#Aurelio Robles
lynzishell · 25 days
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Transcript below the cut:
Atlas: You know, I’ve always been in awe of you, Dawn. Dawn: What do you mean?
Atlas: Even after all we’ve been through, you still always choose to see the good in people. You’re open and loving and generous. You inspire me. You always have.
Dawn: Oh Atlas, that’s the kindest thing anyone’s ever said to me. Atlas: I mean every word. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for you. I love you so much, and I’m so proud to call you my sister.
Dawn: I love you. But you and I both know, we’re here because of you. Thank you for always being there for me. Atlas: We take care of each other. Dawn: Always. Atlas: Always.
Atlas: Now, let’s get you down the aisle, huh? Everyone’s waiting.
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modernlex · 1 month
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townie makeover wips - san sequoia edition
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droolski · 2 months
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townie makeovers (but only the ones i like)
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cassandragoth26 · 4 months
As I said, Patricia got pregnant again xdxd This time a girl would be born (In my opinion, she is too cute 🥺) Aura Robles-Beiroa (By the way, while pregnant they went to the prom (I was already getting fed up because I had to go with the children Dx)
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Daniel showed a lot of emotion for his new little sister 😍
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I have made a new friend (Tala Ruano)
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Prev (Gen 1: Robles-Murphy)
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matchapixels · 6 months
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Aurelio visited whenever he could. Him and Sylvia were infatuated with each other. They would dream about being married and having a big family while dancing in the kitchen.
He also won the hearts of the family members, especially the beloved pet Ralphie.
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AURELIO: Aww c'mon man, some of us are premades and never had a played childhood to grind out those skill points! Or even a childhood at all. Let us study!
Eggnog's new peers can't help but watch in bewilderment as he performs a musical scene at lunchtime, much to Aurelio's (perhaps understandable) annoyance. Those played Sims just assume they're the stars of the show, jeez.
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gladyssite · 1 year
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Aurelio Robles
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krawalle-n-hiebe · 1 month
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Everyday / Formal
Training / Sleep
Party / Swimwear
Hot Weather / Cold Weather
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hexag0ne · 1 year
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 8 months
Year 1623
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Piero grew up and it was clear to both his parents that like his sister he hadn't inherited Vincente's magic but unlike his sister being a werewolf, he didn't have that either. That said while his sister was a bright and cheerful little one, he was rather calm and rarely fussed. The lack of crying was nice for sleep but it made it difficult to know what he needed when he merely pouted when he wanted something.
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Frideswide was both surprised and not when she learned of her own pregnancy early into the year. She enjoyed raising her nieces and nephew but it was a nice thought to think about having her own child again. Seeing the kids that looked more and more like Grace each day did make her long for another though she didn't want to say so after leaving her twins in Henford with their grandparents that now she was ready for a child.
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Giulia began to toddle around the home looking more like her father as she grew up. Francisco and Alexis often joked that if Giulia didn't have her mother's eyes and Henry's hair, it would be hard to say she was Alexis's given how much she took after Vincente. But Giulia was happy to tag along with the adults of the house, perhaps it was all the attention she had grown up with but now that she was bigger she was rather clingy.
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While it was easier for Francisco and Karmine to be around Giulia, Piero was harder for them. It was no fault of his own but seeing him growing was a reminder of how their late son wasn't especially when they would have been the same age, practically like twins. Each day it was easier to bear as the boy grew into his own rather than being similar to the infant they lost... it didn't mean it still didn't hurt though.
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Vincente adored his little boy. Now that his daughter was older she was able to demand more attention leaving Piero on his own for most of the time since he hardly made a bother but he made sure to make time for his little one the best as often has he could especially as he knew it was hard for his brother and sister-in-law to help with him.
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The day before Giula's second birthday, Frideswide and Aurelio welcomed their son Hector. He was a healthy little boy that was adored by the Robles family. Ignacio felt more at ease for the future of his family now that there were two new sons in the family which was nice since with so many young kids, Aurelio and Frideswide were not hoping for any more. Fate may not agree but they were content with their four children.
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December rolled around and with it brought the anniversary of loss for Francisco and Karmine. It felt like a bitter consolation that the day that had hurt them so much the previous year was bringing with it hope as they realized that Karmine was once again expecting. Emotions were conflicting as the year came to a close both hopeful and fearful for the future.
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lynzishell · 24 days
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🎶Lost in a Love Song🎶
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Transcript below the cut:
Atlas: When Dawn asked me if I’d give a speech tonight, I told her, “Absolutely not”. I don’t do speeches, nor will I make all of you suffer while I awkwardly attempt one. So, instead, I’m going to stop talking, and I’m going to sing while Phoenix and Dawn have their first dance as husband and wife.
