amateurchefstuff · 1 month
Cristines de brioix farcides de crema
Ingredients: (per a 8 panets) 2 ous sencers 30gr. de sucre 60gr. de mantega a temperatura ambient 80gr. de llet sencera 30gr. de flocs de puré de patata 1 cdta. de sal 10gr. de llevat fresc 250gr. de farina de força per la crema: 1/4 de litre de llet sencera 80gr. de sucre 3 rovells d’ou 25gr. de maizena per adornar: 1 ou batut per pintar els pans sucre glaç per empolsar Preparació: Desfeu…
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negreabsolut · 1 year
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Te durant un atzar rar, per Geezer-gun. [font]
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anumineverumi · 2 years
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#Merienda #berenar Necesito #chocolate en vena. A ver si me animo un poco. #leche #milk #llet #galetas #galletas #cookies #unacatalanaenleón (en Matallana de Torío, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOIlrtN_Ti/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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calaathmaza · 2 years
and by fucks i don't mean who has had sex i mean who GETS SOME okay GO
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error404vnotfound · 1 year
I wanna be so mad about the Cacaolat add that YouTube keeps showing me but at least it's in Catalan so I can't really complain
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abigailspinach · 18 days
“No, no,” Berenar said hastily. “It is not so private a matter as that. Merely … Serenity, it seems to us that you need help and no one is providing it.”
“What sort of help do you mean?” Maia said, his back stiffening and his ears lowering.
“We mean nothing to your discredit—far from it. Though we do feel the late emperor your father has much to answer for. Serenity, if we are wrong, you need only say so, and we will apologize and trouble you no further, but do you, in truth, understand above half of the proceedings of the Corazhas?”
A scalding blush swept through Maia, leaving cold shame and dizziness in its wake.
He heard Csevet say crossly, “Your Lordship’s notions of tact leave much to be desired,” and he struggled to pull himself together, to keep from betraying himself—but it was already too late for that. Berenar had already seen the truth, seen that he was ignorant and unprepared, unfit to be emperor. Useless, Setheris had called him, and it was true.
“Serenity,” Berenar said, sounding anxious, “we did not mean it as an accusation. We wish to offer our help.”
“Your … help?” Maia echoed from a cotton-dry mouth.
“A lack of knowledge is a remediable problem,” Berenar said. “We had assumed that the matter would be seen to—for, certainly, your Lord Chancellor has much experience of the court and familiarity with even its darkest byways—but since it clearly has not, we wish to offer our services.”
Maia became aware of the teacup in his hands and drank, giving himself a moment to regroup. It was Csevet who asked, “What do you mean by ‘services,’ Lord Berenar?”
Berenar flashed a look between Maia and Csevet, as bright and biting as glass in the sun.
But he turned courteously to Csevet and said, “Why, education, Mer Aisava, nothing more. We see quite clearly that, through no fault of his own, the emperor lacks the knowledge he needs, and we thought that, having spent much of our life at court, we could supply the deficit.”
Maia, well aware that Csevet had been doing his unobtrusive best to teach the emperor the thousands of things he should already have known, looked for signs of offense, but Csevet said, “That is extremely well thought of,” and turned, eyebrows raised, to Maia. “Serenity, you do not have to accept if Lord Berenar’s offer does not please you.”
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hapalopus · 3 months
"The Goblin Emperor is a book where nothing happens" There are literally So many plotlines?? Maia's desire to find friendship at court. Maia's attempt to simultaneously appease and avoid Setheris. Maia taking his ignorance by the horns, instead of letting shame consume him, and letting Berenar teach him about the Corazhas. Maia's desire to practice religion versus his fear of being judged as a backwater idiot who believes in woowoo. Maia exchanging letters with Csethiro and eventually befriending her. Maia fostering good relations with Barizheise government officials. Maia dreading his birthday. Maia supporting women's rights. Maia learning how to ride horses. There is SO much plot if you just open your heart to slice of life
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
Are there any Catalan (historical) dramas/series a diaspora like me could watch?
I tant! S'han fet moltes pel·lícules històriques, molts telefilms són biografies de personatges històrics. A més, ara TV3 ha fet que 3cat (plataforma gratis que es pot posar a la tele, tablet, mòbil, ordinador, etc) sigui accessible des de tot el món, així que és molt còmode.
A 3cat: Arnau (5 episodis).
A YouTube: aquesta és una docu-sèrie (part narrada com a documental i part dramatitzada) però està molt ben feta, sens dubte del millor que s'ha fet en català en matèria de realisme històric: Comtes, l'origen de Catalunya (4 episodis).
A A Punt: L'alqueria blanca (més de 400 episodis ja).
A IB3: Hotel Bellavista (2 temporades de 6 i 7 capítols cadascuna).
Mini-sèries (2 episodis)
Descalç sobre la terra vermella
Olor de colònia
Vida privada
Les veus del Pamano
Barcelona ciutat neutral
Andorra. Entre el torb i la Gestapo
Les meves preferides són Salvador (Puig Antich) i La vampira de Barcelona, totes dues a Filmin. Aviso que la de la vampira és bastant dura.
