#Australia's Best pyjamas
amnhnyc · 1 year
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The best time to wear pyjamas is all the time… just ask the striped pyjama squid (Sepioloidea lineolata)! Despite its common name, this critter is actually a cuttlefish—and it’s one of the few poisonous cephalopods known to science. When threatened, it can change color and secrete slime to intimidate foes. It typically spends its days nestled beneath the sand, rising at night to hunt for small shrimp and fish. This species inhabits shallow waters around Australia, including near the Great Barrier Reef.
Photo: katewolny, CC BY-NC 4.0, iNaturalist 
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matan4il · 9 months
Daily update post:
Yesterday, a suicide drone crashed in the Golan Heights. The IDF estimates that it was launched from Syria (though earlier, there was an Iranian funded militia in Iraq that claimed responsibility for firing at a target in the Golan Heights). the alarm didn't go off, and it wasn't intercepted, which is a reminder that no warning and defence system, not even the best one, is impenetrable. There was then a wave of sirens going off through Israel's north, likely because of debris from the interception, falling on different commeunities.
Today, another attack drone was intercepted over Israel's north. Over the area where my paternal grandparents lived, when they were still with us. Thankfully, there are no known injuries, but on top of that, there were no less than five more warnings of a drone crossing into Israel. If there will be no diplomatic solution for the situation in the north, meaning if the world doesn't intervene and FINALLY implement UN resolution 1701, which says that Hezbollah will not operate next to the Israeli border, or anywhere south of the Litani river, then things will get worse. One Israeli Aramean expert I was listening to, was talking about how much ammunition, and how many weapons, Hezbollah has aimed at Israel. Let's put it this way, they make Hamas look like kids.
Three more soldiers were killed in Gaza yesterday. We get news like this every single day now. Usually we get the names once or twice a day (morning and evening), depending on how many have died. You see people tense up around the time when the news is about to drop. I wanted to share with you that Israeli civilians have starting doing something so often, that it's almost like a new custom. When people learn about where a funeral will be held, they stand by the sides of the road with Israeli flags, to escrot the fallen soldier on his or her last journey, even when they didn't know the soldier at all.
I wrote a whole post about why Oct 7, despite all of the differences, and the fact that there is no comparison, bears similarities for Jewish people to the Holocaust. I was reminded of that post again today. I saw a vid with Holocaust survivor and famous Israeli actress, Lea Koenig. Knowing of her history, when I heard the start of her testimony, I was sure I was listening to her recounting her experiences during the Hoolocaust. It turns out that no, she's reading a testimony from Oct 7. The fact that some of these testimonies are indistinguishable should explain why the massacre, shocking as it is all on its own, is also deeply triggering for Jews. Here's the vid:
Australia says it will look into whether an Australian citizen who was killed in an Israeli counter strike in Lebanon yesterday, was a Hezbollah terrorist, as the organization claims. If he was, then fighting for a terrorist organization (as Hezbollah is defined in Australia) is a criminal offense under Australian law.
The IDF has destroyed a whole network of terror tunnels underneath the Rantisi hospital in Gaza. It says the length of the tunnels is several kilometers. Reminder: it's a war crime to build a terror tunnel underneath a hospital. It is NOT a war crime, to act against the terror tunnel used to attack a country's innocent civilians, even if it is built underneath a hospital.
This is 19 years old Agam Berger.
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On Oct 7, she was kidnapped to Gaza. Her family identified her in a vid posted by Hamas, as she was being led away, handcuffed, and with blood stains on her pyjama pants (left side of the pic). Her father said that as released hostages talked about sexual abuse, Agam's family are terrified for her. He also wanted people to know that she was a gifted violinist, and used to volunteer with people who have special needs. So, in accordance with his wishes, here is Agam playing Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah on violin:
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
The Aussie Easter Experience
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Pairing: Nico Hischier x Reader
Summary: Nico gets to experience an Aussie Easter
Word Count: 1311
Warnings: Alcohol. Oh and kids cause they always should come with warnings
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After getting knocked out of the playoffs just before Easter, Nico and yourself decided to just head to Australia to spend the holiday with your family. It was a big deal in your family. With all your nieces and nephews, it was an all day deal. Nico chose to make the best out of the shitty season he and the boys had. To be able to spend the holiday with some family.
You two had flown in the day before the big day. The house was already full with visiting family who were staying with your parents. Caravans were parked in your front yard. Luckily you had grown up on a large property where your parents still lived. Nico and yourself were given your old room which was still pretty much how you left it. 
The Sunday morning came around and the sound of giggling children on the other side of your bedroom door had woken you up. You were quick to nudge Nico awake. 
“If you don’t wake up right now, you’ll have about 5 kids under the age of 7 jump on you and beg you to get up.” Nico groaned, pulling the covers above his head. You were quick to join him as the door was thrown open and the gaggle of kids rushed in. “We’re up, we’re up.”
Nico threw the covers off of you two and over the kids laying on top of you. Trapping them under the blanket. “I’ve got you guys now!”
The giggling quieted down as the kids quickly left the bedroom. The last left was Layla who had chosen to cuddle up to Nico. “Uncle Nico. I missed you.”
“What about me?” You mutter, getting up and pulling out an outfit from your suitcase.
“You too Aunty (Y/N)!”
She goes out of the room allowing you and Nico to change. You two were quick to make your way into the lounge room where the family had all crammed in for breakfast. The adults around the dining table and on the couches with the kid in the lounge room.
“Since our teenagers are up,” Your mother jokes, smiling as the two of you take a seat beside your sibling, Dylan, “We can get started with our Easter. You kids can now pick up your basket. Only the one with your name though.”
The kids sitting on the lounge room floor all cheer. With your 5 older siblings and older cousins, there were a total of 11 kids in the room. Ranging from 4 months old to 8 years old. The perfect ages for a big Easter celebration. The first thing each kid under 18 gets is a basket each that contains a pair of pyjamas , a movie and a chocolate bunny. 
Breakfast was placed on the table. A wide spread of bacon and eggs, pancakes, croissants and fruit was put out. Oh and you couldn’t forget the three different types of hot cross buns, fruit, fruitless and chocolate chip. Everyone piled up their plates and found a seat around the room. Yourself and Nico set yourselves up with your siblings Dylan, Molly and Nick in the lounge room. Dylan was your only younger sibling at 18, just aging out of the Easter traditions. Nick was the next sibling after you at 25 and then Molly was 26. 
“What’s these?” Nico asked, poking your hot cross bun on your plate with his fork. 
“It’s a hot cross bun,” You answer, picking up one of the buttered halves and holding it up to his mouth. “It’s a sweet, spiced bread. There isn’t any fruit in this one.”
He took a bite and grinned, “They taste good!”
“Right? We only have these at Easter.”
Molly rolls her eyes, “Shops start stocking them the day after Christmas these days.”
“Here’s a juice each,” your mum offers, coming over to Nico and you. 
The pair of you take the glasses of orange juice from her. You went straight in for a sip. Enjoying the refreshing beverage. Mid way, one by one the fathers started disappearing from the room, going out back to hide the eggs. Luckily the kids didn’t notice, too enthralled by the pancakes and chocolate chip hot cross buns. Nico did instead, turning to you in curiosity.
“What’s happening?”
You leant in, whispering in his ear, “They’re going to hide the eggs.”
“Uncle Nico!” Your 4 year old nephew Wyatt toddled up to you guys on the couch. He held his arms up, wanting to be sitting with you. “Look, a bunny.”
Nico lifted the blonde boy onto the couch, sitting him on your lap facing Nico. Wyatt held up the chocolate bunny which had its wrapper already peeled back and a bite taken from the ears. You quickly snuck a bite of the bunny making the kid squeal.
“Guys look,” Dylan shouted, running in holding up a small, foil-wrapped egg, “The easter bunny came!”
All the kids raced outside to start the hunt, bringing their baskets with them. You got up, grabbing Charlotte from Kacey and her basket. She was a bit young to understand the whole idea of the hunt. So instead you wandered the yard, avoiding the gaggle of children running around the large yard. The rest of the adults had filed out of the house to watch the joy of the hunt.
“Mummy look!”
Bianca ran up to your older cousin Sarah. Showing her the collection of small eggs she had collected. Nico caught a glimpse of one you had snuck and opened. 
He was confused. He looked at you standing beside him, entertaining Charlotte. “Uh, the eggs are actually chocolate? Not plastic?”
“They’re chocolate, here,” You pass him a handful of the Cadbury eggs. “It’s a mix of flavours. I think there is Turkish delight, mint, cookies and cream and some others.”
Nico tried them one by one as he watched the kids enjoy the morning. Honestly, no-one knew how many eggs were actually hidden by the dads. Knowing your dad, a lot. He loved to spoil you as a kid. 
“You looking forward to the adult hunt?” Kendall asks Nico, not knowing you hadn’t told him.
“The what?”
Dylan laughed, “In our family, we have an adult hunt. Instead of chocolate we find alcohol. 18 plus is the age bracket for the hunt. Mum, Dad, Aunty Julie, Uncle Glenn, Aunt Rose and Uncle Johnno put it on. Everyone has a specific drink to find. Oh and the small bottles of alcohol are free for all.”
“I wasn’t asked…”
You shrug, giving Nico a bashful smile, “I told Mum your favourite was Emu.”
Nico smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips. “And what’s your choice of poison?”
“Cruisers. Specifically citrus ones.”
“Basic,” Dylan joked.
“Says the 18 year old planning to find Ronas.”
Once the kids had found them all, they went inside to watch Rise of the Guardians in the movie theatre. Then it was the adults' turn. You all sat in the lounge drinking the first drink of the day while the parents hid the alcohol. Your father came in, holding the little bottle of tequila.
“Who first?”
This was your time to shine. You got up the quickest and shot back the little bottle of alcohol. Then you got to start first. 30 seconds after you exited the back door, the others filed through. Nico was quick to join the hunt. Some of your older guy cousins were pushing each other around, trying to get to some of the old hiding spots. 
“How many do we have to collect?” Nico asks.
“12,” You reply, adding another to your little esky bag.
“And usually we drink them all today,” Kacey grinned. “Grandparents get to look after the kids while we have a party.”
You and Nico both pop open a bottle, clinking them together, “To Easter I guess.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings @jayrami3
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sysakiddo · 1 year
just Max with his cold intelligence and Daniel with his charming manipulation as diplomatic rockstars, living their best life in Paris
sequel of this 
Daniel has lived in many places throughout his life. He knew what it was like to wake up to the sun filling the room in Italy. He saw the cherries blossom in Japan. He learned to cook hundreds of dishes only using potatoes and cabbage in Eastern Europe. In London, he learned to predict rain by looking at the sky for a minute and seeing how the clouds moved. Daniel knew what made people in the US warm up to him, how smiley he had to be to seem polite but not overly so. He knew Australia like the back of his hand. Its seemingly never-ending bushes and the smell of dry earth followed him wherever he went. 
Daniel called their apartment in Paris home very proudly. It took ages for them to move out of their respective apartments in the embassies.
The building had no elevator, and because the apartment was on the fifth floor, Max bitched about it whenever he was made to come up with tote bags full of groceries. They agreed to stay in the 16th arrondissement even though it meant the neighbours scrunched up their noses whenever they heard Daniel's strong accent when he spoke French. It was easier for Max to pass as French. He never smiled at strangers like Dan did.
Max gets home first. Daniel insisted on going to a small grocery store on the corner of their street before coming up. The lights in the living room and kitchen are on when he enters. Max made sure all of them had warm lightbulbs. He did not believe in cold light.
The gramophone from the corner of their living room, last year's birthday gift to Max, is playing Schostakowitsch's 7th Symphony. Daniel got good at assessing Max's mood solely based on which music he chose to listen to. That's how Daniel immediately knows Max is in a good mood. He puts the ice cream tube on the kitchen table and tugs his tie loose.
