Youl ever think about how when Mai and Acxa had a change of heart, they helped their bfs escape from a prison, turning on their best friends in the process, and the boys were in awe that their badass knife gfs did it and how proud the girls were of their bfs for changing the Galra/Fire Nation to something of unity, not hatred or is it just me.
P.S. I love you!
See while I understand the viewpoint of comparing Mai to Acxa, there's a fundamental difference between them that should be noted and it's a consequence of how their respective arcs are constructed.
Acxa's arc is specifically written outside of a necessary romance. The point of resolution - her redemption and understanding of the empire being wrong is key to her arc - regardless of whether or not Keith is factored into the equation. Keith in the Grudge, where her arc is most significantly highlighted, is a macguffin at best. He can be replaced with anyone or anything plot important and the narrative of that episode does not change. Acxa still will confront Zethrid cause she now understands that she is worthy of change, and by proxy, she wants to see change in Zethrid, who despite everything is her friend. This is willingness to see the possibility of change or lack of it rather, was why she initially "gave up" on Zethrid and Ezor before. They were stuck in their ways in Acxa's mind, and much like Acxa herself she sees them as immovable products of the Galra war machine. That changed in the Grudge. Keith helped with that change by being a model, and Veronica helped her see the light, but in the end the change was Acxa's own and that's significant.
Mai by contrast, her arc doesn't necessarily touch upon the Fire Nation as a regime, but she is aware of its problems - that's what presumably she and Zuko talked about in the cell at the Boiling Rock if I'm remembering correctly. But ultimately her stand to Azula is defined by standing up to Azula's control and abuse, and by lesser proxy, the Fire Nation as a whole. While there are similarities to Acxa - both were subordinates to a higher power in their regimes, the arcs are different. Mai is showing that not only does she care about someone - Zuko - that care is more significant than tolerating abuse. This is significant for Mai, who's been highlighted by her lack of care of many things (a coping mechanism for the shit she had to deal her whole life, but even then, Mai is nobility, and her growth differs in that key area from Acxa, the child soldier bred in the fringes of the empire).
I feel like I'm not talking about it to the best of my ability, and ngl I am a bit sick atm, but yeah. While there are some similarities as you pointed out - they do end superficially. Acxa is a poor child soldier whose arc is more Zuko esque in development - and this reflects how she engages with Keith. Keith, who is thoroughly sexualized and turned into a damsel in that iconic episode. He is the macguffin in her and Zethrid's arcs. Zuko retains a level of autonomy and specific personal importance to Mai in the Boiling Rock that makes Mai's arc markedly different from Acxa's - and part of it is due to Acxa being a person with very low cognitive empathy normally and a distant relationship with Keith furthermore, which Mai has no issue with and is in fact, Zuko's current girlfriend. If that makes sense.
Thank you for the ask and sorry that this is messy, again I am not feeling all that well so that's the excuse I can give for it. Feel free to send me another ask if you want more elaboration on that regard.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
Who else do you guys wanna see in the Karate AU?
These are the characters that are in it so far:
Leonora Lesso, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Wanda Maximoff, Proxima Midnight, Carol Danvers, Agatha Harkness, Peggy Carter, Silver Sable, Felicia Hardy, Whitney Frost, Aldrif Odinsdottir, Nemuri Kayama, Ryuko Tatsuma, Nana Shimura, Yu Takeyama, Rumi Usagiyama, Emi Fukukado, Ryuko Tsuchikawa, Shino Sosaki, Korra, Asami Sato, Yayoi Kusakabe, Acxa, Jessie, Stormy, Icy & Darcy
I'll be adding:
Kuvira & Azula
I can add any DC, OUAT, Naruto and Pitch Perfect female characters or more marvel female characters
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rjmhereunderprotest · 2 years
I Survived the "Voltron: Legendary Defender" Fandom Ship Wars
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I've seen my fair share of fandoms, and the subsequent warring that can go on within them. Shipping tends to be the primary focus of a lot of it, and that was no more true than "Voltron: Legendary Defender" and I'm reliving my experience with it because shut up.
I literally was only in this whole thing because, as the Megas XLR theme song states, "I dig Giant Robots", which is true of pretty much everyone. I wanted a fun space opera quest with giant friggin robots that was done better than the anime from the 80s. The prospect of former members of the crew of Avatar: The Last Airbender being on the project sweetened the deal. And for a time it was good... and then it all imploded because idiots had to ruin it.
