L'Horizon d'Axel Landy
L'Horizon d'Axel Landy
Axel Landy est directeur de l’Horizon, lieu de créations artistiques à La Rochelle. Il est également directeur du Festival “L’Horizon fait le Mur” qui fête sa 7e édition cette année. A un mois de l’évènement, il nous en dit plus sur cette nouvelle édition. Comment se présente cette nouvelle édition de L’Horizon fait le mur ? Elle se présente avec une inconnue car c’est la première fois sur un…
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jpbs12 · 1 year
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zehub · 1 year
Alstom fournira les nouveaux tramways de l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg
La Métropole strasbourgeoise et la Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois ont choisi Alstom pour l’acquisition de tramways de nouvelle génération conçus et assemblés à Aytré. L’accord-cadre comprend une commande minimale de 22 tramways pour un montant maximum de 250 millions d’euros.
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optimusprimitive · 5 years
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Aytré plage by thierry llansades https://flic.kr/p/2g7n5XX
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imipierre-sculpteur · 5 years
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larueourien · 6 years
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retrogeographie · 7 years
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Aytré, agglomération de La Rochelle.
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montorgueilrecords · 7 years
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#aytré #france (à Plage dʼAytré)
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mathieucornelus · 5 years
- Gusty / Self Portrait -
Aytré, March 2019
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becumsh · 6 years
Trevilieu prompt : "Stop moving for God's sake, you're only making it worse!"
Humour and angst is my favourite combination of flavours, add your ownseasonings to taste. I’m clichéd, but ugh. (this turned out to be longer than I was intended it to be)
“Stop moving for God’s sake, you’re only making it worse!”
Treville for the life of him didn’t really understand how you can make this worse. So he continued to do whathe’s always done: ignore Richelieu and proceed to do what he thinks is best.
The foundation of their over a decade long relationship, come to thinkabout it.
“Treville, stop this rightsecond!”
Treville was a straight-forward man; he approached things with asingle-minded determination. He couldn’t afford talking while he worked.
“Shut up,” he finally gritted out. “You’re distracting me.”
“And you are risking bleeding out to death sooner than it is necessary.”
Treville stopped to take a shallow breath and turned to his source ofincessant distraction and annoyance.
Richelieu raised his eyebrow and pointedly gestured at theirsurroundings.
It was Louis’ idea, to create a diversion, when the English dépêche to La Rochelle wereintercepted. At first, he was planning to burn the city to the ground, havingforgotten that it’s exactly what his troops had been trying to do for the pastmonths to little avail.
‘A plan to kidnap my First Minister,’ Louis raged.
‘Your Majesty,’ Anne tried to reason her husband. ‘I’m sure it’s amistake. George Buckingham would never have stooped so low; we’ve met him atthe ball.’
Louis pouted and when Anne had her eyes elsewhere (unfortunately toFrance and its future heir, it almost always the case), mouthed something verysimilar to a condescending ‘women’.
For he loved his Queen, Treville was in full agreement with the Kingthen. Richelieu said nothing on the matter.
‘I cannot believe you take such matters so lightly, that’s not you!’Treville seethed later, when they been on their way from Aytré.
‘Oh, you know that we are still waiting for the fort’s plans, I cannotleave the castle,’ Richelieu hissed back.
Louis ordered to spread the rumour that Richelieu and he were to head toÎle de Ré, ‘Therewill be a pleasant surprise awaiting for these fools. Leave enough men with theCardinal to fend off an attack, Captain, prepare an ambush at Pont-de-la-Pierre.’
In another lifetime if such heresy existed, Treville mused often, Louiswould’ve made a brilliant military commander. In another distant, distantlifetime.
Of course a small patrol of bloody Huguenots attempted to attack thissmall, dingy, pokey, damp, slimsy castle. Of course, because it was Treville’sregiment, thank you very much, that small patrol of damned Huguenots wasdefeated and a word to other musketeers was sent.
