canuckus · 4 months
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A Westjet Boeing B-737-800 wearing the Disney Frozen livery. This is a unique livery specific to this aircraft. It will soon be repainted.
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matchausafety · 8 months
Davit Launched Inflatable Life Raft
Matchau davit launched inflatable life raft meet SOLAS(74/96), LSA, MSC.81(70), MSC.226(82), MSC.218(82), MSC.293(87), and ISO 15738(2002) standard which is launched by single arm slewing davit when using in emergency. It is also suitable for installing in vessels sailing on international voyages.
Key Features and Benefits of Davit Launched Inflatable Life Raft
Max. Storage height 18 meters to 50 meters.
Equipment outfit SOLAS A pack / B pack.
Certifications CCS, EC and RS as options.
Specification of Davit Launched Inflatable Life Raft
Capacity (person)
Weight (kg)
Container Dimension (mm)
¢690 × 1150
¢700× 1300
¢700× 1300
¢737 × 1500
¢737× 1500
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gangye · 10 months
8 Gate Valve
The 8 gate valve is a commonly used valve, made of steel plate, with a gate inside, and the control and cutoff of fluid can be realized by rotating the gate. Compared with other types of valves, the slab gate valve has the characteristics of small flow resistance, compact structure, flexible operation, reliable sealing, etc., and can be applied to pipeline systems with different media such as high temperature, high pressure, high viscosity, strong corrosion, and particles. Among them, this kind of 8 inch gate valve is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, metallurgy, water treatment and other industries. Contact us for more information about 8 inch gate valve price!
8 Gate Valve Specifications
ANSI Class 150-600lb
ANSI Class 150lb
ANSI Class 300lb
ANSI Class 400lb
ANSI Class 600lb
Gear Operator
ANSI Class 900lb
ANSI Class 900lb
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infonotes-ru · 1 year
Почему модели самолетов Boeing начинаются с 7?
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    Как и производители автомобилей, грузовиков или компьютеров, производители самолетов изо всех сил пытаются придумать узнаваемый бренд для своей продукции. Boeing добился невероятного успеха в этом с тех пор, как в 1960-х годах они заняли нишу на рынке пассажирских самолетов. Сегодня самолеты Boeing узнаваемы во всем мире с их трехзначным идентификаторам. Но почему Боинг выбрал 7 для своих пассажирских самолетов? С момента своего первого успешного авиалайнера компания начинала все свои коммерческие реактивные самолеты с цифры семь. Почему? Было решено, что новой серией самолетов будут реактивные авиалайнеры, и была выбрана 700-я серия. После успешного 707-го самолеты Boeing были известны своей отличительной системой нумерации 7?7. Одна из причин заключается в том, что это приятно звучит... Вот эта история.  
История коммерческих авиалайнеров Boeing
    Боинг не всегда использовал одну и ту же систему нумерации для своих самолетов. Когда компания была основана, их первым самолетом был просто Boeing Model 1. Также известный как гидросамолет B&W. За прошедшие годы среди других очень успешных или известных моделей Boeing были модели 247 и 314. Первым герметичным авиалайнером был 307. Который позже был заменен на 377. Boeing Model 367-80 был прототипом того, что позже будет названо 707. Также важно отметить, что компания Боинг производила не только авиалайнеры. Хотя они добились определенных успехов в сфере пассажирских авиаперевозок, большая часть репутации компании была построена на успехах их военных самолетов.  
Система нумерации Боинга
  Почему модели Boeing начинаются с 7? Компания Boeing была реструктурирована после Второй мировой войны. И каждому отделу организации был присвоен трехзначный номер. 300-е и 400-е по-прежнему были самолетами. 500-е были газотурбинными двигателями. 600-е предназначались для ракет. А 700-е предназначались для газотурбинных транспортных средств.     Считалось, что модель 700 звучит немного скучно. И, поскольку предыдущие модели были 247 и 307 соответственно, 707 казался логичным выбором. Боинг остался со своей системой нумерации с 707, за исключением недолговечного 720. Все имена, кроме 797, были использованы. Авиалайнеры компании дополнительно классифицируются по вариантам моделей с трехзначным кодом после номера модели. Например, 747-400 был дальнобойным и удлиненным вариантом оригинального 747-100. Кроме того, Boeing всегда еще более правильно нумеровал свои самолеты в зависимости от заказчика. Например, авиакомпания Pan American имела код "21". Так 747-100, заказанный ею, получал обозначение 747-121.  
Обзор авиалайнеров Boeing
  707 Первый реактивный Boeing был также первой в мире успешной попыткой. В конструкции 707 были учтены уроки, извлеченные из De Havilland Comet, и его крупнейшим конкурентом был Douglas DC-8. Это был самолет средней и большой дальности, вмещавший чуть менее трехста пассажиров. Модифицированная версия получила название 720.     727 Был разработан после успеха 707. Когда авиакомпании запрашивали реактивный самолет, оптимизированный для полетов на короткие расстояния. Трехмоторная конфигурация "трезубец" располагала все двигатели на хвостовом оперении. Они поступили в 1964 году.   737 Боинг 737 все еще находится в производстве и является самым популярным реактивным авиалайнером, когда-либо построенным. Это узкофюзеляжный двухдвигательный самолет, расчитанные на малые и средние маршруты. Оснащенные изначально турбореактивными двигателями, новейшие 737-MAX являются одними из самых эффективных и технически совершенных самолетов в небе. В настоящее время его основным конкурентом является семейство Airbus A320.     747 Модель была первым в мире широкофюзеляжным реактивным самолетом. Четырёхдвигательный самолёт имеет характерный горб на верхней палубе. К��торый изначально был спроектирован так, чтобы передняя часть главной палубы открывалась для погрузки груза. Боинг 747 все еще выпускается как модели 747-8I и -8F. И используются для дальнемагистральных рейсов по всему миру.   757 Этот узкофюзеляжный лайнер был призван заменить устаревающего 727. Он удовлетворял потребности на коротких и средних расстояниях и был введен в эксплуатацию в начале 1980-х годов.     767 Широкофюзеляжный 767 был разработан вместе с 757. В них используется много общих деталей и они имеют общий тип, чтобы снизить затраты на обучение пилотов. Авиакомпании все чаще использовали Боинг 767 для продолжительных полетов над водой. Так как он был намного дешевле в эксплуатации, чем четырехдвигательный 747.   777 Широкофюзеляжный 777 - самый большой из когда-либо построенных двухдвигательных самолетов. И он был разработан, чтобы помочь авиакомпаниям воспользоваться ослаблением правил, касающихся продолжительных полетов над водой. Боинг 777 выглядит как более крупный 767. Он заполняет рыночный пробел между меньшим 767 и большим 747.     787 Dreamliner - это новейшая разработка компании. Это широкофюзеляжный реактивный самолет с множеством новых производственных технологий и множеством компонентов из композитного пластика. Он сжигает примерно на 20 процентов меньше топлива, чем сопоставимый Боинг 767. Он поступил в 2011 г.   797 (предполагается) Следующий новый дизайн от Boeing, несомненно, будет называться 797, но как он будет выглядеть? Первоначальные отчеты компании указывают на то, что их следующим крупным проектом, вероятно, будет то, что они называют "новый средний самолет". Его предлагали с 2015 года, и он, вероятно, станет заменой 757. Этот самолет, вероятно, будет отложен, поскольку Boeing переделывает 737-MAX, а отрасль перестраивается для постпандемической экономики.     Подождите, а где 717? Обозначение 717 дважды использовалось Boeing, но по тем или иным причинам оно не прижилось. По данным пресс-службы, когда компания впервые сделала 707, она обозначила военную версию самолета как модель 717. Однако официальное военное обозначение прижилось лучше. KC-135 до сих пор находится в эксплуатации. После этого Boeing решил использовать номер серии 700 исключительно для коммерческих авиалайнеров.       Read the full article
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sentinelchicken · 2 years
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The new Terminal B at New York La Guardia offers some great vantage points for photographing the action on the ramp. Here a Southwest 737 gets ready to pass under one of the passenger skyways that connect the landside terminal with the gate areas. ⁣ ⁣ There’s an old saying about the prior “Big Three” American large airframe manufacturers from years ago- Lockheed was into systems, Douglas was into structures, and Boeing was into aerodynamics. ⁣ ⁣ If there’s one thing that proves Boeing’s abilities in aerodynamics, it would have to be the wing of the 737NG- in fact, I’d argue that the 737NG’s wing is one of the most unheralded aerodynamic marvels of modern transport, not because of what it can do but how it transformed what was a slow, small, short-haul jet in the 737-100/200 to the performer that the NG line is today, capable of transcontinental and transoceanic flight.⁣ ⁣ Contrary to common belief, compared to the Classics, the NG’s wing is all new with a supercritical airfoil derived from the same work that led to the 777’s wing. It’s deeper in chord, longer span with lower wing loading. The inspar wing box is larger as well which allows more fuel. ⁣ ⁣ Over the 737-300, the 737-700 gains 4000 feet in service ceiling and depending upon where you look and the flight profile, 800 miles more range and all for a higher speed and less drag. When the 737NG was developed, it was stuck with a handicapped engine- the short landing gear meant that the new CFM56 versions for the NG couldn’t be as efficient as possible from larger fans like the CFM56s on the A320 family. ⁣ ⁣ This handicap I’d argue was offset handily by the 737NG wing design.⁣ ⁣ #avgeek #aviation #aircraft #planeporn #LGA #LaGuardia #NewYork #NYC #airport #planespotting #instaplane ⁣ #Boeing #737 #Southwest #Airlines #SWApic⁣ ⁣ #instagramaviation #splendid_transport #instaaviation #aviationlovers #aviationphotography #flight ⁣ #AvGeeksAero #AvgeekSchoolofKnowledge #AvGeekNation (at La Guardia (LGA) - New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf-mVZbMCTu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lavender-lotion · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Asks
I was tagged by @asarcasticwitch - thank you so much!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
737, which is an ugly number :(
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,890,054 words, which ... AH I might actually get to 2mil by the end of the year!
