#BAAOA series
fictional-mind21 · 1 year
BAAOA -Part 1 (The Meet)
Characters: Y/N, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, and Vision
Synopsis: Meeting the Earth’s Mightiest Hero’s
Warnings: The bold letters are the readers thoughts. Otherwise, none?
Word Count: 933 (Thought this would be longer)
a/n: Also, Gifs aren’t mine.
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You sneak behind the door
“Y/n, here’s no point in trying to hide I know it's you“ Tony said
Not coming out of your hiding place nor responding you sneak deeper into the poorly lit hallway suddenly bumping into someone
Your eyes widen turning around quickly to try and cancel out the noise but its already too late
You hear the figure say 
“shhh“ you whispered as quietly as you could holding your index finger to your mouth
“Y/N you don’t actually believe you can scare me, right?“ Tony says his voice getting closer
“So i’m guessing your Y/n??“
You put your hand up to their mouth
Holding his arms out in surrender “MMK“
“nice try, Y/N“ you heard a stern voice from behind you say
“Uggghhh so close“ you say annoyed, glaring at the person in front of you
You turn around and smile genuinely happy just annoyed that you couldn't surprise him
“TONY!!!!“ you hug him
“Hey kiddo“ he says spinning you around
“You have a kid?!?”
Both of you turn around forgetting there’s somebody else in the room.
You glare at him while Tony introduces you guys
“Y/n, this is Sam Wilson“ he says
“Wilson, this is y/n”
“Your kid??!!” Sam says utterly bemused
“My niece“ Tony clarifies
“ouch“ you scoffed trying not to laugh
“you didn't let me finish“ he says pretending to be annoyed
“Sorry continue great sir“ You bow mockingly
He turns serious facing Sam “She’s like a daughter to me and we all know what a flirt you are but hurt her and you're in trouble with me.”
“Got it“ Sam says
“He's joking” you say as Tony walks away but turns back when he realizes you aren’t behind him
“I can kick your ass myself” you say walking toward Tony but turning back to look at Sam
“Got it“ Sam says surrendering with his hands up
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The Next Day
“So you ready to meet the team?“ Tony asks you outside the door of the conference room
“Ye-Yeah“ you say, your breath shaking
Tony looks at you concerned
“You know, we can do this another time.You don’t have to meet earth's mightiest heroes when you know Iron Man.“
You smile
What if they hate me? What if they laugh at me?
“Look, for what it's worth you’re one of my favorite people“ he says as if reading your mind
“That’s because you have to, we’re family“ you laugh the tension in your chest easing a bit
“What’s that got to do with anything?“ he says raising an eyebrow
“Ok i’ll give you that one“ a small smile appearing on your face
“You ready?“
You take a deep breath in
“yeah, let’s do this“
“Plus, even you should know that even if we weren’t family I have very high standards“ he says looking back at you and opening the conference room door
You laugh, finally feeling the clenching hand on your chest let go. Still nervous but not anxious you walk into the conference room and turn to face the team as you hear Tony say
“Guys I called this meeting because there’s someone I want you to meet“
All the conversation stop and all eyes turn to Tony but he looks at you
“Hi” you say making all eyes turn to you
“Y/n!!“ you hear a familiar voice say
“Sam“ you say glaring at him jokingly
“Is that your name?“ a girl says smiling, helping you feel at ease
“Yeah, my name is y/n. I’m Tony’s niece. My mother was his sister.“
“You had a sister?“ You hear another girl say with her arms crossed, making her look intimidating
“Yes geez, I don’t have to tell you guys everything. Just wanted to introduce her because she’ll be staying with us“
“Well, I’m Wanda“ says the girl who’s smile put you at ease
“Steve Rogers“ you hear a guy with dirty blonde hair say
“Name’s Natasha Romanoff“
“and your friend Sam, of course“
You laugh
“How do you guys know each other?“ you hear Steve and Nat say
“Sorry don’t take it personally, if you couldn’t tell from before Nat likes knowing everything but Steve’s just curious“ Wanda says
“Its okay, We actually met yesterday“ you say
“Yeah I was walking in the hallway yesterday all peaceful when I was suddenly attacked“ Sam says
You roll your eyes unable to contain the chuckle that escapes
“Oh so its like that”
“Just being honest“ he says holing his hands up and shrugging his shoulders, feigning innocence
“I was trying to surprise Tony when this annoying voice alerted Tony of my presence“
“Well this competition ought to be fun“ Tony says rolling his eyes
Steve chuckles shaking his head and Nat smirks
“Before I forget kiddo there one other person who you haven’t met“
You look at him waiting for him to continue
“Sergeant James Barnes, he’s on assignment right now so you won’t get to meet him till later“ Tony says
“Or ever, considering how much he likes to spends his alone“ Sam says
“Where is she gonna sleep, Tony?“ Vision says
Tony let you slept at a hotel last night knowing how useless it would be to argue with you
“There’s a spare room on the first floor“
“but if you want top floor i’ll trade with you“ Wanda says
“Is it really the first floor if the floor is still above other floors?“ Vision asks lost in thought
They both look at you questioningly
“It's okay i’ll take the first floor“
Here goes nothing
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fictional-mind21 · 1 year
BAAOA -Part 2 (Bound to Bond)
Characters: Y/N, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, and [a smidge of] Tony Stark
Synopsis: A theory is made and a piece of the past is revealed
Warnings: Language, none?
Word Count: 798
a/n: I was gonna post this on the 18th I just forgot, sorry guys. Also, Gifs aren’t mine.
