#Azimuth 182
thorsenmark · 3 months
Denali National Park...Providing Mountain Viewing Experiences for a Few Million Years!
Denali National Park...Providing Mountain Viewing Experiences for a Few Million Years! by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: This was one of the first views that I had of Wonder Lake along the namesake trail from the North Face Lodge area. I had just come through a saddle between two hilltops and had this open plain in front of me with it's amazing view. That is what I was attempting to capture with this image in angling my Nikon SLR camera slightly downward and bring out a sweeping view across the tundra to my front with its vibrant colors of red, orange and yellows. The eyes would definitely be drawn to the waters of the lake and take in the wonder of the snowcapped peaks of Denali and the Alaska Range.
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yhwhrulz · 3 years
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hillcountrytimes · 7 years
RBC Capital Reports Initiation of Delphi Automotive (DLPH) with $60 Target; Mplx LP (MPLX) SI Decreased By 2.36%
Mplx LP (NYSE:MPLX) had a decrease of 2.36% in short interest. MPLX’s SI was 14.99 million shares in December as released by FINRA. Its down 2.36% from 15.36 million shares previously. With 1.52 million avg volume, 10 days are for Mplx LP (NYSE:MPLX)’s short sellers to cover MPLX’s short positions. The SI to Mplx LP’s float is 6.04%. The stock increased 0.75% or $0.27 during the last trading session, reaching $36.13. About 2.49 million shares traded or 64.25% up from the average. MPLX LP (NYSE:MPLX) has risen 11.48% since December 4, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 5.22% the S&P500.
Among 24 analysts covering Delphi Automotive LLP (NYSE:DLPH), 20 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 83% are positive. Delphi Automotive LLP has $131.0 highest and $61 lowest target. $99.25’s average target is -4.12% below currents $103.51 stock price. Delphi Automotive LLP had 69 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, November 29, the company rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley. Seaport Global initiated it with “Buy” rating and $77 target in Tuesday, August 9 report. The company was upgraded on Friday, July 31 by CLSA. The stock of Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) earned “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital on Monday, January 25. Deutsche Bank maintained Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) on Thursday, August 3 with “Buy” rating. The stock of Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) has “Buy” rating given on Friday, July 31 by Credit Agricole. As per Thursday, October 26, the company rating was maintained by Cowen & Co. The company was downgraded on Thursday, October 12 by Deutsche Bank. The stock of Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) earned “Hold” rating by UBS on Tuesday, October 10. The firm has “Buy” rating by KeyBanc Capital Markets given on Thursday, September 14.
Delphi Automotive PLC, together with its subsidiaries, manufacturers vehicle components; and provides electrical and electronic, powertrain, and safety technology solutions to the automotive and commercial vehicle markets worldwide. The company has market cap of $27.52 billion. It operates through three divisions: Electrical/Electronic Architecture, Powertrain Systems, and Electronics and Safety. It has a 21.91 P/E ratio. The Electrical/Electronic Architecture segment offers complete design of the vehicleÂ’s electrical architecture, including connectors, wiring assemblies and harnesses, electrical centers, and hybrid high voltage and safety distribution systems.
The stock decreased 1.11% or $1.16 during the last trading session, reaching $103.51. About 1.85 million shares traded or 7.36% up from the average. Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) has risen 30.43% since December 4, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 13.73% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.1 in Q2 2017. Its down 0.04, from 1.14 in 2017Q1. It turned negative, as 39 investors sold Delphi Automotive PLC shares while 182 reduced holdings. 87 funds opened positions while 156 raised stakes. 249.87 million shares or 2.89% more from 242.86 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Capital Financial Advisers Ltd Llc stated it has 0.04% of its portfolio in Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH). Exane Derivatives stated it has 9 shares. Us State Bank De, Minnesota-based fund reported 4,924 shares. Legal And General Gp Public Ltd Co has 0.1% invested in Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH). Peddock Advsrs accumulated 4,900 shares. Aviva Public Llc stated it has 0.08% in Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH). Wfg L P owns 0% invested in Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) for 150 shares. 6,507 were accumulated by Comm State Bank. Financial Bank Of Montreal Can holds 545,802 shares or 0.05% of its portfolio. The Ohio-based James Research has invested 0.05% in Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH). Cornerstone Cap Mgmt Limited Liability Com owns 46,262 shares or 0.03% of their US portfolio. Massachusetts Financial Ma holds 0.65% of its portfolio in Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) for 16.59 million shares. Augustine Asset Mngmt Inc reported 66,919 shares stake. Moreover, Boston Prtnrs has 0% invested in Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) for 19,170 shares. Azimuth Capital Mgmt Ltd Company invested in 0.09% or 13,365 shares.
