#Automatic Chicken Coop Door
cooptender · 7 months
Choosing the Best Auto Chicken Coop Door for Happy and Healthy Hens
It can be a fulfilling experience to raise hens, but it is crucial to protect and care for them. The automatic chicken coop door is a crucial part of a hassle-free poultry management system. We'll go over the important things to think about in this article when choosing the best auto chicken coop door for your feathered companions.
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pepper-news · 2 years
The Benefits of Buying an Automatic Chicken Door
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If you want to keep your chickens safe and healthy, you may consider buying an Automatic Chicken Coop Door. These devices are highly programmable, which means that they can be set to open and close at specific times of the day. Some are self-timers, while others have an adjustable timer. These devices also have additional features, including light sensors and manual operation. However, buying one for your coop is a significant investment, and many are inexpensive.
One of the benefits of buying an automatic Chicken Door self-timer is the ability to set the opening and closing time for the door. This prevents you from getting up in the middle of the night and worrying about leaving your chickens outside. Some automatic doors are also equipped with a sunrise or sunset detection feature.
Another benefit is that the door closes gradually and virtually silently. However, if an obstacle blocks its path, the door may keep moving and crush sleeping chickens. Therefore, it is essential to install a safety sensor to prevent accidental closure of the door. If you can't install this sensor in your chicken coop, you may need to make minor changes to the design of the door so that it opens and closes smoothly.
Adjustable timer
An adjustable timer for the chicken door is essential for letting chickens out early in the morning. It works by sensing light and opening the door only when it feels light. This is excellent for people who are up early but want to let chickens out in the morning. The Rural365 Automatic Chicken Coop Door and Timer is perfect for this problem. This timer can run on four AA batteries or be plugged into the primary power source; It is also made from a durable aluminum door and oak rails. In addition, this timer can be adjusted to fit most chickens.
Light sensor
You might consider getting an automatic chicken door if you have a chicken coop. The good thing is that many options are available at different price ranges. Choosing the best one for your coop will depend on your personal preferences and the size of your budget. A good auto chicken door should not break the bank but should give you peace of mind if anything goes wrong.
An automatic chicken door can be manually controlled or operated with a timer or light sensor. The light sensor mode opens and closes the door according to the light level in the coop, while the timer mode allows you to set the door to open and close on a specific date. The manual mode allows you to open and close the door when necessary manually.
Manual function
You can choose a manual or automatic chicken door for your poultry stall. These doors can be mains or battery-operated. It is essential to select the type that fits your poultry house. You can find manual and automatic entries in our shop. In addition, you can find one that suits your needs by browsing our website.
You may also want a door that automatically opens in the morning and closes at night. Automatic doors can be frustrating to use, as the chickens may get trapped and not get inside in time. Manual doors are also vulnerable to wind gusts, which can trap chickens and kill them.
Easy installation
When you purchase an automatic Chicken Door, you need to consider the ease of installation. Some models are simply plug-in and can be installed in 30 minutes. Others are more complex and require professional installation. Either way, the best way to install your automatic Chicken Door is to have someone with electrical experience install it. The first step to installing your Automatic Chicken Door is to check for the power source and ensure it is within range.
The automatic Chicken Door will help you leave your flock easier when getting in and out of the coop. You can also get a chicken door that will automatically close at dusk. This will allow you to be away from your flock without worrying about them being locked out at night. It's essential to remember that chickens start looking for a safe roost as the sun sets. Therefore, ensure that everyone is in the coop before dusk so your automatic Chicken Door will be fully operational when you return.
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journiland · 2 years
I had a very good day yesterday, and got two big things marked off my list! My mood was just neutral, but anything above agony and despair is great, and I was able to work, which is the important thing.
I did this:
Yes, the outside (old, broken) door was closed while I worked. I literally had to crawl through chicken poop to slide under the roost, I didn't need a chicken pecking my head whilst doing so.
Both coops now have automatic doors, though the wifi one isn't getting enough signal, so I need to use the remote until I remedy that. The timer one is perfect.
They're mounted inside so there is less chance of freezing in winter. I'd like to get some awnings over, too.
Just by chance and busyness, I didn't eat anything solid until 8pm...I wonder if that had anything to do with my functionality? (I ate a very large meal at 8, and then went to bed to make up for the missed nap.)
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adorstore · 2 years
Automatic Solar Chicken Coop Door Make Your Life Easier
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For more details visit us at- https://adorstore.com/
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
what kinda minecraft players would the fam be? :3
I answered similar questions before but I love talking about them and Minecraft so I don't mind answering it again.
Vyrm - he's redstone builder, 100%. He's admittedly not the best at survival, he gets overwhelmed easily and he struggles with the controls. But as soon as he discovered redstone that's what he would dedicate himself to. He'd watch guide videos to get the basics and then experiment, coming up with contraptions you wouldn't even imagine. Traps, secret doors, intricate farms and actual working computers, you name it, he can make it if you give him some time.
