#Aviation Combat Element Branch
razorblade180 · 5 years
Lasting Embers pt14: Training Day pt2
[Atlas SDC headquarter CEO office]
*A man in his early thirties wearing a business suit in the Schnee family colors sits at his desk writing. His hair swooped back and cleanly shaven. Pretty in shape, like a bulkier Neptune*
Secretary:*creaking open door* Whitley, your special guest has arrived.
Whitley:Thank you Julia; please send her in.
*a women with black leather pants and dark combat boots walks in. Zipped up black jacket jacket and wearing aviators; gold trim on the seams of her clothes. Not to mention a ridiculously long auburn ponytail*
Whitley:Hey Illia, how’s the weather treating you?
Illia:Cold as usual *removes glasses* I see you’re on a first name basis with your secretary now; about time.
Whitley:*smirks and stops writing* You haven’t changed since your last visit. You’re a bit late; stop by lunch areas to flirt with my cook again? She’s been talking about you.
Illia:*sits on his desk* Can you blame her? Anyways, I’m here on the usual business mostly. *lifts his chin and examines his face* you eating well? Any death threats or loss of sleep? Death by stress or malnutrition isn’t something I can protect you from.
Whitley:*chuckles* I’m fine, I’m fine *moving her hand* What about you?
Illia:Eh, the usual. Killing the bad guys and taking life a day at a time; all before anyone knows they’re in trouble. *puts a file on his desk* oh, there’s an assassination attempt on your life being planned by the way.
Whitley:Of course, another person mad I banned Faunus labor or is it more sister related? *opens folder to see faces of men in grey hoods and red veins near their eyes and hands* You think cult members would look more inconspicuous....
Illia:They’re currently in a warehouse a little ways up north of here. A splinter group that has their own way of trying to please “Salem the great and powerful” They obviously know about Weiss so....
Whitley:They’re going after her loved ones yada yada yada. She’s getting such an ear full when she comes back.
Illia:You think she’s okay?
Whitley:If you can survive our house then you can survive anything. So, how are you going to deal with these lot.
Illia:Don’t have to myself; I’ve been put in charge of training a newbie. This is no real threat so she went on ahead to despose of the problem. Shouldn’t take her too long.
*knock knock knock*
Whitley:That was fa-
Illia:*draws her weapon* too fast.... stay back.
*pretty vacant except for crates and blueprints everywhere. A table in the middle with four cloaked figures around it*
Thug 1: Are you sure this is gonna work? Like I get he’s not a huntsmen or anything but I heard this guy has taken down other people before us.
Thug 2:Idiot *flicking him* unlike the others we have an actual plan. We’ll strike right in the middle of traffic go rain bullets down from the building above.
Thug 3:Yee the boss left us in charge of this operation while he and two more go off and secure something else. Uhhh I forgot what kind of a play he was making.
Thug 4:*young women’s voice* Honestly why did I get stuck with you three? He said he was making a power play; rumor has it the branch of the cult is essentially history. That’s why he’s gone to hunt down the winter maiden. With access to the relic and the SDC fortune then he’s top dog. Rumor has it that the maiden might be somewhere hiding in Menagerie.
“Well isn’t that interesting news? Thanks for the info.”
*everyone reading their rifles*
Thug 1:Who said that!?
“Guns? Aren’t you for members of the Children of Salem; shouldn’t you be having grimm serve you with those gross veins of yours? Or did your boss not trust you enough to lend you some”
Thug 4:Show yourself!!! If you think hiding in the shadows can-
*a chain flies out and wraps the gun. Pulling it to the side and shooting the first thug right through the chest*
Thug 2:Shit!!!! *freaking out* what the hell is going on!?
“The shadows are sort of my thing. I could show you my face sense I’m not allowed to leave survivors but.....I need practice.
Thug 3: Stop toying with us you crazy bitc-ugh! *blood dripping down the mouth*
*a chain out of the shadows with a metal tip finds its way into Thug 3*
“Cat got your tongue; or heart?” *reels his body into the darkness*
Thug 2: *dropping his gun* Okay we give up! We’ll tell you everything we know; I swear!
“When did your boss leave for Menagerie?”
Thug 4:Yesterday, by airship! I think a cargo one?
“Hmm I think I can catch up to that. Thanks for information.”
Thug 2:Are...are we good?
*chain wraps around both of them tying them up. A figure of a woman in her early twenties and wearing a similar outfit to Illia. However the seams are white to match her white tiger ears and dawns a black mask reminiscent of the white fang.*
“No, you’re far from good.”
*picks up the rifle*
Illia:*opens up the door quickly and jumps back to defend Whitley* State your name and- Weiss?
Weiss:*slightly taller and dressed more like her sister. Hair style like her mother yet somehow looking just like her normal self* Well that was one way to be welcomed home. I guess I should expect nothing less from-
Whitley:*runs up and hugs her* Hey dork, you look like mom.
Weiss:Ugh, you’re one to talk *hugs him tightly* I half expected you to be rocking a bushy mustache.
Whitley:When hell freezes over.
Weiss:Ooo do I have a story for you later. *chuckles*
Illia:If you’re here then does that mean... *scroll rings* Uhhh hello?
Blake:Hey stranger, you miss me?
Illia:.......*tearing up* Blake?
Blake:Who else? I know it’s been awhile but I’d at least thought you’d have my number saved. Just letting you know that I’m home; I’m finally home.
Illia:You’re already back in Menagerie!?
Blake:*sitting on top a palm tree looking into her house window* Yep, no one knows yet besides Adam’s family. *watching a certain monkey Faunus hard at work running her organization* that’s about to change though.
Illia:I didn’t realize he knew you were back. I came out to Atlas for nothing!?
Blake:No, he wasn’t home. His daughter said he was already going on another trip; he’s probably going through the same shock you are. Anyways just also calling to tell you that there’s probably gonna be a celebration when everyone realizes I’m back. As of now your job is to come home and relax with your old friend my sinister shadow.
Illia:*chuckles* As you wish High Leader Belladonna; save me some food. *hanging up* well better go get my recruit and- *scroll rings* speak of the devil. *answering* so how was your first solo op Sienna?
Sienna:*taking off her mask as she watches a warehouse burn. Her maple tan skin feeling the cold air as her short black hair catches the wind* I wish it was someone place warmer; had to heat myself up. Everything here is done but we sort of have to head to Menagerie right now.
Illia:Why do I have a feeling it’s for a different reason I want to go back?
Sienna:I’ll tell you on the ride there but uhh let’s keep this one extra off the books please? It involves my mom.... *wiping blood of her mask and chain* not that I’m too worried; her and Jael are tough. Just wish dad was there for sure.
[Jaune’s Yard]
Yujin:You’re mine! *swings her blade, barely missing Adam’s head* crap!
*abandons her sword to keep up the pressure with high speed jabs and kicks. Not giving him any room to breath*
Adam:*bobbing all her attacks as he tries to back up* interesting choice when fighting a superior opponent. Keeping the flow of a fight yours to maintain at the cost of your weapon. *catches a punch and knees in the gut*
Yujin:*cough* You know me, always coming up with ideas! *goes for rib shot but he dodges back*
Adam:Well points for- *aura discharges from her punch and knocks him back*
Yujin:Ha! *runs up and kicks off of him to send him either further back* (that should be enough distance....)
*picks up her sword and makes it glow an intense white. Flames emerge from hit*
Yujin:Here goes nothing..... *unleashes 3 slashes our pure white flames* sunslice....
Adam:*Smiling* Not bad...*moon slices through all three*
Yujin:Tsk *slices the oncoming attack* still not enough to out do yours huh? Okay...*switches to gauntlets*
Ruby:She’s pretty good with that sword; it’s almost her size yet she can swing it one handed. Almost reminds me of Qrow....
Jaune:Probably because everyone chimed in and told her about his moves. He might be gone but a bit of his flare isn’t.
Ruby:......*smiles* Good, that’s really good to know.
Yang:*soaking in the fight that’s in front of her. Seeing her daughter counter blade strikes with punches; displaying moves all too noticeable to her as her dad’s handy work*
Jaune:Enjoying the show?
*Yujin’s fist catching fire. Another aura filled punch scattering the flames as the embers dance around her. Not messing a step when avoiding Adam’s relentless bullets and cross slashes*
Yang:I wish....I wish I could’ve helped create this. *somber smile* look at our kid go; she’s in her element right now.
*Adam jumping over a sweep kicking and blocking an assault of jabs. Sparks flying off his sword*
Yang:And I didn’t help with any of it.... I feel a little bad.
Jaune:Are you kidding? Yang, you might not have been here but plenty recordings of your training days are. She won’t admit it but I know she’s watched every single one to be even remotely as good as you.
Yang:*shocked* Really?
Jaune:*Nodding* Yujin did everything she could to deny hand to hand combat; to be separated from you. No matter how hard she tried though she knew if she was gonna be huntress that eventually she’d have to come to terms with you have a legacy with rich insight. To be a little more like herself she’d swallowed her pride, and started acting a little more like you.
Ruby:Makes sense; she looked very angry fighting you hand to hand but also a little thrill. If I had to guess I’d say it was probably because she finally got to see where she stood.
Yujin: *Jumping back for distance, trying to catch her breath* Come on Adam, *huff* my mom tire you out. (shouldn’t be long now) no holding back *raises her gaurd*
Adam:*sword glowing* Says the one breathing deep. You’ve grown a lot Yujin; I’m proud. However, I think this might be your limit.
Yujin:Well let’s find out!! *bumps her first together and charges at him.*
Adam:This won’t kill you but it’s not gonna tickle *dashes towards him swinging his sword down at her*
*a giant thumb erupts from the clash. Dirt and dust flying into the air as everything fall quiet*
Ruby:Huh....well would you look at that? Guess she has learned from you.
Yang:*jaw dropped in awe* You...you told her the story didn’t you?
Jaune:Maybe once or twice....*smiling*
Adam:*completely caught off gaurd, a familiar chill runs through him* .......heh this takes me back.
Yujin:*gripping his blade tightly before the impact. Her eyes shining bright lilac* Gotcha...
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Military May Enlist Commercially Available Drones
Military May Enlist Commercially Available Drones
The Military May Soon Buy The Same Drones You Do
      ” Tiny drones could scout high-rise buildings and underground tunnels for possible threats to US troops in cities of the future. But instead of spending years cooking up the necessary drone technologies in military research labs, the Pentagon might be better off shopping for the latest civilian drones coming soon to stores.
  US military…
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hansing-craft · 3 years
The design of military commemorative medals
The military commemorative medals and medals of the armed forces of various countries are different in color, shape, and size, and each has its own characteristics. However, its composition design more or less contains elements related to war such as soldiers, flags, swords, horses, shields, and scepters; medals and medals awarded by various services include eagles, aircraft, anchors, tanks, etc. Patterns with military characteristics. This design embodies the distinctive characteristics of the army and is full of strong combat atmosphere. It demonstrates the value pursuit of victory in the army, and it also inspires soldiers to always think about preparing for war and gain honor from the battlefield.
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The Order of St. Georgi in Russia consists of two parts: the star and the body. The center of the star chapter is written with the words "for service and bravery", encouraging people to fight bravely for the motherland; the design of the warrior riding a white horse in the chapter body to defeat evil forces reflects a kind of fighting spirit to move forward. When the medals awarded by Russia at the national level are awarded to military personnel, they also have special practices in design and wearing them to demonstrate the unique contributions of military personnel. The Order of St. Andrew is the highest national award in Russia. The chapter body and star medal with double swords are specially designed for military personnel who have won the medal. The same is true of the well-known service medal for the motherland. The service medal for the motherland is divided into four levels. According to relevant regulations, when wearing the high-level service medal for the motherland, the low-level service medal for the motherland and the service medal for the motherland are no longer worn, except for the sword medal.