He finds Max in the bathroom, already brushing his teeth, wearing only a white shirt and shorts he usually sleeps in. Daniel catches his eyes in the mirror reflection, baring his teeth in a wicked smile. Max spits out the toothpaste and Daniel crowds him in, slipping his cold hands under his shirt, making him flinch.
“I already showered.” Max bitches like Dan did not notice the water dripping from his hair onto his shirt. He still turns into putty under Daniel's hands when he pushes into his shoulders, bending him over the sink. He lets Daniel fuck him right in the bathroom. After, he grumbles and whines until Daniel rewashes his hair with conditioner and a massage.
He looks smug when he is reading a book in their bed later. He waits for Daniel to turn up in his pyjamas when he hears suspicious sounds from the kitchen. “What are you doing?” he hollers, sighing. Daniel is too restless for his own good sometimes.
He turns up a minute later with two small bowls in his hands.
It's ice cream, strawberry and vanilla. Max was annoyed that the restaurant they were in had only lemon flavoured one and ordered a crème brûlée instead. Still, Daniel heard 'of course the only legitimate dessert is ice cream, Daniel,'  whatever that meant, too many times to know Max wasn't content with the last course of the dinner.
“Here you go,” Daniel handed him his bowl. “You deserve it, eh? It went really well.”
Max nods, smirking a bit. “Oh, they absolutely hated you!” Cheeky bastard. Daniel rolls his eyes but doesn't disagree.
“They weren't thrilled about the idea of you being fine with putting your dick near mine, either.”
“Was it the wedding band that gave it away?” Max laughs wholeheartedly. He doesn't care, knows the meeting went well enough. He will have a good day at work tomorrow. They eat the ice cream in silence. After finishing, the older takes their bowls to the kitchen but doesn't put them in the washing machine. In his head, he can already see Max telling him off for it in the morning.
The lights are already out for some time when he gathers enough courage to finally say it.
“They offered China to me,” he whispers and in the quiet of the room, he can clearly hear Max's breath hitch. Max lights up the light on his side of the bed immediately, fully awake now.
Daniel scooches closer to him, reaching out for his hand. Max pulls away wordlessly.
“They called me on Monday. I'd stay for four years, starting this August.”
Max looks white as a sheet, eyebrows twitching in confusion. “But-” he starts, then gulps audibly. Daniel hadn't seen him this perturbed in ages. “I. Uh. The Netherlands doesn't have a vacancy in Beijing for another two years.”
Daniel nods. He already double-checked. “Oh.” Max is freaking out when he gets it. He can feel his hands tremble and quickly shows them under his thighs. “You want to go without me.”
“No!” Daniel tries to touch his arm again, desperate to form a physical connection between them. “No, of course not.”
“But they won't give me the place now, Daniel,” he repeats. He never showed any interest in becoming an ambassador in China before. If he knew Daniel wanted to-
“What do you-” Max's eyes are wide and like this, he looks a lot younger than he actually is. Daniel feels a pang in his chest at seeing Max so vulnerable. “Oh my god.”
Daniel has had enough, sitting up and pulling Max into his lap.
“Stop freaking out. I just want to talk about it.” He snakes a hand around his torso, pulling him impossibly closer. Max clings to him, scrunching Daniel's shirt between his fingers helplessly.
“How am I not supposed to freak out? You want me to become a fucking Julia Child.”
Daniel giggles, can't help himself. “Oh, baby,” he coos. “I'm not telling you to become anything. I am not even telling you I'm going to Beijing.”
Max huffs. “You would be a fool to say no.”
The thing is, though, what is there after Paris for him? They both reached their professional goals: they first met as freshly appointed ambassadors in Washington and were lucky enough to be sent to Paris simultaneously. Both Daniel and Max were two for two in other diplomats' wet dreams - the States and France on their CVs.
Of course, it was foolish of them not to talk about what would happen after they had to return. Max knew it but he was sure they had time, still more than a year before the dreaded date. In his mind, Daniel was prepared to finish his career on a high note. Max eyed Tel Aviv next, and selfishly, he thought Danny would look magnificent in the Israeli sun. By his side.
“I'm old, Max,” he says now. “I think this is the last chance-”
“Oh, fuck off, Daniel. Stop acting like you are a grandpa or something.” He knew what Daniel talked about, though. He would never say this out loud, but he considered Daniel's retirement after Paris a sure thing.
Danny smiles and runs his hands through the blonde's hair.
“It wouldn't be the worst, no? You being the ambassador's husband-”
Max rolls his eyes. “Well, who am I now?”
He sacrificed so much to get where he is. If his father found out he so much as thought about giving it all up for a man he still refused to shake hands with- Max physically recoils at the thought.
Daniel knows how crazy what he wants from Max sounds. “You hated Bejing when we went,” Max says, absentmindedly running his fingers along the tattoo on Daniel's biceps, the one he got in a small tattoo parlour during their stay there. They got robbed on their way back to the hotel.
He sounds so lost Danny squeezes him even more tightly.
“I hated Paris, too.” he shrugs. Max understands. The best part of Paris is the fact that Daniel is there.
He gulps again, the rational part of his brain finally kicking in. “That would make me. Unemployed, I guess.”
“I am not saying it must be like that, Maxy. We could switch after four years. I will surely retire by then. I would be the best trophy wife, don't you think? Grey and hot as hell.”
Max smiles despite being too shocked to do anything else than answer with a shrug.
Daniel kisses him goodnight. “We will figure something out,”
It takes him another hour to fall asleep. His dreams are full of the booming sound of Daniel's laugh, steely blue eyes filled with disappointment and busy Chinese streets.
third part 
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ceofjohnlennon · 2 years
The Beatles facts, from the "Fabulous" magazine in 1965:
John flew to Hong Kong wearing pyjamas.
John is a cat-lover.
Ringo spent much of his childhood in a Cheshire hospital.
John used to envy his cousin Stanley's Meccano set.
Brian Epstein hesitated a long time before taking Ringo as a replacement for Pete Best.
George is afraid of flying.
George has bought a bow and arrow.
Pattie Boyd didn't like the Beatles before she met them on the set of A Hard Day's Night.
John’s father was a singer on pre-war Atlantic liners.
Ringo's stepfather, Harry Graves, sings Beatles songs at family parties.
The Beatles never visit a barber.
Paul washes his hair every day.
The Beatles turned down the offer of an appearance on the 1964 Royal Variety Show.
Ringo cannot swim, except for brief doggie paddle.
Brian Epstein made the Beatles have their hair cut short after he signed them in 1962.
They are never photographed with their hair 'up.'
Paul ate corn flakes and bacon and eggs at a champagne and caviar luncheon in London. Music publisher Dick James was host.
The Beatles didn't want to go to Australia without Ringo when he was ill. But Brian persuaded them to change their minds.
Paul has a mini as well as an Aston Martin DB4.
George's personal Christmas card was a photograph of him scowling at a cameraman.
John never saw an audience properly until Dundee in Scotland. Then he wore contact lenses.
An American firm wrote to the Beatles asking if they could market the Beatles' bathwater at a dollar a bottle.
They refused the offer.
Their road manager, Mal Evans, was once a bouncer at the Liverpool Cavern Club.
Neil Aspinall, their other road manager, was given a Jaguar last Christmas – a present from the Beatles.
Paul drinks coffee for breakfast. The other three drink tea – even in America.
Ringo had his new clothes designed by a woman, Caroline Charles.
Jane Asher bought Paul a record player for his Aston Martin.
Brian Epstein says, 'America discovered Ringo.’
Paul believes he is not a very good guitarist.
None of the Beatles drinks Scotch and Coke. They now dilute the occasional spirit with lemonade.
John told an American journalist that US fashions were five years behind the UK.
The Beatles never really liked jelly babies. They just said they did for a joke.
They carry a crate of pop in the trunk of their Austin Princess.
Their new chauffeur, Alf Bicknell, used to drive for David Niven and Cary Grant.
Burt Lancaster has sent Ringo a set of pistols. They became friends in Hollywood.
Burt let them use his home for a showing of A Shot in the Dark.
Edward G. Robinson and his grandchild twice joined the queue to shake hands with The Beatles at their Hollywood garden party.
So did Mrs Dean Martin and her five children.
The Beatles have no pockets in their trousers and only two side pockets in their jackets. Paul designed them.
All they carry on them in the way of money is a few banknotes.
John has bought his mother-in-law a house near his own in Surrey.
None of The Beatles wears under shirts.
Paul wants to buy a farm.
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johndpg · 1 year
Flirting (1991) d. John Duigan
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A six-stroke caning over pyjamas for Danny Embling by his Housemaster. At least one member of his dorm has already been dealt with; the rest are nervously lined-up outside the study. Later, the boys compare stripes after lights out. The film is set in Australia in 1965 and deals with the burgeoning romance between the socially-isolated Danny, who has a stutter, and Thandiwe Adjewa, a Ugandan-Kenyan-British girl he meets at a school rugby match. Between them they confront the authoritarian regime in their respective boarding schools.
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The film is a coming-of-age melodrama and is a semi-autobiographical piece by the director. It’s the second in an intended trilogy that wasn’t completed. Noah Taylor who plays Danny also starred in the first film: The Year My Voice Broke (1987). It marks the film debut of Thandiwe Newton; Nicole Kidman is in it too, before Hollywood and mega-stardom.
The school is shown as a harsh, uncompromising place where the boys are caned regularly. They bully each other too, and Danny is frequently the butt of their jokes. Even his nickname mocks his stammer. His romance with Thandiwe is something of a revelation to them, then, especially when he sneaks her into the dorm and later hides her in the boys’ showers.
The Housemaster in particular is vindictive and sadistic. As well as the caning at the start of the film, he’s heard caning another boy during prep. It’s telling that he has to chalk his cane, which suggests he enjoys terrorising the boys and inflicting the pain of a caning but isn’t all that expert at it. He always gives out six of the best, too, which shows no discretion or understanding of justice.
The canings we see/hear are massively exaggerated, especially the audio. If a boy was beaten that severely in real life, I doubt he’d just get up and walk off with a nod to the next boy in line.
There is an ongoing joke of one boy, Green, saying or doing the wrong thing and being told to report to different teachers for a caning.
Despite being set in Australia in the 60s, the boys wear long grey trousers throughout, although some wear shorts for rugby and tennis.
Noah Taylor, Thandiwe Newton and Nicole Kidman are all still acting (fancy that). You might recognise Noah from Game of Thrones amongst other things. Thandiwe has won various awards, including a Best Supporting Actress BAFTA for Crash (2004) and an Emmy; she was made an OBE in 2019. Nicole, meanwhile, bagged a Best Actress Oscar and a BAFTA for The Hours (2003), and is also the recipient of two Golden Globes, an Emmy and a Screen Actors Guild Award.
Noah was 21 when he filmed this. Australia ended corporal punishment in 1985, so it's not inconceivable that he was caned at school. I wonder if shooting these scenes brought back any memories?
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chickensarentcheap · 10 months
Lost and Found- Chapter 23
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Fandom: Extraction
Pairing: Tyler Rake and Esme Drummond (OFC. But you do not have to read the others in the series to understand this fic.)
Tagging: @tragiclyhip@munstysmind@themaradwrites@youflickedtooharddamnit@secretaryunpaid@kmc1989@thebejeweledwatercat@asirensrage@theesirenteller@residentdormouse@arrthurpendragon@ocappreciation@occommunity@karimac@alisbackalleybbq@ninjasawakenedmystar
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43179357/chapters/131266804
My tag list is OPEN. Please just let me know if you’d like to be added :D
Esme lingers in the near distance, watching Millie as she busies herself at the table by the living room windows; her hair dishevelled and unruly, wayward strands skimming the sides of her face and falling into her eyes. Her long, slender frame still clad in her pyjamas; an intentionally mismatched set comprising traditional brown and grey camo leggings and a neon pink shirt decorated with bright yellow stars. Attention riveted on her creative pursuits; kneeling on one of the chairs, the tabletop covered in sheets of different coloured paper, markers, and both pencil and traditional crayons.