3) How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
thank you, ao3 dashboard for this handy list:
Teen Wolf (TV) (377)
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) (187)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (93)
Glee (29)
Young Justice (Cartoon) (11)
Kingsman (Movies) (9)
Original Work (9)
The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (8)
Criminal Minds (US TV) (7)
Thor (Movies) (6)
Deadpool (Movieverse) (5)
Weird City (TV) (5)
X-Men (Original Timeline Movies) (4)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) (4)
Ragnarok (TV 2020) (4)
Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) (3)
Teen Wolf (TV) RPF (3)
Iron Man (Movies) (3)
The House in the Cerulean Sea - T. J. Klune (2)
Venom (Marvel Movies) (1)
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (1)
Captain America (Movies) (1)
Fate: The Winx Saga (TV) (1)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (1)
X-Men - All Media Types (1)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1)
Riverdale (TV 2017) (1)
X-Men Evolution (1)
Push (2009) (1)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
With You, I Belong
Mates and Marriage Proposals
The Perceptions of You and I
(baby) maybe that matters more
Breathing You In
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
ughh so, fair warning, I have a lot of works. I definitely do not remember all of them, however I do have four works tagged as Unhappy Ending and then another nine works tagged Ambiguous/Open Ending, which is way more than I’d thought I had! 
however, there is one fic that stands out in mind when I think about which of my works has the angstiest ending! Heed the tags :)
And Now?
Teen And Up Audiences | Major Character Death | M/M | Teen Wolf (TV) | Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski | Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski | Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Canonical Character Death, Peter Hale Dies, Unhappy Ending
Stiles Stilinski finds out who his soul mates are by setting one on fire.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
ughhhhhhhh I truly do not know??? 
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t write many crossovers at all! I have some mcu/teen wolf cross overs, I have a teen wolf/glee cross over plotted (that i’ll probably never write), but my strangest is probably this teen wolf/x-men cross over!
what-ifs (don’t fuckin’ matter to no one)
Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | M/M | X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)Teen Wolf (TV) | Logan (X-Men)/Sheriff Stilinski | Logan (X-Men), Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski | Memory Loss, Telepathy, Mentions of War, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Child Neglect, Grief/Mourning, Telepath Stiles Stilinski, Telekinetic Stiles Stilinski, Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling
There’s somethin’ there. Somethin’ that has him sleeping curled up on his side with a pillow tucked to his chest, somethin’ that has him splittin’ up his food ‘fore he eats ‘cause he don’t need as much as a baseline. Has him turnin’ to tell someone shit that ain’t there. There’s just...there’s just somethin’ there that’s missin’ and it shouldn’t be missin’.
8) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
sometimes! I don’t write a lot of smut because I actively dislike writing it, but the smut I do write is super super soft and sappy and full of emotions lol
9) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to almost all of my comments! comments i won’t respond to: negative comments, unsolicited criticism, comments that aren’t relevant to the fic itself, comments simply asking for more 
I love love love responding to comments! I love every single comment that I get and I want to show how much I appreciate getting them, and personally I think responding to comments is the only way to do that! everyone has different comment philosophies, but for me, if someone is taking the time to comment on my fic like I so badly want them to, I think it’s important to respond to show my appreciation! 
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
aha YEAH I DO. this past weekend I actually got a number of shitty comments and had to file two ao3 abuse reports for harrasment (: I love it
I am no stranger to hate comments. I write copious amounts of age difference fic. I write copious amounts of incest. I am not going to apologize nor am I going to feel bad for enjoying either.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
ughhh I sure as heck hope not! 
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have a number of them :) I always always do my best to make sure it’s linked to the original fic, AND that I add a tag noting that there’s a translation!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have made a few attempts! the only successful attempt is there's nothing i wouldn't do to make you feel my love which is a collaboration with @flightinflame, not quite a co-write!
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I am unable to answer this lol I don’t have an all-time favourite. mutli-shipping forever.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
god okay this is such a good question! imma ramble about a few so bear with me here! (i may have 700 posted works but I also have a few hundreds wips & ideas floating around in my gdrive, too)
gone & past - this is a starrish wip i’d started in 2017. I ended up deleting it from ao3 to rewrite it and never got there, but I have about 20k of content! I built my home, inside of you - thorki human au with college jock thor and high school dancer loki. i’ve got a start and nothing else Sheriff Stilinski Gets Some Sweet Sweet Lovin’ - massive wip where... well, the sheriff fucks his way through the entire pack. I want to write it but. trans allison au - this is an au where allison is trans and that changes the entire season 1 canon. it features stallison, petopher, and a looooooong ass outline that will never exist beyond my wips You Fill My Heart (With Such a Gentle Love) - this is a stetopher a/b/o au with pregnant omega stiles and alpha pair petopher falling in love. it started as a labour of love to someone I no longer have in my life. I have about 30k, a full outline, but idk. makes me sad to think about it they slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered - this is my big x-men first class rewrite that I honestly don’t think i’ll ever finish. I have a few thousand words, a full outline, but no love lost for cherik so. doubtful Physiotherapy (I'll Be Your Baby) - this was a fic I was SO excited about, and then it kinda flopped and stayed a wip because I didn’t have a plan or the motivation to finish it. it’s a winterspider human au with amputee bucky and science twink peter that I adore the premise of but who knows breathing you in chapter 2 - I have a massive second chapter planned for this fic but the first did so good so fast I am way too intimidated to write more in case everyone hates it lmao
there are more arjgoirjeg there are so many more but these are the bigger ones I can think of right now!
16) What are your writing strengths?
ughhhhh I hate answering this because I have, like, seriously bad imposter syndrome around my writing BUT I do think i’m able to weave poignant backstory into narration & i write strong, distinctive narrative voices!
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
literally I can’t write settings at all. I don’t know how people vividly describe settings but I absolutely cannot do that and it’s one of the reasons I haven’t delved into original fiction. I need to write the town my characters live in?? fuck that imma just use a location we’ve seen on screen & let readers fill in the blanks lmao
I am also shit at long fic. I don’t have the mind for long and interesting plots, and I don’t have the focus to write long fic (which is why every long fic i’ve ever posted has taken me literal years to complete smh).
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I like it! both as a reader and as a writer. as a writer, I generally only use a few words, or small sentences that can be understood by context, and I generally don’t 
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
the last thing I wrote and posted was this one:
Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | M/M | X-Men (Original Timeline Movies) | John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake | Bobby Drake, John Allerdyce, X-Men (Team) | Not Canon Compliant, Future Fic, Established Relationship, Summer, Teasing, Fluff
It was a really, really hot Saturday, and most of the school was outback, enjoying the sun, not caring about the heat, and having the time of their life.
Everyone but Bobby, of course, who was melting away.
“I just want to remind everyone that I make ice. I am the Ice Man. I am not built for the heat and soon enough I’m going to melt away into nothing.”
20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
this is another impossible question! I have a few I really enjoy, but I really don’t think I have a favourite that stands out above the rest!
i’m tagging: @4magicandmayhem @insertmeaningfulusername @midrashic @wynnefic @ikeracity @stronglyobsessed @elledelajoie @wolfnprey​ & anyone else who sees it and wants to do it! seriously! go ahead :)
blank questions below the read more!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
8) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
9) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
16) What are your writing strengths?
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
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martassimsbookcc · 4 years
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•Click on picture for better quality•
All credits go to @sims-kkb - Original post here
Requested by Anon
All my conversions are in package format and base game compatible. • 𝔻𝕆𝕎ℕ𝕃𝕆𝔸𝔻 •  Ads free as always at my website!
•Info about polycount, buy category and price § under the cut•
------COUNTERS------ - Counter 1: HLOD 267 verts | 134 faces - MLOD 262 verts | 130 faces Found under Counters - 790§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter corner: HLOD 209 verts | 107 faces - MLOD 206 verts | 107 faces Found under Counters - 790§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter 2: HLOD 262 verts | 134 faces - MLOD 179 verts | 91 faces Found under Counters - 790§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter small A: HLOD 287 verts | 144 faces - MLOD 243 verts | 122 faces Found under Counters - 200§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter small B: HLOD 287 verts | 144 faces - MLOD 218 verts | 109 faces Found under Counters - 200§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter small C: HLOD 434 verts | 218 faces - MLOD 337 verts | 167 faces Found under Counters - 200§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter small D: HLOD 200 verts | 100 faces - MLOD 163 verts | 81 faces Found under Counters - 200§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter small E: HLOD 200 verts | 100 faces - MLOD 183 verts | 91 faces Found under Counters - 200§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter island: HLOD 426 verts | 218 faces - MLOD 347 verts | 175 faces Found under Counters - 790§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter island small A/B: HLOD 454 verts | 228 faces - MLOD 409 verts | 205 faces Found under Counters - 250§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter island corner A: HLOD 546 verts | 282 faces - MLOD 495 verts | 253 faces Found under Counters - 790§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter island corner B: HLOD 808 verts | 408 faces - MLOD 737 verts | 367 faces Found under Counters - 790§ Recolorable - 4 channels
- Counter island round corner A: HLOD 76 verts | 60 faces - MLOD 70 verts | 54 faces Found under Counters - 300§ Recolorable - 1 channel
- Counter island round corner B: HLOD 68 verts | 56 faces - MLOD 62 verts | 50 faces Found under Counters - 300§ Recolorable - 1 channel
------CABINETS------ - Cabinet A: HLOD 318 verts | 162 faces - MLOD 286 verts | 145 faces Found under Cabinets - 700§ Recolorable - 3 channels
- Cabinet tall: HLOD 413 verts | 210 faces - MLOD 374 verts | 189 faces Found under Cabinets - 1000§ Recolorable - 3 channels
- Cabinet small A: HLOD 147 verts | 74 faces - MLOD 126 verts | 63 faces Found under Cabinets - 300§ Recolorable - 3 channels
- Cabinet small B/C: HLOD 146 verts | 74 faces - MLOD 132 verts | 66 faces Found under Cabinets - 300§ Recolorable - 3 channels
- Cabinet corner A: HLOD 272 verts | 136 faces - MLOD 244 verts | 122 faces Found under Cabinets - 400§ Recolorable - 3 channels
- Cabinet Fridge: HLOD 238 verts | 120 faces - MLOD 214 verts | 108 faces Found under Cabinets - 900§ Recolorable - 3 channels
- Cabinet Oven: HLOD 822 verts | 572 faces - MLOD 132 verts | 66 faces Found under Cabinets - 1200§ Recolorable - 2 channels
------MISC------ - Stove: HLOD 2157 verts | 2672 faces - MLOD 1819 verts | 2168 faces Found under Large appliances - 1200§ Recolorable - 3 channels
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sciencespies · 4 years
Astronomers confirm exoplanet with a truly strange orbit, sort-of like 'Planet Nine'
Astronomers confirm exoplanet with a truly strange orbit, sort-of like 'Planet Nine'
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Most of the over 4,300 confirmed exoplanets discovered to date share something in common – a relatively close orbit to their host star.