A 3cat:
La mort de Guillem (també a Filmin i A Punt a la carta)
Sis nits d'agost
L'enigma Verdaguer
La Xirgu
El metralla
Terra Baixa
Frederica Montseny, la dona que parla
Pau, la força d'un silenci
La llum d'Elna
Berenàveu a les fosques
Cançó per a tu
Ebre, del bressol a la batalla
Vicenç Ferrer
13 dies d'octubre
Quico Sabaté. Sense destí
Prim, l'assassinat del carrer del Turco
El cafè de la Marina
Un berenar a Ginebra
14 d'abril, Macià contra Companys
Jo, Ramon Llull
La dona del segle
Espero que en trobis que t'interessin!
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loracarol · 2 years
The list of TGE characters, gods and places from the glossary, for fic reading/writing/etc.
This list contains some spoilers.
Aäno: maid at Edonomee; daughter of Kevo
Adremaza: the master of the Athmaz’are
Aisava, Csevet: a courier; Later Edrehasivar VII’s secretary
Aizheveth: Witness for the Wisdom of Choharo; scholar of the second rank
Akhalarna: a god
Alcethmeret: the emperor’s residence within the Untheileneise Court
Alchenada: a noble house
Alchenin: a noblewoman
Amalo: a city in Thu-Athamar
Anmura: god of the sun and god of war
Anmur’theileian: a fortress built by the elves in the Evressai Steppes; called Memory of Death and Carrion-Bones by the Nazhmorhathveras
Anvernel: a country across the Chadevan Sea
Ashedro: a city in Thu-Athamar; seat of a university
Ashevezhko: the Barizheise goddess of the sea
Athmaz’are: the institution of the mazei of the Ethuveraz
Athamara: a river of the Ethuveraz; meets the Istandaärtha at Cairado
Atterezh, Clemis: the emperor’s Master of Wardrobe
Aveio: a town in Thu-Evresar
Avris: one of the emperor’s edocharei
Bakhoree: a manor belonging to the Drazhada in Thu-Cethor
Barizhan: the Ethuveraz’s southern neighbor; the land of goblins
Barizhin: the languague of Barizhan
Bazhavada: a noble house
Bazhevar, Dalera: nephew of the Count Bazhevel
Bazhevel: a count of Thu-Tetar; father of Stano Bazhevin
Bazhevin, Stano: fiancée of Ciris Drazhar; daughter of the Count Bazhevel
Belmaliven IV (dec.): Belmaliven Zhas, the 123rd Emperor of the Elflands; brother of Belmaliven V; father of Belvesena XI and Belmaliven VI
Belmaliven V (dec.): Belmaliven Zhas, the 124th Emperor of the Elflands; brother of Belmaliven IV
Belmaliven VI (dec.): Belmaliven Zhas, the 126th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Belmaliven IV; brother of Belvesena XI
Beltanthiar III (dec.): Beltanthiar Zhas, the 113th Emperor of the Elflands; defended by Hanevis Athmaza from Orava the Usurper
Beltanthiar V (dec.): Beltanthiar Zhas, the 121st Emperor of the Elflands; a child emperor who did not live to see adulthood
Belthelema IX (dec.): Belthelema Zhas, the 88th Emperor of the Elflands; husband of Valestho Drazharan
Belu: a soldier of the Hezhethora
Belvesena XI (dec.): Belvesena Zhas, the 125th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Belmaliven IV; brother of Belmaliven VI
Berenada: a noble house
Berenar, Eiru: the Witness for the Treasury; later Lord Chancellor; husband of Anzhevo Berenaran
Berenaran, Anzhevo: wife of Eiru Berenar
Benevolence of Marigolds: a Barizheise steamship
Beshelar, Deret: First Nohecharis to Edrehasivar VII
Bralchenar, Evrenis: an airship worker; a follower of Curnar
Bromada: a noble house
Bromar: the Witness for Foreigners
Bucarezh: a comic novelist
Cairado: a city in Thu-Athamar
Cala Athmaza: First Nohecharis to Edrehasivar VII
Calestho: a town in Thu-Evresar
Cambeshada: a noble house
Cambeshin, Dinan: a playmate of Ino Drazhin
Carcethlened, Amu: a Barizheise poet
Celehada: a noble house
Celehar, Thara: a Witness for the Dead; kinsman to Csoru Drazharan
Celehel: a count of Thu-Cethor; father of Csoru Drazharan
Celvaz: a country bordering the Ethuveraz
Ceredada: a noble house
Ceredel: a marquess of Thu-Cethor
Ceredin, Csethiro: great-niece of Arbelan Drazharan; daughter of the Marquess Ceredel
Cetho: the city surrounding the Untheleneise Court
Cethora: a river of the Ethuveraz; meets the Istandaärtha at Zhaö
Cetho Workers League: an organization of the working class people of Cetho
Ceth’ulimeire: the ulimeire of Cetho
Cethoree: a manor belonging to the Drazhada; Arbelan Drazharan was relegated here by Varenechibel IV
Chadevan Sea: the ocean of Barizhan’s southern coast
Chavada: a noble house
Chavar, Nurevis: son of Uleris Chavar
Chavar, Uleris: Lord Chancellor of the Ethuveraz
Chavel: a viscount of Thu-Athamar; brother of Uleris Chavar
Chevarimai: a god whose cult was suppressed
Choharo: a city in Thu-Istandaär
