kiranherbert · 1 year
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A Take On Adaptive Bike Share, Part 3: Portland, OR
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PDXblackout Resource Guide
Yet Another Resource Guide 2023 AUGUST 22 - 14:44 PST ...in no particular
Department of Human Services SNAP is going to be very key in getting the most out of this guide. You will need to apply for it if you haven't already, and make sure that you're in communication with DHS to keep your benefits active. The golden ticket we will be looking at is the benefits verification letter. You're going to need that.
Google Drive / Photos Create a Google account. Access http://drive.google.com and http://photos.google.com to bring up these tools I'm telling you about. Take pictures with your phone of any documents you possess which will be important in this undertaking. This includes and is not limited to a driver's license or state issued ID, social security card, birth certificate, Portland Rescue Mission ID, SNAP Benefits Verification Letter, meeting sheets, this method may not be for you, but consider it, since it worked and is working for me.
Oregon Health Plan If you see me with some nice headphones, it's because I pursued getting my insurance to pay for them. Flex funds are really useful, I'm still learning about them, I've seen people get an array of help from this one resource. OHP pays for my nicotine products, my medication, my doctor visits, my dental visits and no telling what else. Get. The. Free. Insurance.
Billie Olegard Dental Clinic I had a pretty severe dental issue and thought I was losing my teeth. In two appointments this dental clinic that is right next to the outpatient classes totally took care of it, didn't cost me anything out of pocket except my time and acceptance. It's still a dentist's office. Kelly the dental hygienist is awesome.
8x8 Richard Harris Building Laptops can be checked out from the case manager office. Supported housing is the basis of our programs, the Mentor Program and the 8x8 Community Program. My case manager and the other case managers have been pivotal in my success. We are able to receive mail. A form was filled out for me that guaranteed I had been homeless and I was able to go get my state ID made with just my birth certificate for free, I got that at the 8x8. If you have a supported housing apartment, use it.
Central City Concern Recovery Center Stephanie and Anthony have teamed up to do some really awesome stuff for me. It's really important to learn how to show up for our schedules on time, reducing tardiness is part of reintegrating back into a standard level of society.
NARCAN Nasal spray NARCAN is available for free through Old Town Clinic and other agencies. Normally it takes about four of them to work, so if you're going to use them, use a lot of them! The NARCAN training video is on YouTube. Watch it several times if you plan to use NARCAN. It's important to follow all the instructions!
Blanchet House Free meals, hygiene items, peer support.
Portland Rescue Mission Free meals, socks, but most importantly they will make an ID card for you on the spot even in the middle of the night. I got mine while I was still using and I've still got it to this day. It will have your picture and name on it. Not many questions asked. It meant a lot to me and I was able to pick up prescriptions with it. You will need this specific ID when you receive services from PRM.
Union Gospel Mission I stayed at UGM's LifeChange program for a total of about two weeks. I didn't stay, but I've stayed tied in with those guys and they're on my side. They also offer free food services throughout the week.
St. Andre Free food, fill out a form get a food box, Father Tom prayed with me when my grandmother was passing away, genuine people, good coffee.
TRIMET Requires ID, SNAP benefits letter. Take the required documents to the TRIMET office at Pioneer Square and ask for an Honored Citizen pass. They will take your picture and probably give you the rest of the month for free. You can ride all the bus lines, the MAX and the streetcar with this pass. It is absolutely essential if you're starting completely over like I have.
Transitional Projects Showers, mail services, laundry, and to me the most important aspect was that they made me an ID specific to TPI services. I haven't been to TPI since I got clean, but they did matter in my addiction. They also offer a locker service but I never really used it.
RentWell Online class usually takes 6 to 8 weeks, I was done with the coursework in 4 days. They help you get and keep housing and teach you about tenant law! Now I have a RentWell case manager.
Community Volunteer Corps Take advantage of the opportunity to participate in CVC. It is my opinion that the point of CVC is to leave for work sober, be productive and give back, then come back, together, still sober. Work together, make it fun, and be on time. The reference letters are different for everyone. Don't cheat the system.