Now, astronomers have found something extraordinary – a giant exoplanet on a bizarre, 15,000-year orbit around a binary star. It’s the first time scientists have been able to characterise such a huge orbit.
The exoplanet is called HD 106906 b, clocking in at 11 times the mass of Jupiter. It orbits a pair of hot, main-sequence yellow-white stars called HD 106906; these stars are just 15 million years old and orbit it each other in a mere 100 days. The whole system is 336 light-years away.
Although the place is overall very different from our own Solar System, the huge orbit of HD 106906 b is reminiscent of an elusive object astronomers are hoping to find closer to home – the hypothetical, extremely wide-orbit Planet Nine.
“This system draws a potentially unique comparison with our Solar System,” said astronomer Meiji Nguyen of the University of California, Berkeley.
“It’s very widely separated from its host stars on an eccentric and highly misaligned orbit, just like the prediction for Planet Nine. This [raises] the question of how these planets formed and evolved to end up in their current configuration.”
The reason most of the exoplanets we find are relatively close to their stars is pretty simple, and it has to do with how we usually find and confirm exoplanets.
Two methods are the most commonly used – the transit method, where telescopes look for faint dips in the light of a star as an orbiting exoplanet passes in front of it, known as a transit; and the wobble method, very small changes in the wavelengths of a star’s light as it is tugged by the exoplanet’s gravity.
For both these methods, a single dip in starlight or a single wobble could be anything; generally astronomers want a few dips or wobbles, at regular intervals, in order to confirm an exoplanet.
So you can see why something on a larger orbit would be harder to confirm; Jupiter, for example, is on a 12-year orbit. So you’d have to be staring at the sky for a while.
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(NASA, ESA, M. Nguyen/UC Berkeley, R. De Rosa/ESO, and P. Kalas/UC Berkeley/SETI Institute)
But HD 106906 b, first discovered in 2013, is a rare beast: an exoplanet that has been imaged directly. Most of the time exoplanets are too faint and too close to their host star for this, but HD 106906 b’s distance means it doesn’t disappear in the bright shine of its binary stars.
Still, working out the exoplanet’s orbit wasn’t easy. For that, a team of researchers needed data from the Hubble Space Telescope. Going back 14 years into the archives, they managed to obtain more data on HD 106906 b’s slowly changing position at a distance of 737 astronomical units from its stars.
As you can imagine, an exoplanet on a 15,000-year orbit won’t appear to move much in 14 years, but it was enough that astronomers could piece the orbit together.
The 15,000-year orbital period is only one part of what they learnt. The other, more baffling part is that the exoplanet is on a high orbital inclination – at a pronounced angle to the debris disc of material surrounding the two stars.
“To highlight why this is weird, we can just look at our own Solar System and see that all of the planets lie roughly in the same plane,” Nguyen said.
“It would be bizarre if, say, Jupiter just happened to be inclined 30 degrees relative to the plane that every other planet orbits in. This raises all sorts of questions about how HD 106906 b ended up so far out on such an inclined orbit.”
One possibility is that HD 106906 b wasn’t born orbiting the binary stars. In this scenario, the exoplanet would have been a rogue, wandering space untethered until it passed close enough to a star (or binary) to be captured in orbit.
Another scenario – and one that the team is leaning towards – is that HD 106906 b formed in the binary’s debris disc. Initially, drag in the disc would have caused the exoplanet’s orbit to decay towards the star. There, at a closer orbit, the gravitational interactions between the two stars could have kicked the exoplanet out to a much farther, highly inclined orbit that became stabilised by a passing star.
Both scenarios could lead to the odd, eccentric orbit that produces irregularity observed in the debris disc orbiting the binary.
“It’s like arriving at the scene of a car crash, and you’re trying to reconstruct what happened,” said astronomer Paul Kalas of UC Berkeley.
“Is it passing stars that perturbed the planet, then the planet perturbed the disc? Is it the binary in the middle that first perturbed the planet, and then it perturbed the disc? Or did passing stars disturb both the planet and disc at the same time? This is astronomy detective work, gathering the evidence we need to come up with some plausible storylines about what happened here.”
And both scenarios have been proposed for Planet Nine (although in Planet Nine’s case, Jupiter did the kicking), a hypothetical Solar System planet predicted to be around 5 to 10 times the mass of Earth, on an orbit around 300 to 700 astronomical units from the Sun.
There is significant doubt that Planet Nine exists, but HD 106906 b shows not just that such a strange orbit is possible, but that it can happen relatively early in the lifespan of a planetary system.
But there’s more work to be done on HD 106906 b.
“There are still a lot of open questions about this system,” said astronomer Robert De Rosa of the European Southern Observatory in Chile.
“It is likely that both observers and theorists alike will be studying HD 106906 for years to come, unraveling the many mysteries of this remarkable planetary system.”
The research has been published in The Astronomical Journal.
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lugarescontextos · 4 years
Izquierda: KNM-ER 3733. Derecha: HAM.
DNH 134, un fragmento de cráneo,  y KNM-ER 2598, un fragmento occipital, son los únicos ejemplares africano de erectus más antiguos que los fósiles de Homo de Dmanisi y Java. Se han datado en hace 2,04-1,95 Ma y 1,87 Ma respectivamente. Los erectus más antiguos, provienen de Koobi Fora, Kenia, y la especie persiste en África hasta cerca de la frontera Brunhes-Matuyama (0,78 Ma).
Los restos son más abundantes en Kenia y Tanzania, aunque también se han hallado ejemplares en Etiopía y en el Sur.
Los ejemplares mejor conservados se hallaron en las riberas del lago Turkana. Se complementan con los hallazgos de la garganta de Olduvai.
Tobias y von Koegniswald (1964) definieron los grados de hominización:
Erectus de Sangiran y ejemplares de Olduvai como OH13.
OH13 había sido considerado por L. Leakey (1964) como paratipo del habilis. Esto indica bien a las claras las dificultades con que tropezamos a la hora de establecer fronteras precisas en la transición entre habilis y erectus.
Erectus de Olduvai, Ternifini, Kabuh y Zhoukoudian.
KNM-ER 3733. Turkana Basin Institute/Richard Leakey.
El fragmento de cráneo DNH 134, datado entre hace 2,04-1,95 Ma, hallado en Drimolen, África del Sur, presenta similitudes con el cráneo de Sangiran (Herries et al, 2020). Un par de cráneos de Turkana presentan rasgos similares al erectus de Pekín, pero con una capacidad craneal inferior.
KNM-ER 3733 (Leakey y Walker, 1985) fue descubierto por Bernard Ngeneo, del equipo de Richard Leakey, en 1975 en Koobi Fora (Kenia). Se trata de un cráneo completo de hembra madura, con capacidad craneal de 850 cc, similar a la del Hombre de Pequín. Se ha datado en ~1.63 Ma (Lepra y Kent, 2015).
KNM-ER 3883 (Leakey y Walker, 1985). Cráneo de 800 cc datado en 1,6 Ma.
Del mismo yacimiento es KNM-ER 1808 (esqueleto parcial).
El equipo de Domínguez-Rodrigo halló en verano de 2009, en el yacimiento de Olduvai un fémur y un radio de adulto, posiblemente del mismo individuo, datados en 1,3 Ma. La cabeza del radio es un tercio más grande que la del sapiens y la tuberosidad donde se inserta el bíceps duplica a la del hombre actual.
Grado erectus finales
El norte del Danakil (Afar, Eritrea) ha proporcionado desde mediados de los noventa evidencia sobre el erectus, con el descubrimiento de más de 200 sitios de finales del Pleistoceno en un afloramiento sedimentario fluviolacustre de 1.000 m de espesor en la cuenca del río Dandiero, al sur de Buia (Abbate et al, 1998). Las excavaciones corren a cargo de la Expedición Danakil Italiana y Eritrea, coordinada por la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma y el Museo Nacional de Eritrea, bajo la dirección de Alfredo Coppa, dentro del Proyecto Internacional Buia.
El yacimiento de Uadi Aalad (UA), consta de depósitos deltaicos y fluviales de 5-6 m de espesor radiométricamente y biocronológicamente fechados en ca 1 Ma (Ghinassi et al, 2009). Destacan los hallazgos en la capa LK3 Homo (Macchiarelli et al 2004; Bondioli et al, 2006).
UA 31. Señora de Buia. Descubierto por el equipo de Lorenzo Rook y Berhane Tesfamariam. Un cráneo de adulto prácticamente completo con la cara preservada, atribuido a hembra, con mezcla de características erectus/ergaster y rasgos derivados, incluyendo caja craneana larga y ovalada, de más de 20 cm de longitud, un alto posicionamiento de los puntos más externos parietales como en rhodesiensis, una angulación débil a lo largo de la línea media y un ligero aplanamiento parasagital y huesos parietales delgados. No se ha determinado si su prominencia parietal es una consecuencia estructural de dolicocefalia, la expresión de la variación individual/regional, o una característica derivada con posible relevancia filogenética. Acusados arcos supraorbitales.
Según Bruner et al (2016), su capacidad craneal es de 995 cc. Las áreas occipitales muestran una pronunciada abultada, el cerebelo se encuentra en una posición posterior, y los vasos meníngeos medios están más desarrollados en las regiones posteriores. Estas características son comunes entre los especímenes atribuidos a erectus, en particular los endomoldes del Pleistoceno Medio de Zhoukoudian. Los lóbulos parietales muestran una curvatura pronunciada, asociada a una base del cráneo estrecha.
UA 222 y UA 369. Dientes incisivos permanentes. Tienen un esmalte relativamente delgado en comparación con la condición humana moderna, como en Homo antecessor, y la morfología recuerda al heidelbergensis norteafricano.
UA 173, UA 405 y UA 466. Fragmentos de pelvis.
En Mulhuli-Amo (MA), a 4,7 km de Uadi Aalad y formando parte posiblemente del mismo horizonte estratigráfico se han hallado nueve fragmentos humanos, pertenecientes posiblemente a tres individuos.