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A week and a half later
*Knock knock*
“Come in“ you say
“Hey, Steve”
“Just came in to tell you that I have to leave“
“Bucky needs some help with the mission“
“oh ok“
“Just don’t tell him I told you that. He doesn’t like admitting he needs help“
“Got it“ you laugh
“Now that I think about it, you two will probably get along. Your very similar“ he says as walks in
You roll your eyes smiling
“You spend a lot of your time in your room and like being alone most of the time”
“That’s because it’s quiet!!” you say laughing throwing a pillow at him but he catches it
"They don’t realize until its to late that you may be quiet but your not afraid to call someone out” Nat says behind him
Afraid? Yes, but others should’t suffer because of it
“Hey!! Why are you ganging up on me?“ you say laughing, throwing another pillow towards Nat
“Came in here to tell the fossil the quinjet is ready“ Nat say walking in leaning on the wall
”That’s my cue“ he says waving goodbye
“Bye Steve“
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3 Days Later
*Knock knock*
You get up to open the door
“I just realized you’ve been here for approximately 2 weeks and we’ve never talked about dating“ Nat says smirking and wiggling her eyebrows when she sees you
“There’s really nothing to tell“ you say flopping down on your bed
“Hey“ Wanda says peeking her head through the door
Her voice startles you and you bolt upright from the bed
“Hey” both you and Nat say in unison
“What’re you guys talking about?“
“Try reading my mind and finding out“ Nat says a challenging look appearing on her face
I forgot Wanda could read minds
“You know that I don’t make it a habit to read people’s minds. Especially the people who live in this tower, it breaks trust. Plus, you remember what happend last time“
“What happend last time?“ you say a little shocked, a little intruiged
“The guy lost his mind. ANYWAY back to the point, what's your story with guys?“
“That’s all? The guy lost his mind point, blank, period? No elaboration?“
“Not until you answer the question“
“I told you, there’s really nothing to tell“
“Come on!!! There’s gotta be something?“
“Don’t spare ANY details, we want the LONG story“
“Whatever your comfortable sharing is fine“ Wanda says
“Don’t give her ideas!!“ Nat says looking exasperated
“Do you want to hear the story or not?“ you laugh
“Yes!! Hurry!! Get on with it”
Wanda closes the door and goes to sit next to you on the bed while Nat pulls up a chair
“There’s were only ever 2 guys in my entire life“
They wait for you to continue
“The first guy is simple. I fell hard for him and I thought we had a connection. We kissed once but didn’t make anything official. Didn’t see him for about 5 months and then when I did finally see him, he was distant. Found out from a friend that in those five months he managed to get a girlfriend“
“Ouch“ Wanda says
“yeah“ you reply
“What a loser! NEXT“ Nat yells
“First guy I ever dated is the simplest of all. We dated then the chemistry died out, so we broke it off“
“So you got a crush now?” Nat says
“NAT!!” Wanda says throwing a pillow at her
“OKAY!! Sorry, How long ago was that?” she asks curiously
“4 years ago“
“So you got a crush now?” she asks again
“What about Steve?“ Wanda says
You wince
“I’ll take that reaction as a No“
“Look don’t get me wrong Steve IS a good guy and he’s good looking and all but we don't really have that much in common“
“Okay, What about Sam?” Nat asks
“Sam’s is also good guy and he’s good looking but he’s like a brother to me“
“All hope is lost“ Wanda says dramatically flopping backwards onto the bed
You put your index finger to your lips making a “shhh” sign and wink at Nat
“There is Vision“ You say trying not contain your smile
“What!“ she says bolting upright from the bed
Nat catching onto your plan, adds “He does seem like good boyfriend material“
“Hey!!“ she say throwing another pillow at Nat hitting her in the face
This makes you both burst out laughing
“We’re joking Wands“
“The synthezoid is all yours” Nat says smirking
“Hmph” she pouts
“Come on Wanda it was a joke“ Nat says
“Please Almighty Queen forgive us“ you say
“You are forgiven peasants“ she says shaking her head smiling
You all laugh
*Knock knock*
“Come in!!“
Tony walks in
“They’re back, time to meet Sergeant Barnes“ he says
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fictional-mind21 · 1 year
BAAOA Moodboard
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Lyric Sources Under The Cut
Only One by NF (Top Left Corner)
Protector by City Wolf (Top Right Corner)
Shadows by Sabrina Carpenter (Center)
Shoulder to Shoulder by Tate Mcrae (Bottom Left Corner)
Get you the Moon by Kina (Bottom Right Corner)
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fictional-mind21 · 1 year
BAAOA Masterlist
Characters: Y/N, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, and {rarely} Vision
Synopsis: A series about learning to live and rebuilding your life again and again so you don’t crumble, and the people who help us get by (might change the synopsis later)
Warnings: Anxiety, Grief, Angst, and Fluff. The bold letters are the readers thoughts (I think that’s all I can remember for now)
a/n: This is my first ever story/series!! Hope whoever reads it likes it. :)  Also, Gifs aren’t mine.
(As for the timeline, anything timeline related not specifically mentioned has probably happened unless it doesn’t make sense [like for example Bucky in Wakanda happened but obviously Endgame and Infinity war didn’t bc some of the characters are here])
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Part 1 -The Meet
Part 2 -Bound to Bond
Part 3 -TBN
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fictional-mind21 · 2 years
*I mainly post about this grouch👇
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- BAAOA Moodbaloard
- Drowning in Thought
Synopsis: It feels as if your anxiety has been consuming you. Although you think you’ve hidden well, Bucky can sense something is wrong.
- Song AU Masterlist
- Beginning Again, All Over Again {BAAOA}
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