#Azul Ashengrotton
dilatorywriting · 2 years
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More Christmas doodles! (I appreciate how we have progressed enough that having a laptop out when socializing is still considered rude, but tablets are fair game apparently lol) Prince Rielle this time! His hair is more than fitting for the season
[Heroes vs. Villains : Octavinelle vs. Prince Rielle]
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Bad End: Part of his World.
Have some yandere Azul content that no one asked for, because damn, have you seen that face he made in the opening movie...?
I am genuinely surprised that no one asked for anything yandere yet, haha. Of course, yandere relationships are not healthy in any way, shape, or form...so they definitely should not be idealized, but I find those kinds of prompts fun to write.
Brought to you by my last brain cell and my undying Octavinelle thirst. I want to see Azul lose it and I want to see the eels smash some kneecaps, so sue me.
It’s kind of a long piece (1000+ words), and it contains some very triggering topics...so check under the cut if you want to read.
***Warning: minor spoilers for the prologue of the main story campaign and Azul’s Unique Magic.***
***This imagine also has the following triggering topics/tags: yandere, drowning, murder, excessive violence, emotional abuse/manipulation.***
Imagine this...
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A thousand glittering fragments litter the floor of the Mirror Chamber.
You stagger back and sink to your knees, not caring about the shards of glass that bite your skin.
An instant. It had taken but an instant for all of your hopes and dreams to shatter and scatter to the wind. One good, hard, thwack with a cane to send the fragile mirror into pieces.
Your only route home is gone.
Your eyes water. The tears well up and threaten to spill over onto your cheeks.
“Why...? Why would you do such a thing?” you spit out the words vehemently, poison coating every syllable. “How could you do such a thing?”
“Why? Because I love you, of course,” comes Azul Ashengrotto’s composed, cheerful reply. He speaks so nonchalantly, as though he were not the one that had destroyed the mirror just mere moments earlier.
Azul approaches you, stepping on broken glass and splintering the fragments  as he crushes them under his soles. You don’t have the strength or the willpower left to resist as he yanks you to your feet with a gloved hand.
“Get up, for Neptune’s sake,” Azul chides, clicking his tongue. “You look like an absolute wretch, crumpled onto the floor like that.”
He musters a tight lipped smile.
“Oh, but don’t worry--I can doll you up in a fine frock and some pearls. You’ll look just like a mermaid princess. Doesn’t that sound just lovely?”
You are still in shock--you do not respond, much to his annoyance.
“You should be rejoicing, my dear--I’ve done of all of this for our sake. That’s seven years of bad luck I’m taking on for you, you know--but I’ll take my chances. With enough effort, even the greatest of misfortunes can be reversed.”
His smile becomes sinister.
“Why, I even took it in my own hands to reverse the misfortune of my beloved leaving me.”
“You’re insane...you’re insane!” you choke out through your tears. Your vision is starting to become blurry.
“I prefer the term cunning.” He frowns, narrowing his eyes at the tears that are now streaming down your face. “Come now, that look is rather unbecoming on you.”
“I’m...I’m never going to be able to go home! Because of you, I’m never going to see my world again...!” you sob, trembling.
“See your world?”  The corner of Azul’s lip twitches in irritation, but he is quick to recover. “My dear, I believe you are quite mistaken. Don’t you see?” He spreads his arms out. “This is your world now.”
“No...No! I won’t accept that! I’ll never...I’ll never accept that!”
“You know better than to argue with me, (Y/N),” Azul says darkly. “You are a part of my world now--no. In fact, you are my world. My entire world--and I will stop at nothing to eliminate anyone or anything that threatens to take my world away from me.”
“You’ve already taken my home,” you whisper hoarsely. “What else can you possibly do to hurt me?”
“Well--for starters, those pesky friends of yours,” Azul speaks lightly. “I can send Jade and Floyd after them, you know? Moray eels are known to be very...vicious predators.”
“Leave them out of this, you monster!” you attempt at a roar--but your voice comes out raw, shaking.
Azul scoffs. “A monster, am I? Would a monster offer you a life of luxury under the sea? Would a monster swear on his life to protect your from that which would tarnish you?”
His beauty--it is warped, distorted.
Like the blithe ocean whipping up a storm.
“Here’s what we’re going to do,” he instructs you in a low tone. “We will go to the Mostro Lounge at once. I will draw up a contract--and you will sign it, forever binding us together. For each day that you refuse to do so, the twins will be visiting your friends, one by one, to have a little chat.”
“Y-You wouldn’t...t-the headmaster will never let you harm his students...!”
“I would. He cannot stop me. No one can.” Disgust suddenly flickers across his face. “And I think I shall have the twins begin with that filthy, mangy mongrel of yours, since you seem to be so fond of dogs--I do so despise land animals. So uncouth.”
An unsettling spark lights his eyes.
“I think a drowning will do him some good. He is strong, yes--but he cannot take on both of the Leech Brothers at once. They will smash his kneecaps first, so he cannot flee--then they will bind up his limbs and hold his head under the water until he stops breathing.”
The color drains from your face. Your entire body quakes--with repulsion, with anger...but, most of all, with fear.
Azul continues, delighted at his own horrifying idea.
“We’ll bring you his corpse to celebrate the occasion. You can take one last good, long look at him before we dump that pathetic mutt into the ocean.”
“Don’t you dare touch a hair on Jack’s head--”
“Do not speak his name,” Azul interrupts you sharply. “I do not ever want to hear another man’s name on your lips.”
You settle down into an uncomfortable silence. You can see your terrified reflection in Azul’s spectacles and his eyes--a quivering mess, entangled in unseen tentacles.
“Remember, it is entirely your choice, my dear,” Azul points out, his voice becoming a soothing purr. “You have it in your power to make the right choice to protect him--to protect all of your friends. All you need to do is sign the contract.”
He strokes your face with a gloved hand. His touch is too gentle, too tender--they do not match his harsh offer and the threat of bodily harm, of intent to kill.
“Do we have a deal?”
“J-Just...just don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt anyone...!”
“Then you will sign, yes?”
“Y...Yes. W-What ever you want, Azul...!”
“Whatever you want, darling,” he corrects, as if speaking to a misbehaving child.
“W-Whatever you want...d-darling...”
“Excellent. It’s a deal.”
And with that, Azul embraces you, pressing you firming against him. Burying your face in the crook of his neck. Strangling--drowning out the light at the bottom of the sea, robbing you of your freedom, crushing your wind pipe.
Again--you are choking.
You are trapped.
He holds the world in his hands.
His world.
A twisted smile on his face.
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twstedstoryshop · 3 years
Mrs. Ashengrotto: Oh you darling human child! Here, have some more food, you should be spoiled more!
Azul: Mom please-
Mc, who just wants a grumb that parental love and approval™️: Do not ruin this for me
NOOOOO, if Mrs. Ashengrotton hears that MC doesn't have parental love and/or approval at home, she's already pulling out the adoption papers.
Mrs. Ashengrotto: My husband is a lawyer you see, I'm sure we can figure out something for you to be my new child~
Azul: MAMA, NO!
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