#sam wilson x platonic!female reader
literaryavenger · 5 months
Summary: Your crush on Bucky may be getting out of control.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: Dramatic Reader. Language. Angst. Fluff. My poor attempts at being Funny.
Word Count: 1.4K I'm physically incapable of making anything short.
A/N: I wrote this in like 2 hours and I don't even know what this is, just... Yeah.
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This is terrible.
This is the worst thing that's ever happened to you.
This is the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone. It's just the most horrible, dreadful, awful thing that could’ve ever happen to yo-
“Would you stop staring at him for fuck's sakes!” Natasha's hissed words make your eyes snap to her and finally away from the metal armed Supersoldier lifting weights. Shirtless.
You don't know when Bucky stopped feeling self-conscious enough to allow him to workout in nothing but a pair of gym shorts, but it has become literal torture for you.
Needless to say, Bucky's current level of undress is making it impossible for you to concentrate on the stretching you're supposed to be doing before your sparring match with Natasha.
But your very thoughtful and not at all exasperated friend makes sure to keep your attention on her during the entirety of our match by thoroughly kicking your ass.
What a lovely best friend you have.
Your entire mood shifts with one not intentionally overheard conversation. Steve enters the gym and goes straight to Bucky, who was putting his weight set down.
“She’s here!” Is all the blonde says to his friend and your heart stops at the way Bucky’s face lights up with a smile, not needing any more information before following Steve out of the gym.
She’s here? Who the fuck is she? Does Bucky have a girlfriend? And most importantly, she’s here? In the Compound?
Natasha can almost see the gears turning in your brain as you make no attempts to move from the mat after she knocked you on your ass for the hundredth time today. You didn’t even seem to notice her hand offering you help to get up, your eyes still looking where Bucky was just a moment ago, staring at nothing in particular while your brain drowns in your overthinking.
Natasha sighs and decides to end the match here, kneeling down in front of you and placing her hands on your shoulders, shaking you gently to snap you out of it.
“Don’t overthink this.” She tells you when she’s sure she has your attention. “It’s probably just a friend visiting.” She tries to comfort you, but you both know that’s highly unlikely. 
Bucky has no other friends outside the team. He doesn’t know how to talk to civilians anymore after everything he’s been through, and gave up trying to after the hundredth time he saw fear in a person’s eyes just by recognizing him. So his friend circle now includes the team and the agents of SHIELD that are not intimidated by him. Point is, every friend he has already lives in the Compound.
So who the fuck is here just to see him? 
Natasha can see that this is a lost battle, your eyes barely concentrating on her as you start drowning in your mind again. All she can do when you’re like this is try to distract you and keep you out of your head. So she takes your hand and helps you up, leading the way to the common room to watch one of your beloved romcoms together, because that’s how much she loves you.
Big mistake.
“Y/N! Y/N!” The excited high-pitched voice came just seconds after you set foot in the common room. And that’s about the only warning you got before the excited 5-year-old jumped on you, your reflexes thankfully quick enough to catch her.
“Hi, Maguna!” You say while chuckling as the little girl hugs you. “You seem excited today. Did you get into the sugar cabinet again?”
Morgan giggles at your joke and shakes her hand before taking your face in her little hands and dramatically saying, “No! A princess came to visit uncle Bucky! A real princess.”
You frown, confused at what she’s talking about, before you look around the room and finally notice everyone else in it. Pepper and Tony are on the couch, looking at you lovingly as you interact with their daughter.
You love Morgan, she’s like a little sister. You never miss an opportunity to babysit her and you spend as much time with her as you can. She also loves you, out of all the Avengers you’re her favorite, much to everyone’s dismay. She calls them all ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’, but you’re just Y/N. You’re her big sister, you don’t need a title. Which is why you're the only one other than Tony allowed to call her 'Maguna'.
Then you notice the other people in the room: Steve, Bucky and… Shuri. The fucking Princess of Wakanda, standing in the common room of the Avengers Compound and just smiling at you as you carry Morgan.
You’ve never met Shuri, but you know she played an important part in deprogramming the Winter Soldier out of Bucky, and you’re grateful to her for it. She’s important to Bucky, and you can’t believe you forgot Bucky has Wakandan friends.
You put Morgan down on the ground again and the little girl takes your hand and aggressively steers you towards where Steve, Bucky and Shuri are standing, clearly thrilled to be in the presence of a real life princess.
“Hi, I’m Shuri.” She offers you her hand when you get close enough and you shake it with your free hand while introducing yourself.
There’s a bit of an awkward pause and you’re about to say the first thing that pops into your head when Morgan thankfully saves you by pulling on your hand, making you look at her. She tells you to come close and, chuckling, you kneel beside her so she can whisper conspiratorially in your ear.
“She’s a princess and she’s really pretty, but I still like you better.” She whispers and you can’t help but laugh.
God, you love this little girl.
You smile brightly at her and launch a tickle attack, her adorable giggles filling the room as everyone looks at you two with warm smiles.
Your attention is solely on Morgan, until you unintentionally hear the whispered conversation between Shuri and Bucky.
“So, this is the girl, huh? She’s pretty.” Shuri says and your heart skips a beat. 
You glance at them as discreetly as you can while still tickling Morgan, only to find Bucky looking at someone behind you. You turn around less carefully and see Sharon just entered the room, and she's also looking at Bucky with a smirk. You quickly return your attention to Morgan, but your mind is going a thousand miles a minute.
Of course he’d like someone more like Sharon. She’s pretty, she’s talented, she’s a total badass and she’s not afraid to go after what she wants.
She’s not a mass of anxiety in the shape of a woman that overthinks everything and becomes a flustered mess every time she’s even near Bucky.
It’s time to admit it to yourself: Bucky just doesn’t see you like that and you need to move on. 
Natasha is right, your obsession with Bucky needs to end.
What you don’t see is Bucky almost glaring at Sharon because he knows damn well why she’s smirking. She came in just before Shuri whispered to Bucky, when he was very intent on looking at you with heart eyes as you played with Morgan.
Just before you looked at him, Bucky noticed Sharon and he had to hold in a groan at her because he knows that she’s never gonna let him live this down.
Both Sharon and Steve have tried really hard to convince Bucky that you like him back and he should make a move on you. But Bucky, being as stubborn as they come, never believes them.
He obviously makes you uncomfortable, you’re always stuttering when he’s around and you avoid eye contact whenever possible. He’s just glad that you can stand his presence enough for the two of you to work together when necessary and to hang out with the rest of the team without problems.
So he just enjoys looking at you from a distance. He loves watching you play with Morgan and his thoughts always run wild with images of you playing like that with kids that are yours and his.
But he knows that’s never going to happen. Why would you like a damaged, PTSD ridden soldier that can’t even make it through the night without waking up from a nightmare? No, that’s definitely not your type.
Bucky accepts the truth: He doesn’t deserve you and you don’t see him like that anyways. 
It doesn’t matter that Sam thinks he’s obsessed, that won’t stop him from looking at you whenever he’s lucky enough to get a glimpse of his little ray of sunshine.
Requested taglist: @vicmc624 @matchat3a @nerd-without-a-cause @sapphirebarnes @cjand10 @mostlymarvelgirl @julvrs @blackhawkfanatic @lillianacristina @armystay89 @imdoingbetternow @spookyparadisesheep @elizalexwil @aceofhearts25 @dontworryboutitsweetheartxx-blog @justab-eautifulmess @buggy14 @thedonswife13
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captaincapsicle83 · 7 months
The Little Pests
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary- Sam’s friend, an IT worker for Stark Industries turned new recruit, has a crush on an avenger. Being a good wingman (hehe, get it?) does everything he can to get the reader and Bucky closer, even enlisting the help of other avengers.
It’s almost obnoxious actually.
Pairings: Bucky x Reader (main romance, rest platonic), Sam Wilson x reader, Clint Barton x reader, avengers x reader
TW: Cursing, Sam and Clint being silly, “suicide” but like, it’s a bobs burgers reference (you’ll see)
A/N: I was bored, so I pushed aside EVERY OTHER WIP I should be working on (about eight separate ones), left all my drafts open, completely ignored my old, geriatric ideas, and wrote something off a whim
Behold, my capricious work of art
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“And, this is our kitchen, that’s our toaster. The toaster is always broken don’t try to use it,” Sam says. His right arm is on your shoulder, the left gesturing around the room, showing you around he compound.
“Why doesn’t it-” You’re cut off by a man with light brown hair swatting the toaster with his fist.
“You whore! I want my poptart!” He grunts.
“He’s why,” Sam shakes his head, and rolls his eyes. Clint Barton; Hawkeye, Destroyer of toasters.
Clint whips around, disgust evident on his face, “Oh, no, no, no, Sir. Don’t act like I’m suddenly the only one to blame here. Take a look at Mr. Banner and his anger issues, the cyborg, or, better yet Sammy, look in the fucking mirror.”
You decided right then and there that you liked Clint. “Sammy” scowled at Barton, before motioning for you to sit at the table. He had already shown you around the rest of the compound, including your room, making the kitchen your last stop.
As Sam rummaged through the cupboards, Clint sat in a chair across from you, groaning and huffing like an old dad with aching joints (Clint couldn’t be more than in his thirties or fourties’).
“Are you here to fix the toaster?” He asks you, his voice sad and his eyes even sadder. He was like those little animals with big eyes of pleading in Disney films.
“No, I’m sorry. I could try,” you suggest the last part, and he perks up. He sits up straight in his chair, rather than sprawling, and shifted to drumming his hands on the table.
“Met anybody else yet?” He asks, Sam still looking for food with not much luck.
“Nada, just you and Sam,” You say, truthfully. You had honestly expected more traffic, but were just the same grateful to be mostly undisturbed.
“Oh, good, you’re lucky. After us, it all goes down hill,” He “tsk-tsk”’s. “Let’s give you a run down. There’s Bruce and Tony, they’re our brains. They don’t sleep. They’re, like, tier two after Sam and I. Also tier 2, we got Natasha and Wanda. They’re scary. I will not elaborate. Tier 3, Vision, Thor, Rhodes, Spider-Kid. Mostly uneventful around the compound, Visions here the most, other three not as much. Then there’s our senior citizens in the bottom tier. Steve and Bucket. If they were a spice, they’d be flour.”
The way Clint was talking, it felt like the scene in mean girls where Janice and Damien find Cary in the bathroom. You were giggly at his little hand motions and theatrical way of painting the scene.
“What makes you and Sam tier 1?” You ask, Sam coming over with two jars of peanut butter, spoons sticking out of them.
“Birds!” They both yell to each other. When you make a face at Sam’s offer of a jar of peanut butter, Clint takes it right away. You watch in wonder as the two bicker with each other, getting the feeling they were the only ones who found themselves to be “tier 1.”
You had been with the avengers for, say, about 7 months, finding it easy to make friends and have fun between missions and SHIELD duties.
“Well,” Clint was saying to you and Sam, the three of you sitting at the compounds dining table, coloring with crayons on printer paper. “I’m glad you two are having fun, because I am going to kill myself.”
He holds up a poorly manufactured picture of a duck. You all convulge into a set of late night giggles.
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It was four am, and you had all just returned early from a mission. After a mission, especially one where you could sleep on the way back, you sometimes found it nice to unwind with your teammates.
As you all tried to compose yourselves, you didn’t even notice someone else enter the kitchen part of the kitchen, not until Sam called out to them that is.
“Hey, Buck, what’s up?”
“Hmm? Nothing. Coffee,” He looked startled, then straight back to basically being dead tired. The bags under his eyes looked like they just took a trip to Costco.
He looks reluctant, and like his mind has to do a lot of mental gymnastics to convince himself to do so, but ultimately he sits down at your table.
You’re drawing a picture of some birds (well, what was supposed to look like birds) in a little bird house. Your heart was beating about 10 decibels faster, and your hands became more unsteady.
Clint and Sam both privately took note of your change in demeanor. The way instead of using circle motions either your crayons, as you had been, you were pressing harder and going up and down. And how you simply just layer them on the table rather than back in the box. And the short sweet glances sent to one new person at the table….
Private messages between Sam Wilson and Clint Barton that you should never have seen, had you not been playing candy crush on Clint’s phone one Saturday morning. You’re a snooper, you snoop, it’s what you do.
Wednesday 5:36 am
Clint: Are you sleeping bbb
Sam: that best better not stand for what I think it does…
Clint: Y/n left me after you and Bucky did. Think the girl needed time to fantasize
Clint: I see everything, always
Sam: ominous
Sam: Clinton have you ever watched the bachorlette
Clint: I loveeee where this is going
Sam: I think she has a little crush
Sam: we should set them up
Clint: I can already see the kids
Clint: they’ll be names Sam and Clint of course
Clint: after us
Saturday, 9:29 am
Sam: did you destroy my fucking coin master village 17 times???
Sam: Barton, your ass is grass and I’m gonna mow it
Dead. You promised Clint and Sam they were dead.
At first, you thought it was just a joke. Until the advancements started.
It was Thursday, the team gathering for a dinner, as they did every once in awhile. As soon as you entered the room, you saw Clint and Sam basically playing musical chairs to keep an empty seat open next to Bucky Barnes.
“Are…Are you two okay?” Steve asked, genuine fear and concern on his face.
“One-hundred percent.”
“Why wouldn’t we be?”
“You’re acting weird captain.”
Steve sits, slack jawed, at a loss for a response. As you walk towards the table, your shoulders are grabbed by Clint, who is saying in a sickeningly sweet and chipper voice, “Y/n! Goodness, great to see you! Sit here! There’s a spot next to Bucky! You know Bucky! You love Bucky!”
You were a *mess* the entire dinner, unable to completely focus on anything but breathing patterns.
As the evening was coming to a close and others were dismissing themselves, you made cold hard eye contact with Clint, seated directly across from you. His hands were folded on the table like an innocent school child.
“Barton,” you said, your voice stern. “Wanna play Chinese Checkers?”
He shakes his head violently, but says, “Sam does too.”
Sam gets up from the table, so fast, his chair knocks over and silverware clatters.
You quickly jump up, chasing him down the hall. Clint follows, brandishing a phone camera, a will, and a way.
The rest of the group was frozen now, looking in bewilderment at what was going on. Or rather, their lack of knowledge of what the hell was going on?
“Anybody have input?” Tony asks after a long silence. Everyone looks equally lost.
They all look when a thud sounds in the direction your trio went.
Bucky and Steve are walking track to their rooms, later that evening. Steve had mission reports to do, and Bucky had thoughts to process and a diary to write in.
“So, what do you think of the new girl?” Steve pokes the bear, hoping to get a rise out of his friend.
“Hmm, oh. I dunno. She’s nice, I guess,” Bucky shrugs, and Steve’s goofy little smile grows like the grinch’s heart.
“Really? Because you look liked you were having an awful lot of thoughts tonight at dinner. And, you know, you stare at her long enough every other day…”
“Do not.”
“Do so.”
Bucky stares at Steve, unknowing of what to do in this situation. He shrugs again.
“So what?”
“So? So you should, oh, I don’t know, have a real conversation with her instead of just breathing into each others general directions. It’s nauseating having to watch Sam and Clint push you guys into the same space.”
Tonight may have been the first time you noticed, but in truth that kind thing happened in many many scenarios. Even before Clint and Sam connected that dots that you liked him.
They wanted their ship to sail.
“You took a shower!?” Clint says to Bucky, in a low and shocked voice. He held an incredulous look on his face, one Bucky wanted to smack right off.
“Yeah, try it sometime,” Bucky quipped.
“Y/n’s in her room,” Clint took a sip of his coffee. She has loads of paperwork. Probably will be in there all day.”
Bucky’s mouth opens and then shuts, not wanting to know why Clint was helping him. In truth, he wasn’t. Clint was helping you.
Within minutes, Bucky was outside your door, giving himself the cutest, peppiest of peptalks. Albeit, in his head because he could not handle the embarrassment of the e door opening to you seeing him babbling like a madman.
So when you did open the door, he tried flashing a warm smile. At the sight of it, you thought you would simply just faint. Right there, thud on the floor.
While your brain was debating whether you would prefer internal or external bleeding of the skull (internal, you decided, wouldn’t mess up your hair) Bucky cleared his throat.
You looked into his blinding blue eyes, the way a deer looks into headlights (meaning any minute you would get hit by the car…)
“Hi,” Bucky breathes out.
“Hi,” you say, your voice cracking.
You wanted to choke yourself out.
“I have something to tell you,” he starts. “Or- or I wanna talk to you.”
“…oh…” FUCKING CHRIST! Oh?? That was the best you had???