Grimm - he's the builder of the family. He has all the skill needed for survival or even hardcore playthroughs, he's very good at the game, but he finds the most enjoyment in building beautiful houses. He dedicates his time to decorate Vyrm's shoddy cobblestone base, turning it into a breathtaking house. Though they usually end up sharing the same Minecraft house (yes, of course they would put their beds next to each other), so FPK just leaves that to Grimm as he plans his next redstone build.
Hornet - pure survival type with a preference for exploring. She's the one who finds mob spawners within 30 minutes of spawning into the world, and she brings back all kinds of loot. She doesn't really do much with it aside from upgrading her gear, her base is just a simple (but pleasant looking) house, though she spends barely any time in it. She's always willing to share what she found, and she'll fill Vyrm's chests with redstone and other materials for his builds. She's a big fan of PVP, and because the others are busy with other things, Zote is the only one who's up for it, so they often attempt to troll one another.
Holly - they enjoy farming and taking care of the animals. They have a little farm next to their small house, and a big wheat field surrounding it. Very often, Grimm will offer to build a windmill as decoration for their farm, and help them with other structures like barns and chicken coops. They do enjoy building, but they're always happy to accept Grimm's help since they see that as bonding. They prefer to farm their crops manually, so as much as they find Vyrm's automatic farms impressive, they stick to their humble farm.
Zote - wannabe griefer, he keeps looking for ways to annoy Hornet, though he gets too confident and his plans often fail because of it. You'll see his name the most often in the chat, since he always dies in the most stupid ways possible, at least until he gets angry and quits. Though as much of an annoyance as he is, he only targets Hornet - he won't intentionally destroy the things Grimm, FPK or Holly built, though he'll sometimes shoot arrows at Grimm as he's building high up in the air, trying to knock him off the scaffolding (only to get instantly bodied by a Power V bow shot from Grimm lmao)
Lewk - I said before that he'd be too young to have an account, but I love the idea of Grimm getting him one just so he can play with the rest of the family. He would try a little bit of everything, though because he's so young, he doesn't fully understand what is happening. For now he seems most drawn to building, he's obviously nowhere near Grimm's level, but his builds are very adorable and Grimm proudly displays them next to his giant mansions.
Asta and Milo - they only watch, the closest they get to joining the game is when walk across Grimm's keyboard while he's playing. They enjoy watching as the others play, even if they have zero idea what's going on.
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More chicken facts! They can fly, but very low to the ground and for short distances. I would shake the treat bag (of mealworms) and they'd come flying across the yard!
They are literal dinosaurs. Tiny t-rexes. They can and will hunt anything.
One type of chicken, unofficially known as Easter Eggers, will lay green or blue eggs! Just Saeran finding blue eggs and being like "well. That's new."
I had one chicken, Snowball, who seemed to be an idiot and was scared of everything, yet when it got colder out and the coop door timer closed earlier with sunset, she somehow was the only one smart enough to go in before it closed lol
Farmer Saeran is the sweetest idea of Saeran post AE or SE, just a man, his plants, and his birbs
I think that you can get a lot of leverage out of this for comfort scenarios if you want to go that far. It's really adorable and cheesy to imagine him enjoying himself in this type of setting. Let's hope he doesn't automatically assume that an overwhelmingly blue or green color would take him back to Mint Eye. I'd like to think that because he doesn't have a lot of experience with animals in the real world, he isn't the type of person that would be confused by this. He would just accept it as a fact. He is the most nonchalant and accepting person when it comes to animal actions.
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. . .Zenigata looked at Jigen with a mild-mannered look of contempt. The idea was bogus and he knew he should have put his foot down and denied Jigen’s request from the start. There were too many denominators, and the cop in him knew that allowing Jigen this opportunity would have been a recipe for disaster. Lupin of course was not here to yank his leash and keep him in line and Zenigata knew letting him do whatever he planned on doing would be no different then opening the door to let the fox into the chicken coop, or the wolf into the sheep’s pen because it tricked you into thinking it was a mild-manner dog.
Zenigata was a cop, and his long years on the force put a lot of things into perspective that, while they may have seemed obtuse to those on the outside, were observations that were most certainly apt as well. One being his view on people. To him, most people were like sheep. Nice, harmless innocent creatures who wanted nothing more than to be left alone so they could graze peacefully and go about their days in relative safety and tranquility. But then of course where there were sheep, there were wolves. Wolves with sullied words and big toothy grins who wanted nothing more than to eat the sheep, to harm their lambs, to ruin their tranquility.
But what people also didn’t know was that there was another type of person. The sheepdog. Sheepdogs had fangs like wolves. But their instinct was not predation. It was for protection. All they wanted, all they lived for, was to protect the flock from harm.
In a way Zenigata saw himself as the sheep dog. As a cop it was his duty to keep the wolves in check-there had to be balance. He knew deep down he couldn’t take down every wolf he encountered and he came to live with that fact years into his job and even further down the line during his military career. Even though that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try.
