#Awesome Grandpa
johnnydany · 1 year
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Leveling Up To Grandpa EST 2024 Funny Gamer Lover T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/47095869-leveling-up-to-grandpa-est-2024-funny-gamer-lover
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Grandpa skills
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leveragehunters · 1 year
I was going through my great grandfather's memoirs (born 3 March 1880) and came across this part, which feels eerily similar to our current times:
Our biggest handicap was the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. With men off sick we were lucky to have 50 staff. Some would come back and more would go off. I was off two weeks myself. There were many deaths in the city.   The war was over and the men were returning from France. We were working a fifty hour week. With the men returning, the trend was to repress wages and frown on a reduction of working hours. My responsibility had been increased so as I was next to the superintendent. This was fine, except my wages were the same as the day I started. They said, "You are doing a good job, but with the men returning that is all we can pay you." There was general upset. The returned men were dissatisfied with the wages offered, not only with our company and the warehouse business, but with what was being offered in general.
He then goes on to explain how they met with the Trade and Labour Council to form a union and present their demands (which were union recognition, basic wage of $180.00 a month, an eight hour day in a year's time, and a two year contract), but it all went to hell because of spies reporting back to the bosses and scabs who refused to honour the strike.
After the second day they flooded back like sheep. At Ashdown the travellers and buyers worked the warehouse without interruption of service. The strike was a washout. I was out of a job!
The night before the strike was scheduled to start the bosses even resorted to the closest they had to social media 105 years ago.
The Evening paper carried an advertisement, by all companies concerned, advising that all employees absent from work for three days, would be discharged.
(The memoirs are 180 typed pages, so I may post more bits as they catch my eye)
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eliounora · 4 months
it's so pleasing to see people who are related looking similar. like when you see a parent and their child is a tiny version of them. or when a group of cousins have the same nose. or when someone looks the same as their grandparent did when they were young. genetics. wondrous
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raycatz · 9 months
Something about Four fics set in his Hyrule!
The Minish Cap world being small and detailed enough to be intimately understood. The characters all having their own figurines with fun descriptions and secrets. Four's comfort and seamless integration and understanding of Hyrule Town and the people. The bakery. A library which he frequents. The school he went to. He and Dot being childhood friends. How close he is to her in both friendship and physical proximity like the castle is Right There it's so easy for them to visit and for Dot to be included in fic. The Picori Festival. The whimsy of the Minish and their presence and magic being something Four often and happily interacts with. The little traditions that make his world his. Having a home to return to that he finds comfort in. His Grandfather being there for him. His job at the forge. All of the people he has in his life who offer him genuine guidance and support. Something about FSA and The Minish Cap drawing so faithfully from the games before that there is an item or person or oddly specific scenario that uniquely ties Four to many of the other heros- the palace of the four sword, the origins of the picori blade, the dark mirror, the dark world, FSA drawing from the style of WW and alttp (and the headcanons that result from this like the shield that's Wind's family heirloom being Four's originally).
Something about stories set in his world are so comforting. I love fics where Four is the last to join the chain, signaling the true start of their adventure together, and fics where Four sets in motion what, or is, the first to bring them together again after the adventure is over. Fics that explore Minish Cap and FSA's worlds and how Four is connected to it, and how it connects him to the others. It's just a Minish Cap appreciation kind of day tbh.
Here's some fic recs!
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind by Blueskullcandy
A Little Bit of Minish Magic by glowingjellyfishtreelights
New Hands on Ancient Hilts by TimeturnerJay
After, or "Fuck it, refounds your family" by cerame
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artheresy · 2 months
I haven't finished the quests from 2.4 just yet, but I have already so many thoughts that I can just barely keep contained especially about Huaiyan, Yunli, Yingxing and just sm too much in fact, I'm dying rn
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viejospellejos · 1 year
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stubberudsgirl · 4 months
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trve kvlt sleepover w/ necro’s grandpa phone case making a much needed comeback
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forgetitbeam · 11 months
beerus . urple cat
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ourple bingus time.
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
The Ghost in the Lost Woods
While trying to navigate the Lost Woods Link meets a strangely familiar figure
Ao3 | Fic beneath the cut
When he ends up at the entrance to the Lost Woods for the twentieth time Link is forced to finally admit it. He’s lost, hopelessly so.
With a sigh, he ignites his torch once more. This is the only part of the woods he’s been to so far where he can actually see two feet in front of him. Everything else is bathed in thick fog that he can make neither heads nor tails of.