This was honestly the dumbest dip in fandom engagement I've ever seen and it was all over shipping and seriously stupid fucking people. A series if idiotic actions that led to compromises at the creative level that severely undercut the end product. Everything that transpired in the run up to the series finale, from the 7th Season onward, perhaps even before that, you can trace to one thing... the Shipping War between which dude Keith, the Red Paladin, should fuck. His older mentor Shiro, who turned out to already be in a same-sex relationship, or Blue Paladin Lance... the literal Lancer of their five man band.
Oh it got ugly fast, Shiro was too old for Keith, they were reading too much into rivalry of Lance and Keith, accusations of pedophilia, nasty screaming about whether they'd LET these characters be gay, I watched it all and rolled my eyes thinking "Who gives a flying fuck?" Let's not even get into how the fandom treated the potential female rivals for Lance and Keith's affections. Allura and Lance shippers were a lesser front in the war of words. The main screaming matches were between the slash ships, but there was always a little ire reserved for anything hetero. I remember how desperate they all were to find a way out. To prove that Space Azula, Acxa, was not into Keith, maybe even his sister.
For a while it stayed like this, angry fans on reddits and twitters and tumblrs and forums of all sorts. Then the shippers did the big No-NO, what EVERY fan sooner or later seems to forget. You bring this drama to the attention of the creators... and you involve them in it. Suddenly it's no longer about preferences, it's about fans making demands of the creative team. "Make us Canon or die!" And it probably wouldn't have been so bad if the Voltron Team wasn't so active on social media, but they were! Poor sweet summer children, were they ever.
Any tacit support for one side over the other was seen as damning condemnation. How DARE the creatives speak about their own preferences? Or ideas? Or lend credence to that side over the others! Maybe they're pedos too if they seem to want Keith and Shiro to be together. How dare they dismiss all this evidence of Klance and ruin their whole super important character development that is clearly integral to the story about the intergalactic war against an even empire utilizing a giant robot.
I just did not care for ANY of this. I was paying attention to Pidge exclusively at this point as her story was far more engaging and or interest than over some stupid romance most people had made up in their head. And I felt that getting on the asses of the creators to bend to one side of the other was becoming more and more fucking disrespectful. Let them tell their story, ya jerks, stop trying to force them to tell what you want. Just write fanfics if you're that desperate.
Then... someone did something VERY stupid. Well, two someones actually. During a tour of Dreamworks Animation, someone thought it would be quite "corking" if they allowed their fellow "high school chums" a look at some classified storyboards and sketches. A few neat little spoilers online that they snuck out of the tour on a hidden camera. Clever little scamp, posted it online... and instantly drew the ire of Dreamwork's legal department. Net wide, Dreamworks demanded the removal of the spoilers. But one moron thought it would be a brilliant fucking idea to keep them up... unless demands were met.
"Make Klance Canon and I'll take the spoilers down!"
The idiot's understanding was, since other sites had the pictures, that they couldn't be liable for stealing anything. They didn't take the pictures, they just had them. So really, if the other sites were going to be pressured into removing the material, they could keep it up and use it as a form of protest. To make their stupid ship real.
Other people told them, that's fucking blackmail, that's illegal. And eventually that thought stuck.
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Yeah ya did, Sunshine. People thought these two fans were one in the same, but from every indication it seems like it really was two people with the "blackmailer" likely being a really stupid kid who took advantage of a situation without realizing that their plan was gonna potentially land them in a ton of legal trouble. But the damage was done at this point. Because once fans start threatening to ruin ALL of your creative plans, that's when the higher ups get involved. That's when shit has to change and drastically.
To summarize what happened, from what most people have gathered, a lot of story points, ideas, plots, etc. got up ended by all of this. They had to alter their original ideas because the fans had fucked it up by going overboard. Now, whatever plans they had for the series were basically thrown out the window in favor of a new direction that NO ONE LIKED!
Allura and Lance get rushed into a relationship, Shiro's husband dies and he finds a new one some rando background dude. Any potential Keith romance is just thrown out because both sides are already losing, might as well not anger them more, oh and then lets kill off Allura next just as quickly as we finalized this relationship. EVERYBODY LOSES and it's all because a bunch of shippers could not fucking chill!