But Zenigata also knew from personal experience that, deep down, not every wolf who bared his teeth had the intentions on biting to kill. And in his years on the force tracking down Lupin and his partners he had come to learn via observation that Jigen was one such wolf. 
Where many saw Jigen and thought Lobo, thought wolf with a dangerous sly grin, sharp teeth, and a graceful stance that mesmerized those just enough too hide the need to spill blood whatever chance it got till the last moment, Zenigata had come to also know him as the man who toed the line between wolf and his own brand of sheepdog. Jigen was a man who would lay down his life for his friends no less different then the Sheepdog would lay down it’s life for it’s flock. But he also knew that Jigen also had his own brand of justice that would quickly turn that sweet mannered dog into something many would not hesitate to put a bullet in the skull of for fear of it turning on them next. 
And he guessed maybe that was his fear. 
No matter what they were. No matter what relationship Zenigata had with Lupin, whether it be sworn enemies or acquaintances or drinking buddies or whatever the hell this whole cat and mouse thing had grown into over the years, he knew the loyalty did not spread to him. Lupin may have been out of commission for the time being but that did not mean Jigen would just automatically turn his loyalty over to him just because Zenigata had offered to help. Jigen would remain cautious, his instincts fighting over whether or not to bite the hand that offered its aid or allow it to etch forward in acceptance until it embraced him. But on top of that there was also something else that bothered him about it and he didn’t know why.
It had something to do with the relationship Zenigata had with Lupin himself. 
Despite the years of constant back and forth and years spent chasing that monkey-faced idiot around the world, Zenigata also remembered all the time’s Lupin had saved his life even though there was no reason for it. Zenigata was the man who had made it his life’s mission to apprehend and finally let Lupin see justice. But he also knew that he owed that man more than he was willing . . .or even allowed. . . to admit. And he guessed that’s why he also was worried about granting Jigen his request. He felt like he owed it to Lupin to keep Jigen safe, which was funny because he knew the man was more than willing and able to take care of himself and wanted nothing to do with him. He didn’t know why he felt like he owed it, Jigen had no loyalty to him, and Zenigata would have loved nothing more than to slap the cuffs on him the moment he could and tow his ass to the nearest cement block. 
But he also knew that they had more in common with each other than either of them were willing to admit. And it was all the fault of that one man who currently lay in a hospital bed just above their heads. Zenigata knew that without Lupin, both of them would have nothing, no purpose. That little weasel had jammed his way so deep into their lives that without him they would both be lost causes. Zenigata’s whole life revolved around that man and he knew so did Jigen’s. He had seen their loyalty to one another, and he hated to say it, but it was admirable. The two were a pair of worthless criminals, but the bond they shared reminded Zenigata of men of honor he had met on the battlefield, the undying loyalty they had to one another being the only thing keeping them alive in a world that seemed to be hell bent on erasing them from existence.
Without Lupin. . .Zenigata couldn’t help but shiver at the chill racing down his spine at the hypothetical’s, regarding what kind of man Jigen would become. Lupin kept him in line, seemingly even kept him sane if, with Lupin’s behavior, you could honestly believe that. Without him, Jigen would have been a ticking time-bomb for all Zenigata knew. But right now, Zenigata knew that the man standing in front of him was not a wolf, but a sheepdog who’s master and flock members were in danger. But that also meant that Jigen would be more than stubborn enough to dig his feet in and force Zenigata’s hand. He doubted that saying no to Jigen would stop him, he’d probably still go off and potentially get himself hurt or worse even killed trying to find out whatever Zenigata probably already knew. . .
With the only good arm he had left, Zenigata lifted his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to press back the headache that was forming in his temples. In front of him Jigen still stood pressed against the shadows where the light of the lamp by the medical bed could not touch. He stood there and just watched Zenigata debate his next move, slightly sloped with his face calculated and poised, eyes for once visible, but hard to see, just under his hat. In the end, Zenigata bit back a smile forming on his lips- even silent Jigen oozed an aura that Zenigata hadn’t felt from other people in years, and part of him commended the man who, without even needing to speak words, was able to be so convincing.
With a tired sigh, Zenigata tilted towards the left, grabbing a tote bag that lay on the table,  under the watchful gaze of Jigen. It was awkward grabbing it, and even more awkward throwing it, but in the end he managed, watching the leather bag hit the floor and slide towards Jigen’s feet. 
Jigen looked down on it for a moment, then bent down to pick it up. In it was a manila envelope, sizably thick, which Jigen inspected, counting the papers by walking fingers along them. “Everything we currently know is in that file, anything else you're gonna have to find out on your own.” Jigen looked up at the inspector, and without a word, he made a noise of acknowledgement, neatly and silently tucking the envelope back in the totebag and swinging the bag on his shoulder. He made his way towards the door without any other further acknowledgment. He turned the knob and began to make his way through.
“And Jigen. . .”
Jigen stopped right as he began to open the door, hand still clenching the handle. He didn’t turn back to look at Zenigata, but he could feel the inspector's eyes boring into his back.