The star pattern on the US Military Medal of Honor represents the states of the United States, oak leaves symbolize strength, and laurel branches symbolize merit; the head of the "Minerva" goddess symbolizes wisdom, and the shield pattern taken from the US national emblem represents legal authorization. This design not only demonstrates the national will and strong military power of the United States, but also is full of strong humanistic atmosphere, profound historical heritage and high legal spirit.
At the same time, military medals sometimes reflect the differences in military service levels and types in appearance. For example, the US Army Medal is to reward individuals for their heroic deeds and outstanding service, and is usually designed in a star or cross shape. The Medal of Honor, the Silver Star, and the Bronze Star are in the form of a five-pointed star, and the Army’s Outstanding Service Cross and the Flying Excellence Cross are cross-shaped. In order to reward good conduct and participation in specific campaigns, expeditionary operations, and non-war military operations, medals are usually designed in a circular shape. This design not only reflects the different values of military medals, but also makes the medals more diverse.
In addition, the production and accessories of military medals can also reflect the personal experience and combat achievements of the winners. The U.S. military affixed bronze and silver stars to medals, ribbons, and medals to indicate that they have won many times or participated in some major battles; the bronze arrow is used to indicate that the wearer used to perform a certain tactical mission. Troop members who have participated in combat parachute landing, helicopter assault landing, glider air landing or amphibious landing assault operations, and have obtained an offensive certificate; letter symbols are used to identify aviation medals, multinational troops and observer medals that have been won again or more; good behavior Medal decoration strips are used to mark the number of good behavior medals obtained. Bronze is 2-5 times, silver is 6-10 times, and gold is 11-15 times. Undoubtedly, the highlighting of various combat logos in design and composition is conducive to the cultivation of combat culture.
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born2battle · 3 years
My Innings as DDG at Army HQ
     In the beginning of Mar 2002, while Op PARAKRAM was still in progress, I reported in Army HQ to take charge as Deputy Director General, DDG (Equipment Management) in MGO Branch. It was an exciting moment to enter the South Block for the first time in my career, for shouldering new responsibilities, in an entirely new role, in an entirely new Organisation. It took me almost a month to understand the magnitude of the tasks involving “Equipment Management”. I was in the core group for the purchase, procurement, stocking and release of all types of equipment, for all the Units & Formations of the Army. It entailed inventory management of diverse weapon systems & ammunition, a large variety of combat vehicles for specific requirements of each Arm/Service, complex communication equipment and a range of clothing including special clothing for high altitude terrain. Additionally, the  entire supply chain management had to be monitored to ensure that the right equipment, of the right quality & in the right quantity, reaches the right location, at the right time. The challenges were numerous with multiple solutions.
     Soon on arrival in Delhi, I was allotted temporary accommodation in Army Battle Honours Mess. I got accustomed to the new lifestyle of carrying pack lunch & commuting by the Army Bus. The new office timings (9 AM to 5 PM) and observing a five day week were some other major  changes. It was quite a learning experience about new office procedures as well, since the MGO Branch had to interact with all the Command HQ  and the officials in the MOD (Ministry of Defence) & the OFB (Ordnance Factory Board) frequently. In the first week of Apr, I went to Bagrakote & returned to Delhi along with my mother, Sanjivani & Aditya. We shifted to temporary accommodation in Shankar Vihar complex, near the domestic Airport. Soon thereafter, Aditya got admission in Xth standard in Army Public School, Dhaula Kuan. Incidentally, our children looked forward to this process of change consequent to each posting, which certainly laid the foundation of their personality development.
    In order to familiarise myself  with the functions of the Ordnance Depots & the Base Workshops, I visited Agra, Kanpur, Jabalpur & Pulgaon  in the first one month.  In addition, I got an opportunity to attend the Review Meeting at OFB, located at Kolkata. It enabled an update about  the progress of achievement of targets by various production agencies and the PSUs, as also the progress of procurement of equipment and ammunition ex- import. Thereafter, we had the six monthly Review Conference at MGO Branch, which was chaired by the MGO and attended by the DGOS,  DGEME and the MG Adm of each Command HQas also  the members of the OFB. We had to modify our plans and  allot the critical requirements to each  Command HQ.  It was always a race against time, specially for equipment management of the formations deployed on the LOC & the LAC. Necessary priority was also accorded  to formations deployed  in Counter Insurgency operations as also the units deployed on the Siachen Glacier. It was a great learning experience personally, facing entirely new challenges, which I had never visualised earlier.
     In the end of May 2002, I felt elated to be selected as a member of MGO Branch  Delegation for an official visit to USA. Our schedule  included visits to several logistics establishments and the OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) involved in manufacture of defence equipment. We had just one month to plan our itinerary, prepare the agenda for discussions for each visit and finalise the  arrangements for travel & stay during our visit.  Finally, in the last week of Jun, we took off by Air India, on our maiden long duration flight. On arrival in New York, we were received by our Defence Attache, who escorted us thereafter during the entire Tour. Our schedule commenced with an impressive briefing at the Operations Support Command. 
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     Thereafter, we visited several Defence establishments and the OEMs on the West Coast and progressed in a sequence for completion of visits on the East Coast. The visit to the US Army Aviation Centre was really special. In fact every visit was unique and provided us an opportunity to visit local  tourist attractions as well. In the end, we came to New York and boarded the return flight, with memories of this professional experience. On return to Army HQ, we prepared the Delegation Report  and submitted it to the MOD, which was followed by a Presentation. I will always cherish this life time opportunity of a Defence Delegation.
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     Meanwhile, we were allotted permanent accommodation in Sardar Patel Marg complex, which was just adjacent to the Taj & Maurya Sheraton hotels. It was a coincidence that Ashvini & Nandini had come over to  spend their summer vacation. So, all the members of the family again contributed their expertise of packing, shifting and unpacking before settling down in our new Home!! We organised visits to some of the major tourist spots in Delhi on the week ends. In the end, we went for a short trip to Jaipur, popularly known as the Pink City. It was a refreshing break for all of us, before Ashvini & Nandini’s  departure for Pune.  
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     I continued my routine visits to various Ordnance Depots and the PSUs, on case by case basis. However, the most memorable visit was to the  Siachen Base Camp. I went there to acquaint myself urgently, about  the critical requirements of special clothing & equipment authorised to the Siachen Brigade. Initially, I went to Leh by the IAF Courier from Delhi  and completed the acclimatisation process at Leh. Subsequently, I travelled by road from Leh to Partapur, crossing enroute the famous Khardungla Pass located at 18,000 feet. This journey itself was a breathtaking experience literally. I had a night halt at the Brigade HQ at  Partapur before  proceeding ahead to Siachen Base Camp, which is located at 12,000 feet. I observed the rigorous training & acclimatisation being conducted at Siachen Battle School. It was a prerequisite before the induction of  Infantry Battalions & support elements onto the Siachen Glacier. I was also briefed about the logistic plans for supply & replenishment of various posts and methods of  casualty evacuation which were vital for operations in the challenging terrain and climatic conditions on the Glacier. I returned to Delhi after two weeks, with profound respect for all the Siachen Warriors.
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       Next major event was the Army Commanders Conference in Oct. We had to compile the latest status of all types of equipment held by the formations, ascertain the essential requirements and prepare a plan for making up the deficiencies from the stocks held in the Ordnance Depots. In the Conference, all the Command HQ gave a review of their activities and projected their critical requirements. Similar Presentations were given by all the Branches & Directorates at the Army HQ. It was a great opportunity since I learnt about the methodology of integration of all operational and logistics  plans, with a long term perspective. The ultimate aim was to continually enhance the levels of operational preparedness, with higher priority for operations on the LOC & LAC as also the Counter Insurgency operations and the Siachen Glacier.
      2003 commenced with the preparations for the Army Day Parade & the Republic Day events. It was a privilege as we availed the chance to witness the magnificent Republic Day Parade, from the main enclosure reserved for the Armed Forces. The latest equipment on display was a matter of pride not only for the Contingents but equally for the MGO Branch. All the celebrations culminated with a splendid Beating the Retreat ceremony at Vijay Chowk followed by the illumination of Rashtrapati  Bhavan and North & South Block.
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      It is often said --- “Time & tide wait for none.” It proved to be true as  one year of my tenure was completed so quickly, enriched with so many professional experiences.  Aditya completed his Board Exams and while  the results were awaited, Ashvini & Nandini  joined us for another summer vacation. This time, we visited the remaining tourist attractions in Delhi on every weekend. The most enjoyable visit was to the famous Red Fort where we learnt about it’s historical significance by watching the Sound and Light Show. 
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     Thereafter, I arranged a short trip  to visit  Agra and Fatehpur Sikri. Our visit to the iconic Taj Mahal ---- one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was the most wonderful experience.
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          By now, the results of the Board Exam were declared and Aditya was delighted with a score of  90%. It was perhaps destined that Aditya would pursue higher education in Pune as we decided to shift base. I took Annual Leave for a month and all of us went  to Pune. We completed the admission process in Fergusson College and rented accommodation in Kothrud. It enabled all the children to stay together and enjoy their college life. Sanjivani also stayed on in Pune and once again shouldered the responsibility as their coach, guide and mentor. I returned to Delhi and experienced an “Empty Nest” feeling for the first time!!
     There was yet another important  assignment  when I was detailed as a representative of MGO Branch to witness the trials and evaluation of BPJs (Bullet Proof Jackets). I had to attend these trials in different locations and carry out the comparative analysis. All the subsequent procedures till the finalisation of the  contract by the MOD were an educative experience. We continued to obtain monthly feedback about the state of holdings of equipment from the Command HQ and check progress of target fixation from the OFB. This ensured  that the rate of supply was always faster than the rate of expenditure, specially in case of weapons and ammunition. The result of this proactive approach was higher state of combat readiness and enhanced user satisfaction at all levels. At the MGO Branch, it created a ripple effect of enthusiasm resulting in setting higher targets, stringent timelines and further improvement of the supply chain management.
     In Jan 2004, Defence Expo was organised in Pragati Maidan. All of us at the MGO Branch attended this event since the exhibition showcased the latest trends and technological developments pertaining to military equipment. Thereafter, I got  another opportunity to witness the traditional Republic Day Parade and associated celebrations. Next month, I was delighted to be selected as a part of another Defence Delegation for visiting a few countries in Europe ----- Finland, Austria, Switzerland and Italy.  Our Delegation was specifically assigned the responsibility to examine the latest developments in Snow-clothing, Snowmobiles  and Mountaineering Equipment essential in Snow Bound area.  We left Delhi on 15 Mar 2004, and over the next two weeks visited several  OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) in Helsinki, Geneva, Berne, Zurich, Vienna, Rome and Venice.
        We were shown the manufacturing process by each Firm and given a demonstration of the equipment in the Alps. We also got an opportunity to cross the Arctic Circle while travelling North of Helsinki. The Vatican City and the majestic Colosseum in Rome kept us spellbound. Finally, we went to Venice and enjoyed the enchanting Gondola rides. The Delegation was  privileged to have a meeting followed by dinner with our Ambassadors, both in Austria and Switzerland. On return to Delhi, we submitted the final report to the MOD. Thereafter, we gave a Presentation which was attended personally by Mr. George Fernandez (then Defence Minister). I will always cherish the memories of this fascinating experience of another Defence Delegation.