“Look, y/n I’ve sorta…I like you, quite a lot. And I’ve been nervous to talk to you or tell you about it, because I really don’t like opening up about my feelings. But-”
You cut him off by pouring out, “Ilikeyoutoo!”
“You- oh…Well…this wasn’t as bad as I had thought then.”
You let out an awkward chuckle, “Yeah, guess not.”
He doesn’t say anything, the two of you staring into each others eyes. He starts to lean in, his perfect face getting closer to yours. The action feels magnetic as you lean closer.
You take in his features. His brow, his chiseled jawline. The symmetrical two sides to his face, like if you took a meat clever down the center, you’d have matching halves.
Just as you can feel his breathe on your lips, right before the two of you can make contact, you both jolt apart at the sound.
Clint falls from your ceiling, Sam landing on top of him. The metal grate that filtrated the air in your room was below them, broken ceiling tiles, pink insulation and regret strewn about your flooring.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
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our-destiny · 1 year
Day 9 of @creativepromptsforwriting's 30 Days Writing Challenge - Write about a heated debate
A/N: I didn't write yesterday cause I was busy, so I'm doing yesterday's prompt as well as today's prompt. Because of that this is short and terrible, with not a lot of effort put into it, but you're getting two posts today so that'll hopefully make up for it.
30 Days Writing Challenge Masterlist
Word count: 314
. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . *  ✯. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ .
"No, pancakes are the best, you can shove your bacon up your ass."
"Bacon is so much better. If you're having pancakes for breakfast, you might as well be eating cake."
Bucky likes pancakes for breakfast. Sam likes bacon. So of course, they had to argue about it.
Sam was standing by the stove, prepared to start making breakfast, while Bucky was standing in the door frame, preventing Sam from making breakfast via arguing with him, and you were sitting at the table in the middle of the room, hearing them argue over the top of your head. You knew you weren't going to get fed until they settled this. If they settled this.
"Can you just get started on it, please? I'm hungry. You can argue while cooking, believe it or not, Sammy."
"No. He's wrong, bacon is superior. Pancakes are for five-year-olds."
"Pancakes are not for five-year-olds. I'm 106, you should respect your elders."
You drop your head onto the table, groaning dramatically at their arguing.
"Oh, I'm sorry, is this annoying you?" Apparently, this was just the way Sam wanted to spend his morning. "Well, what do you think is better? Bacon or pancakes?" Now the both of them were staring at you, waiting for you to settle this for them.
"I like both." At that they both let out a half-sigh-half-groan. A second later, Sam asks you another question.
"Okay, well, who's your favourite?"
"What?" He can't seriously be asking you who your favourite is.
"Who do you prefer, me or Bucky?" Okay, maybe he is asking you who your favourite is.
Bucky's been silent this whole time. You look over at him, seeing if he's really going along with Sam's lunacy, but he's just standing there with his arms crossed, waiting for you to make your decision.
At this rate you don't think you're ever going to get breakfast.
. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . *  ✯. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ .
Reblogs are probably not deserved but definitely appreciated <33
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princessgriffin1998 · 2 years
Specimen FX-23: Project Snow Fox // REBIRTH
Hello everyone!
Welcome back to chapter three of REBIRTH! I had a really good time writing this chapter so I hope you enjoy it! This is a Bucky Barnes x AFAB!Reader/OC story with no use of Y/N. Reader does have a nickname.
Read the full story here!
Chapter Summary: When a lead on a case calls Sam, Steve, and Nat away from the compound, you spend some time getting to know Miss Maximoff.
Word Count: 5.2k
Previous / Next Chapter
Chapter Three: Wanda Maximoff
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“Again!” the man with the cigar barked.
You inhaled sharply through your nose under the mask, waiting for the girl in front of you to attack. You could see her pupils tracking your limbs as she caught her breath. Her blue eyes lingered slightly on your left side for a moment, so quick most wouldn’t have caught it.
But most didn’t mean you.
When the girl sprung forward, going for your left arm as you suspected, you were ready. You caught her blade deftly and sunk it back into her own shoulder. The girl let out a strangled scream as you felt the blade scrape a bone. You made no noise, nor any other indication that you couldn’t stand what was happening. The smell of blood still permeated your mask and you tried not to gag as the match was called in your favour. You dropped the girl and made your way back to the center of the training ring to await further instructions. The man with the cigar tapped some of the ashes out onto the floor before pulling out a tablet.
“Such a pity my dear. I had such high hopes for you.'' The man cooed in Russian before tapping a button on his tablet.
You watched as the girl lifted her unharmed arm, her bracers right up to her own temple as she shocked herself. You didn’t even flinch as she died, instead you tried to focus on the man. His blue suit glimmered slightly under the fluorescent lighting in the training room as he clicked his tongue at the dead girl before him, as if she was nothing more than a broken cup or spilled beverage. The man then turned to you. Bringing the cigar up to his lips he took a long drag before running his finger tips down the side of your face and along the jaw of your mask.
“You, however, are better than I could’ve dreamed.” He chuckled, his Russian words covered in smoke and escaping through his teeth as he laughed at a joke only he seemed to be in on.
His touch filled you with a sense of dread, but like with your creator you found yourself unable to even flinch away from him.
“Alright get this shit cleaned up. I want her to go again.” He barked, switching to English and gesturing at the body on the floor in front of you.
“But sir we really need to get the specimen bank in its tank. We’re already nearing its limits.” Nagel protested.
The man simply waved him away.
“And you are pushing yours. I will get what I paid for.” He growled.
You saw Nagel blanch and swallow, his eyes darting between you and the man before nodding.
“Of course sir. Specimen FX-23 is always surprising us with her performance. Who should go next?” He asked, typing away at his tablet while two men dragged the body away.
The man in the suit grinned as he took another drag.
“Doesn't matter to me.” He smirked, and with a wave of his hand another girl stepped forward.
Her blonde hair was braided away from her face and tucked up and you wondered briefly if the girls you were fighting did their own hair or if they were permitted to help each other.
“Alright girls. Show me who wants it more.” The man chuckled darkly as he stepped back towards the rest of the men.
“Winner walks out of the arena.” He said, raising his arm and letting it fall to signal the start of your fight.
The girl in front of you quickly flicked out a knife and lunged forward.
With a start, you shoot upright on the floor.
Slapping a hand over your mouth, you desperately try to control your breathing like Bucky taught you.
“Don’t worry Doll, you’re safe. I’ve gotcha.”
Inhale for four counts.
Exhale for four counts.
As you pant, you look around the dark room in front of you. Your enhanced vision letting you see the outline of your bedroom despite there being no light source.
You were at the Avengers compound.
You were in America.
You were safe.
(‘Inhale… two… three… four…,’)
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, could you please tell me the time?” You rasped, scrubbing a hand down your face as you laid back against your pillows and focused on the dim outline of the bed a few feet from you.
(‘Exhale… two… three… four…’)
“It’s 3:26am, Miss Fox. Would you like me to order some sleeping aids from Doctor Cho? I could also alert someone on the team of your distress?” The AI offered.
You shook your head as you licked your lips.
“No, thank you. I think I am just awake for the day.” You answered with a deep sigh.
You stared up at your ceiling for another moment before deciding to hop into a cold shower to wash away the cold sweat and the lingering feeling of unease.
Tonight was your second night in the compound.
After your first day with Sam and Steve, you’d watched a movie together.
You had appreciated Sam’s commentary and Steve giving you quick historical breakdowns so that you had the full context for what you were watching and you’d headed straight to bed once the movie was over.
Yesterday the two had barely had time to have breakfast with you before their phones had gone off and they were called to action. You hadn’t minded though. The rest of the team was still out on assignment, Natasha and Wanda having returned very late last night.
You still hadn’t met The Vision yet and Stark hadn’t returned from the Penthouse yesterday. So you’d decided to curl up on the couch in the common area, enjoying what you assumed to be a rare afternoon of having the compound to yourself. You’d read some of the books on the shelves and put on several of the records next to the turntable. You’d even danced a little with yourself while F.R.I.D.A.Y explained how to order yourself something to eat from the cafeteria.
You’d been downright giddy to learn you could order food to the kitchen or to your own room using the compound’s communication network. No speaking required. You had eaten some fruits and crackers by yourself before retiring to your room to have your first bath.
You’d also been delighted to learn that there was a tv installed in the wall of your linen closet, meaning you could watch a movie in your bathtub. Shuri had been too busy for a long call, but she’d recommended some tv shows for you to watch in the bath as the two of you said goodbye last night. She’d also explained using liquid body soap to create bubbles in the bath and you’d almost flooded the bathroom in your excitement.
(You watched ‘Tangled’ while you soaked, and dug out a nice body scrub while you got sufficiently pruney.)
It was halfway through your bath that F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted you of the team's return.
“Pardon the interruption Miss Fox, but Agent Romanoff and Miss Maximoff have returned. Mr. Wilson, and Captain Rogers are meeting them on the air strip in five minutes if you’d like to join them.” The AI informed you politely.
You’d glanced over at the clock and saw it was almost midnight and wondered if you could get away with hiding just a little bit longer.
“No thank you Miss Friday. I think I’m going to go to sleep instead.” A few hours later and here you were, back to staring at yourself in your bathroom.
You watched as a small drop of water trailed down your forehead, sliding down your neck and disappearing into the towel you had wrapped around yourself. You had to assume your ability to function on minimal sleep was due to the serum. That was the only explanation for how wired you felt. Glancing over at the time you noted it’d been about half an hour since you first woke up. Steve would be getting up to go for a run soon, so you decided you’d try to meet him in the kitchen to join him and Sam.
“Miss Friday?”
“Yes Miss Fox?”
“Is there a way I can play music from my device in here?” You asked.
Your bathroom’s sound system had been probably the most appealing part of the room so far (it seemed Tony Stark refused to ever be without music, even in rooms he’d probably never use) and you wanted a soundtrack for while you got ready for your day.
“Of course Miss Fox. You can use the plug on the wall next to the door, or I can show you how to wirelessly connect if your device has bluetooth?” The AI offered.
“The plug in is fine, thank you.” You’d smiled.
You plugged in your music device and switched on something classical and soothing while you toweled yourself off and changed into some running clothes. You hummed along as you brushed your teeth before shutting the music off and grabbing your journal and a pen and making your way to the kitchen.
You’d wanted to try and get everything down while it was still relatively fresh in your mind so you cracked open your journal and flipped to an empty page while a mug of tea steeped next to you on the counter.
You began with the outline of the training room. It had been different from the usual room you trained in, so you started with the floor plan. Once you’d sketched out the perimeter of the room you tried to fill it. Nagel’s form and accompanying lab rats were added in quickly before you switched your attention to the man in the blue suit and his lackeys. You sipped your tea as you sketched in the benches where the other girls were sitting. You tried to remember their faces but unfortunately it seemed to be impossible. You settled for trying to remember the unique hairstyles the girls all wore, doing your best to add texture to each lock or braid. As you started working on the details of the man in the suit, you heard a familiar walk coming from the elevator and shut your journal.
“Oh! Good morning Snow Fox! I didn’t think you’d be up this early,” a groggy Steve greeted you as he made his way over to the coffee maker. “Sleep okay?”
“Yes thank you,” you lied, sipping your tea and pretending to be interested in the elastic strap that held your journal closed. “I was wondering if you maybe wanted a running partner? I only ever run on the treadmill.”
“I’m sorry Snow Fox, normally I’d love that but I’m actually getting ready to ship out. Nat caught an amazing lead on an arms dealer running weapons in and out of Libya last night so she and I are taking Sam to investigate.” Steve explained, an apologetic smile on his face as he stood across the island from you.
“Wanda and Vision are home though! Wanda’s not much of a runner but I’m sure the two of you could come up with something. Tony said he’d be coming back sometime this week and I think he’s got some ID for you now.” Steve smiled and despite your disappointment, you found yourself smiling back at him.
Steve continued to chatter away at you as he prepared a to-go coffee for himself, Nat, and Sam. He kept the details vague but he told you what he could about the current mission he was about to leave for and let you accompany him down to the hangar where an equally tired Sam was waiting.
“No wonder you took so long.” Sam yawned after spotting you.
He took his travel mug with a grateful nod to Steve before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Morning sunshine. Whatcha doin’ up so early?” he asked, taking a long sip.
You shrugged, his arm lifting with your shoulders.
“Just woke up and stayed up.” You answered quietly.
Sam hummed, and the two of you enjoyed a quiet moment together before Steve was calling him onto the jet.
“Ok listen, we’ve all got our phones on us and they’ll be in the jet while we’re on the mission but if you need us F.R.I.D.A.Y will know how to reach us in case of an emergency. Steve thinks this shouldn’t take more than a few days to sort out and we’ll be picking Bucky up on our way back. Have fun with Wanda and seriously, don’t hesitate if you need anything okay?” Sam asked, twisting to look you in the eyes as he rubbed your shoulder with the arm wrapped around you.
You smiled and nodded, appreciative of how caring Sam could be. You wrapped your arms around him and squeeze him gently before stepping back and waving goodbye to Steve and Nat who were waiting on the ramp of the Quinjet.
“Have fun, be safe!” You called out to them with a smile.
As the boys disappeared up the ramp, you caught Natasha’s eye in the cockpit and offered her a nod and small salute. Nat nodded before turning and making her way back to the pilot's seat. Steve smiled and waved back as the ramp closed and with a whoosh they were gone.
Having never met Wanda Maximoff, you had no idea what time she would wake up. Once you’d made your way back up to the kitchen to make another mug of tea, you noticed it was barely 5:30am.
Much too early for someone who’d just spent all day yesterday traveling back to America. Accepting that today would be another lonely day, or at the very least a lonely morning, you ordered some fruit from the cafeteria and raided the kitchen for some yogurt and granola while you waited for the fruit to arrive.
Stark had these contraptions all through the compound to send things from one place to another. A “dumb waiter” Steve had called it. There was one in the kitchen so that food could be sent directly to the counter next to the fridge and while you boiled another kettle the little door chimed and you slid it up to reveal a carton of strawberries and a carton of black berries. Humming to yourself, you prepared a little parfait and took out your Stark phone to send a photo to Shuri of your little breakfast.
‘Missing you. Make sure you eat something!’ You wrote, smiling at the thumbs up emoji Shuri sent back.
You knew she could get too wrapped up in a project and forget to eat, so you’d decided that you’d message her when you were eating hoping that you could remind her.
Once you’d finished your breakfast you decided to go unpack your things. So far all your clothes were still in the bags you traveled with and you had a pretty nice closet now. You plugged your device into the bathroom sound system once again and nodded along to an upbeat playlist of swing music. You were so wrapped up in making sure all your belongings were nicely hung up or folded that you barely noticed time flying by.
As you hung up the last shirt, you walked out of the closet and noticed how bright your room had gotten. The plain grey walls alight with late morning sunshine. Having nothing else in your room to clean or organize yet, you decided to tackle a new book from the common space.
You grabbed your journal and made your way back to the kitchen where you came face to face with a very groggy Wanda Maximoff.
“Oh! You startled me. Good morning, you must be Snow Fow.” she greeted and you nodded, suddenly very unsure of yourself.
“I’m Wanda. Vision will probably get here soon now that I’m up.” she smiled tiredly as she shook a tea bag in a large green mug. “Would you like some tea?”
“Yes, thank you.” you answered shyly, pulling out a stool to sit at the island while Wanda grabbed you an equally large blue mug.
“So how old are you?” She’d asked as you sat down at the counter, watching her prepare what smelled like green tea for you.
“Biologically, 22.” you’d recited, nodding when she gestured to the honey.
“What do you mean biologically? Are you 22 or not?”
“I’m, um… I’m not technically a person I don’t think. I’m a clone.” you stammered. Wanda just raised an eyebrow as you continued, “So um, Shuri figures I’m biologically 22, but I wasn’t born so I don’t have a birthday. I was created just over three and a half years ago so I guess physically I’m 3? Age is confusing… at least when it comes to me.” you shrugged.
Wanda let out a laugh.
“You’re right that sounds like a technical nightmare. 22 it is. I’m 25 by the way. Y’know, I’m amazed we found someone almost as young as Vision to join the team. He’s almost 3 too!” She joked, sliding the mug towards you which you picked up with a grateful smile.
You took a sip and were pleasantly surprised to discover she’d made your tea exactly how you liked it.
“Listen, I’m just going to be honest, I'm not really good at small talk. So I vote to pretend we already know each other and just speak freely.” Wanda smiled softly as she leaned against the counter opposite you. Her hands wrapped around the green mug as she took a dainty sip. Your shoulders sagged with relief.
“Thank you. I’m not very good at it either. It would be nice to have another friend that’s a girl here at the compound.” you smiled genuinely. Wanda grinned back.