“. . . Don’t make me regret doing this”
Jigen simply tched, and then he left the room just as a thought occurred to the inspector:
He had just released a hellhound out into the world
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cryptidwritings · 2 years
Burn for Me
Whumptober Day 17/18 : Hanging By a Threat & Let's Break the Ice
breaking point | stress positions | reluctant caretaker | "just get it over with" | treading water | "take my coat"
word count: 1552
content: reluctant caretaker, two caretakers (kind of), unsettling imagery
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Aria awoke and put on some boots before heading to her backyard. Two old willows branched up and over the garden portion, which was surrounded by a wooden fence and led out to fifty acres of land, thirty of which were mountains and hills.
Aria was left in the care of her grandmother, who raised her until she was too far gone to speak. The mutism was selective, she guessed, because the old woman never failed to put up a fuss when presented with a food she hated. On the days where she was more clear-headed, she would tell Aria to sit with her on their back porch, and they would listen to nature together.
“You have a gift, Aria,” she would say as Aria braided her silver hair, “you can bring people peace.”
It was a sentence she repeated often when Aria was young. She never saw it as a gift. It was often what caused her the most grief, and because of it they were isolated, disliked, and feared.
The garden had become a bit overgrown since her grandmother’s passing. Aria couldn’t find enough time in the day to make sure it was as beautiful as it once was. The raised flower-beds had weeds crawling up the sides, overtaking the natural stone pathways that all converged and led to the back gate. She looked up at the clear blue sky, and felt thankful.
Aria passed an older gentleman with a waistcoat and hat who was standing beside the first willow to her left. He had a newspaper underneath his arm, and stared at her as she passed. She acknowledged him with a small nod, and he turned and walked away, disappearing into a haze behind the tree’s trunk. 
The house was empty, but Aria never had a problem feeling lonely. 
She could hear the chickens clucking happily in their coop, and she opened their door as she spread feed along the ground. As they ate, she collected the eggs, then picked a few vegetables before heading inside to make breakfast.
As she entered her kitchen, the flashing light of her phone on the counter stopped her in her tracks. The couple holding hands, seated in her breakfast nook, were also staring at the phone. A black smog drifted from the receiver, branching into the room as if trying to gain a hold on the counter to drag itself out. Aria had only seen it once before. As soon as she heard Priva’s voice, a chill ran up her spine, and she bolted for the door.
Priva was fine. Everything was fine.
She could barely feel her legs, but she didn’t need them, especially because she couldn’t find a good enough reason to get out of bed anyway.
After the fifteenth call and hundredth text from Nolan, she had shut off her phone and tossed it underneath the mattress where she had found her old music player from all those years ago - still with a small charge, somehow.
So she lay in bed with metal blasting in her ears, and squeezed her teddy-bear to her chest as she stared into the closet, where two eyes stared back at her.
Aria sat in her car outside of the hospital, staring into a third floor window where a woman sat on the windowsill, looking down as her white gown blew in a non-existent wind. Knowledge of things she had no business with was one of the perks of having this ‘gift’, and although she truly hated it, sometimes it came in handy.
She walked inside, avoiding the group of nurses that had gathered at the front desk. She made it to the elevator and took a deep, calming breath as it opened, and she stepped out, making eye-contact with the nurse. Her automatic greeting smile faded at the sight of Aria, and she stood.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, defensively leaning over the desk as Aria slowly approached.
“I’m here to see a friend…” Aria said, “Nolan. Priva’s boyfriend.”
The nurse sucked in a breath, “I don’t know why you think you can just come in here, but unless someone asked for you specifically you aren’t allowed, and your imaginary friends don’t count.”
“It’s fine.”
The nurse and Aria turned their head toward the hallway where Nolan was peeking through the door, propped up by crutches. His eyes were bloodshot.
He sniffed, “come on in,” and he disappeared into his room.
The nurse stared at Aria as she walked down the hallway. Aria walked in as Nolan made his way towards the bed. His bag was on the bench, open and rifled through. Priva’s was nowhere to be found.
“How are you feeling?” Aria asked.
Nolan shrugged, and slowly turned, wincing hard as he lowered himself slowly onto the bed again. Beads of sweat pooled on his forehead, and he glanced at Aria.
“If you’re here for Priva, she’s gone.”
“I know,” Aria said, watching as Nolan laid back, “I’m worried she’s in trouble.”
Nolan looked at her, “do you think she’s high?”
Aria’s brows stitched together, “high? No.”
Nolan’s eyes grew teary, and he looked away, “No. Of course she isn’t…” his voice wavered and he covered his eyes with his arm, sucking in a shaking breath, “I’m so stupid. Sorry…”
“Don’t apologize,” Aria said, wringing her hands together again, then stepping forward, “I am worried about her, though.”
He wiped tears from his eyes.
“I don’t know what happened,” Aria said, “but she called me this morning, asking for help.”