Employment Access Center The EAC is providing services to me for the next two years according to Will, my EAC worker. They've helped people get shoes, clothing, cell phones, bills paid, and more. My first day with them they helped me get signed up on iMatch through Oregon Works and although I have a different resume prepared, we created a new one, too. We're going to be working on cover letters and figuring out what my goals are and actually achieving them.
Nike BIKETOWN Access for All The Nike bikes are still free at the time of writing this. Just upload your benefits verification letter to their Access for All page and fill it out, creating an account, all that goodness.
Multnomah County Library, Kenton and Hollywood Locations https://multcolib.org/services The library offers a tech lending program that at the time of writing this just sent me a laptop and a mobile hotspot. It takes a while to get the equipment, but you can apply for free. Do you have a library card? It's crucial. I got mine made, originally, with my Portland Rescue Mission ID card! Free printing services are offered, which I used to print off the standard readings for Brothas and Get Your Fix. I've also used it to print off stuff I wanted to read like free stuff listings on Craigslist, song lyrics, and education information.
William Temple House Their food bank is still a huge asset for me, and if you've never had them then on Tuesday morning, if you're first, they'll give you a total of twenty five dollars in vouchers to their thrift store, but the most important service I've received from WTH has been from Emily, where she signed me up using their address for a year long HOP card pass. You've gotta have a HOP card with the Honored Citizen.
MHACBO While pursuing a certification, I found the oral health training and other online classes. I accomplished something by doing this, and earned a continuing education credit.
TextNow When I first got here all I had was a phone that I wasn't the original owner of, and it couldn't get service. Thanks to Wi-Fi and TextNow, I was able to send text messages, make phones, and have a phone number for free. There are advertisements built in.
211 I've called 211 several times especially recently, they provide me with an operator who's entire job is based around helping people get in touch with the resources they need.
Old Town Clinic Get a primary care physician, get nicotine replacement, be honest about your medical conditions. I always double check with my case manager if I'm going to miss something, but he always tells me that medical appointments are a solid reason to miss check-in.
Social Security Administration There was totally some police type activity when I went up there, but everything went fine overall. It was a little stressful, they asked me to take my shoes off, but it didn't cost me anything and I made it out without confrontation. They gave me a piece of paper that day which would let me get a job, and my social security card was in the mail about a week later.
Right 2 Dream 2 This is a homeless shelter beside the Yellow Line MAX at the Moda Center. The table there and the fridge there sometimes contains food. I stayed there the night before I went to Hooper. The higher ups there like recovery, feel free to check the fridge.
Cash App Functions as a bank account, easy to transfer funds, free debit card.
Chime Functions as a bank account, free debit card.
Alano Club of Portland Recovery meetings every single day without regular exception. 909 NW 24th Avenue
Sunshine Division My first day at the 8x8, Michael went and got me a food box from Sunshine Division. At the time of writing this, I went and got one today, too. Good solid consistent resource. You're not going to feed an army with a food box from Sunshine Division, but it's worthwhile.
Affordable Connectivity Plan Government assistance for individuals that qualify, that provides us with free phones and phone service. Free phones and service can be obtained from Assurance Wireless, Excess Telecom, and Cricket Wireless.
CCC ROC Clothing closet, ask a mentor or case manager about it.
Salvation Army on Killingsworth Awesome food bank, has a clothing closet too.
DoorDash At the time of writing this, DoorDash is my only employer. I was so excited when my background check came back fine. It took a while to get accepted, but I've been able to pay for things by delivering DoorDash orders. I've used my personal Trek bicycle, Lime scooters, Spin scooters, and mostly the Nike BIKETOWN bikes to deliver orders.
Home Forward Housing vouchers are a thing out there, so when the wait list opens up, apply. Sometimes they bump people up on the wait list based on their situations.