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     Just after completing two years and three months of my prestigious tenure in the South Block, I received my posting orders to proceed  to Ahmedabad. I was required to take charge as DDG NCC, Gujarat by mid Aug. I looked forward eagerly to shouldering this new appointment which would be quite different compared to all my previous  assignments. It entailed training of the NCC Cadets, appropriately called the process of  “Grooming Tomorrow’s Leaders”. As I finally departed after a traditional farewell from the MGO Branch, I had a feeling of tremendous accomplishment having fulfilled  most of the expectations of the  Formations. The dedication and support by my Team of Directors -----  Col Sanjay Kulkarni, Col KJ Singh, Col Saini and Col Ratnaparkhi deserve special compliments. I consider my innings at the Army HQ as a feather in my cap. It was time to shift from the dynamic Army HQ to the tranquil NCC Directorate, with an attitude of gratitude.
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raylovesrp-blog · 5 years
Enthusiasm Builds US Military Drone Export After Rule Change
The White Home eased drone export rules in April 2018 and responded to both strategic realities and US corporate pressures that misplaced worthwhile trade. The revised rules have drawn the attention of some protection corporations, targeted on focusing on international gross sales and even inspiring design selections that would make their drones each more aggressive and simpler to export – key elements within the area where China has bought methods at the least
. methods export is now totally different, ”stated Brian Chappel, Government Vice President and Chief Government Officer of Northrop Grumman. "… We are actively encouraged to bring such systems through the process of obtaining approval to free and work with other countries, even some of the more traditional ones, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and Korea." [19659002] The launch of the change was for American army plane producers who had lengthy complained that the US export rules put them at a aggressive drawback. Although the Obama administration made some amendments, the Trump administration determined to make export controls considerably easier after California's Basic Atomics, which builds unmanned Predator and Reaper plane (UAS), misplaced its already negotiated gross sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates final week to the Chinese language
”Basic Atomics received fairly shocked and talked to Congress individuals and other people of DOD [Department of Defense] and made it clear that politics, the current drone gross sales coverage, was to harm the USA' sales to a area that had traditionally purchased high-tech US methods , ”Stated Steve Zaloga, senior analyst at Teal Group Oyj and an professional in the army drones market.
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Northrop Grummanin Firebird. Northrop Grumman's
China's sales also weakened, first, the core of control – preventing the spread of unmanned army know-how. China was prepared to sell UAS to nations that the USA doesn’t cope with and does not achieve this without using their drones, as the USA had executed stated Josh Schwartz, PhD scholar at the College of Pennsylvania and an professional on drone export rules. A minimum of a dozen nations have already bought Chinese language army drones. For example, Algeria, Nigeria, Jordan, Zambia, Iraq, Ethiopia, Turkmenistan, Pakistan and Myanmar have purchased Rainbow CH-4, an armed Chinese language UAS just like the US Reaper, revealed in Might 2018. [19659024]
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”Beforehand, the US dron coverage mirrored the assumption that if the USA refrains from exporting armed drones strictly following the MTCR (Missile Know-how Management System), different states, particularly those who often exercise human rights, could not acquire , ”wrote Schwartz and Michael C. Horowitz, Professor of Political Science on the College of Pennsylvania at Washington Publish last yr. “According to continuous research, some 20 countries now have armed drones. This includes many countries with dubious human rights information such as Iran, Egypt, Uzbekistan and Burma. ”
Political specialists additionally referred to different elements.
“Arresting military technology with close allies and partners can put a strain on security. Because these partnerships are based on trust, shared interests, and common threats, partners can equate the state's reluctance to take drones slower to loyalty and commitment to other security agreements, ”wrote Erik Lin-Greenberg, Physician of Political Science. candidate at Columbia University, touch upon Warfare on the Rocks. Prohibiting exports can even undermine interoperability and effectivity throughout coalition operations. Most significantly, he wrote: “Washington will lose its political and military influence when states turn to other suppliers. When a state moves arms, it hopes to have an impact in the host state over the life cycle of the weapon system and beyond. In the short term, the impact will be strengthened by agreements to train staff or maintain equipment. Producer countries plan their curricula and may retain future deliveries, parts, or maintenance if the recipient takes action that is against their interests. ”
Relations with China are constructing probably giant impacts on different elements of the US aviation business. Zaloga. China hopes to make use of UAS sales to enter the market for different techniques, together with fighter aircraft, he stated. "I think you are seeing more and more of China's efforts to help break that particular market [UAS] as a way to gain more access to the military aviation industry."
Zaloga, who has traveled in an environment where the know-how of Asia particularly is more absolutely featured, stated Chinese language corporations are rising into the army drone sector, which they think about to be dynamic markets and nice alternatives.
“Chinese language corporations are very enthusiastic. They’ve gone a great distance in dealing with a wide range of armed UASs and durability [long-range] UAS for all-scale requirements – techniques as small as Predator's early versions by means of Reaper-sized air our bodies. factor. They offer it all over the place. You identify a class of army consumer interfaces, they supply UAS – and it's not one of many airframe; it’s a variety of totally different corporations, quite a lot of Chinese language aerospace corporations, all making an attempt to enter the market.
Based on the brand new US coverage, drone sales can now undergo the direct business gross sales (DCS) course of. more time-consuming overseas army sales (FMS). Beneath the DCS, the company negotiates its own contract with a potential customer, and the Board is just not involved in the execution of the contract, in accordance with a chart prepared by the consulting agency LM Defense. Within the framework of FMS, the federal government negotiates gross sales and participates within the agreement, assuming the danger that both parties can reach an settlement.
One other change is that drones reminiscent of laser target identifiers, similar to laser concentrating on units, are not thought-about "armed" UAS units. This should make exports easier, stated Schwartz.
The brand new practices have not yet launched gross sales, however this did not surprise Schwartz or Zaloga. Military UASs are costly, negotiations can take years, and a few nations have techniques in China. "The US takes a little time to get back there and assures them that they would be better off buying US systems," Zaloga stated.
Zaloga, nevertheless, believes that US corporations are more likely to be happy with the coverage change, as it’s more likely to be notably helpful for the export of intelligent / surveillance / intelligence (ISR) drones, accounting for about 95 % of bought defense forces. "If a change in policy with the opening of this market or to release only the ISR UAS systems sales – you know, like the Predator, the Predator but not armed versions – I am sure that the companies are going to be happy." [19659024]
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Although export UAS is now easier, course of corporations still should cope with. Some peoples buy optionally manned and even manned aircraft with much less onerous restrictions.
“The UAE, when they were confronted with resistance to the purchase of UAS from armed resistance in the United States… they ended up buying a type of archbishop-calling aircraft,” stated Zaloga. The plane of IOMAX, Mooresville, North Carolina, is predicated on a crop, he stated. But the version bought by UAE was "an armed ISR vessel that basically mimics the performance of Reaper UAS, but it has been piloted." IOMAX bought a dozen archangels in the UAE, which have been used fairly extensively within the battle in Yemen. 19659002] "It highlights one of the issues of this size dispute about UAS sales," Zaloga added. “… The Department has no reluctance to allow US companies to sell armed aircraft to a number of allied countries that have substantially the same combat capabilities as armed UAS. But when it comes to armed UAS, there is a much stronger resistance. ”
Northrop Grumman utilizes this reality with its Firebird machines. Firebird may be transformed from occupied unmanned activities in a matter of hours, allowing it to be thought-about an airplane for export guidelines.
<img class = "aligncenter wp-image-25374 full size" src = "http://insideunmannedsystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/2019_IUS_03_Wash_View_ART_IOMAX_Archangle.png" alt = "IOMAX Archangel Photo courtesy IOMAX "width =" 678 "peak =" 439 "/>
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From an export perspective, Zaloga defined," it's just UAS if it is sold at "
" [An optionally piloted aircraft] is likely to be offered in several packages, "Zaloga added." One of the packages would simply be a pilot aircraft and not embrace a remote control system – you already know, a land-based control system that can be used like UAS. principally just the controllers that require a pilot. ”
The fact that the plane was built to fly unmanned means that the client might search approval for the united statesand then purchase from the gear. It has the servers of its management system and all other features that may permit it to be shortly converted to UAS if the declare exists or if the USA has authorised it. So I feel this is an fascinating technical branch of what we saw because of sales restrictions, ”stated Zaloga.
Northrop isn’t the one firm to research an optionally manned design, Zaloga stated. "There are now a couple of current companies looking at it [the concept] and having a tested aircraft that can be flown either as a UAS or as a piloted aircraft."
Northrop has taken other steps to make Firebird exports pleasant, Chappel. There are not any exotic materials; it has a Lycoming engine, corresponding to basic aviation plane and solely off-the-shelf business methods. Northrop additionally aims to construct a network of economic sensor suppliers that may improve their capabilities without growing export problems.
Chappel stated the corporate needs to develop a big business vendor ecosystem to allow Northrop to broaden its offerings. Relying on the locality and buyer obligations, he stated that “knowing the full range and the different qualities will enable us to sell something that better meets the needs of the customer.”
Chappel thinks flexibly too for potential clients. "For example, if we went to a country that may not have developed the aerospace industry, but they wanted to get into such a capability, we would definitely want to… look for partners and set them up to do so."
And where might it’s? Poland may discover it engaging to Firebird, as well as some Pacific nations, he talked about an important allies, corresponding to Australia, Japan and Korea, and Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam.
“Everybody is surrounded by water – and it's a very interesting part world, ”Chappel stated,“ and they have a number of tasks to keep track of, but undoubtedly big budgets. So they need affordable flexibility. So when we think about it, we're talking in these terms. ”
The post Enthusiasm Builds US Military Drone Export After Rule Change appeared first on Super Tech Plus.
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courtneytincher · 5 years
U.S. Marine Corps upgrades its Utility Task Vehicles
The U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command has reported that Utility Task Vehicles are undergoing several upgrades designed to improve the safety and performance of the vehicle.
According to a recent service news release, using critical feedback from Marines and taking inspiration spanning the automotive industry to desert racing, engineers and logisticians from the Light Tactical Vehicle program office at Program Executive Officer Land Systems have been working diligently to research, test, procure and implement changes to the UTV. These changes include high clearance control arms, new run-flat tires, floorboard protection, a road march kit, a clutch improvement kit and an environmental protection cover.
“We bought the vehicle as a [commercial-off-the-shelf] solution, so it’s not going to have everything we want right from the factory,” said Jason Engstrom, lead systems engineer for the UTV at PEO Land Systems.
Since PEO Land Systems started fielding the UTV in 2017, Marines have consistently pushed the limits of their vehicles, said Engstrom, in many ways beyond what is expected or imagined with a typical off-the-shelf solution.
“Even though we’re in the operations, maintenance and sustainment phases with the vehicle, it’s such a new vehicle and we’re seeing Marines constantly push the limits of the truck,” said Engstrom. “Every day we’re seeing Marines come up with new ideas on how to use the truck.”
High Clearance Control Arms
The first of these upgrades involves installing high clearance control arms on the vehicle—a crucial component of the vehicle’s suspension system.
“With the different types of terrain Marines cover in these vehicles, we noticed the [original] control arms were frequently getting bent,” said Engstrom. “Rocks were probably the biggest hazard, and that’s primarily where the Marines were driving.”
A bent or damaged control arm can disable a vehicle, said UTV logistician Rodney Smith. To address this issue, the team looked to industry and ultimately settled on a control arm comprised of material about twice as strong as the original control arms and that provided an extra 2.5 inches of clearance.
With this upgrade, Marines are better equipped to drive off the beaten path while minimizing their risk of damaging the control arms on their vehicles.
Clutch Improvement Kit
The UTV team is also outfitting the vehicle with a clutch improvement kit. The UTV’s clutch is an important component of the vehicle’s transmission system, which is essential in making the vehicle run.