The little one looks so much like her in that moment of intense concentration: the furrowed brow, the narrowed eyes, the top teeth tucked over her bottom lip. Even fresh out of the womb, she’d borne a startling resemblance to him. Arriving in the world with a headful of thick, dirty blond tresses, sparkling blue eyes, and that long torso and lanky limbs. And shockingly big feet and hands. And despite not spending her first four years in his presence, she somehow carries quite a number of his mannerisms and quirks; the stubbornness, the resiliency, the naturally occurring love for animals and a seemingly fearless, bold curiosity that knows no limits.
For Esme, it had been so bittersweet. Longing to be a mother for so long, she had found herself alone and overwhelmed, yet blessed with a beautiful little girl who was the spitting of the man who helped create her.
The one she had lost, but had loved beyond all comprehension. And always would.
She lightly raps her knuckles against the wall in an effort to grab Millie’s attention. “Hey…”
The four-year-old glances up and over; a broad, dimpled smile replacing the frown of concentration. “Momma! Hi!”
“What’cha doin’, babes?”
“Just drawing and colouring some stuff.”
“What kind of stuff?”
“Just all the stuff I like best. Animals and birds and rainbows and flowers and the places that you and I would always go to. Like the library, and the Statue of Liberty, and the fountain at Central Park. And Macy’s.”
“Macy’s, huh? Let me guess; what it looks like at Christmas?”
“Christmas is the best time to go there. All the lights and decorations and stuff. And the hot chocolate and those things we always get to eat. In the paper bag. That you got at the food cart.”
“Roasted chestnuts.”
“Those are soooo good. Do they have Christmas in Australia?”
“They definitely do.”
“Just no snow.”
“No. There won’t be any snow. But we could always travel somewhere where there is some. For Christmas time. I’m sure Tyler wouldn’t mind. He’s been in winter weather before.”
“Christmas is only a month and a bit away. Is that enough time? To let Santa know where I moved to? What if he comes to New York City and can’t find me?”
“There’s more than enough time to send him your new address. Once December first comes, we’ll write him a letter. Let him know where you’re living now. He won’t forget about you. I promise.”
Satisfied with the answer, Millie returns to the drawing in front of her. “I’m going to hang my pictures on the wall in my new bedroom. Tyler said I could. That I could decorate it myself. And that we could even go shopping! So I can pick out things I really like. He even said I could get a bike. And that he’ll teach me to ride it. IF it’s okay with you.”
“Of course that’s okay with me. You guys have been talking a lot, huh?”
“I like talking to him. He always lets me ask tons of questions. Even if they’re stupid ones. And he never gets mad at me. For talking too much. Alessio always got mad. He said I was too noisy.”
“I’m sorry. That Alessio was mean to you. And I’m sorry that I didn’t do something about it. That I didn’t take you away from him.”
“You always told him off! When he was mean to me. You never let him get away with it. Especially when he threw away my sandals. You REALLY lost it on him! It was awesome!”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. To defend you. Keep you safe. You know that, right?”
“Mmhmm. ‘Cause you’re my momma. And you love me.”
“I do. I DO love you. I love you so very, very, VERY much. And that’s why I need to have a little chat with you about something. About how things are going to go down today. When we finally get out of here.”
“When do we have to try and get away from the bad guys?”
Her mother nods. “Do you think I could join you? Sit with you for a little bit? Have our talk, and then you let you go back to what you’re doing?”
“Okay.” She hurriedly gathers up the loose pieces of paper, caps the markers, and settles everything into a neat pile. “Can I show you my pictures first? I think they’re really good. That you’ll REALLY like them.”
“I would love to see them.” Settles on the edge of the bed, Esme combs her fingers through Millie’s hair as the little one proudly shows off her creations: brightly coloured drawings of all of her favourite animals, princesses, superheroes, her rendition of Macy’s at Christmas, and the fountain and ducks in Central Park.
“And I made this!” Millie holds aloft the final piece. “It’s my best one! That’s me and you and…”
“How come you made me so short? I’m almost as small as you are.”
“‘Cause you’re really tiny, mom. I’m going to be taller than you soon.”
“You’re four years old, I highly doubt that.”
“I bet you when I’m ten, I'll be taller than you!”
“You know, for such a cute little thing, you’re a savage.”
“...and that’s Tyler. I made it with all three of us ‘cause we’re going to be living together, so that makes us a family! He IS family, right?”
“He definitely is.”
“And that’s his dog, Lucy. He showed me a picture of her. So I could draw her. I love her already. I always wanted a dog.”
“And a rabbit and a ferret and a bearded dragon. Along with a whole list of other animals. You’ll have to go easy on Lucy, okay? She’s getting older. Slowing down. And I’m sure things are starting to hurt.”
“Tyler said maybe all she needs is a little kid around. To have fun with. That maybe she’ll be so excited, she’ll act like a puppy again. I really hope she likes me.”
“She’ll love you. For sure. She’s a very sweet girl.”
“Mom, can I ask you something? Without you getting mad?”
“Why would I ever get mad at you? There’s nothing you could ask that would ever upset me.”
“Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent. There’s nothing you can’t talk to me about. You know that. What’s going on? What’s up?”
“You remember how you said that one day you’d take me to meet my dad? My REAL dad?”
“I remember.”
“I kinda changed my mind. I don’t think I want to meet him anymore.”
“Why not? What happened?”
“Well, if we’re going to be living with Tyler, that means he’s gonna be my dad. Maybe not the dad that helped make me, but the dad that’s going to help you take care of me. Until I’m old enough to take care of myself.”
“I love Tyler. With all my heart. He’s my second bestie. And if my real dad comes along, he might not like that. That Tyler is around and that I love him and like being with him and living with him. And he might get upset and not let me see Tyler anymore. That would really make me sad. If I couldn’t see him.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that. I don’t think your dad…”
“I don’t want to take any chances. So it’s just better if I don’t meet him; if he stays a secret, and I just wonder about him. I just want it to be us. You and me and Tyler. And Lucy. I don’t want anyone changing that.”
“Honey, I don’t…”
“Please, momma?” Millie’s voice quivers with emotion as tears sparkle in her eyes. “Please don’t make me meet him. I don’t want to ruin things. I want them to stay the way they are. I don’t want him trying to take me away. I just want to stay with you and Tyler and Lucy. Please?”
“Alright…” Cradling her daughter’s cheeks in her palms, Esme turns her head up towards her and places a kiss on her lips. “...we’ll keep things the way they are. But there’s something I need to tell you. And it’s really important and…”
“About my dad?”
“Yeah, about your dad.”
“Momma, no! I don’t want to hear it. I don’t…”
“Millie, it’s not what you think. It’s not bad. It’s very good, actually. It’s very, very, VERY good. Please just let me say it? I really need to say it?”
“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t…”
“Tyler’s your dad. Your REAL dad. He’s not just an old boyfriend that I got back together with. He’s so much more than that. He always has been.”
“That’s impossible. He CAN’T be my dad.”
“He is, sweets. There is no doubt about it. There was no one else but him. In my life. He’s the person who helped make you. He’s…”
“If he was my dad, he would have known about me BEFORE. He wouldn’t have just met me.”
“It’s a long and complicated story and…” Her voice trails off as the main door to the suite clicks open. And she returns Tyler’s warm yet apologetic smile with a shaky, nervous one of her own.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to be this late.” Affectionately ruffling Millie's hair, he lays a hand on Esme’s shoulder, and drops a kiss on the top of her head. “I got tied up with work stuff. We were going over some things, and people were disagreeing about them and…” He frowns as he notices her discomfort, then runs a hand over her hair, and squeezes the nape of her neck. “What’s going on? You alright? You don’t…”
Tears threaten as Esme shakes her head. “I told her. The truth. About you. I didn’t mean to do it. Just she was talking about her dad, and I just blurted out. I’m sorry. I am so sorry. I know that we were going to wait and tell her together, but…”
“It’s okay. There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. You didn’t do anything wrong. Hey…” Dropping to a knee alongside Millie’s chair, he gives a comforting smile and then places his palm on the top of her head; thumb repeatedly stroking her brow. “...you alright? What’s going on?”
“It’s not true, is it? That you’re my dad. There’s no way it’s true.”
“It’s true. Your mom isn’t lying, I AM your dad.”
“You can’t be. I’m four. And we just met! If you were my dad, we would have met before. You would have known since I was in mummy’s tum!”
“Tyler didn’t know,” Esme informs her daughter. “He had no clue you were ever in my tummy.”
“How could he not know? It’s obvious when there’s a baby in someone’s tummy!”
“He never knew about you, Amelia. He had no clue you were even on the way. I left before I found out about you.”
“Why did you leave? You didn’t love him?”
“I didn’t leave because I didn’t love him. I left because I did.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. NONE of this makes any sense.”
“Your mom got into some trouble,” Tyler attempts an explanation; eager to tell the truth, but keep it simple and short enough for a little one to understand. “With some really bad people. And she was worried that I was going to get hurt. Or worse. We had already been through something really bad together, and I wasn’t healthy enough to fight back and keep her safe. That’s the only reason she left. So nothing would happen to ME.”
“But mom said you had no clue I was ever in her tummy. Why didn’t she tell you?”
“Because there was still trouble. And once she found out she was having you, all of a sudden, there were three people to keep safe. Her, me, and YOU. She didn’t want anything bad to happen to you. Before you were even born. And she’d wanted to be a mom for so long, and she was so happy that you were on the way that she did whatever she had to. To protect you.”
“But what about AFTER? After all the bad stuff? She must have told you about me then. I’m FOUR! There’s no way you just found out about me. Didn’t you want me?”
“I didn’t know about you. Until I came here. That was the first time I met you. I wouldn’t lie. Millie. I didn’t know you even existed. Because believe me, if I had? There’s nothing…or no one…that could have stopped me from being with you. AND your mum. We would have been a family. Long before now.”
Millie turns narrowed, accusing eyes towards her mother. “Why didn’t you tell him? About me?”
“Because I was stupid. And selfish.”
“You’re stupid, alright.”
“Hey…” Tyler’s tone is firm. Scolding. “...don’t talk to your mum like that. Don’t ever say those things to her.”
“I hate her! For lying to me! And to you!”
“No. You don’t. You don’t hate her.”
“I do. I DO hate her.”
“I can’t do this.” Esme holds her hands up in surrender. And a play for mercy. “ I can’t HEAR this. I just can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t…”
Tyler reaches for her, fingertips brushing across the top of her hand as she moves further away. “It’s alright, Me. Just sit down. Just sit down and breathe and…”
“I need some air. Or some water. Something. Anything. I’m sorry. I am so sorry.”
He heaves a sigh as she flees the room; running a hand over his weary, unshaven face before turning his attention back to Millie.
She remains steadfast. Unapologetic. “I DO hate her.”
“Listen to me.” He takes his daughter’s face in his hands. “ That is your mum. And she loves you more than she loves anything or anyone in this world. More than she even loves herself. And she’s been a good mum, yeah? A REALY good mum?”
The four-year-old offers a reluctant nod.
“Everything she did? She did it to protect you. And me. It doesn’t matter if we agree with it or not. Doesn’t matter if we even really understand. We don’t know what she was going through. What she HAS been going through. Only she knows those things. But what I DO know? I know it wasn’t easy for her to leave. I know she didn’t want to go. I know she wanted to have a life with me. She wanted to get married and have kids; she wanted us to grow really old and really gray together. But she didn’t have much of a choice. She wasn’t given one. And she wasn’t taking any chances. With me OR you.”
“I’m angry. At her.”
“But you don’t hate her.”
Millie shakes her head.
“It’s okay to be angry, Amelia. It’s okay to be pissed off and for your heart to hurt. Mine does. It’s hurt nearly every second of every day for the last five years. I have missed your mum so much. I never stopped loving her. I never will. But just because I love her and I would do anything for her doesn’t mean I’m not angry at her. That I don’t get upset with her sometimes. But I don’t hate her. I never could.”
“Why? Why don’t you hate her? You should.”