MA 14 fragmento de frontal.
MA 64 y MA 88 a-f, fragmentos parietales y MA 89 fragmento temporal, pertenecientes al mismo individuo adulto.
MA-88, compuesto por los seis fragmentos a-f, constituye un parietal izquierdo casi completo, incluyendo la región del asterión, cuyo espesor y características arquitectónicas y estructurales se ajustan con precisión a UA 31.
MA 93 Corona sin uso de un molar permanente inferior.
La campaña de 2016 ha proporcionado huellas de erectus datadas en hace 800 ka, en los sedimentos fluviales de un paleolago rodeado de pastizales, en el yacimiento de Aalad-Amo.
Daka. BOU-VP-2/66
Daka (o Dakanihylo, Formación Bouri, Middle Awash, Etiopía) Asfaw et al, 2002. BOU-VP-2/66. Caja craneana descubierta por Henry Gilbert, del equipo de Berhane Asfaw y Tim White, en 1997, datada en 1 Ma y con una forma similar a la de Buia. Según Keely B. Carlson et al (2013) es similar en morfología lineal a los fósiles de los erectus asiáticos. Para Baab (2016), pudo haber pertenecido a una población "avanzada" de erectus cercana a la raíz del Homo heidelbergensis sensu lato, o a una población inicial de H. heidelbergensis sensu lato.
Olorgesailie. KNM-OG 45500. Cráneo parcial datado en 0,9 Ma, descubierto en 2003 por el equipo de Rick Potts. Capacidad craneal de unos 700-800 cc. Se recuperó aproximadamente 1,5 km al este de una gran acumulación de hachas de mano, que provienen de la misma capa.
Tighenif 1 y 3
Tighenif 1 y 3
Otros hallazgos
MK3. En las excavaciones dirigidas por J. Chavaillon en 1976 en Gombore I (Melka Kunture, Etiopía) apareció in situ, en la unidad 2 del nivel 3, datada en >1,39 Ma, una porción distal bien conservada de un húmero izquierdo de hominini conocido como Gombore IB-7594, Melka Kunture 3 o MK3, asociado a un rico conjunto lítico de transición olduvaiense achelense. De acuerdo con el análisis de Fabio Di Vincenzo et al (2015), MK3 añade una gran cantidad de variabilidad al género Homo. El gran tamaño de MK3 sugiere un peso corporal cercano a 90 kg, lejos de la gama del tamaño del cuerpo conocido para los Homo del Pleistoceno temprano.
Los autores sugieren que la dimensión y la morfología de MK3 pueden ser considerados como una exaptación que se convirtió en útil cuando los primeros humanos poblaron altas altitudes, como la cuenca superior del Awash, en la meseta etíope, por encima de 2.000 m de altura. El húmero fue estudiado también por Lague (2015).
OH 9, Chellean Man (Heberer, 1963; Rightmire, 1979). Descubierto por Louis Leakey en 1960 en la garganta de Olduvai (Tanzania). Su edad se estima en 1,5 Ma. Consiste en una bóveda craneal de unos 1065 c.c. de capacidad.
OH 12, Pinhead (Rightmire, 1979). Descubierto por Margaret Cropper en 1962 en la garganta de Olduvai (Tanzania) Es parecido, pero menos completo que OH 9, y su capacidad craneana es menor, sólo 750 c.c. Muy similar a KNM-ER 3733, aunque un millón de años más joven. Su edad está comprendida entre 600 y 800 ka.
OH 23, fragmento de mandíbula, datado en 0,6 Ma.
OH 28 (Rightmire, 1990). Coxis.
OH 34 (Rightmire, 1990). Fémur.
OH 82 (Hlusko, Reiner y Njau, 2015). Ulna. Sedimentos datados en hace ca 1 Ma.
KGA 10-1 (Asfaw et al, 1992). Mandíbula parcial.
KNM-ER 730 (Wood, 1991). Occipital, parietal, frontal y mandíbula parciales.
KNM-ER 736 (Rightmire, 1990). Fémur.
KNM-ER 737 (Rightmire, 1990). Fémur.
KNM-ER 820 (Wood, 1991). Mandíbula de subadulto.
KNM-ER 992 (Wood, 1991). Mandíbula. Holotipo de Homo ergaster.
KNM-ER 1472. (Wood y Collard, 1999). Fémur.
KNM-ER 1481. (Wood y Collard, 1999). Fémur.
KNM-ER 1808 (Walker, Zimmereman y Leakey, 1982). Esqueleto y fragmentos craneales.
KNM-ER 3228. Coxal.
KNM-ER 3733 (Leakey y Walker, 1985). Cráneo.
KNM-ER 3883 (Leakey y Walker, 1985). Cráneo.
KNM-ER 42700 (Spoor et al, 2007). Calvaria de adulto joven hallada en Ileret, Kenia, datada en 1,55 Ma. Su atribución taxonómica está sujeta a controversia (Baab, 2016). El tamaño es de los más pequeños conocidos para erectus. Los análisis morfogeométricos dan como resultado una forma intermedia entre erectus y el HAM (Catherine C. Bauer y Katerina Harvati, 2015).
KNM-WT 15000, Turkana Boy Descubierto por Kamoya Kimeu en 1984 en la ribera del río Nariokotome cerca del lago Turkana (Kenia). (Brown et al. 1985; Leakey and Lewin 1992; Walker and Leakey 1993; Walker and Shipman 1996). Se trata de un esqueleto casi completo de un niño entre 7,6-8,8 años, según estimación a partir de los parámetros dentales (Dean y Smith, 2009) al que le faltan las manos y pies. Es el Homo erectus más completo conocido, con una edad de 1,5 Ma. Su capacidad craneal es de 880 cc, y hubiera alcanzado los 910 cc de completar su desarrollo. Su talla era de 1,60 m. Christopher B. Ruff y M. Loring Burgess (2014) han estimado una estatura adulta de 176-180 cm y una masa corporal adulta de 80-83 kg en base a un patrón de crecimiento similar al de los simios africanos. Los músculos debían de estar muy desarrollados. Excepto por el cráneo, el esqueleto es muy similar al de los niños actuales, con pequeñas diferencias. La forma y el tamaño del canal espinal son similares a los de los HAM (Meyer y Haeusler, 2015). Se ha relacionado con diferentes patologías, sin que exista una conclusión definitiva. La maduración dental y esquelética es más parecida a la de un simio que a la de un humano moderno. El aparato locomotor muestra características totalmente modernas, con posibles adaptaciones para la carrera de resistencia (Marchi et al, 2019).
KNM-WT 51260, tercer metacarpiano hallado en Kaito (oeste del Lago Turkana) en 2012, datado en 1,4 Ma. Según el estudio de Carol WARD V. et al (2013) el hueso se asemeja al de un humano moderno en proporciones generales y morfología. Es el tercero más largo de los Hominini conocidos anteriores a los neandertales y humanos modernos tempranos. En particular,  muestra una apófisis estiloides bien desarrollada, una característica distintivas de la mano moderna y neandertal Neandertal, no presente en los primeros Hominini. Esta proyección ayuda a estabilizar la muñeca cuando la mano está agarrando pequeños objetos entre el pulgar y los dedos. La morfolgía y función de la mano modernas estaban presentes dentro del contexto de la tecnología achelense y sugiere que las actuales características carpometacarpianas evolucionaron temprano, seleccionadas para un mejor manejo de las herramientas.
BSN49/P27. Gona (Simpson et al, 2008). Pelvis. Debió pertenecer a una hembra de tamaño pequeño, pero con una cadera amplia para ese tamaño.
SK 15 (Robinson, 1961; Howell, 1978; Grine, 2001). Mandíbula parcial.
SK 45 (Robinson, 1961; Howell, 1978; Grine, 2001). Mandíbula parcial.
SK 847 (Clarke, Howell y Brain, 1970; Tobias, 1991; Walker, 1981; Kimbel, Johanson y Rak, 1997; Grine, 2001). 
Restos mandibulares, dentales y cráneo parcial, datado en hace 2,3-1,65 Ma. Hay daño provocado por un absceso, y probablemente al menos otros dos, en la cara anterior del maxilar y asociados con los incisivos (Ian Towle y Joel D. Irish, 2019).
SK 1896 (Susman, de Ruiter y Brain, 2001). Fragmento distal de fémur.
SK 2045 (Susman, de Ruiter y Brain, 2001). Fragmento proximal de radio.
SKW(SKX) 34805 (Susman, de Ruiter y Brain, 2001). Fragmento distal grande de húmero.
GAR IVE (Condemi, 2004; Zanolli et al, 2016). Mandíbula parcial inmadura hallada en Garba, Melka Kunture, en 1981. Se trata del representante humano más antiguo en un entorno montañoso, datado en hace ca 1,7 Ma.
Atlanthropus mauritanicus
En 1954-1955 C. Arambourg y R. Hoffstetter hallaron en Tighenif, a 20 km de Mascara, Argelia varios restos incluyendo las mandíbulas Tighenif 1 y 3. Con los hallazgos, Arambourg creó un nuevo género y especie aunque posteriormente se han clasificado dentro de Homo erectus (e.g., Howell, 1960; Geraads et al., 1986; Rightmire, 1990). También podría tratarse de un heidelbergensis muy temprano.
¿heidelbergensis africano?
Los conocimientos actuales sugieren una dicontinuidad filogenética en el momento de la reversión Matuyama / Brunhes hace 780 ka, en posible relación con el fenómeno más general conocido como la Revolución del Pleistoceno Medio (Maslin y Ridgwell, 2005) que, a su vez, corresponde con los drásticos cambios climáticos de MIS 18-16. El periodo entre 900-600 ka es muy pobre en fósiles, pero parece que una especie más encefalizada surge en África y se extiende rápidamente por África y Eurasia. (Homo heidelbergesis según Rightmire, 1998, 2008; Mounier et al, 2009, 2011; Stringer, 2012; pero Arsuaga et al, 2014, 2015; Balter, 2014) donde se encuentra con otros Homo (Profico, 2015). En la capa de achelense de Gombore II, en la zona arqueológica Melka Kunture, el alto valle de Awash, región de Oromia, a unos 50 km al sur de Addis Abeba, a más de 2.000 msnm, aparecieron dos grandes fragmentos craneales, con una datación de ca 850 ka.