“One of the things that came right from the factory was a belt-driven [transmission] system,” said Engstrom. “Just like with the control arms, a broken belt takes the whole vehicle out of action.”
The upgraded clutch kit reconfigures the clutch system, enabling it to better engage the belt to keep it from breaking, said Engstrom.
Floorboard Protection
The team has also began upgrading the vehicle’s floorboard, which showed evidence of damage after a recent deployment.
“When Marines deployed the vehicles to Australia, they found that high-density sticks and branches on the ground have the potential to pop up and puncture the plastic floorboard, which is a safety hazard,” said Engstrom.
Upon receiving this feedback from Marines, the UTV team researched and tested various potential materials to use in protecting the floorboard.
“We wanted to find a solution that kept the weight down because putting too much weight in the design of the vehicle—like a reinforced floorboard—impacts the amount of cargo Marines can carry on it,” said Smith. “Every pound counts.”
U.S. Marine Corps Utility Task Vehicles assigned to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1). Photo by Lance Cpl. Andrew Huff
For the UTV’s tire upgrades, the team turned to a novel source for inspiration: the Baja off-road racing industry.
“There’s a new approach to run-flat technology—called ‘Tireballs’,” said Engstrom. “Inside each tire are 16 inflatable cells, so if any one cell pops from running over a spike or nail, you’d still have 15 other cells full of air to continue driving on.”
This, said Engstrom, significantly enhances the UTV’s operational readiness for Marines, allowing them to go farther for longer in the UTV. Along with the Tireballs, the team selected an upgraded tire from BF Goodrich that is more durable than the previous, exceeding performance requirements in various environments that mimic the challenging terrains Marines face.
“The Baja racers are using these tires now while completing 1000-mile races out in the desert,” said Engstrom. “We decided it would be a good upgrade for Marines.”
Environmental Protection Cover
The Environmental Protection Cover, another upgrade to the UTV, provides Marines with protection from the elements while they’re out in the field.
“Have you ever been in a convertible on a hot, sunny day and put the roof up? That’s exactly what this is,” said UTV engineer Christopher Swift. “It’s necessary after being out in the field 8-12 hours a day in the hot sun, especially if it’s the only shelter available.”
Road March Kit
The team started fielding the UTV’s Road March Kit—comprising turn signals, a horn, and a rearview mirror—last March. Marines from III Marine Expeditionary Force requested these features be added for safety, especially when transitioning between training areas on roads also used by civilian motorists.
The Road March Kit upgrade, along with the other vehicle upgrades, underscores the importance Marines’ user feedback is to the acquisition professionals tasked with delivering products to the warfighter.
“We try to meet customer needs within the requirement [determined by Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration],” said UTV Team Lead Lorrie Owens. “If we can meet the customers’ need to make it more reliable and durable, we will certainly do so within the realm of the requirement.”
The UTV team is taking advantage of the vehicle’s general maintenance schedule to implement the upgrades, which will be done alongside regular maintenance and services.
Photo by Cpl. David Diggs
from Defence Blog
The U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command has reported that Utility Task Vehicles are undergoing several upgrades designed to improve the safety and performance of the vehicle.
According to a recent service news release, using critical feedback from Marines and taking inspiration spanning the automotive industry to desert racing, engineers and logisticians from the Light Tactical Vehicle program office at Program Executive Officer Land Systems have been working diligently to research, test, procure and implement changes to the UTV. These changes include high clearance control arms, new run-flat tires, floorboard protection, a road march kit, a clutch improvement kit and an environmental protection cover.
“We bought the vehicle as a [commercial-off-the-shelf] solution, so it’s not going to have everything we want right from the factory,” said Jason Engstrom, lead systems engineer for the UTV at PEO Land Systems.
Since PEO Land Systems started fielding the UTV in 2017, Marines have consistently pushed the limits of their vehicles, said Engstrom, in many ways beyond what is expected or imagined with a typical off-the-shelf solution.
“Even though we’re in the operations, maintenance and sustainment phases with the vehicle, it’s such a new vehicle and we’re seeing Marines constantly push the limits of the truck,” said Engstrom. “Every day we’re seeing Marines come up with new ideas on how to use the truck.”
High Clearance Control Arms
The first of these upgrades involves installing high clearance control arms on the vehicle—a crucial component of the vehicle’s suspension system.
“With the different types of terrain Marines cover in these vehicles, we noticed the [original] control arms were frequently getting bent,” said Engstrom. “Rocks were probably the biggest hazard, and that’s primarily where the Marines were driving.”
A bent or damaged control arm can disable a vehicle, said UTV logistician Rodney Smith. To address this issue, the team looked to industry and ultimately settled on a control arm comprised of material about twice as strong as the original control arms and that provided an extra 2.5 inches of clearance.
With this upgrade, Marines are better equipped to drive off the beaten path while minimizing their risk of damaging the control arms on their vehicles.
Clutch Improvement Kit
The UTV team is also outfitting the vehicle with a clutch improvement kit. The UTV’s clutch is an important component of the vehicle’s transmission system, which is essential in making the vehicle run.
“One of the things that came right from the factory was a belt-driven [transmission] system,” said Engstrom. “Just like with the control arms, a broken belt takes the whole vehicle out of action.”
The upgraded clutch kit reconfigures the clutch system, enabling it to better engage the belt to keep it from breaking, said Engstrom.
Floorboard Protection
The team has also began upgrading the vehicle’s floorboard, which showed evidence of damage after a recent deployment.
“When Marines deployed the vehicles to Australia, they found that high-density sticks and branches on the ground have the potential to pop up and puncture the plastic floorboard, which is a safety hazard,” said Engstrom.
Upon receiving this feedback from Marines, the UTV team researched and tested various potential materials to use in protecting the floorboard.
“We wanted to find a solution that kept the weight down because putting too much weight in the design of the vehicle—like a reinforced floorboard—impacts the amount of cargo Marines can carry on it,” said Smith. “Every pound counts.”
U.S. Marine Corps Utility Task Vehicles assigned to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1). Photo by Lance Cpl. Andrew Huff
For the UTV’s tire upgrades, the team turned to a novel source for inspiration: the Baja off-road racing industry.
“There’s a new approach to run-flat technology—called ‘Tireballs’,” said Engstrom. “Inside each tire are 16 inflatable cells, so if any one cell pops from running over a spike or nail, you’d still have 15 other cells full of air to continue driving on.”
This, said Engstrom, significantly enhances the UTV’s operational readiness for Marines, allowing them to go farther for longer in the UTV. Along with the Tireballs, the team selected an upgraded tire from BF Goodrich that is more durable than the previous, exceeding performance requirements in various environments that mimic the challenging terrains Marines face.
“The Baja racers are using these tires now while completing 1000-mile races out in the desert,” said Engstrom. “We decided it would be a good upgrade for Marines.”
Environmental Protection Cover
The Environmental Protection Cover, another upgrade to the UTV, provides Marines with protection from the elements while they’re out in the field.
“Have you ever been in a convertible on a hot, sunny day and put the roof up? That’s exactly what this is,” said UTV engineer Christopher Swift. “It’s necessary after being out in the field 8-12 hours a day in the hot sun, especially if it’s the only shelter available.”
Road March Kit
The team started fielding the UTV’s Road March Kit—comprising turn signals, a horn, and a rearview mirror—last March. Marines from III Marine Expeditionary Force requested these features be added for safety, especially when transitioning between training areas on roads also used by civilian motorists.
The Road March Kit upgrade, along with the other vehicle upgrades, underscores the importance Marines’ user feedback is to the acquisition professionals tasked with delivering products to the warfighter.
“We try to meet customer needs within the requirement [determined by Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration],” said UTV Team Lead Lorrie Owens. “If we can meet the customers’ need to make it more reliable and durable, we will certainly do so within the realm of the requirement.”
The UTV team is taking advantage of the vehicle’s general maintenance schedule to implement the upgrades, which will be done alongside regular maintenance and services.
Photo by Cpl. David Diggs
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sciencespies · 5 years
Esper affirms support for U.S. Space Command and for an independent Space Force
Esper affirms support for U.S. Space Command and for an independent Space Force
Esper: ‘I’m excited for tomorrow’s activation of the United States Space Command.’
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Wednesday gave the United States Space Command a forceful endorsement and described the standup of the new command as the “next crucial step” in the Pentagon’s reorganization of space forces.
Esper spoke on Wednesday in his first news conference as defense secretary alongside Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford. Esper insisted that he does not intend to depart from the broad goals of the 2018 National Defense Strategy, which calls for DoD to work closely with allies and to modernize the U.S. military to outpace China and Russia.
On Thursday at the White House, President Trump and Vice President Pence will host an establishment ceremony with Esper and the commander of U.S. Space Command Gen. John Raymond.
“I’m excited for tomorrow’s activation of the United States Space Command to ensure the protection of America’s interests in space,” Esper said. “We must apply the necessary focus, energy and resources to the task. That is exactly what the command will do.”
Esper also voiced support for the establishment of an independent Space Force as a branch of the armed forces. But DoD cannot move forward until Congress authorizes it.
“As a unified command, the United States Space Command is the next crucial step toward the creation of an independent Space Force as an additional armed service — an independent additional armed service,” said Esper.
Congress is on recess until Sept. 9. But DoD officials have met with congressional committee staffs over the August recess to discuss Space Force legislation, sources told SpaceNews. The Pentagon specifically is pushing back on the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which re-designates the Air Force Space Command as the U.S. Space Force but does not rewrite Title 10 of the U.S. Code to establish a new military service. The Senate proposes a one-year transition after which it would consider Title 10 revisions. The House version of the NDAA does not require that transition period.
“In order to achieve the intent of standing up the new force and executing the bill, additional technical and conforming amendments are necessary,” says a DoD memo.
In testimony in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee during his confirmation hearing in July, Esper said this is the right time to create a space service, and compared space forces today to air forces in 1947. “When they pulled the Army Air Corps out of the United States Army, it freed up our aviators to think about warfighting in the air domain and how you conduct warfare unencumbered by a hierarchy, if you will, that was focused on ground combat,” he said. “That’s how I think about this problem. I think we just got to realize that it is a new domain of warfare and it requires a different organizational construct and a different way of thinking about it.”
Although both the House and the Senate have some form of space force language in the NDAA, they differ on the specifics of how it should be organized.
In written answers to advance policy questions submitted to the committee, Esper noted that he has issues with the Senate language. The Senate proposes a phased approach out of concerns about excessive costs and growth in the military bureaucracy.
“I appreciate Congress’s support for the establishment of a Space Force and, if confirmed, I look forward to working with Congress on this important initiative,” Esper wrote. “Although the SASC language provides key elements to elevating the space domain, such as the four-star military leadership with membership on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the direct report to the Secretary of the Air Force, I urge the committee to provide the necessary technical legislative authority to establish the Space Force as the sixth branch of the Armed Forces within the Department of the Air Force. I also request the committee to provide the department with the necessary resources to ensure its success.”
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technato · 7 years
Marines Plan New Test Flights for Battlefield Delivery Drones
The U.S. military awarded the Yates Electrospace Corporation a new flight test contract for disposable delivery drones
Image: Yates Electrospace Corp.
A US $5,000 fee may sound like a steep price to pay for most ordinary deliveries. But it’s a price the U.S. Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory would gladly pay for a disposable glider drone that could deliver 320 kilograms (700 pounds) of supplies to ground troops at remote outposts or in the middle of a warzone. Earlier this month, the Marines awarded a contract to kickstart the second phase of flight testing for such battlefield delivery drones.