“No. I shouldn’t. Because I don’t know what she was going through. The things she was thinking. How she was feeling. It hasn’t been easy for her. These last five years. She didn’t want to leave me. She HAD to. And she has her reasons; for not telling me about you. I don’t pretend to understand them. But one day I will. And one day, I won’t be angry anymore. And neither will you.”
“But right now…”
“Right now, you’re pissed off. And you’re hurt, yeah?”
The little girl nods.
“So am I. And that’s alright. To feel this way. And you know who told me that? Your mom. She was the one who told me that it's okay to be angry and sad. That she understands. But to say you hate her…”
“I don’t really. I don’t really hate her.”
“You said it to hurt her, didn’t you. You wanted her to be sad, too.”
“I wanted her heart to hurt. Like mine.”
“Believe me, Millie, it already does. It’s been hurting for five years. Your mum didn’t deserve that. You saying that to her. She isn’t some horrible person who did all of this to hurt you. Or me. She thought she was doing the right thing. And even though all the bad stuff was finished and she still didn’t tell me about you, she thought there was a reason she needed to protect herself. She was afraid. Of being hurt. That maybe I’d be so angry at her that I wouldn’t want her back. That I wouldn’t even want YOU.”
“But you would have, right? Wanted us?”
“I definitely would have wanted you. BOTH of you. And I’m sorry; that we didn’t get to meet before. That we didn’t know each other until now. But we got a lot of time left, yeah? For all of that?”
“Tons of time.”
“And I know that we’re both pissed off and hurt and all that. That we deserve to feel these things. But you know what? Your mumma is going through a lot. Because of all this. She’s been lonely and sad and hurting for five years. And she hates herself; for what she did to us. And I don’t want that. I love her too much to watch her put herself through that.”
“So do I.”
“She needs us. More than she lets on. So do you think you could help me? Be there for her? Think we could be a team? Help her together?”
“I think so.”
“I know you love your mum. And she knows it too. But do you think maybe you could tell her? Maybe say you’re sorry? Because she didn’t deserve that. Being hurt like that. And I think you know that.”
“I didn’t mean it. I don’t really hate her.”
“I know. And so does she. But I still think it’s better if you tell her that. That you’re sorry and you love her. Even if you don’t understand why she did the things she did. I don’t really understand either. But I’m trying.”
“Is it REALLY true? It’s not some kind of big joke, is it? That you and mom are playing. You really ARE my dad?”
“We wouldn’t joke about this. I really AM your dad.”
“And you honestly didn’t know about me?”
“If I’d known that your mum was pregnant, nothing would have stopped me from being with her. There’s not a bad guy in the world that would have kept me from her. I would have been there as soon as she told me about you. And she knows that. That I never would have stayed away. Which is part of the reason why she didn’t tell me.”
“Because she wanted to protect you.”
“And she didn’t tell you after all that?”
“I didn’t know about you until I came here. I didn’t even know it was your mum that needed my help. It was Auntie Nik that called me and said she needed to do a job for her. A client asked for me by name and needed me to get her and her little kid out of a bad situation. And to somewhere safe.”
“You didn’t know it was mom?”
“I hadn’t seen or heard from her in five years. I had no idea where she was. I didn’t even know if she was alive. I wish I had. Known that she was alright.”
“And you wish you’d known about me.”
“Believe me, I would have loved to have known about you. I wanted to be a dad again. I was scared to be one, but…”
“Because your little boy died.”
Tyler nods. “And because I made a really bad decision when he was sick. That hurt him and his mum. And I didn’t want to screw things up again. With your mumma. But I wanted all that with her. A house and a wife and kids. I wanted to do it right the second time around.”
“It’s sad, you know.”
“What’s sad?”
“That momma had to leave. That she didn’t get to stay. ‘Cause she was happy, and she loved you, and she wanted all that too. It must have hurt her. A lot. To leave.”
“It did. And it still hurts her. That she left. She didn’t want to go. And she definitely didn’t want to keep you from me. She really thought she was doing the best for me. And for you.”
“Momma wouldn’t do anything to hurt anyone. Not on purpose.”
“Exactly. Your mum isn’t like that. She’s a good person, Millie. She’s the best human being I’ve ever known.”
“And the best momma, too.”
“I’m very lucky. That she’s your mum. Because she loves you so much. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for you. And she’s taken such good care of you. She’s kept you happy and healthy all this time. And SAFE.”
“It’s been a really good life.”
“I’m sure it has. And that makes me really happy; to hear you say that. Your mum has done such a good job, Millie. And she IS sorry. That she kept us apart. She regrets it. And she probably will for the rest of her life.”
“I don’t want her to be sad. Not for THAT long.”
“Neither do I. And that’s why we have to team up. Work together. To help her NOT be sad. To let her know that we don’t hate her. We never could. We just gotta keep finding ways to show her that we love her. Think we can do that? Be a team?”
Millis gives an enthusiastic nod.
“I’m going to go and check on her. Make sure she’s okay. And then I’m gonna bring her back here. Is that alright?”
“That’s alright. But I have a question first. Is that okay?”
“I don’t want to upset you.”
“Believe me, it takes a lot.”
“When do I call you ‘daddy’? ‘Cause I’ve only known you as Tyler, and I don’t know if I’m ready yet. To NOT call you Tyler. Is that wrong? That I’m not ready to call you anything else?”
“That’s not wrong. At all. I know all of this is hard. It’s a lot to hear. And make sense of.”
“So when? When do I call you something else?”
“Whenever you’re ready to. Whenever it feels right. That’s all that’s important. What’s right for YOU. Don’t worry about anyone else. Just yourself. I’ll be around. I can wait as long as you need me to.”
“Promise you’ll be around? Even if it takes a long time? You promise you won’t leave me? And momma?”
“I’m not going anywhere, Millie. Ever. You and your mum are stuck with me. Sorry.”
Giggling she wraps her arms around his neck and pecks his cheek. “I do love you, you know.”
“I know.” He embraces her as tight as her little body will allow, then places a kiss on her temple. “And I love you. You know THAT, yeah?”
“Yeah…” Millie issues a long, content sigh, then rests her head on his shoulder. “...I do.”
He finds her in the master bathroom, perched on the edge of the bathtub; eyes puffy and red from crying, a pile of used tissues by her feet.
“You okay?”
“She hates me.”
“She doesn’t hate you.”
“You were right there. You heard her say it.”
“She could never hate you. You’re her mother.”
“I hate MY mother.”
“Yeah? So? So do I.”
“So that means you hate me, too.”
“Don’t start that shit again. No one hates you. Least of all ME. I have very good, solid reasons to hate your mother.”
“Millie has a VERY good and solid reason.”
“No, she doesn’t. It’s a hell of a shock, you know? To hear something like that. Especially when you’re only four years old. Fuck, it’s a lot to digest as an adult. But she does not hate you. She was hurt, and she was angry, and she lashed out.”
“Boy, it’s true,” Esme rips a tissue from the nearby box; sniffling noisily as she dabs at her eyes. “About the apple not falling far from the tree. She really IS her father.”
“I’m going to ignore that.”
“You heard her, Tyler. You heard everything she said. She even called me stupid.”
“You know damn well that your daughter…OUR daughter…doesn’t hate you. And she doesn’t think you’re stupid, either. Babe, she was upset. She just dropped it on her. How did you want her to react?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“She’s been through a lot. In the past week ALONE. And hearing that…that I’m her dad and you’ve been keeping it a secret…it was just too much for her. She’s just a little girl. I know she’s smart as hell, but she’s still only four. Get her some slack.”
“It just hurt, you know. To hear her say that. It was my worst fear; that she’d hate me for keeping her from her dad.”
“Look at me,” he gently orders as he kneels down in front of her; using calloused fingertips to clear wayward strands of hair away from the sides of her face. A thumb passing over her lips as he cups her cheek in his palm. “Please?”
She raises her chin from her chest.
“Millie does NOT hate you. You’re her mum. And you’re a damn good mum. An AMAZING one. She was just angry and hurt and that was the only one she knew how to express it. That’s all it was. She didn’t mean it.”
“When did you become an expert on child behaviour?”
“I have done this before, remember? And believe me, Austin could be damn mouthy when he wanted to be.”
“So he took after his dad, too, huh?”
“She is so much like him, Esme. She has so much of him inside of her. I saw it that first day; just the way she carried herself, the way she laughed, and how even the smallest things just made her so excited. And he loved drawing and colouring, too.”
“Does she look like him?”
“A little. He had a lot of his mum in him, though. Millie…”
“Physically, she is ALL you. I knew she was going to look like her dad. I mean, at my thirty-two-week ultrasound, they got a perfect side pic of her, and she damn well had your profile. She had your chin and the line of your jaw and even your nose. Well, your nose BEFORE it got all busted up a few times.”
“You love my nose.”
“I do.” She trails a fingertip over the bump in the bridge, then the scar that curves over top of it. “I love everything about you.”
“Do you still have that picture? Of her?”
“I have so many. There’s so much stuff. I started collecting things and putting them away; as soon as I found out that I was pregnant up until about eight months ago. When I moved in with Alessio, Nik took everything for me and kept it safe. I didn’t want him to find any of it. I didn’t want him to know about me. The REAL me. Or my past. He didn’t deserve to.”
“Maybe we can grab that stuff sometime. Or get Nik to ship it to us. I’d like to see it.”
“I saved it for you. So you could see what she was like; from the time she was born until the time you met her. I know it wouldn’t have made a difference; it wouldn’t have made you less hurt or angry. And it wouldn’t have replaced everything you missed out on. But I wanted that for you. To at least SEE those things.”
“It wasn’t easy for you. I know it wasn’t. And I’m sorry. If I’ve made you feel like I don’t care about any of that. How you must have felt and everything you must have been going through. I never meant to make you feel like it never mattered.”
“I never wanted to leave you. It was the last thing I wanted. I wanted ‘always and forever’ and ‘happy ever after’. Whatever that would have looked like for us.”
“We‘re still going to get that. It just didn’t happen the way we planned it. Things got a little sidetracked and delayed…”
“Just a bit.”
“...but we’ll get there. We’ve already started.”
“I’m sorry. That I told her. I know we planned on doing it together. I know you wanted to be there when it happened. It just..”
Laying a hand on the nape of her neck, he pulls her into him and kisses her forehead. “It’s alright, Me. There’s nothing for you to be sorry about.”
“She started talking about her dad. And how she didn’t want to meet him anymore. Because she found you and loves you and she was scared that her dad would come along and take her away from you. And it just freaked me out; hearing her talk about those things and being so adamant about it. Because her dad is right here, and she doesn’t even know it, and it seemed so unfair for her NOT to know and…”
“It’s okay, Esme. Everything’s alright. I’m not mad. Not in the slightest.”
“That’s NOT how I wanted her to find out.”
“Better out than in, yeah? It wasn’t the best way for it to happen, but…”
“Is she okay? How did she handle it? How…?”
“She’s so tough. So resilient. I’ve never seen a kid THAT strong. What have you been feeding her?”
She manages a laugh. “I told you. She’s YOU.”
“No. That’s all her mum. Her mum is the strongest person I’ve ever known.”
“That’s not true, and you know it.”
“It IS true. When do I ever bullshit?”
“Never. Not about serious things like that.”
“Millie’s fine. She just had the rug pulled out from under her. But we had a nice, long talk about her mum and why she did the things she did. And I told her that no matter how hurt and angry I am at times, I will defend you. No matter. Against anyone. Even her.”
“Boy, do you ever have your work cut out for you. That girl is pretty damn headstrong. She’s a bit of a challenge.”
“Babe, don’t hate me for saying this, but she gets that from you.”
“I am NOT that bad.”
“You are, and then some. I just let her know that I wouldn’t put up with that shit; her talking to her mum like that. And I told her that I love you. That I always have. That I always will.”
A soft knock comes to the door. “Mommy?” Millie’s voice is uncharacteristically tiny. Nervous. “Mommy, are you in there?”
“I am. Tyler’s here too.”