“Wonderful. Well to be frank I’m exhausted. I’m normally up around now but sleeping on the jet really didn’t do anything for me. I don’t want to sleep again cause I want to readjust to this time zone, so I think I’m going to go meditate for a while if you’d like to join me?” she offered and you nodded.
“I don’t know if I’ll be any good at it, but I can try. I have never done it before.” you explained as you grabbed your journal and mug, following Wanda’s confident steps out of the kitchen towards the elevator.
“Don’t worry about it, I can teach you. Everyone meditates differently, but the important part is to calm your mind. However you choose to do that is up to you.” she explained, leading you to the elevator she pushed the button for the first floor and led you to the open training space.
“It’s just us and Vision home right now so we can use the training room, but when the weather gets nice I like to go meditate in the mornings on the roof. I think you’ll really like it,” Wanda beamed as the two of you grabbed some yoga mats and set them up next to the large bay window.
You followed Wanda’s lead and got comfortable sitting cross legged on the blue mat.
“Now there’s a few things people do when they meditate. You don’t have to but it helps to have a mantra or phrase to focus on while you meditate, especially if you’re a beginner. I use meditation to help me keep control of my powers. Sometimes large emotions cause outbursts or energy and I don’t want to hurt anyone…” Wanda trailed off, her eyes looked downwards and you could tell she was remembering something sad.
You shyly reached a hand out and placed it over the hand on her right knee.
“We are both here because we could hurt someone, but I think us being here is a testament to our desire to do good in the world, yes?” you asked.
You felt quite pleased when a small smile broke across Wanda’s lips.
“Yes, that is a very kind way to look at it. Where was I? Oh! Mantras! Since we’ll be meditating together I don’t think you’ll need one. It’ll probably be kinda confusing if we’re both chanting something. Since this is your first time ever, let's use today to focus on your breathing. Sit up straight and close your eyes.” Wanda instructed and you immediately removed your hand from hers and placed it back on your knees.
You straightened your spine and tried to mimic Wanda’s position.
“Take a deep breath, make sure to fill your diaphragm with air, not your rib cage. If it helps, try to make sure you don’t move your shoulders up and down.” Wanda explained.
You closed your eyes and inhaled through your nose, trying to follow Wanda’s instructions, you focused on feeling your stomach expand.
“Great! Now exhale slowly. If it helps you can inhale on counts of four, then exhale on a count of four.”
“What next?” you asked, cracking an eye to see Wanda had closed both of her eyes and begun the same breathing exercise.
“This is it. Focus on your breathing and allow the simplicity of the thought to soothe your mind.” Wanda answered softly, taking another deep breath at the end of her sentence.
You purse your lips, unsure of how breathing with your eyes closed like this could be the entire activity.
Not wanting to be rude to a new friend however, you straightened your back again and took another deep breath. You tried to keep your mind as blank as possible, letting your enhanced senses focus on everything else around you.
You slowed your breathing to match Wanda’s and listened to her relaxed heart beat. As she breathed, the slight shifts in her body wafted the smell of her floral shampoo past your nose. The tea you had both brought was cooling, no longer steaming mugs next to you both. The scent of the leaves changed slightly as the bags over-steeped and turned the fragrance slightly bitter. You could smell the plasticy matts in the gym, and the chemical cleaners that had been used last night. Your ears perked up as you heard the faint sounds of agents in the distance, too far away for you to clearly make out what was being shouted, but enough that you could tell they were running some kind of drill. Even fainter still you could make out the sound of running water behind the compound. Somewhere a bird was chirping.
“Feeling relaxed?” Wanda asked, a cheeky grin evident in her tone.
Slowly you blinked your eyes open and Wanda’s pleased face came into focus. You smiled, lazy and content.
“Yes, that was very pleasant. I don’t know if I could maintain that for long.” you answered.
“Snow Fox, check the clock. We’ve been here for almost an hour.” Wanda laughed.
You whipped your head around to see that she was right. You’d been breathing with your eyes closed for forty-five minutes. Letting out a small laugh of disbelief, you shook your head and grabbed your now-cold green tea and took a sip.
“You’re a very good teacher then.” Wanda just giggled.
“C’mon let's go find some lunch.”
After your first shared morning Wanda, true to her word, continued to act very casually around you.
You let her order you a salad she liked for lunch and she’d sat next to you at the island in the kitchen, bumping you with her elbow to emphasize a joke or in retaliation to any cheeky remarks you made. Once your plates were empty and the two of you decided to move to the media room. Wanda informed you that today would be a “girl’s day” because she wasn’t on active duty for another day since she just returned from a mission.
“Steve is really good about making sure we can all recover after a mission. He tries to make sure that if you have to leave the compound for an extended period of time, that your rest time after is comparable. Obviously there’s exceptions like Nat just went back out, but I’ve only been cleared for field duty in the last year. I think the others still like to treat me like the baby of the team.” Wanda smirked, instructing you to sit while she grabbed all the supplies to have “girl’s day”.
You and Shuri spent a lot of time together, but you weren’t sure exactly what kind of time together qualified as a “girl’s day”. Not that you wanted to admit it but you hoped it was as fun as movies had made it seem. You grabbed the remotes and did your best to get the tv set up. By the time you were able to find the Netflix menu you could hear Wanda coming down the hall.
“Okay! I didn’t know exactly what you’d need so I grabbed all of it. Let’s be pampered!” Wanda beamed.
You whipped your head around and let out a small laugh of disbelief.
Wanda was standing in the doorway of the movie room with a laundry basket loaded with all kinds of products. You quickly stood to help her carry the basket over to the coffee table and took in all the cosmetics in front of you. Wanda explained that she’d grabbed all of her nail polish, skin care, and several magazines for you to review. While she was explaining the difference between the regular polish and the uv gel, the ding of the dumb waiter chimed and Wanda dashed out of the room returning with a massive tray.
She’d seemingly ordered all the snacks in the world. Chips, cookies, cut fruits and vegetables, a charcuterie board (You’d had no idea sliced meats could be so fancy), and wine. Wanda had explained that after her birthday (her birthday was February 10th, a fact about your new friend that you happily tucked away) she and Vision had gone on a wine tour courtesy of Tony and wanted to show you all the different wines and ciders she’d bought herself.
“I know that the alcohol won’t affect you, but I thought maybe you’d like to try them. The ciders are apple, strawberry, and I think there might be one or two peach ones left.” Wanda explained as she handed you a brightly coloured can with a cartoon peach along the side.
You smiled and helped yourself to some more fruit while Wanda poured herself a glass of wine and picked something for you to watch. You cracked open the can of cider and found it was surprisingly tart (you assumed the alcohol made it that way) but not entirely unpleasant. You took another sip as Wanda browsed the tv guide for something the two of you would enjoy.
You discovered that she loved tv, specifically old sitcoms.
Your movie education had been quite extensive with Shuri, but you hadn’t had the patience for long, multi-episode story arcs. Wanda introduced you to “I Love Lucy” and the two of you applied mud masks and painted each other's toenails since you’d just painted your nails your favourite colour last night.
(She’d chosen a sparkly red, you’d gone for a midnight blue)
The alcohol did nothing for you as predicted, your metabolism breaking it down before you could get drunk, but sharing with Wanda had lifted your spirits.
After a couple glasses of wine, you discovered Wanda was a huge goofball.
Her Russian was surprisingly good considering it was technically her third language after Sokovian and English. The two of you had an easier time communicating than expected and it had been nice letting her explain some of the jokes on TV in your native tongue.
Wanda’s general aura of sweetness and empathy had set you at ease in the dark media room, letting you lower your guard just enough to have the living daylights scared out of you when Vision phased up through the floor to stand next to Wanda.
You shrieked and broke an empty wine bottle over his head.
“Vision!” Wanda admonished, picking a piece of glass out of her hair.
Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment as the android blinked at you.
“My apologies. I did not consider the shock I may cause. Most of the team is used to my phasing.” he explained.
“No, I'm sorry. They did warn me that you would probably do that. I’m sorry about your head.” You offered, grabbing a broom to clean up the glass.
“Vision doors,” Wanda whined.
You just smiled as you cleaned up, Vision grabbing a trash can for the glass before settling down on the couch next to Wanda.
“I will endeavor to use them more frequently.” he promised, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“So, FX-23, how are you settling into the compound?” Vision asked. Wanda smacked his chest.
“Vision you can’t call her FX-23! That’s not a name!” She protested.
“My apologies. I’ve been reading over some of your files from Hydra to try and help the team determine the end goal of your project. What should I call you instead?” He asked politely and you tilted your head.
“I don’t mind if you call me FX-23, no one really does anymore. Shuri started calling me Snow Fox. That’s what everyone else has been calling me,” you offered. Wanda smacked her forehead.
“That’s not a name either!” she cried, somehow more offended.
“Well it’s the only one I’ve got. Hydra didn’t give me a name, I had a project ID and a specimen code.” you deadpanned.
“My name at first was ‘The Vision’. Thor called me that. Over time, the ‘The’ was dropped and I am now Vision.” he added.
“You could choose a new name. Snow Fox should be your Avenger-code name, not your name name. Why don’t you pick one?” Wanda asked and you bit your lip.
You’d been okay with everyone calling you Snow Fox, you didn’t have anything else to compare it to. It hadn’t occurred to you that you could choose a different name. A more “normal” name. Wanda just stared at you expectantly and you smiled at her enthusiasm.
“Can we pick one later? I really want to know what happens in the chocolate factory.” you ask, trying to side step the question as Wanda’s eyes went wide.
“Oh my god we need to restart the episode. This one is iconic!” she squealed, you and Vision laughing at her as she fumbled the remote.
You looked over at where Wanda had tucked herself into Vision’s side as the episode restarted and smiled softly. After only a few hours spent with Wanda, you had a good feeling about her. She was soft and sweet, but still firm in her beliefs and a force to be reckoned with if the clips of her in combat were anything to go by. You had a good feeling that she would be an amazing friend if you could let her in. So when Wanda turned to you after a joke you’d missed on the tv, a tipsy and cheeky grin plastered across her face, you let yourself grin back at her and settled in for a long girl’s night.
A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you for being patient with me while I get CH3 ready for tumblr. You can also check out the fic on Ao3 from my master list, and I’m hoping to get CH4 edited and added soon☺️ If I don’t finish before the new year, I hope you’re all having a lovely and safe winter so far and enjoying any holidays you might celebrate💖
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fluffysucker · 11 months
Desperate People find faith.
Bucky Barnes x reader
An accident mends your broken heart.
A/N: Written in Third POV. No use of Y/N. However, the reader is referred to as a female.
I read this amazing oneshot, and I couldn't stop thinking about this idea. So I added my own twist to it. Thanks to the wonderful writer for sharing it and for inspiring me.
Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated. Opinions really matter to me
TW: Bullets and blood. Mentions of torture but nothing explicit
Main Masterlist
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You knew you shouldn't have done it. You should have stayed home. What could barely be described a home. You should have minded your business. You should have acted like the civilian you are now. You shouldn't have done it. But your loyalty to Steve wouldn't have let you
The image of the cheap copy so-called Captain America holding the shield blasting all over the news was a hit. A gut-wrenching hit. There was a guy who was taking the place of your childhood best friend, the man you called brother, the fearless leader. And he looked happy doing so. Then the blond had the audacity to say that Steve felt like a brother to him. You felt physical pain that you almost threw up.
Rationality went out the window. Before you knew any better, you were tracking down the man who was handed your friend's legacy. The man who gave it away when there was nobody more deserving than him. It wasn't hard to know exactly where Sam Wilson was. You were aware he joined the Air Force once again. So you hijacked the location of his next mission, demanding answers.
But it appeared that you weren't the only one who had the same plan. As you were talking to Sam, trying to be as nice as you could, giving him the benefit of the doubt, telling him you weren't here to judge or pick a fight. You just wanted an explanation. You heard him.
"Shouldn't have given up the shield."
His voice was filled with anger. But you could hear the sadness hidden in his tone. Sam scuffed, walking away from you as well. You turned around and you saw him. The love of your life. Quite literally.
You fail to recall a time you weren't in love with James Buchanan Barnes. Growing up together, your trio was inseparable. You would never see one without the others. From the age of three till your twenties, the three of you were more than family.
Despite loving Steve like the brother you never had, the same couldn't be said about his best friend. Your feelings for the brunette were never platonic. Neither were his. In the second grade, he promised to marry you once he got older. And he did. He kneeled to the ground with a beautiful golden ring for you once he secured a job. It was the easiest yes in your life.
Loving him came to you naturally. Stolen glances. Sweet words. Fast heartbeats. Shy smiles. Gentle touches. You were each other first everything. It was like you were made for each other. Like you were born to love him.
And he was your perfect man. Every woman envied you. Every woman hoped to have someone look at her like he looked at you. Every woman wished for a man who treated her the way he treated you. Every woman prayed for a man to love her that much.
Bucky Barnes was head over heels in love with you. And he made sure he showed it.
You were the luckiest girl.
Up until your luck ran out. War knocked on your door like a hurricane, destroying your life.
You remember the night before Bucky was shipped. When you went home after what couldn't be called a double date at Stark expo. The promises the both of you made. Your dream wedding. Your house. Your family. Your kids. All of it. Your future. And you believed him. You couldn't fathom any alternatives.
So when Steve walked in your tent where you did your job as a journalist, who was asked to cover The Howling Commandos missions and subject their heroism to the public, you knew. The look of utter defeat in his face, his glassy eyes, his red nose, the way he was trying to shrink away in his new huge body, you knew.
Your heart was ripped and broken to pieces. The pain was suffocating. You were drowning. You felt like the world ended. Life stopped.
You don't remember how things went after that. You don't remember if Steve ever said the words to you, but you remember his promise of revenge as he held your sobbing body against his chest.
And he did. He ended Hydra. But it came with a price. Very high. After Steve's sacrifice, life became meaningless. You weren't living. You were barely breathing. You were alone.
So when the government asked you to write the final article about the war, the winning announcement, you were about to turn it down. You found difficulties in everything. Leaving your bed sounded like a tiring task. Eating felt like a punishment. Functioning like a human became a burden.
But you remembered how supportive Bucky was of your career. When every man let women their abandon their dreams, Bucky helped you fight for yours. And he gave his life for this victory. Your fiancée and bestfriend. You owed it to them. To be the one to report the triumph tinted with their effort and blood.
So you put in all your strength and travelled with the small team to write the most important piece of work in your life.
However, only a number of people of the team and the article made it back. You didn't.
On your way back, you were ambushed by unknown soldiers. They took you to unknown quarters. You were so confused until you saw that cursed symbol. They weren't gone. Neither was your fiancée.
And that began a lifetime of torture and pain. They brainwashed Bucky but left you with your memories. So when they threatened to hurt him, you caved and let them do whatever they wanted to you. It was a trap they built for you, and you fell in it every time. They would hurt both of you at the end.
You endured it all. You survived it all. Except the moment they made Bucky look you in the eyes and fight you. They erased you from his mind. You saw the love of your life, and he saw nothing. He looked at you and saw either an enemy or a mission partner. And that was the most painful torture Hydra put you through.
As if this wasn't enough. You had to face a hindrance you never thought of.
After Steve rescued the both of you, after him running away from you, after spending two years making amendments with the government and helping Steve search for him, after the accords and Zemo's predicament, after he remembered you, after Princess Shuri was able to give him back his freedom, after you hugged him as he cried, after you decided to finally have that wedding, Thanos happened.
You believe you did something so terrible in another life, and you were getting punished for it in this life. There was no logical explanation as to why this kept happening to you. Why were you robbed of any chances of happiness. Why did you have to watch your man disappear right after having him back. Why you could only feel ache and misery. Why was the world so cruel.
So you kept your hopes to minimum when Steve came to your shared apartment one night, telling you that they had a plan. You agreed to join them in the time heist, ready to be disappointed.
But the second you saw Bucky standing on the sides with his machine gun, you wanted to cry. You thought it was an illusion, but these blue eyes said something else. Now, you were fighting with a strong drive and purpose.
You thought that was it. Your happy ending. You finally had him. But Steve leaving tore you apart. You were happy for your bestfriend who finally did something for himself. However, you couldn't help but feel sad. At least you and Bucky had each other.
Bucky had another thing in mind. Because, a couple of weeks after Steve leaving, Bucky broke up with. He said he needed to figure himself out and work on his pardon. You understood. But it didn't make it any easier.
So you left, giving him all the space he needed. You hadn't seen or spoken to each other since. At least he is alive. That's what you kept telling yourself to find any sort of comfort or condolence.