The recent contract given to the Yates Electrospace Corporation aims for flight tests to refine the design and construction of the company’s “Silent Arrow” glider drones that resemble sleek missiles with extendable wings.
The ultimate goal of the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory’s TACtical Air Delivery (TACAD) program is to develop a disposable glider drone that can deliver the 320-kilogram payload to within 45 meters of any given target site on Earth—and for a price that could make military resupply costs at least 10 times cheaper.
“In some cases, Silent Arrow may be replacing resupply by ground vehicle convoy, and in some cases by parachute drop,” says Chip Yates, founder and CEO of the Yates Electrospace Corporation. “We have seen a number of drone delivery concepts and ideas that use quad-rotors limited to less than 10 pounds [4.5 kilograms] of payload, but have not encountered any other legitimate, funded air delivery capability that achieves this level of performance for the price point of Silent Arrow.”
Such precise aerial resupply offers huge advantages over truck convoys that could come under attack from insurgents or fall prey to the roadside bombs that have proven deadly to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The glider drones could be dropped by piloted military transport aircraft such as the MV-22 Osprey or the C-130 Hercules at maximum ranges between 60 and 115 kilometers (38 and 71 miles) away from the final destination, depending on the altitude at the point of release.
The goal is for each single-use, disposable glider drone to achieve a per unit cost of significantly less than $10,000, and possibly even less than $5,000 if the Silent Arrow drones reach mass production, Yates explained. When packed up, the Silent Arrow drones can fit inside a box that is 2.5 meters long, 0.6 meters wide and 0.6 meters high. That means they can easily be transported across oceans inside standard shipping containers to reach the U.S. military’s fields of operation. 
By comparison, the U.S. military’s current option for precise aerial resupply is the  Joint Precision Airdrop System (JPADS), a reusable GPS-guided parafoil system that cost $29,700 per unit when the U.S. Army deployed them in Afghanistan in 2011. The JPADS robo-parachutes have a shorter range than the Silent Arrow glider drone prototypes and require U.S. troops to recover them because of their cost and to avoid having them fall into enemy hands.
“In some cases, Silent Arrow may be replacing resupply by ground vehicle convoy, and in some cases by parachute drop.” —Chip Yates, Yates Electrospace Corporation
Phase 2 flight testing for glider drones in the TACAD program should begin sometime in either February or March of 2018, says Lieutenant Morgan Grossman, aviation project officer for the Air Combat Element Branch at the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory.
The Yates Electrospace Corporation contract calls for 10 Silent Arrow prototypes to undergo flight trials such as surviving the impact of a water landing, undergoing flight control and autopilot testing, and going through both tow testing and drop testing for improved gliding and flight performance.
Photo: Logistic Gliders
But the Silent Arrow drones are not the only competitors in the glider drone trials. The Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory has also been testing a different glider drone design developed by Logistic Gliders. Unlike the sleek design of the Silent Arrow drones, the Logistic Gliders drones resemble boxy cargo containers that have sprouted wings and a tail. Both glider drone types will be put to the test during the 12-month contract for phase 2.
The U.S. military may not be the only beneficiary of such glider drones in the future. Yates Electrospace Corporation also envisions using Silent Arrow drones to provide swift and precise aerial resupply in the wake of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, and floods—a capability that could have proven quite useful in Puerto Rico and other hurricane-stricken regions this year. The civilian version of Silent Arrow could also assist with humanitarian efforts such as delivering medicine to remote parts of African countries.
Marines Plan New Test Flights for Battlefield Delivery Drones syndicated from http://ift.tt/2Bq2FuP
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US Military LARGEST SHOW OF MILITARY POWER to send a message to North Ko...
Ajoutée le 3 juin 2017
a large US navy formation. The United States Navy (USN) is the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven uniformed services of the United States. It was estimated to be larger than the next 13 largest navies combined in terms of battle fleet tonnage in 2009.[5][6] The U.S. Navy also has the world's largest aircraft carrier fleet, with ten in service, two under construction,[7] eight more planned, and two in active reserve. The service has 317,054 personnel on active duty and 109,671 in the Navy Reserve. It operates 290 ships in active service and more than 3,700 aircraft.[3] The U.S. Navy traces its origins to the Continental Navy, which was established during the American Revolutionary War and was essentially disbanded as a separate entity shortly thereafter. It played a major role in the American Civil War by blockading the Confederacy and seizing control of its rivers. It played the central role in the World War II defeat of Japan. The 21st century U.S. Navy maintains a sizable global presence, deploying in such areas as East Asia, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. It is a blue-water navy with the ability to project force onto the littoral regions of the world, engage in forward areas during peacetime, and rapidly respond to regional crises, making it an active player in U.S. foreign and defense policy. The Navy is administratively managed by the Department of the Navy, which is headed by the civilian Secretary of the Navy. The Department of the Navy is itself a division of the Department of Defense, which is headed by the Secretary of Defense. The Chief of Naval Operations is a four-star admiral and the senior naval officer of the Department of the Navy.[8] However, the CNO may not be the highest ranking naval officer in the armed forces if the Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are Navy officers, who by law, outrank the CNO. Mission[edit] The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. —Mission statement of the United States Navy[9] From the New Recruits Handbook:[10] The mission of the United States Navy is to protect and defend the right of the United States and our allies to move freely on the oceans and to protect our country against her enemies. The United States Navy is a seaborne branch of the military of the United States. The Navy's three primary areas of responsibility:[11] The preparation of naval forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war The maintenance of naval aviation, including land-based naval aviation, air transport essential for naval operations and all air weapons and air techniques involved in the operations and activities of the Navy The development of aircraft, weapons, tactics, technique, organization, and equipment of naval combat and service elements. U.S. Navy training manuals state that the mission of the U.S. Armed Forces is "to prepare and conduct prompt and sustained combat operations in support of the national interest."[12] As part of that establishment, the U.S. Navy's functions comprise sea control, power projection and nuclear deterrence, in addition to "sealift" duties.[13] Organization The Navy falls under the administration of the Department of the Navy, under civilian leadership of the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV). The most senior naval officer is the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), a four-star admiral who is immediately under and reports to the Secretary of the Navy. At the same time, the Chief of Naval Operations is one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which is the second-highest deliberatory body of the armed forces after the United States National Security Council, although it only plays an advisory role to the President and does not nominally form part of the chain of command. The Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations are responsible for organizing, recruiting, training, and equipping the Navy so that it is ready for operation under the command of the unified combat command commanders. Operating forces[edit] Main article: List of units of the United States Navy There are nine components in the operating forces of the U.S. Navy: the United States Fleet Forces Command (formerly United States Atlantic Fleet), United States Pacific Fleet, United States Naval Forces Central Command, United States Naval Forces Europe, Naval Network Warfare Command, Navy Reserve, United States Naval Special Warfare Command, Operational Test and Evaluation Force, and Military Sealift Command. Fleet Forces Command controls a number of unique capabilities, including Military Sealift Command, Naval Expeditionary Combat Command, and Navy Cyber Forces. The United States Navy has six active numbered fleets – Third, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Fleet and Tenth Fleets are each led by a three-star vice admiral,
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pagedesignpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Pagedesignpro
New Post has been published on http://pagedesignpro.com/drone-smuggling-porn-capsule-to-inmates-around-the-world/
Drone smuggling porn, capsule to inmates around the world
Inmates for years have the concept of ingenious — and now and again very compromising ways — to sneak contraband interior prison walls. They’ve bribed guards, used carrier pigeons, had family placed the products in body cavities and, of direction, who can forget a classic habitual: baking a report into a cake.
But modern-day generation is speedy making life less complicated for inmates — and less uncomfortable for a circle of relatives and buddies — trying to smuggle illicit items onto jail grounds.
Corrections officers throughout the U.S. Have reported an uptick inside a previous couple of years of drones flying over penitentiary partitions to supply the entirety from cigarettes and pornography to capsules and guns to inmates.
prison officials in Michigan closing spring discovered a small toy drone at the grounds of the Charles Egeler Reception and Guidance Middle. Even as the drone became too small to haul in any contraband, officers said that it changed into in all likelihood used to probe the jails defenses and safety for a future undertaking.
“It’s funny as it’s truly a toy that came over. However within the larger sense, it’s miles a completely extreme incident,” Michigan Branch of Corrections spokesman Chris Gautz told jail Legal Information.
The incident in Michigan become observed by similar times in Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina and Georgia to name a few, and has led some state officers to name for a revamping of jail centers and processes to head after these midair menaces.
A bit of law presently bouncing around Washington state’s capitol constructing might make flying a drone inside 1,000 toes of the perimeter of a correctional facility without permission a class C criminal. a similar regulation has been brought in Michigan — as Senate Bills 487 and 488 — making it a legal to function drones within 1,000 feet of a prison.
One of the maximum famous drones available on the market — the DJI Phantom four — clocks in at a complete weight of 3 kilos and might fly at least four miles away from its operator without dropping its video flow or far-flung controls. While the Phantom can bring simply over 1 pound At the same time as in flight, its greater beefier brother, the DJI S900, has the most payload of simply below 7 kilos — meaning that anybody looking to drop around $2,000 can supply a widespread care package to their pals at the interior.
within the spring of 2015, South Carolina introduced that vast asset could be carried out to save you drones from getting access to state prisons — inclusive of building new watch towers for guards to more easily spot drawing close drones. This pass got here rapidly after guards on the Lee Correctional Institution determined a downed drone at some stage in a recurring perimeter check that had crashed Even as carrying mobile phones, marijuana, and tobacco over jail walls.
The problem of drones invading prisons isn’t entirely a trouble within the U.S.
Prisons in Canada, Brazil, Russia, Australia, Thailand, Greece and England are all struggling to combat the upward push of the enormously cheaper robotics.
The UK introduced earlier this week the formation of a “professional squad” with the intention to be tasked with investigating drone smuggling national and passing that information right down to neighborhood-degree officers to behave on.
The risk of drones isn’t just restricted to prisons, as international locations throughout the globe are searching for terrorists and different crook businesses using the evolving technology to carry out deadly assaults.
Following incidents of drones flying over the presidential palace and confined military websites — together with the lethal 2015 Paris terror attacks — the French Air Force has trained four golden eagles to intercept and smash the rogue plane.
That is How Drones Have Revolutionized the arena of Photography
Selfie stick of the skies’ – drones has lent new parameters to the artwork of Images. These days, capsule filling machine aren’t just constrained to navy use But have loads greater civilian packages as properly. capsule filling machine have modified aerial Pictures past popularity. Photographers, drones, and capsule sizes are honestly the brand new cool!
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Drone Pictures is the present day trend in weddings, and photographers are the use of them notably for Wedding shoots. The photos captured from a capsule filling machine are extraordinary and cannot be as compared with another kind of Pictures. Capsule sizesImages has brought about a paradigm shift from regular Wedding shoots to some surely cool candid photographs.
Sports activities Pictures
Drones are now used for taking pictures high angle photographs at some point of the match. They may be used to offer top notch views of the playing arena and the regions close by. capsule filling machines are used extensively to seize birds-eye pictures of many activities.
Natural Disaster Pictures
Helicopters and planes prove less effective in relation to capturing pictures of a Natural Catastrophe. Despite the fact that, drones are also now not 100% correct, they have got in reality furnished clearer and greater distinctive pix of the calamity than every other UAV, and have also helped in rescue operations.
Wildlife Images
Drones have revolutionized the manner Wildlife is being photographed. Habitats of the animals and their whereabouts can be efficaciously observed via drones. Mainly, tree-top animals can be captured superbly without harming the animals or the trees.