Nolan’s expression changed, though he didn’t look at Aria this time, “why didn’t you just go to her, then?”
“Because you know her, and this involves you, too.”
At that he looked at her, studying her carefully through tired, red eyes, swollen from crying. His face quickly twisted with a deep regret, and the woman that Aria had seen hanging out on the windowsill turned back to him.
“What has Priva told you?” Aria asked, taking a seat on the chair.
“Nothing,” Nolan admitted, blinking back tears again. He shifted in his bed, and used his hand to adjust his casted leg, “I came here with her because I love her, but it made me realize I don’t know her. At all.”
Aria leaned forward, stopping as the woman on the windowsill quietly said ‘stop’. 
“That’s not true,” she said.
“Is it?” he looked at her, now, blinking fresh tears out of his eyes and wiping them with his bruised arm again, “you know more than me, apparently.”
“Not because she told me,” Aria admitted, and the woman looked at her. Careful.
Nolan chuckled, “you had to interrogate her, huh? I always thought she would just tell me when she was ready.”
Aria took a deep breath and looked at Nolan, then at the woman who had taken a place directly next to him.
“Not exactly,” she said, “but I can demonstrate how, if you want me to.”
Nolan shook his head, "it won't matter. She doesn't want me anywhere near her, and after saying what I did… I don't blame her."
Aria took a small breath, and stepped forward, “do you know a brunette woman with shoulder length hair?”
Nolan looked at her, “you mean half the women in the world?”
She shook her head, “she says her name is Chelsea, but she would go by Leigh.”
The way his breathing picked up as he stared at her told her everything.
“Did Priva tell you about her?” he asked, and she shook her head.
“She died young. I guess you wouldn’t remember her as I see her” Aria looked at the woman, and Nolan followed her gaze, then turned back with his brows stitched together; confused, and alarmed.
“Priva called me because I can see spirits,” she finally said, watching Nolan carefully, “I can elaborate more-”
“-you’re telling me Priva is seeing things?”
“I’m afraid it’s a bit more troubling than that.”
Nolan, disheveled and in his state of emotional fatigue, suddenly smiled and broke out into a laugh.
“That’s… absurd,” he chuckled again, mumbling to himself, “Everyone in this town is insane,” he shrugged, “first a hoarder, then a star athlete, now a ghost whisperer or whatever the fuck, sure, why not? I understand why she blew you off before, jesus fu-”
“-I can prove it to you,” Aria interrupted, glancing up at the woman again, who had now taken a step back.
Nolan glared at her, and she took a deep breath.
“The only way to help Priva is if you understand what’s going on. Don’t take my word for it, let me prove it.”
He pressed his lips together as his eyes moved away from her, calculating. Then he looked back at Aria and waved his hand in a skeptical invitation.
“Fine, just get it over with.”
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1-deadgirlwalking-1 · 2 months
okay okay today is a good day. very good day. for the last two days i’ve been sleeping until 2-3pm and then staying bed all day, but today my dad woke me up at like 9:30am and by 10am i was actually up. we went to home depot and got screws for this car part my dad is fixing and wood for a ramp to connect the chicken run and the coop. i went with him to see if they had the foam i need for my project (fursuit partial :D) and they did but in the wrong thickness, i need half inch and maybe 1 inch for the details if it’s not too expensive. but they only had like. 5 inch or something. it was really thick and also dirty cause people kept putting their foot on it and pressing down to see how dense it was, LOL.
after that i got some chocolate pretzels and an energy drink. “chocolate pretzels” looks like it’s spelt SO wrong but it’s not… anyway then we went home and i went inside, i started watching rise and then when i got to insane in the mama train i was texting my friend and started unprompted infodumping to them about my rise of the tmnt AU. lol. i sent like 5 paragraphs that all almost hit the text limit. and then they said i was out infodumping donnie and called me autistic. (not a malicious or “haha ur weird” way, it’s cause i’m actually autistic and acting autisticly.)
i decided after i finished typing up my last giant paragraph i would copy and paste all of that into a doc and organize it so i can show my uncle, after we finish the show of course. basically like an outline with all of the events and plot of my AU. i was working on that when my mom came into the kitchen with some scraps and asked me to take it to the chickens, then do the dishes when i got back. which she’s been asking me to do for 2 days now and which i just finished doing 2 seconds before writing this paragraph. i’m very sorry mama, i kept genuinely forgetting and i feel bad.
after i gave papa the scraps i was checking out the coop, yesterday he installed a super fancy door on the chicken coop that opens and closes automatically at a set time, it even opens back up if it senses a chicken under it so they can’t get hurt. we tested it out with some sticks. anyway earlier he finished the ramp that goes up to it and started adding chicken wire windows so there’s more fresh air coming into the coop. he also added a piece of wood that will act as a curtain so like when it’s nice and daytime you can prop the wood up and the windows are open, then when it’s cold or night time you can put the wood down and it hangs in front of the windows, keeping all the cold air and predators out.