That sequence of events brought Treville to now, to a stalemate. Theycouldn’t leave because they risked running straight into other Huguenotswandering about, nor actually attempt to do anything but wait forreinforcements.
As Richelieu would gladly point out later, Treville forgot to mentionthat almost all his men had fallen. As Richelieu would gladly point out later,Treville himself had been wounded, poorly and hastily bandaged himself, and howcould he take it so lightly was beyond him, Richelieu. Actually, Richelieu hadbeen pointing it out to him for the past fifteen minutes.
In short, Treville was livid, bleeding, and in a terribly foul mood.
“Will you sit for a moment?” Richelieu asked primly, as if they werehaving their usual argue in Paris, not in a dingy, pokey, and sorry excuse fora castle in the middle of nowhere. “Please.”
“They might have the reinforcements standing by.”
Treville winced. His side throbbed unpleasantly, and he could feel theblood soaking through the cloth. He sank down next to Richelieu, who had theaudacity to look as unperturbed on a dirty cold floor as he would during theaudience in front of the King.
“Let me,” Richelieu gently uncovered the wound to re-wrap the bandages. “Itlooks far worse. In fact, it looks absolutely terrible.”
“You overreact. I don’t feel as bad. I’ve been through worse.” May be hedid feel a little bit light-headed and tired.
“If you don’t get help within half an hour, you’ll be dead,” Richelieusaid flatly and pressed painfully against the gash. “We can’t stop thebleeding.”
“If you weren’t so stubborn and just left for the Île, none of that would havehappened.” Treville slumped against the wall. “You are fussing.”
“Andyou are, quite literally, dying to let Buckingham and the Huguenots to destroyour troops.”
“Tenyears ago you weren’t so dramatic,” Treville said.
“Ten years ago you were a reckless Montauban hero who could afford asmany wounds as he deemed necessary to get a favour from the King,” Richelieucut off sharply. “You are the Captain of the King’s Musketeers; you can’tafford dying becauseyour personal feelings cloud your judgement. This is not Vicomté deSaint-Antonin, this is not Montpellier.”
“He wasabout to stab you! If you’ve forgotten, this entire charade was set up toensure to prevent it from happening!”
“I had apistol! There was no need for you to rush headlong to him, unarmed, becausewith all due respect to your abilities, Captain, the odds for an unarmed Catholicagainst a Huguenot with a sword are not favourable.” Richelieu was breathinghard, barely keeping his temper at bay. Treville grunted when his fingers duginto his side with way too much force. Treville covered Richelieu’s hand withhis own. It trembled, every so faintly, because you didn’t survive in a worldof politics for long if you couldn’t control your body language.
But you didn’tspend ten years with a man and failed to learn his every tick and tell.
“Armand,calm down.” It was hard enough to focus and keep awake without Richelieupanicking. Oh, yes, how he could forget, the Cardinal didn’t panic. He, asalways, merely pointed out the obvious.
“I hopeyour new recruit, that chevalier, is as good at sewing as he claims.”
“I amperfectly calm,” Richelieu said. He exhaled and then breathed in slowly anddeliberately.
“No, youare not.” Treville took his hand that was grasping at the dirtied folds of hisrobes and gripped it as tightly as he could manage. “For once in your life, behonest. You look even worse than I must. If I’m not careful I might believethat you worry about me.”
Richelieuturned his head and stared at him.
“Jean, youare unbelievable,” he said at last. “Of course I worry. You’ve been prancingaround the castle, looking for some imaginary Huguenots who must be lurking inthe corner. You are wounded and bleeding. And if your musketeers won’t be intime, you’ll bleed out within an hour. Why shouldn’t I worry?”
Richelieu’svoice cracked at the end. Treville didn’t like it.
“It’s beenwell over a decade,” Treville said gently. He never thought he’d have to begentle with Richelieu.
“It doesn’teven correlate to this situation in any way.”
