goodsentence · 7 months
The simple truth is that no jail will ever be big enough to satisfy an over-reliance on incarcerate-first policies. Instead of solving capacity needs, bigger jails enable counties to continue bad practices — leading them to argue that they need newer, even bigger jails in the future, and spending millions of dollars in the process.
Emmett Sanders 20 February 2024 "Cautionary jails: Deconstructing the three “C”s of jail construction arguments" Prison Policy Initiative blog
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goodsentence · 1 year
Carrie Johnson, in the caption of an Instagram post with a picture of her holding the newborn, joked: “Welcome to the world Frank Alfred Odysseus Johnson born 5th July at 9.15am. (Can you guess which name my husband chose?!)”
The former prime minister Boris Johnson is keen to be thought of as a scholar of the classics. In Greek mythology, Odysseus leaves behind his wife and child to seek adventure, encountering many other women along the way.
Kevin Rawlinson 11 July 2023 "Carrie and Boris Johnson announce birth of baby boy named Frank" The Guardian
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goodsentence · 1 year
It doesn't mean anything that you protested the police who killed George Floyd if you too would have made the 911 call that put the police on his neck.
Olayemi Olurin 02 June 2023 "Stop Romanticizing the George Floyd Protests" Olurinatti
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goodsentence · 1 year
Somehow, the political right’s historic embrace of the primacy of capitalism has become subjugated to the idea that corporations should not try to extend their customer bases if those customers don’t agree with right-wing ideology. [...] Because, in the end, it’s about power. Younger Americans are more likely to be Hispanic and Asian and Black and are more likely to identify as LGBTQ and are more likely to vote for Democrats. At its heart, this is a backlash from the right against a feared future. It’s an effort to change the country’s trajectory, blaming the current path on perceived indoctrination. The past few decades suggest that the right might soon discover that they aren’t creating a new road forward but, instead, a few last speed bumps.
Philip Bump 31 May 2023 "Why 2023 is the summer of anti-LGBTQ panic" The Washington Post column
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goodsentence · 2 years
When you say I am contradicting myself, you fail to recognize I am in a Platonic dialogue with myself, and both sides of myself are winning.
Ken White 01 March 2023 "Regarding Efforts By You, In Inferior Person, To Cancel Me, A Genius"
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goodsentence · 2 years
If you don’t know about a certain medical condition, it could be staring you right in the face and you won’t recognize it. The same is true with systemic racism. If you’ve never experienced it, if you’ve never lived through it, you could be looking right at it and just not see it. And I think that’s so true of many Americans.
Margaret Edds 25 Dec 2020 Author interview by Geoffrey Bennett PBS News Weekend
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goodsentence · 2 years
In the CFPB's eleven years of existence, Wells Fargo has consistently been one of the most problematic repeat offenders of the banks and credit unions we supervise [...] Put simply, Wells Fargo is a corporate recidivist
Rohit Chopra 20 December 2022 "Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Wells Fargo Law Enforcement Action" Press Release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
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goodsentence · 2 years
The department’s statement more or less states that if they do not have a missing persons report in their database on someone, that there is zero possibility that the person might be missing – or at the very least, that they have no interest in helping find them. Their statement [...] makes clear that community concerns and testimonies mean nothing to them, even after such concerns are proven true, if they are not formally filed and accepted by the department’s missing persons unit. It is difficult to interpret the department’s unwillingness to admit it was wrong and to work with the community to search for any additional victims as anything other than an attempt to protect their credibility rather than the safety of the community. How many more people have to go missing or be killed before the department admits it does not have a monopoly on public safety information and that the testimonies of folks in our communities are not “rumors” but important sources of information?
KC Defender Staff 14 OCtober 2022 "KCPD Said Missing Black Women Reports In KC Were 'Completely Unfounded.' Less Than A Month Later, One Escaped After Being Kidnapped From Prospect & Tortured in a Basement For Over A Month" The Kansas City Defender
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goodsentence · 2 years
Whenever there’s a cultural controversy, I like to immediately take a side. I usually don’t need information to do this. But this time, I needed a tiny bit.
Joel Stein 13 September 2022 "I Will Eat the Bugs" The Awesome Column
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goodsentence · 2 years
After these 18 violations, Maceo wasn’t placed on desk duty, as is often the case with officers who continually screw up. Instead, he’s patrolling the streets, still looking for drugs and firearms. And he’s being rewarded for it.
Justin Garcia 31 May 2022 "Tampa Police Department's officer of the month was fired then rehired, and the problems continued" Creative Loafing Tampa Bay
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goodsentence · 3 years
Some might say, “that’s China, it could never happen here.” But Plaintiffs contend it already has.12 12 If those in UF’s administration find this comparison upsetting, the solution is simple. Stop acting like your contemporaries in Hong Kong.
Mark E. Walker, Chief United States Disrict Judge 21 January 2022 Preliminary injuction Austin v. University of Florida Board of Trustees
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goodsentence · 3 years
The criminal justice system is not only a “manifestation of structural racism,” but it also produces health disparities through the life-depleting effects experienced by Black individuals, rendering the carceral state a contributor to racial violence. Indeed, the slow death that both Ruch et al and Bovell-Ammon et al identify should be thought of in relation to other direct and brutal forms of anti-Black state violence that is so often committed by agents of the criminal justice system. Moreover, it is precisely the dispersed and banal processes that render the mortality risks of incarceration so profoundly devastating, as they reflect the wearing down and utter exhaustion of life lived under regimes of racial violence.
Bryan L. Sykes, PhD, MA, MA; Ernest Chavez, MS; Justin Strong, MS 23 December 2021 Mass Incarceration and Inmate Mortality in the United States—Death by Design? JAMA Open Network
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goodsentence · 3 years
Her rights were all the alienable kind, it turned out [...] She sat on a bench and watched the leaves fall. It had been nice while it lasted, being a person. [...] It was a little surprising they thought they had the power to do it. She could see them salivating already at the prospect of having so many people transformed so quickly, and overnight. They seemed to think it was a real possibility. As if they got to decide. As if she would not fight.
Alexandra Petri 30 November 2021 "Woman savoring last few hours before getting turned back into vessel" The Washington Post Opinion
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goodsentence · 3 years
It was the gradual realization that I had a disease, one that made excessive drinking look like a choice. No sane person endures so much physical and emotional anguish and continues to drink—that’s why it’s called a disease.
Helaina Hovitz 24 December 2012 "Christmas, on the Rocks" Narratively
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goodsentence · 3 years
Think about how much privilege one must have for their feelings to become an actual law that governs the actions of people everywhere.
Michael Harriot "Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t convicted because, in America, white reasoning rules" The Guardian 20 November 2021
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goodsentence · 4 years
Life is random, we are all just a bunch of atoms bouncing off each other, do not seek meaning in the price of GameStop stock.
Matt Levine "GameStop Is Happening Again", Money Stuff, Bloomberg Opinion Bloomberg 25 February 2021
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goodsentence · 4 years
I for one am going to keep holding myself and others to a standard of disruption. This system is designed to destroy so many, so we have an obligation to destroy it before it succeeds.
Chase Strangio In a tweet thread that begins, "I know that debating ACB is a trap but I am haunted by the invocation of her 'civility' & kindness." 27 September 2020
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