i took the puppy for a walk because neither of us liked having her just tied up to the bench outside the greenhouse/coop on a short leash. papa said he’d like to make a little wire run for her between the trees, while she’s still a baby and can’t run off on her own. once she’s older she won’t need to be leashed up but as a baby she keeps chasing the chicks and her and my sister’s dogs haven’t warmed up to each other i think so they might have issues if they try to take them out. idk. she just can’t go off on her own as a baby. but it’s sad to have her on a lil leash. also while i was walking her i had shorts on which is a horrible mistake to make when walking the dog because she kept jumping on me and trying to bite my legs off. it doesn’t hurt so bad when there’s fabric between teeth and my skin but when there isn’t it is very painful.
also apparently papa’s bee are swarming which means they’re just up and leaving. he said he had split them earlier, (when you simulate a swarm, and make them think they already did it, so they don’t fly off into some random place and make a new hive.) and he thought he did it right but they’re swarming anyway. he’s set up new hives but they seem to not like them i guess, and he also has a few traps in the trees and hopefully the bees will swarm into those so that he can just move them back to where the regular hives are and they’ll think nothing of it.
also my mom wants to know whether or not when we got on our trip later this year if i wanna go to the zoo with my sister and nephew or a bus tour with my other sister and mother, and i’m not sure yet. i’m still deciding.
i’ve totally been slacking on my kana which make’s me think i’m going to be horrible at keeping up with Anki, (doing the moeway 30 day method) i’m probably gonna have to adjust this method for myself a bit because it requires actual discipline / commitment, like missing a single day sets back your progress a ton and makes it significantly more difficult to get back on track, and i don’t have that at the moment. i’ve also got most of my schoolwork caught up but haven’t studied at all. i only have one computer science lesson left to do. i totally bombed my computer science test and got 56% on it, which set my grade back from about a 91% to a 79%. a single test should not affect my grade that heavily, like seriously wtf. how did i got from an A to a C over ONE assignment.
anyway… that’s my day so far. will update if anything else happens
nothing else happened that’s my day. goodbye!
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impossiblemakerfire · 6 months
Crafting the Perfect Chicken Coop Door: A DIY Guide
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The entrance to your chicken coop plays a crucial role in the safety and functionality of the space. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of building a sturdy and secure chicken coop door that ensures easy access for you and your feathered friends.
Planning Your Door
Understanding Size Requirements Before you start, determine the size of the door based on the number and size of your chickens. A standard door size for easy access is around 2 feet by 3 feet. Selecting the Right Door Type Consider the type of door that suits your needs. Common choices include sliding doors, hinged doors, or even automatic doors for added convenience.
Gathering Materials
Sturdy Wood for Durability Choose weather-resistant wood for your door. Cedar or pressure-treated lumber are excellent options that withstand the elements. Quality Hardware Invest in durable hardware, including hinges, locks, and handles. This ensures the longevity and security of your coop door. Discover How To Easily Build An Attractive And Affordable Backyard Chicken Coop...
Building the Door Frame
Measuring and Cutting Wood Measure and cut the wood according to your door dimensions. Create a rectangular frame with horizontal and vertical pieces securely joined at the corners. Reinforcing with Cross Braces For added stability, install diagonal cross braces within the frame. This prevents warping and ensures the door maintains its shape over time.
Adding Mesh or Windows
Ventilation and Visibility Consider adding wire mesh or windows to the door for ventilation and visibility. This allows air circulation without compromising security. Attaching Mesh Securely If adding wire mesh, ensure it's securely attached to the frame using staples or screws. This prevents predators from gaining access to the coop.
Installing Hinges and Locks
Choosing the Right Hinges Select heavy-duty hinges that can withstand frequent use. Attach them to the door frame and coop structure securely. Adding a Secure Lock Install a reliable lock to keep your chickens safe from predators. A simple latch or padlock system works well for most coop doors.
Testing and Adjusting
Smooth Operation Test the door's functionality before finalizing the installation. Ensure it opens and closes smoothly without any obstructions. Making Necessary Adjustments If needed, make adjustments to the hinges, locks, or frame to ensure a snug fit. A well-fitted door provides better insulation and security.
Building a chicken coop door is a rewarding DIY project that enhances the functionality of your coop. By following these steps and using quality materials, you'll create a secure and reliable entry point for your feathered friends. Discover How To Easily Build An Attractive And Affordable Backyard Chicken Coop...
