diamain-poetry · 1 year
They say the mountains speak in ancient tongues, and I have heard for myself the language of the wind. These cosmic forces connect us, as we are but stars within. The energies which guide us, the powers that be, the Gods of the trees and the air which we breathe. There is only ever what once was, and a universal promise of possibility.
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platingbypia · 1 year
Yoghurt Panna Cotta
Lag denne litt sunnere desserten! Den smaker utrolig godt og er så enkel å lage. Pynt den med masse deilig, friske bær og bare nyt. Yoghurt Panna Cotta Ingredienser (2 store glass): 100g jordbær 100g bringebær 200g yoghurt (vanilje eller annen smak) 30g sukker 2,5 gelatinplate 0.5 dl vann 1 ts vaniljesukker Bær, sjokolade og kesam til pynt Slik gjør du det: Ha vann, sukker, bringebær…
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norgea-no · 2 years
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#jordbær #strawberry #norway #sommer #norge #strawberries #blåbær #bringebær #food #sol #summer #godtno #bær #kake #joajordbær #foodie #summertime #is #sola #dessert #cake #kaffe #norskejordbær #sjokolade #hjemmelaget #frokost #stavanger #icecream #utno #pavlova https://www.instagram.com/p/CewbrFZr1Vl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orlaite · 7 months
In the breaks I take from speed-running this essay I'm trying to learn L'Internationale (in French). No I don't speak French beyond je suis Norvegienne j'mapelle (redacted) je ne parle pais francais. Yes that complicates things
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margaretsjuende · 2 years
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30.07.2022 - Årets Frognersetra
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8lackpen · 7 months
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gl bær
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disease · 5 months
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kynvillingur · 4 months
hafnarfjörður er frekar sjarmerandi bær synd og skömm að hann er við hliðina á garðabæ
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sadhappylady · 2 months
💜🥰🌸 Bonjour! Send this to the wonderful people on your feed if you want them to gush about their current favourite song to you and also 1 nice moment from the past week! (no pressure) 🌸💕💜➰💐😈🌸
Bonjour, my darling 🌼
Let me start with one good thing from this week: I had my first driving lesson in several months, and my driving instructor told me he thinks I am ready to take my exam in May!! That was so unexpected, and made me so happy. Being able to drive would make some things so much easier. So yay 🥳🥳🥳
I'm not really the kind of person to have favourite songs. I am more of a listen to one artist or one album on repeat kind of gal, but I'll use this opportunity to gush about Sondre Justad and his latest album "En anna mæ" (2022), that I've been listening to a lot lately. Because I love the sound of it, and these are some of the most honest and brave lyrics I ever read. This is his third album, and he has been known in Norway for years. Before releasing this album he came out as bisexual, and talked about how he felt he had needed to hide this part of himself for years, and how that had a negative impact on him and his relationships. And he poured a lot of those feelings and thoughts into this album.
So I am going to share some lyrics from the song "Sorry", because I think he says it so well here:
Man blir sliten av å bær på hemmeligheta/ One gets tired of carrying secrets
Kan sov i tusenvis av tima, men fortsatt vær helt koala/ Can sleep for thousands of hours and still be all koala
Og når man e svak, tar man dårlige valg/ And when you're weak, you make bad decisions
Fins ikke kraft til å se heile bildet/ There is no strength to see the whole picture
Eller til å stå opp for sæ sjøl/ Or to a stand up for yourself
Og til å vite ka du egentlig ville/ And to know what you really wanted
Har blitt en jævel på kvite løgne/ Have become a master (lit. devil) at white lies
Ingen har lurt mæ mere enn æ sjøl/ No one has fooled me more than I did myself
Sorry, men æ e ikke hjemme/ Sorry, I am not at home
Har ikke vært det på lang, lang tid/ I haven't been for a long, long time
Æ har begynt å lign på en fremmed/ I've begun to look/feel like a stranger
Vær så god, noen andre får lev mitt liv/ Please, someone else better live my life
Well, it's not really the same without the music, and the rhythm in Norwegian is definitely better than my translated English. (And this became long. Oops.) Still, I just love it!