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And I just laughed, I just had so much fun watching the rest of this trainwreck slide into the on fire tire fire on the garbage scowl before sinking into the sea and hitting an unexploded atomic warhead from a sunken sub! They all went ballistic, every single fan just fucking went off at once in a screaming angry tirade of abject total failure. But I was mostly cool, because Pidge got a great ending and I didn't care about anything else at that point. So out of ALL the fans of Voltron, I won. I won along with every Pidge fan and I was more than happy to watch the rest burn. And fuck'em anyway, they did this to themselves. Let them all shriek and screech and run around mad at the creators. They made themselves so fucking toxic, so goddamn impossible to deal with that I'd have probably done it sooner were I in charge and probably worse.
I'd have had Auxia kiss Keith full on the lips while she lifts one of his legs to lightly straddle her while both Shiro and Lance look on giving thumbs up and hugging close their own significant others. Shiro's would've been a dude at least because I'm not so cruel as to throw away LGBT representation. But still, totally would've done that shit in like season 5. Trust me, I would've drunk the angry screeching of everyone because they all deserved it at that point. ALL OF THEM. I have no sympathy.
Voltron: Legendary Defender is a lesson for fans the world over. Shipping is all fun and games when you keep it that way. Write fanfics, share your headcanon, create all the racey sexually explicit dude on dude, girl on girl, human on tentacle monster, etc. art you can paint or sketch to your heart's desire... but leave the creative team out of it. It's ultimately their story, not yours. And believe me, most of you here and Tumblr played RIGHT into all that shit because I know at least a few of you fucking did this.
As for me, to prove I'm not completely above it all, I'll pony up. I had one Voltron Ship, one I actually liked, supported and was totally cool with knowing it was never gonna happen. And it's not any of the ones you think... I wanted Lance to get with one specific person. Well, not person, fish-person.
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Plaxum! That's right! I wanted Lance to end up with the Mermaid Revolutionary voiced by Mae Whitman! Because fuck it, Mermaids are fucking awesome and you can try however you fucking want to ruin the fantasy of mermaid love under the sea with your fish biology lessons, I know for a fact you're all wrong because if anything, mythical mermaids are more akin to sharks than regular fish and SHARKS actually DO have sex. The males have TWO big fat ones down under in fact, so what does that say about mermaids?
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So in conclusion this has been a very long winded way of me justifying my mermaid fantasy and possibly grossing a lot of you out. I have no regrets and if any remaining Voltron Fans want to take issue with it, tough. The show's over I can make up whatever I want. Namely that Lance eventually returned to Mermaid world and had a hundred or so babies with Plaxum, because I live in fanfic land and you can't drag me out of it if you tried!
I have now thoroughly wasted ALL of your time. Good day!
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years
Minus Blue (Femslash February)
Prompt: Split Fandom(s): Avatar & Voltron Pair: AzulaxAcxa Song Rec: Dead Man’s Bones’s Lose Your Soul & Birthday Massacre's Blue
Summary: Azula tampers with spirit vines, an action that results in the fracturing of her soul.
This one is kind of a bit different. It's more or less platonic or family love, so I don't know if it would be 100% on par with Femslash February. But the prompt was from the challenge.
Azula hunched over shivering.
It was dark and damp.
She couldn't bring herself to stand nor sit back up. She felt empty, hollow. The spirit vine was still looped around her arm, but it was now limp in her hand. A hand that she barely had the strength to flex. It was all so cold. Everything was so cold. A fire still burned within her belly, but it did nothing to warm her. She was so frigid inside.
What had she done to herself?
Somewhere she could hear the cry of a baby. It was so close, yet so distant all at once.
It chilled her even more. The sound was so foreignly familiar. As though she were listening to herself cry but with the ears of someone else. She cupped her hands over her ears.
This swamp had been playing with her from the start.
Finally she found it in her to pick herself up.
The wailing didn't cease.
It wasn't real.
It was just another swap trick.
The baby cried with more furry, as though it knew she was going to leave it.
She wandered a desert that stretched in sandbanks to the horizon. Part of Acxa thought that the sandbank must stretch even beyond the horizon. That she could walk endlessly and never leave it. Not that doing so would be much different than what she did currently. One of these days she'd have to find a place that accepted her. A place that was hospitable.