So this was the first time you had met. He looked different. He cut his hair. He had a scruff. He was wearing an all black outfit. He had gloves on. He had little bags under his eyes. He looked good overall. That's what mattered to you.
"Good to see you too, Buck." Sam said as he walked with intentions to move away from Bucky.
"This is wrong." Bucky didn't give him the chance as be walked beside Sam, without batting you an eye. You couldn't say that didn't hurt but you followed them anyway.
"Look, I'm working, alright. So all this outrage is going to have to wait." It was clear that Bucky wasn't here to have a civil conversation like you.
"You didn't know this was going to happen?" Bucky accused Sam.
"No, of course I didn't know that was going to happen." Sam was quick to deny Bucky's accusations.
"You think it didn't break my heart to see them march him out and call him the new Captain America." This was more directed towards you, following up to your conversation before Bucky cut in.
"This isn't what Steve wanted." Bucky wasn't going to back down.
"Oh my god. So what do you want me to do? Call America and tell them I changed my mind. " Sam's sarcastic reply did nothing but annoy Bucky's more.
"Like I told your wife. There is nothing we can do. You just couldn't wait for her to get home." You looked at Sam. It didn't appear to you that he wouldn't know.
"We broke up."
Another wave of pain hit you as you turned to look at Bucky, who was still not looking at you. How easy could he just say it with no emotions at all. You were fighting to get by every day, and he looked like he didn't care.
"What?!" Sam stopped suddenly once he heard Bucky's words, turning to the both of you.
"You,two lovebirds who literally broke laws to be together, broke up?" Sam couldn't believe his ears. He thought you would have gotten married by now. Your love for each other more epic than all the novels he read.
"Were you asked to give it up?" You changed the topic quickly, refusing to answer Sam's question or talk about your tragic love story. It hurt bad enough, and you didn't want to show it.
"Of course not." Sam heard you loud and clear. He also knew your question had pure intentions. You weren't here to offend him.
"Right, great reunion, guys. Be well." Sam turned to walk out, ending this conversation.
"You had no right to give up the shield, Sam." Bucky was angry, and he was showing it. In the wrong way.
"This is what you aren't going to do. You aren't going to come here in your over extended life and tell me about my rights." Three of you came to a stop.
"It's over." Sam added, looking at you as you came to stand next to Bucky.
"Besides, I have bigger things to deal with."
And you hadn't rest since.
It was, indeed, big thing to deal with.
You had no idea what you were getting yourself into when you impulsively followed Sam and Bucky into the plane.
It was a constant mess. The flag smashers. New super soldiers. Karli Morgenthau. Isaiah Bradley. Zemo. Madripoor. Power Broker. And the worst of them all. John Walker and Lemar Hoskins. It never ended.
All that chaos was a good distraction. You didn't have time to think about your broken heart nor to think about the current nature of your and Bucky's relationship.
It was complicated and confusing.
You fought very well together. Your combined sets of skills were lethal. Your collective training and ability to work together kicked in when needed. Away from that, the both of you barely talked. You acknowledged each other existence. That's how you would describe it.
However, you couldn't explain why Bucky refused when Raynor asked you and Sam to join them in the session in the police station. Or why he always made sure you stayed at least an arm distance away from Zemo. Or why did he choose to be the Winter Soldier for the night instead of you compromising your identity that you kept a secret all these years. Or why, that day at Madripoor, he almost took multiple bullets for you. Or why whenever John showed up, his hand would always find yours.
You were thankful you didn't have the time to think about all of this because you were sure you would have lost your mind. You barely had your emotions in checks. And there was a lot going on.
Then it all went crushing. You would never forget this day.
You followed Sam and Bucky, running out of the building into the street, only to see the calamity that just occurred.
John Walker stood proud with the blood-tinted shield above the man he just slaughtered.
Instinctively, your hand came up to wrap around Bucky's bicep, looking for any comfort for the both of you. This scene would forever be engraved in your memories.
Three of you gave John some time. You stood outside of the warehouse he was in right now. You knew if you all went angry, the results would be catastrophic.
But it was anyway.
You let Sam do most of the talking. He was the best in this. If anyone could convince John to hand over the shield, it would be him. So you stood and watched. But it appeared that the time you gave John Walker to cool down only drove him more over the edge. So, with the three of telling him to give up the shield, John Walker lost his mind.
It should have been an easy fight. A veteran and an avenger and two super soldiers. It shouldn't be hard. But neither one of the three of you was fighting was the intention to hurt John. Unlike him, John was fighting to kill. With his new powers, he was uncontrollable.
You let out a high-pitched scream once you saw John throw Bucky away, electrocuting his arm, making him lose consciousness. Then you watched as he straddled Sam on the ground. You needed to act quickly.
You groaned as you got up from the floor, looking at the cut in your arm. Nothing too bad. You told yourself as you ran toward John tickling him away from Sam.
It was just you and him, now.
And it was brutal.
You were still trying not to hurt him too much. However, he was unstoppable. So when he figured that he would lose combat with you eventually, he retrieved to other options.
Picking the shield and throwing it at you for it cause a cut in your chest was enough distraction for him to take out the gun he kept in his suit and shot you.
The bullets found their places in your stomach and legs. He aimed for places that you wouldn't recover from. You fell to the ground, coughing blood, feeling the bullets rest so deep in your body.
John walked towards you with the shield. He looked at you. His eyes were showing insanity and rage. He lifted the shield up and hit you in the chest. The pain was like no other. And you knew that was it.
It felt ironic in so many ways. Your bestfriend's shield. The shield that presented all of Steve's values and beliefs. The shield that helped once save your life. Now, it was going to be the weapon to kill you.
Of all the ways you thought you would die in, this wasn't even close. But when was life ever fair to you? At least you would have peace now. Your dying wish was for Bucky to know how much you loved him and how you wanted him to be fine and happy. Because you loved Bucky more than life itself.
You tried to distract yourself from the excruciating pain by counting how many hits of the shield would it take to end you.
You counted two.
You started coughing violently as you felt a weight got lifted off your chest. All your body going numb for seconds.
You saw Bucky was up once again, and he managed to corner John with Sam, trying to break his arm to take away the shield.
You desperately tried to get up and help them, but your whole body was on fire. Why was the serum not working?
A breath escaped you once you heard the sound of bone breaking. Only to realize breathing hurt. Everything hurt so bad.
With cuts on your arms and face, bruises on your ribs, wounds in your chest, bullets in your stomach and legs, you gave up, closing your eyes.
Because of your agonizing pain. You didn't hear Bucky beating the life out of John after taking the shield. He didn't stop until John passed out.
Bucky turned around and saw a sight that came straight out of his worst nightmares. He had seen it too many times. Woke up scared and sweating because of it. A sight that he knew would haunt him more than it already did.
Your lifeless body in a pool of blood.
He took careful steps towards you, praying it would disappear, and this would just be a nightmare of his. But the sound of your faint heartbeats made it real.
"Doll." Bucky got on his knees next to you, holding your motionless body in his arm.
You hissed in pain as you felt a movement that caused all the pain in your body to stir awake again.
"Bucky." Your voice was a whisper. You were too tired to open your eyes, but the feeling of the metal around you was familiar.
"I'm right here, doll." Bucky may not let it show in his voice, but if you opened your eyes, you would see the fear and tears.
"I need you to stay awake, okay. Can you do this for me? Please, stay awake." Bucky never felt this desperate before.
"Help is on the way." The three of you had already arranged with Torres to have an ambulance on stand-by. You had a feeling things would go bad. But not that bad.
"I'm tired." The amount of blood you were losing was making you too dizzy.
"I know, doll. But you will be okay." Bucky didn't care about the blood getting all over him as he pulled you closer to him.
"You will get better. Because you have to." He was saying it more to himself than you.
"I prayed for this." Talking was getting too hard, but you had to tell.
"What did you pray for?" Bucky was doing anything to keep you awake. He needed to listen to your voice.
"To die in your arms."
Bucky felt the tears escape his eyes, falling down freely on his face.
"You aren't dying. You will be okay." You heard it. The shakiness of his voice.
Fighting the great pain you were in, you opened your eyes to look at him. You wanted to see him one last time. This is why you prayed to die in his arms. So his face would be the last thing to see. This voice would be the last thing you heard. His arms the last thing you felt. Your farewell to the cruel world would be with the man who had been your heaven on Earth.
You lifted your arm with a moan of pain before you placed it on his cheek. You needed to say it. You needed it to be your last words.
"I love you, Bucky. I loved you my whole life."
With that, the world went dark.
You didn't get to see the mess that Bucky became as he heard your heartbeats slow down. His screams and desperate calls of your name to wake up.
He was so blinded by pain that he didn't let the paramedics near, protecting your body until he realized who they were. They didn't try to fight him when he insisted on getting in the ambulance with you.
All the time you were in the surgery, Bucky was inconsolable. He didn't care that Sam and Torres saw him as he sobbed, sitting on the floor waiting for anybody to tell you were fine. All he cared about was that he didn't say it back. You could die not knowing how much he loved you. The thought brought new tears to his already puffy red eyes
He prayed to God and anyone that would hear. If you were standing close enough, you would hear him. "Please, don't take her from me." "Please, let her be okay." "Take me instead of her." "She deserves so much better, please."
In his long life that was filled with hardships, torture, and wars, this was the worst pain he ever went through. He could feel his heart twisting and breaking. Every cell in his body was hurting. The emotional pain turning physical.
His eyes were dried up. Cheeks stained with tears. His mind going through all the worst scenarios. None of them he would be able to survive.
He jumped up from the floor when the door opened, and a doctor walked out. His heart was beating a thousand miles a second. All these prayers never leaving his mouth. His last hope.
"She is okay."
Tears of relief fell from his eyes. You survived it. You made it. The doctor talked about your injuries. With medications and the seurm, you would heal properly. Bucky didn't pay attention. His mind focused on one thing. He needed to see you.
After knowing your room's number, Bucky didn't leave your side. The doctor told him it might take a bit for you to wake up, but he didn't mind. He would stay forever.
It wasn't long before you woke up.
You opened your eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright lights. The last thing you remember was the intense pain. It didn't hurt as much now. You just felt so exhausted. You tried to move your hands, only to be blocked.
You looked down to see Bucky holding your hand so tightly and his head resting next to it. You could tell his eyes were swollen and his nose was red. But he looked peaceful sleeping. You missed him so much.
Without much thought, you moved your other free hand to his head, playing with his hair. It felt soft under your fingers. You blamed the serum that made him wake up from such a simple touch.
You smiled softly as you watched him, trying to remember where he was and what he was doing. He looked confused until he saw you.
"You are awake." Bucky got up from the seat next to the bed.
"Are you okay? Are you pain? What hurts? I'm going to call the doctor." He was frantic. He only stopped when you held his metal hand.
"I'm okay, Bucky." You reassured him with a smile.
You repeated it a couple of times before he finally sat back down on the chair. That's when you noticed he was still in his suit that was covered in blood. Your blood.
After he sat down, he looked at your intertwined fingers together and couldn't help the tears.
"What's wrong?" You asked as you moved your thumb gently on his knuckles.
"You scared the life out of me." He answered as he wiped his tears away.
"Though we were used to this, Barnes." You replied playfully, hands still together.
"Not when it comes to you. Never you." Bucky was fast to respond.
"Nothing I haven't been through before." You said it casually. You didn't miss the look in Bucky's eyes. It held too much depth to it. You couldn't put your hand on it
"Is your arm okay? Do you need to get it checked?" Flashbacks were coming back to you bit by a bit. As you touched his metal arm, you remembered what happened to him.
"You are in the hospital bed, and you are asking about my arm." Bucky's laugh was dry. He would always be in awe of how caring you were.
"I will never stop caring about, Bucky. Even if you don't want me." It was true. Nothing could make you stop caring about Bucky.
"Don't want you?" Bucky couldn't let your comment go by.
"Yeah. You don't want me anymore. It's okay. I understand."
"You understand?"
"I remind you of a bad time. The worst. And you had to move on. You had to cut ties with all parts of this time."
"Is this why you think we broke up?"
"Isn't it?"
You started telling yourself this after the breakup as a way to pick the shattered pieces of your heart. Of course, he didn't want to be with someone who held their bad time as a constant reminder on her body as scars. Or with someone who went through the same hell as him. He deserved someone better. Someone who wasn't so damaged.
And you understood.
"No, it isn't."
He was planning to tell you everything but not right now. But words just fell out from the tip of his tongue.
"I don't look at you and see bad time. I look at you, and I see all my failures."
You looked at him, baffled, not getting what he meant.
"I remember everything."
You still didn't know what he wanted to say.
"I remember what Hydra did to you. What they made you do for me. What I did to you."
"How they pushed you too far in the lies of not hurting me. How they made you watch as they erased you from my mind. How they made me fight you. Hurt you."
You were about to tell him how you didn't hold him accountable to any of this because it was never his fault. It was never his intention. You were sure Bucky would never hurt you. The Winter Soldier not too. But he cut you off.
"They took you because they knew how much you meant to me. How important you are to me. I was the reason you had to go through all of this."
"I look at you and remember how I failed to protect you. When that's all I ever wanted in life. To protect you. But I failed."
"Just like I failed today."
Before you could say anything, he kept going.
"I couldn't understand how you could still love me."
"I looked at the list of people I hurt, and your name was first. And you wanted to help me. You wanted to stay by my side. I couldn't live with the guilt. I still can't. I had to let you go despite how bad it hurts."
"But, doll, I want you to be sure nobody will ever love you half as much as I do."
It took years for Hydra to remove you from his mind. But what they didn't know was that they never fully succeeded.
At first, he would forget his name but remember his girl and everything about you. Then they become harsher, so he would only remember your face and name. Then, it became only your face. Then nothing. The blank paper for them to write what they wanted.
However, whenever Hydra made the both of you train together or go on missions, he would get this rush of flashbacks like a movie playing in his head once he was alone in his cell. It would be you. In different places and different ages. The Winter Soldier would convince himself that it must be his memories from past missions. Effects of being wiped too many times.
The soldier was never able to shake the feeling of guilt after a training session where he would be instructed to be tough with you. A feeling so foreign to him.
He remembers the first time he refused to hurt you. They made him watch from far as they tortured you. Then they wiped him again. Every time he showed any sympathy for you, he was wiped and handled roughly.
But all the efforts weren't enough. You were the first thing he remembered once he settled in Bucharest. That's when the guilt came in. It was you. The love of his love. His fiancée. And they got to you. And he couldn't save you.
Even after the blip, His thoughts kept going back to how he betrayed you and hurt you instead of protecting you like he was meant it.
But the worst part was how he thought he didn't deserve your love anymore. He thought you would resent him. So he decided to break his heart into two. He left.
You were the forbidden topic that Raynor wasn't allowed to go near despite how much she wanted. You were the centre of his nightmares. All of them. Past memories of both of you at Hydra. Missions and trainings. And the worst, losing you. Watching you getting killed. Nightmares that invaded him, and he was defenceless.
"I love you, and I'm so sorry." Bucky laid soft kiss on your hand.
"Let me ask a question, Bucky." He looked at you, tears still filling his eyes.
You didn't expect this to be the real reason why you and Bucky broke up. But you should have known. He was too good of a man.
"If it had been the other way you around, wouldn't you have done the same? Would you have hated me then?"
"I would give my life for you without hesitation. And nothing could ever make me hate you."
His answer was fast. That was the only thing he knew about himself. You come first, always.
"Then why are you surprised with what I did? You don't love me more, Bucky." You laughed softly, already feeling your ribs ache a bit.
You always had this running joke that Bucky loved you more than you did. And to a lot of the extent, it was true.
"You didn't deserve it."
"Neither did you."
You patted the spot on bed next to you, wanting him to be close to you. And he listened. He sat on the bed, hands never leaving each other.
"Haven't we been through enough? Haven't the world tore us apart too many times? Let us have this."
If he still loved you, then you should be together. You should be broken together. You should heal together. It was poetic how even in pain, you were still together.
Both of you understood each other better than anyone. You shouldn't be separated.
"You don't hate me?" It was Bucky's worst fear and biggest doubt. If the damage Hydra did was unrepairable.
"I can live hundreds of years and still be in love with you."
You squeezed his hand to make sure he knew how serious you were. "You are all I have ever known, Bucky."
With that, Bucky got up and moved so close to you. Your faces millimetres away from each other. His breath fanning over your face. His personal scent with dust and blood engulfing you. His blue eyes warming the inside of you.
"I got the best girl of them all." Bucky kissed you.
It was a soft, slow kiss. A sign of starting over. Of getting back.