Real Estate Photography
Pictures with drones have commercial programs or rather urban commercial programs as nicely. Actual Property retailers are actually who prefer the use of drones to seize each nook and nook of the property that they want to cope with.
Agricultural Photography
Even agriculture is using drone Photography. Aerial views of the fields have helped farmers survey and attend to their vegetation well timed.
Vacations Made Special
Badly used in the tourism area, capsule filling machine have helped humans pick their holiday locations and also seize memories in their Vacations aerially.
Selfie Drone
Oh Yes! Selfie Drones! these selfie sticks of the skies can help you take some actually cool selfies.
All You Need to Understand About Ants, the Little Giants The following article is an try, to sum up, all About ants in short. The records provided in the article covers different aspects of the morphology, life cycle, and social conduct of these notable industrious creatures.
Ants are social insects having more than 12,000 extraordinary species. those insects which belong to the order Hymenoptera had developed a few a hundred and ten a hundred thirty million years in the past from wasp-like ancestors. They’re recognized to be very organized and that they stay in colonies. An ordinary colony has three kinds of ants, i.E., queen, employees (lady), and capsule filling machine (fertile men). Every kind has a particular characteristic to carry out – the queen lays eggs, drones mate with the queen, While employees perform obligations such as amassing meals, constructing colonies, etc. The female employees actually have a sub-group called soldiers which shield their fellow ants. Important statistics Approximately ants including the morphology, consuming habits, etc., are offered in the following paragraphs.
Conduct and Habitat
Ants are determined all around the earth. But, those located inside the Hawaiian islands, Iceland, Greenland, and a few elements of Polynesia aren’t native species. Commonplace colors observed in ants are crimson, black, and green (in rare cases).
Anatomy and body Structures
The frame of ants is widely divided into three components which might be the pinnacle, mesosoma, and metasoma. The frame element which connects metasoma and mesosoma is known as petiole. the head includes 3 components which are the eyes, antenna, and jaws. As a result of the variety of lenses which form eyes, they are able to capture moves without difficulty. those eyes But, do not offer them with a high decision. some ants from the subterranean area can not see at all; most of the species don’t have a well-developed eyesight. they have got 6 legs and all of these are attached to their trunk. Inner Systems of the body are covered in a protective protecting known as an exoskeleton. They do no longer own lungs; spiracles, the valves present on exoskeleton act as entry points for oxygen. Carbon dioxide and different gasses are expelled out of the frame via the same spiracles.
Feeding conduct
If you are questioning About what ants devour, then you definitely Need to Recognise that younger and older ants feed on exclusive varieties of meals. The larvae are But, fed with a liquid substance via the elder employees. Worker ants journey looking for meals and directly eat what’s to be had to them. The food which they create back is processed (damaged down) right into a liquid kingdom by using smaller ants. it is thrilling to be aware that few grown up ants don’t eat at all after reaching complete growth. The specialty of ants is they act as herbivores, predators and additionally perform the work of scavengers.
Here are some facts which cover nearly all About ants concerning aspects besides those associated with their feeding behavior: The Worker ants are categorized in three organizations based totally on their size that is foremost, median, and minor. The mounds built from sand and clay particles act as houses for the colonies. those mounds guard the ants from rains and different harsh climatic conditions.
Now, not all ants build their residence with dust/sand. Some of them dig into wood, just like termites.
The queens lay eggs for his or her whole existence.
The improvement and boom of a colony are depending on the survival of the queen.
Ants possess pairs of jaws; this kind of pairs is used for chewing Whilst the alternative to carrying food.
Leafcutter is One of the kinds which are found in South and Primary us and are acknowledged for his or her Special competencies to reduce leaves. The navy pants constantly look for prey and are, therefore, aggressive in nature.
The life cycle of the ants is split into 4 ranges which might be eggs, larvae, pupa, and person.
An ant can deliver a load that is 20 instances its own weight.
In contrast to the Not unusual ants which possess a mediocre imaginative and prescient, the Australian bulldog ants have evolved eyesight.
Ants in to preventing in uncommon cases, However, it’s been observed that if they get into combating, the act (in maximum cases) ends with death.
Ants don’t have ears. these insects can experience the vibrations of drawing near gadgets or residing beings and act as a result.
Flying Ants
Flying ants are often stressed with termites because each those creatures are pretty comparable in appearance and most significantly possess wings. Ants with wings are identical as ordinary ones with the top, mesosoma, and metasoma.
The item offers points which have all of the statistics Approximately ants ranging from anatomy, feeding conduct to distribution. There is a lot to be recognized About these terrific creatures which are so small yet so enormously advanced.
0 notes
Drones smuggling porn, capsules to inmates around the world
New Post has been published on https://realitycrazy.com/111-2/
Drones smuggling porn, capsules to inmates around the world
Inmates for years have the concept of ingenious — and now and again very compromising ways — to sneak contraband interior prison walls. They’ve bribed guards, used carrier pigeons, had family placed the products in body cavities and, of direction, who can forget a classic habitual: baking a report into a cake.
But modern-day generation is speedy making life less complicated for inmates — and less uncomfortable for a circle of relatives and buddies — trying to smuggle illicit items onto jail grounds.
Corrections officers throughout the U.S. Have reported an uptick inside a previous couple of years of drones flying over penitentiary partitions to supply the entirety from cigarettes and pornography to capsules and guns to inmates.
prison officials in Michigan closing spring discovered a small toy drone at the grounds of the Charles Egeler Reception and Guidance Middle. Even as the drone became too small to haul in any contraband, officers said that it changed into in all likelihood used to probe the jails defenses and safety for a future undertaking.
“It’s funny as it’s truly a toy that came over. However within the larger sense, it’s miles a completely extreme incident,” Michigan Branch of Corrections spokesman Chris Gautz told jail Legal Information.
The incident in Michigan become observed by similar times in Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina and Georgia to name a few, and has led some state officers to name for a revamping of jail centers and processes to head after these midair menaces.
A bit of law presently bouncing around Washington state’s capitol constructing might make flying a drone inside 1,000 toes of the perimeter of a correctional facility without permission a class C criminal. a similar regulation has been brought in Michigan — as Senate Bills 487 and 488 — making it a legal to function drones within 1,000 feet of a prison.
One of the maximum famous drones available on the market — the DJI Phantom four — clocks in at a complete weight of 3 kilos and might fly at least four miles away from its operator without dropping its video flow or far-flung controls. While the Phantom can bring simply over 1 pound At the same time as in flight, its greater beefier brother, the DJI S900, has the most payload of simply below 7 kilos — meaning that anybody looking to drop around $2,000 can supply a widespread care package to their pals at the interior.
within the spring of 2015, South Carolina introduced that vast asset could be carried out to save you drones from getting access to state prisons — inclusive of building new watch towers for guards to more easily spot drawing close drones. This pass got here rapidly after guards on the Lee Correctional Institution determined a downed drone at some stage in a recurring perimeter check that had crashed Even as carrying mobile phones, marijuana, and tobacco over jail walls.
The problem of drones invading prisons isn’t entirely a trouble within the U.S.
Prisons in Canada, Brazil, Russia, Australia, Thailand, Greece and England are all struggling to combat the upward push of the enormously cheaper robotics.
The UK introduced earlier this week the formation of a “professional squad” with the intention to be tasked with investigating drone smuggling national and passing that information right down to neighborhood-degree officers to behave on.
The risk of drones isn’t just restricted to prisons, as international locations throughout the globe are searching for terrorists and different crook businesses using the evolving technology to carry out deadly assaults.
Following incidents of drones flying over the presidential palace and confined military websites — together with the lethal 2015 Paris terror attacks — the French Air Force has trained four golden eagles to intercept and smash the rogue plane.
That is How Drones Have Revolutionized the arena of Photography
Selfie stick of the skies’ – drones has lent new parameters to the artwork of Images. These days, drones aren’t just constrained to navy use But have loads greater civilian packages as properly. Drones have modified aerial Pictures past popularity. Photographers, drones are honestly the brand new cool!
Consistent with estimates with the aid of the Federal Aviation Management, there will be around 30,000 drones soaring overhead inside the U.S. through 2020.
Wedding Images
Drone Pictures is the present day trend in weddings, and photographers are the use of them notably for Wedding shoots. The photos captured from a drone are extraordinary and cannot be as compared with another kind of Pictures. Drone Images has brought about a paradigm shift from regular Wedding shoots to some surely cool candid photographs.
Sports activities Pictures
Drones are now used for taking pictures high angle photographs at some point of the match. They may be used to offer top notch views of the playing arena and the regions close by. Drones also are used extensively to seize birds-eye pictures of many activities. Natural Disaster Pictures
Helicopters and planes prove less effective in relation to capturing pictures of a Natural Catastrophe. Despite the fact that, drones are also now not 100% correct, they have got in reality furnished clearer and greater distinctive pix of the calamity than every other UAV, and have also helped in rescue operations.
Wildlife Images
Drones have revolutionized the manner Wildlife is being photographed. Habitats of the animals and their whereabouts can be efficaciously observed via drones. Mainly, tree-top animals can be captured superbly without harming the animals or the trees. Real Estate Photography
Pictures with drones have commercial programs or rather urban commercial programs as nicely. Actual Property retailers are actually who prefer the use of drones to seize each nook and nook of the property that they want to cope with. Agricultural Photography
Even agriculture is using drone Photography. Aerial views of the fields have helped farmers survey and attend to their vegetation well timed.
Vacations Made Special
Badly used in the tourism area, drones have helped humans pick their holiday locations and also seize memories in their Vacations aerially.
Selfie Drone
Oh Yes! Selfie Drones! these selfie sticks of the skies can help you take some actually cool selfies.
All You Need to Understand About Ants, the Little Giants The following article is an try, to sum up, all About ants in short. The records provided in the article covers different aspects of the morphology, life cycle, and social conduct of these notable industrious creatures.
Ants are social insects having more than 12,000 extraordinary species. those insects which belong to the order Hymenoptera had developed a few a hundred and ten a hundred thirty million years in the past from wasp-like ancestors. They’re recognized to be very organized and that they stay in colonies. An ordinary colony has three kinds of ants, i.E., queen, employees (lady), and drones (fertile men). Every kind has a particular characteristic to carry out – the queen lays eggs, drones mate with the queen, While employees perform obligations such as amassing meals, constructing colonies, etc. The female employees actually have a sub-group called soldiers which shield their fellow ants. Important statistics Approximately ants including the morphology, consuming habits, etc., are offered in the following paragraphs.
Conduct and Habitat
Ants are determined all around the earth. But, those located inside the Hawaiian islands, Iceland, Greenland, and a few elements of Polynesia aren’t native species. Commonplace colors observed in ants are crimson, black, and green (in rare cases).
Anatomy and body Structures
The frame of ants is widely divided into three components which might be the pinnacle, mesosoma, and metasoma. The frame element which connects metasoma and mesosoma is known as petiole. the head includes 3 components which are the eyes, antenna, and jaws. As a result of the variety of lenses which form eyes, they are able to capture moves without difficulty. those eyes But, do not offer them with a high decision. some ants from the subterranean area can not see at all; most of the species don’t have a well-developed eyesight. they have got 6 legs and all of these are attached to their trunk. Inner Systems of the body are covered in a protective protecting known as an exoskeleton. They do no longer own lungs; spiracles, the valves present on exoskeleton act as entry points for oxygen. Carbon dioxide and different gasses are expelled out of the frame via the same spiracles.