- Can I use regular wood for the coop door? It's recommended to use weather-resistant wood like cedar or pressure-treated lumber for durability. - What type of lock is best for a chicken coop door? A simple latch or padlock system provides sufficient security for most coop doors. - Do I need to add ventilation to the coop door? Ventilation is beneficial. Consider adding wire mesh or windows to promote airflow. - Can I automate my chicken coop door? Yes, automatic door openers are available for added convenience. - How often should I lubricate the door hinges? Regularly lubricate hinges to ensure smooth operation, especially in variable weather conditions. Discover How To Easily Build An Attractive And Affordable Backyard Chicken Coop... Read the full article
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backyardchickennews · 8 months
How Can You Keep Your Chickens Warm In Winter? Will Downy Feathers Keep Your Chickens Warm in Winter? How Can Roosting Keep Chickens Warm in Winter? How Automatic Coop Doors Can Keep Chickens Warm in Winter? Keep Your Chickens Cozy: How to Provide Heat in Winter? How Can You Keep Chickens' Water From Freezing in Winter? Whether you are raising chickens in the backyard, or raising them as pets, there are several tips for keeping your animals comfortable during the cold winter months. The first thing to keep in mind is that chickens have their own unique ways of keeping warm, and heat lamps can actually interfere with those processes, leaving your chickens even colder than normal. https://backyardchickennews.com/how-can-you-keep-your-chickens-warm-in-winter/?feed_id=1802&_unique_id=6546261116432
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cooptender · 8 months
Optimal Security and Convenience The Best Automatic Chicken Coop Door
When it comes to poultry care, efficiency and safety are paramount. The Best Automatic Chicken Coop Door stands out as the ultimate solution, offering unparalleled convenience and security for your feathered flock. With advanced automation, durability, and customizable settings, this coop door ensures that your chickens have consistent access to their shelter while keeping predators at bay.
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vietnamoutsourcing · 8 months
10 Creative Ideas for Using Chicken Equipment
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Welcome, fellow poultry enthusiasts! If you're a chicken farmer or aspiring to become one, you already know the importance of having the right equipment to ensure the well-being and productivity of your feathered friends. Chicken equipment is crucial in maintaining a healthy and thriving flock, from feeding systems to housing solutions. However, in this article, we won't just discuss any old humdrum equipment – we'll be delving into ten creative ideas that can take your poultry farming game to the next level. 1.1 The Role of Chicken Equipment in Poultry Farming Before we dive into the exciting world of creative chicken equipment ideas, let's take a moment to appreciate the significance of having the proper gear for your feathery companions. Chicken equipment encompasses an array of tools and infrastructure designed specifically for poultry farming purposes. This includes but is not limited to feeders, waterers, coops, lighting systems, egg collection devices, and brooders. These essential equipment are not mere conveniences; they are vital for maintaining optimal health and productivity within your flock. For instance, proper feeding systems ensure that chickens receive balanced nutrition at regular intervals throughout the day. Adequate lighting systems help regulate their biological rhythms and promote consistent egg-laying patterns. Coops provide shelter from harsh weather conditions while also safeguarding against predators. 1.2 The Power of Creative Ideas in Enhancing Efficiency Now that we've established the importance of chicken equipment, let's explore how creativity can amplify its efficiency and productivity on your farm. While standard off-the-shelf options serve their purpose well enough, thinking outside the box can lead to innovative solutions that make every aspect of poultry farming more efficient. Creative ideas allow you to customize existing equipment or create new concepts tailored to your needs. By understanding the unique requirements of your flock, you can go beyond traditional approaches and develop systems that enhance welfare, streamline processes, and optimize resource utilization. With a touch of ingenuity, you can improve the overall well-being of your chickens while maximizing your own time and effort. Creative Ideas for Using Chicken Equipment 2.1 Automated Feeding Systems Automated feeding systems have revolutionized poultry farming by streamlining the feeding process and ensuring consistent nutrition for chickens. One of the key benefits of these systems is their ability to save time and labor. With automated feeding, you no longer need to manually distribute feed multiple times daily, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks. In addition, these systems provide accurate portion control, minimizing wastage and reducing overall feed costs. Various types of automated feeders are available in the market, each with its own advantages. Gravity-fed feeders use a simple mechanism where birds can access food through ports as they peck at a trigger mechanism. On the other hand, treadle feeders require chickens to step on a platform to open the feeder door, preventing pests from accessing the food. For more extensive operations, programmable automatic feeders can dispense predetermined amounts of feed at specific times throughout the day. To optimize feeding schedules and achieve better results, it’s essential to consider factors such as breed, age, and nutritional requirements of your flock. Consult with poultry nutrition experts or veterinarians to create a well-balanced feeding plan that meets your chickens' needs. 