#Avery nimbus
fluffyhare · 3 days
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Gentle tickles for a sweet little cherry~! @trooly-ticklish
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nikki-tine · 2 months
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I'll be honest when I say I hummed and hawed about posting this one due to it being really, really uncolored for a bit - but fuck it, we BALL!!
So here, have Masc!Niko tickling Avery with almost all the arms.~ (If you're wondering about Avery's arm, it's being pinned back by Niko's left hand so he doesn't have an effective way to escape lol)
Don't worry, @fluffyhare is already aware of this sketch. :3
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sillymarieee · 2 months
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(Quick doodle before I head off to bed)
Poor Avery wasn’t involved in this booping business, but who else am I supposed to get revenge on? (But really I just wanted an excuse to get him too (๑¯∀¯๑))
Heehee take that @fluffyhare >:)
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bigdumbtickler03 · 19 days
Made some gift art for @fluffyhare cuz his cloud boi is just too cute to resist. So here is Avery getting some soft tummy tickles 🤗 hope you enjoy it!!
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He’s soooo cute I love ur sona sm ahsjsjs~
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nicehare · 5 months
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starting 2024 with some positive self talk
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trooly-ticklish · 1 month
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Some art for @fluffyhare of his OC Avery. Love this cloud man so much, he's so fun to draw!!
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spicyhare · 2 days
I've never made content for it, but, I do think about Avery sneezing...
Ough... I want it to make sense with the canon, but I'm also dying to get really self-indulgent with it...
Like... what if he's never sneezed before...?
What if he can only sneeze by being induced...?
What if he didn't understand the sensation of needing to sneeze, and had to communicate that to Casper, somehow?
What if he has a really BIG sneeze that would practically knock Casper off his feet? What if he's really shy about that, too?
He already carries a handkerchief with him... what if the only way to stop that big sneeze would be sneezing into it?
What if his sneeze was accompanied by a clap of thunder, or sparks? Or both??
Ough... 😵‍💫
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nakakabaliw · 1 year
Fuck it. Okay. Opening an ask box about my ocs. Here they are! Live my creations, Live!
Might draw some responses might not.
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From left to right;
Mikha, Chris
Punzel, Avery
Nimbus , Zenrow
Wilbur , Caroline
I HAVE MORE in my artfight portfolio feel free to also ask about those not included here!
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coffehbeans · 11 months
G/t July Day 29: Element
Another piece for y'all featuring everyone's favorite tropes! Plus I wanted to explore these very, very old characters of mine, as well as writing a bit of a more extreme size difference. It was fun!
Enjoy! Pls consider leaving a reply or reblog because my heart soars with joy from them you guys have no idea <3 Anyways onto the story!
When the Soarers glided through the sky, they brought forth the veil of the night, encasing the land with its glistening decorations. Such a wonderful sight it was, bright and sparkly, just like the teas made of moonlight that Eibhlin drinks. For many a year has the firefly fairy lived, and through her 5 centuries of life she looked up at many skies. Yet, this night felt different, as it marked one of many where she would not be at her cozy palace up in the trees. Instead, she laid on the earth, surrounded by tall grass and accompanied by her twin brother and other three companions.
What a weird bunch were they. On one side, there was Eibhlin and her brother Éibhear, both fairies of the light and royalty from the last decade, who looked tiny compared to most other living creatures, despite their powers vastly surpassing the expectations of their four-inch size. She glanced at her kin at her right, and he slept like a rock, not moving an inch and drooling from his mouth. She giggled. It’s good that her brother was resting, he lived so stressed out that he deserves a night of sleep.
‘Yet my mind grows restless, and my heart flutters, because-‘
To her left, was the human from Earth, Avery. The contrast of her appearance to Eibhlin was near comical, consisting of only a hoodie, a pair of jeans and a short type of boots that Avery calls “All Stars”, compared to the fairy’s silky white dress. Despite being transported to their world so suddenly, the human from Earth remained calm and marveled at each tiny detail that Eibhlin had taken for granted.
‘I can’t stop thinking about it, my heart keeps racing. Why am I feeling so…?’
The human girl adorned a red, glowing necklace, from within which the fairy could see the sleeping form of Rubens, tinier than her, dressed in attire that pertained to a prince, yet adorning bright crimson shackles on his wrists and ankles. The man would remain miniscule until he awakens, only then would his spirit leave the confines of his necklace prison and meet the others at his normal, human size.