En 1973, un parietal izquierdo parcial (Melka Kunture 1, MK1; Oakley et al, 1977), clasificado como Homo cf. erectus (Chavaillon et al 1974; Chavaillon y Coppens, 1975, 1986)
En 1975, una parte derecha del frontal (Melka Kunture 2, MK2).
Probablemente pertenezcan al mismo cráneo.
Con una datación de hace 700 ka se descubrieron huellas humanas, de otros mamíferos y aves, junto a un hipopótamo despiezado. Las huellas descubiertas pertenecen tanto a adultos como a niños, algunos de los cuáles podrían tener un año de edad. Nos sugieren una infancia con más responsabilidades y menos supervisión adulta que en la actualidad (Altamura et al, 2018).
Recreación de la escena según las huellas, herramientas y fauna -Matthew Bennett- Junto a las huellas de los seres humanos aparecieron los restos de un hipopótamo que había sido despiezado por los miembros del grupo, además de escamas de piedra y herramientas confeccionadas allí mismo para realizar la tarea de la obtención de la carne. Huella del pie izquierdo de un adulto - Matthew Bennet - Dentro del conjunto de herramientas se aprecian todas las secuencias de reducción lítica, lo que sugiere que fueron talladas en el mismo lugar del procesado de la carne del hipopótamo. El material utilizado fue la obsidiana; a nivel tipológico los restos líticos se adscriben al Achelense Medio. El descubrimiento de las huellas de los niños revela que los pequeños acompañaban a los adultos a realizar las tareas más importantes para su vida cotidiana y supervivencia, probablemente con la intención de que aprendieran in situ las tareas de talla de herramientas y despiece de los animales desde edades muy tempranas. Tampoco se descarta que las huellas puedan evidenciar juego y entretenimiento de los pequeños mientras los adultos completaban el trabajo. Lo único seguro que podemos concluir es que los niños acompañarían a los grupos móviles de caza, adentrándose en situaciones peligrosas y en la que los adultos no ejercerían la sobreprotección de los hijos a la que estamos acostumbrados en la actualidad. Atendiendo a la morfología de los seres humanos aparecidos en cronologías similares en Melka Kunture, se supone que las huellas pertenecerían a miembros de la especie Homo Heidelbergensis.
MK1. Profico et al, 2015.
MK2. Profico et al, 2015
Para Profico et al (2015) MK1 y MK2 representan un único cráneo de morfología arcaica en su curvatura sagital y transversal:
Rasgos comunes con otros ejemplares arcaicos: ausencia de foramen parietales, el desarrollo de la rama media de los vasos meníngeos, las líneas temporales que recorren el parietal medialmente a la eminencia pariental, las marcadas líneas temporales sobre el hueso frontal y la presencia de un pesado toro frontal.
Rasgos peculiares: espesor notable y fuerte divergencia de las líneas temporales tras la constricción postorbital.
El cráneo muestra afinidades con los erectus africanos (ergaster) y heidelbergesis. MK1 está más cerca de erectus en la curvatura y forma del perfil sagital medio y más cerca de heidelbergensis en las dimesiones absolutas y la curvatura y la forma generales.
Tras la reconstrucción digital, la capacidad craneal se ha estimado en ca 1.080 cc.
El cráneo perteneció a un individuo de unos 35-40 años en el momento de su muerte. 
De acuerdo con el análisis, estos ejemplares llenan un vacío fenético entre grado erectus y heidelbergensis y representan el mejor candidato o el único para el surgimiento de Homo heidelbergensis alrededor de hace ca 800 ka, así como una evidencia de que esta especie probablemente se originó en África antes de su dispersión en Eurasia.
Grado erectus africano
KNM-WT 15000
Por Adam van Arsdale
Brown, F., Harris, J., Leakey, R., & Walker, A. (1985). Early Homo erectus skeleton from west lake Turkana, Kenya. Nature, 316(6031), 788-792. 
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Compendio de evolución humana: menú general
Grado erectus
Cambios climáticos en el Pleistoceno
Grado erectus
ergaster y erectus
Modo de vida
La salida de África del erectus
El grado erectus en Java
El grado erectus en China
El grado erectus en África
El grado erectus en Europa
Los denisovanos
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handsomemike58 · 6 years
 TORONTO’S FINEST MOTEL ESTABLISHMENTS & ROOMING HOUSES     PALACE ARMS….416-703-0516….. KING WEST/STRACHEN CENTRAL  416-537-3296…. .CITY CENTRAL BROADVIEW HOTEL…..416-466 4289….BROADVIEW/QUEEN A.J. HOTEL…..416-964-0902…..CENTRAL QUEENSWAY HOTEL…..416-252-5821…..638 THE QUEENSWAY COLLEGE HOTEL…..416-351-1010…..90 GERRARD REX HOTEL…..416-598-2475…..194 QUEEN ST W. SANDMAN HOTEL…..416-798-8840…..55 READING COURT SCARBOURGH STATION INN…..416-299-7999…..8 DOWRY SOL MELLA…..416-533-8585…..622 COLLEGE ST STAY INN…..416-259-7899…..560 EVANS TRANS HOTEL…..416-591-5595…..??? WAVERLEY HOTEL…..416-921-2141…..484 SPADINA AVE. *** WILLOWDALE INN…..416-221-7236…..170 WILLOWDALE RD. WINDSOR ARMS…..416-971-9666…..18 ST THOMAS COLLEGE HOTEL…..416-929-4777…..278 AUGUSTA AVE DELUXE INN…..416-255-5205…..1554 THE QUEENSWAY SUPER 5 INN…..905-624-6424…..DUNDAS EAST/MISSISSAUGA PINECREST MOTEL…..905-669-1928…..2641 HWY 7 AMERICANA MOTEL…..416-261-7191…..2757 KINGSTON RD ANDREWS MOTELS…..416-267-1118…..2245 KINGSTON RD AVON MOTEL…..416-267-0339…..2800 KINGSTON RD BEACH MOTEL…..416-259-3296…..2183 LAKESHORE WEST BEST VALUE INN…..416-255-5500…..650 EVANS BEST WESTERN…..416-267-2213…..2121 KINGSTON RD COMFORT INN…..416-736-4700…..66 NORFINCH EASTSIDE MOTEL…..416-264-4250…..3300 KINGSTON RD EMERALD ISLE MOTEL…..905-889-5411…..8700 YONGE/RICHMOND HILL GRAND MOTEL…..416-281-8393…..4626 KINGSTON RD HAVANAP HOTEL…..416-265-2627…..2733 KINGSTON RD HENRY’S MOTEL…..416-254-4381…..2785 KINGSTON RD IDLEWOOD INN …..416-286-6861…..4212 KINGSTON RD LIDO MOTEL…..416-286-5555…..4674 KINGSTON RD MANOR MOTEL…..416-261-7184…..2740 KINGSTON RD MAPLE LEAF MOTEL…..416-281-6257…..4540 KINGSTON RD PARK MOTEL……416-261-7241…….3126 KINGSTON RD PARKWAY MOTEL…..905-356-0773…..4595 RIVER RD QUEENSWAY MOTEL…..416-252-5821…..638 THE QUEENSWAY ROYAL MOTEL…..416-267-1851…..2746 KINGSTON RD ROYCROFT MOTEL…..416-261-7177…..3137 KINGSTON RD SHORE BREEZE MOTEL…..416-251-9613…..2175 LAKESHORE WEST SUMMIT MOTEL…..905-884-9011…..11610 YONGE ST—RICHMOND HILL SUPER 8 MOTEL…..416-261-6125…..3280 KINGSTON RD SUTTON MOTEL…..905-722-5621….26274 HWY 48 GATEWAY INN…..416-284-9922…..4694 KINGSTON RD TRAVELOGUE DOWNTOWN…..416-504-7441…..621 KING WEST TRAVELOGUE NORTH…..416-663-9500…..50 NORFINCH MISSISSAUGA GATE INN…..905-276-9999….1938 DUNDAS WEST MISSISSAUGA BAY ST MOTEL…..416-971-8383…..650 BAY ST BACKPACKERS ON DUNDAS…..416-599-7225…..126 CHESTNUT ENDERBY MANOR…..416-699-9627…..101 ENDERBY HIGH PARK VILLA…..416-762-5047…..2140 BLOOR WEST INGLEWOOD ARMS…..416-964-0902…..295 JARVIS ST MILLS MANOR…..416-534-3724…..17 LAXTON NISHNABE HOMES…..416-368-7651…..244 CHURCH ST PARKVIEW ARM HOTEL…..416-504-6869…..935 QUEEN ST WEST ST SIMONS SHELTER….416-925-7475…..525 BLOOR ST EAST TOM CLO…..416 534 4031…..1516 KING ST WEST ANNEX GUEST HOUSE…..416-922-1934…..83 SPADINA RD AUGUSTA HOTEL……416-597-6864…..146 AUGUSTA DAYS INN…..416-261-8100…..2151 KINGSTON RD DELUXE INN…..416-252 5205…..1554 QUEENSWAY DRAKE HOTEL…..416-531-5042…..1150 QUEEN ST WEST DUNDAS SQUARE HOTEL…..416-504-2021…..223 CHURCH ST FILMORES HOTEL…..416-921-2191…..212 DUNDAS ST EAST GRANGE HOTEL…..416-603-7700…..165 GRANGE AVE ISABELLA HOTEL…..416-922-2203…..556 SHERBOURNE ST MADISON MANOR…..416-922-5579…..16 MADISON AVE TOWN INN…..416-964-3311…..620 CHURCH ST HOTEL LIKE…..905-707-8450…..YONGE/CLARK ROYAL YORK LAKESHORE…..416-255-8796…..SOUTH ETOBICOKE SHORT TERM PLACE,,,,,416 452 0977…..YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE EGLINTON INN…..416-267-4648…..2787 EGLINTON AVE EAST GLADSTONE HOTEL…..416-531-4635…..1214 QUEEN ST WEST JUN JUN HOTEL……416-349-9220…..374 COLLEGE AVE NEW BROADVIEW HOTEL…..416-466-4289…..106 BROADVIEW ST CLARES MULTIFAITH HOUSING SOCIETY…..416-534-5063…..180 SUDBURY VAUGHAN INN…..905-851-2831…..6700 HWY 7—WOODBRIDGE ALFRED FURNISHED APTS…..647-286-0309…..TORONTO—MAYBE GRAYDON HALL APARTMENTS…..416-447-2446…..100 GRAYDON HALL DRIVE ROSEMOUNT RESIDENCES…..416-340-1221…..50 JOHN ST NORTHAMPTON…..416-629-9992…..2601 MATHESON BLVD   TOURIST HOTEL…..416-399-9621…..DOWNTOWN TOURIST HOTEL…..416-918-6122…..YONGE/BLOOR NEW SECTION….