Analysts await Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) to report earnings on February, 1. They expect $1.82 EPS, down 0.55% or $0.01 from last year’s $1.83 per share. DLPH’s profit will be $483.83M for 14.22 P/E if the $1.82 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.66 actual EPS reported by Delphi Automotive PLC for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 9.64% EPS growth.
Since June 12, 2017, it had 1 buying transaction, and 0 selling transactions for $299,371 activity. Heminger Gary R. had bought 9,000 shares worth $299,371 on Monday, June 12.
Among 20 analysts covering MPLX LP (NYSE:MPLX), 18 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 90% are positive. MPLX LP had 50 analyst reports since October 20, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was upgraded by Mitsubishi UFJ on Wednesday, March 1 to “Overweight”. The firm earned “Mkt Perform” rating on Thursday, February 2 by FBR Capital. The firm has “Hold” rating by Jefferies given on Tuesday, August 23. On Tuesday, April 19 the stock rating was maintained by Citigroup with “Buy”. The rating was upgraded by Evercore to “Buy” on Thursday, December 8. Credit Suisse initiated the stock with “Neutral” rating in Tuesday, December 22 report. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, November 11 by Evercore. Mizuho maintained the shares of MPLX in report on Friday, October 28 with “Neutral” rating. The company was initiated on Thursday, April 21 by Raymond James. The stock has “Buy” rating by Ladenburg Thalmann on Monday, November 30.
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from Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today https://www.hillcountrytimes.com/2017/12/04/rbc-capital-reports-initiation-of-delphi-automotive-dlph-with-60-target-mplx-lp-mplx-si-decreased-by-2-36/
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foulposti-blog · 7 years
Download Solution manual for Elementary Surveying An Introduction to Geomatics 14th Edition
Solution manual for Elementary Surveying 14th Edition by Charles D. Ghilani, Paul R. Wolf
Solution manual for Elementary Surveying An Introduction to Geomatics 14th Edition
This is completed downloadable link for Elementary Surveying An Introduction to Geomatics 14th Edition  Solution manual
Click here to download sample of Elementary Surveying An Introduction to Geomatics 14th Edition  Solution manual
The full solutions manual, answers for chapter list:
1 – Introduction 1 2 – Units, Significant Figures,and Field Notes 22 3 – Theory of Errors in Observations 45 4 – Leveling-Theory, Methods,and Equipment 71 5 – Leveling-Field Procedures and Computations 100 6 – Distance Measurement 124 7 – Angles, Azimuths, and Bearings 162 8 – Total Station Instruments: Angle Measurements 182 9 – Traversing 222 10 – Traverse Computations 235 11 – Coordinate Geometry inSurveying Calculations 265 12 – Area 296 13 – The Global Positioning System-Introduction and Principlesof Operation 318 14 – The Global PositioningSystem-Static surveys 354 15 – The Global PositioningSystem-Kinematic GPS 385 16 – Adjustments by Least Squares 404 17 – Mapping Surveys 450 18 – Mapping 488 19 – Control Surveys and GeodeticReductions 514 20 – State Plane Coordinates 571 21 – Boundary Surveys 612 22 – Surveys of the Public Lands 638 23 – Construction Surveys 663 24 – Horizontal Curves 693 25 – Vertical Curves 734 26 – Volumes 753 27 – Photogrammetry 773 28 – Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 818
Some informations about original book:
ISBN-13: 000-0133758885
 ISBN-10: 0133758885
Link download full: https://getbooksolutions.com/download/solution-manual-for-elementary-surveying-14th-edition/
Elementary Surveying, Fourteenth Edition, is ideal for Surveying courses offered in Civil Engineering departments and is a useful reference for civil engineers.
This highly readable, best-selling text presents basic concepts and practical material in each of the areas fundamental to modern surveying (geomatics) practice. Its depth and breadth are ideal for self-study. Elementary Surveying, Fourteenth Edition, is updated throughout to reflect the latest advances and technology.
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thorsenmark · 3 months
Itineraries in Exploring Denali National Park & Preserve by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A view looking to the south while walking the Wonder Lake Trail while taking in an amazing setting with Denali and other snowcapped peaks of the Alaska Range. I did some initial post-processing work making adjustments to contrast, brightness and saturation while playing around as I learned how to work with DxO PhotoLab 3 that I’d recently purchased after moving away from Capture NX2.
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thorsenmark · 6 months
Fresh Ideas for Travel in Northern California
Fresh Ideas for Travel in Northern California by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A view looking across the Pacific coastline and to the south at a pullout along the Redwood Highway or U.S. Route 101. This is located in Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park. My thinking in composing this image was to capture and use he towering hillsides as they came to the ocean as a frame to draw the viewer further into the image. I decided to keep a more leveled-on, balanced view between the ocean and the blue skies above.