Cloud Horses, the: a bar in Amalo
Clunethada: the principal house of Thu-Athamar
Clunethar, Orchenis: Prince of Thu-Athamar; husband of Uleviän Clunetharan
Clunetharan, Ebreneän (dec.): sister of Varenechibel IV
Clunetharan, Uleviän: daughter of the Duke Tethimel; wife of Orchenis Clunethar, Prince of Thu-Athamar
Convent of the Lighthouse-Keepers: a convent for votaries of Ashevezhkho in Urvekh’
Corat’ Arhos: Cruelty of Water; the sea serpent
Corat’ Dav Arhos: the palace of the Great Avar of Barizhan
Corazhas: advisers to the emperor; the Corazhas is composed of seven Witnesses: the Witness for the Judiciate, the Witness for the Prelacy, the Witness for the Universities, the Witness for the Treasury, the Witness for the Athmaz’are, the Witness for Foreigners, and the Witness for Parliament
Csaivo: goddess of rivers, water, birth, and healing
Csedo: a town in Thu-Istandaär
Csovar, Tanet: the Witness for the Emperor
Cstheio Caireizhasan: goddess of the stars, of wisdom, and of magic
Curnar (dec.): a philosopher; executed in the reign of Varevesena
Dachen Mura: the Greater Jewels of the emperor
Daiano: a town in Thu-Cethor, north of Ezho; noted for its mineral springs
Dalar, Evru (dec.): husband of Oseian Dalaran; lover of Thara Celehar
Dalaran, Oseian (dec.): wife of Evru Dalar
Danivada: a noble house
Danivaran, Aro: a noblewoman
Danivin, Thiriän: Aro Danivaran’s daughter
Dazhis Athmaza: Second Nohecharis to Edrehasivar VII
Deshehar: the Witness for the Parliament
Dorashada: a noble house of Thu-Cethor
Drazhada: the ruling house of the Ethuveraz
Drazhar, Cora: page boy in Csoru Drazharan’s household; Maia Drazhar’s third cousin
Drazhar, Ciris (dec.): second son of Varenechibel IV and Pazhiro Drazharan (third son of the emperor); fiancé of Stano Bazhevin; killed in the crash of the Wisdom of Choharo
Drazhar, Ermezhis (dec.): an archduke of the Drazhada; an invalid
Drazhar, Idra: Prince of the Untheileneise Court; son of Nemolis Drazhar and Sheveän Drazharan; brother of Ino Drazhar and Mireän Drazhar
Drazhar, Maia: only child of Chenelo Drazharan and Varenechibel IV (fourth son of the emperor); relegated by his father first to Isvaroë (with Chenelo Drazharan) and then to Edonomee (with Setheris Nelar); see also Edrehasivar VII
Drazhar, Nazhira (dec.): elder son of Varenechibel IV and Pazhiro Drazharan (second son of the emperor); killed in the crash of the Wisdom of Choharo
Drazhar, Nemera (dec.): see Varenechibel IV
Drazhar, Nemolis (dec.): Prince of the Untheileneise Court; son of Varenechibel IV and Leshan Drazharan; husband of Sheveän Drazharan; father of Idra Drazhar, Mireän Drazhar, Ino Drazhar; killed in the crash of the Wisdom of Choharo
Drazharan, Arbelan: first wife of Varenechibel IV; put aside for barrenness and relegated to Cethoree
Drazharan, Chenelo (dec.): second legitimate daughter of Maru Sevraseched, the Great Avar of Barizhan; fourth wife of Varenechibel IV; mother of Maia Drazhar; relegated to Isvaroë by Varenechibel IV, where she died
Drazharan, Corivero (dec.): an empress; an opera, The Dream of the Empress Corivero, was written about her
Drazharan, Csoru: fifth wife of Varenechibel IV; kinswoman to Thara Celehar
Drazharan, Leshan (dec.): second wife of Varenechibel IV; mother of Nemolis Drazhar and Nemriän Imaran
Drazharan, Parmeno (dec.): an empress
Drazharan, Pazhiro (dec.): third wife of Varenechibel IV; mother of Nazhira Drazhar, Ciris Drazhar, and Vedero Drazhin; died in childbirth
Drazharan, Valestho: the empress of Belthelema IX
Drazharan, Sheveän: Princess of the Untheileneise Court; wife of Nemolis Drazhar; mother of Idra Drazhar, Mireän Drazhin, and Ino Drazhin
Drazhin, Ino: younger daughter of Nemolis Drazhar and Sheveän Drazharan; sister of Idra Drazhar and Mireän Drazhar
Drazhin, Mireän: elder daughter of Nemolis Drazhar and Sheveän Drazharan; sister of Idra Drazhar and Ino Drazhar
Drazhin, Vedero: daughter of Varenechibel IV and Pazhiro Drazharan
Duchenada: a noble house
Duchenel: a count of Thu-Cethor
Duchenin, Loran: second daughter of the Count Duchenel; niece of Uleris Chavar
Ebremis: master chef of the Alcethmeret
Echana: a lieutenant of the Untheileneise Guard
Edonara: the marshes of western Thu-Evresar
Edonomee: a manor belonging to the Drazhada; Maia Drazhar and Setheris Nelar were relegated here by Varenechibel IV
Edrehasivar VI (dec.): Edrehasivar Zhas, the 182nd Emperor of the Elflands
Edrehasivar VII: Edrehasivar Zhas, the 209th Emperor of the Elflands; see also Maia Drazhar