Sand whipped at her face, stinging her eyes and drying her mouth uncomfortably. Her lips were cracked y in and bleeding, she could almost feel the sand working its way into the small splits. She wanted to lick the blood and sand away but didn't want to risk letting the particles into her mouth or on her tongue. Instead she tried to wipe with the back of her hand. The sand stung.
She blinked, feeling her eyes grow more and more irritated as more sand assaulted her. It was relentless and uncaring. Finally she made it to a canyon of sorts. She hustled inside and allows the hulking rock structures to shield her from the cruel dust storm.
She leaned against the craggy surface and let herself slip down to the floor, hugging her knees. She watched sand blow into the canyon whipping about in erratic, slithering whisps. The noise of it. Lord, the noise of it was dreadful. It was a piercing howl. An almost evil sound. It almost seemed to suggest that it was willing to topple the canyon upon her.
Acxa attempted to ignore it, instead trying to think of something else. But her own mind was almost more vile than the furious wind and sand. Her mind wandered to the Galra Empire. To the days spent in a military camp.
She could never recollect how she had come to be there.
But she remembered a swamp.
It had taken care of her for the first four, perhaps five years of her life.
It hadn't had the bioluminescent organisms, nor the abundance of technology. But it had its own sort of magic that allowed the vines themselves and the animals to nurture her until she could do it herself. Faintly she remembered a pond. Her memory went black after that.
The next thing she could recall of her life was a vast forest. Those weren't the same trees that had taken care of her. It didn't matter, she was taken from that planet very quickly. The Galra had invaded it the week after her arrival. They'd found her famished and tearful and declared that she was one of their own.
Or at least, half so.
Acxa didn't agree. She looked like them in some regards, but she couldn't possible have any of their blood running through her veins. She wasn't of this galaxy.
But her stomach begged for food and her body yearned for shelter.
So she let them take her.
A poor decision, in retrospect.
They did feed her. But not that well.
They did provide shelter, but it was no home.
They did clothe her. But only because they had to.
They trained her to fight. They did everything they could to sap her humanity away. If she couldn't complete their intense obstacle course then she'd be deprived of food. It was a terrible cycle; the lack of food weakened her to the point where she couldn't complete the tasks that would earn her a meal. Her only other option was to take a volunteer beating. After her lip was sufficiently bloodied and swollen and her arms sufficiently bruise, she'd have something to eat.
They pushed her until they rendered her emotionless. Beat her until that brand of pain no longer fazed her. They exposed her to the worst aspects of life, making sure she looked at every bit of carnage her older fellow combatants had created. They shaped her into some sort of unfeeling weapon.
She made her first kill when she was eleven.
It lurched her stomach and left her heaving on the side of the road she'd killed the boy on. He was a child soldier too. She swore that he had to be a year or two younger than she. Her superiors stood breathing down her neck and she knew that if she didn't deliver the killing blow she'd be left to the mercy of the streets, directionless and without a chance.
The military was the only option for a half-breed.
For someone who didn't truly possess a drop of Galra blood at all.
That night she wished with all of her soul that she could find out exactly what she was. Where she was from. She yearned to find that swamp again. Between fleeting images of that boy's dull eyes and slack jaw, she conjured up memories of the swamp. The sweet and pungent floral odors. The inviting warmth, the kind that wasn't as sticky and muggy as the air on this planet.
Eventually though, the boy's face would sneak back into her mind with a vengeance. Sometimes he would screech at her for killing him. Other times he would tearfully ask why.
Her second kill was a little easier.
Her third easier still.
By the sixth she had learned to block it out.
Mercifully desensitized.
Sitting on the floor of the canyon she is furious with herself all over again. She stared at her hands. Hands that she bloodied over and over again. Hands that had shed so much blood, caused so much pain. She thought that she deserved to die in that canyon.
She supposed that she deserved to starve to death in that desert. It would serve her right for killing people to get food.
It had taken her much too long to realize that it wasn't worth it. Much too long to realize that she needed to go her own way. As much as she had grown to resent Lotor, she had to thank him for helping her see that she needed to fix her moral compass again.