Feeding conduct
If you are questioning About what ants devour, then you definitely Need to Recognise that younger and older ants feed on exclusive varieties of meals. The larvae are But, fed with a liquid substance via the elder employees. Worker ants journey looking for meals and directly eat what’s to be had to them. The food which they create back is processed (damaged down) right into a liquid kingdom by using smaller ants. it is thrilling to be aware that few grown up ants don’t eat at all after reaching complete growth. The specialty of ants is they act as herbivores, predators and additionally perform the work of scavengers.
Here are some facts which cover nearly all About ants concerning aspects besides those associated with their feeding behavior: The Worker ants are categorized in three organizations based totally on their size that is foremost, median, and minor. The mounds built from sand and clay particles act as houses for the colonies. those mounds guard the ants from rains and different harsh climatic conditions.
Now, not all ants build their residence with dust/sand. Some of them dig into wood, just like termites.
The queens lay eggs for his or her whole existence.
The improvement and boom of a colony are depending on the survival of the queen.
Ants possess pairs of jaws; this kind of pairs is used for chewing Whilst the alternative to carrying food.
Leafcutter is One of the kinds which are found in South and Primary us and are acknowledged for his or her Special competencies to reduce leaves. The navy pants constantly look for prey and are, therefore, aggressive in nature.
The life cycle of the ants is split into 4 ranges which might be eggs, larvae, pupa, and person.
An ant can deliver a load that is 20 instances its own weight.
In contrast to the Not unusual ants which possess a mediocre imaginative and prescient, the Australian bulldog ants have evolved eyesight.
Ants in to preventing in uncommon cases, However, it’s been observed that if they get into combating, the act (in maximum cases) ends with death.
Ants don’t have ears. these insects can experience the vibrations of drawing near gadgets or residing beings and act as a result.
Flying Ants
Flying ants are often stressed with termites because each those creatures are pretty comparable in appearance and most significantly possess wings. Ants with wings are identical as ordinary ones with the top, mesosoma, and metasoma.
The item offers points which have all of the statistics Approximately ants ranging from anatomy, feeding conduct to distribution. There is a lot to be recognized About these terrific creatures which are so small yet so enormously advanced.
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aviationhistory · 8 years
Tumblr media
The United States Army Air Forces are reorganized, with the separate Air Force Combat Command (the combat element) and United States Army Air Corps (the logistics and training element) discontinued. General Henry H. Arnold, formerly Chief of the Army Air Forces, becomes Commanding General of Army Air Forces. The term "Air Corps" survives until 1947, but only as an informal, collective reference to the aviation branch of service of the United States Army without indicating any formal organization.
0 notes
courtneytincher · 5 years
U.S. Marine Corps upgrades its Utility Task Vehicles
The U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command has reported that Utility Task Vehicles are undergoing several upgrades designed to improve the safety and performance of the vehicle.
According to a recent service news release, using critical feedback from Marines and taking inspiration spanning the automotive industry to desert racing, engineers and logisticians from the Light Tactical Vehicle program office at Program Executive Officer Land Systems have been working diligently to research, test, procure and implement changes to the UTV. These changes include high clearance control arms, new run-flat tires, floorboard protection, a road march kit, a clutch improvement kit and an environmental protection cover.
“We bought the vehicle as a [commercial-off-the-shelf] solution, so it’s not going to have everything we want right from the factory,” said Jason Engstrom, lead systems engineer for the UTV at PEO Land Systems.
Since PEO Land Systems started fielding the UTV in 2017, Marines have consistently pushed the limits of their vehicles, said Engstrom, in many ways beyond what is expected or imagined with a typical off-the-shelf solution.
“Even though we’re in the operations, maintenance and sustainment phases with the vehicle, it’s such a new vehicle and we’re seeing Marines constantly push the limits of the truck,” said Engstrom. “Every day we’re seeing Marines come up with new ideas on how to use the truck.”
High Clearance Control Arms
The first of these upgrades involves installing high clearance control arms on the vehicle—a crucial component of the vehicle’s suspension system.
“With the different types of terrain Marines cover in these vehicles, we noticed the [original] control arms were frequently getting bent,” said Engstrom. “Rocks were probably the biggest hazard, and that’s primarily where the Marines were driving.”
A bent or damaged control arm can disable a vehicle, said UTV logistician Rodney Smith. To address this issue, the team looked to industry and ultimately settled on a control arm comprised of material about twice as strong as the original control arms and that provided an extra 2.5 inches of clearance.
With this upgrade, Marines are better equipped to drive off the beaten path while minimizing their risk of damaging the control arms on their vehicles.
Clutch Improvement Kit
The UTV team is also outfitting the vehicle with a clutch improvement kit. The UTV’s clutch is an important component of the vehicle’s transmission system, which is essential in making the vehicle run.
“One of the things that came right from the factory was a belt-driven [transmission] system,” said Engstrom. “Just like with the control arms, a broken belt takes the whole vehicle out of action.”
The upgraded clutch kit reconfigures the clutch system, enabling it to better engage the belt to keep it from breaking, said Engstrom.
Floorboard Protection
The team has also began upgrading the vehicle’s floorboard, which showed evidence of damage after a recent deployment.
“When Marines deployed the vehicles to Australia, they found that high-density sticks and branches on the ground have the potential to pop up and puncture the plastic floorboard, which is a safety hazard,” said Engstrom.
Upon receiving this feedback from Marines, the UTV team researched and tested various potential materials to use in protecting the floorboard.
“We wanted to find a solution that kept the weight down because putting too much weight in the design of the vehicle—like a reinforced floorboard—impacts the amount of cargo Marines can carry on it,” said Smith. “Every pound counts.”
U.S. Marine Corps Utility Task Vehicles assigned to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1). Photo by Lance Cpl. Andrew Huff
For the UTV’s tire upgrades, the team turned to a novel source for inspiration: the Baja off-road racing industry.
“There’s a new approach to run-flat technology—called ‘Tireballs’,” said Engstrom. “Inside each tire are 16 inflatable cells, so if any one cell pops from running over a spike or nail, you’d still have 15 other cells full of air to continue driving on.”
This, said Engstrom, significantly enhances the UTV’s operational readiness for Marines, allowing them to go farther for longer in the UTV. Along with the Tireballs, the team selected an upgraded tire from BF Goodrich that is more durable than the previous, exceeding performance requirements in various environments that mimic the challenging terrains Marines face.
“The Baja racers are using these tires now while completing 1000-mile races out in the desert,” said Engstrom. “We decided it would be a good upgrade for Marines.”
Environmental Protection Cover
The Environmental Protection Cover, another upgrade to the UTV, provides Marines with protection from the elements while they’re out in the field.
“Have you ever been in a convertible on a hot, sunny day and put the roof up? That’s exactly what this is,” said UTV engineer Christopher Swift. “It’s necessary after being out in the field 8-12 hours a day in the hot sun, especially if it’s the only shelter available.”
Road March Kit
The team started fielding the UTV’s Road March Kit—comprising turn signals, a horn, and a rearview mirror—last March. Marines from III Marine Expeditionary Force requested these features be added for safety, especially when transitioning between training areas on roads also used by civilian motorists.
The Road March Kit upgrade, along with the other vehicle upgrades, underscores the importance Marines’ user feedback is to the acquisition professionals tasked with delivering products to the warfighter.
“We try to meet customer needs within the requirement [determined by Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration],” said UTV Team Lead Lorrie Owens. “If we can meet the customers’ need to make it more reliable and durable, we will certainly do so within the realm of the requirement.”
The UTV team is taking advantage of the vehicle’s general maintenance schedule to implement the upgrades, which will be done alongside regular maintenance and services.
Photo by Cpl. David Diggs
from Defence Blog
The U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command has reported that Utility Task Vehicles are undergoing several upgrades designed to improve the safety and performance of the vehicle.
According to a recent service news release, using critical feedback from Marines and taking inspiration spanning the automotive industry to desert racing, engineers and logisticians from the Light Tactical Vehicle program office at Program Executive Officer Land Systems have been working diligently to research, test, procure and implement changes to the UTV. These changes include high clearance control arms, new run-flat tires, floorboard protection, a road march kit, a clutch improvement kit and an environmental protection cover.
“We bought the vehicle as a [commercial-off-the-shelf] solution, so it’s not going to have everything we want right from the factory,” said Jason Engstrom, lead systems engineer for the UTV at PEO Land Systems.
Since PEO Land Systems started fielding the UTV in 2017, Marines have consistently pushed the limits of their vehicles, said Engstrom, in many ways beyond what is expected or imagined with a typical off-the-shelf solution.
“Even though we’re in the operations, maintenance and sustainment phases with the vehicle, it’s such a new vehicle and we’re seeing Marines constantly push the limits of the truck,” said Engstrom. “Every day we’re seeing Marines come up with new ideas on how to use the truck.”
High Clearance Control Arms
The first of these upgrades involves installing high clearance control arms on the vehicle—a crucial component of the vehicle’s suspension system.
“With the different types of terrain Marines cover in these vehicles, we noticed the [original] control arms were frequently getting bent,” said Engstrom. “Rocks were probably the biggest hazard, and that’s primarily where the Marines were driving.”
A bent or damaged control arm can disable a vehicle, said UTV logistician Rodney Smith. To address this issue, the team looked to industry and ultimately settled on a control arm comprised of material about twice as strong as the original control arms and that provided an extra 2.5 inches of clearance.
With this upgrade, Marines are better equipped to drive off the beaten path while minimizing their risk of damaging the control arms on their vehicles.
Clutch Improvement Kit
The UTV team is also outfitting the vehicle with a clutch improvement kit. The UTV’s clutch is an important component of the vehicle’s transmission system, which is essential in making the vehicle run.
“One of the things that came right from the factory was a belt-driven [transmission] system,” said Engstrom. “Just like with the control arms, a broken belt takes the whole vehicle out of action.”
The upgraded clutch kit reconfigures the clutch system, enabling it to better engage the belt to keep it from breaking, said Engstrom.
Floorboard Protection
The team has also began upgrading the vehicle’s floorboard, which showed evidence of damage after a recent deployment.
“When Marines deployed the vehicles to Australia, they found that high-density sticks and branches on the ground have the potential to pop up and puncture the plastic floorboard, which is a safety hazard,” said Engstrom.
Upon receiving this feedback from Marines, the UTV team researched and tested various potential materials to use in protecting the floorboard.
“We wanted to find a solution that kept the weight down because putting too much weight in the design of the vehicle—like a reinforced floorboard—impacts the amount of cargo Marines can carry on it,” said Smith. “Every pound counts.”
U.S. Marine Corps Utility Task Vehicles assigned to Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1). Photo by Lance Cpl. Andrew Huff
For the UTV’s tire upgrades, the team turned to a novel source for inspiration: the Baja off-road racing industry.
“There’s a new approach to run-flat technology—called ‘Tireballs’,” said Engstrom. “Inside each tire are 16 inflatable cells, so if any one cell pops from running over a spike or nail, you’d still have 15 other cells full of air to continue driving on.”
This, said Engstrom, significantly enhances the UTV’s operational readiness for Marines, allowing them to go farther for longer in the UTV. Along with the Tireballs, the team selected an upgraded tire from BF Goodrich that is more durable than the previous, exceeding performance requirements in various environments that mimic the challenging terrains Marines face.
“The Baja racers are using these tires now while completing 1000-mile races out in the desert,” said Engstrom. “We decided it would be a good upgrade for Marines.”
Environmental Protection Cover
The Environmental Protection Cover, another upgrade to the UTV, provides Marines with protection from the elements while they’re out in the field.
“Have you ever been in a convertible on a hot, sunny day and put the roof up? That’s exactly what this is,” said UTV engineer Christopher Swift. “It’s necessary after being out in the field 8-12 hours a day in the hot sun, especially if it’s the only shelter available.”