Edretanthiar III (dec.): Edretanthiar Zhas, the 172nd Emperor of the Elflands
Edrethelema III (dec.): Edrethelema Zhas, the 185th Emperor of the Elflands; the architect of the current Untheileneise Court
Edrethelema IV (dec.): Edrethelema Zhas, the 186th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Edrethelema III; builder of the Untheileneise Court
Edrethelema V (dec.): Edrethelema Zhas, the 187th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Edrethelema IV; builder of the Untheileneise Court; had Lisethu Pevennin put to death
Edrethelema VI (dec.): Edrethelema Zhas, the 188th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Edrethelema V; builder of the Untheileneise Court
Edrethelema VIII (dec.): Edrethelema Zhas, the 192nd Emperor of the Elflands; a child emperor who did not live to see adulthood
Edrevechelar XIV (dec.): Edrevechelar Zhas, the 201st Emperor of the Elflands; great-great-great-great-great-granduncle of Maia Drazhar
Edrevechelar XVI (dec.): Edrevechelar Zhas, the 203rd Emperor of the Elflands; father of Varenechibel I
Edrevenivar (dec.): Edrevenivar Zhas, the 157th Emperor of the Elflands; known as Edrevenivar the Conqueror; united the eastern and western Ethuveraz
Erimada: a noble house
Esaran, Echelo: steward of the Alcethmeret
Esha: one of the emperor’s edocharei
Eshoravee: a manor belonging to the Tethimada
Esret: a Barizheise page boy in the service of Vorzhis Gormened
Estelveriär: a country bordering the Ethuveraz
Esthoramire: the prison of the Untheileneise Court
Ethuveraz: the Elflands
Ethuverazhid Mura: the crown of the Elflands
Ethuverazhid Zhas: the Emperor of the Elflands
Ethuverazhin: the language of the Elflands
Evresartha: a river of the Ethuveraz; meets the Istandaärtha at Ezho
Evressai Steppes: home of the Nazhmorhathveras
Ezho: a city in Thu-Cethor; founded in the gold rush of Varenechibel III’s reign
Glorious Dragon: the ship of Shaleän Sevraseched
Gormened, Nadaro: wife of Vorzhis Gormened; cousin of Chenelo Drazharan
Gormened, Vorzhis: Barizheise ambassador to the Untheileneise Court; husband of Nadaro Gormened
Habrobar: a maker of signets
Halezh: a master of the Clocksmiths’ Guild
Halezho, Avro: a member of the Clocksmiths’ Guild; sister of Nedaö Vechin
Hanevis Athmaza (dec.): nohecharis of Beltanthiar III
Haru: servant at Edonomee
Hezhethora: the traditional guards of the Great Avar of Barizhan
Honor of Csedo: an airship
Ilinveriär: a country bordering the Ethuveraz
Imada: a noble house
Imaran, Nemriän: daughter of Varenechibel IV and Leshan Drazharan; wife of the Marquess Imel
Imel: a marquess of Thu-Athamar; husband of Nemriän Imaran
Inver: a soldier of the Hezhethora
Isheian: servant in the Alcethmeret
Ishilar: a corporal of the Untheileneise Guard
Istandaärtha: the principal river of the Ethuveraz
Isthanada: a minor house
Isthanar: the Witness for the Universities
Isvaroë: a manor belonging to the Drazhada; Chenelo Drazharan and Maia Drazhar were relegated here by Varenechibel IV
Kevo: cook at Edonomee; mother of Aäno
Khel-Avezher: self-styled king of the Chadevan pirates
Khever: a groom in the Untheileneise Court
Kiru Athmaza: Second Nohecharo of Edrehasivar VII; replacement for Dazhis Athmaza; a cleric of Csaivo
Lanthevada: a noble house
Lanthevel: a marquess of Thu-Athamar; Presider of the House of Blood; uncle of Iviro Lanthevin
Lanthevin, Iviro: niece of the Marquess Lanthevel
Leilis Athmaza: tutor of Idra Drazhar
Lohaiso: a city of Thu-Evresar
Loyalty of Lohaiso: an airship
Mazan’theileian: the hall of the Athmaz’are in the Untheileneise Court
Michen Mura: the Lesser Jewels of the emperor
Michen’theileian: the emperor’s audience hall
Mich’othasmeire: the Temple of All Gods in the Untheileneise’meire
Narchanezhen, Atho: an airship worker; a follower of Curnar
Nazhmorhathveras: the People of the Night Sky, the inhabitants of the Evressai Steppes; at war with the Ethuveraz
Nazhcreis Dein: a witch of the Nazhmorhathveras; albino
Nelada: a minor house
Nelar, Setheris: relegated to Edonomee with Maia Drazhar by Varenechibel IV
Nelaran, Hesero: wife of Setheris Nelar
Nelozho: a town in Thu-Cethor
Nemer: one of the emperor’s edocharei
Neraiis: a servant in the household of Csoru Drazharan
Nethen Ford: a ford of the Tetara
Nethenada: a noble house
Nethenel, Pazhis: a count of Thu-Tetar
Nevennamire: the prison beneath the Untheileneise Court
Olchevada: a noble house
Omdar: a comic novelist
Orava: known as the Usurper; the only magic-user ever to attempt the throne of the Ethuveraz
Orimada: a noble house