“You know, we’ve been through this for more times than it is prudent forthe First Minister,” Treville chuckled. “I thought it was you who insisted thatpolitics doesn’t have as much swashbuckling as one might think.”
“It doesn’t.” Richelieu slipped his hand around Treville’s waist to keepthe bandage in place. “Unless you and your reckless musketeers who don’t careabout the integrity—”
“Well, I care about you,” Treville attempted to shrug but decidedagainst it. “And the integrity of your body parts.”
Richelieu fell silent for a while. The stone against the back of hishead was cold, unforgiving, and too vertical for his liking. He decided to leanto the side in search of a better prop.
“So,” Richelieu cleared his throat, “so you decided to be a recklessfool because you care?”
“I thought you didn’t need me to spell it out.” The shoulder under hischeek was bony and uncomfortable under layers of expensive fabric. Trevillefelt Richelieu’s fingers move in the tight grip of his hand. “I thought we didn’tneed to, you know, talk.”
“I think,” Richelieu’s touch was feathery-light, trembling. “I think, onthe contrary, we have talked too little.”
“Well,” Treville gasped. “Here’s an opportunity of your lifetime. I canneither walk away nor scream at you.”
“Don’t,” Richelieu asked. “Please, just… just don’t.”
Treville, for probably the first time, relented.
“Themusketeers will be here soon,” he said after a while, between laboured andshort breaths. “We still have time on our hands to kill.”
“What doyou propose?” Richelieu replied tersely, entirely focused on keeping Treville fromfalling.
Ten years was such a long time, long enough to admit that there was morebehind Richelieu’s worry than simple… well, knowing Richelieu, there was hardlyanything else behind Richelieu’s worry.
“If I promise you that I will be fine, will you stop?”
“You can’t promise me that,” Richelieu huffed, his voice thin andpapery. “There are too many variables. How fast your regiment got the message.The speed of their horses and how rested they were. If you won’t bleed out onmy robes before they arrive.”
“There’s a called hope. You should try it sometimes.” Treville winced.
“I maintain that hope stayed in Pandora’s Box for the better.” said Richelieutightly. His hand that was pressing against the gash on Treville’s side must benumb already and most likely covered in bloody crust.
Treville didn’t really know how answer that, so they fell silent for awhile. He tried to keep his breathing deep and even, fighting against thetemptation to just close his eyes and fall asleep. Richelieu propped his templeon top of Treville’s head.
Ten years was way too long to continue an affair of any kind. Especiallyif the stakes were so high. Treville rose up the ranks to the point where hecouldn’t be a thoughtless young cadet who cared only about excitement of thebattlefield. There were decisions to be made. There were decisions to fighttooth and nail against. Treville couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone butRichelieu.
Sentiment. Personal issues clouding his judgement. Care. All things thatdidn’t belong in the world of politics.
Ten years was too long to continue this.
“I hate it,” Richelieu suddenly said, jostling him out of his half-lucidreverie.
“Hate what?”
“Waiting. Stressing. Worrying. Doing nothing makes me feel—”
“—out of control.” Richelieu bit his lip. “I don’t like not controllingthings.”
“I have always thought you had an adventurous streak in you. But I waswrong; I mistaken it for a suicidal one.” Treville smiled.
“Jean…” a faint wisp of warmth brushed his temple, as if somebodypressed a light kiss on his skin.
“Yes, I know.” Treville lifted their joined hands to his lap. “I know.”
“No, not that.” Richelieu huffed at his inability to express thingsplainly.
“What? Hear that? Told you my boys won’t let us down.”
“Promise me.”
The sound of hooves was drawing closer. Treville’s grip on Richelieu’sfingers was still strong and sure.
Ten years was too long for any relationship to last. Hope, amongst manythings, wasn’t meant to last that long.
And yet.
“I promise.”
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margueritelarochelaise · 11 months
Drôle(s) de Festival !