She laid down and longed again, for that swamp. When she woke up, the sand had stopped screaming. Acxa made her way back out of the canyon and continued her endless walk. She wished that she had fueled her ship earlier. Maybe then she wouldn't be stranded and lost.
It was just one more regret.
Just one more thing she had brought on herself and deserved.
Sweat trickled down her skin. She was getting much too hot. Finally she caved and stripped. It wasn't as though there was anyone around to oogle her. She has heard in the past that it is counter-productive to do so, but she pined for even a temporary relief.
She decided that she'd dress herself again in a few minutes.
Soon after she dressed herself once more she found her eyes welling with tears.
In front of her was a generously sized oasis.
The cold never left her.
It was always there.
Always brutal.
She had grown used to it though, and could mostly ignore it though. But she consistently felt empty. Empty was the only thing she seemed to feel in full anymore. Sure, her hallucinations and delusions were gone and the brunt had been taken off her sadness and insecurities. But it felt disturbingly unnatural.
Azula wanted to feel again. Even if it meant reclaiming her insanity.
She just wanted to feel.
She was making Mai look like temperamental.
Zuko had kicked up a good fuss, suspecting her doctors of giving her a lobotomy or something of the sort. She had to remind him that she'd been off on her own and well away from the institution before she had come home. With her emotions so dulled, it didn't bother her to vocalize that her current condition was her own doing.
Whatever she had been trying to accomplish by stealing those spirit vines, it hadn't gone as she'd planned. She could no longer recall what her goal had even been, likely a grab for control, assessing her past actions. She couldn't be sure, but she thought that she might have been trying to use the spirit vines to correct her unstable mind. In a sense, she realized that she had accomplished that in some form or another.
She tried again, to ignite a fire in her palm.
It didn't come.
It never did these days.
She had grown to frosty on the inside.
Azula missed her fire.
The longing brought her back to the swamp. She hoped, but without a drop of optimism, that she could undo whatever it was that she had done nearly two decades ago. She had thirty years on her now, but she felt as though she had many, many more.
Nearly two decades and she spent them in a perpetual state of cold, functioning just enough to be deemed as one of the living. At last she found it, the spot under the overlarge banyan tree. The place where she'd stolen the vine and destroyed herself.
Now that she was there, she didn't know what to do.
So she sat and waited.
She did so for days, only moving to cook or relieve herself.
She was beginning to think that she had wasted her time. The type of damage she inflicted upon herself probably wasn't the kind that could be undone. Feeling somehow emptier than even before she lowers herself to the ground.
Despair was oppressive.
She heard a gurgling and a bubbling from one of the stagnant pools. With nothing else to do, she wanders towards the vile suckling sound. A figure emerged from it, panting and gasping, caked in mud and in...sand?
The woman pulled herself full from the thick silt. She lay there for a long while, bunched up and shivering. She had a tall and dangerously skinny build. The woman had probably gone quite some time without a decent meal. Azula could tell that her struggle had weakened her. Whatever she had gotten into left a coating of blue on her skin and in her hair. Azula did her best to carry the woman over to a cleaner body of water.
Once there, she did her best to clean the woman, who wasn't doing much to help the process along-either she was to resigned or too fatigued. Azula found it curious, her sudden drive. Her sudden willpower. She scrubbed at the woman's skin with a purpose, as though stopping would smother the spark that had ignited. As Azula scrubbed, it was becoming more and more apparent that blue was the natural hue of this woman's skin and hair.
Finally, the woman began to pick clumps of sludge away for herself.
She remained quiet.
Azula observes the woman sitting there, tidying herself to the best of her ability, and suddenly she felt whole again. Suddenly she knew what she had done all those years ago. She had severed her soul and now she was looking right at the physical manifestation of it.
It looked so battered and tormented.
Calm and collected yet fierce and in pain.
This woman...her soul, was quiet.
Quiet and somber. Azula wondered if it...if she felt any different. If she also felt more complete. The woman turns to her, fixing her with soft blue eyes. Azula had to laugh softly to herself, TyLee had mentioned that she had a blue aura.
The woman didn't speak, and Azula wondered if she even could. Soon her question is answered. "What is this place?"
Not, 'where am I', but 'what is this place.' And Azula was certain that this woman was the baby she had heard crying. Because this woman recognized the place. It occurred to Azula, then, that she actually didn't have an answer. It was just a swamp. Yet, it wasn't, at all, simply a swamp. It was something more, but Azula doesn't know exactly what. "It is a place with a lot of spirit energy…"
The woman nodded. "I am Acxa."