Only one member of their unlikely group rested distant from them.
‘He stays far away from the four of us. Up there in the small hill, if I peer closely, I can see a Cumulos shape disguised as a cloud. He floats slightly above the hillside, mist evaporating from his grandiose form as he shifts in his sleep. Looking so imposing, and majestic, yet ever-so-distant and why, why is my heart beating faster?’
Eibhlin sighed. She could not lie to herself any longer. The reason she could not fall sleep was because of Nimbus.
She couldn’t remember when her feelings first happened. When it comes to passion and other matters of the heart, the fairy queen knows close to nothing of it. So many centuries she spent on war and dominion or ruling her land, that now that she finally resigned her position and embarked on a journey of her own, experiencing love along with so many other foreign feelings, she does not know how to handle them. Nimbus always laid a few yards away from her and her friends when he slept, despite him traveling along with the group. During the day, he shrinks for a little while and retains a human-sized shape, but night he allows himself to stretch to his full size and relax, floating like a cloud in a fair distance from them, as to not harm anyone under his sleep.
‘Even if his face is always neutral or sometimes sneering, he shows his affection for us through his actions’. Eibhlin pondered. Nimbus acted as a guardian for the traveling group, protecting them from dangerous foes, and she would do anything to just fly up to his face and thank him, if she could. If she could…
‘So why not do it right now?’ She saw the Cumulos disguised as a cloud morphing into its usual humanoid shape. He hovered over the hill and rested his head against his arms, looking up to the starry sky above. From Eibhlin’s disadvantageous angle, she could only see the back of his head as he was facing away from her.
‘I shall go to him. Fly right over his eye and wave. Perhaps we can finally share a few more words besides the brief thank-you’s I exchange when he’s human-sized. And perhaps we can finally know more about each other, share curiosities about the world, about tonight’s starry sky, or about living for so many years like we both have been through.’
She ceased her monologue and sprang up, flapping her wings until they buzzed, a pleasant hum to her ears. She flew away from her brother and friends, careful not to wake them up, and made her long flowy hair glow as bright as a firefly. She soared against the wind currents and took in a deep breath, all in her brave attempt at striking a conversation with Nimbus. A friend to her like the others, but who she least talked with. And yet, he was the one she most wanted to talk to.
And there was a reason for it, too. Being at four inches tall, compared to his stature of over a hundred feet, it seemed impossible for any sort of interaction to happen between them. She was still not sure If he would be able to hear her even if she shouted, and a single sigh from his mouth could send her flying away…
As she approached the giant cloud man, their size difference became more apparent, and doubts started creeping up into her mind. ‘He can’t see me at such a vast size’. She thought. ‘What if he does not see when I approach, and blows me away so strongly I end up in another country?!’ Shivers crawled up her spine and-
She laughed. ‘What a waste of thoughts.’ Those worries were of no use to her at that moment. However, just to be sure, Eibhlin glowed her hair just a little brighter, and made the buzz of her firefly wings sound a bit louder. Just in case he couldn’t see the tiny dot of light that was her. But he sure will, she’s sure of it.
Eibhlin flew up the hill, and her vision was encased by clouds. She glided up and up, caressing the white, cold surface with her hand, knowing all of it belonged to him, and yet he was not be able to feel her miniscule touch.
When she finally hovered over his resting form, she saw more details of the floating cloud giant. His skin was pale like the moon and soft, so soft she was scared that a breeze would dissolve it away, despite his body being solid and dissimilar from a real cloud. Curly, fluffy hair floated as if he was submerged in water, and its silver strands formed loops to appear like clouds of their own. A layer of thinner fog concealed his body like a tunic, which made him look like “a Greek man” as Avery had told Eibhlin once. His eyes closed and opened, revealing glassy irises as blue as the day sky, the pupils white like the stars above. The fairy let out a breath she did not realize she was holding. Looking at him, at his full size, she could see so many details she haven’t noticed before, like the blue dots that decorated his face like constellations. She felt heat rising in her cheeks, but decided to take a deep breath and focus on flying to one of his eyes, in order to see him and, maybe, exchange a few words.