Alcoholics / Narcotics Anonymous There's a hotline we can call for all the different areas. Going to meetings, working the steps, living a life in recovery, has been the cornerstone of keeping me clean. I have a couple different apps on my phone, but there's one each of AA and NA that helps me find meetings based on criteria and location.
Nicotine Gum I smoked as many cigarettes as I could when I first got here. I still smoke, but I smoke a lot less than I did. Nicotine products have been a huge part of that, and OHP pays for it.
Bombas Free socks.
BottleDrop Whether your coping strategy is to take a sober friend with you, wearing headphones, or something else, have a serious and well enforced plan in effect if you plan to turn in cans and bottles in Portland. There's people smoking fentanyl everywhere, people trying to sell drugs, people walking around naked, it's insanity. I've walked out of the line and left my cans a couple times or more. Also if you aren't careful they will make your room stink. Anyways, Rite Aid and Whole Foods accept cans, and the BottleDrop at Delta Park is my personal favorite, but the one at 122nd has a machine that counts them for us, we just pour them out on a conveyor belt and it's kind of cool to watch. It isn't pretty, but this is how I paid for a lot of stuff while I've been here.
DMV2U Input your identifying information and become able to set DMV appointments.
Lynn on the 7th floor She's been giving me free tobacco since I got here. This could end at anytime and she would be at no fault, she is an angel for doing this and you are not guaranteed anything. At the time of writing this the free tobacco and papers hours are 1100 to 2000, or 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., please do not harass her, but she will help you.
Dollar Tree Affordable food, locations are convenient, sells can openers although they break, sells batteries, accepts food stamps, sells ramen noodles.
Goodwill Bins Buy electronics and other goods by the pound. Grab bags of hygiene supplies for around ten dollars a bag. Easily get a hundred bucks worth of hygiene stuff for ten bucks.
Straightway Services Located on Vancouver way, food bank service on Wednesdays.
Project 529 Register your bicycle with pictures and serial number and description, get a certificate of registration. Check the serial number of bicycles to see if they are reported stolen within the system.
SOLVE I signed up to be an event leader for Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism when I first got here and the date snuck up on me, then I had to actually go do the event. We didn't do it again after that but we had a great time and the event was a success. It's part of my resume now.
Elevate HIM
Nonprofit organization that helps prevent suicide in men by equipping them with proper clothing starting with a suit!
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timbarrus · 3 months
The earth makes you feel the earth. You will know gravity and what a gravity well is.
It’s about surviving the experience. You try to make it all look normal. It takes me about three hours to put the full mask on. Go out there and sparkle. Who says go putcher pink dress on. I knew it. Who goes out on a dirt bike at two in the morning. Who claims: You Never Get Dirt On Your Balls because it’s a dirt bike. They used to do it a lot when there were wars.
We are too contemporary to be in wars. Like the ten we’re in.
I have spent ages reading all about it. Read all about it. That place where rages and the cages and we wanted to be with the rages because we were by then guite mad.
They’d figured out how to make flamethrowers. We would get our asses barbequed. They came for us and we had to run again.
We had so far defended Dodge City was Dirt Bike Town.
Now, before they bomb again. You never know. Homo sapiens had lived in these buildings. Be very careful what you wish for. You could only crawl around the hallway because their small arm’s fire seemed to be all they had left. We could have taken them to that place novelistic prisoners of wars go. The ruinous island of screams. It seems. Our screams were upon us.
Someone had fallen but we didn’t really think the Normals had the balls for it.
They were not fast. They had numbers. But they had never fought for their lives. What lives.
Anyone in the Colonies could be hanged We Are Already the Dinosaurs. We are all more or less from Wichita. Mainly. But a lot of people were arriving at our community doors of Mass Extinctions did not occur to us until we began to understand, or the why of it, why physics matters this was the planet, so we invented little shadow stories but they had gotten us through dark shit so far.
We needed them. We needed little kids to say: What the Fuck.