Supposedly, the wind is meant to guide his steps and bring him to the place where the Master Sword awaits.
It certainly hasn’t helped him yet.
Maybe he should turn back. He casts a glance over his shoulder to where he knows the path lies, hopelessly obscured by the fog. He could set up camp right outside the forest, cook something warm and hearty, get some sleep. Then, when morning dawned he’d be up bright and early, ready to try again.
But he doesn’t want to give up, not yet, not now when he’s already wasted half of a day trying to navigate these blasted woods.
He takes a deep breath, steels himself, and heads forward once more.
He makes it five steps before the mist closes in, the telltale giggles of Koroks fill his ears, and the forest spits him out…right back at the entrance.
Link lets out a growl of frustration. How’s he supposed to pull the sword when he can’t even find it? He stumbled upon it before, a mere chance encounter when he was a child playing amongst the trees. Why is it so very difficult now?
Does the Goddess not want him to find it? Has she deemed him unworthy after his miserable failure?
It wouldn’t surprise him.
He extinguishes his torch and walks over to the nearest tree. Flopping down, he leans against it and closes his eyes. The sounds of the forest drift to his ears, carried on the wings of the wind that failed him. Usually, they’re calming, a balm on his frayed nerves, grounding him when the weight of everything becomes too much. But today they only serve to remind him that even nature itself rejects him.
He lets out a bitter laugh. He’s unworthy of a forest now. Fancy that.
“You’re lost, aren’t you?”
A voice slices through the quiet, pushing aside his dismal thoughts. Link opens his eyes.
A tall man dressed in a full plate of armor gazes down at him, his one eye twinkling with something like amusement.
“I asked if you were lost.”
Link blinks once, twice. He has the oddest feeling he’s met this man before, maybe even known him well. But that can’t be. He makes a point of remembering everyone he comes across on his travels and he’s never even seen this man, much less gotten to know him.
Then again, he doesn’t even remember the faces of his parents. If this man is from his past, there is little chance he would recall him now.
Eyes narrowing, he looks from the man to the woods and back again. He could be a Yiga, of course. That would explain his unexpected appearance. He has never seen Yiga in these parts though. No doubt they’re afraid to venture too close to the mysterious Lost Woods. And, then, there’s also the fact that he isn’t wearing one of their trademark suits, nor offering to sell him overpriced bananas.
Besides, this man has a strange sort of aura about him, almost like the feeling Link gets when he uses one of the Champion’s powers. He must possess strong magic–maybe even dark magic if the odd markings on his face are any indication. Yet, he dresses like a knight.
And to make matters even stranger, he wavers slightly out of focus if Link stares at him for too long, skin turning just the tiniest bit bluish and translucent. With him standing with his back to the woods, Link has the distinct impression of a phantom emerging from the hazy darkness of the trees.
This man is no ordinary traveler, that much is terribly obvious.
Link frowns up at him, hand drifting ever so slowly to his slate. “Who are you?”
The man smiles, kind and a bit sad. “You can call me Time.”
Link’s frown deepens. There it is again, the feeling of unexplainable familiarity, as though he’s heard that name before.
“And you’re…traveling through these woods too?”
“You could say that.”
Slowly, Link stands, careful to keep his hand by his slate. He hasn’t tested Stasis on magical beings or ghosts, but it’s worth a try. At the very least, he might be able to take advantage of the element of surprise. His efforts to be nonchalant must not be too effective, though, because Time’s gaze flits to his hip.
“You don’t have to worry,” he says, evenly. “I’m not here to hurt you.”
“Then, why are you here?”
He regards him calmly, arms crossed over his chest. “To guide the hero to his birthright. That is what you’re after, isn’t it?”
Link’s blood runs cold. Usually, he has no qualms about strangers knowing who and what he is. But usually, they’re random civilians more interested in meeting their crush or seeing a mythical weapon than anything else. And they certainly don’t possess any magical abilities. For this man, however, this strange knight who practically emanates power to know who he is, feels…well it doesn’t feel wrong at all. In fact, it feels as right as following Zelda’s voice or setting the Divine Beasts free. It feels like destiny.
And that is what terrifies him.
“What,” he chokes, “what makes you think I’m the hero?”
Time smirks. “To attempt to pass through these woods you must either be incredibly foolish or incredibly courageous. And you don’t strike me as a fool.”