It was then that it dawned on her like a rock sinking deep in her stomach: when the fairy reached his face, and looked at the eye that widened, she noticed she was barely the height of his iris. The appearance of Nimbus reduced to a single eye that covered her entire field of vision. The pale eyelids squinted and the pupil shrank, focusing on the minuscule light that appeared in front of it. Focusing on her.
“Is that…” He whispered, but his voice was as loud as thunder. No, much, much louder than that, for Eibhlin could not help but curl up and clutch her ears. Her eardrums ringed, those few whispered words throbbing through her every bone. It was simply so loud, she wanted to scream from the pain as the sound echoed through every molecule of her body.
“Wait, are you one of the fairy siblings?” He muttered, his voice as loud as before, and no amount of clasping her ears could stop the unbearable pain from pounding within her eardrums. But Eibhlin sucked in a breath and opened her eyes, fixating on the scrunched up blue eye right under her. It squinted even more as Nimbus attempted to differentiate which one of the sibling fairies it was, but to no avail. All he could see was a bright but small yellow light and the faint shape of insect wings. Nothing else.
“Y-yes. It’s, um, Eibhlin.” She said, projecting her voice. His brows furrowed. She could see almost every strand of his eyebrow, whose texture was like a cotton plant’s.
“Right. So, it’s the girl fairy. Um, Eilin? Could barely hear ya.”
Nimbus whispered even lower but, to no avail, Eibhlin’s ears already ringed and hurt against her skull. She gave up and accepted how his voice rocked inside her, letting her hands stop clutching her ears. In a strange manner, she liked how overwhelming Nimbus sounded to her. To Avery and Rubens, his size was awe-inspiring. But to a fairy like her and Éibhear, it was more than that, his presence looked like a landscape of its own, looming all-encompassing over them. The thrill of the danger his size naturally represented felt addicting. Delightful, even.
“Actually.” She shouted, feeling her throat dry. “It’s Eibhlin but, that does not matter.”
She glided towards his right ear and Nimbus widened his eyes, becoming as unmoving as a statue, no traces of the relaxed posture he had before she arrived there. Eibhlin flew next to his ear and leaned against it, lowering her shouting voice for a little.
“Funny as it may sound, I find myself unable to sleep.” She tittered. “What makes you stay awake at such a night?”
The ear moved up and down as Nimbus snorted in surprise.
“Is that the reason Your Majesty has reached out to me? Thought something serious had happened.”
Eibhlin chuckled, and Nimbus couldn’t help but tilt up the corners of his mouth in a smile. Her voice was so low, almost inaudible, and at that moment he couldn’t even see where she rested at his ear, so even if he wanted to laugh louder, he shouldn’t. Such fragile beings are the fairies, he’s sure that if he as well as shift his position she could be sent flying away, or worse, being crushed by him.
Nope. He shall not dare move.
“Perhaps the only serious reason I have for coming here is because I’m in dire need of company amidst my fit of insomnia. Also, please don’t call me Majesty. I’m not a queen for a long time.”
“Wait.” His head shifted, and Eibhlin flew away to give him more space. She floated until his eyes could see her as a shining dot, letting Nimbus relax and turn his head to his right safely. Eibhlin used this opportunity to fly closer to him and hover in front of his left eye. He continued from where he left off.
“I thought the Pallas were still in power.” He whispered, his eyes trying to contain the wonder at seeing someone so small.
“Well, for the past two centuries we used to be, but not anymore. I left for, how many years exactly? Nine? Ten years ago?”
“Wow. I mean, guess time flies fast.”
“You could say that.”
Eibhlin grinned at him. Although Nimbus’s expression remained neutral. He was never one to express much. Well, except when he’s scowling at whoever approached their traveling group with bad intentions, that is. Or when he used to play pranks to travelers who passed through the border, back when he used to guard it by the mountains. That last bit of his story left her thinking.
“You see, I’ve been thinking about it. Me and you, we’ve been at the same position for so many years, having lived as long as we have. And yet, only late in our lives we’ve entertained the idea of ‘traveling’. Isn’t it ironic?”
He smirked.
“Well, guess so. Either you travel around at least once in your life, or you spend centuries in boredom. Wouldn’t want that to happen to me again.”