I would have to explain many times we were only spies And Then. Most humanoid reality begins with stories no one believes in but they have brought both ideas and revolt. Rachel Carson was wrong. There were holograms that had never been played. If you are listening to this, I am old. And Then. It was all a dream. Mitya sees the same slide show I see. But I act on it. It’s dangerous and doing different dimensions did not define the timeline. That would have been revolt. Thermonuclear revolt. We have to this day, not one agreement on what dimensions do or why they do it. There are many theories. But some characteristics are shared. The plates move around on a cosmic scale. Nothing will be the same for a long time. It was a hot mess and looked like beautiful downtown Venus. It didn’t take much to turn the thing into a burning ember. The rich should leave the planet. Tension increased daily. The experiments at Oxford confirmed that the rich should leave the planet or have a visitation with the fishes.
I’m washing my hair that night.
I am not going to tell you not to dream because in that suspension there is a dimension that requires as much as the stuff of us, so exactly, where Some Of Us Are Indifferent which is my own autistic weirdo problem thing difficult to define something considerable just like no lack of physics to define, and no culture that can stave off whatever cultural strangulation is, and that Rome Shall Burn, Too. I told youall there are always tunnels, which is my own stupid problem like wanting to see what they want to see and the physics of the whole dog and pony show holding one’s pee in a bar to which is the Cenozic, ancient species born of an internal hayhem plus rape and slavery and punishment of us, the Mystic Misunderstood Marginalized so remember this Strange Bedfellows: you never know, you never know when it’s coming for you, and we do not arrive at these places at this time on this Disloyal Ground.
Look around. It’s a graveyard, a confederate graveyard, I have lived among the graveyards of the Northern Normals, too, I stand on my porch and I can eye to eye of the actual angel marble statue created in Thomas Wolfe’s Look Homeward Old Asheville Town, where by his Mickey Shivers owned all the stuff in Wichita and was stuff enough to get anywhere down into the tunnels to survive. The species was in the toilets to the rivers, revenge is always very, very expensive, and is usually not worth the threats of armpits.
Anytime. Any place, Anywhere.
What good would the smashing of electrons that come with a positive and negative charge do for anyone. There were Vhistina in the toilets. Their crushed skulls just rot for insects. There were wolves. What dimension could I store this one in. Some dimensions would squeeze you flat because they may have no atmosphere. Plan B. We use metaphor because in the end, it might matter, somewhere but most us know fucking better. How low do we have to go before we ourselves have to eat shit in a hierarchal pyramid patriarchal snaketestocracy eating dog shit to survive this is what they want from us. Look to their legends and their stories and then, there were the Huns. No one has anything on the Huns.
If you do not know the Huns, what else do you not know, the Huns challenged War Itself. Rome lost the gravitas. It lost the courage of what had come before it, I had seen all of this before and my bike had a lot of power built into it by Red to Red the Sky Your Last Goodbye. Mickey Shivers knows where to stick this fingers up his Christian Empires of gold that lingers so where is all this a gold mine find. A lie of starships in the sky and Mickey Shivers flying by. — Romeo Void, Tim Barrus
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merkabici · 1 year
Nike mantiene su compromiso con la ciudad de Portland y los programas de ciclismo, a través del proyecto Biketown
El reconocido fabricante de artículos y ropa deportiva Nike retorna al mundo del ciclismo; esto después de realizar un anuncio de la inversión de cerca de 10 millones de dólares en el programa para compartir bicicleta Biketown en la ciudad de Portland durante los próximos 5 años. Este patrocinio de Nike proporcionará cerca de 1.000 bicicleta de marca, en relación a las 600 bicicletas que se habían planteado en un inicio, antes de que Nike se subiera a bordo como único patrocinador, en la ciudad que ha sido su hogar durante los último 40 años. El apoyo de Nike en busca de mejorar las condiciones de transportación en Portland Las bicicletas tendrán un acabado Nike Orange, un color que según la compañía ha sido un sello distintivo de la marca desde el año 1971, fecha cuando la compañía utilizo por primera vez una caja para calzado, antes de convertirse en el