So her soul had a name.
She wondered who had given it to her.
Hesitantly, Azula approaches her. She needed get close to the woman. Needed to get as close to her soul as she possibly could. Acxa didn't protest as Azula slid her arms around her. In fact, she leaned into the embrace and Azula is certain of two things; that the woman had been just as deprived of affection as she and that the woman had felt the connection too.
She holds her soul close.
She feels whole again.
She feels warm again.
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redscarletw · 4 years
You know a tv show is a good one when it has a evil trio of lesbians
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lilflowerpot · 4 years
The paladins introducing Avater the last airbender to Lotor, Allura and Coran? I think Lotor would relate to zuko
Angst-ridden son who is well-meaning but misguided and ultimately joins the core group of people actively fighting against his own morally-corrupt dictator of a father? Yeah, I feel like that one might strike a cord with him.
An avatar au would be a lot of fun though.. Allura & Lance as Katara and Sokka respectively (though I’d want them both to be waterbenders of different varieties), Pidge as our earthbending queen Toph ofc, Hunk as her pacifistic earthbender pal with the singular squad braincell who actually very much would rather cook a good meal and just keep the rest of the squad alive. Keith is (obviously) the avatar which plays nicely into that arc where Aang swore off firebending after he hurt Katara, Shiro is maybe avatar Roku- or even Monk Gyatso as Keith’s gently-guiding hand. Leaving Lotor as Zuko, the only one willing to teach the avatar firebending despite everything that’s happened between them, and a begrudging enemy-to-friend-to-lover because obviously I am weak for that trope.
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Send me a ship and I'll rate it... I have several couples which I would like to hear your rating for so here they come: Teo x Azula, Mai x Toph, Bow x Glimmer, Catra x Scorpia, Acxa x Veronica, Acxa x Keith. Thank you :-)
Teo x Azula:
D: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like it
It’s hard to rate this one because these two characters have never met, and if they were to meet, I just don’t imagine there would be much chemistry there.
Mai x Toph:
C: Not a bad ship
I’ve never given this ship much thought, but I could see the potential there!
Bow x Glimmer:
A: I love itB: It’s really cute
I would be really happy if this ship became canon!!
Catra x Scorpia:
C: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on it
I don’t hate this ship, but it’s sort of meh for me.  They’re one hell of a BrOTP though!
Acxa x Veronica:
A+: OTPA: I love it
I’m such a sucker for this ship!!
Acxa x Keith:
E: I don’t really like it
There was potential for this ship, but it was very poorly executed.  
Thanks for the (extensive) ask!!
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In honour of pride month some of my favourite LGBTQ+ headcannons! 
First up: lesbians
Gogo Tomago Scorpia Amaya Lou Carol Danvers Catra Janai Lonnie Chloe Bourgeois Rey Adora Romelle Sharpay Evans Voyd Elsa Azula Tahani Al Jamil Shego Veronica McClain Lena Luthor Regina George Acxa Quinn Fabray Reyna Ramirez Arellano
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2x20 // 3x06
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spacesamvrai · 6 years
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I'm calling the police
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I loved your explanation, but I was talking more about The Way Forward, because those both involved jailbreak, and that was arguably Acxa's biggest episode in the whole show.
I agree that Acxa's character arc was more like Zuko's.
When you put it that way, yeah they're very similar yes. Though the narrative role the Way Forward plays for Acxa (and vld as a whole) is different than the Boiling Rock duology does for atla and Mai.
For Mai, the Boiling Rock is the culmination of her arc throughout the show - if one pays attention they see the evidence throughout book 2 and 3 of Mai's betrayal of Azula long before Zuko comes into the picture. Zuko was an extra push so to speak. We don't see Mai until the finale.
By contrast, the Way Forward marks Team Voltron's reintroduction into the world after blinking out of existence for three years. We meet not only Acxa, but Zethzor's pirate crew and learn how the power dynamics has changed in the universe. Acxa herself is older and unemployed, Zethrid and Ezor are married and wrecking havoc with their crew. Team Avatar are a fish out of water that have to be saved by Acxa cause she's the only one who knows what's going on. She jailbreaks like Mai yes though, but even then it's part of the special clown-to-clown communication/pissing contest she and Keith have had going on for like 3+ years now. I love those clowns.