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thorsenmark · 1 year
A 5-Star Day in Joshua Tree National Park by Mark Stevens
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thorsenmark · 22 days
A Lone Evergreen at Bacon Hollow Overlook (Shenandoah National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the south while taking in views to a nearby pine tree (evergreen) in the meadow. This location is at Bacon Hollow Overlook in Shenandoah National Park. What I wanted to capture with this image was the lone pine tree, but pull back enough on the focal length to include of the ridges and mountainsides in this part of the Northern Blue Ridge as a backdrop for this national park setting. I also opened up the aperture as I wanted to have mainly the pine tree in focus. I wanted to have that separation of focus, even if only slight, to highlight the lone tree. I did some initial post-processing work making adjustments to contrast, brightness and saturation in DxO PhotoLab 7. I then exported a TIFF image to Nik Color Efex Pro 7 where I added a Polarization, Foliage, and Pro Contrast filter for that last effect on the image captured.
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thorsenmark · 29 days
A 5-Star Day in Joshua Tree National Park by Mark Stevens
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thorsenmark · 4 months
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: Makes much more sense to live in the present tense from Present Tense, Pearl Jam While staying at the Elk Trace Bed & Breakfast in the area around Pagosa Springs, Colorado one Friday evening. The setting is to the south in front of the main porch area with a view looking to the moon in the early evening skies above. My thought in composing this image was to pull back on the focal length and include as much as I could of the nearby grassy meadow to add as a foreground interest along with a portion of the front porch. I found that kind of added this mountain, western American feel. The rest was meeting their image properly to not blow any highlights, while still being able to pull out the more shadowed areas later in post-production without any color cast.
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thorsenmark · 1 year
Fresh Ideas for Travel in Northern California
Fresh Ideas for Travel in Northern California by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A view looking across the Pacific coastline and to the south at a pullout along the Redwood Highway or U.S. Route 101. This is located in Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park. My thinking in composing this image was to capture and use he towering hillsides as they came to the ocean as a frame to draw the viewer further into the image. I decided to keep a more leveled-on, balanced view between the ocean and the blue skies above.
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thorsenmark · 2 years
Grassy Hillsides and Trees (Wind Cave National Park)
Grassy Hillsides and Trees (Wind Cave National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: From an unnamed roadside pulloff along the main road in Wind Cave National Park. After parking in the nearby lot, I followed a walking path to the southeast. I then found this spot with an overlook across a field of prairie grasses that stretched across this plateau to Beaver Creek, near a drop-off with the Ponderosa Pines off in the distance.
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thorsenmark · 3 years
A Canoe, Ducks, a Lake and a Mountain Backdrop (Black & White, North Cascades National Park Service Complex)
A Canoe, Ducks, a Lake and a Mountain Backdrop (Black & White, North Cascades National Park Service Complex) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A conversion to black & white using Silver Efex Pro 2 where I used some color filters to bring out a much richer tonal contrast for the final image.
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thorsenmark · 3 years
Being Close to Paradise as I Walk Amongst the Mountains of Alaska! (Denali National Park & Preserve)
Being Close to Paradise as I Walk Amongst the Mountains of Alaska! (Denali National Park & Preserve) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: From the North Face Lodge area in Denali National Park with a view looking across some nearby tundra to the south with the snowcapped peaks of Denali rising above a ridgeline. As the hours of the afternoon slowly went by, the haze from the recent forest fires mixed with the bright afternoon sunlight slowly faded away and brought out much more distinct details with Denali. Metering the image was a matter of bringing down the exposure enough for the brighter, more highlighted areas in the upper portion the image while still being able to later pull out the more shadowed areas across the tundra. I did some initial post-processing work making adjustments to contrast, brightness and saturation while playing around as I learned how to work with DxO PhotoLab 3 that I’d recently purchased after moving away from Capture NX2.
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thorsenmark · 3 years
A View of Denali Caught in the Glow of Late Afternoon Sunlight (Denali National Park & Preserve)
A View of Denali Caught in the Glow of Late Afternoon Sunlight (Denali National Park & Preserve) by Mark Stevens
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thorsenmark · 3 years
Grassy Hillsides and Trees (Wind Cave National Park)
Grassy Hillsides and Trees (Wind Cave National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: From an unnamed roadside pulloff along the main road in Wind Cave National Park. After parking in the nearby lot, I followed a walking path to the southeast. I then found this spot with an overlook across a field of prairie grasses that stretched across this plateau to Beaver Creek, near a drop-off with the Ponderosa Pines off in the distance.
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