C’est sous l’égide des J.O. de Paris 2024 que se dessine cette nouvelle édition du Drôle(s) de festival. Cette année, la Ville d’Aytré fait son Olympiade… culturelle ! Pêle-mêle dans la mêlée, une mamie championne de natation (Allez, Ollie… à l’eau !), un concert  plein de poésie (Dis ?), La Fontaine revisité (Enfablées !), un voyage singulier (La naufragée de Babel), l’éléphant le plus connu…
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angel-sweet · 3 years
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Sunset in Charente Maritime Archives 2019 #aerial #aerialbeauty #aerialphotography #agameofdrone #dailyoverview #dji #djiglobal #djimavic2pro #drone #dronepics #drone_countries #droneart #dronebois #dronegear #dronelife #dronephotography #dronepointofview #droneporn #drones #dronestagram #fpv #fromwhereidrone #gameofdronez #instadrone #instagood #skypixel #twenty4sevendrones #charentemaritimetourisme #charentemaritime #larochelle (à Aytré-Plage) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYcJGoKLldB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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photosamateurs · 3 years
SNCF Locomotive Thermique BB 67200 «67253» par Christophe Chabot Via Flickr : Série BB 67200 construction de 1963 à 1967 par Brissoneau & Lotz, M.T.E, S.E.M.T. Type de moteur diesel : Pielstick 16 PA 4 de S.E.M.T. Type de transmission : électrique par génératrice à courant continu. Les BB 67200 sont des locomotives Diesel-électriques de la SNCF, issues de la transformation de BB 67000. Elles sont destinées à la circulation sur les lignes à grande vitesse françaises pour les travaux ou le secours des TGV en panne Caractéristiques : Sur la face avant côté extrémité 1, le marchepied frontal central est supprimé et un attelage Scharfenberg de secours y est installé pour secourir et tirer une rame de TGV en panne. À la suite de cela, les UM ne peuvent se faire que par l’extrémité 2. Elles sont équipées suivant leur affectation soit de la TVM 300 soit de la TVM 430. Certaines sont également munies de l'attelage de secours de type BSI. En 2016, SNCF Réseau missionne la société de location Akiem pour commander des engins en remplacement des BB 67200. C'est la BB 79000 (DE 18) de Vossloh qui est sélectionné, les livraisons commencent en 2019 Source : fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/BB_67200 Brissonneau et Lotz Brissonneau et Lotz (BL) est une entreprise française de construction mécanique, spécialement de matériel ferroviaire, à l'origine localisée à Nantes, puis sur plusieurs sites français, Creil et Aytré avant d'être intégrée au groupe Alstom en 1972. Source : fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brissonneau_et_Lotz Traduction / Translation 🇬🇧 GB. UK. The Class BB 67200 diesel locomotives of SNCF were adapted from BB 67000 locomotives. History With the opening of the LGV Sud-Est, thirty BB 67000 class locomotives were fitted with cab signalling and radio to operate ballast trains and for use in an emergency on the high speed lines. For the latter purpose they were fitted with a Scharfenberg coupler at one end to enable them to be attached to a TGV rake. Initially the class was based at Nevers.[1] A further 50 locomotives were subsequently converted. Source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNCF_Class_BB_67200
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labprocenter · 6 years
Liked on YouTube: TIKI TAKOON ET GIN SHAMAN 12M à Aytré https://youtu.be/d1kFJWXFG_A
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imipierre-sculpteur · 6 years
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Immeuble sur Aytré (17). Imipierre intervient pour un promoteur qui souhaite du cachet pour son résultat 😉. 🦎
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mtamar2020 · 3 years
Supplier Product Quality Development Engineer (H/F)
Supplier Product Quality Development Engineer (H/F)
Job title: Supplier Product Quality Development Engineer (H/F) Company: Alstom Job description: Assurance requirements in product & process development and warranty in accordance with Sourcing and project organisation 1… / process development to reach Supplier FAI go on time – applies the application of the DFQ process and validates… Expected salary: Location: Aytré, Charente-Maritime Job date:…
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