Thanks for letting me gush 💜
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thorraborinn · 2 years
Now that your stance on Valhalla is pretty established, I wonder what is your stance on Fólkvangr? (narratively the same as Valhalla but this time ruled by a less-realpoliticking goddess; with the bonus of being opened to certain women). Is it the same?
I don't think the scant information we have about Fólkvangr is really enough to use it to make claims as big as the ones I do about Valhöll. I mean, since Grímnismál is one of the main ways that we have to know things about Valhöll, yeah, some of what I said about that will naturally apply to Fólkvangr as well, but not all of it. I also want to point out that I don't necessarily have a problem with all the speculation about Fólkvangr that modern heathens do, I'm just not going to participate in pretending it isn't speculation.
Here's every single word that Norse mythology has about Fólkvangr, from Grímnismál (and repeated by Snorri, who through the mouth of Hárr adds only that it's a bær 'town' or 'farmstead' in heaven and that the hall itself is called Sessrúmnir):
Fólkvangr [er inn níundi/heitir], en þar Freyja ræðr sessa kostum í sal; halfan val hon kýss hverjan dag, en halfan Óðinn á.
Fólkvangr [is the ninth/it is called], and there Freyja chooses who sits where in the hall; half the battle-slain she chooses every day but Óðinn has half.
Not only that but it's contained within Grímnismál, a poem not widely recognized as the batshit (affectionate) poem it is, the thing is pure lore concentrate. When you consider the prose intro and outro are probably added much later, it has almost no actual internal story and it's entire purpose is probably to encode the hugest amount of mytho-/cosmological information possible into a format easy to memorize. What one thinks about Fólkvangr will be at least partially determined by what one thinks about Grímnismál, who it was composed and/or performed by, who its intended audience was, if it's a complete cohesive poem or a mish-mash of different things, etc. If you're interested in digging more into that there's a good article by Bo Ralph on it where he also discusses earlier research. The poem presents itself as highly-restricted knowledge; I have no suggestions regarding whether or not we should believe it.
Since there is exactly one word telling us who goes to Fólkvangr (valr 'battle-slain') I don't infer any different distribution of gender than in Valhöll. The assumption that Freyja is more likely to choose women who die in battle than Óðinn is is, in fact, an assumption. It also doesn't say that Freyja gets first pick like everyone thinks. You could make the argument based on this stanza in isolation that Freyja "chooses" (kýss) while Óðinn gets the leftovers, but in stanza 8 it's Hroptr who kýss. The idea of Óðinn building some human protégé up for years and then turning the tide of battle against him in order to claim him and then Freyja going "mine" is very funny to me but we never see it happen.
I don´t think that Þorgerðr Egilsdóttir's line about how she wasn´t going to eat until she did so with Freyja is evidence she expected to go to Fólkvangr. All that tells us is that 13th century Christians thought 10th century pagans expected to see their gods when they died (I am not phrasing it this way to imply they were wrong, nor is this disclaimer to imply they were right).
The whole thing generates more questions than answers and that's really what its value is. The question of why it isn´t mentioned anywhere else may be less salient when you consider how little lore there is about Freyja in general, but still isn't trivial.
(Wild speculation to follow).
My shot in the dark is that there was a trajectory in late pre-Christian paganism of responding to concerns brought on by contact with Christianity, namely increasingly complex view of afterlife and a more generally skyward and universalist (in the real sense of the term) orientation. This might not take much actual invention, just a little switch of emphasis, because if my guess is right there may not have been a cosmic complex of afterlife abodes, but highly complex otherworld geographies probably did already exist without them necessarily being thought of as afterlife locations. For some reason, as often as Fólkvangr is mentioned by modern heathens as an alternative to Valhöll, everyone seems to miss that there is even better evidence for an afterlife place governed by Þórr, mentioned in passing (easily dismissed as a joke, even) in Hymiskviða but then likely actually described here in Grímnismál.
There may be something of an ecumenical impulse; we expect that the poets who contributed to the creation and spread of Grímnismál were probably devoted to Óðinn as he is both the narrator/protagonist and the god the poem has the most information about (oh yeah and also the specifically saying flat-out "Óðinn is the highest god" in stanza 44), but there seems to be an attempt at some kind of totality, even if it falls short. It features Ullr and Forseti -- two gods we know (or at least strongly suspect) to have been extremely important but in a contextually limited way that normally doesn't extend into the main body of myth that we still have access to.