Orimar: the Courier General
Ormevada: a noble house
Orshan: goddess of crops and farmers
Orthema, Verer: Captain of the Untheileneise Guard; husband of Reneian Orthemo
Orthemo, Reneian: wife of Captain Verer Orthema
Orseva: a senior canon of the Untheileneise’meire
Oshet: a Barizheise gardener in the Alcethmeret
Osreian: goddess of the earth, of earthquakes and disaster, of artists and makers
Ozhis: a novice of the Athmaz’are
Parliament: the Parliament of the Ethuveraz comprises two houses, the House of Blood and the House of Commons
Pashavada: a noble house
Pashavar: the Witness for the Judiciate; husband of Ailano Pashavaran
Pashavar, Corvis: a young nobleman
Pashavaran, Ailano: wife of Lord Pashavar
Pashavel: a duke of Thu-Cethor
Pelar: Witness for the Wisdom of Choharo; scholar of the second rank
Pelchara: servant at Edonomee
Perenched, Ursu: natural daughter of Maru Sevraseched; a sea captain’s wife
Pevennada: an extinct noble house
Pevennin, Lisethu (dec.): a lady of the last house to lead a rebellion against the Drazhada
Polchina, Evet: a master of the Clocksmiths’ Guild
Porcharn: a country bordering the Ethuveraz
Puzhvarno: a city in Thu-Athamar, near Eshoravee
Radiance of Cairado: an airship
Reshema: a courier
Rohethada: a noble house
Rohethar, Idra: father of Sheveän Drazharan
Rohetharan, Zharo: mother of Sheveän Drazharan
Rosharis: the head groom of the Untheileneise Court
Salezheio: goddess of wind, winter, couriers, and storytellers
Sehalis Athmaza: Adremaza of the Athmaz’are
Selthevis: the secretary of Maru Sevraseched
Sevesar: Witness for the Wisdom of Choharo; scholar of the second rank
Sevezho: a town in Thu-Istandaär
Sevraseched, Holitho: a natural daughter of Maru Sevraseched; a votary in Urvekh’
Sevraseched, Maru: the Great Avar of Barizhan; father of Shaleän Sevraseched, Thever Sevraseched, Ursu Perenched, Holitho Sevraseched, Chenelo Drazharan, and Nadeian Vizhenka
Sevraseched, Shaleän: a natural daughter of Maru Sevraseched; a sea captain; her ship is the Glorious Dragon and her home port Solunee-over-the-Water, where she has a wife
Sevraseched, Thever: elder legitimate daughter of Maru Sevraseched
Shulihada: a noble house
Shulivar, Aina: an airship worker; a follower of Curnar
Solichel: a count of Thu-Tetar
Solunee-over-the-Water: a port across the Chadevan Sea
Sonevet Athmaza: the Witness for the Athmaz’are
Sorchev Zhas (dec.): a ruler of Csedo before the unification of the Ethuveraz
Stone Tree, the: a teahouse in Amalo
Strength of Rosiro: an airship
Talar: a Drazhadeise armsman
Tativada: a noble house
Tativin, Aizheän: a friend of Vedero Drazhin
Teia: a Barizheise page boy in the service of Vorzhis Gormened
Telimezh: Second Nohecharis to Edrehasivar VII
Tetara: a river of the Ethuveraz; meets the Istandaärtha near the border with Barizhan
Tethimada: a ducal house of Thu-Athamar
Tethimar, Eshevis: son of the Duke Tethimel
Tethimar, Teru: the Archprelate of Cetho
Tethimel: a duke of Thu-Athamar; one of the wealthiest landowners of the Ethuveraz
Tethimin, Paru: daughter of the Duke Tethimel
Thorchelezhen: a junior canon of the Untheileneise’meire
Thu-Athamar: a principality of the Ethuveraz
Thu-Cethor: a principality of the Ethuveraz
Thu-Evresar: a principality of the Ethuveraz
Thu-Istandaär: a principality of the Ethuveraz
Thu-Tetar: a principality of the Ethuveraz
Ubezhada: a noble house
Ubezhar, Odris: a friend of Eshevis Tethimar
Ubezharan, Hesero: wife of Odris Ubezhar
Ulis: the god of death and the moon
Ulzhavada: a noble house
Ulzhavel (dec.): a viscount of Thu-Cethor; committed suicide after being banished by Varenechibel IV
Untheileian: the hall of the Ethuverazhid Zhas, the emperor; the center of the Untheileneise Court
Untheileneise Court: the palace of the Emperors of the Ethuveraz; also houses the Judiciate, the Parliament, the Corazhas, the Mazan’theileian of the Athmaz’are, and the Archprelacy of Cetho
Untheileneise Guard: the guards of the Untheileneise Court; mostly, but not entirely, ceremonial
Untheileneise’meire: the othasmeire of the Untheileneise Court
Upazhera: a tributary of the Cethora
Urvekh’: a town in Barizhan, on the coast
Usharsu Athmaza (dec.): Adremaza of the Athmaz’are in the reign of Edretanthiar III
Ushenar: a doctor in the Untheileneise Court
Uvezho: a town in Thu-Cethor
Valno: a town in Thu-Evresar; where Akhalarana fell to earth
Varenechibel I (dec.): Varenechibel Zhas, the 204th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Edrevechelar XVI