HIGH PARK VILLA…..416-762-5047….ROOMING HOUSE PARKVIEW MANOR…..416-518-7508…..ROOMING HOUSE…NEWMARKET PEMBROOKE RESIDENCE LTD…..416-925-2138…ROOMING HOUSE DOMINION ON QUEEN…..416-368-6893> ENDERBY MANOR…..416-699-9627> HIGH PARK VILLA…..416-762-5047> PALACE ARMS…..416-703-0516> NIAGHNAWBE HOMES…..416-368-7651/NATIVE HOUSING> GLOBAL VILLAGE…..416-703-8540> CANADA BACKPACKERS…..416-598-8940> BUTTERFINGERS…..416-792-3288> SUITE DREAMS…..416-538-0417> BY THE PARK…..416-520-6102> PLANET TRAVELLERS…..647-352-8747> LES AMIS…..416-591-0635> THREE TOWERS…..416-551-5725> CITY GUESTHOUSE…..416-829-1245> INGLEWOOD ARMS…..416-964-0902> CASTLEGATE INN…..416-323-1657> STATE STREET…..416-214-4846>: PIMBLITTS…..416-921-6898> DOWNTOWN HOME…..647-342-1010> ANNEX GUESTHOUSE…..416-922-1934> HIGH PK TOURIST HOME…..RM/$180-WK/416-537-3296>                                                    
$1100 AVENUE/WILSON   1BD   1-855-528-1978 BATHURST/LAWRENCE   1BD   1-855-581-4370 BLOOR/KIPLING   1BD   1-855-248-4604 KEELE/LAWRENCE   1BD   1=866-782-1554 YONGE/EGLINTON   1BD   1-888-717-1631 AVENUE/WILSON   1BD   1-844-619-1803 WOODBINE/GERRARD   1BD   1-866-571-3823 JANE/STEELES   1BD   $975   1-855-282-5314 YONGE/SHEPPARD   1BD   1-855-248-4519 BURHAMTHORPE/HWY 427   1BD   1-844-580-5733 ORTON PARK/LAWRENCE   1BD   1-888-535-4251 BAY/DUNDAS   1BD+   1-855-229-4162 DUPONT/BATHURST   1BD   1-844-997-1140 KNIGHTSBRIDGE/BATHURST   1-866-711-0236   MONTCLAIRE/SPADINA RD   1BD   1-844-206 OR 200 1057 DUNDAS/DUFFERIN   1BD   1-866-930-6658 DON MILLS/SHEPPARD   1BD   1-866-792-5675 LAKESHORE/KIPLING   1BD   $1100  416-259=0550> QUEENSWAY/BLOOR    1BD   $1100  416-913-7480> KEELE/LAWRENCE      1BD   $1100  416-242-2452> HUMBER BLVD/?    1BD   $798   416-769-4119>
KEELE 2BD 1-866-930-6827 YONGE/EGLINTON 2BD 1-888-717-1631 QUEEN/PARLIAMENT  2BD 1-855-227-1102 KNIGHTBRIDGE/BATHURST   2BD 1-866-711-0236 BATHURST/LAWRENCE   2BD 1-855-881-4370 ST CLAIR/VAUGHAN   2BD 1-844-997-1139 AVENUE/WILSON  2BD 1-855-528-1978 LAWRENCE/BIRCHMOUNT  2BD   1-844-925-1870 CHURCH/QUEEN 2BD 1-855-248-4557 DUPONT/BATHURST 2BD 1-844-997-1140 BAY/DUNDAS 2BD+
1-855-229-4162 BATHURST/LAWRENCE  3BD 1-855-0581-4370 WESTON/CHURCH 3BD 1-866-930-7274 BAYVIEW/HWY 401 3BD 1-855-581-4322 SHEPPARD/DON MILLS 3BD 1-855-581-4322 BLOOR/MARKLAND 3BD 1-855-283-4436 DON MILLS/SHEPPARD 3BD 1-866-792-5625 DANFORTH/VICTORIA PK 3BD 1-855-234-9798 ISLINGTON/HWY 401 3BD $1575 416-744-1689> ISLINGTON/HWY 401 3BD $1625
416-744-1689> BERRY PARKLAWN   BACH   $1100   1-844-959-5790 MAIN/DANFORTH   BACH   $1035   1-855-234-9798 DUPONT/BATHURST   BACH   1-844-997-1140 ORTON PK/LAWRENCE   BACH   1-855-234-9798’ DANFORTH/VICTORIA PK   BACH   1-855-234-9798 JANE/WESTON   BACH   $945   1-888-563-0028 OVERLEA/THORNCLIFFE   BACH   $1100   1-855-347-1302 JANE/EGLINTON   BACH   $950   1-844-959-5792 LAKESHORE/KIPLING BACH $1025   416-259-9559 BLOOR/BATHURST    BACH $725    416-531-8003> SHERBOURNE/DUNDAS BACH $920    416-961-1353> HUMBER/?          BACH $590    416-769-4119> WESTON/EGLINTON   ROOM   $500   416-436-0206 AVENUE/WILSON   JR1BD   1-855-528-1976    
YORK REGION LATE NOVEMBER HOLLAND LANDING ROOM 289-383-1438 TOTTENHAM ROOM $90 437-778-7065 WOODBRIDGE ROOM $500 905-605-3286 RICHMOND HILL BACH 1ST MONTH FREE 1-866-400-4179 RICHMOND HILL BACH $800 905-737-0951 WOODBRIDGE 1BD 905-417-5765 MAPLE 1BD $950 416-267-2853 HAMILTON? 1BD $1079 1-844-649-4974 WOODBRIDGE 1BD 905-417-5765 KESWICK 1BD $775 905-955-9502 HOLLAND LANDING 1BD $1025 905-478-4124 WOODBRIDGE 1BD+ C 416-570-7404 NEWMARKET 1BD 905-383-7258 THORNHILL 1BD $900 905-881-7780 NEWMARKET 1BD $700 437-774-9704 WOODBRIDGE 1BD $900 289-553-4893 NEWMARKET 3BD $1600 905-717-2977 BEETON 3BD $80O 905-729-0775 HOLLAND LANDING 3BD $1300 905-836-3431 KESWICK 3BD $1600 905-717-2977
DURHAM REGION LATE NOVEMBER OSHAWA BACH $870 1-855-503-2594> OSHAWA JR1BD $970 1-855-503-2594> OSHAWA 1BD 1-888-883-8455> OSHAWA 1BD $1070 1-855-503-2594> OSHAWA 1BD 1-888-883-8454> OSHAWA 2BD 1-855-503-2523> OSHAWA 2BD 1-877-797-0084> OSHAWA 2BD 1-888-883-8436> OSHAWA 3BD 1-888-883-8454> OSHAWA 3BD $1450 1-888-503-2594> OSHAWA 3BD $1600 1-844-850-3778> OSHAWA 3BD $1329 1-855-269-3492> PICKERING 3BD $1650 905-831-1250> AJAX 3BD $1500 647-221-3558>
PEEL REGION LATE NOVEMBER MISSISSAUGA RM 905-670-7670> MISSISSAUGA RM 905-542-9580> 7MISSISSAUGA RM+BATH 905-542-9580> MISSISSAUGA BACH $1095 1-877-841-0796> MISSISSAUGA BACH $1100 1-855-436-4473> MISSISSAUGA 2BD 1-844-598-7447> MISSISSAUGA 2BD 905-785-3834> MISSISSAUGA BACH $950 905-673-1918> MISSISSAUGA 3BD $1525 905-673-1918> BRAMPTON RM $100 416-828-6136> BRAMPTON FRN-RM $135 905-456-3447> BRAMPTON BACH $950 1-855-436-4473> BRAMPTON BACH $950 1-877-730-7244> BRAMPTON 1BD 647-298-8629> BRAMPTON 1BD 647-571-6576> BRAMPTON 1BD-SA $600 647-702-4313> BRAMPTON BACH $925 905-457-31O4> BRAMPTON 3BD $1650 905-457-3104> BRAMPTON BACH $925 905-456-2777> BRAMPTON 3BD $1650 905-456-2777> BRAMPTON BACH $925 905-791-0608> BRAMPTON 3BD $1650 905-791-0608> BRAMPTON BACH $925 905-792-1175> BRAMPTON 3BD $1650 905-792-1175> OAKVILLE 1BD 905-483-7710> OAKVILLE 1BD-SA $750 416-540-1219> CAMPBELVILLE 1BD 519-824-4571>
HAMILTON LATE NOVEMBER WILSON/WELLINGTON  1BD $1000 1-877-646-2343> BARTON/PARKDALE BACH $800 1=844-905-2059> 100 MAIN ST E. 1BD $1050 1-855-7174305> CONCESSION/UPPER GAGE 1BD $999  1-844-541-4985> QUEEN/MAIN 1BD $1100 1-8669-993-5140> DUNDURN/KING BACH $750 1-844-959-5798> MAIN W/OSLER 2BD $??? 1-888-622-4821> JOHN/MAIN 1BD $1075 1-866-984-3614> JAMES/CHARLTON BACH $990 1-844-627-9802  STONEY CREEK> 155 MARKET 1BD $975 1=844-850-3815> 235 REBECCA ST BACH $800 1-877-646-2343> 40 YOUNG ST 1BD $1075 1-866-984-3615> 59 JEROME CRES 1BD $1099 1-844-822-1953  STONEY CREEK> WHITNEY/MERICOURT  1BD $1049 1-844-357-4746> 98 MAIN ST W. 1BD $1050 1-855-707-8186> 75 BARLAKE BLVD 1BD $935 905-561-1397> 12 PROCTOR BLVD 1BD $1079 1-844-877-5439> 99 HERKIMER ST JR-1BD $1025 1-877-830-7764> 255 BOLD ST JR-1BD $1025 1-877-810-5305> 222 BAY ST S. BACH $165 905-877-1973> 59 YOUNG ST BACH $925 1-866-984-3615> DUNDURN N./KING W. BACH $750 1-844-959-5798> 8 EAST/36TH 2BD $1099 1-844-541-4985> 51 81 HUGHSON ST S. BACH $925 1-888-984-3630> 366 MELVIN AVE BACH $925 1-844-9O5-3O59> 76 AIKMAN AVE 1BD $1064 1-844-766-2515> 21 BEN LOMEND PL JR-1BD $899 1-844-822-1943> 1001 MAIN ST W. JR-1BD $95O 1-855-7O7-8182> QUEEN/MAIN BACH $925 1-866-993-514O> 161 EAST AVE S. BACH $025 1-844-357-4763> 44 QUEEN N. 1BD $1988 1-844-53P-5739> 123 CHARLTON AVE N  1BD $969 1-844-541-4948> 355 MELVIN AVE 1BD $97O 1-844-9O5-2O59> 235 REBECCA ST 1BD $1O5O 1-877-646-2343> 100 MAIN ST E. 1BD $1O5O 1-855-717-43O5> 199 MAIN ST W. 1BD $1O5O 1-855-707-8182> 256 BOLD SY 1BD $959 1-844-8O2-892O> 575 QUEENSTON RD 1BD $95O 905-573-1626> 125 WELLINGTON ST N. 2BD $75O 1-866-71O-8656> 10 BEN LOMOND PL BACH $1O5O 1-888-99O-7548> 151 HUGHSON ST S. 1BD $1O75 1-888-984-363O> 1868 MAIN ST W. BACH $1OO5 1-877-83O-85O1> 222 BAY ST S. 1BD $1OOO 9O5-577-1973> 2641 KING ST E. 1BD $949 1-844-359-5634> 265 MELVIN AVE 1BD $91O 905-547-6617> 123-125 BOLD ST BACH $925 1-877-81O-8226> 43 FOREST AVE 1BD $1O75 1-866-984-3644> 12 PROCTOR BLVD 1BD $1O79 1-844-877-5439> 265 MELVIV AVE 1BD $975 905-547-6617> 17 ROBINSON ST 1BD ???? 