You smiled in the kiss. Bucky used to say this all the time back then. You were known as Bucky's best girl. He used to call you that.
You broke away, feeling so much better now. Bucky rested his flesh hand on your cheek.
"I thought I lost you. I was so scared."
"You didn't. I'm right here."
"Though you will leave me before I say it back." You looked at him, puzzled.
"I love you, doll. You are the thing I live for. You are the purpose of my existence. I love you so much."
You didn't care about the pain as you moved up to meet his lips one more time. And he kissed you back right away.
"You owe me a ring and wedding, Barnes." You joked while you brought your other hand to hold into his suit to ground yourself.
He laughed before he moved away for a bit, and you already missed the closeness, and he wasn't far. You watched as he brought his dog tags out. You saw something bright with them but couldn't tell it was.
"Oh my god." You felt tears gather in your eyes as Bucky brought out the shiny thing closer.
It was your ring. Your engagement ring. The ring Bucky put in your finger many years ago. It was it. You thought it must have been lost that you didn't try to look for it, avoiding the disappointment.
But here it was. Bucky was able to find it. And he kept it with his dog tags. So close to his heart. Where you belonged.
Bucky got in one knee in his technical gear in a hospital room with you connected to IV.
"Doll, will you marry me?"
You laughed loudly that you felt pain shot again in your body. Bucky was next to you in an instant when your laugh turned to a cough.
"Third time is a charm." You said as you gave him your hand.
With another proposal in Wakanda before the snap, you managed to get Bucky Barnes on his knees three times for you.
He put the ring on your finger and pressed a kiss on your hand. "It will be. Mrs. Barnes." The name always had its sweet effect on you.
Bucky leaned in again to kiss you. And this kiss felt out of the world. Like a lifeboat before drowning. Water after the drought. Your rescue.
It was Bucky's promise of safety and security. Nothing and nobody was ever going to hurt you again. A promise of a safe home. Together.
You kept your forehead resting on his as your hand found its place once again on his suit.
"No to be rude, but you need a shower, babe." You could feel the dust on his face and the blood dried on his suit and skin.
"I will be okay. Probably going to fall asleep." You didn't give him a chance to protest.
"Plus, you know. I like my man nice and clean." You pecked his lips playfully.
The sound of the word "your man" falling from your lips referring to Bucky made his heart do little dances. Damn right he was your man.
"I won't take long." He kissed your hair before he got up and left to get himself presentable for his lady.
The world felt lighter, brighter, better. You felt happy. You were happy. You looked at the ring that held huge meaning for you. You weren't hurting. You were finally okay. You had your man back.
Who would have thought a near death incident would be the thing to give you back the man who always brought life to you.
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saraakpotter · 2 months
Hi guys! i was thinking about doing this some time ago, i'm completely out of ideas and requests are open! so, here are the fandom's i write for but before requsting please remember theses stuff:
i don't write smut, NSFW and things like that.
i only write 'x reader'
i only write 'female!reader' becasue i'm more comfortable like that :)
i don't feel comfortable writing about (male x male) or (female x female)
now for the characters:
(by the way you can request for the actors\actress's of those characters too)
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Romantic and platonic:
Tony Stark\ironman
Loki Laufeyson
Stephan Strange
Wade Wilson\deadpool
Steve Rogers\captain america
Peter Quill\starlord
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton\hawkeye
Bucky Barns \winter soldier
Sam Wilson\falcon
Pietro Maximoff
platonic only:
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Wanda Maximoff
Stranger Things:
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Romantic and platonic:
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Eddie Munson
Platonic only:
Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
Dustin Henderson
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Max Mayfield
Harry Potter:
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romantic and platonic:
Harry Potter
Ronald 'Ron' Weasley
Cedric Diggory
James Potter (marauders)
Sirius Black (marauders)
Remus Lupin (marauders)
(i may add the Slytherin boys later btw)
platonic only:
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Lily Evans
Marlene McKinnon
Alice Fortescue
Mary McDonald
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romantic and platonic:
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Greg Lestrade
RDJ Sherlock Holmes
platonic only:
Mary Morstan
Jim Moriarty
Eurus Holmes
(i mostly write platonic for John and Greg tbh, but feel free to request both :)
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romantic and platonic:
Ravi Singh
Sal Singh
platonic only:
Pippa 'Pip' Fitz-Amobi
Cara Ward
Connor Reynolds
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
Summer sleepover
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running from august 21st to august 23rd
We are celebrating life & anything good in it ☺️ and the reward is a drabble sleepover! Ilysm all and sending good and summery vibes of peace of love to you all year round!
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As I had promised in the past we will use the same format as the 1.8 wlw sleepover to help me write my drabbles! What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided.
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed to my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided. The same goes for all the categories.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You can request up to three times.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
⋆ The time frame is reserved for requests, I will write them and publish them as I see fit aka I don't want to post too much.
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characters: Jack Russell, Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Gamora, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Yelena Belova, Monica Rambeau, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Jane Foster, Kate Bishop.
aus: apocalypse, bakery, book store, brothel, celebrity, clone, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbor, stripper, yandere, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: latex, breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, deep throating, titty fucking, squirting, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, collaring, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, period sex, lactation, temperature play, edging, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, mattress shopping, shopping spree, cinema, coffee, abandoned places, photoshoot.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, competitive games, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, saying goodbye at the door, repairing things, changing bedsheets, exercising together, ordering takeout, bathing a pet, falling asleep, waking them up, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
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No pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer, @tarrenterror25, @stargirlfics, @bvckysmoon @aphrogeneias @inklore @alohastyles-x @moonlight-prose @sunflowersteves @flordeamatista @e-dubbc11 @saradika @tom-whore-dleston
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
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Pairing: Mob Boss! Sam Wilson x Rumlow! Reader; Bucky Barnes x Reader (platonic); Steve Rogers x Reader (platonic); Brock Rumlow x Reader (platonic)
Word Count: around 4K
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. Childhood hoods, childhood crush, childhood nicknames based upon appearance, young Brock, Steve, Bucky and Sam, skinny Stevie Rogers, sibings being sibings, bratty behavior, Angst, allusion to underage drinking and crime, toxic parents, protective bothers, allusions to underaged drinking, bratty behavior, a punch in the nose (accidental), bloody nose, shirtless Sam, kind of innocent reader, fingering, oral sex (female receiving) loss of virginity, pain during sex, p in v, raw sex (wrap it or don’t tap it), praise kink, after care. This entire fic is comprised of two flashbacks.
A/N: This is in the same AU Try a Little Tenderness and The Representative, and comes directly after Addicted To You. The AU is called This Thing of Ours.
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You were ten years old, it was 2002, and you were spending the summer in Brooklyn at your father’s house. 
It was long before the mob war that he created which separated your brother Brock from his best friends. 
And it was a time that would change you forever.
The July afternoon was hot and so was the block. Music was blaring from the speakers of someone’s radio and there was a buzz in the air: adolescence, ambition and a potential for violence. 
You a slave to a page in my rhyme book/Gettin' big money, playboy, your time's up/Where them gangstas at?/ Where them dimes at?/They shootin'! Aw, made you look
They called you Bunny because of your teeth and your size. But you were a scrapper and could stand up for yourself. Your father taught you that. 
You also had a smart mouth, and roasted anyone who dared talk about you or your family. 
Your mother taught you that. 
When you came to your father’s house while your mother took her annual girls trip that summer, you found that your big brother was suddenly different. Gone was the quiet gangly 12 year old who drew up plans for world domination in composition books in his room; a wiry 13 year old who had friends who were just as scrappy and hungry as he was had taken his place.
Little Stevie Rogers never backed down from a fight. That’s where his best friend Bucky Barnes came in, backing him up when Stevie was against the wall. Brock was the kid with vision, the one who had a plan to get them where they wanted to be.
In power.
Your brother tried to ignore you, but you trailed after him because there was nothing better to do. One day, you sat in the stoop and watched him and his friends working to open the fire hydrant across the street from your dad’s house.
Your brother felt your eyes on them as you hugged your knees.You were a sight, bushy hair, glasses, braces, and an intense look on your face. He felt bad. 
For a second.
“Why don’t you go on over there and play dolls with Shandy and “n’em, Bunny?”
You glanced over at the girls playing on the next stoop, their braids wilting in the sun. They were playing with stiff dolls with stiff plastic hair and legs that didn’t bend. Not your scene.
You just poked your tongue out at him and moved to stand in the water now dripping out of the hydrant, your strawberry sneakers with the bows getting drenched. You smiled down at them, thinking of how mad your mother would be.
“Aw, c’mon Brock. She ain’t hurtin’ nobody. Let her have some fun.”
Bucky’s blue eyes shone down at you and you pushed up your glasses and looked up at him, squinting in the sun. Stevie’s bony elbow bumped into yours as you hopped to avoid the bruising gush of water along the pavement as they succeeded in their quest.
Stevie smiled at you. He really was a nice boy, even though he was pugnacious. Bucky was a smart ass, however.
“You don’t want her to melt, do ya? Your old man would skin you alive.” 
Stevie and Bucky laughed as Brock scowled. He didn’t have time for benevolence or little sisters. He had plans. He shook his head.
“Focus. We gotta stick with the plan. Sammy Wilson is coming over to talk about what’s happening tonight, and she doesn’t need to be around.”
You flipped Brock off behind Bucky and Stevie’s back, and he just scowled harder at you. No matter what you did, he didn’t engage with you like you wanted him to. How boring.
Bucky whistled. 
“Wilson is fast. That dude can run his ass off.”
Sam was on the track team at the high school down the block.
“I can beat him.”
Stevie puffed his bird chest out and Brock and Bucky laughed at him. You felt bad. 
“I believe you Stevie.”
He grinned at you and ducked his head.
Brock rolled his eyes and you flipped him off.
He pointed back at you.
“I’m sick of you. I’m telling Dad.”
You thrilled at the attention.
“Go ahead, I’ll tell him what you’re up to.”
Brock grabbed you by the shirt, snarling.
“You better not say a fucking word.”
You pulled away and landed on the pavement, your knee skinned. You kneeled, bending over to look at it, and to keep your tears inside, when you heard the voice of an angel.
“Need some help?”
You looked up into a face haloed by the sun. You reached for the hand that was offered and stood up to look into the face of 14 year old Sammy Wilson. And you were done for.
That gap tooth smile, those eyes. That skin.
You stared at him as you registered laughter around you. Sam spoke again.
“You okay?”
He seemed like he really wanted to know how you were.
He chuckled.
“You better clean that off.”
Sam took your hand and led you back over to the hydrant. He kneeled down, cupped water in his hand and cleaned off your knee.
It stung.
“Sorry. But it’s for your own good.”
You felt warm, and not just from the heat, as you let him take care of you.
You stared at him as he finished.
“That’s the best I can do. You need to get a band-aid.”
You would do anything he said. Sam looked up at you and it was like the air was sucked out of your body. You didn’t know what this feeling was, but it intrigued you.
“No problem. I got a little sister at home. Sarah. Just looking out. You gotta be careful.”
He smiled as he stood up and walked away. 
You watched him move over to the other boys, forever changed because that’s when you fell in love with Sammy Wilson.
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You spent that last summer in Brooklyn as the unofficial mascot of the Savage Crims, the newest gang on the block. Steve, Bucky, and Sam adopted you and you became scout, lookout, and spy. It was the best summer of your life.
Your mother moved to Los Angeles that fall and took you with her. She started dating more legitimate businessmen, meaning the same type of men as your father, just with generational wealth and privilege.
It was a different world than New York. You went to fancy private schools and learned how to play the game. You were now a “friendly black hottie,” sidekick to the main character in every scene. 
But you were smart. 
As you grew older, you watched and learned and played the part, and soon, you were running the game. By the time you graduated from high school, you were the center of attention, just the way you liked it. 
Your mother was engaged, and you and she were on the cusp of something she’d dreamed of her entire life: being iconic.
You started your first two years in college at UCLA, but you convinced your mother that fashion was how you would enable yourself to meet the best type of men, and that Parsons School of design in New York was the place to be. 
You acted as if you were uninterested in reconnecting with Brock, who your mom thought hadn’t contacted you in eight years aside from telling you that your father had died.
You convinced your mother that you wouldn’t venture off the island of Manhattan, and she believed you because she was in the midst of applying the full court press on her man.
The truth was, you and Brock kept in touch regularly, and you were eager to see your brother again. 
And his friends.
So you flew back East in 2012, 10 years after you left, butterflies threatening to fly out of your mouth as you landed at Laguardia. 
After a few weeks in the city establishing your dominance, you showed up at the boys’offices unannounced. He knew you were in town, and told you about how successful he was now, with the help of Bucky and Steve. 
And Sam. 
You were going to go see just how successful everyone was. 
And how lucky you could get.
“Who the hell is that?”
Bucky peered at the camera about the buzzer to the brownstone. Steve came over to look as well.
“It can’t be… Brock, c’mere.”
“What is it? We’re trying to work out this next shipment…”
Brock looked at the camera as Sam watched his jaw drop from the table.
“Who is it?”
“Fuck! That’s Bunny!”
Brock backed up as Steve pressed the buzzer. He opened the door to wait for you to climb the stairs.
Your excited shriek was muffled as the now beefy blonde picked you up immediately to twirl you around into the loft space.
You stood back, feeling his muscles through his shirt.
“Wow! You have filled out.”
“I must have learned from you…” 
Steve looked you up and down when you heard a roar in your ear.
Bucky gave you a bear hug to where you couldn’t breathe. You pounded his back and punched him in the pecs when he let go. You caught your breath and then turned to Brock, whose eyes were shining.
“God, you’re grown up. You’re not my little Bunny anymore.”
“Shut up, stupid.”
You embraced your brother, surprised at your emotion. You were choking up, about to sob in his arms.
“I missed you.”
You whispered into his shirt.
“Missed you too, kid.”
You let him go and you dabbed at your eyes. You heard someone clear their throat and looked over to see Sam standing next to you.
“Hey Sammy!”
You tried to make your voice light, so as not to betray your feelings. You’d replayed this moment in your mind a million times.
He was a man now. And damn. What a man. Tall, dark and handsome. But with that same smile. 
Sam tried to be cool. Brock was right. You weren’t little any more. A full grown woman. He tried to not check you out because he knew Brock was watching, but damn. You were beautiful. All over.
“Well? Can I get a hug?”
Sam unfroze himself.
“Of course.”
You seemed to melt into him, your breasts pressed against his chest, his lats seeming to mold around you. He could do this all day. 
When Sam opened his eyes, he saw Bucky’s raised eyebrow and he released you, stepping back and over to the table to try and pretend that all of his senses were not tuned on you.
“How’s Sarah?”
Sam smiled.
“Good. You should call her.”
You smiled back
“I will.”
Bucky interrupted.
“Tell me all about your socialite world, Ms.Y/L/N.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Rumlow ‘til I die.”
You locked eyes with Sam.
“Who does a girl have to screw to get a drink around here?”
You joked and the room fell silent.
“No one.” Brock deadpanned. “And you’ll wait another year until you’re legal.” 
You rolled your eyes.
“Yes, like everything is legal up in here.”
It was just like old times: you giving them all hell. Although Sam’s hell was different now. 
Bucky handed you a bottle of water.
“Thanks Buck!” 
You sat and crossed your legs across from Sam and Brock.
“So. How’s things?”
You four talked for hours, ordering pizza from Sal’s and shooting the shit. It was almost midnight when they drew straws to see who would take you home. Sam drew the short straw. 
Lucky him.
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You rode in the passenger seat of Sam’s BMW, arms folded across your chest, an adorable bratty pout on your delectable lips. He’d been watching that mouth all night, torturing himself with visions of those in various places on his body. He was getting hard. 
Sam stifled a moan which he tried to play off.
You jumped a little when he growled at you.
“What the hell is wrong with you, little girl?”
You turned toward him, mad.
“First of all, I’m not a little girl any more.”
“Yeah, Right.”
It sounded dismissive, but Sam was really just agreeing with you.
“Second of all, y’all really drew straws to take me home?”
You glared at him as he laughed at your outrage.
“I’m not the little tagalong from years ago. I didn’t even need you to take me home. I could call anyone to come get me. To come get this.”
You held up your flip phone and indicated your body. Sam’s dark eyes took you in and felt possessive. Holy shit, he was in deep. 
“I’m sure you got lots of hardheads after you.” 
Sam clenched his jaw and looked back at the road as he drove to The Village.
“We’re busy men, Bunny. We got important work to do. Brock will be working for a couple more hours, Bucky is running the streets, and Steve probably has a date right now…”
“At 1 am? You mean a booty call.”
Sam continued, ignoring you.