“Can I come in?”
“Of course you can.”
The little one lets herself into the bathroom, closing the door behind her and then sheepishly approaching her mom. In possession of a peace offering; pink construction paper cut into the shape of a heart and sprinkled with purple and silver glittering and decorated with stickers of rainbows and unicorns. “I made this for you, momma. Don’t worry, I didn’t use the scissors. Abuela did that part.”
Tears threaten once more as Esme accepts the gift; giving a small, choked sob when she opens the card and discovers its message. Done with so much care, patience and love; letters of various sizes and facing different directions. Declaring her the best mommy ever and Millie the luckiest kid alive- so carefully and lovingly printed- on the inside. “It’s so beautiful. Thank you. I love it.”
“I’m sorry, momma. That I said bad things to you. And hurt your feelings. I didn’t mean them. I was just angry. And really sad. I still am.”
“And that’s okay, sweetpea. To be angry and sad. It’s a horrible thing that I did. And I’m so sorry. I am so, so, so sorry.”
“I love you always. No matter what. But right now, I’m really upset with you. Tyler told me that’s okay; that we can be upset at someone but still love them.”
“Tyler…your dad…is a very smart man.”
“I know you were just trying to protect me. But it still hurts. That I didn’t get to meet my dad. Until now.”
“I know it does. I’d never deny you that, Millie. I’d never say your feelings are wrong.”
“But I DO love you. I’m just a little pissed off.”
“You’re allowed to be. I totally understand why you are.”
“I still want snuggles, though. Even though I’m mad. Can I have some? Some snuggles? Maybe Tyler will snuggle with us too.”
“He scowls. “Tyler doesn't snuggle.”
“I know that isn’t true. When I woke up this morning, you and momma were asleep, but you were snuggling.”
“Your mum is the one that likes to snuggle.”
“I think you like it too.’
“You’re right,” he concedes, then gathers his ‘girls’ in his arms. Pressing a kiss to one forehead, then the other. “But I’m telling you right now; if you tell anyone, I’ll have to kill you.”
Laughing, Millie then curls an arm around his neck and noisily kisses his cheek. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
Three hours later, they stand alongside the dining table; the suite a hub of activity as the countdown begins. A mixture of nerves and adrenaline among the team; the rush that comes with a mixture of confidence, worry, and fear. The world around them so unpredictable; the expectation that danger…perhaps death…lingers around every corner.
“It’s weird,” Esme says as she watches him ‘gear up.’ “Seeing you like this.”
“You’ve seen me like this before. Maybe not in this exact stuff, but…”
“Sometimes it seems like such a long time ago. Dhaka. And then other days…”
“Feels like it was just last week.”
She nods. “So much has changed since then. WE’VE changed.”
“For the better, or…”
“I mean, not like there was anything horrible about the way we were. We were just…different. We were at different places in our lives. Different crossroads.”
“Not to mention my body ached less back then,” Tyler teases. “Five years ago, just one of my shoulders could tell you if it was going to rain. Now it’s both AND my right knee.”
“You went through a lot. After Dhaka. No one expected you to live, let alone walk out of that hospital.” “You did.”
“I knew you weren’t going to give up. That you were going to fight your way back. I know that sounds weird; considering we’d only known each other for less than a week. But I already knew you were too stubborn to die. That this universe couldn’t get rid of you that easily.”
“I only fought my way back for you. So I could have more time to drive you completely insane.”
“You weren’t THAT bad. You occasionally got on my already frayed nerves, but…” She lightly smacks his butt. “...you were really hot, so it made it a bit easier to deal with.”
A grin tugs at the corners of his mouth. “You always grope your mercenaries like that?”
“That was hardly groping. And no, I don’t. Only the really tall, blue-eyed, tatted-up Australian ones.”
“You meet a lot of them, do ya?”
“Tons,” she teases. “They’re a dime a dozen. I do like it, though.” She smoothes her palms down the front of his bulletproof vest. “You’ve always looked really good in black. It’s very sexy.”
“You’re nervous, aren’t you.”
Sighing, she fidgets with the frayed hem on the waist of his jacket. “Is it that obvious?”
He holds his thumb and forefinger half an inch apart. “Just a bit. You always talk about crazy shit when you’re nervous.”
“What’s so crazy about it? It’s a compliment. Okay, so maybe it isn’t exactly the right TIME to be saying it…”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I appreciate the ego-stroking.”
“And you are a whole other level of hot. When you’re all geared up. It’s so intimidating and masculine and badass. Not that you aren’t masculine or badass all the time, but it’s just heightened, you know? And with that jacket and the vest over it? You look even thicker.”
He smirks, then nods his thanks to Yaz when he hands him his earpiece for communications, popping it into place before turning back to Esme. “Listen, if you call me fat one more time…”
“I’ve already explained this to you. I’m not calling you fat. I’m calling you THICK. It’s two totally different things.”
“In your warped little mind, anyway.”
“And even if you were, I’d still be madly in lust with you.”
“So we’ve narrowed it down, have we?” He chides, and snags a bulletproof vest from the supply case open in the middle of the table. “To just lust?”
“Well, I DO love you. That’s never in question. But sometimes the lust does have a slight edge. Are you telling me that there are never times when you don’t lust me more than you love me?”
“I love and lust you in equal amounts.”
“You are so diplomatic.”
“They’re both huge amounts, in case you haven’t figured that out.”
“You really ARE just a big sap.”
“Remember how you said maybe it isn’t the time or place for certain talk? Well, this is it. This is the time and place. Are you honestly feeling that confident? Insulting the guy that’s in charge of keeping your ass in one piece?”
“Like you would ever let anything happen to me. Regardless of how annoyed you are.”
“It’s because you’re so cute. You get away with a lot. Arms up.”
She does as instructed, her eyes never leaving his face as he slips the garment over her head. Tugging firmly at the fabric until it settles perfectly just above her waist; calloused palms smoothing down the front and back before his fingers begin tending to the velcro straps. And she notices the very distinct change in him in his persona. The seemingly smooth and easy transition from the angry and vulnerable Tyler from the night before to stern and focused -and extremely intuitive and skilled- mercenary. The darkness that now inhabits his eyes, the edge and the authority that creeps into his voice, the confident and assertive body language.
It’s the Tyler she remembers from years ago. The one who had tended to her vest and made sure she was feeling safe and secure in her own skin before sending her on her way. It had been those rough and rugged edges that had started the tumble into blinding lust and unprecedented love, but it had been what lay beneath that had sealed it. Those five days in the dirty little room had allowed her access to the Tyler that he hid from everyone else. Not just the softness and the lingering humanity that this weary and broken man still possessed, but the tenderness and patience and adoration that he had poured upon her. And she repeats her actions from that day as she reaches up to clear locks of hair from his furrowed brow; a shaky yet reassuring smile curving her lips.
“I was just thinking about how…” A startled gasp interrupts her words, a grimace replacing the smile. “Ow! Too tight! My lungs do need space to work!”
“Sorry.” He adjusts the straps. “I think I was being a little overcautious there.”
“Yeah, just a bit.”
Hands keeping a firm hold on the shoulders of the vest, he pulls her into him, lips pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead. A pure and innocent form of intimacy that brings tears to her eyes; so many words left unsaid, yet so many promises being made at the same time. “What were you thinking about?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“I wouldn’t have asked.”
“Dhaka.” She notices the beginnings of his scowl and quickly adds, “But not the bad things. About when you dropped me off. Before going to get Ovi out of that apartment. You did the same thing; you wouldn’t let me put on my vest. You insisted on doing it. Didn’t give me much of a chance, actually.”
“I needed to make sure you’d be safe. It made me feel better. Doing it for you.”
“Maybe this sounds really odd, but I liked it. Then AND now.”
“You ARE really odd,” he teases, shooting her a wink before turning back to his selection of equipment. “Now, don’t make me regret this. Don’t get trigger-happy and shoot me in the ass.”
“Ooooo….” She accepts the weapon offered; slipping the Glock out of its holster and checking the magazine. “...a shiny toy just for me. I don’t get another clip?”
“I’m hoping you won’t need to use that one. IF, for some reason, you run out, I’ve got more.”
“By the way, I would NEVER shoot you in the butt,” she assures him as she returns the revolver to its holster, then reaches under her coat and clips it to the waist of her jeans. “It’s too nice of an ass to take any chances with. But there was this guy that I served with in Kabul, that put his sidearm down on a lawn chair and then sat on it. Took a nine-millimetre right between the legs. Came out of it okay. Well, one ball less, mind you.”
“You shot him in the nuts, didn’t you.”
“I am completely innocent. Although he pissed off enough people that I’m sure a lot of us WANTED to.”
“Okay…listen…” He firmly seizes her by both shoulders. “...I know you’re not just a regular client off the street, and you have a lot of personal experience with shit like this, so I don’t know exactly why I’m about to say what I’m going to…”
“Force of habit?”
“..and I’m not trying to be a complete asshole, so…”
“It’s okay, Tyler. I get it. If anyone does, it’s me.”
“You stay close to me. At all times. Always behind, never in front. Unless I tell you otherwise. You listen to everything I say. Whatever I tell you to do, whenever I tell you to do it, you don’t hesitate. You don’t give me a hard time, you don’t argue, you don’t second guess me, and you don’t question a goddamn thing. If I want your opinion or your ideas, I’ll ask for them. Got it?”
She nods.
“You wanna get out of here alive, you cooperate. Now, I know how much pleasure you get out of being a complete pain in my ass…”
“One of the greatest joys of my life.”
“…but I really need you to toe the line. This isn’t a regular job. This isn’t Dhaka; we’re not partners this time. This is MY show to run. So I need you to just go easy on me, yeah? Just do what I say? Because this is way too personal, and I have way too much to lose. So does Millie. She needs her mum. And at the risk of being called a sap, I kinda need her too.”
“That’s not sappy at all. It’s beautiful.”
“That’s even WORSE than being called sappy, you realize that, yeah?”
Finishing the tightening of his own vest, he checks the magazine on both rifle and sidearm; locking and loading before disabling the safety switches. Noticing out of the corner of his eye the way she anxiously rocks back and forth on her heels and gnaws at the inside of her cheek; her hands nervously fidgeting with the hem of her jacket. And he’s amazed at how easily it is to make that switch; to abandon the harder and more aggressive and assertive version of himself in order to become exactly what she needs at that moment.
“Hey…” His tone is gentle yet firm as he settles a gloved hand on the back of her neck and lightly squeezes. “...you’re alright. You’re safe. With me. I’m going to get you outta here. All you gotta do is trust me.”
“I do. I DO trust you.”
“Everything’s going to be okay,” he assures her as his fingers massage her tense muscles. “It’ll be over before you know it.”
Taking in a deep, trembling breath, she releases it slowly; eyes briefly closing as his lips brush against her brow. “I hope so.”
“Getting close to showtime.” Alcott, as he and Abeula join them. Millie perched upon his hip, already clad in winter boots, hat and mitts, her coat unzipped to reveal the child-size bulletproof vest worn underneath. Posie the doll, tucked tightly under one arm, Franklin the stuffed koala under the other. “I think we’re ready. Are we?” He lightly pinches and tickles the little one’s tummy, managing to get a giggle and a smile out of her.. “Are YOU ready, sunshine?”
“As I’ll ever be!”
Esme steps forward; zipping Millie’s coat and straightening the brim on her beanie. “You be good for Uncle Duey and AB, okay?”
“I’m always good!”
“Mmmhmm. Sure you are.”
“Well, maybe not ALWAYS, but most of the time. And why do I gotta wear this thing?” Reaching under the shoulder of her coat, she pulls at the fabric of the vest. “It’s tight! I don’t like it. It’s making me sweat!”
“We’re all wearing them. We match. It’s like a team uniform. Why should we leave you out? You’re part of the team.”
“Mom…” Millie tilts her head to the sigh and regards her in disdain. “...I KNOW what it is. I KNOW it stops bullets. I get why you guys have to wear them, but why ME?”