2.2 Mobile Coop Designs Free-range chickens offer numerous benefits, such as access to natural foraging opportunities and reduced risk of disease transmission. Mobile coops or chicken tractors are an excellent way to facilitate free-range practices while ensuring safety and convenience. One advantage of mobile coop designs is their ability to regularly provide fresh grazing areas for chickens. Moving the coop around your property periodically allows your flock access to fresh grass and insects while preventing overgrazing in one area. Innovative designs using repurposed materials like old trailers or wooden pallets can keep costs low while providing a functional housing solution. When designing or purchasing a mobile coop, it's crucial to prioritize easy mobility and predator protection. Ensure the coop has sturdy wheels or handles for effortless maneuverability. Additionally, consider incorporating secure wire mesh or electric fencing to protect your flock from potential predators like raccoons, foxes, or birds of prey. 2.3 Vertical Space Utilization Efficient utilization of vertical space in chicken coops can significantly increase the capacity and comfort of your flock. Features like roosting bars at different heights provide chickens with options for perching and resting, reducing overcrowding and stress. Additionally, installing hanging feeders and waterers can free up valuable floor space while keeping feed and water clean. When implementing vertical space utilization strategies, ensure that roosting bars are securely fixed to prevent injuries due to collapsing structures. Provide enough space between each bar to allow comfortable movement for your chickens. Similarly, hang feeders at appropriate heights where hens can access them easily without spilling or contaminating the food. 2.4 Solar-Powered Lighting Systems Solar-powered lighting systems offer numerous benefits for chicken coops. They provide energy-efficient lighting while reducing reliance on traditional electricity sources. Natural sunlight is essential for promoting healthy growth and productivity in chickens, so solar-powered lighting ensures a steady supply even during cloudy days or in regions with limited daylight hours. When choosing a solar lighting system for your coop, consider panel capacity, battery storage capabilities, and LED bulb efficiency. Opt for high-quality components that withstand harsh weather conditions and provide long-lasting performance. Proper installation is crucial to maximize efficiency - ensure panels are positioned optimally to capture maximum sunlight exposure throughout the day. Regular maintenance is also essential to keep your solar-powered lighting system running smoothly. Clean panels regularly from dust or debris buildup that may obstruct sunlight absorption. Periodically check connections and replace batteries as needed to ensure consistent functioning. 2.5 Automatic Egg Collection Systems Automatic egg collection systems have revolutionized gathering eggs in poultry farms. These systems use conveyors and mechanical devices to gently collect eggs from nesting boxes, reducing manual labor and potentially damaging the delicate eggs. Understanding how automatic egg collection systems work is essential for their efficient operation. Eggs gently roll from nesting boxes onto a conveyor belt or tray, transporting them to a central collection point. Different types of systems are available, including belt-based or tray-based conveyance methods. To maximize egg production, it's essential to ensure efficient collection methods. Regularly check and clean the system to prevent any blockages or malfunctions that could interrupt the flow of eggs. Properly train workers on the operation and maintenance of the system for smooth functioning. 2.6 Water Management Solutions Proper water management is crucial for maintaining a healthy flock in poultry farming. Installing automatic waterers ensures chickens always have access to clean and fresh drinking water, minimizing the risk of dehydration and related health issues. When installing automatic waterers, consider capacity, durability, and ease of cleaning factors. Position these waterers at an appropriate height according to your flock's average size for easy access while avoiding contamination from droppings or bedding materials. Water filtration options are also essential to ensure clean and safe drinking water for your chickens. Utilize filters explicitly designed for poultry watering systems that remove impurities while maintaining optimal flow rates. Regularly check filters and replace them as needed to support effective filtration. 2.7 Innovative Brooder Designs Brooding is a critical phase in raising young chicks successfully, and innovative brooder designs can significantly enhance this stage. Using specialized brooders allows better control over temperature regulation while providing comfort for chicks during their early growth. The advantages of using innovative brooder designs include improved insulation capabilities, energy efficiency, adjustable heating elements, and easy-to-clean materials. Consider DIY options using styrofoam or repurposed containers to create cost-effective brooders. When designing your brooder, ensure proper ventilation to maintain fresh air circulation and prevent respiratory issues. Monitor temperature levels regularly and adjust heating elements to provide an optimal environment for the chicks' growth and development. By exploring these creative ideas for using chicken equipment, you can enhance your flock’s efficiency, productivity, and overall well-being. Automated feeding systems optimize nutrition delivery while saving time. Mobile coop designs facilitate free-range practices with ease. Vertical space utilization maximizes capacity within coops. Solar-powered lighting systems offer sustainable energy solutions. Automatic egg collection systems streamline the gathering process efficiently. Water management solutions ensure access to clean drinking water. Innovative brooder designs improve chick growth during the early stages. Implementing these ideas can transform your poultry farming experience into a more efficient, sustainable, and rewarding endeavor. Embrace innovation while keeping the welfare of your chickens in mind for a successful chicken farming journey that yields healthy birds and high-quality produce. Read the full article
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adorstore · 2 years
Few Tips On How to Build the Largest Poultry Door in the Market
Your solar automatic goose door opener is one that has a manual control that allows it to open or begin o at sunrise and close or end at sunset. It also uses a light sensitivity meter to adjust its timing. Ensure you get the largest food in the market today.
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fairmaiden8 · 10 months
RUN-CHICKEN Door Opener Review
Tired of waking up early to open the chicken coop door? Look no further than the RUN-CHICKEN Door Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener with Timer, Programmable Light Sensor, Battery Powered, Evening and Morning Delay, Aluminum, Model T50 (Gray). This nifty gadget is a game-changer for poultry farmers, offering a plug and play solution that can be installed in just 10 minutes. With a minimum battery…
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jhkalito · 11 months
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