Nimbus chuckled and huffed. Eibhlin was sent flying. She yelped, thrashing her wings as she spun in the air and Nimbus gasped in shock. No, not this disaster just when she managed to make him comfortable enough around her!
Her out of control movements were halted by a fuzzy surface that surrounded her and muffled the previously loud howls of the wind. For this moment, everything remained still, just the downy, cold texture of the single hand that held her in his grasp. ‘So that’s how it felt’, she thought, to be so small that only one hand was able to enclose all around her. In fact, Eibhlin had quite a lot of space in his hand. It was like she was inside a real cloud in the sky. If Eibhlin wanted to, she could even fly around for a bit.
The hand moved up and opened to reveal the massive blue and white eye staring wildly at the fairy. The iris twitched frantically as it focused on her, who to him looked like nothing more than a little dot of light, barely bigger than his fingertip.
“Crap! I’m so sorry!” He hushed. “I didn’t know I’d send you flying like this. Gosh.”
Eibhlin looked on at that alarmed eye, an alarmed face that was bigger than the palace she used to live in. She felt, amused. Giddy, even.
She laughed.
“That was an experience! I don’t mind you blowing me away!” She kept on giggling to herself.
Nimbus’s white cheeks changing into a violet color. A blush? He looked away from her.
“Still. Gosh, that was embarrassing.”
“It was fun, really!”
He brought his hand close to his eyes, so close that his hand rested over his nose. It was the only way Nimbus could be sure that even his sigh wouldn’t whisk the fairy away again. If he squinted enough, he could just make out the appearance of the queen that traveled with him and the others for so long. Flowy, wavy hair that looked so long, he’d not be surprised if it went beyond her knees. A pearly white skin, with upturned eyes that looked amused at him. A dainty body covered in a silky, knee-length white dress with a brown corset. Wow. She was a queen, and definitely looked the part. Nimbus was surprised that he couldn’t see so many of those details before, even when she flied so close to him. ‘It sucks that I can’t see fairies that well’, he thought to himself.
“You’re so tiny.” He breathed out. Eibhlin widened her eyes when she felt her heart hammering, a warm feeling spreading inside her chest. She looked down and smiled sadly.
“Yes. Perhaps it is kind of sad, that my stature makes you so worried about hurting me. And that because of me, we could barely talk to each other.”
She looked up and saw a different glance to Nimbus’ unchanging eyes. A sort of determined look. Serious but, focused.
“Hold on, Your Majesty. Can you fly away from me for a bit?”
“Just Eibhlin will do. And yes, I can do that.”
She fluttered away from Nimbus, anticipating what he would do, but as well as fearing that he’d just send her away from him. She flew on her back until she saw his face entirely, happy that she could see more than just his eye. His expression changed to its usual relaxed self, and he closed his eyes.
The space of mist around her shifted and Eibhlin saw the clouds that formed Nimbus’s body swirling below her. They twirled as his limbs vanished and the fog retreated towards his face. His head disappeared at last, forming a bundle of clouds that shifted and, condensed? Until from it emerged a long, albeit much smaller, column of smog that slowly, but surely, morphed into the familiar humanoid shape of Nimbus again.
Although, this time, he appeared much smaller, the size of a human, to be precise. Eibhlin widened her eyes. He floated closer to her, approaching until his face was nearly touching her and, she could see the whole face easier now!
“Much better.” He smirked, proud of his transformation.
“That is amazing but…! You shouldn’t trouble yourself!”
“Nah, this was nothing. I do this all the time, remember?”
Nimbus laid down mid-air and rested his head on his arms, lying with his side turned to Eibhlin as he glanced at her with a soothing look on his face.
“I just wanted to take a closer look at you. No offense but, seeing you instead of just a speckle of light seems much better, in my opinion.”
She grinned at him, feeling warm and fuzzy at his interest in keeping a conversation with her. She sighed in contentment and flew above his head.
“So, now that this is better, what shall we converse tonight?”
“Just go with the flow. I don’t have anything in particular.”
He looked up at the starry sky above.
“But I must tell ya, Your Maj- Eibhlin, tonight does look very nice for a bit of stargazing.”
Eibhlin looked up, and a purple and pink nebula orbited over them, adorned with blue and white shining stars. The Soarers really outdid themselves with the night sky’s veil this time.