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makkiat0 · 6 years
Voltron & ATLA villain similarities
(Doesnt include ALL of the villains, so no Zethrid and Narti, srry)
(Minor voltron season 7 spoliers!)
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Azula & Lotor
- Heir to the throne.
- Ruler for like 5mins.
- Continued to seek power after losing all of their generals,
- later went insane with said power and was defeated by the opposing side bc of it.
- Mommy issues <3
- If looks could kill, they’d win every war.
- Had the trust of a member from the opposing side but lost it because that said member found out the ‘truth’.
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Mai and Acxa
- Betrayed by a prince of an evil nation that wants complete control.
- Left the team to save an edgy emo boy who had a strong character arc.
- Skilled fighter <3
- Right hand woman.
- Helps the opposing side escape from jail.
- Harsh glare and stern frown might as well be one and the same.
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Ty Lee & Ezor
- Does acrobatics when in combat
- Sided with another general and left the team
- Flexible a s f
- Gets bored easily
- Hella cute, but psycho
- Tied up hair(?)
- Fears their leader
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the-not-so-dark-age · 6 years
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bUt LoToR wAs SpAcE zUkO
…you meant space Azula uh? Anyway, this is just another proof…I feel bad for Ezor, she is really terrified at the idea of Lotor taking his revenge…even if he never harmed them directly he instilled a great fear.
If you want a space Zuko, I suggest Acxa, hers is a good redemption arc, and she had more chances of having one since her introduction, because she was the one who held the others back from killing the paladins and of course, she let Keith go on more occasions, while the others would have killed him. Heck, she even talks about "finding her own path" just like Zuko.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
What villains remind you of azula?
Thanks for the ask! This is gonna be a little briefer/less in depth then usual because I’m about to head to bed. But I wanted to answer before I forgot lol! 
I feel like the obvious one is Kuvira. The two get compared a lot. They’re both stern, serious, and clever. They’re both ambitious and get the job done. They both have a tendency to use fear and intimidation tactics. And honestly, Azula without makeup looks like Kuvira. xD
Look-wise; Acxa. The reason I started watching Voltron is because Acxa looked so much like Azula and she acted like her too; she was colder and was the brains of her group. Granted Acxa got a redemption but even redemption Acxa is like Azula in that she’s a socially awkward dork who is socially awkward because the society she was born in was a warlike one. 
I also used to compare Azula to Bellatrix, but not so much anymore. I think that the character that reminds me the most of Azula is actually Regina Mills. I have a type lmao. Regina and Azula both have poor relationships with their mothers. Regina’s mother raised Regina pretty much exactly how Ozai raised Azula; Regina’s mom wanted her to be powerful and a Queen, Ozai wanted Azula to be powerful and the Fire Lord. Regina’s mother was an abuser (mostly emotional) and was very rigid with her. Ozai was the same with Azula. Regina’s mom told her that love was weakness, Ozai got Azula thinking that trust is for fools and fear is the only reliable way. 
Regina and Azula are both very clever, witty, and sassy. 
Regina and Azula were both raised in unstable homes.
Regina prior to and throughout her redemption struggled with love and empathy. She was very much capable of it but stated that she didn’t know how to do it very well. Azula has been shown to be able to love and be affectionate but she doesn’t really know how because, like Regina, she grew up without parental affection. 
Regina’s dad (though he didn’t walk out) didn’t defend Regina from her mother because he was afraid of her in the same way that Ursa left because she was afraid of Ozai. 
Regina was very isolated; everyone was afraid of her mom so she didn’t have any friends. And the one friend that she did have (seen in Regina Rising) was only friends with her because Regina’s mom paid her to do so. Azula was very isolated and didn’t have many friends either. I do think her friendship with Mai and TyLee was genuine but it was unstable. 
I’ve mentioned before but I feel like Regina is very much like what a post redemption Azula would be and I feel like the kind of redemption arc that she got would fit Azula very well. Even redeemed, Regina still struggles with her inner darkness and is still very much Regina at her core. And that’s what I’d like for Azula.
So basically, Kuvira, Acxa, and Regina come to mind first. Especially Regina. 
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