“Because bad people are crazy, and they love to hurt people. Especially innocent people. And I don’t want you to be one of them. It makes me feel better, okay? Knowing you’re wearing that. Makes me know that you’re safe and sound.”
“I am safe with Uncle Duey. He can protect me.”
“But wearing that vest makes you EXTRA safe,” Alcott points out. “And that’s a good thing, yeah? To be extra safe? I know I like to feel extra safe. That’s why I wear one.”
“You’re safe because you carry a gun, Uncle Duey.”
“Guns don’t protect you from other guns. So having one makes me safe, but wearing one of those makes me extra safe. Make sense?”
“I suppose. I still don’t like it, though. It’s uncomfy. I can’t breathe.”
“You’re breathing just fine, judging by the amount of talking you’re doing. Just like your mum, yeah? Talk, talk, talk.”
“That’s ‘cause we both have a lot to say! We’re very opinionated!”
“You’re very something alright. How do you even know that word? Opinionated? You’re four.”
“‘Cause I’m smart! Like momma. She’s pretty brainy, you know.”
“I beg to differ. She did get mixed up with your dad after all and…”
Esme takes her daughter’s face in her hands. “You and I need to have a chat, little miss. It’s very important that you hear what I have to say, okay?”
Millie nods.
“I want you to listen to everything Uncle Duey and AB say. Whatever they tell you to do, whatever they tell you to say, you do it. You don’t argue with them, you don’t pitch a fit, you don’t ask why. You just do what you’re told. It’s very important that you do. You understand that, right?”
“I understand.”
“All you need to do is cooperate. Just stay calm and do whatever they say. If you do, things will go by really fast, and you won’t have time to be scared.”
“I’m already scared, though.”
“You’re in very good hands. There’s not many people I trust. Especially when it comes to you. It’s a very small list. And you know what? Uncle Duey is right near the very top. Because I know nothing bad is going to happen to you when he’s around. That he’ll do whatever he has to, to keep you safe. And you’ll have AB with you and Uncle John when you pick him up. Baby sweets, you are going to be with three of the strongest people I have EVER met.”
“But I’m not gonna be with YOU. Or Tyler.”
“I know it would make you feel better; if you were with us. But this really IS for the best. I wouldn’t send you away if it weren’t. And it’s not permanent. It’s not even CLOSE. It’s just for a little bit.”
“How long’s a little bit?”
“An hour. At the most.”
“That’s a long time.”
“I know it seems like it, but it’s really not. It’s going to go by really fast, babe. I promise. You just buckle yourself in tight, put your earphones on, and watch something on your tablet. You do that, and before you know it, you’ll be at the airport. And we’ll all be one step closer to getting out of here and starting our new life somewhere else.”
“And you’ll be there? At the airport?”
“You’ll get there first. You’ll have to wait for me.”
“For how long?”
“Not long at all. Probably just a few minutes. Believe me, Millie, if it could be any other way, it would be. If it were safe for you to stay with me, you wouldn’t be going off with Uncle Duey and AB. But remember what your dad told you? About how he has to really concentrate? On getting me out of here? Do you remember that?”
“I remember.”
“And that if you were with us, he’d be so worried about you that he wouldn’t have all his attention on me and…”
“And that’s when bad things happen. When he doesn’t put all his attention on something.”
“Exactly. He just wants everyone safe. That’s all. And sending you with Uncle Duey? That’s what it does; keeps everyone safe. We’re not sending you away because you’ve been bad or because we’re punishing you or anything like that. We’re doing it because we want you to be okay. And because we love you. You know that, right? How loved you are?”
The four-year-old nods.
“You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Amelia. The best gift anyone could have ever given me. And I don’t want that taken from me. I don’t want something happening to you. I just want you safe. That’s all. And this keeps you safe.”
“And we’ll see each other soon?”
“Very soon. It won’t be very long. We’re leaving right after you are. We’re taking a different way so we’ll be a bit late, but we’ll get to the airport not long after you. I promise. I love you so much. So, so, so much.”
“I love you, too, momma. Bunches.”
“How many bunches?”
“Tons and tons and tons!”
“That’s a lot of bunches.” She pecks Millie’s cheek, then her temple, before squeezing her tightly. “Too-da-loo, kangaroo.”
Giggling, Millie noisily pecks her mother’s lips. “Adieu, cockatoo!”
“Hey…” Tyler lays a hand on the back of the four-year-old’s head, then leans down to lightly knock his forehead against hers. “...you behave. I don’t want to hear any different.”
“I will,” Millie promises, then shakes a finger at him. “And you behave too! Don’t get hurt! And make sure you take care of momma! Bring her back to me, okay?”
“I’ll do whatever I have to make sure that happens.” Offering Millie a fist, she curls her tiny fingers into one of her own; beaming up at him as she taps her clenched hand against his.
“And remember, you promised that when we got to Australia, I could hold a snake AND a big spider!”
“A snake and a spider, huh?” Esme stares at him pointedly, both eyebrows raised. “Really…”
“Come on now…” Tyler playfully tousles his daughter’s hair. “...you weren’t supposed to say that out loud.”
Eyes sparkling, Millie covers her mouth with both hands and giggles into them. “Ooops.”
“We’ll see you in a little bit,” Abuela promises as she tightly embraces Esme. “Take care of one another. Watch each other’s backs.”
“Always,” the younger woman assures her, then offers a shaky smile. “Please keep my baby safe. If anything happens to her…”
“She’s going to be just fine. Like you said, she’s in great hands. Just worry about yourself. That’s all you need to do. Keep your head on your shoulders, breathe, and rely on each other to get the hell out of here. And don’t give this poor man a hard time…” Reaching up, she gently taps Tyler’s cheek. “...he’s been through enough. And he’s already complaining about the amount of gray hair he already has. Try not to give him anymore.”
“This is Esme we’re talking about. Giving me gray hair is her specialty.”
Rolling her eyes, she playfully elbows him in the ribs. Thankful for the strong, supportive hand that settles on the nape of her neck and gives her weak, trembling knees a reprieve; her body leaning against his as it seeks both comfort and reassurance.
“Two minutes,” Nik calls from across the room, immediately followed by the last-minute securing of weapons and loading of magazines and the fastening of velcro. The tech team hurriedly logging off their computers and packing away their equipment as Yaz prepares to shut down the hotel’s security system; able to monitor it through just his cell phone.
Wick approaches the group as the group moves towards the door, slipping into his own bulletproof vest and then scooping up a storage case that contains the pieces of his rifle.
“You ready for this?” Alcott inquires, a smirk curling his lips. “Think your old ass is up to it?”
“Just another day at the office.”
“Make sure you’re right where I’m supposed to pick you up. ‘Cause if you’re not there, I’m leaving you behind. You can take the subway. Or an Uber.”
“Don’t you worry about me, I’ll be there. Just make sure you don’t get lost. I know you’re used to driving on the other side of the road and all that, but…”
“Have you noticed the kind of men you allow into your life?” Alcott playfully tugs on Esme’s ponytail. “You’ve got the smart-mouthed, severely depressed, alcoholic American, the nappy-headed, big-eared, ugly ass muppet from Australia. You have a soft spot for mangy strays?”
“Obviously. Or you and I wouldn’t be friends.”
“I set myself up for that, didn’t I.”
“Left yourself WIDE open.” Turning to Wick, she stands on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek and then tightly embraces him. “Be careful, okay? Stay safe.”
“I always try my best. See you on the other side.”
Tyler offers a hand in appreciation. “Thank you. For everything. Especially getting them out of there the other night. If you hadn’t done that…”
“When Nik called, I didn’t hesitate. Of course I was going to be there.”
“ I know this can’t be easy for you; going against Winston after all he’s done for you.”
“I don’t regret my decision. After all…” Wick casts a glance at Esme, offering a wink and a small smile. “...I have my own amends to make.”
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Tintin asks 18, 22 and 42
Sorry for taking so long! I promise I didn't forget
18. A character you wish you got to see more of?
Very popular answer, but Chang Chong-Chen deserved so much more time in the books. He's such an amazing character and I would have loved to have seen more interactions between him and Tintin, though I understand that the politics during Hergé's time were a nightmare.
I would have also liked to have seen more of Mrs Finch, but, again, I have a thing for housekeepers/landladies.
22. A song you think suits the Tintin series or a particular character?
Oooo! This is an interesting one.
I have two for Tintin:
1. Y'a d'la joie by Charles Trenet- it's a fun jazzy piece that's in French and almost a bit childlike. According to Google (which has many errors, I know) it's talking about how there is joy everywhere and the singer telling us how they find happiness in all the little things. They wake up and disvover that it's a dream, but they still are happy and find joy even if the sky is grey because there is music and sunshine.
2. The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel. This song tells the story of a young man/boy growing up in poor conditions struggling to make ends meet. Even when he gets a job, he still misses home. The last stanza is about a boxer who gets beaten badly as people try and cut him down but he remains and keeps fighting. From my own headcannons with Tintin, I think this suits him very well. I've always imagined him as having a rather dismal childhood due to the war and Depression and whatnot, but that he's a fighter who doesn't let his life cut him down.
I also have a song for Haddock. It's La Mer (The Sea) by Charles Trenet again. The first time I listened to this, my immediate response was "oh my goodness it's Haddock singing." It's another jazzy French one, but it's more mellow and smooth and Charles was older when he sang it, so his voice dropped from a tenor to a baritone. I love this one and it's so comforting to me.
42. Any Alternate Universe for Tintin?
My favourite thing to do honestly is come up with AU's. A lot of them overlap or are similar to each other, so I'll give you some of the basic ones that I've formulated the best.
1. Man From Snowy River (kind of AU)
After being framed for murder and treason, Tintin ends up fleeing to Australia and hides out in a rural sheep ranch in the Blue Mountains where he works for an ex-soldier named Tom and befriends the cattledog Bessie. The idea was that he stays there for two years or so and grows up a lot (like from 17-20 pretty much) and becomes adjusted to Australian life. He learns how to shear sheep, how to ride horses down steep mountainsides, how to put out spot fires and that Australia does get snow in winter in the mountains. He also meets a Wiradjuri boy (an indigenous Australian boy) who helps Tintin after he gets dragged by his horse during a storm. They become close friends and the indigenous boy who's name is Birrani or Bill for short, teaches him a lot about The Dreaming and Indigenous culture and the natural life of Australia's flora and fauna. Eventually, Allan and Tom (bad Tom, not good Tom) end up kidnapping Tintin to try and earn some sort of reward and Tintin finds himself running barefoot down Brussels' streets in winter (he's in summer pyjamas because it's summer in Australia) and ends up breaking into Marlinspike to get food. Nestor catches him and Haddock and Tintin argue for a good while before they both realise that they're not actually mad at each other, they were just both scared for each other. Tintin somehow gets his name cleared and moves regularly between Marlinspike and Australia.
2. Usher Syndrome/Retinitis Pigmentosa
I had two slightly different ideas that are basically along the same lines. One was that after convincing Haddock to get a hearing test, Tintin discovers that actually he's the one with a mild hearing loss that started a little while ago. He eventually gets an eye test after noticing that he can't see very well in dark situations and gets diagnosed with Usher Syndrome and is told that at some point, he will go blind and his hearing will worsen. It's basically Tintin going through the motions of rethinking both his life, his career and his individual worth.
The other was that Tintin's mother had retinitis pigmentosa (an eye condition that means you go blind, first by loss of night vision and light sensitivity, then by losing spots in your vision. Same eye problem in Usher Syndrome. He learns Braille and how to navigate dark environments from her because his dad died ages ago and living with a blind person is funky, but when the Nazis invade Belgium, his mother gets really secretive about her condition, and then they take her away because of it. Since then, Tintin always had this paranoid fear of "what if I have it and I get taken away too" or something along those lines, so when Haddock points out that Tintin is holding his book awfully close to his face and that the room isn't that dark, Tintin starts panicking and denying everything. He finally gets an eye test and the doctor, after hearing Tintin's medical history, agrees that he probably does have the condition. Tintin hides his diagnosis from Haddock until Haddock finds him crying in his study and they work together to help Tintin realise that it's okay and that no one is going to hurt him because of his condition.