“I have to agree with you. Well then, if you don’t mind…”
She flew closer to him and he frowned at her in confusion, yet with a pleasant smile on his face. She landed on top of his chest and for a moment, Nimbus stared in astonishment. But he paid no mind to the sudden touch of the fairy. It felt nice. He paid no mind, as well, when she slowly laid on top of his chest, the light texture of her wings brushing against his sensitive skin. She felt warm against his touch, and the contact was a foreign, yet pleasant feeling for him. Nimbus smiled, feeling amused that the fairy felt so comfortable to lie on top of him like this.
“It’s getting quite late, and I’m afraid my wings have gotten quite tired. Guess I have no other choice than to rest for a bit.” She said jokingly.
Nimbus let out a hearty laugh, shaking Eibhlin on his chest, yet she smiled just as heartily.
She was so, so glad to hear that laugh.
“You know, I’ve never thought you had a playful side to you. Kinda enjoy it.”
“I’ve learned from the best.”
They giggled a bit, and continued to admire the beautiful night sky. Even as the hours went on, and Nimbus eventually slowly started to grow, Eibhlin did not mind. His chest started to expand constantly under her, and yet she enjoyed seeing how much more it extended over her field of vision. The soft surface of his skin underneath her became even more plush as it gained mass, and she felt herself sinking into the surface. It took little for them both to fall asleep, not realizing the moment they drifted into slumber.
Eibhlin’s dreams brimmed with delight and in that moment, her heart could not have been fuller. She had dared to venture forth, embarking on a journey with her eccentric band of friends. And now her bravery had rewarded her, for venturing into that fateful night and encountering with the one she longed to meet.
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fluffyhare · 3 days
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Last but surely not least, my wonderful friend @nikki-tine ! 💙
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nikki-tine · 1 month
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Hey y'all! Have a sketch of Avery Nimbus I up and sketched tonight for @fluffyhare - I had the idea of doodlin' him like I'd normally draw elementals rather than how he tends to be styled, and this is what came up!
I had a lot of fun with this one; I think my favorite parts of the sketch while working on it were the shirt/suspenders and the cloud fluff on his head. c:
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sillymarieee · 2 months
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For the wonderful @fluffyhare !! 💗
I really enjoyed doing this art trade, Avery is so fun to draw! (I might’ve drawn him a bit too tall tho, Woops ¯\_(˶′◡‵˶)_/¯)
And of course, I just had to draw Avery as a lee >:)
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fvckxurxabcs · 2 years
Boyfriend Material - Borealis “Bo” McGowan (H.ozier) - Alien / Art professor / Art museum curator
Carter Olivier Coen-Knox (S.am R.eid) - Hotel owner / Incubus
Evander “Evan” “Ev” Anzac Coen-Knox (S.am R.eid) - Club / Feeding ground owner / Incubus
Finnegan Romulus Carver (K.eanu R.eeves) - Retired assassin / right hand man / vampire - rom? more like romcom. Formerly Rom.
Galaxy? Giselle Melanie de la Fleur (S.hay M.itchell) - TBD
Halston “Hal” Everett Cavendish (T.om P.ayne) - History professor
Ivonne "Ivory" "Ivy" (S.ofia B.outella) - TBD
January "Jan" ()
Koda (R.iz A.hmed)
Mocha? Mccoy? Maven? Merrick? Maeve? Maverick? Marisol?
Nimbus (S.ebastian St.an)
Owen Cormac McKenzie (J.ensen A.ckles) - Werewolf / Travels for work
Phineas “Danien” “Dani” Danien Allan (C.ody F.ern) - Bartender / Incubus
Quill Quintus Quinn (J.amie C.ampbell B.ower) - Magic User (Nature/Earth/Spirits - Secretly black magic)
Shiloh Campbell-Simmons (B.ryan D.echart) - Werewolf / Paramedic / ASMR artist
October "Toby" (N.orman R.eedus)
Umber (R.uby R.ose - default) - Living Shadow of Vampire/Reaper/Shapeshifter/"Gun For Hire"
Xylonius "Xy" Conlan - Mother was a clairvoyant and it drove her to the forest
Yvette "Yvey" - A.ntonia T.homas
Zayda/Zeta - Z.oe K.ravitz
Ira - Potato Scallops
Deklan - Waylen - Harmony - Decker - Undine
Conlan - boy's name of Irish origin meaning "hero". Undiscovered Irish surname
Kayden? Kyra? Kendra? R.ami M.alek / C.ote D.e P.ablo
Niko? Nicander?