905-523-8224> 99 HERKIMER 1BD $1075 1-877-83O-1764> 156 MARKET ST 1BD $975 1-844-85O-3516> 877 UPPER GAGE AVE BACH $990 905-318-6135> 145-165 QUEEN ST S BACH $925 1-866-993-514O> 17 ROBINSON ST 1BD ???? 905-523-8224> 222 GAGE AVE S. BACH $925 1-877-83O-738O> 187 PARK ST 1BD $1100 1-866-571-85O4> 16 HELEN ST 3BD $1600 1-877-819-86O2> 221 MELVIN AVE 3BD $15OO 1-888-782-7761> 59 YOUNG ST 3BD $155O 1-866-984-3615> 235 REBECCA ST 3BD $15OO 1-877-646-2343> 111 BARTON ST 3BD $1399 1-844-357-5578> 255 BOLD ST 3BD $1500 1-877-81O-83O5> 100 MAIN SAT W. 3BD $1450 1-855-7O7-8182> HAMILTON 3BDh $1650 905-971-1771>
BRANTFORD 2BDTH ????? 1=844-303-8738> BRANTFORD 3BDTH $1395 1-844-3O3-8738> BRANTFORD 4BDTH ????? 1-8440303-8738> BRANTFORD 1BD $1055 1-877-898-1332> BRANTFORD 3BD $1400 1-866-939-3594>
BOLTON 1BD $1000 416-882-9959>
BURLINGTON 4BDH ? 647-680-9009> BURLINGTON 1BD ? 905-639-8583> BURLINGTON 3BD ? 905-632-2601> BURLINGTON 3BD $1550 1-855-237-6730> BURLINGTON 3BD $1649 1-866-619-1870> BURLINGTON 3BD ? 905-632-2601
BARRIE LATE NOVEMBER BARRIE 2BD ? 1-866-710-6003> BARRIE 2BD ? 1-866-710-8019> BARRIE 2BD ? 1-866-711-0745> BARRIE 1BD ? 1-866-710-8019> BARRIE ROOM $110 705-721-4795> BARRIE BACH $1025 1-844-959-5800> BARRIE 2BD ? 1-866-710-8492> BARRIE 1BD ? 1-866-710-8492 BARRIE 2BD ? 705-737-4463> BARRIE 2BD ? 705-726-4991> BARRIE 3BDTH $1600 1-888-418-7521>                    
SARNIA 1BD $880 519-344-9361 GEORGE ST> SARNIA 2BD $955 519-337-4049 TRILLIUM PK> SARNIA 1BD $850 519-337-4049 TRILLIUM PK> SARNIA JR1BD $790 519-334-9361 GEORGE ST> SARNIA 2BD $850    1-888-553-7021 DURAND ST> SARNIA 2BD $955 519-337-7021 TRILLIUM PK> SARNIA 2BDTH $895 1-844-561-1297 HAMPTON AVE> SARNIA 1BD $750 1-888-553-7021 DURAND ST> SARNIA 1BD $850 519-337-4049 EXMOUTH ST> SARNIA 2BD $950 519-344-9361 GEORGE ST> SARNIA 2BD $955 519-337-4049 EXMOUTH ST> SARNIA BACH $650 1-866-267-3625 QUEEN ST> SARNIA  1BD $850 519-337-4049 EXMOUTH ST> SARNIA 2BD $850   1-866-267-3625 QUEEN ST> SARNIA 2BD $897 519-344-9361 N FORSYTH ST> SARNIA 2BD $897 519-337-4049 BRENCHLEY ST>
1231 HURON ST 2BD $900 1-866-711-7696> 463 COMMISSIONERS RD W 1BD  $889  519-473-9184> CHEAPSIDE S./HIGHBURY N.1BD  $759  1-888-553-0961> 490 SCENIC 1BD $877 1-855-482-4594> 165 EMERY W. 1BD $799 1-877-393-1512> 1231 HURON 1BD $800    1-866-711-7696> 1231 HURON 2BD $900 1-866-711-7696> 706 BASELINE W. 2BD $949 1-866-720-7003> 1 FRONTENAC 1BD $817 833-374-5993> 380 SOUTHDALE E. 1BD $899 1-866-720-7000> 1230 SANFORD BACH $759 1-866-729-2764> 1123-1131 ROYAL YORK  2BD $890 226-785-0455> 135 CONNAUGHT 2BD $870 1-844-850-3798> 470 SCENIC BACH $817 1-855-482-4504> 20 GAMMAGE 1BD $759 1-866-731-9486> 20 GAMMAGE 2BD $799 1-866-731-9486> 10 BEECHWOOD BACH $845 1-866-221-3964> 112 ARBOUR GLEN 2BD $899 1-866-735-1481> 465 CASTLEGROOVE 1BD $879 1-844-797-1682> 1230 SANFORD 2BD $899 1-866-724-2764> ADELAIDE/HURON 2BD $925 1-866-984-9301> 724 FANSHAWE 1BD $930 519-675-0900> 470 SCENIC 1BD $937 1-855-482-4594> 230 MARCON 1BD $779 1-844-797-1685> 403 COMMISSIONERS  2BD $999 519-473-9184> 106 BASELINE W. 1BD $889 1-866-720-7003> 1231 HURON BACH $925 1-866-711-7695> 724 FANSHAWE E. 1BD $930 519-675-0900> 563 MORNINGTON 2BD $915 1-855-346-6195> 112 ARBOUR GLEN 1BD $799 1-866-735-1481> 165 EMERY W. 2BD $869 1-877-393-1512> 740-758 KIPPS 1BD $749 1-877-725-0602> 1265 BENTLEY 1BD $995 1-844-473-1625> 311 CENTRAL 1BD $940 519-432-8200> 848-852 KIPPS 2BD $965 226-785-1965> 30 CONWAY 2BD $999 1-855-737-3134> 1126 ADELAIDE BACH $915 1-877-536-5773> 165 EMERY W. BACH $759 1-877-343-1512> CHEAPSIDE/HIGHBURY BACH $650 1-888-553-0961> 848-852 KIPPS BACH $775 226-735-1905> 380 SOUTHDALE E. BACH $699 1-866-720-7009> 1231 HURON BACH $725 1-866-711-7606> 106 BASELINE W. 3BD $1249 1-866-720-7003> 1511 ALDERSBROOK 3BDTH $1159 1-866-731-3151> 375-433 RIDGEWOOD 3BDTH $1189 1-855-237-6282> 1549-1566 TOSSACKS 3BD $1500 1-844-850-3799> 1231 HURON 3BD $1025 1-866-711-7696> 112 ARBOURGLEN 3BD $1149 1-866-735-1481> 1231 HURON 3BD $1225 1-866-711-7696> 1000 SOUTHDALE E.  3BD $1129 1-866-729-2765> 1511 ALDERSBROOKE  4BD $1199 1=866-731-3151>
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canuckus · 4 months
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A Westjet Boeing B-737-700 under stormy skies.
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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flightsimcom · 2 years
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sistamagza · 3 years
SA Helpline Numbers For Victims Of Gender-Based Violence
New Post has been published on https://sistamag.co.za/sa-helpline-numbers-for-victims-of-gender-based-violence/
SA Helpline Numbers For Victims Of Gender-Based Violence
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Being a woman in South Africa today is a lot. South Africa has one of the highest rates of violence against women and girls in the world. Given the figures, in 2018 alone, President Cyril Ramaphosa said, 2 700 women in the country and more than 1 000 children died at the hands of men.
Below are SA Helpline Numbers For Victims Of Gender-Based Violence.
National helpline numbers
National GBV Helpline 0800 150 150 LifeLine South Africa 0861 322 322 AIDS Helpline 0800 012 322 National Counselling Line 0861 322 322 Childline South Africa 0800 055 555 South African Police Service 10111 Legal Aid 0800 110 110
Other useful contacts
AIDS Consortium 011 403 0265 Crime Stop 086 001 0111 Human Rights Commission 011 877 3600 Lifeline Sexual Health Line 086 132 2322 Love Life 080 012 1900 Marie Stopes South Africa 080 011 7785 People Opposing Women Abuse 011 642 4345 Rape Crisis 021 447 9762 Tears Foundation (free SMS helpline) *134*7355# Suicide Help 080 056 7567 The South African Depression and Anxiety Group 080 021 2223 Toll Free Crisis Line 086 157 4747
Thuthuzela Care Centres
Thuthuzela Care Centres are one-stop facilities where a rape survivor receives medical, psychosocial and legal support. They have been introduced as a critical part of South Africa’s anti-rape strategy, aiming to reduce secondary victimisation, improve conviction rates and reduce the cycle time for finalisation of cases.