color oficial de la firma en el año de 1989. Además del color distintivo, las bicicletas también contarán con una cinta reflectante en tono gris y el logotipo obligatorio Swoosh. También se contará con una cesta delantera, un soporte de apoyo para aparcar y un sistema de transmisión accionado por el buje. Sin embargo, a diferencia de las bicicletas para alquiler, como las que se ofrecen a través del servicio BiciMad, las maquinas Biketown evitan el tener que estar aseguradas a una base de conexión. Por parte de Nike se comenta que están orgullosos de su larga historia de colaboración con la ciudad de Portland y creen que el programa para compartir bicicletas Biketown es un claro ejemplo de cómo se puede trabajar en colaboración, para ayudar hacer de Portland una comunidad aún más activa, vibrante e innovadora (metas que buscan alcanzar tanto Nike como la ciudad de Portland). Para rematar, las bicicletas serán construidas por una compañía de Brooklyn, denominada Social Bicycle, y el esquema será operado por Motive, una compañía en Nueva York (con lanzamiento hasta el mes de julio). Si deseas mayor información puedes ingresar al sitio web oficial de Nike. Recuerda que en MerKaBici puedes hallar una gran selección de bicicletas para ciclismo urbano, en ofertas que son publicadas por tiendas y particulares en modelos de primera y segunda mano. Imágenes de news.nike.com Read the full article
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rogersip · 2 years
Which is the Best Public Transport in the US?
Whether you are traveling to a new city or just trying to make the most of your time in a new location, public transport can be a great way to get around. However, which is the best public transport in the US?
WalletHub ranks Seattle first on its list of the best public transport cities in the country. This ranking is based on 17 metrics, including safety, accessibility, affordability and relative commute times.
In the past seven years, Seattle has seen an increase in public transit use. In 2017, King County Metro bus service saw record ridership with 122.2 million trips. Sound Transit also operates commuter rail services. Its "Sounder" trains connect Seattle to sister cities.
The city's light rail system is undergoing a major overhaul. Link light rail is a popular commuter option. It runs through downtown and stops at major neighborhoods. The first line, which has 19 stations, runs from Angle Lake to the Northgate neighborhood. In 2016, the second 10-stop line was added.
The Link light rail system runs every 8 to 15 minutes depending on the time of day. It has stations in Capitol Hill, the International District and Westlake. The tariff is around $2.25 to $3.25 per ride, depending on the length of your trip.
The streetcars are a historic mode of transportation in Seattle. These vehicles run through the downtown area and into the International District and South Lake Union. They are scheduled to continue to the Fremont neighborhood and Ballard. The most useful stops are Pioneer Square and Capitol Hill.
The Washington State Ferries are a convenient way to get to the Olympic Peninsula. These vessels also provide a good option for day trips. Tickets are available online or in person. They are valid for 90 days.
The Seattle Government has a bike rental program. It costs an hourly rate and includes bike parking on the sidewalks of the city.
Portland, Oregon
Despite its small size, Portland, Oregon has a number of great options for public transport. A few of these include the MAX Light Rail, the Portland Streetcar and the Biketown system. These provide easy access to various areas of the city.
The MAX Light Rail has connections to almost every major metro area in the country. It also connects the airport to the rest of the city. The Hop Card allows for reduced fares on the MAX. It works with both the TriMet and C-TRAN bus systems.
The Portland Streetcar, owned and operated by TriMet, is another transit option. It offers service from the downtown area to the eastern side of the river. The fares can be purchased at a ticket office or at a platform machine.
The PDX Bus is an app that provides information on Portland's public transportation. The app uses GPS technology and iPhone's built-in Google maps to track the sequences of buses and trains. It also displays information on the latest en-route arrivals.
The website for TriMet, the primary public transit authority in Portland, includes an interactive schedule and a map of bus routes. It also accepts contactless credit cards and mobile wallets.
The Hop Fastpass is another app that works with both the Portland Streetcar and the TriMet. It provides access to lower fares for riders using the Streetcar or any of the other TriMet fares.