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nicehare · 4 months
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"wanna go for a ride?"
lil Avery wip, i'm incredibly stressed by an audit i'm conducting at work so i probably wont finish this piece until this weekend
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nimbuslearning · 2 years
Best coaching for online DRDO classes
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Preparations for Competitive Exams are best done with the help of any coaching institute through online mode. Competitive papers are tougher exams for students to crack without preparations. Today competition has grown by multiple times and the mode of education has also evolved into more than classroom studies. The recorded classes for competitive exams offered by various platforms are very helpful. These classes help in building the conceptual thinking of the subject in students. To score better it is demanded to complete the courses with concept building. But without proper practice, students fail to achieve their deserving ranks. That’s where the importance of coaching classes is realized.
DRDO classes for 2022 The Defense Research and Development Organization is a governmental body that is involved in Military Research and Development in India. DRDO comes under the Ministry of Defence. There is a cut-throat competition for government jobs these days in India. To aid and improve preparations and help in clearing the exam, Nimbus classes have come up with DRDO Online Coaching. The online course is taught by the best faculty of the Nimbus institute who will get you exam-ready by imparting all the useful tips. The in-depth knowledge about the topics included in the syllabus by DRDO is well discussed in the DRDO coaching at Nimbus. Nimbus is a leading Ed-tech institution in India that is very popular for its DRDO classes for 2022 and the DRDO online coaching classes and test series for government jobs. Nimbus is trusted by many aspirants for exam preparations and it is the best DRDO coaching near you. If you are looking for the best guidance to crack the exam, then we encourage you to enroll in the DRDO online coaching Course. Nimbus had been giving the best in the field of education for a long time in India. The Salient Features of the classes at Nimbus: o The online course provided by Nimbus will be conducted through Video classes and sessions. The best faculty in the country will be teaching the aspirants and will cover the entire syllabus set by DRDO. The course is structured while paying extra focus to important topics of the subject. o The DRDO Classes here at Nimbus have been designed keeping in mind the latest pattern of the paper and are probably the best DRDO coaching near you. o Most of the Doubts of the students will get solved if they attend the classes regularly. o Exam-taking Strategies will also be covered as a part of the course where the faculties will guide students on how to prepare and tackle the exam. o Quizzes and best Practice Sets will be provided to the students which have been curated by Nimbus expert teachers. Avery's important hands-on practice for the exam is given in the course. Solutions and explanations of all the quizzes are well discussed in the course. o In their online coaching from Nimbus students are provided with Mock Tests as well to get a real exam feel and a better idea about the DRDO exam. o DRDO Coaching can be easily accessed both on mobile phones and computers by the students. o Study material in the form of PDF formats will be very handy during the last-minute revision for the exam and are provided to the students here. Benefits of online coaching classes Joining the Nimbus online coaching will impart you with the right knowledge and learning which will boost your confidence. The topic-wise guidance will clear the concepts whether they are easy or difficult. The mock tests series will be a great tool for self-assessment as well as revision. DRDO online coaching are also available at various other platforms as well but there is no comparison of quality with the Nimbus classes. The candidates can learn more with the teaching methodology of the faculty and the candidates from the Nimbus. This will also give a clear idea of what to expect from the DRDO classes for 2022. To access the DRDO coaching near you, you should have access to a computer or a smartphone with a good network. Moreover, the course from Nimbus learning will be taught in Hindi and English language. So, the aspirants should be able to understand and learn the most. Conclusion Online coaching for competitive exam preparations is a great option for students. And especially for the ones in the rural areas where quality DRDO coaching classes are difficult to access. For them, it is highly recommended to opt for the DRDO online coaching at the NIMBUS for the best results.
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spicyhare · 2 months
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Sick!Avery doodle. I like to imagine that, like when he’s sad, he gets drippy when he’s sick. Haven’t figured out how to make cloud-man sneeze yet, since he doesn’t… have a nose, lmao, but I’m thinking about it.
This is actually a redraw of a slightly older doodle, which is under the cut if you want to see it.
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