Varenechibel II (dec.): Varenechibel Zhas, the 205th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Varenechibel I
Varenechibel III (dec.): Varenechibel Zhas, the 206th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Varenechibel II
Varenechibel IV (dec.): Varenechibel Zhas, the 208th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Varevesena; husband, in sequence, of Arbelan Drazharan, Leshan Drazharan, Pazhiro Drazharan, Chenelo Drazharan, Csoru Drazharan; father of Nemolis Drazhar, Nemriän Imaran, Nazhira Drazhar, Ciris Drazhar, Vedero Drazhin, Maia Drazhar; killed in the crash of the Wisdom of Choharo
Varevesena (dec.): Varevesena Zhas, the 207th Emperor of the Elflands; son of Varenechibel III; father of Varenechibel IV, Ebreneän Clunetharan
Vechin, Nedaö: an operatic soprano from Zhaö
Velvet: a horse
Veremnet: a game preserve in Thu-Cethor
Versheleen: islands in the Chadevan Sea
Verven’theileian: the Hall of Consultation, the meeting room of the Corazhas
Veschada: a noble house of Thu-Athamar
Veschar, Ciret: a friend of Eshevis Tethimar
Virenada: a noble house
Vizhenka: a captain of the Hezhethora; husband of Nadeian Vizhenka
Vizhenka, Nadeian: daughter of Maru Sevraseched; wife of Captain Vizhenka
Volsharezh: a “captain” in the Courier General’s office
Vorenzhessar: a town in Thu-Cethor, north and west of Ezho; birthplace of Reneian Orthemo
Wisdom Bridge: the bridge over the Istandaärtha
Wisdom of Choharo: an airship
Zhaö: a city in Thu-Athamar
Zhavanin, Suler: nursery maid of Mireän Drazhin and Ino Drazhin
Zherinada: a noble house of Thu-Tetar
Zhidelka: a Barizheise silk merchant and former pirate
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goblinemperordetails · 9 months
The Witness for the Treasury who replaces Lord Berenar is very young in Corazhas terms.
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amateurchefstuff · 6 months
Cintes de pasta fullada amb melmelada de mores
INGREDIENTS: Pasta fullada Melmeladda (en aquest cas de mores) Sucre fi PREPARACIÓ: Tallem la pasta fullada a tires d’uns 3 cm., les untem amb melmelada i els hi donem unes voltes. Ja podem posar les tires al forn. Quan les traiem del forn les decorem amb una mica de sucre fi per sobre. Llestos! Recepta extreta de “Perdo la por, però em tremola el pols…” Origen: CIintes de pasta fullada amb…
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baladric · 2 years
Ough Maia mommy kink...that's exquisite...would also fit with his intense reaction when he first met Hesero...and Csethiro would be the best soft domme...sword fighting muscle mommy... What kinks do you think the other characters have? I read that one Cala/Beshelar boot worship fic on ao3 and it's lived in my head rent free ever since
ohhhh anon. oh sweet beloved dear anon, i am kissing you on the forehead, i love you so, you are so wise and clever
the funny thing is i feel like there's UHHH wrong answers to the tge kink question(s) so like these are all just ME, having read surprisingly little of the extant fic for this fandom (once i start writing for a thing, i weirdly lose interest in reading for it)
i will say i'm on the fence about the general Softness of csethiro's domme'ing ;alkdfjw like in the universe where i get everything i want, csethiro's had some Experience™ with ladies in vedero's circle (i think a lot about the passingly-referenced aizheän tativin A Lot), and so i think she comes to maia's bed with a skill set that feels very inapplicable to her at first, and also involves a lot more Meanness than she expects maia to be in any way into?? so i think it takes them a good while to get to anything particularly kinky—but when they do, i think csethiro is the dominant party for a Long Time, like mommy kink stuff obvs, praise kink goes w/o saying imo, definitely like rope bondage in the manner of silk ribbons and calling maia Pretty and treating him like a doll, and when his anxiety is eating him alive? i honestly think he asks her to get kind of mean to him!! like lance the wound, right? voice the bad things!! get it all out of his head and into the real world and then throw it out the goddamn window at the end!! there is so much catharsis to playing in the space of self-hatred in a controlled environment, i am just sayin
also i think they find out during some regular tender vanilla sex that csethiro does, in fact, love Actual soft-dom maia, and then they play with service roles and something along the lines of hypnosis, like maia talking her into a meditative state and going to town on a list of pre-arranged tasks, etc!
