodus in late September
September 2005-August 2006: Usagi visits in January; Leo is with the Ancient one February-March. Turtles turn 18 in the Cretaceous which becomes confusing to keep track of (do they ever tell Splinter they had two 18th birthdays? probably less confusing to only count one since it's only three extra months)
September 2006: s5 starts, Angel leaving for college while turtles are being taken by Tribunal.
March 2007: final battle with Shredder
May 2007: turtles turn 19
October 2007-October 2008: turtles get yoinked to the future. B Team bonding and worrying: Leatherhead, Professor, Professor Honeycutt, Angel, Justice Force. April trying to make 2nd Time Around happen, also hitting that inter-dimensional portal project again with Augie's help (not unreasonable for her to assume that's where they are). Turtles turn 20 in the future. Turtle Fam misses Battle Nexus 2007 (Usagi champion mayhaps? He'd be 22)
April 22, 2009: Casey and April wed
May 2009: turtles turn 21; Angel moves back home, works as a hair stylist
August 2009: April announces pregnancy, and at the same time she and Don have begun work on O'Neil Technologies
Spring 2010: Leo starts a dojo, his brothers all help when they can. Cassandra is born (April 17). turtles turn 22
Summer 2010: Raph and Casey start a shelter. April begins hiring help for O'Neil Technologies (Irma, Leatherhead, Professor Honeycutt).
November 2010: Battle Nexus year! Leo reconnects with Usagi. Mikey wins again.
December 2010: Leo announces his intention to go to Japan to train with the Ninja Tribunal
February 2011: Neutrinos come to earth to talk business with O'Neil Tech. Leo leaves shortly thereafter; Mikey is now the main turtle in charge of the dojo.
Spring 2011: Donny and Angel start dating; anti-mutant sentiment on the rise, Bishop apparently busy again. Raph very stressed about Bishop and wanting to be able to handle it without Leo; oh btw Mikey would like to pursue a college degree. Oyuki gets a job at dojo
October-December 2011: Mikey disappears; Leo returns, furious that things were allowed to get as bad as they did and the Ninja Tribunal didn't tell him his family was in danger (he thought they would because TAO did). When Mikey is rescued (from Bishop) his arm is infected and must be amputated.
Spring 2012: Turtles meet Mona Lisa, who explains how mutagen is being leaked purposely in areas suspected of harboring aliens, to give hate groups credibility as well as punish those (like her) who stick up for aliens. Splinter begins writing a book. Turtles are banding together with other non-humans as world becomes more hostile. Oyuki joins O'Neil Tech team
Summer 2012: Leo and Splinter visit Usagi; Mikey is determined to get back to work on his degree; O'Neil Tech recruits Harold. Mikey and Oyuki start dating
Fall 2012: Usagi visits turtles world; Leo takes the Dojo back up so Mikey can focus on school
January 2013: Donny proposes to Angel
April 2013: rival tech company developing robots with alarming level of sentience and then abusing them (Nano followup basically), April and Donny find themselves fighting for robot rights which makes O'Neil Technologies both a laughingstock and a target. btw Neutrino crew returns to work there. Mikey is now dating Ia
Summer 2013: Turtles gather allies and make a plan to come out of hiding; being in the shadows hasn't been working, people are suspicious and afraid, there's lots more lives at risk now, they need to rethink their strategy. Angel gets badly injured. Turtles meet Punk Frogs
November 2013: Raph Battle Nexus champion (their family is going to be banned for winning too often 🤣)
January 2014: enter Timothy. Raph enjoying socializing with other mutants, especially close with Mona and Genghis. Mikey depressed that they aren't the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (now we're just, like... regular mutant ninja turtles), breakup with Ia
Spring 2014: Donny's secret therapy, unfortunately coinciding with TAO moving to NYC. Much conflict in general as bros all want to stay living together but have different life goals, plus there's Angel now and Raph has basically been living with Mona Lisa and Genghis Frog and Mikey's very busy at school and etc. etc. In other news, Raph finds a baby mutant turtle named Lita. Mikey dates and breaks up with Woody
Summer 2015: Karai invites the family to Japan. Chaplin wants Donny and April's input on a robotics project gone wrong, Karai is finding herself freshly mourning her father and seeking advice/understanding of family history from TAO and Splinter. Time travel shenanigans.
December 2015-October 2016: Ch'rell jailbreak, space adventure to stop him (he has of course moved on from the idea of conquering earth, his goal now is to get away from the utroms and find a planet where he can steadily build up an empire until he is able to plan revenge). And they all get home just in time to take 6 y/o Cassandra and 3 y/o Lita trick or treating
November 2016: Lotus Blossom wins the Battle Nexus, befriends turtles. Her and Leo quietly become pen pals
January-August 2017: speaking of Cassandra she wants to be a ninja. Also Splinter falls ill. Donny builds them a Place (in NYC) to all stay so they can be close to him, and also start her training (strictly recreational (I'm sure that will work out for them))
May 2018: Agent John Bishop is abducted by aliens. Mikey finishes his masters!
August 2018: Leo and Usagi break up for good; April and Casey announce second pregnancy
October 2018: Cody arrives to ask for help with O'Neil Tech in his time
March 2019: Splinter passes
May 2019: send Cody home
July 3, 2019: Nova Lynn is born (Cassandra is 9, Lita is 6)
November 2019: Battle Nexus year, turtles miss
December 2019-January 2020: Mikey and Kala start dating; Casey and Timothy accidentally go on adventures across dimensions and get banned from the lab
May 2018-September 2020: Bishop has a stolen spaceship now, crashes on his way back to earth, gets rescued by aliens, spends time there healing and has his change of heart, returns to find Earth in the middle of a pandemic.
January 22, 2021: Leo and Lotus wed
Fall 2021: Angel's dad attempts to get back in touch with his adult children
November 2022: Battle Nexus Year; Leo wins, Donny does not participate (Mikey is much more sad about this than Don is)
June 13, 2023: Mikey and Kala wed
also in 2024: Bishop runs for President on the premise of intergalactic peace (he loses). April recruits Bishop for O'Neil Tech; he turns her down and disappears. Mikey and Kala rescue and adopt triplet robots Alli, Jax, and Zinnia (renamed from 003a, 003x, and 003z)
November 2025: Battle Nexus year, Mikey takes back his title
2032: Bishop, now going by a different name, becomes governor of New York
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