I’ve been lost in a love song, a memory so pure. Beautiful as a siren tethered to the shore. I’ve seen the lights of the city shine their shadows onto my ceiling. I walked upon an abandoned island and felt like the first to have seen it. But all that I could beg or steal pales compared to the feeling. Of believing love is real
I’ve been lost in a love song I’ve known since I was young.    I can’t remember the verses and the chorus is too long. I felt the touch of sun upon my fingers when they were frozen. I’ve slept beside a river where it emptied into the ocean. But all that I could beg or steal pales compared to the notion That love has chosen me.
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kookablarn · 10 months
The Robles Family
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Ignacio Robles’ death caused a rift in the family. Bernice and Jay both want to preserve the family business, but neither of them want to do the work for it and disagree with the other’s way of doing it. Bernice’s relationship with Ian has become strained, Aurelio is now distant with the family, and the youngest, Camilo, wishes he could take matters into his own hands.
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Name: Bernice Robles Age: Adult Career: Business (Investor Branch) - Corporate Raider (9) Aspiration: Nature (Angling Ace) Traits: Cheerful, Geek, Neat, Responsible⭐, Observant⭐ Family: Aurelio Robles (Son), Camilo Robles (Son), Ian Robles (Spouse), Jay Robles (Sibling), Tala Ruano (Niece) Friends: Xochitl Luna (Good Friend) Sentiments: Ian Robles (Festering Grudge), Jay Robles (Festering Grudge) Likes: Piano, Fishing, Mischief Dislikes: Pink
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Name: Ian Robles Age: Adult Career: Writer (Author Branch) - Bestselling Author (9) Aspiration: Family (Successful Lineage) Traits: Bookworm, Ambitious, Active, Great Storyteller⭐ Family: Bernice Robles (Spouse), Camilo Robles (Son), Aurelio Robles (Son) Friends: Celeste Michaelson (Friend), Jay Robles (Friend), Tala Ruano (Friend), Xochitl Ruano (Dislike) Sentiments: Bernice Robles (Deeply Wounded) Likes: Pop, Wellness, Photography Dislikes: Gardening
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Name: Aurelio Robles Age: Young Adult Career: Entertainer - Opening Act (4) Aspiration: Creativity (Musical Genius) Traits: Music Lover, Perfectionist, Active, Uncontrolled Emotions⭐, Creative Visionary⭐ Family: Bernice Robles (Mother), Camilo Robles (Brother), Ian Robles (Father), Jay Robles (Uncle), Tala Robles (Cousin), Yuma Ruano (Cousin), Malia Ruano (Cousin) Likes: Latin Pop, Latin, Piano, Video Gaming, Purple, White, Black, Gray Dislikes: Fitness, Violin
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Name: Camilo Robles Age: Teen Career: High School Student (A) Aspiration: Fortune (Fabulously Wealthy) Traits: Self-Assured, Snob, Entrepreneurial⭐ Family: Bernice Robles (Mother), Ian Robles (Father), Aurelio Robles (Brother), Jay Robles (Uncle), Yuma Ruano (Cousin), Malia Ruano (Cousin), Tala Ruano (Cousin) Likes: Classical, Programming, Writing, Violin, Fishing, White, Black, Gray Dislikes: Latin Pop, Pop, Comedy, Video Gaming, Orange, Yellow, Pink
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simulation-machine · 11 months
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The only Robles I touched up was Aurelio because he’s clearly quite a looker. Everyone just got skin details. No plans for these ones, I honestly haven’t fuxxed with San Sequoia too much.
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cassandragoth26 · 4 months
Now with Alexander in the house, I finally had a cook, because really, Daniel doesn't cook very well asjdjasd
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Until my girls finally graduated uwu
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Each one also took photos with their family uwu Larissa took the photo with her dad (Lou Howell), her brothers (Christopher, Alexander and Robert), and her uncle (Oliver Beck), missing her cousins who turned out to be triplets ajsdajsd
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And Aura took the photo with her parents (Patricia and Aurelio), her brothers (Daniel and Noah) and her uncle (Fernando)
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And one with her fiancé uwu
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Gen 2: Robles Beiroa prev / next
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matchapixels · 6 months
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Sylvia aged into a Young Adult and Aurelio soon proposed to her.
They got married at Brindleton Congregational surrounded by family.
Sylvia moved off the family farm and the newly Mr and Mrs Robles moved over to Chestnut Ridge to fulfil their dreams of having a big family.
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compactsims · 1 month
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oo stunt on em girlies
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