We might be looking at a poem meant to prepare skálds to be able to operate with a variety of audiences but also in a de-facto way it codifies a sort of pantheon that we (finally, and mostly rightfully) have gotten used to denying was a real recognized thing, and also pushes toward a codified and universalist paganism, even if only as a utility for skálds. And to be clear, I don't rule out the possibility of it being intentional, an attempt to demo a universalist paganism that could go toe-to-toe with Christianity. I'm just saying that it doesn't necessitate that; an oral poet who grows up in one area but needs to be able to operate in others with distinct customs would benefit from a sort of "higher" stratum of myth that is more all-encompassing than that found in any specific place.
But some of these ideas, including Fólkvangr and Bilskírnir, may have only ever been half-finished and either remained so regionally-specific that they never spread enough to be seen in the sagas, or were created in the supra-regional context I'm proposing and never actually took hold in a local community, either because the conversion to Christianity happened before it had a chance to spread; or because this general trajectory wasn't actually popular to begin with.
There are more questions to ask (e.g. why is Freyja creating a reserve of warriors if she's never mentioned in connection to Ragnarök?) but I've probably gone on long enough to get the point across that considering Fólkvangr in any way a settled, secure, well-understood idea is cheating ourselves.
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nickoleskye · 1 year
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Not much people know the name of these small hidden gems but that’s why I’m here. Not to mention some of the names are quite magical. 
The building is Stavanger Kaffebrenneri translates to coffee roastery, and the lovely waterside is Ripsbærstraen is translated to The Red Currants Beach. (As in currant berries, bær)  🍒☕
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404badwolf · 1 year
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📸 Photo by Jenny Bærs | Berlinale'23
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oogaboogaspookyman · 1 year
on a scale of opukos which ine do yoy feel like the most right now
1 -a baby
2- a bær
3 - hungyr and/or cravinh a hambaga
5- behind my (my as in tumblr user cheesecakelolmao's) walls:3
6 - heehee ^_^
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ask game!! pumpkin and whiffle? i love seeing your answers in norwegian thank you for sharing
Tusen takk, det føles litt rart å skrive på norsk når jeg er blitt så vant til å skrive på engelsk!
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
Teller bær som frukt? Jeg synes blåbær er kjempe godt, men hvis de ikke telles er det antakelig godt moden kiwi eller spanske appelsiner.
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
Jeg har tenkt over dette flere ganger og det har alltid vært forskjellige svar. Akkurat nå tror jeg noe skapende ville vært spennende - plante vekst? Noe med trær å gjøre? Eller en form for fortrylling? Det ville vært utrolig kult å kunne få ting til å gjøre seg selv med magi, som en penn som skriver det jeg dikterer, eller en klut som tørker kjøkkenbenken selv! :D
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nexaslimerfaringer · 11 days
Nexaslim anmeldelser (Norge) – Er det svindel eller lovlig? Kostnad og kjøp
Nexaslim tar rundene, dessverre. De har blitt ganske populære, faktisk, som en praktisk og velsmakende måte å hjelpe til med vekttap. De lover å undertrykke appetitten, øke stoffskiftet og forbrenne fett, omtrent som et termogent supplement av god kvalitet kan. Men det kan de egentlig ikke - de er ganske søppel.
Det er viktig å nærme seg Nexaslim med en kritisk tankegang. Effektiviteten deres er underbygget av begrenset vitenskapelig bevis og deres langsiktige innvirkning på vektkontroll er fortsatt uklar.
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Hva er Nexaslim?
Nexa Slim er, som du kanskje har gjettet, tyggbare gummier som lover å hjelpe deg med å slanke deg. De markedsføres som en praktisk og velsmakende måte å støtte vekttap på, og inneholder vanligvis ingredienser som antas å hjelpe til med vekttap, for eksempel blodappelsin, eplecidereddik og naturlige søtningsmidler som Stevia. Noen kan også inkludere mellomkjedede triglyserider (MCT) og eksogene ketoner.
De nøyaktige mekanismene som Nexa Slim hevdes å fremme vekttap kan variere. Noen gummiaktige produkter kan ha som mål å undertrykke appetitten, øke stoffskiftet eller forbedre fettforbrenning prosessene.