And also Haddock buys Tintin a brailler and gets Tintin to teach him so he can still read what Tintin writes.
3. Half German Tintin
You can probably gather that I have a slight obsession with learning about Nazi Germany and ww2, and I had the BRILLIANT idea of what if Tintin was half German and grew up in Nazi Germany?????
Basically we still have the Belgian blind mother (that's just become a headcannon for me now, deal with it) but Tintin's dad was a German communist who went to Belgium for a little bit to work. If you know anything about Nazi Germany and how Hitler came to power, you'll know where ongoing with this. I haven't fully fleshed it out yet, but my idea was that it's Tintin growing up in a small family that tells him to just obey the fuhrer because "he's a good man" and "he's here to help germany", but behind closed doors they whisper about how to get out of the country. Things start falling apart when the Nazis knock on the door and say that they're going to take Tintin's mother to "a special treatment facility", I.e. to die. Since them, Tintin's dad tells him that the Nazis aren't good, that they're bad, but tintin can't say anything. On the Night of Broken Glass in November 1938, the Nazis arrest Tintin's dad, who his him in the small kitchen pantry. Tintin them has to rethink everything he's learnt about Hitler and the Nazis and grapples with the fact that everything he was right by them was a lie. He manages to escape back to Belgium where he stays with his mean uncle who hates him because he's German and he joins the resistance.
4. Ukranian Tintin
Again, more historical ww2 shenanagins but this time Tintin is Ukrainian. His name is Konstantin Pavlichenko and he grew up in the USSR in Ukraine during Holodomor (a manmade famine that is now classified in several countries as a genocide) and ends up joining the Red Army with his mother in ww2. Side note: he's not a teenager yet, but he doesn't want to leave his mother's side, so he gets trained by her to be a sniper. Also his mother is Lyudmila Pavlichenko. If you know who that is, you're amazing. She endanup getting injured in the battle of Sevastopol and he gets captured by the Nazis, but he escapes and wanders through Europe until he passes out in Belgium. Members of the Belgian resistance take him to their nurse (Mrs Finch) who nourishes him back to health and teaches him French, Dutch, English and German so he can fit in.
Haddock never learns that Tintin is Ukranian until he notices tintin getting agitated about people denying that the Holodomor existed and saying that they're all "anti-communists". Tintin eventually breaks down and tells him everything, and eventually goes to the USSR for a story and reunites with his mother, who he thought was dead.
That was a lot, sorry lol. I've also got an idea forming of an Avatar the Last Airbender AU age are Tintin is the Avatar and Chang is an earthbender... haven't figured out the logistics of that though
Thank you for the asks!
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brasideios · 1 year
Get to Know a Blogger
I was tagged by @aeide @mini-uzzy and @ainulindaelynn. Thank you my friends! 🤍
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Last song you listened to: Maybe Tomorrow by the Stereophonics. I recently rediscovered this song after probably ten years of forgetting. Filled with pathos.
Currently reading: I just finished First Love by Ivan Turgenev. I think I’ll read Crime and Punishment next (Dostoyevsky) or War and Peace (Tolstoy). They’re both sitting by the bed, demanding my attention in equal measure.
Last movie: 200 Cigarettes! I recently dug out a story I wrote back in ‘99, and vaguely recalled I was trying to emulate this film. So I wanted to watch it to see how I did, but it wasn’t on any of the five streaming services I have access to (password sharing ftw) so I’d given up on finding it only to discover yesterday that the whole movie is up on Youtube. Happiest moment of my life! (I did badly, btw, with the emulation. In my defence, I’d just left high school 😆).
Last show: Umm... Band of Brothers a couple weeks back, I guess. Rewatching for the tenth time.
Craving: Coffee, as always :)
What are wearing right now: Pyjamas and a dressing gown because *finally* it’s cold in the mornings. Love autumn.
How tall are you: Just shy of six foot. 
Piercings: Just my ears. 
Tattoos: I have four. A made-up symbol on my ankle I got when I was 18 - literally the day I was legally allowed to get it 😊 I’d planned it for a year beforehand. The word Bittersweet on my back (’all in life is bitterwseet’ as I wrote in a poem at the time) when I was 23; A series of astrological symbols on my left inner forearm which represent me, my fam, and the people who were closest to me at the time. Got that on my 30th birthday in London. And most recently, at 33, a lucky year for me when a lot of things ended and I took back my power (a long, long journey) I marked it with a tattoo - it’s on the inside of my right arm, a feather quill, and the words, ‘... I meant what I said.’ Love tattoos! Would have so many more if I was rich.
Glasses? Contacts? Glasses. My vision isn’t too bad, just need them for reading. Lil long sighted.
Last thing you ate: I haven’t yet today, it’s still too early. Last night’s dinner was pasta bake with chorizo.
Favourite colour: Green, though I really love any colour that’s bright and clear - I am currently going through a phase of bright purples and pinks.
Current obsession: Two of my OC’s and their relationship development (Arity and Jimmy). Maybe also the temple complex I’m building in Minecraft 😅 I spent all day yesterday working on it and I am thinking I might do the same today.
Any pets: Otto Von Krum the schnauzer (my baby boy); Tiki Taco the chihuahua (Daddy’s girl); and Lady Pablo, aka Tiny Bun, my rescued house rabbit.
Favourite fictional character: Favourite? Like, out of all of them?? I couldn’t possibly choose. 
The last place you travelled: Along the south coast of Western Australia, as far as Esperance. My favourite place we stopped, my favourite place in the world I think, is Denmark. It’s a beautiful town in amongst hills, with a wide green river flowing through it, surrounded by forests. It’s a different world. Oh, and it has the best pie-shop in the world too, which doesn’t hurt. [Meat pies, that is. Very Australian 😊]
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I think everyone I would normally tag has been tagged! But just in case... @auroralykos @el-zorrito​ @cataliinaa​ and @theinkandthesea​ @dbraures​ @liminalspacecowboah​ @woodsman2b​
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seeminglyseph · 1 year
Sometimes it’s really frustrating growing up with Canadian English, because i have enough memory troubles when it comes to spelling without people laughing that I don’t know if we’re siding with the English or the Americans on things like “is this spelled with an S or a Z?” “How many consonants before -ing or -ed?”
And sometimes. Teachers will straight up just grade based on personal preference I swear to fucking god.
And Canada is not a setting on spellcheck most of the time, I think the closest was Australia in the 2010s actually and that’s why I spell it pyjamas now and nobody likes that.
And there is so much USAmerican cross contamination that everyone either assumes we are the same, or will be better if we just adapt to doing everything the same. And like. Wanting to be culturally distinct from the USA is a valid decision for a different country to make? A lot of rules about the USA not overwhelming Canadian Cultural Influences and Identities aren’t… stupid or frivolous. Some of you seem to only think so because you kind of just default assume that US Culture is Correct and Canada is already basically property of The USA, and I think maybe people could stand to analyze the mindset of that a little.
But whether it’s grey E for England, or gray A for America is unclear if the rule works for me. I go with grey because I think English with more letters is more aesthetically pleasing, and honestly I think Zs work best when placed strategically. And I call them Zeds.
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gponthemoveyt · 12 days
1 full year of Telehealth = 400% increase in complaints!
1 full year of Telehealth = 400% increase in complaints! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib8regCgIj0 Check out the sponsor of this video! https://www.youtube.com/@WELLROOM-hq3qk In this video, we explore why face-to-face doctor appointments often surpass telehealth consultations. From the nuances of in-person diagnosis and the ability to conduct thorough physical exams to the personal connection and reassurance patients feel, we break down the advantages that make traditional visits indispensable. Learn how direct interactions can lead to better healthcare outcomes, the importance of hands-on procedures, and why sometimes, seeing your doctor in person makes all the difference. Join us as we dive into the vital benefits of face-to-face medical care. 3 Reasons GPs Love Australia - https://youtu.be/YfiZZtZnHXg Common Presenting Complaints in GP - https://youtu.be/QS2CSh9Mxd8 How to Manage a Complaint in General Practice - https://youtu.be/87ZhYYPnfeU How to use Autofills in Best Practice #shortcuts - https://youtu.be/2oQFMAek9bc WHO AM I: I’m Mike, a General Practitioner in working in Perth, Western Australia and my YouTube channel is all about medicine, productivity and creating efficiency in GP land. I am the author of both the "How to Use Emis as a Clinician Course" - The ULTIMATE 50+ lesson course about the clinical system EMIS WEB for General Practice and "GP on the Move - The Medical Audiobook with Clinical Guidelines". 💌 Sign up to my monthly email newsletter - https://bit.ly/GPOTMNews 🌍 My website - https://www.gponthemove.com​ 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/gponthemoveX​ 📸 Instagram - https://ift.tt/lqpUvY1 👋 Start Here! My TOP 5 Best Videos: 👨🏾‍⚕️ A Day In The Life of a Doctor | GP (General Practitioner) Working from Home | Pyjama Clinic - https://youtu.be/gTxvKhQC2Kg ⚡️ Productivity Desk Setup for Remote Working for General Practice and Beyond in 2021 - https://youtu.be/a7BFwAR45eg 🌍 Green Inhaler Prescribing | Environmental Impact of Inhalers | Switching Inhaler | Eco Inhalers - https://youtu.be/FJ2MT2cjTS8 💰 DO LOCUM GPs REALLY MAKE MORE MONEY THAN SALARIED GPs? | Locum Vs Salaried Money - https://youtu.be/Fd-Q3QvvSCk 📮 Complete Emis Web Tutorial in 5 Mins! | Emis Training For Beginners | Emis Web - https://youtu.be/LL1MTT3OzGU via GP ON THE MOVE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH8E-LmYYjiisRcPvh3aBaQ September 11, 2024 at 10:00AM
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fromzion · 5 months
Sensitive Skin Savior: Can Bamboo Clothes Australia Soothe Skin Issues?
Summer can be a double-edged sword for those of us with sensitive skin. The sun brings warmth and joy but can also exacerbate irritation and discomfort. Finding clothes that feel good against your skin while keeping you cool in the Australian heat can be impossible. Cotton can be itchy and irritating, while synthetics often trap heat and cause breakouts. But what if there was a natural, sustainable solution that could soothe your skin and keep you cool all summer long? Enter the world of bamboo clothing in Australia.
Beyond the Hype: Unveiling the Science Behind Bamboo's Skin-Soothing Magic
Bamboo clothing in Australia has become increasingly popular, and for good reason. Made from the fast-growing bamboo plant, this fabric boasts a unique combination of comfort and breathability. It is particularly relevant for sensitive skin, as it has hypoallergenic properties. But how exactly does its magic work? Here's why bamboo apparel from Australia might be your new summer skin saviour:
Gentle Touch:  Unlike some fabrics that feel rough and scratchy against sensitive skin, bamboo clothes australia is renowned for its incredible softness. The natural fibres are smooth and round, minimizing friction and irritation. This gentle touch makes you feel comfortable and confident all day, even during the hottest Australian days.
Naturally Hypoallergenic: Finding clothing that doesn't trigger flare-ups can be a constant struggle for those prone to allergies and eczema. The good news is that bamboo fibres are naturally hypoallergenic. Bamboo fibres contain minimal allergens compared to other fabrics like wool or synthetic materials. This makes bamboo apparel a fantastic option for those with sensitive skin who often experience irritation from traditional clothing.
Moisture Management Marvel:  Let's face it: Summer heat often leads to sweat, which can exacerbate skin issues. But with bamboo clothing in Australia, you can ditch the constant battle with dampness. Bamboo fibres possess incredible moisture-wicking properties. They act like tiny sponges, absorbing and distributing sweat from your skin throughout the fabric. This translates to drier, cooler skin, reducing the risk of irritation and breakouts often associated with sweat build-up.