Road March Kit
The team started fielding the UTV’s Road March Kit—comprising turn signals, a horn, and a rearview mirror—last March. Marines from III Marine Expeditionary Force requested these features be added for safety, especially when transitioning between training areas on roads also used by civilian motorists.
The Road March Kit upgrade, along with the other vehicle upgrades, underscores the importance Marines’ user feedback is to the acquisition professionals tasked with delivering products to the warfighter.
“We try to meet customer needs within the requirement [determined by Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration],” said UTV Team Lead Lorrie Owens. “If we can meet the customers’ need to make it more reliable and durable, we will certainly do so within the realm of the requirement.”
The UTV team is taking advantage of the vehicle’s general maintenance schedule to implement the upgrades, which will be done alongside regular maintenance and services.
Photo by Cpl. David Diggs
0 notes
courtneytincher · 5 years
1st Cavalry Division Artillery prepares units to be able to work together in a combat environment
The U.S. Army has announced that 1st Cavalry Division Artillery (DIVARTY) conducted a joint live-fire exercise with the 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines, 4th Marine Division; 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division; 9th Air Support Operations Squadron, 1st Cavalry Division; and 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, July 18.
According to a statement released by the 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, the intent of the exercise was to prepare the units to be able to work together in a combat environment. By collaborating with units such as the Marine reservists, the DIVARTY is able to become familiar with more and different types of weapons.
“The Cav is fantastic at shooting in the close fight with tanks and maneuver elements,” said Cpt. Thomas Cummins, DIVARTY. “But by being able to use rocket elements from the Marines that can reach a further target than an Abrams, you minimize the amount of enemy in the fight and that increases lethality.”
It can be anticipated for service members to enter a deployed environment and the mission is a joint operation. Since each branch of service has their own approaches to fighting when conducting missions, there can be a few bumps in the road when it comes time to synchronize on the battlefield. Training opportunities such as this gives the separate military branches the opportunity to develop effective communication when working together in order to achieve success.
“One thing the Marines puts emphasis on is combined arms operations,” said 1st. Lt. James Whitney, 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines executive officer. “It is good to know we are a joint force. It is great to talk to other branches and learn more about how they operate, what other skills they have, and to be able to see the other angles in the fight they can provide.”
DIVARTY will continue to train with other branches in the future to continue to improve their Soldiers ‘ability to successfully execute the mission with other forces.
“It is the “Cav Strong” way to train how we fight,” said Cummins “So anything we can do to continue to surpass excellence, we will do.”
Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
M124 HIMARS Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
M124 HIMARS Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
from Defence Blog
The U.S. Army has announced that 1st Cavalry Division Artillery (DIVARTY) conducted a joint live-fire exercise with the 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines, 4th Marine Division; 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division; 9th Air Support Operations Squadron, 1st Cavalry Division; and 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, July 18.
According to a statement released by the 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, the intent of the exercise was to prepare the units to be able to work together in a combat environment. By collaborating with units such as the Marine reservists, the DIVARTY is able to become familiar with more and different types of weapons.
“The Cav is fantastic at shooting in the close fight with tanks and maneuver elements,” said Cpt. Thomas Cummins, DIVARTY. “But by being able to use rocket elements from the Marines that can reach a further target than an Abrams, you minimize the amount of enemy in the fight and that increases lethality.”
It can be anticipated for service members to enter a deployed environment and the mission is a joint operation. Since each branch of service has their own approaches to fighting when conducting missions, there can be a few bumps in the road when it comes time to synchronize on the battlefield. Training opportunities such as this gives the separate military branches the opportunity to develop effective communication when working together in order to achieve success.
“One thing the Marines puts emphasis on is combined arms operations,” said 1st. Lt. James Whitney, 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines executive officer. “It is good to know we are a joint force. It is great to talk to other branches and learn more about how they operate, what other skills they have, and to be able to see the other angles in the fight they can provide.”
DIVARTY will continue to train with other branches in the future to continue to improve their Soldiers ‘ability to successfully execute the mission with other forces.
“It is the “Cav Strong” way to train how we fight,” said Cummins “So anything we can do to continue to surpass excellence, we will do.”
Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
M124 HIMARS Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
M124 HIMARS Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
0 notes
courtneytincher · 5 years
1st Cavalry Division Artillery prepares units to be able to work together in a combat environment
The U.S. Army has announced that 1st Cavalry Division Artillery (DIVARTY) conducted a joint live-fire exercise with the 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines, 4th Marine Division; 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division; 9th Air Support Operations Squadron, 1st Cavalry Division; and 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, July 18.
According to a statement released by the 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, the intent of the exercise was to prepare the units to be able to work together in a combat environment. By collaborating with units such as the Marine reservists, the DIVARTY is able to become familiar with more and different types of weapons.
“The Cav is fantastic at shooting in the close fight with tanks and maneuver elements,” said Cpt. Thomas Cummins, DIVARTY. “But by being able to use rocket elements from the Marines that can reach a further target than an Abrams, you minimize the amount of enemy in the fight and that increases lethality.”
It can be anticipated for service members to enter a deployed environment and the mission is a joint operation. Since each branch of service has their own approaches to fighting when conducting missions, there can be a few bumps in the road when it comes time to synchronize on the battlefield. Training opportunities such as this gives the separate military branches the opportunity to develop effective communication when working together in order to achieve success.
“One thing the Marines puts emphasis on is combined arms operations,” said 1st. Lt. James Whitney, 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines executive officer. “It is good to know we are a joint force. It is great to talk to other branches and learn more about how they operate, what other skills they have, and to be able to see the other angles in the fight they can provide.”
DIVARTY will continue to train with other branches in the future to continue to improve their Soldiers ‘ability to successfully execute the mission with other forces.
“It is the “Cav Strong” way to train how we fight,” said Cummins “So anything we can do to continue to surpass excellence, we will do.”
Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
M124 HIMARS Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
M124 HIMARS Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
from Defence Blog
The U.S. Army has announced that 1st Cavalry Division Artillery (DIVARTY) conducted a joint live-fire exercise with the 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines, 4th Marine Division; 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division; 9th Air Support Operations Squadron, 1st Cavalry Division; and 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, July 18.
According to a statement released by the 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, the intent of the exercise was to prepare the units to be able to work together in a combat environment. By collaborating with units such as the Marine reservists, the DIVARTY is able to become familiar with more and different types of weapons.
“The Cav is fantastic at shooting in the close fight with tanks and maneuver elements,” said Cpt. Thomas Cummins, DIVARTY. “But by being able to use rocket elements from the Marines that can reach a further target than an Abrams, you minimize the amount of enemy in the fight and that increases lethality.”
It can be anticipated for service members to enter a deployed environment and the mission is a joint operation. Since each branch of service has their own approaches to fighting when conducting missions, there can be a few bumps in the road when it comes time to synchronize on the battlefield. Training opportunities such as this gives the separate military branches the opportunity to develop effective communication when working together in order to achieve success.
“One thing the Marines puts emphasis on is combined arms operations,” said 1st. Lt. James Whitney, 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines executive officer. “It is good to know we are a joint force. It is great to talk to other branches and learn more about how they operate, what other skills they have, and to be able to see the other angles in the fight they can provide.”
DIVARTY will continue to train with other branches in the future to continue to improve their Soldiers ‘ability to successfully execute the mission with other forces.
“It is the “Cav Strong” way to train how we fight,” said Cummins “So anything we can do to continue to surpass excellence, we will do.”
Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
M124 HIMARS Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
M124 HIMARS Photo by Pfc. Alisha Edwards
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technato · 7 years
Marines Plan New Test Flights for Battlefield Delivery Drones
The U.S. military awarded the Yates Electrospace Corporation a new flight test contract for disposable delivery drones
Image: Yates Electrospace Corp.
A US $5,000 fee may sound like a steep price to pay for most ordinary deliveries. But it’s a price the U.S. Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory would gladly pay for a disposable glider drone that could deliver 320 kilograms (700 pounds) of supplies to ground troops at remote outposts or in the middle of a warzone. Earlier this month, the Marines awarded a contract to kickstart the second phase of flight testing for such battlefield delivery drones.
The recent contract given to the Yates Electrospace Corporation aims for flight tests to refine the design and construction of the company’s “Silent Arrow” glider drones that resemble sleek missiles with extendable wings.
The ultimate goal of the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory’s TACtical Air Delivery (TACAD) program is to develop a disposable glider drone that can deliver the 320-kilogram payload to within 45 meters of any given target site on Earth—and for a price that could make military resupply costs at least 10 times cheaper.
“In some cases, Silent Arrow may be replacing resupply by ground vehicle convoy, and in some cases by parachute drop,” says Chip Yates, founder and CEO of the Yates Electrospace Corporation. “We have seen a number of drone delivery concepts and ideas that use quad-rotors limited to less than 10 pounds [4.5 kilograms] of payload, but have not encountered any other legitimate, funded air delivery capability that achieves this level of performance for the price point of Silent Arrow.”
Such precise aerial resupply offers huge advantages over truck convoys that could come under attack from insurgents or fall prey to the roadside bombs that have proven deadly to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The glider drones could be dropped by piloted military transport aircraft such as the MV-22 Osprey or the C-130 Hercules at maximum ranges between 60 and 115 kilometers (38 and 71 miles) away from the final destination, depending on the altitude at the point of release.
The goal is for each single-use, disposable glider drone to achieve a per unit cost of significantly less than $10,000, and possibly even less than $5,000 if the Silent Arrow drones reach mass production, Yates explained. When packed up, the Silent Arrow drones can fit inside a box that is 2.5 meters long, 0.6 meters wide and 0.6 meters high. That means they can easily be transported across oceans inside standard shipping containers to reach the U.S. military’s fields of operation. 
By comparison, the U.S. military’s current option for precise aerial resupply is the  Joint Precision Airdrop System (JPADS), a reusable GPS-guided parafoil system that cost $29,700 per unit when the U.S. Army deployed them in Afghanistan in 2011. The JPADS robo-parachutes have a shorter range than the Silent Arrow glider drone prototypes and require U.S. troops to recover them because of their cost and to avoid having them fall into enemy hands.
“In some cases, Silent Arrow may be replacing resupply by ground vehicle convoy, and in some cases by parachute drop.” —Chip Yates, Yates Electrospace Corporation
Phase 2 flight testing for glider drones in the TACAD program should begin sometime in either February or March of 2018, says Lieutenant Morgan Grossman, aviation project officer for the Air Combat Element Branch at the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory.
The Yates Electrospace Corporation contract calls for 10 Silent Arrow prototypes to undergo flight trials such as surviving the impact of a water landing, undergoing flight control and autopilot testing, and going through both tow testing and drop testing for improved gliding and flight performance.
Photo: Logistic Gliders
But the Silent Arrow drones are not the only competitors in the glider drone trials. The Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory has also been testing a different glider drone design developed by Logistic Gliders. Unlike the sleek design of the Silent Arrow drones, the Logistic Gliders drones resemble boxy cargo containers that have sprouted wings and a tail. Both glider drone types will be put to the test during the 12-month contract for phase 2.
The U.S. military may not be the only beneficiary of such glider drones in the future. Yates Electrospace Corporation also envisions using Silent Arrow drones to provide swift and precise aerial resupply in the wake of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, and floods—a capability that could have proven quite useful in Puerto Rico and other hurricane-stricken regions this year. The civilian version of Silent Arrow could also assist with humanitarian efforts such as delivering medicine to remote parts of African countries.
Marines Plan New Test Flights for Battlefield Delivery Drones syndicated from http://ift.tt/2Bq2FuP
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