Getting around Portland on a bicycle is easy and fun. The city is known for its cycling culture and plentiful bike lanes. The Portland Bureau of Transportation encourages bicycling as a form of transportation. It has over 1500 bikes available for rent at 180 stations across the city.
New York City
Whether you are planning a trip to New York City, or have already been there, the city has one of the best public transport systems in the country. A combination of subways, buses, and rail lines are the backbone of the city's transportation network, providing a variety of modes for commuters and tourists alike.
While buses are an affordable way to travel, they can also be difficult to navigate, especially in densely populated areas such as Manhattan. Many routes are limited to only a few stops, making them less useful for longer distances.
There are several other ways to travel around the city, including boat service, car-share programs, and even ride-hailing services. Using public transport is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.
The MTA, the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, operates most of the city's public bus and subway systems. The agency has a $16 billion operating budget and plans to invest $50 billion over the next five years. As part of its ongoing maintenance and modernization efforts, the agency plans to add all-electric buses to its fleet by the year 2040.
The subway is the backbone of the city's transportation system. The network consists of 27 lines and 472 stations. The stations are well-signposted, and there are helpful maps and schedules available at the station and bus stops.
There are several other public transport options, including ferries, regional rail, and ride-sharing programs. For those who like to travel on their own two feet, a bike is a fun, eco-friendly alternative. While the Citi Bike is the largest bike-sharing program in the city, there are also numerous bike-rental companies in the neighborhood. Several of them also offer guided tours.
Washington, D.C.
Located on the Potomac River, the city of Washington is also known as the District of Columbia. It is the seat of the U.S. federal government, as well as being the most international city in the country.
The city's center includes the Capitol Building, the White House, the Convention Center, and Chinatown. It is home to numerous museums, boutique shopping, and hotels.
The District of Columbia is a metropolis that has been described as one of the fittest in the United States. It is home to the largest Catholic church in North America, the Catholic Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The Library of Congress is also located here. The Washington Monument was constructed in 1888, and the Lincoln Memorial was opened in the early 20th century.
The city's streets are laid out in a grid, with diagonal avenues serving as its principal arteries. In the early 20th century, public works projects could not keep up with the city's growing population.
The United States Congress has the ultimate plenary power over the District of Columbia. In 1961, citizens of the District became eligible to vote for President. In addition, the District has three electoral votes.
The city's transient population is affluent and highly educated. The African American population has deep roots in the community. It is also visible in local high culture, sports, and intellectual and philosophical movements.
The city is the home of several major natural flowing streams. These include the Anacostia River, the Potomac River, and Rock Creek.
The city's metrorail system is primarily underground within the District, but above ground in the surrounding suburbs. There are six color-coded rail lines. It runs eight hours a day. The trains are clean and pleasing to look at. It is possible to park for free on Sundays. However, track work can result in station closures.
Getting around Chicago by public transport is easy, inexpensive, and enjoyable. The city has a huge public transport system that is used by millions of people each day.
Getting around by bike is also a great option. There are 200 miles of bicycle lanes throughout the city. The Divvy bike sharing system is a popular mode of transportation in Chicago. It costs $15 to rent one for the day.
The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) manages an elaborate system of buses and trains. The CTA has a few bus lines that run 24 hours a day, allowing you to get around town without a car. You can use a Ventra card to ride the trains or buses.
The L train is a quick and cheap way to get around Chicago. It runs on an elevated rail that makes stops in most neighborhoods. It's a good way to get to most sights in the city. You can also ride the L to get to the O'Hare airport.
The Metra commuter rail is another safe and affordable option to travel in the city. It makes it easy to connect downtown Chicago with suburbs. Its 145 stations are spread throughout the city. You can purchase a pass that gives you unlimited trips on weekends.
There are also ridesharing options such as Lyft and Uber. Rideshare services are a growing industry in Chicago, and are a great alternative to conventional transportation. You can book rides through apps or find a company with pickup locations around the city.
If you're unfamiliar with the city, it can be difficult to know where to go. The CTA has an official website to help you navigate your way through the city.