Link swallows down the fear lodged in his throat. He isn’t entirely sure what to say to that. He’s never been a good liar, that much is for certain, but sometimes he really, really wishes he was.
“Besides,” Time continues, reaching down to pull off one of his gauntlets, “it’s not all that difficult to recognize someone else who possesses the unbreakable spirit.”
He holds up his hand and Link’s eyes go wide. There on his skin is the mark of the Triforce, its far right corner bolded in gold.
Link stares at it, almost not believing what he’s seeing. Slowly, he drags his gaze back up to meet Time’s.
“You—you’re a hero too?”
“I was.” Time replaces his gauntlet, that sorrowful smile lifting his lips once more. “But that was a very long time ago.”
“And now you’re a ghost.”
He chuckles. “Yes, and now I’m a ghost.”
Link runs a hand through his bangs and blows out a breath.
“Okay, wow.”
“Is it really that strange to you?” Time lifts an eyebrow, quizzically. “You’re over a hundred years old, and you often travel with the spirit of your predecessor.”
Link tilts his head questioningly. “Wolfie? How do you know about him?”
“I have my ways.”
Link lets out an exasperated huff. Of course, he’d get the most cryptic ghost in all of Hyrule to guide him. Even Wolfie gives straighter answers than that and he’s incapable of speech.
But Time is gesturing toward the forest now, and Link can tell that particular question isn’t one he’ll get an answer to.
“So, shall we go?”
Link takes one last look at the path and then nods. If he can’t trust the ghost of a past hero, who can he trust?
“Lead on, old man.”
Emotion surges across Time’s face, then is gone faster than Link has time to identify it. He turns away.
“These woods are treacherous,” he says, tone suspiciously level. “Stay close.”
He plunges into the mist, and Link jogs after him.
The only dangers he’s found here are wolves and stalfos. And given that he encounters those practically everywhere he goes, he’s more inclined to label them as incredibly annoying.
Time skewers him with a somber glance. “Those who don’t know how to navigate these woods are swallowed by them. They become stalfos, cursed to wander forever. The forest children have kept you safe from this fate.”
Well, that certainly brings up more than a few questions and a good bit of discomfort. Suddenly, the fog crowding him on either side seems infinitely more threatening, and Link finds himself gravitating closer to his guide.
“So, how come you know how to get through here when no one else does?” he asks, pivoting on his heel as Time makes an unexpected turn.
The old man’s expression grows nostalgic. “I grew up here. Well, not here exactly, but the Lost Woods in my Hyrule aren’t so different from these.”
Link hums, thoughtfully. He hadn’t thought anyone inhabited this forest save for monsters, animals, and Koroks. But it’s not too hard to imagine that long ago in a different Hyrule this man called the Lost Woods his home. He navigates them with confidence and skill, almost as though the trees themselves are guiding him with silent, invisible hands. And if he were wearing green, Link suspects he would look like he truly belonged here.
“Is this your responsibility, then?” he asks. “To guide people through these woods?”
“No,” Time answers, calmly. “I am only here to guide you.”
Link goes quiet once more, mulling over that in his head. It’s one thing for the Champions, and Zelda, and even Wolfie to guide and protect him. It’s quite another for this man, only connected to him through shared destiny, to show up to aid him, and after all this time too.
It makes so little sense. Then again, he’s found that to be a sort of trend lately.
A blupee darts past them, and he watches it, almost idly wondering if he should take a shot at it. But then it comes an abrupt stop right in front of Time, looking up at him almost expectantly. Time pauses and reaches down to run a gentle hand over it’s head. The animal leans closer, emitting a small, happy sounding noise, and Link shakes his head in disbelief.
“They always run from me.”
As if on cue, the blupee stiffens, bright eyes locking onto him, then disappears in a puff of blue. Time turns to him, something almost accusatory in his gaze.
“Perhaps, if you stopped shooting at them they would be more inclined to stay.” He straightens and makes a beckoning motion with his hand. “Now, come, we’re almost there.”
Link follows him, feeling strangely chastised and a bit annoyed.
It isn’t enough to just be cryptic, apparently, Time has to be judgmental too.
“I don’t wanna hurt them,” he says after a few moments drift by and the need to defend himself still hasn’t gone away. “I’m just always light on rupees.”
“There are other ways of earning rupees, you know,” Time says, tone still infuriatingly level.
With a petulant scowl, Link goes back to plodding along in silence.