“But what will never change is us protecting you. We’re family, Bunny.”
You pushed his head and he glared at you.
“Same little boys is all I see. Important crimes, you mean.”
You huffed back into your seat, your breasts bouncing in your spandex dress. Sam fought to keep his eyes on the road.
“I’ll show you a little boy. Don’t try me, Bunny.”
You turned back to him, batting your eyes, but your attitude on 1000.
“I’d love to try you Sammy.”
Sam had the urge to take you by the throat and slide you up and down his dick, but he just squeezed the steering wheel harder, trying to ignore you. 
“Hey Sammy.”
He sideyed you. Your voice was too sweet.
“Let’s go get a drink.”
“Fuck no!”
“C’mon, don’t be a prude. I drank all the time in Europe this summer.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t Europe, and I don’t give a fuck.”
You sat back in your seat, grumbling and frustrated. He would never see you as anything but little Bunny. By the time you got to campus, you didn’t even wait for Sam to park before you jumped out. He caught up with you, long legs gaining ground quickly. He grabbed your arm.
“Let me go!”
You turned around and popped him in the nose by reflex.
Sam held his face and doubled over.
“Oh, my damn! I’m sorry Sammy. Let me see.”
Sam pulled away from you and as his hands moved, blood spattered all over his shirt and the concrete below him.
“Oh no. Oh no. I’m so sorry.”
Sam was moving away.
“Just.. leave me alone. I’m okay…”
“No you’re not. I’m sorry Sammy. Come up to my place. Please. I’ll clean you up.”
Sam opened his watery eyes to see your remorseful face and let you lead him up to your apartment, up three flights of stairs. You took him immediately to the bathroom and you washed him up, giving him a wet washcloth and telling him to lean his head forward, indicating the toilet.
Sam sat down and did as he was told, pinching the bridge of his nose.
You sat on the floor below him and stared up at him, hugging your knees.
“I’m so so so so sorry Sammy…”
He looked at you, silent, and continuing to pinch his nose.
You stayed with him for 15 minutes until he stopped bleeding and stood up again, cleaning up a bit more. You felt so bad.
You stared at his shirt as he stood.
“Jeez, Sammy, take that shirt off, let me soak it.”
Sam remained silent, but took off his shirt.
You bent over to get some hydrogen peroxide from the cabinet, scrubbed the shirt a little, then soaked it in cold water.
Sam was watching your ass, almost feral at the fact that you were such a brat. You needed to be tamed. But you were Brock’s kid sister. He was so torn. 
“You can grab a sweatshirt out of my –” 
You turned around toward and stopped mid thought, mind blank at the sight of Sam’s shirtless form.
“Holy shit.”
Sam gave you a lopsided grin.
“You keep sweatshirts in your holy shit?”
You didn’t even hear the tease, just licked your lips as you stepped toward him.
Sam gulped and tried to calm down. But the look on your face was everything at the moment. He knew he probably should have, but he didn’t stop you as you entered his space. You reached your hand up to his nose.
“Are you ok?”
“I think so.” 
Sam reached up and manually shifted his nose. 
“Probably just broken for the third time. Been in a couple of scraps.”
Your fingers entwined with his and you brought them to your lips. Tears started to slide down your face.
“I’m sorry.”
Sam wiped the tears from your face with his thumbs.
“Don’t cry. I’m ok.”
He pulled you in for a hug, and then leaned back.
As you looked up at him, he whispered, “So damn beautiful, Bunny…” 
Suddenly, he was kissing your face, collecting your salt water with his lips. Then, he pulled away.
“What are we doing?” 
You began to nuzzle his palm, while your hands reached for his pecs.
“Stop thinking so much, Sammy…”
“Thinking’s what got us into this..”
You nodded.
“D’you know how long I’ve been thinking about this?”
Your eyes followed your hands as they traced his chest, then his sternum down to his happy trail. His stomach clenched at the sensation. He was too far gone.
“How long?”
“From the first time someone tried to be with me sexually. I never really wanted to, I mean I’ve messed around, I can suck your soul out, but I’ve never wanted anyone inside of me.”
You were tracing his hard on outside of his pants, your face upturned now.
“Are you trying to say that…you’re…”
You nodded again.
“You were always in the back of my mind, Sam. I only want you.”
Sam tilted his head downward and captured your lips in a kiss, as though it were inevitable.
You both drew back and then your lips crashed together again, your bodies pressed up against each other urgently.
The kiss was everything you ever imagined and everything Sam didn't know that he wanted. Your hands went for his belt buckle. At that moment, Sam placed his hands on your arms and pushed you away from him.
“We can’t do this.”
You nodded, stepped back and took a deep breath.
“You’re right. You’re one of my brother’s best friends. No need for you to pop my cherry or anything.”
You two stared at each other. Then you licked your lips. Sam cocked his eyebrow, trying to restrain himself from the animalistic urges your filthy mouth gave him.
“You little brat.”
Sam grabbed your neck to pull you close to him. He reached down to pull your skirt up and he rubbed your ass like he was trying to shine it. He then put both hands on you to spread your cheeks apart. Your wetness was evident in the sound. You buried your face in his chest, embarrassed.
“Sounds like you really want this.”
For once in your life, you were speechless, and Sam reached down and angled your head up so he could look at you.
“I need you tonight Sam.”
You kissed him again and tried to get on your knees. But Sam stopped you and led you over to your bed.
“You’re the queen right now.”
You pulled off your dress and stood there in your bra and panties as Sam pulled you toward your bed to lay beside him, his hand caressing down the side of your body. 
He moved his fingers over the lace of your bra to find your nipple, and when it was discovered, he pinched it to see your reaction. The way your eyes closed halfway and your mouth opened was everything. He reached behind you to expertly unhook your bra and looked down on you.
“You're so beautiful.”
And he dipped his head running his tongue around the edges of your areola, making your nipple rock hard against his breath. Then, he started sucking in earnest, his huge hand going to tweak and play with the other. You threw your head back in earnest, the feeling in your cunt growing with each pull of his mouth. You started moaning.
“You mean to tell me…. That no one has ever… had the pleasure…”
Sam asked the important question between having his mouth on you. He couldn’t get enough.
You shook your head and furrowed your brow. It was taking you out of the moment. Sex was just a means to an end for you up until now.
“I suck them off, and they’re satisfied. S’not a big deal….. Ahhhhh.”
Sam stopped what he was doing to look into your eyes. 
“It is a big deal, Bunny. You deserve everything.”
Sam tenderly kissed your lips as he pulled your panties off, and then returned to your breasts. Tears slipped down your face to the pillow beneath your head as he finally parted your legs. His hand, led by his long middle finger slid down your wet, wet folds to play in your slick. 
“Mmmmmm. That’s that shit I like.” 
Sam rumbled in his chest, and the vibrations reached your nipple, causing you to arch into his mouth and hand. Sam’s fingers worked your clit and you could feel it get hard and plucky. You heard the sloshing wetness of your arousal. So did Sam. He pulled off to look at you again.
“You ever play with yourself?”
The look on his face was part possession and part genuine concern.
“Of course. But not this goooddddd…. Shit Sam. I just hit it and quit it…. Fuckkkk that feels good.”
Sam was plucking your nipple with one hand and rubbing your clit in expert circles with the other, watching the ecstasy on your face as you neared your peak. 
“C’mon for me now. Cum. right here in my hand…Yes…. That’s a girl…”
It hit you like a ton of bricks.
“Holy mother of……ssshhhhhhiiiiittttt! Sam! Fuckkkk fuck fuck fuck!”
You tried to grab his hand to move it away, but he was strong. Oh so strong. He didn’t stop.
“Sam… I… Sam stop..I can't…”
“You can, and you will. Take it. You’re tough. You can take it.” 
You convulsed as your pulses slowed down and you tried to relax.
“That’s a girl. Just give it to me. Let me have it. Love that shit. You’re beautiful right now, you know that?”
You calmed under his praise and got into the groove of his pleasure.
Sam’s fingers started exploring you, one of them sliding easily inside you, so he added another, but when he reached the second knuckle, you clamped down hard.
“Shit, Bunny. You’re so so tight.”
Sam looked at you with lust and you could feel his cock throbbing against your thigh, his precum making a mess.
“Thought that first one would have loosened you up. Looks like you need at least one more.”
Your eyes grew wide as he slid down your body, fingers still inside you, but now his mouth clamping around your clit, which was still sensitive. Your knees closed around his head and he pried them off with one hand.
“Take it Bunny. You deserve.”
It was the last thing he said before he destroyed your soul with his mouth. He licked and sucked and lapped, and his fingers slid inside you and curled the spark of pain muted by the fireworks behind your eyes as you came harder than you ever had in your life, including a few minutes earlier.
“Hnnnnh, hunnnnnnhh. Sam…”
He was kneeling up now, grabbing for his pants and a condom. When you saw the foil packet, you stopped him.
“No Sammy. Wanna feel you.”
Sam raised his eyebrow.
“Mom put me on the pill when I was 13. It’s like a vitamin now. I’m good.”
Sam nodded and his thumb went to your still vibrating clit as he swiped his head in your viscous slit. He managed to pop his thicker-than-you-thought head inside you, but you yelped in pain as he tried to slide in.
He leaned down, arms on either side of your head as you clutched his shoulders.
“You good?”
You nodded, tears in your eyes as you smiled.
“I want it, I need it. Give it to me.”
Sam looked at you, shook his head and smiled.
He slid inside you slowly, seeming to grow wider and longer with each inch that he gave you. The burning between your legs was soothed by his praise and tender kisses on your forehead.
“There you go.  Feels so so good for me Bunny. You’re doing so good. I can’t believe this… Make me wanna cum already. This pussy is so tight. And so good. Better than I’ve ever had…”
Sam relaxed you, and you began to enjoy that he was taking you apart. When your moans matched his thrusts was when he started to give it to you, his will power waning.
You were the epitome of desire.
He hiked your leg above his hip so that he could dig deeper and his thumb found your clit again.
“One more Bunny. Just one more…”
He felt you flutter around him and he gripped the base of his cock. 
“Yes… oh… fuck yes….”
“Ohhh! Ah!”
Your cream gushed around him as you came and Sam grunted and let go inside you.
“Fuuuuucckkkkkkkk aahhhhhhh ahhhh. Fuck!”
Sam felt like he his balls would never empty and he slumped on top of you, feeling your arms snake around him to hold him.
“Mmmm… Sammy.”
He could hear the smile in your voice. He leaned up off of you and kissed your nose, looking into your eyes.
“Are you okay?”
You smiled at him and Sam’s heart was gone. You had it locked up.
“Better than okay.”
He kissed you again.
“Stay right here.”
He went to the bathroom, coming backwith a washcloth and tenderly cleaned you up. You heard the bath running.
“You’re going to be sore.”
“Yes. I’m going to feel you for a week.”
Sam grinned and you saw his cock come to life. You smirked and gingerly moved ot get out of bed.
“Join me in the bathtub Sammy. Wanna try the wet and wild….”
Sam was hypnotized by the sway of your ass.
He didn’t think of the implications of what just happened. He’d had a taste, and his hunger was voracious. He just wanted you.
And that would become a problem.
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captainsimagines · 2 years
pretty woman, this is me trying || twelve
Summary: Bucky Barnes does not like to be touched. He’s completely ready to live a distant life and give up when the time is right. Until Stark hires him his own personal pretty woman. Over time, Bucky Barnes begins to learn how to touch again. How to feel again. How to love himself again.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female SexWorker!Reader
Trope(s): Holiday Fanfic ; Slow-Burn ; Friends to Lovers
Based on the Song(s): sweet nothing by Taylor Swift and Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
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Warnings: explicit language; thoughts of self-hatred and guilt; creepy male reporters; use of the word “whore”; overthinking idiots; dumbass Steve Rogers
Word Count: 3,000+
     The office parties and political Balls you had been to in all your years of working as an escort did not compare to Tony Stark’s annual Christmas Ball. Decorations covered every inch, lights were of every color imaginable, and the people were dressed in the most elegant attire ever stitched. It was natural for you to feel out of place at these things. You were either overdressed or underdressed.
With Bucky attached to your arm, you felt included. You felt a part of the club.
You caught sight of Natasha near one of the three bars, this one being in the grand hallway leading into the main reception. She waved, winking as she took notice of your dress. She was wearing the blue one she modeled yesterday, every lovely curve even more pretty as she moved beneath the lights. Bucky waved at her as well, his appreciative glance short and sweet.
In fact, you had believed he was constantly glancing at you to make sure you were still by his side.  
When really, he’s been checking you out all night.
You flushed beneath his cheesy stare, confidence bombarding every inch of your skin. The faint feel of his touch, of his kiss, of his tongue, lingered in the most inappropriate areas. And with the way he was looking at you, he knew too.
“One other thing,” Bucky said as he leaned down to your ear. “You’re gonna have to bid on me tonight.”
“Bid? Like money?”
“Exactly that.”
Why didn’t he mention this before?
“I think I just saw a Kennedy. You think I have that kind of money?”
Bucky stifled his laugh with his metal hand. “It’s already paid for. Trust me. Just bid until everyone else stops. There is no limit.”
“I’m lost.”
“You’ll be fine,” he soothed. Then, “Sam!”
You were on your own until the bidding war. Just as well, you thought. There was a dessert table with your name on it.
    Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff were an item, it seemed.
Or maybe that quick, secret kiss by the bathrooms was a platonic thing.
Either way, your doubts were cleared when Sam Wilson spent nearly one million dollars for a date with her. Or rather, Tony Stark provided Sam Wilson nearly one million dollars to take Natasha out on a date.
What solidified the relationship for you though was how Natasha didn’t even spend one dollar when it was his turn. Her grin was feline as she hid it behind a champagne glass and watched seven other people bid for that special night with him. His quiet pleading did not sway her, and an actual Kennedy ended up winning that date.
“You’re next,” Natasha commented, watching as a nervous-looking Bucky walked up the stage. He did his best to cover random parts of himself: his chest, his metal arm, his hands. His hair was pulled back in a bun, two french braids layered across his temples. He had asked you earlier to do them for him, sitting between your legs and talking a mile a minute about the plot holes in the Santa Clause movies. He even showed you a picture of how he wanted his hair done for tomorrow.
“Stark better be paying for this.”
Natasha chuckled, “His most trusted donors have already done so. Don’t worry.”
The announcer called Bucky forward, listing his “best” qualities and how he adored walks on the beach. In the corner of your eye, you saw Thor and Clint dying of laughter.
“We’ll start the bidding at five dollars!”
Before you could raise your hand, ten other people beat you to it. Back and forth, the dollar amount increased. You started bidding once the amount hit the thousands, then the hundred thousands. Once it was just you and some other bitch (you were allowed to say this and you’ll beg for forgiveness later), you upped the ante.
In the end, you won the bidding with your bid of six hundred thousand and the satisfaction of hearing that bitch squeal her bitterness. Bucky gave you a quick thumbs-up, motioning toward the bathroom so he could go catch his breath. He rubbed his chest, his smile sheepish and slightly apologetic.
Random people congratulated you as you made your way to the area in which you needed to write your name down. From what Bucky said, your name would show up no matter what.
Why didn’t Bucky tell you before this morning that you would need to bid on him? If you had been told that since the beginning, all the more reason to help him out. Then again, maybe he felt embarrassed.
Put on auction, not knowing who would have bet on him, treated like cattle.
If he had told you, you could have told him how relatable it was.
You scribbled your name on the card they handed you. Distracted by rereading and checking for errors, you didn’t notice a stranger settle beside you.
“Are you two dating?” he asked, referring to Bucky as he jutted his chin at the card.
You handed the card back to the woman collecting them. You barely glanced at the man as you responded, “I’m sorry, who are you?”
He chuckled quietly, “Dave Reagan. The New Yorker.”
“Good for you.”
You turned and left him at the table, cursing silently as he followed you.
“I don’t usually come to these things, but my boss told me an interesting little detail,” Reagan continued, dipping down as if to whisper more in your ear. You leaned away, making your discomfort noticeable in your expression. He seemed to enjoy that, though.  Not sexual enjoyment, but more like it stunned him jolly.
“Isn’t it obvious by the way I’m internally dying that I don’t want to be in this conversation?”
“Astonishing…” he sighed, his half-compliment falling on deaf ears. Before you could weave your way through an incoming crowd, he intercepted your path.
That familiar sinking feeling punched your gut, even turning your legs cold. Was that something common in all women? To feel so dreadfully trapped in situations that don’t look necessarily dangerous? To feel as if your fight or flight response malfunctioned, and it shouldn’t have been so easy to be stopped? You were surrounded by superheroes and yet, safety was a foreign concept. You were reduced to a human woman, gulping the internalized confidence you had stored for these very moments. Cultivated since girlhood. Without it, you might have crumbled to the floor.