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josephech · 5 years
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LABOR DAY WEEKEND!!!!!! So I’ve stumbled upon and have gotten REALLY interested in the idea of modern architectural bird houses... 🦅 idk if that’s weird or not but now that it’s in my head I’ve got to make one just to get it out and see if it could be my new hobby 🤔 . . . . . #biketown #portland #portlandoregon #oregon #orange #nike #niketown #rideshare #bike #bikeshare #city #secondarytransportation #architecture #design #architect #designer #creator #travel #explorer #explore #adventure #adventurer #joseohech #josephechphoto (at Deadstock Coffee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B11yvVNpKmO/?igshid=dlyvzdq81x2j
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walkingphotos · 6 years
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Today's Walking Photo: I like this. That is all.
(Except to say that you should click to see it at full size…)
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and-rew-and-you · 6 years
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“I been working on the raaaaaailroad” ——————————— Let’s drop some knowledge 💁🏼‍♂️ The #SteelBridge is a through truss, double-deck vertical-lift bridge across the #WillametteRiver in #Portland, #Oregon, #UnitedStates, opened in 1912. Its lower deck carries railroad and bicycle/pedestrian traffic, while the upper deck carries road traffic, and light rail (#MAXpdx), making the #bridge one of the most multimodal in the world. It is the only double-deck bridge with independent lifts in the world and the second oldest vertical-lift bridge in North America, after the nearby #Hawthorne Bridge.... ——— Exciting things in store with @wxyuro, @_barrogz, @jackielakeberg, the @bridgepedal and MORE . . . . . #portlandpearl #portlandoregon #bikeportland #biketown #bnwphotography #bridges #bridgetown #portlandphotographer #portlandbridges #choochoo #trainphotography #industrial #bnw #alphacollective #sonyphotography
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artscience84 · 7 years
"Love Portland? Have a creative streak? Submit your original design to the BIKETOWN Community Design Challenge by March 7th and you could find it on 10 bikes across the city!"
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visitcrestedbutte · 4 years
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#visitcrestedbutte #crestedbutte #rainyday #coloradolife #coloradosmalltowns #crestedbutte2020 #crestedbuttelovesbikes #coloradobound #crestedbuttebound #biketown #coloradoinstagram #coloradogrammers https://www.instagram.com/p/CCpEpuolwVh/?igshid=9qfl8u5gm0rx
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dirkvandulmen · 7 years
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🚲🚲#observation #drawing #sketchbook #biketown #draw #sketch #fromlife #artistsoninstagram #dirkvandulmen #storybearddotnet
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motokiesta · 5 years
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Bike town Portland. バイクタウンのポートランド! #ポートランド #ポートランド旅行 #biketown #portland #オレゴン (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7yfTW8nTec/?igshid=1lvxaryfnypen
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shoehefner5 · 5 years
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#todayskicks Unds’d Jordan 1 x @unionlosangeles 🔵 . . . #shoehefner #biketown #nike #airjordan #unionlosangeles #jordan1 #deadstockcoffee #pdx #wdywt #kicksandcoffee (at Deadstock Coffee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2aMHbABZsI/?igshid=y6m1g6pka1wb
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artlung · 5 years
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Portland Oregon OLD TOWN #xoxofest #biketown (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2E1oSgnAFE/?igshid=et54wve6na3m
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rachaelwrightphoto · 7 years
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Portland Biketown 🚲
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mjfahrenheit · 5 years
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Too many people were talking about snow last night/this morning so I took the weather in my own hands and jumped on the bike and it's been sunny ever since. I may need to borrow a bike from @palspartanburg though cause my tires are definitely flat. Also for someone who doesn't exercise, let alone walk, I managed to make it a few times around @downtownspartanburgsc with no problem. I need to be more active and healthier and the time has come. #keepworking #sunshine #hellosunshine #getactive #exercise #tt #biketown #onespartanburg #spring #secondwinter #tackydayeveryday (at Spartanburg, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvw2cOwDMzy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xnk3o8qc94bk
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