It’s not long, though, before the fog begins to dissipate, and Link can see the beginnings of a tunnel looming up ahead. Time comes to a halt a short distance before it and gestures toward it.
“We’re here.”
Link steps forward, almost hesitantly. After trying so hard to get here, he isn’t sure what to do now. The Master Sword awaits him just past these trees – “his birthright,” as Time put it.
But after his miserable failure, can he possibly pull it? Or will it deem him unworthy of another chance to save his kingdom?
He doesn’t even realize that he’s standing frozen, rooted to the spot, until a hand comes to rest on his shoulder. Jumping slightly in surprise, he raises his head to meet Time’s gaze. All judgment is gone now, replaced by something kind and understanding. He might, Link realizes with a jolt of surprise, even call it fatherly.
“You are equipped to rise to this challenge,” he says, firmly. “You have worked diligently to prepare for this moment. Now, it is time to claim what is rightfully yours.”
He gives Link the slightest nudge and he steps forward, heart in his throat.
He’s right, it’s time. But…
“And if I’m not–if I’m not ready for this…”
“The sword holds a strict standard, I know. But I have no doubt you will measure up to it.”
His hands are trembling, his stomach churning, but Link takes another step and another. The tunnel is like a gaping maw, ready to devour him, and spit him out bruised and battered by the expectations he can never meet. There is a pull too though, an indescribable feeling that draws him forth, as though he belongs here, as though taking these very steps was written in his history from the start.
As though his failure and all the consequences of it has all led to this, pivotal moment.
His feet carry him, his body moves for him, and it feels right.
“Go, my son,” Time says, voice fading into the mist, “and do not falter.”
Link steps into the sun.
It’s only when it’s all said and done, when the sword is in his hands, and the Deku Tree’s words are ringing in his ears, and the forest children are crowding around him, eager to meet his every need that he sees them. A gray wolf and a golden one sit a short distance away, cloaked by the mist, unnoticed by anyone save for him. And when his eyes meet theirs, there is pride in their gazes.
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forcryingoutbat · 4 months
so the starkid concert was lifechanging obviously, but real ones were also there to witness the Grandpa and Cornwallis reunion in the middle of Five Guys
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oscconfessions · 6 months
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macabrity · 23 days
dear bardock and gine thank you for having two beautiful sons who are everything 💜
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vampireghoul · 20 hours
Explaining my hare brained schemes as to why I work so much and what I’m doing every day makes me sound like an actual psycho
#like y’all im about to go to school and move across my state i’m just working constantly to get my savings up so i wont be breaking my back#trying to pay bills while im also in school full time standing and cutting hair every day#and also i have two jobs rn and cook every day and help my family by doing in home care for my grandpa#which isnt really a job#i get paid for it prob like an extra $100 a month but i only do it because they need the help and cant afford a nurse and the va wont cover#one even though he can hardly walk and cant lift anything and is blind and deaf#its actually bullshit#they only cover me for like 6 hrs a week or smth but i definitely do a lot more#so basically im exhausted as fuck every day#💀😭 but im getting my education soon and going on a cruise next yr#so i’ll be alright#goth girl on the boat is going to be awesome#i have 2 swimsuits but i wanna get a couple more#and some pretty dresses to wear in the evenings#i havent rlly drank much at all since i turned 21 so 22 will be the yr i get plastered on the cruise#i dont even rlly smoke anymore#i havent actually BOUGHT weed in 4 months now#i got weed for my bday#sometimes i have the occasional edible#but ive cut down so so much and have just stopped smoking entirely#not that i wouldnt socially or anything#but asthma. smoking is bad for me. my asthma is actually hugely caused by a lifetime of secondhand smoke.#and ive also been cooking dinner every night#and working out a lot again#so im actually doing great rn#😭 need to clean my place but its so hard to find the energy with everything else im doing#but i swore to myself id do it today#and i think my roommate would be glad if i did my fucking laundry#ignore my grammatical errors or i’ll bite you#i need like… a good dicking.. or a good fingering…. or head
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Ocean City, Maryland 🦀
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giddlygoat · 3 months
nothing better than cleaning a room and then getting to enjoy that clean room. my bedroom is still messy because i’m in the process of a move but today i grabbed up my pile of clean clothes off the floor and put them away. instantly felt better. i also cleaned the bathroom and it’s like suddenly all the mundane wonders of life have swarmed to greet me
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