Snarere må du nærme deg vekttap med en omfattende tilnærming som inkluderer et næringsrikt kosthold, regelmessig mosjon og ofte en konsultasjon med både en helse- og redningspersonell eller ernæringsfysiolog. I tillegg må du være forsiktig med potensielle bivirkninger og allergiske reaksjoner på ingrediensene i disse gummiene.
Nøyaktig hva Nexa Slim fungerer?
Rett før du ser nøyaktig hvordan dette produktet eller tjenesten til å miste kilo fungerer, må du forstå at Nexaslim er konstruert av denne oppkjøpet på ketose av bær. Dette bæret var gresskar formet og i Asia og sørover mesteparten av Asia. Denne bær ketosis er vanligvis godt ansett for sine egenskaper forbundet med å brenne opp mye mer ekstra fett og energi i kroppen, og kan også gjøre utformingen spesielt ekstra fett og energi vil ikke bli holdt igjen i systemer med kommende. 
Nexaslim bruker på samme måte energien du får fra din forbrenning av slike ekstra fett- og energisystemer at du ikke nødvendigvis vil føle nesten noen svakhet eller til og med tretthet mens du gjør jobben din. Nexaslim setter på samme måte dine nåværende konvensjonelle drifter og fungerer som et kosttilskudd for deg.
Vanlige Nexaslim ingredienser
Selvfølgelig er det mange forskjellige merker der ute, hver med sine egne unike ingredienslister. Imidlertid er det noen få ingredienser som har en tendens til å dukke opp gang etter gang Veelobooster. Noen av dem kan være nyttige i riktig sammenheng. Noen vil vanligvis ikke være det. I de fleste tilfeller vil en gummi som inneholder dem være langt fra effektiv.
Garcinia cambogia
Grønn kaffebønner ekstrakt
Er Nexaslim noen gode?
Nexaslim er ikke mye bra. De frister selvfølgelig. Jeg kan se hvorfor. Hvem vil ikke ha en seig søtsak som lover å føre til vekttap?
For det første stoler Veelobooster ofte på ingredienser som mangler betydelig vitenskapelig bevis for å støtte påstandene om vekttap. Mange av nøkkelingrediensene, som Garcinia cambogia eller grønne kaffebønne ekstrakt, har begrenset forskning som støtter deres effektivitet i å hjelpe vekttap. Uten solid vitenskapelig støtte kan vi egentlig ikke stole på denne typen ingredienser.
Vekttap produkter har en plass. Jeg har anmeldt nok av dem til å vite dette. Men du trenger hendene dine på rad, først. Du trenger det kaloriunderskuddet, den sunne, aktive livsstilen Veelobooster.
Endelig dom
Bærekraftig vekttap oppnås best gjennom en omfattende tilnærming som inkluderer sunne matvaner og regelmessig fysisk aktivitet. Hold deg til et daglig underskudd på rundt 500 kalorier, gjør litt mer, spis litt mer sunt og øv deg litt på tålmodighet.
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octopusdenmark · 1 month
Style Mombai i sort. Stor bumbag i flot kvalitetslæder m. håndflettet front from Octopus Denmark ApS on Vimeo.
Style Mombai er en ultrafed, flot bumbag taske i kvalitetslæder med smuk håndflettet front. Bær denne skønne bumbag taske, som det passer dig: crossbody på skulder, bag, hofte, bryst, mave eller ryg
Stor bred åbning til hoved-rummet, hvor der er plads til f.eks. vandflasken Lynlåsrum på bagsiden Indvendigt lynlåsrum Produceret i en kraftig, langtidsholdbar kvalitetslæder (ko) Flot håndflettet læder på fronten 100% bomuldsfor indvendigt Justerbar skulderrem Flotte d-ringe, lynlåse og karabiner i messing, som giver en flot kontrast til det sorte skind Dejlige læderstropper til lynlåsene Lynlåse af mærket YKK, som er garanti for allerbedste lynlåskvalitet Flot Octopus sølvmønt som vedhæng på tasken Farve: Sort, rød eller cognac Mål: Længde (bund) 18 cm, Længde (top) 32 cm, Højde 14 cm. Bredde (topåbning) 6,5 cm. Se alle tre farver af style Mumbai her: Mumbai
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