Breathable Bliss:  Trapped heat is another enemy of sensitive skin. Bamboo apparel excels in breathability. The natural structure of the bamboo fibres allows for exceptional airflow, preventing that dreaded feeling of being stuck in a stuffy, humid environment. This breathability keeps you cool and comfortable, reducing the risk of irritation and allowing your skin to breathe freely.
A Sustainable Choice for Sensitive Skin
The benefits of bamboo clothing in Australia extend far beyond soothing your skin. Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource that requires minimal water and thrives without harmful pesticides. By choosing bamboo apparel, you're not just making a smart choice for your comfort and skin health but also positively impacting the environment. It's a win-win for you and the planet!
Finding Your Perfect Bamboo Match
With the ever-growing popularity of bamboo clothing in Australia, finding the perfect pieces for your needs is easier than ever. Look for high-quality bamboo fabric blends with a higher percentage of bamboo for optimal comfort and hypoallergenic properties. Consider the style and silhouette that best matches your body type and preference. From breezy t-shirts and flowy pants to comfortable pyjamas and loungewear, there's a perfect bamboo apparel option for every summer activity.
Embrace the Comfort Revolution
Ditch the discomfort and embrace bamboo clothing, Australia's cool, breathable, and hypoallergenic comfort. Bamboo clothing will keep your skin feeling soothed and comfortable all summer, whether hitting the beach, exploring the outdoors, or simply relaxing at home. So, discover the magic of bamboo for yourself and experience a new level of summer skin care.
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qnewsau · 5 months
The celeb that made Mel Buttle realise she was gay
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/the-celeb-that-made-mel-buttle-realise-she-was-gay/
The celeb that made Mel Buttle realise she was gay
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Each month we ask Queensland entertainers to spill the tea about themselves, their craft and the local scene. This month it’s national comedy star Mel Buttle who reveals how she got into comedy, who made her realise she was gay and what her first-ever gay bar was. 
Mel was born and raised in Brisbane and is a regular on Australian radio and TV. She has appeared in I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia, The Great Australian Bake Off and recently co-hosted ABC’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras coverage.
  Growing up in Samford, Brisbane was….
Pretty cool, if you liked playing in the creek and setting things on fire, which, surprise I did, very much. I would now kill to live out there on acreage, but as a teenager, I thought it was boring and too far away from my friends who all lived somewhere cool in the inner city. Now, I realise it’s the lesbian dream to live on a big block and grow your own veggies.  
I got into comedy because…
I was a high school drama teacher, and I was always into watching the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala and one day I saw a flyer for a short comedy course and gave it a go. Then, I got bitten by the bug and wanted to chase the high of performing all the time. Also, sleeping in was a huge factor in my decision. I’m no good before Dr Phil’s been on.
Being a teacher taught me…
That I’m not all that interesting. 
I knew I could make a career out of comedy when…
You think I can? Gosh, I’m still surprised when the phone rings. 
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by MEL BUTTLE (@melindabuttle)
The best gig I did was…
In regional NSW. The whole town came, the mayor gave us a tour of the beetroot farm and we had dinner at the RSL. The gig was in the school basketball court and it went off. 
The worst audience I had was…
A football club luncheon, I wasn’t experienced enough and should’ve said no.
The most famous person I’ve met is…
Hmm that’s subjective, but Matt Lucas from Little Britain was up there. 
My dream gig is…
Breakfast radio and some tele show where I cook food with chefs in my pyjamas.
I knew I was a lesbian when…
I had impure thoughts about Nigella Lawson.   
My first gay bar was…
Sporties in The Valley for Karaoke! 
My celebrity crush is…
Hayley Raso from the Matildas, she’s a babe.
Becoming a parent is…
Doing wonders for my ability to multitask, I can now make a curry, play monster trucks and book in swimming lessons. 
The inspiration behind my character Lyn is…
Every mum I’ve ever met lives in Lyn. 
The joke that got me into the most trouble was…
About my pubes and Julia Gillard. 
What people don’t appreciate about Brisbane is…
No one gives a shit about being fancy.
The best thing about doing comedy in regional Australia is…
The pub feeds and the yarns afterwards with the locals, my gosh the best jokes I’ve ever heard that I can’t repeat here.
Mel Buttle is currently on a national comedy tour until August. Follow @melindabuttle on Instagram for details. 
Read next:
Brisbane comedian Mel Buttle marries her partner
‘For little me’: Mel Buttle’s bittersweet reaction to Matildas win
Comedian Nath Valvo got married to his partner Cody
Geraldine Hickey married wife Cath in backyard ‘lesbian pit’
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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shopping4pets · 7 months
Exploring the Virtual Aisles: Navigating Shopping4Pets, Your Ultimate Online Pet Store
In today's digital age, the convenience of online shopping has become an integral part of our lives. From clothing to electronics, you can find almost anything with just a few clicks. This convenience extends to pet owners as well, with online pet stores providing a wide range of products and services to cater to the needs of our beloved furry friends. One such pet store online, Shopping4Pets, is Australia's favorite destination for pet supplies. In this article, we will take you on a virtual tour of Shopping4Pets and explore the diverse range of products available for your pets.
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Navigating the Website
Upon visiting Shopping4Pets, you will be greeted with a user-friendly interface that allows for easy navigation. The website is neatly organized into different categories to simplify your shopping experience. Let's dive into the various sections and explore what each has to offer.
Dog Supplies
Shopping4Pets understands the diverse needs of dog owners and offers an extensive range of products to cater to every aspect of their care. Under the "Dog" category, you will find subcategories such as Toys, Food and Treats, Beds, Clothes, Health & Hygiene, Travel, and more.
Toys: From interactive toys to squeaky toys and puzzle toys, you'll find a wide variety to keep your furry friend entertained and mentally stimulated.
Food and Treats: Shopping4Pets offers a range of dog food options, including chicken, beef, lamb, and even mix treats to cater to different dietary preferences and requirements.
Beds: Whether you're looking for calming beds, sofa beds, or elevated beds, Shopping4Pets has you covered with a diverse selection of comfortable sleeping options.
Clothes: Dress your dog in style with jumpers, pyjamas, coats, vests, bandanas, and jackets available in various sizes and designs.
Health & Hygiene: Prioritize your dog's well-being with products for general health, flea control, and hygiene.
Travel: Make traveling with your dog a breeze with strollers and other travel essentials available at Shopping4Pets.
Cat Supplies
For cat owners, Shopping4Pets offers an equally impressive range of supplies to keep your feline friend happy and healthy. Under the "Cat" category, you'll find subcategories such as Toys, Hygiene, Cat Trees/Scratching Posts, Travel, Beds, Furniture Protection, Miscellaneous, and Food and Treats.
Toys: Engage your cat's natural instincts with a variety of toys, including balls, plush toys, interactive toys, treat toys, and more.
Hygiene: Keep your cat clean and fresh with a selection of hygiene products available at Shopping4Pets.
Cat Trees/Scratching Posts: Provide your cat with a dedicated space for scratching and climbing with high-quality cat trees and scratching posts.
Travel: Whether you need a carrier or other travel essentials, you'll find everything you need to make traveling with your cat stress-free.
Beds: Give your cat a comfortable place to rest with a range of cozy and stylish cat beds.
Furniture Protection: Protect your furniture from scratching and damage with specialized furniture protection products.
Miscellaneous: Discover unique and miscellaneous items that cater to your cat's specific needs.
Food and Treats: Shopping4Pets offers a variety of cat food options to ensure your furry friend receives the nourishment they need.
Bird and Fish Supplies
Shopping4Pets also caters to the needs of bird and fish owners with dedicated sections for these pets. Under the "Bird" and "Fish" categories, you'll find a range of supplies such as fish tanks, LED lights, filters, pumps, bird supplies, and more.
Farm Supplies
For those who own farm animals, Shopping4Pets has a dedicated "Farm Supplies" section. Here, you'll find a variety of supplies tailored to the needs of farm animals.
Free Shipping and Best Sellers
Shopping4Pets understands the value of affordability and customer satisfaction. They offer free shipping on hundreds of products, making it easier for pet owners to access the supplies they need. Additionally, the "Free Shipping" and "Best Sellers" sections highlight popular products and provide insights into what other pet owners are purchasing.
Shopping4Pets is your ultimate online pet store, offering a comprehensive range of products and supplies for dogs, cats, birds, fish, and farm animals. With their user-friendly website and convenient navigation, finding the perfect items for your pets has never been easier. From toys and food to beds and hygiene products, Shopping4Pets has everything you need to keep your furry friends happy and healthy. Take advantage of their free shipping and explore their best sellers to discover popular products that other pet owners love. With Shopping4Pets, you can shop smart and provide the best for your pets from the comfort of your own home.
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Where to Find Christmas PJs in Australia
As the holiday season approaches in the Land Down Under, there's nothing quite like cozying up in a pair of festive Christmas pyjamas to get into the spirit of the season. Whether you're dreaming of a white Christmas or embracing the Aussie summer sun, Christmas PJs offer the perfect blend of comfort and cheer for lounging around the house or enjoying holiday festivities. If you're on the hunt for the perfect pair of matching Christmas pyjamas in Australia, look no further. Here's where you can find the best Christmas PJs to make your holiday season merry and bright:
1. Major Retailers:
Fest: As one of Australia's largest department store chains, Fest offers a wide selection of Christmas pajamas for the whole family. From classic plaid sets to whimsical holiday prints, they have something to suit every style and budget.
Drales: Another iconic department store, Drales, is known for its premium selection of Christmas pajamas from top brands. Whether you're after luxurious silk sets or cozy flannel designs, they haveyou covered.
Big W: For affordable options that don't compromise on style, Big W is a go-to destination for Christmas pajamas in Australia. With a range of festive prints and patterns, Big W has something for everyone. These tend to be low quality however.
2. Online Retailers:
Christmas PJs AU: Known for its trendy and affordable apparel, Christmas PJs AU offers a range of Christmas pyjamas featuring playful prints and designs. From matching family Christmas PJs and Christmas PJs for pets, they have you covered.
ASOS: The popular online retailer ASOS offers a diverse range of Christmas pajamas in a variety of styles and sizes. With fast shipping and easy returns, ASOS is a convenient option for finding the perfect PJs from the comfort of home
The Iconic: With its extensive selection of fashion-forward brands, The Iconic is a great place to find stylish Christmas pajamas that will make you stand out during the holiday season.
3. Specialty Stores:
PA: Renowned for its quirky and whimsical sleepwear, PA is a must-visit destination for Christmas PJs in Australia. From novelty prints to classic holiday motifs, PAs festive collection is sure to bring joy to your holiday season.
Pavement Brands: Catering to children and teens, Pavement Brands offers a range of fun and fashionable Christmas pajamas featuring popular characters and designs. With options for boys and girls of all ages, Pavement Brands has something to delight every young sleeper.
4. Small Businesses and Etsy:
Support local artisans and independent sellers by browsing Etsy for unique and handmade Christmas pajamas. From personalized designs to custom creations, Etsy offers a treasure trove of festive sleepwear options that you won't find anywhere else.
5. DIY Options:
Get crafty and create your own Christmas pajamas with DIY kits and patterns from craft stores like Spotlight or Lincraft. Personalize your PJs with festive appliques, embroidery, or fabric paint for a truly unique and customized look.
No matter where you choose to shop, the key to finding the perfect Christmas PJs lies in finding a style that reflects your personality and brings joy to your holiday season. Whether you're celebrating with loved ones or enjoying a quiet night in, snuggling up in a pair of festive pajamas is sure to make your holiday season merry and bright. So, why not embrace the holiday spirit and treat yourself to a cozy pair of Christmas PJs that will keep you warm and cheerful all season long?
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pyjamasaustraliaau · 9 months
Get The Best Matching Pyjamas | Pyjamas Australia
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Our Matching Pyjamas are the epitome of luxury and style. These pajamas are composed of high-quality materials and are designed to provide a restful night's sleep. The matching set is great for couples or families who want to spice up their bedtime routine with some fun and togetherness. Send an email to [email protected].
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