“So, do you service the Winter Soldier on weekends and the others throughout the week?”
Something detached in your brain and shocked you still. Paralyzed.
He couldn’t be saying what you thought he was saying.
But his eyes held no secrets. He was laying them all out for you, allowing you to take your pick.
“How did you know about me?”
“Your picture is on the internet and a lot of higher-ups love that little website you’re on. So many of the guys at work have brought dates they hired from there.”
Bucky. You had to find Bucky. You searched the crowd, even chancing a look behind you, but he wasn’t here. He must still be in the bathroom catching his breath. Tony was busy talking to donors, Clint was in the middle of telling a story, Natasha and Bruce weren’t at either of the two indoor bars, and Maria had left for the bathroom.
“Can you speak lower?” you asked, shrinking by the second.
You locked eyes with Steve Rogers, who had stopped paying attention to the group in front of him the moment his gaze found yours. The hardness of his eyes immediately softened when he took in the expression on your face. He was moving before you could mouth a Help toward him.
He knew. He might have found your relationship with Bucky untrustworthy and sudden, but he did not hate you. He’d be damned leaving you in a situation you desperately needed saving from.
Reagan ignored your request, however. The next thing out of his mouth hurt more than any physical hit.
“You’re not even going to deny that you’re the Avengers’ personal whore?”
Tears burned behind your eyes. Your throat closed on itself. You had no reply, no explanation, no defense.
Steve stepped in between you and Reagan, seemingly bigger than the last time you saw him. “Do we have a problem here?”
Reagan flashed him a rehearsed smile. “Captain Rogers, lovely seeing you again!”
“Can’t say the same about you, Reagan.”
Reagan glanced toward you, his smile devilish. He was aware that Steve followed his movements. He was doing this on purpose.
You had never met this man before. He had never met you. You chalked it up to him just having a horrible, incel-like reaction to sex workers. He mentioned his coworkers and their dates with a hint of a frown. Add in the fact that he was a misogynistic reporter, digging for a front-page story, and was brutal in his search.
“Tell me, Rogers. Do you fuck her immediately after your best friend has had his way with her?”
“Stop…” you begged, cracking at the end.
Steve’s jaw clenched, his entire demeanor one of a man in battle. “What the fuck did you just say?”
Reagan sipped from his drink, bouncing his eyes from you to Steve. The shock on your face was old news apparently, but it was enough of a sign for him. Reagan simply had to glance back at Steve to put the puzzle pieces together. Stuttering on a laugh, Reagan drawled, “Oh my god, you don’t know.”
Steve’s eyes bore into the reporter’s, fire blazing from his original comment to his statement just now. And it was Hell the moment Steve realized what Reagan was actually saying, because comprehension slithered onto the Captain’s face as horribly slow as Reagan’s accusation.
Steve turned his head to you, his eyebrows pulled together. He noticed your wobbling lip, your shielded position. He didn’t say anything. He simply stared, the puzzle fitting for him as well.
“Reagan!” you heard Stark shout as he marched to the group. He kept his strut natural so as to not worry guests. “How did your sleazy ass slip through security?”
“Holiday events are your easiest barricades, Stark,” Reagan joked, sipping from his glass.  “Do you employ her as well?”
Reagan’s last syllable was strangled as Steve punched him in the face, breaking his nose instantly. He fell with a loud thud, gaining the attention of numerous bystanders.
You heard Stark calling your name, but you kept walking. Your dress swayed beautifully as you picked up your pace. You ran past Natasha and Clint, Sam and Pietro, even the Scarlet Witch herself. All magically appeared in this horrid moment, and not in the moment you needed them the most. In the morning, all those lovely faces would adopt similar strains of astonishment, of disgust maybe. They would no longer see you as Bucky’s friend. They wouldn’t invite you over for tea and crumpets. They wouldn’t tell you that you’re the thing making Bucky Barnes smile anymore.
They will discover you weren’t Bucky’s friend at all. You were his whore.
“Hey, hey,” Stark soothed, finally catching up to you. “I am so fucking sorry. I made sure to employ you secretly, privately, discreetly. Someone’s ass is getting fucking sued.”
“I don’t want to talk about this here, Stark.”
“I will find whoever leaked this. I will make sure your reputation stays intact—”
“What reputation! He’s not wrong!” you screamed, uncaring for whoever eavesdropped.
“He’s saying you’re our whore. Now, I reject that language regardless, but that statement is plain slander!”
You scoffed, humorless. “Who are we kidding, Stark? I am what I am.”
“But Barnes—”
“Bucky wanted me because he wanted to get used to company again. Nothing more.”
Stark pursed his lips, unconvinced. “Barnes didn’t want to bring anyone to the Ball, but I convinced him it was a good idea. He would have been auctioned off to a stranger against his will. When I searched for someone, I didn’t show Barnes a picture or your biography. I simply thought you looked like a person who could keep a secret. Barnes decided the day—”
“Barnes decided you were a right fit—”
“Bucky didn’t want me?”
He had told you that he had a say. That he didn’t think you two would hit it off, but that he still chose you.
It was a lie.
Stark chose you. Stark told him he had to choose you. Stark forced this upon Bucky, a hurt and struggling man, and didn’t tell you. Bucky was going to be auctioned to a stranger against his will because of some immature charity ring, and in his distress, told Stark to fix it.
“Where in my words did you pick that up?”
“You just said you were the one who chose me, who looked for me. That Bucky didn’t know I was going to walk through his door.”
“Well, he agreed to the ‘having a date to the Christmas Ball’, but I had full rein on choosing the person.”
Confirmation was revolting. Even if Bucky had given you his consent to everything you two had done together, it was the overall consent that lacked. It made you feel immoral, corrupt.
Lied to.
You ignored the curious faces of guests watching your conversation, desperately trying to angle their heads for better acoustics. It didn’t matter, though. You’ll never have to see them again after this.
“Do what you have to do to keep the story out of the papers. I don’t care anymore,” you told Stark, pushing past him and to the striking double doors. Holiday music followed your grand escape, mocking you with each step. The lights lit up your path.
“Wait! Wait!”
Everything in your body told you to keep walking, to run through those glass doors and hail a taxi. But his voice was a siren call, and your heart was at war with every cell.
You whipped around, furious and broken. “You didn’t want me.”
Bucky froze, immediately falling pale. “What?”
“You never asked for me.”
He swallowed hard, seemingly caught in his lie. “I… I didn’t, but you have to understand—”
You sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep your voice from shaking. “I chose you… And you didn’t even want me.”
“I wanted you after I met you,” he rushed.
“I get that, but it feels dirty to know I just forced myself into your life. To know that you were just doing what Stark told you to do because of some requirement for this Ball.”
He shook his head, fighting you without fists. “I want you now.”
“But why didn’t you tell me?”
He paused, as if debating his answer. Then, with calculated urgency, he said the one thing you hoped he wouldn’t say. “I was still worried you’d leave after you were paid.”
You scoffed out a laugh, “I feel dirty. And that man in there made me feel worthless.”
A muscle in his cheek jumped at the same time his metal arm whirred. “What man? What the hell did he say to you?”
“Nothing I haven’t heard before,” you laughed, humor absent. “But I’ve touched you, Bucky. I’ve done everything a hooker is expected to do and I fell in love with you, and I was still going to take the goddamn money. All of that… Without even knowing that you were forced into this arrangement?”
He went to say something, but you continued, “You promised to tell me what you wanted and didn’t want.”
“ I did,” he enunciated, completely serious. “You did not take advantage of me.”
“You don’t get it.” You tried not to sound like you were whining, but it was hard. “I was just exposed in there. I let people show me off and fuck me for a living, but that was humiliating. None of your friends knew I did this. None of your friends had that image of me sleeping with other people while being with you until now. I lied to them. And I was going to continue lying to them, even after Stark paid me.”
“They won’t care.”
“But I still lied.”
Over Bucky’s shoulder you saw Steve rushing from the main room, frantic in his search. For you, for Bucky. Didn’t matter. The moment he saw you two, his face contorted.
“Great…” you sighed, suddenly tired. Bucky glanced back to see who you were referring to. “I lied to him the most.”
“He. Won’t. Care,��� Bucky said, setting his jaw.
“I need to get out of here,” you declared, basically running around him.
“Wait—Wait!” Bucky begged, grabbing your wrist. His force was miscalculated though, and your wrist made an audible pop. Bucky dropped you instantly, his eyes wide with fear.
“Don’t touch me.” Ignoring the slight pain, you backed away from him.
“Just let me explain—” His body, always rejecting what his mind told him to do, went to reach for you again. You lifted a hand, as if to swat him away, yet you had every intention of missing him.
But Bucky flinched, recoiling and turning his shoulders inward.
You missed Bucky completely because Steve Rogers pushed you away, slamming you against the wall.
“Steve!” Bucky yelled, ripping Steve off you. You fell forward, barely catching yourself from falling. The two grappling men fell to the floor.
“I wasn’t going to hit you,” you breathed, sending Bucky the most hurt expression you could conjure.
He stuttered, rushing to stand again. “I—I know that. It was instinct. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry for reacting. Be sorry for thinking so low of me.”
Pushing open the doors, you paused when you heard Bucky’s whimper of, “Please don’t go.”
Steve stood, keeping his distance. He had done enough damage, it seemed. You couldn’t even look at him long enough without feeling betrayed.
He had just proved you right. The team, Steve included, would not accept you.
“But that makes sense, right? I’m just a whore you didn’t even want in the first place.”
You didn’t look back to see how your words landed. You rushed into a taxi and drove home, crying the whole way there.
What’s another Christmas spent alone?
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froggywritesstuff · 2 years
character list
the title is self explanatory. this is a list of the characters i'll write for. it'll probably change over time, and if you see a character you'd like but don't see them on the list, just ask cause i might've forgotten about them
Eliza Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Philip Hamilton
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Aaron Burr
Umbrella Academy
Viktor Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella or Sparrow)
Sloane Hargreeves
Jayme Hargreeves
Stranger Things
Will Byers (non female readers only)
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eleven Hopper
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley (non male readers only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
21 Chump Street
Justin Laboy
The Goldfinch
Boris Pavlikovsky
Theodore Decker
Peter Parker (any actor)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Sprite (platonic only)
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
America Chavez (non male readers only)
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova (platonic only)
Riri Williams
Kitty Pryde
Peter Maximoff
Logan Howlette
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Scott Summers
In The Heights (movie version)
Usnavi de la Vega
Nina Rosario
Sonny de la Vega 
Veronica Sawyer
JD (Jason Dean)
Heather Chandler
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
John Doe
John Doe
Ride The Cyclone
Noel Gruber (male or nb readers only)
Ocean O'Connel Rosenburg
Mischa Bachinski
Constance Blackwood
Ricky Potts
Paul Matthews
Emma Perkins
Ted Spankoffski
Bill Woodard
Ruth Fleming
Pete Spankoffski
Richie Lipschitz
Max Jagerman
Grace Chasity
Lex Foster
Ethan Green
Hannah Foster (platonic only)
Charlie Spring (non female readers only)
Nick Nelson
Tara Jones (non male readers only)
Darcy Olsson (non male readers readers only)
Elle Argent
Tao Xu (non male readers only(headcanoning him as bi or pan is disrespectful and transphobic))
Tori Spring
Imogen Heaney
Isaac Henderson (platonic only)
Do Revenge
Eleanor Levetan (non male readers only)
Drea Torres
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Bianca Barclay
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
(young) Morticia Addams
(young) Gomez Addams
Lydia Deetz
Tomorrow When The War Began
Ellie Linton
Lee Takkam
Fiona Maxwell
Homer Yannos
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse/Across the Spider-Verse
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Margo Kess
Miles G Morales (earth 42)
Miguel O’Hara
Maze Runner
Newt (non female readers only)
The Broken Hearts Gallery
Lucy Gulliver
Nadine (non male readers only)
Nick Danielson
Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Lord Tewkesbury
Turning Red
Mei Mei
Raising Dion
Nicole Warren
Tevin Wakefield
Dion Warren (platonic only)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer (non female readers only)
Abbott Elementary
Janine Teagues
Jacob Hill (non female readers only)
Gregory Eddie
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Love Victor
Victor Salazar (non female readers only)
Benji (non female readers only)
Felix Weston
Pilar Salazar
Lake Meriwether
Mia Brooks
In Treatment
Kurt Kunkle
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Mary Margaret Blanchard
David Nolan
Henry Mills
Mulan (non male readers only)
Neal Cassidy
Peter Pan
Dash and Lily
Juno MacGuff
Paulie Bleeker
Summer Days Summer Nights
Debbie Espinoza
Frankie Espinoza
Scream (1 through 6)
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Roberts
Charlie Walker
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Eddie Brock
Honest Thief
Ramon Hall
Beth Hall
Wild Child
Poppy Moore
Freddie Kingsley
Monsters and Men
Manny Ortega
Marisol Ortega
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Trevor Spengler
Phoebe Spengler (platonic only)
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff Winger
Britta Perry
The Obession
The New Girl
Lia Setiawan
Stacey Hoffman
Mythic Quest
Poppy Li
Brad Bakshi
Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Prince Bubblegum
Flame Princess
School Spirits
Charley (non female readers only)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Disventure Camp
Aiden (non fem readers only)
James (non fem readers only)
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies
Jane Facciano
Olivia Valdovinos
Nancy Nakagawa
Cynthia Zdunowski
Richie Valdovinos
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
Roy Kent
Jamie Tartt
Keeley Jones
Sam Obisanya
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Noah Diaz
Elena Wallace
Helluva Boss
Stolas (non female readers only)
Verosika Mayday
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Vaggie (non male readers only)
Angel Dust (non female readers only)
Alastor (platonic only)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rise + mutant mayhem + tmnt 2007 + tmnt 2012)
The After Party
Yasper Lennov
Space Force
Tony Scarapiducci
Teddy Lobo
Robert Montague Renfield
Bill Hoyt
Amazing Digital Circus
Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy Cunningham (18+ people DNI unless requesting platonic stories)
The Earliest Show
Josh Bath
House of Lies
Clyde Oberholt
Mean Girls (movie + musical + movie musical)
Cady Heron
Regina George
Gretchen Wieners
Karen Smith/Shetty
Janis Ian/Sarkisian/Imi'ike (non male readers only)
Damian Hubbard (non female readers only)
Warm Bodies
Peep World
Nathan Meyerwitz
Your Boyfriend
Peter Dunbar
Mark Grayson
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Sabrina Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Nick Scratch
Rosalind Walker
Theo Putnam
Prudence Blackwood
Ambrose Spellman
High School Musical: the Musical the Series
Gina Porter
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literaryavenger · 6 months
Summary: You find something of Bucky's.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avengers!Reader
Warnings: My poor attempts at being funny. No use of Y/N. Just a whole lot of fluff.
Word Count: 1.1K
A/N: This is a dream I had and I couldn't get it out of my head so I decided to write it down. Hope somebody enjoys it!
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“Good morning.” you say casually to Bucky sitting at the island as you enter the kitchen.
He merely nods back to acknowledge your presence while sipping his coffee. It’s not like Bucky doesn’t like you, he’s just not a morning person. But the whole team is used to his morning grumpiness.
Also, you and the brunette supersoldier aren’t particularly close, so you don’t really expect bells and whistles when he sees you.
You pour some coffee for yourself and then sit on the kitchen island in front of Bucky. A light jingle coming from under your shirt gets Bucky’s attention and he raises an eyebrow at you.
“What was that?” He asks you, his curiosity getting the better of him.
You frown at his question before following his eyeline and seeing him looking at your chest. But he’s not staring at your boobs through your admittedly thin tank top, he’s looking under them where he can see something resting between the fabric and your skin.
You’re honestly confused at what that is for a moment before you remember and your eyes widen a little as your cheeks start reddening in embarrassment.
Bucky’s confused at your reaction as he watches you take the chain around your neck to bring out the set of dog tags around your neck and Bucky frowns even more.
“I didn’t know you were in the military…” He comments while looking at the tags and then at you, unclear as to why you’d be embarrassed about it.
“I wasn’t…” You say quietly while glancing down at the tags. “They’re kinda… yours.”
Bucky’s even more dumbfounded by your answer. But, after letting your words sink in and deciding he indeed heard you correctly, he couldn’t help the grin that started to grow on his face, much to your surprise.
You thought maybe he’d be mad, although it’s not like you stole them, you simply found them. But still, you were worried what he might think about you wearing them.