and like. 100% of the time i think their sex is INCREDIBLY gender-fucked. like the bed hangings shut and neither of them has ever heard of a binary gender, everyone is babygirl and also daddy and sunshine and silly boy and little slut and and
and then there's cala and beshelar ;lkajdflaw;kfjdsd like the SHORT list: major S/m (painplay, humiliation/degradation mostly), bondage, breathplay, definitely some INVOLVED roleplay, and i think cala likes to wig deret out with the idea of semi-public things (plugs, cages) even though they both know they can like. never ever risk that bc like talk about compromising their attention for protecting maia!!! as well as i rly love the idea of them both just. knowing each other so well that they can drop each other out of their heads with a few words once the door shuts behind them when a day has been rough, bc jesus god are their jobs hard and long and they know when the other one needs to just. fuck off and get fucked. for a while. (also they are very very sweet to each other and both so huge into aftercare, it's basically the whole point to them, like the other one having let go enough to allow themself to be proper taken care of and petted and loved on OUGH)
csevet aisava has cumslut energy. i'm sorry. he just does. that's a twink who just wants to be on his knees until his brain turns off, okay.
telimezh is vanilla and i love him. berenar, however, FUCKS.
thara celehar is a babygirl and he does not want anyone to know this, ever, including the person he is actively having sex with. this goes hand in hand with a STRONG humiliation kink, which you can bet Iäna "Daddy Dom" Pel-Thenhior uses to screw with him SO HARD
meanwhile iäna wants little more in the world than to be blown in the wings of an active performance and then fucked raw in a dressing room, half-clothed and made to stare at himself in the mirror while it happens
vedero drazhin mostly wants to slap csoru drazharan in the face i think. and make her cry. and then go read a book.
hope this helps <3
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tanzania2023 · 1 year
25 de juliol - Serengeti Nord / Riu Mara
A les 7 hem marxat amunt cap a la part nord del Serengeti, direcció riu Mara a la frontera amb Kènia, per veure la gran migració dels nyus. L'Stanley diu que tenim 2 hores de camí. Mentida, al final han estat 4 per fer 150 km. I això que hem passat per una carretera que segons l'Stanley és una drecera.
La ruta és per la part oest del Serengeti, fora del parc, per Ikoma i Nyianza. I realment, havent ja fet la tornada, es una carretera millor que la que hem fet per la tarda.
Com que hem sortit tant d'hora, hem pogut veure els globus aerostàtics pel cel del Serengeti volant molt baix. Sortim del parc i passem per la regió del Ikorongo fins que tornem a entrar al Parc pel Nord-oest. La regió que hem creuat sembla més rica, sense deixar de ser pobre, amb millors cases i tot més verd. Però la carretera es horrible.
Arribats al parc ja hem vist de seguida milers de nyus, en manades i caminant en fila índia. Això és la gran migració: milions de nyus que van cap a Kenia i que tornaràn l'any que ve, havent fet un cercle. Els lleons i les zebres els segueixen, una perquè són el seu dinar i els altres perquè són amics. Quan creuen el riu és quan surten els cocodrils a berenar.
L'Stanley ens coloca a un mirador prop del riu i es queda allà però no veiem l'aigua i li demanem d'anar més a prop del riu Mara.
Se m'acut que aquesta aigua neix a Kenia, baixa a Tanzania, arriba al llac Victòria i d'aquí va cap al Nil fins arribar al Mediterràni. Si t'ho penses bé, impressiona.
Seguim per la vora del riu veient molts cocodrils, hipopòtams i nyus per tot arreu. A un lloc veiem el cadàver d'un nyu dins de l'aigua amb un cocodril al costat. Aquest ja ha fet la seva feina.
Dinem com ahir, drets sota un arbre i amb les mans i després veiem més lleons, uns molt a prop d'on dinaven un altra cotxe i que no ho devien saber que els tenien tant a prop, a uns 100 metres.
Seguim veient més nyus. Es, realment, impressionant. N'hi deu haver milers, potser milions. Molts en fila india, altres ajeguts a la carretera i alguns solitaris, com perduts.
De tornada hem trobat alguns lleons més i sobretot un que era damunt d'una roca, mirant enllà, grunyent com un gat. Es la viva imatge del Simba, el rei lleó.
Arribem a la tenda sobre les 7, desprès d'haver fet 154 km en 4 hores, plens de pols, amb els ronyons de cap per baix i amb els peus al clatell. Però contents, que l'aventura és això.
Ens dutxem amb un filet d'aigua i sopem esplèndidament, petant després la xerrada a la vora del foc amb un matrimoni portuguès i escoltant les hienes molt a prop. La Via Làctia es damunt nostre, cobrint-nos. Dormim plàcidament fins que cap a les 5 del matí el Serengeti es desperta i sentim infinitat de sorolls d'animals. I tot això val la pena.
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anumineverumi · 2 years
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#cena o #merienda? 😂 #unacatalanaenleón #sopar #berenar (en Matallana de Torío, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8PHXXt7Vz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hi I'm pinktransparentwirelolita and Todays Catalan word of the day is
Word of the day: berenar
It means: merienda
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eljoguetexquisit · 1 year
Algunes preguntes sobre el Parc Bosc
Algunas preguntas sobre el Parc Bosc
Quin moment recordes amb més carinyo al Parc Bosc? / Què hi feies? / Què trobaves a faltar? / Amb qui t'agradaria compartir-ho? ¿Que momento recuerdas con más cariño en el Parc Bosc? | ¿Que hacías? | ¿Que echabas en falta? | ¿Con quien te gustaría compartirlo?