Province Thuthuzela Care Centre Contact Number Eastern Cape Bizana TCC St Patrick’s Hospital, Bizana 039 251 0236 Butterworth TCC Butterworth Hospital, Butterworth 047 491 2506 Dora Nginza TCC Dora Nginza Hospital, Port Elizabeth 041 406 4111 Libode TCC St Barnabas Hospital, Nyandeni Region 047 568 6274 Grey Hospital TCC Grey Hospital, King William’s Town 043 643 3300 Lusikisiki TCC St Elizabeth Hospital, Lusikisiki 039 253 5000 Mdantsane TCC Cecilia Makiwane Hospital, East London 043 761 2023 Mthatha TCC Mthatha General Hospital, Mthatha 047 502 4000 Taylor Bequest TCC Taylor Bequest Hospital, Matatiele 039 737 3107 Free State Bongani TCC Health Complex (Old Provincial Hospital) Long Road Street, Welkom 057 355 4106 Metsimaholo TCC Metsimaholo District Hospital, 8 Langenhoven Street, Sasolburg 016 973 3997 Phekolong TCC Phekolong Hospital 2117 Riemland Road Bohlokong, Bethlehem 058 304 3023 Tshepong TCC National District Hospital, Roth Avenue, Willows, Bloemfontein 051 448 6023 Gauteng Baragwanath/Nthabiseng TCC Chris Hani Bara Hospital, Chris Hani Road, Diepkloof 011 933 1206 Kopanong TCC Kopanong Hospital, Duncanville, Vereeniging 016 428 5959 Laudium TCC Laudium Hospital & Community Health Centre 012 374 3710 Lenasia TCC Lenasia Hospital, Lenasia South, Johannesburg 011 211 0632 Mamelodi TCC Mamelodi Day Hospital 012 841 8413 Masakhane TCC Tembisa Hospital, Tembisa 011 923 2180 Sinakekelwe TCC Natalspruit Hospital 011 909 5832 KwaZulu-Natal Edendale TCC Edendale Hospital, Pietermaritzburg 033 395 4325 Madadeni TCC Madadeni Hospital, Newcastle 034 328 8000 Empangeni TCC Ngwelezana Hospital, Empangeni 035 901 7000 Phoenix TCC Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital 031 502 1719 Port Shepstone TCC Port Shepstone Regional Hospital, Port Shepstone 039 688 6021 RK Khan TCC RK Khan Hospital, Westcliffe 031 459 6000 Stanger TCC Stanger Provincial Hospital, Stanger 032 437 6000 Umlazi TCC Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital, Umlazi 031 907 8496 Limpopo Groblersdal TCC Groblersdal Hospital, Groblersdal 013 262 3024 Mangkweng TCC Mangkweng Hospital, Polokwane 015 286 1000 Mokopane TCC Mokopane Hospital, Mokopane 015 483 4000 Musina TCC Musina Hospital, Musina 072 287 5263 Nkhensani TCC Nkhensani Hospital, Giyani 015 812 0227 Seshego TCC Seshego Hospital, Seshego 015 223 0483 Tshilidzini TCC Tshilidzini Hospital, Thohoyandou 015 964 3257 Mpumalanga Ermelo TCC Ermelo Hospital, Ermelo 017 811 2031 Themba TCC Themba Hospital, Kabokweni 013 796 9623 Tonga TCC Tonga Hospital, Nkomazi 013 780 9231 Witbank TCC Witbank Hospital, Witbank 013 653 2208 Northern Cape De Aar TCC Central Karoo Hospital, De Aar 053 631 2123 Galeshewe TCC Galeshewe Day Hospital, Kimberley 053 830 8900 Kuruman TCC Kuruman Hospital, Kuruman 073 334 3208 Springbok TCC Van Niekerk Hospital, Springbok 027 712 1551 North West Job Shimankane Tabane TCC Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital Cnr Heystek & Bosch Street, Rustenburg 014 590 5474 Klerksdorp TCC Klerksdorp Hospital, Benji Oliphant Road Jouberton, Klerksdorp 018 465 2828 Mafikeng TCC Mafikeng Provincial Hospital, Lichtenburg Road, Mafikeng 018 383 7001 Potchefstroom TCC Potchefstroom Hospital Cnr Botha & Chris Hani Street, Potchefstroom 018 293 4659 Western Cape George TCC George Provincial Hospital, Davidson Road, Glen Barrie, George 044 873 4858 Heideveld  TCC Heideveld Community Health Clinic, Heideveld, Cape Town 021 699 0474 Karl Bremer TCC Karl Bremer Hospital Cnr Mike Pienaar Boulevard & Frans Conradie Avenue, Belville 021 948 0861 Khayelitsha TCC Khayelitsha Hospital, Lwandle Road, Site B, Khayelitsha 021 360 4570 Worcester TCC Worcester Hospital, Murray Street, Worcester 023 348 1294 Wesfleur TCC Wesfleur Hospital, Wesfleur Circle, Atlantis 021 571 8043
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
ملک میں سونے کی فی تولہ قیمت میں 700 روپے کا اضافہ
ملک میں سونے کی فی تولہ قیمت میں 700 روپے کا اضافہ
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آج ملک میں سونے کی فی تولہ قیمت میں 700 روپے کا اضافہ ہوا ہے۔ 
سندھ صرافہ بازار جیولرز ایسوسی ایشن کے مطابق اس اضافے کے بعد ملک میں ایک تولہ سونے کی قیمت ایک لاکھ 8 ہزار 300 روپے ہے۔
ایسوسی ایشن کے مطابق 10 گرام سونے کی قدر 600 روپے اضافے سے 92 ہزار 850 روپے ہے۔
اسی طرح عالمی صرافہ بازار میں سونے کی قدر 7 ڈالر اضافے سے ایک ہزار 737 ڈالر فی اونس ہے۔
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Commercial Aircraft Lighting Market to Demonstrate a Strong Growth Over 2027 – MRFR
Commercial Aircraft Lighting Market – Overview
The Global Commercial Aircraft Lighting Market is growing with the rapid pace. According to a recent study report published by the Market Research Future, The global market of commercial aircraft lighting will grow at a rapid pace over the forecast period. The market is forecasted to witness slow but steady growth by 2021, which will be a surplus growth at a moderate CAGR during the projected period (2016 -2021).  
The high demand for aircraft lighting is due to the growth in the commercial aircraft. An aircraft are equipped with various types of light to improve visibility during flight.  Improved passenger experience as well as the growing demand for navigation technologies fuels the growth of the commercial aircraft lighting market. Moreover, rising disposable incomes and macroeconomic development will boosts the market growth. The increase in aircraft orders, growing passenger traffic, need for improved lighting systems for passenger experience are estimated to gain higher popularity during the forecast period. However, the cost associated with modern lighting systems, issues related to its fittings, and growing aircraft backlogs, issues related to its fittings, and growing aircraft backlogs acts as a barrier for the growth of commercial aircraft lighting market.
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The commercial aircraft lighting market is completely dependent on the commercial aircraft. Thus, the increasing or decreasing demand of the commercial aircraft is directly has an impact on the market. The high purchasing power has eased travel in flight, due to which there has been a rise in the passenger traffic. Another factor responsible for the increase in commercial aircraft sale is the macroeconomic development and the rise in the global middle class consumers. This is the primary factor that drives the growth of the commercial aircraft lighting and has gained prevalence in the recent times, with growing passenger traffic and need for improved lighting systems for passenger experience. Thus, the growth of the commercial aircraft lighting market is expected to go hand in hand with the growth of commercial aircraft.
The aircraft industry as a whole is a capital intensive industry. The dynamic business environment and cut throat competition in the market constantly requires influx of capital to update their technology to cope with increasing passenger traffic. Development of new generation aircraft requires constant research & development support thus resulting in extensive capital investment at a constant rate. In the current scenario, manufacturers are pushing for such feature including navigation lights, anti-collision beacon lights, logo lights, wing lights, taxi lights, landing lights and runway turnoff lights in order to acquire a greater market share than their competitors.  Such cut throat competition in the aircraft industry requires massive investments at a regular basis, thus the high capital investment in the commercial aircraft lighting system.
Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:
October, 2017 – STG Aerospace has partnered with Spice Jet in a cabin lighting retrofit programme which will see the airplane upgrade its fleet of 737-700/ -800/ -900 with LED aftermarket ambient lighting solution.
November, 2015 – Zodiac Aerospace inaugurated a new facility “Zodiac Aerospace Services Middle East” in Dubai. It allows to serve its customers in the area, by reinforcing repair and logistics capabilities and shortening its lead times.
Commercial Aircraft Lighting Market – Segmentation
The Global Commercial Aircraft Lighting Market is segmented in to 5 key dynamics for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding;
Segmentation by Aircraft Type       : Comprises NBA, WBA and RTA
Segmentation by Fit              : Comprises Linefit and Retrofit
Segmentation by Light Type            : Comprises Interior and Exterior
Segmentation by Technology           : Comprises LED, OLED, Custom and Traditional
Segmentation by Regions                 : Comprises Geographical regions - North America, Europe, APAC and Rest of the World.
Commercial Aircraft Lighting Market: Regional Analysis
Asia-Pacific is dominating the market of commercial aircraft lighting market due to factors such as large customer base and high disposable income of end-users have fuelled the demand for vehicles in the country. With approximately 40% of all new airplanes being delivered to airlines based in the Asia Pacific region.
North America is referred to as the second-largest commercial aircraft lighting market due to growth in passenger aircraft manufacturers.  Development of passenger aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Bombardier are driving the market for commercial aircraft lighting market. The market in the developing countries is largely driven by military expenditure, which helps in growth of commercial aircraft lighting market. Key Players 
Diehl Stiftung & Co. Kg., Zodiac Aerospace, United Technologies Corporation, B/E Aerospace, Inc., Luminator Aerospace, Cobham PLC, Honeywell International Inc., STG Aerospace Limited, Astronics, and Diehl Aerosystems and others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the Global Commercial Aircraft Lighting Market.
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NOTE: Our Team of Researchers are Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
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