“Oh good, I thought I lost them!” He says relieved. “I looked for them everywhere.”
“Well, can I have them back now?” He asks you after a moment of silence and you realize you haven’t even taken them off yet this whole time.
So you quickly do, leaning over the kitchen island and setting them down carefully on his outstretched hand. You watch him put them on, your eyes lingering on the metal on his chest a minute longer than necessary before going back up to his. 
“And why exactly are you wearing my dog tags?” He asks, and right now you wish he’d get mad at you instead. Anything is better than the amusement that’s all over his face at watching you squirm in your seat.
“I found them at the gym… But it’s not like I was planning to keep them.” You quickly justify yourself, your tone entirely too defensive even to your own ears as you blush more. “But you had just left for your mission with Steve and I thought I would just keep them safe until you came back, so I put them on… But I had every intention to give them back, I swear!”
“That’s very thoughtful of you, doll...” He says, his grin turning into a full grown smirk as he points out the obvious. “But I’ve been back for a week, and you were still wearing them.”
“Yeah, I-I guess I got so used to them that I forgot to give them back…” You say quietly, your face turning impossibly red as Bucky seems to be having the time of his life right now.
You groan internally when you see his smirk still going strong at your embarrassment and you decide to cut your losses and not give him more fuel to add to the fire before 9am.
You get up and put your empty cup in the sink. As you turn around you’re startled to find the Sergeant much closer to you than he was before, the kitchen island no longer between you. He doesn’t give you a chance to say anything or even pull away before he’s talking.
“On the other hand…” He takes his dog tags off and reaches out to put them around your neck, making sure to keep his eyes on the metal and not glance at your boobs no matter how much he wants to. “Maybe you could hold onto them for me.”
He looks at the tags on your chest then up to your face before he pulls away completely with a quiet “Beautiful.” and takes a step back, leaving you a flustered mess.
After a minute you remember how to breathe and you glance down at the tags. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. We wouldn’t want me to lose them again now, would we?” He says with a smile, reaching out to lift your chin gently and making you look at him. “But you’ll keep them safe for me, right doll?”
You nod almost without thinking about it, his eyes putting you in a trance. You’re sure you’d agree to anything right about now, all you can really hear is your own heart pounding anyway.
“Plus, now I can do this…” He lets go of your chin and wraps his hand around the chain of the dog tags. 
He uses his hold on them to pull you closer and your heart skips a beat as he leaves you a soft kiss on your lips. You barely realize what’s happening before he’s pulling away again and you merely look at him with your mouth agape in shock.
Before you can say anything, though, you hear snickers from the door of the kitchen and you both turn towards it just to see the whole team there. All of them have smirks, grins and smiles, everyone delighted at the situation as your face starts getting redder than Tony’s Iron-man suit.
You look back at Bucky and the cheeky bastard is also smirking, clearly much more amused than you at being caught like this.
“Okay, well,” You say while clearing your throat awkwardly and stepping away from Bucky to escape from this situation altogether. “I’m gonna go research the tallest building in New York so I can throw myself off of it.”
Your deadpan reaction leaves everyone laughing as they get away from the door so you can pass.
“Oh, come on, sweetheart, it wasn’t that bad!” Tony yells after you between laughs, obviously sarcastic and you roll your eyes.
“Bite me, Stark!” you yell back, not even tempted to look back as you try to hide a smile of your own while hearing the team’s amusement in the kitchen.
You’re still a little in shock that Bucky kissed you but, once the embarrassment at the team having witnessed it washes away, you can’t wait to follow up on this with Sergeant Grumpy.
Part 2
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captaincapsicle83 · 7 months
In The Heights
Sam Wilson x Reader
A/N: The end is so cheesy and I love it 🤭
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Summary: You don't like heights. You don't even like going up the elevator in Stark Towers. So your hero friends with the ability of flight, Tony, Falcon, Rhodey, and mayhe even Steve since he's always jumping out of planes, they find this the most amusing. Bruce understands, he doesn't like heights either. Good old Bruce.
Sam, and Steve are taking Bucky to Coney Island, and want you to come along. You have a blast with the games and such, but when Sam convinces you to go up the Ferris Wheel...
Warnings: Cursing, fear of heights? Is that a warning, maybe a few sexual implications if you squint real hard
Sam Wilson x Reader, Avengers x Platonic! Reader, Steve Rogers x Platonic! Reader, Bucky Barnes x Platonic! Reader. Tony Stark x Reader Platonic! Bruce Banner x Reader Platonic!
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"I'm not making fun of you," Tony laughs, Bruce shaking his head.
"Yes, but you are," Bruce defends you. Tony laughs again, squeezing your shoulders. "No hard feelings?"
No, there weren't and he knew as such. Your fear of being up high came up at Tony's offer to let you take the suit for a test run. The joking in the hallway was what followed.
The three of you were in Tony's kitchen, late at night, past 3.
"Bagel?" You hear Tony ask, and you go to decline, but you are stopped when it smacks you in the face.
"Wow, okay," Bruce laughs, taking a bite of an uncooked pop tart. You had all been working in the lab all day, and as you normally did, you were unwinding in the kitchen. It was around 2 am, but you weren't exactly being quiet.
"Okay, nobody cry, but I have to bail tomorrow," Tony says, and you set up the bagel you didn't want before, but actually kinda wanted now. "Morgan has her first ballet recital. Promised I would make it."
You and Bruce aww, and you pop your bagel into the microwave.
"Well, I have a dinner tomorrow," Bruce admits bashfully.
"Oh, ho, ho," Tony laughs, you adding, "Good luck on getting laid."
Bruce nearly chokes on his poptart, and you pat his back in reassurance. "Use protection buddy."
"What about yo- Are you microwaving a bagel?" You look at Tony confused, before realizing you were indeed cooking your bagel in the microwave. No plate either, just straight on the microwave plate inside it.
"Oh my god," you shake your head, taking it out, and then dropping it on the floor. It was hot.
"Maybe you should get some rest," Bruce laughs as he helps you discard of your ruined treat.
"Yeah, probably," you shake your head at yourself. "You guys go to bed too. I do not want 72 hour Tony to make a comeback."
"Yes dear, of course," Tony nods solemnly as you walk out of the kitchen to your own bedroom in the compound.
You woke up the next morning, rolling over in your bed to che k the time on your phone.
11:47 [am]
"Early," you muttered to yourself.
You tried to cover your face with the pillow, blocking out the sunlight streaming through your blinds.
"Miss L/n?" A female A.I voice comes out through your ceiling. "You have a message."
Your eyes squint up at the ceiling, in confused thought.
"Would you like to hear it?" FRIDAY asked.
"Who's it from."
"From Mr. Wilson recorded on the 90th floor kitchen area 11 minutes ago."
"...okay, what's the message Fri?"
"He would like you to meet him, Mr. Barnes, and Mr. Rogers downstairs in an hour. On the 90th floor," She clarifies the last part.
"It was not said in the message."
"Yeah, but you listen to us 24/7, what are they doing?"
"I believe they've spoken of going to Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park this afternoon."
Oh great, you think, pulling yourself out of bed. To be fair, you had absolutely nothing better to do with your day.
Might as well have a little fun.
"Your Captain America! Just do it!" You insist.
"It's not fair," Steve says. God damn him, and god damn his morals. You wanted that fucking turtle.
Bucky came back from the snack stand with Sam, handing you a thing of fries.
"Oh, good, Bucky, you don't have morals," his brow furrows at your words, opening his mouth to say something, when you start speaking again. "That. You throw the balls at the jars, knock them all down, you wij the big turtle."
"I could do that no problem," Bucky shrugs.
"Good heres five dollars," you hand it to him, and take his slushie. Steve looks annoyed, but follows Bucky to the tent. Probably to keep guard, or maybe just stare at him. Steve was weird like that.
You take a sip of Bucky's slushie when your sure he's not looking, turning to Sam.
"I feel like we're third wheeling on their date," Sam groans, motioning towards the two by the tent. You giggle at the thought.
"Probably are," you take another sip of the blue sludge. "Must've invited me so you didn't feel too lonely."
"I wanted to invite you," Sam says off-handley. "Good thing I did."
The sun was setting and the ride and games were glowing in bright colors all around you.
The four of you walked, ride to ride, you clutching your giant turtle plush, and much smaller stuffed seagull as you walked.
"That! We're doing the Ferris Wheel," Sam takes your prizes from your hand, giving them to Bucky. "You two can sit on a bench and stare into each other's eyes or whatever."
Before you can protest, and you seemed to be the only one who was going to, Sam had dragged you up to the line.
"Are you sure? It's high?"
"Huh? Yeah, no, it's such a great view."
You could feel your stomach turning cartwheels, and your breathing was shaky. You put on a smile, saying, "Oh, I bet."
Maybe I should say something, You thought as you nervously waited in line.
Maybe I should say something, You thought, now at the very front of the line.
Maybe I should say something, You thought, now in the seat, moving upwards.
"Look how beautiful," Sam marveled. You tried to grip the bar in front of you, to hold steady, but you rocked the cart a little, causing your heart to stop beating.
"Car- Hey, are you good," Sam looked at you, puzzled. You looked about ready to have a panic attack as you now clutched the side of the cart.
"Maybe I should've said something," you start, trying to look away before realizing that was a shit idea. Sam looked into your eyes waiting for an answer. "I don't really...do heights."
Sam looked at you for a minute, and you were worried. Worried he would think you were babyish, and stupid. He laughed, and you feared the worst. "You should've said that before we got up here."
You were over halfway up. You breaths were short and heavy, but as you released one tight grip, from your left hand, you felt Sam clutch it tightly.
"You gonna be fine?" You nodded at his words. You didn't look at the sights around you, as it made you queasy. Instead, you looked at Sam.
You took in his sweet face, and his chocolate brown eyes. His hand was soft and warm wrapped around yours.
As if feeling your stare, he turned back to you with a crooked grin.
"Preparing for the worst?" You were confused for a second, before realizing.
You stopped, and it scared you more than it should've. Here you were, at the top, higher than ever.
You took a hesitant look at the sights around you. It could be beautiful. The lights, the structures, the bustling nature. All you could think about was falling to your immediate death.
"You scared?" Sam asked.
"Yeah," You admit. It always felt good to say it.
"I have an idea to keep your mind off it," you turn away from the sights, and face him to further inquire.
You feel his lips warm and gentle against yours as his hands hold your face gently. You melt into his kiss.
Suddenly, the heights weren't so bad.
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the-reality-stone · 10 months
A little info for some general things first before the list of characters.
I mostly will do gender neutral or male readers (trans and cis) but I will do a female reader if it's something someone requested. Not every fanfic will be romantic, some will be platonic or can be seen as platonic, some will be a child reader.
You will not have to worry about me making up what you look like as the reader because I've always found that stupid and sometimes even insulting so any things like color of eyes, hair, skin, etc, will not be listed by me and can be whatever you're brain does.
I will also not be doing smut fics because there's already a lot of smut fics for this fandom, let's get some more fluff and angst in here.
Anyways, here are your options;
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Hope Van Dyne
Kate Bishop
Loki Laufeyson
Matt Murdock
Monica Rambeau
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
There are two characters I'll add on here BUT with a few rules.
Carol Danvers; She is a canon lesbian so I will only be writing her fics with female readers and if I see anyone asking for a Carol x Male Reader, you will be blocked from my account.
Yelena Belova; She is a canon aroace character, meaning she has absolutely no desire in dating or intimacy so all her fics with reader will be platonic, and if I see anyone ask for anything romantic, blocked.
Alright, that's pretty much it but feel free to ask away with the info I've given you.
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
MCU Masterlist | Last Updated: 7/24/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋| Character on hold = 🔒 
Augustus “Pug” Pugliese (Josh Segarra)
Coming soon... 
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
Coming soon...
Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner)
The New Guy 🥰(🥵) | 📘 | 💙
Dane Whitman (Kit Harington)
Coming soon...
Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj)
Coming soon...
Druig (Barry Keoghan)
Coming soon...
Everett Ross (Martin Freeman
Coming soon...
Frank Castel (Jon Bernthal) 
Coming soon...
Helmut Zemo (Daniel Brühl)
Coming soon..
Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)
Coming soon...
Ikaris (Richard Madden)
Coming soon...
Jack Russell (Gael García Bernal)
Coming soon...
Joaquín Torres (Danny Ramirez)
Coming soon...
Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani)
Coming soon...
Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)
Coming soon...
Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac)
He Won’t Have You 🥵🩹 | 📘 | 💙
Solace 🩹 | 📘 | 💙
Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) 
Coming soon...
Namor (Tenoch Huerta)
Coming soon...
N’Jadaka (Killmonger) (Michael B. Jordan)
Coming soon...
Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire | Andrew Garfield | Tom Holland)
Coming soon...
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt)
Coming soon...
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Coming soon...
Quentin Beck (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Coming soon...
Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie)
Coming soon...
Scott Lang (Paul Rudd)
Coming soon...
Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Coming soon...
Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)
Coming soon...
Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac)
Coming soon...
T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman)
Coming soon...
Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth)
Coming soon...
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)
Coming soon...
Xu Shang-Chi (Simu Liu)
Coming soon...
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inactiveuser374 · 2 years
request status; OPEN
I only write male readers
I only write x reader fics (no character x character unless it’s a poly relationship w/ the reader)
I write in second person only, sometimes third person if specifically requested
Anyone is allowed to read/follow but please don’t request fem readers
★ ★ ★
MARVEL; Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Erik Killmonger, Eddie Brock
TLOU (game and/or show); Joel Miller, Tommy Miller,
COD MW2; König, Simon ‘ghost’ Riley, Mace, Kyle ‘gaz’ Garrick, John Price
MIA (simon riley x winter soldier!reader) 2 3 4
Star Wars; Din Djarin, Poe Dameron
DBH; Marcus, RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines), Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed GIF set
Other; David Loki (Prisoners, 2013), Officer K (Bladerunner 2049, 2017), TBA
additions to fics I’ve already written (if you want to request something that is based on a fic I’ve already written, I will keep the events that have happened and I won’t change the way the two interact)
fics inspired from given prompts or songs
characters that are not on the list BUT I know of (list is just the main ones)
sexual content (not PWP, it’s gotta have a story or plot of some sort) nothing past 3rd base
character and or reader deaths 
smoking/alcohol/drug use 
comfort (including potentially triggering topics like abuse, death, etc) - warnings will always be at the beginning
fetishizing or glorifying certain topics.
characters that I don’t know
female reader or anything besides male reader
I won’t write anything I’m uncomfortable with
real people
incest or anything close to that (no step siblings or parents either)
minor x adult (platonic or family is OK)
just ask first if you think your request might fall under something I won’t write, I’m pretty tolerant of most things, there’s just some boundaries I have
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A little about me
I’m 19 and an animal lover. I mostly write comfort ficus
My rules
This is my list of Fandoms I will write for and things I WILL and WON'T write for
Things I really write
Enemies to lovers
Fluff/ comfort
Yandere ( I'm bad at it though and don't condone this behavior in real life)
Female x Female
Male x male ( again not to good at it but I try)
Male x female
Male x Gender neutral
Female x Gender neutral
Things I won't write
Age gaps over 5+ years
Pregnancy ( not good at it and it makes me uncomfortable)
Suicide ( I will write the reader or any other character dying just not by Suicide)
Self harm ( it's triggering to me and others)
Eating disorders
Harry potter characters I will write
Neville longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Hermione Granger
Fred weasley
George weasley
Sirius Black
Remus lupin
The great Harry Potter himself
The owl house
King ( platonic only)
Raine ( can someone tell me if spelled their name right?)
Avatar the last Airbender (NOT the live action version but the animated version)
Suki (she's the only exception where I'll do Live or animated)
Luke Skywalker
Leia skywalker
Percy jackson/ Heroes of olympus
Charles beckendorf
Silena beauregard
Annabeth chase (book version only)
Percy jackson ( book version only)
Will solace
Tyson ( platonic only)
Jason grace
Piper mclean
Thalia grace
Leo valdez
Nico di angelo ( again platonic only unless you're a guy then I will do romantic since he's gay)
Bianca di angelo
Hazel Levesque
Frank Zhang
Legend of Korra
Avatar Wan ( my personal favorite)
Steve Rogers
Sam wilson
Peter parker ( Toby, Andrew and Tom versions)
Vision (platonic only)
Jean Grey
Scott summers
Barry allen
Cisco Ramon
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Clark kent
Lois lane
Oliver queen
Top gun
Nick bradshaw
Naven Hollywood idk if I spelled his first name right
Leonard Wolfe Wolfman
Blood of Zeus
I think that's all the fandoms I can think of for now please send in request
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