Plantar arbres a les sortides escolars amb els meus amics, trobava a faltar fonts i gronxadors. M'agradaria compartir el parc amb els meus amics i família.
Mirar la seva ubicació per Google Maps mentre parlava amb la Raquel, preferiria estar allà i compartir-ho amb un munt de persones.
Mai hi he estat, m'agradaria compartir-ho amb la meva germana.
Jugar a futbol amb l'avi i passar temps amb ell al Parc. M'agradaria compartir-ho i ser més persones jugant junts.
Passar a jugar amb els gronxadors després de la piscina i anar a veure el mico. El trobo a faltar. M'agradaria compartir-ho amb els amics.
Un cafè al Parc Bosc, relaxar-me i ampliar el camp de visió sense ordinador i compartir-ho amb mi mateixa. Trobava a faltar animals.
Jugar allà amb els meus amics, ens pujàvem a unes escultures en forma de porc senglar que ja no hi són. M'agradaria tornar-ho a compartir amb aquells amics.
Passejar per allà de gran. Mirar arbres, plantes, flores...m'agradaria estar al damunt de l'herba, més flors, altres llocs per seure. M'agradaria compartir-ho amb amigues i família, reunions de treball, picnic, berenars.
Uns gronxadors molt vells que estaven al mig. Jugaba a fet i amagar entre els matolls. Ara m'agradaria compartir-ho amb els meus fills.
Passar les estones lliures de la selectivitat. Recordo fer bromes amb els meus amics. Trobo a faltar més vegetació, més cura del jardí i més varietat. M'agradaria compartir-ho amb els amics d'aleshores.
Baixava per un tobogan de ciment molt gran, tenia 5 o 6 anys. m?agradaria compartir-ho amb la meva mare i els meus germans.
Jugar amb els meus fills en diferents espais a diferents coses. Trobava a faltar altres persones amb les que jugar.
Els meus records amb el Parc Bosc estan relacionats amb el treball i la veritat és que no el conec massa com a espai.
Quan tenia uns 12 anys, sobre l'any 2004, anava a casa de la tia del meu pare que viu allà i jugava amb els cosins del meu pare. A vegades veniem a fer pícnics. Trobava a faltar més jocs com el tobogan, m'agradaria compartir-ho amb els meus amics i germans.
Donar de menjar als peixos i les excursions amb el casal. Passejava amb el meu avi i pujava als gronxadors, trobava a faltar més verd i més parc...m'agradaria compartir-ho amb les noves generacions.
Plantar árboles en las salidas escolares con mis amigos, echaba en falta más fuentes y columpios. Me gustaría compartir el parque con mis amigos y familia.
Mirar su ubicación por Google Maps mientras hablaba con Raquel, prefería estar allí y compartirlo con un montón de personas.
Nunca he estado, me gustaría compartirlo con mi hermana
Jugar al futbol con el abuelo y pasar tiempo allí con él. Me gustaría compartirlo y ser más personas jugando juntos.
Pasar a jugar con los columpios después de la piscina e ir a ver el mono. Le echo de menos. Me gustaría compartirlo con los amigos.
Un café en el Parc Bosc, relajarme y ampliar el campo de visión sin ordenador y compartirlo conmigo misma. Echaba en falta animales
Jugar allí con mis amigos, nos subíamos en unas esculturas en forma de Jabalí que ya no están. Me gustaría volver a compartirlo con aquellos amigos.
Pasear por allí ya de mayor. Mirar árboles, plantas, flores.... me gustaría estar encima de la hierba, más flores, otros lugares para sentarse. Me gustaría compartirlo con amigas y familia, reuniones de trabajo, picnics, meriendas.
Unos columpios muy viejos que estaban en el centro. Jugaba al escondite entre los matorrales. Ahora me gustaría compartirlo con mis hijos.
Pasar los ratos libres de la selectividad. Recuerdo hacer bromas con mis amigos. Echo en falta más vegetación, más cuidado en el jardín y más variedad. Me gustaría compartirlo con los amigos de entonces.
Bajaba por un tobogán de cemento muy grande, tenía 5 o 6 años. Me gustaría compartirlo con mi madre y mis hermanos.
Jugar allí con mis hijos en diferentes espacios a diferentes cosas. Echaba en falta otras personas con las que jugar.
Mis recuerdos con Parc Bosc están relacionados con trabajo, y la verdad no lo conozco mucho como espacio.
Cuando tenía unos 12 años sobre el año 2004, iba a casa de la tía de mi padre que vive allí y jugaba con los primos de mi padre. A veces veníamos a hacer picnics. Echaba en falta más juegos como el tobogán, me gustaría compartirlo con mis amigos y hermanos.
Dar de comer a los peces y las excursiones con el casal. Paseaba con mi abuelo y me montaba en los columpios echaba en falta más verde y más parque... me gustaría compartirla con las nuevas generaciones
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